Auction Company
Registration Application
For questions or language help call: 360-664-6636
Apply online:
Or mail this completed application, surety bond information, and nancial
certication adavit along with a check or money order (payable to the
Department of Licensing) to:
Auctioneer/Auction Company Program
Department of Licensing
PO Box 35001
Seattle, WA 98124-35001
You require an auctioneer license if:
You are calling bids, and/or
You are arranging or managing auctions and you are a sole proprietor whose sales do not exceed $25,000.
You require an auction company license if:
You are arranging or managing auctions and you are a sole proprietor whose sales exceed $25,000, or
You are not a sole proprietor and you are arranging or managing auctions.
Note: An auction company license does not allow you to call bids.
Surety bond requirements:
Auction company: the amount you’ll need depends on the gross value of the goods you sell in Washington State:
For existing companies, your gross sales during the previous calendar year (see table below)
For new companies, an estimate of your gross sales during the current calendar year
Gross sales Bond/security amount
$0.00 to $24,999.99 ..........................$ 5,000
$25,000 to $49,999.99 ........................$10,000
$50,000 to $99,999.99 ........................$15,000
$100,000 to $499,999.99 ......................$20,000
$500,000 and above .........................$25,000
Licenses are available for self-printing with an online account.
If you want us to print and mail your license add a $5 print fee for each copy to your payment.
$0 self-print license online.
$5 each. DOL print and mail license. Quantity Total $ 
Application type (check one)
New application $281
Renewal $281
Late renewal $391
Applicant information
PRINT or TYPE Name of auctioneer/owner (Last, First, Middle) /Company
Mailing address
City State ZIP code County
(Area code) Phone number Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Social Security number* Email
Military (check if applicable)
Current or former: Military member Military spouse or registered domestic partner
*You are not required to have a Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identication Number (ITIN or TIN) to apply for or be issued a
license. If you do not have a SSN, ITIN, or TIN, leave that section blank. If you do have a SSN, ITIN, or TIN, you are required by federal and state law to
provide it on the application (42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13) and RCW 74.20A.320).
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Business information
Business name Email
Doing business as
Physical location address
City State ZIP code County
Mailing address
City State ZIP code County
(Area code) Phone number UBI/UBI Business ID/UBI Location ID (16 digits)
Type of business
Sole proprietor General Partnership Corporation LLC Foreign Corporation
Answer the following
1. Do you have an active tax registration with the Washington State Department of Revenue? Yes No
2. Are you authorized to sign for the business? ..................................... Yes No
3. If you are not a sole proprietor or general partnership you must register with the
Secretary of State. Are you registered with the Secretary of State? ................... Yes No
Only for Sole Proprietorships or General Partnerships who will also be calling bids:
4. Do you have an active auctioneer license? ...................................... Yes No
If yes, what is your license number?
If no, submit an auctioneer application in addition to the Auction Company Application.
Financial Guarantee
Choose one
Choose only one of the following options:
1. New applicant for auction company who arranges and manages auctions.
I have not been licensed as an auction company in Washington State. During the current calendar
year, the total estimated gross value of goods and/or real estate to be sold in Washington State will be
Please include the auction company surety bond.
2. Renewal for auction company who arranges and manages auctions.
This is to certify that during the past calendar year (January 1 through December 31) the total gross
value of all goods and/or real estate sold by me in Washington State was $
Surety bond company name
Surety bond number Eective date Is the surety bond continuous?
Yes No
Expiration date (if not continuous) Surety bond amount
Legal background
Answer the following
Answer the questions below. If you answer “Yes,” attach a detailed explanation.
1. Within the last 5 years, in this state or any other jurisdiction, has the business entity, any
business owners, or any persons with controlling interest in this business had any action
(ne, suspension, revocation, censure, surrender, etc.) taken against any professional or
occupational license, certication, or permit?..................................... Yes No
2. Within the last 5 years, in this state or any other jurisdiction, has the business entity, any
business owners, or any persons with controlling interest in this business defaulted, or
been convicted of, or entered a plea of no contest to a gross misdemeanor or felony crime?
(Don’t include trac convictions.).............................................. Yes No
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(continued on next page)
Notarization/Certication – auction company only
I, being rst duly sworn, depose and say that I am the
responsible governing person and that I am authorized to sign for the partnership, corporation, or LLC
(if applicable), and that all auctioneers hired by me to do business in this state will be properly licensed.
Authorized signature
Date and place
State of , County of
Signed or attested before me on by
(Seal or stamp)
Printed or stamped name
Title Expiration date of appointment
Answer the following
1. Do you certify that any procceeds received and not paid to clients within 24 hours will be
deposited no later than the next business day in a trust account located in this state and
maintained in accordance with RCW 18.11.230?
.................................. Yes No
2. Have you read and do you agree to follow all the applicable laws and rules of this
procession and do you understand the penalties for misconduct?
..................... Yes No
I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date and place Signature
Providing any false information in this application may be cause for denial, suspension, or revocation
of your professional license in the State of Washington.
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(continued on next page)
When you have completed this form, please print it out and sign here.
Auctioneer Surety Bond
Sole proprietor Partnership Corporation LLC
Know all persons by these presents: That
doing business as
Business name
as Principal, at the following address and/or
Business address
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
and authorized to transact surety business in the State of Washington, as Surety, are held and rmly bound unto
the State of Washington in the sum of
dollars lawful money of the United States of America
to be paid to the said State of Washington, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our
heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally rmly by these presents.
The condition of the above obligation is such that: Whereas, the said principal has made application for an
Auctioneer/Auction company license by the Business and Professions Division of the State of Washington for
carrying on the business of Auctioneering within the State of Washington; and is required by Chapter 18.11 RCW
to furnish a bond in the penal sum of
dollars with good and sucient surety, conditioned
as required by said law.
Now, therefore, If the said principal will comply with all the provisions of Chapter 18.11 RCW of the State of
Washington and with all rules and regulations adopted by the Director of the Department of Licensing, of said
state pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.11 RCW and will pay all amounts that may be adjudged against
principal by reason of violation of Chapter 18.11 RCW or any rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto in the
conduct of principal’s business as an Auctioneer/Auction Company then the above obligation shall be null and
void; otherwise to remain in full force and eect.
Provided: That any person having a claim against the principal for damage as a result of any violation by principal
or his/her agent of Chapter 18.11 RCW or any rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto may bring a suit
on this bond in the Superior Court of the County in which the principal’s business is located, or of any county in
which jurisdiction of the principal may be had.
Provided further: That the aggregate liability of the Surety hereunder for any and all claims presented shall not
exceed the penal sum of this bond. Provided further: That the Business and Professions Divisions shall be notied
30 days prior to the cancellation of this bond, along with the reason for cancellation or termination. No bond led
shall be approved unless it expressly provides that it will be eective for one year following the eective date of its
cancellation or termination, whether because of expiration, suspension, or revocation of the license, or otherwise,
as to any covered act or acts and omission or omissions of the licensee occurring on, or prior to, the eective
date of cancellation or termination.
In witness whereof, the said principal and the said surety have axed their hands and seal this
day of , 20 .
Eective date of bond
Bond number
Agency name
Resident agent
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Signature of principal
Signature of applicant/owner or individual authorized to sign for partnership or corporation
(Surety seal)
When completed by the surety bond company, they sign here.