07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Ginnie Mae HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Version 2.5
The following four Sections provide the definitions, calculations, and descriptions of the
data elements under Ginnie Mae’s HMBS Monthly and New Issuance Loan Level
Section #
Section Name
Definition of Terms
Definitions of Statistics Disclosed/How the Statistics are
Record Types and Data Items Disclosed
Ginnie Mae Disclosure Change History
Appendix A
Loan Level Disclosure Files
Disclaimer related to these disclosure definitions: The data related to these
definitions in Ginnie Mae’s HMBS Monthly and New Issuance Loan Level
Disclosures were originally provided to Ginnie Mae by Ginnie Mae Issuers. Ginnie
Mae makes no warranty, express or implied, on the accuracy, adequacy,
completeness, legality or reliability of the data. Ginnie Mae hereby disclaims any
liability associated with use of this data or any damages resulting from third party
use of this data. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Section 1 - Definition of Terms
Definition of Terms
The only reverse mortgage insured by the U.S. Federal
Government is called a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or
HECM, and is only available through an FHA approved lender.
The HECM enables the borrower to withdraw some of the
equity in their home. The borrower can choose how to
withdraw their funds, whether in a fixed monthly amount, a line
of credit, or a combination of both. In this discussion, the
HECM loan is referred to simply as the loan.
Primary Mortgage Market
In the primary mortgage market, HECM
loans are originated.
A HECM is originated by borrowers working directly with
lenders, or maybe with the assistance of a mortgage broker.
There are several different types of HECM lending institutions:
banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and mortgage finance
Secondary Mortgage Market
A market comprising investors who buy large numbers of
mortgages from the primary lenders and resell them to other
In the context of this discussion, a security is a financial
instrument sold or traded as an investment. HMBS stands for
HECM Mortgage-Backed Security. A mortgage-backed security
is a security that is considered “asset-based” because the
security is backed by a HECM or collection of HECM
Typically, holders of HECM mortgage-backed securities will not
receive regular payments.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Definition of Terms
Ginnie Mae
Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or Ginnie
Mae) is a government organization that participates in the
HECM secondary mortgage market, guaranteeing securities
based on pools of loans made under the Federal government
program FHA. The agency FHA is defined below.
Ginnie Mae HMBS
A Ginnie Mae HMBS is a mortgage-backed security issued by
the Government National Mortgage Association. The Ginnie
Mae HMBS securities are the only HMBS products that are
backed by the full faith and credit of the United States
government. This makes the Ginnie Mae
HMBS unique
among the HMBS products in the secondary mortgage market.
A collection of HECM loans, which is the basis for a HECM
mortgage-backed security.
An individual HECM loan that is part of a HECM
loan pool.
Monthly and New Issuance Loan Level Disclosure information
is provided at the HECM loan level.
Issuer refers to an entity which issues and is obligated to pay
amounts due on securities. For each issuer, there is a unique
four-digit issuer number and a name of the issuing institution.
All of the HECM loans underlying Ginnie Mae HMBS pools of
loans are made under the Federal government FHA program.
FHA is involved in the underwriting of the original HECM loans
made under the agency’s respective program
FHA provides
data to Ginnie Mae on a continuing basis for the HECM loans
under the agency’s programs.
FHA is defined below.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Definition of Terms
FHA or Federal Housing Administration is part of the US
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). FHA
has many programs to support homeownership. FHA is the
largest mortgage insurer in the world and also regulates housing
industry business.
In the United States, publicly traded securities are regulated by
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC
requires that for publicly traded securities disclosure information
must be provided.
Purpose of Disclosure
Disclosure information is used by investors, potential investors,
and investment analysts to help evaluate the potential
investment value and risk involved in a given security, such as
a HECM mortgage-backed security (HMBS).
Disclosure Data Sources
For Ginnie Mae HECM mortgage-backed securities, the
sources of the information provided in disclosure are the issuer
of the given security and FHA.
Types of Data Disclosed
Some disclosure data concerns the loan pool itself, such as
the date the pool was issued, the pool type, and the issuer
number of the loan pool’s issuer. The
various data items are
listed and described in detail for each record type produced by
disclosure. These details follow in the section called
Types and
Data Items Disclosed”.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Definition of Terms
Frequency of Disclosure
Comprehensive HMBS Loan Level disclosure is produced on a
monthly basis for the portfolio, and daily/monthly for New
Data Item or Data Field
A data item or “data field” is one specific piece of information
within a disclosure record. Examples are
pool issued date in
the Pool Header Record and “original principal limit for a
given loan in the loan level records.
