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Updated: 2022.08.02
KVAC London
Important Notes for completing the Visa Application Form
비자신청서류 작성 유의사항
Visa Regulation Notice / 비자 신청 관련 공지
(K-ETA, Visa Criteria, Processing Time, etc. / K-ETA, 신청 가능 비자, 심사 기간 )
CLICK on the language to view Notice in English, 한국어
All applications submitted to the KVAC London will be reviewed by
the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Germany (Berlin).
KVAC 런던으로 신청하 모든 비자 신청 서류는 주독일대한민국대사(베를린)에서 심사됩니다.
Please make sure to plan in advance for the visa application submission for your timely departure.
(Flight schedules, itinerary etc. do not fall under the reason for the expedited visa screening process)
Applicants are recommended to apply for their visa 1.5 2 months in advance
during high seasons. The high season is from the beginning of June to the end of August and from mid-December to
mid-February, due to the international students’ applications.
항공편 일정 등은 자심사 기간 단축 사유에 해당하지 않으므로,
출국일을 고려하여 사전에 충분한 시간 두고 청하시기 바랍니다.
특히 학생비자 신청이 폭주하는 극성수기 기간(여름, 겨울)에는 여유롭게
출국일로부터 1.5-2 전에 신청하시기 바랍니다.
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KVAC London
비자 신청 방법 How do I apply for my visa?
Applicants can apply by post or by visiting the KVAC London office Monday to Friday from 10.00 11.00
Please send your documents via courier using mail-in service. Please indicate your Visa Category on the
envelope. (e.g C-3-1, C-4-5, F-6-1, etc.)
>> Once Visa Screening Process is over, your passport will be returned to you using Royal Mail registered
mail to the address you indicated on KVAC Waiver Courier.
*15 EURO fee includes an envelope and courier fee.
신청서는 우편 혹은 방문신청 가능합니다. 방문은 월요일-금요일 오전 10 ~ 11 이에만
지원서 우편 제출 , 봉투 면에 반드시 비자 카테고리를 시하시기 바랍니다. (예시: C-3-1, C-4-5,
F-6-1, )
>> 심사가 끝나면, KVAC Waiver Courier 기재한 주소 Royal Mail 등기우편을 이용하여 여권을
돌려보내 드립니다.
*15 EURO - 등기우편 요금 봉투 포함.
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Please follow these steps when applying for a visa at the KVAC in Berlin.
KVAC 에서 비자 신청 , 반드시 아래 절차를 따라 주시기 바랍니다.
For all refund requests due to incorrect amount transferred, voluntary withdrawal, etc., the refund process
may take up to 6 months.
본인 부주의로 인한 정확하지 송금액, 본인 취소 요청 대한 환불에는 6 개월 소요됩니다.
1. Please pay your VISA and SERVICE FEES
비자 서비스 수수료 지불
Visa and Service Fees for UK passport holders.
영국 국적자의 비자 서비스 수수료
!!! For all other nationalities please check here.
!!! 기타 국적자 비자 종류 여기에서 찾으시기 바랍니다.
D-2 Student Visas (more than 90 days, Single Entry ONLY)
D-2 학생 유학 비자 (90 이상, 단수 입국 비자)
Visa Fee
180.00 EURO
Service Fee
60.00 EURO
Return passport via mail/post
15.00 EURO
D-4 Trainee Visas (more than 90 days, Single-Entry ONLY)
D-4 연수 비자 (90 이상, 단수 입국 비자)
Visa Fee
180.00 EURO
Service Fee
60.00 EURO
Return passport via mail/post
15.00 EURO
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2. Please send the Visa and Service fees to KVAC London account before sending your documents.
After the payment, please send your Proof of Payment receipt to [email protected]T indicating:
반드시 서류를 보내기 , KVAC 런던 계좌로 비자 서비스 수수료 입금해주시기 랍니다.
