A Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing Applications: Perspectives and Challenges
Awodele Oludele
Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State.
Otusile Oluwabukola
Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State.
As mobile computing has been developed for decades, a
new model for mobile computing, namely, mobile cloud
computing, emerges resulting from the marriage of
powerful yet affordable mobile devices and cloud
computing. MCC integrates the cloud computing into the
mobile environment and overcomes obstacles related to
the performance.
This paper gives a survey of MCC application including
the definition, architecture, as well as speculate future
generation mobile cloud computing applications. The
challenges and existing solutions and approaches are
KeyWords: Mobile computing, cloud computing, mobile
cloud computing, mobile cloud applications.
1.0 Introduction
The NIST defines cloud computing as a model for
enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing
resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released
with minimal management effort or service provider
interaction [14]. It has three layers of services, namely,
Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The cloud
provides a powerful processing core and a massive
storage space with configurable computing resources for
users to do computation on it. Cloud service is
characterized as on-demand, elastic, quality of service
guaranteed, and pay-per-use. Cloud computing propels a
new class of applications which called MCC
mid-2007. It has been attracting the attentions of
entrepreneurs as a profitable business option that reduces
the development and running cost of mobile applications,
of mobile users as a new technology to achieve rich
experience of a variety of mobile services at low cost,
and of researchers as a promising solution for green IT
Mobile cloud computing (MCC) at its simplest, refers to
an infrastructure where both the data storage and data
processing happen outside of the mobile device.
Alternatively, MCC can be defined as a combination of
mobile web and cloud computing [1] which is the most
popular tool for mobile users to access applications and
services on the Internet.
Mobile cloud applications move the computing power
and data storage away from the mobile devices and into
powerful and centralized computing platforms located in
clouds, which are then accessed over the wireless
connection based on a thin native client. Mobile cloud
computing brings new types of services and facilities for
mobile users to take full advantages of cloud computing.
MCC provides mobile users with the data processing and
storage services in clouds. The mobile devices do not
need a powerful configuration (e.g., CPU speed and
memory capacity) since all the complicated computing
modules can be processed in the clouds.
1.1 Why Mobile Cloud Computing?
Mobile devices face many resource challenges
(battery life, storage, bandwidth etc.)
Cloud computing offers advantages to users by
allowing them to use infrastructure, platforms and
software by cloud providers at low cost and
elastically in an on-demand fashion.
Mobile cloud computing provides mobile users
with data storage and processing services in clouds,
obviating the need to have a powerful device
configuration (e.g. CPU speed, memory capacity
etc), as all resource-intensive computing can be
performed in the cloud.
2.0 MCC Architecture
Fig. 1. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) architecture.
In Fig. 1, mobile devices are connected to the mobile
networks via base stations (e.g., base transceiver station
(BTS), access point, or satellite) that establish and
control the connections (air links) and functional
interfaces between the networks and mobile devices.
Mobile uVHUV¶ UHTXHVWV DQG LQIRUPDWion (e.g., ID and
location) are transmitted to the central processors that are
connected to servers providing mobile network services.
Proceedings of IMCIC - ICSIT 2016
Here, mobile network operators can provide services to
mobile users as AAA (for authentication, authorization,
and accounting) based on the home agent (HA) and
VXEVFULEHUV¶ GDWD Vtored in databases. After that, the
Internet. In the cloud, cloud controllers process the
requests to provide mobile users with the corresponding
cloud services. These services are developed with the
concepts of utility computing, virtualization, and service-
oriented architecture (e.g., web, application, and database
2.1 Advantages of MCC
Extending battery lifetime: Computation offloading
migrates large computations and complex
processing from resource-limited devices (i.e.,
mobile devices) to resourceful machines (i.e.,
servers in clouds). Many mobile applications take
advantages from task migration and remote
processing, thereby allowing remote application
execution to save energy significantly.
Improving data storage capacity and processing
power: MCC enables mobile users to store/access
large data on the cloud. It helps reduce the running
cost for computation intensive applications by not
been constrained by storage capacity on the devices
because their data now is stored on the cloud
therefore improving reliability and availability:
with data and services in the clouds, then are
always (almost) available even when the users are
Dynamic provisioning: Dynamic on-demand
provisioning of resources on a fine-grained, self-
service basis therefore there is no need for
advanced reservation
Scalability: Mobile applications can be performed
and scaled to meet the unpredictable user demands
and Service providers can easily add and expand a
Multi-tenancy: Service providers can share the
resources and costs to support a variety of
applications and large no. of users.
Ease of Integration: Multiple services from
different providers can be integrated easily through
2.2 MCC Applications
Mobile applications gain increasing share in a global
mobile market. Various mobile applications have taken
the advantages of MCC. We have witnessed a number of
MCC applications in recent years, including mobile
commerce, multimedia sharing, mobile learning, mobile
sensing, mobile healthcare, mobile gaming, mobile social
networking, location-based mobile service, and
augmented reality. Mobile commerce, such as e-banking,
e-advertising and e-shopping, uses scalable processing
power and security measures to accommodate a high
volume of traffic due to simultaneous user access and
data transaction processing multimedia sharing provides
secure viewing and sharing of multimedia information
stored on smartphones while providing administrative
controls to manage user privileges and access rights
necessary to ensure security. Mobile learning allows a
thin terminal to access learning materials on the cloud
any time and any place. Mobile sensing utilizing sensor-
equipped smartphones to collect data will revolutionize
many MCC applications including healthcare, social
networking, and environment/health monitoring. Mobile
healthcare allows an enormous amount of patient data to
be stored on the cloud instantaneously. A doctor can
conveniently look at the patient records on his/her mobile
for preventive actions. Mobile gaming achieves
scalability by leveraging scalable computation and
instantaneous data update on the cloud side and screen
refresh at the mobile device side. Mobile social
networking allows a group of mobile users to upload
audio/video/multimedia data for real-time sharing, with
cloud computing providing not only storage for data, but
also security to protect secrecy and integrity of data.
2.3 MCC Issues
Mobile communication issues:
± Low bandwidth: One of the biggest issues,
because the radio resource for wireless networks
is much more scarce than wired networks
± Service availability: Mobile users may not be
able to connect to the cloud to obtain a service
due to traffic congestion, network failures,
mobile signal strength problems
± Heterogeneity: Handling wireless connectivity
with highly heterogeneous networks to satisfy
MCC requirements (always-on connectivity, on-
demand scalability, energy efficiency) is a
difficult problem
Computing issues:
Computation offloading:
One of the main features of MCC
Offloading is not always effective in saving
It is critical to determine whether to offload and
which portions of the service codes to offload
3.0 Related Works
Weiguang Song et. al. [1] summarize the core concepts
of Mobile Cloud Computing [MCC] by developing a
basic idea model of Mobile Cloud Computing. Major
problems faced by MCC are discussed such as stability
of wireless connectivity, tackling the unnecessary battery
usage etc. Also, few possible solutions are suggested.
Qureshi et. al. [2] discusses about the mobile cloud
computing technology and proposes the implementation
methods for Mobile Cloud Computing solutions such as
General Purpose Mobile Cloud Computing (GPMCC)
and Application Specific Mobile Cloud Computing
(ASMCC). Certain barriers such as network availability
and bandwidth are focused. Two aspects of security
issues such as mobile device security and cloud security
Proceedings of IMCIC - ICSIT 2016
are addressed. Le Guan et. al. [3] addresses the
challenges in Mobile Cloud Computing design such as
network latency, limited bandwidth and availability. In
order to analyze Mobile Cloud Computing technology, a
concept model is proposed which includes context
management, resource scheduling, client and
transmission channel. A Cloud architecture of Mobile
Cloud Computing is described for organization of Mobile
Cloud Computing systems. Application partition and
offloading and various context aware services are
explained briefly. Dejan et. al. [4] addresses several
mobile cloud approaches. An overview of various
possibilities of Mobile Cloud Computing is given. Native
and web applications are too extremes of mobile
applications. The cost model of elastic mobile cloud
applications is described.
Han Qi et. al. [10] discuss Mobile cloud computing
(MCC) as a development and extension of mobile
computing (MC) and cloud computing (CC) which has
inherited high mobility and scalability. The proposed
system in the paper explains the principle of MCC,
characteristics, recent research work, and future research
trends. Proposed system analyzes the features and
infrastructure of mobile cloud computing and also
analyzes the challenges of mobile cloud computing.
Vinod et. al. [12] discuss about the cloud computing
which enables the work anywhere anytime by allowing
application execution and data storage on remote servers.
This is useful for mobile computing and communication
devices that are constrained in terms of computation
power and storage. The goal of the paper is to
characterize under what scenarios cloud-based
applications would be relatively more energy-efficient
for users of mobile devices.
Hung et. al. [7] analyzes the performance of many
mobile applications which are weak due to lack of
computation resources, storage, and bandwidth and
battery capacity. To overcome this, application is rebuilt
using the cloud services. The proposed system explains a
framework to execute the mobile application in cloud
based virtualized environment with encryption, and
isolation to protect against unauthenticated cloud
providers. Results show the execution of mobile
application by offloading the workload with efficient
application level migration method via mobile networks.
The migration of application form one device to another
is easy and quick in the proposed system. Ricky et. al.
[13] discuss that mobile cloud computing allows mobile
applications to use the large resources in the clouds. In
order to utilize the resources, migration of the
computation among mobile nodes and cloud nodes is
necessary. Therefore, a highly portable and transparent
migration approach is needed. The paper uses a Java byte
code transformation technique for task migration without
effecting normal execution. Asynchronous migration
technique is used to allow migrations to take place
virtually anywhere in the user codes. The proposed Twin
Method Hierarchy minimizes the overhead from state-
restoration codes in normal execution. Milos et. al. [5]
discusses the Biometric applications such as fingerprint
identification, face, or iris scanning. These applications
actually work in a laboratory setting where the client
computer has unlimited access to the throughput and
computational resources of the network. The problem
focused here is on the battery power of the device and the
throughput of the communication channel of the client
node to the cloud. The paper explains the mobile cloud
computing technique for biometric applications such as
fingerprint identification, face recognition and iris
recognition. Debessay et. al. [6] analyzes and studies the
impact of cloudlets in interactive mobile cloud
applications. In order to study the impact, cloudlet
network and service architecture is proposed. This
architecture focuses on file editing, video streaming, and
collaborative chatting. The performance gains with the
usage of clouds are shown by simulation results. NKosi
et. al. [8] discusses mobile devices which are used in
Health information delivery access and communication
challenges like power, bandwidth, and security. The
proposed system explains how cloud computing can be
used in mobile devices to provide sensor signals
processing and security. The system described in the
proposed system uses an NGN/IMS system with cloud
computing to reduce the burden of organizing and also
for improving the functions of existing mobile health
monitoring systems. The interaction between health
service provider, IMS network operator and cloud
computing service providers should be regulated so that
identity management and security verification is
Yan Gu et. al. [9] focuses on the fundamental issue in the
mobile application platform which is the deployment
decision for individual tasks when the battery life of the
experience. The proposed system explains the
deployment scheme to offload expensive computational
tasks from thin, mobile devices to powered, powerful
devices on the cloud. The proposed system is
implemented and various experiments on the Android
devices for individual components. Chun et. al. [11]
discuss about the mobile applications which are
providing functionality on mobile devices. Also, mobile
devices provide strong connectivity with more powerful
machines ranging from laptops and desktops to
commercial clouds. The proposed system in the paper
presents the design and implementation of CloneCloud.
CloneCloud is a system that automatically transforms
mobile applications to get benefit from the cloud.
