The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an independent inter-governmental body that develops and promotes
policies to protect the global financial system against money laundering, terrorist financing and the financing of
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The FATF Recommendations are recognised as the global anti-money
laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) standard.
For more information about the FATF, please visit www.fatf-gafi.org
This document and/or any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any
territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Citing reference:
FATF (2016), Guidance on correspondent banking services, FATF, Paris
© 2016 FATF/OECD. All rights reserved.
No reproduction or translation of this publication may be made without prior written permission.
Applications for such permission, for all or part of this publication, should be made to
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2016 1
AML Anti-money laundering
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
CDD Customer Due Diligence
CFT Counter-terrorist financing
CPMI Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures
DNFBP Designated Non-Financial Business Professions
EDD Enhanced Due Diligence
MVTS Money or value transfers service
RBA Risk-based approach
2 2016
2016 3
This Guidance should be read in conjunction with the FATF Recommendations, especially
Recommendations 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 20 and 26, their Interpretive Notes and the Glossary.
This Guidance should also be read in conjunction with the following FATF guidance papers and
typologies reports which relate to proper implementation of the risk-based approach (RBA) in the
banking and money or value transfer (MVTS) sectors:
FATF RBA Guidance for the banking sector, 2014
FATF RBA Guidance for Money or Value Transfer Services, 2016
Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Effective Supervision and
Enforcement by AML/CFT Supervisors of the Financial Sector and Law
Enforcement, 2015
FATF Guidance on AML/CFT and Financial Inclusion, 2013
FATF Guidance on Politically Exposed Persons, 2013
FATF Report: Money Laundering through Money Remittance and Currency
Exchange Providers, 2010 and
FATF Report: The role of Hawala and other similar service providers in
money laundering and terrorist financing, 2013.
The following guidance papers and tools are also relevant sources of information on how to manage
the risks of correspondent banking relationships:
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Guidance on Sound Management
of Risks Related to Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, 2014
Wolfsberg Group, Anti-Money Laundering Principles for Correspondent
Banking, 2014, and
Wolfsberg Group, Anti-Money Laundering Questionnaire, 2014.
Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, Correspondent
Banking consultative report, 2015
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Supervisory Guidance for
Managing Risks Associated with the Settlement of Foreign Exchange
4 2016
1. In the wake of the global financial crisis and countries’ response to it, the international
community has been increasingly concerned about de-risking. The FATF understands this term to
mean situations where financial institutions terminate or restrict business relationships with entire
countries or classes of customer in order to avoid, rather than manage, risks in line with the FATF’s
risk-based approach (RBA). This is a serious concern for the FATF and the FATF-style regional
bodies (FSRBs) to the extent that de-risking may drive financial transactions into less/non-
regulated channels, reducing transparency of financial flows and creating financial exclusion,
thereby increasing exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks.
2. Analytical work undertaken so far by different bodies, including the FATF,
shows that de-
risking is a complex issue driven by various considerations including: profitability; reputational and
liability risks; changes in banks’ financial risk appetites; the amount of financial penalties imposed
by supervisory and law enforcement authorities, increased compliance costs associated with
implementing conflicting regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering and counter-
terrorist financing (AML/CFT) and confusion caused by the term Know-Your-Customer’s-Customer
(KYCC). A recent survey
also shows that in some cases, banks will exit the relationship solely on the
basis of profits (“de-marketing”), irrespective of the risk context and of market circumstances.
3. The term KYCC has created a lot of confusion. To clarify, the FATF Recommendations do not
require financial institutions to conduct customer due diligence on the customers of their customer
(i.e., each individual customer). In a correspondent banking relationship, the correspondent
institution will monitor the respondent institution’s transactions with a view to detecting any
changes in the respondent institution’s risk profile or implementation of risk mitigation measures
(i.e. compliance with AML/CFT measures and applicable targeted financial sanctions), any unusual
activity or transaction on the part of the respondent, or any potential deviations from the agreed
terms of the arrangements governing the correspondent relationship. In practice, where such
concerns are detected, the correspondent institution will follow up with the respondent institution
by making a request for information (RFI) on any particular transaction(s), possibly leading to more
information being requested on a specific customer or customers of the respondent bank. There is
no expectation, intention or requirement for the correspondent institution to conduct customer due
diligence on its respondent institution customers.
The FATF circulated a questionnaire to banks and MVTS in late 2015 to gather information from the private
sector which helped to form the basis of this guidance.
