Sample worksheet from
Copyright 2017 - 2020 Maria Miller
Edition 1/2020
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If you have other needs, such as licensing for a school or tutoring center, please contact the author at
Sample worksheet from
Foreword ........................................................................... 6
Chapter 1: Addition, Subtraction, Patterns
and Graphs
Introduction ...................................................................... 7
Addition Review ............................................................... 11
Adding in Columns .......................................................... 14
Subtraction Review .......................................................... 15
Subtract in Columns ........................................................ 18
Patterns and Mental Math .............................................. 21
Patterns in Pascal’s Triangle .......................................... 23
Bar Models in Addition and Subtraction ...................... 25
Order of Operations ........................................................ 29
Making Bar Graphs ........................................................ 31
Line Graphs ..................................................................... 33
Rounding .......................................................................... 36
Estimating ........................................................................ 39
Money and Discounts ...................................................... 41
Calculate and Estimate Money Amounts ..................... 44
Review Chapter 1 ............................................................ 47
Chapter 2: Large Numbers and Place Value
Introduction ..................................................................... 49
Thousands ........................................................................ 51
At the Edge of Whole Thousands .................................. 54
More Thousands ............................................................. 56
Practicing with Thousands ............................................ 58
Place Value with Thousands .......................................... 60
Comparing with Thousands .......................................... 62
Adding and Subtracting Big Numbers ......................... 65
Rounding and Estimating with Large Numbers .......... 69
Sample worksheet from
Multiples of 10, 100, and 1000 ...................................... 73
Mixed Review Chapter 2 ............................................... 76
Review Chapter 2 ........................................................... 78
Chapter 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication
Introduction .................................................................... 80
Understanding Multiplication ...................................... 84
Multiplication Tables Review ....................................... 87
Scales Problems ............................................................. 90
Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundreds ................ 94
Multiply in Parts 1 ........................................................ 98
Multiply in Parts 2 ........................................................ 101
Multiply in PartsArea Model .................................... 103
Multiplying Money Amounts ....................................... 105
Estimating in Multiplication ........................................ 107
Multiply in Columns - the Easy Way .......................... 109
Multiply in Columns - the Easy Way, Part 2 ............. 112
Multiply in Columns - the Standard Way .................. 115
Multiplying in Columns, Practice ............................... 119
Order of Operations Again .......................................... 121
Money and Change ....................................................... 124
So Many of the Same Thing ......................................... 127
Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers in Parts ................... 130
Multiply by Whole Tens in Columns ........................... 135
Multiplying in Parts: Another Way ............................. 137
The Standard Multiplication Algorithm
with a Two-Digit Multiplier ......................................... 139
Mixed Review Chapter 3 ............................................... 143
Review Chapter 3 ........................................................... 145
Chapter 4: Time and Measuring
Introduction .................................................................... 148
Time Units ...................................................................... 153
Elapsed Time 1 ............................................................... 156
The 24-Hour Clock ........................................................ 159
Elapsed Time 2 .............................................................. 161
Elapsed Time 3 .............................................................. 164
Sample worksheet from
Measuring Temperature: Celsius ............................... 167
Measuring Temperature: Fahrenheit ......................... 171
Temperature Line Graphs ........................................... 173
Measuring Length ........................................................ 175
More Measuring in Inches and Centimeters ............. 178
Feet, Yards, and Miles ................................................. 180
Metric Units For Measuring Length .......................... 185
Customary Units of Weight ......................................... 188
Metric Units of Weight ................................................ 192
Customary Units of Volume ........................................ 195
Metric Units of Volume ............................................... 198
Mixed Review Chapter 4 ............................................. 201
Review Chapter 4 ......................................................... 203
Sample worksheet from
Math Mammoth Grade 4 comprises a complete math curriculum for the fourth grade mathematics studies. The
curriculum meets and exceeds the Common Core standards.
The main areas of study in Math Mammoth Grade 4 are:
1. Students develop understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and use efficient
multiplication procedures to solve problems.
2. They develop understanding of division to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends (long division),
and they solve word problems involving division, including division with a remainder.
3. Students develop an understanding of fraction equivalence and some operations with fractions. They learn
to add and subtract fractions with same denominators, and to multiply a fraction by a whole number.
4. Students learn the concept of angle. They draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by
properties of their lines and angles.
Additional topics we study are place value, time, measuring, graphs, and decimals.
This book, 4-A, covers addition and subtraction and graphs (chapter 1), place value (chapter 2), multi-digit
multiplication (chapter 3), and time and measuring (chapter 4). The rest of the topics are covered in the 4-B
Some important points to keep in mind when using the curriculum:
The two books (parts A and B) are like a “framework”, but you still have a lot of liberty in planning the
child’s studies. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 should be studied in order, and Chapter 3 (multiplication) should be
studied before Chapter 5 (division). However, you can be flexible with chapters 4 (time and measuring)
and 6 (geometry), and schedule them earlier or later. Also, most lessons from chapters 7 and 8 (fractions
and decimals) can be studied earlier; however the topic of finding parts with division should naturally be
studied only after mastering division.
Math Mammoth is mastery-based, which means it concentrates on a few major topics at a time, in order to
study them in depth. However, you can still use it in a spiral manner, if you prefer. Simply have the child
study in 2-3 chapters simultaneously. This type of flexible use of the curriculum enables you to truly
individualize the instruction for the child.
Don’t automatically assign all the exercises. Use your judgment, trying to assign just enough for the
child’s needs. You can use the skipped exercises later for review. For most children, I recommend to start
out by assigning about half of the available exercises. Adjust as necessary.
For review, the curriculum includes a worksheet maker (Internet access required), mixed review lessons,
additional cumulative review lessons, and the word problems continually require usage of past concepts.
Please see more information about review (and other topics) in the FAQ at
I heartily recommend that you view the full user guide for your grade level, available at
And lastly, you can find free videos matched to the curriculum at
I wish you success in teaching math!
Maria Miller, the author
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 1: Addition, Subtraction,
Patterns, and Graphs
The first chapter of Math Mammoth Grade 4 covers addition and subtraction, problem solving, patterns, graphs,
and money.
