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Further Processing Order
Softproviding Core
User Documentation
Version: 1.00
Release: v2.91
2022-02-28 Public
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Softproviding AG
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Further Processing Order Softproviding Core User Documentation
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1 Overview 4
2 Order Creation 6
2.1 Creating a Further Processing Order 10
2.2 Changing a Further Processing Order 13
2.3 Displaying a Further Processing Order 15
3 Order Processing 17
3.1 Confirmation and Closing 18
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1 Overview
The production scheduler uses the Further Processing Order object to control, monitor and enter pro-
duction as part of the output (e.g. for sausage production). This further processing order is based on a
Standard SAP production order.
Goods movements (e.g. goods receipt/issue) and individual operations are entered for this order. If
these operations are entered and completed in production terms, the production order is confirmed.
This action makes production progress transparent for further processing, material consumption and
work performed are saved, and surplus material reservations deleted.
Cycle of a production order
The further processing order has a twofold purpose: to control production and enter production in
terms of quantities and costs. Controlling production also involves supplying information about
which product should be manufactured in which quantity using which resources at which time. This
requires the definition of master data and control parameters. Based on the Routing and Bill of Material
(BOM) master data, the further processing order is basically broken down into:
Header data, which contains organizational information such as the order number, costs, quan-
tities, and deadlines for the order as a whole.
Operation data, which contains operation deadlines, Standard values, as well as confirmed
quantities and deadlines.
Component data for the operations such as requirement quantity and reservation number.
If alternative or parallel sequences have been defined in the routing, they are displayed in the se-
quence overview.
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Fiori-Apps Instructions
SAP Fiori is the design concept for user interfaces within SAP applications. With this approach, Fiori
apps can be simplified and personalized, and made available in the Launchpad based on user roles.
SAP Fiori apps can be created and executed in the Fiori Launchpad for the various SAP Meat and Fish
Management by msg (MaFM) applications. Please compare the following documents for the prereq-
uisites and the procedure regarding the configuration of SAP Fiori apps:
Softproviding Core Security-Guide
Softproviding Meat Security-Guide
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2 Order Creation
Overview: Planning production order production
A further processing order is created when an order is created. The operations and material require-
ments are determined according to the master data (routing and bill of material). One essential step
in the order creation process is scheduling, which determines detailed operation deadlines. They are
required, for instance, for capacity requirements and material reservation. Once an order has been
created, an availability check can be carried out for both material components and capacity.
Production execution is initiated by order release. This changes the further processing order’s status
and provides the technical system requirement for the following steps: order printing, material with-
drawal for the components, confirmation, goods receipt, settlement, and completion. Once authori-
zation is given, another availability check can be carried out.
One operation that frequently results in a production order being created is the conversion of a
planned order, which is generally triggered by material requirements planning (MRP). However, you
can also create further processing orders interactively without any reference to a planned order.
SAP Customizing
SAP Menu
Tools > Customizing > IMG > Edit Project > SAP Reference IMG >
Softproviding Meat > Production > Execution > SAP Standard > Pro-
duction Order
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The following data must be input:
Basic data
Production control
Please refer to the relevant Standard SAP documentation and the Further Processing Configuration
Guide for further information about SAP Customizing Production.
Meat Management Customizing
SAP Menu
Tools > Customizing > IMG > SAP Reference IMG > Softproviding
Meat > Production > Execution > SAP Standard > Production Order
The following requirements must be specified:
Define order types
PP01 is generally used as the order type for further processing orders. However, you can also
use your own order types that you have defined.
Define order type-dependent parameters
Type-dependent parameters are assigned at plant level to an order type (e.g. PP01). This is
where you determine the data that will affect the selection of master data or the input of order
master data.
Define default values
This task involves you defining for each plant and order type the data that an operation should
include, which is automatically created when an order is created. When creating the order, you
can decide that an operation is created automatically if there is no routing available for the
material to be produced or there is no routing that you can select.
Define scheduling parameters for production orders
This task involves you defining the scheduling parameters for production orders for each plant,
order type and production scheduler. This includes setting the scheduling levels (detailed, pro-
duction-rate and rough-cut scheduling), adjusting the deadline when deadlines are exceeded,
scheduling control for detailed scheduling, and reduction.
For information on these setting options, please refer to the SAP standard documentation and the
Process Data configuration guide.
The following requirements must be specified (master data):
Valid production article (header material)
Valid bill of material per production article
A bill of material contains the quantity of all the components, such as assembly, component
parts and raw materials, which are required to manufacture a finished product (header prod-
uct) or an assembly. The term “bill of material” is used in industrial sectors where production
is workpiece-based.
