A guide to our agreements | 1
A guide to our
Advice and support
A guide to our agreements | 3A guide to our agreements | 2
Advice and support ��������������������������������������������������4
Dealing with requests
for assistance
Looking after
your agreement
������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Payment of rent
and deposit
��������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Benets of a Tied
Pub Partnership
������������������������������������������������������� 13
Your guide to our charges
���������������������������� 14
Brand promotion
& merchandising
������������������������������������������������������ 19
Property at your service
��������������������������������� 20
Dilapidations at the
end of your agreement
������������������������������������� 24
Safety requirements
�������������������������������������������� 26
Market Rent Only Information
�������������������� 29
A guide to our agreements | 5A guide to our agreements | 4
We believe the provision of quality training is paramount
to the success of our publicans’ businesses and we have
developed an extensive range of training courses designed
to have maximum business benet. All our courses are either
accredited by the BII or developed by industry experts and are
available to give publicans and their teams the tools, skills and
condence to run a successful business.
These include a range of free one day workshops and a variety
of e-learning modules (costs may apply) all of which give
publicans the exibility in how they develop themselves and
their team. We also require new applicants to complete the
online accredited BII Pre Entry Awareness Training (PEAT)
course (costs apply).
Information for applicants
As you consider pub business opportunities with Stonegate Pub
Partners you will nd useful contact numbers, information, forms
and links to other websites. We strongly recommend you take
independent professional business, legal, property and rental
valuation advice and ensure you have read the Pubs Code.
You can nd out more here:
Business plan
A realistic, sustainable business plan is not only a requirement
of the Pubs Code, it is also good business practice as it provides
a framework against which the pub’s performance can be
measured. A template is available on the Stonegate Pub
Partners website, but accountants can use their own version as
long as the information provided is in line with our template.
You must seek independent professional advice when
preparing a business plan to ensure that your plans for the
pub can be accurately reected in nancial terms. The BII
website lists a number of accountants who are knowledgeable
in the pub trade business, however any accountant can be
used for this purpose.
Provision of dispensing equipment
The correct dispense of beer is absolutely key to quality and
therefore customer satisfaction. Our technical services guide
will be shared with you and provides information relating
to best practice for beer dispense, how to resolve common
problems, health and safety requirements in the cellar, and
other useful information.
With any new business venture, you need to be aware of
the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment)
Regulations 2006 (TUPE) which is legislation which
safeguards the employment rights of employees that are
working at a business when it transfers.
You can nd out more here:
Advice and support
A guide to our agreements | 7A guide to our agreements | 6
Business management
Your Regional Manager is your key contact with us
throughout our business relationship together and
whose principal task is to work with you throughout
the life of your agreement to help you develop the long
term sustainability and protability of your pub. They
will organise business development meetings with you
which are designed to assist you as you seek to full
your pub’s potential and arranged at an appropriate
frequency, which will naturally vary according to
your business circumstances and requirements. We
have provided your Regional Manager with extensive
training to ensure that they possess the necessary
knowledge and skills to carry out their responsibilities
and to support you effectively.
Should a tied publican ask for MRO, support
will be provided by the Business Development
Manager (BDM) who will deal with Free-of-Tie and
the tied rent negotiations. The Valuation Manager
(VM) is a professional member of the RICS and will
approve every rental valuation. The VMs may also
deal with complex rent review or lease renewal
negotiations based on case law. Both the BDM and
the VM are part of the Business Development team
which will assist in the transfer of assets between
our various operating models to ensure that the
asset is optimised.
We take the continuous professional development
(CPD) of our Business Development Managers
seriously. The term Business Development Manager
within the Pubs Code refers to the following roles;
Regional Manager
Valuation Manager
Head of Property
Head of Development
Project Manager
Property Manager
Property Surveyor
To nd out more about the CPD for each of the roles
listed above visit:
Throughout the term of your agreement, you
will be expected to demonstrate that you are
compliant with all parts of your agreement
and that you are doing everything to manage
your business efciently and effectively. If
your circumstances change in any way that
might affect your personal or premises licence
or the continued operation of the pub you
must inform your Regional Manager as soon
as possible. We can then review the issues
affecting your business with you and seek
to identify the most appropriate manner in
which we may assist.
Similarly, if you experience nancial
difculties at any time during your tenure,
you should inform your Regional Manager of
your circumstances as early as possible. In
order that we may fully assess your situation,
you will be expected to provide detailed
information and disclosure (e.g. VAT returns,
stocktaking reports, annual and monthly
accounts, your current and previous business
plans, including competitor analysis and your
current price list) from which we will aim to
devise an appropriate action plan as quickly
as possible. We will conrm to you, in writing,
the detailed information that we require.
If there has been a material and permanent
detrimental change to your business, caused
by circumstances which are outside of your
control, an adjustment to the commercial terms
of your agreement may be appropriate. Such
adjustment may be applied temporarily, or at
our discretion, until the next cyclical rent review,
or the expiry of the lease, whichever is sooner.
This may be achieved by deed of variation or
by way of an entirely new agreement.
Dealing with requests
for assistance
A guide to our agreements | 8
Looking after
your agreement
Business rates
Should a publican require advice in respect of reviewing or
appealing a pub’s rateable value during the course of the
agreement, Stonegate Pub Partners facilitates the availability
of professional support via our preferred supplier of specialist
Business Rating Services, the costs of which are normally
borne by the publican.
Renewing your agreement
If a tenancy or lease is protected under the Landlord & Tenant
Act 1954, and you wish to remain in occupation, the tenancy
or lease cannot end except as a result of formal notice being
served, either as a section 25 Notice (by the landlord) or a
section 26 Notice (by the tenant or lessee).
We may agree to renew your current lease, to commence an
entirely new alternative lease, vary your existing lease by way
of deed of variation to extend the term by ve years at a new
open market rent or, simply review your rent and allow the old
lease to continue.
If formal notice has been served by either party and we are
unable to agree terms for the renewal of a protected agreement
before the expiry of the current lease, the matter must be
referred for determination by the Court. The Court may also
determine the rent if it is not taken to PIRRS or arbitration.
We may also choose to serve a section 25 Notice which
conrms we are not willing to grant a new agreement when
your lease expires. We will state in the Notice the ground(s)
on which we oppose the grant of a new lease. If you disagree,
the matter must be referred to the Court for determination.
If your tenancy is contracted out of the Landlord & Tenant
Act 1954 it will legally end on its contractual expiry and you
should vacate on this date unless we agree new terms with
you. In accordance with the terms of the agreement we may
advertise the pub as available for let before its contractual
expiry. If you agree new terms with us this will not be a
renewal of your existing tenancy as there are no statutory
rights to renew and will be agreed on a new open market
letting basis.
In all matters relating to the renewal of a lease, we strongly
recommend that you seek appropriate independent
professional advice. The Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 has
strict timetables for service of notices and you may lose your
occupational rights if the correct notices are not served with
the deadlines under the Act.
Cooling o period
Starting a pub business requires signicant thought and
can often mean a big change of lifestyle. Under the terms
of the Retail Partnership Tenancy, you may do this at any
time by providing us with not less than 9 months’ notice of
your intentions. Your agreement describes the mechanism
for serving formal notices upon us. A lease agreement is a
much greater commitment. If within the rst six months of
commencing a new lease agreement with us, you believe
you may have made the wrong decision, or simply feel that
the demands of running your pub were more than you had
expected, then let your Regional Manager know in writing as
soon as possible
In both cases we will acknowledge your request and, providing
that there have been no material breaches of the agreement
during its term, we will release you from your agreement no
more than six months after receiving your formal notication,
or to a longer timescale agreed between us.
Should you be entering into your agreement on the condition
of a large-scale investment spend by us, we would usually
require that the “cooling off” period be removed.
The terms of this cooling off period do not apply if you have
purchased your lease by assignment.
Surrendering the agreement
Other than as described in the “Cooling off period” section
above, there may be circumstances whereby you wish to
surrender the remaining term of your agreement.
If you wish to surrender your agreement sooner than your
tenancy contractual provisions provide for, please contact your
Regional Manager to seek to agree a shorter timescale. We
may be able to agree a date sooner than 9 months, subject to
a surrender fee being paid and there being no interruption to
trade by our accepting short notice.
Under the terms of our leases, there are no rights to surrender.
However providing that there have been no material breaches
of the agreement during its term, and that you are continuing
to meet your repairing responsibilities we would normally
undertake to consider any request you might make.
We may be able to help you to assign your agreement or
alternatively we may be able to agree a timetable over which
we aim to recruit a new publican to take over your pub, under
which circumstances we would normally charge a surrender
fee of not less than three months’ rent.
Terminating your agreement
The contractual details of provisions allowing for the
termination of an agreement by notice or legal proceedings,
are set out in the Heads of Terms and full details are contained
in the sample agreement.
Breaching your agreement
We will investigate any breaches of tenancy by reference
to all available evidence. We will discuss any breach and
remedial action required with you before any enforcement
action is taken unless we consider the breach is so serious that
enforcement action is required without notice.
Pubs Code breach process
If you consider we have failed to comply with the provisions
of the Pubs Code you should:
Identify the date, the event, (conrming why you consider
it to be a breach), and describe the impact it has had on
your business.
Review the situation with your Regional Manager, who will,
if necessary, escalate it through our complaints procedure.
Stonegate Group employ a Code compliance Ofcer who can
be reached at pubscode@stonegategroup�co�uk
Whilst we strive to deliver excellent service, we acknowledge
that from time to time we may fail to meet expectations.
Should you wish to contact us regarding such an occurrence,
please email us at opsadmincentral@stonegategroup�co�uk�
If you do not believe that your concern has been appropriately
addressed, in line with the requirements of the Pubs Code, you
should contact the Pubs Code Adjudicator.
A guide to our agreements | 9
A guide to our agreements | 11A guide to our agreements | 10
Payment of
rent and deposit
Unless otherwise stated in your agreement, rent is due weekly
or monthly in advance, on the rst day of the calendar month.
We will agree payment terms for the supply of goods with you.
The only approved method of payment is by direct debit and
should you fail to pay by this method then we reserve the right
to make additional charges to cover the costs of administration.
You will be required to lodge a deposit with us, usually to the
value of three months’ rent, which we will hold in accordance
with the terms of your lease or tenancy agreement. We require
a deposit as security for the performance of rental and other
obligations you will have to us and as security for the credit
terms you will receive on trade purchases. In all our new
agreements you will receive interest on your deposit, credited
annually to your deposit account. The rate of interest (IR) will be
the Bank Rate (as set by the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy
Committee) minus 0.5%, subject to a minimum of 0.5%. We will
return any remaining balance of your deposit to you upon your
departure from the property, after the deduction of any sums
owed, which will be shown in a detailed departure statement.
Unless your agreement states otherwise, deposits paid are
not held on trust and, in the unlikely event of insolvency of the
Company, they are not ring-fenced.
If your rent increases we may request additional sums required
to raise the level of your deposit to 25% of the current rent.
We may also ask for increased deposit if you are unable to
provide us with personal guarantors for agreements taken in
a Limited Company name.
In the event that a pub is unable to trade as a result of a
building insurance claim, you may not be charged rent for the
period of closure. Stonegate Pub Partners insure for 2 years
loss of rent in the event of a loss.
For the length of time you receive a temporary suspension
of rent as a result of damage to the premises any minimum
purchasing obligations under the tie would be suspended.
The rent is adjusted upwards or downwards at or around each
anniversary of the start date in line with the Retail Price Index
or Consumer Price Index, please refer to your agreement.
Table: The indexation example below is for illustrative
purposes only. Past RPI / CPI rates do not necessarily reect
future rates.
Purchasing obligations
and ow-monitoring
The purchasing obligations you are bound
by and the prices you have agreed to pay
for tied drinks are directly related to the
level of rent negotiated for your agreement.
We take adherence to the purchasing
obligations extremely seriously as it is a
fundamental component of our contractual
agreement with you. Failure to adhere to any
component of our agreement constitutes a
breach of contract.
In the event that you experience an
emergency stock shortage, and have made
every effort to secure additional supplies from
us, you must discuss the matter with your
Regional Manager before taking any further
action. It is essential that you do not procure
tied supplies from any other source without
rst speaking with your Regional Manager.
If, under your agreement, we have the right
to install ow-monitoring equipment, we
will use the information produced as part of
our practice of monitoring compliance with
the terms of your purchasing obligations.
The information produced by the equipment
can also be useful to you in managing your
business. This information is available on-line
and you may request access details from your
Regional Manager.
