Best Practices for
Deploying MultiValue
Applications to the Cloud
Best Practices for Cloud Deployments .........................................................................................................................3
What is Cloud .......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................ 3
Operating systems (Windows VS Linux) .......................................................................................................................... ..................................4
Linux - Which Linux? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
VM Configurations ...........................................................................................................................................................5
Ram ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Storage...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
File Systems .......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................... 5
NTFS - Windows .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................... 6
XFS – RedHat Linux ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
ZFS - OpenZFS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Numa!!! - Do not overprovision! ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Ulimits – Large systems need tuning based on loads .................................................................................................................................... 7
Connectivity .......................................................................................................................................................................8
SSH vs Telnet ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
AccuTerm/IO (Sockets)........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
VPNs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Web Based security controls ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Token based/per IP based controls .......................................................................................................................... ........................................... 10
Good access Controls ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Good tracking. Watch for attacks ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Access Controls ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Other Services ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
FTP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Email – SendGrid/Cloud/Trellio/etc. .......................................................................................................................... ................................ 11
Storage – Usually PDFs, CSV files, etc. Move away from Windows Shares ..................................................................................... 11
Deployment techniques – Git vs Windows shares to move code around for example ................................................................. 11
Web services (MVConnect, MVIS, U2 Web DE, Bluefinitty, RDM, homegrown, etc.) ................................................................... 11
HA/DR and Backups .......................................................................................................................................................12
Backups/Restores - MV systems are databases. .............................................................................................................................................12
Snapshots ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
HA/TF/Restores ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Logging – watching disk space, etc. .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Security ...............................................................................................................................................................................13
SELinux/Other kernel level tools ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Windows Security tools ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
User Permissions (Root/Admin vs users) ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Logging – Watching activity ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Encrypted files ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Encrypted transmissions (SSH vs Telnet, https vs http, etc.) ......................................................................................................................... 14
Keep software and Operating Systems up to date! DevOps ................................................................................................................ 14
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   3
Best Practices for
Cloud Deployments
What is Cloud
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage
and computing power, without direct active management by the user.
This means even an on-premises datacenter with VMWare and shared San storage is Cloud. There are
different cloud options which is where the definition can get confusing.
MultValue Cloud Journey
Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Public Cloud
3rd Party Managed
Infastructure Modernization
The largest MV application modemization challenges
Movement from green scree style apps to new GUI apps.
Adoption of Restful Services.
Licensing and legacy locking.
On Premises
Most clients have moved from on-prem hardware to cloud.
The last on-prem sites are usually AIX and most are looking
to migrate.
Application Modernization
Rocket MVX:
Rocket MV
Data Servers (UniVerse,
UniData, jBASE, D3)
Most of us have already started on a Cloud Journey, usually with VMWare and our own Data Center.
This is shown above as the Private Self-Managed Cloud. This initial step introduced us to the concepts
of on-demand resources via Virtual Machines and VMWare.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   4
Operating systems (Windows VS Linux)
The most popular hosted operating system in the Cloud is Linux. Most hypervisors are based on Linux
and therefore their support and performance for Linux is the best. Windows is also supported, but
usually requires more resources, mainly due to the Graphical Desktop. Linux, by default, is designed to
run without a Graphical Desktop and is easily managed via Console apps. A clouded system is, by default,
a remote system and you’ll handle administration remotely. If you’re following best practices, use Linux
over Windows when possible. If you want to run Windows, keep in mind you will have to allocate more
resources. Go with a provider that is ready to fully support your Windows deployments. VMWare-based
providers are typically better at this versus the public providers such as NexusTek and Rackspace.
Linux - Which Linux?
You want to run a flavor of Linux with support. The best supported Linux for most MV platforms
is RedHat Enterprise. There are RedHat clones on the market like Rocky Linux and Alma Linux
that will work and there are companies that will offer support. But if you’re following best
practices, go with RedHat when possible.
If you are running on an AIX or other Non-Intel-based infrastructure, you may already have experience
with this via technologies such as Logical partitions (LPARs) in Linux and San storage such as NetApp.
With each move to the right in the graphic above, you will need to understand the hardware designs
of each platform and how they can affect your existing system. Items such as Networking, storage and
backups, and general performance around your app requires you to understand each Cloud’s offering.
Private Self-Managed clouds such as VMWare with your own NetApp is typically more flexible at matching
your original process than a Public cloud offering such as Azure, where you are expected to match what
those platforms are offering, primarily due to the fact that the cloud providers manage their offerings.