The following requirements may be specified (master data):
Valid routing per production article
A routing determines how a workpiece or input material is turned from its raw state into its
finished or completed state. The routing comprises operations that are used to describe what
is being manufactured, how it is going to be manufactured, and using which materials. A work
center is assigned to an operation. A work center frequently provides the main capacity within
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master planning, whereas personnel planning determines which employee with which qualifi-
cations can be usefully deployed at which types of work centers. The definition of a work cen-
ter also has an impact on the handling of cost and activity types in accounting and on payroll
accounting in the personnel department.
Please refer to the relevant Standard SAP documentation for further information about the bill of ma-
terial, routing, and work center.
The following requirement may be specified (excerpt):
Material master view Further Processing
Field Name
Double UoM
Unit of measure for double unit of measure management. There
are applications where materials need to be tracked in terms of
stock and movements using two units of measure that cannot be
converted into each other. In this instance, the quantities are
specified in the base unit of measure (e.g. kg) and in the double
unit of measure (e.g. piece).
For example, when inputting a further processing entry, the goods
issue (further processing input) involving neck steaks is posted to
a further processing order. The neck steaks are weighed in kg. The
neck steaks are entered using the double unit of measure piece.
The neck steaks are counted and the exact physical number of
neck steaks is entered. The ratio between kilograms and pieces
can vary from one day to the next.
Further proc. group
The further processing group is used as an additional selection cri-
terion when inputting further processing entries. You define a fur-
ther processing group and further processing group text for this.
Production version available
This indicates whether production versions are available for this
Production Versions (Defini-
The production version determines the different methods of pro-
duction according to which material can be produced. It defines
the alternative BOM for the BOM explosion, the plan type, plan
group and the plan group counter for the assignment to plans, as
well as lot size restrictions and the area of validity. You can also
include a production version in the material master views MRP 2
and Work Scheduling.
Production Versions (Add.
This is used to define additional data for production versions.
Assigning a data entry strategy for the production version.
For a comprehensive description of the material master fields delivered in the Softproviding Core
standard, please refer to the Softproviding Meat implementation documentation Material Master.
Further Processing Order Softproviding Core User Documentation
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The following functions are available to assist you when creating production orders:
Creating further processing orders using the material, producing plant, planning plant, order
type or order (if the order type allocates an order number manually)
An existing further processing order can be used as a template
Releasing further processing orders
Scheduling further processing orders
Calculating further processing orders
Material availability check
Capacity availability check
Operation overview
Component overview
Document overview
Sequence overview
Requirements/stock list view
Status (system, business operations)
Reading PP master data
Activating purchase requisitions/reservations
Restricting editing (blocking, unblocking, performing technical completion, canceling tech-
nical completion, completing, canceling completion)
Deletion flag (setting, canceling)
WM staging (simulating, performing)
Inspection lot (creating, deleting)
Costs (analysis, itemization, cost component split, balance)
Missing parts (missing parts overview, missing parts list)
WM staging list
Documented goods movements
Chart (operations, Gantt chart)
Logs (overview, scheduling, release, deletion flag, WM staging, reading PP master data, avail-
ability of material, availability of production resources/tools, cost determination, serial num-
Capacity planning table
Original batch (creating, amending, displaying)
Settlement (individual processing, collective processing)
Confirmation (entering, entering for the order)
Please refer to the relevant Standard SAP documentation for further information about the produc-
tion order functions.
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2.1 Creating a Further Processing Order
Call the Further Processing Order activity using one of the following options:
SAP Menu
Softproviding Meat > Production > Execution > Further Processing >
Further Processing Orders > Create
You can use the following selection parameters to create an order:
Field Name
Material for which a further processing order is to be created. This
material generally has the material type FERT (finished) or HALB
Production plant
Plant where this material is being produced.
Planning plant
Plant where goods receipt takes place for the manufactured mate-
rial, after the order has been executed. If the producing plant and
planning plant are the same, the planning plant does not need to
be input again. The producing plant is automatically transferred.
For instance, the planning plant may be used if sales are to be or-
ganized as an independent plant.
Order type
The order type is split into production orders depending on its use
(e.g. disassembly, production, packaging, etc.) and includes a
whole load of management information that is vital to adminis-
tering production orders. The order type is client-specific. This
means that every order type can be used in every controlling area.
You can use the order type to define parameters that affect the ex-
ecution of the order. You can also use the order type to define the
number range provided for, the criteria to be used for selecting a
routing, or how the order costs should be calculated.
Order number. You only input data in this field if an external num-
ber is assigned to the order type.
Order (template)
When you create a new order, you can copy and transfer the field
content from an existing order. You have the option of using the
following order objects to do this (Select order objects button):
Production resources/tools
Trigger points
Document links
Execution steps
Accounting rule
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You must enter content for the material, producing plant and order type.
The header data contains organizational and generally valid data about the production order, whereas
valid data (BOM components) features in the operation data in the component data for material com-
ponents. The header data is arranged under different tabs, each of which contain a multitude of con-
trolling data:
Scheduling margin
Persons/groups responsible
Goods receipt
Control data
Goods receipt
Inbound delivery
Control data
Production scheduling profile
Master data
Production version
SAP ME routing
Bill of material
Long text
Creation/change data
Order change management
Fast entry
Depending on the settings in the material master record for the material to be produced or for the input in
Customizing, certain fields are applied by the system and to a certain extent cannot be changed.
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If a production scheduler or production activity control profile is defined in the Work Scheduling view in
the material master record of the material to be produced, depending on the parameters set in this produc-
tion activity control profile for creating or releasing the production order, automatic actions may be car-
ried out, such as scheduling and release or also the automatic creation of batches when creating or releas-
ing an order. Otherwise, scheduling and release or creating a batch should be performed manually.
Please refer to the relevant Standard SAP documentation for further information about production
The production order that has been created and released is approved for further processing. This
means that it is active for executing the order and, therefore, also for entering goods movements in
the further processing entry (transaction /SPDGS/PDAON).
For further information about making further processing entries, please refer to the section “Further
Processing Entry” in the Process Data user documentation.
After the goods movements have been entered, any operations and activities in the routing are en-
tered when confirming the production order. Using the production order’s status administration will
also make production progress transparent.
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2.2 Changing a Further Processing Order
A further processing order that has already been created can, if required, be partially amended retro-
actively. Reasons for this could be that master data, such as material masters, bills of material or rout-
ings have changed, but the further processing order still contains obsolete data. In this case, master
data can also be read.
The following requirement must be specified:
A further processing order that has already been created and, at best, already released.
Call the Change Further Processing Orders activity using one of the following options:
SAP Menu
Softproviding Meat > Production > Execution > Further Processing >
Further Processing Orders > Change
You can use the following selection parameters to amend a further processing order:
Field Name
Order number that is to be processed.
If collective orders are used (assignment of planned orders or production orders via several manufac-
turing levels), there are additional selection parameters:
Field Name
Order entered
This indicates that an individual order is to be processed as part of
a collective order. The order number entered indicates which or-
der is to be processed. This indicator is only considered if the order
entered is part of a collective order.
Order sub-tree
This indicates that a sub-tree is to be processed as part of a collec-
tive order. The order number entered indicates which sub-tree is
to be processed. This indicator is only considered if the order en-
tered is part of a collective order.
Collective order
This indicates that a complete collective order is to be processed.
This indicator is only considered if the order entered is part of a
collective order.
Show overview
Indicator to display the overview of the collective order. The
structure of the entire collective order is displayed.
You can then partially amend the further processing order.
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You can use the buttons in the navigation area to go directly to the following views for the further
processing order.
Order header
Operation overview
Component overview
Document overview
Sequence overview
Please refer to the relevant Standard SAP documentation for further information about production
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2.3 Displaying a Further Processing Order
A further processing order that has already been created can be displayed at any time.
The following requirement must be specified:
A further processing order that has already been created and, at best, already released.
Call the Display Further Processing Orders activity using one of the following options:
SAP Menu
Softproviding Meat > Production > Execution > Further Processing >
Further Processing Orders > Display
You can use the following selection parameters to display a further processing order:
Field Name
Order number that is to be processed.
If collective orders are used (linking of planned orders or production orders via several manufacturing
levels), there are additional selection parameters:
Field Name
Order entered
This indicates that an individual order is to be processed as part of
a collective order. The order number entered indicates which or-
der is to be processed. This indicator is only considered if the order
entered is part of a collective order.
Order sub-tree
This indicates that a sub-tree is to be processed as part of a collec-
tive order. The order number entered indicates which sub-tree is
to be processed. This indicator is only considered if the order en-
tered is part of a collective order.
Collective order
This indicates that a complete collective order is to be processed.
This indicator is only considered if the order entered is part of a
collective order.
You can then display the further processing order.
You can use the buttons in the navigation area to go directly to the following views for the further
processing order.
