JULY 2018
JULY 2018
Guidelines for the care and treatment of persons diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
ISBN 978-92-4-155034-5
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1.1 Objectives 1
1.2 New developments and rationale for an update of the guidelines 1
1.3 Target audience 2
1.4 Scope of the guidelines 2
1.5 Related guidelines 3
1.6 Guiding principles 3
2.1 The challenge of HCV elimination 4
2.1.1 Natural history of HCV infection 5
2.1.2 Natural history of HIV/HCV coinfection 6
2.1.3 Routes of transmission 7
2.2 Direct-acting antivirals 8
2.2.1 Summary of the currently available pangenotypic DAA combinations 8
2.3 Access to direct-acting antivirals 9
3.1 WHO guidelines development process 10
3.2 Formulation of recommendations 10
3.3 Roles 11
3.4 Declarations of interest and management of conflicts of interest 11
3.5 Dissemination and updating of the guidelines 12
3.6 Evidence that informed the recommendations 13
3.6.1 Systematic reviews and meta-analyses 13
3.6.2 Modelling 13
3.6.3 Feasibility survey 14
3.6.4 Cost–effectiveness analyses 14
3.6.5 Values and preferences 14
4.1 Treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents: when to start treatment 15
4.1.1 Summary of the evidence 15
4.1.2 Rationale for the recommendation 17
4.1.3 Implementation considerations 21
4.1.4 Research gaps 21
4.2 Treatment of adults with direct-acting antiviral agents: what treatment to use 22
4.2.1 Summary of the evidence 22
4.2.2 Rationale for the recommendation 24
4.2.3 Implementation considerations 26
4.2.4 Research gaps 26
4.3 Treatment of adolescents (12–17 years) and deferral of treatment in
children (<12 years of age) 26
4.3.1 Background 27
4.3.2 Summary of the evidence 28
4.3.3 Rationale for the recommendations 29
4.3.4 Implementation considerations 31
4.3.5 Research gaps 32
5.1 Clinical assessment of persons with HCV infection prior to treatment 34
5.1.1 Drug–drug interactions 35
5.1.2 Monitoring for treatment toxicity 36
5.1.3 Monitoring for treatment response 37
5.2 Clinical considerations for specific populations 37
5.2.1 Persons with HIV/HCV coinfection 37
5.2.2 Persons with HBV/HCV coinfection 38
5.2.3 Persons with cirrhosis 38
5.2.4 Persons with chronic kidney disease 39
5.2.5 Persons with TB/HCV coinfection 39
5.2.6 Retreatment of persons with failure of DAA therapy 40
6.1 National planning for HCV elimination 42
6.2 Simple standardized algorithms 42
6.3 Strategies to strengthen linkage from testing to care 42
6.4 Integrated testing, care and treatment 43
6.4.1 Providing testing for HCV infection in different settings 43
6.4.2 Integrating the diagnosis of hepatitis with diagnostic platforms
and laboratory services used for other infections 44
6.4.3 Integrated service delivery of care, prevention and treatment 44
6.5 Decentralized services 45
6.5.1 Task-sharing 45
6.5.2 Differentiated HCV care and treatment 45
6.6 Community engagement and peer support, including addressing
stigma and discrimination in the general population 47
6.7 Strategies for more efficient procurement and supply management
of medicines and diagnostics 48
6.8 Data systems for monitoring the quality and cascade of care 50
7.1 People who inject drugs 52
7.1.1 Background 52
7.1.2 Service delivery considerations 52
7.2 People in prisons and other closed settings 53
7.2.1 Background 53
7.2.2 Service delivery considerations 53
7.3 Indigenous Peoples 54
7.3.1 Background 54
7.3.2 Service delivery considerations 54
7.4 Men who have sex with men 55
7.4.1 Background 55
7.4.2 Service delivery considerations 55
7.5 Sex workers 56
7.5.1 Background 56
7.5.2 Service delivery considerations 56
Annex 1: Declarations of interest, Guidelines Development Group 80
Annex 2: Declarations of interest, External Review Group 83
Web annexes
Annex 1: Decision-making table, PICO question on when to treat
Annex 2: Decision-making table, PICO question on how to treat
Annex 3.1: Adult HCV treatment systematic review
Annex 3.2: Adult HCV treatment systematic review; supporting evidence
Annex 4: Modelling analyses
Annex 5: Summary of available non-pangenotypic regimens
Annex 6: Decision-making table, PICO question on children and adolescents
Annex 7: Values and preferences surveys
Annex 8: Summary of findings tables
Many individuals from a range of backgrounds and specialties have contributed
to the development of this guidance. WHO is sincerely grateful for their time
and support.
Guidelines Development Group
The chairs of the Guidelines Development Group were Saeed Sadiq Hamid
(The Aga Khan University & Hospital, Pakistan) and Karla Thornton (University
of New Mexico, USA). Roger Chou (Oregon Health & Science University, USA)
was the guidelines methodologist.
The following experts served on the Guidelines Development Group: Evaldo
Stanislau Affonso Araújo (University of São Paulo Hospital das Clínicas Infectious
Diseases, Brazil); Rakesh Aggarwal (Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Sciences, India); Anton Basenko (International Network of People
who Use Drugs (INPUD), Ukraine); Davaadorj Duger (National University of
Medical Sciences, Mongolia); Manal Hamdy El-Sayed (Ain Shams University,
Egypt); Charles Gore (World Hepatitis Alliance, UK; presently with Medicines
Patent Pool, Switzerland); Azumi Ishizaki (Kanazawa University, Japan and
Hanoi, Viet Nam); Giten Khwairakpam (TREAT Asia/AmFAR, Thailand);
Olufunmilayo Lesi (University of Lagos, Nigeria); Niklas Luhmann (Médecins du
Monde, France); Constance Mukabatsinda (Kigali University Teaching Hospital,
Rwanda); Francesco Negro (Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland);
David R. Nelson (University of Florida, USA); Ponsiano Ocama (Makerere
University, Uganda); Jürgen Rockstroh (University of Bonn, Germany); Regina
Tiolina Sidjabat, Ministry of Health, Indonesia; Tracy Swan (Independent
Consultant, USA); Emma Thomson (University of Glasgow, UK); Alexander
Thompson (St Vincent’s Hospital, Australia); Lai Wei (Peking University
Health Science Center, China); Stefan Wiktor (University of Washington,
Seattle, USA).
External peer review group
The following experts served as external peer reviewers of the draft guidelines
document: Francisco Averhoff (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
USA); Graham Cooke (Imperial College London, UK); Benjamin Cowie (WHO
Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia);
Sharon Hutchinson (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK); Maria Cassia Mendes
Correa (Ministry of Health, Brazil); Christian Ramers (Clinton Health Access
Initiative, USA); Trevor Stratton (Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, Canada);
Karin Timmermans (UNITAID, Switzerland); Takaji Wakita (National Institute of
Infectious Diseases, Japan).
WHO Steering Group
Marc Bulterys, Philippa Easterbrook, Nathan Ford, Judith van Holten,
Yvan Hutin, Françoise Renaud (HIV Department), Peter Beyer, Nicola Magrini
(Essential Medicines and Health Products Department), Nick Walsh (WHO
Regional Office for the Americas).
WHO staff and consultants
The following WHO staff members and consultants contributed to developing
these guidelines: Philippa Easterbrook, Tomoyuki Hayashi, Judith van Holten,
Yvan Hutin, (HIV Department/Global Hepatitis Programme), Nathan Ford (HIV
Department), Nick Walsh (WHO Regional Office for the Americas), Po-Lin Chan
(WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific), and Antons Mozalevskis (WHO
Regional Office for Europe), Oyuntungalag Namjilsuren (for communications
support), Lydia Kawanguzi, Laurent Poulain and Elleanie Tewolde provided
administrative support.
Overall coordination and writing
Marc Bulterys (HIV Department/Global Hepatitis Programme, WHO) coordinated
the overall guidelines development process with support from Judith van
Holten (WHO consultant) and Yvan Hutin (HIV Department/Global Hepatitis
Programme, WHO), under the leadership of Andrew Ball and Gottfried Hirnschall
(HIV Department, WHO). Tracy Swan (Independent Consultant, USA) wrote the
first draft of the guidelines with input from Philippa Easterbrook, Judith van
Holten, Yvan Hutin, Niklas Luhmann, Jürgen Rockstroh, Karla Thornton and
Nick Walsh. The final draft was edited by Bandana Malhotra.
Evidence review teams
We would like to credit the following researchers for conducting the systematic
reviews, evidence profiles and GRADE tables for the recommendations.
Systematic review of treatment efficacy and safety: Michael Zoratti (Zoratti HEOR
Consulting, Oakville, Canada).
Systematic review of extrahepatic manifestations: Patrice Cacoub (Department
of Internal Medicine, La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, France), Judith van Holten
(HIV Department/Global Hepatitis Programme).
Cost–effectiveness analysis: Lauren Cipriano (Ontario, Canada) and Jeremy
Goldhaber-Fiebert (Stanford University, USA).
Modelling on the impact of HCV treatment as prevention: Peter Vickerman
(Bristol University, UK).
Paediatric and adolescent hepatitis C advisory group: Giuseppe Indolfi, team lead
(Meyer Children’s University Hospital of Florence, Italy); Philippa Easterbrook,
Marc Bulterys (HIV Department/Global Hepatitis Programme); Po-Lin Chan
(WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific); Mei Hwei Chang (National
Taiwan University and Children Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan); Geoffrey Dusheiko
(University College London, UK); Manal H. El-Sayed (Al-Shams University, Cairo,
Egypt); Carlo Giaquinto (University of Padua, Italy); Maureen Jonas (Harvard
University, Boston, USA); Tammy Meyers (University of Hong Kong, China);
Martina Penazzato (HIV Department, WHO); George Siberry (Office of the Global
AIDS Coordinator, Washington, DC, USA); Claire Thorne (University College
London, UK); Nick Walsh (Pan American Health Organization); Stephan Wirth
(Witten-Herdecke University, Germany).
Funding for the development of these guidelines was provided by the United
States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA; UNITAID, Switzerland;
and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan.
AASLD American Association for the Study of Liver Disease
Ab antibody
AE adverse event
ALT alanine aminotransferase
anti-HBc antibody to hepatitis B core antigen
APRI AST-to-platelet ratio index
ART antiretroviral therapy
ARV antiretroviral
AST aspartate aminotransferase
CI confidence interval
DAA direct-acting antiviral (medicine)
DBS dried blood spot
DDI drug–drug interaction
EASL European Association for the Study of the Liver
eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate
EMA European Medicines Agency
FBC full blood count
FDA United States Food and Drug Administration
FDC fixed-dose combination
FIB-4 fibrosis-4 index for liver fibrosis
GHP Global Hepatitis Programme
GHSS Global Health Sector Strategy (on viral hepatitis)
GRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCC hepatocellular carcinoma
HCV hepatitis C virus
HIC high-income country
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
LMICs low- and middle-income countries
MSF Médecins Sans Frontières or Doctors Without Borders
MSM men who have sex with men
NAT nucleic acid testing/test
NS5B non-structural protein 5B (of HCV)
NS3/NS4A non-structural protein 3/non-structural protein 4A (of HCV)
NSP needle–syringe programme
OR odds ratio
OST opioid substitution therapy
PEG-IFN pegylated interferon
PICO Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes
PWID people who inject drugs
RBV ribavirin
RCT randomized controlled trial
RDT rapid diagnostic test
RNA ribonucleic acid
RR relative risk
SAE severe adverse event
STI sexually transmitted infection
SVR12 sustained virological response at 12 weeks post-treatment
TB tuberculosis
UK United Kingdom
USA United States of America
WHO World Health Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
New HCV infection A new infection with HCV that may or may not be symptomatic
Acute HCV infection A new infection with HCV that leads to acute symptoms
Anti-HCV antibody Presence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is a
biomarker of past or present infection
Chronic HCV infection Continued infection six months or more after acquiring
HCV infection
Cirrhosis Extensive liver scarring secondary to prolonged inflammation of
the liver (F4 in the METAVIR scoring system)
Compensated cirrhosis Cirrhosis usually without liver-related symptoms
Decompensated cirrhosis Cirrhosis with the development of symptomatic complications,
including ascites or variceal bleeding
GRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development
and Evaluation (GRADE) is an approach used to assess
the quality of a body of evidence, and to develop and
report recommendations
Hepatitis B core antibody
Antibody to HBV core protein. Anti-HBc antibodies are
non-neutralizing antibodies and are detected in both recent
and chronic infection
HCV infection Active replication of HCV in the body
The biomarker of HCV infection is the presence of HCV RNA
in the blood
Pangenotypic Activity and effectiveness of antiviral medicine against all major
HCV genotypes
Relapse Undetectable HCV RNA in the blood at the end of treatment but
detectable HCV RNA within 24 weeks of completing treatment
Spontaneous viral
Clearance of HCV infection without treatment
Sustained virological
response (12)
Undetectable HCV RNA in the blood 12 weeks after treatment
completion. SVR 12 is considered equivalent to a cure for
HCV infection
Viral breakthrough Undetectable HCV RNA in the blood during treatment
followed by detectable HCV RNA during treatment, which is
not caused by a new HCV infection
WHO estimates that in 2015, 71 million persons were living with chronic
hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection worldwide and that 399 000 died from cirrhosis
or hepatocellular carcinoma caused by HCV infection. In May 2016, the World
Health Assembly endorsed the Global Health Sector Strategy (GHSS) on viral
hepatitis, which proposes to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by
2030 (90% reduction in incidence and 65% reduction in mortality). Elimination
of viral hepatitis as a public health threat requires 90% of those infected to be
diagnosed and 80% of those diagnosed to be treated.
Since the last update to the Guidelines was issued in 2016, three key
developments have prompted changes in terms of when to treat and what
treatments to use. First, the use of safe and highly effective direct-acting
antiviral (DAA) regimens for all persons improves the balance of benefits and
harms of treating persons with little or no fibrosis, supporting a strategy of
treating all persons with chronic HCV infection, rather than reserving treatment
for persons with more advanced disease. Second, since 2016, several new,
pangenotypic DAA medicines have been approved by at least one stringent
regulatory authority, reducing the need for genotyping to guide treatment
decisions. Third, the continued substantial reduction in the price of DAAs
has enabled treatment to be rolled out rapidly in a number of low- and middle-
income countries.
These guidelines aim to provide evidence-based recommendations on the care
and treatment of persons diagnosed with chronic HCV infection. They update
the care and treatment section of the WHO Guidelines for the screening,
care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection issued in April 2016.
The 2017 Guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing update the screening section.
These guidelines are intended for government officials to use as the basis for
developing national hepatitis policies, plans and treatment guidelines. These
include country programme managers and health-care providers responsible
for planning and implementing hepatitis care and treatment programmes,
particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
WHO developed these guidelines in accordance with procedures established
by its Guidelines Review Committee. Systematic reviews were undertaken to
assess the safety and efficacy of treatment regimens in adults, to examine the
morbidity and mortality from extrahepatic manifestations in persons with HCV
infection and to review the literature on cost–effectiveness. In addition, modelling
was carried out. A regionally representative and multidisciplinary Guidelines
Development Group met in September 2017 to formulate the recommendations,
using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and
Evaluation) approach. This included an assessment of the quality of evidence
(high, moderate, low or very low), consideration of the overall balance of benefits
and harms (at individual and population levels), patient/health worker values and
preferences, resource use, cost–effectiveness, and consideration of feasibility
and effectiveness across a variety of resource-limited settings.
Summary of the new recommendations
When to start treatment in adults and adolescents
1 With the exception of pregnant women
WHO recommends offering treatment to all individuals diagnosed with HCV infection
who are 12 years of age or older,
irrespective of disease stage (Strong recommendation,
moderate quality of evidence)
What treatment to use for adults and adolescents
2 The Guidelines Development Group defined pangenotypic regimens as those leading to a SVR
rate >85% across all six major HCV genotypes.
