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Tampa Bay Lightning Season Ticket Member Terms and Conditions and Arbitration Agreement
Revised February 20, 2023
See below for details.
These Season Ticket Member Terms and Conditions and Arbitration Agreement (“Terms”) govern the Tampa Bay Lightning
season tickets and are subject to modification in accordance with the terms hereof. Your purchase of season tickets from
Lightning Hockey LP and its successors and assigns (including its authorized agent Tampa Bay Arena, LLC and its successors
and assigns) (collectively, Tampa Bay Lightning,” Lightning,” we,” our,” or us”) is subject to, and by purchasing season
tickets you agree to, the following terms and conditions:
1. Tickets. A Tampa Bay Lightning Season Ticket Member (“STM or “you) is defined as the Account holder of a (i)
full-season package, a (ii) half-season package, and/or a (iii) 10-game package (each a “Package”, and collectively
Packages”). The Package is an indivisible, non-transferable (except as otherwise may be provided herein),
revocable license issued annually by the Lightning that provides STM with tickets to attend Tampa Bay Lightning
games at AMALIE Arena ("Arena") including access to the seat(s) in the row and section listed on the tickets,
parking pass(es) (if applicable), and any other benefits granted to STM as a Lightning season ticket member, in
accordance with the Package selected. The license expires after one (1) season, and the issuance of the license
creates no rights beyond that season, including no right to renew, or to specific seats. The use of the phrase
“Bolt for Life,” which refers to automatic renewal of the Package (see below), does not provide STM with any
additional rights regarding renewal or with respect to revocation not expressly stated herein.
We reserve the right to revoke the Package at any time with or without cause. If the Package is revoked without
cause, STM’s exclusive remedy is a refund of any amounts paid for which no corresponding benefits have been
provided, as determined by the Lightning in its sole discretion. If the Package is revoked for cause, STM will not
be entitled to any refund; see the Breach section below for further information. The Lightning also reserve the
right to refuse to sell tickets to any individual or entity for any lawful reason.
The Lightning reserve the right to relocate any STM who does not have a disability requiring a wheelchair, and
whose seats are located in a wheelchair and companion seating area.
2. Account; Account Holder Identity; Authority. The “Accountis the revocable license granted by Lightning to STM
to manage, through STM’s My Bolts Nation account or otherwise, the Package, tickets,
payments, and other rights and obligations under these Terms. STM must be an individual living adult or legal
business entity. In the case of a legal business entity, the natural person purchasing the Package through the
Account on behalf of, or as a representative for, such legal business entity represents that he/she is duly
authorized to accept these Terms on behalf of such legal business entity, and that these Terms are binding upon
the legal business entity in accordance herewith. The STM is listed on the Account as the primary contact. If STM
is a legal business entity it must designate an individual living adult as its primary contact person on the Account.
Only STM (or in the case of a legal business entity, the designated primary contact person) is allowed to make
changes to the Account. STM must promptly notify Lightning in writing of any changes in address, phone number,
payment method and any other Account information. With respect to legal business entities who are STM’s, all
changes to Account records (such as to the contact person) must be submitted in writing on official letterhead
and signed by an authorized employee. STM may request that a secondary contact be authorized to communicate
with us about the Account, Package, tickets, or other issues. We, at our discretion, may, but shall not be obligated
to, communicate with the secondary contact following STM’s request. However, STM acknowledges that we shall
have no obligation to communicate with the requested secondary contact and that the secondary contact shall
have no right to request changes to the Account or other actions.
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3. Transfer of Account. Account transfers are limited to an "Immediate Family Member" (defined hereunder as a
spouse, parent, or child), if a personal Account, or an "Affiliate" (defined as an entity that controls, is controlled
by, or is under common control with STM), if a company or corporate Account. Upon divorce or legal separation
(in a state that recognizes legal separation), we will honor a stipulation authorizing retention or transfer of
membership to one or both of the parties. Without stipulation or agreement, the tickets shall revert to the
Lightning who shall have the right to divide the tickets between the parties or otherwise cancel the Account. In
the event of the death of an individual STM, we will honor a transfer to an Immediate Family Member, if STM’s
intentions regarding such transfer are specifically detailed in the STM’s estate planning documents. Otherwise,
the tickets shall revert to the Lightning who shall have the right to transfer or cancel the Account. In the event of
the death of the primary contact for a corporate STM, such STM shall designate a new primary contact, and the
Account shall otherwise remain unchanged.
STM does not otherwise have any right to transfer all or part of its Account (including without limitation any
seat(s)) to another individual or entity. If the STM believes extenuating circumstances may warrant an exception
to this policy, STM shall submit a written request to the Tampa Bay Lightning at, subject “STM Account Transfer Request.” The determination of
whether to grant, withhold, condition, or deny the request shall be made at the sole discretion of the Tampa Bay
Lightning. If such a transfer is granted, STM shall comply with all reasonable procedures required by the Tampa
Bay Lightning to effectuate the transfer.
SUBJECT TO REFUNDS, RETURNS, OR EXCHANGES. STM acknowledges and agrees that STM is not entitled to any
refund, exchange, or cancellation of its Package, including without limitation, in the case of STM’s inability or
failure to use any or all of the tickets, except as otherwise provided herein or in our sole discretion. Delivery of
tickets shall be made prior to the applicable hockey season, and only upon receipt by the Tampa Bay Lightning of
full payment of all monies currently due in connection with the applicable Package.
5. Ticket Resale Limitations. The Tampa Bay Lightning acknowledge that STM may not be able to use each of its
tickets in its Package. STM acknowledges that the spirit of being a season ticket member and purchasing a Package
is not to generate financial gain or benefits for STM by virtue of selling tickets, but rather is rooted in a desire to
support the Tampa Bay Lightning. As such, STM acknowledges that STM’s resale and/or trade activity may be
monitored and tracked by the Tampa Bay Lightning. In the event STM accrues an account credit as the result of a
ticket resale, STM acknowledges that such credit cannot be used towards the License Fee (defined below) for the
then-current Lightning season and can only be applied towards a future season License Fee. We may revoke,
suspend, or cancel the applicable Package and privileges, and otherwise invoke the remedies described in the
“Breach” section if we determine, in our sole discretion, that STM sells, trades, attempts to sell or trade, or
engages a third party to sell or trade on STM’s behalf: (i) tickets in violation of any applicable laws; (ii) a significant
portion of the Package tickets; or (iii) tickets in a way that otherwise violates the spirit of being a season ticket
member. Resale or attempted resale of any ticket in a manner or at a price in violation of any federal, state, or
local law or regulation is grounds for the automatic revocation of this license, confiscation of tickets, and/or refusal
of entry into the Arena, and may result in a criminal sanction, fine, and/or other penalty.
