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The Qualitative Report 2015 Volume 20, Number 11, Article 4, 1772-1789.
Sampling in Qualitative Research:
Insights from an Overview of the Methods Literature
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
The methods literature regarding sampling in qualitative research is
characterized by important inconsistencies and ambiguities, which can be
problematic for students and researchers seeking a clear and coherent
understanding. In this article we present insights about sampling in qualitative
research derived from a systematic methods overview we conducted of the
literature from three research traditions: grounded theory, phenomenology,
and case study. We identified and selected influential methods literature from
each tradition using a purposeful and transparent procedure, abstracted textual
data using structured abstraction forms, and used a multistep approach for
deriving conclusions from the data. We organize the findings from this review
into eight topic sections corresponding to the major domains of sampling
identified in the review process: definitions of sampling, usage of the term
sampling strategy, purposeful sampling, theoretical sampling, sampling units,
saturation, sample size, and the timing of sampling decisions. Within each
section we summarize how the topic is characterized in the corresponding
literature, present our comparative analysis of important differences among
research traditions, and offer analytic comments on the findings for that topic.
We identify several specific issues with the available guidance on certain topics,
representing opportunities for future methods authors to improve our collective
understanding. Keywords: Qualitative Research Methods, Sampling, Grounded
Theory, Phenomenology, Case Study, Methods Literature, Literature Review,
Systematic Review, Systematic Methods Overview
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines sampling as “the act, process, or technique of
selecting a representative part of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or
characteristics of the whole population.” This popular understanding, however, differs from
some of the understandings held by researchers and scholars in the qualitative research domain.
Influential qualitative methods authorities from diverse backgrounds have contributed to these
latter understandings, and there is much natural variation in the sampling-related ideas they
present. The existence of even subtle inconsistencies, ambiguities, or incomplete descriptions
in the methods literature regarding certain sampling-related issues can be problematic for
students and researchers seeking to develop a coherent understanding of sampling that is
applicable to their research situation. This problem can be exacerbated by the fact that these
individuals often lack the time to search, retrieve, and review the qualitative methods literature
systematically and exhaustively to develop comprehensive and balanced knowledge of the
available methods guidance.
Even seasoned qualitative researchers, who are usually expertly versed in the methods
of their chosen research approach or tradition, may come to prefer and become most intimately
familiar with the ideas of a subset of methods authors within that tradition. Thus, they may not
be comprehensively familiar with the full range of opinions across authors (including any
inconsistencies among them) within their tradition regarding a specific methods issue
something that can only be revealed through systematic comparison. Systematic comparison
in turn depends on systematic selection of the literature to be compared. Systematically
1773 The Qualitative Report 2015
searching and selecting the methods literature, however, is generally more burdensome than it
is for the empirical findings literature. This is because a greater proportion of the methods
literature is found in books and edited book chapters, which take substantially more time and
effort to identify, retrieve, and scan for relevant content compared to journal articles.
To fill the need for rigorous synthesis of the guidance on sampling in qualitative
research, we conducted a systematic methods overviewour term for a defined approach to
reviewing the methods literature from diverse sources, described here. This review method
involved a rigorous and transparent, yet purposeful, approach to searching the methods
literature aimed at selecting and reviewing the most influential publicationsones that students
and researchers from multiple jurisdictions are most likely to encounter among the available
writings that address sampling. We chose the literature of grounded theory, phenomenology,
and case study because these are popular approaches or traditions used in many health-related
disciplines, and are also sufficiently different to allow instructive comparisons to be made
within each of the sampling topics addressed below.
Our findings are organized under eight distinct topic sections corresponding to the
major domains of sampling identified in the review process. In each section, we summarize
how the topic is characterized in the literature reviewed, present a comparative analysis of
differences among the three research traditions, and finally offer comments representing our
analysis of the clarity, consistency and comprehensiveness of the available guidance from the
authors reviewed on that topic and potential areas in which more clarity could be provided.
Importantly, it is neither our aim nor our intention to convey personal opinions or
recommendations about how to do sampling in this review. By unifying the findings and
discussion within topic sections, we aim to make it convenient for readers to locate content for
any single sampling topic in one place.
The Three Research Traditions Reviewed
Each of the three traditions whose methods literatures were reviewed is characterized
by its unique approach to data collection and analysis, which in turn underlies important
variation in researchers’ approaches and attention to sampling. We briefly review some of the
relevant differentiating characteristics of each.
Grounded theory, with its origins in symbolic interactionism, is a flexible method for
developing substantive theory that traditionally emphasizes understanding of social processes,
although it is also recognized for its utility in explaining broader phenomena (Charmaz, 2006,
2014; Corbin & Strauss, 2008, 2015). Its traditional reliance on interview data and to a lesser
extent document data, and its emphasis on constant comparison and emergent analysis, have
important implications for approaches to sampling.
Phenomenology is a qualitative approach in which researchers aim to develop new
understandings of human lived experience, relying on first person accounts generally obtained
through participant interviews. Different methods authors have developed several distinct sub-
approaches to analysis, which reflect the philosophical premises of the historically influential
thinkers on whose ideas the research approach was founded (Creswell, 2013).
Although grounded theory and phenomenology are sometimes considered true
methodological traditions (whose epistemological and methodological positions can be traced
to philosophical roots), case study is much less so. As Stake (2005) underlines: “Case study is
not a methodological choice but a choice of what is to be studied” (p. 443), distinguished from
other forms of qualitative research by its analytic focus on one or a small number of bounded
cases, each of which is studied within its distinct context. Moreover, the data one collects to
learn about each case often take varying forms including observations, interviews, documents,
and so forth.
