Supplier – Retailer Guidelines
A Guide to Oregon’s Financial Assistance Laws
Rev: 6.21.22
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This guide is a highlight of the financial assistance requirements and allowances. It is not
meant to be an exhaustive explanation. Links to documents where you may find the actual
statutes and rules are included later in this document.
Definitions: Supplier, Retailer, and Retail Sales Agent
“Supplier” means:
o Manufacturers and wholesalers of alcoholic beverages in Oregon and their
respective agents
o Any manufacturer or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages whose products are sold
in Oregon
o Any person who imports or causes to be imported an alcoholic beverage into
Oregon for sale or distribution within Oregon and their respective agents
o Brewery-Public House license. Note as per Oregon Revised Statute (ORS)
471.200, a Brewery-Public House license is both a supplier and a retailer
“Retailer means a holder of a valid:
o Full On-Premises Sale license
o Limited On-Premises Sale license
o Off-Premises Sale license
o Temporary Sales License (TSL)
o Brewery-Public House license. Note as per Oregon Revised Statute (ORS)
471.200, a Brewery-Public House license is both a supplier and a retailer. This
means, unless allowed by a tied house exception or a financial assistance
exception, a Brewery-Public House licensee may not have any financial or
ownership interest in, provide any financial assistance to, or accept any financial
assistance from:
Manufacturers and wholesalers of alcoholic beverages in Oregon and their
respective agents
Any manufacturer or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages whose products are
sold in Oregon
Any person who imports or causes to be imported into Oregon an alcoholic
beverage for sale or distribution within Oregon and their respective agents
All retailers
All other Brewery-Public House licensees
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A Guide to Oregon’s Financial Assistance Laws
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“Retail Sales Agent” means an individual person or entity appointed by the
Commission who enters into a retail sales agent agreement to sell packaged distilled
spirits on behalf of the Commission in a retail liquor store.
Tied House
ORS 471.394 prohibits suppliers from having any financial or ownership interest or
connection in a retailer, and prohibit a retailer from having any financial or ownership
interest or connection in a supplier, unless allowed by a specific exception. This concept
is known as a “tied house,meaning suppliers and retailer cannot be “tied” to each other
through financial interests or create incentives that could allow suppliers to exert undue
influence on the products that retailers sell.
Financial Assistance
ORS 471.398 and 471.400 generally prohibit a supplier from giving, directly or indirectly,
financial assistance to a retailer, and a retailer from accepting financial assistance from a
supplier, unless allowed by an exception.
A supplier may promote its products, but cannot promote a retailer’s business or
underwrite a retailer’s business expenses, unless allowed by exception.
PENALTY: Providing or accepting financial assistance is a Category III violation.
Sanctions range from a 10-day suspension or civil penalty of $1,650 for a first offense to
license cancellation for a fourth offense. Both the retailer and the supplier may be subject
to administrative penalties for financial assistance violations.
Statutes and Rules
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)
Oregon Revised Statute (ORS), Chapter 471 contains the general alcoholic beverage laws.
The Oregon Secretary of State publishes an updated version every two years, typically in
February of even years. Here is a link to the most current edition:
ORS Chapter 471
Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR)
Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) are administrative rules enacted by the OLCC and other
state agencies. The rules published by the Oregon Secretary of State are typically the current
Each administrative rule has a Chapter, a Division, and a specific rule citation.
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A Guide to Oregon’s Financial Assistance Laws
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For example, OAR 845-013-0020 is Chapter 845, Division 13, rule 0020.
Here are links to the rule divisions referenced in this document:
Division 6
Division 7
Division 10
Division 13
Division 15
OAR 845-013-0001
ORS 471.398 and 471.400 generally prohibit suppliers from giving services or things to
retailers unless allowed by exception. The purpose of the OLCC rules is to define and
explain exceptions
Suppliers may promote their products but may not promote a retailer's business or
underwrite a retailer's business expenses
Suppliers may give or loan the point of sale material (OAR 845-013-0050), items of nominal
value (845-013-0060), and services of nominal value (845-013-0070) described in these
rules only for the suppliers’ alcoholic beverage products and to all retailers without
o “Without discrimination” means the supplier makes all allowable point of sale material,
items of nominal value, and services of nominal value available to all the supplier’s
retailers upon request subject to availability
o The Commission will not consider it discrimination if a supplier gives allowable material,
items or services based on the type of business or in proportion to the size of the
A supplier may, for a reasonable fee, sell to a retailer items, labor, or services that ORS
471.398 prohibits. As used in this section, a reasonable fee for labor or service is one that
covers at least the supplier’s cost; a reasonable fee for the item is at least the cost to the
supplier who initially purchased or produced the item. The supplier and the retailer must
keep a record of the sale.