ACAMS/Dow Jones (2016), Global Anti-Money Laundering Survey Results 2016,
2016 5
4. In June 2015, the FATF issued a public statement
to clarify that, when establishing
correspondent banking relationships, correspondent institutions are required to perform customer
due diligence (CDD) on the respondent institution, and gather sufficient information about the
respondent institution to understand its business, reputation and the quality of its supervision,
including whether it has been subject to a ML/TF investigation or regulatory action, and to assess
the respondent institution’s AML/CFT controls. It was clarified that the FATF Recommendations do
not require correspondent institutions to perform CDD on the customers of their respondent
institutions when establishing correspondent banking relationships or in the course of the
5. Although the financial sector welcomed that and other FATF public statements on de-
it also sought further clarification on supervisory expectations for conducting customer
due diligence on correspondent institution’s respondents. In turn, supervisors and regulators need
to be clear about how they assess financial institutions against those expectations. For that reason,
the FATF committed to developing guidance to further clarify supervisory expectations for
correspondent banking relationships in relation to the obligations defined by the FATF standards.
This clarification is consistent with the FATF’s overall approach to de-risking which is based on the
effective implementation of the global AML/CFT standards, in line with the FATF’s RBA. The FATF
Recommendations require financial institutions to identify, assess and understand their ML/TF risks,
and implement AML/CFT measures that are commensurate with the risks identified. Indeed, the
RBA is the cornerstone of an effective AML/CFT system, and is essential to effectively managing
6. Prudential and other regulatory requirements as well as the complexity, number and changes
in sanctions regimes, and also uncertainty related to the interplay of different sanctions regimes and
their applicability to financial institutions, were also mentioned as drivers of de-risking. AML/CFT
regulations are therefore only one of a multitude of factors cited for closing correspondent banking
relationships. These results are largely in line with the prevailing understanding of the FATF and
other international organisations doing work in this area, including the Financial Stability Board
(FSB), Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), Basel Committee for Banking
Supervision (BCBS)’s Anti-Money Laundering Experts Group (AMLEG), International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the World Bank.
7. Although many of the factors contributing to de-risking go far beyond AML/CFT and the FATF
mandate, the FATF is committed to addressing this issue to the extent it can by issuing guidance
clarifying how to implement the FATF’s RBA properly and effectively, consistent with previous FATF
See FATF(2015), Drivers for “de-risking” go beyond anti-money laundering / terrorist financing
See the public statements issued by FATF on de-risking in October 2014, June 2015 and October 2015.
Including Revised Guidance on AML/CFT and Financial Inclusion (2013).
6 2016
8. Correspondent banking is an activity that has been negatively impacted by de-risking in
certain regions
and sectors. This is of concern to the international community, as correspondent
banking is an important means of facilitating cross-border movements of funds, and enabling
financial institutions to access financial services in different currencies and foreign jurisdictions,
thereby supporting international trade, charitable giving, commerce and remittances flows, all of
which contributing to promoting financial inclusion.
9. The purpose of this Guidance is to address de-risking by clarifying the application of the FATF
standards in the context of correspondent banking relationships and money or value transfer
service (MVTS) providers rendering similar services (i.e. MVTS acting as intermediaries in
processing and/or executing the transactions of their own customers through accounts see II d)
below) by:
a) supporting the development of a common understanding of what the RBA entails
for banks engaged in correspondent banking activity and MVTS providers
rendering similar services; respondent institutions with MVTS providers as
customers; and financial institutions relying on third-party MVTS providers, in
their role as intermediaries, to execute payment transactions,
b) clarifying the interplay between the FATF standards on cross-border
correspondent banking (Recommendation 13) and MVTS providers acting as
intermediaries, and the FATF standards on customer due diligence
(Recommendation 10) and wire transfers (Recommendation 16), as well as on
targeted financial sanctions (Recommendations 6 and 7),
c) highlighting the extent to which correspondent institutions and MVTS providers
offering similar services may gain a sufficient understanding of the customers of
the respondent institutions and the associated risks, and
d) clarifying the expectations for correspondent institutions when dealing with
respondents whose customer bases include MVTS providers.
10. The target audiences of this Guidance are:
a) banks and MVTS providers engaged in providing correspondent banking or
respondent banking services,
b) financial institutions with account holders that are MVTS which in turn provide
correspondent banking-type services to their own customers (as opposed to MVTS
providers who are holding and using their account for their own corporate
purposes), and
Refer to: Joint Survey by the Union of Arab Banks (UAB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF); The
World Bank’s Fact Finding Summary from De-risking Surveys and Withdrawal from Correspondent Banking:
Where, Why, and What to Do About It.
2016 7
c) competent authorities (particularly AML/CFT regulators and supervisors of banks
and of MVTS providers).
11. It should be noted that this Guidance has been prepared in collaboration with the FSB, which
is coordinating work to assess and address the extent and causes of banks’ withdrawal from
correspondent banking to identify possible policy responses to address this issue
, through the
implementation of a four-point action plan (data collection, clarification of regulatory expectations,
domestic capacity building, and strengthening the tools for due diligence) coordinated by the
Correspondent Banking Coordination Group. Other international organisations doing related work
in the correspondent banking area (for ex. CPMI and BCBS) have also been closely associated to
development of this FATF Guidance.
