Special Publication 800-123
Guide to General Server
Recommendations of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology
Karen Scarfone
Wayne Jansen
Miles Tracy
Guide to General Server Security
Recommendations of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Karen Scarfone
Wayne Jansen
Miles Tracy
NIST Special Publication 800-123
Computer Security Division
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930
July 2008
U.S. Department of Commerce
Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
James M. Turner, Deputy Director
Reports on Computer Systems Technology
The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the nation’s
measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test methods, reference data, proof of
concept implementations, and technical analysis to advance the development and productive use of
information technology. ITL’s responsibilities include the development of technical, physical,
administrative, and management standards and guidelines for the cost-effective security and privacy of
sensitive unclassified information in Federal computer systems. This Special Publication 800-series
reports on ITL’s research, guidance, and outreach efforts in computer security and its collaborative
activities with industry, government, and academic organizations.
Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this
document in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately.
Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that the
entities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-123
Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. 800-123, 53 pages (Jul. 2008)
The authors, Karen Scarfone and Wayne Jansen of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) and Miles Tracy of Federal Reserve Information Technology, wish to thank their colleagues who
reviewed drafts of this document and contributed to its technical content. The authors would like to
acknowledge Murugiah Souppaya, Tim Grance, and Jim St. Pierre of NIST, Robert Dutton of Booz Allen
Hamilton, and Kurt Dillard for their keen and insightful assistance throughout the development of the
document. Special thanks also go to the security experts that provided feedback during the public
comment period, particularly Dean Farrington (Wells Fargo), Joseph Klein (Command Information), Dr.
Daniel Woodard (The Bionetics Corporation), and representatives from the Federal Aviation
Much of the content of this publication was derived from NIST Special Publication 800-44 Version 2,
Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers, by Miles Tracy, Wayne Jansen, Karen Scarfone, and
Theodore Winograd, and NIST Special Publication 800-45 Version 2, Guidelines on Electronic Mail
Security, by Miles Tracy, Wayne Jansen, Karen Scarfone, and Jason Butterfield.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary..............................................................................................................ES-1
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Authority...................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Purpose and Scope .................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Audience..................................................................................................................1-2
1.4 Document Structure.................................................................................................1-2
2. Background ......................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Server Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Environments..................................................2-1
2.2 Security Categorization of Information and Information Systems............................2-2
2.3 Basic Server Security Steps ....................................................................................2-3
2.4 Server Security Principles........................................................................................2-4
3. Server Security Planning.................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Installation and Deployment Planning......................................................................3-1
3.2 Security Management Staff......................................................................................3-3
3.2.1 Chief Information Officer...............................................................................3-4
3.2.2 Information Systems Security Program Managers.......................................3-4
3.2.3 Information Systems Security Officers .........................................................3-4
3.2.4 Server, Network, and Security Administrators..............................................3-5
3.3 Management Practices ............................................................................................3-5
3.4 System Security Plan...............................................................................................3-6
3.5 Human Resources Requirements............................................................................3-7
4. Securing the Server Operating System .........................................................................4-1
4.1 Patch and Upgrade Operating System ....................................................................4-1
4.2 Hardening and Securely Configuring the OS...........................................................4-2
4.2.1 Remove or Disable Unnecessary Services, Applications, and Network
Protocols ..................................................................................................................4-2
4.2.2 Configure OS User Authentication ...............................................................4-4
4.2.3 Configure Resource Controls Appropriately.................................................4-6
4.3 Install and Configure Additional Security Controls...................................................4-6
4.4 Security Testing the Operating System ...................................................................4-7
5. Securing the Server Software.........................................................................................5-1
5.1 Securely Installing the Server Software...................................................................5-1
5.2 Configuring Access Controls....................................................................................5-2
5.3 Server Resource Constraints...................................................................................5-3
5.4 Selecting and Implementing Authentication and Encryption Technologies .............5-4
6. Maintaining the Security of the Server...........................................................................6-1
6.1 Logging ....................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 Identifying Logging Capabilities and Requirements .....................................6-1
6.1.2 Reviewing and Retaining Log Files ..............................................................6-2
6.1.3 Automated Log File Analysis Tools ..............................................................6-3
6.2 Server Backup Procedures......................................................................................6-4
6.2.1 Server Data Backup Policies........................................................................6-4
6.2.2 Server Backup Types ...................................................................................6-5
6.2.3 Maintain a Test Server .................................................................................6-6
6.3 Recovering From a Security Compromise...............................................................6-6
6.4 Security Testing Servers..........................................................................................6-8
6.4.1 Vulnerability Scanning..................................................................................6-9
6.4.2 Penetration Testing ....................................................................................6-10
6.5 Remotely Administering a Server ..........................................................................6-11
Appendix A— Glossary..........................................................................................................A-1
Appendix B— Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................B-1
Appendix C— Resources.......................................................................................................C-1
Executive Summary
An organization’s servers provide a wide variety of services to internal and external users, and many
servers also store or process sensitive information for the organization. Some of the most common types
of servers are Web, email, database, infrastructure management, and file servers. This publication
addresses the general security issues of typical servers.
Servers are frequently targeted by attackers because of the value of their data and services. For example,
a server might contain personally identifiable information that could be used to perform identity theft.
The following are examples of common security threats to servers:
Malicious entities may exploit software bugs in the server or its underlying operating system to gain
unauthorized access to the server.
Denial of service (DoS) attacks may be directed to the server or its supporting network infrastructure,
denying or hindering valid users from making use of its services.
Sensitive information on the server may be read by unauthorized individuals or changed in an
unauthorized manner.
Sensitive information transmitted unencrypted or weakly encrypted between the server and the client
may be intercepted.
Malicious entities may gain unauthorized access to resources elsewhere in the organization’s network
via a successful attack on the server.
Malicious entities may attack other entities after compromising a server. These attacks can be
launched directly (e.g., from the compromised host against an external server) or indirectly (e.g.,
placing malicious content on the compromised server that attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in the
clients of users accessing the server).
This document is intended to assist organizations in installing, configuring, and maintaining secure
servers. More specifically, this document describes, in detail, the following practices to apply:
Securing, installing, and configuring the underlying operating system
Securing, installing, and configuring server software
Maintaining the secure configuration through application of appropriate patches and upgrades,
security testing, monitoring of logs, and backups of data and operating system files.
The following key guidelines are recommended to Federal departments and agencies for maintaining a
secure server.
Organizations should carefully plan and address the security aspects of the deployment of a server.
Because it is much more difficult to address security once deployment and implementation have occurred,
security should be carefully considered from the initial planning stage. Organizations are more likely to
make decisions about configuring computers appropriately and consistently when they develop and use a
detailed, well-designed deployment plan. Developing such a plan will support server administrators in
making the inevitable tradeoff decisions between usability, performance, and risk.
Organizations often fail to consider the human resource requirements for both deployment and
operational phases of the server and supporting infrastructure. Organizations should address the
following points in a deployment plan:
Types of personnel required (e.g., system and server administrators, network administrators,
information systems security officers [ISSO])
Skills and training required by assigned personnel
Individual (i.e., level of effort required of specific personnel types) and collective staffing (i.e.,
overall level of effort) requirements.
Organizations should implement appropriate security management practices and controls when
maintaining and operating a secure server.
Appropriate management practices are essential to operating and maintaining a secure server. Security
practices entail the identification of an organization’s information system assets and the development,
documentation, and implementation of policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines that help to ensure
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information system resources. To ensure the security of a
server and the supporting network infrastructure, the following practices should be implemented:
Organization-wide information system security policy
Configuration/change control and management
Risk assessment and management
Standardized software configurations that satisfy the information system security policy
Security awareness and training
Contingency planning, continuity of operations, and disaster recovery planning
Certification and accreditation.
Organizations should ensure that the server operating system is deployed, configured, and
managed to meet the security requirements of the organization.
The first step in securing a server is securing the underlying operating system. Most commonly available
servers operate on a general-purpose operating system. Many security issues can be avoided if the
operating systems underlying servers are configured appropriately. Default hardware and software
configurations are typically set by manufacturers to emphasize features, functions, and ease of use, at the
expense of security. Because manufacturers are not aware of each organization’s security needs, each
server administrator must configure new servers to reflect their organization’s security requirements and
reconfigure them as those requirements change. Using security configuration guides or checklists can
assist administrators in securing servers consistently and efficiently. Securing an operating system
initially would generally include the following steps:
Patch and upgrade the operating system
Remove or disable unnecessary services, applications, and network protocols
Configure operating system user authentication
Configure resource controls
Install and configure additional security controls, if needed
Perform security testing of the operating system.
Organizations should ensure that the server application is deployed, configured, and managed to
meet the security requirements of the organization.
In many respects, the secure installation and configuration of the server application will mirror the
operating system process discussed above. The overarching principle is to install the minimal amount of
services required and eliminate any known vulnerabilities through patches or upgrades. If the installation
program installs any unnecessary applications, services, or scripts, they should be removed immediately
after the installation process concludes. Securing the server application would generally include the
following steps:
Patch and upgrade the server application
Remove or disable unnecessary services, applications, and sample content
Configure server user authentication and access controls
Configure server resource controls
Test the security of the server application (and server content, if applicable).
Many servers also use authentication and encryption technologies to restrict who can access the server
and to protect information transmitted between the server and its clients. Organizations should
periodically examine the services and information accessible on the server and determine the necessary
security requirements. Organizations should also be prepared to migrate their servers to stronger
cryptographic technologies as weaknesses are identified in the servers’ existing cryptographic
technologies. For example, NIST has recommended that use of the Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) be
phased out by 2010 in favor of SHA-224, SHA-256, and other larger, stronger hash functions.
Organizations should stay aware of cryptographic requirements and plan to update their servers
Organizations should commit to the ongoing process of maintaining the security of servers to
ensure continued security.
Maintaining a secure server requires constant effort, resources, and vigilance from an organization.
Securely administering a server on a daily basis is an essential aspect of server security. Maintaining the
security of a server will usually involve the following actions:
Configuring, protecting, and analyzing log files on an ongoing and frequent basis
Backing up critical information frequently
Establishing and following procedures for recovering from compromise
Testing and applying patches in a timely manner
Testing security periodically.
1. Introduction
1.1 Authority
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed this document in furtherance of its
statutory responsibilities under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002,
Public Law 107-347.
NIST is responsible for developing standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements, for
providing adequate information security for all agency operations and assets; but such standards and
guidelines shall not apply to national security systems. This guideline is consistent with the requirements
of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, Section 8b(3), “Securing Agency
Information Systems,” as analyzed in A-130, Appendix IV: Analysis of Key Sections. Supplemental
information is provided in A-130, Appendix III.
This guideline has been prepared for use by Federal agencies. It may be used by nongovernmental
organizations on a voluntary basis and is not subject to copyright, though attribution is desired.
Nothing in this document should be taken to contradict standards and guidelines made mandatory and
binding on Federal agencies by the Secretary of Commerce under statutory authority, nor should these
guidelines be interpreted as altering or superseding the existing authorities of the Secretary of Commerce,
Director of the OMB, or any other Federal official.
1.2 Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this document is to assist organizations in understanding the fundamental activities
performed as part of securing and maintaining the security of servers that provide services over network
communications as a main function. Hosts that incidentally provide one or a few services for
maintenance or accessibility purposes, such as a remote access service for remote troubleshooting, are not
considered servers in this document. The types of servers this publication addresses include outward-
facing publicly accessible servers, such as web and email services, and a wide range of inward-facing
servers. This document discusses the need to secure servers and provides recommendations for selecting,
implementing, and maintaining the necessary security controls.
