22 May 2020
Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations
Joint Publication 3-85
1. Scope
This publication provides fundamental principles and guidance for planning, executing, and
assessing joint electromagnetic spectrum operations across the competition continuum.
2. Purpose
This publication is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) official advice
concerning joint electromagnetic spectrum operations and provides considerations for
military interaction with governmental and nongovernmental agencies, multinational
forces, and other interorganizational partners. It does not restrict the authority of the Joint
Force Commander (JFC) from organizing forces and executing the mission in a manner
the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure unity of effort.
3. Application
a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, commanders of
combatant commands, subordinate unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate components
of these commands, the Services, the National Guard Bureau, and combat support agencies.
b. This doctrine constitutes official advice concerning the enclosed subject matter;
however, the judgment of the commander is paramount in all situations.
c. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of Service
publications, this publication will take precedence unless the CJCS, normally in coordination
with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provides more current and specific
guidance. Commanders of forces operating as part of a multinational (alliance or coalition)
military command should follow multinational doctrine and procedures ratified by the United
States. For doctrine and procedures not ratified by the United States, commanders should
evaluate and follow the multinational command’s doctrine and procedures, where applicable
and consistent with US law, regulations, and doctrine.
For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Lieutenant General, USMC
Director, Joint Force Development
ii JP 3-85
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................v
Introduction ................................................................................................................. I-1
Electromagnetic Environmental Effects ................................................................... I-11
Relationship to Joint Functions ................................................................................. I-12
Introduction ................................................................................................................II-1
Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................II-1
Organization .............................................................................................................II-10
Service Support ........................................................................................................II-17
Intelligence Support Organizations ..........................................................................II-22
Multinational Force Organization ............................................................................II-23
Introduction .............................................................................................................. III-1
Planning Process ...................................................................................................... III-1
Planning Considerations ........................................................................................ III-10
Planning Considerations in Multinational Operations ........................................... III-17
Interorganizational Planning Considerations ......................................................... III-21
Introduction .............................................................................................................. IV-1
Execution ................................................................................................................. IV-1
Assessment ............................................................................................................... IV-4
A Electromagnetic Spectrum Management .................................................. A-1
B Electromagnetic Warfare Activities ...........................................................B-1
C Notional Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Appendix ..............C-1
D Organizations Supporting Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations ... D-1
E Electromagnetic Warfare Reprogramming ................................................ E-1
F Electromagnetic Spectrum Coordination Measures ................................... F-1
G Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Staff Estimate Template ..... G-1
H Tools and Planning Aids ........................................................................... H-1
J Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Modeling............................... J-1
Table of Contents
iv JP 3-85
K Points of Contact ....................................................................................... K-1
L References .................................................................................................. L-1
M Administrative Instructions ....................................................................... M-1
Part I Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms .............................................. GL-1
Part II Terms and Definitions ............................................................................. GL-6
I-1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum ................................................................... I-2
II-1 Notional Standing Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell ......II-12
II-2 Potential Interactions Among the Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum
Operations Cell Elements .........................................................................II-13
II-3 Notional Component Electromagnetic Spectrum
Operations Organization ..........................................................................II-16
III-1 Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell Actions
and Outputs as Part of Joint Planning ...................................................... III-2
IV-1 Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Execution Cycle................. IV-2
Provides an overview of joint electromagnetic spectrum operations through a
discussion of electromagnetic environmental effects and their relation to joint
Discusses joint force responsibilities, organization, Service support, intelligence
support organizations, and multinational force organization as they relate to
organizing for joint electromagnetic spectrum operations.
Discusses joint, multinational, and interorganizational planning considerations.
Outlines execution and assessment of joint electromagnetic spectrum
Eliminates Joint Publication (JP) 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare, and JP 6-01, Joint
Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations, effective immediately.
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
The Electromagnetic
The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is a maneuver space
essential for facilitating control within the operational
environment (OE) and impacts all portions of the OE and
military operations. Military operations and training are
executed in an environment complicated by increasingly
challenging demands and constraints on the EMS. Just as
in the physical domains and in cyberspace, military forces
maneuver and conduct operations within the EMS to
achieve tactical, operational, and strategic advantage.
Freedom of maneuver and action within the EMS are
essential to US and multinational operations.
Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations
This publication establishes a framework for the execution
of joint electromagnetic spectrum operations (JEMSO).
JEMSO support military operations throughout the
competition continuum to achieve desired objectives and
attain end states. During peacetime, JEMSO are
conducted to ensure adequate access to the EMS and may
include deconflicting use of the EMS between joint users
and coordinating with a host nation (HN). As a crisis
escalates toward armed conflict, JEMSO shift from EMS
access coordination to EMS superiority, with coordinated
military actions executed to exploit, attack, protect, and
Executive Summary
vi JP 3-85
manage the electromagnetic operational environment
The Electromagnetic
Operational Environment
The EMOE is a composite of the actual and potential
electromagnetic energy radiation, conditions, circumstances,
and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and
the decisions of the commander. It includes the existing
background radiation (i.e., electromagnetic environment) as
well as the friendly, neutral, adversary, and enemy
electromagnetic systems able to radiate within the
electromagnetic area of influence. This includes systems
currently radiating or receiving, or those that may radiate,
that can potentially affect joint operations.
JEMSO Actions
JEMSO actions to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the
EMOE rely on personnel and systems from
electromagnetic warfare (EW), EMS management,
intelligence, space, and cyberspace mission areas. Instead
of these mission areas being planned and executed in a
minimally coordinated and stovepiped fashion, JEMSO
guidance and processes prioritize, integrate, synchronize,
and deconflict all joint force operations in the EMOE,
enhancing unity of effort. The result is a fully integrated
scheme of maneuver in the EMOE to achieve EMS
superiority and joint force commander (JFC) objectives.
JEMSO-Related Mission
Cyberspace Operations. The majority of military
systems contain cyberspace- and EMS-dependent
components, requiring close integration of JEMSO and
cyberspace capabilities to ensure prioritization,
synchronization, and deconfliction.
Space Operations. All space operations rely on the
EMS for command and control (C2), sensing, and
information distribution. The vital nature of space
operations to overall joint operations requires close
coordination with other EMS activities to ensure proper
prioritization, integration, synchronization, and
Air, Land, and Maritime Operations. Since the EMS
overlaps these physical domains simultaneously,
JEMSO provide the processes to effectively prioritize,
integrate, synchronize, and deconflict the EMS aspects
of operations throughout the EMOE.
Executive Summary
Environmental Effects
The impact of the EMOE upon the operational capability
of military forces, equipment, systems, and platforms is
referred to as electromagnetic environmental effects.
Relationship to Joint
Joint functions are related capabilities and activities
grouped together to help JFCs integrate, synchronize, and
direct joint operations. The joint force is critically
dependent on the EMS for operations across all joint
functions and throughout the EMOE. These operations
are integrated and managed through JEMSO.
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Combatant commanders (CCDRs) and subordinate JFCs
will normally establish a standing joint electromagnetic
spectrum operations cell (JEMSOC) to support joint
planning, coordination, and control of the EMS for
assigned forces. Every supported CCDR establishes a
command policy on how the EMS will be used throughout
their combatant command (CCMD) and in their area of
responsibility as applicable, obtains EMS clearance (i.e.,
approval) from HNs (through existing coordination
procedures), and authorizes EMS use for assigned military
forces to execute their designated mission(s). Every
supported JFC conveys to subordinates guidance for
achieving EMS superiority within the joint operations area
through their concept of operations. At a minimum, this
guidance will include an operational approach; mission
statement; and commander’s planning guidance, intent,
and commander’s critical information requirements.
Organizing for JEMSO
The CCDR or subordinate JFC usually delegates
electromagnetic spectrum coordinating authority
(EMSCA) to the JEMSOC director, which, when coupled
with the JEMSOC’s organizational responsibilities,
enables the JFC to exercise unity of command for
activities conducted in the EMS. Joint force unity of effort
in the EMS derives from the JEMSOC’s integration of all
joint force EMS actions across both the joint force’s
functional staff elements and the joint force’s components.
The JEMSOC augments existing joint force C2 lines of
authority with reporting and data structures that accelerate
the flow of information required for electromagnetic
spectrum operations (EMSO) integration. It assists JFCs
in identifying EMSO priorities, communicating intent,
and integrating supporting commander capabilities into
operations. The JEMSOC maintains habitual
Executive Summary
viii JP 3-85
relationships with key individuals (e.g., component liaison
officers) and enabling organizations, such as Service,
functional, and multinational EW/EMS management cells,
and other Department of Defense (DOD) EMSO-related
organizations. The relationships are refined during
training and exercises and optimized via a network of
collaboration throughout planning, execution, and
Service Support
Each Service has a different approach to organizing:
Army. Army commanders and their staffs conduct
cyberspace electromagnetic activities (CEMA) to plan,
integrate, and synchronize cyberspace and EW
operations as a unified effort to project power in and
through cyberspace and the EMS. Executing
cyberspace and EW operations enables the Army to
secure and defend friendly force networks and to protect
personnel, facilities, and equipment. Spectrum
management operations enable CEMA by ensuring
access and deconfliction for the Army’s use of the EMS.
Planning, integration, and synchronization of the
interrelated actions support the overall mission.
Marine Corps. Headquarters, United States Marine
Corps (HQMC), Deputy Commandant for Information,
is the advocate for Marine Corps EMSO. HQMC CD&I
[Combat Development and Integration] coordinates
with other HQMC agencies, the operating forces,
supporting organizations, and mission partners to
identify, prioritize, and integrate EMSO EW capability
solutions across the pillars of doctrine, organization,
training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel,
facilities, and policy and joint requirements.
Navy. Electromagnetic maneuver warfare is the Navy’s
warfighting approach to gain decisive military
advantage in the EMS and is the foundational concept
that supports JEMSO. Sensing, assessing, and
monitoring the EMOE and all EMS-related activities
provides a strategic advantage and enables freedom of
action across all Navy mission areas.
Air Force. The Air Force organizes to conduct EMSO
primarily through the non-kinetic operations
coordination cell (NKOCC) located in the air operations
Executive Summary
center. The NKOCC is the air component commander
EMS capabilities integrator. It plans, directs, and
assesses Air Force EMSO activities conducted in air,
space, and cyberspace, which include actions to exploit,
attack, protect, and manage the EMOE.
Coast Guard. United States Coast Guard (USCG)
JEMSO activities currently only include actions to
monitor, assess, and provide intelligence products. The
USCG may conduct JEMSO under Title 10, United
States Code (USC), and Title 14, USC, authorities.
National Guard Bureau. The National Guard (NG)
provides mission-ready military forces (Army National
Guard and Air National Guard) to assist local, state, and
national authorities during normal, day-to-day
operations; emergencies; incidents of national
significance; homeland defense; and defense support of
civil authorities operations. NG units may also be
assigned to CCMDs for overseas active duty upon
mobilization under Title 10, USC. There is a
requirement for interoperable communications with
local first responders and state and federal civilian
agencies; Title 10, USC, forces also make JEMSO
considerations a priority. The NG is under the C2 of a
state governor when in state active duty or Title 32,
USC, status. Title 10, USC, response force could be
formed from either a standing joint task force or one
configured for specific missions to provide emergency
assistance across all lines of support. Title 10, USC,
JFC coordinates with NG joint force headquarters-state
through a dual-status command relationship, if a dual-
status command is established, to achieve unity of effort
between federal and state response forces.
Intelligence Support
National- and DOD-Level Intelligence Organizations.
At the national level, organizations and agencies such as
the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security
Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and
Defense Intelligence Agency are constantly seeking to
identify, catalog, and update the electromagnetic order of
battle of threats. The National Security Agency/Central
Security Service serves as an operationally focused
analytical clearinghouse for all databases that provide
signals intelligence support to CCMDs, subordinate
commands and their staffs, and the joint force. National-
Executive Summary
x JP 3-85
level organizations such as the National Air and Space
Intelligence Center, the National Ground Intelligence
Center, and the National Maritime Intelligence Center not
only define EW target parameters and associated system
performance but also analyze and provide intelligence on
threat EMSO doctrine and tactics.
CCMD Intelligence Organizations. At the CCMD level,
intelligence support to military operations is focused in the
joint intelligence operations center (JIOC). The JIOC
responds to theater-level, JEMSO-related intelligence
requirements and forwards requests that require national-
level assets to the Defense Collection Coordination Center
or other national-level organizations according to
established procedures. JEMSO planners within the
JEMSOC at the CCMD level work closely with the
JEMSOC J-2 [intelligence directorate of a joint staff]
representative to satisfy intelligence requirements
according to command-specific procedures established by
each CCDR.
Multinational Force
The multinational force commander provides guidance to
plan and conduct JEMSO to the multinational force
through the operations directorate of a joint staff’s (J-3’s)
combined electromagnetic warfare coordination cell
(EWCC). It should be recognized that the EWCC assumes
responsibilities designated in paragraph 2.c., “JEMSOC”
(see Chapter II, “Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations”). Note: North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)/multinational terminology still
references the EWCC. Therefore, EWCC, not JEMSOC,
will be used when discussing NATO/multinational
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Operations
JFCs centralize JEMSO planning under the designated
EMSCA and decentralize execution to ensure JEMSO
unity of effort while maintaining tactical flexibility.
Operations in the EMS cross all joint functions, span the
OE, and are often complex and interwoven. This requires
detailed prioritization, integration, and synchronization to
attain EMS superiority, achieve the commander’s
objectives, mitigate electromagnetic interference, and
avoid friendly fire electromagnetic attack incidents
(involving personnel or equipment).
Executive Summary
Planning Process
The commander’s guidance and estimate form the basis
for determining components’ objectives. During mission
analysis, JEMSO planners develop a JEMSO staff
estimate, which forms the basis for an EMS superiority
approach. The staff estimate is used during course of
action (COA) development and analysis to determine the
EMS activities and capabilities required to accomplish the
mission, the JEMSO capabilities required to support
operations, and the risk to the operation if EMS superiority
is not achieved. When a COA is chosen, it becomes the
basis for developing the JEMSO appendix, which outlines
JEMSO missions, priorities, policies, processes, and
procedures across all phases of the operation. The joint
force components will develop component EMSO plans
and submit them to the JEMSOC for integration into the
JEMSO appendix under annex C (Operations). The
JEMSO planning process is a formal, top-down,
centralized process that integrates EMSO into the JFC’s
Conducting Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
JEMSO are conducted using the same plan, execute, and
assess cycle as other joint operations. The JFC issues
EMSO guidance and instructions to components that
prioritize, integrate, coordinate, direct, and deconflict all
joint force EMS use within the operational area. While
JEMSO are centrally planned to facilitate unity of effort,
execution is decentralized to permit maximum tactical
flexibility in a highly dynamic EMOE.
Control. The supported JFC designates an EMSCA,
usually the J-3; however, core expertise and joint force-
assigned mission will dictate EMSCA appointment. At
the CCMD level, EMSCA is normally delegated to the
JEMSOC director.
Battle Rhythm. The JEMSOC director establishes the
battle rhythm for JEMSO planning and operations in
accordance with the JEMSO appendix. This battle rhythm
is based on the phase of operation, pace of operations,
nature of the EMOE (i.e., how dynamic it is), and battle
rhythms of related operations (e.g., air operations cycle,
intelligence cycle). It includes the required participation
in cross-functional staff organizations associated with
JEMSO planning and execution.
Executive Summary
xii JP 3-85
EMSO Guidance. The JFC begins the JEMSO cycle by
providing updated guidance to the components.
Prepare/Update Component EMSO Plans. Components
update their respective EMSO plans based on the EMSO
EMS-Use Request. Components submit EMS-use
requests to the JEMSOC to obtain authorization to
transmit electromagnetic energy or reserve EMS
frequencies/bands for sensing.
Non-Organic EMSO Support. Components that have
EMSO requirements but lack organic capabilities should
submit a support request to the JEMSOC for prioritization
and approval.
Prepare Consolidated JEMSO Plan. The JEMSOC
consolidates, prioritizes, integrates, and synchronizes the
component EMSO plans and attendant EMS-use requests
to produce a consolidated JEMSO plan.
Produce and Disseminate EMS Operating Instructions.
When the JFC approves the JEMSO plan, the JEMSOC
generates EMS operating instructions for release via order.
Build Detailed EMSO Execution Plans.
Service/functional components conduct detailed EMSO
planning as directed by the EMS operating instructions. If
delegated authority for specific portions of the EMOE,
components conduct the necessary EMSO prioritization,
integration, and synchronization and publish orders.
JEMSO Execution. The JEMSOC monitors execution
and recommends changes in JEMSO prioritization and
tasking based on JFC direction and component inputs.
The JEMSOC distributes these changes via order across
the joint force for situational awareness.
At the end of a JEMSO execution cycle, the JEMSOC
collates Service component feedback reports to assess
EMSO effectiveness. The assessment is conducted using
the measures of effectiveness/measures of performance
established in the JEMSO appendix.
Executive Summary
This publication provides fundamental principles and
guidance for planning, executing, and assessing JEMSO
across the competition continuum.
Executive Summary
xiv JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. Introduction
a. This publication focuses on military operations in and through the electromagnetic
spectrum (EMS) across the competition continuum and explains the EMS-related
relationships and responsibilities of combatant commands (CCMDs), joint force
headquarters, Service components, functional components, and EMS users. It establishes
a framework for the execution of joint electromagnetic spectrum operations (JEMSO).
(1) The EMS is a maneuver space essential for facilitating control within the
operational environment (OE) and impacts all portions of the OE and military operations.
The fight for EMS superiority has been ongoing for over a century; however, the way it is
achieved is changing. Advances in EMS technologies over the last few decades have led
to an exponential increase in civil, commercial, and military EMS-enabled and dependent
capabilities. This proliferation, coupled with the US military’s critical reliance on the EMS
and the low entry costs for adversaries, pose significant military challenges. Military
operations and training are executed in an environment complicated by increasingly
challenging demands and constraints on the EMS. Just as in the physical domains and in
cyberspace, military forces maneuver and conduct operations within the EMS to achieve
tactical, operational, and strategic advantage. Freedom of maneuver and action within the
EMS are essential to US and multinational operations. To establish EMS superiority,
military forces must integrate JEMSO into all joint operations.
(2) JEMSO support military operations throughout the competition continuum to
achieve desired objectives and attain end states. During peacetime, JEMSO are conducted
to ensure adequate access to the EMS and may include deconflicting use of the EMS
between joint users and coordinating with a host nation (HN). As a crisis escalates toward
armed conflict, JEMSO shift from EMS access coordination to EMS superiority, with
coordinated military actions executed to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the
electromagnetic operational environment (EMOE).
b. Military Operations and the EMS
(1) JEMSO. JEMSO are military actions undertaken by a joint force to exploit,
attack, protect, and manage the EMOE. These actions include/impact all joint force
transmissions and receptions of electromagnetic (EM) energy. JEMSO are offensively and
defensively employed to achieve unity of effort and the commander’s objectives. JEMSO
integrate and synchronize electromagnetic warfare (EW), EMS management, and
intelligence, as well as other mission areas, to achieve EMS superiority.
“The next war will be won by the side that best exploits the electromagnetic
Soviet Admiral Sergei G. Gorshkov, 1973
Chapter I
I-2 JP 3-85
(2) EMS. The EMS is a maneuver space consisting of all frequencies of EM
radiation (oscillating electric and magnetic fields characterized by frequency and
wavelength). The EMS is often organized by frequency bands, based on certain physical
characteristics. The EMS includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR) radiation,
visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays (see Figure I-1).
(3) Electromagnetic Environment (EME). The EME is the actual EM radiation
encountered in a particular operational area (OA). The EME is the resulting product of the
power and time distribution, in various frequency ranges, of the radiated or conducted EM
emission levels encountered by a military force, system, or platform when performing its
mission in its intended OE. It is important to note that not all EM radiation encountered
by joint forces will impact operations.
(4) EMOE. The EMOE is a composite of the actual and potential EM radiation,
conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and
the decisions of the commander. It includes the existing background radiation (i.e., EME)
as well as the friendly, neutral, adversary, and enemy EM systems able to radiate within
the EM area of influence. This includes systems currently radiating or receiving, or those
that may radiate, that can potentially affect joint operations.
(5) Attributes. The EMOE has the following attributes:
(a) Physical. The EMOE is part of the physical environment. EM radiation
is a physical phenomenon. Both natural and manmade factors (e.g., terrain, weather,
atmospheric conditions, sea state, transmitters, power lines, static electricity) influence EM
radiation and the organizations and systems that employ it. Military forces maneuver
through all environments, including the EMOE, to gain positions of advantage over
adversaries and enemies. EMOE maneuver requires effective management of spectrum
Figure I-1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio Spectrum
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
EHF extremely high frequency
ELF extremely low frequency
HF high frequency
IR infrared
LF low frequency
MF medium frequency
SHF super-high frequency
UHF ultrahigh frequency
UV ultraviolet
VHF very high frequency
VLF very low frequency
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(b) Pervasive. The EMS permeates all parts of the OE. Military forces use
the EMOE to integrate, synchronize, and otherwise enhance their operations. The critical
dependencies of modern military operations on EMS activities, coupled with the wide
range of effects that can be created through electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO),
are a potent force multiplier.
(c) Constrained. Although the EMS contains an unlimited number of
frequencies, its use for military purposes is limited by physics, policy, and current
technology. EM radiation has unique physical properties that dictate its use (e.g., short- or
long-range communications, sensing). Additionally, use of the EMS is subject to
international treaties and laws, as well as nation-state laws and regulations. Technology
bounds those portions of the EMS that are accessible and exploitable (i.e., advances in
technological capabilities will result in expanded use of the EMS).
(d) Congested. The EMOE encountered by joint forces is congested due to
military and nonmilitary use, resulting in a commensurate increase in the number and
density of EM emitters. As a result of physical characteristics and technology, civilian and
military organizations increasingly seek to transmit and receive EM energy in the same or
adjacent spectral bands. For instance, myriad stakeholders (e.g., cell phone and wireless
Internet providers, media) continue to expand their EMS bandwidth requirements, reducing
the open EM areas conducive to joint force maneuver. This congestion leads to
electromagnetic interference (EMI) to a receiver. EMI is any EM disturbance, induced
intentionally or unintentionally, that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits
the effective performance of EMS-dependent systems, electronics, and electrical
(e) Contested. Since modern military operations are critically dependent on
the EMS, a key goal of our adversaries and enemies is to deny our ability to use it
successfully. For example: antiradiation missiles and other destructive weapons are used
to degrade or destroy transmitters and receivers, while EM energy can be used to disrupt
or degrade a receiver’s operation.
(f) Dynamic. The EMOE experienced by the joint force is continuously
changing, as existing systems are modified, new systems are deployed, units change
locations, threats transmit, or natural phenomena occur. Since EM energy travels at the
speed of light, military activities in the EMS may provide a decisive advantage by enabling
commanders to make decisions, conduct operations, and create effects more rapidly than
the threat. Agility in spectrum operations provides joint force operations the flexibility and
adaptability to achieve mission success in dynamic EMOEs.
(6) Electromagnetic Order of Battle (EOB). An EOB is a subset of the overall
order of battle that consists of the identification, strength, command structure, disposition,
and operating parameters of the EMS-dependent systems. This includes radiating,
receiving, and inactive systems within an OA or those that could be readily deployed. The
EOB is the identification of transmitters and receivers in an area of interest (AOI), a linkage
to system and platform supported, a determination of their geographic location and range
of mobility, a characterization of their signals, EMS parameters, and, where possible, a
Chapter I
I-4 JP 3-85
determination of their role in the broader organizational order of battle. Given the nature
of the EMS, JEMSO consider all emitters and receivers operating within a given EMOE,
regardless of origin or intentions.
(7) Military operations within the EMS. Military operations in the EMS
involve the transmission and reception of EM energy in the EMOE (e.g., communications,
sensing, attack, deception). Examples of systems used to support military activities in the
EMS include:
(a) Communications systems that transmit and receive EM energy encoded
with information to underpin a wide range of activities. These include data transfers that
enable command and control (C2); processing, exploitation, and dissemination links;
signaling that supports positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) (e.g., Global Positioning
System [GPS]); identification, friend or foe (IFF) capabilities; and broadcasts that support
information activities and data dissemination.
(b) Active and passive sensing systems that provide data supporting a wide
range of activities in the EMOE, including intelligence collection, emitter location,
situational awareness (SA), and targeting. Active sensing systems (e.g., air-to-air radars,
ground radars, laser target designators) transmit EM signals and measure the received
reflections to extract high-fidelity information intercept EM signals to support system
characterization, identification, location, and targeting activities.
(c) Electromagnetic attack (EA) systems, to include directed energy (DE)
(e.g., radio frequency [RF] jammers, laser dazzlers, millimeter wave, microwave
capabilities), that transmit energy through the EMOE to disrupt or degrade an enemy’s
ability to receive signals, deliver data payloads supporting cyberspace operations (CO), or
disable and destroy targets (e.g., electronics of vehicles, vessels, and unmanned aircraft
systems’ control modules) susceptible to high-energy EM radiation.
(8) EMS Maneuver. Maneuver in the EMS is similar to maneuver in the
domains. For instance, maneuver in the air domain requires three-dimensional positioning
and time, while EMS maneuver must also consider EMS operating parameters (e.g.,
frequency, power, modulation) to gain an advantage over the enemy.
(9) EMS Readiness. EMS readiness is the ability of military forces to operate,
fight, and meet the demands of assigned missions given the following:
(a) The EMOE with regard to the planned scheme of maneuver.
(b) The required operations in the EMS and the amount of EMI expected.
(c) The difference between EMS assets required and those assigned.
(d) The EMS compatibility between assigned assets.
(10) EMS Superiority. EMS superiority is that degree of control in the EMS
that permits the conduct of operations at a given time and place without prohibitive
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
interference, while affecting an enemy’s ability to do the same. EMS superiority is
achieved through JEMSO and is a critical enabler to superiority throughout the OE.
(11) The EM Threat. Worldwide, tens of thousands of EMS-dependent systems
exist and are constantly being proliferated and enhanced. Current EMS threats include
systems that can detect, exploit, degrade, disrupt, destroy, and deceive virtually all
multinational operational capabilities, including navigation, weapon systems,
communications, and sensors. In addition, DE weapons that attack personnel, sensors,
platforms, C2, and infrastructure have been fielded or are under development. All of these
threats to freedom of action in the EMS must be accounted and planned for, to support and
achieve the commander’s objectives. Concurrently, enemies seek access to secure
communications and use navigational and sensing systems to facilitate their attacks.
Threats also have access to commercial off-the-shelf systems, and are prepared to use them,
often without regard to legal constraints. Enemy use of commercial off-the-shelf systems
to hide among civilians increases targeting difficulty for US and multinational planners.
(12) EW. EW refers to military actions involving the use of EM and DE to
control the EMS or to attack the enemy. EW consists of three distinct divisions: EA,
electromagnetic support (ES), and electromagnetic protection (EP). EW is a key function
of JEMSO and critical to joint force operations and success in the dynamic EMOE.
