Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research • Volume 19 Number 1 • 2017
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Office of Policy Development and Research
Financial Sustainability and the
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness
and Affordable Financing for
Senior Homeowners
Edward J. Szymanoski
Alven Lam
Christopher Feather
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies
of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or the U.S. government.
The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) has undergone significant changes in
its 25-year history since its modest start as a 2,500-loan pilot in 1987 to its nearly one
million endorsements at the end of 2015. The Great Recession more recently underscored
the need for measures to secure the financial sustainability of these reverse mortgages.
Such measures have sought to mitigate risk and improve the financial health of the
HECM program while promoting affordable financing through the HECM mortgage-
backed securities, or HMBS, program. Improved fiscal soundness for HECM ensures the
program is viable and continues to provide affordable financing in the conversion of home
equity for senior homeowners. This article examines changes made toward increasing the
financial sustainability of HECM through fiscal soundness and the facilitation of affordable
financing. These changes are especially relevant as American households continue to age
and seek the option to affordably access their housing wealth while remaining in their home.
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
The U.S. Congress enacted the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) “to meet the special
needs of elderly homeowners by reducing the effect of […] economic hardship” and “to encourage”
increased involvement of mortgage market actors in the production and servicing of such reverse
The two resulting HECM programs within the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD)—the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) HECM program and the
Ginnie Mae HECM mortgage-backed securities (HMBS) program—facilitate access to affordable
financing for eligible senior homeowners seeking to borrow against their home equity and stay
in their home while not making monthly mortgage repayments.
Although the reverse mortgage
is a relatively specialized component of the mortgage market,
the provision of government
insurance has resulted in a reverse mortgage market in which FHA-insured HECMs constitute
90 to 95 percent of the total number of reverse mortgages
(Moulton, Haurin, and Shi, 2014). As
a consequence, HECM has become an important tool for the federal government in providing a
social safety net for seniors. Nonetheless, this program has been tempered by financial constraints
accentuated by the most recent economic downturn.
In the past decade, HECM governance underwent significant changes and refinements. The
purpose of many of these changes was to enhance financial sustainability both in terms of fiscal
soundness for FHAs HECM insurance program and of affordable financing facilitated through
Ginnie Mae’s HMBS program. These changes have been challenging, given financial realities con-
straining the extent of HECM’s social benefits. The following article examines recent modifications
to the HECM program that focus on changes made to promote greater financial sustainability. This
analysis provides insights to further inform policy design and innovation in securing the viability
of HECM and continuing to enable aging in place
for many senior homeowners.
Fiscal Soundness and the HECM Insurance Program
In the HECM insurance program, FHA insures participating reverse mortgage lenders against
realized losses on HECM loans. The provision of insurance on HECMs is essential to the program’s
functioning and the borrower’s access, but it also presents risks that must be mitigated to promote
Reverse mortgage is defined as a loan in which the homeowner borrows against the value of the home. Under this
arrangement, no principal and interest repayment is required for the borrower until the borrower dies or sells the home.
Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, Pub. L. 100-242, 101 Stat. 1015.
From fiscal year (FY) 1990 to FY 2015, HUD reported 949,858 HECM endorsements originated. FHA-insured reverse
mortgages represent much of the nonjumbo reverse mortgage market.
HECMs are estimated to represent 0.50 to 0.60 percent of the total mortgage market. HECMs exceeded 1.00 percent of
the market in 2008, with 112,154 endorsements, despite more endorsements, at 114,692, in 2009. The estimates are the
authors’ calculations using sources from HUD and the Mortgage Bankers Association.
Fewer private-label reverse mortgages exist.
Aging in place can be defined as “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and
comfortably, regardless of age, income or ability level” (CDC, 2013: 1).
Aging in place is an important component of the HECM program, because lower-income seniors who have lived in a modestly
priced home that they have fully or nearly paid off may be especially reluctant to sell the home and buy or rent new housing.
HECM provides a unique financing mechanism to ensure seniors remain in their home and age in place (HUD, 2015a).
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
financial sustainability in the program. The open-ended nature inherent to reverse mortgages,
especially compared with forward mortgages, presents a fundamental risk to the fiscal soundness
of the program that must be addressed. Under their respective terms, reverse mortgages typically
become due and payable in the event of morbidity, mobility, or prepayment. Repayment occurs in
instances of the borrower’s death, moving out, sale of the home, loan repayment on his or her own
volition, or failure to meet the obligations of the mortgage—such as property tax, insurance pay-
ments, or maintenance costs. By comparison, reverse mortgages differ greatly from the regular and
periodic payments of principal and interest toward termination on forward mortgages.
Without guaranteed insurance, existential and scalability challenges exist for reverse mortgage
products, which are attributable to distinct long-term capital constraints that HECM loans impose
that require lenders to allow senior borrowers to remain in their homes for an undetermined amount
of time without loan repayments. The open-ended maturity of HECM is unique. A fixed-rate, 30-year
forward mortgage has a set maturity timeline for the borrower to fulfill the terms of the housing
On the other hand, HECM loan termination is unscheduled. In large part, HECM maturities
can be approximated to a fair degree through actuarial factors related to the borrower’s longevity
and morbidity. No fixed termination date exists, however, because the loan will become due and
payable only when the borrower passes on, moves, sells his or her home, or voluntarily prepays.
In practice, should a 72-year-old woman
take out a HECM loan, the lender could approximate
the life expectancy of the borrower to mirror the national average age for American women at 81.2
years. In the event the borrower lives to the age of 90 years, however, the lender is constrained by
the open-ended nature of its obligated capital. In this instance, the lender is constrained with the
set allocation of capital for an additional 8 years or more from the original estimates. The longer
time horizon presents added risk for the lender, including variability related to home price appre-
ciation and interest rates. Should economic tumult occur when HECM matures and home prices
decline, the scenario could incentivize borrowers and their heirs to walk away from repayment. In
the resulting default, the lender would resort to liquidating collateral to attempt to recapture some
form of its investment. Yet, repayment would likely be less than the original value compared with
when HECM was issued and insured to the borrower some 18 years or more before. This example
illustrates the dilemma between the HECM insurance program’s innovation and challenges in
managing the financial health of the program.
HECM innovatively provides a significant social benefit in terms of aging in place. The innovation
concurrently requires fiscal scrutiny in the provision of government insurance. FHA-insured reverse
mortgages provide lenders with certainty in recapturing potential losses incurred through their lending
of capital to senior borrowers. Nevertheless, through the provision of insurance, government resources
are at risk. Although the government provides insurance on these reverse mortgages, due in the event
the borrowers default because of inability to meet HECM loan obligations, the fiscal resources to
support are intended to ultimately come from the insurance premiums paid from the borrowers into
the insurance fund. Such program design makes the HECM program self-sustaining, with premiums
supporting any prospective losses. Premiums are supposed to be designed to cover losses.
In fact, without prepayment penalties, it can be argued that forward mortgages incentivize earlier repayment of loan obligations.
The average age of a HECM borrower was reported as 71.8 years in 2014 (HUD, 2015b).
In reality, lenders use much more specific and targeted analytics to assess borrower mortality.
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Growth in lender-filed insurance claims can jeopardize the funding mechanism supporting HECM
loans. Through the Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) Fund, lenders file insurance claims that
are evaluated and adjudicated to determine payouts, as appropriate, by the MMI Fund. Insurance
enables lenders to recapture losses incurred by defaults. As a consequence, HECM insurance claim
payouts have the potential to undermine the fiscal soundness of the HECM insurance program,
especially in cases of unexpected surges in HECM defaults. Such risks accordingly were under-
scored in the economic stress of the Great Recession (December 2007 to June 2009), exacerbated
by a trend of lending higher risk HECM loans (HUD, 2015a).