This document addresses common servers that use general operating systems (OS) such as Unix, Linux,
and Windows. Many of the recommendations in this document may also be applicable to servers that use
specialized OSs or run on proprietary appliances, but other recommendations will not be implementable
or may have unintended consequences, so such servers are considered outside the scope of this document.
Other types of servers outside the scope of this document are virtual servers and highly specialized
servers, particularly security infrastructure devices (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection systems), which
have unusual configurations and security needs.
Other NIST documents, such as Special Publication (SP) 800-45 Version 2, Guidelines on Electronic
Mail Security and SP 800-44 Version 2, Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers, provide
recommendations for particular types of servers. The recommendations in this document are intended as
a foundation for other server-related documents and do not override more specific recommendations
made in such documents.
1.3 Audience
This document has been created primarily for system administrators and security administrators who are
responsible for the technical aspects of securing servers. The material in this document is technically
oriented, and it is assumed that readers have at least a basic understanding of system and network
1.4 Document Structure
The remainder of this document is organized into the following major sections:
Section 2 provides background information about servers and presents an overview of server security
concerns. It also introduces the high-level steps for securing a server.
Section 3 discusses the security planning and management for servers.
Section 4 presents an overview of securing a server’s operating system.
Section 5 discusses the actions needed to securely install and configure server software, such as Web
server software and email server software.
Section 6 provides recommendations for maintaining the security of a server.
The document also contains appendices with supporting material:
Appendix A contains a glossary.
Appendix B contains a list of acronyms and abbreviations.
Appendix C lists print and online resources that may be helpful for understanding general server
2. Background
A server is a host that provides one or more services for other hosts over a network as a primary
For example, a file server provides file sharing services so that users can access, modify, store,
and delete files. Another example is a database server that provides database services for Web
applications on Web servers. The Web servers, in turn, provide Web content services to users’ Web
browsers. There are many other types of servers, such as application, authentication, directory services,
email, infrastructure management, logging, name/address resolution services (e.g., Domain Name Server
[DNS]), print, and remote access.
This section provides background information on server security. It first discusses common server
vulnerabilities and threats, and places them in the context of the types of environments in which servers
are deployed. Next, it explains how the security needs of a server can be categorized so that the
appropriate security controls can be determined. The section also gives an overview of the basic steps
that are required to ensure the security of a server and explains fundamental principles of securing
2.1 Server Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Environments
To secure a server, it is essential to first define the threats that must be mitigated. Knowledge of potential
threats is important to understanding the reasons behind the various baseline technical security practices
presented in this document. Many threats against data and resources are possible because of mistakes—
either bugs in operating system and server software that create exploitable vulnerabilities, or errors made
by end users and administrators. Threats may involve intentional actors (e.g., attacker who wants to
access information on a server) or unintentional actors (e.g., administrator who forgets to disable user
accounts of a former employee.) Threats can be local, such as a disgruntled employee, or remote, such as
an attacker in another geographical area. Organizations should conduct risk assessments to identify the
specific threats against their servers and determine the effectiveness of existing security controls in
counteracting the threats; they then should perform risk mitigation to decide what additional measures (if
any) should be implemented, as discussed in NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-30, Risk Assessment
Guide for Information Technology Systems. Performing risk assessments and mitigation helps
organizations better understand their security posture and decide how their servers should be secured.
The baseline technical security practices presented in this publication are based on commonly accepted
technical security principles and practices, documented in various NIST SPs (including SP 800-14, SP
800-23, and SP 800-53) and other sources such as the Department of Defense (DoD) Information
Assurance Technical Framework. In particular, NIST SP 800-27, Engineering Principles for Information
Technology Security (A Baseline for Achieving Security), contains a set of engineering principles for
system security that provide a foundation upon which a more consistent and structured approach to the
design, development, and implementation of IT security capabilities can be constructed.
An important element of planning the appropriate security controls for a server is understanding the
threats associated with the environment in which the server is deployed.
The recommendations in this
publication are based on the assumption that the servers are in typical enterprise environments and thus
face the threats and have the security needs usually associated with such environments. Organizations
For the purposes of this document, a host that does not provide services for other hosts as a primary function, but
incidentally provides one or a few services for maintenance or accessibility purposes, is not considered a server. An
example is a laptop that has a remote access service enabled so that IT support staff can remotely maintain the laptop and
perform troubleshooting.
Additional information on environments is available from NIST SP 800-70, Security Configuration Checklists Program for
IT Products: Guidance for Checklists Users and Developers (
deploying servers in higher-security environments are likely to need to employ more restrictive security
controls than the recommendations in this publication. For servers in legacy environments, organizations
should secure them as if they were in a typical enterprise environment or a higher-security environment,
as appropriate, and make the minimum possible security control alterations to facilitate legacy access.
2.2 Security Categorization of Information and Information Systems
The classic model for information security defines three objectives of security: maintaining
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality refers to protecting information from being
accessed by unauthorized parties. Integrity refers to ensuring the authenticity of information—that
information is not altered, and that the source of the information is genuine. Availability means that
information is accessible by authorized users. Each objective addresses a different aspect of providing
protection for information.
Determining how strongly a system needs to be protected is based largely on the type of information that
the system processes and stores. For example, a system containing medical records probably needs much
stronger protection than a computer only used for viewing publicly released documents. This is not to
imply that the second system does not need protection; every system needs to be protected, but the level
of protection may vary based on the value of the system and its data. Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) Publication (PUB) 199, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information
and Information System establishes criteria for determining the security category of a system.
199 defines three security categories—low, moderate, and high—based on the potential impact of a
security breach involving a particular system:
“The potential impact is LOW if the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected
to have a limited adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals. A
limited adverse effect means that, for example, the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability
might (i) cause a degradation in mission capability to an extent and duration that the organization is
able to perform its primary functions, but the effectiveness of the functions is noticeably reduced; (ii)
result in minor damage to organizational assets; (iii) result in minor financial loss; or (iv) result in
minor harm to individuals.
The potential impact is MODERATE if the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be
expected to have a serious adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or
individuals. A serious adverse effect means that, for example, the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or
availability might (i) cause a significant degradation in mission capability to an extent and duration
that the organization is able to perform its primary functions, but the effectiveness of the functions is
significantly reduced; (ii) result in significant damage to organizational assets; (iii) result in
significant financial loss; or (iv) result in significant harm to individuals that does not involve loss of
life or serious life threatening injuries.
The potential impact is HIGH if the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected
to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or
individuals. A severe or catastrophic adverse effect means that, for example, the loss of
confidentiality, integrity, or availability might (i) cause a severe degradation in or loss of mission
capability to an extent and duration that the organization is not able to perform one or more of its
primary functions; (ii) result in major damage to organizational assets; (iii) result in major financial
loss; or (iv) result in severe or catastrophic harm to individuals involving loss of life or serious life
threatening injuries.”
FIPS PUB 199 is available for download from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html.
Each system, including all servers that are part of the system, should be protected based on the potential
impact to the system of a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Protection measures (otherwise
known as security controls) tend to fall into two categories. First, security weaknesses in the system need
to be resolved. For example, if a system has a known vulnerability that attackers could exploit, the
system should be patched so that the vulnerability is removed or mitigated. Second, the system should
offer only the required functionality to each authorized user, so that no one can use functions that are not
necessary. This principle is known as least privilege. Limiting functionality and resolving security
weaknesses have a common goal: give attackers as few opportunities as possible to breach a system.
A common problem with security controls is that they often make systems less convenient or more
difficult to use. When usability is an issue, many users will attempt to circumvent security controls; for
example, if passwords must be long and complex, users may write them down. Balancing security,
functionality, and usability is often a challenge. This guide attempts to strike a proper balance and make
recommendations that provide a reasonably secure solution while offering the functionality and usability
that users require.
Another fundamental principle endorsed by this guide is using multiple layers of security—defense in
depth. For example, a system may be protected from external attack by several controls, including a
network-based firewall, a host-based firewall, and OS patching. The motivation for having multiple
layers is that if one layer fails or otherwise cannot counteract a certain threat, other layers might prevent
the threat from successfully breaching the system. A combination of network-based and host-based
controls is generally most effective at providing consistent protection for systems.
NIST SP 800-53 Revision 2, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems, proposes
minimum baseline management, operational, and technical security controls for information systems.
These controls are to be implemented based on the security categorizations proposed by FIPS 199, as
described earlier in this section. This guidance should assist agencies in meeting baseline requirements
for servers deployed in their environments.
2.3 Basic Server Security Steps
A number of steps are required to ensure the security of any server. As a prerequisite for taking any step,
however, it is essential that the organization have a security policy in place. Taking the following steps
for server security within the context of the organization’s security policy should prove effective:
1. Plan the installation and deployment of the operating system (OS) and other components for the
server. Section 3 addresses this step.
2. Install, configure, and secure the underlying OS. This is discussed in Section 4.
3. Install, configure, and secure the server software. Section 5 describes this step.
4. For servers that host content, such as Web servers (Web pages), database servers (databases), and
directory servers (directories), ensure that the content is properly secured. This is highly dependent
on the type of server and the type of content, so it is outside the scope of this publication to provide
recommendations for content security. Readers should consult relevant NIST publications (see
Appendix C) and other sources of security recommendations for information on securing server
NIST SP 800-53 Revision 2, created in response to FISMA, is available at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html.
5. Employ appropriate network protection mechanisms (e.g., firewall, packet filtering router, and
proxy). Choosing the mechanisms for a particular situation depends on several factors, including the
location of the server’s clients (e.g., Internet, internal, internal and remote access), the location of the
server on the network, the types of services offered by the server, and the types of threats against the
server. Accordingly, this publication does not present recommendations for selecting network
protection mechanisms. NIST SP 800-41, Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy and NIST SP
800-94, Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS), contain additional information
on network protection mechanisms.
6. Employ secure administration and maintenance processes, including application of patches and
upgrades, monitoring of logs, backups of data and OS, and periodic security testing. This step is
described in Section 6.
The practices recommended in this document are designed to help mitigate the risks associated with
servers. They build on and assume the implementation of practices described in the NIST publications on
system and network security listed in Appendix C.
2.4 Server Security Principles
When addressing server security issues, it is an excellent idea to keep in mind the following general
information security principles:
Simplicity—Security mechanisms (and information systems in general) should be as simple as
possible. Complexity is at the root of many security issues.
Fail-Safe—If a failure occurs, the system should fail in a secure manner, i.e., security controls and
settings remain in effect and are enforced. It is usually better to lose functionality rather than
Complete Mediation—Rather than providing direct access to information, mediators that enforce
access policy should be employed. Common examples of mediators include file system permissions,
proxies, firewalls, and mail gateways.
Open Design—System security should not depend on the secrecy of the implementation or its
Separation of Privilege—Functions, to the degree possible, should be separate and provide as much
granularity as possible. The concept can apply to both systems and operators and users. In the case
of systems, functions such as read, edit, write, and execute should be separate. In the case of system
operators and users, roles should be as separate as possible. For example, if resources allow, the role
of system administrator should be separate from that of the database administrator.
Least Privilege—This principle dictates that each task, process, or user is granted the minimum
rights required to perform its job. By applying this principle consistently, if a task, process, or user is
compromised, the scope of damage is constrained to the limited resources available to the
compromised entity.