Money, Credit, Discounts
OAR 845-013-0020, 845-013-0070
Supplier may give credit or cash for malt beverages or wine that a retailer returns with
OLCC’s prior written approval, only in the following circumstances:
Retailer terminates the business
Retailer temporarily stops operating due to natural disaster
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Retailer stops operation for more than 29 days
After a Temporary Sales License (TSL) event (except when a Full On-Premises Sales
licensee holds a TSL)
Supplier may give credit for malt beverage or wine that is leaking, deteriorating,
near/past shelf life, damaged container, delivered in error, or has bad labels, but only
when the supplier has no saleable product available for exchange:
The credit must be applied to the retailer’s next purchase
If the credit is for more than one case, this requires the OLCC’s prior written approval
The credit must be limited to the retailer’s original purchase price for the malt beverage or
Supplier may sell nonalcoholic products (not just nonalcoholic beverages) to retailers in
the same manner in which non-suppliers sell them:
The supplier may sell on credit; however, the retailer must pay in full within 45 days of the
delivery date
If the retailer does not pay within 45 days of the delivery date, the supplier has given and the
retailer has accepted prohibited financial assistance. Despite this, the supplier has not
given prohibited financial assistance if the supplier gives the OLCC written notice no later
than the 37
day that the retailer has not paid for the product and the supplier sends a copy
of the notice to the retailer
Supplier may not give discounts to a retailer:
The supplier and the retailer have violated this provision if the supplier contracts with the
retailer for delivery of alcoholic beverages more than ten days in the future
Despite subsection (3) of this rule, a supplier may sell a retailer existing vintage-dated
wine for future delivery by written contract prior to winery release:
Opportunity must be offered to all retail licensees at same general time
Supplier keeps a copy of the contract
Supplier keeps a record of how and to whom this opportunity was offered
Supplier may exchange alcoholic beverages for a retailer:
Promptly exchanging alcoholic beverages delivered in error for the proper product, provided
both businesses reflect the exchange in their records
Exchanging products that are leaking, deteriorating, near or past their shelf date, have
damaged or missing labels, or have damaged containers for an equal quantity of identical
product, or exchanging products that have been found to contain adulterated ingredients
(See also OAR 845-013-0020(1)(b)). If the amount exchanged is one case or less of malt
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beverages or if the product contains adulterated ingredients, the supplier may substitute
another malt beverage product of similar value. A supplier may not exchange product that
the retailer or retailer's customer damaged
OAR 845-010-0200(3), 845-010-0210
Supplier must charge the same price to all retailers (but not to other suppliers and not to
Excluding transportation costs (must be separately itemized on invoice)
Quantity discounts are prohibited
Supplier must maintain price lists. Price lists must show the following:
Every brand and type of product offered
Price for each size container
Effective date of each price
Allowance granted for returnable containers
Handling fee on wine sold in less than the smallest multi-pack
Transportation costs. (Note that a supplier may not base transportation costs on quantity)
The supplier must show the amount of any transportation cost on the retailer’s invoice
Price list effective dates:
A price list becomes effective on the date the supplier indicates on the list
If supplier decreases the price, it must not increase the price for 14 days
Whenever a supplier changes a list, it must prepare a new list
After a price becomes effective, the supplier must sell to retailers only at that price
Substantial Gratuities
OAR 845-013-0010
Supplier may provide food and beverages to a retailer for immediate consumption at:
Business meetings
Conventions, where it is offered to all participants
Sports/entertainment events when supplier attends with the retailer
Supplier may provide items at a convention
Items must be available to all convention participants
Supplier may provide tickets and admission fees (includes green, court and lane fees)
Only if supplier accompanies retailer to the sports or entertainment event and does not pay
associated costs (e.g. travel expenses)
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Supplier may provide gifts to acknowledge a grand opening, birthday, anniversary, etc.