Additional information on EW activities, capabilities, and effects is included in Appendix
B, “Electromagnetic Warfare Activities.”
(13) EMS Management. EMS management refers to operational, engineering,
and administrative procedures to plan and coordinate use of the EMS. EMS management
is composed of three interrelated functions: frequency management (FM), host-nation
coordination (HNC), and joint spectrum interference resolution (JSIR). EMS management
is a key function of JEMSO and critical to the success of joint force operations in a dynamic
c. JEMSO Actions. JEMSO actions to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the
EMOE rely on personnel and systems from EW, EMS management, intelligence, space,
and cyberspace mission areas. Instead of these mission areas being planned and executed
in a minimally coordinated and stovepiped fashion, JEMSO guidance and processes
prioritize, integrate, synchronize, and deconflict all joint force operations in the EMOE,
enhancing unity of effort. The result is a fully integrated scheme of maneuver in the EMOE
to achieve EMS superiority and joint force commander (JFC) objectives.
(1) Exploitation. Exploitation takes full advantage of available information for
tactical, operational, or strategic purposes. In a JEMSO context, exploitation refers to EMS
systems capable of sensing the EMOE. Sensing systems support intelligence collection,
SA, targeting, and warning. EMS sensors can be active (e.g., air-to-air radars, IFF
interrogators) or passive (e.g., radar warning receivers, passive radars, IR weapons
seekers). These sensing missions are typically executed through signals intelligence
(SIGINT) and ES operations.
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I-6 JP 3-85
(a) SIGINT is a category of intelligence comprising, either individually or in
combination, all communications intelligence, electronic intelligence (ELINT), and
foreign instrumentation signals intelligence, however transmitted. SIGINT provides the
basis for characterizing the EMOE, to include those frequencies associated with radio,
radar, IR equipment, and DE systems. ELINT, a subcategory of SIGINT, is the technical
and geolocation intelligence derived from foreign noncommunications EM radiations
emanating from other than nuclear detonations or radioactive sources.
(b) ES is the division of EW involving actions tasked by, or under direct
control of, an operational commander to search for, intercept, identify, and locate or
localize sources of intentional and unintentional EM radiation for the purpose of immediate
threat recognition, threat avoidance, homing, targeting, planning, and conduct of future
operations. The joint electromagnetic spectrum operations cell (JEMSOC) synchronizes
and integrates the planning and operational use of ES sensors, assets, and processes within
a specific joint operations area (JOA) to reduce uncertainties concerning the threat,
environment, time, and terrain. ES data can be used to support SIGINT production, support
targeting for EA or other fires, provide SA of the EMOE, and produce measurement and
signature intelligence.
(c) ES and SIGINT. ES is closely related to, but separate from, SIGINT.
The distinction between an asset performing an ES mission or an intelligence mission is
determined by who tasks or controls the collection assets, what they are tasked to provide,
and for what purpose they are tasked. The distinction between ES and SIGINT is
delineated by purpose, scope, and context. Operational commanders task ES assets to
search for, intercept, identify, and locate or localize sources of intentional or unintentional
radiated EM energy. In contrast, the Director, National Security Agency (NSA)/Chief,
Central Security Service, or an operational commander delegated SIGINT operational
tasking authority, task SIGINT assets. The purpose of ES is immediate threat recognition,
support to planning, and conduct of future operations and other tactical actions such as
threat avoidance, targeting, and homing. ES is intended to respond to an immediate
operational requirement. ES and SIGINT operations often share the same or similar assets
and resources and may be tasked to simultaneously collect information that meets both
requirements. That is not to say that data collected for intelligence cannot meet immediate
operational requirements. Information collected for ES purposes is normally also
processed by the appropriate parts of the intelligence community (IC) for further
exploitation after the operational commander’s ES requirements are met. As such, it can
be said that information collected from the EMS has “two lives. The first is as ES,
unprocessed information used by operational forces to develop and maintain SA for an
operationally defined period of time. The second is as SIGINT, retained and processed
under appropriate intelligence authorities in response to specified intelligence
For further information on the ES and SIGINT relationship, see Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3320.01, (U) Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum
Operations (JEMSO).
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(2) EA. JEMSO capabilities can directly produce effects in the EMOE. These
capabilities can be used to deny (i.e., disrupt, degrade, destroy) and/or deceive an enemy’s
military EMS activities. EA is the division of EW involving the use of EM energy,
including DE or antiradiation weapons, to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with
the intent of degrading, neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability. Typical EA
capabilities include EM jamming and intrusion. EM jamming is the deliberate radiation,
reradiation, or reflection of EM energy for the purpose of preventing or reducing an
enemy’s effective use of the EMS, to degrade or neutralize the enemy’s combat capability.
EM intrusion involves the intentional insertion of EM energy into transmission paths to
deceive or confuse enemy forces. EA can be either active (i.e., radiating) or passive (i.e.,
non-radiating/reradiating). Examples of active EA systems (to include lethal and nonlethal
DE) include lasers, electro-optical, IR, and RF weapons such as high-power microwave
(HPM) or those employing an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Examples of passive EA
systems are chaff and corner reflectors. EA can also be used for offensive and defensive
(a) Offensive EA. Offensive EA describes the use of EA to project power in
support of operations within the time and tempo of the scheme of maneuver. JEMSO
planners use JFC guidance to integrate EA during joint planning through the joint planning
group or operational planning group, coordinating effects and incorporating risk mitigation
techniques to reduce collateral damage. In many cases, these activities suppress a threat
for only a limited period of time. Examples include employing self-propelled decoys;
jamming radar or C2 systems; using antiradiation missiles to suppress air defenses; using
EM deception techniques to confuse intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)
systems; and using DE weapons to disable personnel, facilities, or equipment and disable
or destroy materiel (e.g., satellites in orbit, airborne optical sensors, or massed land forces).
(b) Defensive EA. Defensive EA describes the use of EA to protect against
threats by denying enemy use of the EMS to target, guide, and/or trigger weapons. EA
used for defensive purposes in support of force protection or self-protection is often
mistaken as EP. Although defensive EA actions and EP protect personnel, facilities,
capabilities, and equipment, EP protects from the effects of EA or EMI, while defensive
EA is primarily used to protect against lethal attacks by denying enemy use of the EMS to
target, guide, and/or trigger weapons.
(3) Protect. As joint forces are critically dependent on exploiting the EMOE,
JEMSO facilitate the necessary EMS access by minimizing EMI from friendly, neutral,
adversary, and enemy actions. JEMSO integrate EW and EMS management protection
actions throughout planning and execution, enabling joint force EMS-dependent systems
to operate in the EMOE as intended. EP refers to the division of EW involving actions
taken to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly, neutral,
adversary, or enemy use of the EMS, as well as naturally occurring phenomena that
degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly combat capability. EP focuses on system or process
attributes or capabilities that eliminate or mitigate the impact of EMI. These inherent
hardware features; processes; and dedicated tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP)
combine to enable friendly capabilities to continue to function as intended in contested and
congested EMOEs. Examples of EP include:
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I-8 JP 3-85
(a) Frequency agility in a radio.
(b) Variable pulse repetition frequency in a radar.
(c) Receiver/signal processing.
(d) Spread-spectrum technology.
(e) Multispectral, low-observability (stealth) attributes. All equipment,
personnel, and facilities emit and reflect EM energy as discernible and often characteristic
signatures (e.g., thermal, light, magnetic, and RF) that can be collected and exploited.
Assets involved in operations may incorporate low-observability EP attributes, thereby
increasing their ability to operate in the physical domains by reducing the possibility of
their detection and exploitation by enemies. Low-observability and other signature
reduction techniques also improve the effectiveness of electro-optical-infrared
countermeasures (EO-IR CMs).
(f) EM hardening. Actions taken to protect personnel, facilities, and
equipment by filtering, attenuating, grounding, bonding, blanking, and shielding against
undesirable effects of EM energy. EM hardening is an EP activity against the effects of
EA (e.g., laser, HPM, EMP).
(g) Use of wartime reserve modes (WARMs). WARMs are characteristics
and operating procedures of sensor, communications, navigation aids, threat recognition,
weapons, and countermeasure systems that will contribute to military effectiveness if
unknown to or misunderstood by opposing commanders before they are used but could be
exploited or neutralized if known in advance.
(h) IR missile flare rejection logic (e.g., multispectral seeker or rate bias).
(i) Selective opacity (i.e., the phenomenon of not permitting the passage of
EM radiation) through optical apertures (e.g., laser eye protection).
(j) GPS and global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) (e.g., BeiDou
Navigation Satellite System [BDS] [China], Global Navigation Satellite System
[GLONASS] [Russia], Galileo - European Union) signal protection measures to:
1. Prevent stealth manipulation by threat system C2.
2. Protect use of GNSS foreign receiver capability as a sensor to aid in
combating GPS jamming.
(k) EMS coordination measures (e.g., joint restricted frequency list [JRFL])
and emission control (EMCON).
For more information on EMS coordination measures, see Appendix F, “Electromagnetic
Spectrum Coordination Measures.”
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(l) EM Security. EM security is the protection resulting from all measures
designed to deny unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from
their interception and study of noncommunications EM radiations (e.g., radar).
(4) Manage. All joint force operations in the EMS must be managed to facilitate
unity of effort in executing the planned scheme of maneuver within the EMOE. EMS
management’s objective is to enable EMS-dependent capabilities and systems to perform
their functions as designed, without causing or suffering unacceptable EMI. EMS
management provides the framework to utilize the EMS in the most effective and efficient
manner. EMS management is analogous to the airspace management function in air
operations, coordinating and integrating joint EMS use in terms of time, space, and
(a) Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM). EMBM includes actions
to monitor, assess, plan, and direct operations in the EMS in support of the commander’s
objectives. It is the coordinated direction of all joint functions in the EMS to enable the
orderly conduct of friendly EMSO. When exercised, EMBM is a commander’s mechanism
for informing all actions that shape the OE. EMBM is accomplished through an EMBM
system that consists of the facilities, equipment, software, communications, procedures,
and personnel essential for a commander to plan, direct, and control operations in the EMS.
EMBM provides JEMSO SA, decision support, and C2 support.
(b) FM. FM encompasses interference analysis and requesting, nominating,
coordinating, assigning, and promulgating frequencies for EMS-dependent capabilities and
systems. FM assigns frequencies for non-EA EM transmissions, conducts frequency
deconfliction, and mitigates EMI. FM is a key component for developing EMS operating
instructions and coordination measures. FM includes spectrum analysis, engineering, and
assessment of EMS-dependent systems and developing EMS products such as the JRFL,
joint communications-electronics operating instructions (JCEOI), and others, as required.
FM examples include assigning frequencies to radios on specific platforms, datalinks on
unmanned aircraft systems and satellites, radars and weapon sensors, and networked
information/communications systems.
(c) HNC. HNC is the coordination with nation states for authorization to
operate EMS-dependent systems within national borders (includes use of systems that
emanate across the border from other AOIs). Coordination is required when operating
within foreign nations as well as the United States. Granting approval to transmit EM
energy within a nation is a sovereign right. HNC is normally accomplished through
procedures established by CCMD agreements with HNs. It should be conducted, when
appropriate, with all nations in the JOA. The JFC and staff should be aware that
unauthorized EMS use within an HN may be a violation of international treaties,
international law, or national laws and regulations. Staff legal advisors can assist JFCs and
their staff with understanding international treaties, regulations, and HN laws, where
(d) JSIR. A contested and congested EMS, coupled with dynamic military
operations, makes encountering EMI in the EMOE very likely. In fact, most system
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I-10 JP 3-85
degradation can be attributed to EMI. As such, JSIR identifies, reports, analyzes, and
mitigates or resolves incidents of EMI. JSIR uses a continuous systematic process to report
and diagnose the cause or source of EMI. CCMDs should ensure incidents of EMI are
reported immediately and are resolved or mitigated. EMI can be induced intentionally, as
in EA, or unintentionally, as a result of harmonics, spurious emissions, intermodulation
products, improper operation, or inadequate EMS management.
For further information on JSIR, see CJCSI 3320.02, Joint Spectrum Interference
Resolution, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual (CJCSM) 3320.02, Joint
Spectrum Interference Resolution (JSIR) Procedures.
d. JEMSO-Related Mission Areas
(1) CO. The majority of military systems contain cyberspace- and EMS-
dependent components, requiring close integration of JEMSO and cyberspace capabilities
to ensure prioritization, synchronization, and deconfliction. Most JEMSO occur outside of
cyberspace; however, many CO require use of the EMS to establish a communications path
to the targets, especially at the tactical level. Examples of JEMSO activities in support of
CO include:
(a) Exploit capabilities to identify the antenna locations and EM waveforms
supporting threat CO.
(b) Attack capabilities to facilitate cyberspace attack objectives by delivering
autonomous or interactive executable CO payloads into targets.
(c) Management capabilities to ensure the CO activity is deconflicted with
other military EMS activities in the EMOE.
For more information on CO, refer to Joint Publication (JP) 3-12, Cyberspace Operations.
(2) Space Operations. All space operations rely on the EMS for C2, sensing,
and information distribution. The vital nature of space operations to overall joint
operations requires close coordination with other EMS activities to ensure proper
prioritization, integration, synchronization, and deconfliction. Examples of JEMSO
activities in support of space operations include:
(a) Exploit capabilities to identify the location of emitters jamming satellite
(b) Attack capabilities to deceive, disrupt, and degrade enemy satellite
uplink, downlink, or crosslink signals.
(c) Protect capabilities to harden uplink, downlink, or crosslink satellite
signals and sensors to EMI.
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(d) Management capabilities to deconflict satellite EMS activities with other
joint force activities to mitigate the risks of EMI and the potential for friendly fire EA
incidents to personnel or equipment.
(e) Exploit, attack, protect, and manage capabilities to assure friendly use
and prevent threat use of PNT information in support of navigation warfare (NAVWAR).
For more information on space operations, refer to JP 3-14, Space Operations.
(3) Air, Land, and Maritime Operations. Since the EMS overlaps these
physical domains simultaneously, JEMSO provide the processes to effectively prioritize,
integrate, synchronize, and deconflict the EMS aspects of operations throughout the
2. Electromagnetic Environmental Effects
a. The impact of the EMOE upon the operational capability of military forces,
equipment, systems, and platforms is referred to as electromagnetic environmental effects
(E3). Examples of E3 include electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), EMI, EMP, and EM
radiation hazards. EM radiation hazards include hazards of electromagnetic radiation to
personnel (HERP); hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance (HERO); hazards of
electromagnetic radiation to fuels (HERF); and natural phenomena effects such as space
weather, lightning, and precipitation static.
(1) EMC is the ability of systems, equipment, and devices that utilize the EMS to
operate in the OE without suffering unacceptable degradation or causing unintentional
degradation because of EM radiation or response. EMC involves the application of sound
EMS management to maximize operational effectiveness.
(2) An EMP is a strong burst of EM radiation that can be produced by a nuclear
explosion or a DE weapon or can be generated conventionally or occur naturally. An EMP
may couple with electrical or electronic systems to produce damaging current and voltage
surges. A high-altitude EMP can generate significant disruptive field strengths over a
continental-size area, whereas a DE weapon can generate significant disruptive field
strengths to a more localized area or a specific target. Shielding and protection (i.e., EP)
of friendly equipment, personnel, and facilities against an EMP should be taken into
account and planned for accordingly.
(3) Transmitters or antenna installations can generate EM radiation in excess of
established safe levels in the vicinity of ordnance, personnel, or fueling operations. HERO,
HERP, and HERF guidance must be followed to ensure safe operations.
b. Systems that operate in the EMS are susceptible to E3. When platforms, associated
systems, and equipment (e.g., avionics, ordnance) are exposed to an EMOE different from
those for which they were designed and tested, the potential for safety, interoperability,
and reliability problems increases. A system is said to have an EM vulnerability if it suffers
a definite degradation (incapability to perform the designated mission) after being
subjected to a certain level of E3. JEMSO planners must identify and quantify the potential
Chapter I
I-12 JP 3-85
critical impacts of E3 to manage and mitigate the hazards of EM radiation in joint
operations. Examples of JEMSO-enabled E3 mitigation techniques include:
(1) Positioning transmit and receive antennas to minimize the impact of E3.
(2) Deconflicting EM transmissions and reception activities in time, location, and
spectral attributes to minimize the impact of E3.
(3) Implementing anti-jam techniques in a contested and congested environment
(e.g., EM anti-jam waveforms, power, data rate reduction) to minimize the impact of E3.
(4) Instituting EMCON procedures to protect friendly force emissions from
(5) Constructing EMS coordination measures to minimize of E3.
For more information on E3, refer to Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 3222.03,
DOD Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Program.
3. Relationship to Joint Functions
Joint functions are related capabilities and activities grouped together to help JFCs
integrate, synchronize, and direct joint operations. The joint force is critically dependent
on the EMS for operations across all joint functions and throughout the EMOE. These
operations are integrated and managed through JEMSO.
a. C2. Commanders are dependent on the EMS for C2, especially the radio,
microwave, and optical frequency bands. These bands are increasingly congested by civil,
commercial, adversary, and enemy use and contested by enemies. JEMSO coordinate
deconfliction of joint force communications from civil, commercial, adversary, and enemy
use; prioritize and synchronize communications across components; and protect joint force
communications from EA. Assured C2 requires gaining and maintaining EMS superiority
during all phases of military operations. Additionally, operations within the EMS must be
commanded and controlled similar to those of air, maritime, land, space, and cyberspace.
b. Intelligence. Understanding the OE is fundamental to joint operations. EMS-
dependent sensors, active (e.g., synthetic aperture radars) and passive (e.g., ISR platforms,
radio scanners, IR cameras), provide much of the information necessary to achieve near
real time SA of the OE, as well as support development of the joint intelligence preparation
of the operational environment (JIPOE). JIPOE is the analytical process used by joint
intelligence organizations to produce intelligence estimates and other intelligence products
in support of the JFC’s decision-making process. By prioritizing, integrating, and
synchronizing joint EMS use, JEMSO enhance intelligence activities with assured sensor
C2, data dissemination, collection management prioritization, and optimized target
Overview of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
For further information on JIPOE, see JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the
Operational Environment; for further information on intelligence, see JP 2-01, Joint and
National Intelligence Support to Military Operations.
c. Fires. JEMSO are critical enablers in supporting fires and, in the case of EA, are
considered a form of fires. EA capabilities, to include DE, can produce a full range of
scalable effects, including disruption, deception, degradation, and/or destruction. Many
fires systems have EMS-dependent targeting sensors, PNT requirements, seekers, and C2
datalinks. JEMSO management functions deconflict these systems, prioritize and integrate
them with other JEMSO (e.g., communications, sensing), and protect them from enemy
EMSO. JEMSO, especially the EW and CO mission areas, integrate closely to produce
synergistic effects on targets. As a form of fires, EA is capable of creating lethal or
nonlethal effects, while ES and SIGINT provide targeting and weaponeering information
for EA, as well as other forms of fires.
d. Movement and Maneuver. Joint forces maneuver in the EMOE to achieve a
position of advantage over an enemy. EMS-dependent systems maneuver through the EMS
by being adaptable and changing their operating modes and characteristics (e.g., power,
frequency, direction, waveform). Joint forces can employ EA to occupy key frequency
bands for channeling or denying enemy EMS use to enable lethal and nonlethal effects
against that enemy. In addition, JEMSO provide maneuver forces assured access to the
C2, intelligence, fires, protection, information, and sustainment functions necessary for
effective joint operations.
e. Protection. JEMSO protect friendly forces through defensive EA, ES, and EP.
JEMSO also deconflict joint force combat identification systems from civil, commercial,
adversary, and enemy EMS use; prioritize and integrate them with other JEMSO (e.g.,
communications, fires); and protect them from enemy EA.
f. Sustainment. JEMSO deconflict joint force logistics communications from
civil/commercial/adversary/enemy EMS use, prioritize and synchronize communications
across components, and protect joint force communications from threat EA. JEMSO-
supported sustainment activities ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and
prolong combat endurance.
g. Information. JEMSO are key enablers for information activities (e.g., public
affairs, military information support operations [MISO], CO) that transit the EMOE.
For further information on joint functions, see JP 3-0, Joint Operations.
Chapter I
I-14 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. Introduction
How joint staffs organize to plan and execute JEMSO is a prerogative of the JFC. The
size of the commander’s staff, the number of available JEMSO experts, the mission(s) the
joint force is tasked to accomplish, and the time allocated to accomplish the mission(s) are
just some of the factors that affect the organization of the staff. This chapter provides an
overview of requirements, organizations, and staff functions required to plan and execute
JEMSO in joint operations. A brief introduction on how each Service is organized to plan
and execute EMSO is included to provide background on how the JFC staff’s JEMSO
functions interact with Service/functional components.
2. Responsibilities
The JFC establishes and promulgates command-specific policy and guidance for
JEMSO planning, execution, and assessment. These activities can be divided among
multiple directorates of a joint staff based on long-, mid-, and near-term functionality and
availability of trained JEMSO personnel.
a. JFC
(1) Combatant commanders (CCDRs) and subordinate JFCs will normally
establish a standing JEMSOC to support joint planning, coordination, and control of the
EMS for assigned forces. Every supported CCDR establishes a command policy on how
the EMS will be used throughout their CCMD and in their area of responsibility (AOR) as
applicable, obtains EMS clearance (i.e., approval) from HNs (through existing
coordination procedures), and authorizes EMS use for assigned military forces to execute
their designated mission(s). Every supported JFC conveys to subordinates guidance for
achieving EMS superiority within the JOA through their concept of operations (CONOPS).
At a minimum, this guidance will include an operational approach; mission statement; and
commander’s planning guidance, intent, and commander’s critical information
requirements (CCIRs). JFC responsibilities include:
(a) Organize to plan and execute JEMSO (e.g., JEMSOC
augmentation/sustainment, infrastructure, data exchange, elimination of duplication of
effort, mutual support, minimization of friendly EMI).
(b) Resolve EMS user prioritization issues not resolved at a lower level.
(c) Maintain close contact with appropriate foreign military forces and civil
administrations to ensure mutual EMS support is considered in combined planning,
operations, training, and exercises.
(d) Function as the controlling authority for EMS-use policy.
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II-2 JP 3-85
(e) Ensure procedures and policies are in place for the safeguarding, use, and
transfer of reprogrammable EMS-dependent system waveforms (i.e., EMS technical data).
(f) Ensure friendly signature management, to include the awareness of
neutral and threat signatures.
(2) Electromagnetic Spectrum Coordinating Authority (EMSCA). EMSCA
plans, coordinates, monitors, manages, assesses, and prioritizes execution of JEMSO. The
JFC normally delegates EMSCA to the operations directorate of a joint staff (J-3);
however, core expertise and joint force-assigned mission will dictate actual assignment.
The assigned delegate will normally grant direct liaison authority to the JEMSOC director
for execution of responsibilities. EMSCA responsibilities include:
(a) Direct the planning, development, publication, and issuance of EMSO
guidance (e.g., EMS superiority objectives, EMS-use prioritization), the JEMSO plan, and
EMS operating instructions (e.g., JRFL, JCEOI), as well as other supporting JEMSO
(b) Coordinate support of JEMSO functions across the joint directorates
(e.g., intelligence directorate of a joint staff [J-2], J-3, logistics directorate of a joint staff
[J-4], plans directorate of a joint staff [J-5], communications system directorate of a joint
staff [J-6]) to support JEMSO functions as required.
(c) Incorporate EMSO guidance into the respective plans and orders.
(d) Establish processes that integrate HN and other affected nations’
constraints and requirements.
(e) Coordinate with the joint frequency management office (JFMO) (if not
incorporated within the JEMSOC) to manage, prioritize, integrate, synchronize, and
deconflict the use of the EMS.
(f) Develop broad policies and procedures for the coordination required
among all joint EMS users.
(g) Develop policy, within IC guidelines, for sharing data to existing user-
defined operational pictures.
(h) Consolidate component plans for operating in the EMS for JFC approval.
(i) Monitor joint force actions to assess their effects on EMS superiority and
mission objectives.
(3) Electromagnetic Attack Control Authority (EACA). As a broader evolution
of jamming control authority, EACA is the authority a commander has to issue orders to
transmit (or cease transmission of) EM energy. This authority should be delegated from
the JFC, through the component commanders, down to the lowest level possible that has
the following attributes: SA of the EMOE, positive control of the EA capability, and ability
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
to monitor and assess EA transmission activity for determining corrective action. EACA
responsibilities include:
(a) Participate in EMS coordination measures development (e.g., JRFL).
(b) Ensure compliance with the approved EMS coordination measures (e.g.,
(c) Maintain SA of all EA-capable systems and related operational
parameters in the JOA.
(d) Resolve JEMSO prioritization recommendation issues.
(e) Coordinate with components on EA requirements.
(f) Develop, coordinate, update, and promulgate EACA guidance.
(g) Monitor and assess joint force EA transmission activity for EACA
compliance and determining corrective action when necessary.
(4) EMS Management Responsibilities. EMS management responsibilities are
normally assigned to the J-6 and subsequently delegated to the JFMO. The JFMO
representative(s) within the JEMSOC will coordinate EMS management efforts with the
JFMO. If the JFMO is incorporated within the JEMSOC, which normally occurs during
contingency operations, EMS management representatives will lead/coordinate EMS
management efforts for JEMSOC. EMS management responsibilities include:
(a) Provide guidance for EMS functions, to include FM and EMI resolution
(b) Provide guidance for and manage the development of EMS coordination
(c) Coordinate EMS access for HN approval.
(d) Disseminate guidance on restrictions for access to EMS in JOA, either
applied by the HN or other mandate.
(e) Disseminate guidance for the use of software-defined radios or
implementation and sharing of smart radio technology.
(f) Ensure compliance with the approved EMS coordination measures.
(g) Maintain SA of all EM energy in the JOA.
(h) Resolve JEMSO prioritization recommendation issues.
(i) Coordinate with JEMSOC director on introduction of EMS-dependent
systems into the JOA.
Chapter II
II-4 JP 3-85
(j) Coordinate with components on EMS requirements.
(k) Analyze EMS parameter requirements as submitted by Service
component or joint task force (JTF).
(l) Promulgate frequency assignments.
(m) Report and resolve EMI incidents.
(n) Participate in developing, coordinating, updating, and promulgating
JEMSO guidance.
(o) Maintain the common frequency database necessary to plan, coordinate,
and control friendly EMS use. The frequency database should contain all communication
and noncommunication emitters and receivers such as radars, unmanned aircraft systems,
and sensors.
(p) Coordinate and deconflict requested EA actions against friendly force
allocated assignments (e.g., C2 network architecture, sensors, missile defense, and base
b. JFC Staff. The functional areas of the JFC’s staff duties include:
(1) Manpower and Personnel Directorate of a Joint Staff. Coordinate
personnel assignment of core members and augmentees for the standing JEMSOC.
