October 23, 2020
Author Version
Title: Retrofitting Post-Quantum Cryptography in Internet Pro-
tocols: A Case Study of DNSSEC
Authors: Moritz M¨uller, Jins de Jong, Maran van Heesch, Benno Overein-
der, and Roland van Rijswijk-Deij
Venue: To be published in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Commu-
nication Review
Retrofiing Post-antum Cryptography in Internet Protocols:
A Case Study of DNSSEC
Moritz Müller
SIDN Labs and University of Twente
Jins de Jong
Maran van Heesch
Benno Overeinder
NLnet Labs
Roland van Rijswijk-Deij
NLnet Labs and University of Twente
Quantum computing is threatening current cryptography, espe-
cially the asymmetric algorithms used in many Internet protocols.
More secure algorithms, colloquially referred to as Post-Quantum
Cryptography (PQC), are under active development. These new
algorithms dier signicantly from current ones. They can have
larger signatures or keys, and often require more computational
power. This means we cannot just replace existing algorithms by
PQC alternatives, but need to evaluate if they meet the requirements
of the Internet protocols that rely on them.
In this paper we provide a case study, analyzing the impact of
PQC on the Domain Name System (DNS) and its Security Exten-
sions (DNSSEC). In its main role, DNS translates human-readable
domain names to IP addresses and DNSSEC guarantees message
integrity and authenticity. DNSSEC is particularly challenging to
transition to PQC, since DNSSEC and its underlying transport pro-
tocols require small signatures and keys and ecient validation.
We evaluate current candidate PQC signature algorithms in the
third round of the NIST competition on their suitability for use in
DNSSEC. We show that three algorithms, partially, meet DNSSEC’s
requirements but also show where and how we would still need to
adapt DNSSEC. Thus, our research lays the foundation for making
DNSSEC, and protocols with similar constraints ready for PQC.
· Security and privacy
Digital signatures;
Security protocols
Security, DNS, Post-Quantum Cryptography
Quantum computing has the potential to solve some computa-
tional problems that are currently considered infeasible for exist-
ing computers. This also includes problems that lay the founda-
tion of current, state-of-the-art, public-key cryptography. With
Shor’s algorithm [
], future quantum computers can break current
cryptographic algorithms such as RSA or Elliptic Curve Cryptog-
raphy (ECC) in polynomial time, rendering them unusable. To-
day, many applications rely on these algorithms to provide mes-
sage condentiality and integrity, and authentication of the parties
communicating. One example are the DNS Security Extensions
(DNSSEC) that provide authenticity and integrity for messages ex-
changed in the Domain Name System (DNS). In its main capacity,
DNS helps computers to translate human readable domain names
to IP addresses like
. Without
DNSSEC, recipients of the IP address cannot verify whether it has
been tampered with, potentially misdirecting them to malicious
content. Around 20% of Internet users rely on DNSSEC and adop-
tion is rising [
]. Quantum computers threaten DNSSEC because
insecure public-key cryptography could render DNSSEC ineective.
Although a suciently powerful quantum computer that can
break current public-key cryptography is not available yet, the
eld of quantum computing is evolving rapidly [
] and quantum
algorithms that can be used to break cryptography are also being
improved [
]. This means the need to replace conventional cryp-
tography by quantum-safe alternatives is imminent. Quantum-safe
algorithms are expected to neither be broken eciently by today’s
computers nor by quantum computers. Even though experts ex-
pect it to take at least another ten to twenty years before the rst
quantum computers could break traditional algorithms [
], it is
necessary to start transitioning already. Previous experience, such
as the transition from 3DES to AES, teaches us that many years
are needed to complete such a transition [
]. Since it is dicult to
estimate the speed at which quantum computers will be developed,
it is prudent to start as early as possible.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has
initiated a process to test and standardize quantum-safe algorithms.