Demand for HECM loans grew in the immediate aftermath of the Great Recession. Because many
households had limited access to financial resources, senior homeowners sought to liquidate their
housing wealth to meet their short-term living needs. Senior liquidation led to increased HECM
risk and contributed to diminishing fiscal soundness for the HECM insurance program. Borrowers,
markedly younger and with higher amounts of property indebtedness, were unable to meet their
financial obligations under HECM and, subsequently, defaulted on loans. Government insurance
on these riskier loans placed increased financial stress on the MMI Fund, and its fiscal resources
experienced an accelerated rate of payouts funding HECM insurance compensation to lenders.
In due time, the MMI Fund’s HECM financing account required FHA to request a mandatory ap-
propriation of $1.7 billion at the end of 2013, marking the first time FHA used such an authority
in its 79-year history (CBO, 2013; HUD, 2013). Although the requested mandatory appropriation
was unprecedented, it was not the first time a fund transfer had occurred. In fact, a transfer from
the forward mortgage portfolio of $4.26 billion accompanied this $1.7 billion infusion into the
HECM financing account in 2013. As illustrated by exhibit 1, the MMI Fund has transferred funds
between the HECM and forward mortgage financing accounts numerous times since 2009. The
transfers demonstrate the precarious financial health of the HECM insurance program and the
extent of pressures placed on the MMI Fund.
In response to the Great Recession, FHA used its authority—through the design and administration of
guidelines for reverse mortgages to be considered for government insurance—to make programmatic
changes. The modifications largely had the intention of managing FHA s portfolio risk to improve the
HECM insurance program’s financial sustainability. Such changes followed Congress’s initial post-
recession reforms focused on incorporating strengthened consumer protections into the HECM insur-
ance program. Protections included independent counseling for prospective HECM borrowers, prohibi-
tions on HECM lenders’ selling other financial or insurance products, and limits on origination fees.
Following the MMI Fund’s projected 2012 losses, Congress legislated additional safety and soundness
requirements for the program by empowering the Secretary of HUD to determine necessary actions
“to improve the fiscal safety and soundness of the program...”
The legislation resulted in multiple
changes by FHA to improve the fiscal soundness of the HECM insurance program. The purpose of
the programmatic changes and refinements centered on the principle that, without fiscal solvency, the
financial health of HECM loans would be threatened as would be the option for senior homeowners
to age in place while accessing affordable financing in the liquidation of their housing wealth.
Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Pub. L. 110-289, Section 2122.
Reverse Mortgage Stabilization Act of 2013, Pub. L. 113-29.
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
Exhibit 1
MMI Fund Portfolio, HECM and Forward Mortgage Accounts, Economic Value, and
Fund Transfers: 2009–2015
Economic Value
Forward Mortgage
Economic Value
Fund Transfers
2009 909,000,000
2,732,000,000 None
2010 – 503,000,000
5,160,000,000 $1.748 billion transfer in May 2010 to HECM
financing account from forward mortgages
financing account to cover expected net cost of
HECM FY 2009 book of business
2011 1,358,000,000
1,193,000,000 $535 million transfer in May 2011 to HECM
financing account from forward mortgages
financing account to cover the increase in
expected HECM losses
2012 – 2,799,000,000
– 13,478,000,000 None
2013 6,540,000,000
– 7,871,000,000 $4.26 billion transfer to HECM financing account
from forward mortgages financing account
2014 – 1,166,000,000
5,930,000,000 $770 million transfer to forward mortgages financing
account from the HECM financing account. Without
the transfer, forward mortgages account economic
value would have been $2.68 billion lower than the
FY 2013 estimate
2015 6,778,000,000
17,044,000,000 None
2016 – 7,721,000,000 35,270,000,000 None
FY = fiscal year. HECM = Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. MMI = Mutual Mortgage Insurance.
Economic value is an estimate, derived from econometric modeling, defined as the “cash available to the Fund, plus the net pres-
ent value of all future cash inflows and outflows expected to result from the outstanding mortgages in the Fund” (National Affordable
Housing Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-625, 101st Congress, November 28, 1990).
Through these interaccount fund transfers, the amount becomes explicitly reserved for the gaining financing account and is no
longer available to cover unexpected losses of the losing financing account.
These transfers lower the forward mortgages portfolio’s economic value.
This transfer lowers the HECM portfolio’s economic value.
Note: HECM financing account and forward mortgage financing account are italicized for ease of reference.
Sources: FHA (2016, 2015a, 2014a, 2013a, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009)
Advancing the Financial Health of the HECM Insurance
Significant deterioration in the financial health of the HECM insurance program underscored the
need to strengthen the capital position of the MMI Fund’s HECM portfolio. Whether risk inherent
in the HECM model, economic pressures, housing price depreciation, or borrower negligence in
meeting the obligations on these loans, the need for reforms became clear. FHA needed to make
changes to advance the program’s fiscal soundness. Through the Reverse Mortgage Stabilization
Act of 2013, Congress empowered the Secretary of HUD to improve the financial health of the
HECM insurance program. Since the passage of the act, FHA has instituted multiple programmatic
changes to improve the program’s financial health, which reflects the desire to ensure long-term
sustainability of HECM. The following section examines five of the programmatic changes, out-
lined in exhibit 2, to advance the financial sustainability of the HECM insurance program.
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Exhibit 2
Programmatic Changes and Refinements to the HECM Insurance Program
HECM Insurance
Program Modification
Purpose Sources
2011 Adjustable-Rate
Mortgage Interest Rate
Adjustment Cap
Consumer protection for the bor-
rower of an annual adjustable-rate
HECM Protocol,
Section 5.D.4.f
2013 First-Year Initial Loan
Disbursement Limits
Mitigates increased risks of default
for borrowers who took the maxi-
mum initial draw in meeting their
property tax, insurance, and mainte-
nance costs
ML 13-27 (FHA, 2013b)
2013 Restructuring of the
HECM Premium
Risk-based pricing to reflect the
amount of the initial year loan dis-
ML 10-34 (FHA, 2010b),
ML 13-27 (FHA, 2013b),
ML 14-21 (FHA, 2014e)
2013 Mandated Financial
Assessment for
Assurance that borrowers are
financially capable of meeting their
HECM loan obligations
ML 13-27 (FHA, 2013b),
ML 13-28 (FHA, 2013c),
ML 13-45 (FHA, 2013d),
ML 14-21 (FHA, 2014d),
ML 14-22 (FHA, 2014e),
ML 15-09 (FHA, 2015c),
ML 15-05 (FHA, 2015b])
2014 Single Lump-Sum
Payment for Fixed-Rate
Conformance with lender preference
to eliminate single lump-sum payment
option for adjustable-rate HECMs
ML 14-10 (FHA, 2014b),
ML 14-11 (FHA, 2014c)
2015 Deferral of Due and
Payable Status
for Certain Eligible
Nonborrowing Spouses
Provision to eligible nonborrow-
ing spouses of option to retain the
property with payment for HECM’s
unpaid principal balance or 95% of
appraised value
ML 15-03 (FHA, 2015a),
ML 15-05 (FHA, 2015b)
HECM = Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. ML = Mortgagee Letter.
Note: “Sources” refer to the documents with HECM insurance program modifications, such as Mortgagee Letters and HECM
Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Interest Rate Adjustment Cap
Lenders have long established the precedent of establishing interest rate limits on adjustable-rate
mortgages. Reverse mortgages are no exception. Proprietary reverse mortgages often have interest
rate caps that vary from product to product (HUD, 2011). These caps have the purpose of protect-
ing borrowers from large interest rate swings. For HECMs, FHA imposed annual and lifetime inter-
est rate caps on its annual adjustable loans to limit interest rate increases in rapidly rising interest
rate environments. The caps help protect remaining borrower equity in the home to the benefit of
the borrower and also limit the growth of the loan balance that helps protect the insurance fund.