Your MV application has no barriers that will keep you from moving it to these other platforms, but you’ll
need to make changes (around printing for example). In addition, many Public Cloud providers do offer
more advanced options such as NetApps and dedicated hosts at a higher cost.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   5
VM Configurations
You should have enough memory to hold most of your active database in memory. Disk systems have
gotten faster but, as you move right on the Cloud Journey diagram shown earlier, you may find the
more inexpensive offerings are not as fast as your on-premises NetApp. Your system will load as much
as your database from Disk into Memory, minimizing the effects of slower Disk systems. Watch your
systems swap usage and if it is in heavy usage, you should expand your memory. Some providers also
offer different speeds of memory. While MV is not a compute-intensive app, it is a Database and similar
recommendations for a SQL system should be used for your MV system.
Your storage system is your next-most important item. MV is a Database and the same SQL style
recommendations should be used for your Storage System.
1. Use separate disks to store your Database. Do not use the O/S disk.
2. Understand Snapshot options. Most public offerings do not have performant snapshot technology
as an on-premise NetApp. Some snapshots can take minutes to complete which means down time
for your system (you should always pause your Database while taking Snapshots).
3. Stay away from Memory-based storage unless they have been specifically recommended for
File Systems
If you’re following best practices, use a high-performance file system with good journal and snapshot
abilities. On Windows you have NTFS. If you’re on Linux, it’s a best practice to use XFS or ZFS vs Ext3
or Ext4.
Sizing your virtual environments is very important. MV systems are both Application Servers and Database
servers at the same time. You do not want to undersize or oversize your system. MV systems are very
efficient and were designed to run on smaller hardware systems of the past. But as systems became
more powerful your developers needed to optimize code less due to the higher performance hardware,
especially around Disk and Memory performance.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   6
NTFS – Windows
Windows comes with NTFS which is a high performance journaled file system with a built-in Volume
Shadow Copy Service.
Excellent journaling system to fix the file system
after a restart
Volume Shadow Copy Service – Snapshots
Resilient File System (ReFS)
Large disk support
Shapshot Support: No MV platforms at this time offer built in Shadow Copy integration and therefore you
must manually script the creation of snapshots using Diskshadow. To create a consistent snapshot, you
would first pause your MV database using the appropriate tool and then use DiskShadow to create your
snapshot and then unpause your database.
NTFS Documentation: NTFS overview | Microsoft Learn
Volume Shadow Copy: Volume Shadow Copy Service | Microsoft Learn
Diskshadow: Diskshadow | Microsoft Learn
XFS – RedHat Linux
XFS is a file system created by Silicon Graphics and is included free in Linux Kernels and therefore most
distributions. XFS is supported by Linux and is very performant and has excellent journaling capabilities.
It does not have built-in snapshot capabilities and relies on LVM which is a less performant snapshot
technology as it is a multi-write system.
Less CPU usage
Excellent Journaling via B+ trees
Red Hat Support
Snapshots rely on LVM
Red Hat XFS Documentation:
Chapter 3. The XFS File System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 | Red Hat Customer Portal
Red Hat LVM Snapshots:
Chapter 10. Snapshot of logical volumes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 | Red Hat Customer Portal
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   7
Numa!!! – Do not overprovision!
Numa is non-uniform memory access. Numa is when a physical host has separate memory allocated
to each physical CPU. This is a high-speed bus that allows Cores to run in a physical CPU to have much
faster memory access. If a single machine allocated more memory than is attached to a single physical
CPU, it can use memory from the other CPU via a much slower bus. For Database applications this is very
dangerous and can result in performance issues on very busy systems. It is best to allocate your virtual
machines to stay within a single Num Core. For example, if your host is a dual CPU box with 64 gigs of
memory and 32 cores, this means you have only 32 gigs of memory and 16 cores attached to each physical
CPU. If you allocate a machine with more than that (CPU or memory) it will have to use this slower bus at
some point. Most operating systems are Numa aware and will do their best to keep you in a single Numa
for performance, which means over-allocation provided minimal benefit. If the system does get very busy
it may spread across the Numas and you may start seeing strange performance issues (typically this is
caused by processes waiting on a process that is running across the slower bus). Stay within your single
Numa and if you need more power add more memory/cores to your underlying hosts. When working with
third-party hosts, discuss this issue with your provider and get their recommendations.
Here is a link to some Database specific articles discussing Numa.
NUMA and database headaches • JurisTech
Ulimits – Large systems need tuning based on loads
Linux systems have built in resource limits for the entire system and individual processes. These are
designed to keep a single runaway process from taking all your resources and affecting all users. As your
MV system gets larger, you will need to tune up these parameters based on your system requirements.
