Mark Davenport
Professor of Music
Department of Fine & Performing Arts
Director, Recorder Music Center
Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd C-4
Denver, CO 80221-1099
Office Phone: (303) 964-3609
European Music Literature (Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries), American Music (Twentieth
Century), Contemporary Arts and Culture, Education in the Arts, Historical Performance
Practice, Conducting, Performing (Early & Contemporary Music)
• Ph.D., Musicology, University of Colorado. Doctoral Dissertation: "The Dances and Aires of
William Lawes (1602-1645): Context and Style." 3 Vols. (2001)
• M.M., Musicology, University of Colorado. Master’s Thesis: "Erich Katz: His Early Years in
Berlin and Freiburg, 1900-1939" (1994)
• B.A., summa cum laude Music History & Literature, State University of New York (1992)
• Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York
2015- Professor of Music, Regis University
2008-2014 Associate Professor of Music, Regis University
2002-2007 Assistant Professor of Music, Regis University
1999-2002 Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, Metropolitan State University of Denver
1998-2001 Affiliate Faculty, Regis University
1998-2000 Instructor, University of Colorado at Boulder
1994-1997 Graduate Part-Time Instructor, University of Colorado at Boulder
1992-1993 Teaching Assistant, University of Colorado at Boulder
1991-1992 Instructor/Director, Collegium Musicum, State University of New York, College at
New Paltz
Research & Scholarship
A. Peer-Reviewed Books, Book Chapters and Featured Journal Articles
Community, Art, Education, and the Quest for Meaning: From Black Mountain College to the
Gate Hill Cooperative, in manuscript development (forthcoming).
“Paul Williams: The Cage Mix,” Journal of the Society for American Music 14 (May 2020): 113-
“Variations on a Ground: Patsy Lynch at Black Mountain College,” Appalachian Journal, 44-45
(2017/2018), Black Mountain College Special Edition: 416-429.
“Between Fantazy and Aire: The ‘Active Braine’ of William Lawes,” Journal of the Viola da
Gamba Society of America 39 (2002): 49-75. (Published June 2003.)
“The Aire in William Lawes’s Five- and Six-Part Consort Setts: A Comparison and Analysis.”
Chapter in William Lawes (1602-1645): Essays on His Life, Times and Work, ed. Andrew
Ashbee. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing, 1998, 283-306.
“Exploring the Music of Sixteenth-Century Spain,” San Francisco Bay Area Early Music News
(September 1998): 6-7.
“Troubadours and the Art of Courtly Love,” Southern California Early Music News 22 (November
1997): 1, 12-14, 19.
“Noah Greenberg: The Man Behind the Music,” Early Music America 3 (Fall 1997): 39-44, 47.
“The Changing Christian Liturgy and its Affect on Music Through the 16
Century: A Backdrop
for the Early Music Audience,” Early Music Colorado Quarterly 5 (Winter 1996-97): 3-8.
“Musicians, Madrigals, Marriages, Women and Opera: The Mantuan Court of Vincenzo Gonzaga,
1587-1612,” Southern California Early Music News 21 (October 1996): 1, 12-22, 26.
“The New York Pro Musica’s ‘Play of Herod’: Research Issues Then and Now,” Early Music
America: The Magazine of Historical Performance 1 (Winter 1995): 26-34.
“Carl Orff: The Katz Connection,” American Recorder 36 (September 1995): 7-15, 34-39.
"Spain in the New World: Some Musical Consequences," Early Music Colorado Quarterly 3
(Winter 1994): 6-11.
"Recorder Pitch: Always Throwing Us a Curve," American Recorder 34, (March 1993): 7-10.
B. Interviews, Reports and Essays
“Black Mountain College Student Patsy Lynch Celebrates Two Milestones,” Photo Essay, Black
Mountain College Museum + Arts Center Website (June 2022):
“A Conversation with Martha Bixler: The Early Years of the Early Music Revival,” American
Recorder 62 (Spring 2021): 9-17.
A Day in the Park by LaNoue Davenport for Recorder Day,” American Recorder 54 (Winter,
2013): 22-25.
“ARS Names DAA and PSHA Recipients,” American Recorder 50 (January 2009): 4.
“The Recorder Goes to School,” American Recorder 50 (January 2009): 11.
“An Interview with Shirley Robbins,” by Martha Bixler. Transcribed and Edited with An
Introduction by Mark Davenport. American Recorder 49 (September 2008): 12-17.
“Education Committee Changes Focus: Phases Out ARS Teacher Certification,” ARS Newsletter
(September 2006): 1.
“Early Music well-represented at American Musicological Society 2004,” American Recorder 46
(January 2005): 6-7.
C. News from the Recorder Music Center at Regis University
“’Anthony Rowland-Jones Collection’ Finds a Home at the Recorder Music Center,” American
Recorder 61 (Summer 2020): 10-11.