6. Fees; Payment Plans. For each NHL season, the Lightning will determine the annual fee associated with your
Package (the License Fee”). The total amount of this License Fee will be provided to you in an annual invoice prior
to the start of the season (“Dues Notification”). Payment of the License Fee shall be made, as selected by STM, in
one of two ways: (1) pay-in-full (“Annual Plan”) or (2) in substantially equal installments of the License Fee
(“Installment Amount”) via a monthly payment plan (“Installment Plan”). Each Annual Plan and Installment Plan
is called a payment plan (“Payment Plan”). There shall be 0% annual percentage interest charged on the License
Fee, which aggregate amount shall be the same if STM selects the Annual Plan or the Installment Plan.
If STM elects to pay pursuant to the Annual Plan, STM shall pay the total License Fee for the applicable season in
accordance with the date outlined on the Dues Notification. Lightning must receive STM’s payment in full of the
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total License Fee by the deadline established by Lightning for STM to validly execute STM’s ticket purchase for the
If STM selects to pay pursuant to the Installment Plan, STM agrees that the Installment Amounts shall be due and
paid in accordance with the schedule outlined on the Dues Notification. The Lightning reserve the right to adjust
or otherwise modify the Installment Plan schedule (including without limitation, readjusting any Installment
Amount(s), if necessary) upon written notice to STM (email shall suffice) and STM shall accept any such
modifications pursuant to the procedures established by Lightning.
7. ‘Bolt for Life’ AUTOMATIC RENEWAL Plan. By agreeing to purchase a Package, STM agrees to be enrolled in the
Bolt for Life automatic renewal plan (the “Bolt for Life Plan”). This means that STM is obligated to pay the
License Fee to the Lightning for every NHL season after STM is enrolled unless STM terminates its Account or
opts out of the Bolt for Life plan.
The Tampa Bay Lightning have the discretion to set the renewal terms and conditions, including at higher prices
or on different terms and conditions. All renewals are subject to these Terms until or unless new terms are issued.
If any provision contained in these Terms conflicts with any provision of the new terms, the provision contained
in the new terms will govern and control.
8. Termination by STM. STM may, at any time and for any reason, opt out of the Bolt for Life Plan (such that STM’s
account will no longer be subject to auto renewal) by delivering written notice of such intent to opt out via the
following link: (the Bolt for Life Termination
Notice”). Opting out of the Bolt for Life Plan does not terminate the STM’s current Package. However, STM may,
at any time (except as provided in Section 9(c) below) and for any reason, opt out of the current season’s Package
by delivering written notice of such intent to terminate the Package via the following link: (the Package Termination Notice”). STM
acknowledges that the Package Termination Notice must be received at least three (3) business days in advance
of the date of a scheduled Lightning game for the termination to take effect (i.e., if Termination Notice is received
two (2) business days prior to a Lightning game, STM will be obligated to purchase the tickets for such game,
unless Lightning elects otherwise in their sole discretion). STM also acknowledges that terminating the current
season’s Package shall also automatically opt STM out of the Bolt for Life Plan.
a. Upon receipt of the Package Termination Notice by the Tampa Bay Lightning, (i) STM will not be obligated
to remit any future scheduled Payment Plan payments (but shall be obligated to pay any amounts
outstanding), (ii) the Tampa Bay Lightning, effective as of the noted effective date of termination in the
Package Termination Notice, will not be obligated to honor any future tickets (whether such unused
tickets have been delivered to STM or not); and (iii) STM shall not be entitled to any refund for any License
Fee payments made prior to the effective date of cancellation (as applicable, the Pre-Termination
b. Any Pre-Termination Payments will be made available to STM, on a pro-rata basis, as a credit for Tampa
Bay Lightning single-game or group tickets for the then-current season (the Credit”). For purposes of
clarification and illustration, in the event that STM terminates its Package half-way through the season,
having already paid the full balance of the License Fee at the start of the season, STM shall be entitled to
a pro-rata Credit of such amount through the end of then-current regular-season, and the Credit may be
used to purchase Tampa Bay Lightning tickets for the then-current season at the Tampa Bay Lightning’s
then-current market rates (such market rate will not be the preferential season ticket member rate).
c. If STM cancels its Package or opts out of the Bolt for Life Plan during the Dues Notification Period (defined
below), or after the Dues Notification Period but prior to the start of the next NHL season, STM will lose
any preferred pricing offered to STM for playoff tickets for the then-current or most recent season, and
will be required to pay the difference between the preferred and non-preferred rate (“Playoff Ticket Rate
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Difference”) for any such playoff games purchased prior to termination of the Package or Bolt for Life
Plan. Lightning shall be authorized to (i) apply any Pre-Termination Payments towards the Playoff Ticket
Rate Difference and/or initiate a Charge or EFT to your Card or Deposit Account for payment of such
Playoff Ticket Rate Difference.
9. Dues Notification Period. Upon receipt of the Dues Notification, STM will have until the deadline designated in
the Dues Notification (the “Dues Notification Period”) to choose between or among the then-available Payment
Plans. Additionally, STM must choose one of the following four options during the Dues Notification Period:
a. Option 1 Take No Action to maintain Bolt for Life Plan for the next season and retain preferred-pricing
playoff tickets for then-current season. By virtue of the Bolt for Life Plan, STM will be automatically
committed to the same Package for the next season, as well as playoff tickets for the current season, as
b. Option 2 Opt-out of Bolt for Life Plan for the next season but retain playoff tickets for then-current
season at the non-preferred price. No action is necessary on part of STM to retain playoff tickets for the
current season.* However, STM must formally opt-out of the Bolt for Life Plan to prevent automatic
renewal for the next season. For instructions to opt-out of the Bolt for Life Plan, see section 8, above.
*NOTE: By opting out of the Bolt for Life Plan for the next season, STM will lose its preferred pricing for
the then-current season playoff tickets and will pay a higher price for all 16 potential home playoff games
(including any already played). Preferred pricing is only available to season ticket members who remain
on the Bolt for Life Plan for the next season.
c. Option 3 Maintain Bolt for Life Plan for the next season but opt-out of playoff tickets for the then-
current season. No action is necessary on part of STM to maintain its Bolt for Life Plan status. However,
STM must formally opt-out of the current season playoff option during the Dues Notification Period to
prevent automatic commitment to playoff tickets. To formally opt-out of the playoff ticket commitment,
visit and follow the steps indicated at:
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, any Package Termination that occurs during
or immediately prior to the playoffs shall not be effective until the later of the end of the notice period
referenced in Section 8, above, or the first game of the round immediately following delivery of the
Package Termination Notice. For example, an STM that does not opt out of the first round of the playoffs
at least 3 business days prior to the first Lightning home game may submit a Package Termination Notice
at any time during the first round, but such termination shall not take effect mid-round.
d. Option 4 Opt-out of Bolt for Life Plan for the next season and opt-out of playoff tickets for the then-
current season. STM must formally opt-out of BOTH the Bolt for Life Plan AND current season playoff
option during the Dues Notification Period to prevent automatic enrollment for the next season and
automatic commitment to current season playoff tickets. To formally opt-out of both the Bolt for Life Plan
and the playoff ticket commitment, visit and follow the steps indicated at:
10. Lightning Playoffs. Under the Bolt for Life Plan, unless STM timely and properly exercises its Playoff Opt-Out for
the applicable NHL season as set forth below, STM agrees to purchase tickets for each home game to be played
by the Lightning during the NHL playoffs (including any additional fees or cost associated with the purchase of the
playoff tickets above the regular-season License Fee).