(2) J-2
(a) Designate an individual to represent the J-2 as a JEMSOC core member
for joint force EMS-use planning, prioritization, integration, synchronization,
coordination, and deconfliction.
(b) Provide the JEMSOC with prioritized EMS-use requirements for
intelligence operations and collection, to include JRFL inputs and collection plans.
(c) Support JEMSO staff estimate development by providing EMOE
characterization information, to include adversary, enemy, HN, and neutral EOBs; civil
emitters and respective EMS-use data, in accordance with (IAW) applicable constraints
(e.g., releasability restrictions).
(d) Assist the JEMSOC in identifying sources of EMI.
(e) Integrate the appropriate intelligence systems into the JFC’s EMBM
system architecture.
(f) Support JEMSOC target development activities.
(g) Support JEMSO assessment activities.
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(h) Ensure threat EMSO capabilities and EMS activities are included in the
(i) Ensure battle damage assessment (BDA) teams either include a full-time
person trained in JEMSO/EW or ensure a liaison trained in JEMSO/EW is available when
JEMSO or EW actions are employed, to accurately assess whether or not JEMSO or EW
actions were successful.
(j) Assist the JEMSOC in identifying potential sources of C2 technical
manipulation as a consequence of use of foreign PNT.
(3) J-3
(a) Execute the duties as EMSCA if designated by the JFC.
(b) Provide JEMSO staff estimate and associated EMS superiority approach.
(c) Prioritize available EMSO capabilities when there are insufficient
(d) Provide EMS-use prioritization guidance for joint EMS-use conflict
(e) Approve and enforce HERO, HERP, and HERF guidelines.
(f) Ensure joint force EM capabilities requirements are communicated to
higher headquarters (HHQ) or US-based organizations for sourcing or acquisition through
appropriate channels.
(g) Provide the J-2 with prioritized JEMSO intelligence requirements.
(h) Incorporate JEMSO into planning.
(i) Provide the JEMSOC with atmospheric and space weather information
affecting the EMOE (e.g., ducting, ionosphere, solar effects).
(4) J-4. Coordinate distribution, maintenance, and support of critical EM-related
equipment to priority units as determined by the JEMSOC to support optimal force
(5) J-5
(a) Coordinate with the JEMSOC and ensure JEMSO are incorporated into
(b) Establish coordination channels, as required, for the J-6 to negotiate
military EMS use with HN and multinational partner EMS organizations where procedures
do not already exist.
Chapter II
II-6 JP 3-85
(6) J-6
(a) Perform EMS management responsibilities, normally delegated to the
(b) Execute the duties as EMSCA if designated by the JFC.
(c) Designate a JEMSOC core member to represent the J-6 in joint force
EMS-use planning, prioritization, integration, synchronization, coordination, and
(d) Coordinate with the JEMSOC to identify joint force communications
network EMS-use requirements to be included in the EMS operating instructions.
(e) Assist the JEMSOC with resolution of reported instances of EMI or
(f) Assist JEMSOC with development and maintenance of an EMS data
(g) Through the JFMO (if not incorporated within the JEMSOC), negotiate
military EMS use with HN EMS organizations.
(h) Provide the J-2 with prioritized intelligence requirements.
(i) Serve as a single control agency for the management and operation of the
joint communications network.
(j) Provide communications EMS-use requirements (e.g., satellite
communications [SATCOM]) to the JEMSOC.
(k) Manage and exercise control over communications systems deployed
during joint operations and exercises.
(7) Force Structure, Resource, and Assessment Directorate of a Joint Staff.
Coordinate with the JEMSOC to determine joint force EM capability shortfalls and
requirements, as well as to initiate requests of the appropriate urgency to HHQ or US-based
organizations for sourcing or acquisition.
c. JEMSOC. The JEMSOC director serves as the commander’s primary advisor on
EMS-related issues. Specific duties include:
(1) Develop an EMS superiority approach that supports the JFC’s objectives.
(2) Prepare JEMSO portion of estimates and tabs to joint force concept plans
(CONPLANs), operation plans (OPLANs), and operation orders (OPORDs) and identify
the necessary OPORD implementation authorities.
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(3) Maintain cognizance of EMS-dependent systems and their related capabilities
within the JOA/AOI.
(4) Maintain current assessment of EMS resources and capabilities available to
the JFC (to include number, type, and status of assets) and analyze what resources are
necessary to achieve the JFC’s objectives.
(5) Coordinate the introduction of EMS-dependent systems into the JOA.
(6) Develop EMOE estimates, which establish the common baseline for planning
and executing JEMSO and military activities in the EMS.
(7) Develop JOA- and AOI-specific guidance, policies, coordination measures,
and procedures for conducting JEMSO.
(8) Translate JFC guidance into EMS priorities; coordinate with supporting
organizations to identify EMS allocations required.
(9) Coordinate with supporting organizations, components, and multinational
representatives to enable planning and execution of their military operations in the EMS.
(10) Develop EMSO guidance for component planning.
(11) Review component EMSO plans and identify cross-component conflicts in
EMS use, threats to EMS activities, and gaps resolvable through inter-component support
(12) Develop a consolidated JEMSO plan, coordinated through the JFMO, that
includes the operations in the EMS and their related frequency assignments to occur over
a specific time period.
(13) Generate EMS operating instructions for release via order.
(14) Maintain EME SA for integration into a common tactical picture of the
(15) Monitor the execution of military operations in the EMS for compliance with
orders and instructions, and coordinate with components for any changes.
(16) Establish and chair a JEMSO working group (WG) as necessary to address
key issues requiring expertise outside the standing JEMSOC.
(17) Represent JEMSO within the joint force staff battle rhythm and appropriate
cross-functional staff organizations.
(18) Coordinate and monitor EW reprogramming.
(19) Maintain JEMSO support to current and future plans.
Chapter II
II-8 JP 3-85
(20) Identify and recommend EMS-related target elements to support the JFC’s
(21) Coordinate EMS-use requirements with J-5 and JFMO (if not incorporated
in the JEMSOC) for HNC.
(22) Provide JEMSO planning, execution, and assessment coordination expertise
to the CCMD/JTF with an associated JEMSO battle rhythm.
(23) Define and develop intelligence requirements to support JEMSO.
(24) Coordinate with the J-2 to weigh intelligence gain/loss due to EA and make
EMS-use prioritization recommendations to the J-3.
(25) Predict effects of friendly, neutral, and threat EMS activity on joint and
multinational operations using applicable modeling, simulation, and analysis tools.
(26) Coordinate joint urgent operational needs statements that affect the EMS.
(27) Develop the JEMSO plan that recommends frequency assignments to the
JFC for approval and promulgation.
(28) Reference information systems lessons learned during the planning process,
archive JEMSO planning and execution data, and document JEMSO lessons learned IAW
the joint lessons learned program.
(29) Perform JSIR functions IAW CJCSM 3320.02, Joint Spectrum Interference
Resolution (JSIR) Procedures, and CJCSI 3320.02, (U) Joint Spectrum Interference
(30) Provide guidance and procedures for post-conflict JEMSO transitions.
(31) Establish and promulgate EMBM system standards and processes.
(32) Assess JEMSO execution and assist in overall operation assessment.
d. JFMO (if not incorporated in the JEMSOC). Duties include:
(1) Participate as a member of the JEMSOC.
(2) Perform EMS management responsibilities if assigned.
(3) Perform HNC functions in coordination with the J-5. HNC may involve the
spectrum authority of the HN(s) involved, the US embassy defense attaché office of
military cooperation (OMC), and friendly forces coordination cell.
(4) Coordinate spectrum allocations in the JOA/AOI.
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(5) Analyze new EMS-dependent systems/capabilities supporting defense
acquisition programs.
(6) Provide guidance on HN restrictions for access to EMS in JOA.
(7) Provide guidance and procedures for post-conflict EMS management
(8) Combine J-2, J-3, and J-6 inputs to develop a proposed JRFL.
(9) Periodically update and distribute the JRFL.
(10) Assist and coordinate resolution of EMS conflicts.
e. Functional and Service Component Commanders. Responsibilities include:
(1) Keep the JEMSOC notified of EMS-dependent systems and capabilities
available under their command and the operational status of each.
(2) Establish an EMSO cell to:
(a) Plan, coordinate, monitor, and assess component EMSO and military
operations in the EMS.
(b) Coordinate with the JEMSOC on functional/Service component EMSO
operational plans.
(c) Submit component EMSO plan to the JEMSOC. Plan should identify
component EMS-use requirements, planned use of the spectrum, EMS capabilities to be
employed, JCEOI (e.g., master net list [MNL], call words, smoke/pyrotechnics), gaps
between requirements and capabilities, and requests for EMS capability support.
(3) Prioritize, consolidate, validate, and report component EMS-use requirements
to the JEMSOC.
(4) Receive reports and identify and attempt to resolve component-specific EMI.
(5) Make recommendations for best force contributions and utilization to gain
and maintain EMS superiority within the JOA.
(6) Monitor component activities in the EMOE, report on actual use of the EMS,
and provide EME measurements to the JEMSOC for SA.
(7) Coordinate requested changes to EMS operating instructions with the
(8) Assess component EMS-related activities IAW the approved JEMSO
assessment plan.
Chapter II
II-10 JP 3-85
f. EMS Users. Duties are to:
(1) Provide the JEMSOC prioritized EMS-use requirements through their
component EMSO cell. Inputs will include receive-only systems to ensure prioritization
and integration with joint force EM transmissions (e.g., sensing, communications, EA).
(2) Obtain RF authorization through their component EMSO cell.
(3) Ensure compliance with applicable EACA processes and rules of engagement
(ROE) (EA users).
(4) Operate systems IAW parameters authorized by the frequency assignment
process (e.g., frequency, bandwidth, power).
(5) Ensure EMS-dependent equipment is properly maintained to preclude
unintentional violation of authorized EMS-use parameters.
(6) Make recommendations for best force contributions and utilization to gain
and maintain EMS superiority within the JOA.
(7) Use JSIR procedures to report adverse EMS effects on operations.
3. Organization
a. Organizing for JEMSO
(1) CCDRs and subordinate JFCs will normally establish a standing JEMSOC as
the primary staff element to plan, coordinate, execute, and assess JEMSO to achieve and
maintain EMS superiority. The CCDR or subordinate JFC usually delegates EMSCA to
the JEMSOC director, which, when coupled with the JEMSOC’s organizational
responsibilities, enables the JFC to exercise unity of command for activities conducted in
the EMS. Joint force unity of effort in the EMS derives from the JEMSOC’s integration
of all joint force EMS actions across both the joint force’s functional staff elements (e.g.,
SIGINT, EMS management, EW, CO, fires) and the joint force’s components. The
JEMSOC augments existing joint force C2 lines of authority with reporting and data
structures that accelerate the flow of information required for EMSO integration. It assists
JFCs in identifying EMSO priorities, communicating intent, and integrating supporting
commander capabilities into operations. The JEMSOC maintains habitual relationships
with key individuals (e.g., component liaison officers [LNOs]) and enabling organizations,
such as Service, functional, and multinational EW/EMS management cells, and other
Department of Defense (DOD) EMSO-related organizations. The relationships are refined
during training and exercises and optimized via a network of collaboration throughout
planning, execution, and assessment.
(2) A JTF may be established and authorized to execute assigned missions in the
designated JOA. If established, the JFC is normally delegated all EMS authorities required
to execute the assigned mission in the designated JOA. JEMSO in the JOA are optimized
through centralized, collaborative planning within the JEMSOC and executed in a
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
decentralized manner by the components. JEMSO planning during JTF operations is
continuous and linked to the JFC’s decision cycle. To accomplish the mission, the JTF
organizational construct often mirrors the CCMD organizational construct, enabling the
JFC to leverage existing CCMD resources and infrastructure in support of execution.
For more information on external EMSO support organizations, see Appendix D,
“Organizations Supporting Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations.”
b. JEMSO Organizational Construct
(1) JEMSOC Organization. The JEMSOC is the standing organization within
a joint force responsible for JEMSO. It is composed of a core membership of experts in
EMS sensing (e.g., SIGINT collection management, ES), communications (e.g., EMS
management, frequency assignment), attack (e.g., EA), and data management (e.g., EMS
database management, EM modeling). A JEMSOC requires continuity of membership and
expertise, and members should be designated spokespersons for their respective
organizations. The JEMSOC should also coordinate with representatives from joint force
components (Service and/or functional) and other supporting organizations or agencies.
The JEMSOC normally resides in the J-3, but its composition and directorate location may
vary for each CCMD and may change with operations tempo. For example, the JEMSOC
may reside within the J-6 during peacetime operations and in the J-3 during contingency
operations. One CCDR may also elect to have the JEMSOC operate as a networked
structure, reaching into the J-6/JFMO, J-2, J-3, and other related organizations for support,
while another CCDR may consolidate appropriate personnel from the key EMS
organizations (e.g., J-2, J-3, J-5, J-6/JFMO) into a single organization. A notional
JEMSOC organization structure is depicted in Figure II-1.
For more information on JEMSO modeling, see Appendix J, “Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations Modeling.”
(a) JEMSOC Organization by Joint Force Level. The CCMD JEMSOC will
normally carry out the operational planning, execution, and assessment unless subordinate
joint commands (i.e., JTFs) are established. In this case, JEMSOC manning will vary by
echelon with the CCMD JEMSOC organized for theater-level JEMSO planning,
coordination, and guidance. Subordinate JEMSOCs will be organized for continuous
operational planning and execution. At all joint force levels, the JEMSOC maintains the
appropriate core membership skill sets to carry out assigned tasks and missions.
1. CCMD JEMSOC relationship to JFMO and joint force commander’s
electromagnetic warfare staff. At the CCMD and subordinate unified command levels, the
JEMSOC subsumes all the responsibilities of the JFMO (if the JFMO is fully incorporated
in the JEMSOC). If the JFMO is not incorporated in the JEMSOC, the JFMO will retain
responsibility for coordinating joint force EMS use with US and HN authorities.
2. JTF JEMSOC. At the JTF level, the JEMSOC subsumes all the
responsibilities previously held by the joint spectrum management element (JSME) and
EM warfare cell.
Chapter II
II-12 JP 3-85
(b) Potential interactions between the JEMSOC elements. Each function of
the JEMSOC coordinates with the other functions. Figure II-2 illustrates some key
interactions that should occur.
(c) Notional JEMSOC Structure
Figure II-1. Notional Standing Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell
Data Fusion
and Analytics
Skill Sets
Data Fusion and Analytics
Processes, data
management and analysis
functions to synchronize
EMS-related activities
Build the EMOE
Operate EMBM/EMS tools
Analyze impact of EMOE on
Determine exploitation
EMBM Database Managers
Data Fusion Analysts
Electromagnetic Warfare Officers
Integrates JEMSO
requirements into joint
planning cycle
J-6 EMS Management
J-5 Future Plans
J-3 Future Ops
J-2 Intelligence
Integrates component and
staff EMS-use requirements
with other mission areas
Prepares target nominations
EM Modeling Analysts
EMS Managers
EM Engineers
Integrates JEMSO
requirements into battle
Coordinates current
operations and support
Dynamic spectrum re-
Unplanned operations in
the EMOE
Intelligence Integration Analysts
Operations Assessors
Analyzes JEMSO
operational data to inform
planning and operations
Assess level of EMS
Assess operations in the
Liaison Officers
Notional Standing Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell
EM electromagnetic
EMBM electromagnetic battle management
EMOE electromagnetic operational environment
EMS electromagnetic spectrum
J-2 intelligence directorate of a joint staff
J-3 operations directorate of a joint staff
J-5 plans directorate of a joint staff
J-6 communications system directorate of a joint staff
JEMSO joint electromagnetic spectrum operations
JEMSOC joint electromagnetic spectrum operations cell
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Figure II-2. Potential Interactions Among the Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum
Operations Cell Elements
Potential Interactions Among the Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations Cell Elements
AAR after action report
COA course of action
EME electromagnetic environment
EMOE electromagnetic operational environment
EMS electromagnetic spectrum
JEMSO joint electromagnetic spectrum operations
JEMSOC joint electromagnetic spectrum operations cell
JSIR joint spectrum interference resolution
JTF joint task force
MISREP mission report
MOE measure of effectiveness
MOP measure of performance
Data Fusion and Analytics
Data Fusion and Analytics
Build and maintains the estimate of the EMOE expected for
each day of the operation
Analyzes friendly force operations in the EMOE-feasible,
executable, mission impact
Analyzes enemy, adversary, and neutral operations in the
EMOE for impacts to friendly force operations
Provides analytic support to plans, operations, and
Attends cross functional working group meetings to
ascertain planned EMS requirements and operations
Provides assessment of state of the EMOE to support
planned operations (e.g., impacts, COAs)
Gives guidance on EMS use and operations in the EMOE
Compiles EMS-use requirements and passes to data fusion
and analytics team for modeling, simulation and analysis
Provides analysis to working groups to support planning
Execute approved JEMSO plan
Monitors EME and on-going operations in the EMOE
Tasks data fusion and analytics to assess impact of EME
and EMOE changes on immediate and impending
Uses analytic results to recommend and coordinate
changes to friendly force operations in EMOE
Coordinates unplanned operations in the EMOE
Provides insight to assessment element on ops in EMOE
Compiles sources of assessment data (MISREPs, AARs,
Evaluates MOPs and MOEs
Identifies anomalies and tasks data fusion and analytics for
in-depth analysis
Coordinates with JTF-level assessment construct
Provides assessment of state of EMOE to plans and
Chapter II
II-14 JP 3-85
1. JEMSOC Director. The JEMSOC director is the commander’s
primary advisor on EMS-related issues. When delegated EMSCA, the JEMSOC director
provides the JFC unity of command for JEMSO. The director is normally assigned based
on core expertise (e.g., EMS management, EW, SIGINT) and the joint force’s assigned
mission. If the mission/tasking requires a JEMSOC deputy director, personnel with
complementary core expertise should be assigned from current personnel.
2. Data Fusion and Analytics Section. Provides the processes, data
management, and analysis functions to synchronize EMS-related data across the joint force
staff, components, and external agencies. Characterizes and analyzes the EMOE for joint
force impacts/exploitation/operations.
3. Plans Section. Provides the core JEMSO planning expertise and
integrates JEMSO requirements into joint planning. Integrates principal JEMSO EMS-use
requirements (e.g., sensing, communications, attack) with other mission areas and
component EMS-use requirements. Prepares target nominations for EMS-related target
4. Operations Section. Provides the core JEMSO expertise and
integrates JEMSO requirements into the battle rhythm. This section may also contain
LNOs (to include multinational personnel) to coordinate current operations and support
5. Assessment Section. Collates and analyzes EMS-related operational
data to inform the JEMSO planning and operations cycles and assists BDA teams after
conducting operations.
(d) A fully staffed JEMSOC should include:
1. Director.
2. Deputy (if mission/tasking required – normally taken from personnel
already assigned).
3. EMBM system database manager(s).
4. Data fusion analyst(s).
5. EM modeling analyst(s).
6. EMS manager(s) (normally within JFMO if not incorporated within
the JEMSOC).
7. Electromagnetic warfare officer(s) (EWO[s]).
8. Intelligence integration analyst(s).
9. Targeteer(s).
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
10. Intelligence integration manager(s).
11. Operations assessor(s).
12. EM engineer(s).
(e) JEMSOC networked representation should include:
1. NAVWAR representative.
2. Electro-optical-infrared (EO-IR) representative.
3. Space operations representative.
4. DE representative.
5. CO representative.
6. Counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED) representative.
7. Joint interface control officer.
8. Communications planner.
9. SATCOM planner.
10. Information planner.
11. MISO planner.
12. Military deception (MILDEC) planner.
13. National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) representative.
14. National Reconnaissance Office representative.
15. National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) representative.
16. LNO(s).
17. Legal representative.
18. Counter air and missile planner.
19. Other IC organizations (e.g., NSA, Office of Naval Intelligence)
identified as being relevant to the JEMSO or JEMSO support activities at issue.
Chapter II
II-16 JP 3-85
(2) EMSO Cell. Component-level JEMSO support activities are referred to as
EMSO cells. A component EMSO cell may be tasked with JEMSO integration
responsibilities until a JEMSOC can be designated and sufficiently manned. As soon as
practical, the JEMSOC should be aligned organizationally and, if possible, geographically
co-located with the JFC. A notional component EMSO organization structure is depicted
in Figure II-3.
c. JEMSOC Security Requirements. The JEMSOC should be located in, or have
access to, a sensitive compartmented information facility to enable appropriate
security/operations. JEMSOC personnel should have the appropriate clearance to support
their respective duties (e.g., MILDEC, MISO). Optimal JEMSOC staffing will include
special technical operations (STO) cleared personnel to coordinate and deconflict STO
issues and capabilities. The JEMSOC will also require access to the administrative,
intelligence, logistics, legal, communications, computer network, and partner nation
systems support.
Figure II-3. Notional Component Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Organization
EMSO electromagnetic spectrum operations
oint electromagnetic spectrum operations cell
command and control
direct liaison authorized
Notional Component Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Army Component
Joint Force
Special Operations
Joint Force
Joint Force
Joint Force
Navy Component
Marine Corps
Joint Force
Air Force
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
4. Service Support
Each Service has a different approach to organizing its forces. Therefore, the
information below provides an overview of how each Service’s EMSO facilitate planning
and coordination at the joint level.
a. Army. Army commanders and their staffs conduct cyberspace electromagnetic
activities (CEMA) to plan, integrate, and synchronize cyberspace and EW operations as a
unified effort to project power in and through cyberspace and the EMS. Executing
cyberspace and EW operations enables the Army to secure and defend friendly force
networks and to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment. Spectrum management (SM)
operations enable CEMA by ensuring access and deconfliction for the Army’s use of the
EMS. Planning, integration, and synchronization of the interrelated actions support the
overall mission.
For more information on Army CEMA, refer to Field Manual 3-12, Cyberspace and
Electromagnetic Warfare Operations.
b. Marine Corps
(1) Headquarters, United States Marine Corps (HQMC), Deputy Commandant
for Information, is the advocate for Marine Corps EMSO. HQMC CD&I [Combat
Development and Integration] coordinates with other HQMC agencies, the operating
forces, supporting organizations, and mission partners to identify, prioritize, and integrate
EMSO EW capability solutions across the pillars of doctrine, organization, training,
materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy and joint requirements.
Principle HQMC stakeholders include the Deputy Commandants for Plans, Policies, and
Operations; Aviation; and Information.
(2) EMSO facilitate Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) C2 while
simultaneously denying unimpeded EMS access to threats. This facilitates MAGTF efforts
to dictate operational tempo in support of commander’s objectives. Based upon accurate,
timely, and shared understanding of the EMOE, coordinated MAGTF EMSO can more
effectively target enemies while minimizing interference of friendly and neutral systems
within a congested and contested EMS.
(3) The Marine Corps approach to EMSO reflects a five-element design. This
design provides the intellectual foundation for how the Marine Corps approaches EMSO
to maintain EMS superiority in a congested, contested, and competitive EMOE. With this
understanding, a more detailed concept of employment can be developed. Each element
builds upon the next, and together they support how the MAGTF achieves and maintains
EMS superiority:
(a) Network-enabled systems.
(b) Networks and connectivity.
(c) Common data sources and formats.
Chapter II
II-18 JP 3-85
(d) Common service framework.
(e) Common user environment.
(4) The electromagnetic spectrum operations cell (EMSOC) and the CO cell
coordinate the integrated planning, execution, and assessment of EMS and CO across the
MAGTF’s OE to increase operational tempo and achieve military advantage. The EMSOC
construct originates from the traditional electromagnetic warfare coordination cell
(EWCC) but with additional capability for planning, requesting, and/or coordinating
organic and external support for CO. The EMSOC is the principal means for the
commander to plan, coordinate, synchronize, and deconflict operations in and through the
EMS and their potential impacts on the EMOE. The EMSOC will use EMS coordination
documents to define supporting and supported roles and determine specific control
measures to synchronize operations occurring in and through the EMS.
(5) The HQMC C4 [Director, Command, Control, Communications, and
Computer Systems] provides Marine Corps EMS policy and oversees EMS use,
requirements, and operations. HQMC C4 establishes Marine Corps policy; provides
oversight, guidance, and procedures relating to the proper and efficient management of the
EMS; provides Marine Corps representation (at the policy level) to various national, DOD,
joint, and Department of the Navy organizations, WGs, and forums; and provides
administrative, technical, and operational support to the operating forces and supporting
establishment in support of Marine Corps EMS operational requirements.
(6) The Navy and Marine Corps spectrum offices (NMCSOs) are the Department
of the Navy’s principal regional offices providing administrative EMS management
support and assistance for all unit, installation, and Navy customers requiring tactical and
non-tactical communications and noncommunications frequency assignment requests for
the United States and its territories. Outside the continental United States, EMS support
must follow CCMD guidance.
(7) While the Marine Corps is evaluating multiple staff organizational options for
EMSO, EW management activities are still doctrinally coordinated and deconflicted
through an EWCC under the staff cognizance of the MAGTF operations staff. Personnel
may also be assigned to liaison teams for HHQ EW coordination organizations, when
required, such as the JFC’s EW staff or the JEMSOC. The MAGTF’s primary mechanism
for SM is the Service-level restricted frequency list, which identifies friendly and threat
frequencies that cannot be jammed for various reasons.
For more information on Marine Corps EMSO, refer to Marine Corps Reference
Publication 3-32D.1, Electronic Warfare.
c. Navy
(1) Electromagnetic maneuver warfare is the Navy’s warfighting approach to
gain decisive military advantage in the EMS and is the foundational concept that supports
JEMSO. Sensing, assessing, and monitoring the EMOE and all EMS-related activities
provides a strategic advantage and enables freedom of action across all Navy mission areas.
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(2) The maritime operations center (MOC) is the organization and process that
supports the Navy’s role as a joint force maritime component commander (JFMCC) or
numbered fleet commander. The MOC is the bridge between strategic-level guidance and
tactical execution. The various MOC cells and cross-functional WGs will interpret
strategic and operational JEMSO guidance to plan, coordinate, synchronize, and assess (to
include BDA assistance) EMBM-related actions with subordinate forces. The MOC
performs EMBM and C2 functions to enable the JFMCC or numbered fleet commander to
dynamically plan, direct, monitor, and assess operations within the EMOE. The MOC
provides maritime component requirements to the JEMSOC, and joint SM office and/or
NMCSO, and coordinates all maritime changes/inputs, to include modifications of the
JRFL and to assist with JSIR reporting and mitigation.
(3) EMS readiness is a key consideration for the Navy. It is the ability of an
EMS-dependent system/platform to perform its functions as designed in a congested
EMOE. EMS readiness considers:
(a) The impact of the planned physical scheme of maneuver on the EMOE.