Gifts may not exceed $30 fair market value in a calendar year
Gifts may not include cash
Supplier may provide campaigns for responsible use
Only promoting responsible use and containing no reference to retailer
May provide inexpensive items such as buttons and posters
May provide a person/celebrity as part of the campaign at a licensed premises, as long as:
o The event is not advertised
o There is only a brief performance, if any
o The supplier does not provide alcohol to any customers
o The supplier provides only one promotion per year, per retailer
OAR 845-013-0040
Suppliers may advertise their products apart from a retailer’s premises
Advertising must only refer to the supplier’s product
A specific retailer may not be mentioned
Supplier may make lists of retailers that sell its products available to customers
Retailer lists may not include prices and must include every retailer that sells supplier’s
Suppliers may reference specific retailers subject to the following regulations:
OAR 845-005-0428, Retail On-Premises Distilled Spirits Sampling Involving Distillery
OAR 845-006-0446, Promotional Events at a Retailer Licensed Premises Involving
OAR 845-006-0450, Retail On-Premises Malt Beverage, Wine, or Cider Tastings Involving
The advertising may list no more than the retailer’s name and address, the date of the
event, and the name of the supplier’s product
Suppliers may not make monetary payments for advertising to retailers except under
ORS 471.401 (Purchase of alcoholic liquor advertising space or time from retail licensee)
This may be done for the following retailers:
o Limited and Full On-Premises Sales licensees with a capacity exceeding 3,000 persons
o Limited and Full On-Premises Sales licensees owned by the U.S. Government or a
public body
o Limited and Full On-Premises Sales licensees that are registered non-profit
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o Temporary Sales Licensees that are nonprofit or charitable organizations registered as
such in Oregon, a state agency, or a local government or agency or department of a
local government
Event must be held on licensee’s annually licensed premises
Licensee must serve other brands of alcoholic beverages
There must be a written agreement between supplier and retailer
Fixtures, Furniture & Furnishings
OAR 845-013-0030
Supplier may provide bins or display racks valued at $300 or less
Only one bin or rack per trade name, per retailer at any given time
Bin or rack is permanently marked with brand name or trade name of supplier
Retailer only uses bin or rack for named product
OAR 845-013-0075
Schematics are proposals that recommend the placement of a supplier’s products on a
retailer’s shelves.
Suppliers may use schematics only to promote their products to a retailer.
Retailer remains responsible for deciding what products are actually sold
Includes schematics provided by a third party
Items of Nominal Value
OAR 845-013-0060
Basic items that support supplier’s products can be provided, such as:
Tastings or samples of distilled spirits
o Only if retailer does not carry the product, and only if 50 ml or less
Tastings or samples of wine or malt beverages
o Only if retailer doesn’t already carry the brand
o Must not exceed 1 gallon of malt beverage
o Must not exceed 5 liters of wine
o Sample containers must be marked “SAMPLE NOT FOR RESALE”
For Draft Systems:
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Tavern Heads (one per calendar year; trade-in of tavern head at fair market value as
partial payment when retailer replaces draft system), washers and Thomas valves, and
new and used empty shells/bags (for returning retailer’s empty containers)
Point of Sale Materials and Consumer Take-Aways
OAR 845-013-0050
Point of Sale Materials:
Point of sale advertising materials are items provided by a supplier to a retailer that are to be
used at a retailer’s licensed premises to attract consumer attention to the supplier’s product
Point of sale items are not fixtures, furniture, or furnishings as prohibited by ORS 471.398(3)
and OAR 845-013-0030
Examples of point of sale items include window decorations, posters, placards, trays,
coasters, mats, menu cards, meal checks, paper napkins, foam scrapers, back bar mats,
calendars, alcohol beverage lists or menus, display mirrors, table tents, chalk boards,
thermometers, and similar items of like value
All point of sale advertising materials must bear conspicuous and substantial advertising
matter about the product or the supplier that is permanently inscribed or securely affixed.