At first, we review the “technical aspects” of adding and subtracting: mental math techniques and adding and
subtracting in columns. We also study some patterns. The lesson on Pascal’s triangle is intended to be fun and
fascinating—after all, Pascal’s triangle is full of patterns!
In the next lesson, students use bar models (visual models with one or more horizontal “bars”) to help them write
addition and subtraction sentences with unknowns and to solve them. They are actually learning algebraic
thinking and how to write and solve simple equations.
The lesson on the order of operations contains some review. We also connect this topic with real-life situations,
such as shopping. The student writes simple expressions (number sentences) for word problems, which, again,
practices algebraic thinking, and also helps students learn how to show their work in math problems. As
applications of math, the chapter then contains straightforward lessons on bar graphs, line graphs, rounding,
estimating, and money problems.
Keep in mind that the specific lessons in the chapter can take several days to finish. They are not “daily lessons.”
Instead, use the general guideline that fourth graders should finish about 2 pages daily or 9-11 pages a week.
Also, I recommend not assigning all the exercises by default, but that you use your judgment, and strive to vary
the number of assigned exercises according to the student’s needs.
Please see the user guide at for more guidance on using and pacing
the curriculum.
I also offer free videos matched to the curriculum at
The Lessons in Chapter 1
page span
Addition Review ......................................................... 11 3 pages
Adding in Columns ..................................................... 14 1 page
Subtraction Review .................................................... 15 3 pages
Subtract in Columns ................................................... 18 3 pages
Patterns and Mental Math ........................................... 21 2 pages
Patterns in Pascal's Triangle ....................................... 23 2 pages
Bar Models in Addition and Subtraction .................... 25 4 pages
Order of Operations .................................................... 29 2 pages
Making Bar Graphs .................................................... 31 2 pages
Line Graphs ................................................................ 33 3 pages
Rounding .................................................................... 36 3 pages
Estimating ................................................................... 39 2 pages
Money and Discounts ................................................. 41 3 pages
Calculate and Estimate Money Amounts .................... 44
3 pages
Review Chapter 1 .....................
.................................. 47 2 pages
Sample worksheet from
Helpful Resources on the Internet
Add Like Mad
Click on single-digit numbers that add up to the given sum as quickly as you can, clearing the board.
Sum Tracks
The game board shows square and round tiles with numbers. Drag the square number tiles over the round tiles,
so that the sum of the round tiles equals the number on the square tile.
A Maze'n Math
Move the red piece through the maze and use it to eliminate the other numbers, according to certain rules relating
to addition and difference.
Minus Mission
Practice subtraction facts within your chosen range, such as 0-12 or 0-20 while destroying green slime.
Pop the Balloons
Pop the balloons in the order of their value. You need to use all four operations.
Math Mahjong
Match tiles with the same value. The game uses all four operations and has three levels.
Crack the Code
Find the missing numbers in the patterns, and unlock the safe.
Pascal's Triangle at Maths Is Fun
Learn fascinating facts and patterns in Pascal's triangle!
Coloring Multiples
Color various multiples (such as multiples of 6 or 10) in Pascal's Triangle, and see the patterns!
Thinking Blocks - Addition and Subtraction
Model and solve word problems.
Jugs Puzzle
Fill and pour the water out of the two jugs until you get the desired quantity. Drag the jugs to empty or fill them.
A puzzle using logical thinking.
Algebra Puzzle
Figure out the values of the objects so that they add up to the target numbers.
Sample worksheet from
Calculator Chao
Most of the keys have fallen off the calculator. “Make” numbers using the keys that are left.
Addition Mystery Picture
Reinforce your addition skills while uncovering a hidden picture.
Subtraction Mystery Picture
Practice subtraction of two-digit numbers while uncovering a hidden picture.
Choose Math Operation
Choose the operation(s) so that the given number sentence becomes true.
Order of Operations Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that includes two different operations and possibly parentheses in each question. You
can also modify the quiz parameters yourself.
Order of Ops
Choose the expression to be solved in each step, and solve it. The program uses a visual representation of steps
to show how the expression gets shorter at each step.
The Order of Operations Millionaire
Answer multiple-choice questions that have to do with the order of operations, and win a million.
Exploring Order of Operations (Object Interactive)
Click on the operation to be done first in the given expression. The program then solves that, and you click on
the next operation to be performed, etc., until it is solved. The resource also includes a game.
Order of Operations Practice
A simple online quiz of 10 questions. Uses parentheses and the four operations.
Online Rounding Practice
Practice rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand.
Rounding Sharks Game
Round numbers to the nearest hundred by clicking the shark with the correct rounded number.
Brain Racer Rounding
Round numbers as fast as you can to beat two other walkers in the walking race. Choose to round either to the
nearest ten, nearest hundred, or nearest thousand.
Sample worksheet from
Ice Ice Maybe
Fast estimation game. Help penguins migrate across a perilous ocean patrolled by hungry killer whales. The
game uses all operations; addition and subtraction are most appropriate for this level. Start the game from the
circular button near the top.
Estimation Games
Find the answer fast! You also get points for being close. Choose “Add 100s” or “Add Tens” “Subtract Tens”, or
“Subtract 100s” for 4th graders.
Change Maker
Determine how many of each denomination you need to make the exact change. Choose the “hard” level for 4th
graders. Playable in US, Canadian, Mexican, UK, or Australian money.
Cash Out
Give correct change by clicking on the bills and coins. It has three levels of difficulty.
Bar Charts
Interactive questions about bar charts. First, choose a topic for the graph. Next, choose how the vertical axis is
presented; for example, “20 intervals, 10 marked”. Lastly, choose the type of questions asked.
Graphs Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that involves a variety of types of questions on line graphs, bar graphs, and
pictograms. You can also easily change the quiz parameters to your liking.
Line Graphs at Maths Is Fun
A simple tutorial on line graphs, followed by ten interactive practice questions.
An Interactive Bar Grapher
Graph data sets in bar graphs. The color, thickness and scale of the graph are adjustable. You can input your own
data or use or alter pre-made data sets.
Graph Master
Create a graph from your own data (you can even make it up). The interactive activity creates the graph, and also
makes up multiple-choice questions from your data for you to answer.
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 1: Addition Review
Addition Review
The numbers to be added are
addends. The result is a sum.
You can write any number as a sum of its different parts:
whole thousands, whole hundreds, whole tens, and ones.
5,248 = 5,000 + 200 + 40 + 8
thousands hundreds tens ones
2,019 = 2,000 + 0 + 10 + 9
You can add in parts
(hundreds, tens, ones):
56 + 124
= 100 + 50 + 20 + 6 + 4
= 100 + 70 + 10 = 180
You can add in any order:
7 + 90 + 91 + 3
= 7 + 3 + 90 + 91
= 10 + 90 + 91 = 191
Trick: first add a bigger but
easier number, then subtract
to correct the error:
76 + 89
= 76 +
90 − 1
= 166 − 1 = 165
1. Add mentally. Compare the problems in each box!
70 + 80 = _______
77 + 80 = _______
77 + 82 = _______
140 + 50 = _______
141 + 50 = _______
144 + 55 = _______
50 + 60 = _______
54 + 65 = _______
58 + 62 = _______
80 + 90 = _______
82 + 93 = _______
88 + 91 = _______
2. Write each number as a sum of its parts: thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.
a. 487 = b. 2,103 =
c. 8,045 = d. 650 =
3. Solve.
a. Emma added three numbers. Two of them were 56 and 90. The sum was 190.
What was the third number she added?
b. The sum of four numbers is 70 and the sum of five other numbers is 80.
What is the sum of all nine numbers?
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 1: Adding in Column
Adding in Columns
1. Add in columns. Check
by adding the numbers
in each column in a
different order (for
example, starting at the
bottom and working up).
3 8 4
2 9 1 2
2 0 0 8
2 0 9
+ 2 6
2 4 5
1 3 9
3 0
2 9 3 1
5 9 4
4 5 9 3
+ 5 2 6
1 7 3 8
2 3 9 0
1 0 7 8
3 6 4
2 8 0 3
2 1 1
+ 9 9
2. Add. Write the numbers under each other,
carefully aligning the ones, tens, hundreds,
and thousands. You may use a separate
piece of paper if you prefer.
a. 5,609 + 1,388 + 89 + 402 + 837
b. 67 + 504 + 1,298 + 492 + 3,288 + 8
3. The map shows some Kentucky cities
and distances between them.
The two distances that may be hard to read are:
from Louisville to Frankfort is 54 miles;
from Frankfort to Lexington is 28 miles.
Calculate the total driving distance, if
a family goes on a trip like this:
a. Covington - Lexington - Paducah - Lexington - Covington
b. A trip from Lexington via Covington,
Louisville, and Frankfort, and back to Lexington.
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 1: Subtraction Review
Subtraction Review
the methods.
Marie: “I subtract in parts: first to
the previous whole ten, then the rest.”
35 − 7
= (35
− 5) − 2
= 30 − 2 = 28
John: “I use a helping problem.”
15 − 7 = 8 is the helping problem
for 35 − 7.
The answer to 35 − 7 also ends in
“8” and is in the previous ten (the
twenties). So, 35 − 7 is 28.
1. Subtract.
13 − 7 = ______
63 − 7 = ______
12 − 6 = ______
82 − 6 = ______
15 − 9 = _______
150 − 90 = ______
16 − 8 = _______
1,600 − 800 = _______
2. Subtract from whole hundreds. You can subtract in parts.
100 − 2 = _______
100 − 20 = ______
100 − 22 = ______
200 − 4 = _______
200 − 40 = ______
200 − 45 = ______
500 − 5 = _______
500 − 50 = ______
500 − 56 = _______
400 − 7 = _______
400 − 70 = ______
400 − 71 = ______
3. Subtract and compare the results. The problems are “related” — can you see how?
a. 12 − 8 = _______
42 − 8 = _______
120 − 80 = _______
520 − 80 = _______
b. 15 − 9 = _______
75 − 9 = _______
150 − 90 = _______
650 − 90 = _______
c. 13 − 7 = _______
73 − 7 = _______
1,300 − 700 = ______
430 − 70 = _______
4. Write here four different subtraction problems
that are “related” to the problem 14 − 8 = 6.
See the examples above!
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 2: Large Numbers and Place Value
The second chapter of Math Mammoth Grade 4 covers large numbers (up to 1 million) and place value.
The first lessons only deal with thousands, or numbers with a maximum of four digits. These are for review and
for deepening the student’s understanding of place value, as understanding place value with four-digit numbers
is crucial before moving on to larger numbers. After that we go on to numbers with five and six digits (numbers
till one million). Students write them in expanded form, compare them, add and subtract them, and learn more
about rounding.
Lastly, we briefly study the multiples of 10, 100, and 1000. This lesson prepares the way for some very
important ideas in the next chapter (multi-digit multiplication).
Please recall that it is not recommended to assign all the exercises by default. Use your judgment, and strive to
vary the number of assigned exercises according to the student’s needs.
The Lessons in Chapter 2
page span
Thousands ................................................................. 51 3 pages
At the Edge of Whole Thousands ............................. 54 2 pages
More Thousands ....................................................... 56 2 pages
Practicing with Thousands ....................................... 58 2 pages
Place Value with Thousands .................................... 60 2 pages
Comparing with Thousands ..................................... 62 3 pages
Adding and Subtracting Big Numbers ..................... 65 4 pages
Rounding and Estimating with Large Numbers ...... 69 4 pages
Multiples of 10, 100, and 1000 .................................73 3 pages
Mixed Review Chapter 2 .......................................... 76 2 pages
Review Chapter 2 ..................................................... 78 2 pages
Helpful Resources on the Internet
Teaching Place Value
What is the value of the red underlined digit? Answer the questions in this online quiz.
Can You Say Really Big Numbers?
Enter a really big number, try to say it out loud, and see it written.
Place Value Payoff
Match numbers written in standard form with numbers written in expanded form in this game.
Base Ten Blocks
Click on buttons to make blocks appear. Show a problem to challenge yourself to match the correct number of
blocks with a written number. The level of difficulty can be adjusted.
Sample worksheet from
Place Value Puzzler
Place value or rounding game. Click on the asked place value in a number, or type in the rounded version of the
Fruit Splat — Compare Numbers (Choose Level 3)
Compare numbers by picking >, <, or = .
Balloon Pop Math—Order Numbers
Pop the balloons in order from the smallest one to the largest one. Choose the number range 1-10,000.
Addition Quiz
Practice adding in columns in this 10-question online quiz.
Complements of 1,000 Interactive Mad Maths
Answer as many questions as you can in this interactive timed addition quiz.
Adding and Subtracting Powers of Ten
Practice adding and subtracting powers of ten up to 1,000,000 in this interactive online quiz.
Online Rounding Practice
Reinforce your rounding skills with this interactive online exercise
Online Addition Practice
Practice adding large numbers in expanded form with this interactive online exercise.
Missing Addend Addition Practice
Find the missing number in each addition problem in this interactive online exercise.
Rounding Sharks
Round numbers to the nearest hundred. Click on the shark that has the correctly rounded number.
Rounding Quiz
Practice rounding large numbers with this interactive 10-question quiz.
Money Word Problems Worksheets: Addition and Subtraction
Practice addition and subtraction of various amounts of money with these printable worksheets.
Rounding to Thousands, Ten Thousands, or Hundred Thousands
Practice your rounding skills with this online multiple-choice quiz.
Place Value Worksheets, Riddles, and Challenges
This page offers a variety of printable activities that practice place value on a fourth grade level.
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 2: More Thousand
More Thousands
On this number line we see whole thousands marked from one thousand to fifteen thousand.
In the numbers on the right, the colored digits tell us
the number of whole thousands. A comma separates
those digits from the rest of the number.
Read the colored digits as a number by itself, and
when you come to the comma, say the word “thousand.”
We continue with whole thousands until we reach
a thousand thousands. That number has a new name:
one million.
7 8, 0 0 0 Read: 78 thousand
1 5 3, 0 0 0 Read: 153 thousand
8 0 2, 0 0 0 Read: 802 thousand
9 9 0, 0 0 0 Read: 990 thousand
9 9 9, 0 0 0 Read: 999 thousand
1,0 0 0, 0 0 0 Thousand thousand
= 1 million
The rest of the digits (not colored)
tell us the hundreds, tens, and ones
just like you have learned in the past.
1 7, 5 4 4 Read: 17 thousand five hundred forty four
6 0 9, 2 3 0 Read: 609 thousand two hundred thirty
7 0, 0 8 0 Read: 70 thousand eighty
9 0 2 , 0 0 5 Read: 902 thousand five
1. Place a comma in the number to separate the thousands. Fill in the missing parts.
a. 1 6 4 0 0 0
______ thousand
b. 9 2 0 0 0
______ thousand
c. 3 0 9 0 0 0
______ thousand
d. 3 4 0 0 0
______ thousand
e. 7 8 0 0 0 0
______ thousand
2. Place a comma in the number. Fill in missing parts. Read the numbers aloud.
a. 1 6 4,4 5 3
164 thousand 453
b. 9 2 9 0 8
______ thousand ______
c. 3 2 9 0 3 3
______ thousand ______
d. 1 4 0 0 4
______ thousand ______
e. 5 5 0 0 5 3
______ thousand ______
f. 7 2 0 0 1
______ thousand ______
g. 8 0 0 0 0 4
______ thousand ______
h. 3 0 0 3 6
______ thousand ______
3. Read these numbers aloud.
e. 78,304
b. 950,050
f. 266,894
c. 23,090
g. 1,000,000
d. 560,008
h. 306,700
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 2: More Thousand
4. Think in whole thousands and add!
a. 30,000 + 5,000 =
think: 30 thousand + 5 thousand
b. 200,000 + 1,000 =
c. 400,000 + 30,000 = d. 710,000 + 40,000 =
e. 300,000 + 700,000 = f. 700,000 + 70,000 =
5. Add and subtract, thinking in whole thousands.
a. 35,000 + 5,000 = b. 711,000 + 10,000 =
c. 420,000 + 30,000 = d. 700,000 70,000 =
e. 300,000 − 60,000 = f. 1,000,000 200,000 =
g. 30,000 5,000 = h. 200,000 6,000 =
i. 723,000 400,000 = j. 500,000 1,000 =
6. The numbers 510,000 and 520,000 are marked on the number line below (at the “posts”).
Write the numbers that correspond to the dots.
7. Make a number line from 320,000 to 340,000 with tick-marks at every whole thousand, similar
to the one above. Then mark the following numbers on the number line:
323,000 328,000 335,000 329,000 330,000
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication
The third chapter of Math Mammoth Grade 4 covers multi-digit multiplication and some related topics.
This is one of the focus areas of 4th grade math. For further help in teaching these topics, check out the
free videos matched to the curriculum at
The first lessons briefly review the multiplication concept and the times tables. The next lesson, where
students solve scales or pan balance problems, is intended to be somewhat fun and motivational. The
balance problems are actually equations in disguise.
The focus of the chapter is multi-digit multiplication. We start out by multiplying numbers by whole
tens and hundreds (such as 20 × 4 or 500 × 6). After this, students learn multiplication part-by-part
(also called partial products) — a very important concept. It means that we calculate, for example,
4 × 63 in two parts: first we solve 4 × 60 and 4 × 3, and then we add the two results (240 + 12 = 252).
This principle underlies the standard multiplication algorithm and it also allows us to calculate the
result of a multiplication mentally, so it is very important to master. Additionally, multiplying in parts
is tied in with an area model — which also is important to learn.
Before learning the traditional form of the multiplication algorithm, students encounter a simplified
form of that algorithm in the lesson Multiply in Columns—the Easy Way. At your discretion, you may
skip that lesson or skim through it quickly, if your student is ready to understand the standard form of
the algorithm, which is taught next.
Students also study estimation, the order of operations, and multiplying with money. These lessons
have numerous word problems. Students are instructed to write a number sentence or several for each
word problem, which helps them learn how to show their work for math problems.
The idea in the lesson So Many of the Same Thing is very simple, yet it actually prepares students to
study proportions (in middle school math). In this lesson, students fill in values for two quantities in
tables (for example, the quantity of the items and the total cost).
Nearing the end of the chapter, we study 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication (e.g. 52 × 63). Again, we first
use partial products, including in the context of an area model. The lesson Multiplying in Parts:
Another Way presents an alternate way to multiply and is optional. After that we end the chapter with
the standard algorithm for multiplying a two-digit number by a two-digit number.
The Lessons in Chapter 3
page span
Understanding Multiplication ............................... 84 3 pages
Multiplication Tables Review ............................... 87 3 pages
Scales Problems .................................................... 90 4 pages
Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundreds .......... 94 4 pages
Multiply in Parts, 1 ............................................... 98 3 pages
Multiply in Parts, 2 ............................................... 101 2 pages
Multiply in Parts—Area Model ............................ 103 2 pages
Multiplying Money Amounts ................................ 105 2 pages
Sample worksheet from
page span
Estimating in Multiplication ................................... 107 2 pages
Multiply in Columns - the Easy Way ..................... 109 3 pages
Multiply in Columns - the Easy Way, Part 2 ......... 112 3 pages
Multiplying in Columns - the Standard Way ......... 115 4 pages
Multiplying in Columns, Practice .......................... 119 2 pages
Order of Operations Again ..................................... 121 3 pages
Money and Change ................................................ 124 3 pages
So Many of the Same Thing .................................. 127 3 pages
Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers in Parts.............. 130 5 pages
Multiply by Whole Tens in Columns .................... 135 2 pages
Multiplying in Parts: Another Way ....................... 137 2 pages
The Standard Multiplication Algorithm
with a Two-Digit Number Multiplier .................... 139 4 pages
Mixed Review Chapter 3 ....................................... 143 2 pages
Review Chapter 3 ................................................... 145 3 pages
Helpful Resources on the Internet
Multiplication tables — online practice
Ad-free online practice of the multiplication tables at website. Also works as an offline
program in most browsers. Includes the option for both timed and non-timed practice.
Multiplication games for the multiplication tables
Improve your multiplication skills with these fun games!
Interactive Pan Balance
Each of the four shapes is assigned a certain (unknown) weight. You need to figure out their weights by placing
them on the two sides of the pan balance in different configurations.
Stable Scales Quiz
In each picture, the scales are balanced. Can you find the weight of the items on the scales?
Mental Multiplication of Multiples of 10 and 100
This activity allows you to rehearse the mental multiplication of multiples of 10 and 100, e.g. 30 × 400 etc. Play
against the clock and see what level you can get up to before you run out of time!
Sample worksheet from
Multiply by Multiples of 10 Bicycle Race
Answer the multiplication problems correctly to help the bicycle rider win the race.
Open Array Multiplication Tool
This interactive tool shows the partial products algorithm and an area model for multi-digit multiplication,
allowing students to easily link the two. The model accommodates 2-digit × 2-digit problems and 1-digit × 1, 2,
3, or 4-digit problems.
Partial Products Finder App
An interactive app that illustrates multiplication (up to 30 x 30) with an area model.
Amoeba Multiplication Game (Choose Beginner or Medium Level)
Practice multiplication by splitting numbers. Choose Beginner or Medium Level for this chapter.
One-Digit by Two-Digits Multiplication Game
Students will multiply one-digit numbers by two-digit whole numbers, then get to try to shoot a basket.
Multiplication Jeopardy Game
You get to solve multi-digit multiplication questions of 1-digit by 1-digit, 1-digit by 2-digit, and 1-digit by
3-digit numbers in this game.
Canoe Penguins
Answer the multiplication problems quickly and correctly to help your penguins win the race!
Batter's Up Baseball
Answer the multiplication problems correctly to help the home team beat the visiting team. Choose “Double” or
“Homerun” level.
Multi-Digit Multiplication Number Battle Card Game (page 18 of PDF file)
Arrange your cards to make the highest product possible.
Multiplication Quiz
Practice multiplying by one digit in this 10-question online quiz.
Math FROG MultipliACTION
Practice 2 by 2 digit multiplication online. Enter one digit in each box.
Sample worksheet from
Math Computation Practice: Multiply Two digits by Two Digits
Practice two-digit multiplication in columns.
Choose Math Operation
Choose the operation(s) so that the number sentence is true. Helps develop number sense and logical thinking.
Order of Ops
Save seven members of a Royal Family from prison by using your order of operation skills. Choose the
expression to be solved in each step, and solve it. The program uses a visual representation of a stairway to
show how the expression gets shorter at each step.
Order of Operations Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that includes two different operations and possibly parentheses in each question. You
can also modify the quiz parameters yourself.
Exploring Order of Operations (Object Interactive)
Click on the operation to be done first in the given expression. The program then solves that, and you click on
the next operation to be performed, etc., until it is solved. The resource also includes a game.
Order of Operations Practice
A simple online quiz of 10 questions. Uses parentheses and the four operations.
Multiplication Matching Game
Practice the multiplication tables while also uncovering a hidden picture in this fun matching game!
Matching Rates
Match each rate to its unit rate. Get a 1,000 point bonus for each round in which you don't make mistakes!
Thinking Blocks
Thinking Blocks is an engaging, interactive math tool that helps students learn how to solve multi-step word
problems. Scroll down to Multiplication and Division.
Multiplication Word Problem Quiz
This 10-question quiz focuses on using multiplication to solve word problems.
Mental Math Tricks for Multiplication
Includes some basic common-sense tricks, such as multiplying by 9 or multiplying by doubling and halving.
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 3: Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundred
Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundreds
We have studied the SHORTCUTS for multiplying any number by 10, 100, or 1,000:
To multiply any number by 10, just tag ONE zero to the end.
To multiply any number by 100, just tag TWO zeros to the end.
To multiply any number by 1,000, just tag THREE zeros to the end.
10 × 481 = 4,810 100 × 47 = 4,700 1000 × 578 = 578,000
Note especially what happens when the number you multiply already ends in a zero or zeros.
The rule works the same way, and you still have to tag the zero or zeros.
10 × 800 = 8000 100 × 6,600 = 660,000 1 000 × 40 = 40,000
1. Multiply.
a. 10 × 315 = _______
3,560 × 10 = _______
35 × 100 = _______
b. 100 × 6,200 = _______
10 × 1,200 = _______
100 × 130 = _______
c. 1,000 × 250 = _______
38 × 1,000 = _______
10 × 5,000 = _______
Shortcut for multiplying by 20 or 200 (You can probably guess this one!)