“Friedrich von Huene Music Collection Established at Recorder Music Center,” American
Recorder 59 (Fall 2018): 15-18.
“Recorder Music Center Provides New Home for the Constance M. Primus Folk Flute
Collection,” American Recorder 58 (Winter 2017): 4-5.
“All Things Recorder: The Recorder Music Center Celebrates 10 Years,” American Recorder 56
(Winter 2015): 8-10.
“The Recorder Music Center Turns Five,” American Recorder 51 (November 2010): 4-5.
“News from the Recorder Music Center,” American Recorder 49 (November 2008): 11.
“News from the Recorder Music Center,” American Recorder 47 (September 2006): 14.
“News from the Recorder Music Center,” Early Music Colorado Quarterly 14 (Summer 2006): 5, 7.
“News from the Recorder Music Center,” American Recorder 46 (May 2005): 4.
“The Recorder Music Center: Making a Home for All Things Recorder,” American Recorder 45
(May 2004): 28-29.
D. Tributes and Obituaries
“Winifred Yaeger (1926-2022): Honorary Vice President of the American Recorder Society,”
American Recorder (Spring 2023): 19-25.
“Go Cat, Go: Bob Dorough and his legacy in the American Recorder Movement,” American
Recorder 59 (Fall 2018): 19-21.
“Tom Zajac (1956-2015),” American Recorder 56 (Winter 2015): 10.
“American Recorder Pioneer LaNoue Davenport Dies at Age 77,” The Recorder Magazine 20
(Summer 2000): 47-49.
“LaNoue Davenport (1922-1999): A Son’s Recollections,” American Recorder 41 (January 2000):
12, 14, 32.
E. Book Reviews
"Méthodes et Traités Flûte À Bec 8,” 3 Vols. Edited by Susi Möhlmeier and Frédérique
Thouvenot, American Recorder 45 (January 2004): 30-33.
"The Viola da Gamba Society Index of Manuscripts Containing Consort Music, Vol. I." Compiled
by Andrew Ashbee, Robert Thompson, and Jonathan Wainwright, Journal of the Viola da
Gamba Society of America 40 (2003): 61-67.
"The Cambridge Companion to the Recorder." By John Mansfield Thomson (ed.), American
Recorder 37 (March 1996): 36-38.
"English Musicians in the Age of Discovery." By Ian Woodfield, American Recorder 36
(November 1995): 34.
"The Recorder: A Guide to Writings about the Instrument for Players and Researchers." By
Richard Griscom and David Lasocki, American Recorder 36 (January 1995): 24-26.
"On Playing Oboe, Recorder, & Flageolet." By J.P Freillon-Poncein. Translated by Catherine
Parsons Smith, American Recorder 35 (March 1994): 19-20.
F. Music Reviews
“John Jenkins: ‘Fantasia-Suites’ for two trebles (violins), two basses (viols) and organ.” Edited by
Andrew Ashbee, Viola da Gamba Society of America News, 43 (September 2006): 10-11.
"Crumhorn Collection," "More Ancient Carols," and "More Carols for Krumhorns or Recorders."
Arranged by Hans Neuberger, American Recorder 34 (November 1993): 16-17.
Ernst Krahmer. Works edited by Piers Adams: "Concert Polonaise, Op. 5;" "Rondo 'La
Tryolienne,' Op. 35;" "Souvenir A La Suisse, Op. 27;" and "Variations Brillantes, Op. 18,"
American Recorder 34 (November 1993): 17.
"Extraordinary Encores for Solo Recorder and Pianoforte, Vol. I." By Piers Adams. American
Recorder 34 (March 1993): 37-38.
"Solos in Swing for Descant Recorder and Piano." By Don Bateman. American Recorder 34
(March 1993): 37-38.
G. Music Editions, Historical Notes
Robert Dorough, Eons Ago Blue, for Recorder Consort (ATTB) with Optional Gamba (or Cello) &
Percussion. Edited with an Introduction by Mark Davenport (Colorado: Landmark Press,
Special Editions LP SE-2, 2015).
William Lawes, The Three-Part Consorts, for Two Treble Viols (or Violins) and Bass Viol (With
Optional Continuo). Edited by Mark Davenport (Colorado: Landmark Press, English
Consort Series LP ECS-3, 2002).
"Erich Katz: His Life." Introduction to Erich Katz, Santa Barbara Suite: Gala Centennial Edition.
Published as a supplement to American Recorder, 46 (January 2000).
Nicolas Gombert, Dezilde al Cauallero, Five-Part Villancico for Voices, Recorders, Viols or Other
Early Instruments. Transcribed and edited by Mark Davenport (Colorado/New York:
Landmark Press, Art of the Netherlands Series, LP ANS-3, 1999).