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1774
We derived the analytic insights presented here from the findings of a systematic
overview of the methods literatures of the three traditions in question. While a systematic
methods overview involves some of the same steps of a systematic review, its output is
differenta synthesis of the guidance that authors from selected publications have provided
on a specific methods topic. Briefly, we employed a rigorous approach to searching the
literature, selected publications for inclusion according to a transparent and iterative process,
abstracted textual data using structured abstraction forms, and analyzed the data using a
systematic approach. We chose a systematic approach over an “authoritative” narrative
approach to ensure the review process was thorough and accountable (Oxman & Guyatt, 1993),
thus promoting credibility and auditability (Guba, 1981; Jensen & Allen, 1996; Sandelowski,
1986). A detailed account of these methods, prepared as a separate report, is available from the
corresponding author and are summarized below.
We did not seek to include descriptions of sampling from primary empirical research
reports because our focus was on understanding how sampling is characterized in the available
guidance from the three research traditions rather than on how sampling has been implemented
in specific research projects. To select publications that are most likely to have widely
influenced students’ and researchers’ ideas about sampling, we used a purposeful, multistep
process to represent the most influential guidance from authoritative authors within each
tradition, as defined using bibliometrics and expert opinion according to the separate methods
report referred to above.
We used multiple analytic stepsabstraction of text, summary of information in
matrices, and analytic comparisonsto ensure interpretations were logically supported by
published words as analysis progressed. In data abstraction, we recorded extensive quotes
ranging from a single phrase to numerous paragraphs in individual topic-relevant fields of
abstraction forms. We developed flexible definitions for topic-relevant concepts (e.g.,
theoretical sampling, data saturation) as a heuristic device to guide what information to
abstract, iteratively adapting them to accommodate new information from subsequent
publications. In constructing topic-specific matrices, we copied relevant quotes from
abstraction forms into appropriate cells, yielding tables ranging from one to five pages in which
nested row headings identified the methodological tradition, author, and publication, while
column headings identified topic-relevant fields for which we abstracted data. We used the
matrices to facilitate analytic comparisons across methodological traditions, and between
authors within traditions. We described analytic comparisons of interest in narrative
summaries, which retained fewer illustrative quotes, and from which we derived final analytic
Publications Selected
For this synthesis, we selected and analyzed 24 tradition-specific publications from
among grounded theory (Charmaz, 2003, 2006, 2014; Clarke, 2005; Corbin & Strauss, 2008,
2015; Glaser, 1978, 1992, 1998; Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Schatzman & Strauss, 1973; Strauss
& Corbin, 1998), phenomenology (Cohen, Kahn, & Steeves, 2000; Colaizzi, 1978; Giorgi,
2009; van Manen, 1997, 2014), and case study (Merriam, 2009; Stake, 1995, 2005, 2006; Yin,
2009, 2011, 2014). We retrieved and reviewed 16 additional full publications, but ultimately
excluded these because they either contributed nothing novel when carefully compared to other
more recent publications included by the same author (i.e., author-level saturation; 8
publications), contained negligible information relevant to sampling (7 publications), or were
1775 The Qualitative Report 2015
primary research reports (1 publication). We derived additional insights regarding two of the
sampling-related topics (Sampling strategy, and Purposeful sampling) from an analysis of a
selection of 13 supplementary publications from the general qualitative methods literature.
Support for the descriptions and comparisons below can be traced to the quoted data (text from
publications) that we recorded in the topic-specific matrices during the analysis, available on
request from the corresponding author.
Substantive Findings and Discussion
We present our main findings within each of the eight topic sections that follow. We
also include our analytic comments on the topic-specific findings continuously within each
section. It is potentially useful to understand these topics as providing answers to generic
questions one can ask about sampling such as what is sampling, how to sample, and what to
sample (Table 1).
Table 1. Eight Sampling-Related Topics Discussed Matched to Conceptually Descriptive Questions About
Sampling-Related Topic
Question Addressed
Definitions of Sampling
What is sampling?
Usage of the Term “Sampling Strategy
How to sample?
Purposeful Sampling
Theoretical Sampling
Sampling Units
What to sample?
How much to sample?
Sample Size
Timing of Sampling Decisions
(a priori vs ongoing)
When in the research process to decide
about sampling?
Note, there are no topics corresponding to the question of “why do sampling?” This is primarily
because the purposes of sampling are numerous and vary according to the objectives and
contexts of qualitative research. We thus address some of the multiple purposes of sampling
within the three topics corresponding to “how to sample?” (Table 1).
It should also be noted that the amount of guidance available within the different
tradition-specific literatures varies greatly for some topics. Specifically, for two topics (Usage
of the Term Sampling Strategy,” and Purposeful Sampling), case study guidance is featured
prominently because its literature contains substantial discussion compared to the other
traditions. For two other topics (Theoretical sampling, and Saturation), grounded theory is
predominantly featured for similar reasons. For a few topics, the scarcity of guidance available
within a tradition is a noteworthy finding in itself.
Definitions of Sampling
Definitions of sampling were often not explicitly stated across the methods literature
reviewed. In most cases we were nevertheless able to deduce a logically implied definition
from authors’ sampling-related descriptions. We found marked variation in how the term
sampling was understood across the three research traditions. For data abstraction purposes
(see Methods) we developed an overarching definition for sampling, which was iteratively
constructed to be inclusive of and consistent with as many of the definitions abstracted from
individual publications as possible. Thus, we defined sampling in qualitative research in its
broadest sense as follows: the selection of specific data sources from which data are collected
to address the research objectives. We also identified variations in the concept of sampling
across the three traditions reviewed (Table 2).