3 Persons with HCV genotype 3 infection who have received interferon and/or ribavirin in the past
should be treated for 16 weeks.
4 May be considered in countries where genotype distribution is known and genotype 3 prevalence
is <5%.
WHO recommends the use of pangenotypic DAA regimens for the treatment of persons
with chronic HCV infection aged 18 years and above.
(Conditional recommendation, moderate quality of evidence)
In adolescents aged 12–17 years or weighing at least 35 kg with chronic HCV infection,
WHO recommends:
sofosbuvir/ledipasvir for 12 weeks in genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6
sofosbuvir/ribavirin for 12 weeks in genotype 2
sofosbuvir/ribavirin for 24 weeks in genotype 3.
(Strong recommendation/very low quality of evidence)
Pangenotypic regimens currently available for use in adults 18 years of
age or older
For adults without cirrhosis, the following pangenotypic regimens can be used:
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir 12 weeks
Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir 12 weeks
Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir 8 weeks
For adults with compensated cirrhosis, the following pangenotypic regimens can
be used:
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir 12 weeks
Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir 12 weeks
Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir 24 weeks
Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir 12 weeks
Treatment of children 0–12 years of age
5 Prior to approval of DAAs for children aged <12 years of age, exceptional treatment with
interferon + ribavirin may be considered for children with genotype 2 or 3 infection and severe
liver disease. This may include children at higher risk of progressive disease, such as with HIV
coinfection, thalassaemia major and survivors of childhood cancer.
In children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection, WHO recommends:
deferring treatment until 12 years of age
(conditional recommendation, very low quality of evidence)
treatment with interferon-based regimens should no longer be used
(strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence)
Clinical considerations
General clinical considerations
The use of pangenotypic regimens obviates the need for genotyping before
treatment initiation.
In resource-limited settings, WHO recommends that the assessment of liver
fibrosis should be performed using non-invasive tests (e.g. aspartate/platelet
ratio index (APRI) score or FIB-4 test, see existing recommendations, p. xvii).
This can determine if there is cirrhosis before initiation of treatment.
There are a few contraindications to using pangenotypic DAAs together with
other medicines.
DAAs are well tolerated, with only minor side-effects. Therefore, the frequency
of routine laboratory toxicity monitoring can be limited to a blood specimen at
the start and end of treatment.
Following completion of DAA treatment, sustained virological response (SVR) at
12 weeks after the end of treatment is used to determine treatment outcomes
(See existing recommendations, p. xvii).
HIV/HCV coinfection
Persons with HIV/HCV coinfection are at a higher risk for progression of fibrosis
and were included in the list of persons prioritized for treatment since the 2014
WHO treatment guidelines. Treatment for HCV infection needs to consider
drug–drug interactions with antiretroviral medications.
HBV/HCV coinfection
Persons with HBV/HCV coinfection are at risk for HBV reactivation during and
following HCV treatment. An assessment for HBV treatment eligibility with
initiation of HBV treatment for those eligible may prevent HBV reactivation
during HCV treatment.
Persons with cirrhosis, including those who have achieved SVR, may be
regularly screened for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Chronic kidney disease
Data are insufficient on the safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir-based regimens
in persons with severe renal impairment. Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir is effective
against infection with all six major genotypes in persons with chronic
kidney disease.
TB/HCV coinfection
In persons with TB/HCV coinfection, treatment for active TB is considered
before treatment of HCV infection. TB/HCV-coinfected persons treated for TB
are at an increased risk of hepatotoxicity.
Retreatment after DAA treatment failure
Currently, only one pangenotypic DAA regimen, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/
voxilaprevir, is approved by a stringent regulatory authority for the retreatment
of persons who have previously failed DAA treatment.
Investigations of a failure to achieve SVR with DAA therapy includes
re-examination of adherence and of potential drug–drug interactions.
Simplified service delivery models
An eight-point approach to service delivery supports implementation of the clinical
recommendations for Treat All and adoption of pangenotypic DAA regimens:
1. Comprehensive national planning for the elimination of HCV infection;
2. Simple and standardized algorithms across the continuum of care;
3. Integration of hepatitis testing, care and treatment with other services;
4. Strategies to strengthen linkage from testing to care, treatment and prevention;
5. Decentralized services, supported by task-sharing;
6. Community engagement and peer support to address stigma and discrimination,
and reach vulnerable or disadvantaged communities;
7. Efficient procurement and supply management of medicines and diagnostics;
8. Data systems to monitor the quality of individual care and the cascade of care.
Public health considerations in specific populations
Five population groups (people who inject drugs [PWID], people in prisons or
other closed settings, men who have sex with men, sex workers and indigenous
populations) require specific public health approaches because of one or more of the
following specific issues: high incidence, high prevalence, stigma, discrimination,
criminalization or vulnerability, and difficulties in accessing services.
Who to test for HCV infection? (2017 testing guidelines) (3)
1. Focused testing in most-affected populations. In all settings (and regardless of whether
delivered through facility- or community-based testing), it is recommended that serological
testing for HCV antibody (anti-HCV)
be offered with linkage to prevention, care and treatment
services to the following individuals:
Adults and adolescents from populations most affected by HCV infection
(i.e. who are
either part of a population with high HCV seroprevalence or who have a history of exposure
and/or high-risk behaviours for HCV infection);
Adults, adolescents and children with a clinical suspicion of chronic viral hepatitis
(i.e. symptoms, signs, laboratory markers).
(Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence)
Note: Periodic retesting using HCV nucleic acid tests (NAT) should be considered for those
with ongoing risk of acquisition or reinfection.
2. General population testing. In settings with a 2% or 5%
HCV antibody seroprevalence
in the general population, it is recommended that all adults have access to and be offered
HCV serological testing with linkage to prevention, care and treatment services.
General population testing approaches should make use of existing community- or facility-
based testing opportunities or programmes such as HIV or TB clinics, drug treatment
services and antenatal clinics.
(Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence)
3. Birth cohort testing. This approach may be applied to specific identified birth cohorts of
older persons at higher risk of infection
and morbidity within populations that have an overall
lower general prevalence.
(Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence)
Summary of the existing WHO recommendations
1 This may include fourth-generation combined antibody/antigen assays.
2 Includes those who are either part of a population with higher seroprevalence (e.g. some mobile/
migrant populations from high/intermediate endemic countries, and certain indigenous populations)
or who have a history of exposure or high-risk behaviours for HCV infection (e.g. PWID, people in
prisons and other closed settings, men who have sex with men and sex workers, and HIV-infected
persons, children of mothers with chronic HCV infection especially if HIV-coinfected).
3 Features that may indicate underlying chronic HCV infection include clinical evidence of existing liver
disease, such as cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), or where there is unexplained liver
disease, including abnormal liver function tests or liver ultrasound.
4 A threshold of 2% or 5% seroprevalence was based on several published thresholds of intermediate
and high seroprevalence. The threshold used will depend on other country considerations and
epidemiological context.
5 Routine testing of pregnant women for HCV infection is currently not recommended.
6 Because of historical exposure to unscreened or inadequately screened blood products and/or poor
injection safety.
How to test for chronic HCV infection and monitor treatment response? (2017
testing guidelines) (3)
1. Which serological assay to use? To test for serological evidence of past or present
infection in adults, adolescents and children (>18 months of age),
an HCV serological assay
(antibody or antibody/antigen) using either a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or laboratory-based
immunoassay formats
that meet minimum safety, quality and performance standards
(with regard to both analytical and clinical sensitivity and specificity) is recommended.
In settings where there is limited access to laboratory infrastructure and testing, and/or in
populations where access to rapid testing would facilitate linkage to care and treatment,
RDTs are recommended.
(Strong recommendation, low/moderate quality of evidence)
2. Serological testing strategies. In adults and children older than 18 months, a single serolo-
gical assay for initial detection of serological evidence of past or present infection is recommen-
ded prior to supplementary nucleic acid testing (NAT) for evidence of viraemic infection.
(Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence)
3. Detection of viraemic infection
Directly following a reactive HCV antibody serological test result, the use of quantitative or
qualitative NAT for detection of HCV RNA is recommended as the preferred strategy
to diagnose viraemic infection.
(Strong recommendation, moderate/low quality of evidence)
An assay to detect HCV core (p22) antigen, which has comparable clinical sensitivity to
NAT, is an alternative to NAT to diagnose viraemic infection.
(Conditional recommendation, moderate quality of evidence)
4. Assessment of HCV treatment response
Nucleic acid testing for qualitative or quantitative detection of HCV RNA should be used as
the test of cure at 12 or 24 weeks (i.e. sustained virological response [SVR12 or SVR24])
after completion of antiviral treatment.
(Conditional recommendation, moderate/low quality of evidence)
1 HCV infection can be confirmed in children under 18 months only by virological assays to detect HCV RNA, because
transplacental maternal antibodies remain in the child’s bloodstream up until 18 months of age, making test results
from serology assays ambiguous.
2 Laboratory-based immunoassays include enzyme immunoassay (EIA), chemoluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) and
electrochemoluminescence assay (ECL).
3 Assays should meet minimum acceptance criteria of either WHO prequalification of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) or a
stringent regulatory review for IVDs. All IVDs should be used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions, and
where possible at testing sites enrolled in a national or international external quality assessment scheme.
4 A lower level of analytical sensitivity can be considered if an assay is able to improve access (i.e. an assay that can be
used at the point of care or is suitable for dried blood spot [DBS] specimens) and/or affordability. An assay with a limit
of detection of 3000 IU/mL or lower would be acceptable and would identify 95% of those with viraemic infection,
based on the available data.
Screening for alcohol use and counselling to reduce moderate and high levels of alcohol
intake (2016 treatment guidelines) (2)
An alcohol intake assessment is recommended for all persons with HCV infection followed
by the offer of a behavioural alcohol reduction intervention for persons with moderate-to-
high alcohol intake.
(Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence)
Assessing degree of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis (2016 treatment guidelines) (2)
In resource-limited settings, it is suggested that the aminotransferase/platelet ratio index
(APRI) or FIB-4 tests be used for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis rather than other
non-invasive tests that require more resources such as elastography or FibroTest.
(Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence)
Summary algorithm for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring
of chronic HCV infection in adults and adolescents
* Persons with HCV genotype 3 infection who have received interferon and/or ribavirin in the past should be treated for
16 weeks.
** May be considered in countries where genotype distribution is known and genotype 3 prevalence is <5%.
*** Treatment in adolescents at this time still requires genotyping to identify the appropriate regimen.
AFP: alpha fetoprotein, APRI: aspartate-to-platelet ratio index, FIB-4: fibrosis stage
Assess cure: sustained virological response (SVR) at 12 weeks after the end of treatment
(HCV RNA SVR, qualitative or quantitative nucleic acid test [NAT])
Detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in persons with cirrhosis (every 6 months)
with ultrasound or AFP
• Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir 12 weeks
• Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir 12 weeks
• Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir 8 weeks*
• Sofosbuvir/ledipasvir 12 weeks in genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6
• Sofosbuvir/ribavirin 12 weeks in genotype 2
• Sofosbuvir/ribavirin 24 weeks in genotype 3
• Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir 12 weeks
• Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir 12 weeks*
• Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir 24 weeks
• Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir 12 weeks**
Anti-HCV –
Use rapid diagnostic test or laboratory-based immunoassay
The following should be assessed prior to treatment initiation
• Assess liver fibrosis with non-invasive testing, e.g. APRI, FIB-4 to determine if there is cirrhosis
• Assess other considerations for treatment (comorbidities, pregnancy, potential drug–drug interactions)
Use HCV RNA (qualitative or quantitative) or HCV core antigen (cAg)
Anti-HCV +
HCV RNA test – or cAg-HCV RNA test + or cAg+
No HCV infectionHCV infection
1.1 Objectives
The objective of these guidelines is to provide updated evidence-based
recommendations on the care and treatment of persons with chronic hepatitis
C virus (HCV) infection in terms of when to treat and what treatment to use in
children, adolescents and adults.
1.2 New developments and rationale for an update of
the guidelines
In 2014, WHO published its first Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment
of persons with HCV infection (1). The care and treatment component of the
2014 Guidelines were updated a first time in 2016 (2) and a second time with the
present guidelines. In parallel, the 2017 Guidelines on testing for viral hepatitis
recommended which approaches to use in terms of who to test and how to
test (3).
The 2016 Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with HCV
infection recommended DAA regimens for the treatment of persons with HCV
infection (2). While all HCV-infected persons could be considered for treatment,
the Guidelines also highlighted key factors to consider in prioritizing treatment
(i) for those likely to derive the greatest individual benefit, or (ii) in populations
deriving the greatest treatment benefit from limiting HCV transmission. Those with
the highest risk of mortality and morbidity include those at risk of accelerated
fibrosis, metabolic syndrome and extrahepatic manifestations. Those for whom
treatment could lead to a reduction in incidence included PWID, HIV-infected
MSM, prisoners, sex workers and health-care workers.
Since the 2016 Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with
HCV infection, three key developments prompted changes in terms of when to
treat and what treatment to use:
1. The generalized use of safe and highly effective direct-acting antiviral
(DAA) medicine regimens for all persons improves the balance of benefits
to harms of treating persons with little or no fibrosis, supporting a strategy of
treating all persons with chronic HCV infection, rather than reserving treatment
for persons with more advanced disease. Prior to 2014, HCV treatment
involved the use of interferon-based regimens with generally low rates of cure,
long duration of therapy and substantial toxicities. The introduction of highly
effective and well tolerated short-course oral DAA therapy that can cure HCV
infection with high rates of sustained virological response (SVR) within weeks
transformed the treatment landscape for persons with chronic HCV infection.
Since the 2016 Guidelines, DAA regimens have continued to improve.
2. Several new, pangenotypic DAA medicines have been approved by at least
one stringent regulatory authority, reducing the need for genotyping to guide
treatment decisions. Pangenotypic DAA combination regimens approved by the
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines
Agency (EMA) include sofosbuvir/velpatasvir, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir
and glecaprevir/pibrentasvir. These regimens achieve high treatment efficacy
across all six major HCV genotypes, including in those with cirrhosis or
HIV coinfection. In addition, the Guidelines Development Group considered
sofosbuvir/daclatasvir, commonly used in LMICs, as a pangenotypic regimen,
based on all the available evidence from clinical trials and observational studies
in different settings.
3. The continued substantial reduction in the price of DAA regimens has
enabled treatment to be rolled out rapidly in a number of low- and middle-
income countries (LMICs) (4).
Together, these three factors have shifted the balance of benefits and risks in favour
of treating all persons with chronic HCV infection with pangenotypic regimens.
1.3 Target audience
Although the recommendations included in these guidelines apply to all countries,
the key audience for these guidelines is policy-makers in ministries of health in
LMICs. The recommendations are intended for government officials to use as the
basis for developing national hepatitis policies, plans and treatment guidelines.
For countries with existing national plans/programmes, these guidelines can
guide updates of national hepatitis treatment guidelines and for deciding which
medicines to use. In addition, implementing partners can use the guidelines to
inform the design and implementation of treatment services. The guidelines are
also intended to be helpful for clinicians who treat HCV-infected persons.
1.4 Scope of the guidelines
The recommendations in these guidelines address treatment issues. However
recommendations related to prevention, testing and care are referred to in order
to reinforce the importance of the continuum of care (including identification
of infected persons) that is a key element of the clinical management of HCV
infection. The management of acute HCV infection was not included in the scope
of work for these guidelines.
1.5 Related guidelines
These guidelines are intended to complement existing guidance on the primary
prevention of HCV and other bloodborne viruses by improving blood and injection
safety, and health care for people who inject drugs (PWID) and other vulnerable
groups, including those living with HIV.