What is 20 × 14?
First solve the problem without the zero in 20:
2 × 14 = 28. Next, tag a zero to the answer,
28, and you get 280. So, 20 × 14 = 280.
What is 200 × 31?
First solve the problem without the zeros:
2 × 31 = 62. Next, just two zeros to the
result, 62, to get 6,200. In other words,
200 × 31 = 6,200.
2. Now try it! Multiply by 20 and 200.
20 × 8 = ______
4 × 20 = ______
20 × 5 = ______
200 × 7 = _______
5 × 200 = _______
11 × 200 = _______
20 × 12 = _______
35 × 20 = _______
200 × 9 = _______
20 × 16 = _________
42 × 200 = _________
54 × 20 = _________
Sample worksheet from
Hint: To calculate
the area of a
rectangle, multiply
its two sides.
Chapter 3: Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundred
Why does the shortcut work? It is based on the fact that we can multiply numbers in any order.
When multiplying any number by 20, we
can write the 20 as 10 × 2. For example:
20 × 14 = 10 × 2 × 14
In that problem, first multiply 2 × 14 = 28.
Then the problem becomes 10 × 28, which
equals 280. Notice again how we did it:
20 × 14
= 10 × 2 × 14
= 10 × 28
= 280
Let's try the same idea with 200. We will write
200 as 100 × 2. For example:
200 × 31 = 100 × 2 × 31
In that problem, first multiply 2 × 31 = 62.
The problem now becomes 100 × 62, which
is 6,200. Notice again how it was done:
200 × 31
= 100 × 2 × 31
= 100 × 62
= 6,200
3. Try it yourself! Fill in.
a. 20 × 7
= ______ × 2 × 7
= 10 × ______
= _________
b. 20 × 5
= ______ × 2 × 5
= 10 × ______
= _________
c. 200 × 8
= ______ × 2 × 8
= 100 × ______
= _________
d. 200 × 25
= ______ × 2 × 25
= 100 × ______
= _________
4. Mark’s shed measures 20 ft by 15 ft. Write and solve a number sentence
for its area. (“A” means area.)
A = __________________________________
5. Write a number sentence to find the area
of Mark’s driveway, and solve it.
A = __________________________________
6. Mark was told he needed four truckloads of gravel to cover his driveway.
One truckload costs 5 × $20 plus $30 for the delivery. How much will
it cost him to cover the driveway with gravel?
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 3: Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundred
SHORTCUT for multiplying by whole tens and whole hundreds
The same principle works if you multiply by whole tens (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90):
simply multiply by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, and then tag a zero to the result.
Similarly, if you multiply by some whole hundred, first solve the multiplication without
the two zeros of the hundreds, and then tag two zeros to the result.
50 × 8 = 400 90 × 11 = 990 300 × 8 = 2,400 12 × 800 = 9,600
7. Multiply.
a. 40 × 3 = ________
8 × 20 = ________
b. 70 × 6 = _________
50 × 11 = ________
c. 80 × 9 = _________
30 × 15 = _________
d. 60 × 11 = _________
12 × 40 = _________
e. 200 × 9 = ________
7 × 400 = ________
f. 700 × 6 = ________
600 × 11 = ________
g. 200 × 12 = ________
15 × 300 = ________
h. 3 × 1100 = ________
8 × 900 = ________
i. 11 × 120 = ________
8 × 300 = ________
It even works this way:
To multiply 40 × 70, simply
multiply 4 × 7, and tag two
zeros to the result:
40 × 70 = 2,800
To multiply 600 × 40, simply
multiply 6 × 4, and tag three
zeros to the result:
600 × 40 = 24,000
To multiply 700 × 800, simply
multiply 7 × 8, and tag four
zeros to the result.
700 × 800 = 560 ,000
8. Multiply.
a. 20 × 90 = _________
70 × 300 = _________
b. 60 × 80 = _________
30 × 900 = _________
c. 400 × 50 = _________
200 × 200 = _________
d. 80 × 800 = _________
200 × 500 = _________
e. 100 × 100 = _________
40 × 30 = _________
f. 800 × 300 = _________
90 × 1100 = _________
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 3: Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundred
Write a number sentence for each question.
9. One hour has ______ minutes.
How many minutes are in 12 hours? ____________________________________________
How many minutes are in 24 hours? ____________________________________________
10. One hour has ______ minutes, and one minute has ______ seconds.
How many seconds are there in one hour? __________________________________________
11. Ed earns $30 per hour.
a. How much will he earn in an 8-hour workday? _____________________________________
b. How much will he earn in a 40-hour workweek? ___________________________________
c. How many days will he need to work in order to earn more than $1,000?
12. Find the missing factor. Think “backwards”: how many zeros do you need?
a. _______ × 3 = 360
_______ × 50 = 450
b. 40 × _______ = 320
5 × ________= 600
c. ________ × 40 = 400
________ × 2 = 180
d. ________ × 30 = 4,800
________ × 200 = 1,800
e. 40 × ________ = 2,000
6 × _________= 4,200
f. _______ × 800 = 56,000
________ × 20 = 12,000
John wanted to prove that 40 × 70 is indeed 2,800 by breaking the
multiplication into smaller parts. He wrote 40 as 4 × 10 and 70
as 7 × 10, and then multiplied in a different order:
40 × 70 = 4 × 10 × 7 × 10
= 10 × 10 ×
(4 × 7) = 100 × 28 = 2,800.
Do the same, and prove that 600 × 50 is indeed 30,000.
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 3: Multiplying in Columns, the Standard Wa
Multiplying in Columns, the Standard Way
The standard algorithm of multiplication is based on a principle you already know: multiplying in
parts (partial products). We simply multiply ones, tens, and hundreds of the number separately, and
then add.
However, in the standard algorithm, the additions are done at the same time as the multiplications
not afterwards. That way, the calculation looks more compact and takes less space.
The standard way to multiply “The easy way”
6 3
6 3
2 5 2
Multiply the ones: 4 × 3 = 12.
Place 2 in the ones place, but
write the tens digit (1) above
the tens column as a little
memory note. You are
regrouping (carrying).
Then multiply the tens, adding
the 1 ten that was regrouped:
4 × 6 + 1 = 25
Write 25 in front of the 2.
Note: This 25 means 25 tens
or 250!
6 3
× 4
1 2
+ 2 4 0
2 5 2
In the “easy way,” we
multiply in parts, and
the adding is done
The standard way to multiply “The easy way”
7 5
7 5
5 2 5
Multiply the ones: 7 × 5 = 35
Regroup the 3 tens.
Multiply & add the tens:
7 × 7 + 3 = 52
7 5
× 7
3 5
+ 4 9 0
5 2 5
1. Multiply using both methods: the standard way and the easy way.
a. b.
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 3: Multiplying in Columns, the Standard Wa
2. Multiply using both methods: the standard way and the easy way.
3. Multiply. Be careful with the regrouping.
a. b. c. d.
e. f. g. h.
i. j. k. l.
4. Write number sentences (additions, subtractions, multiplications) on the lines, and solve.
a. What is the cost of buying three chairs for $48 each?
And the cost for six chairs? ___________________________________
b. You earn $77 a day. How much do you earn in five days?
How much in ten days? _____________________________________
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 4: Time and Measuring
The fourth chapter of Math Mammoth Grade 4 includes lessons on time, temperature, length, weight,
and volume. The focus is no longer on the actual act of measuring, but on conversions between the
units and on word problems that involve conversions.
We start out studying clock and time, with a focus on elapsed time. In contrast to third grade, the time
intervals can now include the change from AM to PM, and the given times do not follow five-minute
increments. The lessons give several strategies for finding the elapsed time. Students also make
schedules and solve a variety of word problems involving time.
Conversions between measurement units is a big focus point of the chapter. Students may have
difficulties with this, and that is why this topic will also be studied in 5th grade. At this point, students
should be able to easily convert a bigger unit into a smaller unit (such as converting 3 feet into 36
inches or 2 kg into 2,000 grams).
While the Common Core standards do not include them for fourth grade, I have also included some
problems where we convert from a smaller unit to a bigger unit (such as 4,500 ml into 4 L 500 ml or 12
feet into 4 yards) because I feel most children are capable of doing these in fourth grade. If you feel
your child has difficulty with converting from a smaller unit to a bigger one, feel free to omit those
particular exercises. They are intermixed though, and not marked in any special way.
The chapter includes separate lessons for customary and metric units. Each lesson dealing with
measuring units includes a table that lists the units we are studying and the conversion factors. For
metric units, those tables always include all the units, even when they are not in common usage. For
example, for metric units of volume, the chart looks like this:
1 L = 1,000 ml
liter L for larger amounts of liquid
deciliter dl (for medium amounts of liquid)
centiliter cl (for small amounts of liquid)
milliliter ml for small amounts of liquid
The lesson deals only with milliliters and liters. However, the chart also shows the other two units
(deciliters and centiliters) in order to help students become familiar with those basic units of the metric
1. The units always differ by a factor of ten;
2. The units are named consistently with the same prefixes (milli-, centi-, deci-, deka-, hecto-, and
kilo-). These prefixes and their meanings are not yet studied in detail in fourth grade. You may,
at your discretion, explain them to the student.
Sample worksheet from
The Lessons in Chapter 4
page span
Time Units ........................................................ 153 3 pages
Elapsed Time 1................................................. 156 3 pages
The 24-Hour Clock .......................................... 159 2 pages
Elapsed Time 2 ................................................ 161 3 pages
Elapsed Time 3 ................................................ 164 3 pages
Measuring Temperature: Celsius ..................... 167 4 pages
Measuring Temperature: Fahrenheit ............... 171 2 pages
Temperature Line Graphs ................................ 173 2 pages
Measuring Length ............................................ 175 3 pages
More Measuring in Inches and Centimeters .... 178 2 pages
Feet, Yards and Miles ...................................... 180 5 pages
Metric Units for Measuring Length ................ 185 3 pages
Customary Units of Weight ........................... 188 4 pages
Metric Units of Weight ................................... 192 3 pages
Customary Units of Volume ........................... 195 3 pages
Metric Units of Volume .................................. 198 3 pages
Mixed Review Chapter 4 ................................. 201 2 pages
Review Chapter 4 ............................................ 203 2 pages
Helpful Resources on the Internet
Elapsed Time
Find how much time passes between two different given times (elapsed time or time intervals) in this
customizable online exercise.
Elapsed Time
Click “New Time”. Then click the buttons that advance the time on the clock, until the time matches
the “End” time. Choose difficulty levels 1 and 2 for this grade level.
Elapsed Time Worksheets
Generate printable worksheets for elapsed time. You can practice the elapsed time, finding the starting
time, or finding the ending time.
Sample worksheet from
Find the Start Tim
Word problems about starting times with multiple-choice answers. Choose “full screen”, then “Find the
start time”. Next, choose option 4 or 5.
Time for Crime—Elapsed Time Mystery
A single mystery problem which can be solved by thinking of the elapsed time: who is the thief?
ThatQuiz—Elapsed time
A ten-question quiz on Elapsed Time
Adding Time Word Problems
Read the time and then answer a word problem involving adding a given time.
Converting Units of Time Quiz
Practice converting between various units of time with this multiple-choice quiz.
24-hour Snap Game
Snap together the matching times, one given with the 24-hour clock, and another with AM/PM.
Interactivate: Elapsed Time
Practice calculating elapsed time with analog or digital clocks.
Elapsed Time Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that practices elapsed time in hours and minutes.
Thermo Quiz
Select the box that contains the temperature the thermometer is showing.
Fun Physics from NASA: Temperature
Practice matching different things to their temperature. You can choose Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin
degrees (the Kelvin scale is not studied in this curriculum). When you are done, you can compare the
temperature scales, learn more about temperature, or click on one of the objects to learn more about it.
Hot Stuff
Practice estimating temperatures in Fahrenheit.
Be a Scientist
Practice estimating temperatures in Celsius.
Sample worksheet from
Practice reading thermometers with different scales.
Temperature Quiz
Answer questions about reasonable temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius in this interactive multiple-choice
Line Graph Quiz
Read the line graph and answer 5 questions in this simple quiz.
The Ruler Game
Click on the measurements on the ruler that correspond with the measurements that appear.
Reading a Ruler by Eighths
Practice reading a ruler by eighths with a matching exercise and a game of Concentration.
Measure It!
Practice measuring lines with either centimeters or inches. Multiple choice questions.
Sal's Sub Shop
Cut the subs to the given measurements—sometimes in metric units, sometimes in inches.
Reading a Tape Measure Worksheets
Worksheet generator—choose to measure in inches, or inches and feet.
Feet to Yards and Feet
Match the correct conversions. Get a 1,000-point bonus per round if you get all correct.
Metric Length Matching
Match the conversions as fast as you can!
Quiz on metric units of length
Practice converting between metric units of length in this 10-question quiz.
Matching Math: Customary Weight
Practice converting between pounds and ounces in this matching game.
Reading Scales
Illustrate how to read a variety of measuring devices, such as scales, measuring cup, thermometer. You can
generate examples using different scales on different devices.
Sample worksheet from
Ounces, Pounds, and Ton
Answer questions about customary units of weight in this jeopardy-style game.
Artie Ounces Soda Jerk
Practice standard units of volume with this fun soda jerk game. Fill the client orders as fast as you can!
Standard Liquid Volume Matching Game
Match standard liquid volumes with equivalent volumes
Matching Math: Customary Measuring Units
Match each item with its best estimate of capacity, weight, or length.
An online activity about metric measuring units and how to read scales, a measuring cup, and a ruler.
Note: You will need to use the British spellings “centimetres” and “millilitres” in the activity.
A Dictionary of Units of Measurement
This resource explains the common measuring systems and their history.
Worksheets, fact sheets, and quizzes that practice various measuring concepts in both metric and imperial units.
Conversion Quizzes -
A customizable online quiz about conversions between measuring units. The options include both metric and
customary systems and six different difficulty levels.
Sample worksheet from
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Sample worksheet from
Chapter 4: Metric Units for Measuring Length
Metric Units for Measuring Length
The basic unit for measuring length in the
metric system is the meter. All the other
units are based on the meter, and in fact,
have the word “meter” in them.
Each unit in the metric system is 10 times
the smaller unit. For example, 1 kilometer
is 10 hectometers and 1 centimeter is 10
millimeters. However, we don’t commonly
use hectometers, dekameters, or decimeters.
You need to learn only the units that are
bolded in the chart.
Units of length in the metric system
kilometer km
“Kilo” means 1,000.
hectometer hm (not used)
dekameter dam (not used)
meter m
the basic unit
decimeter dm (not used much)
centimeter cm
This is 1/100 of a meter.
millimeter mm
This is 1/10 of a centimeter.
Remember also that 1 meter is very close to 1 yard. One meter is just a bit longer than one yard.
1. Draw two lines at least 4 m long that start at the same place (outside, in a hallway, or a large room).
a. On the one line, make marks
for 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m.
Then try to take “hops”
one meter long.
1 meter 1 meter 1 meter 1 meter
b. On the second line make marks at each foot, from 1 to 13 feet.
Then take 1-yard hops.
Do the two kinds of hops feel about the same?
2. Measure how tall you and other people are in centimeters.
Write it also using whole meters and centimeters.
Name Height
_______ cm = 1 m _____ cm.
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 4: Metric Units for Measuring Length
Conversions between units
Remember what millimeters look like on a ruler. They are tiny! Ten millimeters make 1 cm.
Then verify from a measuring tape that 100 centimeters makes one meter. “Centi” means one
hundred (from the Latin word centum). That is why 1 dollar has 100 cents, and 1 meter has 100
Lastly, 1 kilometer is 1,000 meters, because “kilo” means one thousand.
1 km = 1,000 m 1 m = 100 cm 1 cm = 10 mm
3. One meter is 100 cm. Convert between meters and centimeters.
a. 5 m = _________ cm
8 m = _________ cm
12 m = _________ cm
b. 4 m 6 cm = _______ cm
9 m 19 cm = _______ cm
10 m 80 cm = _______ cm
c. 800 cm = _______ m
239 cm = ____ m ______ cm
407 cm = ____ m ______ cm
4. One centimeter is 10 mm. Convert between centimeters and millimeters.
a. 5 cm = _______ mm
8 cm = _______ mm
14 cm = _______ mm
b. 2 cm 8 mm = _______ mm
7 cm 5 mm = _______ mm
10 cm 4 mm = _______ mm
c. 50 mm = ____ cm _____ mm
72 mm = ____ cm _____ mm
145 mm = ____ cm _____ mm
5. One kilometer is 1,000 m. Convert between kilometers and meters.
a. 5 km = ___________ m
23 km = ____________ m
1 km 200 m = __________ m
b. 2 km 800 m = _________ m
6 km 50 m = __________ m
13 km 579 m = __________ m
c. 2,000 m = _______ km
4,300 m = ____ km _______ m
18,700 m = ____ km _______ m
6. Calculate. Give your answer using whole kilometers and meters.
a. 5 km 200 m + 8 km 900 m
b. 3 km 600 m + 2 km 800 m
c. 1,500 m + 2 km 600 m
d. 6 × 700 m
Sample worksheet from
Chapter 4: Metric Units for Measuring Length
7. Solve.
a. Find the perimeter of this rectangle.
80 cm
2 m
b. Find the perimeter of this rectangle.
1 cm 5 mm
7 mm
c. One side of a square measures 5 cm 6 mm. What is its perimeter?
d. A challenge. A square has a perimeter of 6 cm. How long is its side?
8. Solve the problems.
a. How many millimeters are in a meter?
b. John jogs around a track 1 km 800 m long twice a day, five days a week.
How long a distance does he jog in a day?
In a week?
c. Gary is 1 m 34 cm tall and Jared is 142 cm tall.
How much taller is Jared?
Kathy’s wallpaper has butterflies that are 8 cm wide. She will
put the wallpaper in her room. How many complete butterflies
can she have on a wall that is 1 meter long?
How about if the wall is 3 meters long?
Sample worksheet from