(b) The required operations in the EMS to be executed and the amount of
EMI expected.
(c) The difference between assets and resources required and those assigned.
(d) The compatibility between assigned assets and resources.
For more information concerning Navy support, see JP 3-32, Joint Maritime Operations,
and Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (NTTP) 3-32.1, Maritime Operations
d. Air Force. The Air Force organizes to conduct EMSO primarily through the non-
kinetic operations coordination cell (NKOCC) located in the air operations center (AOC).
The NKOCC is the air component commander (ACC) EMS capabilities integrator. It
plans, directs, and assesses Air Force EMSO activities conducted in air, space, and
cyberspace, which include actions to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the EMOE. The
NKOCC works to convey across the force and up the chain of command the ACC’s plan
for achieving EMS superiority. The NKOCC leads Air Force EMBM system efforts. It
also prioritizes EMS-user requirements and promulgates frequency authorizations for the
AOC and subordinate Air Force units. The NKOCC provides guidance for Air Force
JEMSO activities through the EMS control plan. The ACC relies on the NKOCC to
interface with all joint and multinational JEMSO staffs. Key personnel involved in the
planning and coordination of EMSO in and with the NKOCC include:
(1) AOC EMSO planners.
(2) AOC EW planners.
(3) AOC spectrum managers.
Chapter II
II-20 JP 3-85
(4) ACC A-2 [intelligence staff].
(5) ACC A-3 [operations staff].
(6) ACC A-5 [plans staff].
(7) ACC A-6 [communications staff].
(8) AOC space planners.
(9) AOC CO planners.
(10) AOC meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) planners.
For more information on Air Force JEMSO capabilities, see Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-
51, Electromagnetic Warfare and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations.
e. Coast Guard. United States Coast Guard (USCG) JEMSO activities currently only
include actions to monitor, assess, and provide intelligence products. The USCG may
conduct JEMSO under Title 10, United States Code (USC), and Title 14, USC, authorities.
USCG planning and execution of JEMSO require coordination among several USCG
(1) The USCG CG-672 [Communications Policy Division] is the USCG Service-
level office responsible for spectrum policy and equipment certification-related matters.
CG-672 falls under the Deputy Commandant for Mission Support and USCG chief
information officer (CIO)/CG-6 [Assistant Commandant for Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, and Information Technology].
(2) The C4IT-FSD [Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and
Information Technology Service Center Field Services Division] Spectrum Management
Branch (SMB) manages RF spectrum and represents the USCG in the coordination of SM
issues with civil, military, and national regulatory organizations. C4IT-FSD SMB directs
USCG-wide SM activities, develops and implements SM doctrine, allocates frequency
resources and assignments to support USCG missions, and serves as the principal advisor
to the USCG CIO/CG-6 and CG-672 for RF SM and frequency spectrum regulatory
(3) Coast Guard district commands have principal spectrum managers located
throughout the United States. The principal spectrum managers serve as the principal field
office representative providing SM support for their assigned district, including all USCG
units, installations, and special-case USCG customers.
“Use of the term ‘non-kinetic’ in this context is an Air Force organizational
name only, and in no way is meant to describe a type of military activity or
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
For more information on USCG support to JEMSO, see Commandant Instruction
(COMDTINST) M2400.1, Spectrum Management Policy and Procedures.
f. National Guard Bureau (NGB)
(1) The National Guard (NG) provides mission-ready military forces (Army
National Guard and Air National Guard) to assist local, state, and national authorities
during normal, day-to-day operations; emergencies; incidents of national significance;
homeland defense (HD); and defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) operations. NG
units may also be assigned to CCMDs for overseas active duty upon mobilization under
Title 10, USC. There is a requirement for interoperable communications with local first
responders and state and federal civilian agencies; Title 10, USC, forces also make JEMSO
considerations a priority. The NG is under the C2 of a state governor when in state active
duty or Title 32, USC, status. Title 10, USC, response force could be formed from either
a standing JTF or one configured for specific missions to provide emergency assistance
across all lines of support. Title 10, USC, JFC coordinates with National Guard joint force
headquarters-state (NG JFHQ-State) through a dual-status command relationship, if a dual-
status command is established, to achieve unity of effort between federal and state response
(2) NGB J6’s [Command, Control, Communicators, and Computers Directorate]
SMB is the designated office within the NGB for planning and executing SM for the states,
territories, District of Columbia, and other assigned forces. It also provides support to NG
JFHQ-States with communications to United States Northern Command
(USNORTHCOM) or United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) and all
other US Government departments and agencies on spectrum usage during HD and DSCA
operations. NGB J6 SMB, provides spectrum support to NG forces in state active duty and
Title 32, USC, status to facilitate this coordination. NGB J6 SMB works with the state J6s
to provide support for their emergency communications plans and deployed response
forces. NGB J6 SMB, in coordination with the Army Frequency Management Office and
Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, provides a National Guard
Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NG-IFOG) to states and territories. This RF
resource, upon official notification, authorizes and provides guidance for conducting
interstate and regional communications efforts while conducting domestic operations. The
NG-IFOG provides guidance for use of land mobile radios, NG joint incident site
communications capability assemblages, and other NG-specific communications elements
and equipment.
(3) As needed, NGB J6 spectrum managers will form or perform as an element
of a JSME within a supported J-6 element. The JSME will establish and implement
policies and procedures governing military use of the RF spectrum within the limits
imposed by higher authority. The JSME will compile and publish JCEOI to provide more
definitive guidance for all participants in the response forces.
(4) NG JFHQ-State spectrum managers will ensure their assigned spectrum
resources are utilized IAW current laws, regulations, and procedures, to ensure unity of
effort with respect to state active duty, Title 32, USC, or Title 10, USC, forces conducting
Chapter II
II-22 JP 3-85
domestic operations. The JFC and staff need to be aware that conducting operations in a
state requires coordination with the NG JFHQ-state spectrum manager and state emergency
operations center, in addition to any other military or federal operations, to facilitate unity
of effort and an interference-free EMOE.
5. Intelligence Support Organizations
a. National- and DOD-Level Intelligence Organizations. At the national level,
organizations and agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), NSA, National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) are
constantly seeking to identify, catalog, and update the EOB of threats. The National
Security Agency/Central Security Service serves as an operationally focused analytical
clearinghouse for all databases that provide SIGINT support to CCMDs, subordinate
commands and their staffs, and the joint force. National-level organizations such as the
NASIC, NGIC, and National Maritime Intelligence Center (NMIC) not only define EW
target parameters and associated system performance but also analyze and provide
intelligence on threat EMSO doctrine and tactics. National-level collection efforts also
provide much of the intelligence gathered about threat EM infrastructures. The DIA
Defense Collection Coordination Center (DCCC) is the focal point for tasking national
assets to collect intelligence in response to JEMSO intelligence requirements. JEMSO
intelligence requirements that cannot be met by lower-level intelligence assets are
forwarded to the DCCC or other national-level organizations according to established
procedures for prioritization and tasking to national assets.
For more information on the organization of national-level intelligence support, refer to
JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations.
b. CCMD Intelligence Organizations. At the CCMD level, intelligence support to
military operations is focused in the joint intelligence operations center (JIOC). The JIOC
responds to theater-level, JEMSO-related intelligence requirements and forwards requests
that require national-level assets to the DCCC or other national-level organizations
according to established procedures. JEMSO planners within the JEMSOC at the CCMD
level work closely with the JEMSOC J-2 representative to satisfy intelligence requirements
according to command-specific procedures established by each CCDR.
For more information on theater-level intelligence support, refer to JP 2-0, Joint
c. Subordinate Joint Force. The J-2 is the primary point of contact for providing
intelligence support to JEMSO. At the discretion of the JFC, a JTF joint intelligence
support element (JISE) may be established to augment the subordinate joint force J-2
element. Under the direction of the joint force J-2, a JISE normally manages the
intelligence collection, production, and dissemination of a joint force. The J-2 will
normally assign one or more members of its staff to the JEMSOC to liaise between the J-2
and the JEMSOC. The purpose of this liaison is to coordinate collection requirements and
analytical support for compartmented and non-compartmented JEMSO. Because of the
Organizing for Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
close interrelationship between some ES and SIGINT activities, JEMSO planners may find
it necessary to work with a wide variety of personnel in the intelligence section of the staff.
For more information on how the IC is organized to support joint military operations, refer
to JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations.
6. Multinational Force Organization
a. Multinational Force Commander (MNFC). The MNFC provides guidance to
plan and conduct JEMSO to the multinational force (MNF) through the J-3’s combined
EWCC. It should be recognized that the EWCC assumes responsibilities designated in
paragraph 2.c., “JEMSOC.” Note: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO)/multinational terminology still references the EWCC. Therefore, EWCC, not
JEMSOC, will be used when discussing NATO/multinational operations.
b. Multinational Staff. The MNFC should assign responsibilities among the staff for
management of JEMSO resources in multinational operations as follows:
(1) Operations Officer. The multinational staff’s operations directorate has
primary responsibility for planning and integrating JEMSO with other mission areas.
(2) JEMSO Staff. The JEMSO staff’s primary responsibility should be to ensure
the MNFC is provided the same JEMSO support that a US JFC would expect. In addition
to performing the JEMSOC duties previously described, the EWCC chief will:
(a) Ensure all component commanders of the MNF provide qualified
members to the MNFC’s EWCC staff (e.g., EWOs, EMS managers, intelligence, EW
assistance to BDA). The rationale for augmentee status is that partner nation officers are
normally full members of the multinational JEMSO planning cell and responsible to the
chain of command. This enhances unity of command better than having a liaison.
(b) Determine the need for placing US JEMSO LNOs with multinational
commands to ensure the MNFC’s JEMSO plans and procedures are correctly interpreted.
(c) Integrate partner nation JEMSO augmentees at the initial planning stage,
delegating to them duties and responsibilities similar to those given to equivalent US
(d) Coordinate the necessary JEMSO communications connectivity for
assigned forces. Particular emphasis should be given to equipment, encryption devices and
keying material, and procedural compatibility when integrating MNFs.
(e) Ensure constant liaison with the multinational staff’s intelligence
directorate and cryptologic support group to provide the most adaptive and effective
intelligence support to JEMSO efforts. Ensure planned EW targeting efforts have minimal
impact on friendly collection efforts.
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II-24 JP 3-85
(f) Integrate partner nation communications system directorate processes
into JEMSO planning and oversight. Integrate JEMSO C2 requirements into the JRFL.
Coordinate with the multinational staff’s communications system directorate to ensure
tracking and remediation of JSIR events.
(g) Provide MNFs with current US JEMSO doctrine and planning guidelines
at the earliest possible stage.
(h) Ensure timely EW reprogramming coordination and support.
(3) Partner Nation JEMSO Officers. Partner nation commanders should assign
qualified JEMSO personnel (e.g., EWOs, EMS managers, intelligence staff) to the MNF
JEMSO planning cell. These officers should:
(a) Have an in-depth knowledge of their forces’ operational SIGINT and
JEMSO requirements, organization, capabilities, national support facilities, and C2
(b) Possess national clearances equivalent with the level of classified US
military information they are eligible to receive IAW US national disclosure policy. This
may require officer (O-3 or O-4) pay grade level or equivalent. As a result, they may be
augmentees drawn from national sources other than the unit(s) involved in the MNF.
For further information on MNF operations, see JP 3-16, Multinational Operations.
1. Introduction
JFCs centralize JEMSO planning under the designated EMSCA and decentralize
execution to ensure JEMSO unity of effort while maintaining tactical flexibility.
Operations in the EMS cross all joint functions, span the OE, and are often complex and
interwoven. This requires detailed prioritization, integration, and synchronization to attain
EMS superiority, achieve the commander’s objectives, mitigate EMI, and avoid friendly
fire EA incidents (involving personnel or equipment). JEMSO planning provides the basis
for the prioritization, integration, and synchronization of joint force EMS operations
between the staff functions (primarily J-2, J-3, and J-6), components, and multinational
partners across all phases of military operations. The CCMD JEMSOC is the lead staff
element for JEMSO planning. JEMSO planning uses the joint planning process (JPP) to
frame the problem; examine mission objectives; develop, analyze, and compare alternative
courses of action (COAs); select the best COA; and produce the JEMSO plan or order. The
JPP normally results in the development of CONOPS, OPLANs, and OPORDs. The
JEMSOC ensures JEMSO are integrated throughout the command’s planning process.
2. Planning Process
The commander’s guidance and estimate form the basis for determining components’
objectives. During mission analysis, JEMSO planners develop a JEMSO staff estimate,
which forms the basis for an EMS superiority approach. The staff estimate is used during
COA development and analysis to determine the EMS activities and capabilities required
to accomplish the mission, the JEMSO capabilities required to support operations, and the
risk to the operation if EMS superiority is not achieved. When a COA is chosen, it becomes
the basis for developing the JEMSO appendix, which outlines JEMSO missions, priorities,
policies, processes, and procedures across all phases of the operation. The joint force
components will develop component EMSO plans and submit them to the JEMSOC for
integration into the JEMSO appendix under annex C (Operations). The JEMSO planning
process is a formal, top-down, centralized process that integrates EMSO into the JFC’s
plan. Figure III-1 shows the types of tasks and products the JEMSOC should develop
during each JPP step.
For information on joint planning, refer to JP 5-0, Joint Planning, and CJCSM 3130.03,
Planning and Execution Formats and Guidance.
a. EOB. The EOB is a key product the JEMSOC updates to support planning. The
EOB details the strength, command structure, disposition, and operating parameters of
friendly force, threat, and neutral EMS-dependent systems identified in the order of battle.
This includes the identification of transmitters and receivers in an AOI, a link to systems
and platforms supported, determination of their geographic location or range of mobility,
characterization of their signals, EMS parameters, and, where possible, a determination of
their role in the broader organizational order of battle. While the J-2 provides the
information required to build the threat and neutral EOBs, the J-3, J-6, components, and
Chapter III
III-2 JP 3-85
Figure III-1. Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell Actions and
Outputs as Part of Joint Planning
Course of
Action (COA)
Analysis and
Plan or Order
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell (JEMSOC)
Planning Actions
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell Actions and
Outputs as Part of Joint Planning
JEMSOC Planning
Disseminate EMS management tools and procedures
Disseminate joint restricted frequency list requirements
Disseminate electromagnetic interference reporting procedures
Identify US/multinational electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) considerations
Identify EMS-use restrictions
Identify organizational construct for the JEMSOC
Review joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment, desired end
state, strategic effects and objectives
Review appropriate documents such as warning order and strategic assessment.
Obtain order of battle and begin building electromagnetic order of battle (EOB)
Review rules of engagement (ROE), guidance, and operational estimates
Review operational factors within theater to identify risk to mission
Identify assumptions, constraints, and restraints relevant to EMSO
Identify planning support requirements, issue support requests
Describe how threat uses the electromagnetic operational environment (EMOE)
to support operations
Describe EMOE physical and environmental characteristics
Provide EMSO perspective in support of mission requirements
Support center of gravity (COG) decomposition and analysis
Identify EMSO opportunities for EMSO and risk to mission
Support development of intelligence estimate
Identify specified, implied, and essential electromagnetic spectrum operations
(EMSO) tasks
Describe threat capability to deny friendly force EMS use
Determine EMSO role in defeating COG
Review available EMSO assets, identify employment authorities
Define the EMOE area of interest
Build EOB and EMOE estimate for each COA
Identify EMSO capabilities required to meet EW tasks
Revise EMSO portion of COA to develop staff estimate
Analyze COA from EMSO perspective, build mitigation methods
Determine how EMOE must be shaped to support the COA
Review intelligence estimate of threat and friendly force COAs
Identify electromagnetic warfare (EW) requirements and opportunities for each COA
Identify opportunities to exploit or attack threat electromagnetic operations
Analyze each COA from EMSO perspective
Identify operations in the EMS supporting all component missions
Identify threat capabilities that impact friendly force operations
Identify possible targets for EA
Identify the activities required to shape the electromagnetic environment to support
operations and the risk to COA if EMOE is not shaped accordingly
Recommend EMSO critical information requirements
Compare EMSO requirements from each COA
Review EMSO assets and capabilities needed to execute COAs
Obtain EMS resources and HN approval
Identify risk to COA execution from EMSO perspective
Compare each COA based on mission and EMSO tasks
Prepare EMSO risk assessment portion of decision brief
Develop EMSO portion of a synchronization matrix
Review joint and component concept of operations and schemes of maneuver
Develop EMSO guidance
Refine EMSO tasks from the approved COA
Update EOB and EMS staff estimate based on COA decision
Submit EMSO-related information requests and ROE
Update EMSO portions of operations plan
Identify EMSO capability shortfalls and recommend solutions
Advise commander on EMSO issues and concerns
Data call message
EMS management concept
Friendly force information
requirements (FFIRs)
Multinational frequency
assignment agreement(s)
Initiate host nation (HN)
frequency coordination
Initial EOB
Requests for information (RFIs)
on threats
List of EMSO capabilities
potentially required
EMSO planning guidance
Updated EOB
Draft initial EMS staff estimate
List of EMSO tasks
Assumptions, limits,
constraints, and restraints
JEMSOC augmentation
Initial joint task force (JTF) EMS
requirements summary developed
List of objectives, tasks, capabilities
EOB and EMOE for each COA
Threat and friendly force targets
vulnerable to electromagnetic
attack (EA)
List of EMSO assets
Assessment of COA risk from
EMSO view
List of EA vulnerable targets
List of targets to enable friendly
force EMSO
JTF EMS requirements summary
Risk mitigation methods
EMSO risk assessment for each
JTF allotment plan
COA EMSO strengths and
Joint electromagnetic spectrum
operations (JEMSO) appendix
Initial EMOE estimate
EMS staff estimate
Initial master net list
Request for EMS forces
JEMSO plan (includes EMS plan)
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
supporting units provide the information necessary to build the friendly force EOB. The
J-2 will also contribute to the friendly force EOB by providing information regarding ISR
within the EMOE.
b. EMOE Estimate. The JEMSOC defines and characterizes the EMOE within the
AOI associated with a given OA. The EMOE estimate includes sections that describe the
background EME; identify factors that affect signal propagation (e.g., environmental
characteristics and terrain); create a database of the known spectrum-use information;
review historic EMI events within the area; and integrate the friendly, neutral, and threat
(1) Define and characterize the EMOE.
(a) The situation analysis portion of the JEMSO staff estimate is where the
EMOE is initially defined and characterized, forming the foundation for the JEMSO
aspects of COA development, analysis, and selection.
(b) Characterizing the EMOE is an iterative process that employs many of
the tasks and methodologies associated with JIPOE. An EMOE tends to be dynamic,
requiring the associated databases and analyses be updated periodically, often on a very
short timeline. The physics of the EMS dictate that the military usefulness and properties
of a given set of frequencies may vary periodically, based on environmental factors outside
of JFC control. JEMSO planners not only must anticipate changes in both neutral and
threat operations in the EMS but also need to consider potential naturally occurring EMOE
changes as well. Sources and areas subject to EMI (e.g., local civilian infrastructure such
as airports) should be identified as part of the EMOE.
(c) EMOE information should be current, accurate, and accessible to
authorized users. JEMSO planners should designate primary EMOE data sources to
facilitate this. This source designation should be accompanied by information on the
organization(s) responsible for maintaining the data sources, the associated processes and
timelines for source population, requirements for access (user clearances and timelines),
and the processes for dealing with data source conflicts.
(d) Meteorological, oceanographic, and space conditions should be
considered. JEMSO planners should include the effects of atmospherics and space weather
on both the EMOE and all EMS-dependent systems. The various types of atmospheric
conditions and phenomena can positively or negatively affect these systems. For example,
atmospheric temperature inversions can increase the propagation of radio signals with
frequencies in excess of 30 megahertz; high humidity and rainy climates are detrimental to
IR systems; and ionospheric scintillation can adversely affect GPS, high frequency, and
ultrahigh frequency transmissions. Some atmospheric effects are well known and are
categorized by season and location. Planners should consult with the CCMD
meteorological, oceanographic, and space staffs to determine the type of support available
for their operation.
Chapter III
III-4 JP 3-85
(2) The JEMSOC will use this information to create EMOE estimates that support
each step of the JPP. These EMOE estimates describe the predicted state of the EMOE at
a future time and location. Components of an EMOE estimate include:
(a) Expected state of the physical environment (e.g., METOC predictions).
(b) Threat, neutral, and friendly force EMS-dependent systems expected to
be active during that time.
(c) Level of readiness and predicted role of the EMS-dependent systems in
support of operations.
(d) Most likely locations and range of operation of the EMS-dependent
(e) Predicted set of EMS parameters to be used.
c. JEMSO Staff Estimate. The purpose of the JEMSO staff estimate is to inform the
commander, staff, and subordinate commands how EMSO support mission
accomplishment. The commander and staff use this information to support COA
development and selection. JEMSO planners use the staff estimate (a primary product of
mission analysis) to prepare evaluation request messages to solicit COA input from
subordinate components and units to subsequently develop preliminary COAs. The JFC’s
JEMSOC uses the CCMD’s mission, commander’s estimate, objectives, intent, and
CONOPS to develop COAs. During COA development and selection, JEMSO planners
fully develop their estimate, providing an EMS analysis of the COAs, as well as
recommendations on which COAs can be adequately supported by JEMSO. Planners
should identify critical shortfalls or obstacles that impact mission accomplishment. The
JEMSO staff estimate is continually updated, based on changes in the situation.
For information on JEMSO staff estimates, see Appendix G, “Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations Staff Estimate Template.”
For information on staff estimates, refer to JP 5-0, Joint Planning.
(1) EMS Superiority Approach. The EMS superiority approach ensures joint
forces achieve the advantage in the EMS that permits the conduct of operations at a given
time and place without prohibitive interference, while affecting an enemy’s ability to do
the same. The approach is comprised of the mission analysis and mission statement
portions of the JEMSO staff estimate and should be documented in the EMSO section of
the CONPLAN OPLAN/OPORD. This approach outlines the key missions and tasks the
joint force components will carry out to achieve EMS superiority and establishes the basic
relationships between the exploit, attack, protect, and manage activities the joint force will
accomplish. The approach identifies key EMS users throughout the OE. It provides the
framework for detailed JEMSO planning. Key elements of the EMS superiority approach
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(a) JEMSO missions that joint forces are expected to perform (e.g.,
mitigating an enemy’s ability to contest friendly force operations through the EMS,
denying the enemy from maneuvering in the EMS to support their operations, HNC).
(b) Assumptions (e.g., HN EMS-use authorizations, EMS availability).
(c) Key considerations based on the expected EMOE.
(d) Anticipated scale of operations and the number and type of friendly
forces (to include multinational partners).
(e) Establishment of JEMSO organizations.
(f) Relationships among EMS organizations internal and external to the joint
(2) Determine Friendly EMS-Use Requirements
(a) A joint force employs EMS-dependent systems across all functions and
activities. The JEMSOC establishes the process to solicit, compile, and process joint EMS-
use requirements. Components identify the EMS-dependent systems they will employ in
the OE, describe the capabilities and associated EMS-use requirements, and request EMS
support. The resultant data is used to build the friendly force EOB, develop the EMS
superiority approach, define and characterize the EMOE, determine the supportability of
each COA, build the joint EMSO plan (i.e., identifies all component and supporting unit
military activities in the EMS), and provide EMSO input to OPLAN or OPORD (i.e.,
authorizes component military EMS activities).
1. JEMSO planners at all echelons and components should account for
any special classification requirements and communicate them to the JEMSOC to ensure
proper clearances and need-to-know are established.
2. Proliferating network-enabled joint warfighting capabilities have
increased the number of EMS-dependent links between previously autonomous
capabilities. JEMSO planners should review EMS-use requirements submissions to ensure
cross-capability and cross-functional EMS links have been properly captured. In high-
threat or high-activity environments, an SM capability may need to be deployed to tactical
levels to support EMS-dependent activities.
(b) The EMSCA issues guidance to the joint force staff elements,
components, and supporting agencies on how to request JEMSO support for EMS-
dependent systems that operate under their control within the joint force’s OE. The
guidance includes requirements for all EMS-dependent systems, including those that are
receive-only. Units are required to submit their EMS-use requirements to the JEMSOC.
The EMSCA guidance typically includes the following:
1. Joint force JEMSO policy and guidance.
Chapter III
III-6 JP 3-85
2. Security classification guidance.
3. Procedures for submitting EMS-use requests (e.g., frequency and
HNC requirements) to support EMS-dependent equipment or request non-organic JEMSO
support, including lead times and request format.
4. EMBM system guidance and processes.
5. MNL requirements collection process, including the need for
identifying nets requiring call signs, procedure words (prowords), and possible frequency
6. EMS coordination measure (e.g., JRFL) submission procedures,
including lead times and restrictions.
7. JSIR reporting requirements, routing procedures, and EMI monitoring.
8. Targeting requirements.
9. Intelligence collection requirements.
d. JEMSO Appendix to Annex C
(1) Once a COA is chosen, the JEMSOC develops the JEMSO appendix within
annex C (Operations) for the JFC’s approval. This appendix establishes procedures for C2
of forces conducting JEMSO in the JOA and includes EMS coordination measures,
specifying procedures, and ROE for joint force EMS use. To provide effective operational
procedures, the JEMSO appendix is integrated across all portions of the JFC’s COPLANs,
OPLANs, and orders. The appendix considers procedures and interfaces with the
international or national frequency control authorities/systems necessary to effectively
support JEMSO, augmenting forces, and JFC objectives. For more information, see
Appendix A, “Electromagnetic Spectrum Management.” Consequently, the JEMSO
appendix should be planned in advance to the highest degree possible and maintained in a
basic, understandable format. This section provides an overview of key components of the
JEMSO appendix. An example JEMSO appendix is in Appendix C, “Notional Joint
Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Appendix.”
(a) The JEMSO appendix is coordinated with the JFMO (if not incorporated
in the JEMSOC) for HN concerns.
(b) Planning factors to be addressed when developing the JEMSO appendix
include understanding of the basic CONPLAN, OPLAN, or OPORD; knowledge of both
HN and multinational considerations; consideration of lessons learned; an understanding
of the operational and mission variables; a familiarity with the capabilities and procedures
of JEMSO and military and civil communications agencies; and the general locations of
friendly, neutral, and threat forces.
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(c) The JEMSO appendix supports transitions throughout the competition
continuum. Such transitions may occur during a period of increasing and/or decreasing
tensions or without warning. The JEMSO appendix should support all phases of an
operation with flexibility to respond to current requirements.