Currently, four key encapsulation and three signing algorithms
are evaluated in the third round of the process and are considered
for standardization [
]. NIST expects to select candidates for stan-
dardization by early 2022. These quantum-safe algorithms dier in
required computational resources for key generation, signing and
validation, sizes of keys and signatures, as well as achieved security
levels (we list these algorithms and their attributes in Table 3). From
this it becomes clear, there will not be a single solution that ts all
applications, establishing a need to examine which quantum-safe
algorithms meet the requirements of existing security protocols.
In this paper, we discuss parameters to assess the readiness
of existing security protocols for p ost-quantum cryptography. In
particular, we study DNSSEC, a protocol that has not been assessed
in the context of post-quantum cryptography before and for which
concerns have been raised about the transition to PQC [52].
We use DNSSEC as a use case, because it has strict constraints
on (i) message size and (ii) signature validation and generation
throughput, both of which are challenges for many of the pro-
posed quantum-safe algorithms. We analyze which algorithms
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Volume 51 Issue 4, October 2020
could, at least partially, meet these requirements and propose po-
tential changes to the DNSSEC protocol that can help nd a middle
ground between constraints of the quantum safe algorithms and of
the protocol. Thereby, we take the rst steps to prepare DNSSEC
for post-quantum cryptography. These steps could also be applied
to protocols with similar constraints and that rely on the same un-
derlying transport protocol as DNSSEC (e.g. certain encapsulations
of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [1]).
This is the rst study that analyses the applicability of quantum-
safe algorithms for protocols with strict constraints on signature
length, focusing on message authentication, and the rst that stud-
ies this for DNSSEC. Related work from Crockett et al. [
] applies
quantum-safe algorithms to TLS and SSH and Heesch et al. [
apply them to OpenVPN and HTTPS. None of these protocols, how-
ever, have the same constraints as DNSSEC. Van Rijswijk-Deij et al.
] evaluate the performance of Elliptic Curve Cryptography in
DNSSEC, but using PQC imposes additional size-requirements.
For our research, we derive the requirements of DNSSEC from
standards [
], community best practices [
], our own active
measurements covering a daily snapshot of the DNS for a repre-
sentative set of over 220M domain names [
], and operational
experience from running the Dutch ccTLD .nl.
For this study, we consider quantum-safe signing algorithms that
are part of the third round of the NIST standardization process [
We consider both nalist and candidate algorithms ś seven in total.
Table 3 shows the key and signature sizes for each algorithm with
estimated security level I [
, ğ4.A.5]. We rst select candidate al-
gorithms based on the signature size, meeting the requirements of
DNSSEC explained in Section 4. Then, we measure the performance
of the selected algorithms, using their optimized implementation as
provided on the NIST website [
]. For each, we measure how many
signatures we can create and verify in 10 seconds for a random mes-
sage, repeat this 1,000 times, and report the mean performance. We
choose a random 86-byte string as message to sign.
All measured
algorithms rely on current hash functions (SHA256, SHAKE-256
and SHA3) to transform the signed records into a string with stan-
dard length. Therefore, the record size only aects the performance
of the established hash-function and not the performance of the
new signing algorithm itself. We perform the measurement on a sin-
gle core of a machine equipped with an Intel Xeon Silver 4110 CPU
(2.10GHz), 64GB RAM, running Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS. In the interest
of reproducibility, we make our measurement code public [46].
Implementations will likely be further optimized. For this reason,
the performance metrics are only a rough estimate. The selection
of suitable algorithms for DNSSEC will therefore mostly be based
on key and signature size, which are inherent properties of the
algorithms unlikely to change in the future.
We compare the record sizes and performance metrics with
current algorithms that are commonly used or recommended for
]: RSA-2048 belonging to the most popular algorithm
family in DNSSEC [
], ECDSA-P256, an elliptic curve algorithm,
widely deployed because of its small signatures, and EdDSA-Ed22519
The median number of bytes covered by an
] of all signed
records of
domains in .com [63].
an algorithm based on Edwards Curves which the IETF expects
to become the future recommended default for DNSSEC [
]. We
benchmark these reference algorithms using the integrated OpenSSL
speed test on the same hardware as the PQC algorithms.