No mandated cap previously existed, other than the industry convention of a voluntary 10 percent
lifetime limit on interest rate increases. FHA decided to go further with the development of a
2-percent annual cap and a 5-percent lifetime cap, commonly referred to as the 2/5 cap structure.
The 2/5 cap structure on annual adjustable HECMs places a ceiling on the maximum amount lenders
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
may add to the initial interest rate on adjustable-rate HECM loans (HUD, 2011). Each HECM with an
interest rate that adjusts monthly is subject to a lifetime cap determined by the lender at loan origina-
tion (Ginnie Mae, 2015a). The cap structure affects how much borrowers pay on their loan balance.
It also affects the growth of the principal limit. A higher rate means a lower principal limit, which
thereby reduces the amount the borrower can draw in accessing his or her housing wealth (HUD,
2011). The 2/5 cap on annual adjustable HECM loans protects borrowers from a certain magnitude
of interest rate increases. Caps also conversely limit potential net interest margins for lenders and
investors in HECM loans, threatening the participation of these actors in the program.
Mandated Financial Assessment for Borrowers
Rises in tax and hazard insurance defaults led FHA to establish a requirement for lenders to
conduct a financial assessment for borrowers beginning in early 2014. The purpose of the financial
assessment is to require lenders to assess potential borrowers in terms of financial capacity and
future compliance with HECM provisions (FHA, 2013b). In particular, the financial assessment
mandates certain components in evaluating a borrower’s ability and willingness to meet financial
obligations and comply with HECM requirements (FHA, 2013c).
The financial assessment provides underwriting guidance and documentation requirements for
lenders in the evaluation of prospective borrowers seeking purchase and refinance HECM loans. The
financial assessment also stipulates the performance of credit reviews with cashflow and asset analy-
sis, the evaluation of extenuating circumstances and compensating factors, and the assurance that
the prospective borrower has made proper payment of property tax and insurance in determining
eligibility for the HECM program (FHA, 2013c). Together, the components of the financial assess-
ment seek to advance fiscal soundness in the HECM insurance program by ensuring borrowers are
financially capable of meeting their HECM loan obligations that protect the value of the lien.
Policies To Restrict First-Year Draws and Fixed-Rate HECMs to Single Draw
The aftermath of the Great Recession underscored the risks of borrowers’ behavior in HECM
defaults. In particular, a key lesson from experience was the nature of borrowers’ HECM draws. In
2010, 75 percent of borrowers opted for the full draw at closing versus 43 percent in 2008 (CFPB,
2012). Higher default rates became evident for those who opted to take the maximum initial draw
at the time of closing their HECM loan. Borrowers’ decisions to take higher draws raised the risk
of default, especially in terms of delinquency on future property tax, hazard insurance, and other
maintenance costs.
Borrowers increasingly had immediate financial needs in paying off high levels of existing debt. Of-
ten borrowers used HECM principal payments as a crisis management tool to draw the full amount
of their loan to meet short-term financial needs. With no cash set-asides, future tax, insurance, and
property maintenance payments often went unanswered. Constrained finances ultimately impaired
the ability of the borrowers to age in place as their homes entered into tax delinquency or became
Lender preferences also reinforced the trend toward large initial draws on fixed-rate HECMs, as
illustrated in exhibit 3. Conventional lending practices favored these loans, causing the share of
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Exhibit 3
HECM Loan Endorsements by Rate Type, 1990–2015
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
HECM loan endorsements
Annual ARM Monthly ARM Fixed-rate mortgage
ARM = adjustable-rate mortgage. HECM = Home Equity Conversion Mortgage.
Sources: HUD (2015a, 2015b)
fixed-rate HECMs to grow as lenders promoted large initial disbursements to increase their interest
rate margin and ease sale for securitization. Furthermore, this practice presented a systemic risk,
because lenders were required to effectively manage interest rate risk by providing borrowers with
the ability to draw fixed-rate funds at unknown amounts on future dates (Ginnie Mae, 2014b).
In late 2013, FHA instituted restrictions on lump-sum draws in the borrower’s first year of the
HECM loan. These restrictions capped the amount drawn, at either the lesser of 60 percent of
the principal limit or the sum of mandatory obligations plus 10 percent of the principal limit,
during the first 12 months subsequent to loan closing (FHA, 2013b). This policy modification
has facilitated changes toward financial sustainability for the HECM insurance program. It has
contributed to a predominant shift to adjustable-rate mortgages, with borrowers electing to receive
payments over time using the line of credit or modified tenure or term payment options compared
with fixed-rate HECMs in which borrowers draw down all available funds at the time of loan clos-
ing. Although causing a reduction in HECM demand, the change was made to ensure the financial
future of borrowers could better sustain HECM obligations and reduce payouts of insurance claims
from the MMI Fund. As a result, HECM insurance program data indicate reduced first-year draws
in fiscal year (FY) 2014 and FY 2015 loan disbursement patterns (HUD, 2015a).
Lenders offered options encouraging borrowers to take the 60 percent of the principal limit during
the first 12 months of the initial disbursement and then shortly thereafter to draw the remaining 40
percent from the HECM loan regardless of borrowers’ needs. This practice, delaying 40 percent of
the draw by only 12 months, ran counter to FHA s objective of reducing large, upfront draws (FHA,
2014b). FHA has sought to address this issue through restrictions on lump-sum draws for adjustable-
rate HECM loans and restructured mortgage insurance premium (MIP) risk pricing (FHA, 2014c).
Following the 2013 restrictions on lump-sum draws and the shift toward managed initial loan
disbursements, lending options permitting the borrower to take future draws at fixed interest rates
became a concern affecting the financial sustainability of both the FHA HECM insurance program
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
and Ginnie Mae HMBS program. Given the difficulties that lenders, issuers, and investors may
encounter in managing interest rate risk with future draws for fixed-rate HECMs, Ginnie Mae
initiated the restriction by prohibiting the securitization of these loans in its HMBS pools (Ginnie
Mae, 2014a, 2014b). Following Ginnie Mae’s decision, FHA restricted provision of insurance on
fixed-rate HECMs to single disbursement, lump-sum cash draws as the sole draw mechanism for
these borrowers to choose at the closing of the loan. FHA s insurance restriction on fixed-rate
HECMs with future payments also eliminated the single-disbursement, lump-sum-payment option
for adjustable-rate HECM loans (FHA, 2014c). As a consequence, such changes have attracted
borrowers with higher mandatory obligations to use the fixed-rate HECM loan option in seeking a
single, full draw in meeting their larger financial needs.
Modied Mortgage Insurance Premium Structure
MIP is an essential component of the financial sustainability of the HECM insurance program.
Borrowers’ MIP payments fund the program and constitute the immediate fiscal resources that
the MMI Fund uses in paying out insurance claims to lenders. The MIP structure for HECM loans
originally provided an initial MIP at 2 percent of the maximum claim amount (MCA) and 0.5
percent of MCA for the monthly MIP. Such payments are accrued and paid by the borrower when
HECM matures (FHA, 2010a). Following the restructuring of the HECM Saver and HECM Stan-
dard products, FHA sought risk-based pricing, depending on the borrower’s initial disbursement as
illustrated in exhibit 4.
The new premium structure has given the borrower a financial incentive to draw less than 60 per-
cent of the principal limit on his or her HECM loan (HUD, 2015a). As such, borrowers with high
mandatory obligations compensate FHA for the added risk that they impose on the MMI Fund for
their high first-year draw through a higher upfront MIP. Thus, the MIP restructuring has further
minimized default risk by incentivizing borrowers to make lesser draws while compensating the
MMI Fund for the risk should borrowers withdraw more than 60 percent of the principal limit.
