WASHINGTON, DC 20350-3000
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is
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From: Commandant of the Marine Corps
To: Distribution List
Ref: (a) DoD Instruction 6055.1, DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH)
Program, 19 Aug 1998
(b) MCI ORM 1-0
(c) MCO 5100.29B
(d) SECNAV M-5210.1
Encl: (1) Marine Corps Risk Management (RM)
1. Situation. The purpose of this Order is to publish policy, provide
guidance, and assign responsibility concerning the implementation and
standardization of Risk Management (RM), formerly known as Operational Risk
Management, within the Marine Corps per the references. RM is an integral
part of the decision making process for both Marine Corps military and
civilian personnel. The RM process, together with safety and force
preservation policies of reference (c), ensures maximum Marine Corps
operational readiness and mission success.
2. Cancellation. MCO 3500.27B.
3. Mission. The focus of RM is to identify and mitigate risk in all
activities, both on and off duty. Additionally, RM extends to risks
associated with human factors in the workplace, behavioral healthcare, and
behavioral lifestyles that can affect readiness. Successful implementation
of RM increases mission effectiveness while minimizing loss of both personnel
and materiel.
4. Execution
a. Commander’s Intent and Concept of Operations
(1) Commander’s Intent
(a) All Marine Corps activities and commands shall apply the RM
process described herein for planning, training, exercises, operations, and
non-operational activities to optimize mission success, operational
capability, readiness, and safety. Commands may publish or update existing
orders and standing operating procedures with command-specific RM
applications and requirements, as appropriate.
(b) All Marines and Sailors shall apply RM concepts to identify
and mitigate risks in all tasks, missions, operations, and personal
activities whether forward deployed, in garrison, or on liberty no matter how
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routine these events become over time. All civilian personnel shall apply RM
concepts while on duty and are highly encouraged to use these concepts while
off duty.
(2) Concept of Operations
(a) The Safety Division (SD), Headquarters Marine Corps, shall
provide policy for RM in the Marine Corps.
(b) The Inspector General of the Marine Corps shall evaluate the
effectiveness of RM implementation and the completion of initial and annual
RM training, as defined by this Order and reference (c), during inspections.
b. Subordinate Element Missions
(1) Major subordinate commands shall provide guidance as required to
subordinate commands regarding RM policy implementation.
(2) Marine Corps Combat Development Command
(a) Establish policy for RM implementation and ensure RM is an
integral part of orientation and indoctrination implemented at all points of
(b) Incorporate the RM process into individual training
standards, occupational standards, and the Marine Corps Combat Readiness
Evaluation System. Incorporate RM concepts and applications into appropriate
(c) Serve as technical advisor for RM curricula development.
(d) Maintain and update RM training courses in formal schools and
courses as well as the web-based USMC RM Distance Learning Course modules, as
(e) Coordinate with the Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned
to maintain lessons learned safety products on the website as a resource in
support of unit and individual RM.
(3) Unit Commanders
(a) All leaders shall ensure risk mitigation strategies are
included in the planning and execution of all activities regardless of
complexity or familiarity. Apply the RM process to all aspects of command
operations and activities to include the following components of the RM
1. Educate and train Marines in the RM process.
2. Provide tools and information to help Marines use and
apply RM.
3. Integrate RM into all operational and non-operational
activities both on and off duty.
4. Integrate RM when assessing behaviors that may affect
activities both on and off duty.
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(b) Incorporate identified hazards, assessments, and controls
into briefs, notices, and written plans.
(c) Conduct a thorough risk assessment for new or complex
evolutions defining acceptable risk and possible contingencies for the
(d) Elevate risk decisions through the chain of command when
unable to mitigate identified hazards to an acceptable level. The authority
to approve, as acceptable, Risk Assessment Code (RAC) 1 and 2 hazards shall
only be extended to lieutenant colonel or above level of command.
(e) Provide training every two years (biennial) on the RM process
to all unit personnel. The level of training shall be commensurate with
rank, experience, and leadership position. Training shall include material
in references (a) through (c) of this Order. Biennial training may be
accomplished by:
1. Completion of the appropriate module(s) of the USMC RM
Distance Learning Course Curriculum. The website is
2. Classroom instruction or practical application exercises
(i.e. small group, scenario-based, etc.) led by a designated RM Instructor
(f) Designate in writing at least one command RMI. Consideration
should be given to rank, experience, and credibility when choosing an RMI to
ensure a robust and dynamic RM program. It is recommended commanders also
designate an Assistant RMI. The RMI and Assistant RMI should hold
significant leadership or supervisory positions within the command. RMI
qualification shall be completed prior to, or within 30 days of, designation
and can be earned by completing all of the modules of the USMC RM Distance
Learning Course Curriculum or graduating from one of the following: the U.S.
