Words Teaching
In Education Using X-MEN Movie
Susanto, Dwi Ario Fajar
Universitas Pekalongan, Pekalongan, Indonesia
Teaching abstract concept in literature like othering to English students can be challenging for it is difficult for
students to visualize and relate to their reality. Using popular movie can help them visualize the concept
lively. Popular science fiction movie like X-Men is not merely imaginative and full of fantasy; it also has
relevant issue on concept of othering in Education. Therefore, instead of using it as means of teaching English
skill, it can also be used as mean of helping students easily to understand difficult and abstract concept
especially about othering in education. Deconstruction method and theory of movie for ELT is explored to
describe othering in X-Men movie and how to the use of X-Men film as the mean to teach othering in
education.It is found that X-Men provided critics of othering in education represented by negative views and
different treatments to mutantsin field of education. The practices of othering were in form of discourses like
seeing mutants as abnormal, a threat to normal people, and diseases needed curing and they were not allowed
to go to normal school. To present the othering concept in X-Men, the lesson session were divided into three
parts; previewing, viewing and post viewing.
Keywords: X-Men, movie for ELT, othering in education
Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang ditulis miring. Abstrak terdiri latar belakang, metode penelitian, hasil dan/atau
pembahasan, dan kesimpulan Jumlah kata dalam abstrak maksimal 250 kata
Kata kunci
: ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Jumlah maksimal kata kunci adalah 5.
Journal of English Literature, Linguistic, and Education
Vol. 1 No. 1, Tahun 2020, Halaman (28-31) e-ISSN: 2721-3390
Learning literary theory aims as a tool for
analyzing literature. The use of literary
theory to analyze literary works produces
deeper analysis. However, the teaching of
abstract literary theory requires innovative
methods and learning media so that students
easily understand it. One of the right media
used to help students understand abstract
concepts in literary theory is to use popular
films. Popular movies are effective learning
media because:
1. popular movies are ideological texts that
represent popular culture.
2. popular movies contain abstract
philosophy or concepts.
X-Men is one of the popular movies that
can be used as a medium for learning literary
theory. X-men told about discrimination
against mutants because of differences in
their appearance and abilities. In one of the
episodes of X-Men: The Last Stand,
discrimination against mutants is
represented in the human effort to "treat"
them so that they become ordinary people
and deprive their superpower abilities.
One of the concepts of literary theory that
can be taught through X-Men films is the
concept of othering. Othering is to look
down on people because they think they are
not part of themselves or their groups.
Othering arises from the binary opposition
"I vs Other" whereas "I" is considered to be
higher than "Other". in the film X-Men: The
Last Stand, the concept of othering is
reflected in the binary opposition between
"human vs mutant"
Popular films offer great potential for
learning. Champoux (1999) states that film
can improve the quality of learning that is
different from other media. Giroux (2008)
considers Hollywood films as public
pedagogy because it is an embodiment of
the dominant culture legitimized through a
process of audience identification. Morrell
(2002) even states that popular culture can
be used as a means to deconstruct dominant
ideologies and challenge oppressive
Marvel X-Men stories contain philosophical
values and concepts that can be used as
learning media. Gerde & Foster (2011) uses
X-Men comics to teach business ethics.
While Zingsheim (2011) revealed the
concepts of subjectivity and identity in the
X-Men film. Fisher (2005) found that X-
Men is an interesting representation of
boundaries between humans and animals
which is sometimes confusing.
To adopt popular movies in
teaching, there are some steps. Russell III &
Waters (2014) create model for using film in
teaching which consists of four stage; they
are 1) the preparing stage, 2) the previewing
stage, 3) watching the film stage/ viewing,
and 4) the culminating activity stage/ post
This research is development research. In
this study, X-Men Film was developed into
learning materials for English language and
literature. To use X-Men films for learning
about othering concepts, first of all, X-Men:
The Last Stand is described using the
deconstruction method. In this
deconstruction method, the binary
opposition in the X-Men: The Last Stand
film is exposed. Then, each side of the
binary opposition is shown which has
privilege and which is marginalized. The
results of other identification in the X-Man:
The Last Stand movie are then arranged in a
learning step in the lesson plan: pre-view,
view, and post-view. Finally, the lesson plan
was tested in class.
A. Binary Opposition
In the film X-Man: The Last Stand, there are
binary opposition as follows
Binary Opposition
Good Health
Threat / Danger
From the binary opposition above, the
othering practices in the film are
conceptualized as follows.
Journal of English Literature, Linguistic, and Education
Vol. 1 No. 1, Tahun 2020, Halaman (28-31) e-ISSN: 2721-3390
1. Mutant As Abnormal
In the film X-Men: The Last Stand, mutants
differ from humans in genetic terms.