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1776
Table 2. Aspects of Variation in the Concept of Sampling among the Three Research Traditions Reviewed
Grounded theory
Case study
As the underlining in Table 2 highlights, the main point of variation in how different traditions
understand sampling concerns the nature of the sampling unit (what is sampled)as the
following representative quotes and interpretive comments help illustrate:
Grounded theory: Sampling is “where to go to obtain the data” (Strauss &
Corbin, 1998, p. 201)Note how this definition does not specify what is
Phenomenology: Sampling is “choosing informants(Cohen et al., 2000, p.
45)What is sampled is clearly people.
Case study: Sampling applies to selecting cases and selecting data sources “
that best help us understand the case” (Stake, 1995, p. 56)Thus, what is
sampled occurs at two levels, the case and unspecified data sources within
the case.
A notable exception to the definitions of sampling found in most of the case study literature is
Yin’s (2014) most recently articulated interpretation the term. This position diverges from
Yin’s earlier portrayals of sampling (2009, 2011), which were more consistent with the
definition implied by the other two case study authors, summarized above. In his recent
articulation (2014), Yin argues that the language of sampling implies a desire to achieve
statistical generalizability, an understanding that would be consistent with the common
dictionary definition cited in the introduction above; in case study research, however (and
indeed in much qualitative research), the aim should be to achieve analytic generalizability
(where generalization is at a conceptual level higher than that of the specific case). Thus, Yin
reasons, even referring to one’s case or cases as a “purposive sample” may raise conceptual
and terminological problems:
You have intended to convey that the purposive portion of the term reflects your
selection of a case that will illuminate the theoretical propositions of your case
study. However, your use of the sample portion of the term still risks misleading
others into thinking that the case comes from some larger universe or population
of like-cases, undesirably reigniting the specter of statistical generalization. The
most desirable posture may be to avoid referring to any kind of sample
(purposive or otherwise). (pp. 42, 44)
Instead, Yin (2014) consistently uses the term selection, and mindfully avoids descriptors that
imply knowledge of an overall population, such as unique or typical (2014, p. xxiv). This
interpretation of sampling (as consistent with the common dictionary definition), is at odds
with how sampling has generally come to be used in qualitative research (i.e., as the selection
of data sources to address research objectives; see our definition above Table 2). Thus, Yin’s
suggestion to avoid the language of sampling altogether is a potentially radical one. We propose
that a critical examination of how and why the term sampling came to be adopted in the
qualitative research methods literature in the first place is warranted, and might reveal
additional arguments for avoiding the term sampling in qualitative research contexts.
1777 The Qualitative Report 2015
Within phenomenology, van Manen (2014; but not 1997) was the only author reviewed
besides Cohen (2000) to explicitly refer to the term sampling. He suggests that the commonly
accepted concept of qualitative sampling is not compatible with phenomenology, and
differentiates phenomenology from other qualitative research traditions in doing so: “external
concepts of validation, such as sample size, sampling selection criteria, members' checking,
and empirical generalization…are concepts that belong to the languages of different qualitative
methodologies.” (p. 351). Further emphasizing that the common idea of sampling is irrelevant
to phenomenology, van Manen (2014) states, “the term sample should not refer to an empirical
sample as a subset of a population. This use of the notion of sampling presupposes that one
aims at empirical generalization, and that is impossible within a phenomenological
methodology” (p. 352). He does, however, allow that an alternative understanding of the term
is acceptable: “But the term sample can be related back to the French root word example, which
has paradigmatic significance, as has been pointed out with reference to Buytendijk, Agamben,
Figal, and others” (p. 352).
A particularly interesting observation within the grounded theory literature reviewed is
the inconsistency and lack of clarity regarding what is sampled in grounded theorydiscussed
further under the topics Theoretical Sampling and Sampling Units.
Usage of the Term “Sampling Strategy”
Understanding usage of the term sampling strategy is of importance because Patton’s
typology of purposeful sampling strategies (Patton, 1980, 1990, 2002, 2015) has been so highly
influential as to dominate the general qualitative methods literature on sampling, with many
well-known methods authors citing his descriptions (for example, Goetz & LeCompte, 1984;
Kuzel, 1999; LeCompte, Preissle, & Tesch, 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985, 1989; Miles,
Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014; Morse, 1994). As a result, many students and researchers have
come to understand or describe qualitative sampling methods in terms of these sampling
strategies (some examples of which are described in the next topic).
When searching publications for the term sampling strategy we found almost no
mention of it within the traditions reviewed, excepting case study. Of the five grounded theory
authors reviewed, only Charmaz uses the term. Instead, grounded theory authors use the
alternative terms sampling methods, sampling techniques, forms of sampling, or data gathering
strategies when conveying guidance on how to sample. In phenomenology, sampling strategy
is not mentioned by any of the authors reviewed, who instead describe methods of choosing a
sample, or approaches to sampling. In case study, all three major authors describe sampling
strategies that comprise guidance for how to select data sources.
In conclusion, although the idea of an explicit sampling strategy is well known from a
general qualitative methods and case study perspective, this language is not inherent in the
commonly employed traditions of grounded theory and phenomenology. This represents a
potential pitfall for students and researchers, who might use the language about qualitative
sampling they are most familiar with (preferring terms like sampling strategies) even though
this language might be inconsistent or absent from the methods literature of their chosen
research tradition. Whenever authors use different sets of terminology to describe sampling
methods in a single research report or proposal, readers may find it difficult to reconcile these
terms unless the authors clarify the relationship between them.
Purposeful Sampling
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1778
As noted previously, usage of the term purposeful sampling, and the subtypes of
purposeful sampling strategies that it encompasses, is of interest because Patton’s typology of
purposeful sampling strategies (Patton, 1980, 1990, 2002, 2015) has been so influential.
Purposeful sampling is probably the most commonly described means of sampling in the
qualitative methods literature today. Perhaps reflecting an awareness of this influence, Patton
expanded his typology from 16 purposeful sampling options in the third edition (2002) to 40
options in the fourth edition (2015).