Army Combat Readiness Center Career Program (CP-12) course, the Ground Safety
for Marines course, the Aviation Safety Officer course, or the Aviation
Safety Command course. RMI/Assistant RMI duties include the following at a
1. Ensure biennial and “as required” RM training is
conducted in the spirit and intent of this Order. This training, at a
minimum, shall include scenarios encompassing unit specific practices and
procedures as well as off duty activities.
2. As the unit’s RM authority, assist unit personnel in
conducting risk assessments.
3. Provide an RM overview for all military and civilian
personnel during the check-in process. The level of training shall be
commensurate with rank, experience, and leadership position.
4. Maintain RM lessons learned and best practices and
forward them through the chain of command for dissemination.
(g) Marines and Sailors shall document RM training appropriately
via the Training Management System. Civilian Marines who participate in RM
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i Enclosure (1)
Location: ______________________________________________________
(Indicate the location(s) of the copy(ies) of this Order.)
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ii Enclosure (1)
Log completed change action as indicated.
Date of Change
Signature of Person Change
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iii Enclosure (1)
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO RISK MANAGEMENT (RM)...................1-1
1. RM Overview............................................1-1
2. Concept................................................1-1
3. Terms..................................................1-2
4. Principles of RM.......................................1-2
5. Levels of RM...........................................1-3
6. RM Process.............................................1-4
7. The Five Steps of the RM Process.......................1-6
Figure 1-1 Relationship between RM Levels.........................1-3
Figure 1-2 The Five Step Process..................................1-5
Table 1-1 Severity Categories....................................1-7
Table 1-2 Probability Categories.................................1-7
Figure 1-3 Basic Risk Assessment Matrix...........................1-8
Table 1-3 Criteria for Effective Controls.......................1-10
Chapter 2 TIME CRITICAL RISK MANAGEMENT (TCRM)...................2-1
1. TCRM Overview..........................................2-1
2. Concept................................................2-1
3. Discussion.............................................2-1
4. Process................................................2-3
5. Summary................................................2-4
Figure 2-1 TCRM Link to the 5-Step RM Process.....................2-2
Chapter 3 RM GLOSSARY............................................3-1
1. Abbreviations and Acronyms.............................3-1
2. Terms and Definitions..................................3-1
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Marine Corps Risk Management (RM)
Chapter 1
Introduction to Risk Management (RM)
1. RM Overview. This chapter provides an explanation of the concepts,
principles, levels, and process of RM. It outlines the foundation upon which
to apply and integrate RM into tasks, missions, and operations both on and
off duty.
2. Concept
a. RM Fundamentals. Force preservation does not have a single solution.
However, every effort should be made to prevent a situation that will degrade
mission capability rather than planning to deal with the situation after it
occurs. Risk mitigation is central to the idea of readiness and must not be
an afterthought in actions during combat, in training, and in garrison. RM
is one of the best means available to eliminate senseless and needless loss
of life, injury, and materiel damage. Active participation of every Marine
in the RM process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks arising
from factors experienced on a daily basis such as uncertainty, ambiguity, and
change will allow for informed decisions. This process is one in a range of
tools to be used by personnel at all levels for minimizing risk to an
acceptable level commensurate with completing the task at hand or
accomplishing the mission.
b. Inherent Risk. Risk is inherent in every phase of tasking, missions,
and operations due to today’s complex and dynamic environment. Additionally,
off duty activities present their own set of hazards and risks requiring the
application of RM processes and principles. As hazards and risk are present
both on and off duty, it is incumbent upon all Marines, both military and
civilian, to understand how to assess and manage risk to achieve mission
success and preserve combat readiness.
c. Key Aspects of RM
(1) RM enhances readiness by:
(a) Enhancing task or mission accomplishment by increasing the
probability of success.
(b) Minimizing risk to acceptable levels commensurate with the
benefit or value of mission or task accomplishment while providing a method
to effectively manage resources.
(c) Enhancing decision making skills based on a systematic,
reasoned, and repeatable process.
(d) Providing a systematic structure to perform risk assessments.
(e) Providing improved confidence for individuals to make
informed risk decisions. Adequate risk analysis provides a clearer picture
of the hazards and of unit capabilities.
(f) Preserving personnel and materiel by avoiding unnecessary
risk, thus reducing mishaps and their associated costs.
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(g) Providing an adaptive process for the continuous feedback
through the planning, preparation, and execution phases of any evolution.
(h) Identifying feasible and effective control measures,
particularly where specific standards do not exist.
(2) RM does not:
(a) Inhibit flexibility, initiative, or accountability.
(b) Remove risk altogether or support a “zero defect” mindset.
(c) Remove the necessity for practice, drills, rehearsals, and
tactics, techniques, and procedures.
(d) Sanction or justify violating orders or the law.