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is the group of algorithms that
run on a classical computer and can withstand both a conventional
and a quantum computer’s attack. The 26 years since the invention
of Shor’s algorithm [
] dictate the time scale of main developments
in the eld. This is much less time than has been spent, e.g., on
cryptanalysis of conventional public key algorithms such as RSA
and ECC. For this reason, current standardization eorts (such as
the NIST competition [
]) focus on standardizing quantum-safe al-
gorithms based on multiple dierent mathematical problems. In this
section we summarize some of the dierent approaches to PQC. Re-
garding the security of these algorithms, we note that many factors
play a role in the cryptanalysis of new algorithms and discussing
these in detail is out of scope for this document. Nevertheless, de-
pending on the approach PQC schemes take, general observations
can be made based on the current state of research.
There are currently ve classes of PQC algorithms. Three of
these (lattice-based, multivariate and hash-based) are considered
for signature schemes in the NIST competition as nalist or alter-
nate candidates [
] and we assess all three (see also Table 3). The
specic algorithms chosen are the security level I variants, which
corresponds in strength to a 128-bit classical key search [
]. This
is equivalent in strength to commonly used 256-bit ECC keys and
stronger than the current standard RSA-2048, which measures 112
bits in classical security [10] and is widely used for DNSSEC.
The multivariate approach
(1980s) is based on systems of al-
gebraic quadratic equations over nite elds. Typically, signature
schemes are given by underdened systems, meaning that there
are several valid signatures for a public key. This is no problem
as long as it is suciently dicult to nd another valid signature.
Although improvements to several attacks have been found re-
cently [
], multivariate schemes have a good security track
record. Generally, they have small signatures with fast verication.
Laice-based cryptography
] (1996) builds on the hardness
of nding short vectors in a high-dimensional lattice. It used to be
impractical, but provably secure, or practical but with a security
reduction. Newer schemes combine these and some have submit-
ted provably secure signature schemes to the NIST standardiza-
tion, such as qTesla-p-I. Like many cryptographic algorithms, they
are vulnerable to side-channel attacks [
]. However, for
DNSSEC this is not a major concern, since these attacks require
physical access to signers. In general, lattice-based systems form
good and allround algorithms with relatively small signatures and
keys, combined with fast operations.
Hash-based signature schemes
build on the property that it
is hard to nd a pre-image (input message) for a certain digest or to
nd two elements with the same digest. A large advantage of these
schemes is the solid security basis that only depends on the security
of the chosen cryptographic hash function. For this reason, hash-
based schemes are considered extremely conservative alternate
candidates for standardization [
]. Typically, hash-based signature
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Volume 51 Issue 4, October 2020
schemes have very small keys, large signatures and require signi-
cant computational overhead for signing and verication.
In this section, we explain the functionality of DNSSEC. From this,
we derive requirements that modern DNSSEC set-ups demand from
cryptographic algorithms. DNSSEC adds additional payload to DNS
messages and requires additional computational operations. The
choice of cryptographic algorithms has an inuence on both.
DNSSEC adds integrity and authenticity to the DNS. To achieve
this, operators cryptographically sign information associated with
their domain name (e.g. an IP address). The public key, signature
and the signed information is published in resource records (RR) in
a zone le at their authoritative name server.
Without DNSSEC, a resolver asking for e.g. a
record would
only need to query for the record itself. With DNSSEC, in addition
to the requested record, a validating resolver also receives the corre-
sponding signature (
) in the same response. Then, it sends an
additional query, asking for the public key (
) of the signed
zone. This response is then also signed (two top rows in Table 1).
In some cases even multiple signatures are transmitted: If the re-
quested information does not exist, then DNSSEC-signed zones pro-
vide the resolver with an authenticated denial of existence (NSEC(3)).