12. This Guidance draws on the experiences of countries and of the private sector to assist
competent authorities and financial institutions in effectively implementing applicable FATF
Recommendations using the risk-based approach to avoid the unintended consequences of de-
risking. It also uses input from other relevant standard setters, and especially the BCBS with its
Guidance on Sound management of risks related to money laundering and financing of terrorism
(Annex II on correspondent banking). This FATF Guidance is non-binding and does not overrule the
purview of national authorities to, among other things, assess and regulate correspondent banking
activities and MVTS sectors as per the legal, supervisory and regulatory frameworks established in
each country and/or region, the ML/TF risks present in each jurisdiction, individual institution’s
risk assessments and other contextual factors (e.g. sophistication and maturity of the national
regulatory and supervisory regime).
13. The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Guidance:
a) Correspondent banking is the provision of banking services by one bank (the
“correspondent bank”) to another bank (the “respondent bank”). Large
international banks typically act as correspondents for thousands of other banks
around the world. Respondent banks may be provided with a wide range of
services, including cash management (e.g. interest-bearing accounts in a variety of
currencies), international wire transfers, cheque clearing, payable-through
accounts and foreign exchange services
Correspondent banking does not include one-off transactions or the mere exchange
of SWIFT Relationship Management Application keys (RMA)
in the context of non-
FSB (2015), Report to the G20 on actions taken to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking.
FATF Glossary
The SWIFT RMA is a messaging capability enabling SWIFT members to exchange messages over the network
and can create a non-customer relationship in particular cases of cash management, custody, trade finance,
exchange of messages with payments and securities markets infrastructure entities, e.g., exchanges
8 2016
customer relationships, but rather is characterised by its on-going, repetitive
Correspondent banking services encompass a wide range of services which do not
all carry the same level of ML/TF risks. Some correspondent banking services
present a higher ML/FT risk because the correspondent institution processes or
executes transactions for its customer’s customers.
Hence, the focus of this guidance is correspondent banking relationships that are
higher risk, in particular cross-border correspondent banking relationships
involving the execution of third party payments.
This guidance also applies to money or value transfer services (MVTS) acting as
intermediaries for the transfer of funds or value (see d below), in line with
Recommendation 13 which applies to financial institutions engaging in cross-
border correspondent banking and other similar relationships. This guidance does
not apply to securities transactions,
b) correspondent institution means the bank or MVTS provider which processes
and/or executes transactions for customers of the respondent institution or MVTS
provider the account of which is used to process and/or execute the transaction of
its customer. The correspondent institution generally does not have direct business
relationships with the customers of the respondent institution, unless it provides
payable-through-account services (see paragraph 21 below). Those respondents’
customers may be individuals, corporations or financial services firms.
addition to the processing of third-party payments, a correspondent institution
may also provide other services to the respondent institution, such as trade-finance
related services, cash clearing, liquidity management and short-term borrowing,
foreign exchange or investment in a particular currency,
c) respondent institution means the financial institution that is the direct customer of
the correspondent institution,
d) money or value transfer service (MVTS) refers to financial services that involve the
acceptance of cash, cheques, other monetary instruments or other means of stored
value and the payment of a corresponding sum in cash or other form to a
beneficiary by means of a communication, message, transfer, or through a clearing
network to which the MVTS provider belongs. Transactions performed by such
service providers can involve one or more intermediaries and a final payment to a
third party, and may include new payment methods. Sometimes these services
This definition is generally in line with the definition of correspondent bank set out of page 24 of the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision guidance on Sound management of risks related to money laundering and
financing of terrorism, which has been extended for the purposes of this guidance to also include MVTS which
are providing financial services as intermediaries in the same way that a correspondent bank would.
2016 9
have ties to particular geographic regions and are described using a variety of
specific terms, including hawala, hundi, and fei-chen.
MVTS providers “offer similar services” as correspondent institutions when they
act as intermediaries for other MVTS providers or where an MVTS provider is
accessing banking or similar services through the account of another MVTS
customer of the bank,
e) from the Glossary of the FATF Recommendations, the definitions of competent
and financial institutions.
14. The requirements of both FATF Recommendations 10 and 13 must be met in all cases before
cross-border correspondent banking services may be provided to a respondent institution. FATF
Recommendation 13 requires additional measures to be applied to cross-border correspondent
banking relationships, in addition to performing the CDD and enhanced due diligence (EDD)
measures in FATF Recommendation 10 for high risk customers.
Such additional measures are
appropriate because cross-border correspondent banking relationships are seen to be inherently
higher risk than domestic correspondent customer relationships. Consequently, simplified CDD
measures are never appropriate in the cross-border correspondent banking context, when activities
described in para. 13 (a) are conducted.
This definition can be found in the Glossary to the FATF Recommendations.
Competent authorities refers to all public authorities with designated responsibilities for combating money
laundering and/or terrorist financing. In particular, this includes the FIU; the authorities that have the
function of investigating and/or prosecuting money laundering, associated predicate offences and terrorist
financing, and seizing/freezing and confiscating criminal assets; authorities receiving reports on cross-
border transportation of currency & BNIs; and authorities that have AML/CFT supervisory or monitoring
responsibilities aimed at ensuring compliance by financial institutions and DNFBPs with AML/CFT
requirements. SRBs are not to be regarded as competent authorities.