Cristóbal de Morales, Emendemus in melius, for Recorder Quintet. Edited by Mark Davenport
(Colorado/New York: Landmark Press, Spanish Renaissance Series LP SRS-3, 1998).
Alonso Lobo, Ave Maria, Double Choir Motet (Eight-In-Four-Canon). Edited by Mark Davenport
(Colorado/New York: Landmark Press, Spanish Renaissance Series LP SRS-2, 1998).
Alonso Lobo, Versa est in luctum, for Recorder Sextet. Edited by Mark Davenport
(Colorado/New York: Landmark Press, Spanish Renaissance Series LP SRS-1B, 1998).
“I Prefer Laughter to Tears: Decoding Jud Yalkut’s ‘John Cage Mushroom Hunting in Stony
Point’,” film screening and pre-lecture image and photographic presentation, Society for
American Music 2023 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 9 March 2023.
“Introduction to ‘Community as Art: From Black Mountain College to the Gate Hill
Cooperative,’” paper and photographic presentation, Gate Hill Cooperative, Stony Point,
NY, 29 September 2022.
“Art, Community & Social Activism: The Untold Story of Vera B. Williams” The Fifteenth
International Conference on the Arts in Society “Against the Grain: Arts and the Crisis of
Democracy,” National University of Ireland Galway, 24-26 June 2020 (presentation
cancelled due to COVID-19).
“Conversations and Interviews.” Magis Scholare: A Celebration of Scholarly Achievements.
URSC Grant Presentation, Regis University, Denver, CO, 24 April 2018.
“Paul Williams: The Cage Mix.” The Society of American Music 2018 Annual Conference, Kansas
City, MO, 3 March 2018.
“Experiments in Community & Art: from Black Mountain College to the Gate Hill Cooperative.”
Invisible Republic: Music, Lettrism, Avant-Gardes International Conference on Music,
Avant-Gardes and Counterculture. University of Lisbon Center for English Studies, Lisbon,
Portugal, 26 October 2017.
“Renaissance Man – LaNoue Davenport: Pioneer of the Recorder Movement in America.” San
Francisco Early Music Society (SFEMS), St. Albert’s Priory, Oakland, CA, 25 July 2016.
“Integrated Music: Education for the Complete Musician.” Colorado Music Educators
Association Clinic and Conference, The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO, 29 January
“Paul Williams: from Black Mountain to Gate Hill.” ReVIEWING Black Mountain College:
Bauhaus + USA, an international conference hosted by the University of North Carolina,
Asheville, and the Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, The Reuter Center at
UNC Asheville, NC, 26 September 2015.
“Home Land: from Bauhaus to Space House, a Preliminary Report.” Gate Hill Cooperative 60
Anniversary Celebration, Stony Point, NY, 27-28 June 2015.
Faculty Panelist on Research and Teaching. 2014 Fall Faculty Conference Pedagogy Beyond the
Classroom: Regis College Faculty as Teacher Scholar Practitioners. Claver Recital Hall, Regis
University, Denver, CO, 3 October 2014.
“Joyful Sighs & Soulful Hymns: Integrating Scholarly and Creative Work.” Session
presenter/faculty at the 2014 Fall Faculty Conference Pedagogy Beyond the Classroom:
Regis College Faculty as Teacher Scholar Practitioners. Regis University, Denver, CO, 3
October 2014.
“Fugal Flauto: J.S. Bach Fugues and Double Choir Motets.” Session presenter/faculty at the
Recorder Music Center Festival and Conference Recorderfest in the West. Regis University,
Denver, CO, 20 September 2104.
“William Byrd and his Sphere of Influence.” Session presenter/faculty at the Recorder Music
Center Festival and Conference Recorderfest in the West. Regis University, Denver, CO, 20
September 2014.
“The Essential Graces: Ornamenting Baroque Music.” Featured presenter at the American Orff-
Schulwerk Association (AOSA) Professional Development Conference Rocky Mountain
Rendezvous. The Denver Hyatt at the Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, 15
November 2013.
Terpsichore (‘Delight in Dancing’).” Featured session presenter at the American Orff-Schulwerk
Association (AOSA) Professional Development Conference Rocky Mountain Rendezvous.
The Denver Hyatt at the Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, 15 November 2013.
“Tradition and Trust in (Music) Education.” Panelist and presenter at the Fall Faculty
Conference. Regis University, Denver, CO, 5 October 2012.
“The Essential Graces: Ornamenting Baroque Music.” Lecture/demonstration, American
Recorder Society Festival and Conference, The Recorder: Past, Present and Future, Reed
College, Portland, OR, 7 July 2012.