To provide essential context for this topic, we reviewed some of the general qualitative
methods literature referring to purposeful or purposive sampling (Chein, 1981; Goetz &
LeCompte, 1984; Kuzel, 1999; LeCompte et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985, 1989; Miles et
al., 2014; Morse, 1994; Patton, 1980, 1990, 2002, 2015; Ritchie & Lewis, 2003). As with
Patton (Patton, 2015) and others (e.g., Teddlie & Yu, 2007), we consider the terms purposeful
and purposive sampling to be equivalent. Here we follow Patton’s convention, preferentially
using the term purposeful (Patton, 2015, p. 265). Note, the term purposive does not necessarily
imply qualitative sampling any more than the term purposeful because the former has been
previously applied to forms of representative sampling used in quantitative research (Chein,
1981; Patton, 2015).
Patton (2015) provides the following description of purposeful sampling: The logic
and power of purposeful sampling lie in selecting information-rich cases for in-depth study.
Information-rich cases are those from which one can learn a great deal about issues of central
importance to the purpose of the inquiry…Studying information-rich cases yields insights and
in-depth understanding” (p. 264). Patton (2015) further specifies that, according to his use of
the term, purposeful sampling applies specifically to qualitative research, “I introduced
purposeful sampling as a specifically qualitative approach to case selection” (p. 265).
Of the three traditions reviewed, there is little usage of the term purposeful or purposive
in relation to sampling in grounded theory (only in Corbin & Strauss, 2008, 2015; Strauss &
Corbin, 1998) or phenomenology (only in Cohen et al., 2000; van Manen, 2014). Of these two
traditions, only van Manen (2014) suggests a definition for purposive sampling, although he
suggests it may not be applicable to phenomenology: “The notion of purposive sampling is
sometimes used to indicate that interviewees or participants are selected on the basis of their
knowledge and verbal eloquence to describe a group or (sub)culture to which they belong. This
is helpful for ethnographic-type studies, but, of course, phenomenology is not ethnography”
(p. 353).
In contrast, within case study, all three included authors promote purposeful sampling.
Yin (2011), for example, defines purposeful sampling as “The selection of participants or
sources of data to be used in a study, based on their anticipated richness and relevance of
information in relation to the study’s research questions” (p. 311). Yin’s definition is similar
to others we reviewed from the general qualitative methods literature with respect to an
important shortcomingit lacks sufficient conceptual clarity to allow for adequate
classification of all available sampling strategies as either purposeful or non-purposeful.
The lack of definitional clarity is further reflected by an inconsistency among case study
authors regarding what qualifies as purposeful. For example, according to Yin (2011)
“Purposive sampling differs from several other kinds of sampling, snowball sampling, and
random sampling” (p. 311). Merriam, by contrast, counts snowball sampling as a prominent
form of purposeful sampling (2009, p. 79). Authors also treat theoretical sampling
inconsistently: Merriam (2009) seems to exclude it by reasoning that purposeful sampling
happens “before the data are gathered” (p. 82). Patton, meanwhile, includes theoretical
sampling in his typology of purposeful sampling strategies (1990, 2002, 2015).
Disagreement about what qualifies as purposeful sampling extends into the general
qualitative research methods literature. While many of the published typologies of purposeful
1779 The Qualitative Report 2015
sampling strategies can be traced to Patton’s list, there are some variations in similar lists
published by other authors (notably among earlier publications such as Chein, 1981; Goetz &
LeCompte, 1984; LeCompte et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985).
Some authors argue that all sampling strategies are, in some sense, purposeful. Guba
and Lincoln (1985) suggest that, “All sampling is done with some purpose in mind,” even if it
is to represent a population through random sampling as in quantitative research (p. 199). It is
for similar reasons that LeCompte and colleagues (1993) take issue with the arbitrariness of
the purposeful-purposive label, calling it “misleading” for implying that certain forms of
sampling are non-purposeful (p. 69).
In our review, we observed important inconsistencies and ambiguities in the definitions
for specific purposeful sampling strategies. For example, authors have implied at least three
definitions for maximum variation sampling, suggesting it involves selecting outlier cases at
the far ends of a range (Miles et al., 2014, p. 32), selecting heterogeneous examples throughout
the possible range (Patton, 2015, p. 283), or that its purpose is to achieve representativeness
(LeCompte et al., 1993, pp. 72-73).
In conclusion, although discussion of purposeful sampling is quite prominent in the
general qualitative methods literature, among the three traditions reviewed it is only
significantly addressed in case study. Moreover, the term purposeful sampling is fraught with
ambiguity and lack of clarity. This has two important implications. First, the arbitrariness and
lack of agreement among methods authors regarding what qualifies as purposeful sampling
compromises the clarity and utility of this concept. Similarly, we observed a general lack of
consistency among the definitions of certain specific purposeful sampling strategies included
in typologies offered by some case study and general qualitative methods authors, and the
original descriptions of the same purposeful sampling strategies provided by earlier authors.
These inconsistencies throughout the literature can ultimately render these different purposeful
sampling strategies more confusing than helpful if the goal is to establish a common language
for communicating about sampling in qualitative research.
Second, in light of these ambiguities, we suggest that whenever researchers describe a
sampling process as purposeful they should describe what this means in their specific context,
rather than simply state that purposeful sampling was employed. In neglecting to do so,
researchers fail to provide any information that is precise enough for judging the rigor of their
study. In fact, they fail to convey anything concrete or meaningful about how sampling was
conducted at all, particularly how or whether their approach differs from convenience
sampling—the practice of “doing what’s fast and convenient” (Patton, 2002, p. 228),
historically positioned by Patton (1980, 1990, 2002, 2015) as least desirable because it is
neither purposeful nor strategic, although it “is probably the most common sampling strategy
(Patton, 2002, pp. 228-229).