You can set many of these parameters to unlimited, but that is dangerous and will allow a runaway
process to consume all your resources. Examples of runaway processes can be programs not properly
releasing memory or bad queries selecting your entire Database.
RedHat article on setting Ulimits: How to set ulimit values - Red Hat Customer Portal
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   8
SSH vs Telnet
If you’re following best practices, you should always use SSH for remote console connectivity. Many
legacy MV apps are console based and typically use MV emulators such as Rocket
. SSH is an encrypted connection and has multiple security models for use/password
authentication such as key-based, Active Directory/Pam integration, or other models. SSH servers also
have multiple configuration options and have great security logging modules. As your MV application
moves from Private on premises access to Public/third-party clouds, if you’re following best practices,
you’ll need to migrate to SSH versus Telnet. Also, you can forward traffic through an SSH connection with
most SSH clients. Some think that if a site is also using a VPN, that it’s okay to use telnet, but this is an issue
if you are sending your passwords unencrypted, meaning anybody on your private network could sniff
around the network and capture other people's passwords.
AccuTerm/IO (Sockets)
A new console connectivity option is AccuTerm Web, an HTML/Javascript-based version of AccuTerm that
connects to your hosts via Secure Web Sockets. Web Sockets are a bi-directional web technology that
is often used by Instant Messaging software. With AccuTerm/Web your connection is secure, and the
encryption keys are handled by the same technology doing your HTTPS encryption. Moving from SSH keys
to Enterprise Web Certs can be more secure than some SSH techniques and may align better with your
security departments.
SSO is single sign-on. This option will often fall into a few parts of your MV Application.
1. Console app login via Emulators such as AccuTerm/wIntegrate. These applications typically rely on the
Host Operating system to login. On a Linux system this is typically the /etc/passwd system via PAM or
on Windows Authentication. If you have an enterprise SSO system, such as Active Directory, you can
integrate the host O/S to these systems. Windows is typically straight forward with AD while Linux has
SSSD that integrates with AD. Other third-party providers such as Okta or Google have their own tools
to integrate. Keep in mind you will have to map Group security to these systems.
2. You App. Your app may have its own security system built into it. Legacy console apps may bypass
the Unix layer and prompt you (or keep both) while many GUI apps will implement some type of
login security into those apps. Adding SSO to these types of apps can often be complex and beyond
the scope of this document. MV apps can easily use LDAP tools and pass credentials to your SSO
system for verification, but if you’re following best practices this is not a good long term approach.
You should be separating your password logic from your application and have third-party security
software handling this. As stated earlier, this is accomplished by integrating AD into PAM. With Web
and GUI software you would work with your security provider to integrate existing Authentication into
your app. You often see this today with web technology when you are redirected to something like
Microsoft AD to authenticate versus the application prompting you directly.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   9
a. Limit port access via your firewalls.
b. Use encryption if possible. If encryption is not allowed and you are accessing remotely,
look at possibly using ssh port forward.
c. If encryption is not possible, look at using VPNs or remote desktops within the protected
data center network.
d. Never expose these tools externally to the network.
e. If passwords are clear/text or easily located on the Host, consider at using permissions to
limit access.
3. Admin tools. Often your internal admin tools will have their own use/password modules and may not
offer AD/Integration options. It is best to maintain close controls on these.
Virtual Private Networks are a great way to protect access to your MV system. With a VPN your connection
is secured by the VPN and all traffic to your VPN gateway is encrypted. This protects all your traffic from
untrusted sources such as the internet. The downsides of a VPN are:
1. They require specialized VPN software, which may restrict access to certain devices.
2. A compromised machine may have greater access to your internal network due to Network Access.
It is important when setting up VPN gateways to have strict access controls and a demilitarized zone.
You do not want to allow users to VPN into your main Server Network.
Web Based security controls
If you want to expose your MV application directly to the internet without a VPN, you must properly set up
your web-based controls.
1. Telnet — Do not use
2. SSH — Use strong password rules
3. Have good IDS (Intrusion Detection Software) looking for hacking attempts
4. Use IP blacklists to block IDS notifications
5. Consider using IP whitelists where the SSH port is only exposed after a web authentication
6. For web apps use https
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   10
Token based/per IP based controls
Many firewalls and Linux can be configured to allow access to an exposed port on an IP-by-IP basis. This
allows you to block access to your SSH port and make it look like it does not exist. A user can then use a
Web app to authenticate (using stronger Web authentication protocols) and once authenticated use API
tools to temporarily allow a verified IP to see the port. This keeps hackers from finding SSH servers and
trying to hack in since to most users it appears that there’s no SSH server.