“New Paths for Teaching the Recorder.” Session moderator for the American Recorder Society
Festival and Conference, The Recorder: Past, Present and Future, Reed College, Portland,
OR, 7 July 2012.
“Red Rocks/Regis & the Denver Music Scene.” Featured presenter for the Association of Jesuit
Colleges and Universities (AJCU) National Dean’s Conference, Red Rocks, Denver, CO, 29
September 2011.
“Leading a Group: Recorder Orchestras, Collegia and Consorts.” Session moderator at the
American Recorder Society Festival and Conference, University of Missouri, St. Louis, 1
August 2009.
“The Art of Dying.” Session chair for the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society,
Quebec City, Quebec, 2 November 2007.
“Locating and Playing Music from the Recorder Music Center.” Lecture/demonstration. the
American Recorder Society Festival and Conference, Regis University, Denver, CO, 29 July
"Between Fantazy and Aire: The 'Active Braine' of William Lawes." Performance/lecture, the
Fortieth Annual Conclave of the Viola da Gamba Society of America, Franklin Pierce
College, Rindge, New Hampshire, 22 July 2002.
"Thematic Transformation and Other Abstract Tendencies: Decoding an Early-Seventeenth
Century Autograph Manuscript by William Lawes (c. 1635-38)." Society for Seventeenth-
Century Music, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, 20 April 2001.
"Thematic Transformation and Other Abstract Tendencies: Decoding an Early-Seventeenth
Century Autograph Manuscript by William Lawes (c. 1635-38)." Rocky Mountain Chapter
of the American Musicological Society, Arizona State University, Tempe, 11 March 2000.
"Handel's Opus I Solo Sonatas." San Francisco Early Music Society, Dominican College, San
Rafael, CA (12 June 1997).
"The Aire in William Lawes's Five- and Six-Part Consort Setts: A Comparison and Analysis."
William Lawes Conference and Festival, 22-24 Sept. 1995, Oxford University, England.
"The Aire in William Lawes's Five- and Six-Part Consort Setts: A Comparison and Analysis."
Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Musicological Society, Brigham Young University
(April 1995).
"Handel's Opus I Solo Sonatas." Paper/performance presented at the Colorado Recorder
Festival, Colorado Springs, CO (19 July 1994).
"Student Evaluations of College Music Professors: Differences Between Professors with a
Background and Without a Background in Music Education." The 51st Annual Colorado
Music Educators Association (CMEA), Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO (28 January
Creative & Professional Work
Regis University Collegium Musicum. Multiple performances (2002-2023) for Regis University
Music Program Concert Series. Special guest appearances at Early Music Colorado Fall
Festival (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2012) in Boulder Public Library, Colorado, and at
the King Center, Auraria Campus in Denver (October 2012), at “Lights Lesson & Carols”
(2005, 2008, 2011), and at Colorado Music Educator’s Conference (CMEA), Grand
Ballroom, Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs (January 2012).
Port Townsend 40
Anniversary Early Music Workshop, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
(9-15 July 2023).
Columbia Gorge Early Music Retreat/ Portland Recorder Society, Menucha Retreat Center,
Corbett, OR (March 14-18, 2019, and March 13-16, 2015).
Orange County Recorder Society Workshop, Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange, CA February 16,
Denver Recorder Society Workshop in the Rockies, Estes Park (May 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011,
2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 1998-2001).
San Francisco Early Music Society (SFEMS) Recorder Workshop, St. Albert’s Priory, Oakland, CA
(July 24-30, 2016).
Whitewater Early Music Festival, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater (June 5-7, 2015; June 6-8,
2014; June 1-3, 2012).
Artistic Director, Faculty, Planning Committee Recorderfest in the West, Festival and
Conference. Four-day event commemorating the 75
anniversary of the American
Recorder Society and the 10
anniversary of the Recorder Music Center, Regis University,
Denver, CO (September 18-21, 2014).
Denver Chapter of the American Recorder Society, Denver, CO (August 19, 2012 and February
19, 2012).
American Recorder Society Festival and Conference, Reed College, Portland, OR (July 5-8, 2012).
Boulder Chapter of the American Recorder Society, Boulder, CO (May 13, 2012).
Chicago Early Music Festival, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater (June 3-5, 2011).
Canto Antiguo Early Music & Dance, Chapman University, Orange, CA (July, 2005-2010).
American Recorder Society Festival and Conference, University of Missouri, St. Louis (July 30-
August 2, 2009).
Montreal Recorder Festival, Montreal, Canada (September 11-14, 2008).
San Diego Early Music Society, Palomar, CA (May 23-25, 2008).
Ft. Collins Chapter of the American Recorder Society, Fort Collins, CO (September 23, 2007).
Boston Chapter of the American Recorder Society, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (March
24, 2007).
Rio Grande Viol and Recorder Workshop, Las Cruces, NM (October 7-9, 2005).