3. Terms. See Chapter 3.
4. Principles of RM. There are four basic principles that provide the
foundation for RM and the framework for implementing the RM process.
a. Accept Risk When Benefits Outweigh The Cost. Our Marine Corps
tradition is built upon principles of seizing the initiative and taking
decisive action. The goal of RM is not to eliminate risk, but to manage the
risk so the mission can be accomplished with the minimum amount of loss. The
process of weighing risks against the benefits and value of the task or
mission helps maximize success. Balancing costs and benefits is a subjective
process. Therefore, personnel with knowledge and experience of the mission
or task must be engaged when making risk decisions.
b. Accept No Unnecessary Risk. An unnecessary risk is any risk that, if
taken, will not contribute meaningfully to task or mission accomplishment or
will needlessly jeopardize personnel or materiel. Risk is managed through
relentless training, awareness of the risk being confronted, and a clear-eyed
understanding of the mission at hand. Training and the confidence derived
from it will directly result in increased performance and a better control of
those risks that are an inescapable part of daily existence. The acceptance
of risk does not equate to the imprudent willingness to gamble.
Additionally, if all detectable hazards have not been identified then
unnecessary risks are being accepted. The RM process, in conjunction with
sound safety principles, identifies hazards that might otherwise go
unidentified and provides tools to reduce or offset risk. End state: take
only risks that are necessary to accomplish the task, activity, or mission.
c. Anticipate And Manage Risk By Planning. Integrating RM into planning
at all levels, and as early as possible, provides the greatest opportunity to
make well-informed risk decisions and to implement effective risk controls.
This engaged approach enhances the overall effectiveness of RM by reducing
mishaps, injuries, and costs. Hazards and controls that have been identified
during reconnaissance and preplanning should be in the operations order.
d. Make Risk Decisions At The Right Level. RM decisions are made by the
leader directly responsible for the operation. While anyone can make a risk
decision, the appropriate decision level should reside whereby the leader can
make decisions to accept, eliminate, or reduce the risk. Prudence,
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experience, judgment, intuition, and situational awareness of leaders
directly involved in the planning and execution of the mission are the
critical elements in making effective RM decisions. When leaders responsible
for executing a mission determine that the risk associated with that mission
cannot be controlled at their level, or goes beyond the commander’s stated
intent, the risk decision shall be elevated within their chain of command to
the first staff noncommissioned officer or officer within the unit. If
unable to mitigate the risk at the unit level, the risk decision shall be
elevated to the next commander in the chain of command.
5. Levels of RM. The RM process is applied on three levels: in-depth,
deliberate, and time critical. While it is preferable to perform a
deliberate or in-depth RM process for all evolutions, adequate time and
resources will not always be available. The basic factor that differentiates
each level is the amount of time available for the preparation and planning
of tasks or missions. One of the objectives of RM training is to develop
sufficient proficiency in applying the process so RM becomes an automatic or
intuitive part of our decision making methodology. Figure 1-1 illustrates
the three levels of the RM process and how they are related to each other.
Note that there is no defined line when one level stops and the next begins.
Additionally, this figure illustrates how RM controls are integrated into
planning and execution.
Figure 1-1. Relationship between RM Levels
a. In-depth. The in-depth level refers to situations when available
time for planning is not a limiting factor and involves a very thorough risk
assessment. Research of available tactical, engineering, and safety data,
use of diagram and analysis tools, trends, formal testing, or long term
tracking of the hazards associated with the operation or activity (sometimes
with the assistance from technical experts) are some of the tools used to
identify and assess hazards at this level. The in-depth level of RM is used
to more thoroughly study the hazards and associated risk in a complex
Mission &
Controls become resources during execution
Weapon Sys / Aircraft
(Systems Safety)
New Technology)
Formal Training
Ops Planning/R2P2
Mission Briefs
Standing Orders /
On the Job Training
Team / Crew
Mission Execution
Change Management
(Environment, Mission,
Emergency Procedures,
Crew Change)
Equipment / System
Time Available
for Planning
Limited / No Time
for Planning
Time Critical
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operation or system, or one in which the hazards are not well understood.
Examples of in-depth applications include long-term planning of complex
operations; introduction of new equipment, materials, and missions;
development of tactics and training curricula; and major system overhaul or
b. Deliberate. The deliberate level refers to situations when there is
ample time to apply the RM process to the mission planning evolution. This
level uses primarily experienced personnel and brainstorming to identify
hazards, review mishap trends, and develop controls. It is, therefore, most
effective when done in a group. The USMC Rapid Response Planning Process
(R2P2) is a good example of RM application integrated at the deliberate
level. Other examples of deliberate applications include planning of
upcoming operations; review of standard operating, maintenance, or training
procedures; and the development of damage control and disaster/emergency
response plans.
c. Time Critical. This is the level at which personnel operate on a
daily basis both on and off duty. The time critical level is the normal RM
level used during the execution phase of training or operations as well as in
planning during crisis response scenarios. At this level, there is little or
no time to make a plan resulting in an “on the spot” mental or verbal review
of the situation. Since time is limited, the application of the formal RM
process cannot be practically applied. As such, to facilitate use of RM at
the time critical level, personnel are encouraged to use the Time Critical
Risk Management (TCRM) ABCD Model as a tool to successfully mitigate time
compressed decision making. The TCRM ABCD Model is described in detail in
Chapter 2.