Additional guidance relevant to the prevention, care and treatment of those
infected with HCV can be found in the following documents:
Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for
key populations. Geneva: WHO; 2016 update (5)
Guidelines for the prevention, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis B
infection. Geneva: WHO; 2015 (6)
WHO guideline on the use of safety-engineered syringes for intramuscular,
intradermal and subcutaneous injections in health-care settings. Geneva:
WHO; 2016 (7)
Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and
preventing HIV infection. Geneva: WHO; 2016 (8)
Guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing. Geneva: WHO; 2017 (3)
1.6 Guiding principles
The following principles have informed the development of these guidelines and
should guide the implementation of the recommendations.
The guidelines will contribute to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
through achieving key global and national hepatitis goals.
The guidelines are based on a public health approach to scaling up the use of
antiviral treatment for HCV infection along the continuum of hepatitis prevention,
care and treatment.
Implementation of the guidelines need to be accompanied by efforts to promote
and protect the human rights of people who need hepatitis services, including
ensuring informed consent, preventing stigma and discrimination in the
provision of services and promoting gender equity.
Implementation of the recommendations in these guidelines should be
informed by local context, including HCV epidemiology and prevalence of other
comorbidities, availability of resources, the organization and capacity of the
health system and anticipated cost–effectiveness.
2.1 The challenge of HCV elimination
WHO estimated that in 2015, 71 million persons were living with chronic HCV
infection worldwide (global prevalence: 1%) and that 399 000 had died from
cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (9). Aside from the burden of HCV
infection secondary to liver-related sequelae, HCV causes an additional burden
through comorbidities among persons with HCV infection, including depression,
diabetes mellitus and chronic renal disease. A proportion of these morbidities
is directly attributable to HCV and is therefore referred to as extrahepatic
manifestations. These manifestations are likely to be affected by treatment
(see Chapter 4 and Fig. 2.2). The World Health Assembly recognized that viral
hepatitis is a major public health problem and passed two initial resolutions in
2010 (10) and 2014 (11).
WHO estimated that in 2015, 1.75 million new HCV infections occurred, mostly
because of injecting drug use and unsafe health care (9). Worldwide, HCV infection
may be caused by one of six major HCV genotypes (Fig. 2.1) (12). However,
in many countries, the genotype distribution remains unknown (13).
FIG. 2.1 Worldwide distribution of HCV genotypes
Source: The Polaris Observatory HCV Collaborators. Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus
infection in 2015: a modelling study. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017;2:161–76.
Disclaimer: This map is reproduced as originally published.
In May 2016, the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Health Sector
Strategy (GHSS) for 2016–2021 on viral hepatitis (HBV and HCV infection), which
proposes to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. Elimination
is defined as a 90% reduction in new chronic infections and a 65% reduction
in mortality compared with the 2015 baseline (14). To reach these targets, the
GHSS recommends scaling up currently available prevention interventions and
introducing newer programmatic components, such as testing and treatment.
Elimination of HCV infection as a public health threat requires diagnosing 90%
of those infected and treating 80% of those diagnosed. However, in 2015, there
were large deficits in achieving these service coverage objectives. Of the 71 million
persons with HCV infection, 14 million (20%) had been diagnosed (a 70% gap),
and of the 14 million diagnosed, 1.1 million (7%) had been started on treatment
(a 73% gap) (9).
2.1.1 Natural history of HCV infection
HCV infection causes both acute and chronic hepatitis. Incident infection is
associated with early symptoms in about 20% of persons. Spontaneous clearance
occurs within six months of infection in 15–45% of infected individuals in the
absence of treatment. The remaining 55–85% develop chronic infection, which
can lead to progressive fibrosis and cirrhosis. The risk of cirrhosis ranges from
15% to 30% after 20 years of infection with HCV (15–17). Initially, cirrhosis
may be compensated. Decompensation may occur later, leading to variceal
haemorrhages, ascites or encephalopathy (18). Each year, approximately 1–3% of
persons with cirrhosis progress to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (19). The risk
of progression to cirrhosis and HCC varies according to the person’s characteristics
and behaviours. Alcohol use, HBV or HIV coinfection and immunosuppression
due to any cause increase the risk of developing cirrhosis or HCC (20).
Extrahepatic manifestations
HCV infection can lead to extrahepatic manifestations (21). Among HCV-infected
persons, the three most common comorbidities are depression (24%), diabetes
mellitus (15%) and chronic renal disease (10%). A proportion of these morbidities
is directly attributable to HCV and is therefore referred to as extrahepatic
manifestations (Fig. 2.2). Extrahepatic manifestations are likely to be affected by
treatment (in red in Fig. 2.2, for example, only 37% of diabetes among HCV-
infected persons would be attributable to HCV infection). The prevalence of these
extrahepatic manifestations is usually independent of the degree of liver fibrosis
(22, 23).
2.1.2 Natural history of HIV/HCV coinfection
Coinfection with HIV adversely affects the course of HCV infection. Coinfected
persons, particularly those with advanced immunodeficiency (CD4 count <200
), have significantly accelerated progression to cirrhosis, decompensated
cirrhosis and HCC compared to HCV-monoinfected persons (24–26). In high-
income countries (HICs), HCV-associated liver disease has become a leading
cause of death in people living with HIV, accounting for almost half (47%) of
the deaths in the United States (27, 28). It is unclear whether HCV infection
accelerates HIV disease progression, but after initiation of antiretroviral therapy
(ART), CD4 recovery is impaired in HIV/HCV-coinfected persons when compared
to those with HIV monoinfection (29, 30). HIV/HCV-coinfected persons have
demonstrated more rapid HIV disease progression compared to those who were
HIV-infected alone in some but not all studies (31–33). Assessment of the impact
of HCV infection on HIV disease progression may be confounded by the negative
health consequences of injecting drug use, which is strongly associated with
HCV infection (34, 35). In persons with HIV coinfection, HCC tends to occur at a
younger age and within a shorter time period (36, 37).
FIG. 2.2 Prevalence of comorbidities among persons with HCV infection, including the fraction
that is attributable to HCV infection (calculated on the basis of Younossi et al. 2016, using
attributable fractions among those exposed)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Sjogren syndrome
Chronic renal disease
Symptomatic cryoglobulinaemia
Lichen planus
Rheumatoid arthritis
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Attributable Non-attributable
2.1.3 Routes of transmission
Health-care-associated transmission
In countries where infection control measures are insufficient, HCV infection
is associated with unsafe injection practices and procedures such as renal dialysis,
surgery, dental care and unscreened blood transfusions (38–41). Worldwide,
in 2010, 5% of health-care injections were given with unsterilized, reused
injection devices (42) and unsafe injections were estimated to lead to 315 000
new HCV infections each year (43). In addition, excessive use of injections to
administer medications is a matter of concern (44). Coupled with poor injection
practices, overuse of injections further increases HCV transmission. This
persisting driver of transmission needs to be addressed through safer health care,
introduction of reuse-prevention devices (45) and a reduction in unnecessary
health-care injections.
Transmission among people who inject drugs
Globally, injection drug use may account for 23% of new HCV infections; 8%
of current HCV infections are among PWID (9). PWID infected with HCV are at
increased risk of all-cause mortality, reflecting the combined role of injecting drug
use, low socioeconomic status, poor access to health care and environmental
factors (46, 47).
Other modes of transmission
Other modes of HCV transmission include mother-to-child transmission, which
affects 4–8% of children born to women with HCV infection and 10.8–25% of
children born to women with HIV/HCV coinfection (48), other percutaneous
procedures, such as tattooing and body piercing (49), and needlestick injuries
in health-care workers (50, 51). Sexual transmission of HCV occurs infrequently
in heterosexual couples. However, it is more frequent in HIV-positive persons,
particularly in men who have sex with men (MSM) (52).
2.2 Direct-acting antivirals
As of May 2018, the FDA or the EMA had approved 13 direct-acting antivirals from
four classes (see Table 2.1), and several fixed-dose combination (FDC) DAAs for
the treatment of persons with HCV infection.
2.2.1 Summary of the currently available pangenotypic DAA
DAAs are considered pangenotypic when they achieve high treatment efficacy
across all six major HCV genotypes.
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir is an FDC of a pangenotypic NS5A inhibitor and sofosbuvir.
It was approved both by the FDA and EMA in 2016. In clinical trials, it is associated
with good efficacy in infections with genotypes 1–6, HIV/HCV coinfection,
persons on opioid substitution therapy (OST) and persons with compensated
or decompensated cirrhosis (53–57).
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir is generally considered for use in the retreatment
of HCV-infected persons who previously failed a DAA regimen (see also section
5.2.6 on retreatment of persons with DAA failure); however, in some HICs it is also
registered for treatment-naive HCV-infected persons.
TABLE 2.1 Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) according to class
NS3/4A (protease)
NS5B polymerase inhibitor
(nucleotide analogue)
NS5B polymerase inhibitor
(non-nucleoside analogue)
Daclatasvir Sofosbuvir Dasabuvir
Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir is an FDC containing a pangenotypic NS3/4A protease
inhibitor with a pangenotypic NS5A inhibitor that was approved by the FDA and
EMA in 2017. In clinical trials, glecaprevir/pibrentasvir suggest good efficacy in
infections with genotypes 1–6, compensated cirrhosis, including in persons with
renal insufficiency and end-stage renal disease (58–64). It is contraindicated in
persons with decompensated cirrhosis (Child–Pugh Class C).
Daclatasvir, an NS5A inhibitor that has been evaluated with sofosbuvir, was
approved by the EMA in 2014 and by the FDA in 2015. Clinical trials reported
good efficacy of the combination of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir in infections
with genotypes 1–4, persons with decompensated liver disease, liver transplant
recipients and those with HIV/HCV coinfection (65–68). Recent data suggest
that the combination of sofosbuvir/daclatasvir is also effective in infections with
genotypes 5 and 6 (69) (Médecins Sans Frontières [MSF] demonstration project,
manuscript in preparation).
Other DAA regimens
Additional evidence being generated may indicate in the future that other DAA
regimens (e.g. sofosbuvir/ravidasvir) are pangenotypic or that existing pangenotypic
DAA regimens can be used in more populations (e.g. children and adolescents
<18 years of age).
2.3 Access to direct-acting antivirals
DAAs for HCV infections have been initially sold at a very high price, limiting access.
Opportunities to access low-price generic medicines are increasing, particularly in
LMICs (4). (See Strategies for more efficient procurement and supply management
of medicines and diagnostics in section 6.7, Table 6.2.)
3.1 WHO guidelines development process
These WHO guidelines were produced by following the recommendations
for standard guidelines, as described in the WHO Handbook for guideline
development (70). The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation (GRADE) framework was followed (71). A WHO Steering Committee
was constituted, which included individuals with relevant expertise from
different WHO departments. This Committee oversaw the entire guidelines
development process.
A Guidelines Development Group was constituted to ensure representation from
various stakeholder groups, including members of organizations that represent
patients’ groups, advocacy groups, researchers and clinicians. Group members
were also selected to achieve geographical representation and gender balance.
Systematic reviews were undertaken to assess the safety and efficacy of treatment
regimens in adults and children, to examine the morbidity and mortality from
extrahepatic manifestations in persons with HCV infection and to review the
literature on cost–effectiveness. In addition, modelling was carried out. Outcomes
were ranked by the Guidelines Development Group based on their importance to
the patient population. Members of the Group met in Geneva in September 2017.
3.2 Formulation of recommendations
At the Guidelines Development Group meeting, the results of the systematic reviews,
meta-analyses and complementary information were presented, and the evidence
profiles and decision-making tables were reviewed to ensure that there was
understanding and agreement on the scoring criteria. See Web annexes 3.1, 3.2
and 8 for the reviews and Web annexes 1, 2 and 6 for the decision-making tables.
The GRADE method was used to rate the certainty of the evidence and determine
the strength of the recommendations. The strength of the recommendations
was rated as either strong (the panel was confident that the desirable effects of
the intervention outweighed the undesirable effects) or conditional (the panel
considered that the desirable effects of the intervention probably outweighed the
undesirable effects). The certainty of evidence supporting each recommendation
was graded as high, moderate, low or very low. Recommendations were then
formulated by members of the Guidelines Development Group through discussions
based on the certainty of the evidence, the balance of benefits and harms,
considerations of values and preferences, resource use and the feasibility of
carrying out the intervention (72). The Chairs and methodologist worked to reach
consensus during the meeting. After addressing all comments and questions from
members of the Group, the Chair asked Group members whether they agreed with
the recommendations to document consensus. All Group members agreed with all
the recommendations. Implementation needs were subsequently evaluated, and
areas and topics requiring further research identified.
The draft guidelines was reviewed by the Guidelines Development Group and an
external review group.
3.3 Roles
The Guidelines Development Group formulated the questions on population,
intervention, comparison, outcomes (PICO), reviewed the evidence profiles
and decision-making tables, composed and agreed upon the wording of the
recommendations, and reviewed drafts of the guidelines document.
The guidelines methodologist ensured that the GRADE framework was
appropriately applied throughout the guidelines development process. This
included formulation of the PICO questions, ensuring the comprehensiveness
and quality of the systematic reviews, and preparation of evidence profiles
and decision-making tables. The methodologist also provided guidance to
the Guidelines Development Group in formulating the wording and strength of
the recommendations.
The External Review Group reviewed the draft guidelines document and provided
critical feedback.
3.4 Declarations of interest and management of
conflicts of interest
In accordance with WHO policy, all external contributors to the guidelines, including
members of the Guidelines Development Group and the External Review Group,
completed a WHO declaration of interest form (see Annexes 1 and 2, pages 80
and 83). A brief biography of each member of the Guidelines Development Group
was posted on the web. The biographies of the Group members are available
on The Steering
Committee reviewed and assessed the declarations submitted by each member
and agreed on an approach to assess potential conflicts of interest, which they
discussed with a staff member of the WHO Compliance and Risk Management
and Ethics Department. At the meeting, declarations of interest were reported
according to WHO standard requirements.
Individuals from organizations that had received significant funding from private
(primarily pharmaceutical) companies and individual researchers or clinicians
who had received honoraria above US$ 5000 from pharmaceutical companies
were considered to have a conflict of interest, and their participation in the
Guidelines Development Group was classified as restricted. The Group members
whose participation was restricted were Charles Gore, Francesco Negro, Jurgen
Rockstroh and Alexander Thompson. These individuals contributed to the
development of the PICO questions and provided technical expertise in reviewing
the evidence summaries but were excluded from participation in the discussion,
voting and formulation of the recommendations (see Annex 1, page 80).
The declarations of interest forms from members of the External Review Group
were reviewed in accordance with the WHO guidelines development policy.
Any conflicts of interest identified were considered when interpreting comments
from External Review Group members during the external review process. The
external reviewers could not and did not make changes in the recommendations
(see Annex 2, page 83).
3.5 Dissemination and updating of the guidelines
The Global Hepatitis Programme Secretariat will disseminate the guidelines
through WHO regional offices to WHO country offices and Ministries of Health,
as well as to key international, regional and national collaborating centres, civil
society organizations and national programmes. In addition, the guidelines will
be made accessible on the WHO website with links to other United Nations and
related websites.
The successful implementation of the recommendations in these guidelines will
depend on a well-planned and appropriate process of adaptation and integration
into relevant regional and national strategies. It is a process that will be determined
by available resources, existing enabling policies and practices, and levels
of support from partner agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
civil society.
Implementation of these guidelines can be measured by the number of countries
that incorporate them into their national treatment programmes and actual
treatment onset rates in countries, which is part of the cascade of care. With
respect to policy uptake, the Global Hepatitis Programme (GHP) conducted a
country profile survey in 2016/2017. With respect to the cascade of care, GHP has
set up a monitoring and evaluation framework (73) and led a process to generate
initial estimates for 2015 (9) and 2016 (4). In 2018, GHP will be setting up a
new system of routine reporting to obtain yearly updates on these two levels of
indicators. This new system will be instrumental in measuring how much these
guidelines are resulting in impact at country level.