Derived from Matt Curtin, Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security, November 2001 and from Jerome H. Saltzer and
Michael Schroeder, “The Protection of Information in Computer Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 63, pages 1278–
Psychological Acceptability—Users should understand the necessity of security. This can be
provided through training and education. In addition, the security mechanisms in place should
present users with sensible options that give them the usability they require on a daily basis. If users
find the security mechanisms too cumbersome, they may devise ways to work around or compromise
them. The objective is not to weaken security so it is understandable and acceptable, but to train and
educate users and to design security mechanisms and policies that are usable and effective.
Least Common Mechanism—When providing a feature for the system, it is best to have a single
process or service gain some function without granting that same function to other parts of the
system. The ability for the Web server process to access a back-end database, for instance, should not
also enable other applications on the system to access the back-end database.
Defense-in-Depth—Organizations should understand that a single security mechanism is generally
insufficient. Security mechanisms (defenses) need to be layered so that compromise of a single
security mechanism is insufficient to compromise a host or network. No “silver bullet” exists for
information system security.
Work Factor—Organizations should understand what it would take to break the system or network’s
security features. The amount of work necessary for an attacker to break the system or network
should exceed the value that the attacker would gain from a successful compromise.
Compromise Recording—Records and logs should be maintained so that if a compromise does
occur, evidence of the attack is available to the organization. This information can assist in securing
the network and host after the compromise and aid in identifying the methods and exploits used by
the attacker. This information can be used to better secure the host or network in the future. In
addition, these records and logs can assist organizations in identifying and prosecuting attackers.
3. Server Security Planning
The most critical aspect of deploying a secure server is careful planning before installation, configuration,
and deployment. Careful planning will ensure that the server is as secure as possible and in compliance
with all relevant organizational policies. Many server security and performance problems can be traced to
a lack of planning or management controls. The importance of management controls cannot be
overstated. In many organizations, the IT support structure is highly fragmented. This fragmentation
leads to inconsistencies, and these inconsistencies can lead to security vulnerabilities and other issues.
3.1 Installation and Deployment Planning
Security should be considered from the initial planning stage at the beginning of the systems development
life cycle to maximize security and minimize costs. It is much more difficult and expensive to address
security after deployment and implementation. Organizations are more likely to make decisions about
configuring hosts appropriately and consistently if they begin by developing and using a detailed, well-
designed deployment plan. Developing such a plan enables organizations to make informed tradeoff
decisions between usability and performance, and risk. A deployment plan allows organizations to
maintain secure configurations and aids in identifying security vulnerabilities, which often manifest
themselves as deviations from the plan.
In the planning stages of a server, the following items should be considered:
Identify the purpose(s) of the server.
What information categories will be stored on the server?
What information categories will be processed on or transmitted through the server?
What are the security requirements for this information?
Will any information be retrieved from or stored on another host (e.g., database server, directory
server, Web server, Network Attached Storage (NAS) server, Storage Area Network (SAN)
What are the security requirements for any other hosts involved?
What other service(s) will be provided by the server (in general, dedicating the host to only one
service is the most secure option)?
What are the security requirements for these additional services?
What are the requirements for continuity of services provided by the server, such as those
specified in continuity of operations plans and disaster recovery plans?
Where on the network will the server be located?
Identify the network services that will be provided on the server, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Network File System
Content derived from Julia Allen et al., Securing Network Servers, April 2000,
(NFS), or database services (e.g., Open Database Connectivity [ODBC]). The network protocols to
be used for each service (e.g., IPv4, IPv6) should also be identified.
Identify any network service software, both client and server, to be installed on the server and any
other support servers.
Identify the users or categories of users of the server and any support hosts.
Determine the privileges that each category of user will have on the server and support hosts.
Determine how the server will be managed (e.g., locally, remotely from the internal network,
remotely from external networks).
Decide if and how users will be authenticated and how authentication data will be protected.
Determine how appropriate access to information resources will be enforced.
Determine which server applications meet the organization’s requirements. Consider servers that
may offer greater security, albeit with less functionality in some instances. Some issues to consider
Compatibility with existing infrastructure
Knowledge of existing employees
Existing manufacturer relationship
Past vulnerability history
Work closely with manufacturer(s) in the planning stage.
The choice of server application may determine the choice of OS. However, to the degree possible,
server administrators should choose an OS that provides the following:
Ability to granularly restrict administrative or root level activities to authorized users only
Ability to granularly control access to data on the server
Ability to disable unnecessary network services that may be built into the OS or server software
Ability to control access to various forms of executable programs, such as Common Gateway
Interface (CGI) scripts and server plug-ins for Web servers, if applicable
Ability to log appropriate server activities to detect intrusions and attempted intrusions
Content derived from Julia Allen et al., Securing Network Servers, April 2000,
Provision of a host-based firewall capability to restrict both incoming and outgoing traffic
Support for strong authentication protocols and encryption algorithms
In addition, organizations should consider the availability of trained, experienced staff to administer the
server. Many organizations have learned the difficult lesson that a capable and experienced administrator
for one type of operating environment is not automatically as effective for another.
Many servers host sensitive information, and many others, such as public-facing Web servers, should be
treated as sensitive because of the damage to the organization’s reputation that could occur if the servers’
integrity is compromised. In such cases, it is critical that the servers are located in secure physical
environments. When planning the location of a server, the following issues should be considered:
Are the appropriate physical security protection mechanisms in place for the server and its
networking components (e.g., routers, switches)? Examples include—
Card reader access
Security guards
Physical intrusion detection systems (e.g., motion sensors, cameras).
Are there appropriate environmental controls so that the necessary humidity and temperature are
maintained? If high availability is required, are there redundant environmental controls?
Is there a backup power source? For how long will it provide power?
Is there appropriate fire containment equipment? Does it minimize damage to equipment that would
otherwise not be impacted by the fire?
If high availability is required, are there redundant network connections? (For Internet-facing servers,
this generally means Internet connections from at least two different Internet service providers [ISP].)
Is there another data center that can be used to host servers in the event of a catastrophe at the original
data center?
If the location is subject to known natural disasters, is it hardened against those disasters and/or is
there a contingency site outside the potential disaster area?
3.2 Security Management Staff
Because server security is tightly intertwined with the organization’s general information system security
posture, a number of IT and system security staff may be involved in server planning, implementation,
and administration. This section provides a list of generic roles and identifies their responsibilities as they
relate to server security. These roles are for the purpose of discussion and may vary by organization.
Chief Information Officer
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) ensures that the organization’s security posture is adequate. The
CIO provides direction and advisory services for the protection of information systems for the entire
organization. The CIO is responsible for the following activities associated with servers:
Coordinating the development and maintenance of the organization’s information security policies,
standards, and procedures
Coordinating the development and maintenance of the organization’s change control and management
Ensuring the establishment of, and compliance with, consistent IT security policies for departments
throughout the organization.
Information Systems Security Program Managers
The Information Systems Security Program Managers (ISSPM) oversee the implementation of and
compliance with the standards, rules, and regulations specified in the organization’s security policy. The
ISSPMs are responsible for the following activities associated with servers:
Ensuring that security procedures are developed and implemented
Ensuring that security policies, standards, and requirements are followed
Ensuring that all critical systems are identified and that contingency planning, disaster recovery plans,
and continuity of operations plans exist for these critical systems
Ensuring that critical systems are identified and scheduled for periodic security testing according to
the security policy requirements of each respective system.
Information Systems Security Officers
Information Systems Security Officers (ISSO) are responsible for overseeing all aspects of information
security within a specific organizational entity. They ensure that the organization’s information security
practices comply with organizational and departmental policies, standards, and procedures. ISSOs are
responsible for the following activities associated with servers:
Developing internal security standards and procedures for the servers and supporting network
Cooperating in the development and implementation of security tools, mechanisms, and mitigation
Maintaining standard configuration profiles for the servers and supporting network infrastructure
controlled by the organization, including, but not limited to, OSs, firewalls, routers, and server
Maintaining operational integrity of systems by conducting security tests and ensuring that designated
IT professionals are conducting scheduled testing on critical systems.
3.2.4 Server, Network, and Security Administrators
Server administrators are system architects responsible for the overall design, implementation, and
maintenance of a server. Network administrators are responsible for the overall design, implementation,
and maintenance of a network. Security administrators are dedicated to performing information security
functions for servers and other hosts, as well as networks. Organizations that have a dedicated
information security team usually have security administrators. On a daily basis, server, network, and
security administrators contend with the security requirements of the specific systems for which they are
responsible. Security issues and solutions can originate from either outside (e.g., security patches and
fixes from the manufacturer or computer security incident response teams) or within the organization
(e.g., the security office). The administrators are responsible for the following activities associated with
Installing and configuring systems in compliance with the organizational security policies and
standard system and network configurations
Maintaining systems in a secure manner, including frequent backups and timely application of
Monitoring system integrity, protection levels, and security-related events
Following up on detected security anomalies associated with their information system resources
Conducting security tests as required.
3.3 Management Practices
Appropriate management practices are critical to operating and maintaining a secure server. Security
practices entail the identification of an organization’s information system assets and the development,
documentation, and implementation of policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines that ensure
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information system resources.
To ensure the security of a server and the supporting network infrastructure, organizations should
implement the following practices:
Organizational Information System Security Policy—A security policy should specify the basic
information system security tenets and rules, and their intended internal purpose. The policy should
also outline who in the organization is responsible for particular areas of information security (e.g.,
implementation, enforcement, audit, review). The policy must be enforced consistently throughout
the organization to be effective. Generally, the CIO is responsible for drafting the organization’s
security policy.
Configuration/Change Control and Management—The process of controlling modification to a
system’s design, hardware, firmware, and software provides sufficient assurance that the system is
protected against the introduction of an improper modification before, during, and after system
implementation. Configuration control leads to consistency with the organization’s information
system security policy. Configuration control is traditionally overseen by a configuration control
board that is the final authority on all proposed changes to an information system. If resources allow,
consider the use of development, quality assurance, and/or test environments so that changes can be
vetted and tested before deployment in production.
Risk Assessment and Management—Risk assessment is the process of analyzing and interpreting
risk. It involves determining an assessment’s scope and methodology, collecting and analyzing risk-
related data, and interpreting the risk analysis results. Collecting and analyzing risk data requires
identifying assets, threats, vulnerabilities, safeguards, consequences, and the probability of a
successful attack. Risk management is the process of selecting and implementing controls to reduce
risk to a level acceptable to the organization.
Standardized Configurations—Organizations should develop standardized secure configurations
for widely used OSs and server software. This will provide recommendations to server and network
administrators on how to configure their systems securely and ensure consistency and compliance
with the organizational security policy. Because it only takes one insecurely configured host to
compromise a network, organizations with a significant number of hosts are especially encouraged to
apply this recommendation.
Secure Programming Practices—Organizations should adopt secure application development
guidelines to ensure that they develop their applications for servers in a sufficiently secure manner.
Security Awareness and Training—A security training program is critical to the overall security
posture of an organization. Making users and administrators aware of their security responsibilities
and teaching the correct practices helps them change their behavior to conform to security best
practices. Training also supports individual accountability, which is an important method for
improving information system security. If the user community includes members of the general
public, providing security awareness specifically targeting them might also be appropriate.
Contingency, Continuity of Operations, and Disaster Recovery Planning—Contingency plans,
continuity of operations plans, and disaster recovery plans are established in advance to allow an
organization or facility to maintain operations in the event of a disruption.
Certification and Accreditation—Certification in the context of information system security means
that a system has been analyzed to determine how well it meets all of the security requirements of the
organization. Accreditation occurs when the organization’s management accepts that the system
meets the organization’s security requirements.
