HCL Domino Volt
Using Tables
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The webcast will begin shortly
Presented By Christopher Dawes
Leap/Volt Consultant, SME, Developer
Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
General Information
Populating Tables from Services
Using tables as a selection vehicle
Manipulating Tables with JavaScript
Using CSS to Style a Table
Customized Rendering of Table data
Dropdowns By Service
Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Tables have a UI and a data component (accessed from the outline view)
Can set the number of visible rows (height), and the appearance of row actions
Tables can be nested
A table is a form, with a page (P_NewPage)
Rules can be used within tables
Column widths can be modified and columns can be removed/re-ordered
Can be used for users to enter data or as a view-only control
Table fields cannot be used as inputs to services
Table does not have a valid event (despite it appearing on the events tab)
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Populating via Services
Any list data can be presented in a table
Create fields in table for each item in list data
Service outputs are linked to the table fields,
only services that return a list can be linked to
a table.
Service might be executed when the table is
rendered or the result of a user action.
Customized Interactive Table View / Deal Tracking
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Using Tables as Selection
Tables can be a quick, easy method for rendering a data navigation control, where
clicking on a table row shows more detail about the selection
The table can contain:
just the visible text and a unique key, on selection call a service to get the rest
of the data or
All the data (more javaScript required to implement)
Demonstration (Customer Tracking, Deal Tracking)
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Pagination is most common when tables are rendering data from a service
Basic rule: don’t render more than 25-50 items = too much scrolling
Table does not have built-in controls for pagination
Create controls for managing pagination
(items per page, page)
Can use CSS to further refine placement of pagination controls
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Manipulating with JavaScript
Programmatically Hide row controls
Get Selected Row
Add rows (createNew(), add(…))
Re-order rows
Code Review / Demonstration (Manipulate Table)
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Styling with CSS
Not as well documented, lots can be done, but requires debugging with trial/error
.lfMn .lfTableGrid.dojoxGrid td.dojoxGridCell
Include css file in app
Define inline using available functions
dojo.query (query(…)*)
dojo.style (style(…)*)
Some examples posted to the wiki
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Customized Rendering
Some applications may require a more customizable listing of data
Using an HTML item we can present the data any way we like
Row-specific action buttons
Include html controls
Using javaScript can iterate over all items in the table
The Volt table item is hidden and never shown
Demonstration / Code Review (Interactive Table View)
Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Dropdowns by Service
Service populated dropdowns are not natively supported
Options can be set using javaScript setOptions(…)
Copy parent value (service input trigger) to hidden field:
Service response is copied from main form to dropdown in
var j = form.getPage('P_NewPage').F_DropDown0;
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JavaScript API
Wiki Articles related to the table item