The Guidelines Development Group recognized that the field of hepatitis treatment
is evolving rapidly. New data are expected for the treatment of HCV-infected
adolescents and children in the coming year; therefore, it is anticipated that an
update will be needed in 2020.
3.6 Evidence that informed the recommendations
Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, modelling, cost–effectiveness analyses, values
and preferences and a feasibility survey were undertaken to support the process
of formulating recommendations and identifying patient-important outcomes.
Existing national and international guidelines were also evaluated.
3.6.1 Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
For the recommendation to Treat All persons diagnosed with HCV infection, WHO
commissioned a systematic review and meta-analyses of morbidity and mortality
from extrahepatic manifestations in persons with HCV infection (74).
For the updated recommendations on treatment with DAAs, a systematic review
was conducted. The manufacturers of the DAAs of interest (AbbVie and Gilead)
were contacted to provide any additional data from clinical trials. To complement
evidence from clinical trials, observational cohort studies that followed individuals
receiving DAA treatment were taken into account. In addition, Médecins Sans
Frontières (MSF) contributed data from their treatment programmes in South
Africa and Cambodia. Search strategies and summaries of evidence are available
in Web annexes 2, 3.1 and 3.2.
The decision-making table to inform treatment decisions of HCV-infected
adolescents and children under the age of 18 years is available in Web annex 6.
3.6.2 Modelling
Modelling was carried out to predict the expected impact of HCV treatment on
the incidence of new HCV infections. Existing national and subnational models
were used to estimate the prevention impact by treating a fixed number of HCV
infections in various regions (see Web annex 4).
3.6.3 Feasibility survey
An online feasibility survey was conducted to assess programmatic and personal
experiences of introducing a Treat All recommendation. The online survey was
sent to members of the Guidelines Development Group, who distributed the
survey within their networks. The survey was completed by 10 programme
managers, 145 health-care providers and 112 people living with HCV infection.
The questionnaire focused on experiences and the perceived challenges of a Treat
All recommendation, as well as suggested solutions provided by the participants
(see Web annex 7).
3.6.4 Cost–effectiveness analyses
WHO commissioned a systematic review of the cost–effectiveness literature to
evaluate the cost–effectiveness and population health outcomes of a Treat All
scenario compared to a more restricted set of access policies (75).
3.6.5 Values and preferences
To provide information on values and preferences, a stakeholder survey
was conducted and the literature reviewed to determine which characteristics
of a treatment regimen are important from the patient’s perspective (see
Web annex 7).
4.1 Treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents: when
to start treatment
New recommendation
4.1.1 Summary of the evidence
Treating HCV infection is beneficial for all HCV-infected persons
DAAs have been on the market since 2013, which means that there are no trials
available that compared persons with HCV infection treated early with those treated
late in terms of clinical outcomes. The Guidelines Development Group therefore
examined the evidence of the benefit of treating all persons with HCV infection,
irrespective of the stage of liver disease.
Treatment with DAAs leads to high rates of SVR. Systematic reviews of the
effectiveness of DAAs for the treatment of chronic HCV infection indicate that SVR
rates generally exceed 90%, except for those with the most advanced stages of
cirrhosis (76) and persons infected with HCV genotype 3.
SVR is associated with reduced mortality from liver diseases and reduced risk
of progression to HCC. A 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis indicated
that HCV-infected persons with SVR following treatment had an 87% reduction
in liver-related mortality, an 80% reduction in the incidence of HCC, and a 75%
reduction in all-cause mortality (77) compared to HCV-infected persons who did
not reach SVR. Many of these studies used older interferon-based treatment.
Studies that considered only DAAs also indicate a reduction in mortality from liver
diseases and HCC (78). DAAs would have a larger impact than interferon-based
treatment overall because of a higher SVR rate.
1 With the exception of pregnant women
WHO recommends offering treatment to all individuals diagnosed with HCV infection
who are 12 years of age or older,
irrespective of disease stage. (Strong recommendation,
moderate quality of evidence)
SVR is associated with improvement of extrahepatic manifestations. A
systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that SVR reduced extrahepatic
mortality (pooled odds ratio [OR]: 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.3–0.7).
SVR was also associated with better outcomes related to cryoglobulinaemia
(pooled OR: 21, 95% CI: 6.7–64.1) and lymphoproliferative diseases (pooled OR:
6.5, 95% CI: 2–20.9), and decreased risk of major cardiovascular adverse events
(pooled OR: 0.37, 95% CI: 0.2–0.6), incidence of de novo type 2 diabetes (pooled
OR: 0.27, 95% CI: 0.2–0.4), depression (pooled OR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.1–3.1),
arthralgia (pooled OR: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.5–1.5) and fatigue (pooled OR: 0.52, 95%
CI: 0.3–0.9) (74).
Treatment of adolescents is highly effective and well tolerated. Although
advanced disease is uncommon among adolescents, a systematic review of two
studies on the use of DAA regimens in adolescents >12 years of age indicated
high SVR and excellent tolerance (see section 4.3). DAA treatment has also been
reported to improve impaired cognitive functioning, educational attainment and
well-being (79, 80).
Treating all HCV-infected persons modestly reduces the risk of transmission.
Globally, treating persons without any prioritization by risk or age group or by
disease stage points to a modest effect of treatment as prevention. Modelling in
82 countries distributed across all regions indicates that treating persons with HCV
infection without any prioritization by risk or age group or by disease stage would
prevent around 0.57 infections over 20 years for each person treated (see Web
annex 4). However, this prevention benefit is highly variable across countries and
WHO regions. Two main country-level factors influence the number of infections
averted per person treated: the population growth rate, the HCV prevalence among
PWID in their country (the contribution of injection drug use to the epidemic).
First, the number of infections averted per treatment increases with increasing
population growth, suggesting that LMICs with higher population growth rates
have the potential to achieve more prevention benefits through Treat All than high-
income countries.
Second, the number of infections averted per treatment decreases when injection
drug use accounts for a substantial proportion of new infections, and the
prevalence of HCV infection among PWID is high (prevalence >60%). In these
epidemic scenarios, there are high rates of reinfection when PWID are treated
while limited prevention benefit is achieved through treating other individuals
who do not inject drugs. For treatment to achieve prevention benefits in these
“concentrated epidemic” scenarios, HCV treatment needs to be given at higher
rates (e.g. about 5% of infections need to be treated per year in Australia) and
reinfection risks need to be reduced through scaling up comprehensive, effective
harm reduction measures, such as needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) and
OST (see Web annex 4).
4.1.2 Rationale for the recommendation
Balance of benefits versus harms of treating all HCV-infected persons
Treatment of all patients has the potential to prevent more liver-related
morbidity. A systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression estimated
that the prevalence of cirrhosis at 20 years after the initial infection was 16%
(14–19%) for all studies, ranging from 7% (4–12%) to 18% (16–21%) according
to the types of studies and recruitment of individuals (15). Treating all persons
diagnosed with HCV infection would prevent a large proportion of these avoidable
complications. However, when expanding from treating persons with fibrosis to
treating all HCV-infected persons, the additional gain in terms of years of life saved
would occur further away in the future.
Extrahepatic manifestations are common and their occurrence is usually
independent of liver fibrosis. Persons infected with HCV may suffer from
comorbidities, including common extrahepatic manifestations (Fig. 2.2, Chapter
Treatment of adolescents results in high SVR rates and is well tolerated.
Early treatment also reduces the onset of cirrhosis and HCC (81–83), potentially
reducing downstream costs of care (84, 85). Cure following DAA treatment may
improve impaired cognitive functioning, educational attainment and well-being
(79, 80). Cure enables adolescents to live free of a socially stigmatizing infection.
Treating all will facilitate a public health approach to implementation.
Treating all persons diagnosed with HCV infection will simplify clinical decision-
making and patient management. Staging can be simplified and limited to the
use of non-invasive methods to identify persons with cirrhosis. Most HCV-infected
persons will be able to start treatment immediately, reducing the potential for loss
to follow up that occurs when there are delays in starting treatment for HCV (86)
as well as HIV disease (87). Simplifying disease stage assessment and laboratory
investigations also facilitates treatment by non-specialized health-care workers, a
critical strategy for providing treatment at scale (88–90). Task-sharing with non-
specialist providers has increased access to HIV testing and ART (91–93).
Potential harms
Treating more HCV-infected persons could lead to more side-effects. DAAs
have an excellent safety profile, particularly when compared with interferon therapy
(76). In an approach where more apparently healthy persons will be treated with
DAAs once prioritization for severity of liver disease is removed, the occurrence of
rare side-effects that have not been identified during post-marketing surveillance
is theoretically possible (94). However, such events are unlikely, given the clinical
experience of using these medicines to date (76).
Treating hepatitis B virus (HBV)/HCV-coinfected persons can lead to HBV
reactivation. Persons with HBV infection (hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg]-
positive) who are treated for HCV infection are at risk for reactivation of HBV infection
(95). Persons who are HBsAg positive may need to be treated for HBV before they
are treated for HCV (see section 5.2.2, Persons with HBV/HCV coinfection). The
risk of reactivation among persons who are anti-hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb)
positive but HBsAg negative is very low (96). Deferring treatment of such persons
because of concerns of HBV reactivation needs to be balanced against the risk of
morbidity and mortality from untreated HCV infection.
Treat All may lead to a perception that scaling up access to harm reduction is
unnecessary. As treating all persons with HCV infection has an effect on incidence,
there is a possibility that some stakeholders may underestimate the continued
need for high-coverage harm reduction interventions for PWID. Harm reduction
remains a critical component of the comprehensive package of interventions for
PWID alongside treatment (see Web annex 4).
Values and preferences
Four studies were identified that assessed patient preferences related to HCV
treatment (97–100). The most important patient-relevant outcome was overall
treatment efficacy followed by risk of adverse events. Of 112 people living with HCV
infection who responded to an online feasibility survey carried out by WHO, nearly
all favoured a Treat All policy and advocated for universal access to treatment for
all those with HCV infection (see Web annex 7).
While there is clear support for a Treat All policy among people living with HCV
infection, 18% of respondents expressed some concern about acceptability
among HCV-infected persons without fibrosis or with mild fibrosis. This finding
underscores the need for careful messaging to help HCV-infected persons
understand the benefits of early treatment.
Health-care workers highly value cure for persons with HCV infection and
expressed a preference for simplified patient management algorithms.
Programme managers understand that cure of more individuals through a Treat
All policy will lead to progress towards elimination, and that simplifying the staging
step with the use of serum biomarkers facilitates implementation and task-sharing
(88–90, 101). Programme managers expressed a preference for strategies that
represent cost-effective use of the resources available. Therefore, they would
benefit from cost–effectiveness analyses that describe the relation between
the cost incurred in the short term versus the savings in the future because of
prevented sequelae of HCV infection and onward transmission (102, 103).
Feasibility and acceptability
An online feasibility survey among 145 health-care providers indicated that 45%
of respondents already had a Treat All policy at their place of work. Nearly all
perceived it as feasible and desirable (see Web annex 7).
Experience from HIV suggests that widening treatment access is feasible. In
September 2015, WHO released guidance recommending Treat All for HIV-positive
individuals (8). By the end of 2017, more than 70% of LMICs and almost all HICs
had adopted the Treat All policy, demonstrating a high level of acceptability of this
recommendation by policy-makers (104). Despite initial concerns about health
system capacity to meet the demands of a Treat All approach, no major increase
in medication stock-outs or other essential supplies have been reported during
this period.
Equity and human rights
Therapeutic guidelines that restrict an individual’s access to HCV treatment when
cure rates are high and adverse events are rare raise ethical challenges (105).
Many HCV-infected persons from groups that are marginalized or stigmatized
such as PWID, MSM, prisoners or migrants have poor access to health care.
Progress towards a Treat All approach with equity in access regardless of age, risk
group or stage of disease would help overcome some of the obstacles to access
among these populations. Concerns that mandatory or coercive approaches might
be used among highly affected marginalized populations highlight the importance
of adequate information, informed consent, appropriate health worker training and
rights-based legal frameworks to facilitate access.
Resource considerations
DAAs are cost effective or cost-saving. In general, in many countries, DAAs
are cost effective or cost-saving for the large majority of subgroups (defined in
terms of prior treatment experience, fibrosis stage and HCV genotype). Most
published cost–effectiveness analyses do not include HCV transmission or the risk
of reinfection. This omission may result in underestimating or overestimating the
benefits of treatment (75).
Expanding treatment to the general population is cost effective. When
applying country-specific willingness-to-pay thresholds, several studies from HICs
and Egypt reported that expanding treatment in the general population is cost
effective, though it may require substantial short-term payments to cover the cost
of treatment. The cost–effectiveness of treatment expansion for individuals above
65 years of age with mild fibrosis is highly sensitive to treatment price and, in some
settings, where prices remain relatively high, may not be cost effective (75).
Treating PWID along with provision of harm reduction interventions is cost
effective. It is generally cost effective to treat HCV-infected PWID, but cost–
effectiveness is influenced by the potential for preventing new infections and by
the risk of reinfection. Some studies also estimate that intensified case-finding in
this group is cost effective along with treatment scale up, that treatment of all PWID
was cost effective compared to delaying treatment until progression to a later stage
of fibrosis, and that treatment can be cost effective even in a declining epidemic.
However, in settings with a high burden of HCV infection among PWID, the cost–
effectiveness of preventing onward transmission via treatment is diminished by
the high probability of reinfection in case of inadequate access to harm reduction
programmes. This underscores the need for concurrent, high-coverage HCV
prevention interventions with highly effective and cost-effective harm reduction
programmes (75).
Treating incarcerated individuals is cost effective. Studies from the United
States of America (USA), Australia and the United Kingdom (UK) reported that it is
generally cost effective to treat incarcerated individuals who are HCV infected (3).
Testing upon entry to prisons can be cost effective if there is linkage to treatment
that can be completed in prison or after release through continuity of care. Similar
to the findings in PWID communities, concurrent investments in HCV prevention
programmes complement investments in HCV treatment and make HCV treatment
more cost effective by reducing the probability of reinfection (75).
Budget implications. While DAAs are cost effective and/or cost-saving for the
treatment of HCV infection, the short-term budget implications will depend on (i)
the price of the medications and (ii) the size of the population to be treated (the
latter being also affected by testing and linkage activities in the population). On the
one hand, treating all will increase the budget impact. On the other hand, the Treat
All policy should lead to price reductions as it will increase the volume of medicines
purchased (see section 6.7 on Strategies for more efficient procurement and
supply management of medicines and diagnostics and Table 6.2). To finance the
treatment of all persons with HCV through a universal health coverage approach,
a two-step approach is proposed.
Improving efficiencies and reducing costs. This can be done through
the choice of high-impact interventions, simplified management and price
reduction strategies for key commodities, including medicines, and improved
service delivery, as has been demonstrated for other infectious diseases (106).
The calculation for cost–effectiveness may be used to back-calculate the
pricing level that DAAs should reach to be cost effective or cost-saving within
a horizon that has been defined by those that finance the health sector (e.g.
health insurance, national social security scheme, Ministry of Health); see the
hepatitis C calculator (
Identifying innovative financing solutions. This can be done through both
external and domestic funding, and innovative and fair budget allocation (107).
4.1.3 Implementation considerations
Transitioning from a clinical prioritization approach to a Treat All approach
requires planning with respect to the eight good principles of health-care
service delivery (see Chapter 6 for service delivery models (88–90).
The implementation and budget impact of a recommendation to treat all
persons diagnosed with HCV infection need to be considered in the context of
testing activities that identify more individuals to be treated.
If the budget impact of immediately implementing a Treat All recommendation
is not affordable in the short term, national programmes may consider allocating
resources preferentially to individuals at higher risk of hepatic and extrahepatic
morbidity and mortality.
Treatment of PWID needs to be integrated with harm reduction services to
prevent reinfections, particularly in settings where the prevalence of HCV
infection exceeds 60% in PWID.
Persons with HBV infection (HBsAg positive) may need to be treated for HBV
before they are treated for HCV.
4.1.4 Research gaps
Long-term clinical studies of persons with early-stage HCV treated with DAAs.
Post-marketing surveillance for adverse events and drug resistance with
expansion of antiviral treatment.
Cost–effectiveness and budget impact studies in a variety of settings.
Monitoring the impact of expansion of DAA treatment on the incidence of HCV
infection, especially in populations such as PWID and MSM.
4.2 Treatment of adults with direct-acting antiviral
agents: what treatment to use
New recommendation
4.2.1 Summary of the evidence
TABLE 4.1 Currently available pangenotypic DAAs for the treatment of
HCV-infected persons without cirrhosis
Evidence that pangenotypic DAAs are effective in HCV infection
A WHO-commissioned systematic review identified 142 clinical studies that
evaluated the safety and efficacy of various FDA- and EMA-approved DAA
regimens. These included sofosbuvir/velpatasvir, glecaprevir/pibrentasvir,
sofosbuvir/daclatasvir, daclatasvir/asunaprevir, elbasvir/grazoprevir, ledipasvir/
sofosbuvir, paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir/dasabuvir, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/
voxilaprevir, sofosbuvir/daclatasvir/ribavirin, sofosbuvir/ribavirin. The complete
evidence summaries for each of the regimens can be found in Web annex 3.1, 3.2
and 8, with a short summary below.
Pangenotypic DAAs in HCV-infected adults without cirrhosis
In combined treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons treated with
sofosbuvir/velpatasvir, the pooled SVR rates exceeded 96% (92–100%) for all
six major genotypes, except for genotype 3 (SVR rate: 89%, 85–93%) (see Web
annex 8 Table 4, page 17).
1 Pangenotypic is defined as an SVR rate >85% across all six major HCV genotypes
1 Persons with HCV genotype 3 infection who have received interferon and/or ribavirin in the past should be treated for
16 weeks.
WHO recommends the use of pangenotypic DAA regimens for the treatment of persons
with chronic HCV infection aged 18 years and above
(Conditional recommendation,
moderate quality of evidence).
HCV-infected persons without cirrhosis
8 weeks
12 weeks 12 weeks
In combined treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons treated with
glecaprevir/pibrentasvir, pooled SVR rates exceeded 94% (89–100%) for infections
with all six major genotypes. For the relatively rare genotype 5, two persons treated
reached SVR (see Web annex 8 Table 2, page 4).
In combined treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons treated
with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir, the pooled SVR rates exceeded 92% for infection
with genotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Data from an observational study (manuscript
in preparation, MSF demonstration project) provided information on the less
commonly reported genotypes 5 and 6. A total of eight persons with genotype 5
and 123 persons with genotype 6 infection were treated with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir
for 12 weeks. SVR rates were, respectively, 88% and 94% for genotypes 5 and 6
(see Web annex 8 Table 3, page 10).
Pangenotypic DAAs in HCV-infected adults with compensated cirrhosis
TABLE 4.2 Current available pangenotypic DAAs for the treatment of HCV-
infected persons with compensated cirrhosis
In combined treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons with cirrhosis
treated with sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 12 weeks, the pooled SVR rates in those
infected with genotypes 1, 2 and 4 were 90%, 86% and 88%, respectively. The
pooled SVR rate in genotype 3 infection was 97% in treatment-naive persons and
90% in treatment-experienced persons. An additional study (published after the
systematic review inclusion period ended) (108) reported SVR rates of 100% for
both genotype 5 (N= 13) and genotype 6 (N = 20) after 12 weeks of treatment
(see Web annex 3.1 Tables 40–42, page 46).
1 Persons with HCV genotype 3 infection who have received interferon and/or ribavirin in the past should be treated for
16 weeks.
2 In a population of persons with cirrhosis where 5% of persons would be infected with genotype 3 HCV, the SVR would
be 80% in the 5% infected with genotype 3 and 93% in the 95% infected with other genotypes, leading to an overall
SVR rate of (0.05x0.80)+(0.93x0.95) = 92%.
HCV-infected persons with compensated cirrhosis
12 weeks
24 weeks 12 weeks may be considered
in countries where genotype
3 distribution is known and
prevalence is <5%
12 weeks
In combined treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons with
compensated cirrhosis treated with glecaprevir/pibrentasvir for 12 weeks, SVR
rates exceeded 94% for infection with genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Two persons
treated for infection with genotype 5 reached SVR (see Web annex 3.1 Table 35,
page 43).
In combined treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons with
compensated cirrhosis treated with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir for 12 weeks, the pooled
SVR rates exceeded 93% for infection with genotypes 1 and 2. SVR rates for
infection with genotype 3 were low, ranging from 79% to 82%. However, after 24
weeks of treatment , SVR rates increased to 90%. Data from an observational study
(manuscript in preparation, MSF demonstration project) provided information
on genotypes 5 and 6, and real-world data from Egypt provided information on
genotype 4 (101). One cirrhotic person with genotype 5 infection treated with
sofosbuvir/daclatasvir for 12 weeks reached SVR. Among 185 cirrhotic persons
with genotype 6 infection treated with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir for 12 weeks, 92%
reached SVR. Cirrhotic persons with genotype 4 infection had SVR rates that
exceeded 98% after 12 weeks of treatment (101) (see Web annex 3.1 Tables
29–31, page 39).
Safety of pangenotypic DAAs
Treatment discontinuation due to adverse events was very low in persons without
and with cirrhosis in the regimens discussed above (<1%). Similar results were
observed in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced persons (see Web annex
3.1 Tables 58–60, page 58).
4.2.2 Rationale for the recommendation
The Guidelines Development Group made an overall conditional recommendation
to use pangenotypic DAA regimens for the treatment of HCV infection. The Group
acknowledged that the potential clinical benefits of pangenotypic regimens are
similar to those of non-pangenotypic regimens. However, pangenotypic DAAs
present an opportunity to simplify the care pathway by removing the need for
expensive genotyping and so simplifying procurement and supply chains. These
regimens offer a major opportunity to facilitate treatment expansion worldwide.
These factors shift the balance of benefits and harms in favour of the use of
pangenotypic regimens, leading to a conditional recommendation.
The Guidelines Development Group acknowledged that there are countries where
pangenotypic formulations may not yet be approved or available. In addition, there
are countries where the HCV epidemic is almost entirely caused by one genotype,
and where national hepatitis programmes successfully use a non-pangenotypic
DAA regimen such as sofosbuvir/ledipasvir. In these cases and when treating
adolescents, there remains a role for non-pangenotypic DAAs while national
programmes transition to using pangenotypic regimens. Consequently, non-
pangenotypic DAAs listed in Web annex 5 may be used during a transition phase.
Balance of benefits and harms
The use of pangenotypic regimens removes the need for genotyping. This
simplifies medicine procurement and supply chains, may reduce costs and loss
to follow up after diagnosis. Potential harms include the development of rare long-
term side-effects of these recently approved medicines, which may not have been
identified during post-marketing surveillance, and the potential overtreatment of
persons treated with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir if persons are treated for 24 weeks in
the absence of genotyping.
Values and preferences and acceptability
Four identified studies investigated the preferences of HCV-infected persons
regarding HCV treatment regimens. For persons infected with HCV, the likelihood
of a cure and the lack of adverse events are the most important considerations
related to treatment regimens, though factors such as a shorter (e.g. 8-week)
course of treatment were also valued (97–100). Therefore, use of pangenotypic
regimens would be acceptable.
Resource considerations
The resources required to administer HCV therapy can be broadly divided into
health system costs (e.g. laboratory and personnel) and the price of medicines.
Treating persons with pangenotypic DAAs incurs fewer health system costs as
it removes expensive genotyping, which requires specialist laboratories and
personnel, saving up to US$ 200 per test in LMICs. The Guidelines Development
Group recognizes, however, that access to pangenotypic DAA regimens remains
limited in many LMICs (see Chapter 6, Table 6.2). Prices for sofosbuvir/velpatasvir
and glecaprevir/pibrentasvir are still higher than the older DAA combinations, but
it is expected that prices will substantially decrease as the volume of use increases
and access policies for HCV-infected persons living in LMICs are optimized.
The WHO progress report on access to hepatitis C treatment points to the feasibility
of widening access to HCV treatment with the use of pangenotypic DAAs (4).
Simplifying the care pathway by using pangenotypic regimens could improve
equity and help improve access to populations that currently do not have access
to HCV treatment.
4.2.3 Implementation considerations
Countries need to plan for transitioning to the use of pangenotypic DAA regimens.
The speed of transition may depend on the prevalence of HCV infection, the
distribution of HCV genotypes and how effective their current DAA regimens are
in treating infection with these genotypes. (For key steps to implementation, see
section 6.7.)
4.2.4 Research gaps
More data on the efficacy and safety of pangenotypic regimens are required in
specific subpopulations, including those with severe renal impairment, persons
under the age of 18 years and pregnant women.
Predictive factors for selecting persons who could be treated for a shorter
Data on the cost–effectiveness of pangenotypic DAAs in LMICs.
The clinical importance of NS5A resistance.
Data on treatment failure and the relation with rare HCV genotypes.
4.3 Treatment of adolescents (12–17 years) and
deferral of treatment in children (<12 years of age)
New recommendation
What treatment to use
In adolescents aged 12–17 years or weighing at least 35 kg with chronic HCV,* WHO
sofosbuvir/ledipasvir for 12 weeks** in genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6
(strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence)
sofosbuvir/ribavirin for 12 weeks in genotype 2 (strong recommendation, very low
quality of evidence)
sofosbuvir/ribavirin for 24 weeks in genotype 3 (strong recommendation, very low
quality of evidence).
* In those without cirrhosis or with only compensated cirrhosis
** Treatment for 24 weeks in those who are treatment experienced and with compensated cirrhosis
4.3.1 Background
To date, the global response to the HCV epidemic focused on the adult HCV-infected
population. Compared with adults, there are major gaps in data and evidence to
inform management practices and policies in adolescents and children.
Prior to regulatory approval of DAA’s for use in children, the standard of care of
adolescents and children infected with HCV was dual therapy with pegylated-
interferon and ribavirin for 24 weeks for genotypes 2 and 3, and 48 weeks for
genotypes 1 and 4 (109–117). This combination resulted in an SVR rate of around
52% in children infected with HCV genotypes 1 and 4, and 89% in those infected
with HCV genotypes 2 and 3 (109, 110, 112, 114), but was associated with
significant side-effects.
In 2017, two DAA regimens (sofosbuvir/ledipasvir and sofobuvir/ribavirin) received
regulatory approval from FDA and EMA for use in adolescents (12 years)
(118, 119). Trials are ongoing to evaluate pangenotypic DAA regimens in both
adolescents (12 years) and children (aged 6–11 years). As of June 2018, in
those younger than 12 years, the only licensed treatment options remain interferon
with ribavirin as DAAs are not yet approved for use in younger children, and the
Guidelines Development Group therefore formulated separate recommendations
for adolescents and children. None of the recommended pangenotypic DAAs in
these current guidelines (sofosbuvir/daclatasvir or sofosbuvir/velpatasvir) are yet
approved for use in either adolescents and children, but this is anticipated in
2019, which would represent a major opportunity to advance treatment access
(120, 121).
In children aged less than 12 years with chronic hepatitis C,* WHO recommends:
deferring treatment until 12 years of age** (conditional recommendation, low quality
of evidence)
treatment with interferon-based regimens should no longer be used*
(strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).
* In those without cirrhosis or with only compensated cirrhosis
**Prior to approval of DAAs for children aged <12 years of age, exceptional treatment with interferon + ribavirin may be
considered for children with genotype 2 or 3 infection and severe liver disease. This may include children at higher risk
of progressive disease, such as with HIV coinfection, thalassaemia major and survivors of childhood cancer.
4.3.2 Summary of the evidence
The main evidence base to support treatment recommendations in adolescents
aged 12 or more years were the two studies used for regulatory approval of the
regimens (118, 119), and the extensive evidence base from DAA trials in adults.
Adolescents (12–17 years)
The regulatory approval by the FDA and EMA in April and June 2017, respectively,
of the use of a fixed-dose combination of sofosbuvir/ledipasvir for genotype
1-infected adolescents aged 12–17 years old or weighing 35 kg, and sofosbuvir/
ribavirin for those infected with HCV genotype 2 or 3 was based on the extensive
data in adults of high rates of cure and low rates of toxicity, and two studies of
pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety in adolescents (118, 119). In one study,
100 genotype 1 HCV-infected treatment-naive and -experienced adolescents were
treated with sofosbuvir/ledispasvir as a single tablet once daily for 12 weeks (118).
The SVR was 98% with good tolerability. A second study evaluated the use of
sofosbuvir and weight-based ribavirin for 12 weeks in 52 adolescents with genotype
2 or 3 infection (119). SVR rates were 100% (13/13) in genotype 2 and 97%
(38/39) in persons with genotype 3. No serious adverse effects leading to treatment
discontinuation or significant abnormalities in laboratory results were reported. This
study also reported an improvement in health-related quality of life following SVR
(122), particularly in social functioning and school performance domains.
Children (6–12 years)
Currently, the only licensed, approved treatment option for children younger than
12 years is pegylated-interferon α-2a or -2b injections with twice-daily ribavirin
tablets, for 24 to 48 weeks depending on the HCV genotype (109–117). In
genotype 1, the SVR of pegylated-interferon/ribavirin is suboptimal compared to
DAAs; and only 52% in those with HCV genotype 1 and 4, but 89% in genotypes
2 and 3 (109–111, 114). Pegylated-interferon and ribavirin are associated with
significant side-effects, and potentially irreversible post-therapy side-effects, such
as thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, ophthalmological complications and growth
impairment (112, 114, 123–127). None of the DAAs are approved yet for use
in children aged less than 12 years. There are two ongoing studies of half-dose
sofosbuvir/ledipasvir in 90 treatment-naive or -experienced children aged 6 to 12
years infected with HCV genotypes 1, 3 and 4, and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin in
children aged 6 to 12 years (120).
4.3.3 Rationale for the recommendations
Balance of benefits and harms
Among the Guidelines Development Group there was consensus that the overall
goal of treatment in adolescence and childhood is to prevent HCV-associated liver
damage and extrahepatic manifestations, together with the potential to achieve an
HCV-free generation through earlier treatment.
Treat adolescents 12 years or weighing at least 35 kg (without cirrhosis or
with only compensated cirrhosis) with sofosbuvir/ledipasvir and sofosbuvir/ribavirin
The Guidelines Development Group recommended that all chronically HCV
infected adolescents should be offered treatment with the current FDA- and EMA-
approved regimens of sofosbuvir/ledipasvir and sofosbuvir/ribavirin. Data on DAA
therapy in HCV-infected adolescents is limited. The recommendation was based
on both indirect evidence from adult treatment studies (discussed in Chapter 4.2,
see Web annexes 3.1 and 3.2) and two published trials in adolescents (118, 119)
of specific recommended regimens (sofosbuvir/ledipasvir and sofosbuvir/ribavirin)
used for regulatory approval by the EMA and FDA that showed high efficacy and
safety rates and pharmacokinetic equivalence. A systematic review and meta-
analysis comparing DAAs with pegylated-interferon in adolescents (128) also
confirmed higher efficacy and tolerability of oral short-course DAA treatments when
compared to interferon therapy in adolescents and children.This recommendation
was therefore strong despite the low quality of evidence specific to adolescents.
The Guidelines Development Group recognized that the recommended regimens
had limitations.