(2) Policy and ROE. JEMSO activities frequently involve a unique set of
complex issues. There are legal and policy requirements, including DOD directives and
instructions, national laws, international law (i.e., international treaties, the law of war),
and ROE, which may affect JEMSO activities. Staff legal advisors can help JFCs navigate
these issues when they are included throughout planning and execution process. Laws,
policies, and guidelines become especially critical during peacetime operations when
international and domestic laws, treaty provisions, and agreements (e.g., status-of-forces
agreements [SOFAs], International Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations,
International Civil Aviation Organization regulations) are more likely to affect JEMSO
planning and execution. JFCs seek a legal review during all phases of JEMSO planning
and execution, to include development of ROE. While ROE will be considered during the
planning process, it should not inhibit developing a plan that employs available capabilities
to their maximum potential. If, during the planning process, an ROE-induced restriction
is identified, planners should consult with staff legal advisors to clarify the ROE or develop
and obtain approval of supplemental ROE applicable to JEMSO. This ROE guides the
destructive means.
(3) Prioritization. JFC EMS-use prioritization guidance is a key planning factor
used by the JEMSOC to rank EMS-use requests in congested EMOEs and by the
components to rank assigned tasks. The JEMSOC regularly reviews the JFC’s priorities,
solicits component inputs, and recommends EMS-use prioritization changes to the JFC.
(4) EMBM System Processes and Capabilities. EMBM system guidance
establishes which capabilities (e.g., tools and software) and related databases will be used
and how they should exchange data using approved DOD architectures for vertical and
horizontal interoperability. This interoperability facilitates timely and routine JEMSO data
exchanges. This exchange should be conducted via common, secure, jam-resistant means.
The ability to exchange data (such as targeting information) to enhance SA and combat
coordination among various force elements is a critical combat requirement. EMBM
system guidance should include:
(a) Type and version of EMSO planning tools used.
(b) Secure connectivity to components.
(c) Availability of C2 networks.
(d) Compatible data exchange format and processes.
(e) EMS coordination processes (e.g., frequency assignment, targeting, EMI
(f) Interfaces to EMS-related databases.
Chapter III
III-8 JP 3-85
(g) Interfaces to battlefield sensors.
(5) EMS Management
(a) EMS Coordination Measures and Products. The EMS management
section of the JEMSO appendix outlines the spectrum requirements for achieving EMS
superiority, to include EMS coordination measures. EMS coordination measures are rules,
mechanisms, and directions governed by joint doctrine and discussed in the JEMSO
appendix. They are products of the JEMSOC and JFMO (if not incorporated in the
JEMSOC). These measures direct activities within the EMS in specified dimensions (e.g.,
space, time, frequency, power, waveform). The JEMSO appendix specifies EMS
coordination measures (e.g., JRFL) to be used in the JOA and how these measures will be
distributed and implemented. EMSO cells establish EMS coordination measures to
accomplish one or more functions during specific time windows and geographical areas:
1. Establish reserved EMS bands for specific EMS activities.
2. Restrict the actions of some EMS users.
3. Create EMS bands in which units can use EMS-dependent systems
with minimal risk of EMI.
4. Require EMS users to accomplish specific actions.
5. JRFL. The JRFL is an EMS coordination measure that operational,
intelligence, and support elements use to identify the level of protection desired for various
networks and frequencies. The JRFL is a time and geographically oriented listing of
TABOO, PROTECTED, and GUARDED functions, nets, and frequencies and is limited
to the minimum number of frequencies necessary for friendly forces to achieve objectives.
Although the JRFL is the primary coordination method, it may be necessary to coordinate
the protection of intelligence collection frequencies via the immediate joint EMS-use
request process to meet the time-sensitive needs of collection activities. The JRFL is
developed prior to initiating joint force operations and is continually updated during
a. TABOO frequencies. Any friendly frequency of such importance
that it must never be deliberately jammed or interfered with by friendly forces, including
international distress, safety, and controller frequencies.
b. PROTECTED frequencies. Friendly frequencies used for a
particular operation, identified and protected for a period of time to prevent them from
being inadvertently jammed by friendly forces while active EW operations are directed
against hostile forces.
c. GUARDED frequencies. A list of enemy frequencies that are,
for a special time period, being exploited for combat information and intelligence or
jammed after the commander has weighed the potential operational gain against the loss of
the technical information.
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
For information on EMS coordination measures, see Appendix F, “Electromagnetic
Spectrum Coordination Measures.”
(b) HNC procedures, including lead times and restrictions.
(c) JSIR Requirements. The JSIR program ensures timely resolution of EMI.
The JFMO (if not incorporated with the JEMSOC) establishes JSIR TTP that delineate
reporting requirements, resolution actions, and responsibilities and ensure timely updates
to JSIR online reports.
(d) MNL requirements collection process, including the need to identify nets
requiring call signs, prowords, and possible frequency sharing.
For information on JSIR, see CJCSI 3320.02, Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution;
CJCSI 3320.02E-1, (U) Classified Supplement to the Joint Spectrum Interference
Resolution (JSIR) Procedures; and CJCSM 3320.02, Joint Spectrum Interference
Resolution (JSIR) Procedures.
(6) EM Signature Control. JEMSO planners determine the overall OA threat
and identify the known EMS capabilities. Signature control includes actions to:
(a) Assess threat ES and SIGINT capabilities against friendly forces.
(b) Plan and implement appropriate EMCON measures by task and phase.
(c) Provide EMCON guidance to components.
(d) Nominate threat ES and SIGINT systems for targeting.
(e) Support MILDEC plans.
(7) EW. The JEMSO appendix of a plan outlines the EW requirements for
achieving EMS superiority. Specific planning actions include:
(a) Review EMS superiority approach.
(b) Identify the purpose and intent of performing EW, the immediate desired
effects, and authority to conduct EW.
(c) Determine the status of EW capability of available forces relative to
threat capability and determine if sufficient assets are available to perform the identified
EW tasks. Draft requests for support if in-place assets are insufficient.
(d) Consider friendly EMS use with respect to the anticipated operations,
tactical threat expected, and EMI possibilities. Once identified, these requirements should
be entered into the JRFL.
(e) Identify measures to deny operations security (OPSEC) indicators to
threat passive EM sensors.
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(f) Establish and update appropriate EMS coordination measures (e.g.,
(g) Determine the processes necessary to eliminate or mitigate EMI from
EW activity.
(h) Identify the EMS-related CCIRs. These CCIRs should be included in
annex B (Intelligence) of the CONPLAN/OPLAN to facilitate timely and comprehensive
(i) Coordinate and establish procedures to ensure fulfillment of EW planning
(j) Review ROE and applicable legal factors to determine the authorities
needed or the restrictions, if any, that apply.
(k) Identify EM target element categories to guide collection priorities and
support EM target element development.
(l) Analyze the vulnerabilities of friendly force EMS-dependent systems,
determine the ability of the threat to exploit those vulnerabilities, and evaluate the resulting
mission impact.
(m) Analyze the vulnerabilities of threat EMS-dependent systems and
networks, determine the ability of friendly forces to exploit those vulnerabilities, and
evaluate the resulting mission impact.
(n) Develop JEMSO targeting and EA priorities and ensure JRFL
(8) EMSO Guidance and EMS Operating Instructions. EMSO guidance and
EMS operating instructions provide direction to prioritize, integrate, coordinate, direct, and
deconflict all joint force EMS use within the JOA. Since the EMSO guidance and EMS
operating instructions are integral to the JEMSO execution cycle, they are discussed in
further depth in Chapter IV, “Conducting Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations.”
3. Planning Considerations
a. HNC
(1) HNC is the activity to obtain authorization to operate EMS-dependent
systems within another sovereign nation. EMS access and HN approval cannot be
overlooked or ignored when planning for operations in the EMOE. The JFMO (or
JEMSOC, if JFMO incorporated) normally has standing EMS coordination channels with
the nations in the AOR. HNC is based on the fostering of mutual trust and rapport between
the United States and the HN. Attempts at coordination outside the established process
may disrupt or damage this relationship, making support more difficult to obtain.
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(2) Effective HNC requires a technical understanding of how a nation manages
its sovereign EMS, as well as a cultural understanding of the HN (i.e., how they conduct
business) to procure the EMS-use authorizations required to conduct joint operations. An
HN may seek to protect its commercial interests by restricting access to the EMS, thus
limiting a JFC’s ability to maneuver. HNC includes:
(a) Reviewing HN allocation/channel plan and usage/broadcast schedules
for joint use suitability.
(b) Determining if joint force emitters comply with the HN allocation tables
(e.g., emission bandwidth, type of service).
(c) Determining if pre-approved allocations are sufficient to support the
JFC’s EMS-use requirements:
1. Cooperatively devise coordination plan with appropriate HN EMS
organizations/representatives to resolve HN and joint EMS-use conflicts.
2. In coordination with the J-5 and staff judge advocate, prepare
command brief of HN agreement status and the mitigation plan or COAs for concerns or
(3) The unauthorized use of the EMS in HNs may be considered a violation of
international treaties law or HN laws/regulations. JFCs, subordinate commanders, or
operators may be held criminally and/or financially liable for HN EMS allocation
(4) The JEMSOC coordinates with the JFMO (if not incorporated in the
JEMSOC) for operational requirements within a HN.
b. Intelligence
(1) IC-operated sensors can provide near real time EMOE information for
augmenting the ES activities organic to the joint force. A major part of intelligence efforts
prior to and during an operation is collection activity (e.g., EM surveillance and
reconnaissance) targeted against threat activity within the EMS. EM reconnaissance is the
detection, location, identification, and evaluation of foreign EM radiation. Processing that
data through SIGINT channels and combining it with other sources of intelligence data
yields threat and neutral EOB information. JEMSO planners use this information to
define/characterize the EMOE, conduct EA targeting, enhance EP, conduct JSIR, address
gaps in ES sensing, plan communications and data networks, and support component EMS-
dependent system reprogramming.
(2) The J-2 and J-3 coordinate to ensure priorities are maximized to support all
aspects of the JFC’s objectives.
(3) Joint forces transmitting EM energy must maintain awareness of and follow
applicable EMS operating instructions. Conversely, intelligence personnel should keep
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inputs into the JRFL as current as possible to support coordination and eliminate or mitigate
EMI. The primary conduit for this coordination is through the JEMSOC, which may
require further coordination with the IC.
(4) The JEMSOC analyzes IC collection plans for potential friendly force EMI
and recommend alternatives to the IC and components to minimize mission impacts.
(5) The JEMSOC analyzes foreign PNT satellite systems and indirect use of these
foreign PNT satellite systems for unforeseen C2 functionality prior to endorsing their
widespread use by the joint force.
For information, refer to JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military
c. CO
(1) Modern military operations are inherently reliant on networked capabilities
enabled by EMS access. CO are enabled by JEMSO for the transport of information
through the EMS within the JOA but can be conducted from remote locations well outside
the JOA.
(2) The increasing prevalence of wireless networks in the OE creates
opportunities when JEMSO and CO capabilities are used synergistically. When wired
access to a particular network is limited, EMS access may be required for successful CO.
The EMS can also be used as a vector for conveying an attack directly against the
infrastructure of cyberspace. For instance, EA (e.g., high-energy laser, HPM, EMP
weapons) or an EMS-enabled cyberspace attack can be employed to damage or destroy
computers that support CO. EA, ES, and EP can each assist in setting the conditions in
cyberspace to ensure availability of the area requiring access, provide the ability to engage
enemies decisively, and conduct CO to enable the creation of the desired effects.
(3) The effectiveness of the Department of Defense information network
(DODIN) is measured in terms of confidentiality, availability, and integrity. DODIN EMS-
use requests are addressed in the same manner as any other joint EMS requirements.
JEMSO planners review the requirements and integrate them into the EMSO guidance and
EMS operating instructions. The JEMSOC will then provide this approved allotment of
frequencies to DODIN in the same DOD-approved format. JEMSO planners review
DODIN operations plans to ensure they are synchronized with EP activities.
For information on CO, refer to JP 3-12, Cyberspace Operations, and its classified
d. PNT. Due to the dual civil/military nature of GPS/GNSS (e.g., BDS, GLONASS,
Galileo) and other PNT services, potential impacts from NAVWAR efforts on nonmilitary
users and the civil/commercial critical infrastructure are thoroughly analyzed during COA
development and may need to be coordinated through JFMO with HN EMS authorities.
NAVWAR considers the impact of enemy GPS jammers on friendly force systems,
provides guidance on the type of GPS receivers needed to support mission execution, aids
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
in determining the quantity and types of GPS-aided munitions required to execute a COA,
and recommends GPS jammers as targets. Additional attention is focused on ensuring GPS
jamming reports consider the specific GPS receiver configuration and internal clock
setting, as well as possible future use of a US Naval Observatory timing standard in local
(1) Military and civil users depend on assured PNT, which is essential to effective
joint operations and defense/civil critical infrastructure. GPS is the primary source of
space-based PNT for US and multinational warfighters. The threat recognizes the United
States’ dependence on GPS and is developing and fielding increasingly capable jammers
to deny GPS and other GNSS services to friendly forces.
(2) JEMSO supports NAVWAR operations by establishing EMS superiority at a
specific time, duration, and place, ensuring freedom of access for mission critical PNT
operations. The majority of PNT operations rely on GPS, to include the necessary space,
ground, and link segments of the system.
For more discussion on PNT and NAVWAR, refer to JP 3-14, Space Operations.
e. Information Activities
(1) The information function encompasses the management and application of
information and its deliberate integration with other joint functions to change or maintain
perceptions, attitudes, and other elements that drive desired behaviors and to support
human and automated decision making. The information function helps commanders and
staffs understand and leverage the pervasive nature of information, its military uses, and
its application during all military operations. This function provides JFCs the ability to
integrate the generation and preservation of friendly information while leveraging the
inherent informational aspects of military activities to achieve the commander’s objectives
and attain the end state. JEMSO enable information activities by coordinating and
integrating EMS-use requirements to eliminate or mitigate EMI caused by friendly or threat
forces. JEMSO also provide information activities with the means of transmitting
information through the EMS.
(2) The JFC or designated staff element may establish an information cell to
coordinate the inherent informational aspects of activities that support the CONOPS.
Nearly all information activities depend on, use, or exploit the EMS for at least some of
their functions. JEMSO prioritization, integration, and synchronization are continuous
processes and a constant consideration in information planning efforts.
(3) EA can create decisive and enhanced effects in the information environment
that provide the JFC with an operational advantage by contributing to the gaining and
maintaining of information superiority. Information superiority is the operational
advantage derived from the ability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted
flow of information while exploiting or denying a threat’s ability to do the same.
(4) When EA is employed as nonlethal fires, it can often be employed with little
or no associated physical destruction. EA in support of information activities is integrated
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III-14 JP 3-85
at the JFC level, through the joint targeting coordination board (JTCB) or like body, to
predict collateral damage and/or effects and incorporate risk mitigation techniques.
For more discussion on the information joint function, refer to JP 3-0, Joint Operations.
f. MISO. JEMSO support and enable the joint MISO communications plan by
ensuring frequencies are available for broadcast services when these are controlled by the
CCDR. MISO units depend on information gathered through JEMSO (e.g., ES) and
intelligence (e.g., SIGINT) sensors to warn them of threats and provide feedback about
reaction to MISO broadcasts and other activities. MISO uses EP and JSIR processes to
eliminate or mitigate threat EA activities or inadvertent EMI from disrupting their efforts.
MISO and JEMSO coordination, especially with regards to EA, depends on timely updates
to EMS operating instructions.
For information on MISO, refer to JP 3-13.2, Military Information Support Operations.
g. OPSEC. JEMSO support OPSEC by degrading threat intelligence collection
against friendly units and activities. ES supports OPSEC by providing information about
threat capabilities and intent to collect intelligence on friendly forces through the EMS. ES
can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of friendly force EMCON measures and
recommend modifications or improvements. An effective and disciplined EMCON plan
and other appropriate EP measures are important aspects of good OPSEC. OPSEC
supports EMSO by concealing units and systems to deny information on the extent of
EMSO capabilities. During operations, OPSEC and JEMSO staff personnel should
frequently review the CCIRs in light of the dynamics of the operation. Adjustments should
be recommended to the EMCON posture and other EP measures as necessary to maintain
effective OPSEC.
For more information on OPSEC, refer to JP 3-13.3, Operations Security.
(1) JEMSO support MILDEC by using EA as deception measures; degrading
threat capabilities to see, report, and process competing observables; providing threats with
information received by EM means that is prone to misinterpretation; and using EP and
EMCON to control EM activity observable by a threat. MILDEC frequently relies on the
EMS to convey the deception to threat intelligence or tactical sensors. JEMSO planners
should ensure EMS frequencies necessary to support deception plans are accounted for in
EMS management databases and in the EMS operating instructions without disclosing that
specific frequencies are related to deception.
(2) Designated JEMSO planners work through the J-3 staff to coordinate and
integrate JEMSO support to MILDEC operations.
(a) Friendly EA assets may be an integral part of the deception effort by
selectively jamming, interfering, or masking the EM profile of the main operational effort.
EM masking is the controlled radiation of EM energy on friendly frequencies in a manner
to protect the emissions of friendly communications and EM-dependent systems against
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
threat ES measures/SIGINT without significantly degrading the operation of friendly
systems. EM masking is used to disguise, distort, or manipulate friendly EMS radiation to
conceal military operations information and/or present false perceptions to threat
(b) Friendly assets can also be used to stimulate air defense systems
(communications and radar) through either EM or physical means. Stimulation of an air
defense system enables the ability to target or map the EOB and causes the enemy to
commit assets (air or ground).
(3) Disciplined EMCON and other appropriate EP efforts, by both deception
assets and those of the main effort, are essential to preventing the threat from distinguishing
deception activities from the main effort.
(4) ES assets can provide immediate warning to deception forces about threat
forces reacting to their presence or actions. ES assets are also an important means to
determine that the threat is capable of receiving the EM aspects of a deception. Since
deception forces are often positioned “off axis” from the main effort, ES platforms
positioned with the deception effort may assist in location of enemy forces by assisting
with triangulation in direction-finding activities. Direction finding is a procedure for
obtaining bearings of RF emitters by using a highly directional antenna and a display unit
on an intercept receiver or ancillary equipment.
(5) Designated JEMSO staff personnel should have the security clearances and
access necessary to work with MILDEC planners during planning and execution of an
operation that involves MILDEC. During the execution of an operation, JEMSO staff
personnel should monitor EW support to the MILDEC effort and coordinate any changes
or resolve conflicts in a timely manner.
For information on MILDEC, refer to JP 3-13.4, Military Deception.
i. Interoperability. Interoperability is essential to effective JEMSO. JEMSO
planners must know and integrate the EMS-dependent capabilities in theater and how they
will interact during execution to minimize EMS conflicts and enhance EMSO
j. Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD). SEAD is a specific type of mission
intended to neutralize, destroy, or temporarily degrade surface-based enemy air defenses
with destructive and/or disruptive means. Joint SEAD is a broad term that includes all
SEAD activities provided by one component of the joint force in support of another. SEAD
missions are of critical importance to the success of any joint operation when control of
the air is contested. SEAD relies on a variety of EW platforms to conduct ES and EA in
its support, and JEMSO planners should coordinate closely with joint and component air
planners to ensure support to SEAD missions is integrated into the overall JEMSO plan.
For information on SEAD, refer to JP 3-01, Countering Air and Missile Threats, and JP
3-09.3, Close Air Support.
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III-16 JP 3-85
k. EW Reprogramming. EW reprogramming is the deliberate alteration or
modification of EW or target sensing systems (TSSs), or the tactics and procedures that
employ them, in response to validated changes in equipment, tactics, or the EME. The
purpose of EW reprogramming is to maintain or enhance the effectiveness of EW and TSS
equipment. EW reprogramming includes changes to self-defense systems, offensive
weapons systems, and ES systems. The reprogramming of EW and TSS equipment is the
responsibility of each Service or organization through its respective EW reprogramming
support programs. The swift identification and resolution of reprogramming efforts is vital
in gaining EMS superiority in a rapidly evolving, congested, and contested EMOE. Service
reprogramming efforts include coordination with the JEMSOC to ensure those
reprogramming requirements are identified, processed, deconflicted, and implemented in
a timely manner by all affected friendly forces. The JEMSOC includes the status of EW
reprogramming efforts during planning to account for potential platform vulnerabilities.
For additional information, see Appendix E, “Electromagnetic Warfare Reprogramming.”
l. Cybersecurity. The DOD cybersecurity program is concerned with preventative,
protective, and restorative measures for information systems and the information contained
therein. Many of these measures involve the use of the EMS. EP equipment, attributes,
and processes assist in assuring the availability and integrity of modulated data traversing
the EMOE. EA TTP assist in compromising those same qualities which threat
cybersecurity seeks to protect. EMS management procedures, particularly EMI resolution,
assist the application of cybersecurity policy in overcoming the problem of EM friendly
fire incidents.
m. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Environments. In a
CBRN threat environment, JEMSO planners should consider the potential effects of a
CBRN attack on EMS-dependent systems. Chemical contaminants and most
decontamination solutions can be corrosive and may damage sensitive equipment. A high-
altitude EMP from a nuclear detonation can damage or destroy electronic, electrical, and
EMS-dependent devices that are not appropriately hardened. Additionally, systems’
operations may be impeded if operators are required to wear CBRN-protective ensembles.
Redundancy, dispersal, protection, hardening, and decontamination of mission-critical
EMSO equipment may help ensure mission continuation following a CBRN attack.
For information on CBRN environments, see JP 3-11, Operations in Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, and Nuclear Environments; JP 3-40, Countering Weapons of Mass
Destruction; and JP 3-41, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response.
n. Targeting and Fire Support
(1) JEMSO exploitation activities, including ES and SIGINT, are foundational to
joint force targeting and fire support. ES and SIGINT data are used to dynamically map
the EMOE for targeting and threat avoidance planning. ES assets provide timely warning
of enemy reaction to friendly strike and other physical destruction actions. ES and SIGINT
also perform an important combat assessment role by providing feedback on the results of
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
friendly attack actions. ES can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of friendly force
EMCON measures and recommend modifications or improvements.
(2) EA degrades, disrupts, or destroys susceptible enemy assets and performs
vital screening functions (including the use of standoff weapons) for friendly strike actions.
EA also plays an important role in countering enemy attacks using EMS-dependent sensors
and precision strike weapons. EA can create effects with instantaneous time of flight, low
collateral damage, and low cost per shot. JEMSO personnel participate in the JTCB and
related processes to integrate EA and other fires-related joint force EMS-use requirements
with other JEMSO actions.
(3) EP protects friendly targeting sensors, navigation, and communications from
enemy activity. Lethal fires support JEMSO by destroying enemy EM transmitters and
receivers, including targeting, communications, and EA systems. Disciplined EMCON
and other EP measures protect friendly maneuver and strike elements from enemy
intelligence collection. EP measures also protect friendly forces handling or operating
around live ordnance during combat operations by preventing inadvertent detonations due
to HERO.
(4) EMS management and associated EMBM system capabilities integrate joint
force EMS use to minimize and mitigate EMI, ensuring friendly EMS-dependent sensors,
data links, and weapons seekers are able to operate in a congested and contested EMOE.
For information on joint fire support, refer to JP 3-09, Joint Fire Support, and JP 3-60,
Joint Targeting.
o. Physical Security. JEMSO support physical security by using EP to safeguard
communications used in protecting facilities, to include EMCON. Additionally, EP
features may guard personnel, facilities, and equipment from the broader effects (both
intended and unintended) of EM energy. Physical security supports JEMSO by
safeguarding equipment used in EW.
p. Civil-Military Operations (CMO). In operations such as foreign humanitarian
assistance (FHA), EW assets may be used to map the EMS and broadcast civil defense
information similar to the way they have been used successfully to broadcast MISO
messages. CMO frequencies should be coordinated and integrated with EW activities. As
requirements for EW assets expand into peacetime contingency roles, it becomes more
imperative that planners consider diplomatic clearance requirements of HNs as early as
For information on CMO, refer to JP 3-57, Civil-Military Operations.
4. Planning Considerations in Multinational Operations
a. Information Sharing Considerations
(1) The JEMSOC must prepare to integrate joint EMS-use requirements into a
multinational EMS-use plan to support the mission. The development of specific
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procedures to support this requirement is made more difficult because of restrictive security
guidance, differences in the level of training, different automation tools, and some language
and terminology barriers.
(2) An EMS superiority approach with an associated CONOPS is required to
execute EMBM during multinational operations. It should address the multinational
organizational structure and processes and security requirements/concerns.
(3) An EMSO structure should be established for each operation. The structure
should identify the location and responsibilities of EMS users. Multinational operations
may require that all forces operate in the same area, or the OE may be subdivided and
national forces will be given responsibility for particular geographic areas. The first is
generally the most complicated because the number and types of equipment will vary
greatly between the MNFs. Even when the OE is divided, it is necessary to plan and
coordinate among adjacent EMS users.
(4) The joint force foreign disclosure officer (FDO) provides foreign disclosure
guidelines at the beginning of planning to facilitate the flow of information. EMS
releasability and classification information must be distributed and available at all levels.
(5) Multinational EMS users may not be trained to the same standards as joint
EMS managers. They have different automation capabilities, responsibilities, and national
requirements. Joint EMS managers can be expected to lead the overall database
management effort and provide training to their multinational counterparts when DOD
automation tools are used. Commanders should resource the multinational EMS office
with experienced EMS users commensurate with the size and scope of the operation.
b. NATO Considerations. Although NATO EW policy contained in Military
Committee (MC) 0064, NATO Electronic Warfare Policy, is consistent with much of US
JEMSO policy, the perspective and procedures of an MNF EM battlestaff, NATO signals
intelligence/electronic warfare operations centre (SEWOC), or EWCC will be new to most.
(1) MC 515, Concept for the NATO SIGINT and EW Operations Centre
(SEWOC), provides the operational requirements and the operational procedures for an
interoperable SEWOC to support the full range of possible NATO and NATO-led
multinational operations. It also provides a standard of operations among agencies,
Services, organizations, and nodes. In addition, it outlines the basic principles,
relationships, establishments, and specific details required to manage SIGINT and EW in
support of NATO operations and to exercise the capability in peacetime.
(2) MC 486, Concept for NATO Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff (JEWCS),
describes the functions of the joint electronic warfare core staff (JEWCS). The primary
functions of the JEWCS is to provide a core staff to augment EWCCs, serve as the primary
EWCC element for the NATO response force, and provide an operational planning
capability for NATO operations and exercises. EWCCs and the primary EWCC element
for the NATO response force are to be augmented by those nations contributing to the
operation with assets using EW. The JEWCS provides EW training for NATO forces and
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Alliance members and provides EW support for, and analysis of, NATO and Alliance
member EW systems and capabilities. At best, participants may have worked joint issues
and served in adjacent forces who have exchanged EW LNOs. However, precedent exists;
maritime forces have, for many years, worked multinational issues with little difficulty.