As outlined in Section 8(c) above, if STM cancels its Bolt for Life Plan during the Dues Notification Period, or after
the Dues Notification Period but prior to the start of the next NHL season, STM will lose any preferred pricing
offered to STM for playoff tickets for the then-current or most recent season and will be required to pay the
Playoff Ticket Rate Difference for any such playoff games purchased prior to termination of the Bolt for Life Plan.
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Lightning shall be authorized to apply any Pre-Termination Payments towards the Playoff Ticket Rate Difference
and/or initiate a Charge or EFT to your Card or Deposit Account for payment of such Playoff Ticket Rate Difference.
In the event that the Tampa Bay Lightning qualify for the NHL playoffs, tickets to any such playoff home games
are at an additional cost above and beyond the cost of the regular-season ticket License Fee. Except as otherwise
provided herein, Full-Season STMs have agreed and are automatically committed to purchase playoff tickets for
each playoff home game (same quantity as the number of regular-season tickets purchased by STM, same
location, subject to availability*). Except as otherwise provided herein, Half-Season STMs who purchased a
Package prior to July 1, 2021 have agreed and are automatically committed to purchase playoff tickets for each
playoff home game (same quantity as the number of regular-season tickets purchased by STM; precise seat
location to be determined based upon (a) STM’s tenure in seat location as a STM and (b) the Tampa Bay Lightning’s
then-current available inventory). Except as otherwise provided herein, Half-Season STMs who purchased a
Package on or after July 1, 2021 have agreed and are automatically committed to purchase playoff tickets for
every other playoff home game (i.e., game 1 and game 3 (if applicable), or game 2 and game 4 (if applicable))
(same quantity as the number of regular-season tickets purchased by STM; precise seat location to be determined
based upon (a) STM’s tenure in seat location as a STM and (b) Tampa Bay Lightning’s then-current available
inventory). Ten-Game STMs will not be automatically entitled to purchase playoff tickets. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Tampa Bay Lightning may, in its sole discretion in a manner that suits the Tampa Bay Lightning’s
convenience and needs, extend an offer to Ten-Game STMs in advance of extending a purchase offer to the
general public.
In addition to the opt out and termination opportunities referenced above, STMs may opt out of receiving the
offered playoff tickets (the “Playoff Opt-Out”) during the Dues Notification Period. In the event that STM fails to
timely exercise its Playoff Opt-Out, STM will be obligated to pay for the applicable playoff tickets. In the event
STM timely exercises the Playoff Opt-Out, the Tampa Bay Lightning shall have no further obligation to STM in
connection with such playoff tickets and the Tampa Bay Lightning may, at its discretion, sell the tickets to a third
party or otherwise dispose of them as it sees fit. As provided in Section 9(c) above, STM may not opt out of the
playoffs in the middle of a round.
*NOTE: Certain STM regular-season seats may become unavailable at any time during the NHL playoffs (for
instance, due to an NHL mandate reserving such seats). In such instance, STM authorizes the Tampa Bay Lightning
to relocate STM to other available seats in a comparable seating area as determined by the Tampa Bay Lightning
in its sole discretion in a way that suits its convenience and needs. If STM does not accept the alternate seats, its
sole remedy is to opt-out, as described above.
11. Cheer Now, Pay Later Playoff Plan. In the event that the Tampa Bay Lightning qualify for the NHL playoffs, STM
agrees that: (i) all playoff tickets will be sold to STM on a complete package basis only (meaning, STM will be
required to purchase the tickets for each home playoff game offered to STM and will not have the ability to
purchase single game tickets via the season ticket member program); (ii) STM will be charged only for the number
of games that are played each round (e.g., if only 2 home games are played in round 2, STM will be charged for 2
games that round); and (iii) playoff fees will be charged after the final home game of each round. All fees are due
in accordance with invoice terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tampa Bay Lightning reserve the right to
require payment in-full for any playoff tickets prior to the start of the playoffs.
If STM fails to timely remit any required payments owed for purchase of playoff tickets, the Tampa Bay Lightning
reserve the right to, upon a minimum of two (2) business days’ advance written notice to STM (email accepted),
apply any License Fees collected to past-due amounts owed for playoff tickets before applying Licensee Fees
toward payment for next season’s season tickets. Application of License Fees to past-due amounts owed for
playoff tickets may cause STM to become delinquent on season ticket payments. If such application of License
Fees causes STM to become delinquent on season ticket payments, and STM has not cured such delinquency
within ten (10) days of a written notice of delinquency (“Notice of Delinquency”), the Tampa Bay Lightning shall
be entitled to the remedies described in the “Breach” section. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if STM has not paid
sufficient License Fees to cover the cost of the playoff tickets and has failed to cure such nonpayment, the
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Lightning reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to revoke, suspend, or cancel STM’s Package and privileges
(including refusal by the Tampa Bay Lightning to honor any playoff tickets, and refusal to issue any playoff tickets
for upcoming games). The Lightning have no duty to mitigate damages incurred due such nonpayment. Any delay
in enforcing any available rights under these Terms shall not constitute waiver of any such rights.
12. Playoff Dress Code Policy. The Tampa Bay Lightning reserve the right to enact a Playoff Dress Code Policy, at its
sole election, in the event of an NHL playoff run. In the event the Tampa Bay Lightning enact such Playoff Dress
Code Policy, STM will be notified by email prior to the playoff game(s) to which the Playoff Dress Code Policy
applies. STM hereby agrees to abide by, and cause STM’s Guest(s) (defined below) to abide by, any such applicable
Playoff Dress Code Policy.