3.4 System Security Plan
The objective of system security planning is to improve protection of information system resources.
Plans that adequately protect information assets require managers and information owners—directly
affected by and interested in the information and/or processing capabilities—to be convinced that their
information assets are adequately protected from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or modification,
unavailability, and undetected activities.
The purpose of the system security plan is to provide an overview of the security and privacy
requirements of the system and describe the controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements.
The system security plan also delineates responsibilities and expected behavior of all individuals who
access the system. The system security plan should be viewed as documentation of the structured process
For more information, see NIST SP 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems
For more information on certification and accreditation, see NIST SP 800-37, Federal Guidelines for the Security
Certification and Accreditation of Information Technology Systems (
Material in this subsection is derived from NIST SP 800-18 Revision 1, Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal
Information Systems (
of planning adequate, cost-effective security protection for a system. It should reflect input from various
managers with responsibilities concerning the system, including information owners, the system owner,
and the ISSPM.
For Federal agencies, all information systems must be covered by a system security plan. Other
organizations should strongly consider the completion of a system security plan for each of their systems
as well. The information system owner
is generally the party responsible for ensuring that the security
plan is developed and maintained and that the system is deployed and operated according to the agreed-
upon security requirements.
In general, an effective system security plan should include the following:
System Identification—The first sections of the system security plan provide basic identifying
information about the system. They contain general information such as the key points of contact for
the system, the purpose of the system, the sensitivity level of the system, and the environment in
which the system is deployed, including the network environment, the system’s placement on the
network, and the system’s relationships with other systems.
Controls—This section of the plan describes the control measures (in place or planned) that are
intended to meet the protection requirements of the information system. Controls fall into three
general categories:
Management controls, which focus on the management of the computer security system and the
management of risk for a system.
Operational controls, which are primarily implemented and executed by people (rather than
systems). They often require technical or specialized expertise, and often rely upon management
activities as well as technical controls.
Technical controls, which are security mechanisms that the computer system employs. The
controls can provide automated protection from unauthorized access or misuse, facilitate
detection of security violations, and support security requirements for applications and data. The
implementation of technical controls, however, always requires significant operational
considerations and should be consistent with the management of security within the
3.5 Human Resources Requirements
The greatest challenge and expense in developing and securely maintaining a server is providing the
necessary human resources to adequately perform the required functions. Many organizations fail to fully
recognize the amount of expense and skills required to field a secure server. This failure often results in
overworked employees and insecure systems. From the initial planning stages, organizations need to
determine the necessary human resource requirements. Appropriate and sufficient human resources are
The information system owner is responsible for defining the system’s operating parameters, authorized functions, and
security requirements. The information owner for information stored within, processed by, or transmitted by a system may
or may not be the same as the information system owner. In addition, a single system may use information from multiple
information owners.
For more detail on management, operational, and technical controls, see NIST SP 800-53 Revision 2, Recommended
Security Controls for Federal Information Systems, and NIST SP 800-100, Information Security Handbook: A Guide for
Managers (http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html).
the single most important aspect of effective server security. Organizations should also consider the fact
that, in general, technical solutions are not a substitute for skilled and experienced personnel.
When considering the human resource implications of developing and deploying a server, organizations
should consider the following:
Required Personnel—What types of personnel are required? Examples of possible positions are
system administrators, server administrators, network administrators, and ISSOs.
Required Skills—What are the required skills to adequately plan, develop, and maintain the server in
a secure manner? Examples include OS administration, network administration, and programming.
Available Personnel—What are the available human resources within the organization? In addition,
what are their current skill sets and are they sufficient for supporting the server? Often, an
organization discovers that its existing human resources are not sufficient and needs to consider the
following options:
Train Current Staff—If personnel are available but they do not have the requisite skills, the
organization may choose to train the existing staff in the skills required. Although this is an
excellent option, the organization should ensure that employees meet all prerequisites for training.
Acquire Additional Staff—If not enough staff members are available or they do not have the
requisite skills, it may be necessary to hire additional personnel or use external resources.
Once the organization has staffed the project and the server is active, it will be necessary to ensure the
number and skills of the personnel are still adequate. The threat and vulnerability levels of IT systems,
including servers, are constantly changing, as is the technology. This means that what is adequate today
may not be tomorrow, so staffing needs should be reassessed periodically and additional training and
other skills-building activities conducted as needed.
4. Securing the Server Operating System
Most commonly available servers operate on a general-purpose OS. Many security issues can be avoided
if the OSs underlying the servers are configured appropriately. Because manufacturers are unaware of
each organization’s security needs, server administrators need to configure new servers to reflect their
organizations’ security requirements and reconfigure them as those requirements change. The practices
recommended here are designed to help server administrators with server security configuration. Server
administrators managing existing servers should confirm that their servers address the issues discussed.
The techniques for securing different OSs vary greatly; therefore, this section includes the generic
procedures common in securing most OSs. Security configuration guides and checklists for many OSs
are publicly available; these documents typically contain recommendations for settings stronger than the
default level of security, and they may also contain step-by-step instructions for securing servers.
addition, many organizations maintain their own guidelines specific to their requirements. Some
automated tools also exist for securing OSs, and their use is recommended.
After planning the installation and deployment of the OS, as described in Section 3, and installing the OS,
the following basic steps are necessary to secure the OS:
Patch and update the OS
Harden and configure the OS to address security adequately
Install and configure additional security controls, if needed
Test the security of the OS to ensure that the previous steps adequately addressed all security issues.
The combined result of these steps should be a reasonable level of protection for the server’s OS.
4.1 Patch and Upgrade Operating System
Once an OS is installed, applying needed patches or upgrades to correct for known vulnerabilities is
essential. Any known vulnerabilities an OS has should be corrected before using it to host a server or
otherwise exposing it to untrusted users. To adequately detect and correct these vulnerabilities, server
administrators should do the following:
Create, document, and implement a patching process.
Identify vulnerabilities and applicable patches.
Mitigate vulnerabilities temporarily if needed and if feasible (until patches are available, tested, and
Install permanent fixes (patches, upgrades, etc.)
Checklists and implementation guides for various operating systems and applications are available from NIST at
http://checklists.nist.gov/. Also, see NIST SP 800-70, Security Configuration Checklists Program for IT Products, available
at the same Web site, for general information about NIST’s checklists program.
For more information, see NIST SP 800-40 Version 2.0, Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program, which
is available at
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html. A single patch management process can be put into place for
both operating systems and applications (including server software).
To check for vulnerabilities in OSs, server software, and other applications, see the NIST National Vulnerability Database
(NVD) at
Administrators should ensure that servers, particularly new ones, are adequately protected during the
patching process. For example, a server that is not fully patched or not configured securely could be
compromised by threats if it is openly accessible while it is being patched. When preparing new servers
for deployment, administrators should do either of the following:
Keep the servers disconnected from networks or connect them only to an isolated “build” network
until all patches have been transferred to the servers through out-of-band means (e.g., CDs) and
installed, and the other configuration steps listed in this section have been performed.
Place the servers on a virtual local area network (VLAN)
or other network segment that severely
restricts what actions the hosts on it can perform and what communications can reach the hosts—only
allowing those events that are necessary for patching and configuring the hosts. Do not transfer the
hosts to regular network segments until all the configuration steps listed in this section have been
Administrators should generally not apply patches to production servers without first testing them on
another identically configured server because patches can inadvertently cause unexpected problems with
proper server operation. Although administrators can configure servers to download patches
automatically, the servers should not be configured to install them automatically so that they can first be
4.2 Hardening and Securely Configuring the OS
Administrators should perform the following steps to harden and securely configure a server OS:
Remove unnecessary services, applications, and network protocols
Configure OS user authentication
Configure resource controls appropriately.
These steps are discussed further in Sections 4.2.1 through 4.2.3. Also, for particularly high-security
situations, administrators should consider configuring the OS to act as a bastion host. A bastion host has
particularly strong security controls and is configured so as to offer the least functionality possible. The
details of establishing a bastion host are necessarily OS-specific, so they are outside the scope of this
Remove or Disable Unnecessary Services, Applications, and Network Protocols
Ideally, a server should be on a dedicated, single-purpose host. When configuring the OS, remove all
services, applications, and network protocols (e.g., IPv4, IPv6) that are not required, and disable any such
unnecessary components that cannot be removed. If possible, install the minimal OS configuration and
then add, remove, or disable services, applications, and network protocols as needed. Many uninstall
scripts or programs are far from perfect in completely removing all components of a service, so it is better
not to install unnecessary services. Common types of services and applications that should usually be
removed if not required (or disabled if they cannot be removed) include the following:
VLANs can easily be misconfigured in ways that reduce or eliminate their effectiveness as a security control. Organizations
planning to use VLANs should ensure that they are configured properly and that any configuration changes are carefully
File and printer sharing services (e.g., Windows Network Basic Input/Output System [NetBIOS] file
and printer sharing, Network File System [NFS], FTP)
Wireless networking services
Remote control and remote access programs, particularly those that do not strongly encrypt their
communications (e.g., Telnet)
Directory services (e.g., Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP], Network Information
System [NIS])
Web servers and services
Email services (e.g., SMTP)
Language compilers and libraries
System development tools
System and network management tools and utilities, including Simple Network Management Protocol
Removing unnecessary services and applications is preferable to simply disabling them through
configuration settings because attacks that attempt to alter settings and activate a disabled service cannot
succeed when the functional components are completely removed. Disabled services could also be
enabled inadvertently through human error.
Removing or disabling unnecessary services enhances the security of a server in several ways:
Other services cannot be compromised and used to attack the host or impair the services of the server.
Each service added to a host increases the risk of compromise for that host because each service is
another possible avenue of access for an attacker. Less is more secure in this case.
Other services may have defects or may be incompatible with the server itself. By removing or
disabling them, they should not affect the server and should potentially improve its availability.
The host can be configured to better suit the requirements of the particular service. Different services
might require different hardware and software configurations, which could lead to unnecessary
vulnerabilities or negatively affect performance.
By reducing services, the number of logs and log entries is reduced; therefore, detecting unexpected
behavior becomes easier (see Section 6.1).
Organizations should determine the services to be enabled on a server. Additional services that might be
installed include web servers, database access protocols, file transfer protocols, and remote administration
services. These services may be required in certain instances, but they may increase the risks to the
server. Whether the risks outweigh the benefits is a decision for each organization to make.
If a remote control or remote access program is absolutely required and it does not strongly encrypt its communications, it
should be tunneled over a protocol that provides encryption, such as secure shell (SSH) or Internet Protocol Security (IPsec).
Content derived from Julia Allen et al., Securing Network Servers, April 2000,
Configure OS User Authentication
For servers, the authorized users who can configure the OS are limited to a small number of designated
server administrators. The users who can access the server, however, may range from a few authorized
employees to the entire Internet community. To enforce policy restrictions, if required, the server
administrator should configure the OS to authenticate a prospective user by requiring proof that the user is
authorized for such access. Even if a server allows unauthenticated access to most of its services,
administrative and other types of specialized access should be limited to specific individuals and groups.
Enabling authentication by the host computer involves configuring parts of the OS, firmware, and
applications on the server, such as the software that implements a network service. In special situations,
such as high-value/high-risk servers, organizations may also use authentication hardware, such as tokens
or one-time password devices. Use of authentication mechanisms where authentication information is
reusable (e.g., passwords) and transmitted in the clear over an untrusted network is strongly discouraged
because the information can be intercepted and used by an attacker to masquerade as an authorized user.