송금 , 송금내역서를 K[email protected]T 아래 정보 포함하여 보내주시기 바랍니다:
Email Subject:
o Your Name / Visa Type / Proof of Payment
(e.g. SMITH, Adam / C-4-5 / Proof of Payment)
Email Contents:
o Proof of Payment attached to the email
o Name and Nationality
o Type of Visa you are applying for (e.g. C-3-1, C-4-5)
o Payment details (e.g. visa fee 180.00 euro, service fee 60.00euro, courier fee 15.00 euro…)
이메일 제목:
o 이름 / 비자 종류 / Proof of Payment
(: HONG, Gildong / F-4-11 / Proof of Payment)
이메일 내용:
o 송금내역서 첨부
o 이름 국적
o 비자 카테고리 (: C-3-1, C-4-5)
o 송금 금액 설명 (: 180 EURO 비자 수수료, 60 EURO 서비스 수수료, 15 EURO 우편 요금 )
When making a transfer,
please write your Name and Passport Number as reference.
송금 , 메모란에 Korea Visa and Service Fees
반드시 기재해주시기 바랍니.
Bank Information / 계좌정보
IBAN: DE60502109000220043673
Address: Reuterweg 16, 60323 Frankfurt Am Main, Germany
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3. 2-3 days after the payment, please send all the necessary documents with your original passport
to the address below.
송금일로부터 2-3 뒤에, 모든 서류 실물 여권을 동봉하여 아래 주소로 보내주시 바랍니다.
Please send one-sided documents only.
Please DO NOT staple your documents.
Please DO NOT clip any papers.
모든 서류는 A4 용지 단면으로만 출력해주시기 바랍니다.
서류를 절대 하지 마십시오. (스테이플러 사용금지!)
서류에 클립을 끼우지 마십시오.
Please indicate your name, address and Visa category on the envelope.
반드시 봉투 앞면에 이름, 주소, 비자종류를 기재해주십시오.
KVAC London Address / 주소
KVAC London
1st Floor, Heron House, 10 Dean Farrar Street
London SW1H 0DX
United Kingdom
4. Once KVAC London receives your documents, KVAC staff will check if you sent the payment and
all the documents have been completed correctly in order of arrival. If you submitted everything,
your application will be registered to be screened by the embassy. If not, we will contact you separately.
서류가 KVAC 런던 도착하면 KVAC 직원이 순차적으로 송금내역 서류 완성도를 확인합니.
모든 서류가 구비되었을 경우, 심사를 위해 비자 신청 서류가 대사관에 접수됩니.
서류 완성도 검사 , 부족한 서류가 있는 경우 연락 드립니다.
5. When your visa decision is out, KVAC staff will print out your Visa (Visa Grant Notice) and
send back the passport with the receipt to the address written on the KVAC Waiver Courier.
If your visa is denied, KVAC will only send back your passport and the receipt.
비자 심사가 완료되, KVAC 직원이 사증발급확인서 출력하여
여권 영수증과 함께 KVAC Waiver Courier/우편책임면책서 기재한 주소로 돌려 보내드립니다.
비자가 불허된 경우, 여권 영수증만 돌려 보내드립니다.
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We do not return the documents that were submitted for review.
비자 심사에 제출된 서류를 반환하지 않습니다.
Please DO NOT send originals unless specifically requested. Photocopies are accepted.
따로 요청이 있지 않는 경우, 원본서류를 보내지 십시오. 복사본 제출 가능.
All the documents should be submitted in English/Korean only.
사증발급신청서를 외하고 기타 제출 서류는 영어/한국어로 제출 가능.
The KVAC cannot guarantee the result of your visa application. The Embassy of Korea in Germany
is the sole entity in charge of the decision-making process.
심사 허가/불허 여부는 사전에 없습니다.
All documents that are issued in Korea can only be submitted within 3 months from the date of
issuance. (Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Admission, Family Relations Certificate, etc.)
모든 한국에서 발행되는 서류는 3 개월 이내 제출 가능합니다.
(사업자등록증, 신용정보조회서, 족관계증명서 주민등록등본, 득금액증명, 기본증명서, 제적등 )
*가족관계증명서, 기본증명서, 혼인관계증명서는 모두
국문, 상세, 주민등록번호 모두 표기, 발급 3 개월 이내만 제출 가능.