Financial institutions means any natural or legal person who conducts as a business one or more of the
following activities or operations for or on behalf of a customer: 1. Acceptance of deposits and other
repayable funds from the public; 2. Lending; 3. Financial leasing; 4. Money or value transfer services; 5.
Issuing and managing means of payment (e.g. credit and debit cards, cheques, traveller's cheques, money
orders and bankers' drafts, electronic money); 6. Financial guarantees and commitments; 7. Trading in: (a)
money market instruments (cheques, bills, certificates of deposit, derivatives etc.); (b) foreign exchange; (c)
exchange, interest rate and index instruments; (d) transferable securities; (e) commodity futures trading. 8.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of financial services related to such issues; 9. Individual
and collective portfolio management; 10. Safekeeping and administration of cash or liquid securities on
behalf of other persons; 11. Otherwise investing, administering or managing funds or money on behalf of
other persons; 12. Underwriting and placement of life insurance and other investment related insurance; 13.
Money and currency changing.
For information on cases in which enhanced CDD measures are required, refer to the Interpretive Note for
FATF Recommendation 10, paragraph 20.
10 2016
15. Although additional CDD measures always apply to cross-border correspondent banking
relationships as described above, correspondent banking relationships may be diverse in nature and
therefore some may be higher risk than others. Financial institutions should therefore recognise the
degree of risk of different types correspondent banking activity, including in activities considered as
higher risks, as described in para. 13 (a).
16. Correspondent institutions, in assessing the risks of their respondent must ensure that the
assessment is sufficiently robust to consider all the relevant risk factors. By doing so, the different
levels of inherent risks are clearly understood and appropriate controls applied to each, ensuring
the effective management of these risks. Accordingly, the extent to which additional measures
should be applied will vary on a case-by-case basis, depending on the level or type of residual risk,
including the measures the respondent institution has implemented to mitigate its own ML/TF
risks. Factors to consider in assessing correspondent banking risks could include for instance the
respondent institution’s jurisdiction, the products/services it offers and its customer base. It is not
possible to develop a conclusive list of types of higher risk relationships for several reasons. First,
there is no exhaustive list of risk factors that could be used to identify such relationships that would
apply equally to all relationships. Second, both relevant risk factors and applicable risk mitigation
measures must be considered together to form an accurate and comprehensive picture of the risks.
For these reasons, any effort to define what constitutes a higher risk relationship could have the
unintended consequence of encouraging rather than discouraging de-risking by promoting a more
rules-based and tick-the-box approach to risk management. The risk factors included in the Annex II
of the BCBS Guidelines on Sound management of risks related to money laundering and financing of
are examples of factors which correspondent institutions can use when assessing the
risks of their correspondent banking relationships.
17. When entering into a business relationship, as a first step, the correspondent institution
should identify and verify the identity of the respondent institution, using reliable, independent
source documents, data or information (Recommendation 10 (a)). It should also identify and take
reasonable measures to verify the identity of the beneficial owner(s), such that the correspondent
institution is satisfied that it knows who the beneficial owner(s) of the respondent institution is/are.
In order to do that, the correspondent institution should also understand the ownership and control
structure of the respondent institution.
The information about the ownership and control
structure includes conducting verification enabling the correspondent institution to be satisfied that
the respondent institution is not a shell bank.
18. Additionally, the correspondent institution should gather sufficient information to
understand the purpose and intended nature of the correspondent banking relationship with the
Para 7.
FATF Recommendation 10, sub-paragraph 4(a) and (b)
FATF Recommendation 13 prohibits financial institutions from entering into correspondent banking
relationships with shell banks. The Glossary to the FATF Recommendations defines the term shell bank to
mean a bank that has no physical presence in the country in which it is incorporated and licensed, and which
is unaffiliated with a regulated financial group that is subject to effective consolidated supervision. Physical
presence means meaningful mind and management located within a country. The existence simply of a local
agent or low level staff does not in itself constitute physical presence.
2016 11
respondent institution.
This includes understanding what types of customers the respondent
institution intends to service through the correspondent banking relationship and how it will offer
services (e.g. through nested relationships as noted in para. 21), including the expected activity
level, the transaction volume and value, the nature of the planned transactions and the extent to
which any of these are assessed as high risk by the respondent institution.
19. The correspondent institution should also gather sufficient information and determine from
publicly available information the reputation of the respondent institution and the quality of its
supervision, including whether (and when) it has been subject to a ML/TF investigation or
regulatory action.
20. In addition, the correspondent institution should assess the respondent institution’s
AML/CFT controls.
