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Guide to Getting Started with a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
What is a Cyber Risk Assessment?
Cybersecurity (cyber) risk assessments assist public safety organizations in understanding the cyber
risks to their operations (e.g., mission, functions, critical service, image, reputation), organizational
assets, and individuals.
To strengthen operational and cyber resiliency, SAFECOM has developed
this guide to assist public safety communications systems operators, owners, and managers
understand the steps of a cyber risk assessment. Included with this guide are customizable
reference tables (pages two, three, and four) to help organizations identify and document personnel
and resources involved with each step of the assessment. While example entities and organizations
are provided, customization is advised.
By c
onducting cyber risk assessments, public
safety organizations may experience a multitude
of benefits, such as meeting operational and
mission needs, improving overall resiliency and
cyber posture, and meeting cyber insurance
coverage requirements. It is recommended that
organizations conduct cyber risk assessments
regularly, based on their operational needs, to
assess their security posture. By conducting the
assessments, organizations establish a baseline of
cybersecurity measurements, and such baselines
could be referenced to or compared against future
results to further improve overall cyber posture and
resiliency and demonstrate progress. These
assessments could be conducted with internal
resources or with external assistance. For
instance, organizations may conduct a review of
vulnerabilities based on internal logging and audits
of their internet-facing networks.
Additionally, organizations may also use external guides or services that provide different
perspectives and highlight potential vulnerabilities. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA) provides cyber tools and cyber services that are available at no cost and without
commitment to sharing outcomes, such as the Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET
CISA’s other
offerings, such as the Cybersecurity Advisors, are available to federal, state, local, tribal, and
territorial governments, critical infrastructure owners/operators, and private sector entities to help
CISA, “QSMO Services – Risk Assessment,” last accessed October 28, 2021.
SAFECOM recommends the guide be used in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), which provides a holistic perspective of the core steps to a cyber risk assessment, and the Public
Safety Communications and Cyber Resiliency Toolkit, which provides resources for evaluating current resiliency capabilities,
identifying ways to improve resiliency, and developing plans for mitigating the effects of potential resiliency threats. This document
follows the Identify Function of the risk assessment process identified in the NIST CSF.
For example, CISA’s Cyber Resiliency Resources for Public Safety Fact Sheet highlights resources such as the Cyber Security
Evaluation Tool (CSET
) and others provided by the federal government, industry, and trade associations. The Fact Sheet assists
public safety organizations in determining their network cybersecurity and resiliency capabilities and identifying ways to improve
their ability to defend against cyber incidents.
THREAT: A circumstance or event that has or
indicates the potential to exploit vulnerabilities
and to adversely impact organizational operations,
assets, individuals, other organizations, or society
VULNERABILITIES: A characteristic or specific
weakness that renders an organization or asset
open to exploitation by a given threat
LIKELIHOOD: Refers to the probability that a risk
scenario could occur
RISK: The potential for an unwanted or adverse
outcome resulting from an incident, event, or
occurrence, as determined by the likelihood that
a particular threat will exploit a particular
vulnerability, with the associated consequences
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 2 [email protected] @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
detect and remediate weaknesses in a network or system. They serve as cyber subject matter
experts who specialize in risk assessments. In addition, CISA Emergency Communications Coordinators
facilitate contact within CISA to assist organizations in addressing complex public safety
communications challenges.
While this guide provides an example of a cy
ber risk assessment structure, it is not a comprehensive
list of all available resources and methods. Different approaches may be recommended to mitigate
specific incidents (e.g., ransomware attack, denial of service attack, network/database breach), and
other assessments may result in greater awareness of vulnerabilities. Each assessment step is
accompanied by relevant references to assist with the process. Please note, this list is not exhaustive
and does not imply an endorsement for organizations or their products.
Public safety organizations are encouraged to visit the resources found in the Appendix A Helpful
Resources by Risk Assessment Step and Appendix B Training and Educational Resources for more
information about each step and best practices for developing a cyber risk assessment. Visit
for additional public safety-focused resiliency
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 3 @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
What are the Steps of a Cyber Risk Assessment?