Declaring loss of Korean Nationality
국적상실 신고 관련
1) 의의
대한민국 국민이 외국국적을 취득하면 취득일로부터 대한민국 국적이 자동 상실되는 것이며,
국적상실신고는 외국국적을 취득한 시점에서 법적으로 대한민 국적이 상실된 것을 사후에 호적에
정리하기 위한 절차입니.
* 국적취득일부터 1 개월 이내 재외공관(영사과) 또는 법무부(법무과) 신고하여 합니다.
(호적관서나 국내 출입국 관리사무소에서도 신고를 접수합니다.)
관련 정보는 여기에서 확인
! 단기 비자의 경우, 국적상실 접수증으로 비자 신청 가능하나 F-4 비자 신청 불가.
! In order to apply for F-4, ‘국적상실’ must be written next to your name on your Korean
basic/family certificate.
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!!! Please organize your documents in the order shown on the checklist !!!
!!! 반드시 체크리스트에 기재된 순서대 서류를 정리하여 주십시오!!!
The Visa Application Form must be filled in English or Korean only and the signature should be handwritten
(digital signature cannot be accepted)
Application Forms filled in any other language will not be accepted.
비자 발급 신청서는 영어 또는 한국어 작성해야 합니다.
기타 다른 언어로 성된 신청서는 접수되지 않습니다.
Do I need to submit a proof of residency in United Kingdom?
For all visa types, if you are not a national from the United Kingdom,
you need to provide a document proving your residency.
For non-EU citizens
> If you have been living in the United Kingdom for more than 2 years, please provide proof. (e.g. copies of visas,
copies of residence permits (front and back), etc.)
> If you have been living in the United Kingdom for less than 2 years, it is mandatory to submit the certificate of
enrollment to your school.
For EU citizens
> provide proof that you reside in that country (e.g. employment letter, pre-settled/settled status, etc.)
영국 국적자가 아닌 경우, 반드 거주 증빙 서류를 제출하셔야 합니.
비유럽 국적자 경우
> 해당 국가에 2 이상 거주한 증빙 제출 (: 비자 사본, 주증 사본 )
> 해당 국가에 2 미만 거주한 경우 재학증명서 필수 제출
유럽 국적자 경우
> 거주 증빙 (: 재직증명서, 거주증 사본 )
UK Civil Partnership and PACS is not recognized as legal marriage in the Republic of Korea.
UK Civil Partnership PACS 법적 혼인관계로 인정되지 않음.
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D-2-1 ~ D-2-4 Student Visa (Single Entry)
D-2-1 ~ D-2-4 학생 유학 비자 (단수 입국 비자)
* Students from Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, and Kosovo must have Confirmation of Visa Issuance first. Please contact your school.
If your school is on the “Excellent IEQAS Universities list,
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
Or, If your school is on the “IEQAS Universities” list, and you are from OECD* countries
If your school is not on the “Excellent IEQAS Universities” list.
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
And, you are from the below country,
Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, India,
Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Guinea, Mali, Ethiopia, Uganda, Cameroon
please submit additional documents below.
In countries at high risk of tuberculosis, please submit additional documents below.
* KVAC or Embassy might request additional documents if needed.
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*OECD Members Countries
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA
**Regarding your name on ‘Certificate of Admission’
How can I check if my Certificate of Admission (COA) is issued correctly with my name?
You name in this RED BOX area must be written on the COA.
It does not matter how your name is written in the BLUE BOX area.
For example, if your name written in the blue box area as
First name: ERIKA
But written as below in the red box area
First name: ERIKA
Then, you need to check if your name on COA is written as
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D-2-6 Exchange Student Visa (Single Entry ONLY)
D-2-6 교환학생 비자 (단수 입국 비자)
* Students from Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, Kosovo must have Confirmation of Visa Issuance first. Please contact your school.
If your school is on the “Excellent IEQAS Universities list,
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
Or, If your school is on the “IEQAS Universities” list, and you are from OECD* countries
If your school is not on the “Excellent IEQAS Universities” list.
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
And, you are from the below country,
Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, India,
Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Guinea, Mali, Ethiopia, Uganda, Cameroon
please submit additional documents below.
