Odds Ratios—Current B est Practice and Use
Edward C. Norton, PhD; Bryan E. Dowd, PhD; Matthew L. Maciejewski, PhD
Odds ratios frequently are used to present strength of association
between risk factors and outcome s in the clinical literature. Odds
and odds ratios are related to the probability of a binary outcome
(an outcome that is either present or absent, such as mor tality).
The odds are the ratio of the probability that an outcome occurs to
the probability that the outcome does not occur. For example, sup-
pose that the probability of mortality is 0.3 in a group of patients.
This can be expressed as the odds of dying: 0.3/(1 0.3) = 0.43.
When the probability is small, odds are virtually identical to the
probability. For example, for a probability of 0.05, the odds are
0.05/(1 0.05) = 0.052. This similarity does not exist when the
value of a probability is large.
Probability and odds are different ways of expressing similar con-
cepts. Forexample,when randomly selecting a card from a deck, the
probability of selecting a spade is 13/52 = 25%. The odds of select-
ing a card with a spade are 25%/75% = 1:3. Clinicians usually are in-
terested in knowing probabilities, whereas gamblers think in terms
of odds. Odds are useful when wageringbecause they represent fair
payouts. If one were to bet $1 on selecting a spade from a deck of
cards, a payout of $3 is necessar y to have an even chance of win-
ning your money back. From the gamblers perspective, a payout
smaller than $3 is unfavorable and greater than $3 is favorable.
Differences between 2 different groups having a binary out-
come such as mortality can be compared using odds ratios, the ra-
tio of 2 odds. Differences also can be compared using probabilities
by calculating the relative risk ratio, which is the ratio of 2 probabili-
ties. Odds ratios commonly are used to express strength of asso-
ciations from logistic regression to predict a binary outcome.
Why Report Odds Ratios From Logistic Regression?
Researchers often analyze a binar y outcome using multivariable
logistic regression. One potential limitation of logistic regression is
that the results are not directly interpretable as either probabilities
or relative risk ratios. However, the results from a logistic regression
are converted easily into odds ratios because logistic regression
estimates a parameter, known as the log odds, which is the natural
logarithm of the odds ratio. For example, if a log odds estimated b y
logistic regression is 0.4 then the odds ratio can be derived by
exponentiating the log odds (exp(0.4) = 1.5). It is the odds ratio
that is usually reported in the medical literature. The odds ratio is
always positive, although the estimated log odds can be positive or
negative (log odds of −0 .2 equals odds ratio of 0.82 = exp(−0 .2)).
The odds ratio for a risk factor contributing to a clinical out-
come can be interpreted as whether someone with the risk factor
is more or less likely than someone without that risk factor to expe-
rience the outcome of intere st. Logistic regression modeling al-
lows the estimates for arisk factor of interest to be adjusted for other
risk factors, such as age, smoking status, and diabetes. One nice fea-
ture of the logistic function is that an odds ratio for one covariate is
constant for all values of the other covariates.
Another nice feature of odds ratios from a logistic regression is
that it is easy to test the statistical strength of association. Thestan-
dard test is whether the parameter (log odds) equals 0, which cor-
responds to a test of whether the odds ratio equals 1. Odds ratios
typically are reported in a table with 95% CIs. If the 95% CI for an
odds ratio does not include 1.0, then the odds ratio is considered to
be statistically significant at the 5% level.
What Are the Limitations of Odds Ratios?
Several caveats must be considered when reporting results with
odds ratios. First, the interpre tation of odds ratios is framed in
terms of odds, not in terms of probabilities. Odds ratios often are
mistaken for relative risk ratios.
Although for rare outcomes
odds ratios approximate relative risk ratios, when the outcomes
are not rare, odds ratios always overestimate relative risk ratios, a
problem that becomes more acute as the baseline prevalence of
the outcome exceeds 10%. Odds ratios cannot be calculated
directly from relative risk ratios. For example, an odds ratio for
men of 2.0 could correspond to the situation in which the prob-
ability for some event is 1% for men and 0.5 % for women. An odds
ratio of 2.0 also could correspond to a probability of an event
occurring 50% for men and 33% for women, or to a probability of
80% for men and 6 7% for women.
Second, and less well known, the magnitude of the odds ratio
from a logistic regression is scaled by an arbitrary factor (equal to
the square root of the variance of the unexplained par t of binary
This arbitrary scaling factor changes when more or bet-
ter explanatory variables are added to the logistic regression model
because the added v ariables explain more of the total v ariation and
reduce the unexplained variance . Therefore, adding more indepen-
dent explanatory variables to the model will increase the odds ratio
of the variable of interest (eg, treatment) due to dividing by a
smaller scaling factor. In addition, the odds ratio also will change if
the additional variables are not independent, but instead are corre-
lated with the variable of interest; it is even possible for the odds
ratio to decrease if the correlation is strong enough to outweigh the
change due to the scaling f actor.
Consequently, there is no unique odds ratio to be estimated,
even from a single study. Different odds ratios from the same study
cannot be compared when the statistical models that result in odds
ratio estimates have different explanatory variables because each
model has a different arbitrary scaling factor.
Nor can the magni-
tude of the odds ratio from one study be compared with the mag-
nitude of the odds ratio from another study, because different
samples and different model specifications will have different arbi-
trary scaling factors. A further implication is that the magnitudes of
odds ratios of a given association in multiple studies cannot be syn-
thesized in a meta-analysis.
How Did the Authors Use Odds Ratios?
In a recent JAMA article, Tringale and colleagues
studied industry
payments to physicians for consulting, ownership, royalties, and re-
search as well as whether payments differed by physician specialty
or sex. Industry payments were received by 50.8% of men across
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all specialties compared with 42.6% of women across all special-
ties. Converting these probabilities to odds, the odds that men re-
ceive industry payments is 1.03 (0.51/0.49), and the odds that
women receive industry payments is 0.74 = (0.43/0.57).
The odds ratio for men compared with women is the ratio of
the odds for men divided by the odds for women. In this case, the
unadjusted odds ratio is 1.03/0.74 = 1.39. Therefore, the odds for
men receiving industry payments are about 1.4 as large (40%
higher) compared with women. Note that the ratio of the odds is
different than the ratio of the probabilities because the probability
is not close to 0. The unadjusted ratio of the probabilities for men
and women (Tringale et al
report each probability, but not the
ratio), the relative risk ratio , is 1.19 (0.5 1/ 0.43).
Greater odds that men may receive industry payments may be
explained by their dispropor tionate representation in specialties
more likely to receive industry payments. After controlling for spe-
cialty (and other factors), theestimated odds ratio was reduced from
1.39 to 1.28, with a 95% CI of 1.26 to 1.31, which did not include 1.0
and, therefore, is statistically significant. The odds ratio probably de-
clined after adjusting for more variables because they were corre-
lated with physicians’ sex.
How Should the Findings Be Interpreted?
In exploring the association be tween physician sex and receiving
industry payments, Tringale and colleagues
found that men are
more likely to receive payments than women, even after control-
ling for confounders. The magnitude of the odds ratio, about 1.4,
indicates the direction of the effect, but the magnitude of the num-
ber itself is hard to interpret. The estimated odds ratio is 1.4 when
simultaneously accounting for specialty, spending region, sole pro-
prietor status, sex, and the interaction between specialty and sex.
A different odds ratio would be found if the model included a differ-
ent set of explanatory variables. The 1.4 estimated odds ratio
should not be compared with odds ratios estimated from other
data se ts with the same set of explanatory variables, or to odds
ratios estimated from this same data set with a different se t of
explanatory v ariables.
What Caveats Should the Reader Consider?
Odds ratios are one way, but not the only way, to present an asso-
ciation when the main outcome is binary. Tringale et al
also report
absolute rate differences. The reader should understand odds ra-
tios in the contextof other information, such as the underlying prob-
ability. When the probabilities are small, odds ratios and relative risk
ratios are nearly identical, but they can diverge widely for large prob-
abilities. The magnitude of the odds ratio is hard to interpret be-
cause of the arbitrary scaling factor and cannot be compared with
odds ratios from other studies. Itis best to examine study results pre-
sented in several ways to better understand the true meaning of
study findings.
Author Affiliations: Department of Health
Management and Policy, Department of
Economics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
(Norton); National Bureau of Economic Research,
Cambridge, Massachusetts (Norton); Division of
Health Policy and Management, School of Public
Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
(Dowd); Center for Health Services Research in
Primary Care, Durham Veterans Affairs Medical
Center, Durham, North Carolina (Maciejewski);
Department of Population Health Sciences,
Duke University School of Medicine, Durham,
North Carolina (Maciejewski); Division of General
Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Duke
University School of Medicine, Durham, North
Carolina (Maciejewski).
Section Editors: Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD,
Department of Emergency Medicine, Harbor-UCLA
Medical Center and David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA; and Edward H. Livingston, MD,
Deputy Editor, JAMA.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest .
Dr Maciejewski repor ted receiving personal fees
from the University of Alabama at Birmingham
for a workshop presentation; receiving grants from
NIDA and the Veterans Affairs; receiving a contract
from NCQA to Duke University for research;
being supported by a research career scientist
award 10-391 from the Veterans Affairs Health
Services Research and Development; and that his
spouse owns stock in Amgen. No other disclosures
were reported.
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