Early Music Colorado Benefit Workshop, Regis University, Denver, CO (August 14, 2005).
American Recorder Society Festival and Conference, Regis University, Denver, CO (July 28-31,
Multiple year faculty appointments (1993-2004) with the following societies, festivals,
workshops and orchestras:
• Adirondack Early Music Camp and Workshop, Black Lake, NY
Ann Arbor Recorder Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI
• Canto Antiguo Early Music & Dance, Thornton School, Ojai, CA
• Colorado Recorder Festival, Colorado Springs, CO
• Denver Recorder Consort, Denver, CO
• Fort Collins Collegium Musicum, Fort Collins, CO
Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra, Palo Alto, CA
• Rio Grande Viol and Recorder Workshop, Las Cruces, NM
San Diego Early Music Society Workshop, Palomar, CA
• San Francisco Early Music Society Workshop, Dominican College, San Rafael, CA
1991-1992 Musical Director - Collegium Musicum, State University of New York at New
1976-1978 Musical Director - Painters Theater, an off-Broadway theater and dance
company in residence at Sarah Lawrence College.
Featured Soloist (recorder)
Port Townsend Faculty Concert with Miyo Aoki, Vicki Boeckman, Clea Galhano, Eva Legêne,
David Morris, Jonathan Oddie, Ellen Seibert, Peter Seibert, and Mary Springfels (recorders,
gambas, and other early instruments). 40
Anniversary Early Music Workshop, University
of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA (14 July 2023).
Columbia Gorge Faculty Concert with Vicki Boeckman, Lisette Kielson, Laura Kuhlman, and
Gayle and Philip Neuman (recorders and other early instruments). Menucha Retreat
Center, Corbett, OR (March 18, 2019).
Orange County Recorder Society Faculty Recital, with Jennifer Carpenter, recorders. Trinity
Episcopal Church, Orange, CA (February 16, 2019).
2nd Wednesday Faculty Recital Series, The Nature of Song: Centuries of Vocal Versatility,
Amanda Balestrieri, soprano, with Mark Davenport (recorder), Adam Ewing (baritone),
Ann Marie Morgan (viola da gamba) and Steven Silverman (piano and harpsichord). Claver
Recital Hall, Regis University, Denver CO (November 9, 2016).
San Francisco Early Music Society (SFEMS) Faculty Concerts with Miyo Aoki, Rotem Gilbert,
Matthias Maute, Hanneke van Proosdij (recorders) and Derek Tam, harpsichord. St.
Albert’s Priory, Oakland, CA (July 26 and July 29, 2016).
Columbia Gorge Faculty Concert with Vicki Boeckman, Laura Kuhlman, and Gayle and Philip
Neuman (recorders and other early instruments). Menucha Retreat Center, Corbett, OR
(March 15, 2015).
Festival Faculty Concert “Recorders Without Borders” with Vicki Boeckman, Clea Galhano, Laura
Kuhlman, Paul Leenhouts, Hanneke van Proosdij, Anne Timberlake, and Tom Zajac
(recorders). Recorderfest in the West Festival and Conference. Claver Recital Hall, Regis
University (September 20, 2014).
Handel Sonatas for Recorder and Harpsichord with Lyn Loewi (harpsichord). St John’s Cathedral,
Denver (October 20, 2013).
“Handel Sonata in C Major Opus 1 No. 3 for Recorder and Harpsichord” with Lyn Loewi
(harpsichord). 2
Wednesday Faculty Recital Series, Claver Recital Hall, Regis University
(October 9, 2013).
Canto Antiguo West Coast Early Music & Dance Faculty Concert with Thomas Axworthy, Ronald
Glass, Carol Lisek and Alice Renken. Chapman University, Orange, CA (Saturday August 7,
“Masterpieces of the Baroque” with Christine Kyprianides (viola da gamba) and
Thomas Gerber (harpsichord). Guest Artist Concert Series, Lamont School of Music, University
of Denver (May 2, 2008).
The Grand Canonical Ensemble (featured guest artist). King of Glory Lutheran Church, Ft.
Collins, CO (April 13, 2008), Harmony in the Round, Ft. Collins Regional Library, Ft. Collins,
CO (April 11, 2008), and Regis University “Guest Artist Series” (February 13, 2008).
“A Taste of Early Music” featuring The Grand Canonical Ensemble (guest featured artist). Our
Savior’s Lutheran Church, Ft. Collins, CO (February 8, 2008).
Music Faculty Recital with Ben Cohen (lute). Berkeley Church, Regis University, Denver, CO
(September 27, 2006).
Canto Antiguo West Coast Early Music & Dance Faculty Concert with Thomas Axworthy, Inga
Funck, Ronald Glass, Carol Lisek, Alice Renken and Shirley Robbins. Chapman University,
Orange, CA (Saturday July 15, 2006).