In practice, such an assessment should involve reviewing the respondent
institution’s AML/CFT systems and controls framework. The assessment should include confirming
that the respondent institution’s AML/CFT controls are subject to independent audit (which could
be external or internal). A more detailed/in-depth review should be conducted for higher risk
relationships, possibly including reviewing the independent audit, interview of compliance officers,
a third party review and potentially an onsite visit.
21. The correspondent institution should also understand how the respondent institution will be
offering services available through the correspondent banking relationship to its customers and
assess the nature and level of risk associated with offering arrangements. There are several possible
arrangements for offering services, e.g.
by establishing correspondent accounts to which the respondent institution’s financial
institution customers do not have direct access, but instead transact indirectly through
the account via payment instructions delivered to the respondent institution;
by establishing nested relationships
(i.e. downstream banking) which require that:
the correspondent institution is duly informed about the existence of such
relationships and the operations/transactions of the customers of the nested
institutions, that the locations in which the nested institutions conduct business are
transparent to, and understood by, the correspondent institution, and the
respondent is transparent in formatting payment instruction so all involved parties
are included for monitoring and screening purposes;
FATF Recommendation 10, sub-paragraph 4(c).
FATF Recommendation 13, sub-paragraph (a).
FATF Recommendation 13, sub-paragraph (b). One of the tools that could be used as a starting point is the
Wolfsberg questionnaire
Nested correspondent banking refers to the use of a bank’s correspondent relationship by a number of
respondent banks through their relationships with the bank’s direct respondent bank to conduct
transactions and obtain access to other financial services.” (footnote 43 in Annex II of the BCBS Guidelines on
Sound management of risks related to money laundering and financing of terrorism)
12 2016
the correspondent institution has measures in place to detect potential, undisclosed
nested relationships provided by the respondent and takes appropriate follow-up
action when a respondent does not disclose the existence of a nested relationship;
the correspondent institution understands the respondent’s control framework with
respect to those relationships. Such review should take into account the
implementation of appropriate controls to address the underlying risks posed by
these relationships (for instance, if the transaction monitoring procedures are
comprehensive of the relevant factors, whether they are based on manual
transaction reviews and the accuracy of the automated ones, whether the institution
has the resources to conduct such reviews, etc.);
by establishing payable-through accounts
which can also be offered provided that the
correspondent institution identifies risks associated with the relationship and applies
enhanced controls to monitor transaction activity that are commensurate with the
identified risks. The correspondent should have policies, procedures and processes in
place to enable it to identify the ultimate user of the account and needs to be satisfied
that the respondent institution has conducted sufficient CDD on the customers having
direct access to the account of the correspondent institution, has appropriate controls
in place to identify and monitor the transactions conducted by those customers and is
able to provide relevant, individual CDD information upon request to the
correspondent institution.
22. The correspondent institution should also gather sufficient information to understand the
nature of the respondent institution’s business in line with the risks identified.
This means that
correspondent institutions are required to understand the target markets and customer segments
that are served by their respondent (as outlined in para. 18) as part of their assessment of risks.
Understanding the business profile of the respondent institution requires the correspondent to
consider all relevant risk factors
(e.g. developing a general overview of the respondent
institution’s products and services and customer base, including nested relationships; countries and
markets in which it operates; transactions in which it engages on behalf of its customer base and
Payable-through-accounts (pass-by accounts) are correspondent accounts that are used directly by third
parties to transact business on their own behalf (INR 13). They are used by foreign financial institutions to
give their customers access to the domestic banking system. This enables the foreign bank’s customers to
write checks and make deposits at a bank in the jurisdiction like any other accountholder (in effect, giving
customers of respondent banks access to more services).
FATF Recommendation 13, sub-paragraph (e).
FATF Recommendation 13, sub-paragraph (a).
In the context of a correspondent banking relationship, the correspondent institution’s customer is the
respondent institution.
2016 13
delivery channels it uses).
This includes verification by the correspondent institution that the
respondent institution does not permit its accounts to be used by shell banks.
23. When establishing new correspondent banking relationships, the correspondent institution
may obtain information required by Recommendations 10 and 13 directly from the respondent
institution. However, as noted in para. 17 above, this information needs to be verified in order to
meet the requirements of those Recommendations.
24. Examples of potential reliable, independent sources of information for the verification of
identity of natural persons, legal persons and arrangements include: corporate registries, registries
maintained by competent authorities on the creation or licencing of respondent institutions,
registries of beneficial ownership and other examples mentioned in the BCBS General Guide on
Account Opening.
25. Some examples of potential sources of information on level of risks include, but are not
limited to: the AML/CFT laws and regulations of the home country or the host country where the
respondent institution is doing business and how they apply, public databases of legal decisions
and/or regulatory or enforcement actions, annual reports that have been filed with a stock
exchange, country assessment reports or other information published by international bodies which
measure compliance and address ML/TF risks (including the FATF, FSRBs, BCBS, IMF and World
Bank), lists issued by the FATF in the context of its International Cooperation Review Group process,
reputable newspapers, journals or other open source electronic media, third party databases,
national or supranational risk assessments, information from the respondent institution’s
management and compliance officer(s) and public information from the regulator and supervisor.