Good access Controls
Good tracking. Watch for attacks
Use good IDS (intrusion detection software) to watch access attempts. Many firewalls will offer IDS
software that will detect multiple failed attempts and automatically block the port. Linux has free
offerings such as fail2ban.
Detecting Unauthorized Access With Linux Security Logs (
Access Controls
Use good access controls on your servers. Do not use Root or Admin permissions for normal use activity.
If a bad actor gains access to your system, they will have full control. Limit your exposure by properly using
access controls.
Other Services
If possible, look for managed services instead of building your own. All third-party services offer excellent
support and easy to use access. In addition, these services will understand security considerations.
Standard FTP is not encrypted and therefore not secure. If you must use FTP use SFTP or FTPS
instead. Try not to reuse normal account passwords. Use the same logging tools to watch access
attempts to your FTP server. If you must use FTP, then use a VPN to gain access. Better options
for FTP are web-based applications to host files and even allow uploading. This allows you to use
normal Web security controls.
Email – SendGrid/Cloud/Trellio/etc.
Email systems are a simple commodity today and it is best to use hosted/managed email
services rather than using your own local email applications such as Postfix. Most hosted email
systems such as Microsoft Outlook and Google offer email APIs to allow applications to send
email. Use their encrypted offerings and if possible, move to their API/Rest based options. You
can also use services such as SendGrid. Today it is easy to get marked as a SPAM sender if you
do not properly identify your email which is why it is important to use managed services that can
assist you in properly marking computer generated email. Most services such as SendGrid also
offer services to unsubscribe or manage why a user is not receiving an email.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   11
Storage – Usually PDFs, CSV files, etc. move away from Windows
Move to normal web-style shares for shared files such as PDF and CSV files. As you move to
public clouds the option to use Windows-style shares is limited. It is better to use block storage
such as Azure block storage, sync files around with tools such as Rsync, etc.
Deployment techniques – Git vs Windows shares to move code
around for example
Move to more modern DevOps processes to deploy code. Use modern tools such as Git and
modern workflow tools. Have proper Dev and QA systems; do not develop in production. See the
DevOps best practices for MV for assistance.
Web services (MVConnect, MVIS, U2 Web DE, Bluefinitty, RDM,
homegrown, etc.)
Use good edge/proxy servers to manage your web access to the internet. Do not expose your
MV system web servers directly to the internet. Even when using secondary servers such as MVIS
it is best to put an independent Web Server/Gateway as your Edge server and proxy requests to
your internal MVIS or another internal server. This allows your admin security team to separate
duties and create layers of protection. There are lots of options for your Edge servers.
1. NGINX or Apache
2. HAproxy
3. Kong
4. Kemp
5. F5 Servers
6. Azure, Google, and AWS all offer API and Proxy servers
7. CloudFlare
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   12
HA/DR and Backups
Backups/Restores – MV systems are databases
Snapshot technology is a supplement to your backup process and not a replacement. All MV systems
offer a file-by-file backup process that also checks your files for integrity. These backups can be run while
the system is running, which is a benefit. The downside of backups is that they are not a moment in time
backup. As the backup runs it is backing up each file one at a time and files near the end of the backup are
more up to date versus files backed up early in the process.
A restore from these MV backup tools typically will resize files giving you well sized files. Indexes are
usually recreated.
Storage snapshot technology is a great tool to supplement your backup processes. Snapshots are NOT
consistent, meaning running a snapshot without pausing writes to your database can result in files that
are damaged in the snapshot due to a write happening during the snapshot. It is best practice to pause
the database, make your snapshot, and then resume the database. Review your snapshot technology to
determine if this is possible. Many Public Cloud default file systems have very slow snapshot technology
that can take minutes to complete which is way longer than a typical site would want to pause the
database. If you wish to use this technology, choose file systems/options with snapshots that can be done
in less than a few seconds. NetApp Sans for example can do this and public offerings do offer upgraded
storage systems with better snapshot technology, and some even offer NetApps.
If you’re following best practices, you should use transaction journaling in all cases. TJ will write a journal of
all writes as they happen into a special journal. If you have a failure, TF allows you to restore for a point in
time backup and then use your journals to recover writes between backups (or snapshots). These journals
also give you another possible restore point if you have inconsistent files due to power failures during
writes or snapshots without pausing the database. These journals are also often used to send updates
to secondary systems. You need to make sure you have enough disk space to store database updates
between your backups/snapshots. If you’re following best practices, you should double and even triple
your space requirements to cover longer periods of time (such as holidays or during system issues).