Exhibit 4
HECM MIP Structure
Initial Disbursement at Closing and During
the First 12-Month Disbursement Period
Initial MIP
Annual MIP
Amounts of 60% or less of the principal limit 0.50 1.25
Amounts greater than 60% of the principal limit 2.50 1.25
HECM = Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. MIP = mortgage insurance premium.
Note: MIP cost is calculated from the maximum claim amount.
Source: FHA (2014e)
Affordable Financing and the HMBS Program
For senior homeowners to effectively access their housing wealth, affordable financing is a
necessity. Without affordable financing, HECM is constrained in meeting the needs of the elderly
as an alternative way to access the financial assets in their homes. The financial sustainability
of the HECM program depends on cost-effective access to financing for senior borrowers. The
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
corresponding HMBS program facilitates access to affordable housing finance for these homeown-
ers. Through the HMBS program, Ginnie Mae furthers the financial sustainability of HECM as
senior homeowners seek the option to continue living in their home while affordably accessing
their equity without making repayments.
When Ginnie Mae created the HMBS program in 2007, a limited secondary market for reverse
mortgages existed. (Ginnie Mae, 2007) Only a handful of private-label securitizations of reverse
mortgage cashflows had occurred and would soon be bludgeoned by the Great Recession.
thermore liquidity for FHA-insured reverse mortgages was not met through securitization. Instead,
whole-loan purchases by investors in HECM loans attempted to sustain lenders with access to
investment from capital markets. Yet, since the inception of the HECM insurance program, Fannie
Mae has made most purchases through on-book holdings of FHA-insured reverse mortgages.
With the GSEs not securitizing reverse mortgages, Ginnie Mae met a unique challenge by advanc-
ing financial sustainability for HECM loans through the pioneering creation of HMBS and the
resulting development of a broad secondary mortgage market for HECM loans.
HMBS was the first nonprivate HECM securitization, which furthered the development of a robust
secondary market for HECM loans (Agbamu, 2010). The benefits of this developed secondary mar-
ket were clear because it served two key purposes in facilitating growth for HECM loans through
increased investment and expanded access to affordable financing for borrowers and lenders
through additional capital inflows into securitized pools. With Ginnie Mae and its explicit full-faith
and credit guarantee from the U.S. government on the timely payment of principal and interest,
HMBS stimulated development of a strong secondary reverse mortgage market. HECM securitiza-
tion expanded investment from global capital markets into securitized HECM loans.
The resulting liquidity helped diminish the costs of HECM loans for lenders accessing capital and
helped provide affordable financing to senior homeowners. Significant obstacles and risks had
to be overcome in the design and servicing of the HMBS program. These obstacles were resolved
through several innovations in reverse mortgage securitization that would help the program
achieve its primary objective in facilitating aging in place with enabled access to affordable financ-
ing for many senior homeowners.
The Unconventional in Reverse Mortgage Securitization
Creating a new and atypical financial product with broad investor appeal was viewed as a daunt-
ing, if not an impossible, task to achieve. HMBS needed to incorporate several innovations to
In August 1999, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. created the first securitized reverse mortgage transaction SASCO 1999-
RM1 (Zhai, 2000). Proprietary reverse mortgages had no federal insurance and required structuring in classes to mitigate
nonrepayment risks (Szymanoski, Enriquez, and DiVenti, 2007). Until its demise, Lehman Brothers would securitize
five total proprietary reverse mortgages in the Structured Asset Securities Corporation (SASCO) series. Bank of America’s
Mortgage Equity Conversion Asset Trust Corporation securitized the first HECM loans through three securitizations in 2006
and three subsequent securitizations in 2007 (Herzog, 2007). In addition, Deutsche Bank USA and RBS Greenwich Capital
Markets Inc. also issued a series of HECM securitizations from 2006 to 2007 (CFPB, 2012).
According to quarterly financial disclosures, Fannie Mae’s purchase share of HECM issuance dropped from 90 percent
from 2008 to the first quarter of 2009 to less than 1 percent in the third quarter of 2010 (SEC, 2008–2010).
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
overcome challenges, build confidence, and meet—if not exceed—investors’ expectations. Such
dispiriting challenges would present significant obstacles. The obstacles would form tangible barri-
ers that had the potential to limit HMBS implementation.
For HMBS to be effective, the program needed to assure investors of the quality and safety of the
new and distinct security. Investor assurance presented a challenge because HECM loans and
reverse mortgage securitization had the opposite collateral and credit issues compared with the
standard forward mortgages and counterpart securities (Zhai, 2000). Thus, simple adaptation to
the forward mortgage-backed securities (MBS) design with the underlying HECM loan collateral
posed several challenges. Navigating through such difficulties proved essential to achieving success
for the HMBS program in advancing HECM’s financial sustainability.
The different nature of the underlying HECM collateral for HMBS presented issues in terms of time
horizon, cashflow, and servicing. To resolve the issues, the HMBS structure and protocol had to
conform to the underlying collateral’s cashflow and navigate around the challenges the underlying
HECM loans presented. The challenges—albeit significant—presented opportunities to innovate in
the design of HMBS and the optimization of program protocol for ease of investment and servicing.
The open-ended maturity of the HECM loan posed the “most critical cashflow risk factor […]
arising from interest rate and property value uncertainties” (Szymanoski, Enriquez, and DiVenti,
2007: 14). HECM’s negative amortization structure meant a growing loan balance would become
due and payable at the unscheduled event of the borrower’s death, move, default, or prepayment.
Should the borrower live longer than the actuarial tables, then the growing principal with accruing
interest payments presented risks to issuer solvency, especially in terms of pushing against the
ceiling imposed by the MCA. In these instances, issuers and their subservicers lost incentive in
continuing to administer HMBS pools. Such crossover risk
posed a substantial barrier to growing
issuer involvement in the program.
The cashflow of the HECM structure presented another challenge to HMBS securitization.
Although the traditional forward MBS had a single cashflow from borrower to investors, HMBS had
two cashflows (Szymanoski, Enriquez, and DiVenti, 2007): (1) borrowers received a cashflow each
time they withdrew on their home equity, and (2) investors received a cashflow each time they re-
ceived interest. The HMBS dual cashflow required funding each time the borrower drew cash from
his or her housing wealth. The requirement for additional draws posed a significant barrier because
investors were making a funding commitment far greater than their initial investment compared
with investing in forward MBS. Further reliance on secondary market actors, whether investors or
issuers, would add additional pressures in having the needed capital reserves to sustain longstand-
ing servicing of securitized HECM loan pools (Ginnie Mae, 2011c). Such a commitment required
significant foresight if not clairvoyance on these actors’ parts. As a result, cashflow was a significant
constraint in terms of attracting investment and servicing and also in terms of the fundamental
design of HMBS (Ginnie Mae, 2011d).
Crossover risk occurs when the outstanding balance exceeds the home’s value before the loan settles. For HECM loans,
this crossover risk stems from a confluence of factors related to interest rates, house prices, and mortality (Wang, Huang,
and Miao, n.d.).
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
The pooling and administration of the untested HMBS had to achieve operational excellence and
encourage issuers and subservicers to work with this distinct and fledgling security. Servicing
HMBS required long-term accounting from issuers and subservicers. The aforementioned negative
amortization meant issuers had to manage growing HMBS pools in terms of repayment of princi-
pal, accrued interest payments, and fees. As a consequence, HMBS issuers and their subservicers
would not administer the diminishing principal balances and monthly interest rate payments to
investors as had been done traditionally with forward MBS. Rather, HMBS issuers would have to
adapt to growing principal balances, accruing interest, and the payout of FHA MIPs and Ginnie Mae
guaranty fees. In addition, issuers had to develop new mechanisms in determining when HMBS
became due and payable, a novelty given the unscheduled maturity inherent to HECM loans.