“Collage” Rio Grande ARS Chapter Workshop Faculty Concert, with Vicki Boeckman and Clea
Galhano (recorders). Peace Lutheran Church, Las Cruces, NM (October 9, 2005).
American Recorder Society Festival Faculty Recital with Ken Andresen, Letita Berlin, Frances
Blaker, Louise Carlslake, Fran Feldon, Clea Galhano, Eileen Hadidian, Matthius Maute, and
Norbert Kunst (recorders). Berkeley Church, Regis University, Denver, CO (Saturday July
30, 2005).
Canto Antiguo West Coast Early Music & Dance Faculty Concert with Thomas Axworthy, Ronald
Glass, Colleen Kennedy, Jim Maynard, Alice Renken, Shirley Robbins and Claire
Rottembourg. Chapman University, Orange, CA (Saturday July 17, 2004).
Trio Dolce, with Ann Marie Morgan (viola da gamba) and Phebe Craig (harpsichord). Packard
Hall, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO (January 27, 2004).
Trio Dolce, with Ann Marie Morgan (viola da gamba) and Phebe Craig (harpsichord). O’Sullivan
Arts Center, Regis University, Denver CO (January 25, 2004).
Faculty Recital, with Shirley Stephens-Mock (viola da gamba) and Debra Throgmorton
(harpsichord). Front Range Community College, Ft Collins, CO (April 7, 1997).
“Music of the Winds: Works for Recorder, Viola da Gamba & Harpsichord,” with Vicki Boeckman
(recorder), Denise Briese (viola da gamba) and Phebe Craig (harpsichord). Grace Lutheran
Church, Boulder, CO (February 26, 1997), and Epiphany Lutheran Church, Denver CO
(February 25, 1997).
Friends of Early Music Showcase Performance (debut Los Angeles appearance) with Patricia
Mabee (harpsichord), and Margaret Moores (cello). Westwood United Methodist Church,
Los Angeles, CA (October 29, 1996).
Faculty Recital with Patrick Mason (tenor), Elizabeth Farr (harpsichord), and Shirley Stephens-
Mock (viola da gamba). Grusin Music Hall, University of Colorado, Boulder (September 17,
Faculty Recital with Scott Reiss (recorders). Canto Antiguo West Coast Early Music & Dance.
Ojai, CA (Saturday July 27, 1996).
Canto Antiguo West Coast Early Music & Dance Faculty Concert with Thomas Axworthy,
Henrietta Bemus, LaNoue Davenport, Peter Farrell, Ronald Glass, Kathy Lear, Shirley
Robbins and Sheila Schonbrun. Ojai, CA (Saturday July 29, 1995).
Fiori Musicali “Musical Flowers of the 17
& 18
Centuries,” with Patrick Mason (tenor), Jelena
Mathys (harpshicord), and Mary Springfels (viola da gamba). Grace Lutheran Church,
Boulder, CO (April 7, 1995).
“A Concert Honoring Henry Purcell (1659-1695) 300 Years After His Death,” with Robert
Harrison (tenor), Martha Sandford (harpsichord), and Gordon Sandford (viola da gamba).
Grusin Music Hall, University of Colorado, Boulder (February 12, 1995).
Fiori Musicali “The Music of Henry Purcellwith Patrick Mason (tenor), Jelena Mathys
(harpshicord), Shirley Stephens-Mock (viola da gamba), and others. Multiple
performances: First Presbyterian Church, Ft. Collins, CO (November 20, 1994); Grace
Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO (November 18, 1994); Colorado College Visiting Artist
Series, Packard Hall (November 17, 1994); and Early Music Colorado Fall Festival, Boulder,
CO (October 22, 1994).
Baroque Music Academy (Matthew Loucks, director). St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Fort Collins,
CO (October 7, 1994).
“A Little Night Music” with Wayne Templeman (cello), Jim Vaughn (bass), and Laurie Kahler
(harpsichord). Private Estate Concert, Denver, CO (June 4, 1994).
Boulder Bach Festival Orchestra (Robert Spillman, Director). Grusin Music Hall, University of
Colorado, Boulder (April 29-May 1, 1994).
Boulder Bach Festival “Bach for Kids” (Robert Spillman Director). Boulder Public Library
Auditorium. Boulder, CO (April 17, 1994).
Fiori Musicali “French and Italian Music of the 17
& 18
Centuries” with Patrick Mason
(tenor), Jelena Mathys (harpshicord), and Alyssa Pava (baroque cello). St. Barnabas
Episcopal Church, Denver, CO (February 26, 1994) and Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder,
CO (February 25, 1994).