Countries at high risk of tuberculosis, please submit additional document below.
* KVAC or Embassy might request additional documents if needed.
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D-2-8 Short term study (Single Entry ONLY)
D-2-8 단기유학 비자 (단수 입국 비자)
* Students from Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, Kosovo must have Confirmation of Visa Issuance first. Please contact your school.
If your school is on the “Excellent IEQAS Universities list,
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
Or, If your school is on the “IEQAS Universities” list, and you are from OECD* countries
If your school is not on the “Excellent IEQAS Universities” list.
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
And, you are from the below country,
Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, India,
Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Guinea, Mali, Ethiopia, Uganda, Cameroon
please submit additional documents below.
Countries at high risk of tuberculosis, please submit additional document below.
* KVAC or Embassy might request additional documents if needed.
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*OECD Members Countries
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA
**Regarding your name on ‘Certificate of Admission’
How can I check if my Certificate of Admission (COA) is issued correctly with my name?
You name in this RED BOX area must be written on the COA.
It does not matter how your name is written in the BLUE BOX area.
For example, if your name written in the blue box area as
First name: ERIKA
But written as below in the red box area
First name: ERIKA
Then, you need to check if your name on COA is written as
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D-4 Korean Language Trainee (Single Entry visa ONLY)
D-4 한국어연수 비자 (단수 입국 비자)
* Students from Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, Kosovo must have Confirmation of Visa Issuance first. Please contact your school.
If your school is on the “IEQAS Universities” list,
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
Or, you are from OECD* countries.
If your school is not on the “IEQAS Universities” list.
- Click HERE to find the list of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) schools
Or, if you are a student from,
Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, India,
Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Guinea, Mali, Ethiopia, Uganda, Cameroon
please submit additional documents below.
In countries at high risk of tuberculosis, please submit additional documents below.
* KVAC or Embassy might request additional documents if needed.
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*OECD Members Countries
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA
**Regarding your name on ‘Certificate of Admission’
How can I check if my Certificate of Admission (COA) is issued correctly with my name?
You name in this RED BOX area must be written on the COA.
It does not matter how your name is written in the BLUE BOX area.
For example, if your name written in the blue box area as
First name: ERIKA
But written as below in the red box area
First name: ERIKA
Then, you need to check if your name on COA is written as
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For those who have a Confirmation of Visa Issuance number
사증발급인정 번호를 보유한
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Why is there no Visa Sticker on my passport?
여권에 사증스티커가 없나요?
The Republic of Korea does not issue visa stickers anymore.
The “Visa Grant Notice” certificate is your Entry Visa.
대한민국 정부 이상 스티커 태의 비자를 발행하지 않습니다.
사증발급확인서가 입국 비자입니다.
For short-term visas, you can stay in Korea up to 90 days from the date on entry in the country.
단기 비자의 경우, 입국일로부터 90 체류 가능.
How to read your VISA GRANT NOTICE
Date of Issue ~ Validity Period of Visa:
The “Date of issue” is the date when your visa is issued no customization/change possible.
The “Validity Period of Visa” is always 90 days starting from the date when your visa was issued (see Date of Issue). You must
enter Korea within the 90 days. Please plan your application accordingly and in consideration of the processing time: 2-4 weeks
from the date your application has been confirmed as complete.
Period of Stay:
The “Period of Stay” indicates the period during which the applicant can stay in Korea from the date
of entry in the Republic of Korea. IF THE PERIOD OF STAY IS LONGER THAN 90 DAYS, you must
visit the IMMIGRATION OFFICE IN KOREA to get the ‘Alien Registration Card’ that will cover your
entire stay in the country.
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How do I check my Visa Status? Can I re-print my Visa Grant Notice?
비자 신청 현황 조회 방법 사증발급확인서 출력 방법
Applicants can check their visa status from the website www.visa.go.kr > Check Application Status
모든 신청인은 www.visa.go.kr 에서 조회 가능 > 조회/발급 > 진행현황 조회 출력
> Select Diplomatic Office / 재외공관 선택
> Note for Name in English / 영문성명 입력 주의사항
Please enter your Name in English that appears at the machine-readable zone located at the bottom of the identity
page of your passport.