Theoretical Sampling
Although the concept of theoretical sampling originated with grounded theory (Glaser
& Strauss, 1967), it is has become more broadly influential as authors make increasing
reference to it in the general qualitative methods literature outside grounded theory. We
therefore sought to summarize how the influential grounded theory developers defined
theoretical sampling. All grounded theory authors reviewed except Clarke (i.e., Glaser, Strauss,
Corbin, and Charmaz) provide implicit or explicit statements useful for defining theoretical
sampling. We carefully examined the consistencies we observed in wording to identify
essential elements from which we constructed the following consolidated definition for
theoretical sampling: A process in which data gathering is guided by the evolving theory and
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1780
the aim is to develop categories in terms of their properties and dimensions and integrate those
categories (i.e., relate them to each other within the theory being developed).
Because this definition was derived from highly foundational and influential literature
in grounded theory, we used it as a standard to evaluate other definitions of theoretical sampling
provided by authors outside grounded theory. We found that definitions available in case study
and some of the general qualitative methods literature lacked consistency and oversimplified
the concept. While non-grounded theory authors all correctly portray theoretical sampling as
involving sampling decisions made after some data are already collected (what we define as
ongoing sampling, below), several fail to specify any additional elements essential to our
consolidated definition. For example, non-grounded theory authors regularly fail to
acknowledge that theoretical sampling is intended specifically for developing or integrating
conceptual categories within a study, rather than simply to follow leads in the data to select the
next data source. In a strict sense, such definitions are distortions of the original meaning
conveyed by the major grounded theory authors.
Another important issue regarding theoretical sampling arose from reviewing grounded
theory authors’ descriptions. We found that the sampling unit (what is sampled theoretically)
is not articulated clearly and consistently across grounded theory methods publications. This
issue is discussed in the next topic section, which also considers the problem of defining
sampling units more broadly in the two other traditions (phenomenology and case study) and
qualitative research in general.
Sampling Units
The nature of the sampling unit (or what is selected when sampling is carried out) was
straightforward to discern for two research traditions. In phenomenology individual people are
sampled, while in case study either whole cases or the data sources within the cases are sampled
(Table 2).
Careful examination of the grounded theory literature, however, revealed that the nature
of the sampling unit in theoretical sampling is not consistently clear. The variations in what
authors say should be selected in theoretical sampling include the following:
“groups” (Glaser, 1978, p. 42; Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 47) defined as
“aggregates or single people” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 47)
“sample incidents, events, or happenings and not persons per se…[which]
represent situations” (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 202)
“concepts and not people, per se” (Corbin & Strauss, 2015, p. 135)
“people, events, or information to illuminate and define the properties,
boundaries and relevance of this category or set of categories” (Charmaz,
2014, p. 345)
Additionally, several grounded theory authors describe how theoretical sampling should
involve sampling flexibly from multiple sources (Charmaz, 2003, 2014; Clarke, 2005; Glaser
1978, 1998; Glaser & Strauss, 1967). For example, Glaser (1998) describes how “Theoretical
sampling takes all as data,” listing the myriad places where “slices of data” (a term earlier used
in Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 65) can be found: “interviews, casual comments, observations,
reports, manuals, files, newspaper articles, tables, and charts etc.” (p. 159). Another important
data source that multiple authors describe sampling from is secondary data, or data previously
collected within another research project (Clarke, 2005; Corbin & Strauss, 2008, 2015; Glaser
& Strauss, 1967; Glaser 1978; Strauss & Corbin, 1998).
1781 The Qualitative Report 2015
Based on the variations above, theoretical sampling appears to involve the selection of
two different, but not necessarily incompatible possibilities. First, in some descriptions,
theoretical sampling implies the selection of groups, persons, or varied data typesin other
words, data sources are the sampling units. Alternatively, theoretical sampling appears to
involve the selection of specific examples of concepts or categoriesin which case, it is not
data sources but rather specific pieces of illustrative data (whatever their source) that are the
true objects of sampling.
Sampling is more commonly understood to stand for the first of these possibilities
the selection of data sourceswhich is consistent with the Merriam-Webster definition of
sampling and the broad definition we abstracted (see Definitions of Sampling). By contrast, the
alternative possibility regarding what is sampled in theoretical sampling (i.e., concepts or
categories) is more abstract and difficult to apprehend. Fortunately, some grounded theory
authors have provided some concrete descriptions of sampling examples of a category. Corbin
(2008), for instance, describes sampling examples of concepts by encouraging participants to
share instances of relevant experiences by revising “the questions to be asked in the next
interview or observation…based on what was discovered in the previous analysis,” or by
literally searching sources of previously collected data for “data about a concept” (p.145).
Although rare, one can also find descriptions of sampling in the latter, more obscure
senseselecting examples of a concept or categoryin the general qualitative methods
literature. Cook and colleagues (Cook, Leviton, & Shadish, 1985) provide an especially helpful
description; they differentiate explicitly between sampling in the typical sense from
“populations of persons and settings,” and sampling “operational instances of constructs”
where there is “no concrete target population” (p. 763). On careful inspection of the grounded
theory literature, however, we found no author who makes it explicitly clear which of the two
possible types of sampling units discussed above is actually selected in theoretical sampling,
or whether theoretical sampling can entail selecting both.