“Contrasts” Solo Recorder Recital with guests Robert Spillman (piano), Greg Dyes (piano),
Jelena Mathys (harpsichord), Lisa Eakins (cello), Kevin Thomas (bass), Matt Houston
(percussion), and others. Grusin Music Hall, University of Colorado, Boulder (October 26,
Columbine Pro Music, with Gordon Sandford (viola da gamba), Martha Sandford (harpsichord),
and Quinn Kerrane (soprano) and Martin Wachter (recorder). Divine Science Church,
Denver, CO (October 2, 1993).
“Italian Recorder Sonatas of the Baroque Period” with Jelena Mathys, harpsichord. First Divine
Science Church, Denver, CO (October 2, 1993).
“Jewels of the Baroque” with Michael Sand (baroque violin), and Phebe Craig (harpsichord).
Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO (August 13, 1993).
“Italian and German Music of the Baroque Period,” with Jelena Mathys, harpsichord. Boston
Early Music Festival, Harvard University, Swedenborg Chapel, Cambridge, MA (June 18,
1993) and Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO (April 16, 1993).
Boulder Bach Festival Orchestra (Robert Spillman, Director). Grusin Music Hall, University of
Colorado, Boulder (April 29-May 1, 1993).
Boulder Bach Festival “Bach for Kids” (Robert Spillman Director). Boulder Public Library
Auditorium. Boulder, CO (April 18, 1993).
The American Recorder Society Boulder Chapter Concert. Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO
(November 6, 1992).
Faculty Recital. Grusin Music Hall, University of Colorado, Boulder (October 13, 1992).
Founder/member, the New Paltz Baroque Trio (recorder), with Mary Jane Corry, harpsichord,
and Susan Seligman, cello.
1978-1979 Toured with internationally acclaimed New York Pro Musica in their production
of The Play of Daniel including sold-out engagements at the Kennedy Center in
Washington D.C., St. John the Divine in New York City, and Princeton University.
Recording artist (recorder) for Eighteenth Century Recorder Music. Music Minus One Records,
1974. Recordings of Telemann, Sammartini and Loeillet with LaNoue Davenport
(recorder), Judith Davidoff (viola da gamba), and Edward Smith (harpsichord).
Orchestra Member (cello)
1974-1978 Sarah Lawrence College Chamber Orchestra (Harold Axe, Director), and the
Rockland Suburban Symphony (Ed Simons, Director).
Piano, Synthesizers, Vocalist, Early Woodwinds, Songwriter, Producer
Producer, songwriter, performer (lead vocalist, piano) for single “Second Chance” Included in
compilation compact disc Inspirational Radio Sampler, Vol. XIIIV No. 1. Oasis Disc
Manufacturing compact disc. 2014.
Recording artist (lead vocalist, keyboards and recorders), producer, songwriter, on 11-song
compact disc Joyful Sighs & Soulful Hymns (Landmark, October 21, 2013). Song cycle
based on 16
-century hymns, motets, and madrigals. (October 23, 2013). Album featured on KSFR 101.1fm - Santa Fe Public Radio “Jazz
etcetera, with host Helga Ancona, with live streaming on (January 17, 2014).
Album featured on “The Hudson Valley Jam” with hosts Scott Staton, Stefan Waldman and
Joe Nicoletti, with live streaming on (June 26, 2014). Album spends 14
consecutive weeks on CDBaby “Top Sellers” list (November 1 2013 – February 15, 2014).
Guest performing member (recorder, krumhorn, voice and synthesizer) with RCA recording
group Autosalvage. South by Southwest Festival and Conference, Austin, TX (Esther’s
Follies, March 14 and Roky Erickson Psychedelic Ice Cream Social at Threadgill’s March 15,
Premier performance (laptop) of contemporary piece for violin and laptop entitled Bordone, by
composer Loretta Notareschi at Regis University “Second Wednesday Faculty Recital
Series” (October 10, 2012).
Featured solo artist (piano, voice) at the First Annual “Cabaret for a Cause” at the Boulder
Theater, Boulder, CO (August 28, 2010).
Recording artist (lead vocalist, keyboards and recorder), producer, songwriter, on 10-song
compact disc Full Circle: Songs on the Carousel of Time (Landmark), 2009.
Producer, songwriter, performer (lead vocalist and keyboards) for single “One Hope (Standing
Proud).” Included in compilation compact disc Adult Contemporary Radio Sampler, Vol. IX
No. 5. Oasis Disc Manufacturing compact disc. 2009.
Producer, editor, songwriter, performer for single “Mark Davenport: One Hope (Standing
Proud).” Music video to help raise awareness of the genocide in Darfur, 2009.
2021-Present Advisory Board, American Recorder, the journal of the American Recorder
1998Present Owner/Editor, Landmark Press. Music publishing company. Produces and
distributes performing and critical editions of early music.