(3) Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3.6, Allied Joint Doctrine for Electronic
Warfare, provides electronic warfare doctrine for forces operating in NATO and NATO-
led operations and training or involving forces representing NATO. This AJP establishes
the fundamentals and principles required to plan and conduct electronic warfare operations
in coherence with EM operations in the EME. This doctrine is based on the policy set in
MC 0064, NATO EW Policy, and MC Memorandum 0142-2007, Military Committee
Transformation Concept for Future NATO Electronic Warfare. It reflects and is
harmonized with AJP-01, Allied Joint Doctrine, and AJP-3, Allied Joint Doctrine for the
Conduct of Operations. It is the senior publication in the central hierarchy of NATO
electronic warfare operational doctrine. This publication, along with Allied Tactical
Publication (ATP)-3.6.2, Electronic Warfare in the Land Battle; ATP-3.6.3, Electronic
Warfare in Air Operations; and the future NATO Emitter Database manual doctrinal
publication, provide the core doctrine for electronic warfare. NATO members invariably
base their national electronic warfare doctrine on that approved by NATO. However, there
is a need to ensure the most recent, releasable, US JEMSO publications are provided to
supporting MNFs. NATO has also established a NATO emitter database to exchange
information about member nations’ and non-member nations’ EM emissions and facilitate
the coordination of EM operations. EM operations in NATO are equivalent to US EMSO.
c. Five Eyes Considerations. United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
have a traditional relationship with the United States and exchange much information at
the national level. Five Eyes nations have been working together in development of
JEMSO cells and supporting doctrine.
d. Other MNF Considerations. The MNFC should include EWOs from supporting
MNFs within the EWCC. Should this not be practical for security reasons or availability,
the MNFC should, based on the mission, be prepared to provide EW support and the
appropriate LNOs to the multinational units.
e. Exchange of SIGINT in support of NATO electronic warfare operations should be
conducted IAW standard NATO; American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New
Zealand (ABCANZ) Electronic Warfare Forum; SIGINT Functional Manager (Director,
NSA); and Air and Space Interoperability Council procedures, as appropriate. Care should
be taken not to violate SIGINT security rules when exercising mutual support procedures.
The information data elements are also contained in appropriate Allied publications—
notably, NATO’s supplement to ATP-8(A), EW in Amphibious Operations; ATP-44,
Electronic Warfare (EW) in Air Operations; ATP-51, Electronic Warfare in the Land
Battle; MC 101, NATO Signals Intelligence Policy and Directive; and ABCANZ’s
Quadripartite Standardization Agreement (QSTAG) 593, Doctrine on Mutual Support
Between EW Units.
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III-20 JP 3-85
f. Exchange of EOB. In peacetime, this type of exchange is normally conducted
under bilateral agreement. NATO has procedures in place within the major NATO
commanders’ precautionary system that can be put into effect during times of tension.
They include the requirement to exchange information on WARMs. The procedures also
determine at what stage MNFs change to the use of WARMs; however, in low-level
conflict, they are unlikely to be activated. Therefore, the EWCC chief, through the EW
intelligence support organization and the theater joint analysis center or theater JIOC,
should ensure maintenance of an up-to-date EOB. Multinational staff officers should be
included and should ensure their national commands provide appropriate updates to theater
joint analysis in discussions on EOB. These staff officers should ensure their national
commands provide appropriate updates to theater JCEOI and JIOCs. MC 521, Concept for
Resources and Methods to Support an Operational NATO EWCC/SEWOC, describes a
NATO EOB and who is responsible for its development and upkeep.
g. US EW Planning Aids. Significant improvements have been made within the
United States in the automation of EW planning aids. These improvements enable US EW
planners to extract information from theater and national databases and depict it in graphic
format for planning and briefing purposes. Supporting MNFs are unlikely to have an equal
level of automation. By working with multinational officers, the EWCC chief should
determine what EW information would assist the MNF at the planning and unit level and
ensure that they receive it. To do this, EWCC personnel should understand security issues
that preclude the release of some data and its source but do not necessarily preclude the
release of EW mission-planning tools.
For more information, see Appendix H, “Tools and Planning Aids.”
h. Releasability. A clear, easily understood policy on the disclosure of EW
information requested by multinational partners should be developed by the commander’s
FDO as early as possible.
i. Reprogramming. Reprogramming of EW equipment is a national responsibility.
However, the EWCC chief should be aware of reprogramming efforts being conducted
within the MNF. The EWCC chief should keep the MNFC aware of limitations that could
result in EM interference and, when necessary, seek the MNFC’s guidance. To do this,
national and multinational commands should provide the EWCC chief with the following
information on request:
(1) Capabilities and limitations of MNF electronic and warfare equipment.
(2) Electronic and warfare reprogramming support available within MNF units.
(3) Nation-specific letters of agreement on reprogramming support for MNF
units employing US EW equipment, to include any agreement on flagging support.
(4) Nation-specific letters of agreement on exchange of EW reprogramming
information with those nations not employing US EW equipment.
Planning Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(5) Reports from friendly units experiencing reprogramming difficulties, to
include information on efforts being made to rectify the problem.
(6) Immediate reports on incidents that could have resulted in EMI.
(7) Operational change requests sent to US reprogramming organizations that
identify deficiencies in the partner nation’s electronic warfare equipment and their request
for reprogramming support. In turn, the EWCC chief should ensure all units in the MNF
receive the most recent data held within the theater tactical EOB database and, as
appropriate, the associated parametric information. This should enable MNF units to
address the operational change requests, judge the reliability of their current
reprogramming data, and, if necessary, identify problems to the MNF EWCC and national
support agencies. Without this level of EW mutual support, EMI on friendly systems may
j. FHA. FHA normally consists of DOD activities in support of the United States
Agency for International Development or Department of State (DOS), conducted outside
the United States and its territories, to relieve or reduce human suffering, disease, hunger,
or privation. Military forces may be deployed to provide aid to the civil administration in
a mix of civil and military humanitarian relief agencies. The civil administration (if one
exists) should provide an EMS management framework for the deployed military force.
JEMSOC, through the CCMD JFMO (if not incorporated in the JEMSOC), would focus
on HNC and ensuring that disruption to civil systems would be minimized through
coordination. Where administration does not exist, this responsibility may be delegated to
a lead military force as directed by the CCDR.
5. Interorganizational Planning Considerations
a. JEMSO during HD and DSCA missions are likely to affect operations being
conducted by other EMS users. HD and DSCA missions require an extraordinary level of
interoperability and cooperation between federal, state, and local governments; civilian
first responders; and the public.
b. JFMO NORTH is the office within the USNORTHCOM AOR designated to plan
and execute EMS management for HD and DSCA operations. It provides support to Title
10, USC, forces that are planning or executing operations in support of HD and DSCA
missions. When contingency operations, missions, and training for joint and multinational
exercises are in areas where AORs intersect, JFMO NORTH will coordinate EMS-use
requirements with the respective CCMD JFMO.
c. All JFMO NORTH component, supporting, and subordinate commands will submit
frequency requests through JFMO NORTH. USNORTHCOM Title 10, USC, forces may
be ordered into the impacted area by the President, normally at the request of the governor.
USNORTHCOM EMS manager will join the spectrum flyaway team to resolve EMS
issues at the lowest level possible. On request, EMS managers will support the joint force
formed of Title 10, USC, forces that are supporting the contingency. Frequency requests
follow the process used by Title 10, USC, forces.
Chapter III
III-22 JP 3-85
d. Existing contingency plans provide for rapid response to most HD or DSCA events.
The majority of contingency plans identify command structures and relationships
necessary to execute various options within the plan. It is imperative that the basic EMS-
use requirements for implementation of a plan are identified in advance and incorporated
into that plan.
1. Introduction
JEMSO are conducted using the same plan, execute, and assess cycle as other joint
operations. The JFC issues EMSO guidance and instructions to components that prioritize,
integrate, coordinate, direct, and deconflict all joint force EMS use within the OA. While
JEMSO are centrally planned to facilitate unity of effort, execution is decentralized to
permit maximum tactical flexibility in a highly dynamic EMOE.
2. Execution
a. Control. The supported JFC designates an EMSCA, usually the J-3; however, core
expertise and joint force-assigned mission will dictate EMSCA appointment. At the
CCMD level, EMSCA is normally delegated to the JEMSOC director. The joint directorate
assigned EMSCA (e.g., J-2, J-3, J-6) issues EMS operating instructions and provides timely
updates via order. The EMSCA may assist in coordination and deconfliction when
required but does not positively identify, track, and direct joint force EMS transmissions.
b. Battle Rhythm. The JEMSOC director establishes the battle rhythm for JEMSO
planning and operations IAW the JEMSO appendix. This battle rhythm is based on the
phase of operation, pace of operations, nature of the EMOE (i.e., how dynamic it is), and
battle rhythms of related operations (e.g., air operations cycle, intelligence cycle). It
includes the required participation in cross-functional staff organizations associated with
JEMSO planning and execution. The JEMSOC will participate in key joint force battle
rhythm processes (e.g., joint planning team, operational planning group) throughout the
entire JEMSO execution cycle (see Figure IV-1).
c. EMSO Guidance. The JFC begins the JEMSO cycle by providing updated
guidance to the components. EMSO guidance includes:
(1) Commander’s JEMSO-related guidance.
(a) EMS superiority objectives.
(b) EMOE
(c) ROE.
(d) Operational priorities.
(2) EMS-related JIPOE information (e.g., EOB updates, EMS-related METOC
(3) EMS-use prioritization.
(4) EACA/EMS management responsibility delegation.
Chapter IV
IV-2 JP 3-85
(5) EMS coordination measure activation/deactivation.
(6) Projected EMS use.
(7) EMS-use tasking.
(a) Branch/sequel execution.
(b) New operations.
(c) EMS use associated with JTCB-approved, EMS-related target elements.
Figure IV-1. Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Execution Cycle
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Execution Cycle
Issue EMSO
(Objectives, Priorities,
Produce and
Disseminate EMSO
EMSO Plans
Commander’s Guidance
CCMD combatant command
EMSO electromagnetic spectrum operations
JEMSO jointelectromagnetic spectrum operations
JTF joint task force
Conducting Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(d) JRFL.
d. Prepare/Update Component EMSO Plans. Components update their respective
EMSO plans based on the EMSO guidance. Components should analyze the latest EMOE
estimate and conduct sufficiently detailed EMSO planning to identify changes in their EMS
requirements, along with any EMSO shortfalls, and generate prioritized EMS-use requests,
which are passed to the JEMSOC.
(1) EMS-Use Request. Components submit EMS-use requests to the JEMSOC
to obtain authorization to transmit EM energy or reserve EMS frequencies/bands for
sensing. The EMS operating instructions list all authorized EMS use, including EMS-
authorization delegation. It also lists prioritized approved EMS-use requests along with
the tasked components.
(2) Non-Organic EMSO Support. Components that have EMSO requirements
but lack organic capabilities should submit a support request to the JEMSOC for
prioritization and approval.
e. Prepare Consolidated JEMSO Plan. The JEMSOC consolidates, prioritizes,
integrates, and synchronizes the component EMSO plans and attendant EMS-use requests
to produce a consolidated JEMSO plan. The JEMSOC reviews the JEMSO plan for EM
policy compliance and conducts engineering analyses on critical aspects to ensure
feasibility. The JEMSOC briefs the EMSCA on the JEMSO plan and its impact on joint
force operations and then presents the final plan for JFC approval.
f. Produce and Disseminate EMS Operating Instructions. When the JFC approves
the JEMSO plan, the JEMSOC generates EMS operating instructions for release via order.
The EMS operating instructions contain the following information:
(1) Classification/releasability guidance.
(2) Objectives.
(3) EMOE.
(4) ROE.
(5) EMS-use prioritization.
(6) EACA/EMS management responsibility delegation.
(7) Specified transmission authorizations.
(a) EMS allotments (including EM parametric restrictions).
(b) JCEOI.
(c) Master rapper tables (i.e., EA jamming coordination card).
Chapter IV
IV-4 JP 3-85
(d) Other authorizations as required.
(8) Active EMS coordination measures.
(a) JRFL.
(b) Other measures as required.
(9) JEMSO support tasking.
g. Build Detailed EMSO Execution Plans. Service/functional components conduct
detailed EMSO planning as directed by the EMS operating instructions. If delegated
authority for specific portions of the EMOE, components conduct the necessary EMSO
prioritization, integration, and synchronization and publish orders. Service, functional
component orders, and other orders will be forwarded to the JEMSOC, who will review
for cross-component interference, advise affected components, and distribute across the
joint force for SA.
h. JEMSO Execution. The JEMSOC monitors execution and recommends changes
in JEMSO prioritization and tasking based on JFC direction and component inputs. The
JEMSOC distributes these changes via order across the joint force for SA. Key processes
include the immediate support process and the JSIR process.
(1) Immediate JEMSO Requests. Service components submit EMS-use
requests that arise after the JEMSO planning cycle deadline directly to the JEMSOC. The
JEMSOC conducts an abbreviated staff coordination and analysis cycle to determine
request priority and feasibility. The JEMSOC distributes approved requests across the joint
force via order and notifies impacted units directly.
(2) EMI Resolution. The JEMSOC assists components with EMI incidents IAW
JSIR procedures documented in the JEMSO appendix, EMSO guidance, and orders. If the
JEMSOC cannot resolve or mitigate the EMI, it will develop COAs IAW the published
EMS operating instructions.
(3) Capability Status. The JEMSOC monitors the status and availability of
significant EMSO capabilities across the OA and provides alerts when any changes place
an operation or mission at risk.
(4) EMOE Update. This is a continuous process whereby the EME is monitored
and compared against the EMOE estimate. Any differences are analyzed so that the EMOE
estimate can be updated.
3. Assessment
a. At the end of a JEMSO execution cycle, the JEMSOC collates Service component
feedback reports to assess EMSO effectiveness. The assessment is conducted using the
measures of effectiveness (MOEs)/measures of performance established in the JEMSO
Conducting Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
(1) Operation Assessments. Operation assessments involve measuring progress
in achieving the JFC’s objectives and attaining the end states. The JEMSOC provides
expertise and perspective as it measures and evaluates progress. EMS operational assessors
help the command determine progress toward mission accomplishment. The assessors also
evaluate actions to identify operational deficiencies and develop methods to improve
operations’ effectiveness. Lastly, assessors develop response options for the joint force to
address emerging EMS threats.
(2) MOEs. The JEMSOC measures the effectiveness of EMSO actions. This is
a technically focused assessment analyzing both cause and effect (e.g., collateral damage
assessment due to EA). MOEs may drive changes to the various planning outputs (e.g.,
new frequency assignments, updated load sets for EA systems, special instructions
[SPINS] to operators). Some forms of EA may need to be included in the air tasking order.
When this is the case, the JEMSO execution cycle should synchronize with the air tasking
order cycle to enable EW assessments and improve BDA accuracy.
b. JEMSO Assessment Data Uses
(1) JEMSO Effectiveness and Shortfalls. The JEMSOC uses the assessment
information to identify capability shortfalls; drive changes to the EMSO guidance; resolve
EMI; generate requests for information for intelligence support; nominate targets
impacting friendly force use of the EMS; nominate targets; conduct EW reprogramming;
and update the EMSCA on JEMSO effectiveness, process efficiency, and capability
(2) Lessons Learned. The JEMSOC develops lessons learned for dissemination
to the Service components as well as the relevant joint and Service organizations. Lessons
learned can be used for current operations but also form the basis for future planning.
JEMSO observations are reported in the Joint Lessons Learned Information System
(https://www.jllis.mil or http://www.jllis.smil.mil).
For further information on lessons learned, see CJCSI 3150.25, Joint Lessons Learned
(3) Intelligence Assessments. Assessments are a key element for supporting
JEMSO. Assessments ensure timely JEMSO activity feedback is distributed across the
joint force.
(4) EW Reprogramming. Assessment data is provided to a Service or
organization’s EW reprogramming support program to maintain or enhance the
effectiveness of EW and TSSs. Service reprogramming efforts include coordination with
the JEMSOC to ensure those reprogramming requirements are identified, processed,
deconflicted, and implemented in a timely manner by all affected friendly forces.
(5) Software Reprogrammable, EMS-Dependent System Waveforms.
Provide software control of a variety of modulation techniques, wide-band or narrow-band
modulation, communications security functions, and waveform requirements of current
and evolving standards over a broad frequency range. The purpose of software defined
Chapter IV
IV-6 JP 3-85
radio policy updates is to maintain or enhance the effectiveness of automated
communications equipment in a rapidly evolving, congested, and contested EMOE.
1. Introduction
This appendix provides additional information on international and national SM.
2. International and National Spectrum Management
All nations have a sovereign right to allocate the EMS as needed to support their
interests. At the international and national levels, the primary concern for the use of the
EMS is economic and not military. Successful conduct of operations requires the JFC to
work with the nation(s) at issue to balance these rights with the need to maintain security
of US forces and MNFs. The CCDR and staff need to be familiar with national spectrum
allocations within their AOR (as applicable), as the majority of these will conflict with US
allocations for military systems. Since both operational and tactical spectrum policy and
decisions are based on international and national policy, it is important to understand the
organizations and processes involved in international spectrum operations. This section
provides an overview of international, national, joint, and Service organizations and
agencies that are primarily responsible for policy concerning spectrum use.
a. International EMS Management
(1) International Telecommunications Union (ITU). To promote international
telecommunications cooperation to support trade, transportation, communications, and
mutual protection against interference, most nations have agreed to follow ITU allocations,
standards, and radio regulations for spectrum use. The ITU allocations for civil and
military EMS use in North and South America are different from those used in the Middle
East and Asia. Maintaining a good understanding of ITU and HN allocations for the AOI
enhances the JTF staff’s ability to prevent EMS-use conflicts that could negatively affect
military operations or civilian infrastructure.
(2) Allied EMS Management Authorities. When operations are conducted
with Allied forces, it is necessary to understand SM roles, responsibilities, and processes
within the alliance. The United States is a member of two long-standing organizations:
NATO and the Combined Communications-Electronics Board (CCEB).
(3) NATO. NATO organizations that have a role in EMS management
operations are:
(a) MC. The senior military authority in NATO, providing NATO’s civilian
decision-making bodies—the North Atlantic Council, the Defense Planning Committee,
and the Nuclear Planning Group—with advice on military matters.
(b) NATO Civilian/Military Spectrum Capability Panel. This panel is the
sole, competent source of advice and decisions on the management of the RF spectrum
within the NATO Alliance. It supports the NATO MC and the Consultation, Command
and Control Board and works with the member-nation military strategic commands to
Appendix A
A-2 JP 3-85
satisfy NATO RF spectrum requirements during peace, emergency, crisis, and wartime. In
addition to the Allied spectrum publication (ASP) series, the panel is also responsible for
various NATO documents, such as the NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement,
the NATO Frequency Management Handbook, and the NATO position for the world radio
communication conference.
1. The NATO Civil/Military Spectrum Capability Panel is composed of
representatives from the military and civil SM authorities of NATO member and partner
nations, the strategic commands, and the NATO Communications and Information Agency
(an acquisition, research, and development service provisioning and maintenance
2. The panel also interacts with non-NATO nations in support of
cooperative efforts involving frequency and SM issues. Additionally, it deals with the
military frequency and spectrum problems of other agencies and organizations, any
separate NATO command that may be established later, or of the NATO nations (when
called upon), provided this does not interfere with its primary mission.
(c) NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command, and Control
Staff/Spectrum Infrastructure Branch is charged with carrying out the necessary day-to-
day staff and operational work in support of the NATO Civil/Military Spectrum Capability
Panel Consultation, Command, and Control Board, with its related substructure and NATO
nations and commands. Staff work includes cooperation with all relevant international,
regional, and national civil and military regulatory spectrum authorities/bodies; developing
and maintaining NATO spectrum policy and doctrine; providing advice to nations,
organizations, and acquisition programs for spectrum-dependent equipment; coordinating
supportability assessments; performing other tasks in support of the Civil/Military
Spectrum Capability Panel terms of reference; and assigning and managing frequencies
allocated to NATO for use in specific operations. Additionally, the branch coordinates
frequencies among NATO nations and between NATO and non-NATO nations upon
request. In this unique capacity, the branch functions as a SM office through all three levels
(strategic, operational, and tactical).
(d) National Radio Frequency Agency. The SM office equivalent for the
ministry of defense or chief of defense that acts as the national military frequency agency
for a nation is usually called a national RF agency. This agency exists as the primary
interface for spectrum coordination and management issues between the NATO
Headquarters Consultation, Command, and Control Staff SMB staff and the NATO nations
on a national military level. Each nation’s national RF agency will vary slightly in specific
duties, procedures, and processes. See Allied Communications Publication (ACP) 190, US
Supplement (SUPP) 1, Guide to Spectrum Management in Military Operations; ASP 01,
Parts 1 and 2, Spectrum Management in Military Operations; NATO Frequency
Management Handbook; and CCEB Publication 1, Organisation, Roles, and
Responsibilities, for more information on Allied SM organizations.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Management
(4) CCEB. The CCEB is a five-nation, joint military communications-
electronics (C-E) organization whose mission is the coordination of any military C-E
matter referred to it by a member nation.
(a) The CCEB consist of the “Five Eyes” nations.
(b) The CCEB has no standing forces, so their focus is on interoperability
between member nations. The CCEB principals consist of a senior communications
representative from the member nations.
(c) The spectrum WG is the CCEB WG concerned with CCEB SM issues.
Refer to CCEB Publication 1, Organisation, Roles, and Responsibilities, for a full
description of the organization and mission of the CCEB.
(d) Historically, CCEB nations have had a positive impact on NATO’s wider
allied communications (technical) interoperability through the generation and distribution
of communications procedural documents titled ACPs and ASPs. ACPs and ASPs are
issued for use by allied forces of the nations represented on the CCEB and are appropriate
for use in any theater or part of the world. The base publications do not contain national
or local theater, command, or geographically significant information. ACP supplements
cover specific national, command, or geographic issues. Two key ACPs/ASPs pertaining
to SM are ACP 194, Policy for the Coordination of Military Radio Frequency Allocations
and Assignments Between Cooperating Nations, and ASP-01, Parts 1 and 2, Spectrum
Management in Military Operations.
(5) Spectrum Support Outside the United States
(a) The CCDRs, through the JFMO/JEMSOC, coordinate through the US
liaison office or US OMC to obtain spectrum support and negotiate frequency assignments
from HN EMS authorities to support military operations and exercises in their respective
nations. To streamline the coordination process, the US liaison office or OMC may
authorize direct coordination between the CCMD JFMO or JTF JEMSOC and the HN EMS
authorities. Because it may be easier to include spectrum use in other agreements, the
CCDR may want to include EMS access by US military forces in agreements such as:
1. SOFAs.
2. HN security agreements with US forces.
3. Protection of HN political, military, economic, social, information,
and infrastructure considerations.
4. Military and civil aviation agreements.
5. JTF support agreements with the HN, other government departments
and agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), either directly or through DOS.
Appendix A
A-4 JP 3-85
(b) The JTF staff should ensure the JTF commander understands the impact
of these agreements on the force’s ability to conduct the mission. Any agreement that
addresses EMS access shall include provisions for joint forces to utilize the EMS for self-
(c) The joint force or JTF personnel do not initiate or conduct a negotiation
of an international agreement without the prior written approval of the DOD official who
has been assigned responsibility for agreements concerning EMS management, access, and
b. National EMS Management
(1) Commanders require awareness of the policy and processes for national SM.
This is especially important because critical events occurring within the homeland, such as
weapons of mass destruction events or natural disasters, require coordination among
federal, state, local, and tribal authorities whose equipment may operate, by law, in
different frequency bands. This difference in frequency band usage is because, within the
United States, commanders comply with the statutory EMS management requirements of
the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) for federal systems and Federal Communications Commission
regulations for civil systems.
(2) Spectrum supportability is addressed in both regulation and policy, but it is
important for commanders to be familiar with the process and its implementation so
compliance can be maintained. The Military Command, Control, Communications, and
Computers Executive Board (MC4EB) provides spectrum support guidance to DOD. This
guidance outlines the general considerations, provisions, and restrictions that apply to a
particular system concerning the use of the EMS.
(a) The MC4EB is the principal DOD coordinating agency for EMS
management. The MC4EB functions under the policies and directives of the Secretary of
Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The MC4EB guides DOD in preparing and
coordinating technical directives and agreements and in allocating spectrum from the
NTIA. Its mission is three-fold: coordinate among DOD components, among DOD and
other US Government departments and agencies, and among DOD and foreign nations.
(b) Membership of the MC4EB is composed of the Joint Staff J-8 [Force
Structure, Resource, and Assessment]; Director J-6 [Command, Control, Communications
and Computers/Cyber] (who also serves as chairman); representatives of each Service;
USCG; Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA); DIA; NSA; and the Assistant
Deputy Director for Communications and Networks, who represents the CCDRs. Other
DOD elements may participate when appropriate.
(3) The spectrum certification process is used to facilitate the timely provision of
technical characteristics to determine compatibility and interoperability of EMS-dependent
systems and ascertain whether these systems will operate IAW the DOD, national, and
international technical standards, rules, and regulations. Close coordination among
Electromagnetic Spectrum Management
operations, SM, and procurement personnel ensures effective/efficient use of the spectrum
for peacetime and wartime operations. It is important for commanders to understand the
relationship between operational phases, acquisition categories, program milestone events,
and the ability to gain approval for frequencies.
For more information on spectrum supportability, see Manual of Regulations and
Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, and ASP-01, Parts 1 and 2,
Spectrum Management in Military Operations.
Appendix A
A-6 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. Introduction
This appendix provides additional information on EW activities.
2. Electromagnetic Warfare Activities
a. EA Activities. To conduct operational planning, targeting, execution, and
assessment, the joint force requires a clear understanding of the effects that can be created
by EW. EA can be conducted for both offensive and defensive purposes. Since an EA
system transmits EM energy just like any other transmitter, it can also be used to transmit
EM energy for purposes other than for EA. This is most commonly done for MISO or to
create effects in cyberspace. In such cases, it is important that those effects are created
using the proper legal authorities and also that their use complies with the law of war and
applicable ROE. The effects that can be created by EA systems include destruction,
degradation, disruption, and deception. The first three effects are denial effects that can be
placed on a continuum of temporary to permanent and partial to complete. Thus, an effect
on a capability could be described as disrupted for a short time period, destroyed, or
degraded at varying levels for varying time periods.
(1) Destroy. Destruction makes the condition of a target so damaged that it can
neither function nor be restored to a usable condition in a time frame relevant to the current
operation. When used in the EW context, destruction is the use of EA to eliminate targeted
enemy personnel, facilities, or equipment. Sensors and C2 nodes are lucrative targets
because their destruction strongly influences the enemy’s perceptions and ability to
coordinate actions. Space assets in orbit, as well as computer services in cyberspace, are
potentially lucrative targets as well. EW, through ES, supports destruction by providing
actionable target locations and/or information. While destruction of enemy equipment is
an effective means to permanently eliminate aspects of an enemy’s capability, the duration
of the effect on operations will depend on the enemy’s ability to reconstitute.