To ensure the appropriate user authentication is in place, take the following steps:
Remove or Disable Unneeded Default Accounts—The default configuration of the OS often
includes guest accounts (with and without passwords), administrator or root level accounts, and
accounts associated with local and network services. The names and passwords for those accounts
are well known. Remove (whenever possible) or disable unnecessary accounts to eliminate their use
by attackers, including guest accounts on computers containing sensitive information. For default
accounts that need to be retained, including guest accounts, severely restrict access to the accounts,
including changing the names (where possible and particularly for administrator or root level
accounts) and passwords to be consistent with the organizational password policy. Default account
names and passwords are commonly known in the attacker community.
Disable Non-Interactive Accounts—Disable accounts (and the associated passwords) that need to
exist but do not require an interactive login. For Unix systems, disable the login shell or provide a
login shell with NULL functionality (e.g., /bin/false).
Create the User Groups—Assign users to the appropriate groups. Then assign rights to the groups,
as documented in the deployment plan. This approach is preferable to assigning rights to individual
users, which becomes unwieldy with large numbers of users.
Create the User Accounts—The deployment plan identifies who will be authorized to use each
computer and its services. Create only the necessary accounts. Permit the use of shared accounts
only when no viable alternatives exist. Have ordinary user accounts for server administrators that are
also users of the server.
Configure Automated Time Synchronization—Some authentication protocols, such as Kerberos,
will not function if the time differential between the client host and the authenticating server is
significant, so servers using such protocols should be configured to automatically synchronize system
time with a reliable time server. Typically the time server is internal to the organization and uses the
Network Time Protocol (NTP) for synchronization; publicly available NTP servers are also available
on the Internet.
Content derived from Julia Allen et al., Securing Network Servers, April 2000,
Check the Organization’s Password Policy—Set account passwords appropriately. Elements that
may be addressed in a password policy include the following:
Length—a minimum length for passwords.
Complexity—the mix of characters required. An example is requiring passwords to contain
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and nonalphabetic characters, and to not contain “dictionary”
Aging—how long a password may remain unchanged. Many policies require users and
administrators to change their passwords periodically. In such cases, the frequency should be
determined by the enforced length and complexity of the password, the sensitivity of the
information protected, and the exposure level of passwords. If aging is required, consideration
should be given to enforcing a minimum aging duration to prevent users from rapidly cycling
through password changes to clear out their password history and bypass reuse restrictions.
Reuse—whether a password may be reused. Some users try to defeat a password aging
requirement by changing the password to one they have used previously. If reuse is prohibited by
policy, it is beneficial, if possible, to ensure that users cannot change their passwords by merely
appending characters to the beginning or end of their original passwords (e.g., original password
was “mysecret” and is changed to “1mysecret” or “mysecret1”).
Authority—who is allowed to change or reset passwords and what sort of proof is required
before initiating any changes.
Password Security—how passwords should be secured, such as not storing passwords
unencrypted on the server, and requiring administrators to use different passwords for their server
administration accounts than their other administration accounts.
Configure Computers to Prevent Password Guessing—It is relatively easy for an unauthorized
user to try to gain access to a computer by using automated software tools that attempt all passwords.
If the OS provides the capability, configure it to increase the period between login attempts with each
unsuccessful attempt. If that is not possible, the alternative is to deny login after a limited number of
failed attempts (e.g., three). Typically, the account is “locked out” for a period of time (such as 30
minutes) or until a user with appropriate authority reactivates it.
The choice to deny login is another situation that requires the server administrator to make a decision
that balances security and convenience. Implementing this recommendation can help prevent some
kinds of attacks, but it can also allow an attacker to use failed login attempts to prevent user access,
resulting in a DoS condition. The risk of DoS from account lockout is much greater if the server is
externally accessible and an attacker knows or can surmise a pattern to your naming convention that
allows them to guess account names.
Failed network login attempts should not prevent an authorized user or administrator from logging in at
the console. Note that all failed login attempts, whether via the network or console, should be logged.
If the server will not be administered remotely, disable the ability for the administrator or root level
accounts to log in from the network.
Install and Configure Other Security Mechanisms to Strengthen Authentication—If the
information on the server requires it, consider using other authentication mechanisms such as
biometrics, smart cards, client/server certificates, or one-time password systems. They can be more
expensive and difficult to implement, but they may be justified in some circumstances. When such
authentication mechanisms and devices are used, the organization’s policy should be changed
accordingly, if necessary. Some organizational policies may already require the use of strong
authentication mechanisms.
As mentioned earlier, attackers using network sniffers can easily capture passwords passed across a
network in clear text. However, passwords are economical and appropriate if properly protected while in
transit. Organizations should implement authentication and encryption technologies, such as Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Shell (SSH), or virtual private networks
using IPsec or SSL/TLS, to protect passwords during transmission over untrusted networks. Requiring
server authentication to be used with encryption technologies reduces the likelihood of successful man-in-
the-middle and spoofing attacks.
Configure Resource Controls Appropriately
All commonly used server OSs provide the capability to specify access privileges individually for files,
directories, devices, and other computational resources. By carefully setting access controls and denying
personnel unauthorized access, the server administrator can reduce intentional and unintentional security
breaches. For example, denying read access to files and directories helps to protect confidentiality of
information, and denying unnecessary write (modify) access can help maintain the integrity of
information. Limiting the execution privilege of most system-related tools to authorized system
administrators can prevent users from making configuration changes that could reduce security. It also
can restrict the attacker’s ability to use those tools to attack the server or other hosts on the network.
Auditing should also be enabled as appropriate to monitor attempts to access protected resources.
In some cases, administrators configure the OS so as to provide an isolated virtual environment that the
server software will be run within. This environment, sometimes called a sandbox or a jail, presents a
limited set of real or virtual resources that the server software or its users can access. The OS is
configured so that server processes and user actions cannot “break out” of the environment. A common
example of an isolated virtual environment is the use of the Unix chroot command to contain anonymous
FTP activity. Even if a malicious user exploited a vulnerability in the FTP service, the user would only
gain access to the virtual environment and not to the underlying OS. Details on creating sandbox and jail
environments are OS and server-specific, and therefore are outside the scope of this publication.
4.3 Install and Configure Additional Security Controls
OSs often do not include all of the security controls necessary to secure the OS, services, and applications
adequately. In such cases, administrators need to select, install, configure, and maintain additional
software to provide the missing controls. Commonly needed controls include the following:
Anti-malware software, such as antivirus software, anti-spyware software, and rootkit detectors, to
protect the local OS from malware and to detect and eradicate any infections that occur.
of when anti-malware software would be helpful include a system administrator bringing infected
media to the server and a network service worm contacting the server and infecting it.
Host-based intrusion detection and prevention software (IDPS), to detect attacks performed against
the server, including DoS attacks. For example, one form of host-based IDPS, file integrity checking
software, can identify changes to critical system files.
Additional information on anti-malware software is available from NIST SP 800-83, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention
and Handling (
Host-based firewalls, to protect the server from unauthorized access.
Patch management or vulnerability management software to ensure that vulnerabilities are addressed
promptly. Patch management and vulnerability management software can be used only to apply
patches or also to identify new vulnerabilities in the server’s OSs, services, and applications.
Some servers also use disk encryption technologies to protect their stored data from attackers who gain
physical access to the servers. Disk encryption technologies are built into some operating systems, and
third-party disk encryption products are also available.
When planning security controls, server administrators should consider the resources that the security
controls will consume. A server’s performance could degrade if it does not have enough memory and
processing capacity for the controls. Server administrators should also consider any network-based
security controls, such as network firewalls and intrusion detection systems, that could provide additional
protection for the server. If host-based security controls are too resource-intensive for a server or are
otherwise infeasible, server administrators may need to compensate by using additional network-based
security controls to protect the server’s OS, services, and applications. For many servers, network-based
security controls are used in addition to host-based security controls to provide additional layers of
4.4 Security Testing the Operating System
Periodic security testing of the OS is a vital way to identify vulnerabilities and to ensure that the existing
security precautions are effective and that security controls are configured properly (for example, the
required cryptographic algorithms are in use to protect network communications). Common methods for
testing OSs include vulnerability scanning and penetration testing. Vulnerability scanning usually entails
using an automated vulnerability scanner to scan a host or group of hosts on a network for application,
network, and OS vulnerabilities. Penetration testing is a testing process designed to compromise a
network using the tools and methodologies of an attacker. It involves iteratively identifying and
exploiting the weakest areas of the network to gain access to the remainder of the network, eventually
compromising the overall security of the network. Vulnerability scanning should be conducted
periodically, at least weekly to monthly, and penetration testing should be conducted at least annually.
Because both of these testing techniques are also applicable to testing the server application, they are
discussed in detail in Section
Factors to be considered when deciding whether to test the production server or a similarly configured
non-production server include the following:
The possible impact to the production server. For example, if a certain test technique is likely to
cause a denial of service, then that technique should probably be used against the non-production
The presence of sensitive personally identifiable information (PII). If testing could expose sensitive
PII, such as Social Security Numbers (SSN) or credit card information, to people without
authorization to see it, then organizations should consider performing the testing on a non-production
server that holds a false version of the PII (e.g., test data instead of actual sensitive PII).
For more information on firewalls, see NIST SP 800-41 Revision 1 (Draft), Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy
For information on other testing techniques, see NIST SP 800-115 (Draft), Technical Guide to Information Security Testing
How similarly the production and non-production servers can be configured. In practice, there are
usually inconsistencies between the test and production environments, which can result in missed
vulnerabilities if the non-production servers are used.
5. Securing the Server Software
Once the OS has been installed and secured, as described in Section 4, the next step is to install and
secure the chosen server software, which is described in this section. Before starting this process, read the
server software documentation carefully and understand the various options available during the
installation process. Also, be sure to visit the server software manufacturer’s Web site or a vulnerability
database Web site, such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD),
to determine whether there are
known vulnerabilities and related patches available that should be installed or configured as part of the
setup process. Only after these preliminary steps are accomplished should the installation be started.
Note that this section discusses only generic installation and configuration procedures; specific directions
for particular servers are available from server manufacturers and from security checklist repositories.
A partially configured and/or patched server should not be exposed to external networks (e.g., the
Internet) or external users. In addition, internal network access should be as limited as possible until all
software is installed, patched, and configured securely. Insecure servers can be compromised in a matter
of minutes after being placed on the Internet. While it is ideal to fully harden the platform before placing
it on the network, it is not always feasible. For example, some application development tool
combinations cannot be installed, configured, and tested on top of a pre-hardened OS and Web server
configuration. In such situations, stepwise or incremental hardening is a viable option to consider, with
full validation of complete hardening occurring at production deployment.
5.1 Securely Installing the Server Software
In many respects, the secure installation and configuration of the server software mirrors the OS process
discussed in Section 4. The overarching principle, as before, is to install only the services required for the
server and to eliminate any known vulnerabilities through patches or upgrades. Any unnecessary
applications, services, or scripts that are installed should be removed immediately once the installation
process is complete. During the installation of the server software, the following steps should be
Install the server software either on a dedicated host or on a dedicated guest OS if virtualization is
being employed.
Apply any patches or upgrades to correct for known vulnerabilities in the server software.
Create a dedicated physical disk or logical partition (separate from OS and server application) for
server data, if applicable.
Remove or disable all services installed by the server application but not required (e.g., gopher, FTP,
HTTP, remote administration).
Remove or disable all unneeded default user accounts created by the server installation.
Remove all manufacturers’ documentation from the server.