STEP ONE: Identify and Document Network Asset Vulnerabilities
Characterizing or inventorying network components and
infrastructure, including hardware, software, interfaces, and
vendor access and services will help determine possible threats.
For example, consider internal and external cyber processes,
internal and external interfaces (check for default passwords),
pre-determine data recovery processes, and review access for
each system. This process can also help in understanding where
breaches may come from within the system.
Table 1: Sample Customizable Table to Identify and Document
Network Asset Vulnerabilities
Hardware/Software, Vendor, Internal/External
Interfaces, Access, Date of Last Update
Hardware/Software: Email Platform
Vendor: Network System Provider
Internal/External: Both
Interfaces: Connects across machines and as broadly as the Internet
Access: All personnel
Date of Last Update: Update performed 07/2021; version 12
Response Time/Footprint: within x hours
Contact Information:
Date last reviewed/accessed (if applicable):
Response time/Footprint:
Contact Information:
Date last reviewed/accessed (if applicable):
Response time/Footprint:
NIST. “Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.1,”
2018. 26.
STEP TWO: Identify and Use Sources of Cyber Threat Intelligence
Some common threats include, but are not limited to,
unauthorized access to secure information, the misuse of data by
an authorized user, and weaknesses in organizational security
Table 2: Sample Customizable Table to Identify and Document
Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources
Cyber Threat/Vulnerability Information Sources
National Example: National Cyber Awareness System
(also known as United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team [US-
CERT] alerts)
National Example: the CISA Known Exploitable Vulnerabilities Catalog
National Example: InfraGard
State Example: Florida Intelligence Fusion Center
Contact Information: | (850) 410-7645
Local Example: National Capital Region Threat Intelligence Consortium
Contact Information: NT[email protected] | (202) 727-6161
Other Example: Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center
Contact Information: [email protected] | (866) 787-4722
Contact Information: email | phone | website
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 4 SAFECOMgovernan[email protected].gov @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
STEP THREE: Identify and Document Internal and External Threats
Threats are not exclusively external to organizations, as internal
sources can greatly affect cyber posture as well. Because threat
sources can come from inside an organization, it is essential to
identify and document internal processes and records (e.g.,
administrative privileges on a network or hardware, activity logs of
those granted access, reliance on a managed service provider or
a supply chain software vendor’s tools). Individuals, either
accidentally or with malicious intent, can impact a network. By
identifying and documenting both internal and external threats
and vulnerabilities, organizations can help anticipate a breach in
the systems and plan accordingly. For instance, the
establishment and continuous maintenance of a cyber incident
response plan are advised. They can also develop training and
exercise programs to maximize cyber awareness and promote
continual improvement.
Some common indicators of a cyber breach include:
Web server log entries that show the usage of a
vulnerability scanner
A threat from a group stating that a cyberattack is
imminent (ransomware)
Unusual user activity
Unexpected user account lockouts
Alerts from malware/antivirus software
Unusual deviation from typical network traffic flows
Configuration changes that cannot be tracked to known updates
Ibid, 27.
STEP FOUR: Identify Potential Mission Impacts
Information and communications technology are integral for the
daily operations and functionality of critical infrastructure. Should
these be exploited, the consequences can affect all users of that
technology or service and can also affect systems beyond an
organization’s control. This assessment will consider impacts to
all system dependencies and shared resources should a cyber
incident occur. This step is crucial in the containment of a cyber
breach across shared resources and can be a useful guide when
formulating a response plan.
Table 3: Sample Customizable Table to Identify and Document
Dependencies and Shared Resources
Dependencies and Shared Resources
Example: Jurisdictional Partners or Agencies on a Shared Network
Contact Information: | (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Role/Responsibility: spectrum sharing
Response time/Footprint: within x hours
Example: County or State Office of Information Technology
Contact Information: | (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Role/Responsibility: active monitoring of municipal networks
Response time/Footprint: within x hours
Example: Telecommunications Provider
Contact Information: | (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Role/Responsibility: 24/7 uninterrupted service
Response time/Footprint: within x hours
Name of third-party, non-agency infrastructure and services owner:
Contact Information: email | phone | website
Response time/Footprint:
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 5 SAFECOMgovernan[email protected].gov @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
STEP FIVE: Use Threats, Vulnerabilities, Likelihoods, and Impacts
to Determine Risk
Risk is a guide when formulating an incident response plan,
however, it is not the final state of an organization’s cyber
posture. Note that a cyber risk assessment is not a meant to be
conducted just once. Instead, the assessment is intended as an
ongoing determination of an organization’s cyber measures and
should continually be refined as new technologies and methods
become available and are adopted.
