No. 3-271 / 12-1712
Filed April 24, 2013
Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County, Kellyann M.
Lekar, Judge.
Jyll Newell appeals from the grant of summary judgment on various claims
arising from the termination of her employment with JDS Holdings, LLC.
Matthew J. Reilly of Eells & Tronvold Law Offices, P.L.C., Cedar Rapids,
for appellant.
Bruce L. Gettman Jr. and Bradley M. Strouse of Redfern, Mason, Larsen
& Moore, P.L.C., Cedar Falls, for appellees.
Heard by Eisenhauer, C.J., and Potterfield and Tabor, JJ.
After being fired from her position as a massage therapist, Jyll Newell
sued her employer, JDS Holdings, and her supervisor, Jacquelyn Preston.
Newell alleged she was wrongfully discharged in violation of public policy
because she declined to sign a form acknowledging receipt of an employee
handbook without first consulting an attorney. She also alleged Preston defamed
her and intentionally interfered with her prospective business advantage because
Preston lied to the company’s owner about Newell’s conduct. The district court
granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants on all three claims, and
Newell appealed.
We affirm the grant of summary judgment on the wrongful discharge claim
because Newell did not show she was fired for engaging in protected activity.
We also find summary judgment was proper on Newell’s claim that Preston
intentionally interfered with her prospective business advantage because the
record contains no evidence Preston aimed to financially injure Newell. But we
reverse the grant of summary judgment on Newell’s defamation claim because
the record reveals a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Preston abused
her qualified privilege.
I. Background Facts and Proceedings
Dr. John Schofield owns JDS Holdings, LLC, which operates Elements
Therapeutic Massage (Elements) studio in Cedar Falls. Jyll Newell is a massage
therapist. She began working at Elements in January 2008. Her employer
presented Newell with an employee handbook and an acknowledgment form,
which she signed and dated on March 24, 2008. The acknowledgment form
stated that the policies and benefits described in the handbook were subject to
revision. It also explained Newell was an at-will employee of Elements.
On May 5, 2008, Newell received her first performance evaluation from
studio manager Kathy Mundfrom. One a scale of one to five, Newell received a
rating of five (excellent) in each of the seven categories on the three-month
review. In her first annual performance review, Newell again scored five out of
five in each of the seven categories on the evaluation form. Newell earned a
raise effective January 1, 2009. On December 17, 2009, Newell received her
second annual performance evaluation. Her supervisor rated her at the top of
the scale in each of the eight categories listed. Again, she received a raise.
Elements hired Jacquelyn Preston as studio manager in March 2010.
That month, Preston jotted a favorable note in Newell’s file: “Thanks for taking
later hours on Monday night. Clients are very glad to have that scheduling
option. I appreciate your assistance in interviewing and mentoring.
MARVELOUS.” But Newell’s file also revealed a number of absences in 2010.
On January 7, 2011, Preston completed Newell’s three-year performance
evaluation. Newell received scores of four (above average) or five (excellent) in
nine of the ten categories. In the category of “Accurate and timely SOAP
on all clients and follows other company procedures,” Preston rated Newell at
four with the following explanation: “Getting better. SOAP notes commonly
missed as noted in comm. log but significant efforts to improve.” In the category
SOAP is an acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.
of “Arrives to work on time,” Newell received a score of between three (Average)
and four (Above Average) with the following note: “Arrives on time but
attendance has been an issue.” The evaluation stated that Preston and
Schofield advised Newell that her attendance was problematic, but she was
“working on the concern.” Newell’s total performance score was forty-three out
of a possible fifty, or eighty-six percent. Newell again received a raise, which
moved her to the top of Element’s pay scale.
On February 24, 2011, the employer presented a revised employee
handbook to Newell and asked her to sign a form acknowledging its receipt. The
form stated:
By signing below, I certify that I have received and
understand that I should read and must abide by this handbook.
Without limiting the foregoing, I understand that my employment
with elements therapeutic massage is at-will and that either I or the
elements therapeutic massage may terminate the employment
relationship at any time, with or without reason.
Newell told Preston she wanted to read the handbook before signing the
acknowledgment. Preston told her to sign the acknowledgment and read the
handbook later. Newell did not sign the form that day.