Strategic management of the nature of the HECM loan in terms of time horizon, cashflow, and
servicing helped position the HMBS program for success. The rationale for the HMBS loan was
compelling, especially in terms of the much-needed liquidity the product would provide in a
new secondary market, bolstered by the full-faith and credit guarantee of Ginnie Mae and FHA
insurance. The HMBS program would provide wide-scale securitization of HECM loans, serving
a unique purpose in the provision of much-needed liquidity to the secondary reverse mortgage
market. The outlined areas of difficulty, however, had the potential to avert the program’s success.
The resulting HMBS would certainly have a new and different cashflow structure if securitized at
scale. It would also further diversify the fixed-income, MBS investment space. Innovations in the
design and administration of HMBS, however, would largely determine the program’s success in
promoting financial sustainability in terms of affordable financing for HECM.
Innovations in the HMBS Program
HMBS required several innovations to overcome the aforementioned challenges inherent to
the nature of the HECM loan. Programmatic innovations in securitization invigorated efforts to
deepen liquidity and promote the development of a secondary reverse mortgage market. Such
breakthroughs, outlined in exhibit 5, stimulated both issuer and investor participation in securitiz-
ing, servicing, and investing in HMBS. These changes consequently helped ensure that the HMBS
program achieved success in facilitating affordable financing for senior homeowners deciding to
liquidate their housing wealth and age in place.
The full-faith and credit guarantee that the U.S. government provided through Ginnie Mae was a
promising start in developing the HMBS program. The guarantee, combined with FHA s insurance
on the underlying HECM collateral, helped leverage HMBS in terms of investor protection related
to issuer and credit risks. In the event of borrower and issuer default, the Ginnie Mae guarantee
ensured investors would still receive their principal investment and also their accrued interest-rate
revenues. The guarantee, combined with securitization, would deepen investment of global capital
into HECM loans. Amplified capital inflows into HMBS provided increased liquidity into the
HECM program, enabling lenders to access lower-cost financing and pass affordability along to the
borrower in the form of lower interest rates. From the outset, the guarantee and insurance would
Maturity is triggered by the borrower’s death, move-out by the borrower from the collateralized principal residence, or
prepayment in the instances of a borrower’s opting voluntarily to repay his or her outstanding HECM loan.
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
Exhibit 5
HMBS Innovations in Promoting Sustainable Financing for HECM
Innovation Purpose Effect
Securitization of HECM loans
through HMBS
Channels investment into
purchase of securitized HECM
loan pools with unique cashflow
Reduces borrowing costs for
lenders and promotes affordable
financing for borrowers
Full-faith and credit guarantee by
U.S. government on HMBS by
Ginnie Mae and insurance for un-
derlying HECM collateral by FHA
Ensures investors receive timely
principal and interest payments
from underlying HECM collateral
Protects investors on issuer
(Ginnie Mae) and creditor (FHA)
Encourages investment of global
capital into HMBS products
Securitization of HMBS participa-
over HECM whole loans
Securitizes borrowers’ draws
instead of MCA on underlying
HECM collateral
Provides increased liquidity and
reduces future draw risk for
external funding with compo-
nents of HECM loans pooled into
multiple securities
Mandatory repurchase event at
98% of MCA
As a definitive timeline event,
triggers payout to investors
through assignment of active
loan to FHA
Results in issuers repurchasing
participations related to HECM
loan after it has reached 98% of
Multiclass HREMIC structures Customizes HECM collateral in
classes based on principal bal-
ances, interest rates
Expands liquidity through cus-
tomizable structures catered to
investor preferences
FHA = Federal Housing Administration. HECM = Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. HMBS = HECM mortgage-backed securities.
HREMIC = HMBS real estate mortgage investment conduit. MCA = maximum claim amount.
Participations generally consist of advances made to borrowers, monthly insurance premiums paid to FHA, guaranty fees paid to
Ginnie Mae, servicing fees, and accrued interest (Ginnie Mae, 2015a).
strengthen investors’ confidence in the event their capital diminished from reduced principal and
interest rate payments due to borrowers’ inability to meet loan obligations or issuers’ mishap. Such
preconditions for the HMBS program would provide a needed foundation for a well-designed
HMBS with proper securitization techniques to succeed.
Through the HMBS program, Ginnie Mae pioneered a new approach to reverse mortgage securitiza-
tion, which differed from the conventional approach in which investment banks purchased private-
label whole loan reverse mortgages from lenders for pooling and securitization. In the Ginnie Mae
HMBS securitization model, investors were responsible for funding future draws in the resulting
securities (CFPB, 2012). As such, proprietary reverse mortgage securities had a funding account
embedded in their structures specifically drawn on when borrowers obtained advances on their
home equity. With the Ginnie Mae approach, investors would purchase securitized components
of HECM loans and issuers advanced funds to future draws for borrowers. Future draws would be
securitized and pooled by issuers for future sale and additional investment. The use of HECM loan
components for securitization would be a substantive design breakthrough that streamlined HMBS
in terms of administration for issuer servicing and specificity in investor decisionmaking.
The HMBS structure fundamentally needed to incorporate flexibility and ensure greater certainty
amidst a HECM loan with several daunting, if not unwelcoming, challenges. As opposed to secu-
ritizing whole HECM loans, the Ginnie Mae approach targeted HECM loan components. Issuers
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
securitized individual borrower draws, termed participations in the HMBS program.
Through partici-
pations, only part of the HECM loan was securitized. Because of this technique, issuers were able to
pool components of whole HECM loans. As a result, HMBS pools had a “one-to-many relationship”
with one HECM loan having many participations in various HECM-backed securities (Ginnie Mae,
2015a). Participations included accrued interest, servicing fees, FHA s MIPs, and Ginnie Mae’s guar-
anty fee as securitized participations (Ginnie Mae, 2015a). Issuers pooled participations among those
with similar characteristics, such as interest rates (fixed versus monthly and annual adjustable, and so
on). Such pooling with units beneath the scale of HECM whole loans gave issuers and investors the
advantage of additional specificity in the securitization process and investment decisionmaking.
The participations model had numerous benefits, including targeted investment and pooling speci-
ficity. Should the borrower make additional draws on the same HECM loan, termed “tails” in the
industry, then the resulting draw would be eligible for securitization as a new participation to be
placed into a new pool of cohorts (Katz and Birdsell, 2014). The securitization of tails as separate
participation components was critical to the success of the HMBS program. In this respect, it gave
HMBS issuers flexibility and adjustability in optimizing pool structures with added granularity
in servicing. For example, in FY 2015, Ginnie Mae securitized 2,847,842 participations with an
outstanding principal balance of $8.714 billion. Assuming all participations are the same,
average size of participations accordingly was small, calculated in this case at $3,367.96.
tizing smaller components of HECM loans with greater differentiation enhanced liquidity
to the
secondary mortgage market, which helped further the financial sustainability of the HECM. It also
supported issuers in funding cash advances made to HECM borrowers.
The use of participations in the HMBS program was innovative because it provided a more specific
HMBS subcomponent unit for ease in pooling, servicing, and investing. Participations also helped
prevent investors from funding future draws when borrowers made more than an initial draw
on their loan. Instead, issuers funded additional cash draws executed by borrowers in the HMBS
program. Through the participations model, issuers were better supported in meeting the HMBS
funding requirement. The creation of new and subsequent participations enabled issuers to
securitize cashflows separately. Given that subsequent participations were often smaller payments,
it helped reduce issuers’ financial burden by advancing funds for subsequent draws. The participa-
tions model gave issuers and investors additional investment certainty and control in the HMBS
securitization process. As a result, participations helped further the financial sustainability of
HECM through increased liquidity and the resulting lower-cost financing for senior homeowners.