Data Condition
Certain variables in the data may have a set of discrete
possibilities, somewhat like multiple choice. An example would
be “Property Type”. In Ginnie Mae disclosure, the Property
Type for a given loan may be 1 - Single Family, 2
Condominium, 3 - Manufactured Housing”, 4 - Planned Unit
Development or “Property Type Not Available”
. Each of these
three is considered a distinct data condition.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Section 2 - Description of Statistics Disclosed and How the Statistics are
Description of Statistics Disclosed
The following statistic is gathered at the loan level and aggregated for disclosure at
the pool level in the Pool Trailer record
Number of Loans (Participations)
within the pool.
Count of Participations
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Section 3 - Record Types and Data Items Disclosed
Record Types generated by HMBS Monthly and New Issuance Loan Level Disclosures:
Overall File Header Record (Type H)
Pool Header Record (Type P)
Loan Level Record (Type L)
Pool Trailer Record (Type T)
Overall File Trailer Record (Type Z)
Every HMBS Monthly and New Issuance Loan Level disclosure file has the following
file header information at the beginning of the file.
Overall File Header Record (Type H) Layout
Data Item
Record Type
A one-
character identifier for the record type. V
alue is “H”.
File Name
A 22-character value of the format
monthly loan level, or NEW for daily New Issuance or MNI for
monthly New Issuance; and CCYYMM is the same value as
“As-of Date”.
File Number
Number from 001 to 002 indicating which segment of split file
this file is.
File Correction Flag
A one-character value Y (correction) or N (Original) that
indicates if this file is a correction of an earlier version of the
same file.
As-of Date
A 6-character field (CCYYMM format) that represents the
Reporting Period of the data in the file.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Overall File Header Record (Type H) Layout
Date File Generated
An 8-character field (CCYYMMDD format) that represents the
date the file was created.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Pool Header Record (Type P) Layout
Data Item
Record Type
A one-
character identifier for the record type. V
alue is “P”.
CUSIP Number
The CUSIP number is a unique, nine-character identification
number permanently assigned by the Committee on Uniform
Securities Identification Procedures to each publicly traded
security at the time of issuance.
Pool ID
The Ginnie Mae Pool identifier; the number assigned by
Ginnie Mae at pooling to the pool.
Issue Type
Designates the issue type of the pool. All HMBS pools are
designated as type “H.”
Pool Type
The type of HMBS pool defined as follows:
RF - Fixed Rate
RA - One Year Adjustable Rate, CMT
RM - Monthly Adjustable Rate, CMT
AL - One Year Adjustable Rate, LIBOR
ML - Monthly Adjustable Rate, LIBOR
“SA” – One Year adjustable Rate, SOFR
Pool Issue Date
The date the pool was issued; always the first of any given
month. Format is CCYYMMDD.
Issuer ID
The number assigned by Ginnie Mae to the HMBS issuer
As-of Date
A 6-character field (CCYYMM format) that represents the
Reporting Period of the data in the file.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type L) Layout
Data Item
Record Type
A one-
character identifier for the record type. V
alue is “L”.
Pool ID
The Ginnie Mae Pool identifier; the number assigned by
Ginnie Mae at pooling to the pool.
Issuer ID
The number assigned by Ginnie Mae to the HMBS issuer
Disclosure Sequence Number
An internal sequence number associated with the particular
disclosure record.
Sequence Number Suffix
A three-character suffix associated with the HECM loan that
uniquely identifies this HECM Loan Participation.
Property Type Code
The type of property defined as follows:
1 = Single Family
2 = Condominium
3 = Manufactured Housing
4 = Planned Unit Development
Original Principal Limit
The principal limit is the maximum HECM mortgage amount; it
equals the maximum claim amount times the principal limit
factor; the Principal Limit reported at Pool issuance.
Current Principal Limit
The Current Principal Limit, as of the most recent reporting
Field not used.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type Le L)
Payment Reason Code
The reason for the payment amount (if any):
1 = Refinance
2 = Voluntary Full Prepayment
3 = Borrower Move
4 = Death of Borrower
5 = Mandatory purchase event
6 = Optional purchase event
7 = Foreclosure
8 = Other
9 = Partial Prepayment
10 = Due and payable purchase event using Issuer
corporate funds
11 = Pending FHA claim with partial payment
Blanks; no payment made
Original HECM Loan Balance
The original principal balance of the HECM.
Current HECM Loan Balance
The ending principal balance of the HECM; this is the
accumulated net principal outstanding this reporting period.