On February 25, 2011, Newell signed and dated the receipt and
acknowledgment form. Below her signature, she wrote: “I have concerns with
3.16, 5.1 (suspension for not receiving a massage), and 6.2 communication
devices. I have spoken with Jackie Preston regarding these concerns.” Later
that day, Preston showed Newell an email from Schofield which read: “Jackie-
Tell Jyll to sign the agreement as written, without ambiguous comments or face
termination for cause.” Newell also saw an email from JDS Holdings’ attorney
Bradley Strouse, which stated:
The employee handbook is a condition of employment. We
have the right to change it whenever we want without notice. That
is part of employment at will. Employees can either sign and return
the receipt of handbook page or face termination for cause. You
could point out that while he/she might not like everything in there,
it is take it or leave it. We should insist that she sign the receipt
and acknowledgment without ambiguous comments.
If he/she or a lawyer thinks one of the policies in the
handbook is contrary to law, he or she can write me, with citations,
explaining exactly how they believe the handbook violates the law.
When Newell balked at signing the acknowledgment without first
consulting her attorney, Preston told her if she did not sign it immediately she
was fired. Preston then left the room and Newell called her attorney. Newell did
not sign the form that day. Schofield called Newell that Friday night and told her
that she was not fired after all. He asked her to report for her regularly scheduled
shift that Sunday. Schofield told Newell she could review the handbook and they
would meet later to discuss it.
Newell continued to work her regular schedule. On February 28, 2011,
Newell provided massage therapy to Amy Tomlyanovich. Preston claimed she
overheard Newell tell client Tomlyanovich that it was “scary” to work for JDS
On March 4, 2011, Newell signed the employee handbook
acknowledgement form without qualification.
Schofield and Preston met to discuss Newell’s absences, her failure to do
SOAP notes, and her complaining. Preston mentioned the “inappropriate”
conversation Newell was alleged to have had with Tomlyanovich earlier that
week. Schofield and Preston also discussed Newell’s failure to sign the
employee handbook. In addition, the pair raised a concern that Newell was
performing massage therapy on clients outside of Elements.
On March 6, 2011, Schofield and Preston met with Newell and terminated
her employment. When Newell asked why she was being fired, Schofield asked
if she recalled her conversation with Tomlyanovich. The employer also
mentioned her failure to sign the handbook. A separation of employment form
signed on that date provided the following explanation for her termination:
“Continued attendance issues. Repeated counseling re: attendance + contact
logs. Refusal to sign handbook multiple times. Breach of proper conduct in
behaviors. Threat to violate non-compete agreement by working anywhere and
taking clients.”
Newell filed a petition against JDS Holdings and Preston on May 2, 2011.
She alleged she was wrongfully discharged in contravention of public policy. She
also alleged Preston defamed her by communicating false allegations to one or
more parties, including Schofield. Finally, Newell alleged Preston intentionally
interfered with her prospective business advantage.
The defendants moved for summary judgment and Newell timely resisted.
Following a hearing, the district court entered its order granting summary
judgment in favor of the defendants on all three of Newell’s claims.
II. Standard of Review
We review a grant of summary judgment for correction of errors at law.
Boelman v. Grinnell Mut. Reinsurance Co., 826 N.W.2d 494, 500 (Iowa 2013).
Summary judgment is proper where there is no genuine issue of material fact
and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Id. at 501.
We view the record in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party. Id.
We afford the nonmoving party “every legitimate inference that can be
reasonably deduced from the evidence. Id. If reasonable minds can differ on
how the issue should be resolved, a fact question is generated and the court
should deny summary judgment. Id.
III. Analysis
A. Wrongful Discharge
Newell first contends the district court erred in granting summary judgment
on her claim of wrongful discharge. She alleges her firing violated public policy
because it was based on her refusal to sign the employee handbook form without
consulting with an attorney. She also asserts a number of the policies contained
in the handbook violate public policy.
While Iowa adheres to the employment-at-will doctrine, we have adopted
an exception recognizing the intentional tort of wrongful discharge when the
reasons for the discharge contravene a well-established public policy of the state.
Berry v. Liberty Holdings, Inc., 803 N.W.2d 106, 109 (Iowa 2011).
The elements for a cause of action for wrongful discharge are:
(1) existence of a clearly defined and well-recognized public policy
that protects the employee’s activity; (2) this public policy would be
undermined by the employee’s discharge from employment; (3) the
employee engaged in the protected activity, and this conduct was
the reason the employer discharged the employee; and (4) the
employer had no overriding business justification for the discharge.
Id. at 10910.