In advancing the financial sustainability of FHA-insured reverse mortgages, the actors involved
in the securitization process of participations were essential. The issuers and subservicers
Participations generally consist of advances made to borrowers, monthly insurance premiums paid to FHA, guaranty fees
paid to Ginnie Mae, servicing fees, and accrued interest (Ginnie Mae, 2015a).
This calculation is used to gauge average participation size. It should be rightly noted, however, that all participations are
not equal.
In FY 2014, Ginnie Mae securitized 2,587,323 participations, with an outstanding principal balance of $7.121 billion.
The average participation amount would be an even smaller $2,500.49.
The customization of securitized HECM loans through participations enhances liquidity to this secondary mortgage
market because these smaller units are pooled compared with entire loans.
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
administratively were critical to the success of the HMBS program beginning from the pooling of
participations into HMBS to paying out interest payments and fees to investors, FHA, and Ginnie
Mae. From the time the HECM loan was dispersed through the execution of additional draws until
the time when the HECM loan became due and payable, the success of issuers and subservicers
not only affected the effectiveness of the HMBS program but also determined the sustainability of
FHAs HECM insurance program and influenced Ginnie Mae’s financial health.
As such, issuers and subservicers had a range of duties required to successfully service HMBS,
some distinct, if not different, from those of MBS. Of course, in a way that was similar to how
they monitored MBS, they monitored borrower compliance and managed default, but they also
monitored the atypical events that triggered maturity for HMBS, the so-called morbidity, mobility,
and prepayment events when payments became due for borrowers and investors received their
principal and interest payments. The burden on issuers and subservicers is especially important as
the unscheduled payment timeline of HECM loans determines when issuers and investors receive
payments and reimbursement on their advances and investments, respectively.
Because borrowers did not make monthly payments on principal and interest, issuers and
subservicers were required to calculate and account for the state of their HMBS pools monthly.
Although the calculations were long term, given the negatively amortizing nature of HMBS, issuers
have to closely monitor and manage accruals and be ready should HECM loans become due and
payable. Issuers also were required to simultaneously fund out-of-pocket draws to ensure borrow-
ers received their liquidated housing wealth payments while passing through monthly MIPs and
guaranty fees to FHA and Ginnie Mae, respectively (Ginnie Mae, 2015a). As a consequence, each
of these payments required effective accounting. Errors in tabulations risked issuer default through
portfolio mismanagement, which, consequently, threatened the fiscal soundness of the HMBS
program and also Ginnie Mae. Thus, issuers were required to be diligent in their accounting for
their outstanding HMBS pools and related participations. For oversight, accounting developments
were reported to Ginnie Mae for monitoring and risk assessment (Ginnie Mae, 2011e).
As evidenced, issuers and subservicers were crucial to the success of the HMBS program. Their
role did not stop here, however; it extended beyond pooling and the accounting for HMBS pools.
Perhaps most important in the life of a HECM-backed security, when a HECM loan became due
and payable, the issuer was to repurchase all participations related to that loan. Buyouts of par-
ticipations from the HMBS pools ensured investors received their principal and interest payments;
however, it involved financial uncertainty from the issuer’s perspective. As issuers advanced funds
to buy out the participations, they were unsure if they would be adequately reimbursed in a timely
fashion. Such requirements for issuers to fund borrower advances and buy out participations
explained why Ginnie Mae mandated higher net worth requirements for HMBS issuers compared
with single-family (SF) counterparts
(Ginnie Mae, 2011a). Being an HMBS issuer is cash intensive.
Because of servicing requirements, for issuers to be financially sustainable they must have had enough
Should Ginnie Mae determine an issuer default has occurred, it must take over the portfolio from the defaulted issuer
unless another issuer acquires the defaulted pools. This takeover can result in significant expenditure of financial resources.
For the HMBS program, an issuer must have a minimum net worth of $5,000,000 compared with $2,500,000 for SF MBS
issuers (Ginnie Mae, 2011a, 2010, 2008).
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
capital to fund borrower advances and execute buyouts. They also must be reimbursed in the event
of borrower default or crossover risk. The assignment option adapted from the HECM insurance
program to the HMBS program provides issuers and investors added assurance.
The assignment option feature was not found in conventional reverse mortgages (Szymanoski,
Enriquez, and DiVenti, 2007). With accruals on HECM loans stopping only when maturity and
prepayment occurred, lenders typically suffered losses, without insurance, in the event of borrower
nonrepayment. Should the HECM loan’s debt grow to a point at which it exceeded the value of
the property, crossover risk—inherent to these loans—necessitated the option for lenders to assign
the loan to FHA when the total loan balance was equal to or greater than 98 percent of the MCA.
When this occurred, lenders assigned the loan to FHA, whereby HUD assumed all responsibili-
ties in servicing the loan going forward. After the loan was assigned to FHA, lenders received an
insurance claim equal to the loan balance up to the MCA (Szymanoski, Enriquez, and DiVenti,
2007). Such assignment was important as the HECM loan actually became terminated—due to the
borrower’s death, move out, default, or refinancing—after assignment to FHA.
The MCA assignment, at or greater than 98 percent of the HECM MCA, was vitally important
to the HMBS program.
Enabled by the sale of loans by primary market lenders, Ginnie Mae
mandated HMBS issuers to assign these loans to FHA. After the assignment was triggered, the
“Mandatory Purchase Event” required issuers to purchase all participations from the nearly full
MCA HECM loan (Ginnie Mae, 2011b). If loans became successfully assigned to FHA, the issuers
received mortgage insurance claim payments, providing reimbursement on their advancement
of funds to liquidate the participations from HMBS pools (Ginnie Mae, 2011b). In addition, the
Mandatory Purchase Event also provided HMBS investors with enhanced payment predictability
because, from their perspective, the loan had terminated, given its payout funded by the issuer
(Ginnie Mae, 2015a). The MCA assignment rule also ensured issuers only pool participations from
insured FHA loans (Ginnie Mae, 2015a).
Assignment was not a cure-all for issuer concerns about cost recovery for funds advanced to
purchase participations from the HMBS pools. If the HECM loan was ineligible for assignment
to FHA, then the issuer did not receive compensation from FHA. Being unassignable due to bor-
rower default, issuers had to either hold onto the loan until maturity or sell the loan to another
FHA lender-servicer (CFPB, 2012). In such instances, the issuer was able to recover some of its
investment through the foreclosure process and then would file an insurance claim with the HECM
insurance program for up to the MCA of the remaining debt. With crossover risk growing as the
issuer held the loan, issuers were in a difficult situation in continuing to service loans, especially
because the time spent servicing participations only increased their costs. As a result, the issuers
bore these risks to encourage continued investment in the HMBS program and continued liquidity
in this secondary market.
The payment scenarios for HECM were publicly reported in late 2007 to have a 90-percent frequency of borrowers
paying the balance of their mortgage balance through home sale, refinancing, or other sources of funds: 9 percent of HECM
loans being successfully assigned to FHA and 100 percent of outstanding accrued balance being paid off and 1 percent of
HECM loans having FHA issuing insurance claims when proceeds from home sales are less than the funded balance (Burch,
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
Another innovative source of liquidity into the secondary HECM market came from HMBS eligibil-
ity to be resecuritized into real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs). Since 2008, Ginnie
Mae allowed HMBS to serve as collateral in REMICs. HMBS REMICs (HREMICs) were HMBS
repackaged into multiclass structures with similar groupings, whether principal balances, interest
rates, average lives, prepayment characteristics, or final maturities. HREMICs were important
because they provided further liquidity to the secondary reverse mortgage market by allowing
various investors with different investment horizons, risk-reward preferences, and asset-liability
requirements to invest in financial products uniquely suited for their portfolio needs.