CloneCloud uses a combination of static analysis and
dynamic profiling to automatically partition an
4.0 Emerging and Future MCC Applications
Future MCC applications must leverage unique
characteristics of MCC. Due to limitation of power,
intensive data processing on mobile devices is always
costly. With the technology advancement, however,
mobile devices are equipped with more functional units,
such as high-resolution camera, barometer, light sensor,
etc. Emerging and Future MCC Applications includes:
Application Category References
Crowdsourcing (crowd computing) [15] [16]
Collective sensing [18] [19] [20] [21]
- Traffic/Environment monitoring [22, 23, 24]
- Mobile cloud social networking [26] [27] [28]
- Mobile cloud healthcare [29] [30] [31]
Location-based mobile cloud service [32] [33]
Augmented reality and mobile gaming [34]
Proceedings of IMCIC - ICSIT 2016
Future MCC applications must leverage deep sensing
capability of smartphones for data collection. Data can be
uploaded to the cloud and the cloud can integrate pieces
of observations from mobile devices and utilize data
analytics techniques to mine and visualize trends or
patterns embedded in massive data collected in parallel at
runtime from millions of mobile devices. For instance,
given a severe natural disaster, people nearby can send
photos taken from the cameras in their smartphones to
the cloud, and the cloud server can process these data,
analyze possible crucial points, and plot a detailed map,
covering not only visible objects but also invisible
physical phenomena, such as the presence of poisonous
air to help facilitating the rescue mission. With
potentially unlimited storage and processing power,
MCC brings out potential killer applications.
Crowdsourcing (crowd computing) is one of the
emerging MCC applications [15]. It utilizes sensing
functions of pervasive mobile devices and high
processing capability of the cloud. Two future
crowdsourcing applications discussed in [16] can
potentially benefit from MCC. One is for finding a lost
child; one is for disaster relief. In the first application,
smartphones upload pictures taken within an hour to a
website in response to an amber alert via texting, and a
policeman searches for the lost child by doing data
analytics on thousands of photos uploaded using an
application in his smartphone.
In the second case, after a disaster the infrastructure
around the disaster site is broken and there is no way to
assess the damage using the existing infrastructure. By
using cameras on smartphones, citizens take pictures of
the disaster site and transmit them via wireless
communication, helping a detailed map of the disaster
site to be reconstructed, such that rescue work can be
effectively and efficiently performed. Defining scalable
architectures, creating efficient algorithms for
crowdsourcing, stimulating crowd participation, and
preserving user privacy are major issues. Yang et al. [17]
devised two incentive mechanisms for user-centric and
platform-centric computing.
On the user side, users contribute data through a bidding
process to maximize their profits. On the cloud side, a
game theoretical approach based on auctioning is used to
maximize the system utility.
Another emerging and future mobile cloud application is
collective sensing [18]. Cheng et al. designed
SenseOrchestra [19] for node location tracking via
collective sensing. Lu et al. [20] designed SoundSense to
run in Apple iPhones to recognize events by collectively
sound sensing. Lastly, Sensorly [21] provides a map of
free wireless coverage through collective sensing by its
mobile cloud members. Emerging collective sensing
applications include composing a realtime traffic map
from collective traffic data sensing [22, 23, 24],
monitoring environmental pollution [25], mobile cloud
social networking [26] [27] [28], and mobile cloud based
healthcare [29, 30, 31].
Location-based mobile service is also an emerging MCC
application. Tamai et al. [32] designed a platform for
location-based services leveraging scalable computation
and large storage space to answer a large number of
location-based queries efficiently. Location-based mobile
service is often context-aware. In addition to taking
account of location information, location-based mobile
services also consider the environment and application
context, such as people, other devices and time between
changes. The environment information can be feasibly
obtained. Social networking can connect several people
around sharing common interests. For example, the
application can recommend an online game to play or a
chat session connecting people with common interests.
La et al. [33] developed a framework for location-based
mobile service with user mobile devices monitoring the
context information to send to the cloud and with the
cloud analyzing and adapting the context information to
suggest location-based mobile services to users sharing
common interests.
Lastly, augmented reality and mobile gaming is emerging
as a MCC killer application. While traditionally
augmented reality is made possible only with special
equipment with huge processing power, it is now made
possible with mobile cloud computing with scalable
computation and big data storage.
Kangas et al. [34] developed mobile code to be processed
by the cloud to realize augmented reality. Luo [35]
proposed an augmented reality application to enhance
user experiences.
This paper surveys the challenges, scope, approaches and
solutions in the area of Mobile Cloud Computing. The
paper focusses on Energy conservation in mobile
devices, migration issues, application development
platforms and the various mobile cloud computing
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