Commitment to Reside (Statutory Declaration) V1.0
Application for consent to buy a home in New Zealand to live in
Complete this form if you are applying for a consent for individual(s) to buy a home in
New Zealand to live in.
Statutory Declaration
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Agree you are committed to living in New Zealand
To buy a home in New Zealand with consent, you need to be
committed to living here. You can only buy one home that
you will live in as your main home. Each of the people who will
own the home must sign this agreement, which is a statutory
declaration, in the presence of an authorised witness. By
doing so, you each agree to all of the following:
you are committed to living in New Zealand in the home
you buy as your main home by being in New Zealand for
at least 183 days in every 12-month period beginning on
the date you are given consent; and
you will become a tax resident in New Zealand and
remain a tax resident, and
you have disclosed all relevant information about yourself
for tests relevant to your application, and
you have read, understood, and accepted the privacy
notice on the last page of this form; and
all of the information in the application is true and correct.
If more than two people will own the home, reprint the page
as often as you need and have the witness sign any separate
If you are buying the home with someone else and it is
relationship property (that is, you are living in a de facto,
civil union or marriage relationship with a person who
will be an owner), only the applicant needs to provide the
statutory declaration.
You may be required to sell the home if you no longer hold a
residence class visa, and are not present in New Zealand for
at least 183 days in every 12-month period, beginning on the
date of consent.
How to make sure your statutory declaration is valid
Each signature on the statutory declaration must be made
in front of an authorised witness. The authorised person will
witness your signature and sign the form to conrm that
your signature was made in front of them.
Authorised witnesses in New Zealand
An authorised witness in New Zealand who can witness your
signature as set out in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957
include any lawyer, notary public, Justice of the Peace, or court
Authorised witnesses in other countries
In a Commonwealth country, an authorised witness as set
out in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 include a notary
public, Justice of the Peace, New Zealand lawyer, and anyone
else who can take an oath in that country. You can also have
your declaration witnessed at a Commonwealth Embassy or
High Commission. An authorised person in all other countries
includes notaries public and New Zealand lawyers. You can
also have your declaration witnessed at a Commonwealth
Embassy or High Commission.
No one can sign for you
No one else can sign the statutory declaration for you. When
you sign, you agree that everything in the application is true
and correct, whether or not someone else lled out part of the
form for you.
Further information
You can nd out more about how to make a statutory
declaration here:
Commitment to Reside (Statutory Declaration) V1.0
Agreement and Statutory Declaration
solemnly and sincerely declare that:
I intend to be in New Zealand for at least 183 days in every 12-month period beginning on the date I am given
consent until I become a New Zealand citizen, or ordinarily resident in New Zealand.
I intend to become/I am a tax resident in New Zealand, and I intend to remain a tax resident until I become a
New Zealand citizen, or ordinarily resident in New Zealand.
I have disclosed all relevant information about myself for tests relevant to this application.
I have read, understood and accept the privacy disclaimer, and
All of the information in this application is true and correct.
I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths and
Declarations Act 1957.
Do not complete the following section until you are with the person witnessing your declaration.
Sign your declaration in front
of an authorised witness
Declared at
(place – e.g. town or city)
Before me (name and title of authorised witness) Ocial stamp
I (write your full name)
of (write the address where you live)
(write your occupation – e.g. teacher, engineer, unemployed)
WARNING - This is a legal declaration
and it is a crime to make a false
declaration or provide misleading