Remove all example or test files from the server, including sample content, scripts, and executable
NVD is available at http://nvd.nist.gov/.
NIST hosts a security checklist repository at http://checklists.nist.gov/.
Remove all unneeded compilers.
Apply the appropriate security template or hardening script to the server.
For external-facing servers, reconfigure service banners not to report the server and OS type and
version, if possible.
Configure warning banners for all services that support such banners.
Configure each network service to listen for client connections on only the necessary TCP and UDP
ports, if possible.
Organizations should consider installing the server with non-standard directory names, directory
locations, and filenames if possible. Many server attack tools and worms targeting servers only look for
files and directories in their default locations. While this will not stop determined attackers, it will force
them to work harder to compromise the server, and it also increases the likelihood of attack detection
because of the failed attempts to access the default filenames and directories and the additional time
needed to perform an attack.
5.2 Configuring Access Controls
Most server OSs provide the capability to specify access privileges individually for files, devices, and
other computational resources on that host. Any information that the server can access using these
controls can potentially be distributed to all users accessing the server. The server software is likely to
include mechanisms to provide additional file, device, and resource access controls specific to its
operation. It is important to set identical permissions for both the OS and server application; otherwise,
too much or too little access may be granted to users. Server administrators should consider how best to
configure access controls to protect information stored on servers from two perspectives:
Limit the access of the server application to a subset of computational resources.
Limit the access of users through additional access controls enforced by the server, where more
detailed levels of access control are required.
The proper setting of access controls can help prevent the disclosure of sensitive or restricted information
that is not intended for public dissemination. In addition, access controls can be used to limit resource use
in the event of a DoS attack against the server. Similarly, access controls can enforce separation of duty
by ensuring server logs cannot be modified by server administrators and potentially ensure that the server
process is only allowed to append to the log files.
Typical files to which access should be controlled are as follows:
Application software and configuration files
Files related directly to security mechanisms:
This deters novice attackers and some forms of malware, but it will not deter more skilled attackers from identifying the
server and OS type.
If the organization does not already have approved standard warning banner text, work with the organization’s legal counsel
to develop suitable banner text.
Content derived from Julia Allen et al., Securing Network Servers, April 2000,
Password hash files and other files used in authentication
Files containing authorization information used in controlling access
Cryptographic key material used in confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation services
Server log and system audit files
System software and configuration files
Server content files.
It is vital that the server application executes only under a unique individual user and group identity with
very restrictive access controls. New user and group identities should be established for exclusive use by
the server software. The new user and new group should be independent from all other users and groups
and unique. This is a prerequisite for implementing the access controls described in the following steps.
During initialization, the server may have to run with root (Unix) or administrator/system (Windows)
privileges; ensure that the server is configured to reduce its privileges to those of the server user after
performing its initialization functions.
In addition, use the server OS to limit which files can be accessed by the service processes. These
processes should have read-only access to those files necessary to perform the service and should have no
access to other files, such as server log files. Use server host OS access controls to enforce the
Service processes are configured to run as a user with a strictly limited set of privileges (i.e., not
running as root, administrator, or equivalent).
Service processes can only write to server content files and directories if necessary.
Temporary files created by the server software are restricted to a specified and appropriately
protected subdirectory (if possible). Access to these temporary files is limited to the server processes
that created the files (if possible).
It may also be necessary to ensure that the server software cannot save (or, in some cases, read) files
outside the specified file structure dedicated to server content. This may be a configuration choice in the
server software, or it may be a choice in how the server process is controlled by the OS. Ensure that such
directories and files (outside the specified directory tree) cannot be accessed both directly and through the
server software.
5.3 Server Resource Constraints
To mitigate the effects of certain types of DoS attacks, configure the server to limit the amount of OS
resources it can consume. Some examples include—
Installing server content on a different hard drive or logical partition than the OS and server software.
Derived from Klaus-Peter Kossakowski and Julia Allen, Securing Public Web Servers, 2000,
http://www.sei.cmu.edu/pub/documents/sims/pdf/sim011.pdf. Its recommendations are specific to Web servers, but the
same principles apply to any type of server.
Placing a limit on the amount of hard drive space that is dedicated for uploads, if uploads to the server
are allowed. Ideally, uploads should be placed on a separate partition to provide stronger assurance
that the hard drive limit cannot be exceeded.
If uploads are allowed to the server, ensuring that these files are not readable by the server until after
some automated or manual review process is used to screen them. This measure prevents the server
from being used to propagate malware or traffic pirated software, attack tools, pornography, etc. It is
also possible to limit the size of each uploaded file, which could limit the potential effects of a DoS
attack involving uploading many large files.
Ensuring that log files are stored in a location that is sized appropriately. Ideally, log files should be
stored on a separate partition. If an attack causes the size of the log files to increase beyond
acceptable limits, a physical partition helps ensure the server has enough resources to handle the
situation appropriately.
Configuring the maximum number of server processes and/or network connections that the server
should allow.
To some degree, these actions protect against attacks that attempt to fill the file system on the server OS
with extraneous and incorrect information that may cause the server to crash. Logging information
generated by the server OS may help in recognizing such attacks. As discussed in Section 6.1,
administrators should store server logs on centralized logging servers whenever possible and also store
logs locally if feasible. If an attack causes the server to be compromised, the attacker could modify or
erase locally stored logs to conceal information on the attack. Maintaining a copy of the logs on a
centralized logging server gives administrators more information to use when investigating such a
In addition to the controls mentioned above, it is often necessary to configure timeouts and other controls
to further reduce the impact of certain DoS attacks. One type of DoS attack takes advantage of the
practical limits on simultaneous network connections by quickly establishing connections up to the
maximum permitted, such that no new legitimate users can gain access. By setting network connection
timeouts (the time after which an inactive connection is dropped) to a minimum acceptable time limit,
established connections will time out as quickly as possible, opening up new connections to legitimate
users. This measure only mitigates the effects; it does not defeat the attack.
If the maximum number of open connections (or connections that are half-open—that is, the first part of
the TCP handshake was successful) is set to a low number, an attacker can easily consume the available
connections with illegitimate requests (often called a SYN flood). Setting the maximum to a much higher
number may mitigate the effect of such an attack, but at the expense of consuming additional resources.
Note that this is only an issue for servers that are not protected by a firewall that stops SYN flood attacks.
Most enterprise-level firewalls protect servers from SYN floods by intercepting them before they reach
the servers.
5.4 Selecting and Implementing Authentication and Encryption Technologies
Many servers support a range of technologies for identifying and authenticating users with differing
privileges for accessing information. Without user authentication, a server cannot restrict access to
authorized users—all services and information will be accessible by anyone with access to the server. In
many cases, this is not acceptable. Encryption can be used to protect information traversing the
connection between a server and a client. Without encryption, anyone with access to the network traffic
can determine, and possibly alter, the content of sensitive information, even if the user accessing the
information has been authenticated. This may violate the confidentiality and integrity of critical
Organizations should periodically examine the services and information accessible on the server and
determine the necessary security requirements. While doing so, the organization should identify
information that shares the same security and protection requirements. For sensitive information, the
organization should determine the users or user groups that should have access to each set of resources.
For information that requires some level of user authentication, the organization should determine which
authentication technologies or methods would provide the appropriate level of authentication and
encryption. Each has its own unique benefits and costs that should be weighed carefully with client and
organizational requirements and policies. It may be desirable to use some authentication methods in
combination. NIST SP 800-63, Electronic Authentication Guideline, contains additional information on
authentication mechanisms.
Federal government organizations are required to use Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-
validated cryptographic implementations when using cryptography to protect stored data and data
communications. The Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) performs validation testing of
cryptographic modules.
NIST provides a list of FIPS 140 compliant
manufacturers and
Additional information on encrypting communications is available from NIST SP
800-52, Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) Implementations, NIST
SP 800-77, Guide to IPsec VPNs, and NIST SP 800-113, Guide to SSL VPNs.
Organizations should be prepared to migrate their servers to stronger cryptographic technologies over
time as weaknesses are identified in the servers’ existing cryptographic technologies. For example, NIST
has recommended that use of the Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) be phased out by 2010 in favor of
SHA-224, SHA-256, and other larger, stronger hash functions.
Organizations should stay aware of
cryptographic requirements and recommendations and plan to update their servers accordingly.
As of this writing, the current version of FIPS 140 is 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips140-2/fips1402.pdf). FIPS 140-3 is currently available in draft
All of these NIST SPs are available at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html.
See http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/hash/index.html, FIPS PUB 180-2, Secure Hash Standard,
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-2/fips180-2withchangenotice.pdf, and FIPS PUB 180-3 (Draft),
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html for additional information on hash function requirements.
6. Maintaining the Security of the Server
After initially deploying a server, administrators need to maintain its security continuously. This section
provides general recommendations for securely administering servers. Vital activities include handling
and analyzing log files, performing regular server backups, recovering from server compromises, testing
server security regularly, and performing remote administration securely. As discussed in Section 4,
security configuration guides and checklists are publicly available for many OSs and server software;
many of these documents contain OS and server-specific recommendations for security maintenance.
Other maintenance activities discussed in earlier sections, and thus not duplicated here, include testing
and deploying OS and server patches and updates, maintaining the secure configuration of the OS and
server software, and maintaining additional security controls used for the server.
6.1 Logging
Logging is a cornerstone of a sound security posture. Capturing the correct data in the logs and then
monitoring those logs closely is vital.
Network and system logs are important, especially system logs in
the case of encrypted communications, where network monitoring is less effective. Server software can
provide additional log data relevant to server-specific events.
Reviewing logs is mundane and reactive, and many server administrators devote their time to performing
duties that they consider more important or urgent. However, log files are often the only record of
suspicious behavior. Enabling the mechanisms to log information allows the logs to be used to detect
failed and successful intrusion attempts and to initiate alert mechanisms when further investigation is
needed. Procedures and tools need to be in place to process and analyze the log files and to review alert
Server logs provide—
Alerts to suspicious activities that require further investigation
Tracking of an attacker’s activities
Assistance in the recovery of the server
Assistance in post-event investigation
Required information for legal proceedings.
The selection and implementation of specific server software determines which actions the server
administrator should perform to establish logging configurations. Some of the information contained in
the steps below may not be fully applicable to all server software products.
Identifying Logging Capabilities and Requirements
Each type of server software supports different logging capabilities. Some server software may use a
single log, while other server software may use multiple logs (each for different types of records). Some
This includes both host-based and network-based security controls. However, in many environments, network-based
security controls such as enterprise firewalls and intrusion detection systems are maintained by someone other than the
server administrator.
For more information on logging, see NIST SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log Management, which is available at
server software permits administrators to select from multiple log formats, such as proprietary, database,
and delimiter-separated.
If a server supports the execution of programs, scripts, or plug-ins, it may be necessary for the programs,
scripts, or plug-ins to perform additional logging. Often, critical events take place within the application
code itself and will not be logged by the server. If server administrators develop or acquire application
programs, scripts, or plug-ins, it is strongly recommended that they define and implement a
comprehensive and easy-to-understand logging approach based on the logging mechanisms provided by
the server host OS. Log information associated with programs, scripts, and plug-ins can add significantly
to the typical information logged by the server and may prove invaluable when investigating events.
Ensuring that sufficient log capacity is available is a concern because logs often take considerably more
space than administrators initially estimate, especially when logging is set to a highly detailed level.
Administrators should closely monitor the size of the log files when they implement different logging
settings to ensure that the log files do not fill up the allocated storage. Because of the size of the log files,
removing and archiving the logs more frequently or reducing the logging level of detail may be necessary.