Mortgage Margin
Percentage points added to the index rate to determine an
ARM's interest rate.
Rate Reset Frequency
Period, whether annually or monthly, that the interest rate of
each adjustable rate HECM resets under the interest rate
formula and HECM loan documents applicable to each
adjustable rate HECM. Value is derived based on the Pool
A = Annual
M = Monthly
F = Fixed Rate
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type Le L)
Servicing Fee Margin
The Servicing Fee Margin is the spread between the note rate
and the rate at which the HMBS participation accrues interest,
must be at least 0.36 percent (36 bps), but no more than 1.50
percent (150 bps), including the six bps for the Ginnie Mae
Guaranty Fee. This is a calculated field based on HECM loan
interest rate minus the Participation interest rate.
Borrower 1 Age at Pool
The age in years of Borrower 1 on the date of pool issuance.
Borrower 2 Age at Pool
The age in years of Borrower 2 on the date of pool issuance.
Five-digit code for the Metropolitan Statistical Area or
Micropolitan Statistical Area where the property is located. Value
is derived from the Census tract associated with the borrower
HECM Loan Original Interest
The original interest rate for the HECM loan, as reported at the
initial pooling (first Participation).
HECM Loan Current Interest
The current interest rate for the HECM loan; as of the most
recent reporting period
Participation UPB
The ending principal balance of the Participation; this is the
accumulated balance of the Participation, as of the most recent
reporting period
Participation Interest Rate
The rate that interest accrued on the Participation for the
reporting period, as of the most recent reporting period
Loan Servicing Fee Code
A code which describes the type of Loan Servicing Fee applied
to this loan.
1 = Fixed
2 = Spread
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type L) Layout
Expected Average Mortgage
Interest Rate
The original expected average mortgage interest rate per FHA
guidelines. It is fixed throughout the life of the loan and is used
to determine payments to the borrower. For a fixed rate loan,
the expected rate is the fixed interest rate. For an adjustable
rate loan, the expected rate is the sum of the lender's margin
and the U.S. Treasury Securities rate adjusted to a constant
maturity of ten years.
Servicing Fee Set Aside
An amount initially set aside from the Principal Limit as
indicated on the Payment Plan Exhibit to the HECM Loan
Agreement, to be applied to payment due for a fixed monthly
charge for servicing activities of Issuer or its Subcontract
Servicer. Such servic
ing activities are necessary to protect
Issuer’s interest in the property. A servicing fee set aside, if
any, is not available to the Borrower for any purpose, except to
pay for loan servicing years.
HECM Original Funding Date
The date the HECM loan was first funded. Format is CCYYMM.
Property Valuation Amount
Statement of property’s value from a valid property valuation
source as of the Origination Date.
Original Term of Payments
Original number of monthly payments on a term or modified
term loan as of the Pool Issue Date.
Property Charges Set Aside
At closing, the amount that a borrower sets aside to cover
property charges such as taxes, insurance, ground rents, and
homeowner’s association fees.
Property Repair Set Aside
At closing, the amount that a borrower sets aside to cover
property repairs, plus the repair administration fee.
Property Valuation Effective
Effective date of the property valuation on the subject property
as of the Origination Date. Format is CCYYMMDD.
Loan Origination Company
The mortgage company is the entity that processed the HECM
Loan Application.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type Le L)
HECM Loan Purpose Code
The purpose for which the HECM loan was originated.
1 = HECM Traditional
2 = HECM Refinance
3 = HECM Purchase
HECM Loan Payment Option
The method to receive payments that was selected by the
borrower as of the reporting cut-off date.
1 = Tenure
2 = Term
3 = Line of Credit
4 = Modified Term
5 = Modified Tenure
6 = Single Disbursement Lump Sum
HECM Saver Flag
Code that indicates if this is a HECM Saver loan.
N = Standard HECM Loan
Y = HECM Saver Loan
Original Available Line of Credit
Original available line of credit amount.
Original Draw Amount
The original amount drawn on a line of credit loan.
Mortgage Servicer
The current servicer of the mortgage.
Lifetime Floor Rate
The minimum interest rate that can be applied during the loan
term; ARM loans only.
Remaining Available Line of
Credit Amount
The remaining line of credit balance reflects the remaining cash
available to the borrower (net of any tenure or term set-asides
as well as any tax, maintenance, insurance or servicing set-
Monthly Servicing Fee Amount
Total monthly servicing fee in dollars that is payable to the
Issuer. The issuer is to report the monthly servicing fee on the
HECM loan, for fixed servicing.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type L) Layout
Monthly Scheduled Payment
The monthly payment amount scheduled to be made to the
borrower as of the reporting cut-off date, including, if applicable,
the amount that will be withheld from borrower’s monthly
payment for property charges.
