F625-003-000 Continuous Contractor’s Surety Bond 11-2017
Department of Labor and Industries
Contractor Registration
PO Box 44450
Olympia WA 98504-4450
Continuous Contractor’s
Surety Bond
This form is required by the Contractor’s Registration Act RCW 18.27. This form must be typed.
UBI Number (optional)
Registration Number (optional)
Bond Number (required)
doing business as
, a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
and authorized to transact surety business in the State of Washington, as Surety, by this bond bind ourselves
and our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, to pay the State of
dollars lawful money of the United States of America
The Principal has applied for a Certificate of Registration, from the Contractor’s Registration Section of the
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, to carry on the business of a contractor in the State of
Washington. The Principal is required by chapter 18.27 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) to furnish
a bond in the penal sum of
dollars with good and sufficient surety. The bond must be
conditioned as required by RCW 18.27.040.
If the Principal, in compliance with the provisions of chapter 18.27 RCW, pays all (1) wages and benefits to
persons furnishing labor to the Principal, (2) amounts that may be adjudged against the Principal by reason of
breach of contract including negligent or improper work in the conduct of the contracting business, (3) persons
who furnish labor and materials or rent or supply equipment to the Principal, and (4) taxes and contributions
due to the State of Washington, the obligation of the Principal and the Surety shall be null and void. If the
Principal does not pay the above claims, the bond shall remain in full force and effect. In no case shall the
Surety be liable for any claim not included in RCW 18.27.040.
Any person that has a claim against the Principal, arising from the failure of the Principal to pay and of the four
items referred to in paragraph 3, may bring suit upon the bond in the superior court of the county in which the
work was done, or of any county in which the court has jurisdiction over the Principal. The suit must be
brought within the time and the manner required by RCW 18.27.040.
The aggregate liability of the Surety under this bond for claims against this bond shall not exceed the penal
sum of this bond. No extension by continuation certificate, reinstatement, reissue, or renewal of this bond shall
increase the liability of the Surety. If the claims against the bond that are pending at any one time exceed the
remainder of the aggregate liability minus the amounts previously paid by the Surety because of other claims
against this bond, the claims shall be satisfied in accordance with the provisions of RCW 18.27.040.
This bond shall become effective on:
and shall be void if not filed with the Contractor’s
Registration Section by:
and shall remain in force continuously unless the Surety gives
written notice to the Director of Labor and Industries of its intent to cancel the bond. A cancellation or
revocation of the bond or withdrawal of the Surety from the bond suspends the registration issued to the
registrant until a new bond or reinstatement notice has been filed and approved as provided in the statue
the Principal and Surety have affixed their hands and seals this date:
Principal’s Name
Surety’s Name and Seal