The existence of a public policy and the question of whether that policy is
undermined by a discharge from employment are questions of law to be
determined by the court. Fitzgerald v. Salsbury Chem., Inc., 613 N.W.2d 275,
282 (Iowa 2000). Therefore, these questions are properly resolved by a motion
for summary judgment. Id. Questions of causation and motive, on the other
hand, are factual in nature and are to be resolved by the fact finder. Id. To
withstand summary judgment, a plaintiff must not only satisfy the court on the
clear public policy and jeopardy elements, but also offer adequate evidence from
which a fact finder may infer a lack of justification for termination. Id.
In rejecting Newell’s wrongful discharge claim, the district court found
Newell failed to identify a clearly defined public policy that protects employee
activity. The court noted that while Newell claimed six separate provisions of the
employee handbook are contrary to public policy, the issue was not whether the
inclusion of these provisions violated public policy; the question was whether
Newell’s termination violated public policy. The court concluded that unless
Newell was terminated for not following one or more of the employee handbook
provisions, their existence was “immaterial.”
The court then returned to Newell’s contention she was fired for initially
refusing to sign the handbook receipt without consulting an attorney. It found
while JDS Holdings denies firing Newell for that reason, when viewing the
evidence in the light most favorable to Newell, it is possible that was the
employer’s ground for termination. But the court concluded termination based on
her reluctance to sign the form did not violate public policy. The court noted
Newell’s failure to cite any specific statutes, administrative regulations, or
constitutional provisions to support her position. The court held:While the Court
agrees with Newell that encouraging employees to thoroughly review an
employee handbook with or without benefit of counsel is desirable, Newell has
not demonstrated that this desirable conduct rises to the level of a clearly defined
and well recognized public policy.”
On appeal, Newell maintains her firing was inconsistent with her right to
consult an attorney. She also identifies provisions of the employee handbook
that allegedly violate public policy, and claims the employer retaliated against her
for seeking legal advice concerning those questionable provisions.
Newell relies on Thompto v. Coborn’s Inc., 871 F. Supp. 1097 (N.D. Iowa
1994). In that case, the federal court determined the Iowa Supreme Court would
likely recognize a cause of action for retaliatory discharge based on an
employee’s threat to consult with an attorney as a violation of public policy. Our
supreme court has yet to verify that prediction. See Ballalatak v. All Iowa
Agriculture Ass’n, 781 N.W.2d 272, 279 (Iowa 2010). In Davis v. Horton, the
Iowa Supreme Court rejected an employee’s argument she was fired for seeking
legal assistance: [O]n the facts of the present dispute, it is clearly impossible to
separate Davis’s act in hiring an attorney from her act in challenging a personnel
decision made by her employer.” 661 N.W.2d 533, 536 (Iowa 2003). The court
held an employee’s rebuke of an employer’s personnel decision is not “insulated
from sanction merely because it has been carried out through an attorney.” Id.
Like the situation in Davis, it is difficult to segregate Newell’s desire to
consult with a lawyer from her challenge to the employer’s mandate that she
promptly sign the handbook acknowledgment form. Accordingly, we question
whether she has articulated a clearly defined public policy that would be
undermined by her firing. But we opt to affirm on different grounds. See Kern v.
Palmer College of Chiropractic, 757 N.W.2d 651, 662 (Iowa 2008) (noting we
may affirm a summary judgment ruling on a proper ground urged below but not
relied upon by the district court).
Even assuming Newell has shown the existence of a clearly defined public
policy that would be jeopardized, she cannot prove the existence of a fact
question on the third or fourth elements of a wrongful discharge claim: that she
was engaged in the protected activity and it was the reason for her discharge,
and no overriding business justification accounted for her termination. Newell
admits she was not fired on February 25, 2011, the day she voiced her desire to
speak to her attorney about the handbook. Schofield contacted her that night to
inform her she was not fired. Newell admits Schofield said their lawyers “could
discuss things” and acknowledged, “I understand that it takes attorneys time to
look at things.”
Newell’s employer mentioned her failure to promptly sign the form in the
meeting at which she was fired and listed that conduct on the separation of
employment form. But that conduct served as one of several justifications given
for her termination. When Newell first asked why she was being fired, Schofield
responded by asking if she remembered the conversation she had with
Tomlyanovich. Other concerns included Newell’s attendance, behavioral and
attitude issues, and concerns that Newell was performing massage therapy on
clients outside of Elements. On this record, Newell failed to generate a fact
question on the claim that her employer fired her for requesting to speak with her
attorney before signing the handbook receipt form, without any overriding
justification for the termination. Accordingly, we affirm the grant of summary
judgment in favor of JDS Holdings.