영문성명은 신청 제출한 권의 인적면 하단에 있는 기계식별판독부분을 준으로 입력하시기 바랍니다.
> Note for Date of Birth / 생년월일 입력 의사항
Date of Birth must be written as YYYY-MM-DD. -- 순으 기재.
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Please read through the following questions carefully to see
if we already provided answers to your questions before contacting us directly.
Frequently asked Questions
1. [Student Visas ONLY] How do I fill out the Visa Application Form?
2. Can I submit copies?
3. What is a Visa Grant Notice?
4. [For Long-term Visa Holders] What do I do after I enter Korea?
5. [All others] How do I fill out the Visa Application Form?
1. [Student Visas ONLY] How do I fill out the Visa Application Form?
> When filling out the application form No. 17 please refer to the following notes.
1.2 Leave it BLANK/EMPTY
1.7 If you do not have National identity card other than passport, leave it BLANK/EMPTY
2.2 Find your relevant visa type
6.2 Your current school
7.1 Tick ‘V’ Student
7.2 Your current school information
8.1 Tick ‘V’ 유학/연수 Study/Training
8.2 Duration indicated on your ‘Certificate of Admission’ under 5.
8.3 Even if you do not have a flight ticket yet, indicate a possible entry date
8.4 If you do not have a place to stay in Korea yet, write down the school address
8.5 If you do not have any contact person in Korea, write down the phone number of your school
8.7 You are not obliged to write down all the countries visited, please feel free to indicate up to 5 countries you
visited last
9.1 You do not need to fill this part. Please tick ‘V’ 아니오 No
10.2 If you are paying for yourself, then please write b) Relation to the applicant as ‘Myself’
2. Can I submit copies?
> The documents you received from Korea can be printed from your email (in high quality) or copied.
> If you submit the original document which KVAC didn’t ask for, this will not be returned.
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3. What is a Visa Grant Notice?
> The Visa Grant Notice is your ENTRY VISA to Korea.
There will be no sticker or stamp in your passport.
For STUDENTS, your visa will be issued according to the duration indicated on the ‘Certificate of Admission’.
> Although your Certificate of Admission indicates ‘6 Months’ or more, you will see on your Visa Grant Notice
(photo below) that the visa is valid for only 3 months.
This is because this is your Entry Visa to Korea which means you can enter Korea from Germany within the dates
written under ‘Date of Issue’ and ‘Validity Period of Visa’.
Under ‘Period of Stay’, a complete duration of your visa will be shown as written on the ‘Certificate of Admission’.
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4. [For Long-term Visa Holders] What do I do after I enter Korea?
> After you enter Korea, you must go to the Immigration Office in Korea to register yourself as a foreigner living in
Korea. At the Immigration Office in Korea, you will receive an Alien Registration Card which will indicate the type
of visa you have.
> The Embassy does NOT issue nor extend validity of ARC.
> ARC must be returned to the immigration office or immigration officer at the departure airport or port upon final
> For all questions (extension of your visa, changing visa type, etc.) regarding Immigration Services after you have
entered Korea, please contact the Immigration Contact Center operated by the Ministry of Justice at +82-1345.
5. Where is my passport?
> Once your visa decision has been made and if you requested
to have your passport sent back to you via courier, your
passport will be sent back using Royal Mail Registered Mail
What is the procedure?
1. KVAC staff packs your Passport and Visa Grant Notice in an
2. Royal Mail delivery man comes to KVAC to collect the
envelopes as per agreement.
KVAC is unable to give any information regarding the delivery time of Royal Mail.
Please direct your inquires to Royal Mail
You may request Tracking Number via email to KVAC London. Otherwise, KVAC does not send the tracking
number to you.
> If you need a tracking number, please send us an email. [email protected]
(Email Title : Your Name / Tracking Number > e.g. SMITH, Adam / Tracking Number)
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6. [All others] How do I fill out the Visa Application Form?
> Please refer to the pictures below. This is a sample. You must fill and sign according to your own case.
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Signature must be hand-written in original