6. RM Process
a. Overview. The RM process consists of five basic steps and is a
systematic, continuous, and repeatable approach in the decision making
process. Figure 1-2 illustrates the five-step RM process. The first two
steps encompass the risk assessment portion of RM providing enhanced
awareness and understanding of a given situation. The remaining three steps
provide actions to either eliminate the hazard or mitigate the risk involved
in the task, activity, or mission. The five basic steps consist of the
(1) Identify the hazards;
(2) Assess the hazards;
(3) Make risk decisions;
(4) Implement controls;
(5) Supervise.
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Figure 1-2. The Five Step Process
b. Process Application Guidelines. The following guidelines are
provided to gain the maximum benefit and desired effect of the RM process.
(1) Apply the process in sequence. Each element is a building block
for the next step.
(2) Maintain balance in the process. Every step and element of the
process is important and should be afforded due diligence. The objective is
to assess the time and resources available for RM and to allocate them
accordingly in a manner most likely to produce the best result.
(3) Apply the process as a cycle. The RM process is not a one-way
cycle (refer to Figure 1-2). The process contains elements requiring review
and feedback allowing for a check and balance as well as the flexibility to
make adjustments as the situation changes.
(4) Involve personnel. The RM process is effective only if the
personnel exposed to the risks, and those who possess the subject matter
expertise in the task or mission, are fully involved. These are the
stakeholders who have a vested interest and will ensure the process is sound.
(5) Document the process. Documenting the results of the RM
assessment assists the effort to organize ideas, to identify courses of
action, and to brief and debrief the event. Documentation provides a valid
reference to evaluate progress during the execution phase and a record for
Assess Probability
Complete Risk
Determine Hazard
Root Causes
Identify the Hazards
Assess the
Make Risk
Make Risk Decisions
Provide Support
Assess Probability
Complete Risk
Identify and Assess
Risk Control
Make Implementation
Establish Accountability
Determine Hazard
Root Causes
Identify the Hazards
Assess the
Make Risk
Assess Severity
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future use capitalizing on lessons learned to improve performance and
minimize repeat shortcomings.
7. The Five Steps of the RM Process
a. Identify Hazards (Step 1). A hazard is defined as any condition with
the potential to negatively impact the task or mission. Hazards can also
cause property damage, injury to personnel, or death, which highlights the
importance of hazard identification as the foundation of the RM process.
Personnel need to ensure a larger portion of available time is allotted to
this step due to the fact that, if a hazard is not identified, it cannot be
controlled. There are three actions to be completed in this step.
(1) Conduct an Operational Analysis. Begin with an outline or chart
listing the major steps in the operation. Review plans, orders, and
supporting documentation pertaining to the mission or tasking and the
requirements needed for mission success. Next, break down the task or
mission into manageable phases in chronological order providing a clear
picture of expectations and potential sources of risk.
(2) Conduct a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). With the phases
broken down into manageable events in sequential order, each event is
reviewed for associated hazards. During the PHA, ensure a list is generated
identifying these hazards for each event. Brainstorming and asking “what if”
questions regarding what could go wrong throughout the task or mission could
uncover additional hazards.
(3) Determine Root Causes of Hazards. For each identified hazard,
make a list of the associated causes with emphasis on clearly identifying the
root cause. Hazards may often have multiple causes, but the root cause is
the first link in the safety chain of events potentially leading to mission
degradation. With causes identified, risk controls can be applied to
mitigate or minimize risk.
b. Assess Hazards (Step 2). For each hazard identified, determine the
associated degree of risk in terms of probability and severity. The result
of the risk assessment is a prioritized list of hazards ensuring controls are
first identified for the most serious threat to task or mission success.
(1) Determine Severity. This is an assessment of the worst credible
consequence that can occur as a result of a hazard. Severity is defined by
potential degree of injury, illness, property damage, loss of assets, or
effect on task or mission. Consideration must be given to the number of
personnel and resources potentially exposed to a hazard when determining
potential severity. The greater the number of resources exposed to a hazard,
the greater the severity. Additionally, the combination of two or more
hazards may increase the overall level of risk. Hazard severity categories
are assigned as Roman numerals according to the criteria in Table 1-1.