B. Defamation.
Newell next contends the district court erred in granting summary
judgment on her claim Preston defamed her. At the heart of Newell’s defamation
claim is Preston’s report to Schofield regarding a conversation Preston allegedly
overheard between Newell and a massage client. According to Preston, Newell
complained to Amy Tomlyanovich that working for JDS Holdings was “scary.
Newell also alleges Preston told Schofield that Newell continued to have
problems with attendance and turning in her SOAP notes. Newell alleges these
statements were false, and Preston knew they were false.
Defamation is the publishing of written or oral statements that tend to
injure a person’s reputation and good name. Huegerich v. IBP, Inc., 547 N.W.2d
216, 221 (Iowa 1996). Generally, a plaintiff must prove the statements were
false, made with malice, and caused damage. Id. Publication, or the
communication of statements to one or more third parties, is also an essential
element of defamation. Id. The publication must reach beyond the person being
defamed. Id. If a statement is not heard and understood by a third person to be
defamatory, the defamatory statement is not published and is therefore not
actionable. Id.
JDS Holdings challenges whether Preston’s statements were published
because they were made by a supervisory employee within the company. Some
jurisdictions hold intra-office defamation “is simply the corporation talking to
itself,” and therefore does not qualify as publication to a third party. Taggart v.
Drake Univ., 549 N.W.2d 796, 802-03 (Iowa 1996). Other jurisdictions hold
communications between supervisory employees of a corporation regarding
another employee may be qualifiedly privileged, but are still considered
publications. Id. at 803. Our supreme court has not embraced either position,
leaving the issue unresolved in Taggart because it found the plaintiff could not
succeed under either view. Id. at 802-03.
Those jurisdictions which do not recognize internal corporate
communications as publication to a third party represent the minority position.
Rodney A. Smolla, 2 Law of Defamation § 15:8 (2012). The roots of this position
can be traced to an early case involving a stenographer. Id. (citing Owen v.
Ogilvie Publishing Co., 53 N.Y.S. 1033, 1035 (N.Y. App. Div. 1898)). In that
case, an employee sued her corporate employer for defamation, alleging its
general manager defamed her by alleging she had taken money from the cash
drawer during her employment. Owen, 53 N.Y.S. at 1034. The general manager
sent a letter to Owen, stating his suspicions that she stole the money. Id. While
the court believed the letter was libelous, it found no publication to a third party
even though the general manager had dictated the letter to a stenographer
because [t]hey were both employed by a common master, and were engaged in
the performance of duties which their respective employments required.” Id. The
Owen court explained that where the duties of the servant “are distinct and
independent of the process by which the libel was produced, he might well stand
in the attitude of a third person through whom a libel can be published.” Id. at
1035. The difference in Owen was the acts of the manager and stenographer
were intimately related and the production was the joint act of both. Id.
The no-publication position expanded over time. Citing Owen, the
Washington Supreme Court held a defendant corporation could not be liable for
the libelous letter written by one manager about another manager of the
corporation and sent to its branch office. Prins v. Holland-North America Mortg.
Co., 181 P. 680, 680-81 (Wash. 1919). The court held when certain officers and
agents of a corporation act in the line of duty to the common employer, “the acts
of the one are to be accorded the same legal effect as the acts of the other.” Id.
at 681. The Prins court reasoned:
Agents and employés of [the same principal] are not third persons
in their relations to the corporation, within the meaning of the laws
pertaining to the publication of libels. For the time being, they are a
part and parcel of the corporation itself, so much so, indeed, that
their acts within the limits of their employment are the acts of the
corporation. For a corporation, therefore, acting through one of its
agents or representatives, to send a libelous communication to
another of its agents or representatives, cannot be a publication of
the libel on the part of the corporation. It is but communicating with
Id. at 680-81.
The “contemporary view” is that intra-office communications do count as
publications, but are protected by a qualified privilege, which allows an employee
to recover only if the employer abuses the privilege. See Dan B. Dobbs, Paul T.