-2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
Passing Annual Rent £10,000 £10,000 £10,000 £10,000 £10,000 £10,000 £10,000
New Annual Rent £9,800 £9,900 £10,000 £10,100 £10,200 £10,300 £10,400
Change In Annual Rent -£200 -£100 £0 £100 £200 £300 £400
Last 12
Last 24
Last 36
Last 48
Last 60
Historical RPI Averages
(From May 2018)
3.7% 3.1% 2.5% 2.3% 2.4%
Historical CPI Averages
(From May 2018)
2.8% 2.2% 1.5% 1.3% 1.5%
Sources: Ofce for National Statistics (ONS), RPI All Items Index (Series ID: CZBH) CPI All Items Index (Series ID: MM23)
A guide to our agreements | 13A guide to our agreements | 12
Our Partnership model is the perfect opportunity for an aspiring pub entrepreneur. The combination of your enthusiasm and
vision with our expertise and support provides the best environment for a successful business. There are many benets to this
tied partnership model, which we’ve laid out here.
Benets of a Tied
Pub Partnership
Run your business your own way. The style of pub
operation is your own choice within the permitted
user clause of the agreement
Ease of doing business, with support from us when
you decide you need it
Create your own drinks portfolio from the widest
possible choice of brands in our list
Lower rent, leads to a lower xed cost which
results in a lower break-even point for your business
Positive impacts on cash ow
Access to capital investment
Benecial purchasing terms via our Emarket Supplier
Directory including 47 suppliers covering over 50
essential categories. Categories range from kitchen,
back bar equipment, consumables, hygiene, bar games,
background music and Wi-Fi
Grow the value of your business and assign your
lease agreement after two years (Lease only)
Expert help and support as and when you need it
On-going access to training, experts and support
services including online ordering
On-going marketing & PR support
Our property packages ensure you are able to comply
with relevant statutory Health & Safety obligations
A dedicated local Regional Manager
Lower risk due to our commitment to fair dealing
We are responsible for all repairs to the exterior,
structure and services to the property (Tenancy only)
You have the ability to expand your business portfolio
in partnership with us
You can exit with nine months’ notice at any time
(Tenancy only)
A guide to our agreements | 15A guide to our agreements | 14
There are various ongoing and one–off charges that you
may be liable for when you operate a Lease or Tenancy
agreement. A schedule of our most common charges
is set out below. All charges shown exclude VAT and
disbursements which may be payable as appropriate.
You will always be notied of any applicable charges
before debiting your account and we will advise you if
we seek an alternative method of payment.
Please note that these charges may be varied or added
to from time to time and we recommend that you visit
our website http://www�stonegatepubpartners�co�uk/
for the most up-to-date position.
Your guide to
our charges
A guide to our agreements | 17A guide to our agreements | 16
All charges shown below exclude VAT and Local Authority Disbursements where appropriate.
*The fee depends on the rateable value of the pub. **Charged in equal weekly instalments.
All administration fees are reviewed annually. Local Authority Disbursements are currently being reviewed as part of the Government
Consultation which allows Councils to set their own level of charges.
(+VAT, if applicable)
Designated Premises
This fee is charged to publicans operating on Tenancy At Will
(‘TAW’) agreements where there is a change in the identity of
the Designated Premises Supervisor.
Machine Permit
This fee is charged to publicans operating on TAWs where there
are 2 or more AWP gaming machines at the premises.
Premises Licence
Annual Fee
This fee is charged to publicans operating on TAWs for the
provision of a Premises Licence Annual Fee.
£255 per annum**
Where a publican subsequently converts to a substantive
agreement they will be liable for the balance of the annual fee.
Premises Licence Late
Night Levy
This fee is charged to publicans operating on TAWs for the
provision of the Late Night Levy Fee. This charge is only where
the Local Authority has a Late Night Levy scheme in place.
£299 - £1493 per
Where a publican subsequently converts to a substantive
agreement they will be liable for the balance of the annual fee.
Transfer of Premises
Licence Holder
on conversion to
Substantive Agreement
This fee is charged to publicans operating on TAWs where
we make an application to the Local Authority to transfer the
registered holder of the Premises Licence from ourselves to
the publican.
Transfer of Premises
Licence Holder to ei
publican partnerships
This fee is charged to publicans where the Premises Licence
is transferred to us as a result of expiry or termination of
their agreement.
Premises Licence
This variable fee is charged to publicans in circumstances where
the Premises Licence is subject to either revocation or onerous
conditions by the Local Authority as a direct consequence of
breaches of licensing law or inadequate compliance by the
publican to the licensing objectives.
License at Risk
Charge for a notication of interest in the premises licence. The
local authority will then advise of any changes to the premises
Legal fees
(+VAT, if applicable)
Administration Fee
This is an administrative charge payable by an assignor on
application to assign their lease.
Assignment Legal Fee
This represents legal fees payable by an assignor to our
solicitors for our legal costs associated with processing a
Licence to Assign. Assignors are recommended to also appoint
their own solicitor at their own cost to represent them in
assigning their lease which will incur separate costs.
£750 (freehold site with
publican using solicitor)
£1,000 (freehold site with
publican not using solicitor)
£1,700 (leasehold site with
publican using solicitor)
£2,100 (leasehold site with
publican not using solicitor)
Deed of Release/
Administration Fee
This is an administration fee payable on application to
substitute existing guarantors with alternative guarantors.
Deed of Release/
Substitution Legal Fee
This fee represents our legal costs payable by a publican to our
solicitors for processing a Deed of Substitution associated with
changes to guarantors.
Property Survey at
This fee is payable by an assignor on request to assign their
lease and relates to the production of a property survey This
will document the condition of the property and identify any
outstanding repair items that we require addressing prior to
legal completion of the assignment.
Outstanding Repairs
Deed Legal Fee at
There may be exceptional circumstances where we consent to
the legal completion of an assignment prior to the outstanding
repair items being completed. In such circumstances we will
require funds to be lodged with us to cover the reasonable cost
of completing such works which, dependent on the agreement
reached between the parties, will either be undertaken by
ourselves or the assignee. In the event of the latter the funds
will be reimbursed upon satisfactory completion of the works.
This fee represents the legal cost associated with producing the
Deed which will document the agreement between the parties.
Outstanding Repairs
Deed – Project
Management Costs at
This fee is charged to the assignee for supervising the
completion of outstanding repair works on assignment in
circumstances where responsibility for their completion is
either transferred to ourselves or the assignee.
Licence to Alter Legal
This fee is charged for the creation of a Licence to Alter
where we consent to a publican’s request to make structural
alterations to their premises.
A guide to our agreements | 19A guide to our agreements | 18
Other charges
(+VAT, if applicable)
No direct debit
Publicans are required to pay their rent and trade accounts with us
by variable direct debit unless we specify otherwise. This weekly
charge may be made in the event that a direct debit is not in place
to cover additional administration costs.
£23.07 per week
Bounced Direct Debit Charge payable for each instance where a direct debit is bounced. £25
Non scheduled delivery
of drinks
This is a variable charge that may apply in the event that drinks
deliveries are made at the request of the publican on non-scheduled
delivery dates where a courier service has been provided.
Schedule of
This fee applies when we consider it necessary to produce a
Schedule of Dilapidations. This most commonly applies where
an agreement is expiring, being terminated or where there are
reasonable concerns about the extent of disrepair.
Normally in the range of
Damages for breach of
purchasing obligations
Where purchasing obligations are contained in an agreement
and they are breached the Company reserves the right to recover
any losses it incurs in relation to any breaches. Our losses include
our lost margin on tied sales and the administrative costs of
identifying, dealing with and recovering our losses.
£240 per brewers
barrel Variable for other
products Plus admin fee
of £315 +vat
Where ow monitoring equipment is installed at the premises
and is interfered with or maliciously damaged we reserve the
right to recover the costs of making good any damage caused and
estimate, with engineers visits, that will be not less than £1,380.00
£1,380.00 (variable)
Corkage Fees
Charges for products sourced elsewhere with prior written
permission from company and adherence to corkage procedure.
£240 per brewers
barrel. Variable for other
Ending your
(+VAT, if applicable)
Surrender fee
This fee applies in circumstances where, at our discretion, we
permit an early surrender of the lease or tenancy.
Minimum of 3 months
(+VAT, if applicable)
This is a variable weekly charge payable by all publicans for building
insurance cover that we arrange in accordance with the tenancy or lease.
The level of charge will be dependent on the risk and cover requirements.
Publicans will be required to pay the rst £1000 of any insurance claim,
irrespective of the repairing covenants in their agreement.
This is a compulsory weekly charge payable by all publicans who
operate on tenancy agreements. Publicans who operate on leases
are required to source their own cover.
£1,897.74 per annum
Cellar Cooling
This is a weekly charge payable by all publicans who operate on
tenancy agreements. It is an optional service for publicans who
operate on leases.
£347.42 per annum (tenancies)
£620.30 per annum (leases)
Safety Management
Solutions contract
This compulsory service is paid weekly by all publicans on new
lease and tenancy agreements.
£1394.76 per annum
Heating & Boiler
maintenance contract
This is a compulsory service for publicans operating on new
tenancies and is paid weekly. It is an optional service for publicans
operating on leases.
£621.18 per annum (tenancies)
£1,088.29 per annum (leases)
Repairs &
Maintenance /
Decoration fund
Publicans operating on new leases are required to make monthly
contributions into a Repair and Maintenance Fund and those
operating on tenancies are required to contribute into a Decoration
Fund. The required contributions are variable according to the
size and nature of the premises. Pub specic details of the level
of required contribution is contained within the relevant Pub
Information Sheets that are issued to all new applicants.
Non-Mains Drainage
This is an mandatory service for pubs where there is non-mains
drainage. There are three levels of service depending upon
the installation
Level 1 £795 per annum
Level 2 £1,495 per annum
Level 3 £1,695 per annum
Rental of EPOS
This compulsory service for all publicans on Beacon agreements.
£4.00 per till and
£1 per printer per week
Maintenance of
This compulsory service for all publicans on Beacon agreements. £9.23 per till per week
Connectivity of EPOS This compulsory service for all publicans on Beacon agreements. £7.38 per week
Beacon Marketing
Marketing support provided to publicans on Beacon agreements. £40.00 per week
Beacon Property
The property service scheme has been developed to supply a solution
to publicans on Beacon agreements to meet the retail standards.
£40.00 per week
A guide to our agreements | 21A guide to our agreements | 20
We aim to work with our publicans to
ensure that all of our pubs are in the
best possible condition to optimise
their trading potential throughout the
terms of their agreement�
Property at
your service
Understanding the condition
of the property
Before you commit to taking a new agreement, we will provide
you with a copy of our latest Schedule of Condition and agree
a time to review it with you if required. This will help you to
understand the level of commitment that you will be taking
on. The Schedule of Condition is intended to provide a fair
representation of the pub at the time of inspection. It’s not a
full structural survey and should not be relied upon as such.
You should arrange your own inspection of the property and
must take your own independent professional property advice
from a qualied surveyor with professional experience relating
to tied pubs before you enter into any agreement
Agreeing any repair works
Before the start of a new agreement we will ensure that the
property is in good condition; that it is statutorily compliant,
habitable and t to trade. We will agree with you, in writing,
details of any works that we are to carry out as a condition of
the letting and a copy of this will be attached to the agreement.
It is our aim to complete all works as soon as reasonably
possible and in any event within six months of the start of a
new agreement. If we are prevented from doing this by events
that are beyond our control, we will advise you of any expected
delay as soon as we become aware of it and agree a revised
time table with you. We will keep you up-dated throughout
the repairs process and we will do our best to complete the
works with the minimum disruption to you or your business.
We will ensure that there is an appropriate level of supervision
by Stonegate Pub Partners or our representatives, to ensure
that the repairs are completed to a satisfactory standard. It
will always be our intention to complete the works within the
agreed timescales.
In the unlikely event that we are unable to do this, we will
discuss the delays with you and seek to agree how we can
mitigate their impact. If we agree that you are to carry out
any works as a condition of taking a new agreement, we will
conrm details of the works in writing and attach a copy to the
agreement. We will update the Schedule of Condition once
we, or you, have completed any works that are a condition of
the agreement and we will send you a copy for your records.
Understanding responsibility
for repairs
The specic responsibilities of each party for repairs and
maintenance will be dened within the individual agreement.
We will explain to you the extent of the relevant repairing
obligations contained in your agreement before you complete
your business plan.
Some of our agreements require the publican to “Put & Keep” the
property in good condition. If this is the case, we will inform you
before you complete your business plan. We will agree with you
the condition that the property needs to be put into, including any
specic works that you, or we, will be required to carry out at the
start of the agreement. You will then be required to “Keep” the
property in that condition through the term of the agreement.
You should always take your own independent advice to ensure that
you understand the repairing obligations contained in your agreement.
Once you have completed your new agreement, a representative of
our Property team will visit you in the rst three months to answer
any questions you may have regarding your property.
A guide to our agreements | 23A guide to our agreements | 22
Complying with your
repairing obligations
We will carry out regular inspections of your
pub to produce a Pub Condition & Standards
Report (PCSR). This is not a full survey but
will include a visual inspection of all areas
of the premises. As a result of this, we will
highlight any immediate items of repair that
require your attention and, where appropriate,
provide advice on how best to deal with the
problem. As a general rule, if you follow the
recommendations set out in the PCSR and
carry out regular routine maintenance, the
level of any formal dilapidations should be
kept to a minimum throughout the term of
the agreement. You will be asked to sign the
completed PCSR and we will send you a copy
for reference. You should take advantage of
these visits to discuss any property related
questions you may have, including any
relating to the exterior of the premises, with
our representative.
From time-to-time during the term of an
agreement we may make arrangements to
produce a Schedule of Dilapidations. We
will provide reasonable written notice of our
intention to carry out such a survey and will
endeavour to agree a mutually convenient
time. We will require your co-operation to gain
access to all parts of the property including
the living accommodation, cellar and any
outbuildings. The Schedule of Dilapidations
will be prepared having regard to the specic
repairing obligations contained within your
agreement and any relevant legislation.
We will provide a copy of the Schedule,
identifying any element of the property that
requires repair or replacement; conrming
the action required to address the defect and
we will arrange a convenient time to meet
with you and/or your advisors to discuss the
content of the Schedule and to agree when
any necessary works will be completed. Our
representative will arrange to call to monitor
progress with the works and to conrm when
they have been completed.
You will be responsible for paying the
reasonable costs of carrying out a survey
in connection with preparing a Schedule of
Dilapidations and any necessary follow-up
visits. Should you fail to maintain the property
in line with your repairing responsibilities or fail
to comply with any statutory requirements, we
reserve the right to undertake any necessary
works and to recharge the costs, including any
associated professional fees.
Repairs &
maintenance fund
For new agreements, you will be required to
contribute to a repairs & maintenance fund to
help manage on-going repairing obligations
through the term. Prior to the commencement
of the agreement we will conrm the amount
of money you will be required to pay each
month for the purpose of ensuring the
property is maintained in good condition in
line with your repairing responsibilities.
Monthly payments will be placed in a
dedicated account reserved exclusively for
this purpose. The balance in the fund will
attract interest at 0.5% below the Bank of
England base rate, subject to a minimum rate
of 0.5%. If there isn’t enough money in your
repairs & maintenance fund to meet the full
costs of your repair obligations, you will be
responsible for funding any short-fall.
Property helpdesk
If any damage or disrepair should arise during
the term of your agreement which you believe
to be our responsibility you should report the
problem to our Property Helpdesk on 03333
20 20 85 (option 4) as soon as possible. If the
disrepair is our responsibility we will arrange
for the necessary works to be completed in an
appropriate timescale. If the works are your
responsibility we will advise you accordingly.
We may agree with you that the repairs will
be carried out by our contractor and the cost
recharged to you.
A guide to our agreements | 25A guide to our agreements | 24
Dilapidations at the
end of your agreement
You must hand back the premises in a condition in accordance
with the repairing obligations set out in your agreement.
Before the end of your agreement, we will prepare a formal
Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations. This will identify any repairs
that you must complete to comply with the terms of your
agreement before the end of the agreement. The Schedule will
be completed having regard to the specic repairing obligations
set out in the agreement. In the case of tenancies, we will aim to
issue a Terminal Schedule at least six months before the end of
the contractual term. For leases, we will aim to do this at least
18 months before the end of the contractual term.
We will provide a copy of the Schedule, identifying each
element of the property that requires repair or replacement;
conrming the action required to address the defect and
we will arrange a convenient time to meet with you and/
or your advisors to discuss the content of the Schedule and
to agree when any necessary works will be completed. Our
representative will arrange a call to monitor progress with
the works and to conrm when they have been completed.
We reserve the right to charge you for any works that remain
outstanding at the end of the agreement.
You will be responsible for paying the reasonable costs of
carrying out the survey in connection with preparing a Terminal
Schedule of Dilapidations and any necessary follow-up visits.
Where a dispute arises between parties over the level of
dilapidations to be applied, we will provide access to a
recognised, independent dispute resolution service, and will
agree to pay 50% of their associated fees (not exceeding £500).
Investment opportunities
There may be occasions during the life of your agreement
when you feel that building alterations or the addition of new
facilities would enhance the trading opportunity at your pub.
You should discuss your ideas with your Regional Manager in
order that we may consider your proposals and, if appropriate,
agree the best route for you to progress the project.
Subject to our prior written consent, you may choose to fund
and organise the project using your own funds, design team and
building contractors. It will still be important for you to talk to
your Regional Manager who will instruct the property team to
prepare a “Licence to alter”, at your expense, which documents
the agreed works enabling you to progress the project at your
own pace. You should not carry out any alterations without a
Licence to alter, as any such alterations would not be considered
as improvements in any future rent assessment.
In the event that we agree to fund or part-fund the project,
you will need to agree the scope of your business plan with
your Regional Manager including any variations to rent or
other commercial terms which may be required to reect
the investment that we are making. We will provide you
with details of how we believe the proposed project will
benet your business but you should always take your
own independent professional advice to ensure that you
understand the impact that the proposed project will have.
Your Regional Manager will then instruct the property team
to prepare all necessary plans, designs and schedules of
works which will be formally agreed by all parties before
commencement of the project.
We will also agree details of any contribution that you may
be required to make towards the costs of the development
and conrm the specication of any xtures and ttings that
you may be required to purchase. Before we commence work
we will complete a formal Deed of Variation, conrming the
works to be completed and any changes to the rent or other
commercial terms of your agreement.
You may be asked to pay a deposit towards the cost of any
professional fees that we incur in preparing details of the
proposed project. The deposit will not be refundable if you
decide not to proceed with the project.
Utilities & environmental impact
You will be responsible for meeting the cost of all utilities and
services associated with your use and occupation of your
pub. You should monitor power consumption and we would
encourage you to operate the business in an environmentally
friendly manner.
If your property is not connected to mains drainage, it may be
necessary to hold an environmental discharge licence. If this is
the case, we will conrm any specic obligations or conditions
contained in the licence before we enter into the new agreement.
You would be responsible for complying with the terms of any
such licence and for meeting any associated costs whether the
discharge licence is held by you or Stonegate Pub Partners.
A guide to our agreements | 27A guide to our agreements | 26
At the start of your agreement, we will ensure the
keys elements of statutory compliance requirements
have been met, with all services functioning unless
specically agreed otherwise with you. During the term
of your agreement, responsibility for on-going legal
compliance and any associated repairs or replacement
will be determined by the terms of the respective
agreement. This may include your compliance with any
new legislation that is introduced during the term of
your agreement.
You will be the employer of any staff at the pub and
responsible for the control of the premises for the
purposes of all safety legislation throughout the term
of your agreement. You will be legally responsible for
all duties and responsibilities that accompany these
positions under re, food and health and safety law. This
includes the day-to-day management of safety within
your pub, e.g. assessment of risk, control of hazards,
reporting of accidents, maintaining a safe and suitable
workplace, and employee training and supervision.
Regardless of the agreement type you must co-
operate with us in our on-going efforts to manage our
safety obligations. This co-operation will include you
informing us via the Property Helpdesk (03333 20 20
85) of any necessary property repairs for which we are
responsible, as soon as possible. You must allow access
to us and our contractors to enable us to deal with any
safety related repairs, remedial work and statutory
compliance testing. Whilst we will always try to give
you reasonable notice, we may need to gain immediate
access to the property in the case of an emergency.
Property management service packages
To help you to keep on top of health & safety matters and to minimise the risk of your
business being disrupted by problems with heating, cellar cooling problems, we have
developed support packages.
Full details of these packages will be shared with you. When you complete your new tenancy
you will automatically be enrolled in all three schemes.
A guide to our agreements | 29A guide to our agreements | 28
What sort of information and support should you
expect from Stonegate Pub Partners about MRO?
When we propose a new tied rent at rent review or
when you seek to renew your tied tenancy
When there is an upcoming open market rent review, on the dates set out in your tenancy
agreement (if applicable), we will send you a Rent Assessment Proposal (“RAP”) not less than
six months in advance. When you receive it you then have the right to request an MRO offer
within 21 days. THIS IS A STRICT TIME LIMIT. Also, at the end of your tenancy agreement, if it
is protected by the Landlord & tenant Act 1954, service of a s25 notice by us, or service of a s26
notice by you, is also an MRO trigger event to which the same time limit applies. Annual RPI rent
reviews are not an MRO trigger event.
When we send you our RAP it will be marked “IMPORTANT INFORMATION – PLEASE READ.
It will include a worked Fair Maintainable Trade P&L and we will provide all the other information
specied in Schedule 2 of the Pubs Code by way of electronic links to our website or (for
information specic to your pub) as an attachment to the RAP.
There is an MRO application form available on the Pubs Code Adjudicator (“PCA”) website and
we include that address both at the end of this Guide and with every RAP we send out. We
also say that you should take advice from one or more appropriately-qualied and experienced
independent professional advisors throughout the MRO process.
The RAP will be delivered to you by post or e-mail. It will not be hand-delivered as we may later
need proof of posting.
In the run-up to a rent review
We will:
Write to you 12 months before the review date in your tenancy explaining that you will have
the right to ask for a MRO offer.
Explain that you will have 21 days from when you receive your tied rent proposal in which to
request your MRO offer.
Send you your tied rent assessment no earlier than 8 months and no later than 6 months before
the review date in your tenancy and remind you that you now have 21 days to request an MRO
option, giving you the address that you should send your MRO Notice to and enclosing the
relevant PCA leaets on the Code.
Refer you to the relevant PCA guides and owcharts.
Market Rent Only
At certain points during your agreement, you can ask
Stonegate Pub Partners to offer you a free of tie deal�
The Pubs Code calls this a Market Rent Only (or MRO) offer.
We strongly advise that you take independent professional
advice from a suitably qualied advisor when dealing with
MRO under the Pubs Code.
A guide to our agreements | 31A guide to our agreements | 30
When you request MRO what will
you receive from us?
If we agree that the Code gives you the right to ask for MRO,
our response will consist of an offer of MRO terms and rent. If
we do not agree that you have a MRO right under the Code,
we will explain why not. If we refuse your MRO request, or
you dispute the terms of the MRO proposal, you can refer
your case to the PCA who will arbitrate the dispute. You have
14 days to do this and must pay a fee of £200. The PCA will
arbitrate your case. The MRO full response will be delivered to
you by post or e-mail. It will not be hand-delivered as we may
later need proof of posting.
Negotiating with us
Both parties are expected to enter into meaningful negotiation
of the MRO lease terms even if you have referred our initial
proposed lease terms to the PCA to arbitrate. If you have not
referred the lease terms for arbitration the Pub Code provides
for a 8 week period to negotiate the free of tie rent for that
lease. If you have referred the lease terms to the PCA, the rent
negotiation period does not open until the lease terms other
than rent have been nalised. Our experience in the years
since the Pubs Code went live is that referring the lease terms
to the PCA can cause signicant delay. If you have not referred
the lease terms to the PCA at the outset you cannot reopen
that negotiation after a free of tie rent has been agreed or
settled by an Independent Assessor.
Our MRO full response will notify you of the identity of our
appointed negotiator, who will arrange a face-to-face meeting
with you to explain our MRO offer and how we can best
provide you with the opportunity to negotiate your MRO
terms, free of tie and tied rents.
Challenging your MRO rent
If you are unhappy with the MRO rent suggested by us you
have the right to have this assessed by an independent expert.
The PCA does not set MRO rents. There is a specic time period
for asking for this independent assessment. The earliest you can
do this is after you have been negotiating with us for 28 days.
The latest is 63 days after you receive your MRO offer from us.
It is important to understand that only the MRO rent is
assessed. The assessor will set the MRO rent based on the
MRO terms that are on the table, and the MRO procedure does
not provide for terms to be reopened after an assessment. It
is very important that you are content with your MRO terms
before you ask for an independent assessment of your MRO
rent. You and Stonegate Pub Partners should agree on who to
appoint as the independent assessor. If you are unable to agree,
you must jointly ask the PCA to appoint an assessor for you. We
will organise the paperwork for this request before sending it to
you for your signature and for you to send on to the PCA.
Will there be any changes after you
claim MRO?
You remain tied on the terms of your current tenancy, tie and
price list terms until such time as the MRO lease is legally
completed. We will continue “Business as usual” with your
regular Regional Manager and surveying teams throughout
the MRO negotiations.