Remaining Term of Payments
Remaining number of monthly payments as of the reporting date
on a term or modified term loan.
Initial Change Date
The date that the loan rate will reset for the first time; ARM
loans only. Format is CCYYMMDD.
Credit Line Set Aside Amount
In exchange for reduced monthly payments, the specified
amount of money set aside for a line of credit, on which the
borrower can draw until the line of credit is exhausted.
MIP Basis Points
The amount of the Mortgage Insurance Premium interest rate in
basis points. A basis point equals one-
hundredth of one percent.
One hundred basis points is shown as "100" and is equal to
one percent (.01) of the loan amount. The loan’s Case Number
Assigned Date will be used when available to determine the
MIP rate that is disclosed. For The Monthly Portfolio Disclosure,
if a Case Number Assigned Date is not available, the Loan
Origination Da
te will be used to determine the MIP rate. For
the New Issuance Daily/Monthly Disclosures, if a Case Number
Assigned Date is not available, blanks will be disclosed for the
MIP rate.
Maximum Claim Amount
The maximum claim amount is the lesser of the appraised value
of the property or the maximum mortgage amount for a one-
family residence that HUD will insure in an area under Section
203(b)(2) of the National Housing Act. The
maximum claim
amount is established when the Conditional Commitment is
issued and represents the maximum amount that HUD will pay
on a claim for insurance benefits.
Lifetime Interest Rate Change
A cap that limits the interest rate increase over the life of the
loan. The value is “5” for 1-Year adjusting loans. This field is
required only for annual adjusting loans.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type Le L)
Reset Months
The number of months between interest rate resets for the loan.
This value is for Adjustable Rate loans only. The value is
calculated/derived from the ARM Type field. The value is 1 for a
Monthly Adjustable Rate loan and 12 for a One Year Adjustable
Rate loan.
Current Month Liquidation Flag
A code that indicates if the loan was liquidated in this reporting
Value is derived from Payment Reason.
Y = Yes
N = No
Eligible Non-borrowing Spouse
A code that indicates if an Eligible Non-borrowing Spouse was
identified at the time of loan closing and still remains eligible
per FHA guidance. Whether an Ineligible Non-Borrowing
Spouse was identified at closing does not apply to this field
Y = Yes
N = No
Mandatory Property Charges
Set Aside
A code that indicates if the results of the borrower’s financial
assessment required a mandatory property charges set aside.
Y = Yes
N = No
Annual Interest Rate Change
A cap that limits the annual interest rate increase or decrease
of the loan. The value is “2” for 1-Year adjusting loans. This
field is required only for annual adjusting loans.
Maximum Interest Rate
The maximum interest rate on the note. This field is required
only for monthly adjusting loans.
Remaining Property Charges
Set Aside
The remaining amount in the set aside established at closing to
cover property charges such as taxes, insurance, ground rents,
and homeowner’s association fees.
As-Of-Date (CCYYMM)
The As-Of-Date identifies the year and month of the loan and
pool information.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Loan Level Record (Type L) Layout
Initial Monthly Scheduled
The aggregate monthly amount that is payable to HECM
borrowers in a given month under certain types of payment
plans during the first twelve month disbursement period. This
field’s value will always be blank in the New Issuance
Daily/Monthly disclosures.
Initial Remaining Available Line
of Credit
The aggregate line of credit available during the first twelve
month disbursement period to borrowers under certain payment
plans. The Initial Remaining Available Line of Credit Amount
does not include set asides for the Monthly Servicing Fee, if
any, property charges (such as taxes, hazard insurance, ground
rents or assessments) or repairs, if any. This field’s value will
always be blank in the New Issuance Daily/Monthly disclosures.
Adjustment Date
The first date (CCYYMMDD format) after the Pool Issue Date on
which the interest rate on the HECM related to the Participation
pooled will adjust. For monthly adjustable HECMs the date
must be the first day of the month immediately following pool
. For annually adjustable HECMs, the date must be
the first day of a month within twelve months following the
month of pool issuance.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Pool Trailer Record (Type T) Layout
Data Item
Record Type
A one-character
identifier for the record type. V
alue is “T”.
CUSIP Number
The CUSIP number is a unique, nine-character identification
number permanently assigned by the Committee on Uniform
Securities Identification Procedures to each publicly traded
security at the time of issuance.
Pool ID
The Ginnie Mae Pool identifier; the number assigned by
Ginnie Mae at pooling to the pool.
Issue Type
Designates the issue type of the pool. All HMBS pools are
designated as type “H.”
Pool Type
The type of HMBS pool defined as follows:
“RF” - Fixed Rate
“RA” - One Year Adjustable Rate, CMT
“RM” - Monthly Adjustable Rate, CMT
“AL” - One Year Adjustable Rate, LIBOR
“ML” - Monthly Adjustable Rate, LIBOR
“SA” – One Year Adjustable Rate, SOFR
Pool Issue Date
The date the pool was issued; always the first of any given
Issuer ID
The number assigned by Ginnie Mae to the HMBS issuer
As-of Date
A 6-character field (CCYYMM format) that represents the
Reporting Period of the data in the file.
Loan Count for the Pool
The number of loans (participations) in the file for this pool.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Overall File Trailer Record (Type Z) Layout
Data Item
Record Type
A one-
character identifier for the record type. Value is “Z”.
File Name
A 22 character value of the format
monthly loan level, or NEW for daily New Issuance or MNI for
monthly New Issuance;
and CCYYMM is the same value as
“As-of Date”.
File Number
Number from 001 to 002 indicating which segment of split file
this file is.
Count of Pools in this File
The number of pools contained in this file.
Count of Loans in this File
The number of loans contained in this file.
Total Record Count
The count of all records in this file, including all headers and
As-Of Date (CCYYMM)
A 6-character field (CCYYMM format) that represents the
Reporting Period of the data in the file.
Section 5 Disclosure Change History
Change #
First Month Disclosed
Initial Version.
06/04/2013. Version 1.0 with these revisions: The Loan
Status Code field will not be disclosed, and the output
will be blanks. The name of the “Lifetime Interest Rate
Cap” field was changed to “Lifetime Cap/Maximum
Interest Rate”; the field definition was changed as well.
07/26/2013. Version 1.1 with this revision: The HECM
Original Funding Date field size/format was changed from
8 characters/CCYYMMDD to 6 characters/CCYYMM.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
10/24/2014. Version 1.2 with these revisions:
(1) Removed references to Release 1.
(2) Revised the Payment Reason Code descriptions
to correspond to those published in the MBS
Guide Appendix vi-17.
(3) Revised the descriptions of the following fields in
to be consistent with the MBS Guide Appendices
iii-28 and vi-
17: Original Term of Payments;
Property Repair Set Aside Amount; HECM Loan
Payment Option Code; Monthly Servicing Fee
Amount; Monthly Scheduled Payment Amount;
Remaining Term of Payments.
03/01/2015. Version 1.3 with these revisions:
(1) Renamed “Lifetime Cap/Maximum Interest Rate”
field to “Lifetime Interest Rate Change Cap”.
(2) Added fields and definitions for the following
values: Non-borrowing Spouse; Mandatory
Property Charges Set Aside; Annual Interest Rate
Change Cap; Maximum Interest Rate; Remaining
Property Charges Set Aside
(3) Added a new value to the Payment Option value
set (“6”, “Single Disbursement Lump Sum”).
03/01/2015. Version 2.0 with these revisions:
(1) Renamed “Periodic Interest Rate Change Cap” to
“Annual Interest Rate Change Cap”.
04/01/2015. Version 2.1 with these revisions:
(1) Renamed the “Non-borrowing Spouse” field to
“Eligible Non-borrowing Spouse”, and revised the
field definition.
(2) Revised the effective date from 03/01/2015 to
December 2017 for
November 2017 period
Version 2.2 with these revisions:
(1) Added definitions for the new Type “Lrecord
fields: Initial Monthly Scheduled Payment, Initial
Remaining Available Line of Credit, and
Adjustment Date
03/01/2018. Version 2.3 with this revision:
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
(1) Revised the definition of Original Interest Rate to
indicate it is the original interest rate for the
HECM loan, as reported at the initial pooling (first
July 2023 for July 2023
period data
07/01/2023 Version
2.4 with these revisions:
(1) Added “SA” to the list of possible values of the
Pool Type field, for both the Pool Header and
Pool Trailer records.
07/01/2023 GNMA HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Definitions
Appendix A HMBS Loan Level Disclosure Files Summary
Product ID
Current Status
Target Date
HMBS Daily
Produced Daily, when there
are new issuances
In Production
Produced Monthly, for the
entire month’s new
In Production
Product ID
Current Status
Target Date
Monthly Pool
Produced Monthly, on 6
BD day
In Production
Monthly Loan
Produced Monthly, on 6
BD day
In Production