As illustrated in exhibit 6, the HREMIC issuance contributed significantly in channeling capital into
HECM, even exceeding in some months regular HMBS issuance. The HREMICs components were
largely grouped into passthrough and interest-only structures with sequential
structures being his-
torically employed to a lesser extent. Classes included both fixed-interest rate and adjustable-interest
rate floater structures. Through strategic groupings of these classes, HREMICs gave investors the
ability to target their investments into substituent
structures. Investors leveraged their investments
with the purpose of exceeding returns in components rather than in broader and less-specified
HMBS pools of participations. The customization of HMBS into HREMIC structures underscored
Ginnie Mae’s innovative contribution to the HMBS program in furthering investor specificity with
increased capital flow into HECM. The resulting increased liquidity from HREMICs allowed senior
homeowners to access lower-cost financing when accessing equity in their homes through HECM.
Exhibit 6
HMBS and HREMIC Monthly Issuance, March 2014–December 2016
Monthly issuance ($)
HMBS = HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) mortgage-backed securities. HREMIC = HMBS real estate mortgage invest-
ment conduits.
Source: Ginnie Mae (2017)
The HSEQ breaks up different payment streams into levels of seniority and subordination, which enables investors to
tailor their HREMIC investment to assorted time horizons and repayment levels.
The substituent groupings are classes of specified, alike collateral pooled into HREMIC products.
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Assessing Future Challenges for the HMBS Program
The HMBS program achieved much success in securitizing HECM loans and providing liquidity to
the market of reverse mortgage products. Exhibit 7 shows that hundreds of millions of dollars of
HECM loans were securitized in HMBS every month. The success was a testament to Ginnie Mae’s
ability to resolve numerous issues through several programmatic innovations to HMBS. The result
was the development of a new secondary reverse mortgage market worth close to $64 billion that
did not exist less than a decade ago. Despite accomplishments in facilitating access to affordable
financing for many senior homeowners seeking to access their housing wealth, challenges persisted
in ensuring that continued liquidity provided through HMBS to HECM existed.
The HMBS program posed disproportionate risk despite its small share of Ginnie Mae’s overall
MBS-guaranteed portfolio. Although the HMBS portfolio had experienced steady growth since
its inception to comprise more than 333,000 loans, recent month-to-month growth and issuance
has started to slow (Ginnie Mae, 2015b; Oliva, 2016). This concerning trend of slowing portfolio
growth could be attributed to impending maturities for the HECM loan bulge, coming from the
demand surge following the Great Recession, approaching the Mandatory Purchase Event thresh-
old for assignment of loans to FHA. In FY 2015, HMBS buyouts approached close to $2.75 billion,
significantly higher than the voluntary, partial, and other payments in previous years (Ginnie Mae,
2015b; Oliva, 2016). HMBS participation liquidation rate concurrently reached its highest point in
the program’s history, registering close to 15.2 percent in August 2015 (Ginnie Mae, 2015b; Oliva,
2016). The figures may indicate possible headwinds, with forthcoming projections estimating a
Exhibit 7
HMBS Monthly Issuance, September 2011–January 2016
HMBS monthly issuance ($)
Treasury M/M Treasury 1/1 LIBOR M/M LIBOR 1/1 Fixed
1/1 = Annual Index. HMBS = HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) mortgage-backed securities. LIBOR = London Interbank
Offered Rate. M/M = Monthly Index.
Source: Ginnie Mae (2016)
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
growth in Mandatory Purchase Events from 2016 to 2018. Such projections indicated the potential
for $32.6 billion in unpaid principal balance to be bought out by issuers from calendar years 2016
to 2020 (Ginnie Mae, 2015b; Oliva, 2016).
The slowdown in HMBS portfolio growth also reflected FHA s recent changes to the HECM insur-
ance program to advance its financial soundness. In the institution of programmatic changes to pro-
mote HECM’s long-term fiscal solvency in the MMI Fund, the trend toward increased modifications
and refinements resulted in reduced borrower demand. For example, reverse mortgage industry
analysts recently assessed the financial assessment requirement for prospective HECM borrowers to
“certainly reduce loan volume for the foreseeable future” (New View Advisors, 2015: 1). As such,
the transition to foster increased fiscal viability for the HECM insurance program may have reduced
borrower demand. Such changes ultimately had the potential to hurt production. It is likely that
the resulting reduced borrower demand places increased strain on issuers in incentivizing servicing
for HMBS. Such stress on HMBS servicing risked fewer issuers in the secondary market and could
have impeded investment in these securities. In the event the analysts’ assessments come to fruition,
liquidity to the securitized HECM market could be significantly reduced.
Regulatory uncertainty in the primary market has been a key risk to the stability of the HMBS
program. As a consequence, policy uncertainty has contributed to HMBS issuers leaving the
market. Multiple HMBS issuers specifically have exited due to declining incentives.
Many exiting
issuers were market leaders who significantly invested in becoming successful at the unique terms
of HMBS servicing and embraced their cash-intensive role in advancing funds for borrower draws
and participation buyouts. Yet, issuers have been overburdened in executing their HMBS duties
in an environment of uncertainty. Despite the surge in availability of HECM portfolios from exited
issuers, however, they have been transferred successfully to other issuers. Such transfers high-
lighted the resilience of HMBS issuers in confronting such risks and continuing their essential role
in contributing to the success of the HMBS program. Nonetheless, these trends also risked further
concentration of the HMBS issuer base.
The concentration of HMBS issuers has long stemmed from the product’s being niche, notably so
compared with forward MBS. Capital requirements to fund the Mandatory Purchase Event buyouts,
however, have contributed to limiting increased issuer participation. The issuer concentration, com-
bined with reduced demand, explains why the HMBS issuer market had few new entrants. Exhibit 8
shows that only 5 of the 17 total HMBS issuers made up close to 80 percent of the total monthly issu-
ance in 2015 compared with 28 of the 328 total SF MBS issuers with the same 80 percent of similar
market share. In addition, only 9 HMBS issuers were active in securitizing new originations. These
numbers show a marked improvement since 2012, when only 5 issuers were actively securitizing
new participations (CFPB, 2012); however, such high concentration was cause for concern.
Should the two aforementioned trends of increasing loans reaching the Mandatory Purchase
Event and regulatory uncertainty continue, the overall financial sustainability of HECM could be
The number of HMBS issuers buying loans and bundling securities shrank considerably with the departure of Wells Fargo
& Company, Bank of America Corporation, and Financial Freedom in 2011 and MetLife, Inc., in 2012 (CFPB, 2012).