There are several things to consider when quantifying risk levels,
assumptions qualify the measurements of “high,”
“medium,” and “low?”
Are terms such as “risk” and “threat” defined precisely and
What assets/devices/systems are at risk in the high-risk
What are the cyber threats
posed to those
(Refer to Steps 1 and3)
at controls are in place
at each tier to mitigate the
extent of cyber breaches?
at level of readiness has
IT personnel achieved to
respond to a cyber incident?
STEP SIX: Identify and Prioritize Risk Responses
A key aspect of risk-based decision-mak
ing for authorizing
officials is understanding their information systems’ security and
privacy posture and common controls available for those systems.
A crucial factor in a cyber risk assessment is knowing what
responses are available to counter the different cyber threats.
Maintaining and updating a list of identified personnel and groups
with their contact information is vital to expedite the response
time after a cyber incident.
Table 4: Sample Customizable Table to Identify and Document
Response, Investigative, and Recovery Resources
Potential Response, Investigative, and Recovery
Example: Texas Department of Information Services
Contact Information: | (855) 275-3471
Example: CISA Central
Contact Information: |
Example: CISA Cybersecurity Advisors (by region)
Contact Information:
Example: US-CERT
Contact Information: | (888) 282-0870
Example: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Offices
Contact Information:
Example: Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)
Contact Information: | (555) 555-5555
Name of organization/entity
Contact Information: email | phone | website
Figure 1: Example Risk Matrix
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 6 [email protected] @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
Appendix A: Helpful Resources by Risk Assessment Step
RISK ASSESSMENT STEP ONE: Identify and Document Network Asset Vulnerabilities
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Interoperable Communications Technical
Assistance Program (ICTAP)The ICTAP serves all 56 states and territories and provides direct
support to state, local, and tribal emergency responders and government officials through the
development and delivery of training, tools, and onsite assistance to advance public safety
interoperable communications capabilities.
CISA Public Safety Cyber Resiliency Assessment Tools Factsheet This fact
sheet provides an
overview of 22 cybersecurity evaluations available from CISA and other public safety partners. The
factsheet helps partners evaluate the scope, requirements, cost structure, and outcomes of
assessments as well as aids in the selection of assessments that best align with the organization’s
unique needs.
CISA Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET®)This deskt
op application guides asset owners and
operators through a systematic process of evaluating operational technology and information
technology. After completing the evaluation, organizations will receive reports that present the
assessment results in both a summarized and detailed manner. Organizations will be able to
manipulate and filter content to analyze findings with varying degrees of granularity.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity FrameworkThis framew
provides critical infrastructure owners and operators with standards, guidelines, and best practices
to manage cybersecurity risk. This document is not limited to critical infrastructure owners and can
be used by any organization looking to improve its cybersecurity and resiliency. The NIST
Cybersecurity Framework maps cybersecurity functions to six references, including: NIST 800-53
Rev. 5, International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission
(ISO/IEC) 27001:2013, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies 5 Framework,
Center for Internet Security Critical Security Controls (CIS CSC), International Society of Automation
(ISA) 62443-2-1:2009, and ISA 62443-3-3:2013.
NIST Guide for Conducting Risk AssessmentsThis publication provides guidance on conducting
risk assessments of federal information systems and organizations. Regular and ongoing risk
assessments are intended to give organizational leaders a status of their security measures.
Use Sources of Cyber Threat Intelligence
CISA National Cyber Awareness System (US-CERT Alerts)This no-cost, subscription-based s
provides real-time reports on cyber incidents, security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits. The
service also posts regular announcements on topics and issues of interest to the cybersecurity
CISA Resources for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments Compiled
and regularly updated,
this website provides resources to help identify, protect, detect, and respond to cyber threats and
incidents for state and local entities. The website also hosts a list of geographically specific resources
by state.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Complaint Center Industry AlertsThis no-cos
subscription-based service posts regular cyber threat reports of breaches that have occurred and
are suspected. Provided in each report are a description of the threat, good indicators, and
recommended mitigation techniques.