The name and address of the retailer may appear only point of sale advertising materials (it
may not appear on consumer take-aways)
Exterior point of sale materials:
o Only for supplier’s alcoholic beverage product
o Must not exceed 2160 square inches (approximately 3 ft. x 5 ft.)
o May not be customized to retailer
Supplier may install, clean and repair point of sale material. See OAR 845-013-0070(3)(f)
Consumer Take-Aways:
Consumer take-aways are items provided by a supplier to a retailer that are to be used by
the retailer’s customers off the licensed premises
The item must provide information to the retailer’s customers but the information must not
promote the retailer’s business
The items must be made of paper or other similar inexpensive material
Examples include recipes, sports and entertainment event schedules, and informational
All consumer take-aways must bear conspicuous and substantial advertising matter about
the product or the supplier that is permanently inscribed or securely affixed.
The name and address of the retailer may not appear on consumer take-aways
Requirements for both point of sale materials and consumer take-aways:
The supplier may not directly or indirectly pay or credit the retailer for using or distributing
these items or for any expense incidental to their use
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The OLCC prohibits any advertising that contains material so appealing to minors that it
encourages them to purchase, possess, or drink alcoholic beverages. See OAR 845-007-
Items that predominantly advertise the supplier’s alcoholic beverage products but also
advertise a generic food product are allowed, subject to OAR 845-013-0050(3)(d)
Items that predominantly advertise the supplier’s alcoholic beverage products but also have
generic words or symbols for activities the supplier wants to associate with his/her alcoholic
beverage products with are allowed. Exterior material may, however, have only generic
symbols relating to activities, not words
Alcoholic beverage lists: Despite OAR 845-013-0001(3)(b)(A) that limits items of nominal
value to the supplier's products, the list may include any malt beverage, wine or distilled
spirit the retailer sells. Despite 845-013-0001(3)(d) that prohibits customization, the supplier
may add generic food references to the list.
o For example, the list may indicate that a particular alcoholic beverage goes well with
chicken but may not refer to a chicken dish on the retailer's menu
Services of Nominal Value
OAR 845-013-0070
Supplier may provide basic services that support products on draft, such as:
Inspecting equipment for sanitation and quality control
Performing emergency repairs on draft equipment
Instructing retailers how to care for draft and cooling systems
Tapping kegs during regular delivery calls
Supplier may provide basic marketing support services, such as:
Delivering to a designated place on the retailer’s premises
Only for supplier’s alcoholic beverage products
Moving product to a nearby store
o Only when a store closes, and only for supplier’s alcoholic beverage products
o **Retailers may not move product between stores
Rearranging/replenishing product
o Only supplier’s own product
Pricing own brands
o This means adding the price to the alcoholic beverage product or to the shelf, not setting
the price of the alcohol
o No repricing is allowed
Promptly exchanging product delivered in error
o Both supplier and retailer must keep a record of transaction
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Exchanging product that is leaking, deteriorating, near/past shelf date, has damaged or
missing labels, or damaged containers
o The exchange must be for an equal quantity of identical product
o Product must not have been damaged by the retailer or the retailer’s customer
Providing assistance with promotional events as allowed by 845-006-0446 and conducting
tastings as allowed by OAR 845-005-0428 and 845-006-0450 (see later in the guide)
Payment by Retailer to Supplier
ORS 471.485
A retailer must pay a supplier for malt beverages, wine, or cider either:
o By electronic fund transfer initiated on or before the date of delivery; or
o By valid check, order, negotiable instrument, or voucher on the date of delivery
Payment by credit and debit card is not allowed
Despite this requirement, a supplier may accept cash at the time of delivery if such
acceptance does not create or increase the licensee’s, or the agents’ or employees’ of the
licensee, exposure to or risk of being victimized by criminal activity
Supplier-Provided Items & Services to a Nonprofit,
Charitable, Political Committee, Agency of the State,
or Local Government with a Temporary Sales License
(either a TSL-NP Type 1 or a TSL-NP Type 2) or OLCC-
Approved Exempt Event
OAR 845-013-0090
For an applicant/licensee who is:
A nonprofit or charitable organization registered as such in Oregon with either:
o A Temporary Sales License-Nonprofit (TSL-NP) Type 1; or