13. Force Majeure; League Preemption. If any home game(s) at the Arena are not played due to circumstances
beyond the Tampa Bay Lightning’s control, including without limitation, a strike, lockout, labor dispute or other
work stoppage (collectively a Labor Disruption”), civil commotion, riots, insurrection, war, war-like operations,
invasion, rebellion, hostilities, military or usurped power, acts or threats of terrorism, sabotage, any law, rule, or
legal requirement, any NHL Rule, governmental interventions or a change in governmental regulations or control,
cancellation of games, quarantine restrictions, global health emergencies, pandemics, epidemics and/or actual or
anticipated public health crisis', disruption by way of communicable diseases, inclement weather, fire or other
casualty, construction delays or other construction related issues, inability to obtain or procure any material,
services, insurance proceeds, or financing, technology failures, failure of electricity or other utilities, or through
acts of God (collectively, a Force Majeure Event”), then STM will remain obligated to pay all sums due hereunder.
The Tampa Bay Lightning will hold such funds as a credit on STM’s Account and apply such credit towards tickets
after the conclusion of the Labor Disruption or after the resolution of the Force Majeure Event and may, in
addition, offer one or more alternative remedies, in its sole discretion. NHL Rulesmeans (i) the Constitution and
Bylaws of, and other rules, regulations, resolutions, agreements and requirements of or issued by the National
Hockey League (NHL”), as they presently exist and as they may, from time to time, be entered into, created or
amended; and (ii) any action taken by the NHL commissioner or any person having authority delegated by the NHL
commissioner pursuant to any document, policy, rule, regulation, resolution or requirement referred to in clause
(i) of this definition.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, STM acknowledges and agrees that tickets being
purchased hereunder are solely for NHL pre-season and regular-season games presented by the Tampa Bay
Lightning and played at the Arena and shall not include tickets, or the right to purchase tickets, to any other event
or game, including, but not limited to, any NHL Global Series, NHL China Games, NHL Winter Classic, NHL Heritage
Classic, NHL Stadium Series, Hockeyville, NHL All-Star or NHL Draft event (“League Special Event”) held in the
Tampa Bay Lightning’s market or hosted by the NHL at the Arena or otherwise in which the Tampa Bay Lightning
participates. The Lightning may (and often do) offer to sell or give you tickets to such events, but we are not
required to do so. Further, STM acknowledges and agrees that the Tampa Bay Lightning and/or NHL may cancel,
postpone, reschedule or relocate games or events for any reason (e.g., move a regular-season game of the Tampa
Bay Lightning from the Arena to an alternate venue for the purposes of playing a League Special Event), as
determined in its/their sole discretion, as well as to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any aspect
of the rules, operations and presentations of NHL games and events (“Preemption”). In the event that any game
or event for which tickets have been sold to STM is not played or presented at the Arena for any reason, including
but not limited to Preemption, a Labor Disruption, and/or a Force Majeure Event, STM’s sole recourse will be to
receive one (1) of the following remedies: either (A) a pro rata credit for the value of the individual tickets for the
game(s) not played at the Arena, as determined by the Tampa Bay Lightning and which may vary by game (the
Unplayed Ticket Value”), (B) a reduction of the License Fee in the amount of the Unplayed Ticket Value and
adjustment of any remaining Payment Plan payments to reflect the new License Fee value, or (C) one or more
alternative remedies in addition to one or both of those set forth above (each, a Remedy”), such Remedy for
each specific STM to be offered by the Tampa Bay Lightning in its sole discretion. STM further agrees that any
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cancellation or postponement of any game or event shall in no way be deemed, argued, or construed to be a
breach by the Tampa Bay Lightning of any terms, conditions, agreement or any other duties or obligations in
connection with the sale and use of these tickets. STM hereby waives and releases all claims it may have against
the Tampa Bay Lightning and/or the NHL with respect to such game(s) or event(s) not played or presented at the
Arena due to a Labor Disruption, Force Majeure Event, and/or Preemption.
14. Breach. “Breach” means a violation of any of these Terms, or a violation of any other terms, rules, or policies of
the Tampa Bay Lightning, the NHL, or Arena, which may be amended from time to time. Breach includes, without
limitation, (a) STM’s failure to make payments of the License Fee as called for under any Payment Plan; (b) any
other failure by STM to timely remit payments due the Lightning; (c) STM’s failure to perform any obligation
required under these Terms or breach of any representation, warranty, or covenant under these Terms; (d) STM’s
violation of Ticket Resale Limitations; (e) STM’s violation of STM Account transfer limitations; (e) STM or any of
STM’s guests, invitees, and any other person using a ticket granted under these Terms (“Guest(s)”) behaving in an
unruly or disruptive manner at the Arena, as determined in the sole discretion of the Lightning; or (f) STM files or
has filed against STM, a petition for reorganization, the appointment of a receiver, or any other arrangement
under the Bankruptcy Code or similar type of proceeding.
STM agrees that demand for Packages is variable and may depend on the current performance of the Tampa Bay
Lightning, scheduling, and other factors. STM also agrees it is impossible to determine at the time STM agrees to
these Terms, the damage and loss that the Tampa Bay Lightning would incur from STM’s Breach. Therefore,
without limiting any of the Tampa Bay Lightning’s rights under these Terms, in the event that the Tampa Bay
Lightning do not receive a payment from STM by the due date, and STM has not cured such nonpayment within
ten (10) days of written notice of nonpayment (email accepted) or Notice of Delinquency (described in Section 11
above), or in the event that STM otherwise Breaches these Terms, the Tampa Bay Lightning reserve the right, in
its sole discretion, to (1) revoke, suspend, or cancel STM’s Package and privileges (including refusal by the Tampa
Bay Lightning to honor any Package tickets, and refusal to issue any Package tickets for upcoming games); and
(2) retain or receive as liquidated damages (i) any payments made by STM prior to the revocation, suspension, or
cancellation date, and (ii) payment in full of any unpaid License Fee due to be paid to the Lightning but for such
revocation, suspension, or cancellation of STM’s Package. The Tampa Bay Lightning shall have no duty to mitigate
any damages incurred as a result of STM’s Breach. Moreover, following any such revocation, suspension, or
cancellation of STM’s Package, the Tampa Bay Lightning may, at its sole discretion, reassign the Package rights to
a third party without further obligation to STM. The remedies provided herein are cumulative and not to the
exclusion of any other rights or remedies that may be available to the Lightning, at law or in equity. STM shall be
responsible for all fees and costs (including, without limitation, attorneys and other professional’s fees) incurred
by Lightning in connection with the enforcement of these Terms (including, without limitation, fees and costs
incurred to collect any payments that are not made by STM as and when due), whether or not litigation or dispute
resolution is actually commenced.
15. Access. A valid ticket is required to enter the Arena to view a Lightning game. A valid ticket may include without
limitation, a physical printed ticket, an electronic ticket delivered via Ticketmaster or such method of delivery as
determined by the Lightning. No ticket holder will be permitted to enter the Arena if his or her ticket is lost, stolen,
or otherwise misplaced. Each ticket allows access only to the seat listed on the ticket during the game or event
listed on the ticket, and areas within the Arena the Lightning open to the holder of that ticket. Ticket holders are
not entitled to access any other parts of the Arena. Tickets should be retained throughout the game to allow your
seat location to be verified. Once you have entered the Arena, you will not be permitted to leave and re-enter.
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16. Conduct. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the behavior of anyone using your tickets. Accordingly,
you and all Guests shall conduct yourselves appropriately at all times and comply with all applicable laws, Arena
policies, and directions of governmental authorities and Lightning or Arena personnel. You and your Guest(s)
agree to comply with all policies (including without limitation, health and safety policies), rules, and regulations
established from time to time by the Lightning in their sole discretion. Further, you specifically agree to, and shall
ensure that all Guests: (a) maintain proper decorum and appropriate, respectful behavior while using the tickets
(which includes, without limitation, not creating a disturbance, not causing objects to be thrown from the seats
at the ice, and not adversely affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the players, Arena/Lightning personnel, or
other patrons or invitees at the Arena); (b) not bring into the Arena alcoholic beverages, any illegal drugs, or other
illegal substances, and agree to comply with the Arena rules on bringing in outside food and beverages to any
game or event; (c) not use the tickets for any illegal, improper, immoral, or objectionable purpose, or in any way
which would obstruct or interfere with the normal enjoyment or rights of other seat holders or that would
negatively impact the image of the Lightning; and (d) not film, record, or transmit from the Arena all or any portion
of any game or event, or any description thereof, by any means, or permit any Guest to do so. If you or your
Guest(s) violate any of these policies, rules, regulations, or directions, the Lightning have the absolute right to
eject you and your Guest(s) and/or revoke, suspend, or cancel your Package and privileges, and otherwise invoke
the remedies described in the Breach” section. Foul, abusive, socially unacceptable language, and other behavior
deemed to be unacceptable fan conduct will result in immediate ejection from the Arena, revocation, suspension,
or cancelation of your Package and privileges, and possible arrest and further legal consequences.
You and each of your Guests agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Lightning, the Arena, the NHL,
and each of their agents, employees, owners, partners, trustees, and related entities, from any and all claims,
demands, liabilities and/or damages arising from your conduct or omissions and/or the conduct or omissions of
your Guest(s) during any Lightning game or event. You shall not mar, deface, or otherwise damage the seat(s)
associated with your tickets or any other Arena property. You shall be responsible for and shall reimburse the
Lightning for any and all costs for repairs to damage of your seat(s) that is not the result of normal wear and tear.
17. No Advertising. Unless expressly agreed to in writing by the Lightning, the Package and tickets may not be used
for advertising, promotions, or other commercial purposes, including without limitation contests, sweepstakes,
and giveaways, or other trade or commercial purposes.
18. Relocated Seats. The Tampa Bay Lightning have the right to relocate STM’s seat(s) in the Tampa Bay Lightning’s
sole discretion (such STM, a Displaced STM”). The Tampa Bay Lightning shall offer a Displaced STM an option to
relocate the impacted seats to another available location in the Arena (the “Relocation Offer”). Following receipt
of a Relocation Offer from the Tampa Bay Lightning, the Displaced STM shall have seven (7) calendar days to
respond to the Tampa Bay Lightning with its election (either to accept the Relocation Offer or to reject the
Relocation Offer). In the event that the Displaced STM accepts the Relocation Offer, the parties shall finalize the
terms of such new seats. Displaced STM shall be responsible for any additional cost associated with the new seats,
or shall be entitled to a refund if the new seats are priced lower than STM’s prior seats, as applicable. In the event
that the Displaced STM rejects the Relocation Offer, the Tampa Bay Lightning shall, within thirty (30) calendar
days of receipt of such rejection notice from the Displaced STM, issue the Displaced STM a full refund for the value
of the unused tickets on the affected Package. STM hereby agrees and acknowledges that its exclusive remedy in
the case of a displacement as outlined in this Section shall be the Relocation Offer, and, as applicable, a refund of
any monies paid by such Displaced STM in connection with the displaced/eliminated seats. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, the parties recognize that a variety of issues could result in an STM
being temporarily displaced, and the parties agree to collaboratively work together towards a mutually agreeable
solution for such temporary displacement. In no event, however, shall any displacement entitle STM to any refund
(except as otherwise provided herein) or give rise to a claim of Breach or other legal action.
19. Relocation Election. The Tampa Bay Lightning may, in its sole discretion, elect to host a relocation election event
online or at the Arena (the Relocation Election”), which permits STM to elect to relocate its seat location. Please
note that during a Relocation Election, STM’s may not increase the number of seats or select a lower-level Package
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type (i.e., change from full-season Package to a half-season Package; provided that selecting a higher-level
Package shall be permitted (e.g., half-season to full-season), subject to availability). Notwithstanding the
foregoing, STM’s that would like to discuss selecting a lower-level package may do so by contacting their
designated Lightning representative directly. Any such changes are subject to availability. A Relocation Election is
subject to these Terms and the terms and conditions imposed in any targeted formal communication from the
Tampa Bay Lightning. STM hereby acknowledges that the Tampa Bay Lightning, at its sole discretion, reserves the
right to modify, alter, or otherwise cancel the Relocation Election program and/or to restrict the inventory
available for any Relocation Election to suit the Tampa Bay Lightning’s convenience and needs.
20. Assumption of Risk; COVID-19 Warning; Waiver; Indemnity; Limitation of Liability. By purchasing a Package and
becoming an STM, you voluntarily assume, and shall cause your Guests to assume, all risks and dangers incident
to attending hockey games and all other events you are permitted to attend as a season ticket member, whether
such risks and dangers occur before, during, or after the game or event. Such risks and dangers include, but are
not limited to, the danger of being injured by pucks, sticks, equipment, thrown or launched t-shirts, beads, plush
toys, and other objects, the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) and any other communicable and/or infectious
diseases, viruses, bacteria or illnesses or the causes thereof (collectively, Communicable Disease”). By becoming
an STM and purchasing a Package, you acknowledge that you have read this paragraph and that you know,
understand, and appreciate the risks associated with attending games or events at the Arena, including that you
or your Guest(s) (including your child(ren)) may be exposed to or infected with COVID-19 and that such exposure
may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability and/or death. You acknowledge that, notwithstanding
the foregoing, you are voluntarily attending such game or event at the Arena and in doing so you are assuming all
inherent risk of doing so.
In consideration for being permitted to purchase a Package and become an STM, you, on behalf of yourself, and
your Guest(s) and on behalf of all respective heirs, successors and assigns of you and your Guest(s), hereby forever
release, hold harmless, discharge and agree to indemnify (a) VSG Enterprises LLC, Tampa Bay Arena, LLC, Lightning
Hockey LP, and the NHL; (b) each of their respective past, present, and future licensees, sponsors, and vendors,
and all of their successors and assigns; (c) all other Lightning and NHL related entities; (d) Vinik Sports Group LLC,
JV Hockey Ventures, LLC, Tampa Bay Sports and Entertainment, LLC, Lightning Hockey GP LLC, Lightning
Foundation, Inc., TBSE Enterprises LLC, TBSE Esports, LLC, TB Sports Retail, LLC, Lightning High School Hockey
League, Inc., Because We Love the Game, Inc., Tampa Bay Entertainment Properties LLC, TBEP Hospitality HoldCo,
LLC; TBEP Hospitality I, LLC, TBEP Hospitality I JV, LLC; TBEP Facilities, LLC, TBEP Media, LLC, TBEP Live, LLC, and
TBEP Commercial Sales, LLC; (e) the City of Tampa, the County of Hillsborough and their various agencies,
departments and subdivisions; (f) the ticket manufacturer or provider of the Package tickets; (g) the Arena and
the owners and operators thereof, and all local or state governmental bodies associated with the Arena; and (h)
all past, present, and future parents, affiliates, successors, assigns, players, managers, coaches, employees,
partners, members, directors, officers, owners, agents, representatives, and independent contractors of such
entities (subsections (a) through (h), collectively, the Released Parties”), from and against any and all losses or
injuries including personal and/or property injury(ies), disabilities, deaths, illnesses, damages, claims, costs and
expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, professionals’ fees and litigation expenses), judgments,
executions, demands, actions or causes of action, or any other liabilities, either at law or in equity, whether known
or unknown, asserted or unasserted, suspected or unsuspected (collectively, Losses”), that may, directly or
indirectly, arise from or in any way relate to (1) COVID-19 or any other Communicable Disease and (2) any act or
omission, Breach of or default under these Terms, and/or violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation, by
STM or any of STM’s Guests, agents, or affiliates (“Released Claims”), even if the Released Claims arise out of the
ordinary negligence or carelessness, whether active or passive, of any of the Released Parties, or from any hidden,
latent or obvious defects in any of the facilities used. You recognize and agree that this release and waiver of
liability is a full general and final release and waiver of all Released Claims.
If you or your Guests bring a minor to a game or other event, you and/or your Guests shall be deemed (to the
fullest extent allowable by law) to have given all of the foregoing grants of rights, releases, and waivers on behalf
of such minor(s) as their parent or guardian or as the authorized agent of their parent or guardian. If you or your
Guest(s) do not wish to or are not authorized to grant such rights, releases, and waivers on behalf of the
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accompanied minor(s), you and/or your Guest(s) should immediately leave the Arena or other event venue with
the minor(s).
If any claim, demand, action, or proceeding is made or commenced by any third party (a Third Party Claim”)
against any Released Party that is entitled to be indemnified with respect to such Loss under this Section (the
Indemnified Party”), the Indemnified Party shall give STM prompt notice thereof; provided, however, that the
failure to give such notice shall not affect STM’s liability. STM shall have the obligation (unless Lightning elects
otherwise) to assume the defense and resolution of the Third Party Claim with counsel satisfactory to Lightning in
its reasonable discretion, provided that the Indemnified Party shall have the right to participate in the defense of
the Third Party Claim at its own expense through counsel of its choice (control of the defense will remain with
STM); STM shall not consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement in respect of the Third
Party Claim without Indemnified Party’s prior written consent; and the Indemnified Party may undertake the
defense of the Third Party Claim, at STM’s expense, if STM fails promptly to assume and diligently prosecute the
SEASON. Under no circumstance shall the Tampa Bay Lightning or any other Released Party be liable or
responsible to STM (or any of its agents or assigns) for any lost income lost profits, or indirect, special, liquidated,
or consequential damages of any kind of STM or any person or entity.
Agreement”). In the event that any dispute, controversy, or claim whatsoever, including those relating in any way
to any season tickets, your Package, Payments Plan, invoices, games, the Arena or venue, marketing efforts,
promotions, or any of the Tampa Bay Lightning’s and STM’s dealings with one another during any season
(“Claims”), arises between the parties relating to these Terms, you acknowledge and agree you will first contact
customer service to describe the problem and seek a resolution. You then agree to negotiate with the Lightning
in good faith about your Claim. If the problem or Claim is not resolved within sixty (60) days then, except for Claims
concerning the validity, scope or enforceability of this Arbitration Agreement, it shall be resolved and settled
through BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance
with its Commercial Arbitration Rules in Tampa, Florida, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s)
may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The remedy for any Claim shall be limited to actual
damages, and in no event shall any party be entitled to recover punitive, exemplary, consequential, or incidental
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damages or to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased, including attorneys’ fees or other such related
costs of bringing a Claim, or to rescind these Terms or seek injunctive or any other equitable relief. STM agrees
that the rights and obligations of STM and/or the Tampa Bay Lightning and/or any other party shall be resolved
individually in separate proceedings, without resort to any form of class action. Any demand for arbitration must
be filed within one (1) year of the time the cause of action occurred, or the cause of action shall be forever barred.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Arbitration Agreement, if the foregoing class action waiver and
prohibition against class arbitration is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then this entire Arbitration
Agreement shall be void. If any portion of this Arbitration Agreement other than the class action waiver and
prohibition against class arbitration is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not invalidate the remaining
portions of this Arbitration Agreement. This Arbitration Agreement will survive the termination of any STM
Package and any related agreement, STM’s fulfillment or default of STM’s obligations under any Package or any
related agreement, and/or STM’s or the Tampa Bay Lightning’s bankruptcy or insolvency (to the extent permitted
by applicable law).