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Exhibit 8
Ginnie Mae Single-Family MBS and HMBS Issuer Outstanding Issuance Market
Share, December 2014–January 2016
Ginnie Mae Single-Family
MBS Issuer
Market Share (%)
Ginnie Mae
HMBS Issuer
Market Share (%)
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 26.59 Nationstar Mortgage, LLC 25.54
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. 8.68 Reverse Mortgage Solutions,
Pennymac Loan Services,
5.00 Urban Financial of America, LLC 12.93
Bank of America, N.A. 4.74 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 12.00
Nationstar Mortgage, LLC 3.97 American Advisors Group, Inc. 7.40
U.S. Bank, N.A. 3.91 Reverse Mortgage Funding, LLC 6.95
Freedom Mortgage Corpora-
2.80 Live Well Financial, Inc. 4.12
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC 2.72 Bank of America, N.A. 3.47
Quicken Loans Inc. 2.61 Liberty Home Equity Solutions 3.45
Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC 1.58 Generation Mortgage Company 2.97
USAA Federal Savings Bank 1.56 Finance of America Reverse,
Carrington Mortgage Services 1.52 Onewest Bank, N.A. 1.07
PHH Mortgage Corporation 1.32 Sunwest Mortgage Company,
Branch Banking and Trust
1.27 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. 0.74
Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC 1.14 CIT Bank, N.A. 0.19
Ditech Financial, LLC 1.13 Silvergate Bank 0.04
Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. 1.12 Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc. 0.02
Outstanding Issuance Average $1,470,657,789,781 Outstanding Issuance Average $63,279,623,283
HMBS = HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) mortgage-backed securities. MBS = mortgage-backed securities.
The unsustainability could occur through additional HMBS issuer exits or—worse—
through homeowners’ defaults.
The risk is especially relevant in the current post-recession
paradigm in which “too big to fail” is an often-invoked concern.
New entrants of successful HMBS issuers could help reduce the high concentration. Yet, obstacles
exist for both current and potential issuers that discourage entities from becoming HMBS issuers,
aside from those already discussed. Exhibit 9 shows that, among the six issuers that operated in
both the SF and HECM MBS space, only one is more specialized in the reverse portfolio compared
with the SF portfolio. The concentration not only underscores the specialized nature of the HMBS
environment, but it also illustrates the magnitude of incentives involved in participating in the SF
versus HMBS issuer market.
An additional overall trend is the increase in nonbank institutions as issuers. Issuer concentration in the HMBS program
has also been accompanied by a similar trend mirrored in the overall MBS market. The increase in the share of nonbank
institutions as Ginnie Mae issuers is relevant to HMBS as well. As a consequence, Ginnie Mae has instituted capital
requirements for nondepository institutions, such as nonbanks and credit unions, requiring a total assets ratio of 6 percent
or greater compared with 10 percent or greater of total assets for depository institutions, such as banks and thrifts (Ginnie
Mae, 2011e).
In the case of major issuer default, very few issuers would take on subservicing. Ginnie Mae master subservicers
potentially would conduct such servicing.
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
Exhibit 9
Ginnie Mae Issuance by Unpaid Principal Balance for Issuers of HMBS and SF
MBS, December 2014–January 2016
Ginnie Mae Issuer HMBS ($) SF MBS ($)
Nationstar Mortgage LLC 16,162,974,289 58,385,989,654
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 4,396,764,866
Live Well Financial, Inc. 2,181,471,638 23,132,714
Bank of America, N.A. 1,880,234,859 69,731,451,402
Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. 116,857,788 6,996,301,929
Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc. 14,183,564 226,714,629
HMBS = HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) mortgage-backed securities. MBS = mortgage-backed securities. SF = single
Why participate as a specialized HMBS issuer, especially when the likelihood of managing a bigger
portfolio rests within the SF MBS? This quintessential question is one a prospective issuer may ask
when deciding whether to join either market. The question emphasizes the fundamental dilemma
in expanding the HMBS issuer base. Certainly the portfolio ranges of each market could influence a
prospective issuer when comparing the $1.47 trillion SF market with the $63.3 billion HMBS market.
Further, perhaps issuers would prefer to participate in a more certain SF regulatory environment than
in HECM, with uncertain regulatory changes potentially on the horizon. Yet, an issuer may view spe-
cialization in HMBS as potentially more profitable for business, given the limited number of competi-
tors. Despite the above conjectures, these observations highlight the need for increased confidence in
the HMBS program among investors, issuers, subservicers, lenders, and borrowers alike.
To adapt the program to mitigate such risks, HMBS may require additional programmatic innova-
tions. In addition to promoting greater certainty in the secondary market to potential primary
market policy changes, further adaptations may require mitigating strain in the HMBS issuer base
and continuing to fortify and further diversify investment into HECM.
Potential ways to consider
strengthening the HMBS program regarding these challenges could include expanding the HMBS
issuer base by incentivizing current SF issuers to successfully expand into HMBS. On the other
hand, it could also involve redesigning the HMBS structure to more equitably fund borrower ad-
vances from sources other than issuers. A funding redesign could also reexamine the conventional
securitization approach with prefunded cash accounts embedded in proprietary reverse mortgage
products. Moreover, further streamlining FHA insurance payments could also limit risks posed by
systemic issuer failure in the event of possible increases of 98 percent MCA assignments to FHA.
Advancing Financial Sustainability for HECM
The Great Recession underscored the importance of HECM as a last resort to support the contin-
ued lifestyles of senior homeowners. It also demonstrated the significance of the HECM insurance
program in balancing its mission with the need to advance fiscal soundness and ensure the health
of the MMI Fund.
In a recent interview, FHA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Ed Golding echoed further diversifying HMBS
investment: “One area I would like to explore is whether we can expand the number of investors that finance reverse
mortgages. It’s not always a natural product to go into Ginnie Mae securities. Ginnie Mae has done a great job of providing
financing and it will continue to do so, but it would be beneficial to have a diversified investor base” (Hicks, 2015: 1).
Szymanoski, Lam, and Feather
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
The programmatic changes made by FHA sought to promote sound lending practices and ensure
the viability of the program. As a result, the HECM insurance program sought to reduce borrower
reliance on loans as a crisis management tool and implemented program changes to limit borrower
defaults. FHAs program modifications occurred specifically through restructured HECM loan
products, resulting in encouraging smaller initial borrower draws, minimizing defaults due to neg-
ligence in the payment of tax and insurance fees on the property, and ensuring borrowers have the
ability to meet loan obligations through the financial assessment. Reforms to the HECM insurance
program seek to secure the ability of borrowers to age in place while advancing fiscal soundness for
the MMI Fund.
At the same time, Ginnie Mae’s HMBS program innovatively expanded and modernized access to
affordable HECM financing for senior homeowners. Through several breakthroughs in HECM loan
securitization, including but not limited to the participations model and resecuritization through
the HREMIC, Ginnie Mae provided much needed liquidity through the facilitation of global capital
into HECM. The changes resulted in the ability of senior borrowers to more affordably access their
housing wealth with lower-cost financing on their HECM loans. Despite such remarkable progress
in less than a decade, however, challenges remain in further strengthening the HMBS program and
expanding issuer, subservicer, and investor participation. Strengthening the development of the
nascent secondary mortgage market remains unaddressed by regulatory changes in the primary
market. Only when these challenges are addressed can the HMBS program achieve further success
in promoting the financial sustainability for HECM.
As the United States experiences an increase in life expectancy and population aging persists as
a profound demographic trend for the country, HECM will continue to be an important source
of funding for senior homeowners seeking to access their housing wealth and age in place.
HECM will continue to serve its essential role as a supplement to income for people of advanced
age seeking alternative ways to maintain their standard of living through advancing the financial
sustainability of the HECM insurance and HMBS programs.
Edward J. Szymanoski was the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs in the
Office of Policy Development and Research at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment. Dr. Szymanoski passed away while contributing to this article.
Alven Lam is the Managing Director for International Markets at Ginnie Mae at the U.S. Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban Development.
Christopher Feather is a Presidential Management Fellow within the Office of Capital Markets at
Ginnie Mae at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Many senior Americans have lived for decades in the same house. In a national survey in 2011, nearly one-half of
Americans ages 65 to 79 had remained in their homes for 20 years or more. More than three in five Americans age 80 or
older had aged in place with their existing housing arrangement for at least 20 years (JCHS, 2014).
Financial Sustainability and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:
Advancing Fiscal Soundness and Affordable Financing for Senior Homeowners
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