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 7 [email protected] @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
The Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center
is a nonprofit
organization that produces best practices for securing IT systems and data. The linked webpage
displays recommended actions for data security. MS-ISAC
also provides regular updates to its
members on cyber vulnerabilities and threats.
SAFECOM PublicationsSAF
ECOM is tasked with improving designated emergency response
providers’ inter-jurisdictional and inter-disciplinary emergency communications interoperability
through collaboration with emergency responders across federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial
governments, as well as international borders. Threat notices are posted on the SAFECOM website
to improve cybersecurity posture.
tify and Document Internal and External Threats
CISA Public Safety Communications and Cyber Resiliency ToolkitDeveloped by CISA for public
safety users, this interactive toolkit provides resources by process and function across a network to
help improve cyber resiliency. Users can navigate between topics and find linked resources with
brief descriptions.
: Identify Potential Mission Impacts
CISA Stop. Think. Connect. ToolkitBased on the premise that cybercriminals do not discriminate
in their targeting, this toolkit provides valuable materials for different audiences to increase
understanding of cybersecurity and best practices for securing information.
VE: Use Threats, Vulnerabilities, Likelihoods, and Impacts to Determine Risk
CISA Emergency Services SectorPart of CISA’s Nat
ional Risk Management Center, this website
provides industry-specific resources, plans, and training for the Emergency Services Sector. The
webpage includes resources such as sector-specific plans, Crisis Event Response and Recovery
Access, and other decision-making resources.
CISA FY2021 Technical Assistance/Statew
ide Communications Interoperability Plan GuideThis
guide provides cyber assessment and cyber awareness services available through CISA’s ICTAP
NIST Risk Management Framework
This resource outlines the Risk Management Framework,
which provides a disciplined, structured, and flexible process for managing security and privacy
risk. This publication promotes risk management and ongoing information system and common
control authorization through continuous monitoring processes.
Identify and Prioritize Risk Responses
CISA Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC) Contact ListThis list identifies SW
ICs and
their contact information. The list is organized by ten regions, with all fifty-six states and territories
CISA Emergency Services Sector Cyber Security Framework Implementation Guidance
to be used in conjunction with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, this guide can help organizations
improve their ability to prevent, detect, and respond to cyberattacks. Based on the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework recommendations, this guide highlights best practices implementation.
Public Safety Communications Dependencies on Non-Agency Infrastructure and Services
Developed by SAFECOM and NCSWIC, this white paper provides high-level insights for systems
administrators, public administration decision-makers, and other stakeholders involved in public
safety communications planning or implementation.
CISA | DEFEND TODAY, SECURE TOMORROW 8 [email protected] @CISAgov | @cyber | @uscert_gov @cisagov
Appendix B: Training and Educational Resources
CISA Cybersecurity Training and ExercisesDeveloped by CISA, this website features different
training exercises, and upcoming events focused on training those wanting to improve their
cybersecurity posture. Webinars and external training sources can be found, as well as contact
information for those wishing to learn more about the training process.
Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE)This port
al provides federal, state, local, tribal, and
territorial government employees, federal contractors, and U.S. military veterans free online
cybersecurity training. Public content is available for those who do not fall into these categories,
but it is recommended that new users register for full access to online training courses.
National Initiative for Cybersecurity EducationDue to the ever-increasing
cyber-attack threat,
training and resources to help public safety officials protect their systems and networks have
become readily available. Updated regularly, this resource provides a list of free and low-cost
learning content that public safety officials can leverage to increase security and resiliency in their
communications and network systems.
The Multi-State Info
rmation Sharing and Analysis Center
aims to improve
the overall cybersecurity posture of U.S. states, local, tribal, and territorial government
organizations through coordination, collaboration, cooperation, and increased communication. As a
part of MS-ISAC
, members can access an array of training and educational resources, including
cybersecurity table-top exercise templates, regular webinars examining critical and timely
cybersecurity issues, and the MS-ISAC