The details of this proof are out of scope, but the response can con-
tain three or more signatures [
] (two bottom rows of Table 1).
When an operator uses multiple keys to sign a zone, a signature
is attached for each key. This is for example the case during a key
rollover, replacing one key with another. Also, operators can sign
their zone with dierent algorithms, resulting in multiple signatures
for each used algorithm and two or more
records. Also, most
zones split between a key signing the zone content (Zone-Signing-
Key ś ZSK) and a key signing just the keyset (Key-Signing-Key ś
KSK). As a consequence, queries for the public key contain both
keys along with the signature (resulting in large messages).
After a validating resolver has fetched all necessary records, it
can validate the signature. The result of the validation is cached as
dened by the time-to-live (TTL) eld in the signed RR. Only after
the TTL has expired, will the results have to be validated again.
4.2 Cryptographic Requirements
The DNSSEC protocol allows adding new cryptographic algorithms
relatively easily, and new algorithms have been proposed and inte-
grated numerous times [
]. All algorithms, however, must
adhere to b oundaries and requirements set by the design and de-
ployment of DNS, DNSSEC and the underlying transport protocols.
Signature and key size. Originally, DNS packets were limited to
512 bytes. With the introduction of the Extension Mechanisms for
DNS (EDNS(0) [
]), this limit is, in theory raised to 64 kilobytes.
Previous research and operational experience, however, have shown
that sending large DNS packets is often problematic.
First, the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the underlying
networks can be a limiting factor. Packets larger than the MTU
cause fragmentation or trigger a retransmission via TCP. In the best
case, this causes additional round trip time (RTT) for transmitting
the fragments or for establishing the TCP connection. In the worst
case, fragments can never be transmitted and the TCP connection
cannot be established because of interfering middle boxes or lack of
support. As a consequence, end users, for example, are not able to
visit their requested website. Van den Broek et al. [
] have shown
that up to 10% of all resolvers might be unable to handle fragments.
Second, fragmented DNS responses can be misused to spoof
the cache of recursive resolvers [
]. Both two problems, potential
packet loss and the susceptibility to spoong, encouraged DNS
software developers and op erators to recommend a maximum sup-
ported message size of 1,232 bytes [27].
Third, DNS is often misused in amplication attacks, where
thousands of small queries from an attacker trigger large responses
directed to a victim. The extra records DNSSEC adds to a response
make this attack more eective [
]. With the introduction of ellip-
tic curve based algorithms in DNSSEC, the signatures can be up to
64 bytes small, which partially mitigates this problem [65].
These three reasons lead us to conclude that small signatures
are also preferred for quantum-safe algorithms and that signatures
should not exceed 1,232 bytes. Signatures are transmitted in every
DNSSEC message, for example every time an
record is
returned (around 55% of all queries [
]) or in response to a query
for a non-existing record (around 15%). In the latter case, a response
will even contain multiple signatures. Also, they are cached the
shortest (see Table 1). Therefore, it is crucial that signatures are
transmitted reliably, without the risk of packets being droppe d or
retransmitted. Signatures smaller than 1,232 bytes decrease these
risks signicantly. Preferably, even, signatures are far below this
threshold leaving room for payload and multiple signatures. Public
keys, on the other hand, need to be transmitted less frequently, so
having larger keys may be acceptable. We explore this in Section 6.
Validation. Resolvers need to serve their clients as fast as possi-
ble. A medium size resolver today processes a few thousand queries
per seconds resulting in a few hundred validations [
]. This is
far below their maximum capacity. The underlying cryptographic
libraries can validate thousands of signatures per se cond of cur-
rent algorithms used in DNSSEC (see bottom of Table 3). The total
number of DNSSEC-signed domain names is still rising and large
resolvers likely need to validate ever more signatures. Therefore,
we expect that at least 1,000 quantum-safe signatures should be vali-
dated per second in our evaluation. This is a conservative boundary
and we can expect that future implementations and specialized
hardware will also speed up post-quantum algorithms.