o An OLCC-approved exempt event
A state agency, local government, or an agency or department of a local government with a
Temporary Sales License-Nonprofit (TSL-NP) Type 1
A political committee that has filed a statement of organization under ORS 260.039 or
260.042 with a Temporary Sales License-Nonprofit (TSL-NP) Type 2
A supplier may give, sell, or discount the following to the applicant/licensee:
Any product the supplier normally sells
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Credit or cash for returned product
Services that support the beverage
Banners for interior/exterior display that advertise the special event - no size limitation
Picnic pumps, cold plates, tubs, refrigerated trailers, refrigerated bans, and refrigerated draft
systems for the event not to exceed 14 days or for a period that is reasonable for the
equipment to be set up at or removed from the site of the special event
Supplier may provide employees to sell or serve at the approved event
o Employee must have a valid service permit or have successfully complete an approved
alcohol server education course within the last five years
Supplier-Provided Items & Services to For-Profit with
a Temporary Sales License (TSL-FP), Temporary Use
of an Annual License (TUAL), or Special Event
Brewery Public House (SEBPH)
OAR 845-013-0080
For an applicant/licensee who:
Is not a nonprofit or charitable organization registered as such in Oregon, has a Temporary
Sales License For-Profit (TSL-FP), and the event is not on a licensee’s annually licensed
s a Full or Limited On-Premises Sales licensee, has a Temporary Use of an Annual License
(TUAL), and the event is not on a licensee’s annually licensed premises
Is a Brewery-Public House licensee, has a Special Event Brewery Public House License
(SEBPH), and the event is not on a licensee’s annually licensed premises
A supplier may:
Provide only the items and services allowed under OAR Chapter 845, Division 13 rules.
Despite this requirement, a supplier may:
o Provide advertising of a temporary special event that lists the name and location of the
event along with the name of the supplier’s product; however, payment must be paid
directly to the third party provider, not the retailer
o Provide picnic pumps, cold plates, tubs, refrigerated trailers, refrigerated bans, and
refrigerated draft systems for the event not to exceed 14 days or for a period that is
reasonable for the equipment to be set up at or removed from the site of the special
Note that alcoholic beverages must be sold to the applicant/licensee at posted wholesale
prices and may not exclude other suppliers’ products
Private Labels for Wine or Malt Beverages
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OAR 845-010-0206
Supplier and Retailer may enter into an agreement for a private label wine or malt
beverage product
Retailer must pay all costs for the development and production of the label
Out-of-State manufacturer must sell through an independent wholesaler
Product may not be a new malt beverage or wine. (Note that a private label for distilled
liquor is not allowed)
Private label product must be identical to supplier’s existing product
Identical product must be reasonably available to other retailers
Supplier must sell product for at least wholesale cost
Commission must approve the private label and the private label agreement
Additional Information
No supplier may buy food, beverages or anything of value on a retailer’s premises for
customers who are not his/her personal acquaintances. (OAR 845-013-0110)
No promotional activities for alcohol may be conducted on any college or university campus.
(OAR 845-006-0349)
Rebate coupons for distilled spirits are prohibited except for purchases at liquor stores.
(OAR 845-015-0165, -0175 and -0177)
Guidelines for Malt Beverage, Wine, and Cider Tastings
At a Business with a Full-On Premises, Limited On-Premises,
or Off-Premises Sales License
OAR 845-006-0450
Manufacturers: For the purposes of this rule, manufacturers are defined as Winery, Brewery,
Brewery Public House, Grower Sales Privilege, Warehouse licensees and Certificate of
Approval (CERA) holders (but only for the product for which they hold the certificate). Holders of
Wholesale Malt Beverage and Wine (WMBW) licenses may not conduct tastings on a retail
premises unless doing so on behalf of a CERA holder.
Manufacturers may conduct tastings of malt beverages, wine, and cider at retail locations
under the following conditions:
License: Manufacturers do not need a special or temporary license to conduct a
tasting as allowed under this rule.
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Alcohol: Manufacturers must provide the samples and must remove any leftover
alcohol at the end of the tasting.
Size of samples: No more than 1.5 ounces for wine or cider and 3 ounces for malt
Servers: Must have service permits. Manufacturers must provide or pay for the
servers who must be the manufacturer’s employees or agents.