1. These regimens are not pangenotypic and therefore genotyping will still be
required. Pangenotypic DAA regimens would be preferable in settings with a
range of genoptypes. DAAs under evaluation in adolescents include sofosbuvir/
velpatasvir, sofosbuvir/daclatasvir and glecaprevir/pibrentasvir.
2. There remains limited data on treatment in those with cirrhosis, but
recommendations include those with compensated cirrhosis. In those who are
treatment experienced and with compensated cirrhosis, treatment for 24 weeks
is recommended.
3. Use of a ribavirin-based regimen requires haematological monitoring. Ribavirin
is also teratogenic and contraindicated in pregnancy. This is important as
adolescents are more likely to have unplanned pregnancies. Extreme care
must be taken to avoid pregnancy during therapy and for 6 months after
completion of therapy, as well as in partners of HCV-infected men who are
taking ribavirin therapy.
4. Sofosbuvir with ribavirin is a suboptimal regimen for persons with genotype 3
infection, especially if they have cirrhosis. The Guidelines Development Group
noted that the EMA indicates that sofosbuvir/ledipasvir can be considered for
use in some persons infected with genotype 3, and so a potential off-label use
of sofosbuvir/ledipasvir plus ribavirin is a possible option for adolescents with
genotype 3 HCV infection.
Deferral of treatment in children until 12 years
In children less than 12 years, the Guidelines Development Group recommended
that treatment be deferred until they either reach 12 years or until DAA regimens
are approved for those less than 12 years. Interferon-based regimens should
no longer be used for either adolescents or children (except in situations where
there is no alternative). The Guidelines Development Group recognized that the
benefits of deferral far outweigh the small risk of progression of liver fibrosis during
childhood, and the unpredictable rapid development of advanced liver disease in
a few children (83, 129).
The key reasons for the current conditional recommendation to defer HCV
treatment in children aged less than 12 years were as follows:
1. The low frequency of HCV-related liver disease in childhood. Only a small
number of children experience significant morbidity that would benefit from
early treatment.
2. The only available and approved regimen for this age group is pegylated-
interferon/ribavirin. This regimen has an overall low efficacy, a prolonged
treatment duration (6–12 months), an inconvenient administration route (via
injection), significant side-effects and high costs.
3. New, highly effective short-course oral pangenotypic DAA regimens are likely to
become available for children <12 years in 2019.
Treatment with interferon should not be used
The key reasons for the current strong recommendation that interferon should
not be used in children aged less than 12 years despite the very low quality of
evidence were as follows:
1. The issues with interferon-containing regimens and ribavirin in children.
These include long duration of treatment, limited efficacy and burdensome
side-effects, including high rates of flu-like symptoms and haematological
complications (anaemia, leukopenia and neutropenia), and several
potentially irreversible side-effects, such as thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes,
ophthalmological complications and impaired growth (112, 114, 123–127).
2. The imminent arrival of alternative DAA options. Preliminary trial data
show much higher efficacy and safety of DAAs in children less than 12 years
compared to interferon, as observed for adults and adolescents.
3. The low availability of interferon. Interferon is increasingly less available,
especially in LMICs. It requires a cold chain, which makes delivery to scale
less feasible.
Values and preferences and acceptability
Curative, short-course (e.g. 12-week) oral DAA treatment is highly acceptable
to adolescents and children, as well as their parents or caregivers (80), because
of the likelihood of a cure, and minimal side-effects compared to interferon
injections. Cure will enable adolescents and children to live free of a socially
stigmatizing infection.
Resource considerations
Treatment of adolescents (and in the future children <12 years) may avoid the
higher costs associated with treating adults with advanced liver disease and
related complications. Deferring treatment until children reach 12 years and can
be treated with DAAs (or until approval of DAAs in younger children), has the
potential to reduce costs, as interferon is more expensive.
The approval of DAAs for use in adolescents is a major opportunity to advance
treatment access and cure to a vulnerable group that will benefit from
early treatment.
4.3.4 Implementation considerations
A major constraint to implementation of these recommendations is that few LMICs
have included adolescents and children in their national testing and treatment
guidelines, so most remain undiagnosed. All countries should include testing
for adolescents and children, and treatment for adolescents in their national
guidelines, based on the recommendations of the 2017 WHO testing guidelines
(3). This includes focused testing of adolescents from populations most affected
by HCV infection (e.g. PWID, MSM, HIV-infected persons, children of mothers
with chronic HCV infection, especially if HIV-coinfected) and those with a clinical
suspicion of viral hepatitis. The age of consent for testing varies across countries,
and this can pose barriers to adolescents’ access to services. Engaging adolescents
in testing and treatment should be based on adolescent-friendly services.
4.3.5 Research gaps
Evaluation of short-course pangenotypic regimens in adolescents and children,
and retreatment options for children who experience DAA failure.
Estimates of prevalence and burden in adolescents and children to
inform needs.
Cohort studies to examine clinical outcomes of chronic HCV that is vertically
acquired and in childhood to guide indications for treatment initiation in
younger children.
Follow-up studies to examine the impact of DAA treatment on growth, cognitive
function, educational attainment and quality of life among children.
The three considerations (boxes below) are existing formal WHO
recommendations that address alcohol intake, fibrosis assessment and treatment
response assessment.
All other considerations discussed in this chapter are based on good
practice principles.
Existing recommendation from the 2016 HCV treatment guidelines (2)
An alcohol intake assessment is recommended for all persons with HCV infection followed
by the offer of a behavioural alcohol reduction intervention for persons with moderate-to-high
alcohol intake. (Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence)
Existing recommendation from the 2016 HCV treatment guidelines (2)
In resource-limited settings, it is suggested that aminotransferase/platelet ratio index (APRI)
or FIB-4 be used for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis rather than other non-invasive tests
that require more resources such as elastography or FibroTest.
(Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence)
Note: This recommendation was formulated assuming that liver biopsy was not a feasible option. FibroScan®, which is more
accurate than APRI and FIB-4, may be preferable in settings where the equipment is available and the cost of the test is not a
barrier to testing.
Existing recommendation from the 2017 hepatitis B and C testing guidelines (3)
Nucleic acid testing for qualitative or quantitative detection of HCV RNA should be used
as test of cure at 12 or 24 weeks (i.e. sustained virological response [SVR12 or SVR24])
after completion of antiviral treatment. (Conditional recommendation, moderate/low
quality of evidence)
5.1 Clinical assessment of persons with HCV infection
prior to treatment
Pretreatment evaluation of the risk of adverse events is based on the person’s
clinical information, concomitant medications and knowledge of treatment regimen
to be administered. Women of childbearing age may be offered pregnancy testing
and are informed about the lack of available data on the safety and efficacy of
DAAs during pregnancy. In addition, in 2016, WHO recommended an alcohol
intake assessment before initiating treatment and a fibrosis assessment using
noninvasive tests such as the APRI score or FIB-4 test (formula in Fig. 5.1)
to determine if there is cirrhosis (2). An online calculator is available at http:// Tables 5.1 and 5.2 summarize
the cut-off values for the detection of significant fibrosis and cirrhosis, and the
sensitivity and specificity of the APRI score and FIB-4 test when using these cut-
offs. This information will allow clinicians to decide on the appropriate treatment
duration of the pangenotypic regimen of their choice based on the absence or
presence of cirrhosis. The treatment duration of the recommended pangenotypic
regimens sofosbuvir/daclatasvir and glecaprevir/pibrentasvir depends on the
absence or presence of cirrhosis.
APRI = [(AST (IU/L)/AST_ULN (IU/L))×100]/platelet count (10
FIB-4= age (years) x AST (IU/L)/platelet count (10
)/L x [ALT (IU/L)1/2]
FIG. 5.1 APRI and FIB-4 formulas
APRI: aminotransferase/platelet ratio index; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; IU: interna-
tional unit; ULN: upper limit of normal
TABLE 5.1 Low and high cut-off values for the detection of significant fibrosis and cirrhosis
APRI (low
APRI (high
FIB-4 (low
FIB-4 (high
Significant fibrosis
0.5 1.5 1.45 3.25
1.0 2.0
TABLE 5.2 Sensitivity and specificity of APRI and FIB-4 for the detection of advanced
fibrosis and cirrhosis
APRI (low
APRI (high
FIB-4 (low
FIB-4 (high
Significant fibrosis
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
5.1.1 Drug–drug interactions
Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) for DAA regimens vary both in number and clinical
significance, depending on the medicines prescribed. Commonly prescribed
medicines that may lead to DDIs include proton pump inhibitors, statins,
antidepressants and antiretrovirals (ARVs) for HIV (now recommended for all
HIV-infected persons, regardless of CD4 count) (130). The association between
recommended pangenotypic regimens and efavirenz is either contraindicated (in
the case of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir and glecaprevir/pibrentasvir) or requires dose
adjustment (in the case of sofosbuvir/daclatasvir). Table 5.3 summarizes the DDIs
between WHO-recommended HIV ARV medicines and HCV medicines. Where
DDIs are likely, ARV substitutions may be considered before initiating HCV therapy.
Prescribers may consult the University of Liverpool webpage on hepatitis drug
interactions ( prior to prescribing, as details
of interactions are frequently updated. This website includes details of interactions
with prescribed and non-prescribed medicines.
5.1.2 Monitoring for treatment toxicity
In general, DAAs are well tolerated by persons with HCV infection, with only minor
side-effects. The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
and the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) recommend a
monitoring schedule that includes baseline, week 4 and week 12 after the end of
treatment (131, 132). The Guidelines Development Group proposed to simplify
this schedule as the most common adverse events of DAAs are minor and include
fatigue, headache, insomnia and nausea. The Guidelines Development Group
proposed that the frequency of routine laboratory monitoring be limited to a baseline
and end-of-treatment specimen (see summary monitoring schedule framework for
the treatment of persons with HCV infection based on expert opinion in Table 5.4).
Additional laboratory monitoring is necessary in persons treated with ribavirin.
Ribavirin is taken with food and causes a predictable, dose-dependent haemolytic
anaemia. It is contraindicated in persons with anaemia or those with blood disorders
such as thalassaemia. Finally, HIV coinfection, HBV coinfection (see sections 5.2.1
and 5.2.2), cirrhosis or renal impairment, potential DDIs and ill-health may also
necessitate more frequent monitoring than proposed in Table 5.4.
TABLE 5.3 Drug–drug interactions between antiretrovirals and direct-acting antivirals
for renal
for renal
for renal
for renal
for renal
EFV or
for renal
for renal
for renal
for renal
Red = do not co-administer
Yellow = possible toxicity/interaction/dose adjustment, as specified
Green = no interaction; can be co-administered
ABC: abacavir; ATZ/r: atazanavir/ritonavir; DRV/r: darunavir/ritonavir; DTG: dolutegravir; EFV: efavirenz; LPV/r: lopinavir/r;
NVP: nevirapine; RAL: raltegravir; ZDV: zidovudine; TDF: tenofovir disproxil fumarate; XTC: emtricitabine/lamivudine;
TAF: tenofovir alafenamide
Recommended treatment for adolescents with genotypes 2 and 3 HCV infection
If Hb >10 g/dL then no need to check again at week 4
TABLE 5.4 Monitoring framework before and during DAA treatment
DAA alone DAA + ribavirin
Full blood count, renal,
liver function
Full blood count, renal,
liver function
Week 4
Week 12 after end of treatment
5.1.3 Monitoring for treatment response
In 2017, WHO recommended that following completion of DAA treatment,
SVR should be assessed at 12 weeks after the end of treatment using HCV
RNA NAT (3).
5.2 Clinical considerations for specific populations
5.2.1 Persons with HIV/HCV coinfection
Persons with HIV/HCV coinfection generally have more rapid disease progression
than monoinfected persons (133, 134). Even among persons in whom ART leads
to successful control of HIV infection (i.e. undetectable HIV viral load), the risk of
hepatic decompensation among coinfected persons is higher than among persons
with HCV monoinfection (135, 136). For these reasons, since 2014, the WHO
Guidelines listed persons with HIV/HCV coinfection among those to be prioritized
for HCV treatment (1).
HCV treatment outcomes with DAAs are comparable in persons with HIV/HCV
coinfection to those with HCV monoinfection (137). Because DAAs are safe and
effective for people with HIV/HCV, there is no longer any need to consider them
as a special or difficult-to-treat population. However, there are important DDIs
with pangenotypic HCV regimens and ART. Therefore, checking for DDIs between
HIV and HCV medications needs to be emphasized (see also section 5.1.1
and Table 5.3).
5.2.2 Persons with HBV/HCV coinfection
There are no global prevalence data on HBV/HCV coinfection, but various studies
have reported that 3–18% of people who are HBsAg positive are also HCV infected
(138). HBV/HCV coinfection is more likely among PWID and persons living in areas
where both viruses are endemic (138). Coinfection with HBV and HCV increases
the risk for HCC, although the reasons for this are not well understood (139, 140).
In 2016, the FDA issued a warning about the risk of HBV reactivation during
DAA treatment (defined as >1000 IU/mL increase in HBV DNA or detection of
HBsAg in a person who was previously negative) based on 29 case reports (95).
Even though HBV reactivation appears rare, individuals may be considered for
HBV testing before initiating HCV treatment (131, 141). Persons with HBV/ HCV
coinfection may be assessed for eligibility for HBV treatment and, if needed,
started on HBV treatment before starting HCV treatment (131, 141). Persons with
advanced disease may be considered for monitoring at regular intervals for HBV
reactivation during HCV treatment. The risk of reactivation among persons who are
anti-HBc positive but HBsAg negative is very low (142–144).
5.2.3 Persons with cirrhosis
The risk of cirrhosis is increased in those who consume excess alcohol (145), and
in those coinfected with HBV and/or HIV (133, 135, 136, 139), particularly those
who are not receiving ART (146). To determine if fibrosis or cirrhosis is present,
WHO recommends the use of non-invasive tests such as the APRI score or the
FIB-4 test (see section 5.1) (2).
Management of compensated cirrhosis
Assessment and follow up for progression of disease and evidence of HCC is
an essential part of the care of persons with HCV-related cirrhosis. Persons with
cirrhosis (including those who have achieved SVR) may be considered for HCC
screening with six-monthly ultrasound examinations and/or alpha-fetoprotein
estimation (131, 141), and endoscopy every 1–2 years to exclude oesophageal
varices (147).
Management of decompensated cirrhosis
Diagnosis of decompensated liver disease is based on both laboratory and clinical
assessment. A proportion of persons with decompensated liver disease will
deteriorate on treatment and currently there are no predictors to identify these
persons. Therefore, treatment of persons with decompensated cirrhosis ideally
takes place in centres with the expertise to manage complications and where
access to liver transplantation is available.
Daclatasvir, velpatasvir and sofosbuvir have been studied in persons with
decompensated cirrhosis and their use has been demonstrated to be generally
safe and effective. In contrast, regimens that include an HCV protease inhibitor
(e.g. glecaprevir/pibrentasvir) are not approved for use in persons with
decompensated liver disease.
5.2.4 Persons with chronic kidney disease
Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir have been shown to be effective and safe in persons with
chronic kidney disease and HCV infection with all six major HCV genotypes (63).
However, in 2018, there is limited availability in LMICs of this regimen, hence as
an interim measure where genotype appropriate, consideration could be given to
those combinations previously recommended in the WHO 2016 HCV treatment
guidelines (2) and listed in Web annex 5 as safe in persons with grades 4 and 5
chronic kidney disease.
Sofosbuvir-based regimens do not have the safety and efficacy data to support
their use in persons with chronic kidney failure grades 4 and 5, i.e. severe renal
impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] <30 mL/min/1.73 m
5.2.5 Persons with TB/HCV coinfection
Persons at increased risk of infection with HCV may also be at increased risk of
infection with TB. Therefore, the clinical evaluation of persons being considered
for HCV treatment can include screening for active TB. A four-symptom screening
algorithm exists to rule out active TB (148). If the person does not have any one
of the following symptoms – current cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats –
TB can be reasonably excluded; otherwise, the person must undergo further
investigations for TB or other diseases.