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Loss of the ability to accomplish the mission
Death or permanent total disability
Loss of a mission-critical system or equipment
Major facility damage
Severe environmental damage
Mission-critical security failure
Unacceptable collateral damage
Significantly degraded mission capability or unit readiness
Permanent partial disability or severe injury or illness
Extensive damage to equipment or systems
Significant damage to property or the environment
Security failure
Significant collateral damage
Degraded mission capability or unit readiness
Minor damage to equipment, systems, property, or the environment
Minor injury or illness
Little or no adverse impact on mission capability or unit readiness
Minimal threat to personnel safety or health
Slight equipment or systems damage, but fully functional and serviceable
Little or no property or environmental damage
Table 1-1. Severity Categories
(2) Determine Probability. This is an assessment of the probability
that a hazard will result in a mishap or loss and is defined by assessment of
such factors as location, exposure (cycles or hours of operation), affected
populations, experience, or previously established statistical information.
Probability categories are assigned a letter according to the criteria in
Table 1-2.
Likely to occur immediately or within a short period of time.
Expected to occur frequently to an individual item or person
Expected to occur continuously over a service life for a fleet, inventory of
items, or group
Probably will occur in time
Expected to occur several times to an individual item or person
Expected to occur frequently over a service life for a fleet, inventory of
items or group.
May occur in time
Can reasonably be expected to occur sometime to an individual item or person
Can reasonably be expected to occur several times over a service life for a
fleet, inventory of items, or group
Unlikely to occur, but not impossible.
Table 1-2. Probability Categories
(3) Assign the Risk Assessment Code (RAC). The RAC is an expression
of risk that combines the elements of hazard severity and mishap probability.
The RAC is a level of risk for each hazard expressed as a single Arabic
number as portrayed in the Basic Risk Assessment Matrix in Figure 1-3.
Although not required, the matrix is helpful in identifying the RAC and in
determining hazard abatement priorities. In some cases, the worst credible
consequence of a hazard may not correspond to the highest RAC for that
hazard. For example, one hazard may have two potential consequences. The
severity of the worst consequence (I) may be unlikely (D), resulting in a RAC
of 3. The severity of the lesser consequence (II) may be probable (B),
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resulting in a RAC of 2. Therefore, it is important to consider less severe
consequences of a hazard if they are more likely than the worst credible
consequence since this combination may present a greater overall risk.
Risk Assessment Matrix
I 1 1 2 3
II 1 2 3 4
III 2 3 4 5
IV 3 4 5 5
Risk Assessment Codes
1-Critical 2-Serious 3-Moderate 4-Minor 5-Negligible
Figure 1-3. Basic Risk Assessment Matrix
(4) Risk Assessment Pitfalls. The following pitfalls should be
avoided during the assessment.
(a) Over optimism not being totally honest or not looking for
root causes.
(b) Misrepresentation individual perspective may distort the
(c) Alarmism worst case scenarios are used regardless of their
(d) Indiscrimination all data is given equal weight.
(e) Prejudice subjective or hidden agendas are used vice facts.
(f) Inaccuracy bad or misunderstood data nullify accurate risk
(g) Enumeration difficulty in assigning a numerical value to
human behavior.
c. Make Risk Decisions (Step 3). Step 3 is accomplished in two sub-
steps in order to make informed risk decisions: identifying and assessing
risk control options and ultimately making risk decisions.
(1) Identify and Assess Risk Control Options. Starting with the most
serious hazard, develop one or more control options that will either avoid
the hazard or reduce the risk to an acceptable level consistent with task or
mission accomplishment.
(a) There are myriad control options which can either reduce risk
or avoid it altogether. These options include:
1. Reject the risk. If overall risk exceeds the benefit,
then do not take the risk. This is a valid option when you do not have the
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authority to apply proper or necessary controls and ensure risk is elevated
to the proper level.
2. Avoid the Risk. It may be possible to avoid specific
risks altogether or by conducting the task or mission in a different way. Be
aware that conducting a mission by an alternate means may present new hazards
to be considered.
3. Delay an Action. If there is not a hard timeline or
other benefit to a quick accomplishment of a task or mission, it may be
prudent to reduce the risk by delaying the action until favorable conditions
present themselves.
4. Transfer the Risk. Risk may be reduced by transferring
all or some portion of a particular task or mission. Transferring risk to
another individual, unit, or platform that is better positioned to face the
risk decreases the probability or severity of the risk to the total force.
5. Compensate for the Risk. Compensating for potential
losses by assigning redundant capabilities ensures the success of critical
tasks or missions.
(b) Types of Controls. Controls can take many forms but they
fall into three basic categories:
1. Engineering Controls. These are controls that use
engineering methods to reduce risks by design, material selection, or
substitution when technically or economically feasible. An example is using
an extension rod for cleaning rather than climbing a ladder.
2. Administrative Controls. These are controls that reduce
risk through specific administrative actions such as providing suitable
warnings, markings, placards, signs, and notices; establishing written
policies, programs, instructions, and standard operating procedures; training
personnel to recognize hazards and take appropriate precautionary measures;
and limiting the exposure to a hazard. An example is limiting the number of
alcohol beverages you consume.