Manufacturers may not pay or compensate any employee or agent of the
retailer to participate in the tasting.
Number: No more than 12 days per calendar year at each retail premises for the
purposes of tastings.
Advertising: Manufacturers may advertise the tasting as allowed in OAR 845-013-0040.
This means the advertising may only reference the retailer’s name and
address, the date of the event, and the name of the supplier’s product.
Retailers may advertise the tasting.
Records: Manufacturers must keep records of each tasting they conduct, including
the date, location, products served, and names of servers.
Note: OAR 845-006-0450(7) allows full on-premises, limited on-premises, and off-
premises retail licensees to conduct their own tastings of alcohol beverages; however,
the retail licensee may not accept any assistance from a manufacturer.
Guidelines for Distilled Spirits Tastings
At a Business with a Full-On Premises Sales license
OAR 845-005-0428
Full On-Premises Sales licensees may allow a distillery to participate in distilled spirits
sample tasting events for the retailer’s customers under the following conditions:
License: Event must be sponsored by the Full On-Premises Sales licensee and must
be held on its annually-licensed premises.
Alcohol: Distillery products must be approved for sale in Oregon. Distillery must
provide the sample tastings of approved distilled spirits and remove any
remaining product at the end of the tasting.
Size of samples: Samples are limited to one-half (0.5) ounce of distilled spirits per container.
No more than two and one-half (2.5) ounces to each customer per day. The
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spirits may be mixed with nonalcoholic beverages; however, the total
amount of liquid per container cannot exceed two (2) ounces.
Servers: Server must have a valid Oregon Alcohol Service Permit. Distillery must
pay for person to serve the tasting. The person serving may not be an
employee of the retail licensee. Server may provide education to patrons
and staff.
Number: Eight sample tasting events are allowed per year, per retail premises.
Advertising: Distillery may advertise the tasting as allowed by OAR 845-013-0040. This
means the advertising may only reference the retailer’s name and address,
the date of the event, and the name of the supplier’s product. Retailer may
advertise the tasting.
Assistance: Distillery must not compensate the licensee in order to participate in the
tasting event. Except for serving the sample tastings, the distillery must not
be involved with the sale or service of alcoholic beverages or any other
service normally provided by the retailer on the licensed premises.
Records: The retailer must keep a record of each tasting event it holds for one year
from the date the tasting was held. Records must include the date and
location of each event, the products served, and the names of servers.
Guidelines for Promotional Events
At a Business with a Full-On Premises, Limited On-Premises,
or Brewery-Public House License
OAR 845-006-0446
Suppliers: For the purposes of this rule, suppliers are defined as Winery, Grower Sales
Privilege, Brewery, Brewery-Public House, Warehouse, and Distillery licensees and Certificate
of Approval (CERA) holders (but only for the product for which they hold the certificate). Holders
of WMBW licenses may not participate in a promotional event unless doing so on behalf of a
CERA holder.
Retail licensees may allow a supplier to participate in promotional events under the
following conditions:
License: Event must be sponsored by a retailer at its licensed premises. Examples
of events include winemaker dinners, food and alcohol pairings, and
product releases. Retailer is responsible for all alcohol sale and service at
the event. Retailer must meet OLCC food service standards.
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Alcohol: Retailer must purchase alcoholic beverages from a retail sales agent of the
Commission (for distilled spirits) or from a supplier authorized to sell alcohol
directly to retail licensees (for malt beverages, wine, or cider). Alcohol may
not be donated or discounted to retailer.
Servers: Server must have a valid Oregon Alcohol Service Permit. Supplier may
provide staff to serve alcoholic beverages for the products it represents
Number: A supplier may be in each retail premises no more than 12 days per
calendar year for the purpose of a promotional event.
Advertising: Retailer may advertise the event. Supplier may advertise the event as
allowed by OAR 845-013-0040. This means the advertising may only
reference the retailer’s name and address, the date of the event, and the
name of the supplier’s product.
Assistance: Supplier may provide education to patrons and staff for products it
represents. Supplier may not compensate retailer or any employee or
agent of the retailer to participate in an event.
Records: The retailer must keep a record of each event it sponsors for one year from
the date of the event. Records must include the date and location of each
event, the products served, and the names of suppliers.