Most of the DAAs interact with metabolic pathways in the liver, which increases or
decreases the level of DAAs when co-administered with commonly used rifamycins
such as rifabutin, rifampin and rifapentine (149–151). Therefore, concurrent
treatment of HCV infection and TB must be avoided. Active TB involves a risk of
secondary transmission and that can be life-threatening in a shorter time frame
than HCV. Thus, TB is usually treated before HCV. In persons with HCV infection
treated for TB, the risk of antimycobacterial-induced hepatotoxicity is higher than
in those with TB monoinfection, although the risk of severe hepatotoxicity is rare
(152). Monitoring liver function tests detects hepatotoxicity early.
Concurrent treatment of HCV infection and multidrug-resistant TB is particularly
complicated because of many DDIs between DAAs and second-line antimicrobials.
There are limited data on the management of persons coinfected with HCV, HIV
and TB. Specialist referral may be needed to reduce the additive side-effects, pill
burden and DDIs.
5.2.6 Retreatment of persons with failure of DAA therapy
With DAAs, SVR rates generally exceed 90% across all HCV genotypes (76). Even
if all of the 71 million persons with HCV infection were to gain access to DAA
therapy, an estimated 2–5 million of them would not be expected to achieve SVR,
and would need effective retreatment. Persons who do not achieve SVR after DAA
treatment have limited options for retreatment. An appropriate, highly effective
initial treatment regimen helps avoiding the dilemma of limited retreatment
options. Examination of adherence and potential DDIs may guide decisions when
persons fail DAA therapy.
Currently, there is one pangenotypic regimen approved for the retreatment of
persons who have been previously treated with any combination of DAAs. This
is the FDC of sofosbuvir, velpatasvir and the protease inhibitor voxilaprevir (153,
154). In two clinical trials of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir, more than 300
persons, 46% with cirrhosis, were treated for 12 weeks. The triple DAA regimen
was highly effective for persons who did not reach an SVR with DAA-containing
regimens. SVR rates ranged from 93% to 99%, with the lowest rate in persons
with genotype 3 infection and cirrhosis (155). Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir
cannot be used in persons with Child–Pugh Class B or C cirrhosis or renal failure.
The combination of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir has been approved for retreatment
in patients who have failed sofosbuvir-containing regimens and those who have
failed treatment with either a protease inhibitor or an NS5A inhibitor (but not both).
In the absence of these regimens, expert consultation suggests that extending
the initial DAA therapy to 16 or 24 weeks, while at the same time reinforcing
adherence, may be an alternative option for retreatment.
In 2016, WHO estimated that only 13% of persons diagnosed with HCV infection
had initiated treatment (4). This chapter provides a summary of eight key
good practice approaches to service delivery across the continuum of care to
support implementation of the clinical recommendations for Treat All and use of
pangenotypic regimens. These would help countries improve access to effective
hepatitis services (Box 6.1).
Box 6.1. Good practice principles for health service delivery
1. Comprehensive national planning for the elimination of HCV infection based on local
epidemiological context, existing health-care infrastructure, current coverage of testing,
treatment and prevention, and available financial or human resources
2. Simple and standardized algorithms across the continuum of care from testing, linkage
to care and treatment
3. Strategies to strengthen linkage from testing to care, treatment and prevention
4. Integration of hepatitis testing, care and treatment with other services (e.g. HIV
services) to increase the efficiency and reach of hepatitis services
5. Decentralized testing and treatment services at primary health facilities or harm reduction
sites to promote access to care. This is facilitated by two approaches:
5a. task-sharing, supported by training and mentoring of health-care workers and
peer workers;
5b. a differentiated care strategy to assess level-of-care needs, with specialist referral
as appropriate for those with complex problems.
6. Community engagement and peer support to promote access to services and linkage
to the continuum of care, which includes addressing stigma and discrimination
7. Strategies for more efficient procurement and supply management of quality-assured,
affordable medicines and diagnostics
8. Data systems to monitor the quality of individual care and coverage at key steps along
the continuum or cascade of care at the population level.
6.1 National planning for HCV elimination
In 2015, WHO published a manual to guide national programme managers in
developing or strengthening national viral hepatitis plans (156). The manual is
aligned with a health systems approach to disease planning and supports an
evidence-based decision-making process. It includes a template for a national
hepatitis plan that covers prevention, testing and treatment within the framework
of universal health coverage principles and other planning tools. National
stakeholders should also use the plan to agree on the service coverage targets for
the interventions towards achievement of elimination.
6.2 Simple standardized algorithms
A simplified algorithm is given for testing, treatment and monitoring with five key
steps that can be adapted for use at the national level (see summary algorithm in
the Executive summary).
6.3 Strategies to strengthen linkage from testing
to care
Multiple factors may hinder successful uptake of testing and linkage to care,
treatment and prevention. These include patient-level factors (e.g. mental health
issues, substance abuse, misinformation, depression, lack of social or family
support, fear of disclosure and housing instability), as well as structural or economic
factors (e.g. stigma and discrimination, high cost of care, distance from care sites,
transportation costs and long waiting times at the facility) (157). Optimizing the
impact of effective treatment and prevention will require interventions to both
expand the uptake of testing and improve linkage to confirmatory viral load testing
and uptake of treatment.
The 2017 WHO Guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing recommended that all
facility- and community-based hepatitis testing services adopt and implement
strategies to enhance uptake of testing and linkage to care (strong recommendation,
moderate quality of evidence) (3). In particular, the following evidence-based
interventions should be considered to promote uptake of hepatitis testing and
linkage to care and treatment initiation (conditional recommendation):
trained peer and lay health worker support in community-based settings
(moderate quality of evidence);
clinician reminders to prompt provider-initiated, facility-based HCV testing in
settings that have electronic records or analogous reminder systems (very low
quality of evidence);
provision of hepatitis testing as part of integrated services within a single facility,
especially mental health/substance use (very low quality of evidence);
dried blood spot (DBS) specimens for NAT ± serology in some settings (low/
moderate quality of evidence).
Other approaches that may be considered to promote linkage include (8)
on-site single rapid diagnostic test (RDT) with same-day results;
reflex laboratory-based virological NAT of positive serology samples;
providing assistance with transport if the treatment centre is far from the
testing site.
Specific policies can improve and monitor linkages between hepatitis testing and
prevention, treatment and care services. Interventions that impact on multiple
steps along the care continuum will generally be more resource efficient.
6.4 Integrated testing, care and treatment
The goal of programme collaboration is to create integrated delivery systems that
can facilitate access to hepatitis testing, treatment and other health services. There
are three types of potential service integration:
1. providing testing for HCV infection in different settings (e.g. in HIV/ART, TB,
sexually transmitted infection [STI] or antenatal clinics);
2. integrating the diagnosis of hepatitis with diagnostic platforms and laboratory
services used for other infections;
3. integrated service delivery of care, prevention and treatment (e.g. HCV care
at harm reduction or HIV sites).
6.4.1 Providing testing for HCV infection in different settings
WHO already recommends integration of HIV testing into a range of other clinical
services, such as services for TB, HIV/ART, maternal and child health, sexual and
reproductive health (STI clinics), mental health and harm reduction programmes,
migrant and refugee services, and in prisons (158). Integrating HCV and HIV
testing will be particularly important in populations with high-risk behaviours for
both infections, such as PWID, MSM and incarcerated persons who have a high
prevalence of both HIV and HCV infection (159).
The primary purpose of integration is to make HBV, HCV and HIV testing more
convenient for people coming to health facilities, and so expand the reach and
uptake of viral hepatitis testing. For the HCV-infected person, integration of
hepatitis testing into other health services may facilitate addressing other health
needs at the same time, thereby saving time and money. For the health system,
integration may reduce duplication of services and improve coordination (e.g. in
stock management of diagnostic assays).
6.4.2 Integrating the diagnosis of hepatitis with diagnostic
platforms and laboratory services used for other infections
Combination integrated multidisease serological tests
The use of combination integrated blood- or oral-based multidisease assays allow
for integrated testing of HIV, HBV and HCV. Using a single specimen improves the
efficiency of testing programmes, especially in populations with a high prevalence
of HIV/HCV or HBV/HCV coinfection. While not yet fully validated, preliminary
results of these combination assays appear promising (160).
Shared use of HIV or TB multidisease platforms for HCV viral load testing
The introduction of multidisease testing devices (also known as polyvalent testing
platforms) brings new opportunities for collaboration and integration, and can
both increase access as well as provide significant system efficiencies, with cost-
savings. Countries with existing multidisease platforms for HIV viral load or TB
testing or those that are planning for their introduction can consider collaboration
and integration of HCV viral load testing (161). This includes both high-throughput
laboratory-based instruments for HIV viral load measurement and point-of-care
instruments such as GeneXpert for HIV and TB.
6.4.3 Integrated service delivery of care, prevention and treatment
Increased access and rapid scale up of HCV treatment and care will require a
significant change in the way that services are delivered. Where possible, HCV
services (testing and DAA treatment) can integrate the public health system. In
many cases, this integration goes down to primary health-care facilities. It makes
use of existing HIV and harm reduction services (OST and/or needle exchange
programmes) or prison health services to increase access, especially for PWID.
Existing WHO guidance on delivery of effective OST programmes is available (5).
Continuity of prevention and care is needed to ensure ongoing harm reduction
measures and avoid reinfection, especially among PWID and MSM. Integration of
services means not only provision of related services at a single setting, but also
linking reporting systems to share information between settings and providers.
6.5 Decentralized services
Decentralization of services refers to service delivery at peripheral health facilities,
community-based venues and locations beyond hospital sites, bringing care
nearer to patients’ homes. This may reduce transportation costs and waiting time
experienced at central hospitals and, as a result, improve linkage to treatment
and follow up. In high HIV-burden LMICs, the decentralization of HIV treatment
services was a key factor in successful global scale up, improving uptake of both
testing and treatment, and reducing loss to follow up (162, 163). In contrast,
delivery of viral hepatitis testing and treatment has until recently generally
relied on specialist-led centralized care models in hospital settings (164, 165).
Decentralization of testing services will require access to quality-assured RDTs
or collection and analysis of DBS specimens, good specimen referral networks,
enhanced connectivity for return of results, and an electronic results system.
Decentralized provision of care and treatment will be facilitated by use of a
simplified algorithm (see summary algorithm in the Executive summary), access to
pangenotypic regimens and a programme of staff training and supervision. There
are now several examples of successful models of decentralized viral hepatitis
testing and treatment services emerging in high-burden countries, including
Mongolia and Egypt. Decentralization of services, however, may not always be
appropriate for all settings, or acceptable to all clients, and the relative benefits
should be assessed according to the context. Key requirements to deliver effective
decentralized care are described below.
6.5.1 Task-sharing
Many countries affected by HCV infection face shortages of trained health workers
and specialists in hepatitis management. Task-sharing is a pragmatic response
to shortages of the health workforce to support decentralized care. It is strongly
recommended by WHO in HIV care based on a comprehensive evidence base and
has been widely adopted to expand access to HIV testing and treatment globally
(91, 166). Effective task-sharing with non-specialists or nurses requires provision
of appropriate training at the decentralized site, and access to additional support
or referral to tertiary or specialist sites for more complex cases.
6.5.2 Differentiated HCV care and treatment
Currently, the majority of HCV care and treatment during this early phase of
scale up is facility based, and not differentiated according to individual needs.
Differentiated care is defined as a client-centred approach that simplifies and
adapts services across the cascade, in ways that both serve the needs better of
those with more complex problems requiring prompt or specialized clinical care
but also relieves overburdened hepatitis clinics in central hospitals. Based on an
evidence-based differentiated care framework recommended by WHO and widely
adopted in HIV treatment and care programmes, a similar approach is proposed
to support decentralized management of HCV infection.
Broadly, three groups of HCV-infected persons with specific needs can be
identified. Table 6.1 summarizes these three groups, their anticipated care needs,
the most appropriate setting to deliver care and the type of provider needed.
The majority of persons with HCV will have early-stage liver disease; they can be
treated at facility level or potentially even in the community. Only a small proportion
will require more intensive clinical or psychosocial support. However, this will vary
considerably according to the epidemic profile of the country, and the maturity of
the treatment response and diagnosis rate.
1. Persons clinically well and stable: this represents the majority of persons
diagnosed, and includes those with no evidence of cirrhosis, serious
comorbidities, mental health issues or active drug use; and the ability to
comprehend issues of adherence and prevention messages.
2. Persons requiring more intensive clinical support: this includes persons
presenting to care with advanced liver disease or serious comorbidities,
previous treatment failure that requires either a more intensive or fast-tracked
clinical and care package to manage life-threatening clinical problems and
initiate treatment with more intensive monitoring.
3. Persons requiring more intensive psychosocial/mental health support, or
intercultural or language support: this may include those with mental health
issues, PWID, those with alcohol misuse, or adolescents requiring additional
support and counselling. Migrant populations and Indigenous Peoples may
also require more intensive intercultural or language support.
TABLE 6.1 Potential differentiated care needs and approaches to viral hepatitis
HCV-infected persons
Care needs
By whom?
Clinically well and stable
Standard care package:
counselling, adherence
support, treatment
initiation and monitoring
including primary
care or community-
based settings, and
Physician or
Advanced liver disease
or serious comorbidities,
hepatocellular cancer
(HCC), previous treatment
Requiring more intensive
clinical support and
follow up: management
of liver-related
(e.g. variceal bleed,
ascites, encephalopathy,
HCC treatment)
Facility-based –
Mental health issues,
people who inject drugs or
engage in alcohol misuse,
adolescents, migrants
Requiring more
intensive psychosocial/
mental health support,
or intercultural and
language support
Can be facility-based
or community-based,
harm reduction site
Physician and
6.6 Community engagement and peer support,
including addressing stigma and discrimination in the
general population
Peer-led interventions have been effective in increasing access, care and
treatment, and supporting adherence to treatment, for both hepatitis and other
infectious diseases particularly for marginalized population groups such as PWID
(3, 167). In addition to providing services, peers can act as role models and offer
non-judgemental support that may contribute to reducing stigma and improving
the acceptability of services.
6.7 Strategies for more efficient procurement and
supply management of medicines and diagnostics
Access to DAAs for hepatitis C has improved since their initial registration in 2013
(Table 6.2). In 2017, 62% of those infected with HCV lived in countries where
generic medicines could be procured. Countries that made use of this possibility
and registered multiple medicines from different manufacturers managed to
achieve a major reduction in prices (4). However, initial progress in access to
DAAs has been mostly for the sofosbuvir/ledipasvir and sofosbuvir/daclatasvir
combinations (Table 6.2). Of these, sofosbuvir/daclatasvir is a pangenotypic
regimen. With respect to the other two pangenotypic regimens, the innovator
company has announced an access programme for sofosbuvir/velpatasvir. No
information is available for glecaprevir/pibrentasvir.
Key steps to increase the availability of DAA and diagnostics at country level
include the following (4):
1. Selecting products: formulating national testing and treatment guidelines
that specify which medicines and diagnostic assays should be used. WHO-
prequalified products are listed at:
2. Determining whether generic medicines are available in the country: if
DAAs are not protected by a patent or if the country is included in the respective
license agreement, procurement of generic medicines from various sources
is possible. Otherwise, the country needs to enter into price negotiations with
the originator company or if this does not yield satisfactory results, use the
flexibilities contained in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (4).
3. Registration and inclusion in the national essential medicines list: DAAs
need to be registered with the national regulatory authority and included in the
national essential medicines list. If access to generic medicines is possible,
registration of products from as many manufacturers as possible will increase
competition and lower prices.
4. Quantification and forecasting of demand for commodities: to estimate the
volume of products required to meet programme demand, managers need
to estimate the size of the infected population in need of treatment and the
expected rate of scale up for testing and treatment activities.