3. Physical Controls. These are controls that take the form
of barriers or guards to warn individuals and units that a hazard exists.
Additionally, personal protective equipment (PPE) falls into this category.
This is the least desirable control type to use. This control should be used
only after engineering and administrative controls have been fully
implemented. An example is wearing body armor and Kevlar helmets while
traveling on a main supply route.
(c) Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Selected
Controls. Examples of criteria for effective control options are listed in
Table 1-3.
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Control removes the threat or mitigates (reduces) the risk to an acceptable
Has the capability to implement the control.
Benefit or value gained by implementing the control justifies the cost in
resources and time.
Clearly specifies who, what, where, when, why, and how each control is to be
Adequate personnel, equipment, supplies, and facilities necessary to implement
a suitable control are available.
Guidance and procedures for implementing a control are clear, practical, and
Knowledge and skills are adequate to implement a control.
Leaders are ready, willing, and able to enforce standards required to
implement a control.
Individual personnel are sufficiently self-disciplined to implement a control.
Table 1-3. Criteria for Effective Controls
(2) Make Risk Decisions. With selected controls in place, decide if
the residual risk is acceptable and the benefit outweighs the risk. This
decision must be made at the right level and by the appropriate individual
who can balance the risk against the task or mission and its potential
benefit. If it is determined that the risk level is too high, then the
development of additional controls, modification of the plan, or rejection of
the course of action becomes necessary. Additionally, if risk outweighs the
benefit or if assistance is required to implement controls, communication
with higher authority in the chain of command is recommended.
d. Implement Controls (Step 4). The critical check for this step is to
ensure that controls are converted into clear, simple execution orders
understood at all levels. This requires that the plan is clearly
communicated to all involved personnel, accountability is established, and
the requisite support is provided.
e. Supervise (Step 5). Supervision involves conducting follow-up
evaluations of the controls to ensure they remain in place and have the
desired effect. Engaged supervision includes three basic actions:
monitoring the effectiveness in the implementation of risk controls;
conducting a continuous systematic review determining the need for further
assessment of all or a portion of the task or mission due to unanticipated
change; and ensuring a feedback system is established for capturing lessons
learned, and identifying any new hazards that may arise or subsequent
adjustments needed to previously established controls.
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Marine Corps Risk Management (RM)
Chapter 2
Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM)
1. TCRM Overview. This chapter provides an explanation of Time Critical
Risk Management (TCRM) concepts and fundamentals necessary for an
understanding of the ABCD Model and its use as a personal RM tool.
2. Concept. TCRM refers to applying RM at the point of commencing or during
execution of a task or mission when the methodology of applying the
deliberate five step process has proven to be impractical. It is in the
execution of the task or mission, where time and resources are most limited,
that we must learn as an individual and organization to be proactive and
responsive to ensure mission success. TCRM consists of the easy to remember
mnemonic ABCD:
A Assess the situation
B Balance your resources
C Communicate to others
DDo and Debrief the event
3. Discussion
a. Experience is the result of all learning events. Therefore, everyone
should have some experience upon which to draw when responding to an event or
stimulus. The role of leadership is to marshal and coordinate the experience
from all personnel involved in a task or mission. The ABCD Model establishes
a structure for individuals, teams, squads, or crews to learn new or complex
behaviors and skills or to gain understanding. Using the ABCD Model in a
personal or professional application daily will result in deep memory of
those learned qualities. When an individual executes a task, they have an
expectation of a response consistent with their experience. Likewise,
leadership and other teammates or crew will have an expectation of a response
consistent with their experience. By recalling and communicating with the
same ABCD Model, the ability to match a previous task or mission to a new
experience provides uniform and consistent responses.
b. The ABCD Model provides common language and structure for a measured
response when an individual, team, or crew is executing a routine task or
when they are under duress from a more complex situation. These situations
can range from additive conditions, time compression, personnel factors, or
task loading. Training to the ABCD Model will embed a set of patterns that
will help personnel recognize and recall a set of actions to counter risk
even when distracted. This simple mnemonic provides individuals with a means
to evaluate risks and formulate mitigation strategies on-the-run and can
easily be applied in both on and off duty situations.
c. The nature of TCRM decisions includes an understanding that:
(1) Using the ABCD Model daily creates a habit and trains the brain
to continue thinking under less than optimal conditions, duress, or stress.
(a) The model is designed to assist you when:
1. Working in a dynamic environment.
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2. Monitoring a static or routine situation to capture
3. Making a decision with partial information.
(b) In all three situations, it is necessary to develop habits
that trigger the TCRM process to: Assess the situation; Balance your
resources; Communicate to others; and Do and Debrief the event.
(c) Additionally, these situations require the continuous use of
Assess, Balance, Communicate, Do and Debrief as necessary. An added benefit
and value of the ABCD Model is the continuous improvement of skills and
knowledge which occurs with self-assessment.
(2) Time critical decision making requires a unique set of skills
which must be practiced.
(3) TCRM relies on the decision maker’s previous experience,
training, and availability to recall resources from in-depth or deliberate
(4) Time critical decisions are based on pattern matching to past
training and experience and the recall of resources in the ABCD Model format.
(5) Standardizing the communication structure in a time critical
situation reduces conflicts and errors, and it improves the ability to manage
risk and resources.
Figure 2-1. TCRM Link to the 5-Step RM Process
TCRM Process
and Mnemonic
A Assess the situation
B Balance your resources
C Communicate to others
D Do and Debrief the event
5-Step Deliberate and
In-depth Process
Identify Hazards
Assess Hazards
Make Risk
Implement Controls
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4. Process. The ABCD Model is not a replacement for the 5-step RM process
or a different process of RM. It is the practical application of the 5-step
process in an environment when time is limited and we are most susceptible to
risk. Figure 2-1 identifies the relationship between the 5-step RM process
and TCRM using the ABCD Model. The following breakdown explains each letter
and expected action.
a. Assess the Situation: The “A” in the mnemonic combines the first two
steps of the 5-step RM process. In a real-time situation, it is essential
for individuals to consider the event in which they are engaged and choose
the appropriate resources or controls to meet the hazards they identify. In
a time critical situation, an assessment of the situation requires an
accurate perception of what is happening in a relatively short time and
projecting its effect. In other words, maintaining good situational
awareness (SA) is key. In TCRM, where there is limited time to assess
hazards, it is an individual’s ability to quickly and effectively comprehend
the situation and apply appropriate, available resources that can mean the
difference between success and failure.
b. Balance Resources. The “B” in the mnemonic is specifically tied to
making risk decisions (step 3 of the five step process) to mitigate risks.
After assessing the situation, personnel must consider using the resources
created for the task or mission. Thorough planning prior to an event will
increase the availability of the appropriate resources to effectively
mitigate hazards. For example, an understanding of the task or mission,
proper training, PPE use, and recognition of personal limitations are all
essential aspects of balancing resources.
c. Communicate to Others. Clear, concise, two-way communication is
essential for effective mission execution. “C” is to remind us to explicitly
communicate during the event, and it is tied to all steps of the 5-step
process. Maintaining good SA of additive conditions, task loading, and crew
factors is critical to communication because an individual’s perception and
communication skills deteriorate as they lose SA. As stress increases or
events become more time constrained, communication tends to become limited or
non-existent. Individuals who understand this relationship are better able
to adjust and mitigate additional risk when they recognize a loss of SA.
Although communicating intentions works best when multiple individuals are
involved in the event, situations may occur where individuals must weigh
decisions on their own. To insure positive and effective communications, it
is critical that a continual internal assessment be conducted by asking
relevant questions such as, “Who needs to know about the situation?”, “Can
this be done differently?”, or “Who can help or assist?”
d. Do and Debrief. The “D” is italicized to emphasize the two parts:
Do and Debrief. This mnemonic is tied to steps four and five of the 5-step
process. Do the task or mission. However, to be successful in the event,
the individual must select and use the appropriate resources while adjusting
actions as required ensuring event success. A vital key to the process is
ensuring that the feedback loop or “Debrief” aspect of the “D” is performed.
It is beneficial for individuals to follow through and complete the ABCD loop
by identifying what worked and what did not and to ensure lessons learned are
disseminated. Debriefs will improve performance and mitigate risks in future
activities. They are essential in completing the ABCD loop. To ensure
future activities are improved and risks are reduced, ask questions during
the debrief such as, “Was our assessment accurate?”, “Were we lucky?”, “How
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well did we use our resources?”, “Was communication effective?”, and “What
can we do to improve events in the future?”
5. Summary. The practical use of the ABCD Model to assist individuals
during TCRM and decision making will sustain a responsive capability to
effectively meet personal challenges or mission contingencies now and in the
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Marine Corps Risk Management (RM)
Chapter 3
RM Glossary
1. Abbreviations and Acronyms
RM Risk Management
RMI Risk Management Instructor
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RAC Risk Assessment Code
R2P2 Rapid Response Planning Process
SA Situational Awareness
SD Safety Division, Headquarters Marine Corps
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TCRM Time Critical Risk Management
2. Terms and Definitions. The definitions provided are applicable in
context with RM.
ABCD. The mnemonic for the four actions of Time Critical Risk Management
as represented in Chapter 2.
Acceptable Risk. The portion of identified risk that is allowed to
persist during the task or mission.
Additive Condition. Refers to all items that compete for an individual
or crew’s attention during the execution of a task or mission. Examples
include equipment malfunctions, change in weather, multiple players,
unpredictable information, and change to the mission. Additive conditions
may increase task loading or uncertainty and lead to distraction or
channelized focus.
Brainstorming. This technique guides a group in an interactive exchange
of ideas deferring judgment until the end of the session. It is a good way
to quickly generate many diverse ideas. This technique is particularly
effective when participants feel free to offer their ideas without fear of
Consequential Error. An error that leads to undesired consequences to
property, personnel, or mission (e.g., mishap, personal injury, mission
failure, etc.).
Controls. Actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard
or reduce the associated identified risk. The three types of controls are
engineering controls, administrative controls, and physical controls.
Human Factors. Environmental, organizational, and job factors and human
and individual characteristics which influence behavior in a way which can
affect health and safety. This includes such things as attitudes,
personalities, level of training, experience, fatigue, and physiological
factors. Human factors which negatively affect the capabilities of the
individual, crew, or team can increase the potential for errors.
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Exposure. An expression that considers the frequency, length of time,
and percentage of people or assets subjected to a hazard. Exposure is a
component of risk, but is not directly used to assign a level of risk.
Rather, it is a consideration in determining probability and severity.
Hazard. Any real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness,
or death to personnel; damage to or loss of equipment or property;
degradation of mission capability or impact to mission accomplishment; or
damage to the environment. (Synonymous with the term threat.)
Mishap. An unplanned event or series of events resulting in death,
injury, occupational illness; damage to or loss of equipment or property; or
damage to the environment.
Operational Analysis. A chronological or sequential list of the major
events or elements in a task or mission. This is the complete picture of
what is expected to happen and assures all elements of a mission or task are
evaluated for all potential hazards.
Risk Management (RM). A process that assists organizations and
individuals in making informed risk decisions in order to reduce or offset
risk, thereby increasing operational effectiveness and the probability of
mission success. It is a systematic, cyclical process of identifying hazards
and assessing and controlling the associated risks. The process is
applicable across the spectrum of tasks and missions, both on and off duty.
RM Instructor. Designated unit level individual, qualified in accordance
with this Order, who is responsible for implementing risk manage principles,
concepts, and policy within the unit.
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). A means to create an initial list of
hazards that may exist in a task or mission. This builds on the operational
analysis and entails listing hazards and associated causes.
Probability. A measure of the likelihood that a potential consequence
will occur.
Residual Risk. Risk remaining after controls have been identified and
Resource. In general, a resource is something that can be used to
develop controls and includes the following: time, money, people, or
equipment. With respect to TCRM, a resource is something used to prevent
errors, speed up decision making, or improve team coordination. Resources
are typically developed as controls at the in-depth or deliberate levels of
risk management and are broadly grouped into the following categories:
policies, procedures, and routines; checklists; automation; briefings and
external resources; and knowledge, skills, and techniques.
Risk. An expression of possible loss, adverse outcome or negative
consequence; such as injury, illness in terms of probability and severity.
Risk Assessment. A structured process to identify and assess hazards.
Risk Assessment results in an expression of potential harm, described in
terms of severity, probability, and exposure to hazards known. It is
accomplished in the first two steps of the RM process.
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Risk Assessment Code (RAC). An expression of the risk associated with a
hazard that combines its severity and probability into a single Arabic
numeral which can be used to help determine hazard abatement priorities.
This is typically accomplished through risk assessment using a risk
assessment matrix. The basic RACs are 1-Critical, 2-Serious, 3-Moderate, 4-
Minor, and 5-Negligible.
Risk Decision. The decision to accept or not accept the risk(s)
associated with an action made by the commander, leader, or individual
responsible for performing that action.
Root Cause. Any basic cause that was not in turn a result of underlying
causes. The root cause is the depth in the mishap chain of events where an
intervention could reasonably be implemented to change performance and
prevent an undesirable outcome. The analysis of a hazard may identify
multiple causes; however, applying controls to the root cause is ultimately
more effective than merely addressing an intermediate cause.
Severity. An assessment of the potential consequence intensity that can
occur as a result of exposure to a hazard. It is defined by the degree of
injury, illness, property damage, loss of asset (time, money, personnel), or
task or mission impairing factors. When analyzing risk, it is based on the
worst credible outcome.
Task Loading. The number of tasks to complete given a set period of
time. Higher task loading increases the potential for error. Task loading
can be reduced by either reducing the number of tasks or taking more time.
Threat. See hazard. With respect to RM, threat and hazard are
considered synonymous.
Unnecessary Risk. The risk, when measured verses the benefit or value of
the task or mission, that cannot be tolerated and must be eliminated or
Zero defect. A mindset whereby no mistakes are acceptable at whatever
the cost. This mentality does not promote mission flexibility, adaptability,
or improvisation, but rather mission stagnation for fear of repercussion if a
mistake is made.