Coupon Guidelines
What is a “Coupon” or “Rebate Coupon?
"Coupon" or “rebate coupon” means any coupon, ticket, certificate token or any other
material that a person may use to obtain a price reduction or rebate in connection with
alcoholic beverages. This definition applies whether the coupon requires a purchase or not
When a Supplier Offers a Coupon in Conjunction with
a Retailer
845-007-0015(3) and (5)
Suppliers may give consumer rebate coupons
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The rebate coupon may be only for malt beverages, wine, or cider and only for consumption
off the premises (no coupons for on-premises consumption)
Progressive-type coupons which provide a larger rebate when progressively more alcohol is
purchased are permitted. An example of this would be a rebate that offers $5 for the
purchase of one six-pack/bottle or $12 for two six-packs/bottles.
Cross promotional coupons which provide a discount or rebate on food, nonalcoholic
beverages, or non-food items (with or without the purchase of malt beverages, wine, or
cider) are permitted. An example of this would be $1.00 off tortilla chips with the purchase of
a six-pack of malt beverages
All advertising associated with rebate coupons must comply with applicable state and
federal regulations
The supplier must furnish rebate coupons to all licensees carrying the product for off-
premises consumption
The supplier is responsible for the redemption of rebate coupons
No retail licensee may receive any money or similar benefit from a supplier for the
redemption of any coupons
Coupons must be redeemable only by mail (this includes email). Despite this requirement, a
manufacturer of malt beverages, wine, or cider with an OLCC-issued license may offer
instantly redeemable coupons for malt beverages, wine, or cider sold at retail to consumers
for consumption off the premises (no coupons for on-premises consumption) under the
manufacturer’s retail privileges
Coupons must bear an expiration date
The supplier must require proof of purchase
Coupons must be valid only for adults of legal drinking age
When a Supplier Offers a Coupon in Conjunction with
a Retail Sales Agent
Suppliers may give consumer rebate coupons to retail liquor stores
The rebate coupon may be only for distilled spirits and only for consumption off the premises
(no coupons for on-premises consumption)
Progressive-type coupons which provide a larger rebate when progressively more alcohol is
purchased are permitted. An example of this would be a rebate that offers $5 for the
purchase of one bottle or $12 for two bottles.
Suppliers will distribute distilled spirits rebate coupons only through retail liquor stores or by
publishing them in newspapers or magazines. Any newspaper or magazine advertising
associated with rebate coupons must comply with OAR 845-015- 0175, 845-015-0177, and
any other applicable state and federal regulations
All rebate coupons offered in the State of Oregon must meet the following requirements:
o Rebate coupons must be redeemable only by mail (this includes email)
o Rebate coupon offers must bear an expiration date
Supplier – Retailer Guidelines
A Guide to Oregon’s Financial Assistance Laws
Rev: 6.21.22
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o The supplier must require proof of purchase
o Rebate coupons must be valid only for adults of legal drinking age
The supplier must furnish rebate coupons to all retail liquor stores carrying the product. Any
advertising materials such as posters, signs, banners, or display racks the supplier provides
to promote rebate coupons in a retail liquor store must comply with OAR 845-015-0175,
845-015-0177, and any other applicable state and federal regulations
The supplier is responsible for the redemption of rebate coupons. The supplier and the retail
customer are responsible for settling any disagreement about the supplier's coupon.
When a Retailer Offers a Coupon
Retailers may issue coupons on malt beverage, wine, cider, and distilled liquor and for
consumption both on and off the premises
The retailer must bear all costs associated with the redemption of the coupon and receive
no payment from any supplier.
Examples of retailer issued coupons could include:
o Rain checks issued by a retailer that allow a customer to get the advertised price of an
alcoholic beverage product when a product is temporarily out of stock
o Coupons or certificates that provide a discount on meals, including alcohol, to be
consumed at a licensed premises
o Coupons that provide a discount on any products the retailer, sells such as 10% off of a
bill of $50 or more
o Customer loyalty programs such as club cards or frequent customer discount cards.
Retailer issued coupons may be instantly redeemable or mail-in.
The retail licensee must pay for all discounts on alcoholic beverages provided under retailer
issued coupons.
For more information
If you have questions regarding any of the information in this guide, please email: