Sickle Cell Trait and Blood, Organ and
Tissue Donation: Yes You Can!
People with sickle cell
trait can donate blood,
organs, and tissues. Yet
fear and commonly held
misperceptions keep
them from donating to
those whose lives may
very well depend on it.
Education is needed to
eliminate these myths
and ease peoples fears.
Giving people the facts
about blood, organ,
and tissue donation
can increase levels and
frequency of donation,
and, ultimately, save lives.
Below are answers to some commonly asked questions about
blood, organ, and tissue donation.
Is it safe for people with sickle cell trait to
donate blood?
Yes. If you have sickle cell trait, you are still are able to donate
blood. There is no evidence to suggest that donating blood causes
any additional risk of harm or injury to people with sickle cell trait.
Your medical history is more relevant in deciding whether you are
eligible to donate blood than your having sickle cell trait. If you
have concerns about whether you are able to donate blood, talk
to your doctor.
If it is safe for people with sickle cell trait to donate
blood, why do blood donation centers want to know
if I have sickle cell trait when I donate blood?
Some blood donation centers may have rules about the specific
parts of blood that they will take from people with sickle cell trait.
This is largely due to an inability to filter different parts of the
blood at certain blood donation/collection centers, and not due to
concerns for the safety of the potential donor with sickle cell trait.
In addition, there may be circumstances in which the blood from a
person with sickle cell trait should not be used for transfusion.
For instance, if the recipient has sickle cell disease or certain
medical conditions.
People with sickle cell trait interested in donating should
contact their local blood donation center ahead of time to
find out if there are rules on the specific parts of blood that
they will accept.
Can I also register to be a tissue or organ donor if I
have sickle cell trait?
Yes. People with sickle cell trait are able, and encouraged to
register to be an organ and tissue donor. People should not feel
that they are not able to donate based on age or any medical
condition. Potential donors will be evaluated for suitability when
the occasion arises.
For more information:
AABB (http://www.aabb.org/pages/default.aspx)