1. Compliance Requirements
Club Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Sport: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Member(s) Applying for Designation:
Each applying sport club must check that they adhere to the following requirements.
National Governing Body: _______________________________________________________________
Does the organization require dues or licensing? Yes No
Please explain any additional membership information or requirements:
Registered with the Department of Student Leadership & Involvement. All applicants must
have been designated a registered organization for at least 2 consecutive semesters.
Date of filing as an Registered Organization: ________________
Duplicate club or redundancies: The Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs Program encourages a diversity
of sports and sport clubs, not duplicate clubs. Please explain how your club differs from other clubs that
may appear similar in name or structure (attach additional documents if necessary)
*The SCEC and Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs staff reserve the right to determine club
similarities and redundancies.
Constitution: Please submit the most up-to-date club constitution.
Budget: The club must have the ability to identify and articulate their potential to generate the revenue
necessary for club operation.
Please submit an example of an annual budget including all operational/special event costs and
revenue generating plans.
2. Club Information and Background
Please provide the following information for your club:
Club Vision Statement:
Mission Statement:
Club Goals:
List club goals, specific to the current and/or upcoming school year as well as those applicable to the longevity
of the club.
3. Leadership and Member Information
Provide the following information for both officers and club members. Please remember that all officers
must be matriculated students of the University of Utah. SLI requires a minimum of 3 student officers for
each club.
All sport clubs must have a minimum of 6 active members of their club.
Year in School
Vice President
Safety Officer*
* Not a required position to be filled but recommended
Clubs may have additional officers if necessary to manage the club. Only the officers listed above are
required for SLI and Sport Club compliance.
Prospective or Current Members
Provide the names of at least 6 current or prospective members. You may also attach a current roster.
Name & UNID
University of
Utah Student?
Year in School
Does your club have a coach or instructor(s):
If yes, please list their name(s), contact information, and qualifications:
4. Competition/Instructional Information
Club Competition and Travel:
All clubs must compete in intercollegiate competition at least once per year. Please indicate your club’s
regular season opponents or other scheduled competitions. You may attach your season schedule separately.
Opponent: Location:
Does your club plan to host events on campus? Yes No
The Sport Clubs program encourages clubs to host and run events on campus, which include regional or
national tournaments. These events require advanced planning with the Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs
program office and additional requirements may apply. Please list which opponents will be visiting and the
Campus Recreation Services facilities which will be required.
Opponent: Location (e.g., Field, Room#):
Practice Facility Request:
Indicate, in detail, which Campus Recreation Services facilities will be required for routine club practices.
Location (e.g., Field, Room #): Days/Times:
Is your club represented as a University of Utah Athletics Varsity team? Yes No
5. Application Interview
To become a Sport Club with Campus Recreation Services, all organizations must prepare a short presentation
to the Sport Club Executive Council (up to 10 members) and other Campus Recreation Services Professional
This formal presentation should demonstrate the following:
The nature/background of the activity
The entire club roster
The 3 officers for the club and their respective positions
The process of leadership transition beyond current members
The marketing strategy for recruitment and retention
The practice location(s) and any specific needs
How the potential practice spaces will be utilized (a practice itinerary)
The club’s benefits of being designated a Sport Club
Data to support the club’s financial stability
o An operational budget from the previous year of the club’s existence, showing how the club
has/is going to generate revenue and how those funds will be managed/used
Coaching credentials if applicable
Documentation from your league and national governing body that states you have the ability to join
or are an accepted member
The club’s use of Orgsync and the successful completion of all club forms
List of other geographically relevant colleges and Universities you will be competing against
o Your competition schedule for the inaugural year
The information presented will be taken into account by the Sport Club Executive Council and other Campus
Recreation Services Professional Staff. Please be aware that the Sport Club Executive Council and Campus
Recreation Services Professional Staff have final approval/denial of all groups. Reasons for the denial of the
designation of a Sport Club may include, but is not limited to:
Proposed club does not meet the outlined qualifications stated on this form and within the Sport Club
Proposed club does not properly represent the University of Utah student body or is not consistent
with the purpose and philosophy of Campus Recreation Services and the University of Utah
Proposed club does not demonstrate compatibility with currently available resources (facility space,
funding, and personnel)
Proposed club does not fit within the current competitive nature of the Sport Club designation or
would better serve the student population in another circumstance.
Proposed club does not sufficiently show a current ability to operate as a Sport Club
Office use only
Date/Time of Presentation: Location of Presentation:
Reviewer(s): Name/Title
6. Agreement
The Sport Club Executive Council will place any newly recognized club on probationary status for one academic
year with a review process following. At the end of the academic year, upon successfully completing the review
process, the club may receive full recognition. Successful completion of the review will require the club to have
followed all policies and procedures, submitted all required paperwork as scheduled and not been the subject
of any disciplinary action.
*By signing below, signatories certify they have completed the form and have done so accurately to the best of
their knowledge, and also agree to all policies and procedures as outlined by the Sport Club Manual.
President: Date:____________________________
Email: Phone:
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________
Vice President: Date:____________________________
Email: Phone:
Signature: ________________________________
Treasurer: Date:____________________________
Email: Phone:
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________
If you have any further questions about the Sport Club application process, please contact the Manager of
Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs at (801) 585-8732 or email
Office use only
Date Received: Date Reviewed: Notification Date:_______________
Reviewer(s): Name/Title
Application Status: