Enquiries regarding these Guidelines and forms should be directed to:
Compliance & Enforcement Branch, Consumer Affairs Victoria, Telephone: 03 8684 6292, Fax: 03 8684 6211.
Under section 55 of the Estate Agents Act 1980 (the Act) estate agents, their employees, family members and others are
prohibited from purchasing any property or business which the agency is commissioned to sell. This prohibition remains
in force, however, the 1994 amendments to the Act allow this prohibition to be waived in certain circumstances.
The Act makes a clear distinction between two categories of prohibited persons and the procedure that each must follow
when seeking to purchase property which the agency is commissioned to sell.
Relatives of Estate Agents and Agents Representatives
Sub-section 55(14) of the Act provides an exemption in certain circumstances for estate agents, agents' representatives,
employees and/or their immediate family members. (NOTE: The procedures for relatives of clerical and administrative
employees are outlined on page 3).
Any person in this category must apply in writing to waive the prohibition. A person may be permitted to make a purchase
that would otherwise be prohibited if it is shown that: (i) the purchase would not be contrary to the interests of the vendor;
and, (ii) any conditions imposed are met.
These guidelines have been prepared to assist estate agents to meet the requirements of sub-section 55(14) when
applying for permission to purchase a prohibited property or business.
Documents Required for a Section 55(14) Application
A person seeking permission to purchase real estate or business pursuant to section 55(14), where that purchase would
otherwise be prohibited, is required to submit the following documentation in support of the application along with an
application fee of $134.10 (no GST Payable).
1. Awritten valuation of the property from an independent qualified valuer addressed to the vendor and carried
out at the cost of the purchaser.
This valuation must be in the form of a statutory declaration and must state that the valuer has inspected the real
estate or business and is of the opinion that the proposed purchase price, (or in the case of an auction), the valuation
is the fair market price for the real estate or business. (Refer attached format).
The person conducting the valuation must: (i) have completed the valuation stream of the Bachelor of Business
(Property) Course at RMIT; or (ii) be a member of the Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists; or (iii) be
a person who was registered as a valuer under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 as at 31 December 1994; or (iv) have
appropriate qualifications to conduct the valuation.
Guidelines and Forms for Applications to Purchase Real
Estate or a Business by a Prohibited Person
Section 55 of the Estate Agents Act 1980
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Telephone (03) 8684 6292 www.consumer.vic.gov.au
The granting of permission to a prohibited person is at the discretion of
the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria (the Director).
No legally binding sale documents should be signed before the express
permission is given for the purchase to proceed.
The prescribed fee for applications is $134.10 (no GST payable).
Your application will not be considered until the application fee is received.
Consumer Affairs Victoria is bound by laws that protect your privacy concerning the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. Where
you do not provide the information required, we may refuse or be unable to process your transaction. We may need to disclose your personal information
to other State and Commonwealth agencies. You can request access to your personal information by contacting us. Our privacy statement is available at
Documents Required for a Section 55(14) Application
2. The written consent of the vendor/s to the sale of the real estate or business to the proposed purchaser.
Provision for nomination of a substitute purchaser will not be approved.
This document must be signed by the vendor/s and must contain the following information: (i) acknowledgment that the
vendor is aware of the identity of the purchaser, and of his, her or its relationship with the agency; (ii) the sale price being
offered, and confirmation that this price and the terms of the contract are acceptable to the vendor; (iii) advice as to whether
he vendor's legal adviser has been consulted in relation to the proposed sale; (iv) advice as to whether the vendor has
agreed to pay commission on the sale, and the commission (if any) expressed in dollar terms; and (v) confirmation that
the vendor has sighted the valuation, specifying the market value quoted in the valuer's report. (Refer attached format).
. A complete and unamended photocopy of the sales file.
The sales file must include the following material: (i) the Section 32 Statement, including a copy of the Certificate of
Title and plan of subdivision; (ii) the engagement authority; (iii) any listing notes, including initial appraisal notes; (iv)
all correspondence; (v) details of previous offers (complete with copies of contracts of sale or contract notes previously
prepared); (vi) copies of all advertising material and cost of advertising to date undertaken with respect to the property;
and (vii) any other relevant material.
4. A statutory declaration made by the selling agent giving details of actions taken to market and sell the real
estate or business.
5. Particulars of the involvement of any other estate agent in the marketing of the real estate or business in the
preceding 12 months.
6. Details of the vendor's solicitor.
The vendor will be advised to inform his or her legal adviser of the details of the proposed purchase.
7. In the event of a proposed purchase by an employee or a relative, a signed statement by the licensed estate
agent or the Officer in Effective Control indicating that he or she agrees to the proposed purchase.
This should include the address of the property, the proposed purchase price and the amount of commission (if any)
expressed in dollar terms.
8. Aletterfrom theproposedpurchaserindicatingwhetherheor sheintends toretainordisposeof theproperty.
Note: Any approval or permission granted will be conditional upon the purchaser notifying the Director of any re-sale
of the property within 6 months of the date of the signing of the contract.
9. A copy of the proposed Contract of Sale.
The Contract of Sale:
ACT 1980.
(ii) MUST allow a cooling-off period of not less than 3 clear business days during which the VENDOR may withdraw
from the Contract.
(iii) MUST NOT provide for settlement or possession of the real estate or business at a time before payment of ALL
purchase moneys by the purchaser. A deposit of at least 10% of the purchase price must be paid by the purchaser
on the signing of the Contract of Sale.
(iv) MUST include any terms and special conditions further required if necessary.
10. Where a person who has obtained permission to purchase a property is to be a bidder at a public auction for
the sale of that property, the following statement must be attached to the Contract of Sale:
Permission has been granted by the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria under sub-section 55(14) of the Estate
Agents Act 1980 for a person who would otherwise be prohibited from purchasing the property because of a
connection with the selling agent or the selling agent's employees, to purchase the property if the successful bidder
Applicants seeking permission to bid at an auction are advised that their application must be received by Consumer
Affairs Victoria at least three weeks prior to the auction to enable time for the application to be processed. Process of
applications received less than three weeks before the date of the auction cannot be guaranteed.
11. At the request of Consumer Affairs Victoria, any other information, documents, valuation or things relevant
for the purposes of section 55 of the Estate Agents Act.
12. The prescribed fee of $134.10 (no GST payable). Your application will not be considered until the application
fee is received.
Relatives of Clerical and Administrative Employees
Sub-section 55(10) provides for an exemption in certain circumstances for relatives of agency employees where the
employee is not a licensed estate agent or agents’ representative.
The spouse, parent, brother, sister or child of, for example, a receptionist or other clerical employee is permitted to
urchase a property which the agency is commissioned to sell provided that the spouse, parent, brother, sister or child will
be purchasing in their own name and not jointly with the employee,
that before the purchaser signs the contract, the vendor:
(i) is informed in writing of the prospective purchaser's relationship to the agency employee; and
(ii) agrees to the sale by completing the form approved by the Director.
Note: The exemption in sub-section 55(10) does not apply if the employee will be a new proprietor of the property or
business jointly with his or her spouse, parent, brother, sister or child. If the employee will be a joint proprietor of the
property or business to be purchased, an application in accordance with the procedure set out on pages 1 to 2 will need
to be made to the Director.
Copies of the approved sub-section 55(10) form are available from www.consumer.vic.gov.au or by phoning Consumer
Affairs Victoria on 1300 737 030. The estate agent must send a signed copy of this form to Consumer Affairs Victoria within
7 days of the form being signed. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $2,700.
1. Selling agent 3. Property to be sold
2. Vendor(s)
Type of sale
Property Business
ale price
(if being sold by private treaty insert the sale price
before you give this notice to the vendor)
Application for Purchase of Real Estate or Business by a Prohibited Person
state Agents Act 1980 Section 55(14)
Vendor 1 Full name
Daytime telephone number Fax number
Give details of all actions taken to market and sell the
property/business. Attach a separate sheet if space is insufficient.
Include all details of: advertising/publications; sale board; open for
inspections; number and details of showings; and any other actions
4. Details of actions taken to market and sell
the property/business
Vendor 2 Full name
Daytime telephone number Fax number
Vendor 3 Full name
Daytime telephone number Fax number
Vendor 4 Full name
Daytime telephone number Fax number
Full name
ame of estate agency (company)
aytime telephone number
ax number
Address of property/business to be sold
CAV 50 (24/04/08)
Consumer Affairs Victoria is bound by laws that protect your privacy concerning the collection, use and
disclosure of your personal information. Where you do not provide the information required by this form,
we may refuse or be unable to process this transaction. We may need to disclose your personal
information to other State and Commonwealth agencies. You can request access to your personal
information by contacting us. Our privacy statement is available at www.consumer.vic.gov.au
n accordance with the Evidence Act 1958, the
following people may witness a Statutory Declaration
ithin Victoria
A member of the Police Force
The Sheriff or a Deputy Sheriff
A Justice of the Peace
A notary public
A registered medical practitioner
A registered dentist
A veterinary practitioner
A pharmacist
A principal in the teaching service
The manager of a bank
A barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
A clerk to the barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
The Prothonotary or a Deputy Prothonotary of the
Supreme Court
The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the County Court
The Principal Registrar of the Magistrates’ Court
The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the Magistrates’ Court
The Registrar of Probates or an Assistant Registrar
of Probates
The associate to a Judge of the Supreme Court or of the
County Court
The secretary of a Master of the Supreme Court or of the
County Court
A person registered as a patent attorney under Part XV of the
Patents Act 1952 of the Commonwealth
A member or former member of either House of the
Parliament of Victoria
A member or former member of either House of the
Parliament of the Commonwealth
A councillor of a municipality
A senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local
Government Act 1989
A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Australia or Australian Society of Accountants or National
Institute of Accountants
The secretary of a building society
A minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages
A person who holds a prescribed office in the public service
under Section 107A of the Evidence Act 1958
A fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives (Victoria)
(print your full name)
(print your address)
declare that to the best of my knowledge, the contents of this
pplication are true and correct and I make it in the belief that a
person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of
Signature of person making this declaration
Signature of witness
Printed name, address and qualification to witness this
Statutory Declaration
Declared at
(print suburb or town)
Before me, being a person authorised under Section 107A(1) of the
Evidence Act 1958 to witness the signing of a Statutory Declaration.
in the State of Victoria, on the
Note: You must sign this declaration
n the presence of the witness
This section must be completed by the witness
This section must be completed by the selling agent
5. Selling agent’s statutory declaration
(year)(month)(day of)
Consumer Affairs Victoria is bound by laws that protect your privacy concerning the collection, use and
disclosure of your personal information. Where you do not provide the information required by this form, we
may refuse or be unable to process this transaction. We may need to disclose your personal information to
other State and Commonwealth agencies. You can request access to your personal information by
contacting us. Our privacy statement is available at www.consumer.vic.gov.au
Valuers Statutory Declaration
Estate Agents Act 1980 (Section 55(14))
In accordance with the Evidence Act 1958, the
following people may witness a Statutory Declaration
within Victoria
A member of the Police Force
The Sheriff or a Deputy Sheriff
A Justice of the Peace
A notary public
A registered medical practitioner
A registered dentist
A veterinary practitioner
A pharmacist
A principal in the teaching service
The manager of a bank
A barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
A clerk to the barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
The Prothonotary or a Deputy Prothonotary of the
Supreme Court
The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the County Court
The Principal Registrar of the Magistrates’ Court
The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the Magistrates’ Court
The Registrar of Probates or an Assistant Registrar
of Probates
The associate to a Judge of the Supreme Court or of the
County Court
The secretary of a Master of the Supreme Court or of the
County Court
A person registered as a patent attorney under Part XV of the
Patents Act 1952 of the Commonwealth
A member or former member of either House of the
Parliament of Victoria
A member or former member of either House of the
Parliament of the Commonwealth
A councillor of a municipality
A senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local
Government Act 1989
A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Australia or CPA Australia or National Institute of Accountants
The secretary of a building society
A minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages
A person who holds a prescribed office in the public service
under Section 107A of the Evidence Act 1958
A fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives (Victoria)
(print your address)
n the state of Victoria, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am
a qualified valuer and I inspected and conducted a valuation of the
(tick applicable boxes)
Signature of person making this declaration
Signature of witness
Printed name, address and qualification to witness this
Statutory Declaration
Declared at
(print suburb or town)
Before me, being a person authorised under Section 107A(1) of the
Evidence Act 1958 to witness the signing of a Statutory Declaration.
in the State of Victoria, on the
Note: You must sign this declaration
in the presence of the witness
This section must be completed by the witness
(year)(month)(day of)
(date of valuation)
It is my opinion the valuation of
is the fair market price for the real estate/business.
I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct and I make
it in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to
the penalties of perjury.
(year)(month)(day of)
This section must be completed by the valuer
Consumer Affairs Victoria is bound by laws that protect your privacy
concerning the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.
Where you do not provide the information required by this form, we may
refuse or be unable to process this transaction. We may need to disclose
your personal information to other State and Commonwealth agencies.
You can request access to your personal information by contacting us. Our
privacy statement is available at www.consumer.vic.gov.au
real estate business
situated at
Qualification to make this valuation
The person conducting the valuation must be an
independent valuer not associated with the estate
agency and must:
have completed the valuation stream of the Bachelor of
Business (Property) Course at RMIT; or
be a member of the Australian Institute of Valuers and
Land Economists; or
be a person who is registered as a valuer under the
Valuation of Land Act 1960 as at 31 December 1994; or
have appropriate qualifications to conduct the valuation.
(print your full name)
Important Notice to the Vendor
Your estate agent or a relative of your estate agent or a relative of an employee of
your estate agent is a prospective purchaser of your property
• The selling agent is required to give you this notice before you sign any document to sell your property or business to that person.
• If your property/business is for sale by auction, the agent must give you this notice at least 3 weeks before the auction.
• It is strongly recommended that you obtain independent advice if you are unsure of the fair market value of your property/business
I/We confirm the sale price of
(write in amount)
(write in full name(s) of all property owners)
Signature(s) and consent of all vendors (if the vendor is a corporation - a director must sign)
/ /
Date of valuation
/ /
I have considered the information stated on this form concerning the prospective purchasers relationship to an employee of
the selling agency and agree to the purchase.
Whilst I agree to the purchase I have not, as yet, signed any document binding me to sell to the prospective purchaser named
in this form.
I understand that if my property/business is sold to the prospective purchaser named in this form at auction
(whether I have
been given this notice before or after the auction) I can withdraw from the contract within 72 hours of signing it by giving written
notice to the purchaser and if I do so I will not be liable to pay the selling agent commission or outgoings.
I note that I am to be given a copy of this completed form after I have signed it.
Declaration, names and signatures of all vendors
To be completed by the vendor(s)
Acknowledge that I/we have been informed of the indentity of the purchaser and their relationship with the selling agency which is:
(write in the names of all purchasers who are relatives to the estate agent or agency employee and describe what their relationship is
Names of purchasers Relationship with agency (eg brother of selling agent)
No Yes
If yes, provide the name and address of your solicitor or legal adviser
No Yes
If yes, specify the agreed commission amount here
No Yes
If yes, specify here the market value
given and the date of the valuation
Vendor(s) Consent
state Agents Act 1980 Section 55
Market value
Have you agreed to pay commission on the sale?
The selling agent must lodge this form within 7 days of
being signed by the vendor(s) or risk a fine of $2700.
Consumer Affairs Victoria is bound by laws that protect your privacy concerning the collection, use and disclosure of your
personal information. Where you do not provide the information required by this form, we may refuse or be unable to process
this transaction. We may need to disclose your personal information to other State and Commonwealth agencies. You can
request access to your personal information by contacting us. Our privacy statement is available at www.consumer.vic.gov.au
Signature of vendor
Have you consulted a solicitor or legal adviser in relation to the proposed sale?
Have you been given a copy of a valuation conducted by an independent and qualified valuer specifying the market value of the property/business?
Being the vendors of the property/business situated at
(write in address of property to be sold)
and the terms of the contract offered are acceptable.
/ /
Signature of vendor
/ /
Signature of vendor
/ /
Signature of vendor
How to lodge and pay for this application
The application fee is $134.10. This application cannot be processed without payment
The application fee of $110.20 can be paid by cheque, money order or credit card. Cash is only accepted if paying in person.
Cheques and money orders are to be made payable to ‘Department of Justice’.
What happens then
Consumer Affairs Victoria will process your application.You may be contacted for further information.
If the form is completed correctly and all necessary documents attached, processing time is on average 2 weeks.
You will be notified of the outcome by letter.
Application for Purchase of Real Estate or Business
by a Prohibited Person
Estate Agents Act 1980 Section 55
Document checklist
You must attach the following for your application to be considered
The Vendor(s) Consent form must have been completed by the vendor(s). You must provide a copy of this form to the vendor.
The Selling Agents Statutory Declaration must be completed by the selling agent and witnessed by an authorised person.
The Valuer’s Statutory Declaration form must be completed by an independent qualified valuer and witnessed by an
authorised person.
The valuation provided must be the most recent valuation of the property. You must provide a copy of this
valuation to the vendor.
A copy of the section 32 Statement or Contract of Sale of Business.
A copy of the Engagement Authority Contract signed with the vendor.
A complete and unamended photocopy of the sales file.
If other agencies have been engaged to sell the property/business within the last 12 months, you must provide a list of the
names of those agents.
A written and signed statement from the purchaser outlining the future use of property.
A letter from the Licensed Estate Agent or Officer in Effective Control consenting to this transaction.
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Telephone (03) 8684 6292 www.consumer.vic.gov.au
/ /
Card number
Name of cardholder Card expiry date
Visa Mastercard Bankcard Amex
Signature of cardholder
If paying by credit card fill in your credit card details below.
When you have completed and attached all the necessary
documents, lodge your application by:
sending it by post to:
Consumer Affairs Victoria
GPO Box 123A, Melbourne 3001
personally delivering to:
Consumer Affairs Victoria
113 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Office hours are 8.30am–5pm Monday to Friday
(closed on public holidays)
Consumer Affairs Victoria is bound by laws that protect your privacy concerning the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. Where
you do not provide the information required by this form, we may refuse or be unable to process this transaction. We may need to disclose your personal
information to other State and Commonwealth agencies. You can request access to your personal information by contacting us. Our privacy statement is
available at www.consumer.vic.gov.au