(2) Degrade. Degradation reduces the effectiveness or efficiency of an enemy
EMS-dependent system. The impact of degradation may last a few seconds or remain
throughout the entire operation. For example, degradation may confuse or delay the actions
of an enemy, but a proficient operator may be able to work around the effects to reduce or
eliminate its impact. Degradation is accomplished with EM jamming, EM deception, and
EM intrusion. Degradation may be the best choice to stimulate the enemy to determine the
adversary’s response or for EA conditioning. Degradation may be adequate to achieve
overall mission success.
(3) Disrupt. Disruption temporarily interrupts the operation of an enemy EMS-
dependent system. Disruption interferes with the enemy’s use of the EMS to limit its
combat capabilities. A trained enemy operator may be able to thwart disruption through
effective EP actions (e.g., changing frequency, EM shielding). The objective of disruption
Appendix B
B-2 JP 3-85
is to confuse or delay enemy action. Advanced EA techniques offer the opportunity to
nondestructively disrupt enemy infrastructure.
(4) Deceive. Deception measures are designed to mislead the enemy by
manipulation, distortion, or falsification of evidence to induce them to react in a manner
prejudicial to their interests. Deception in an EW context presents enemy operators and
higher-level processing functions with erroneous inputs, either directly through the sensors
themselves or through EMS-based networks such as voice communications or data links.
Through use of the EMS, EW manipulates the enemy’s decision loop, making it difficult
to establish an accurate perception of objective reality. Deception is often used for
defensive purposes to avoid being targeted by an enemy in a tactical engagement or by
injection of false signals into a sensor such as a radar. This is not to be confused with
MISO or MILDEC, which are often used to present false messages to decision makers,
usually at a higher level. The distinction is important because the required legal authorities
governing EA differ from those governing MISO or MILDEC.
b. ES Activities. ES is conducted in support of operations and is crucial for
supporting other EW activities. ES can be used in support of offensive or defensive
operations and can provide general information for SA or more detailed information in
support of planning or targeting. ES should not be confused with SIGINT, which requires
different authorities and ROE. There are two effects that can be created by ES:
(1) Detect. Detection occurs when potential threat EM emissions are discovered
and identified through use of ES measures. It is the essential first step in any follow-on
EW activity.
(2) Exploit. Exploitation takes full advantage of any information that has come
to hand for tactical, operational, or strategic purposes. In an EW context, exploitation is
ES that takes full advantage of radiated EM energy to collect, characterize, locate, and
track EM radiation sources to support current and future operations. Exploitation may be
enhanced or enabled by EA to stimulate EMS-dependent systems or by herding an enemy to
the use of exploitable systems.
c. EP Activities. EP is conducted to ensure forces are able to operate despite any
potentially adverse effects of EM radiation regardless of the source (friendly, neutral,
adversary/enemy, or natural). To protect is to cover or shield from exposure, damage, or
destruction. In the context of EP, the effect of protection is to be able to continue the use
of EMS-dependent systems despite the effects of adverse EM radiation. EP should not be
confused with defensive EA. Defensive EA is used to protect from physical attack while
EP ensures the ability to operate in a congested and/or contested EMOE.
d. Additional EW Capabilities and Activities. EW capabilities and activities have
been captured throughout this document as an integral part of JEMSO. Some of these
capabilities and activities were briefly touched on and warrant examination in further
Electromagnetic Warfare Activities
(1) DE. DE is an umbrella term covering technologies that produce concentrated
EM energy and atomic or subatomic particles.
(a) A DE weapon is an EA capability using DE primarily as a means to
incapacitate, damage, disable, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, and/or personnel.
DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and
countermeasures to incapacitate; cause direct damage or destruction of enemy equipment,
facilities, and/or personnel; or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the
EMS through damage, destruction, and disruption. It also includes actions taken to protect
friendly equipment, facilities, and personnel and retain friendly use of the EMS. With the
maturation of DE technology, weaponized DE systems are becoming more prolific,
powerful, and a significant subset of the EW mission area. DE examples include active
denial technology, lasers, RF weapons, and DE antisatellite and HPM weapon systems.
(b) DE weapon applications exist in their traditional EW roles and also fit
into evolving fires applications. For example, specific EA applications include a laser
designed to blind or disrupt optical sensors or a more powerful laser targeted to destroy the
aperture or chassis of a satellite on orbit. A laser warning receiver designed to detect and
analyze a laser signal is ES, while a visor or goggle designed to filter out the harmful
wavelength of laser light is EP.
(c) Intelligence efforts and assets can be tasked to collect information about
this threat, and joint planning should include the development of COAs to mitigate the
effects of an enemy’s use of these weapons against friendly forces. Intelligence or other
data concerning deliberate use of a blinding laser weapon should be preserved as evidence
of a possible violation of international law (e.g., additional Protocol IV to the 1980
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of laser weapons
specifically designed to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision).
(d) DE weapons and devices create effects on designated targets, to include
personnel and materiel. DE weapons may provide precise engagement of a target with
limited or no collateral damage. DE weapons also support “escalation of force” efforts
when directed by the JFC.
(2) Countermeasures. Countermeasures are that form of military science that,
by the employment of devices and/or techniques, is designed to impair the operational
effectiveness of enemy activity. Countermeasures can be active or passive and deployed
preemptively or reactively. EW-related examples include EO-IR and RF countermeasures
such as flares or chaff. Chaff consists of radar confusion reflectors—thin, narrow, metallic
strips of various lengths and frequency responses, which are used to reflect echoes.
(a) EO-IR CMs. Any device or technique employing EO-IR materials or
technology that is intended to impair the effectiveness of enemy activity, particularly with
respect to precision-guided weapons and sensor systems. EO-IR CMs may use laser
jammers, smokes/aerosols, signature suppressants, decoys, pyrotechnics/pyrophorics,
high-energy lasers, or directed IR energy countermeasures.
Appendix B
B-4 JP 3-85
(b) RF Countermeasures. Devices and techniques that employ RF
technology to impair the effectiveness of enemy activity (e.g., precision-guided or radio-
controlled weapons, communications equipment, and sensor systems).
(3) EM Probing. EM probing is the intentional introduction of radiation into the
devices or systems of adversaries for the purpose of learning the functions and operational
capabilities of the devices or systems.
(4) Meaconing. Meaconing consists of receiving radio beacon signals and
rebroadcasting them on the same frequency to confuse navigation. The meaconing stations
cause inaccurate bearings for aircraft or ground stations.
(5) Precision Geolocation. Precision geolocation involves planning,
coordinating, and managing friendly assets to perform the function of geolocating threat
RF systems for the purposes of targeting, using EW assets among other sources of
information, and intelligence data.
(6) EW Frequency Deconfliction. Actions taken to integrate those frequencies
used by EW systems into the overall frequency deconfliction process.
1. Introduction
This appendix provides a nominal format for a JEMSO appendix to the applicable
2. Notional Format
Copy no___ of ___copies
Issuing Headquarters
Place of Issue
Date/Time Group when signed
Appendix JEMSO to CONPLAN, OPLAN or OPORD yy-nnnn Issuing
(X) References: List Annex C of the next higher commands CONPLAN, OPLAN or
OPORD and other documents, maps, overlays and standard operating procedures that
provide guidance and information for use with this appendix.
(X) Time Zone Used Throughout the Order:
a. Situation: Describe EMS aspects related to situation, threat, friendly forces, and
neutral nations.
(1) (X) General. Describe planned and available JEMSO support to the
CONPLAN/OPLAN. Explain how to obtain and coordinate JEMSO support. List
operational constraints and shortfalls. Describe support relationships. Refer to other
annexes or provide enough information about the overall situation to give subordinate and
supporting units a clear understanding of the operations contemplated that require JEMSO
(2) (X) Threat. Provide a clear understanding of the magnitude of the threat from
an EMS perspective. Summarize the threat situation, force disposition, EMS capabilities
and possible COAs the enemy could use to affect friendly force operations by denying
friendly force use of the EMS. Describe how the threat uses the EMS to support operations.
(a) (X) Describe major/critical threat electromagnetic spectrum operations
(EMSO) capabilities, how they will be used, and their value to the threat.
1. (X) Estimate the impact of threat EMS capabilities on friendly
operations. Identify threat sensing, communications, and EA capabilities. Describe
notification or warning methods to friendly units of threat EMS activities to include threat
C2, communication, and cyberspace systems, active sensors (e.g., radars), passive sensors
(e.g., SIGINT), and jammers. Discuss the threat’s ability to detect and exploit friendly
EMS use to support operations. Refer to Annex B, Intelligence, for amplifying
Appendix C
C-2 JP 3-85
2. (X) Identify how the threat uses the EMS to support operations (e.g.,
integrated air defense system, C2, and communication systems). Identify EMS aspects of
threat COGs and network nodes and links. Identify threat EMS weaknesses,
susceptibilities, and vulnerabilities such as EMS dependencies, poor emissions security,
lack of encryption, geolocation of EMS dependent systems and their supported units, new
operating modes, or gaps in frequency coverage of friendly EMS systems.
(b) (X) Describe what the threat is capable of doing and probably will do
with space, air, surface, subsurface, or cyberspace assets to interfere with friendly force
EMS-dependent system operations. Identify hostile EMS activities that deny unrestricted
friendly access to the EMS, deny the full capabilities of friendly EMS dependent assets, or
restrict friendly operations affected by the EMS. This includes denying the PNT and
communications links (terrestrial and space) that support the missions and tasks envisioned
in this plan. Account for threat reserve mobilization. Refer to Annex B, Intelligence, for
amplifying information.
(3) (X) Friendly. In numbered sub-paragraphs, state the capabilities of external
commands, units, forces, or agencies to provide JEMSO support for the operation (e.g.,
United States Strategic Command [USSTRATCOM], USCYBERCOM, Joint Navigation
Warfare Center (JNWC), Joint Spectrum Center, NSA, DIA). Include non-US agencies
and systems such as Five Eyes partners and NATO. Identify systems available for C2 and
communication, environmental characterization, navigation/PNT, collection, EMS
deconfliction and allocation, tasking, or other application categories. Identify friendly
EMS dependencies and vulnerabilities. Describe changes or modifications to established
procedures, memorandums of agreement (MOAs), or memorandums of understanding
(MOUs) that may be in effect. Use appendix for detailed information. Refer to the Annex
C, Operations, of the next higher command and adjacent commands.
(a) (X) Describe major friendly force EMSO capabilities, how they will be
used, and their value to the joint force.
1. (X) Estimate the impact of friendly force EMS-related
capabilities (e.g., EA, ES, SIGINT, and sensor systems) on threat operations. Include key
threat WMD systems; C2 and communication systems; processing, exploitation, and
dissemination (PED) networks, active sensors (e.g., radars), passive sensors (e.g., SIGINT)
and EA systems. Refer to Annex B, Intelligence, for amplifying information.
2. (X) Identify how friendly forces plan to use the EMS to support
operations (e.g., integrated air defense system, C2 and communication systems, PED
networks). Identify EMS aspects of friendly force COGs and network nodes and links.
Identify EMS weaknesses, susceptibilities, and vulnerabilities requiring protection.
(b) (X) Describe the potential for friendly force operations to deny the threat
use of the EMS to support operations. This includes the application of EA with friendly
force EMS-dependent system operations. Identify hostile EMS activities that deny threat
unrestricted friendly access to the EMS or restrict threat operations affected by the EMS.
This includes denying the threat PNT, C2 and communication links (terrestrial and space),
Notional Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Appendix
integrated air defense systems, and space surveillance systems. Refer to Annex B,
Intelligence, for amplifying information.
(4) (X) Neutrals. In numbered sub-paragraphs, describe the neutral (e.g., HN,
neutral or unaligned nations, non-states, and NGOs) capabilities and use of the EMS within
the AOI.
(a) (X) Describe major/critical neutral nation transmitter and receiver
systems within the AOI and their projected EMS-use requirements.
(b) (X) Describe neutral nation use and dependencies upon the EMS to
include C2 and communication network, air traffic control systems, first responder
systems, broadcast systems, environment sensing networks, PNT dependencies, and
cellular networks. Identify neutral nation dependencies and vulnerabilities.
(c) (X) Describe any constraints on EMS use imposed by host or neutral
nations, to include HN agreements, SOFAs, and international regulations. Describe
changes or modifications to established procedures, MOAs, or MOUs that may be in effect.
(5) (X) Assumptions. State any assumptions, not included in the base plan or
order, relating to friendly, threat, or neutral nations’ capabilities and operations that may
affect, negate, or compromise JEMSO capabilities. If any assumptions are critical to the
success of the plan, indicate alternative COAs.
b. Mission: Describe the JEMSOC mission in support of the JTF. Per JP 5-0, Joint
Planning, a mission is a task or set of tasks, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates
the action to be taken and the reason for doing so. State in concise terms the JEMSO tasks
to be accomplished in support of the operations in the base plan, state why those specific
tasks are being undertaken, and describe desired results in support of this
CONPLAN/OPLAN. Furthermore, the JEMSO mission should nest within the plans
mission statement but should be far more detailed and descriptive.
c. Execution: Describe the CONOPS for the JEMSOC, the tasks the JEMSOC is to
accomplish, and the instructions for coordinating across the components, joint staff, and
NGOs as well as with the CCMD JFMO. JEMSO activities range from EMS management
and frequency allocation to EA operations. The functions required may vary greatly within
the area of operations or between phases of the operation and will occur within all of the
domains, along with the EMS, simultaneously. This appendix will, therefore, require
considerable detail to effectively guide joint operations and accomplishment of the JFC’s
mission. Additional tabs should be used as necessary to provide more detailed guidance.
Describe how JEMSO are organized at the CCMD and how they fit into the CONOPS
presented by the Services.
(1) (X) JEMSO CONOPS. Describe how JEMSO will support the JFC’s
operational mission. When an operation involves various phases, the CONOPS should be
prepared describing the role and application of JEMSO in each phase. Provide targeting
and collections guidance, spectrum allotment estimates, big-picture priorities, and JEMSO
activities by phase.
Appendix C
C-4 JP 3-85
(2) (X) Tasks and Responsibilities. In numbered paragraphs, assign individual
tasks and responsibilities to each applicable subordinate unit, supporting command, or
agency that provides support to the plan. Include tasks to JTF staff directorates, tasks to
components, tasks to mission areas (when appropriate), and tasks to support agencies.
Example tasks are included in an attachment to this template.
(3) (X) Coordinating Instructions. List the instructions applicable to the entire
command, or two or more elements of the command, that are necessary for proper
coordination of the operation but are not appropriate for inclusion in a particular annex.
Provide necessary guidance common to two or more components, subdivisions, or
agencies. Describe liaison requirements, if any. Examples might include the following:
(a) Coordinating EMS use inside allotments given to a component.
(b) Requesting non-organic EA and ES support from a separate Service.
(c) Coordinating EACA within a decentralized EMS management architecture.
(d) Coordinating activities between the CCMD JFMO and the JTF JEMSOC.
d. Administration and Logistics: Describe support needed to
deploy/establish/sustain the JEMSOC. Provide broad guidance concerning administrative
and logistic support for JEMSO. Address support of mobile or fixed EMS-dependent
assets within the area of operations or refer to another annex where this information is
available. Describe support needed and who will provide it for any JEMSO-related assets
supporting the command. Refer to annex D, Logistics, or pertinent command directives
for amplifying information.
e. C2: Describe the C2 structure of the JEMSOC as well as any C2 requirements.
(1) (X) C2 Structure. State the command structure for JEMSO, frequency
assignment authorities, and EACA. Indicate the difference, if any, between the command
channels for the conduct of JEMSO activities and the command relationships established
in Annex J, Command Relationships. If applicable, state requirements for augmentation
of appropriate headquarters with JEMSO (EW, SM, information, intelligence, cyberspace,
and communication) personnel. Refer to the appropriate section of Annex J; Annex K,
Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (C4) Systems; or the base plan for
general C2 support of JEMSO activities.
(2) (X) Command, Control, and Communications Systems. Summarize
requirements for general C2 systems support of JEMSO activities. Identify all the feeds
needed for intelligence support from local/CONUS EMS-data repositories; real-time data
feeds from theater and national sensors; and communications links between the JEMSOC
and components, staff units, NGOs, and other organizations. Refer to appropriate sections
of Annex K.
Tab A: JEMSO Framework:
Notional Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Appendix
Enclosure A—JEMSO policy and guidance
Enclosure B—JEMSO security classification guidance
Enclosure C—Procedures for requesting frequencies to support EMS-dependent
systems, including lead times and request format
Enclosure D—EMBM system guidance, tools, and configuration
Enclosure E—JSIR reporting requirements and routing procedures
Tab B: EMS Management
Enclosure A—EMS coordination measure (e.g., JRFL) submission procedures,
including lead times
Enclosure B—HNC procedures, including lead times and restrictions
Enclosure C—EMI Reporting
Enclosure D—MNL requirements collection process, including the need for
identifying nets requiring call signs, prowords, and possible frequency sharing
Tab C: Electromagnetic Warfare
Tab D: EMSO Guidance
Enclosure A—Commander’s JEMSO-related guidance (updated EMS superiority
objectives, AOI for the EMOE, ROE changes)
Enclosure B—JIPOE information (Threat, neutral, and friendly-force EOB updates;
impact of physical and environmental state on the EMOE)
Enclosure C—EMS-use prioritization changes
Enclosure D—EMSCA delegation
Enclosure E—EMS coordination measure activation/deactivation
Enclosure F—Friendly EOB changes
Enclosure G—Projected EMS-use allotment changes
Enclosure H—EMS-use tasking changes
Enclosure I—Branch/sequel execution
Enclosure J—New operations
Tab E – EMS Operating Instructions
Enclosure A—Objectives
Enclosure B—EMOE
Enclosure C—ROE
Enclosure D—EMS-use prioritization
Enclosure E—EMSCA delegation
Enclosure F—EMS band allotments (including EM parametric restrictions)
Enclosure G—Specified transmission authorizations (JCEOI, master rapper tables,
other as required)
Enclosure H—Active EMS coordination measures (e.g., JRFL)
Enclosure I—JEMSO support tasking
Enclosure J—EMBM reporting procedures
Appendix C
C-6 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
Annex A United States Strategic Command
Annex B Joint Navigation Warfare Center
Annex C Joint Spectrum Center
Appendix D
D-2 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. General
USSTRATCOM/J-3E [Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations] is Commander,
USSTRATCOM’s, principal organization for executing command JEMSO
responsibilities. The J-3E JEMSO office, along with USSTRATCOM headquarters, will
support the command’s JEMSO responsibilities. The J-3E oversees two centers (Joint
Electromagnetic Warfare Center [JEWC], Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, and Joint
Electromagnetic Preparedness for Advanced Combat [JEPAC], Nellis Air Force Base
[AFB], Nevada) providing JEMSO support. JEWC provides operational EW subject
matter expertise, deployable experts, modeling, oversight, and advocacy of evolving EW
capabilities, training, and products to enable EMS superiority. JEPAC assesses joint force
readiness and JEMSO capabilities.
2. Mission
USSTRATCOM enables EMS superiority through joint training, planning, operations
support, and assessments. USSTRATCOM and its JEMSO centers assess readiness of joint
and operational JEMSO capabilities; identify gaps and limitations; and deliver timely,
relevant assessment results that enable data-driven decisions.
3. United States Strategic Command Support to Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum
(1) Coordinates with CCMDs, Services, the Joint Staff, the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, DISA’s Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO), interagency
organizations, multinational partners, and others, as required on EMSO issues.
(2) Responds to emergent EMS-related requirements and requests for support for
(3) Provides Commander, USSTRATCOM, EMS SA and an effective capability
to support other CCMDs’ daily operations.
(4) Supports planning through a JEMSO WG.
(5) Approves EA or planned interference against GPS signals in tests, training,
and exercises conducted or sponsored by DOD entities and not approved through an NTIA
frequency allocation. USSTRATCOM ensures appropriate coordination occurs with
CCMDs, Services, the Joint Staff, DOD agencies, interagency organizations, multinational
partners, and others as required.
Annex A to Appendix D
D-A-2 JP 3-85
(1) Serves as the central DOD repository for EW-related subject matter expertise
supporting the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, CCDRs, Services, JFCs, and multinational
(2) Provides CCMDs and their component and subordinate commands with EW-
related engineering and analytical assistance in support of planning, near real time
reachback support, and post-event reconstructive analysis.
(3) Provides both predictive and reconstructive modeling, simulation, and
analysis at the engineering, engagement, and mission levels. JEWC products include RF
propagation and three-dimensional terrain modeling/analysis for airborne, ground-based,
and surface/subsurface EMS-dependent systems in support of tactical mission and
operational planning. JEWC supports CCMD-integrated joint STO evaluation requests
and special access program planning support, as required. The JEWC tailors products for
each planning effort as requested by CCMDs and their components.
(4) Maintains a deployable EW planning and coordination cell capable of rapid
deployment in support of planning and operations. When deployed, the cell provides a
CCMD with the expertise necessary to plan, coordinate, and manage JEMSO in times of
crisis for up to 60 days.
(5) Maintains the Joint Electromagnetic Warfare Theater Operations Course, a
certified and required course for joint EWOs that transforms Service EW experts into
theater EW staff officers capable of shaping the EMOE for JFCs.
(6) Maintains an EM opposing force capable of replicating a coherent, realistic
EME that mirrors threat and civilian infrastructure to train US Government forces and
enhance EM capabilities, processes, and TTP proficiency.
(7) Collaborates with laboratories, joint and Service analysis centers, weapons
schools, battle labs, centers of excellence, US and allied operational JEMSO communities,
and academia, to explore innovative JEMSO employment options and concepts for
capabilities against existing and emerging EM targets throughout the OE.
(8) Manages, as the Joint Staff’s lead agent and technical advisor, US
participation in the NATO Emitter Database, and performs management and coordination
functions of the US Electromagnetic Systems Database.
(1) Performs EMS vulnerability assessments (to include emerging RF-enabled
cyberspace threats) and delivers timely and relevant results to the Services and CCMDs on
identified vulnerabilities with supported doctrine, organization, training, materiel,
leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy mitigation strategies; validates
solutions; and enhances combat capabilities throughout the OE.
(2) Advances friendly force survivability capabilities.
United States Strategic Command
(3) Provides oversight and presents an advanced threat representative EME for
joint training events.
(4) Bolsters EMS training with developed and demonstrated EW capabilities and
education across the joint force.
Annex A to Appendix D
D-A-4 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. General
NAVWAR plays a significant role in the transregional, all-domain, and
multifunctional crises and contingencies the joint forces face today.
2. Joint Navigation Warfare Center
a. As the DOD Center of Excellence for NAVWAR, the JNWC at Kirtland AFB, New
Mexico, leads coordination of NAVWAR activities across DOD on behalf of Commander,
United States Space Command (USSPACECOM). In this role, the JNWC conducts
outreach and training events with Services and joint force component/CCMD planners to
enhance their NAVWAR knowledge, operationalize NAVWAR, and integrate NAVWAR
into training and exercise activities; conducts PNT operational field assessments; provides
combat development support to the joint force; and develops formal, joint, accredited
NAVWAR training to institutionalize NAVWAR. The JNWC supports the warfighter to
achieve the following objectives:
(1) Protect the effective use of military GPS and other PNT services by US and
partner nation forces anywhere in the world.
(2) Prevent the effective use of PNT services by enemies in areas of military
(3) Preserve civil PNT services to noncombatants outside areas of military
b. These three principle functions equate to PNT information advantage—the essence
of NAVWAR. PNT and NAVWAR are inextricably linked. PNT is information emitted
from a source. NAVWAR is the management of that information. While GPS is the
primary source of precise PNT information for DOD, it is not the only PNT source
3. Joint Navigation Warfare Center Roles and Responsibilities
a. Develops and maintains current information on NAVWAR matters of interest to
the warfighter and JFCs. These include assessments of threat capabilities, assessments of
multinational capabilities and vulnerabilities, and NAVWAR topics of special interest.
The JNWC actively integrates and disseminates NAVWAR information to warfighters and
JFCs, as well as joint and Service training organizations.
b. Analyzes and tests ES system capabilities, EA system TTP, and EP vulnerabilities
in relation to NAVWAR and submits recommendations to the Joint Staff, warfighters,
trainers, and weapon system developers.
Annex B to Appendix D
D-B-2 JP 3-85
c. Provides a capability for independent field testing of EA/EP/ES capabilities against
rapidly emerging NAVWAR threats.
d. Supports CCMD JEMSOC CONOPS with NAVWAR intelligence preparation of
the OE and NAVWAR estimates for the EMOE running estimate.
4. Navigation Warfare Support to Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
a. NAVWAR subject matter expert (SME) teams are critical to the success of
NAVWAR operational planning. The NAVWAR SME teams have a habitual relationship
with specific CCMDs and are regionally aligned. Currently, the JNWC fields four
NAVWAR SME teams and are aligned as follows and directly support their respective
CCMDs operations:
(1) US European Command/US Africa Command/NATO.
(2) US Central Command/US Special Operations Command.
(3) USINDOPACOM/US Forces, Korea.
(4) USNORTHCOM/US Southern Command.
b. These NAVWAR SME teams are deployable entities that will remain under
USSPACECOM operational control if deployed, while maintaining a support relationship
with the supported command in the deployed theater.
c. The Joint NAVWAR Operations Center, working hand-in-hand with the
NAVWAR SME teams, augments current operations, joint planning, exercise support, and
training to the warfighters and provides continuous reachback for all NAVWAR planning
and operations. Reachback capabilities include GPS jamming, modeling, and simulation;
access to the NAVWAR capabilities and vulnerabilities database repository; current
nation-specific NAVWAR threat briefs; functional staff estimates; and consultation with
operational planners.
1. Introduction
a. DISA is a combat support agency that provides, operates, and assures C2 and
information-sharing capabilities and a globally accessible enterprise information
infrastructure in direct support to joint warfighters, national-level leaders, and other
mission and multinational partners.
b. The DSO provides direct CCMD/JTF support, strategic EMS planning, engineering
analysis, and enterprise capabilities and services to enable effective global spectrum
operations for joint warfighters, national-level leaders, and multinational partners.
2. Joint Spectrum Center Mission
DISA DSO’s Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) provides direct support to the Joint Staff,
CCMDs, JTFs, the Services, and combat support agencies by providing expertise in
defining, managing, restoring, defending, and protecting spectrum operations.
Annex C to Appendix D
D-C-2 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. Electromagnetic Warfare Reprogramming
a. Purpose. The purpose of EW reprogramming is to maintain or enhance the
effectiveness of EW equipment and TSSs. EW reprogramming includes changes to self-
defense systems, offensive weapons systems, and intelligence collection systems. The
reprogramming of EW equipment and TSSs is the responsibility of each Service through
its respective EW reprogramming support programs.
b. Types of Changes. There are three categories of EW reprogramming:
(1) Tactics. Tactics changes include changes in procedures, equipment settings,
or EW systems mission-planning data. These changes are usually created at the Service
level by tactics developers and implemented at the unit level using organic equipment and
(2) Software. Software changes include changes to the programming of
computer-based EW and TSS equipment. This type of change requires the support of a
software-support activity to alter programmed look-up tables, threat libraries, or signal
sorting routines.
