Hutton Honors College
Indiana University Bloomington
The Ford Endowed Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis by the Indiana University,
Bloomington Hutton Honors College. These scholarships are designated for minorities and women with
special consideration given to Ford employees, their spouses and children. The Honors College
Scholarship Review Committee selects recipients on the basis of academic performance; the quality of
thinking demonstrated in the personal statement and scholarship essay; unusual circumstances,
challenges, or hardships as described in the essays; content of the letter of recommendation; and
financial need as reflected in their IU financial aid package.
If you are claiming a Ford Motor Company affiliation, you will be required to provide written verification
of the Ford connection.
-Applicants must be current HHC undergraduates; unless claiming a Ford Motor Company affiliation
-Enrolled full-time on the Bloomington campus
-Cumulative GPA of 3.4 or above; unless claiming a Ford Motor Company affiliation
-Did not receive any type of HHC renewable merit scholarship as incoming freshmen
-Can demonstrate financial need (as reflected in their IU financial aid package)
Read and complete Parts 1-8 below. These include:
1 Personal information
2 Educational goals
3 Undergraduate courses, extracurricular activities, employment, and academic honors
4 Extracurricular statement
5 Scholarship Essay
6 Letter of recommendation
7 Unofficial IU transcript
8 Employment verification letter if claiming a Ford Motor Company connection
You should print out all parts of the application on separate sheets of paper. It is most helpful to our
staff if you assemble everything in consecutive order before placing in the envelope.
Please mail your completed application to:
Ford Scholarship
ATTN: Bryce Campbell
Hutton Honors College
Indiana University
811 E. 7
Bloomington, IN 47405-3937
Please detach these first 2 pages before mailing your application!
Part 1 - Personal Information
University ID Number: ______________________________________ Sex: ___________________
Race/ethnicity: ___________________________________________________________________
Are you claiming a Ford Motor Company affiliation? YES NO
Permanent Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: _________________
Current Local Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________State: ______________________Zip: __________________
Telephone (area code first):_________________________________________________________
IU E-mail address: _________________________________________________________________
Part 2 - Educational Goals
Describe your academic and career plans and any special interests (for example, scientific research) that you are
eager to pursue as an undergraduate at Indiana University. Also, share any unusual circumstances, challenges, or
obstacles you have encountered in pursuit of your education and how you overcame them. (200-400 words)
Part 3 – Undergraduate Courses, Extracurricular Activities, Jobs, and Honors
Please list all undergraduate courses completed if a current IU student, or list AP, ACP, or college courses taken if
you are a prospective student.
Provide a list of the activities in which you have been and/or are currently involved in. Please indicate how many
years you’ve participated in the activity and offices held, if any.
Provide a list of jobs you have had since enrolling at IUB if you a current IU student, or list the jobs you have had
in the past year if you are a prospective student.
List any special honors you have received.
Part 4 Extracurricular Statement
Indiana University students contribute in many ways to what has long been recognized as a rich community of
diverse ideas, cultures, and experiences. Identify your most significant contribution to one or more of the
communities to which you belong. (Communities, for example, can form around shared experiences in music,
sports, the arts, culture, ethnicity, shared beliefs, or ideas.) Describe your level of achievement or involvement
and reflect on your most important contributions. Briefly describe how these experiences have influenced you.
(200-400 words)
Part 5Scholarship Essay
The scholarship review committee considers this analytical essay to be very important and places special
emphasis on your choice of topic, writing style, research ability, critical thinking skills and objectivity. Please
research and write an original essay of approximately 600 words on a topic of special interest or concern to you
about which thoughtful people could disagree. We encourage you to choose a topic which reflects your own
intellectual interests. Consider a topic that has not been explored in your high school courses, and please do not
recycle essays or papers you have written for class. Your thesis should be supported with persuasive and
concrete evidence, and you should cite all sources.
Possible topics might include:
An ethical, political, economic, philosophical, scientific, or social issue or a creative work (such as a novel,
film, poem, scientific theory, biography, painting, sculpture) that has had a significant impact on the
world at some point in time.
A recent development in your community, country, or the world, about which there has been
An issue currently being debated in a field you are interested in.
Part 6 – Letter of Recommendation
One letter of recommendation from an IU faculty member is required
if you are a current IU student, or from a
guidance counselor or teacher if you are a high school student.
Hutton Honors College
Ford Scholarship Application
Recommendation for: _______________________________________________
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 opens many student records for the student's
inspection. The law permits the students to sign a waiver relinquishing their rights to inspect letters of
recommendation. The applicant's signature below constitutes a waiver; no signature means that the
student will have the right to read this recommendation.
Student's signature ______________________________ Date ___________________
Name ______________________________________Dept. _______________________
Campus Address ___________________________________Phone _________________
Title:_______________________________ E-mail address _______________________
The faculty recommendation should point out the applicant’s meritorious academic achievements;
should confirm (if possible) the experiences, activities, contributions, and commitments the student has
identified as the focus of this application; and should explain why they are recommending the applicant
for this award.
Recommendation letters should also include how long, how well, and in what context the recommender
knows the applicant.
Signature ______________________________________ Date _____________
Part 7Unofficial IU Transcript
Please include a complete IU unofficial transcript.