Making the above distinction explicitly clear would be helpful for students and
researchers seeking to develop their understanding of theoretical sampling. If one understands
theoretical sampling to imply the selection of instances of a category rather than data sources,
it follows that although it is wise to consider different data types when searching for examples
of a concept or category (e.g., stories of loss can be found in interviews, or memoir-type
documents), these different data types are not technically the target of samplingi.e., the
sampling unit. Some interviews or documents, for example, will contain no instances of a
concept, while others will contain one or multiple instances of it. Conversely, it is generally
not an entire data source but rather only a portion of it that comprises the operational instance
of the concept or category one is sampling. In an interview, for example, the instance could be
a brief phrase or a dominant story spanning most of the transcript.
Saturation is an important topic because it is so widely discussed in the general
qualitative methods literature on sampling (e.g., Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Morse, 1994, 1995,
2007; Sandelowski, 1995). There, it usually refers to reaching a point of informational
redundancy where additional data collection contributes little or nothing new to the study. We
label this particular form of saturation, data saturation to differentiate it from the grounded
theory concept of theoretical saturation, described further below. Saturation has also become
widely recognized as a guide or indicator that sufficient data collection has been achieved
(discussed under Sample Size, below).
On reviewing the three research traditions, there was almost no mention of saturation
outside of grounded theory. One case study author, Merriam (2009), mentions the term,
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1782
referring specifically to the concept of data saturation. Among the phenomenology publications
reviewed, only van Manen (2014) employs the term, explaining how “data saturation” is
irrelevant to phenomenology (p. 353). Meanwhile, Cohen (2000), although she does not use
the term saturation, describes how reaching a point where “nothing new” is encountered
(implying the concept of data saturation) usually does not happen in hermeneutic
phenomenology (p. 55). This noteworthy point sets phenomenology apart, because stopping
short of saturation is generally discouraged in most other qualitative research traditions.
In grounded theory, descriptions of saturation focus almost entirely on the concept of
theoretical saturation, which is defined specifically and fairly consistently across the main
authors who discuss it (Glaser, Strauss, Corbin, and Charmaz). Glaser and Strauss (1967), for
example, define theoretical saturation as when “…no additional data are being found whereby
the sociologist can develop properties of the category(p. 61). Notably, theoretical saturation
is an idea these authors all apply to individual categories and their relationships within a
grounded theory study. Some authors suggest that it is not necessary to strive for equally
complete theoretical saturation of all categories: “Core theoretical categories, those with the
most explanatory power, would be saturated as completely as possible” (Glaser & Strauss,
1967, p. 100). Charmaz (2014) distinguishes theoretical saturation from the concept of data
saturation, emphasizing, The common use of the term saturation [i.e., to imply data
saturation] refers to nothing new happening…Theoretical saturation is not the same as
witnessing repetition of the same events or stories.” (p. 213).
Sample Size
Whereas quantitative research requires sufficiently large sample sizes to produce
statistically precise quantitative estimates, smaller samples are used in qualitative research.
This is because the general aim of sampling in qualitative research is to acquire information
that is useful for understanding the complexity, depth, variation, or context surrounding a
phenomenon, rather than to represent populations as in quantitative research.
The commonly proposed criterion for determining when sufficient sample size has been
reached in qualitative research is saturation (Charmaz, 2003; Glaser, 1992; Glaser & Strauss,
1967; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Merriam, 2009; Morse, 1995), described previously. Several
authors, however, have argued this can be problematic given researchers’ tendency to
arbitrarily claim saturation in justifying premature closure of their data collection activities (see
for example, Charmaz, 2006, 2014; Dey, 1999). Saturation is not the only benchmark, however,
because for Cohen (2000, p. 56): “The scientifically important criterion for determining sample
size for the hermeneutic phenomenological researcher is the intensity of the contact needed to
gather sufficient data regarding a phenomenon or experience. This intensity is measured in both
length of time it takes for an event to occur…and how often a participant should be contacted
to understand the changes undergone.”
However sufficient sample size is defined, qualitative methods authors generally agree
that it is impossible to specify in advance of a study (for example, Colaizzi, 1978; Glaser &
Strauss, 1967). Despite this, several authors recognize the pragmatic need to provide sample
size estimates in funding proposals (Cohen et al., 2000; Glaser, 1998). In Table 3 we summarize
published sample size suggestions from within the three traditions. Note that some authors
represent sample size estimates as the number of interviews rather than the number of
participants. Also, as the quotes in Table 3 illustrate, authors employ abundant qualifications
and tentative language, underscoring the imprecision of these numbers. It may be useful to
refer to Table 3 to provide literature-supported ballpark estimates of appropriate sample sizes
when preparing research proposals.
1783 The Qualitative Report 2015
Table 3. Flexible Sample Size Estimates Suggested by Authors from Three Research Traditions
Sample Size
Grounded theory
At least 25
“A small study with modest claims might allow
proclaiming saturation early . A study of 25
interviews may suffice for certain small projects but
invites skepticism when the author’s claims are about,
say, human nature or contradict established research
(Charmaz, 2014, p. 214).
>6 interviews
“It is rare that five or six one-hour interviews will
provide sufficient data to lead to saturation” (Corbin &
Strauss, 2015, p. 140).
<10 participants, if
>30 participants, if
following less
Estimates were suggested by examples (Cohen et al.,
2000, p. 56): “Interviewing at least five would not
ensure that I would have a survivor in my sample, but it
would increase my chances. I wanted to follow fewer
than 10 because I wanted to follow each informant
intensely rather than spread my attention over a larger
group…A review of the literature on caregivers of dying
patients led me to believe that the experience was not as
intense and variable day to day as having a bone marrow
transplant. Thus, I believed I could use a larger sample,
30 at least.”
Around 12
“Regarding the number of subjects selected, this
depends on various factors that must be tried out in each
research project. In this research I used 12 subjects”
(Colaizzi, 1978, p. 58).