If you have any complaint about the way you are treated by
any of our staff you should rst raise it through your BDM. If
it remains unresolved you should provide full details of the
complaint through the Stonegate Group complaints process
by writing to opsadmincentral@stonegategroup�co�uk or the
Stonegate Group postal address. If you do raise a complaint
to the PCA about the way we have treated you, the PCA is
likely to refer you back to our complaints process rst, so
we recommend following this process initially. If you are not
satised with the outcome of your complaint through those
channels and have a specic complaint that we have failed to
resolve your issue in relation to correct Pubs Code procedure
the PCA has the power to determine a Pubs Code behavioural
complaint from you.
You can contact the PCA via its freephone Enquiry Line
on 0800 528 8080 or by going to the PCA website at
www�gov�uk/pca and completing an online enquiry form.
A guide to our agreements | 33A guide to our agreements | 32
Flow Monitoring Equipment You must
allow Us or if relevant Our agents, access
to the Premises to install and inspect and
maintain Flow Monitoring Equipment and
to use Your electricity supply at Your cost
to operate the equipment.
Disclosure You will be required to
provide copies of Your VAT returns &
annual accounts upon request.
Tenant You must purchase the loose
trade inventory at valuation and You
must repair and replace these items as
necessary during the term. If You own
the trade inventory We may purchase it
at valuation during or at the end of the
Term and offset the value against any
money You may owe. You may not sell or
charge the inventory to any third party.
Landlord Landlord’s xtures and ttings
remain in Our ownership throughout
the Term.
Exterior Structure and Services We
are responsible for all repairs to the
exterior, structure and services. You are
responsible for notifying Us as soon as
You become aware of any required repairs
in order that we can both mitigate against
further consequential damage. You will
be responsible for all other repairs and
day to day maintenance, including drains,
all pipes, toilets and sanitary equipment
and to keep all car parks, access ways,
gardens, play areas, landscaping or other
unbuilt upon areas safe for public access,
properly surfaced or cultivated, clean and
tidy and free from weeds.
Interior and Non-Structural You
will be responsible for the repair and
maintenance of the interior and repair
and maintenance, but not replacement,
of our Fixtures and Fittings.
Redecoration You must redecorate the
interior of the property in an agreed
initial decoration year and thereafter
as often as is required and in the last 6
months of the term if We reasonably
require. We will redecorate the Exterior
as often as We consider necessary.
Decoration Fund You will pay an agreed
amount per week to be put towards
Your decorating obligations and You
may drawdown from that fund for
the purposes of complying with Your
obligations or We may do so if we
carry out decorations for which You are
responsible. The balance of the fund will
be repaid to You when You leave if the
premises are in a good state of decoration
and all other accounts are up to date.
Alterations You may not carry out any
structural alterations but may carry
out non-structural alterations with Our
permission. We may ask You to reinstate
these at the end of the term.
Service Charges We will deal with
compliance testing (but not remedial
works unless they fall within our
obligations) for health & safety, lifting
equipment and gas & electrical safety
in exchange for a service charge paid
to Us weekly in addition to Your rent.
The initial charge is currently £1,273.75
plus VAT per annum. That initial charge
may be subject to review at any time,
based on the actual cost to Us of
providing these services. You will pay
a maintenance service charge which is
currently £337.29 plus VAT per annum
for the cellar cooling maintenance and
currently £517.65 plus VAT per annum
for the heating system maintenance.
Accounts and Stocktaking� All tenants
are required to ensure that they instruct
appropriate third-party accounting
and stocktaking services from properly
qualied suppliers. Upon request, You
will be obliged to provide to Us copies of
any documentation that they prepare for
You as a result of them carrying out these
services in respect of the business .The
cost of these services will be payable by
You direct to the service provider.
You may not assign, underlet or share
possession of the premises.
We require You to complete Our Elearning
training modules which are accessed via
our applicant channel and attend the BIIAB
Award in Beer and Cellar Quality course.
Unless We request otherwise You must
obtain by transfer or otherwise and hold
throughout the Term a Premises Licence
for the premises. You must also hold a
Personal Licence and be named as the
Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
for the Premises, unless We consent to
some other person being the DPS.
We will ask corporate tenants to provide
personal guarantees from two of its
directors or additional cash deposits in
place of personal guarantees.
You must receive independent
professional advice in advance
of preparing Your business plan.
Before entering into a Tenancy You
should receive further independent
professional advice about all its terms.
Before completion You would need to
demonstrate You have taken further
independent professional advice or
conrm in writing Your decision not to
do so despite Our recommendation.
All Stonegate Pub Partners Tenancies
have repairing obligations which are
“put and keep” in nature. This means
that the property’s condition at the
commencement of the Tenancy is
effectively disregarded when applying
the repairing obligations. It is therefore
important that You understand the
condition of the property at the outset and
the obligations that You are entering into.
In all cases we recommend that You
commission your own independent
building survey and take specialist
advice before entering into a Tenancy
which contains repairing obligations.
This Summary of Terms is provided for guidance
only. In the event of any inconsistency between this
Summary of Terms and the current form of legal
documentation, the latter shall prevail. Subject to
Contract and formal Tenancy Agreement.
Version 6 – Mar 2021
Term The term will be for 5 years.
The Tenancy is not protected by Part II
of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954.
Ending the Tenancy
Our Rights Save for as provided for
below We will also be able to end the
Tenancy at any time by giving You 6
months’ notice but only if You are in
breach of any of Your obligations in the
Tenancy or if for any reason the Terms of
Trading referred to above become wholly
or partially unenforceable or we are
otherwise required to amend or delete
them in whole or in part.
We will also be able to end the Tenancy on
9 months’ notice for any reason from the
twenty seventh (27th) month of the Term
(meaning that in these circumstances the
Term will end no earlier than after the
expiry of the third year of the Term).
Your Rights Subject to You complying with
the terms of the Tenancy You will be able to
end the Tenancy at any time for any reason
upon giving Us 9 months’ notice.
Costs Each party pays its’ own legal
costs. If we have to obtain head
landlord’s consent to the Tenancy a
contribution of £750 will be payable by
You on acceptance of the offer of a new
Tenancy, to be refunded to You only
upon legal completion.
The Tenancy may be preceded by an
Agreement for Tenancy where head-
landlord’s consent is required. You will
be able to occupy the pub on all the
terms of the Tenancy as soon as You
enter into the Agreement for Tenancy
and then We will be bound to grant, and
You will be bound to take, (subject to the
terms of the Agreement for Tenancy) the
Tenancy. The start date of the Tenancy
will be the Commencement Date of the
Agreement for Tenancy.
Rent Rent will be agreed by negotiation,
having regard to the potential protability
of the business and taking into account
all of the terms of the Tenancy.
Payment Rent, including VAT, is paid
weekly in advance by Direct Debit
or such other means as We may
specify. We reserve the right to make
administration charges if payments are
not made by Direct Debit.
Outgoings You will be responsible for all
rates and all other outgoings including
but not limited to all utilities and You
must notify all suppliers of Tenancy
change on commencement.
Deposit A cash deposit equivalent
to 3 months’ rent is required on
commencement of the Tenancy. Interest
is payable on the deposit. Further
monies may be required in order to
obtain credit on trading terms.
Annual Indexation The rent is adjusted
upwards or downwards at or around each
anniversary of the start date in line with
the Consumer Price Index House (CPIH).
Rent Reviews There are no open market
rent reviews.
The premises may be used as a fully
licensed public house for the retail sale
of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and
the ancillary provision of accommodation,
food and other refreshment.
Landlord We will arrange insurance
for the building and for two years’ loss
of rent and recharges. Our insurance
costs will be recharged to You weekly in
advance together with VAT.
Tenants You will be required to arrange
insurance cover for the contents including
trade inventory, stock, all xed glass,
the premises licence and employer’s
liability. You must also insure against third
party and public liability, loss caused by
interruption to the business and any loss
of money. We may offer this service to
You currently at a cost of £1,697.45 per
annum, subject to review.
Trading Tie The extent of the trading tie
is a matter for negotiation at the start
of the Tenancy. A “full wet tie” would
require You to purchase from Us all beers,
including cask conditioned and low
alcohol or no alcohol ales, all lagers, all
ciders, all avoured alcoholic beverages,
all wines, all spirits and all minerals
whether in draught or packaged forms.
You can, however, choose to be free of tie
on some or all of the following categories:
one guest cask conditioned beer sourced
from a SIBA brewer and dispensed from
one hand pump, avoured alcoholic
beverages, wines, spirits or minerals in
exchange for payment of an annual Tie
Release fee for each category released.
Either party can serve 3 months written
notice to cancel a Tie Release Fee at any
time and revert to a ‘full wet tie’.
Payment Payment for tied products
ordered from your price list will usually
be collected on the Rent Day in the next
week following Your delivery by way of
Direct Debit.
Price List The price list and any discount
structure agreed at the outset will
continue throughout the term subject
to Our entitlement to update prices and
any applicable discounts and qualifying
products from time to time.
Gaming and Amusements Machines
Unless otherwise stated in our letting
particulars there is a prohibition against
bringing gaming and amusement
machines on to the premises. We may
consent to the installation of such
equipment and if so the terms of any
consent will be dealt with in a machine
consent letter.
Annual Release Fees If any aspect
of the “full wet tie” is released, this
arrangement will continue for the
duration of the Tenancy, subject to
the payment of Annual Release Fees.
These will be xed at an agreed amount,
subject to annual indexation in line with
the Consumer Price Index House (CPIH),
payable weekly alongside your rent.
Beer Dispense Equipment Dispense
equipment is provided by the nominated
suppliers and is maintained and owned
by them. Cellar cooling equipment is
your responsibility and You must join Our
group servicing scheme to cover this.
Appendix 1a
Retail Partnership Tenancy (Tied)
Summary of Terms (5 Year Term)
A guide to our agreements | 35A guide to our agreements | 34
Interior and Non-Structural You
will be responsible for the repair and
maintenance of the interior and repair
and maintenance, but not replacement,
of Our Fixtures and Fittings.
Redecoration You must redecorate the
interior of the property in an agreed
initial decoration year and thereafter
as often as is required and in the last 6
months of the term if We reasonably
require. We will redecorate the Exterior
as often as We consider necessary.
Alterations You may not carry out any
structural alterations but may carry
out non-structural alterations with Our
permission. We may ask You to reinstate
these at the end of the term.
Retail Standards Support and
Obligations (RSSO) You will be
required to comply in all respects with
matters set out in the RSSO documents
provided to You. This includes a number
of support packages to enable You to
focus on running the business and Your
participation and payment for these
packages is mandatory.
They include:
Retail standards property service
Safety management solution scheme
Cellar cooling equipment
maintenance scheme
Boiler maintenance scheme
Electronic point of sale equipment
maintenance and connectivity scheme
Marketing support scheme
Full details of the schemes including the
costs will be discussed with You.
You may not assign, underlet or share
possession of the premises.
We require You to complete Our
Elearning training modules which are
accessed via our applicant channel and
attend the BIIAB Award in Beer and
Cellar Quality course.
Unless We request otherwise You must
obtain by transfer or otherwise and hold
throughout the Term a Premises Licence
for the Premises. You must also hold a
Personal Licence and be named as the
Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
for the Premises, unless We consent to
some other person being the DPS.
We will ask corporate tenants to provide
personal guarantees from two of its
directors or additional cash deposits in
place of personal guarantees.
You must receive independent
professional advice in advance
of preparing Your business plan.
Before entering into a Tenancy You
should receive further independent
professional advice about all its terms.
Before completion You would need to
demonstrate You have taken further
independent professional advice or
conrm in writing Your decision not to
do so despite Our recommendation.
All Stonegate Pub Partners Tenancies
have repairing obligations which are
‘put and keep’ in nature. This means
that the property’s condition at the
commencement of the Tenancy is
effectively disregarded when applying
the repairing obligations. It is therefore
important that You understand the
condition of the property at the outset
and the obligations that You are entering
In all cases We recommend that You
commission Your own independent
building survey and take specialist
advice before entering into a Tenancy
which contains repairing obligations.
This Summary of Terms is provided for guidance
only. In the event of any inconsistency between this
Summary of Terms, and the current form of legal
documentation, the latter shall prevail. Subject to
Contract and formal Tenancy Agreement.
Beacon 5 Year RPT HOTS Version 3 – Mar 2021
Term The term will be for 10 years.
The Lease is not protected by Part II
of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954.
Incentive Payment In order to recognise
and reward strong sales performance
this lease includes the opportunity to
obtain an incentive payment at year
10 based on sales growth. Assuming
that you meet an agreed barrelage
target specied in the Lease (and are
in compliance with all material terms
of the Lease) then within 28 days from
the tenth anniversary of the Lease we
will make an incentive payment to you
which will be comprised of a set cash
sum (agreed at the outset of the Lease)
which will be added to a further sum
which will be calculated by reference to
the number of barrels which you have
purchased from us during the term of
Lease multiplied by £20.
Costs Each party pays its own and
other fees. A contribution of £750 will
be payable by You on acceptance of the
offer of a new Lease, to be refunded to
You only upon legal completion.
Cooling Off Period Unless this lease
amounts to a renewal or surrender and
re- grant of an existing lease that You
already hold at the Property You will
have the option of withdrawing from
the Lease without penalty on serving 6
months written notice within the rst
6 months of your occupation under the
terms of the Lease or any preceding
Agreement for Lease.
The Lease may be preceded by an
Agreement for Lease when Lease
Support Works are to be undertaken
or where head-landlord’s consent is
required. You will be able to occupy the
pub on all the terms of the Lease as
soon as You enter into the Agreement
for Lease and then we will be bound to
grant, and You will be bound to take,
(subject to the terms of the Agreement
Appendix 1c
Publican Partnership Incentive Lease (Tied)
Summary of Terms (10 Year Term)
Term The term will be for 5 years.
The Tenancy is not protected by Part II
of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954.
Ending the Tenancy
Our Rights Save for as provided for
below We will also be able to end the
Tenancy at any time by giving You 6
months’ notice if for any reason the Terms
of Trading referred to above become
wholly or partially unenforceable or We
are otherwise required to amend or delete
them in whole or in part. We will also
be able to end the tenancy on 1 months
notice if You are in breach of any of Your
obligations in the Tenancy.
We will also be able to end the Tenancy
on 9 months’ notice for any reason from
the twenty seventh (27th) month of the
Term (meaning that in these circumstances
the Term will end no earlier than after the
expiry of the third year of the Term).
Your Rights Subject to You complying with
the terms of the Tenancy You will be able to
end the Tenancy at any time for any reason
upon giving Us 9 months’ notice.
Costs Each party pays its’ own legal
costs. If We have to obtain head
landlord’s consent to the Tenancy a
contribution of £750 will be payable by
You on acceptance of the offer of a new
Tenancy, to be refunded to You only upon
legal completion.
The Tenancy may be preceded by an
Agreement for Tenancy where head
landlord’s consent is required. You will be
able to occupy the pub on all the terms of
the Tenancy as soon as You enter into the
Agreement for Tenancy and then We will
be bound to grant, and You will be bound to
take, (subject to the terms of the Agreement
for Tenancy) the Tenancy. The start date of
the Tenancy will be the Commencement
Date of the Agreement for Tenancy.
Rent Rent will be agreed by negotiation,
having regard to the potential protability
of the business and taking into account
all of the terms of the Tenancy.
Payment Rent, including VAT, is paid
weekly in advance by Direct Debit
or such other means as We may
specify. We reserve the right to make
administration charges if payments are
not made by Direct Debit.
Outgoings You will be responsible for all
rates and all other outgoings including
but not limited to all utilities and You
must notify all suppliers of Tenancy
change on commencement.
Deposit A cash deposit equivalent to 3
months’ rent is required on commencement
of the Tenancy. Interest is payable on the
deposit. Further monies may be required in
order to obtain credit on trading terms.
Annual Indexation The rent is adjusted
upwards or downwards at or around each
anniversary of the start date in line with
the Consumer Price Index House (CPIH).
Rent Reviews There are no open market
rent reviews.
The premises may be used as a fully
licensed public house for the retail sale
of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and
the ancillary provision of accommodation,
food and other refreshment.
Landlord We will arrange insurance for
the building and for up to two years’ loss
of rent and recharges. Our insurance
costs will be recharged to You weekly in
advance together with VAT.
Tenants You will be required to arrange
insurance cover for the contents including
trade inventory, stock, all xed glass, the
premises licence and employer’s liability.
You must also insure against third
party and public liability, loss caused by
interruption to the business and any loss
of money. We may offer this service to
You currently at a cost of £1,697.45 per
annum, subject to review.
Trading Tie A “full wet tie” which
requires You to purchase from Us all
beers, including cask conditioned and low
alcohol or no alcohol ales, all lagers, all
ciders, all avoured alcoholic beverages,
all wines, all spirits and all minerals
whether in draught or packaged forms.
Payment Payment for tied products ordered
from Your price list will usually be collected
on the Rent Day in the next week following
Your delivery by way of Direct Debit.
Price List The price list and any discount
structure agreed at the outset will
continue throughout the term subject
to Our entitlement to update prices and
any applicable discounts and qualifying
products from time to time.
Gaming and Amusements Machine Tie
There is a prohibition against bringing
gaming and amusement machines on
to the Premises. We may consent to the
installation of such equipment and if so
the terms of any consent will be dealt
with in a machine consent letter.
Beer Dispense Equipment Dispense
equipment is provided by the nominated
suppliers and is maintained and owned
by them. Cellar cooling equipment is
Your responsibility and You must join Our
group servicing scheme to cover this.
Flow Monitoring Equipment You must
allow Us or if relevant Our agents, access
to the Premises to install and inspect and
maintain Flow Monitoring Equipment and
to use Your electricity supply at Your cost
to operate the equipment.
Electronic Point of Sale Equipment This
will be provided as part of the inventory
and You will ensure the equipment
remains switched on at all times.
Disclosure You will be required to provide
copies of Your VAT returns & annual
accounts upon request.
Tenant You must purchase (or if not You
must rent from us on terms to be agreed)
the loose trade inventory at valuation and
You must repair and replace these items
as necessary during the term. If You own
the trade inventory We may purchase
it at valuation during or at the end of
the Term and offset the value against
any money You may owe. You may not
sell or charge the inventory to any third
party. The trade inventory will include all
electronic point of sale equipment.
Landlord Landlord’s xtures and ttings
remain in Our ownership throughout
the Term.
Exterior Structure and Services We
are responsible for all repairs to the
exterior, structure and services. You are
responsible for notifying us as soon as
You become aware of any required repairs
in order that we can both mitigate against
further consequential damage. You will
be responsible for all other repairs and
day to day maintenance, including drains,
all pipes, toilets and sanitary equipment
and to keep all car parks, access ways,
gardens, play areas, landscaping or other
unbuilt upon areas safe for public access,
properly surfaced or cultivated, clean and
tidy and free from weeds.
Appendix 1b
Beacon Retail Partnership Tenancy (Tied)
Summary of Terms (5 Year Term)
A guide to our agreements | 37A guide to our agreements | 36
You will be responsible for all other
repairs (including the surface coverings
of the main structure) and day to day
maintenance, including drains, xtures
and ttings all pipes, toilets and sanitary
equipment and to keep all car parks,
access ways, gardens, play areas,
landscaping or other unbuilt upon
areas safe for public access, properly
lit, surfaced or cultivated, clean and tidy
and free from weeds.
Redecoration You must redecorate the
interior and exterior of the property in
an agreed initial decoration year and
thereafter as often as is required or at least
every 3 years and in the last 6 months of
the term if we reasonably require.
Alterations You may not carry out any
structural alterations but may carry
out non-structural alterations with our
permission. We may ask You to reinstate
these at the end of the term.
Signage You must maintain all signs and
lights. You may not alter the signage
without our prior consent.
Repairs and Maintenance Fund You will
contribute to a repair & maintenance
fund and You may draw down from that
fund for the purposes of complying with
your repairing obligations or we may
do so if we carry out repairs for which
You are responsible. The balance of the
account will be repaid to You when You
leave the pub if it is in good repair and
all other accounts are up-to-date.
Service Charges We will deal with
compliance testing (but not remedial
works) for health & safety, lifting
equipment and gas & electrical safety
in exchange for a service charge paid
to us weekly in addition to your rent.
The initial charge is currently £1,273.75
plus VAT per annum. That initial charge
may be subject to review at any time,
based on the actual cost to us of
providing these services. If You opt to
join our group servicing scheme for the
maintenance of the heating system and
cellar cooling equipment You will pay
a maintenance service charge which is
currently £602.23 plus VAT per annum
for the cellar cooling maintenance and
currently £906.91 plus VAT per annum
for the heating system maintenance.
Accounts and Stocktaking All lessees
are required to ensure that they instruct
appropriate third-party accounting
and stocktaking services from properly
qualied suppliers. Upon request, you
will be obliged to provide to us copies of
any documentation that they prepare for
you as a result of them carrying out these
services in respect of the business. The
cost of these services will be payable by
you direct to the service provider.
If the terms of trading become wholly
or partially unenforceable then we may
conduct an open market review of the
Rent and it will be conducted on an
upwards only basis.
The Lease may be assigned after the
end of the rst two years.
You must obtain our consent to any
assignment and we will have the right
to act as a substitute purchaser of the
Lease if we so require at that time.
Any assignee must satisfy us that they
are t and proper and have adequate
experience to run the business. They will
be required to produce a business plan
together with proof of funding and pay
a rent deposit. They will be required to
attend an appropriate training course
and to take appropriate professional
advice. Subject to being satised in these
respects and subject to us not wishing to
purchase the Lease ourselves, we will not
unreasonably withhold consent.
Future Liability You will be required
to enter into an authorised guarantee
agreement on assignment to guarantee
the obligations of your assignee under
the Lease.
Mortgages You may charge the Lease to
a reputable bank with our consent but
You may not charge the trade inventory.
We require You to complete Our
Elearning training modules which are
accessed via our applicant channel and
attend the BIIAB Award in Beer and
Cellar Quality course.
Unless we request otherwise You must
obtain by transfer or otherwise and hold
throughout the Term a Premises Licence
for the premises. You must also hold a
Personal Licence and be named as the
Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
for the Premises, unless we consent to
some other person being the DPS.
We will ask corporate tenants to
provide personal guarantees from
two of its directors.
You must receive independent
professional advice in advance of
preparing Your business plan. Before
entering into a Lease You should receive
further independent professional advice
about all its terms. Before completion You
would need to demonstrate You have
taken further independent professional
advice or conrm in writing Your decision
not to do so despite our recommendation.
All Stonegate Pub Partners Leases
have repairing obligations which are
“put and keep” in nature. This means
that the property’s condition at the
commencement of the Lease is effectively
disregarded when applying the repairing
obligations. It is therefore important that
You understand the condition of the
property at the outset and the obligations
that You are entering into.
In all cases we recommend that You
commission your own independent
building survey and take specialist
advice before entering into a Lease
which contains repairing obligations.
This Summary of Terms is provided for guidance
only. In the event of any inconsistency between this
Summary of Terms, and the current form of legal
documentation, the latter shall prevail. Subject to
Contract and formal Tenancy Agreement.
Version 5 – Mar 2021
for Lease) the new Lease when head-
landlord’s consent is obtained or
when the works are completed. The
commencement date of the Lease will
be the Commencement Date of the
Agreement for Lease.
Rent Rent will be agreed by negotiation,
having regard to the potential
protability of the business and taking
into account all of the terms of the Lease
save for the Incentive Payment which
has no bearing on the rental assessment.
Payment Rent, including VAT, is paid
weekly in advance by Direct Debit
or such other means as we may
specify. We reserve the right to make
administration charges if payments are
not made by Direct Debit.
Outgoings You will be responsible for all
rates and all other outgoings including
but not limited to all utilities and You
must notify all suppliers of tenancy
change on commencement of Lease.
Deposit A cash deposit equivalent
to 3 months’ rent is required on
commencement of the Lease. Interest is
payable on the deposit.
Further monies may be required in order
to obtain credit on trading terms.
Open Market Rent Review An open
market rent review is scheduled to
be conducted on or around the fth
anniversary of the Term and so long as
the Lease remains tied then the rent can
be adjusted upwards or downwards.
However, as an alternative to an open
market rent review you will have the
option, subject to time conditions being
met, to settle the review by completing
a memorandum of rent review on the
basis of Annual Indexation. We are able
to call for an upwards only open market
rent review in the event that the agreed
trading tie ceases in its entirety.
Annual Indexation Except on the fth
anniversary when there is an open
market review, so long as the Lease
is tied the rent is adjusted upwards
or downwards at or around each
anniversary of the start date in line with
the Consumer Price Index House (CPIH).
If the agreed trading tie ceases in its
entirety then indexation adjustments are
upwards only.
Exclusions The value of your approved
voluntary improvements to the building,
your exceptional goodwill and also the
benet of the incentive payments are
excluded from any rent reviews.
The premises may be used as a fully
licensed public house for the retail
sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic
drinks and the ancillary provision
of accommodation, food and other
Landlord We will arrange insurance
for the building and for two years loss
of rent and recharges. Our insurance
costs will be recharged to You weekly in
advance together with VAT.
Tenants You will be required to arrange
cover for the contents including trade
inventory, stock, all xed glass, the
premises licence and employer’s liability.
You must also insure against third
party and public liability, loss caused by
interruption to the business and any loss
of money.
Trading Tie The extent of the trading
tie is a matter for negotiation at the
start of the Lease. A “full wet tie
would require You to purchase from us
all beers, including cask conditioned
and low alcohol or no alcohol ales, all
lagers, all ciders, all avoured alcoholic
beverages, all wines, all spirits and
all minerals whether in draught or
packaged forms. You can, however,
choose to be free of tie on some or all of
the following categories: one guest cask
conditioned beer sourced from a SIBA
brewer and dispensed from one hand
pump, avoured alcoholic beverages,
wines, spirits or minerals in exchange for
payment of an annual Tie Release fee for
each category released. You can serve 3
months written notice to cancel one or
more Tie Release Fee at any time.
Payment Payment for tied products
ordered from your price list will usually
be collected on the Rent Day in the next
week following your delivery by way of
Direct Debit.
Price List The price list and any discount
structure agreed at the outset will
continue throughout the term subject
to our entitlement to update prices and
any applicable off invoice discounts and
qualifying products from time to time.
Gaming and Amusements Machines
Unless otherwise stated in our letting
particulars there is a prohibition against
bringing gaming and amusement
machines on to the premises. We may
consent to the installation of such
equipment and if so the terms of any
consent will be dealt with in a machine
consent letter.
Annual Release Fees If any aspect
of the “full wet tie” is released, this
arrangement will continue for the
duration of the Lease unless cancelled
by you on 3 months’ notice, subject to
the payment of Annual Release Fees.
These fees will be xed at an agreed
amount, subject to annual indexation
in line with the Consumer Price Index
House (CPIH) and payable weekly
alongside your rent.
Beer Dispense Equipment Dispense
equipment is provided by the nominated
suppliers and is maintained and owned
by them. Cellar cooling equipment is
your responsibility and so long as the
Lease is tied You may opt to join our
group servicing scheme to cover this.
Flow Monitoring Equipment You must
allow us or if relevant our agents,
access to the Premises to install and
inspect and maintain Flow Monitoring
Equipment and to use your electricity
supply at your cost to operate the
Disclosure You will be required to
provide copies of your VAT returns &
annual accounts upon request.
Tenant You must purchase the loose
trade inventory at valuation and You
must repair and replace these items as
necessary during the term. We may
purchase the trade inventory at valuation
during or at the end of the Term and
offset the value against any money You
may owe. You may not sell or charge
the inventory to any third party and You
must sell the inventory to any authorised
assignee of the Lease.
Landlord Landlord’s xtures and ttings
remain in our ownership throughout
the Term. You must repair, maintain and
replace all xtures & ttings during the
Structural Repairs Subject to the
provisions of the Lease We are
responsible for repairs to the main
structure which We reasonably believe
are required to protect the structural
integrity of the property. You are
responsible for notifying Us as soon
as You become aware of any required
repairs in order that we can both
mitigate against further consequential
Non-Structural Repairs You will
be responsible for the repair and
maintenance of the whole property but
not the structural parts which We are
responsible for pursuant to the terms of
the Lease.
A guide to our agreements | 39A guide to our agreements | 38
Disclosure You will be required to
provide copies of your VAT returns &
annual accounts upon request.
Tenant You must purchase the loose
trade inventory at valuation and You
must repair and replace these items as
necessary during the term. We may
purchase the trade inventory at valuation
during or at the end of the Term and
offset the value against any money You
may owe. You may not sell or charge
the inventory to any third party and You
must sell the inventory to any authorised
assignee of the Lease.
Landlord Landlord’s xtures and ttings
remain in our ownership throughout the
Term. You must repair, maintain and replace
all xtures & ttings during the Term.
You are responsible for the maintenance
and repair of the entirety of the property
on a full repair basis.
Redecoration You must redecorate the
interior and exterior of the property in
an agreed initial decoration year and
thereafter as often as is required or at least
every 3 years and in the last 6 months of
the term if we reasonably require.
Alterations You may not carry out any
structural alterations but may carry
out non-structural alterations with our
permission. We may ask You to reinstate
these at the end of the term.
Signage You must maintain all signs and
lights. You may not alter the signage
without our prior consent.
Repairs and Maintenance Fund You will
contribute to a repair & maintenance
fund and You may draw down from that
fund for the purposes of complying with
your repairing obligations or we may
do so if we carry out repairs for which
You are responsible. The balance of the
account will be repaid to You when You
leave the pub if it is in good repair and all
other accounts are up to date.
Service Charges We will deal with
compliance testing (but not remedial
works) for health & safety, lifting
equipment and gas & electrical safety
in exchange for a service charge paid
to us weekly in addition to your rent.
The initial charge is currently £1,273.75
plus VAT per annum. That initial charge
may be subject to review at any time,
based on the actual cost to us of
providing these services. If You opt to
join our group servicing scheme for the
maintenance of the heating system and
cellar cooling equipment You will pay
a maintenance service charge which is
currently £602.23 plus VAT per annum
for the cellar cooling maintenance and
currently £906.91 plus VAT per annum
for the heating system maintenance.
Accounts and Stocktaking All lessees
are required to ensure that they instruct
appropriate third party accounting and
stocktaking services from properly
qualied suppliers. Upon request, you
will be obliged to provide to us copies
of any documentation that they prepare
for you as a result of them carrying
out these services in respect of the
business. The cost of these services will
be payable by you direct to the service
If the terms of trading become wholly
or partially unenforceable then we may
conduct an open market review of the
Rent and itwill be conducted on an
upwards only basis.
The Lease may be assigned after the
end of the rst two years.
You must obtain our consent to any
assignment and we will have the right
to act as a substitute purchaser of the
Lease if we so require at that time.
Any assignee must satisfy us that they
are t and proper and have adequate
experience to run the business. They will
be required to produce a business plan
together with proof of funding and pay
a rent deposit. They will be required to
attend an appropriate training course
and to take appropriate professional
advice. Subject to being satised in
these respects and subject to us not
wishing to purchase the Lease ourselves,
we will not unreasonably withhold
Future Liability You will be required
to enter into an authorised guarantee
agreement on assignment to guarantee
the obligations of your assignee under
the Lease.
Mortgages You may charge the Lease to
a reputable bank with our consent but
You may not charge the trade inventory.
We require You to complete Our
Elearning training modules which are
accessed via our applicant channel and
attend the BIIAB Award in Beer and
Cellar Quality course.
Unless we request otherwise You must
obtain by transfer or otherwise and hold
throughout the Term a Premises Licence
for the premises. You must also hold a
Personal Licence and be named as the
Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
for the Premises, unless we consent to
some other person being the DPS.
We will ask corporate tenants to provide
personal guarantees from two of its
You must receive independent
professional advice in advance of
preparing Your business plan. Before
entering into a Lease You should receive
further independent professional advice
about all its terms. Before completion
You would need to demonstrate
You have taken further independent
professional advice or conrm in writing
Your decision not to do so despite our
All Stonegate Pub Partners Leases
have repairing obligations which
are “put and keep” in nature. This
means that the property’s condition
at the commencement of the Lease is
effectively disregarded when applying
the repairing obligations. It is therefore
important that You understand the
condition of the property at the outset
and the obligations that You are entering
In all cases we recommend that You
commission your own independent
building survey and take specialist
advice before entering into a Lease
which contains repairing obligations.
This Summary of Terms is provided for guidance
only. In the event of any inconsistency between this
Summary of Terms, and the current form of legal
documentation, the latter shall prevail. Subject to
Contract and formal Tenancy
Agreement� Version 5 – Mar 2021
Term The term will be for 10 years.
The Lease is not protected by Part II
of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954.
Costs Each party pays its own and
other fees. A contribution of £750 will
be payable by You on acceptance of the
offer of a new Lease, to be refunded to
You only upon legal completion.
The Lease may be preceded by an
Agreement for Lease when head-
landlord’s consent is required. You will
be able to occupy the pub on all the
terms of the Lease as soon as You enter
into the Agreement for Lease and then
we will be bound to grant, and You will
be bound to take, (subject to the terms
of the Agreement for Lease) the new
Lease once head landlord’s consent is
obtained. The commencement date of
the Lease will be the Commencement
Date of the Agreement for Lease.
The Lease will be accompanied by an
investment deed where support works
are to be undertaken to the Property
by us, in consultation with yourself.
This investment by us will mean that
a market rent only option will not be
available to you at the point of your 5th
year open market review of the Rent.
Rent Rent and the Investment Agreement
will be agreed by negotiation, having
regard to the potential protability of the
business and taking into account all of
the terms of the Lease.
Payment Rent, including VAT, is paid
weekly in advance by Direct Debit
or such other means as we may
specify. We reserve the right to make
administration charges if payments are
not made by Direct Debit.
Outgoings You will be responsible for all
rates and all other outgoings including
but not limited to all utilities and You
must notify all suppliers of tenancy
change on commencement of Lease.
Deposit A cash deposit equivalent
to 3 months’ rent is required on
commencement of the Lease. Interest is
payable on the deposit.
Further monies may be required in order
to obtain credit on trading terms.
Open Market Rent Review An open
market rent review will be conducted
on or around the fth anniversary of the
Term and so long as the Lease remains
tied then the rent can be adjusted
upwards or downwards. We are able
to call for an upwards only open market
rent review in the event that the agreed
trading tie ceases in its entirety.
Annual Indexation Except on the fth
anniversary when there is an open market
review so long as the Lease is tied the
rent is adjusted upwards or downwards
at or around each anniversary of the start
date in line with the Consumer Price
Index House (CPIH). If the agreed trading
tie ceases in its entirety then indexation
adjustments are upwards only.
Exclusions The value of your approved
voluntary improvements to the building
and your exceptional goodwill are
excluded from any rent reviews but for
the avoidance of doubt the value of any
investment works that we undertake will
not be dis- regarded on an open market
rent review.
The premises may be used as a fully
licensed public house for the retail sale
of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and
the ancillary provision of accommodation,
food and other refreshment.
Landlord We will arrange insurance
for the building and for two years loss
of rent and recharges. Our insurance
costs will be recharged to You weekly in
advance together with VAT.
Tenants You will be required to arrange
cover for the contents including trade
inventory, stock, all xed glass, the
premises licence and employer’s liability.
You must also insure against third party and
public liability, loss caused by interruption to
the business and any loss of money.
Trading Tie The extent of the trading
tie is a matter for negotiation at the
start of the Lease. A “full wet tie” would
require You to purchase from us all beers,
including cask conditioned and low
alcohol or no alcohol ales, all lagers, all
ciders, all avoured alcoholic beverages,
all wines, all spirits and all minerals
whether in draught or packaged forms.
You can, however, choose to be free of tie
on some or all of the following categories:
one guest cask conditioned beer sourced
from a SIBA brewer and dispensed from
one hand pump, avoured alcoholic
beverages, wines, spirits or minerals in
exchange for payment of an annual Tie
Release fee for each category released.
You can serve 3 months written notice to
cancel a Tie Release Fee at any time and
revert to a ‘full wet tie’.
Payment Payment for tied products
ordered from your price list will usually
be collected on the Rent Day in the next
week following your delivery by way of
Direct Debit.
Price List The price list and any discount
structure agreed at the outset will
continue throughout the term subject
to our entitlement to update prices and
any applicable discounts and qualifying
products from time to time.
Gaming and Amusements Machines
Unless otherwise stated in our letting
particulars there is a prohibition against
bringing gaming and amusement
machines on to the premises. We may
consent to the installation of such
equipment and if so the terms of any
consent will be dealt with in a machine
consent letter.
Annual Release Fees If any aspect
of the “full wet tie” is released, this
arrangement will continue for the
duration of the Lease unless cancelled
by you on 3 months’ notice, subject to
the payment of Annual Release Fees.
These fees will be xed at an agreed
amount, subject to annual indexation
in line with the Consumer Price Index
House (CPIH) and payable weekly
alongside your rent.
Beer Dispense Equipment Dispense
equipment is provided by the nominated
suppliers and is maintained and owned
by them. Cellar cooling equipment is
your responsibility and so long as the
Lease is tied You may opt to join our
group servicing scheme to cover this.
Flow Monitoring Equipment You must
allow us or if relevant our agents, access
to the Premises to install and inspect and
maintain Flow Monitoring Equipment and
to use your electricity supply at your cost
to operate the equipment.
Appendix 1d
Publican Partnership Investment Lease (Tied)
Summary of Terms (10 Year Term)
A guide to our agreements | 41A guide to our agreements | 40
Cask Ale Sediment Allowances July 2019
Under the Pubs Code 2016 regulations and following guidance from the Pubs Code Adjudicator effective from 1st July 2019
we are required to provide to you further information in relation to Beer Duty & Cask Sediment Allowance.
When purchasing cask beer, please note that all brewers have different sediment allowances (CAS) which have been factored
into the Stonegate Group prices. The table below details the relevant sediment allowances, saleable litres and the equivalent
number of saleable pints for all cask products currently available from Stonegate Group as a guide to assist with Retail Selling
Price and Gross Prot calculations.
Appendix 2
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
AZ70 ABBEYDALE MOONSHINE 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.22 69.02
BB57 ADNAMS BROADSIDE 9 CASK 4.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
AR45 ADNAMS GHOST SHIP 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
BQ23 ADNAMS LIGHTHOUSE 9 CASK 3.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
BB55 ADNAMS SOUTHWOLD BEST BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
BA21 BANKS'S AMBER BITTER 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
AP50 BATH GEM 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.41 69.35
AQ81 BEER MONKEY BLONDE 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.66 39.25 69.07
AE30 BLACK SHEEP BEST BITTER 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.30 39.60 69.69
AZ33 BLACK SHEEP MONTY P HOLY GRAIL 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.30 39.60 69.69
AACU0 BLACK SHEEP TWILIGHTER 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.80 40.11 70.59
AV92 BLACK SHEEP VELO 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.80 40.11 70.59
BM93 BOMBARDIER GOLDEN BEER 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AT50 BRADFIELDS FARMERS BLONDE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.90 39.00 68.63
AB32 BRAINS BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
AC04 BRAINS SA 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
AM24 BRAKSPEAR BITTER 9 FASTCASK 3.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.41 40.50 71.27
BM16 BUTCOMBE GOLD 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.49 69.49
AACS1 BUTCOMBE HOT AIR 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AE74 BUTCOMBE ORIGINAL 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.49 69.49
AS50 BUTCOMBE RARE BREED 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.49 69.49
BP65 CALEDONIAN DEUCHARS IPA 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.92 39.00 68.62
AACQ8 CAMERONS MARINER 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
AACR9 CAMERONS MAY DAY 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
AACT6 CAMERONS OLD SEA DOG 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
AM74 CAMERONS STRONGARM 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.10 39.80 70.04
AR75 CASTLE ROCK HARVEST PALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.22 69.02
BL70 COURAGE BEST 18 CASK 4% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.80 79.03 139.08
BL69 COURAGE BEST 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BL72 COURAGE DIRECTORS 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AT07 DARTMOOR JAIL 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.55 40.35 71.01
AR22 DRAUGHT BASS 10 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 10 45.46 1.52 43.94 77.33
B233 EAGLE IPA 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BP66 EDINBURGH CASTLE 80/- 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.92 39.00 68.62
AK35 EXMOOR ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
Appendix 2
Cask Ale Sediment Allowances
July 2019
Under the Pubs Code 2016 regulations and following guidance from the Pubs Code Adjudicator effective from 1st July
2019 we are required to provide to you further information in relation to Beer Duty & Cask Sediment Allowance.
When purchasing cask beer, please note that all brewers have different sediment allowances (CAS) which have been
factored into the EI Group prices. The table below details the relevant sediment allowances, saleable litres and the
equivalent number of saleable pints for all cask products currently available from EI Group as a guide to assist with Retail
Selling Price and Gross Profit calculations.
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
AABZ9 EXMOOR EXILE APOLLO 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AW80 EXMOOR FOX 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
B292 EXMOOR GOLD 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AK91 EXMOOR STAG 9 CASK 5.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AABG9 EXMOOR URBAN FOX 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AT88 FLACK MANOR DOUBLE DROP 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.91 39.00 68.63
AAAF7 FLACK MANOR ROMSEY GOLD 9C 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.91 39.00 68.63
B145 FULLERS ESB 9 CASK 5.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
BB60 FULLERS LONDON PRIDE 18 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 18 81.83 3.24 78.59 138.30
BB59 FULLERS LONDON PRIDE 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
AZ09 FULLERS OLIVERS ISLAND 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
B758 GALES HSB 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
BP84 GALES SEAFARERS FULLERS 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
AA60 GREENE KING ABBOT ALE 9 CASK 5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AA58 GREENE KING IPA 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AZ36 GREENE KING LONDON GLORY 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AS79 GREENE KING OLD GOLDEN HEN 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AZ41 GREENE KING SCRUM DOWN 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
BE56 HANCOCKS HB 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.63 40.00 70.39
AC72 HARVEYS SUSSEX 18 CASK 4% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.28 79.54 139.97
AB21 HARVEYS SUSSEX 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
B627 HARVIESTOUN BITTER & TWISTED 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.48 69.48
AR36 HAWKSHEAD BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
BG24 HOGS BACK TEA 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 39.00 68.63
AACM3 HOOK NORTON COLD TURKEY 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
AT16 HOOK NORTON HOOKY 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
BM50 HOOK NORTON HOOKY GOLD 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
AJ21 HOOK NORTON OLD HOOKY 9 CASK 4.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
AM42 HOP BACK GOLDEN BEST (GFB) 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.32 39.58 69.65
B183 HOP BACK SUMMER LIGHTNING 9 CASK 5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.32 39.58 69.65
AB30 JENNINGS CUMBERLAND 9 FASTCASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.41 40.50 71.27
AE15 JENNINGS SNECK LIFTER 9 CASK 5.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.03 39.88 70.19
BT21 JOHN SMITH'S BITTER 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.92 39.00 68.62
AA91 JW LEES 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.71 39.20 68.98
AACE7 LAINE BREAKER PALE ALE 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.70 69.86
AS88 LANCASTER BLONDE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.70 69.86
AL75 LANCASTER BOMBER 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.24 38.67 68.04
AV27 LEEDS PALE ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 39.90 70.22
AZ27 LODDON HULLABALOO 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.32 39.50 69.51
AW63 LONG MAN AMERICAN PALE ALE 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AZ93 LONG MAN BEST BITTER 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AW92 LONG MAN COPPER HOP 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 39.91 70.23
AT89 LONG MAN LONG BLONDE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AV13 LONG MAN OLD MAN 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AV50 MANCHESTER PALE ALE 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.71 39.20 68.98
AU50 MARSTON'S 61 DEEP PALE ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
A guide to our agreements
No� Long Description
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
AZ70 ABBEYDALE MOONSHINE 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.22 69.02
BB57 ADNAMS BROADSIDE 9 CASK 4.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
AR45 ADNAMS GHOST SHIP 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
BQ23 ADNAMS LIGHTHOUSE 9 CASK 3.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
BB55 ADNAMS SOUTHWOLD BEST BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.30 38.60 67.93
BA21 BANKS'S AMBER BITTER 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
AP50 BATH GEM 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.41 69.35
AQ81 BEER MONKEY BLONDE 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.66 39.25 69.07
AE30 BLACK SHEEP BEST BITTER 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.30 39.60 69.69
AZ33 BLACK SHEEP MONTY P HOLY GRAIL 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.30 39.60 69.69
AACU0 BLACK SHEEP TWILIGHTER 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.80 40.11 70.59
AV92 BLACK SHEEP VELO 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.80 40.11 70.59
BM93 BOMBARDIER GOLDEN BEER 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AT50 BRADFIELDS FARMERS BLONDE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.90 39.00 68.63
AB32 BRAINS BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
AC04 BRAINS SA 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
AM24 BRAKSPEAR BITTER 9 FASTCASK 3.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.41 40.50 71.27
BM16 BUTCOMBE GOLD 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.49 69.49
AACS1 BUTCOMBE HOT AIR 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AE74 BUTCOMBE ORIGINAL 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.49 69.49
AS50 BUTCOMBE RARE BREED 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.49 69.49
BP65 CALEDONIAN DEUCHARS IPA 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.92 39.00 68.62
AACQ8 CAMERONS MARINER 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
AACR9 CAMERONS MAY DAY 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
AACT6 CAMERONS OLD SEA DOG 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
AM74 CAMERONS STRONGARM 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.10 39.80 70.04
AR75 CASTLE ROCK HARVEST PALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.22 69.02
BL70 COURAGE BEST 18 CASK 4% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.80 79.03 139.08
BL69 COURAGE BEST 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BL72 COURAGE DIRECTORS 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AT07 DARTMOOR JAIL 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.55 40.35 71.01
AR22 DRAUGHT BASS 10 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 10 45.46 1.52 43.94 77.33
B233 EAGLE IPA 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BP66 EDINBURGH CASTLE 80/- 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.92 39.00 68.62
AK35 EXMOOR ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
Appendix 2
Cask Ale Sediment Allowances
July 2019
Under the Pubs Code 2016 regulations and following guidance from the Pubs Code Adjudicator effective from 1st July
2019 we are required to provide to you further information in relation to Beer Duty & Cask Sediment Allowance.
When purchasing cask beer, please note that all brewers have different sediment allowances (CAS) which have been
factored into the EI Group prices. The table below details the relevant sediment allowances, saleable litres and the
equivalent number of saleable pints for all cask products currently available from EI Group as a guide to assist with Retail
Selling Price and Gross Profit calculations.
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
AABZ9 EXMOOR EXILE APOLLO 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AW80 EXMOOR FOX 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
B292 EXMOOR GOLD 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AK91 EXMOOR STAG 9 CASK 5.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AABG9 EXMOOR URBAN FOX 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.23 39.68 69.83
AT88 FLACK MANOR DOUBLE DROP 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.91 39.00 68.63
AAAF7 FLACK MANOR ROMSEY GOLD 9C 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.91 39.00 68.63
B145 FULLERS ESB 9 CASK 5.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
BB60 FULLERS LONDON PRIDE 18 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 18 81.83 3.24 78.59 138.30
BB59 FULLERS LONDON PRIDE 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
AZ09 FULLERS OLIVERS ISLAND 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
B758 GALES HSB 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
BP84 GALES SEAFARERS FULLERS 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.79 39.13 68.85
AA60 GREENE KING ABBOT ALE 9 CASK 5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AA58 GREENE KING IPA 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AZ36 GREENE KING LONDON GLORY 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AS79 GREENE KING OLD GOLDEN HEN 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AZ41 GREENE KING SCRUM DOWN 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
BE56 HANCOCKS HB 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.63 40.00 70.39
AC72 HARVEYS SUSSEX 18 CASK 4% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.28 79.54 139.97
AB21 HARVEYS SUSSEX 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.77 69.99
B627 HARVIESTOUN BITTER & TWISTED 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.48 69.48
AR36 HAWKSHEAD BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
BG24 HOGS BACK TEA 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 39.00 68.63
AACM3 HOOK NORTON COLD TURKEY 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
AT16 HOOK NORTON HOOKY 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
BM50 HOOK NORTON HOOKY GOLD 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
AJ21 HOOK NORTON OLD HOOKY 9 CASK 4.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.02 40.00 70.39
AM42 HOP BACK GOLDEN BEST (GFB) 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.32 39.58 69.65
B183 HOP BACK SUMMER LIGHTNING 9 CASK 5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.32 39.58 69.65
AB30 JENNINGS CUMBERLAND 9 FASTCASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.41 40.50 71.27
AE15 JENNINGS SNECK LIFTER 9 CASK 5.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.03 39.88 70.19
BT21 JOHN SMITH'S BITTER 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.92 39.00 68.62
AA91 JW LEES 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.71 39.20 68.98
AACE7 LAINE BREAKER PALE ALE 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.70 69.86
AS88 LANCASTER BLONDE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.70 69.86
AL75 LANCASTER BOMBER 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.24 38.67 68.04
AV27 LEEDS PALE ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 39.90 70.22
AZ27 LODDON HULLABALOO 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.32 39.50 69.51
AW63 LONG MAN AMERICAN PALE ALE 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AZ93 LONG MAN BEST BITTER 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AW92 LONG MAN COPPER HOP 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 39.91 70.23
AT89 LONG MAN LONG BLONDE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AV13 LONG MAN OLD MAN 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.00 40.00 70.39
AV50 MANCHESTER PALE ALE 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.71 39.20 68.98
AU50 MARSTON'S 61 DEEP PALE ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
A guide to our agreements
No� Long Description
A guide to our agreements | 43A guide to our agreements | 42
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
AACS7 MARSTONS BANKS'S LOCK 16 9CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.62 39.29 69.14
AR07 MARSTON'S EPA 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
AA80 MARSTON'S PEDIGREE 18 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.40 79.43 139.77
AA06 MARSTON'S PEDIGREE 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.29 38.62 67.96
AZ72 MARSTON'S WYCHWOOD HOBGOBLIN 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.29 38.62 67.96
AABU4 MOORHOUSE'S BLONDE WITCH 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.19 39.72 69.90
AE21 MOORHOUSE'S PRIDE OF PENDLE 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.19 39.72 69.90
AU77 MOORHOUSES WHITE WITCH 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.19 39.72 69.90
BL11 OLD SPECKLED HEN 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
BB12 OSSETT SILVER KING 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.21 69.00
AABN6 OSSETT WHITE RAT 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.21 69.00
AW45 OSSETT YORKSHIRE BLONDE 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.21 69.00
AF38 OTTER ALE 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AT45 OTTER AMBER ALE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AF40 OTTER BITTER 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AACQ9 OTTER BREWER NEW WAVE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AACU1 OTTER FUNK N' SOUL 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AAAU7 PURITY BUNNY HOP 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AACR8 PURITY HOPWORK ORANGE 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AABT9 PURITY MAD GOOSE 4.5 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.95 19.51 34.33
AT59 PURITY MAD GOOSE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AT60 PURITY PURE GOLD 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AT61 PURITY PURE UBU 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AABU0 PURITY UBU 4.5 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.95 19.51 34.33
AU07 PURPLE MOOSE GLASLYN 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.00 0.00 0.00
AE41 RINGWOOD 49ER 9 CASK 4.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.55 39.36 69.26
AP92 RINGWOOD BOONDOGGLE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.55 39.36 69.26
AB20 RINGWOOD RAZORBACK BEST 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.55 39.36 69.26
BM02 ROBINSONS DIZZY BLONDE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.86 40.05 70.48
AACT5 ROBINSONS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW 9C 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.86 40.05 70.48
AAAU6 ROBINSONS TROOPER 9 CASK 4.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.86 40.05 70.48
AQ62 ROOSTER'S YANKEE PALE ALE 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.43 39.49 69.49
AA72 RUDDLES BEST 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
BB74 RUDDLES COUNTY 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AACS0 SALCOMBE SEAHORSE 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.71 69.88
AACQ7 SALCOMBE SHINGLE BAY 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.71 69.88
AW99 SALOPIAN DARWINS ORIGIN 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.37 39.54 69.58
BH42 SALOPIAN SHROPSHIRE GOLD 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.37 39.54 69.58
AT94 SALTAIRE BLONDE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.29 39.62 69.72
AR64 SAMBROOK'S WANDLE ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.50 69.51
AABA1 SEA FURY 9 CASK 5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AQ64 SHARPS ATLANTIC IPA 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AF36 SHARP'S CORNISH COASTER 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AF34 SHARP'S DOOM BAR 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AACS9 SHEP NEAME NEW DAWN 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AU86 SHEP NEAME WHITSTABLE BAY 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
BA51 SHEPHERD NEAME MASTERBREW 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AR16 SHEPHERD NEAME SPITFIRE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AZ46 SHEPHERD NEAME SPITFIRE GOLD 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AQ44 SKINNERS BETTY STOGS 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.41 38.50 67.75
AZ30 SKINNERS LUSHINGTONS 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.41 38.50 67.75
BM12 ST AUSTELL PROPER JOB 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.85 40.06 70.50
BC98 ST AUSTELL TRIBUTE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.85 40.06 70.50
AAAY0 T TAYLOR KNOWLE SPRING BLNDE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
AA64 TETLEY BITTER 18 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 18 81.83 1.58 80.22 141.18
AA62 TETLEY BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.53 39.37 69.28
B055 THE REVEREND JAMES 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
AZ02 THE REVEREND JAMES GOLD 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
BT54 THEAKSTON BEACON ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.01 70.41
BJ74 THEAKSTON BEST 18 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 18 81.83 1.80 80.03 140.84
BK58 THEAKSTON BEST 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
B581 THEAKSTON BLACK BULL BITTER 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
BK36 THEAKSTON LIGHTFOOT 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
BK62 THEAKSTON OLD PECULIAR 9 CASK 5.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
BK61 THEAKSTON XB 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
AW29 TIMOTHY TAYLOR BOLTMAKER 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
BJ67 TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S GOLDEN BEST 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
AI20 TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S LANDLORD 18 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.31 79.52 139.94
AB99 TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S LANDLORD 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
AW59 TRUMANS SWIFT 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.71 39.20 68.98
AW22 TWICKENHAM NAKED LADIES 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.73 39.18 68.95
AZ01 UPHAM PUNTER 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 39.00 68.63
AW18 W BERKS CHUBBS LUNCHTIME BTR 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.22 39.78 70.00
AT95 W BERKSHIRE GOOD OLD BOY 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.22 39.78 70.00
AACB2 WADWORTH 6X 4.5 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.57 19.89 35.00
AV34 WADWORTH 6X 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.78 70.00
AACB4 WADWORTH HORIZON 4.5 CASK 4% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.57 19.89 35.00
BM52 WADWORTH HORIZON GOLDEN ALE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.78 70.00
BK96 WAINWRIGHT GOLDEN ALE 9C 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.24 38.67 68.04
AACN4 WATNEY'S PARTY 7 XPA 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AACC2 WATNEY'S RAY OF SUNSHINE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AR88 WELLS BOMBARDIER AMBER BEER 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BL18 WICKWAR BOB 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.00 70.39
AC07 WOODFORDE'S WHERRY 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.01 38.91 68.47
AW53 WYCHWOOD HOBGOBLIN GOLD 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
AP51 WYE VALLEY HPA 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.91 39.00 68.63
BP42 YORK GUZZLER 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.30 39.60 69.69
AA89 YOUNGS BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BP47 YOUNGS LONDON GOLD 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BG98 YOUNGS SPECIAL 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
A guide to our agreements
No� Long Description
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
AACS7 MARSTONS BANKS'S LOCK 16 9CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.62 39.29 69.14
AR07 MARSTON'S EPA 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
AA80 MARSTON'S PEDIGREE 18 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.40 79.43 139.77
AA06 MARSTON'S PEDIGREE 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.29 38.62 67.96
AZ72 MARSTON'S WYCHWOOD HOBGOBLIN 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.29 38.62 67.96
AABU4 MOORHOUSE'S BLONDE WITCH 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.19 39.72 69.90
AE21 MOORHOUSE'S PRIDE OF PENDLE 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.19 39.72 69.90
AU77 MOORHOUSES WHITE WITCH 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.19 39.72 69.90
BL11 OLD SPECKLED HEN 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
BB12 OSSETT SILVER KING 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.21 69.00
AABN6 OSSETT WHITE RAT 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.21 69.00
AW45 OSSETT YORKSHIRE BLONDE 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.69 39.21 69.00
AF38 OTTER ALE 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AT45 OTTER AMBER ALE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AF40 OTTER BITTER 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AACQ9 OTTER BREWER NEW WAVE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AACU1 OTTER FUNK N' SOUL 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.41 39.50 69.51
AAAU7 PURITY BUNNY HOP 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AACR8 PURITY HOPWORK ORANGE 9 CASK 4.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AABT9 PURITY MAD GOOSE 4.5 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.95 19.51 34.33
AT59 PURITY MAD GOOSE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AT60 PURITY PURE GOLD 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AT61 PURITY PURE UBU 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.89 39.02 68.67
AABU0 PURITY UBU 4.5 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.95 19.51 34.33
AU07 PURPLE MOOSE GLASLYN 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.00 0.00 0.00
AE41 RINGWOOD 49ER 9 CASK 4.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.55 39.36 69.26
AP92 RINGWOOD BOONDOGGLE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.55 39.36 69.26
AB20 RINGWOOD RAZORBACK BEST 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.55 39.36 69.26
BM02 ROBINSONS DIZZY BLONDE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.86 40.05 70.48
AACT5 ROBINSONS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW 9C 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.86 40.05 70.48
AAAU6 ROBINSONS TROOPER 9 CASK 4.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.86 40.05 70.48
AQ62 ROOSTER'S YANKEE PALE ALE 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.43 39.49 69.49
AA72 RUDDLES BEST 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
BB74 RUDDLES COUNTY 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.72 38.19 67.21
AACS0 SALCOMBE SEAHORSE 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.71 69.88
AACQ7 SALCOMBE SHINGLE BAY 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.20 39.71 69.88
AW99 SALOPIAN DARWINS ORIGIN 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.37 39.54 69.58
BH42 SALOPIAN SHROPSHIRE GOLD 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.37 39.54 69.58
AT94 SALTAIRE BLONDE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.29 39.62 69.72
AR64 SAMBROOK'S WANDLE ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.50 69.51
AABA1 SEA FURY 9 CASK 5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AQ64 SHARPS ATLANTIC IPA 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AF36 SHARP'S CORNISH COASTER 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AF34 SHARP'S DOOM BAR 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.50 39.40 69.34
AACS9 SHEP NEAME NEW DAWN 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AU86 SHEP NEAME WHITSTABLE BAY 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
No. Long Description
Main Group
CAS (Litres)
BA51 SHEPHERD NEAME MASTERBREW 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AR16 SHEPHERD NEAME SPITFIRE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AZ46 SHEPHERD NEAME SPITFIRE GOLD 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 38.91 68.47
AQ44 SKINNERS BETTY STOGS 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.41 38.50 67.75
AZ30 SKINNERS LUSHINGTONS 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.41 38.50 67.75
BM12 ST AUSTELL PROPER JOB 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.85 40.06 70.50
BC98 ST AUSTELL TRIBUTE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.85 40.06 70.50
AAAY0 T TAYLOR KNOWLE SPRING BLNDE 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
AA64 TETLEY BITTER 18 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 18 81.83 1.58 80.22 141.18
AA62 TETLEY BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.53 39.37 69.28
B055 THE REVEREND JAMES 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
AZ02 THE REVEREND JAMES GOLD 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.36 40.56 71.38
BT54 THEAKSTON BEACON ALE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.01 70.41
BJ74 THEAKSTON BEST 18 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 18 81.83 1.80 80.03 140.84
BK58 THEAKSTON BEST 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
B581 THEAKSTON BLACK BULL BITTER 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
BK36 THEAKSTON LIGHTFOOT 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
BK62 THEAKSTON OLD PECULIAR 9 CASK 5.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
BK61 THEAKSTON XB 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.02 70.42
AW29 TIMOTHY TAYLOR BOLTMAKER 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
BJ67 TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S GOLDEN BEST 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
AI20 TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S LANDLORD 18 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 18 81.83 2.31 79.52 139.94
AB99 TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S LANDLORD 9 CASK 4.3% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.15 39.76 69.97
AW59 TRUMANS SWIFT 9 CASK 3.9% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.71 39.20 68.98
AW22 TWICKENHAM NAKED LADIES 9 CASK 4.4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.73 39.18 68.95
AZ01 UPHAM PUNTER 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.00 39.00 68.63
AW18 W BERKS CHUBBS LUNCHTIME BTR 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.22 39.78 70.00
AT95 W BERKSHIRE GOOD OLD BOY 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.22 39.78 70.00
AACB2 WADWORTH 6X 4.5 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.57 19.89 35.00
AV34 WADWORTH 6X 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.78 70.00
AACB4 WADWORTH HORIZON 4.5 CASK 4% Cask Ale 4.5 20.46 0.57 19.89 35.00
BM52 WADWORTH HORIZON GOLDEN ALE 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.14 39.78 70.00
BK96 WAINWRIGHT GOLDEN ALE 9C 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.24 38.67 68.04
AACN4 WATNEY'S PARTY 7 XPA 9 CASK 3.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AACC2 WATNEY'S RAY OF SUNSHINE 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
AR88 WELLS BOMBARDIER AMBER BEER 9 CASK 4.1% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BL18 WICKWAR BOB 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 0.90 40.00 70.39
AC07 WOODFORDE'S WHERRY 9 CASK 3.8% Cask Ale 9 40.91 2.01 38.91 68.47
AW53 WYCHWOOD HOBGOBLIN GOLD 9 CASK 4.2% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.67 39.24 69.05
AP51 WYE VALLEY HPA 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.91 39.00 68.63
BP42 YORK GUZZLER 9 CASK 3.6% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.30 39.60 69.69
AA89 YOUNGS BITTER 9 CASK 3.7% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BP47 YOUNGS LONDON GOLD 9 CASK 4% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
BG98 YOUNGS SPECIAL 9 CASK 4.5% Cask Ale 9 40.91 1.40 39.51 69.53
A guide to our agreements
No� Long Description
A guide to our agreements | 44
Stonegate Group 3 Monkspath Hall Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4SJ
0121 272 5200
(02562808, Registered in England and Wales)