Consulting Practice
Cloud Computing Applications in Thailand: An Overview
With the adoption of cloud computing and on-demand application
delivery models, Thai companies can now enjoy the benefits offered by
global cloud service providers
A New Delivery Model
A cloud-based application delivery, also known
as SoftwareasaService (SaaS), is a model in
which an application is hosted by a vendor and
provided to customers across the Internet. No
application downloading or installation is
required. Users simply access the system
through a web browser, paying only a periodic
usage fee.
Recently, Gartner Inc. predicted that by 2011,
25 percent of new business software will be
delivered by SaaS. Moreover, the research firm
put cloud computing as the number one
technology for 2010 (see below).
The SaaS model of software delivery has
several advantages. These benefits include:
Lower upfront and ongoing costs
Faster implementation and
Reduced IT involvement; no integration
and maintenance of disparate products
An offering of this sort creates an entirely new
playing field by reducing prices, introducing a
new pricing model, and creating an entirely
new market.
Three Layers of Cloud Services
There are three major categories of cloud
computing services: software, platform, and
At the highest level, we have Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS). SaaS includes a range of on-
demand applications that are licensed as
services to be used by customers through the
Internet. Common examples of such services
are Customer Relationship Management
offered by, Business
Intelligence offered by SAS, Human Resources
offered by Oracle, and Productivity and
Collaboration Suite offered by Google.
Next, we have Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
PaaS is a cost-effective method for application
development and deployment. The PaaS model
provides all the necessary facilities to support
the development and delivery of Web
applications and services on the Internet.
Examples of such services are Google App
Engine and Microsoft Windows Azure.
Last, at the lowest level, we have
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). IaaS enables
the delivery of computer infrastructures as a
service via the Internet. Instead of purchasing
physical servers, software, data center
storages, or network equipments, customers
buy these resources as fully outsourced
services. The most famous example of IaaS is
Amazon Web Services, which allows companies
to create their own Virtual Private Cloud.
Applications by Industry
Over the past several years, companies of all
sizes in Thailand have embraced and enjoyed
the benefits offered by the cloud computing
model. The following are brief examples of
how companies have applied cloud computing
services to their industries.
Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas
Due to its project-based nature, the client
realizes great benefits from using Google Apps.
Google Docs is used for internal work
collaboration and sharing, while Google Sites
serves as an information portal for each
project. Moreover, the company uses Google
Maps to keep track of its resources (such as
temperature, location, flow level, etc.), which
are scattered all over the country.
Sugar & Confectionery Products
Similar to the previous case, a large commodity
producer is also able to enjoy the benefits
offered by Google Apps suite. However, the
initial key drivers for its shift are cost and
security. In terms of cost, the company is trying
to find an alternative to its existing Office Suite
vendor, which is demanding expensive licensing
fees for a new release. In terms of security, due
to the recent turmoil in Bangkok, in which
downtown offices were set on fire, the
company wishes to have better security for its
IT resources. Cloud computing mitigates this
risk by storing data across continents with
multiple backup sites for disaster recovery.
Should a similar unfortunate event occur again,
the company’s employees would be able to
work collaboratively from their homes,
accessing shared data stored safely in the
Specialized Consulting
A boutique, international consultancy firm with
operations in Thailand adopts cloud services for
two main reasons: portability and scalability. As
typical of any consultancy, its members are
always on the move. With cloud solutions,
members can access and update information
from any location using any device, including
smart phones. The data displayed are real-time,
ensuring that members working on the same
project from different countries are always
getting the most up-to-date information. As for
scalability, cloud computing is able to
accommodate the client’s constant global
expansion of its businesses.
Financial Services
Financial institutions, small and large, can
benefit from cloud services. One client is
currently using CRM in its
telesales department. Besides gaining better
customer visibility, sales representatives take
advantage of Sales Script
feature to effectively offer products. The
automated script displays messages, tips,
reminders, and answers according to the
customer’s response. Furthermore, the CRM
system offers complete automation of work
flow approval, eliminating human errors arising
from manual processes and allowing a
paperless operation.
Another institution has recently deployed the
cloud CRM system to branches nationwide.
Cloud computing makes possible real-time
dashboards which provide valuable business
intelligence for managers to monitor and
improve their branch performance.
Raw Material Processing
The Thai office of a foreign multinational firm
has recently developed applications on the platform (PaaS) for internal use. It is
a KPI tracking system that displays various
metrics, pertaining to the success of yearly
targets. The company plans to roll out the
applications globally via the cloud.
To support its global sales operation, the
number one Thai beverage firm is amongst the
pioneer users of CRM cloud services in
Thailand. The cloud-based CRM supports their
global sales operations, from sales activity
management to competitor tracking, and
facilitates easy collaboration among its offices
Electronic & Other Electrical Equipment
With a large network of sales representatives
scattered all over Thailand, the multinational
company uses CRM with
extensional capabilities to manage its sales
workforce effectively. By integrating Google
Maps with the CRM system, the company can
track its sales staffs’ real-time movements and
activities via information sent by their mobile
phones. Furthermore, through the mobile
application, salespersons can easily update the
status of deals from anywhere at any time,
giving much better visibility to management
and the rest of the team.
The cases mentioned here are just some
demonstrations of current applications of cloud
computing in Thailand. The concept is nothing
new and companies in Thailand are now
enjoying the benefits offered by global cloud
service providers. Cloud computing has been
making headlines in both local and global
newspapers for the past several years. Those
who are quick to embrace it will likely gain a
cutting edge advantage over their competitors.
About CRM & Cloud Consulting (CRM-C)
At CRM-C, our mission is to assist your business in
successfully migrating to the Cloud. Our experience
has taught us that a successful migration to the
cloud requires more than just IT solutions. A deep
understanding of other issues, such as people and
process, must be aligned with the system in order
to realize the full potential of the Cloud. Therefore,
our team comprises of experts from diverse fields
with insights into local businesses.
We offer on-demand, automated, and integrated
solutions to manage your business and your
customer’s growing needs. Our expertise currently
lies in Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
and Office Collaboration Suite tools. However, as
advocates of cloud computing, we are continuously
expanding our offerings to meet our clients’ needs.
CRM & Cloud Consulting Co., Ltd.
All Seasons Place, 87/2 CRC Tower,
36th Floor, Wireless Road, Phatumwan,
Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Phone: (66) 2 625 3133