Case study
Multiple case
4-10 cases
“The benefits of multicase study will be limited if fewer
than, say, 4 cases are chosen, or more than 10 . 15 or
30 cases provide more uniqueness of interactivity than
the research team and readers can come to understand.
But for good reason, many multicase studies have fewer
than 4 or more than 15 cases” (Stake, 2006, p. 22).
Within a single
25-50 units
(data sources)
“The number of interviewees, practices, policies, or
actions included in a study can easily fall in the range of
25-50 such units…” This depends on, “the complexity
of your study topic and the depth of data collection from
each unit” (Yin, 2011, p. 91).
Timing of Sampling Decisions
If the aims and procedures of any approach to sampling are to be thoroughly
understood, it is necessary for methods authors to consider and specify when in the research
process sampling decisions should be made. Failing to do so leaves too much uncertain
regarding how to implement a proposed sampling approach. We defined three categories for
classifying published descriptions of individual types of sampling according to when authors
suggest the corresponding sampling decisions could be made: a priori, involving decisions
made before the collection of substantive data begins; ongoing, involving decisions made after
or in response to such data collection; and either (either, and sometimes both, a priori or
ongoing sampling decisions may be involved). Some authors, however, leave the timing
unclear or unspecified in their descriptions. We review below how the timing of sampling
decisions has been addressed within each of the three research traditions.
Ongoing sampling. Ongoing sampling is most prominently specified in grounded
theory, whose authors consistently portray theoretical sampling as the major form of sampling.
In theoretical sampling (described previously), it is clear that new data are selected in response
to data already collected.
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1784
In phenomenology, Cohen and colleagues (2000) were the only authors to describe an
ongoing form of sampling. Their description of a “two-tier systemfor selecting informants
involves both a priori and ongoing sampling decisionsfollowing initial selection of a large
group of participants to interview, the researcher selects a smaller group to follow up based on
themes they raised (Cohen et al., 2000, p. 51). They imply the necessity of ongoing sampling
decisions within hermeneutic phenomenology in other comments, such as the following:
“Exploring who shares a way of talking about a particular experience cannot be determined
before the researcher enters the field” (p. 54).
In case study, although each author describes at least one type of sampling classified as
ongoing, the total number of such descriptions (five) is negligible compared to the many types
of sampling they describe that are not ongoing. Moreover, the available descriptions are brief.
Additionally, there is little consensus among authors within this tradition in terms of what types
of sampling are presented as ongoingexcepting snowball sampling, an ongoing sampling
strategy described by two authors.
Overall therefore, ongoing sampling is much less emphasized in phenomenology and
case study than in grounded theory. This does not necessarily mean, however, that ongoing
sampling decisions are unimportant to phenomenology and case study research or that
researchers within these two traditions necessarily make such decisions infrequently. Greater
acknowledgment within these two research traditions of the role of ongoing sampling
decisions, including more detailed guidance about the forms that ongoing sampling can take,
would provide valuable clarity for qualitative researchers and students.
A priori sampling. In reviewing a priori forms of sampling across the three traditions,
we were initially interested in whether grounded theory authors consistently discuss the
necessity and means for implementing sampling decisions prior to theoretical sampling. While
all the reviewed grounded theory authors acknowledge the existence of a priori or initial
sampling, they are inconsistent regarding whether it is appropriate in grounded theory
compare Glaser (Glaser, 1992, p. 105) to Glaser and Strauss (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 47).
Those authors who support the appropriateness and necessity of initial sampling in grounded
theory provide almost no clear guidance on how to implement it (Clarke, 2005; Corbin &
Strauss, 2008, 2015; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Charmaz (2014) provides perhaps the clearest
suggestion: “For initial sampling, you establish sampling criteria for people, cases, situations,
and/or settings before you enter the field” (p. 197).
With the exception of Cohen (2000), the phenomenologists reviewed make no mention
of the timing of sampling decisions (Colaizzi, 1978; Giorgi, 2009; van Manen, 1997).
Similarly, in case study, the a priori timing of sampling decisions is rarely specified. There are
two exceptions: First, Merriam (2009) defines purposeful sampling to include only a priori
strategies (p. 77; although she later includes an ongoing sampling typesnowball sampling
as purposeful). Second, Yin describes a two-stage screening procedure for selecting cases that
is consistent with true a priori sampling (2009, p. 92; 2014, p. 95).
One case study author, Merriam (2009), describes several of the purposeful sampling
strategies previously outlined by Patton (1980, 1990, 2002, 2015). Some of these commonly
described sampling strategies (e.g., typical case, extreme case, maximum variation) involve
selecting sampling units (whether data sources or cases) from a larger pool of candidates by
applying selection criteriaspecific properties or characteristics possessed by some but not all
sampling units in the pool. Thus, one first specifies one or more explicit properties or
characteristics that will be used as the basis for defining cases as typical, extreme, or maximally
varied (according to the sampling strategy chosen); subsequently, one applies these defined
criteria when selecting units from the greater pool or population. Although the selection criteria
may often be decided a priori, in describing the above sampling strategies Merriam fails to
1785 The Qualitative Report 2015
specify if the decisions to select (include or exclude) sampling units according to pre-specified
criteria are made a priori or while data collection is ongoing.
