Signal Person Requirements
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Signal Person Requirements in
OSHA’s New Crane Rule
September 22, 2010
The safety of equipment operations depends in many situations on signals given
to the operator. It is critical that the operator understand the signals given, and
the signals person must therefore be able to give clear, accurate and appropriate
signals that clearly convey the needed information.
2. DEFINITIONS (1926.1401)
Audible signal means a signal made by a distinct sound or series of sounds.
Examples include, but are not limited to, sounds made by a bell, horn, or whistle.
Competent person means one who is capable of identifying existing and
predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are
unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to
take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
Dedicated channel means a line of communication assigned by the employer
who controls the communication system to only one signal person and
crane/derrick or to a coordinated group of cranes/derricks/signal person(s).
Directly under the load means a part or all of an employee is directly beneath
the load.
Qualified evaluator (not a third party) means a person employed by the signal
person's employer who has demonstrated that he/she is competent in accurately
assessing whether individuals meet the Qualification Requirements for a signal
Qualified evaluator (third party) means an entity that, due to its independence
and expertise, has demonstrated that it is competent in accurately assessing
whether individuals meet the Qualification Requirements for a signal person.
Qualified person means a person who, by possession of a recognized degree,
certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and
experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems
relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
Standard Method means the protocol in Appendix A for hand signals.
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(a) A signal person must be provided in each of the following situations:
(1) The point of operation, meaning the load travel or the area near or
at load placement, is not in full view of the operator.
(2) When the equipment is traveling, the view in the direction of travel
is obstructed.
(3) Due to site specific safety concerns, either the operator or the
person handling the load determines that it is necessary.
(b) Types of signals. Signals to operators must be by hand, voice, audible, or
new signals.
(c) Hand signals.
(1) When using hand signals, the Standard Method must be used
(see Appendix A). Exception: Where use of the Standard Method
for hand signals is infeasible, or where an operation or use of an
attachment is not covered in the Standard Method, non-standard
hand signals may be used in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of
this section.
(2) Non-standard hand signals. When using non-standard hand
signals, the signal person, operator, and lift director (where there
is one) must contact each other prior to the operation and agree
on the non-standard hand signals that will be used.
(d) New signals. Signals other than hand, voice, or audible signals may be
used where the employer demonstrates that:
(1) The new signals provide at least equally effective communication
as voice, audible, or Standard Method hand signals, or
(2) The new signals comply with a national consensus standard that
provides at least equally effective communication as voice,
audible, or Standard Method hand signals.
(e) Suitability. The signals used (hand, voice, audible, or new), and means of
transmitting the signals to the operator (such as direct line of sight, video,
radio, etc.), must be appropriate for the site conditions.
(f) During operations requiring signals, the ability to transmit signals between
the operator and signal person must be maintained. If that ability is
interrupted at any time, the operator must safely stop operations requiring
signals until it is reestablished and a proper signal is given and
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(g) If the operator becomes aware of a safety problem and needs to
communicate with the signal person, the operator must safely stop
operations. Operations must not resume until the operator and signal
person agree that the problem has been resolved.
(h) Only one person may give signals to a crane/derrick at a time, except in
circumstances covered by paragraph (i) of this section.
(i) Anyone who becomes aware of a safety problem must alert the operator
or signal person by giving the stop or emergency stop signal. (Note:§
1926.1417(y) requires the operator to obey a stop or emergency stop
signal, irrespective of who gives it.)
(j) All directions given to the operator by the signal person must be given
from the operator's direction perspective.
(k) Communication with multiple cranes/derricks. Where a signal person(s) is
in communication with more than one crane/derrick, a system must be
used for identifying the crane/derrick each signal is for, as follows:
(1) For each signal, prior to giving the function/direction, the signal
person must identify the crane/derrick the signal is for, or
(2) Must use an equally effective method of identifying which
crane/derrick the signal is for.