22. Automatic Payment Authorization (“APA”) for Scheduled Payments, Dishonored Check Fees, and Late Fees. STM
hereby authorizes the Lightning (which, for purposes of this APA, includes our service providers, agents, affiliates,
and assignees) to seek the payments in the amounts set forth in STM’s Dues Notification (and each subsequent
Dues Notification for each following season), or in any modified payment schedule to which STM and the Lightning
may agree, on or after each payment due date, less any partial prepayments or other credits, by, at our option,
either: (a) initiating an electronic debit to the deposit account you provide and/or specified in your Account, or
any subsequent or additional deposit account(s) you provide to the Lightning (your Deposit Account”) (each
electronic debit, an EFT”); or (b) initiating a charge to the credit card you provide and/or specified in your
Account, or later provided to the Lightning by you (your “Card”) (each charge, a Charge”). If you have provided
multiple payment cards or deposit accounts to us, and in the event a payment that we attempt to collect fails, you
authorize us to attempt to collect such payment by initiating one or more payment attempts to any additional
payment Cards or Deposit Accounts that you have provided to us. If any Card or Deposit Account that you have
previously provided to the Lightning changes or expires, you agree to promptly notify the Lightning of such
change so that there is always at least one valid Card or Deposit Account on file. If any payment subject to this
APA is returned unpaid, you authorize us to reinitiate such payment up to two additional times (or any greater
number of times permitted by applicable network rules). You agree that a reasonable service charge may be
assessed on all declined transactions. You authorize the Lightning to separately initiate a Charge or EFT to your
Card or Deposit Account for any service charge you are assessed. In the event that a Charge or EFT is not successful,
you authorize the Lightning to reinitiate the Charge or EFT in accordance with applicable network rules. In the
event that the Lightning incur any fee or expense associated with the collection of any outstanding balance from
STM, STM shall be liable for all such fees or expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, court costs,
and collection agency fees) incurred by the Lightning, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
a. Authorization to Correct Errors and Modify Payments. In the event of an error in processing a Charge or
EFT, you authorize the Lightning to initiate a credit or debit to the Card or to the Deposit Account to
correct the error. If you inadvertently transpose a digit or make a similar error in providing the Lightning
with information about a payment method, you authorize the Lightning to correct the error after verifying
the information with you. Instead of or in addition to any payments described above, you authorize the
Lightning to create or initiate an EFT to the Deposit Account or Charge the Card for any amount and on
any date that you subsequently confirm by phone, text message, or email. If the Installment Amount that
you owe to us includes fractional cents, you authorize the Lightning to round the amounts up or down to
the nearest penny and to make up any rounding overage or shortfall by adjusting the last payment.
b. Bank-Imposed Fees. You understand that your financial institution may charge you a fee in addition to
any service charge you may owe us if any payment authorized above is dishonored or returned unpaid,
and you agree that we will have no liability regarding any such fees.
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c. Revoking this Authorization. You may revoke this APA by notifying us orally or in writing (provided that
you must provide written confirmation of an oral cancellation within 14 days). It may take a reasonable
timeframe (typically three (3) business days) for the change to take effect. Should you revoke this APA
without paying the entirety of the License Fee, you will still be responsible for paying any amounts you
owe under the applicable Dues Notification and your future rights under these Terms will terminate as of
the date of revocation. Written notices must be sent to Membership Services, Attn: STM Payment Plan
Cancellations, 401 Channelside Drive, Tampa, FL 33602.
d. Miscellaneous. You understand that a Charge or EFT may not immediately post to the Card or the Deposit
Account. If a Charge or EFT declines for any reason, you agree that you will be responsible for paying any
and all remaining balances as well as any declined transaction fee immediately. You certify that you are
an authorized signor on the Deposit Account or an authorized user of the Card. Each Charge to the Card
will be processed in U.S. Dollars and, if a Charge is converted into another currency, its amount may vary
based on fluctuations in the applicable conversion rate. You understand that if you are submitting a card
payment, only Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards are accepted.
You acknowledge and agree that, other than as expressly required by law, no further authorization shall be
required for the collection of any payments under these Terms. These Terms are STM’s copy and constitute STM’s
preauthorization for the Lightning to initiate a Charge or EFT to STM’s Card or Deposit Account in accordance
with the terms herein.
23. E-Sign Consent. STM acknowledges and agrees that by accepting the above recurring payment terms and
conditions, STM consents to receive a copy of the authorization, all required disclosures, and any future notices
in electronic form only instead of receiving a paper copy. STM's consent extends to the authorization, all required
disclosures, and to all future notices from the Lightning. If STM wishes to obtain a paper copy of STM's recurring
payment authorization, any required disclosures, or any future notice, STM may do so by printing the electronic
copy or by emailing A reasonable fee may be charged for paper
copies. STM may, in writing, withdraw STM's consent to the receipt of electronic notices and disclosures at any
time. Please be aware, however, that withdrawal of consent may result in the termination of STM's access to our
electronic services and STM’s ability to use certain products. To withdraw STM's consent, STM may email the
request to STM must promptly notify the Lightning of any change in
STM's email or other electronic address. STM may change the email address on record for STM’s
account. If STM has given the Lightning another type of electronic address, such as an electronic address or mobile
phone number for SMS text messages, STM may change that address by emailing such change to To receive electronic notices, disclosures, and records, STM must
have access to: a current version of an Internet browser the Lightning support, a connection to the Internet, a
current version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader), and a
computer/mobile devices and an operating system capable of supporting all of the above. STM will also need
access to a printer if STM wishes to print out and retain records on paper, and electronic storage if STM wish to
retain records in electronic form.
24. Use of Image; Publicity Release. STM and STM’s Guest(s) grant to the Tampa Bay Lightning, the NHL, each of their
respective current and future related entities, affiliates, assigns, agents, sponsors, designees, and licensees the
unrestricted right and permission to record, film, videotape and photograph STM and STM’s Guest(s), including
any minor accompanying STM or STM’s Guest(s) (collectively, the “Images”). These Images will be owned by the
Tampa Bay Lightning. The Tampa Bay Lightning, the NHL, and each of their designees shall have the right to use,
re-use, reproduce, publish, display, exhibit, distribute, edit, adapt, post, stream, copy, and exploit such Images,
and all elements embodied therein, including any names, images, likenesses, voice, conversation, comments,
biographical information, and any other attributes of STM or STM’s Guest(s), including any minor accompanying
STM or STM’s Guest(s), individually or with others, in whole or in part, in conjunction with other material, if any,
in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, for all purposes including, but not limited to, trade,
advertising, publicity, promotion, or any other lawful purpose whatsoever, in perpetuity, throughout the world,
without additional compensation, consideration, notification or permission, of STM or STM’s Guest(s), including
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any minor accompanying STM or STM’s Guest(s), except where prohibited by applicable law. The forgoing shall
be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any rights or permissions granted pursuant to the “ticket back” terms and
conditions for any particular games or events.
25. Communications. STM authorizes the Tampa Bay Lightning and its affiliates, agents, representatives, assigns, and
service providers (collectively, the “Messaging Parties”) to contact STM using automatic dialing systems, artificial
or prerecorded voice messages, text messaging systems, email, or any similar methods then in use and automated
email systems in order to provide you with information about the Tampa Bay Lightning, the Arena, these Terms,
your Account, your Package, and related benefits, including information about payments, games, other events,
and/or offers from the Tampa Bay Lightning and/or the Arena. STM authorizes the Messaging Parties to make
such contacts using any telephone numbers (including wireless and VOIP numbers) or email addresses STM has
supplied to the Messaging Parties in connection with these Terms, your Package, your Account, or any other
matter. STM understands that anyone with access to STM’s telephone or email account may listen to or read the
messages the Messaging Parties leave or send STM, and STM agrees that the Messaging Parties have no liability
for anyone accessing such messages. STM further understands that, when STM receives a telephone call, text
message or email, STM may incur a charge from the company that provides you with telecommunications, wireless
and/or Internet services, and STM agrees that the Messaging Parties will have no liability for such charges. STM
expressly authorize the Messaging Parties to monitor and record STM’s calls with the Messaging Parties. STM
agrees that, unless STM withdraws consent as explained below, the authorizations STM provides in this section
shall survive the termination of these Terms.
At any time, STM may withdraw consent to receive text messages and calls to STM’s cell phone or to receive
artificial or prerecorded voice message system calls, for example, by calling Membership Services at (813) 301-
6800, writing to: Membership Services, Attn: STM Marketing Opt-Outs, 401 Channelside Drive, Tampa, FL 33602,
or in person at the Arena box office. To stop text messages, STM can reply STOP” to any text messages the
Messaging Parties send STM. To stop emails, follow the opt‐out instructions included at the bottom of the
Messaging Parties’ emails.
26. STM Representations and Warranties. STM hereby represents and warrants as follows: (a) STM has read and
understands these Terms; (b) STM is not entering into these Terms or purchasing any Package or ticket(s)
hereunder as an investment and has no expectation of deriving any economic profit as a result therefrom; (c) STM
is purchasing the Package and all tickets for its own use and not with a view to distribute such tickets to others;
(d) STM has full power and legal authority to enter into and perform these Terms in accordance herewith; (e) it
has been recommended that STM consult with independent legal counsel regarding these Terms and has either
done so or affirmatively elected not to do so; and (f) these Terms have been duly accepted by STM and constitute
a legal, valid and binding obligation of STM enforceable in accordance with its terms.
27. Miscellaneous.
a. Choice of Law. These Terms will be construed and enforced in accordance with all applicable federal laws
and the laws of the state of Florida without regard to any other applicable principles of conflict of laws.
b. Waiver. Neither the failure nor any delay of the Tampa Bay Lightning to exercise any right under these
Terms operates as a waiver, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right preclude any other or further
exercise of the same or of any right, nor will any waiver of any right with respect to any occurrence be
construed as a waiver of such right with respect to any other occurrence. No waiver is effective unless it
is in writing and is signed by the party asserted to have granted such waiver.
c. Notices. All notices, demands and other communications between the parties required or appropriate
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficient upon delivery personally or by electronic
mail, express/overnight delivery service, or certified mail (return receipt), and sent to, 401 Channelside
Drive, Tampa, FL 33602 Attn: Membership Services,, with
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copy to: Legal Department, if to Lightning, and to the last known address or
electronic mail address (whichever may be applicable) if to STM.
d. Assignment. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, STM may not assign or transfer any of STM’s
rights and obligations, in whole or in part, under these Terms without the express written consent of the
Lightning, which may be withheld for any or no reason. The Lightning may assign these Terms and any of
the rights granted herein in their sole discretion. To the extent permitted under these Terms, each party's
obligations hereunder shall be binding on the assigns and successors of such party and shall inure to the
benefit of the assigns and successors of such party.
e. Enforcement. STM acknowledges (i) that the Lightning plan to fully enforce its rights under these Terms,
which may be inconsistent with or different from past policies and practices; and (ii) that in purchasing a
Package and becoming an STM, STM has not relied upon any prior policies or practices of the Lightning
related to enforcement for non-payment or otherwise.
f. Attorneys’ Fees. In the event of a dispute between STM and the Tampa Bay Lightning, the prevailing party
shall be entitled to recover all of its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in or related to the
litigation or arbitration of such dispute, including any appellate proceedings.
g. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision
will be amended to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision enforceable and the remainder
of these Terms will not be affected but will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent
permitted by law.
h. Other Terms. In addition to these Terms, STM is subject to other terms, including, without limitation, the
rules and policies of AMALIE Arena (available at, including
without limitation the Arena’s Face Covering Policy (available at
your-visit/facecoveringpolicy) which will be strictly enforced, and Ticket Terms and Conditions (located at, which may be amended from time to time without notice. It
is STM’s responsibility to check these sites for current terms. In the event any provision of these Terms
conflicts with any of the provisions contained in any other Lightning or Arena rules, terms, or policies,
these Terms shall control. Additionally, please read the full Ticketmaster Terms of Use governing your use
of the Account Manager website and governing your use of Live Nation and Ticketmaster's sites and
mobile applications, which apply to all Lightning game tickets. STM further agrees that STM’s personal
information may be used by the Lightning and their designees in accordance with the Lightning’s privacy
policy at, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
i. Taxes; Fees. STM shall either pay directly or reimburse Lightning on demand for any facility, sales,
privilege, use, admission, amusement, entertainment, occupancy, personal property or other taxes,
surcharges or fees (other than Lightning’s income taxes) that may be imposed with respect to or on an
account of the Package, the license or use of the seats and/or provision of tickets, passes and other
benefits hereunder.
j. Subordination. These Terms and the rights and interests of STM hereunder shall be subordinate and
subject to Lightning’s right to use the Arena pursuant to its lease with Hillsborough County and Tampa
Sport Authority, as such lease may be amended or otherwise modified from time to time. These Terms
and the Lightning’s obligations hereunder are subject to the rules and regulations (including Constitution
and by-laws and all other rules, directives, requirements, Board resolutions and regulations) of, and
requests and conditions imposed by the NHL (collectively the NHL Rules”) as they may be amended from
time to time. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms to the contrary, these Terms shall in all
respects be subject to and subordinate to: (i) the NHL Constitution; (ii) the NHL By-Laws; (iii) all other
rules, regulations and policies of the NHL and the resolutions of its Board of Governors; (iv) any collective
bargaining agreement between the NHL and/or its member clubs and other parties; (v) all agreements,
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consent decrees and settlement agreements entered into, between or among the NHL and its member
clubs or the NHL, NHL member clubs and/or other persons in furtherance of NHL business or interests or
as otherwise authorized directly or indirectly by the NHL Board of Governors, the NHL Commissioner, or
the NHL Constitution, all as the same may now exist or hereafter be amended or enacted or as they may
be interpreted by the Commissioner.
k. Survival. Sections 6 (Fees; Payment Plans); 13 (Force Majeure; League Preemption); 14 (Breach); 16
(Conduct); 20 (Assumption of Risk; COVID-19 Warning; Waiver; Indemnity; Limitation of Liability); 21
(Dispute Resolution; Individual Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver); 22 (Automatic Payment
Authorization for Scheduled Payments, Dishonored Check Fees and Late Fees); 23 E-Sign Consent; 24 (Use
of Image; Publicity Release); 25 (Communications); 26 (STM Representations and Warranties); and 27
(Miscellaneous) shall survive termination or expiration of these Terms.