2004-2012 Board of Directors, American Recorder Society (elected to two 4-year terms).
Chair, Education Committee (2004-2010); Chair, Programs Committee (2010-
2012). Served on Governance Committee, Publications Committee, and Festival
and Conference Committees.
2006-2008 Board of Directors, Early Music Colorado.
1994 1997 Editor, Early Music Colorado Quarterly, the Journal of Early Music Colorado.
1993 1997 Book Review Editor, American Recorder, the Journal of the American Recorder
- Board of Directors, Early Music Colorado.
1987-1989 President, Downstairs Records. Independent record label based in New York.
1984-1992 President, Miles of Music Publishing, Inc. Music publishing company.
2020-2021 Outstanding Service, The Faculty of Regis College, Regis University.
- Summer Research Grant. Regis University. Project title: “John Cage, Merce
Cunningham and Stan VanDerBeek: Their work at Black Mountain College
and the Gate Hill Cooperative.”
2016-2017 University Research and Scholarship Council (URSC) Grant. Project title: The Land
A Vision of Community as Art: From Black Mountain College to the Gate
Hill Cooperative. Regis University.
2014-2015 The Northwestern University Library John Cage Research Grant. Project title:
“John Cage and the Gate Hill Cooperative Artist Community.
- Summer Research Grant. Regis University. Project title: “Gate Hill Cooperative
Interviews and Archival Research.”
2011-2012 SPARC Faculty Research Grant. Regis University. Project title: “Something Old,
Something New, Something Borrowed: Crossing Musical Boundaries.”
1999-2000 Gordon Getty Foundation Scholarship Award. College of Music, CU.
1998-2000 University of Colorado Fellowship. The Graduate School, CU.
1997-1998 Certificate of Excellence in Teaching Award. Graduate School, CU.
- Ogilvy Research Fellowship. Center for British Studies, CU.
1994-1998 Graduate Teach Assistantship. College of Music, CU.
1995-1996 Academic Research Award. College of Music, CU.
1994-1995 Research Fellowship. American Music Research Center, University of Colorado
1993-1994 Graduate School Dean's Small Grant Award. CU.
1992-1994 Graduate Teaching Assistantship. College of Music, CU.
1991-1992 Marion Harding Scholarship Award. State University of New York, College at
New Paltz.
Institutional Appointments and Offices
2005-present Director, Recorder Music Center
2021-2022 Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Director of Choral Area
- Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Art Historian
2019-2021 Co-Chair, Department of Fine & Performing Arts
2002-2021 Director, Music Program
2020-2021 Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Director of Choral Area
2018-2019 Chair, Search Committee, Fine & Performing Arts Administrative Assistant
2015-2016 Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Director of Choral Area
2014-2015 Member, Senate Committee
2013-2014 Search Committee, Dean of Regis College
- Co-Chair, “Inspired Thinkers” Speaker Series Planning Committee (Robert
Gupta, September 17-18, 2013).
- President’s Ad Hoc Committee on Events Parking
- Chair, Search Committee, Fine & Performing Arts Department Administrative
2010-2012 Integrative Teaching Institute (May 14-17, 21-24 and August 21-22, 2012)
- Peter Claver Hall (formerly ALC) Steering Committee
- Music and Audio Technology Ad Hoc Planning Committee
- Search Committee, Associate Minister for Liturgical Music
2005-2008 Chair, Budget and Facilities Committee
- Faculty Forum Executive Committee
- Campus Representative for CMEA (Colorado Music Educators Association)
2004-2005 Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor Music Theory and Composition
- Academic Council
- Library Advisory Committee
- Academic Governance Committee
2021-Present Advisory Board, American Recorder, the journal of the American Recorder
2004-2012 Board of Directors, American Recorder Society (elected to two 4-year terms).
Chair, Education Committee (2004-2010); Chair, Programs Committee (2010-
2012). Served on Governance Committee, Publications Committee, and Festival
and Conference Committees.
2006-2008 Board of Directors, Early Music Colorado.
1993 1997 Board of Directors, Early Music Colorado.
1999-2002 - Coordinator of Adjunct Music Faculty.
- Faculty Advisor for Music Education students.
- Faculty Liaison for MENC (The National Association for Music Education).
1995 1997 Lead Graduate Teacher, Musicology.
- Graduate Teacher Program Teaching Certificate (1996).
- Employed by the Graduate Teacher Program to assist and support in the
training of Graduate and Teaching Assistants.
- Initiated and authored a comprehensive "Graduate Teacher Handbook" for the
College of Music.
- Research Assistant, American Music Research Center. Assisted in the
publication of the Center's annual journal, American Music Research Center
- Co-Chair, Musicology Colloquia, College of Music.
- Elected student representative of the American Musicological Society, Rocky
Mountain Chapter.