5. Procurement of commodities: procurement mechanisms can include (i) a
competitive tendering process in case of registration of multiple manufacturers
of generic medicines or (ii) price/volume negotiation with the originators if
generic medicines cannot be procured. A pooled procurement mechanism
(e.g. Strategic Fund of the Pan American Health Organization) is another option
for economies of scale in procurement of commodities, including diagnostics.
WHO tools are also available to estimate the cost–effectiveness of HCV treatment
in individual countries ( and to procure diagnostics.
TABLE 6.2 Characteristics of available pangenotypic and non-pangenotypic DAAs
Pangenotypic regimens Sofosbuvir/
Efficacy in
infection with HCV
genotypes 1–6
Pangenotypic Pangenotypic Pangenotypic Genotype
High High High High
Registration status
in low- and middle-
income countries
Very low Low Very low Low
Access plans in
low- and middle-
income countries
In development Large number
of countries
included in
voluntary license
No information
Large proportion
of countries
included in
voluntary license
Acceptability by
health providers
Highest Highest Highest High
Health system
costs (genotyping;
Low Low Low High
6.8 Data systems for monitoring the quality and
cascade of care
WHO has developed a monitoring and evaluation framework to enable Member
States to report on hepatitis elimination (73). Three indicators address the cascade
of care, including the proportion of infected persons diagnosed (core indicator
C6b), treatment initiation rate (core indicator C7b) and the proportion of those
treated who are cured (C8b). In an initial assessment phase, triangulation of data
from different sources may be used to generate an initial estimate of the three core
indicators of the cascade of care. In the longer term, estimating the indicators of
the cascade of care requires a database of HCV-infected persons based on simple
individuals’ records. Such databases can be integrated with those used to monitor
HIV and/or TB treatment as appropriate.
The two considerations in the box below are existing formal WHO recommendations
that address focused testing for HBV and HCV infection and harm reduction
for PWID.
Existing recommendation from the 2017 HBV and HCV testing guidelines (3)
In all settings (and regardless of whether delivered through facility- or community-based
testing), it is recommended that serological testing for HCV antibody (anti-HCV)
or HBsAg be
offered with linkage to prevention, care and treatment services to the following individuals:
Adults and adolescents from populations most affected by HCV infection
(i.e. who are
either part of a population with high HCV seroprevalence or who have a history of exposure
and/or high-risk behaviours for HCV infection);
Adults, adolescents and children with a clinical suspicion of chronic viral hepatitis
(i.e. symptoms, signs, laboratory markers).
(Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence)
Note: Periodic retesting using HCV nucleic acid tests (NAT) should be considered for those with ongoing risk of acquisition
or reinfection.
1 This may include fourth-generation combined antibody/antigen assays.
2 Includes those who are either part of a population with higher seroprevalence (e.g. some mobile/migrant populations
from high/intermediate endemic countries, and certain indigenous populations) or who have a history of exposure or
high-risk behaviours for HCV infection (e.g. PWID, people in prisons and other closed settings, MSM and sex workers,
and HIV-infected persons, children of mothers with chronic infection, especially if HIV-coinfected).
3 Features that may indicate underlying chronic HCV infection include clinical evidence of existing liver disease, such as
cirrhosis or HCC, or where there is unexplained liver disease, including abnormal liver function tests or liver ultrasound.
All other considerations discussed in this chapter are based on good
practice principles.
7.1 People who inject drugs
7.1.1 Background
In 2017, there were an estimated 15.6 million PWID aged 15–64 years (168).
PWID are at risk for infections, including HCV infection (169), mental health
issues, psychosocial challenges, contact with law enforcement agencies (170)
and premature death (171).
Fifty-two per cent of PWID (95% UI: 42–62) have serological evidence of past
or present HCV infection (anti-HCV positive) and 9% (95% CI: 5–13) have HBV
infection (HBsAg positive) (168). However, many infected PWID are unaware
of their diagnosis and few initiate treatment (172), because of criminalization,
discrimination, unstable housing and stigma in health-care settings (173). Around
58% of PWID have a history of incarceration (168). PWID are also at increased risk
of new HCV infection and reinfection (47, 172). They require prevention services
to reduce the risk of infection and reinfection after a cure (174).
7.1.2 Service delivery considerations
Prevention services and reducing harm from injecting drug use
High-coverage harm reduction programmes for PWID to prevent HCV
transmission and reinfection. WHO already recommends both needle and
syringe distribution and OST (5) as effective interventions for HIV prevention,
but only a high coverage of these interventions also prevents HCV transmission
(175) (176).
Education of PWID. Harm reduction interventions educate on prevention and
provide access to sterile equipment. OST reduces the frequency of injection
(177), treats underlying dependence and helps to prevent overdose.
Access to low dead-space syringes. NSPs make use of low dead-space
syringes (178).
Existing recommendation from the 2016 updated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis,
treatment and care for key populations (5)
All people from key populations who are dependent on opioids should be offered and have
access to opioid substitution therapy.
Routine targeted testing of all PWID for HCV, HBV and HIV infection was
recommended in the 2017 WHO testing guidelines (3). Testing and treatment
in drug dependency services or prisons is cost effective in high-income settings
(132, 179). Specific interventions improve coverage (180). Regular testing for
HCV is relevant to uninfected PWID, those cured, and those who had cleared the
virus spontaneously. Previously infected persons are tested directly with HCV RNA
as they will remain anti-HCV positive after the first infection (181).
Linkage and care
Following diagnosis, PWID can be referred to appropriate services. Specific
interventions can improve linkage (180) to a package of care that includes
treatment (182) and addresses other medical and/or psychosocial issues. Peer
interventions and integrated comprehensive HCV care may increase acceptability,
uptake and adherence. It can reduce injecting drug use and improve injection
practices (183). See the WHO ASSIST package – guidance on brief behavioural
interventions for substance use (184).
Limited data (185–190) indicate high SVR rates among PWID treated with DAAs
for HCV infection. DDIs can take place between both prescribed and non-
prescribed drugs.
7.2 People in prisons and other closed settings
7.2.1 Background
Worldwide, at any given time, an estimated 10 million people are incarcerated
(191). HCV infection is more common among incarcerated persons or those who
have previously spent time in correctional facilities. A meta-analysis reported
a global prevalence of HCV infection of 26% among general detainees, and of
64% among detainees with a history of injecting drug use (192). Incidence was
estimated at 1·4 per 100 person-years, rising to 16·4 per 100 person-years in those
with a history of injecting drug use (192). Overall, 58% of PWID have a history of
incarceration and 56–90% of PWID would be incarcerated at some stage (168).
Criminalization of drug use may explain the frequency of HCV infection in prisons
and other closed settings. One in every five prisoners is held for drug-related
charges (170). Transmission continues in closed settings because of injecting
drug use, tattooing (193) and possibly sexual transmission among men. However,
OST is available in the prisons of only 52 countries, and only eight countries have
at least one NSP within a closed setting (194).
7.2.2 Service delivery considerations
Prisons are an opportunity to offer prevention, testing, care and treatment services
to marginalized populations that otherwise might have difficulty in accessing care.
Expansion of NSP and OST coverage. The United Nations 2016 General
Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on Drugs called for non-discriminatory
access to “medication-assisted therapy”, including access in prisons and other
custodial settings, and suggested that national authorities consider making
NSPs available in custodial settings (195).
Provision of DAAs in prisons. The short duration of DAA treatment allows
delivery in closed settings, including through task-sharing with nurses (196).
Negative consequences of testing in prison. Mandatory or coercive testing,
segregation of prisoners, and refusal of treatment have been reported.
Continuation of prevention, testing and treatment services available in
the community during detention and vice versa. Persons who were ever
incarcerated, particularly PWID, are likely to return to prison. Health services
in prisons differ from those in the community. Medical care may be interrupted
because of incarceration and upon return to the community (197, 198). People
receiving community-based OST, as well as treatment for HIV and HCV, suffer
from these disruptions of care (199, 200).
7.3 Indigenous Peoples
7.3.1 Background
Viral hepatitis disproportionately affects Indigenous Peoples in most parts of the
world (9, 201). The world’s 370 million Indigenous Peoples face displacement,
dispossession, loss of livelihood, systematic racism as well as abuse and lack of
recognition, threatening the sacred relation between Indigenous Peoples and their
landbase. Poverty as well as large health disparities are common among Indigenous
Peoples. Access to health services is often further hampered by the remoteness of
their communities or language and cultural barriers. In some countries, including
Canada and Australia, rates of incarceration and injecting drug use are high in
Indigenous Peoples, further increasing the risk of HCV acquisition (202, 203).
7.3.2 Service delivery considerations
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples highlights
several key considerations for the health of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous
Peoples have the right to be actively involved in developing and determining the
health programmes that affect them, and to administer, as far as possible, such
programmes through their own institutions. Indigenous Peoples also have the
right to access, without any discrimination, to all social and health services (204).
Specific considerations in delivering HCV prevention, diagnosis and treatment
services include:
employing and training Indigenous staff in HCV prevention, diagnosis
and treatment;
catering to specific language or cultural needs, e.g. gender-specific
service provision;
engaging with local Indigenous representatives to gain endorsement
and acceptance;
consulting with community members to address concerns or provide
engaging with the community to increase availability of treatment.
7.4 Men who have sex with men
7.4.1 Background
HCV is not commonly transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse among
monogamous heterosexual partners (205–208). However, sexual practices that
cause mucosal trauma, group sex, chemSex (the practice of non-injection and
injection use of certain drugs before and during sex), and the presence of HIV
infection increase sexual transmission of HCV among MSM (52, 209–211). Non-
injecting HIV-infected MSM populations have a high incidence of HCV infection
(212). Transmission increases with unprotected receptive anal intercourse,
ulcerative STI lesions and lower CD4 counts (213). The implementation of HIV
pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among sexually active HIV-negative MSM was
also followed by reports of a rise in HCV incidence (214).
7.4.2 Service delivery considerations
The 2017 WHO testing guidelines recommend regular HCV testing for MSM
(3). Information can be provided on modes of transmission during male-to-
male sex.
Treatment of HCV-infected MSM with DAA. Specific treatment of HCV/HIV-
positive MSM may prevent onward transmission of HCV. Attention must be paid
to DDIs with DAAs for persons on ART (see section 5.1.1).
7.5 Sex workers
7.5.1 Background
Sex workers of both genders are more likely to have HCV infection than the general
population for a variety of reasons, such as higher rates of substance use and drug
injecting, higher prevalence of HIV infection and more exposure to HCV (9).
7.5.2 Service delivery considerations
Various health and welfare needs may facilitate the engagement of sex workers
in care.
Strategies to facilitate engagement in care. This may include outreach,
on-site testing services, peer-based interventions, and linkage to other health
and welfare services.
Linkage and referral to appropriate services upon request where substance
use, including alcohol and injecting drug use, is present. This involves
providing access to harm reduction interventions such as OST and NSP,
where necessary.
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Name, affiliation Country and
WHO region
Research support/
non-monetary support
Conflicts and management
Saeed Sadiq Hamid (Chair)
The Aga Khan University,
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Karla Thornton (Co-Chair)
University of New Mexico
Region of the
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Rakesh Aggarwal
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Sciences,
Asia Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Evaldo Stanislau Affonso Araujo
University of Sao Paulo, Hospital
das Clinicas Infectious Diseases
Region of the
Conference registration and
travel support by Abbvie and
MSD of US$ 4000
0 0 0 Financial non-significant.
Full participation
Anton Basenko
Alliance for Public Health, Kiev
European Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Roger Chou (Methodologist)
Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland
Region of the
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Davaadorj Duger
National University of Medical
Sciences, Ulaanbaatar
Western Pacific
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Manal El-Sayed
Ain Shams University
Travel support by Abbvie, MSD,
Roche and Gilead
0 0 0 Financial non-significant.
Full participation
Charles Gore
World Hepatitis Alliance
United Kingdom
European Region
Employed by Hepatitis C trust,
President of World Hepatitis
Alliance that receives grants
and other support from BMS,
Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen,
Roche, Roche diagnostics, Merck,
GSK, Gilead, AbbVie, Abbott
All funding for the
organization comes from
these firms >US$ 1 million
0 0 Financial significant.
Restricted participation.
Excluded from the discussion,
voting and formulation of the
treatment recommendations
Azumi Ishizaki
Kanazawa University, Hanoi
Viet Nam
Western Pacific
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Olufunmilayo Lesi
University of Lagos
African Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Niklas Luhman
Harm reduction, Hepatitis C
& HIV/AIDS advisor, Medecins
du Monde
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Constance Mukabatsinda
Kigali University Teaching
African Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Francesco Negro
University Hospital of Geneva
European Region
Consulting and advisory board for
Janssen-Cilag, Gilead, MSD, BMS
and AbbVie of CHF 8525. Travel
support to meeting by Gilead.
Gilead grant of
CHF 199 000
0 0 Financial significant.
Restricted participation.
Excluded from the
discussion, voting and
formulation of the treatment
David Nelson
University of Florida
Region of the
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Ponsiano Ocama
Makerere University, Kampala
African Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Jurgen Rockstroh
University of Bonn
European Region
Consulting and advisory board
for Janssen-Cilag, Gilead,
MSD, BMS and AbbVie.
Travel support to meeting by
Gilead of US$ 12 000
Research grant for
immunology in acute HCV
by NEAT of US$ 43 000
USD, Research grant for
acute HCV cohort by NEAT-
ID of US$ 60 000
0 0 Financial significant.
Restricted participation.
Excluded from the
discussion, voting and
formulation of the treatment
Regina Tiolina Sidjabat
Ministry of Health, Republic
of Indonesia
Asia Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Khwairakpam Giten Singh
Asia Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Tracy Swan
Hepatitis/HIV project,
Treatment Action Group
Region of the
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Alexander Thompson
St Vincent’s Hospital,
Western Pacific
Consulting and advisory board
for Gilead, Merck, BMS and
AbbVie for US$ 16 000
Research grant Gilead
of US$ 4.5 million,
research grant Abbvie of
US$ 580 000
Financial significant.
Restricted participation.
Excluded from the
discussion, voting and
formulation of the treatment
Emma Thomson
University of Glasgow
European Region
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Lai Wei
Peking University Health
Science Center
Western Pacific
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Stefan Wiktor
University of Washington,
Region of the
0 0 0 0 Full participation
Name, affiliation Country and
WHO region
Research support/
non-monetary support
Conflicts and management
Francisco Averhoff
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Region of the
0 0 0 0 None
Graham Cooke
Imperial College London
United Kingdom
0 0 0 0 None
Benjamin Cowie
WHO Collaborating
Centre for Viral Hepatitis,
Infectious Diseases, Royal
Melbourne Hospital
Western Pacific
0 0 0 0 None
Sharon Hutchinson
Glasgow Caledonian University
United Kingdom
0 0 0 0 None
Maria Cassia Mendes Correa
Ministry of Health
Region of the
0 0 0 0 None
Christian Ramers
Clinton Health Access
Region of the
Scientific advisory board
and consulting for Gilead,
Merck, BMS, Janssen and
AbbVie for US$ 85 000
Focus HCV testing
grant of US$ 164 000
0 0 Financial significant
Comments interpreted in
the context of conflict of
interest. No substantive
changes were made based
on this review.
Trevor Stratton
Canadian Aboriginal
AIDS Network
Region of the
Employed by Canadian
Aboriginal AIDS Network of
Can$ 70 000 per year
Financial significant
Comments interpreted in
the context of conflict of
interest. No substantive
changes were made based
on this review.
Karin Timmermans
0 0 0 0 None
Takaji Wakita
National Institute of
Infectious Diseases
Western Pacific
0 0 0 0 None
Global Hepatitis Programme
World Health Organization
Department of HIV/AIDS
20, avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27
978 92 4 155034 5