Order header
Operation overview
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Component overview
Document overview
Sequence overview
Please refer to the relevant Standard SAP documentation for further information about production
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3 Order Processing
The entire production order processing is carried out with these functions within Further Processing
Entry. This includes all process data acquisitions on inputs and outputs, the confirmations as well as
the completion of the production order.
Regarding the process data acquisitions, please compare the detailed description in the chapter
“Further Processing Entry” in the Process Data user documentation.
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3.1 Confirmation and Closing
Individual Processing
On the one hand, the confirmation and closing of orders is possible directly in Further Processing En-
try. The Further Processing Entry function is called up within the Process Data Cockpit. In the order
overview, individual or, if necessary, multiple orders can be processed.
Regarding the confirmation and closing of orders, please compare the detailed description in the
chapter “Further Processing Entry” in the Process Data user documentation.
Mass Processing
In addition to this option of confirmation/closing as individual processing, a report developed specif-
ically for this purpose can also be used. This program /SPDGS/R_PP_CONFIRM_AND_END is espe-
cially suited for the mass processing of orders.
Start this program using one of the following options:
SAP Menu
Softproviding Core > Logistics > Process Data Acquisition > Pro-
cessing > Partially/Finally Confirm Production Orders.
After starting the transaction, selection parameters are offered for input:
Selection Parameters
These parameters are SAP fields that are generally known and therefore do not require any further
Choose the selection parameters so as to obtain the desired selection result, e.g. narrowing down to:
Production plant
Order type (typically PP01)
The Order type field is preset with the value 10 (PPS production order).
In addition to these fields, the following detailed settings (indicators) are possible for confirmation
and order closing:
Input materials
Planned = Post actual
Target = Post actual
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Output materials
Planned = Post actual
Target = Post actual
Total order
Confirm partially
Final confirmation and closing
Regarding the settings and the effects of these parameters, please compare the detailed descrip-
tion in the chapter “Further Processing Entry” in the Process Data user documentation. This descrip-
tion of individual processing also applies to mass processing of orders.
Note - Variants
The settings regarding the selection parameters can also be saved as a variant. To do this, select the menu
Goto > Variants > Save as Variant... or alternatively the Save button.
The menu item Goto > Variant can be used to display, change, or delete existing variants.
Use the SAP online help for more information on using variants.
Selection Result
Start the report with the Execute button (F8). As a result the orders are displayed line by line in the
form of an ALV grid control.
Note - ALV Grid Control
ALV Grid Control (ALV = SAP List Viewer) is a flexible tool for displaying lists. It is used in a variety of
applications both in the SAP standard system and in Softproviding products. It consists of a toolbar, a
title and the output table which is displayed in a grid control.
The following functions are generally provided. Depending on the program, one or more of these functions
may not be provided and special functions not described here may be offered:
Sorting in ascending or descending order
Finding terms
Setting and deleting filters
Calculating and deleting totals/averages/maximum/minimum
Calculating and deleting subtotals
Exporting data
Selecting layout
User information
Use the User documentation key or SAP online help to obtain further information on using the buttons.
The following functions are then available:
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Orders are processed according to the selected activity (planned/target postings, partial/final
confirmation, closing) after having marked the orders and then confirming this button. If nec-
essary, information messages (see below) are issued.
The data for the individual orders are read in again.
If no further entries have been made for orders since the last partial confirmation, the following mes-
sage is output:
“Confirmation for XXXXXXX is not necessary since there are no new PDAO records.”
If an order has already been confirmed and this confirmation is carried out again, the following mes-
sage is output:
“The order XXXXXXX has already been finally confirmed.”
If an order is confirmed and closed, the following message is displayed:
“X orders closed.”
Background Processing
The program can be executed in dialog or as a background batch job.
After having made the settings for the selection parameters, select Program > Execute in background
for background processing.
Confirmations made will be cancelled with the transaction below.
This SAP standard transaction is used to cancel confirmations.
This SAP standard transaction is used to display confirmations.
Maintaining Production Order Statuses
All further processing orders are assigned their Softproviding status from the point of view of Process
Data Acquisition (see table below). This status controls the possibility to call up and process orders in
Further Processing Entry or to exclude them from processing, e.g. if all entries for the order have been
The following two programs are available for processing orders concerning this status:
/SPDGS/AFKOCOMP (Set PDA status Completed)
/SPDGS/AFKORECO (Undo PDA status Completed)
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In the application menu, these two programs can be called as follows:
Softproviding Core > Logistics > Process Data Acquisition > Orders > Production Orders > Status PDA
Completed > Set/Undo.
Regarding the status management of orders, please compare the detailed description in the chapter
“Further Processing Entry" in the Process Data user documentation.