True a priori sampling based on pre-specified criteria requires two conditions: the
presence of a sampling frame (a complete list of the eligible sampling units in the pool available
to be sampled), and definitive information about each available sampling unit concerning the
criteria to be used for selection. Morse has described how the availability of both is necessary
in her strategy of qualitative quota sampling (Morse, 1991, p. 128). Ritchie and Lewis also
describe “sample frames” at length, suggesting that advance knowledge of potential sample
members is a requirement for purposeful sampling and without it an extra step generally needs
to be designed to collect relevant information about the possible units to be sampled from
(Ritchie & Lewis, 2003, pp. 86-97). Since comprehensive participant lists (necessary to
construct sampling frames) and the relevant participant data (necessary for applying specified
selection criteria) are not routinely available prior to data collection in many qualitative
research contexts, criteria-based sampling often cannot be feasibly implemented in a strict a
priori fashion. To more clearly understand how criteria-based sampling strategies might be
implemented a priori, we suggest there is need for further explicit guidance regarding how, or
under what conditions, one can feasibly apply pre-specified criteria to select sampling units
from a greater pool prior to data collection.
Important issues arise when using pre-specified criteria to select human participants,
and definitive participant data for applying selection criteria is lacking. In such cases,
researchers must either sample by convenience (accepting the next qualifying participant who
becomes available) or exclude at least some individuals who do not meet selection criteria from
the study according to two possibilities: Pre-recruitment data being absent, researchers can
either exclude potential participants without their knowledge before inviting them to
participate, in which case researchers must make judgments based on incomplete observation
and personal assumptions that some candidates do not meet criteria; or they can exclude
participants after inviting their participation, effectively denying continued participation to
some volunteers post-recruitment after finding that they do not qualify based on some kind of
preliminary data collection that precedes primary data collection for the study. Both forms of
exclusion are problematic. First, by excluding participants according to criteria requiring prior
assumptions, researchers risk ignoring excellent and knowledgeable participants (Morse, 1991,
p. 128). Second, excluding participants after they have volunteered is potentially unethical
because it may offend volunteers who discover they did not qualify for a study they committed
to participate in, producing negative associations with research participation. Such issues
represent the kind of important considerations that methods authors should ideally explicate
for their readers when describing sampling strategies that may be used a priori.
Since analytic comments discussing the findings were already provided within each
topic section, we provide here only a brief summary of those conclusions and discuss some of
the more general implications of the article. To our knowledge, this represents the first methods
overview to summarize and provide a critical analysis of the sampling-related guidance
available within the influential methods literature of three qualitative research traditions:
grounded theory, phenomenology, and case study. Together, the eight topics provide broad
coverage of the key conceptual domains of qualitative sampling. Through systematic
comparison among traditions we have explicitly characterized several noteworthy variations in
conceptions of and approaches to sampling. These include important differences in the
definitions and usage of sampling-related terminology, differences in the nature of sampling
units, variation in the feasibility and forms of saturation, and differences in emphasis on the
Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, and K. Ann McKibbon 1786
timing of sampling decisions. These variations therefore also provide a useful basis for
differentiating each tradition.
An important limitation of this study relates to our exclusion of less influential methods
publications and our decision not to consider the methods sections of empirical study reports
(see Methods). As a result, we have not covered the full range of innovative ideas regarding
sampling, nor alternative interpretations of the publications we reviewed as have been
published by other authors in this more expansive literature. The scope of the literature that we
included was limited partly for feasibility reasons, since including all empirical study reports
in the three qualitative traditions, for example (including journal articles, monographs, books,
theses, and conference proceedings), would have been unmanageable. We argue, however, that
focussing on the influential methods literature has resulted in a useful synthesis of the most
common and well known ideas regarding sampling. Our selective coverage of the literature,
however, leaves multiple potential opportunities for future analysis of the literature regarding
aspects of sampling in qualitative research. For example, an analysis of the methods sections
of published grounded theory studies, including dissertations and theses, would be useful to
establish the range of researcher interpretations of the concept of theoretical sampling, with
attention to the clarity of researchers’ understandings of what is sampled in this approach.
Finally, we have identified in this article several issues involving the clarity,
consistency and comprehensiveness of the guidance available within one or more of the three
qualitative research traditions reviewed regarding certain sampling topicsspecifically the
topics of purposeful sampling, theoretical sampling, sampling units, and the timing of sampling
decisions. While these currently represent potholes of varying sizes for individual researchers
to be mindful of, they also reflect opportunities for research methods authors to provide needed
guidance to build consensus and clarify our collective understanding of how sampling might
best be carried out within specific research traditions or qualitative research more generally.
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Author Note
Stephen J. Gentles, MSc, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow in the CanChild Centre for
Childhood Disability Research at McMaster University. Correspondence regarding this article
can be addressed directly to: Stephen J. Gentles at, CanChild, McMaster University, 1400 Main
Street West, IAHS 408, Hamilton, ON, L8S 1C7, Canada, [email protected].
Cathy Charles, PhD, is professor emeritus in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology
& Biostatistics, and member of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA)
at McMaster University. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly
to: Cathy Charles at, Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McMaster
University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4K1, Canada, [email protected].
Jenny Ploeg, BScN, PhD, is professor in the School of Nursing, and member of the
Aging, Community and Health Research Unit (ACHRU) at McMaster University.
Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to: Jenny Ploeg at, School
of Nursing, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Rm HSC 3N25C, Hamilton,
Ontario, L8S 4K1, Canada, [email protected].
K. Ann McKibbon, MLS, PhD, is professor emeritus in the Department of Clinical
Epidemiology & Biostatistics, director of the eHealth Program, and member of the Health
Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University. Correspondence regarding this
article can also be addressed directly to: K. Ann McKibbon at, Department of Clinical
1789 The Qualitative Report 2015
Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, CRL 132,
Hamilton, ON, L8S 4K1, Canada, mckib@mcmaster.ca.
Copyright 2015: Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, K. Ann McKibbon,
and Nova Southeastern University.
Article Citation
Gentles, S. J., Charles, C., Ploeg, J., & McKibbon, K. A. (2015). Sampling in qualitative
research: Insights from an overview of the methods literature. The Qualitative Report,
20(11), 1772-1789. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol20/iss11/5