Some server programs provide a capability to enforce or disable the checking of specified access controls
during program startup. This level of control may be helpful, for example, to avoid inadvertent alteration
of log files because of errors in file access administration. Server administrators should determine the
circumstances under which they may wish to enable such checks (assuming the server software supports
this feature).
All servers should use time synchronization technologies, such as the Network Time Protocol (NTP), to
keep their internal clocks synchronized with an accurate time source. This provides accurate timestamps
for logs.
6.1.2 Reviewing and Retaining Log Files
Reviewing log files is a tedious and time-consuming task that informs administrators of events that have
already occurred. Accordingly, files are often useful for corroborating other evidence, such as a CPU
utilization spike or anomalous network traffic reported by an IDPS. When a log is used to corroborate
other evidence, a focused review is in order. For example, if an IDPS reported a suspicious outbound
FTP connection from a Web server at 8:17 a.m., then a review of the logs generated around 8:17 a.m. is
appropriate. Server logs should also be reviewed for indications of attacks. The frequency of the reviews
depends on the following factors:
Amount of traffic the server receives
General threat level (certain servers receive many more attacks than other servers and thus should
have their logs reviewed more frequently)
Specific threats (at certain times, specific threats arise that may require more frequent log file
Vulnerability of the server
Value of data and services provided by the server.
Reviews should take place regularly (e.g., daily) and when a suspicious activity has been noted or a threat
warning has been issued. Obviously, the task could quickly become burdensome to a server
administrator. To reduce this burden, automated log analysis tools have been developed (see Section
In addition, a long-term and more in-depth analysis of the logs is needed. Because a server attack can
involve hundreds of unique requests, an attacker may attempt to disguise a server attack by increasing the
interval between requests. In this case, reviewing a single day’s or week’s logs may not show
recognizable trends. However, when trends are analyzed over a week, month, or quarter, multiple attacks
from the same host or subnet can be more easily recognized.
Log files should be protected to ensure that if an attacker does compromise a server, the log files cannot
be altered to cover the attack. Although encryption can be useful in protecting log files, the best solution
is to store log files on a host separate from the server. This is often called a centralized logging server.
Centralized logging is often performed using syslog, which is a standard logging protocol.
some organizations use security information and event management (SIEM) software that uses centralized
servers to perform log analysis, database servers to store logs, and either agents installed on the individual
hosts or processes running on the centralized servers to transfer server logs or log data from the hosts to
the servers and parse the logs.
Log files should be backed up and archived regularly. Archiving log files for a period of time is
important for several reasons, including supporting certain legal actions and troubleshooting problems
with the server. The retention period for archived log files depends on a number of factors, including the
Legal and regulatory requirements
Organizational requirements
Size of logs (which is directly related to the traffic of the site and the number of details logged)
Value of server data and services
Threat level.
Automated Log File Analysis Tools
Many servers receive significant amounts of traffic, and the log files quickly become voluminous.
Automated log analysis tools should be installed to ease the burden on server administrators. These tools
analyze the entries in the server log files and identify suspicious and unusual activity. As mentioned in
Section 6.1.2, some organizations use SIEM software for centralized logging, which can also perform
automated log file analysis. Many commercial and public domain tools are also available to support
regular analysis of particular types of server logs.
The automated log analyzer should forward any suspicious events to the responsible server administrator
or security incident response team as soon as possible for follow-up investigation. Some organizations
Syslog is defined in IETF RFC 3164, The BSD Syslog Protocol, which is available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3164.txt.
More information on syslog and SIEM implementations is provided in NIST SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log
Management, which is available at
may wish to use two or more log analyzers, which will reduce the risk of missing an attacker or other
significant events in the log files.
6.2 Server Backup Procedures
One of the most important functions of a server administrator is to maintain the integrity of the data on
the server. This is important because servers are often some of the most exposed and vital hosts on an
organization’s network. The server administrator needs to perform backups of the server on a regular
basis for several reasons. A server could fail as a result of a malicious or unintentional act or a hardware
or software failure. In addition, Federal agencies and many other organizations are governed by
regulations on the backup and archiving of server data. Server data should also be backed up regularly
for legal and financial reasons.
Server Data Backup Policies
All organizations need to create a server data backup policy. Three main factors influence the contents of
this policy:
Legal requirements
Applicable laws and regulations (Federal, state, and international)
Litigation requirements
Mission requirements
Accepted practices
Criticality of data to organization
Organizational guidelines and policies.
Although each organization’s server backup policy will be different to reflect its particular environment,
it should address the following issues:
Purpose of the policy
Parties affected by the policy
Servers covered by the policy
Definitions of key terms, especially legal and technical
Detailed requirements from the legal, business, and organization’s perspective
Required frequency of backups
Derived from Karen Kent and Murugiah Souppaya, NIST SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log Management, April
Procedures for ensuring data is properly retained and protected
Procedures for ensuring data is properly destroyed or archived when no longer required
Procedures for preserving information for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, legal
investigations, and other such requests
Responsibilities of those involved in data retention, protection, and destruction activities
Retention period for each type of information logged
Specific duties of a central/organizational data backup team, if one exists.
6.2.2 Server Backup Types
Three primary types of backups exist: full, incremental, and differential. Full backups include the OS,
applications, and data stored on the server (i.e., an image of every piece of data stored on the server hard
drives). The advantage of a full backup is that it is easy to restore the entire server to the state (e.g.,
configuration, patch level, data) it was in when the backup was performed. The disadvantage of full
backups is that they take considerable time and resources to perform. Incremental backups reduce the
impact of backups by backing up only data that has changed since the previous backup (either full or
Differential backups reduce the number of backup sets that must be accessed to restore a configuration by
backing up all changed data since the last full backup. However, each differential backup increases as
time lapses from the last full backup, requiring more processing time and storage than would an
incremental backup. Generally, full backups are performed less frequently (weekly to monthly or when a
significant change occurs), and incremental or differential backups are performed more frequently (daily
to weekly). The frequency of backups will be determined by several factors:
Volatility of information on the site
Static content (less frequent backups)
Dynamic content (more frequent backups)
E-commerce/e-government (very frequent backups)
Volatility of configuring the server
Type of data to be backed up (e.g., system, application, log, or user data)
Amount of data to be backed up
Backup device and media available
Time available for dumping backup data
Criticality of data
Threat level faced by the server
Effort required for data reconstruction without data backup
Other data backup or redundancy features of the server (e.g., Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
For servers with highly dynamic data, standard backups may be insufficient to ensure the availability of
the server data. Some services have data modified on a continuous basis, and a server failure
necessitating restoration from a backup would cause the loss of all data changes made since the previous
backup. Some servers offer replication services that allow data changes from one server to be duplicated
on another server, either for individual changes or small batches of changes. Replication does place
additional load on servers and networks, so organizations need to weigh the costs of replication against
the costs of lost availability should a server failure occur. Replication is not intended to take the place of
standard backups, only to provide a capability to duplicate recent changes to data.
Maintain a Test Server
Most organizations will probably wish to maintain a test or development server for their most important
servers, at a minimum.
Ideally, this server should have hardware and software identical to the
production or live server and be located on an internal network segment (intranet) where it can be fully
protected by the organization’s perimeter network defenses. Although the cost of maintaining an
additional server is not inconsequential, having a test server offers numerous advantages:
It provides a platform to test new patches and service packs before application on the production
It provides a development platform for the server administrator to develop and test new content and
It provides a platform to test configuration settings before applying them to production servers.
Software critical for development and testing but that might represent an unacceptable security risk
on the production server can be installed on the development server (e.g., software compliers,
administrative tool kits, remote access software).
6.3 Recovering From a Security Compromise
Most organizations eventually face a successful compromise of one or more hosts on their network.
Organizations should create and document the required policies and procedures for responding to
successful intrusions.
The response procedures should outline the actions that are required to respond to
a successful compromise of the server and the appropriate sequence of these actions (sequence can be
critical). Most organizations already have a dedicated incident response team in place, which should be
contacted immediately when there is suspicion or confirmation of a compromise. In addition, the
Larger organizations sometimes have several test and development servers and environments for their most critical servers
and systems. For example, there could be a server for developer testing, another server for quality assurance testing, and
one or more externally accessible servers for testing from business partners.
For more information on this area, see NIST SP 800-61 Revision 1, Computer Security Incident Handling Guide, and NIST
SP 800-18 Revision 1, Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems
organization may wish to ensure that some of its staff are knowledgeable in the fields of computer and
network forensics.
A server administrator should follow the organization’s policies and procedures for incident handling, and
the incident response team should be contacted for guidance before the organization takes any action after
a suspected or confirmed security compromise. Examples of steps commonly performed after
discovering a successful compromise are as follows:
Report the incident to the organization’s computer incident response capability.
Isolate the compromised systems or take other steps to contain the attack so that additional
information can be collected.
Consult expeditiously, as appropriate, with management, legal counsel, and law enforcement.
Investigate similar
hosts to determine if the attacker also has compromised other systems.
Analyze the intrusion, including—
The current state of the server, starting with the most ephemeral data (e.g., current network
connections, memory dump, files time stamps, logged in users)
Modifications made to the server’s software and configuration
Modifications made to the data
Tools or data left behind by the attacker
System, intrusion detection, and firewall log files.
Restore the server before redeploying it.
Either install a clean version of the OS, applications, necessary patches, and server content; or
restore the server from backups (this option can be more risky because the backups may have
been made after the compromise, and restoring from a compromised backup may still allow the
attacker access to the server).
Disable unnecessary services.
Apply all patches.
Change all passwords (including on uncompromised hosts, if their passwords are believed to have
been seen by the compromised server, or if the same passwords are used on other hosts).
More information on computer and network forensics is available from NIST SP 800-86, Guide to Integrating Forensic
Techniques Into Incident Response (
Isolating the server must be accomplished with great care if the organization wishes to collect evidence. Many attackers
configure compromised systems to erase evidence if a compromised system is disconnected from the network or rebooted.
One method to isolate a server would be to reconfigure the nearest upstream switch or router.
Similar hosts would include hosts that are in the same IP address range, have the same or similar passwords, share a trust
relationship, and/or have the same OS and/or applications.
Reconfigure network security elements (e.g., firewall, router, IDPS) to provide additional
protection and notification.
Test the server to ensure security.
Reconnect the server to the network.
Monitor the server and network for signs that the attacker is attempting to access the server or
network again.
Document lessons learned.
Based on the organization’s policy and procedures, system administrators should decide whether to
reinstall the OS of a compromised server or restore it from a backup. Factors that are often considered
include the following:
Level of access that the attacker gained (e.g., root, user, guest, system)
Type of attacker (internal or external)
Purpose of compromise (e.g., Web page defacement, illegal software repository, platform for other
attacks, data exfiltration)
Method used for the server compromise
Actions of the attacker during and after the compromise (e.g., log files, intrusion detection reports)
Duration of the compromise
Extent of the compromise on the network (e.g., the number of hosts compromised)
Results of consultation with management and legal counsel.
The lower the level of access gained by the intruder and the more the server administrator understands
about the attacker’s actions, the less risk there is in restoring from a backup and patching the
vulnerability. For incidents in which there is less known about the attacker’s actions and/or in which the
attacker gains high-level access, it is recommended that the OS, server software, and other applications be
reinstalled from the manufacturer’s original distribution media and that the server data be restored only
from a known good backup.