26. Where the correspondent institution has identified a higher risk correspondent banking
relationship, it should apply enhanced measures that are in line with the risks associated to that
relationship. For example, in some circumstances, closer interaction (conference phones or face-to-
face meetings) with the respondent institution’s management and compliance officer(s) may be
27. Where correspondent institutions are permitted to rely on other banks (that may already
have a correspondent relationship with the respondent institution), they should ensure that a copy
of the CDD information relied on will be made available upon request without delay, be satisfied
they can obtain supporting documentation, be satisfied the bank being relied on is regulated and has
FATF Interpretive Note to Recommendation 10, paragraph 15.
FATF Recommendation 13, second paragraph.
Annex 4, General Guide to Account Opening, pages 29 to 39 of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
guidance on Sound management of risks related to money laundering and financing of terrorism
14 2016
measures in place that are reliable.
The ultimate responsibility for implementing AML/CFT
measures remains with the correspondent institution.
28. In all cases, the correspondent institution should obtain approval from senior management
before establishing new cross-border correspondent relationships, as required by FATF
Recommendation 13.
29. Correspondent institutions are required to conduct ongoing due diligence of the
correspondent banking relationship, including periodical reviews of the CDD information on the
respondent institution. This is to ensure that such information is kept up-to-date in line with the
risks associated with the relationship.
The process of managing ML/TF risk in the relationship
should be ongoing, and applied to existing relationships as well as new ones. The frequency with
which periodic reviews are undertaken will depend on the level of risk associated with the
respondent institution. Where such reviews reveal changes in the respondent institution, the
correspondent institution should consider whether it should adjust its risk assessment of the
respondent institution and what further information may be needed to support this adjustment.
Potential obstacles may relate to how data protection and privacy laws are applied.
30. In line with Recommendation 10, ongoing monitoring of the correspondent banking account
activity has to be conducted for compliance with targeted financial sanctions and to detect any
changes in the respondent institution’s transaction pattern or activity that may indicate unusual
activity, or any potential deviations from the correspondent relationship. Depending on the risks
associated with the correspondent banking relationship, various monitoring techniques and tools
can be used. Correspondent institutions should put in place and periodically review risk-based
procedures specifying the applicable monitoring techniques and the criteria triggering their
adoption. While deciding the type and extent of the monitoring technique, correspondent
institutions should take into consideration the respondent’s past behaviour in the course of the
correspondent relationship, in particular any failures to satisfy previous requests for information. In
higher risk scenarios for example, real-time monitoring of transactions can take place to ensure that
controls are effective in detecting any unusual activity that may be occurring in the account, with a
view to analysing it and reporting any suspicious transactions.
FATF Recommendation 17.
Sub-paragraph (c).
FATF Interpretive Note to Recommendation 10, paragraph 23.
The FATF is currently developing best practices on information sharing (enterprise-wide, between financial
institutions not part of the same group, and between public and private authorities).
2016 15
31. Correspondent banking relationships should always be subject to on-going monitoring. They
may also be subject to targeted monitoring depending on any unique risk factors, e.g. high
suspicious activity report filing, payment flows inconsistent with stated purpose of account. The
level and nature of transaction monitoring will vary, depending on the risks and the nature of the
correspondent banking services being provided. For example, if the main purpose of the
correspondent banking relationship is to process cross-border wire transfers
on behalf of the
respondent institution’s customers, the focus of account monitoring could be how well the
respondent institution is implementing sanctions screening and its requirements under FATF
Recommendations 6, 7 and 16. In such cases, particular areas of interest could include information
on the respondent institution’s mechanisms for screening transactions lacking required originator
and beneficiary information in a manner that is consistent with straight-through processing,
risk-based policies and procedures for determining how to handle such transactions, its systems for
sanctions screening,
and its procedures and systems for clearing false positives.
32. Where the monitoring system of the correspondent institution flags a transaction which
could signal unusual activity, the correspondent institution should have internal processes to
further review the activity, which may involve requesting transaction information of the respondent
institution in order to clarify the situation and possibly clear the alert. This request for additional
information should be targeted on the specific transaction which created an alert in the system, and
could include, depending on the risk level of the transaction, a request to access information about
the customer of the respondent institution as a means to get a proper understanding of the
reasonableness of the transaction. This does not amount to a requirement to conduct CDD on the
customer of the respondent. In practice, the correspondent institution will follow up with the
respondent institution after the transaction is completed by making a request for information on
that particular transaction(s) (RFI). Subsequently, the correspondent institution should also review
its control systems in order to detect similar transactions. Such questions may include some, but not
necessarily all, of the following:
Duration of customer “X” relationship with the respondent institution and whether the
respondent institution classifies the customer as a high risk customer.
Purpose of the account(s) maintained by customer “X” (business, personal, other).