Signing. Zone operators sign records on ve dierent occasions:
(i) when the zone is signed for the rst time, (ii) when the key is
changed (rolled), (iii) when records change, (iv) when a signature
expires or, (v) on-the-y. The latter, obviously, is the most time
critical. In this approach, signatures are created when a record is
queried. This is for example necessary when records are created
dynamically depending on the querying resolver and requires sign-
ing in milliseconds. This setup is usually only used at CDNs (e.g.
Cloudare [
]); typical operators only re-sign records when they
change or when a key rollover takes place. The frequency depends
on the zone. Zones of top-level-domains like
frequently. E.g. every time a new domain is registered new records
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Volume 51 Issue 4, October 2020
Response Type RRs in response RRs added by DNSSEC (covered RR) Alexa 1M median TTL (mean)
AAAA 1 AAAA 1 RRSIG (AAAA) 5 min (0.6 h)
DNSKEY 1 DNSKEY 1 RRSIG (DNSKEY) 60 min (8.3 h)
Non-existent domain (with NSEC) SOA 1 RRSIG (SOA)
60 min (2.0 h)
NSEC3 Closest-encloser proof (ğ5.5 of [33]) SOA 1 RRSIG (SOA)
10 min (2.8 h)
Table 1: Records added by DNSSEC and the median time they are cached of the 1M most popular domains [4].
Prio Requirement Good Accepted Conditionally
#1 Signature Size 1,232 bytes Ð
#2 Validation Speed
1,000 sig/s Ð
#3 Key Size
64 kilobytes > 64 kilobytes
#4 Signing Speed
100 sig/s Ð
Table 2: Requirements for quantum-safe algorithms.
need to be signed. For .nl, zone les are published every 30 minutes,
typically requiring around 11,000 new signatures to be created.
To support signing of larger zones, frequent zone le publication,
and additional overhead, suitable quantum-safe algorithms must
at least be capable of creating 100 signatures per second. Slower
algorithms might b e acceptable for zones that are less prone to
change. For on-the-y signing, obviously, higher signing speeds
are required.
Requirements summar y. The size of signatures is the most im-
portant criterion when selecting an algorithm, followed by the time
it takes to validate signatures. Only if signatures can be transferred
reliably between name server and resolver and the resolvers can
validate the signatures timely, the basic protocol of DNSSEC can
stay unchanged. The requirements are summarized in Table 2. The
third column shows the requirements that we expect algorithms
to fulll and which are marked in blue. Under some circumstances
or with some modication of the DNS protocol higher boundaries
might be acceptable. These are listed in the last column, marked in
orange and are discussed in Section 6.
The previous section shows that signature size is the most crucial
requirement. We mark the attributes of algorithms that fully or
partially full each requirement in blue or orange respectively and
use this encoding also in Table 3. Attributes that do not full the
requirements are marked in pink. We pre-select aspirant algorithms
that create signatures
1,232 bytes. This leaves us with three
algorithms: Falcon-512, RedGeMSS128, and Rainbow-
light gray in Table 3). For those, we additionally evaluate signing
and validation performance.
The remaining algorithms create signatures larger than 1,232
bytes. Their reliable transmission cannot be guaranteed and they
make DNSSEC more attractive as an amplier in a DDoS attack.
For this reason, we do not consider them for DNSSEC any further.
Falcon-512. Falcon [
] is a signature scheme based on NTRU-
lattices [
]. It stands out as a computationally ecient algorithm,
with an optimized implementation already available. Falcon-512 has
the smallest pair of public key and signature, which is particularly
relevant for the DNSSEC case. It is the only algorithm where both
signatures and public keys fall within the size limit, although both
keys and signatures are considerably larger than current non-PQC
DNSSEC algorithms. This may still cause problems during transmis-
sion, since it is neither possible to ship more than one key at a time,
nor to ship more than one signature, or even only one signature and
a payload that exceeds 523 bytes. In our test-bed, the performance
of Falcon-512 is closest to the current algorithms and meets the
requirements of DNSSEC. Further performance improvements are
possible using a hardware FPU, AVX2 and FMA opcodes [31].
Its implementation and level-
security strength are delicate; con-
versely more testing is required to gain trust in its security. NIST
currently expects either Falcon or Crystals-Dilithium to be stan-
dardized as the primary post-quantum signature scheme at the
conclusion of the third round [3].
. Rainbow-
] is a multivariate scheme. It is based
on the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) scheme [
]. The signa-
ture size of Rainbow-
matches the sizes of current recommended
algorithms based on elliptic curves and is therefore a good t for
DNSSEC. The public keys, however, are signicantly larger and do
not t in DNS packets. As with the signature size, the performance
of Rainbow-
is comparable to current algorithms and meets the
requirements. Its performance can be improved further with AVX2
instructions. A version with a reduced public key size is Cyclic
Rainbow, but this comes at the cost of an increase in computational
requirements. We note that the adoption of Rainb ow-
could be
hindered by royalties[25].
RedGeMSS128. GeMSS [
] is a multivariate signature scheme of
the Hidden Field Equation type. RedGeMSS128 produces the small-
est signatures in the GeMSS family, at security level
even smaller
than EdDSA-Ed22519. The public key, however, exceeds the maxi-
mum record size of the DNS. First measurements indicate GeMSS
signs considerably slower than current algorithms. The usage of
SSE2, SSE3 and the AVX2 CPU instructions could improve perfor-
mance [
]. If new insights show that Rainbow is unacceptable,
GeMSS forms an alternate candidate for standardization [3].
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Volume 51 Issue 4, October 2020
Algorithm NIST Verdict Approach Private key Public key Signature Sign/s Verify/s
Crystals-Dilithium-II [29] Finalist Lattice 2.8kB 1.2kB 2.0kB
Falcon-512 [31] Finalist Lattice 57kB 0.9kB 0.7kB 3,307 20,228
[56] Finalist Multivariate 101kB 158kB 66B 8,332 11,065
RedGeMSS128 [16] Candidate Multivariate 16B 375kB 35B 545 10,365
-Haraka-128s [11] Candidate Hash 64B 32B 8kB
Picnic-L1-FS [17] Candidate Hash 16B
32B 34kB
Picnic2-L1-FS [17] Candidate Hash 16B
32B 14kB
EdDSA-Ed22519 [12] Elliptic curve 64B 32B 64B 25,935 7,954
ECDSA-P256 [12] Elliptic curve 96B 64B 64B 40,509 13,078
RSA-2048 [12] Prime 2kB 0.3kB 0.3kB 1,485 49,367
Table 3: Signature algorithms in round three of the NIST competition [3] (security level I). DNSSEC candidate algorithms are
shaded gray. Attributes meeting DNSSEC’s requirements fully or partially are marked blue or orange, others in pink.
The previous section shows that no algorithm ts all requirements
perfectly. Falcon, Rainbow and GeMSS come closest, but each has
shortcomings: Falcon-512 technically meets all requirements but
its larger signatures may cause problems, e.g. during rollovers, and
make DNSSEC an even more attractive tool for DDoS attacks. In
comparison, signatures of Rainbow-
and RedGeMSS128 are on
par with current recommended algorithms, but their public keys go
beyond the supp orted payload size. All algorithms perform signing
and validation fast enough for today’s use cases.
We therefore expect changes to the DNSSEC protocol are re-
quired before PQC algorithms can be deployed. We now sketch
what changes may be needed, setting an agenda for future research.
6.1 Increased TCP support
The greatest bottleneck to deploying Falcon-512 is the large size
of keys and signatures. Operators can reduce the size of the key
set by relying on CSKs (Combined-Signing-Key ś combining the
ZSK and KSK), but signed messages might still exceed the threshold
of 1,232 bytes in case of larger payloads or if multiple algorithms
are used. Nevertheless, keys and signatures could still be safely
transmitted using TCP. Today, not every name server supports TCP:
we still observe 11% of name servers lacking TCP support [
]. Two
developments, however, could help decrease this.
DNS Flag Day [
] is a recurring initiative by software vendors
and operators. In 2020, it promotes, among others, the support of
TCP. The previous ag day, promoting the support of EDNS, had
a positive impact [
], and we expect the same for the upcoming.
Also, encrypted DNS could increase TCP support. DNS-over-TLS
(DoT) [
] and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) [
] both rely on TCP as
transport and see some traction already [
]. TCP mitigates the
threat of DDoS amplication attacks but requires more resources
at recursive resolvers and name servers and its impact still needs
to be thoroughly measured.
6.2 Out-of-band key distribution
Increased TCP support is still not sucient for transmitting the
public key of Rainbow and GeMSS, since both exceed the maximum
DNS payload size of 64 kbytes [23].
This problem can be solved in two ways, both modifying the
RR. One approach is to divide the public key into
chunks small enough that they can be transmitted in one RR. Each
chunk is published at a new label of the signed domain and chained
with each other. The initial
RR would then refer to the rst
chunk of the actual public key. The advantage of this approach is
that it can likely be implemented in a manner that is backward com-
patible to existing implementations. The disadvantage, however, is
that resolvers would need to send multiple queries to fetch a key,
increasing the risk of transmission failures.
Alternatively, we propose transmitting the key out-of-band. In-
stead of directly providing the resolver with the key through a DNS
record, name servers could serve a URI, instructing the resolver to
fetch the key from a web ser ver using HTTP. Because of the chain
of trust, resolvers can still use the public key of the root to ver-
ify the key published on the web server. Resolvers not supporting
this mechanism would already today either consider the zone not
signed (insecure) or fall back to a supported algorithm if the zone is
signed with multiple algorithms. Because of the higher TTL (see
Table 1), an out-of-band transmission of
RRs would only
occur occasionally. This approach comes with two caveats: rst,
resolvers would need to support HTTP to fetch the key and second,
zone-operators would need to maintain a web server. Whereas the
former might be addressed by the rise of DoH (see previous section),
the latter might be an additional barrier for operators rolling out
DNSSEC and could create additional potential points of failure.
6.3 Performance
The two aforementioned measures address the challenges of large
keys and signatures. If, however, it turns out that the candidate
algorithms are not secure and faster hardware not aordable, then it
might be necessary to use algorithms too slow for current DNSSEC
deployments. One workaround might lay in the fact that resolvers
only need to validate signatures if the signed record is not cached.
If validating signatures is an expensive operation, de creasing the
number of validations may be a solution.
records of the 1M
most popular domain names have a median TTL of 5 minutes (see
Table 1). Increasing the TTL of these RRs to 1 hour would already
reduce the workload for resolvers 12 times. Note, however that we
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Volume 51 Issue 4, October 2020
expect that optimized implementations and specialized hardware
could improve performance, rendering higher TTLs unnecessary.
6.4 Other Considerations
Algorithms for high-security zones. In this paper, we only con-
sidered PQC algorithms at security level I (128-bit security). In the
future, however, some zones may have stronger requirements. Con-
sider, for example, the DNS root zone, which has very long-lived
keys ś the root KSK was only changed for the rst time 8 years after
its introduction [
]. This long lifetime may increase the risk of a
successful attack against the key and may thus require choosing
schemes with higher security levels. Fortunately, the remaining
PQC algorithms in the third round of the NIST competition leave
room for this. For example, RedGeMSS256 oers security level V
with very modest signatures (76B). The public key, however, is
signicantly larger at 3135kB making changes to the way keys are
distributed in DNSSEC inevitable.