Hayden & Ellen M. Bublick, The Law of Torts § 523, at 185 (2d ed. 2011). The
Restatement of Laws (Second) on Torts rejects an intra-office exception to
publication, and promotes the view that communication between two agents of
the same principal constitutes publication. Restatement (Second) of Torts § 577
cmt. i (1977); see also W. Page Keeton, ed, Prosser and Keeton on the Law of
Torts, § 113, at 798 (5th ed. 1984)
(“There may be publication to any third
person. It may be made to . . . the plaintiff’s agent or employee. It may be made
to the defendant’s own agent, employee or officer, even where the defendant is a
corporation.” (footnotes omitted)). A majority of jurisdictions that have addressed
this publication issue have rejected full immunity from defamation for intra-
corporate communications. See Dube v. Linkins, 167 P.3d 93, 105 (Ariz. Ct.
App. 2007).
The question before us here differs a bit from Prins, where the corporation
was the defendant. Newell brought her defamation claim against Preston, not
JDS Holdings. Newell alleges Preston defamed her to Schofield, a third party,
which resulted in her termination. To exempt this type of communication from
liability because the plaintiff’s supervisor only shared it with the company owner
would run counter to the purpose of our defamation law. “A defamatory
statement made to one’s employer can harm one’s business reputation with the
employer, whether the defamer is a co-worker or is instead removed from the
employment relationship.” Wallulis v. Dymowski, 918 P.2d 755, 760 (Or. 1996).
Instead, we find a qualified privilege applies to this type of communication.
Our supreme court has recognized an employer’s limited privilege with
regard to
communications made in good faith on any subject matter in which
the [person communicating] has an interest, or with reference to
which he has a duty . . . if made to another person having a
corresponding interest or duty, on a privileged occasion and in a
manner and under circumstances fairly warranted by the occasion
and duty, right or interest.
Theisen v. Covenant Med. Ctr., Inc., 636 N.W.2d 74, 83-84 (Iowa 2001) (quoting
50 Am. Jur. 2d Libel and Slander § 276, at 547). This privilege applies where a
defendant proves: “(1) the statement was made in good faith, (2) the defendant
had an interest to uphold, (3) the scope of the statement was limited to the
identified interest, and (4) the statement was published on a proper occasion, in
a proper manner, and to proper parties only.” Id. at 84. “[T]o defeat a qualified
privilege, a plaintiff must prove the defendant acted with knowing or reckless
disregard of the truth of the statement. Barreca v. Nickolas, 683 N.W.2d 111,
121 (Iowa 2004).
In its summary judgment ruling, the district court found that when viewing
the facts in the light most favorable to Newell, the qualified privilege applied to
Preston’s statement to Schofield. It found Preston, as supervisor, had an interest
in her employees’ performance, as well as a corresponding duty to apprise
Schofield of their performance. The court found Schofieldas the listenerhad
an equally clear interest in the performance of his employees. The court
determined the issue of whether a qualified privilege applies to the
communication turned on whether Preston acted in good faith, or if Newell could
show Preston spoke with actual malice. The court decided the record did not
demonstrate Preston acted with knowledge her statements were false or with a
reckless disregard for their truth or falsity. The ruling stated: “While Preston may
have been mistaken or inaccurate in some of what she said, it is a big leap from
that to actual malice. It is a leap this Court is unwilling to make absent any
authority on the issue, which Newell has not provided.”
Our task is to decide whether, under the circumstances, Preston’s
statements were qualifiedly privileged. See Barreca, 683 N.W.2d at 118. If they
were privileged, we must decide whether she abused that privilege by publishing
her statements about Newell with actual malice. See id. The test for actual
malice does not probe for an improper purpose on Preston’s part; the inquiry is
whether Preston acted with knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the
See id. at 123. In general, the question whether a statement is qualifiedly
privileged is for the judge and the question whether the privilege was abused is
for the jury. Id. at 118.
After viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to Newell, we find a
material question of fact exists regarding whether Preston published her
statements about Newell with knowledge of their falsity or a reckless disregard
for the truth. Newell presented evidence that Preston informed Schofield that
The Barreca court explained reckless conduct is not measured by whether a
reasonably prudent man would have published, or would have investigated before
publishing. Id. at 123. The evidence must show the defendant entertained serious
doubts as to the truth of his publication because the actual malice standard requires a
high degree of awareness of probable falsity.Id.
Newell disparaged the company to a client by saying it was “scary” to work for
JDS Holdings. Newell also offered evidence that information led to her
termination. Newell denied making any negative statements about her employer
to client Tomlyanovich.
In response to the summary judgment motion, Newell submitted
Tomlyanovich’s deposition, in which Tomlyanovich swore Newell never described
JDS Holdings as “scary” or aired any complaints about her employer.
Tomlyanovich testified she and Newell may have used the word “scary” when
discussing an unrelated topic, but she did not remember if that conversation
occurred on the date in question. Tomlyanovich also said Schofield contacted
her to ask whether Newell told her JDS Holdings was “scary” and Tomlyanovich
informed him that Newell never said thatthough it is unclear when this
conversation occurred.
Preston’s deposition testimony also appears in the summary judgment
record. Preston testified she overheard a conversation between Newell and
Tomlyanovich while in a space adjoining the massage room. She recalled
hearing Newell tell the client it was “scaryto work there. Preston did not recall
hearing anything else clearly. When confronted with Tomlyanovich’s statement
that Newell did not mention any work-related grievances, Preston stated, “That’s
not what I heard. Preston also acknowledged that after hearing Newell’s
statement to Tomlyanovich, Preston told another Elements employee, Melissa
Champion, something to the effect: “You might have to verify this later, but you
know that I was back there measuring the cart, not listening in on conversations.”
Newell also contends that Preston’s representations to Schofield that
Newell had current issues with attendance and turning in client SOAP notes were
made with a reckless disregard for the truth. In her deposition, Preston
confirmed that Newell had made a significant effort to improve her attendance
through the last four months of her employment at Elements. And Newell offered
deposition exhibits to show that Preston evaluated her at average to above
average in the categories of accurate and timely SOAP notes and attendance
just two months before firing her. Newell also presented evidence that other
employees with worse attendance and SOAP note issues continued to work for
We find a reasonable juror could have determined that Preston
entertained serious doubts as to the truth of the statements about Newell that
she shared with Schofield on the eve of Newell’s termination. Whether Preston
sincerely believed she overheard Newell tell a customer that working for JDS
Holdings was “scary” is a credibility call. The court is not entitled to make
credibility findings on summary judgment because such determinations are
reserved for the fact finder. Frontier Leasing Corp. v. Links Engg, LLC, 781
N.W.2d 772, 776 (Iowa 2010). We cannot say as a matter of law that Preston did
not act with actual malice. Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s grant of
summary judgment on this claim.
C. Intentional Interference with Prospective Business Advantage
Finally, Newell asserts the district court erred in granting summary
judgment on her claim that Preston improperly interfered with her prospective
business advantage. Essentially, Newell claims Preston gave Schofield
misinformation in an attempt to have her fired.
To prove her claim of interference with a prospective business advantage,
Newell must show she had a prospective business relationship with JDS
Holdings; Preston knew of the prospective relationship; Preston intentionally and
improperly interfered with the relationship by relaying misinformation to Schofield;
the interference caused JDS Holdings not to continue the relationship; and the
amount of her damages. See Nesler v. Fischer & Co., Inc., 452 N.W.2d 191, 199
(Iowa 1990). In a claim of intentional interference with a prospective business
advantage, the plaintiff must prove the defendant intended to financially injure or
destroy the plaintiff. Burke v. Hawkeye Nat. Life Ins. Co., 474 N.W.2d 110, 114
(Iowa 1991). Newell predicates this cause of action on the same facts as her
defamation claim.
The district court rejected Newell’s intentional interference claim, finding
that even viewing the record in the light most favorable to her, “there is no
evidence that Preston’s actions were improper, let alone that they were done with
the sole or predominant purpose to financially injure or destroy Newell.” The
court found it was “entirely proper” for a supervisor to discuss a subordinate’s job
performance with the employer. Importantly, the court found no evidence
Preston communicated misinformation to Schofield with the intent of getting
Newell fired, and that Newell’s resistance “contains no evidence to support this
theory that Preston had some sort of vendetta against Newell and that she
engaged in all of this conduct to ensure that Newell lost her position with JDS.”
We agree with the district court’s finding that Newell has not met her
burden of showing a genuine issue of material fact concerning whether Preston
intended to financially injure or destroy her. While there is evidence by which the
fact finder could determine Preston knew the information she gave Schofield was
false or that she acted with reckless disregard for the truth when discussing
Newell’s conversation with Tomlyanovich and Newell’s attendance and SOAP
note proficiency, that evidence does not support a claim of intentional
interference with a prospective business advantage. See Willey v. Riley, 541
N.W.2d 521, 527 (Iowa 1995) (holding defendant’s improper purpose to
financially destroy plaintiff must predominate to create liability). Accordingly, we
affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment on this claim.