As defined in Recommendation 16.
FATF Interpretive Note to Recommendation 16, paragraphs 17 and 18.
FATF Recommendations 6 and 7 requires financial institutions to freeze the funds of persons and entities
designated by, or under the authority of, the United Nations Security Council or designated by countries
pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001), and prohibits financial institutions from making funds available to such
designated persons and entities.
This does not relieve the correspondent institution of the obligation to have procedures in place to identify
the missing originator and beneficiary information.
16 2016
Details of customer’s “X” parent company and the name(s) of the beneficial owner(s).
Source of the funds of customer “X”.
Consistency between the transactional history in the account profile of customer “X”,
and his KYC data, or with any other information available to the bank.
Rationale of the transaction between customers “X” and a counterparty.
Nature of the relationship between customers “X” and a counterparty.
Possible affiliation of customers “X” with a third-party.
Additional details regarding the goods/services being exchanged by the customers
“X”and third-parties that are not found directly in the payment details of the
transaction that may explain it.
If possible, location of customer or third-party as originator/beneficiary and/or,
Status of the bank account of customer “X” (opened/closed).
33. Where the correspondent institution requests further information on a transaction from the
respondent, it expects the respondent to respond in a timely fashion and provide
documents/information to the level of detail requested. Where that does not happen, it may trigger
concerns that the respondent is unable to manage its risks and lead to the filing of a suspicious
transaction report by the correspondent institution. A request for information could be followed by
a reassessment of the respondent’s business and risk profile where/when necessary.
34. One way for correspondent institutions to manage their risks more effectively from the
outset is to enter into a written agreement with the respondent institution before correspondent
services are provided. This is consistent with FATF Recommendation 13 that requires a clear
understanding of the respective responsibilities of each institution.
The content of the agreement
should include how the correspondent institution will monitor the relationship to ascertain how
effectively the respondent institution is applying CDD measures to its customers, and implementing
AML/CFT controls.
35. Such an agreement could also specify the products and services to be provided under the
correspondent banking relationship, the respondent institution’s responsibilities concerning
compliance with AML/CFT requirements, permitted third-party usage of the correspondent account
and applicable internal controls to these situations, any potential restrictions that the
correspondent institution may want to place on the use of the correspondent account (e.g. limiting
transaction types, volumes, etc.), conditions regarding the requests for information on particular
transactions, especially in the case of “payable through accounts” relationships, and cases and
procedures for terminating or limiting a business relationship. Contractual details would vary
depending on the circumstances including the nature of the correspondent banking relationship and
the level of risk.
Sub-paragraph (d).
2016 17
36. Written agreements also have the advantage of documenting the intended purpose and use of
correspondent banking relationships, which may have the added benefit of allowing the
correspondent institution to demonstrate to its regulator some of the steps it has taken to
understand the risks presented by its correspondent relationships.
37. Correspondent banking relationships are, by their nature, based on mutual trust between the
correspondent and the respondent institutions, particularly that the AML/CFT controls are being
effectively implemented by the respondent institution. Consequently, it is important for
correspondent institutions to maintain an ongoing and open dialogue with the respondent
institution(s), including helping them understand the correspondent’s AML/CFT policy and
expectations, and when needed, engaging with them to improve their AML/CFT controls and
processes. Such communication supports the monitoring requirement by helping to flag new and
emerging risks and better understand existing ones, clear up in a timely manner any incidents that
may arise during the course of the business relationship, strengthen risk mitigation measures, and
resolve any issues that may arise concerning the exchange of information. This process can also
assist in building the capacity of respondent institutions. It can also help to avoid unnecessary
restriction on or termination of a relationship without a thorough assessment of the risks associated
with the specific customer (rather than the class of customers) in line with the RBA (i.e. avoiding de-
It can also prevent a “cascade” effect, where respondent institutions close their (highest
risk) client accounts as a way to reduce their own corporate risk profile and maintain the
relationships with their own correspondent institutions.
38. It is also important that regulators and supervisors maintain an open dialogue with
correspondent institutions to clarify regulatory/supervisory expectations regarding the
management of risks associated with foreign correspondent banking relationships.
39. As noted above, correspondent banking relationships are very diverse in nature and
therefore covering a large range of high risk levels. The level and nature of risk may fluctuate over
the course of any relationship and adjustments should be made in the correspondent institution’s
risk management strategy to reflect these changes. This is why ongoing monitoring, including
periodic reviews, is important, so that the correspondent institution is aware of when the
level/nature of residual risk (i.e. the risk remaining after a financial institution’s AML/CFT control
framework is applied to a particular situation) changes.
“Regulators and supervisors should also ensure that financial institutions are taking a risk-based approach
to implementing AML/CFT measures, without prejudice to rules-based measures such as targeted financial
sanctions. Implementation by financial institutions should be aimed at managing (not avoiding) risks. What
is not in line with the FATF standards is the wholesale cutting loose of entire countries and classes of
customer, without taking into account, seriously and comprehensively, their level of money laundering and
terrorist financing risk and applicable risk mitigation measures for those countries and for customers within
a particular sector” (FATF Takes Action to Tackle De-risking
, FATF public statement of October 2015).