Alternatives to DNSSEC. The measures described above show
that quantum-safe algorithms can be applied to DNSSEC, but not
without additional eort. Therefore, one could propose to abandon
DNSSEC altogether and to nd other solutions to guarantee au-
thenticity in the DNS. DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS, for
example, rely on TLS and HTTPS and earlier studies have shown
that both can support quantum-safe algorithms [
]. On the
other hand, neither provides a full replacement for DNSSEC and
the trust model is dierent, making it impossible to realise some
of the newer applications of DNSSEC such as DANE [
]. Other
alternatives, like DNSCrypt, claim to provide quantum-safe im-
plementations [
], but deployment of DNSCrypt has not gained
signicant traction, and this seems unlikely to change in the future
as there is not IETF specication for the protocol.
6.5 Transitioning to PQC
Especially in the early days of their development, trust in new PQC
algorithms may still be low. Instead of only signing records with
a quantum-safe algorithm, a combination of a conventional and a
PQC algorithm can be used. This hybrid model [
] is especially
valuable for long-lived signatures and keys, since there is a greater
risk that an attack against one of the algorithms is successful over
their lifetime. Our data [
], shows the average lifetime of a sig-
nature is around 34 days (median 21 days), making the risk small.
Keys, however, can be much longer lived and replacing a crucial key,
such as the one for the DNS root, is non-trivial and takes time [
The problem with a hybrid model is that it requires signing with
two algorithms concurrently. While this is possible within the spec-
ications of the DNSSEC protocol, it doubles the number of keys
and signatures. Realistically, this means that such a model can only
be deployed within the constraints discussed in Section 4 if both
the conventional and the PQC algorithm have small signatures. The
best combination would in this case be an elliptic curve algorithm
(e.g. ECDSA P-256) with either Rainbow-I
or RedGeMSS128.
We have identied three algorithms, currently under evaluation
in the NIST competition, that show great potential to be applied
in DNSSEC: Falcon 512, Rainb ow-
, and RedGeMSS128. Falcon, in
principle, could even be deployed in DNSSEC without protocol
modications, but still has the shortcoming of signicantly larger
keys and signatures than current algorithms. To address these and
other challenges, we have proposed extensions and modications
that could make DNSSEC ready for quantum-safe algorithms. These
algorithms may also be a t for protocols with similar strict require-
ments on key and signature sizes.
Nevertheless, we need to keep in mind that standardizing quantum-
safe algorithms for DNSSEC and getting them deployed takes time.
If NIST standardizes one or more algorithms, they still nee d to be
standardized in the IETF for the use in DNSSEC. Even for a rather
uncontroversial algorithm like EdDSA-Ed22519, this eort took al-
most a year [
]. Fourteen months after its standardization we see
the rst resolvers supporting this algorithm, from roughly 10,000
vantage points [
]. Today, and more than two years later, still 30%
of observed validating resolvers lack support and more than 99%
of 7M signed domains do not use this algorithm [
]. Furthermore,
the DNS root is still signed with an algorithm that was standardized
more than 10 years ago, and even though its key has been success-
fully replaced for the rst time in 2018 [
] it is still not clear when
the algorithm gets updated.
From these experiences we conclude that making DNSSEC t
for quantum-safe algorithms needs to start as soon as possible; the
results in this paper can help make a start to this process.
We will continue observing the standardization process and
adapt our recommendations if necessary. Already during the course
of writing this paper new developments inuenced our algorithm se-
lection: the LUOV [
] scheme, which also creates small signatures
suitable for DNSSEC, was considered not secure enough anymore
after an attack was published [
] and dropped out after the second
round. NIST, however, nds its approach still promising and we
will assess if future implementations might be a t for DNSSEC as
well. Meanwhile, we plan to evaluate our candidate algorithms and
suggested modications in practice, taking the next step towards
retrotting PQC in DNSSEC.
The authors would like to thank (in alphabetical order): Bart Gijsen,
Chris Faber, Jelte Jansen, our shepherd Marco Mellia, Niek Willems,
Steve Uhlig and the anonymous CCR reviewers. This work was
partially funded by EU H2020 CONCORDIA (#830927).
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