If legal action is pursued, server administrators need to be aware of the guidelines for handling a host
after a compromise. Consult legal counsel and relevant law enforcement authorities as appropriate.
6.4 Security Testing Servers
Periodic security testing of servers is critical. Without periodic testing, there is no assurance that current
protective measures are working or that the security patch applied by the server administrator is
functioning as advertised. Although a variety of security testing techniques exists, vulnerability scanning
is the most common. Vulnerability scanning assists a server administrator in identifying vulnerabilities
and verifying whether the existing security measures are effective. Penetration testing is also used, but it
is used less frequently and usually only as part of an overall penetration test of the organization’s
Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability scanners are automated tools that are used to identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations
of hosts. Many vulnerability scanners also provide information about mitigating discovered
vulnerabilities. Vulnerability scanners attempt to identify vulnerabilities in the hosts scanned.
Vulnerability scanners can help identify out-of-date software versions, missing patches, or system
upgrades, and they can validate compliance with or deviations from the organization’s security policy.
To accomplish this, vulnerability scanners identify OSs, server software, and other major software
applications running on hosts and match them with known vulnerabilities in their vulnerability databases.
However, vulnerability scanners have some significant weaknesses. Generally, they identify only surface
vulnerabilities and are unable to address the overall risk level of a scanned server. Although the scan
process itself is highly automated, vulnerability scanners can have a high false positive error rate
(reporting vulnerabilities when none exist). Also, vulnerability scanners may not be able to recognize that
compensating controls are in place that mitigate a detected vulnerability. This means an individual with
expertise in server security and administration must interpret the results. Furthermore, vulnerability
scanners cannot generally identify vulnerabilities in custom code or applications.
Vulnerability scanners rely on periodic updating of the vulnerability database to recognize the latest
vulnerabilities. Before running any scanner, server administrators should install the latest updates to its
vulnerability database. Some databases are updated more regularly than others (the frequency of updates
should be a major consideration when choosing a vulnerability scanner). Because of the potential
negative impact of vulnerability scanning, server administrators may wish to scan test servers first with
new vulnerability database updates to ascertain their impact on the servers before scanning production
Vulnerability scanners are often better at detecting well-known vulnerabilities than more esoteric ones
because it is impossible for any one scanning product to incorporate all known vulnerabilities in a timely
manner. In addition, manufacturers want to keep the speed of their scanners high (the more
vulnerabilities detected, the more tests required, which slows the overall scanning process). Therefore,
vulnerability scanners may be less useful to server administrators operating less popular servers, OSs, or
custom-coded applications.
Vulnerability scanners provide the following capabilities:
Identifying active hosts on a network
Identifying active services (ports) on hosts and which of these are vulnerable
Identifying applications and banner grabbing
Identifying OSs
Identifying vulnerabilities associated with discovered OSs, server software, and other applications
Testing compliance with host application usage/security policies.
For information about other testing techniques, see NIST SP 800-115 (Draft), Technical Guide to Information Security
Testing (
Organizations should conduct vulnerability scanning to validate that OSs and server software are up-to-
date on security patches and software versions. Vulnerability scanning is a labor-intensive activity that
requires a high degree of human involvement to interpret the results. It may also be disruptive to
operations by taking up network bandwidth, slowing network response times, and potentially affecting the
availability of the scanned server or its applications. However, vulnerability scanning is extremely
important for ensuring that vulnerabilities are mitigated as soon as possible, before they are discovered
and exploited by adversaries. Vulnerability scanning should be conducted on a weekly to monthly basis.
Many organizations also run a vulnerability scan whenever a new vulnerability database is released for
the organization’s scanner application. Vulnerability scanning results should be documented and
discovered deficiencies should be corrected.
Organizations should also consider running more than one vulnerability scanner. As previously
discussed, no scanner is able to detect all known vulnerabilities; however, using two scanners generally
increases the number of vulnerabilities detected. A common practice is to use one commercial and one
freeware scanner. Network-based and host-based vulnerability scanners are available for free or for a fee.
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is “security testing in which evaluators attempt to circumvent the security features of a
system based on their understanding of the system design and implementation”.
The purpose of
penetration testing is to exercise system protections (particularly human response to attack indications) by
using common tools and techniques developed by attackers. This testing is highly recommended for
complex or critical servers.
Penetration testing can be an invaluable technique to any organization's information security program.
However, it is a very labor-intensive activity and requires great expertise to minimize the risk to targeted
systems. At a minimum, it may slow the organization's network response time because of network
mapping and vulnerability scanning. Furthermore, the possibility exists that systems may be damaged or
rendered inoperable in the course of penetration testing. Although this risk is mitigated by the use of
experienced penetration testers, it can never be fully eliminated.
Penetration testing does offer the following benefits:
Tests the network using the same methodologies and tools employed by attackers
Verifies whether vulnerabilities exist
Goes beyond surface vulnerabilities and demonstrates how these vulnerabilities can be exploited
iteratively to gain greater access
Demonstrates that vulnerabilities are not purely theoretical
Provides the “realism” necessary to address security issues
Allows for testing of procedures and susceptibility of the human element to social engineering.
Definition from Committee on National Security Systems, National Information Assurance (IA) Glossary, CNSS Instruction
No. 4009, June 2006
Derived from John Wack et al., NIST SP 800-42, Guideline on Network Security Testing, February 2002,
6.5 Remotely Administering a Server
Remote administration of a server should be allowed only after careful consideration of the risks. The
risk of enabling remote administration varies considerably depending on the location of the server on the
network. For a server that is located behind a firewall, remote administration can be implemented
relatively securely from the internal network, but not without added risk. Remote administration should
generally not be allowed from a host located outside the organization’s network unless it is performed
from an organization-controlled computer through the organization’s remote access solution, such as a
If an organization determines that it is necessary to remotely administer a server, following these steps
should ensure that remote administration is implemented in as secure a manner as possible:
Use a strong authentication mechanism (e.g., public/private key pair, two-factor authentication).
Restrict which hosts can be used to remotely administer the server.
Restrict by authorized users
Restrict by IP address (not hostname)
Restrict to hosts on the internal network or those using the organization’s enterprise remote
access solution.
Use secure protocols that can provide encryption of both passwords and data (e.g., SSH, HTTPS); do
not use less secure protocols (e.g., telnet, FTP, NFS, HTTP) unless absolutely required and tunneled
over an encrypted protocol, such as SSH, SSL, or IPsec.
Enforce the concept of least privilege on remote administration (e.g., attempt to minimize the access
rights for the remote administration accounts).
Do not allow remote administration from the Internet through the firewall unless accomplished via
strong mechanisms, such as VPNs.
Use remote administration protocols that support server authentication to prevent man-in-the-middle
Change any default accounts or passwords for the remote administration utility or application.
Appendix A—Glossary
Selected terms used in the publication are defined below.
Availability: Ensuring that information is accessible by authorized users.
Confidentiality: Protecting information from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
Hardening: Configuring a host’s operating system and applications to reduce the host’s security
Integrity: Ensuring the authenticity of information—that information is not altered, and that the source
of the information is genuine.
Least Privilege: Offering only the required functionality to each authorized user, so that no one can use
functions that are not necessary.
Management Control: A security control that focuses on the management of a system or the
management of risk for a system.
Network Administrator: A person responsible for the overall design, implementation, and maintenance
of a network.
Operational Control: A security control that is primarily implemented and executed by people, rather
than by systems.
Patch: An update to an operating system, application, or other software issued specifically to correct
particular problems with the software.
Risk Assessment: The process of analyzing and interpreting risk.
Risk Management: The process of selecting and implementing controls to reduce risk to a level
acceptable to the organization.
Security Administrator: A person dedicated to performing information security functions for servers
and other hosts, as well as networks.
Security Control: A protection measure for a system.
Server: A host that provides one or more services for other hosts over a network as a primary function.
Server Administrator: A system architect responsible for the overall design, implementation, and
maintenance of a server.
Server Software: Software that is run on a server to provide one or more services.
Service: In the context of a server, a function that a server provides for other hosts to use.
Technical Control: An automated security control employed by the system.
Upgrade: A new version of an operating system, application, or other software.
Appendix B—Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations used in this guide are defined below.
3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
CA Certificate Authority
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CIO Chief Information Officer
CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program
CPU Central Processing Unit
DNS Domain Name System
DoD Department of Defense
DoS Denial of Service
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FTP File Transfer Protocol
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IDPS Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
ISP Internet Service Provider
ISSO Information Systems Security Officer
ISSPM Information Systems Security Program Manager
IT Information Technology
ITL Information Technology Laboratory
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
NCP National Checklist Program
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System
NFS Network File System
NIS Network Information System
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NTP Network Time Protocol
NVD National Vulnerability Database
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OS Operating System
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RFC Request for Comments
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SHS Secure Hash Standard
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SP Special Publication
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
URL Uniform Resource Locator
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
Appendix C—Resources
The lists below provide examples of resources that may be helpful for understanding general server
NIST Resource Sites
Site Name URL
Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/index.html
National Checklist Program (NCP) http://checklists.nist.gov/
National Vulnerability Database (NVD) http://nvd.nist.gov/
Server Security-Specific NIST Documents
Document Title URL
SP 800-44 Version 2, Guidelines on Securing Public
Web Servers
SP 800-45 Version 2, Guidelines on Electronic Mail
SP 800-81, Secure Domain Name System (DNS)
Deployment Guide
General NIST Security Documents
Document Title URL
FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic
FIPS 140-3 (Draft), Security Requirements for
Cryptographic Modules
FIPS 180-2, Secure Hash Standard (SHS)
FIPS 180-3 (Draft), Secure Hash Standard (SHS) http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html
FIPS 199, Standards for Security Categorization of
Federal Information and Information Systems
SP 800-14, Generally Accepted Principles and Practices
for Securing Information Technology Systems
SP 800-18 Revision 1, Guide for Developing Security
Plans for Federal Information Systems
SP 800-23, Guidelines to Federal Organizations on
Security Assurance and Acquisition/Use of
Tested/Evaluated Products
SP 800-27 Revision A, Engineering Principles for
Information Technology Security
SP 800-30, Risk Management Guide for Information
Technology Systems
SP 800-32, Introduction to Public Key Technology and http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-32/sp800-
Document Title URL
the Federal PKI Infrastructure
SP 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Information
Technology Systems
SP 800-37, Guide for the Security Certification and
Accreditation of Federal Information Systems
SP 800-40 Version 2.0, Creating a Patch and
Vulnerability Management Program
SP 800-41 Revision 1 (Draft), Guidelines on Firewalls
and Firewall Policy
SP 800-52, Guidelines for the Selection and Use of
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Implementations
SP 800-53 Revision 2, Recommended Security Controls
for Federal Information Systems
SP 800-55 Revision 1, Performance Measurement Guide
for Information Security
SP 800-60 Revision 1, Volume 1 (Draft), Guide for
Mapping Types of Information and Information Systems
to Security Categories
SP 800-61 Revision 1, Computer Security Incident
Handling Guide
SP 800-63 Version 1.0.2, Electronic Authentication
SP 800-63-1 (Draft), Electronic Authentication Guideline http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html
SP 800-70, Security Configuration Checklists Program
for IT Products: Guidance for Checklists Users and
SP 800-77, Guide to IPsec VPNs
SP 800-83, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and
SP 800-88, Guidelines for Media Sanitization
SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log
SP 800-94, Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Systems (IDPS)
SP 800-100, Information Security Handbook: A Guide for
SP 800-113, Guide to SSL VPNs
SP 800-115 (Draft), Technical Guide to Information
Security Testing