18 2016
40. Correspondent institutions should have policies and procedures in place tailored to the
different categories of higher risk respondent relationships, and the appropriate risk mitigation
required or available to retain the relationship by using enhanced due diligence. If higher risks are
encountered which are not mitigated by existing enhanced due diligence, the correspondent
institution should use this process to further enhance the assessment of the relationship and risk
mitigation applied to the account. The objective should be to determine whether the inherent risk
level is justified and if so what further, more enhanced, measures can be applied. For example, if the
respondent is affected by negative news regarding its beneficial owners, the correspondent
institutions could decide to limit services to such a bank.
41. The FATF Recommendations do require customer relationships to be terminated where
identified risks cannot be managed in line with the risk-based approach.
However, the other
options offered by Recommendation 10 should be explored prior to termination (such as refusing to
conduct the transaction, and/or filing a suspicious transaction report). Alternatively, a limitation of
services or restriction of individual products/transactions can be considered in order to provide the
possibility for clarification or remediation by the respondent institution, before the decision to
terminate activity is taken. In any event, correspondent institutions should clearly communicate
their concerns to respondent institutions, at senior management level, and inform them of their
concerns and the measures needed to address these concerns as a condition to maintain the
correspondent banking relationship. Depending on the concerns, correspondent institutions should
also consider giving notice periods to respondents, allowing them to find alternatives.
42. As part of their normal CDD processes, financial institutions are required to understand the
purpose and nature of the intended business relationship.
This means that, in practice, where the
customer is an MVTS provider, the financial institution should understand whether the MVTS
provider intends to use the account for its own corporate or settlement purposes, or whether it
intends to use the account to provide correspondent services to its own customers (i.e. the MVTS
will be acting as a correspondent institution for its own customers).
43. Where the MVTS provider offers correspondent services for its own customers through its
account, the correspondent institution should consider all of the factors listed above in Sections III,
IV and V, on a case-by-case basis, in terms of identifying the risks, verifying information, and
establishing appropriate risk mitigation measures. In particular, there is no obligation triggered by
the FATF Recommendations to a financial institution to apply CDD measures to the customers of the
44. To facilitate its own risk management, a correspondent institution could consider
encouraging or requiring MVTS customers to open one account for conducting their own corporate
or settlement activities, and another separate account for providing correspondent banking services
FATF Recommendation 10, 7
FATF Recommendation 10, paragraph 4(c).
2016 19
on behalf of their customers. This procedure may facilitate effective monitoring of these two
activities commensurate with the different types of risk that they present. Separate accounts may
also be considered for higher risk activities or higher risk customers and nested or downstream
relationships to ensure an appropriate level of transparency and effective monitoring.
45. Banks should flag unusual movements of funds and transactions conducted by their MVTS
customers so that such funds or transactions are scrutinised in a timely manner and a
determination made as to whether they could be suspicious. If they are suspicious, banks should file
a STR.
46. In considering the risks and appropriate risk mitigation measures, it is also important to note
that MVTS providers are financial institutions under the FATF Recommendations
and are subject to
the full range of AML/CFT preventive measures in FATF Recommendations 9 to 23 applicable to
MVTS providers. Countries are also required to ensure that MVTS providers are supervised and
monitored in line with FATF Recommendations 14 and 26. Correspondent institutions should take
into consideration the manner in which these measures are implemented, in order to understand
what their MVTS customers’ obligations are and how they are supervised. Countries are also
encouraged to communicate their MVTS supervisory policies and approaches to promote a shared
understanding of what is expected from correspondent institutions and from MVTS with respect to
risk management and mitigation processes. Given the important role that MVTS providers play in
facilitating financial inclusion, banks are encouraged to work closely with their MVTS customers to
ensure that they understand the banks’ risk management objectives and strategies for establishing
and maintaining controls to ensure effective ML/TF risk monitoring and identification. The same
general processes outlined in Part V above should be considered in this regard, particularly
section G.
See the definition of MVTS providers in the Glossary of the FATF Recommendations.
This guidance explains the FATF’s requirements in the context of correspondent banking
services. In parcular, it claries that the FATF Recommendaons do not require
correspondent nancial instuons to conduct customer due diligence on each individual
customer of their respondent instuons’ customers. The guidance also highlights that not
all correspondent banking relaonships carry the same level of money laundering or terrorist
nancing risks, hence the enhanced due diligence measures have to be commensurate to the
degree of risks idened.
The FATF developed this guidance with input from the private sector, and in collaboraon
with other interested internaonal bodies, including the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The
guidance should be read in conjuncon with earlier FATF guidance and reports, as indicated in
the guidance itself.
www.fa-ga.org | October 2016