Mutants are humans undergoing genetic
mutations due to various things including
due to human laboratory experiments
themselves. However, this difference is
precisely the reason humans consider
mutants to be abnormal humans. Humans
are generally considered a standard of
normality while mutants are a deviation
from that normality.
As a result, humans look down on mutants
because they are not considered to be whole
human beings. There is a deficiency in
mutants that makes them lower than
humans. Moreover, many mutants have
appearances such as wild animals such as
lions, or other strange forms.
Therefore, being a mutant is a bad choice,
there is no good in it so it should mutant
follow the "healing" program organized by
the government.
Mr. Worthington : Everything’s going to be fine.
Warren : Wait, I can’t do this.
Mr. Worthington : Yes you can. Just relax son.
Take it easy, calm down. I promise you it will be
fine Warren, relax.(Warren breaks away from the
Mr. Worthington : Warren it’s a better life, it’s
what we all want.
Warren : No, it’s what you want.
2. Mutant as a disease
In the film X-Men: The Last Stand, physical
differences and super mutant abilities are
considered a disease that must be cured.
Therefore, drugs in the form of specially
made to mutant like ordinary humans and
lose their superhuman strength.
Dr. Hank : A major pharmacentical
company has developed a mutant antibody. A way
to suppresed the mutant gene.
Wolverine : Suppress?
Dr. Hank : Permanently. They calling it a
Storm : That’s ridiculous. You can’t cure a
Dr. Hank : Scientifically speaking...
Storm : When did we become a disease?
3. Mutant as danger for human
Super mutant ability is not considered as
extraordinary potential but a threat to
humans. Humans are threatened by the
presence of mutants whose powers are
beyond the control of ordinary humans.
Mutants are considered enemies because of
the refusal of government programs that
force mutants to be "treated" as human
beings. The government even uses military
force to capture and dissolve special schools
for mutants such as schools led by Professor
B. Teaching Othering in Classroom
To teach the concept of othering in class,
the X-Men: The Last Stand film was cut in
several parts / scenes. Each stretch of a
maximum of 10 minutes contains about the
practice of othering in the X-Men film.
1. Pre-viewing
In the previewing activity, the teacher
introduces the main plot of the X-Men film:
The Last Stand to give students an idea of
the film's story. In addition, students are
given an exercise sheet to find binary
opposition or conflicting parties in the film
and characterization of the hostile parties.
2. Viewing
At the viewing stage, X-Men: The Last
Stand is played and the students are filmed.
When students watch, they work on the
exercise sheet that has been distributed.
3. Post-viewing
At this stage, the lecturer discusses the
results of student answers. The lecturer
guides students to understand the concept
of othering by giving real examples in film.
Popular films have great potential as a
learning medium because besides many
people like popular films, they also offer
ideological texts and abstract philosophy /
concepts. Therefore, popular films can be
used to explain abstraction concepts taught
in literary courses.
X-Men: The Last Stand can be used as a
medium to explain about othering concepts
in literary theory. In learning othering
concepts, the X-Men: The Last Stand film
Journal of English Literature, Linguistic, and Education
Vol. 1 No. 1, Tahun 2020, Halaman (28-31) e-ISSN: 2721-3390
was cut in several clips containing othering
concepts. The selected clip is then presented
in the lesson.
Champoux, J. E. (1999). Film as a Teaching
Resource. Journal of Management
Inquiry, 8(2), 206217.
Christopher L. Fisher (2005) Animals,
humans and x-men: Human
uniqueness and the meaning of
personhood, Theology and
Science, 3:3, 291-
314, DOI: 10.1080/14746700500317
Gerde, V.W. & Foster, R.S. J Bus Ethics
(2008) 77: 245.
Giroux, Henry A. 2008. Hollywood Film as
Public Pedagogy Education in the
Crossfire, Afterimage: The Journal
Jason Zingsheim (2011) X-Men Evolution:
Mutational Identity and Shifting
Subjectivities, Howard Journal of
Communications, 22:3, 223-
239, DOI: 10.1080/10646175.2011.5
Morrell, Ernest. “Toward a Critical
Pedagogy of Popular Culture:
Literacy Development among Urban
Youth.” Journal of Adolescent &
Adult Literacy, vol. 46, no. 1, 2002,
pp. 7277. JSTOR,
Russell III, William B & Waters, Steward
(2014). Developing Character in
Middle School Students: A
Cinematic Approach, The Clearing
House: A Journal of Edcation
Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87:4,
161-167, DOI:
of Media Arts and Cultural
Criticism, Vol. 35 No.
5, March/April 2008; (pp. 7
13) DOI: 10.1525/aft.2008.35.5.7
Journal of English Literature, Linguistic, and Education
Vol. 1 No. 1, Tahun 2020, Halaman (28-31) e-ISSN: 2721-3390