Logging – watching disk space, etc.
Logging is very important with backups and journals. You should have logs and alerts that watch your disk
space and replication lag. Many journal systems will pause the system if disk space is used up. It is best
practice to put these logs/journals on separate disks.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   13
SELinux/Other kernel level tools
Many Linux systems come with Kernal security modules such as SELinux. These modules are an extra level
on top of your user/group permissions securing your system. They look for unusual activity and will block
processes and disk updates. You must train these modules to your MV systems’ behavior and be prepared
for strange behavior. If you’re following best practices, run these modules in permissive modes at first. In
this mode it will not stop processes/writes but will log them letting you know what it would have done. Run
these tools for a few months to find out how your MV system runs and properly train the modules. You
should have Admins that are very familiar with these tools and understand the training process. If you are
having weird system issues, put these modules back into permissive mode and see if the issue goes away.
Windows Security tools
Windows systems have their own advanced security tools like the SELinux tools for Linux. These are
typically third party. These tools may flag MV processes and either block them or slow them down as it
views activity as unusual. As with SELinux make sure you have Admins that are well versed in these tools
and know how to turn them off and view logs. As an example, a site had moved to Azure with Windows
images with built in security tools. Web activity to the server was running very slowly while using the
browser directly on the server was running fine. It was later determined that socket activity the Web used
to talk to MV was flagged by security software and external access was heavily throttled. The security
software was protecting the server thinking malware software was possibly sending Server Data out.
The issue was only found by reloading a clean server from actual Microsoft installation disks with no
security software.
User Permissions (Root/Admin vs users)
Do not run MV processes as Root or Administrator. Use user and group permissions. Running items as
Root/Admin allows a compromised MV process to access your entire Operating System and possibly your
entire network.
Logging – Watching activity
It is very important to have centralized logging where all your logs from all systems are sent to.
1. Logs on compromised systems are secured off
the machine. Logs are the first items a hacker
2. Reduces disk requirements on your servers.
You focus your log storage on your logging
3. Use cloud services where possible. Some good
examples are Data Dog and Splunk.
4. Ability to merge multiple logs together. With API
technology you can watch a transaction through
multiple systems and applications.
5. Alerting.
6. Consolidated graphing.
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Best Pracces for Deploying MulValue Applicaons to the Cloud   14
Encrypted files
If you need encryption for Data at Rest, you have a few options. The most important item with encryption
is the encryption keys and how they are stored and loaded. Based on your compliance requirements
you may need to use third-party tools to store these keys. Both Windows and Linux offer encrypted disk
options and usually offer access to third-party key systems (such as KIMP). If you are in a public cloud
site, those sites offer encrypted disks and built in key management systems. Many MV systems offer built
in encryption techniques on a file-by-file basis. Pay close attention to the key management and your
compliance requirements. If you have compliance requirements keep in mind logs, journals, etc. can all
have sensitive information (such as an SSN). Using full disk encryption is a good way to make sure all
locations are encrypted.
Encrypted transmissions (SSH vs Telnet, https vs http, etc.)
Data in transit is typically data that is being moved around the network. An example is MV apps
still reliant on Telnet/SSH apps and using tools like AccuTerm for viewing data, including API-based
technology based on REST or Soap to legacy applications such as FTP. If you are sending sensitive
information over these technologies such as passwords, social security numbers, or credit card
numbers, you must use encrypted transmissions. Many legacy technologies such as FTP and Telnet
are not encrypted and since you enter passwords and are viewing sensitive data these technologies
should be deprecated. Legacy protocols such as FTP and Email (SMTP) do offer encrypted versions and
usually require special clients and certs that you often have to manually manage. You can also use SSH
to tunnel traffic, but this is often complicated. It is best to move to modern technologies such as SSH
vs Telnet or HTTP/Web technology vs legacy API or FTP technology. AccuTerm Web for example offers
a Secure Socket/Web option vs SSH allowing you to centralize your encryption technology and more
easily manage your certs.
Keep software and Operating Systems up to date! DevOps
It is very important to keep your Operating System and software up to date. As you move
to Public Clouds such as AWS/Azure/Google you need to keep your Operating Systems up
to date as these platforms typically do not support older legacy operating system versions.
All cloud systems use Hypervisors and require modern operating systems and recognize
virtualization and many are often making constant security and performance improvements.
Security is also very important to keep your systems safe.
Your MV and other software needs to be kept up to date to keep up with the latest operating
systems. These two items work together and not keeping your software up to date will force
you to rely on older operating systems.
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Rocket Software partners with the largest Fortune 1000 organizations
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