SIGNALS (1926.1420)
(a) The device(s) used to transmit signals must be tested on site before
beginning operations to ensure that the signal transmission is effective,
clear, and reliable.
(b) Signal transmission must be through a dedicated channel, except:
(1) Multiple cranes/derricks and one or more signal persons may
share a dedicated channel for the purpose of coordinating
(2) Where a crane is being operated on or adjacent to railroad tracks,
and the actions of the crane operator need to be coordinated with
the movement of other equipment or trains on the same or
adjacent tracks.
(c) The operator's reception of signals must be by a hands-free system.
(a) Prior to beginning operations, the operator, signal person and lift director
(if there is one), must contact each other and agree on the voice signals
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that will be used. Once the voice signals are agreed upon, these workers
need not meet again to discuss voice signals unless another worker is
added or substituted, there is confusion about the voice signals, or a
voice signal is to be changed.
(b) Each voice signal must contain the following three elements, given in the
following order: function (such as hoist, boom, etc.), direction; distance
and/or speed; function, stop command.
(c) The operator, signal person and lift director (if there is one), must be able
to effectively communicate in the language used.
6. HAND SIGNAL CHART (1926.1422)
Hand signal charts must be either posted on the equipment or conspicuously
posted in the vicinity of the hoisting operations.
(a) The employer of the signal person must ensure that each signal person
meets the Qualification Requirements (paragraph (c) of this section) prior
to giving any signals. This requirement must be met by using either
Option (1) or Option (2) of this section.
(1) Option (1) - Third party qualified evaluator. The signal person has
documentation from a third party qualified evaluator showing that
the signal person meets the Qualification Requirements (see
paragraph (c) of this section).
(2) Option (2) - Employer's qualified evaluator. The employer's
qualified evaluator assesses the individual and determines that
the individual meets the Qualification Requirements (see
paragraph (c) of this section) and provides documentation of that
determination. An assessment by an employer's qualified
evaluator under this option is not portable—other employers are
not permitted to use it to meet the requirements of this section.
(3) The employer must make the documentation for whichever option
is used available at the site
(paper or electronically) while the
signal person is employed by the employer. The documentation
must specify each type of signaling
(e.g. hand signals, radio
signals, etc.) for which the signal person meets the requirements
of paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) If subsequent actions by the signal person indicate that the individual
does not meet the Qualification Requirements (see paragraph (c) of this
section), the employer must not allow the individual to continue working
as a signal person until re-training is provided and a re-assessment is
made in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section that confirms that
the individual meets the Qualification Requirements.
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(c) Qualification Requirements. Each signal person must:
(1) Know and understand the type of signals used. If hand signals are
used, the signal person must know and understand the Standard
Method for hand signals.
(2) Be competent in the application of the type of signals used.
(3) Have a basic understanding of equipment operation and
limitations, including the crane dynamics involved in swinging and
stopping loads and boom deflection from hoisting loads.
(4) Know and understand the relevant requirements of § 1926.1419
through § 1926.1422 and § 1926.1428.
(5) Demonstrate that he/she meets the requirements in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (4) of this section through an oral or written test,
and through a practical test.
8. TRAINING (1926.1430)
The employer must provide training as follows:
(a) Signal persons. The employer must train each employee who will be
assigned to work as a signal persons who does not meet the
requirements of § 1926.1428(c) in the areas addressed in that paragraph.
(b) Competent persons and qualified persons. The employer must train each
competent person and each qualified person regarding the requirements
of this subpart applicable to their respective roles.
(c) Training administration.
(1) The employer must evaluate each employee required to be
trained under this subpart to confirm that the employee
understands the information provided in the training.
(2) The employer must provide refresher training in relevant topics for
each employee when, based on the conduct of the employee or
an evaluation of the employee's knowledge, there is an indication
that retraining is necessary.
(3) Whenever training is required under this standard, the employer
must provide the training at no cost to the employee.
(a) Appendix A – Standard Hand Signals
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Appendix A – Standard Hand Signals