(3) Hardware. Hardware changes and/or long-term system development is
necessary when tactics or software changes cannot correct equipment deficiencies. These
changes usually occur when the complex nature of a change leads to a system modification.
c. EW Reprogramming Actions. During a crisis or hostilities, EW reconfiguration
provides operational commanders with a timely capability to respond to changes in threat
systems, correct EW and TSS equipment deficiencies, and tailor equipment to meet unique
theater or mission requirements.
(1) Threat Changes. Service EW reprogramming support programs are
primarily designed to respond to threat changes affecting the combat effectiveness of EW
and TSS equipment. A threat change may be any change in the operation or EM signature
of a threat system.
(2) Geographic Tailoring. Geographic tailoring is the reprogramming of EW
and TSS equipment for operations in a specific area or region of the world. Geographic
tailoring usually reduces the number of threats in system memory. This results in decreased
processing time and a reduction in system display ambiguities.
(3) Mission Tailoring. Mission tailoring is the reprogramming of EW and TSS
equipment for the mission of the host platform. Mission tailoring may be desirable to
improve system response to the priority threat(s) to the host platform.
Appendix E
E-2 JP 3-85
d. General Reprogramming Process. The reprogramming process for EW and TSS
equipment has four phases. The last three phases of the reprogramming process are unique
by Service and are further defined in respective Service doctrine.
(1) Determine the Threat. The first phase of reprogramming is to develop and
maintain an accurate description of the equipment’s OE, specifically threat systems and
tactics. Since EW and TSS equipment are programmed to identify and respond to
particular threat or target signature data, intelligence requirements must be identified to
ensure an accurate description of the EMOE is maintained at all times. Maintaining an
accurate description of the environment requires fusion of known EM data with the
collection, analysis, and validation of threat signature changes. This first phase of the
reprogramming process has three steps:
(a) Collect Data. Threat signature data collection (e.g., collection of threat
system parametric information) is the responsibility of combatant and component
command collection managers. Signature data may be collected as a matter of routine
intelligence or tactical information collection against targeted systems, while other data
collection may occur as the result of urgent intelligence production requests. Regardless
of the means of collection, signature data is disseminated to appropriate intelligence
production centers and Service equipment support and flagging activities for analysis.
(b) Identify Changes. At Service equipment support and flagging activities,
collected signature data is analyzed for EW and TSS equipment compatibility.
Incompatible data is flagged for further analysis and system impact assessment. At the
intelligence production centers, collected data is processed and analyzed to identify threat
signature changes in the EMOE. Identified changes are further analyzed to ensure
collector bias (i.e., collector contamination or manipulation of signature data attributed to
the collector or its reporting architecture) was addressed during the analysis process.
(c) Validate Changes. The most important step of this initial phase of
reprogramming is to validate threat signature changes. Therefore, once an identified
signature change is correlated to a threat system and analyzed to ensure the reported
parameters are correct and not a collector anomaly, it is further analyzed to validate it as an
actual system capability change or identify it as a probable malfunction. Information on
threat system engineering and tactical employment is critical to this validation process.
Technical analysis and validation of threat changes are normally provided by one of three
Service scientific and technical intelligence production centers or the DIA. During times of
crisis, the CCMD ensures this phase of the reprogramming process provides for the
expeditious identification, technical analysis, and dissemination of threat-change
validation messages to component commands and Service reprogramming centers.
(2) Determine the Response. During this second phase of reprogramming,
validated threat-change information is used to assess its impact upon friendly EW and TSS
equipment, and a decision whether or not to initiate a reprogramming change is made. If
the equipment fails to provide appropriate threat warning or countermeasures in response
to a threat change, a decision is made to change tactics, software, or hardware to correct
the deficiency. To support this decision-making process, the Service reprogramming
Electromagnetic Warfare Reprogramming
analysis or flagging activities normally generate a system impact message (SIM) to inform
combatant and component command staffs of the operational impact of the threat change
to EW and TSS equipment performance. The SIM often recommends appropriate
responses for each identified threat change. The Service component employing the
affected equipment is ultimately responsible for determining the appropriate response to
validated threat changes.
(3) Create the Change. The third phase of the reprogramming process is to
develop tactics, software, or hardware changes to regain or improve equipment performance
and combat effectiveness. A change in tactics (e.g., avoiding the threat) is usually the first
option considered because software and hardware changes take time. Often, a combination
of changes (e.g., tactics and software) is prescribed to provide an immediate and long-term
fix to equipment deficiencies. Regardless of the type of change created, reprogramming
support activities will verify equipment combat effectiveness through modeling and
simulation, bench tests, or test range employments simulating operational conditions.
Following the verification of effectiveness, the reprogramming change and implementation
instructions are made available to appropriate units worldwide.
(4) Implement the Change. The final phase of the reprogramming process is to
implement the change to regain or enhance combat effectiveness by the tactics, software,
or hardware change(s). To accomplish this task, component commands ensure tactics
changes are incorporated into mission pre-briefs, and software and hardware changes are
electronically or mechanically installed in host-platform EW and TSS equipment.
2. Joint Coordination of Electromagnetic Warfare Reprogramming
a. General. Coordination of EW reprogramming is critical because threat signature
changes and equipment reprogramming changes will affect the EMOE and, therefore,
communications and all three divisions of joint EW operations conducted by US forces,
MNFs, NGOs, and international organizations. CCMDs ensure joint coordination of
electromagnetic warfare reprogramming (JCEWR) policy and procedures are developed
and exercised during all major training events and real-world operations.
b. Policy. The Joint Staff is responsible for JCEWR policy. Each Service is
responsible for its individual EW reprogramming policies and procedures. The
establishment and execution of JCEWR procedures is the responsibility of the CCMDs,
component commands, and subordinate joint force commands. CJCSI 3210.04, (U) Joint
Electronic Warfare Reprogramming Policy, outlines policy and the responsibilities of the
Joint Staff, Services, CCMDs, Service components, NSA, and DIA regarding the JCEWR
process. The instruction also sets forth joint procedures, guidelines, and criteria governing
joint intelligence support to EW reprogramming.
Appendix E
E-4 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
1. Introduction
This appendix provides additional information on EMS coordination measures.
2. Electromagnetic Spectrum Coordination Measures
EMS coordination measures are rules and mechanisms that control how to use the
EMS in specified dimensions (i.e., spatial, time, frequency, power, waveform). EMSO
cells establish EMS coordination measures to accomplish one or more functions:
a. Establish reserved EMS bands for specific EMS users.
(1) Allotment Plan. An allotment plan identifies frequency bands or groups of
frequencies within a specified spectrum-use plan for use by a specific organization or for
a particular function. The use of an allotment plan enables the control of spectrum use and
at the same time allows the commander to decentralize authority to the lowest level.
(2) Collection Requirements Matrix. The J-2-developed worksheet that compiles
collection requirements to inform the initial integrated collection planning efforts.
Complete EMS collection requirements may be published in other documents, to include
air tasking orders, SPINS, or the ISR synchronization matrix. EMS collection requirements
should be coordinated and consolidated in the EMS operating instructions.
b. Restrict the actions of some EMS users.
(1) EMCON plan. The selective and controlled use of EM, acoustic, or other
emitters to optimize C2 capabilities while minimizing detection by threat sensors;
mitigating mutual interference among friendly systems; supporting OPSEC requirements;
and/or to support the execution of MILDEC activities.
(2) JRFL. The JEMSOC compiles the JRFL based on the coordinated inputs
from the operations, intelligence, and communications staffs within the command and
affected subordinate commands. The restrictions imposed by the JRFL may only be
removed, by direction of the EMSCA, if the EMSCA or delegated representative
determines the benefit of EA on a restricted frequency surpasses the immediate criticality
of exploited or required information to friendly forces. However, the self-protection of
friendly forces has priority over all controls.
c. List EMS bands in which units can use EMS-dependent systems with minimal risk
of friendly EMI. The MNL is a communications list that, at a minimum, includes the circuit
and/or net name, frequency or frequency band, call sign and/or call word requirements, and
share group information.
Appendix F
F-2 JP 3-85
d. Control actions of specific EMS users. The JCEOI is the primary controlling
document and net directory for frequency hopping radio communications in joint
operations. The JCEOI details radio information pertaining to daily changing and non-
changing frequency assignments, call sign assignments, prowords, sign and countersign
words, document handling instructions, controlling authority data, effective dates and
reproduction instructions.
1. Overview
Staff estimates are a primary product of mission analysis used by planners to support
preparation, analysis, and comparison of COAs. The JEMSO staff estimate informs the
JFC, staff, and subordinate commands how JEMSO support COA mission
accomplishment. During COA development and selection, JEMSO planners fully develop
their estimate, providing an EMS analysis of the COAs, as well as recommendations on
which COAs are JEMSO supportable.
2. Mission
a. Mission Analysis
(1) Analyze the JFC’s OE, mission, situation, and guidance for the JEMSO-
related context. Examine the factors and assumptions for JEMSO.
(2) Determine specified, implied, and essential JEMSO tasks and their priorities.
(3) Determine JEMSO objectives and consider desired and undesired effects.
(4) Reassess if the strategic direction and guidance support the desired JEMSO
objectives and end states.
b. Mission Statement
(1) Express JEMSO in terms of who, what, when, where, and why (purpose).
(2) Frame as a clear, concise statement of the essential JEMSO tasks to be
accomplished and the objectives to be achieved.
3. Situation and Courses of Action
a. Situation Analysis. JEMSO-tailored JIPOE products can facilitate the JEMSO
staff estimate by providing a system of systems perspective within a geostrategic context
of the OE, to include enemy, adversary, neutral, and friendly situation overviews.
(1) EMOE Characterization. Provide a system’s JEMSO perspective for all
relevant political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, and other aspects.
Summarize significant characteristics of the EMOE and the effects on military operations.
(a) Physical Domains. How will the terrain, weather, solar conditions, civil
infrastructure, and populace affect the employment of joint EMS-dependent systems? EMI
caused by or encountered by friendly forces will impact mission-critical capabilities and
should be considered.
Appendix G
G-2 JP 3-85
(b) Information Environment. How will EMS in the JOA and its quality,
distribution, and flow affect the functions of military information systems?
(2) Analysis of the Enemy, Adversary, and Competitors. Scrutiny of the enemy,
adversary, and competitor situation, dispositions, composition, strength, capabilities,
vulnerabilities, and COAs that affect the EMOE.
(a) Dependencies on the EMS and potential vulnerabilities.
(b) Use of the EMS to support operations.
(c) Ability to exploit friendly force EMS dependencies.
(d) Ability to impact friendly force operations by employing EMS capabilities.
(3) Friendly Situation. Should follow the same pattern used for the analysis of
the enemy, adversary, competitors. Friendly situation, dispositions, composition, strength,
capabilities, vulnerabilities, and COAs that affect the EMOE.
(a) Status of joint, interagency, and multinational assets available to create
effects in the EMS.
(b) Dependencies on the EMS and potential vulnerabilities.
(c) Use of the EMS to support operations.
(d) Ability to exploit and/or attack enemy or adversary EMS dependencies.
(4) Neutral Situation (Neutral Nations)
(a) Military, commercial, and civil EMS use.
(b) Host and neutral nation EMOE restrictions and limitations.
(5) Operational Limitations. Actions either required or prohibited, such as
constraints or restraints, and other restrictions impacting the employment of joint EMS-
dependent and EMS-enabled systems (e.g., international treaties, international law, HN
limitations, ROE) or the targeting of adversary EMS-dependent systems (e.g., safety of life
networks, navigation systems).
(6) Assumptions. Assumptions are intrinsically important factors upon which the
conduct of the operation is based and must be noted as such. Assumptions should only be
made when necessary to continue planning.
(7) Deductions. Deductions from the above analysis should yield estimates of
relative JEMSO combat power, including enemy capabilities that can affect mission
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Staff Estimate Template
b. COA Development and Analysis. The JEMSO portions of COAs are based on
the above analysis and a creative determination of how the JEMSO aspects of the mission
will be accomplished. Each COA must be adequate, feasible, and acceptable from a
JEMSO standpoint. Each COA will typically constitute an alternative theater strategic or
operational concept and should outline the following JEMSO considerations:
(1) Major JEMSO strategic and operational tasks to be accomplished in the order
in which they are to be accomplished.
(2) Major forces or capabilities required (to include joint, interagency, and
(3) Comparison of available EMS maneuver space to requirements.
(4) Determine if any COA elements cannot be supported by JEMSO. If any COA
elements are unsupportable, determine if the entire COA is infeasible.
(5) EMS superiority approach.
4. Analysis of Threat Capabilities and Intentions
a. Determine the probable effect of possible threat JEMSO capabilities and intentions
on the success of each friendly COA.
b. Conduct this analysis in an orderly manner by time phasing, geographic location,
and functional event. Consider:
(1) The potential actions of subordinates two echelons down.
(2) Conflict termination issues; think through own action, adversary/competitor
reaction, and counteraction.
(3) The potential impact on friendly desired effects and the likelihood that the
threat actions will cause specific undesired effects.
c. Conclude with revalidation of friendly JEMSO actions in support of COAs.
Determine additional requirements, make required modifications, and list advantages and
disadvantages of each threat capability.
5. Comparison of Own Courses of Action
a. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each COA from a JEMSO
b. Compare with respect to evaluation criteria.
(1) Fixed values for joint operations (the principles of joint operations, the
fundamentals of joint warfare, and the elements of operational design).
Appendix G
G-4 JP 3-85
(2) Other factors (e.g., strategic limitations).
(3) Mission accomplishment.
c. If appropriate, merge elements of different COAs into one.
6. Recommendation
Provide an assessment of which COAs can be adequately supported by JEMSO
resources, an analysis of the risk for each, and a concise statement of the recommended
COA with its JEMSO requirements.
7. Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Staff Estimate Template
The following template is provided as an aid for developing the JEMSO staff estimate.
Originating Division, Issuing Headquarters
Place of Issue
Date-Time Group
a. Maps and charts.
b. (X) CJCSM 3320.01, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations in
the Electromagnetic Operational Environment.
c. (X) Other pertinent documents.
(1) (X) Mission. State the mission of the command as a whole, taken from the
commander’s mission analysis, planning guidance or other statements, and the JEMSO
mission developed during mission analysis.
(2) (X) Situation and Considerations
(a) (X) Characteristics of the EMOE. Summarize significant characteristics
of the EM environment and the effects on military operations.
1. Physical environment. How will the terrain, weather, solar
conditions, civil infrastructure, and populace affect the employment of military information
systems and linking of information systems into networks?
2. Information environment. How will the EMS in the JOA and its
quality, distribution, and flow affect the functions of military information systems?
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Staff Estimate Template
3. Cognitive dimension. How will populace and third party perceptions,
awareness, and understanding impact military operations.
(b) (X) Enemy Forces. Enemy dispositions, composition, strength,
capabilities, vulnerabilities, and COAs that affect the EMOE.
1. Dependencies on the EMS and potential vulnerabilities.
2. Use of the EMS to support operations.
3. Ability to attack friendly force dependencies on the EMS.
(c) (X) Friendly Forces. System dispositions, composition, strength,
capabilities, vulnerabilities, and COAs that affect the EMOE.
1. Dependencies on the EMS and potential vulnerabilities.
2. Use of the EMS to support operations.
3. Ability to attack adversary dependencies on the EMS.
4. Ability to impact friendly force missions through application of EMS
5. Friendly COAs and how JEMSO concept of support for each COA.
6. Current status of major elements or resources. The status of available
organic EW and EMS assets (as translated into capabilities to operate in the information
7. Current status of other resources. The status of national-level,
commercial and allied assets available for JEMSO.
8. Comparison of requirements versus capabilities and recommended
9. Key considerations (evaluation criteria) for COA supportability.
(d) (X) Neutral
1. List HN and other nations in area of influence.
2. EMS military, commercial, and civil capabilities and EMS use.
3. Host/neutral nation EMOE restrictions and limitations.
(e) (X) Assumptions. JEMSO assumptions developed during mission
Appendix G
G-6 JP 3-85
(f) (X) Special Features. State special features that are not covered
elsewhere in the estimate but that may influence the EMOE (e.g., weather, geography).
(g) (X) JEMSO Situation. Consider the EMS requirements, spectrum
availability, and potential for interference (intentional and unintentional) for impacting
spectrum-dependent system operations across all domains.
1. Active/passive precision-guided missions (e.g., GPS-guided, radar-
guided, data link-guided, homing).
2. Integrated air defense networks (e.g., radar, data links).
3. Space object surveillance and identification networks (e.g., Air Force
Satellite Control Network).
4. IFF systems.
5. Missile warning and area air defense networks (e.g., PATRIOT).
6. Self-protection jammers (e.g., counter remote-controlled improvised
explosive device EW, airborne self-protection jammer).
7. Communications systems and networks (see command, control,
communications, and computer systems estimate).
(3) (X) JEMSO Analysis of Own COA
(a) (X) Analyze each COA from a JEMSO point of view. Estimate the
likelihood of accomplishing the JEMSO objectives given the available time and
capabilities. Determine the potential for unintended consequences of JEMSO tasks and the
possible impacts on friendly and enemy COAs.
(b) (X) The JEMSO factors in paragraph 2 are the elements to be analyzed
for each COA under consideration. Examine these factors realistically and include
considerations of climate and weather, hydrography, time and space, enemy capabilities,
and other significant factors that may have an impact on the EMOE as it affects the COAs.
(4) (X) Comparison of Own COAs
(a) (X) List advantages and disadvantages of each proposed COA from the
JEMSO point of view.
(b) (X) Compare COAs using evaluation criteria. Rank order COAs for each
criterion. If possible, use a decision matrix to support.
(5) (X) Conclusion/Recommendation. State whether or not the mission set forth in
paragraph 1 can be supported from an EMS point of view. Identify EMS issues,
deficiencies, risks, and recommendation to mission impacts.
1. General
There are a number of automated planning aids and software tools available to help
JEMSO planners carry out their responsibilities. These tools can be divided into three
broad categories: databases, planning process aids, and modeling and simulation software.
Databases can assist JEMSO planners by providing easy access to a wide variety of EMS-
specific technical data. Planning process aids include aids that automate plan development
and automated FM tools. Software tools, including spatial and propagation modeling tools,
enable analysis and display of geographically referenced information.
2. Databases
There are a large number of databases available to military planners. Planners need to
understand the sources of data being used for specific JEMSO planning. This includes
coordination with organizations that maintain important sources of JEMSO data to ensure
the data is current and suitable for the operation. The sources of data being used for
planning should be a topic of coordination among JEMSO planners. Databases are
maintained by the Services and other intelligence agencies. Information from other
agencies, DOD organizations, allied organizations, and open sources may also be used to
populate databases used for planning. Commonly used, EMS-relevant databases include:
a. The primary approved sources for threat system data are DIA-responsible producers:
(1) NASIC. The Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming Database is a
DIA-managed database, maintained and distributed by NASIC. It is the primary DOD-
approved source for technical parametric and performance data on noncommunications
emitters and associated systems.
(2) Missile and Space Intelligence Center, NGIC, and the 53rd Electronic
Warfare Group are the sources for data on early warning radars, surface-to-air missile
systems, and communication systems.
(3) Modernized Integrated Database. Contains DIA EOB foreign equipment
b. Global EMS Information System.
(1) Joint Spectrum Data Repository features the following spectrum-related
(a) The Joint Equipment, Tactical, and Space (JETS) Database includes:
parametric data for DOD, JETS-E [commercial and multinational equipment], JETS-T
[platform data, including equipment complements], JETS-T [US military unit names,
locations and hierarchy], JETS-T [US military unit equipment and platform complements],
and JETS-S [space satellite parametric and orbital data].
Appendix H
H-2 JP 3-85
(b) The Equipment Location-Certification Information Database is the
central archive repository for all DOD Spectrum certification system data, including
information from the J/F-12 [Joint Frequency Allocation-to-Equipment Process]
Application for Equipment Frequency Allocation.
(c) The Background Environmental Information Database currently includes
ITU, Federal Communications Commission, Canadian, and radio astronomy assignments.
(d) The Government Master File Database is a data source containing
records of the frequency assigned to all US Government departments and agencies in the
United States and its territories. Data is obtained from NTIA.
(e) The Frequency Resource Record System Database contains information
on DOD frequency assignments used throughout the world that is controlled by the CCDRs
and the Military Departments.
(f) The EOB database—contains nearly 25,000 DIA EOB foreign equipment
(2) The Host Nation Spectrum Worldwide Database Online allows online
viewing and maintenance of HN equipment supportability comments.
3. Planning Process Aids
There are several automated aids available that assist in the planning process. These
include aids that automate plan development and automated FM tools. Use of automated
tools to consider disparate mission area requirements with respect to JEMSO effects and
capability employment will normally be determined by the JEMSOC director and the
director’s planning staff. JEMSO planners should ensure any planning input developed
separately from such systems is created in a format compatible with, and electronically
transferable to, the designated planning tools. Planning input from subordinate and
supporting commands should follow the desired format.
a. SPECTRUM XXI is the standard software used by frequency managers within
DOD for managing EMS use of friendly emitters and consists of 12 modules that
accomplish EMS-use planning, maintain the EMS assignment database, and perform
propagation modeling.
b. Joint Automated Communication-Electronics Operating Instructions System
Software is the standard tool within DOD for management of the JCEOI and transfer of
data between spectrum managers and communication planners.
c. Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution Online is a DOD web-based tool for
reporting and tracking EMI.
d. Service Planning aids:
Tools and Planning Aids
(1) Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool is an Army capability
that provides the commander the ability to control and manage the EMS. It provides the
ability to conduct remote control and management of EW assets to conduct offensive and
defensive targeting and enable maneuver by synchronizing EW and EMS management.
(2) The Real-Time Spectrum Operations (RTSO) tool is a Windows-based Navy
Non-Program of Record used to ensure optimal frequency compatibility among radars,
communication systems, and navigation aids, as well as monitor compliance with current
frequency restrictions within a carrier strike group, amphibious ready group, or other naval
task force and between known land-based radars. It is a sophisticated, interactive program
deployed aboard US Navy warship, USCG cutters, and allied combatant vessels to
coordinate radar, EW, communications, navigational aids, and other frequencies.
(a) RTSO minimizes or eliminates EMI that occurs as a result of intra- and
inter-ship, antenna-to-antenna coupling. This complex, mission-critical software application
performs rigorous computations to coordinate frequencies for shipboard missiles and search
and track radars. It is also used as a modeling and simulation tool for EMI.
(b) RTSO maintains a database of nets (circuits) and, provided a frequency
resource, will assign frequencies to those nets by applying required separation criteria and
produce the operational tasking communication (message) (OPTASK COMM) by the
RTSO Communication Planner. The OPTASK COMM is the Navy equivalent of a JCEOI.
(c) RTSO maintains a database of emitters that may include non-Navy radars
and provides output in standard frequency action format.
(3) The Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool (CJSMPT)
provides spectrum operations support throughout all phases of spectrum mission planning.
It provides spectrum managers with an enhanced capability to identify potential friendly
force RF spectrum conflicts and a means to resolve these conflicts in an AOI. CJSMPT
collects unit (force structure), platform, and equipment characteristics data pertaining to a
specific mission or exercise that can be used for analysis and simulation to more effectively
manage the EMOE. Using CJSMPT analysis capabilities, the spectrum manager can gain
a better understanding of adverse EMOE impacts and, if required, recommend a corrective
COA. CJSMPT analysis of a mission can be captured electronically to assist development
of lessons learned that can be leveraged in the planning and execution of future missions.
4. Modeling and Simulation
Geographic information, simulation systems, and modeling systems enable analysis
and display of geographically referenced information. These spatial modeling tools can,
for example, enhance targeting, awareness, and planning for GPS-denied environments and
facilitate trends analysis. The variables that affect the propagation of EM energy are known
and subject to mathematical predictability. The use of propagation modeling tools that
graphically display transmission paths of EM energy has become widespread in EW
planning. However, the accuracy, speed, and flexibility of these tools depend greatly on
the accuracy of the data provided to the tool and the sophistication of the software and
Appendix H
H-4 JP 3-85
hardware used to manipulate the data. These tools are essentially models for EM
propagation. JEMSO planners need to have a comprehensive understanding as to the exact
meaning of the data presented by such software tools. Such an understanding, combined
with operational experience, is the basis on which planners judge the strengths and
weaknesses of different modeling tools and determine what is, and is not, an appropriate
use of such systems.
a. Interactive Scenario Builder is a three-dimensional, interactive RF tactical decision
aid. As a mission planning tool, Interactive Scenario Builder aids warfighters in the tactical
decision-making process by providing insight into and visualization of the RF capabilities of
platforms, in addition to providing geospatial and temporal SA. Interactive Scenario Builder
models communication and radar systems by calculating one- and two-way RF propagation
loss. Computations incorporate complex antenna and radar cross section pattern data, as well
as the effects of meteorology, terrain, and countermeasures. Interactive Scenario Builder
enhances the warfighter’s geospatial SA by visualizing NGA map products, including
compressed ADRG [ARC {arc-second raster chart/map} digitalized raster graphics] and
controlled image base imagery and digital terrain elevation data. Interactive Scenario Builder
can be used for pre-mission planning, near real time SA, and after action debriefing.
Interactive Scenario Builder is the only model approved by the Federal Aviation
Administration for coordination of C-IED testing. Interactive Scenario Builder generates
signal strength plots which identify C-IED test impact areas in Federal Aviation
Administration safety-of-life bands.
b. The Global Positioning System Interference and Navigation Tool is a many-versus-
many constructive and repeatable government off-the-shelf simulation tool that computes
GPS/GNSS and other navigation system performance and mission impacts in a permissive,
uncertain, or hostile environment.
c. The Improved Many on Many is an electronic combat analysis tool that provides
the capability to analyze the EM threat and graphically portray the EOB and radar coverage
as affected by terrain, as well as jamming and weapon systems envelopes.
1. General
Modeling and simulation tools are essential for the evaluation of JEMSO capabilities
and vulnerabilities. These tools cover the full JEMSO analytical spectrum from the basic
engineering/physics level through the aggregate effects at tactical, operational, and
strategic applications levels. Simulations are critical because of the high cost associated
with system development, field testing, and training exercises. Additionally, it is often
impossible to replicate the scenarios in the field required to test or exercise the multitude
of variables, conditions, and interactions that occur at various levels of combat operations.
2. Application
a. Operational Test Support. Laboratory and range agencies use simulations to
assist in test planning, scenario development, test equipment configuration, and data
reduction and verification, as well as for extrapolating or expanding the use of test results.
b. Analysis Support. Combat developers and other analysis activities use simulations
to conduct cost and operational effectiveness studies, assist in defining requirements,
perform force mix and trade-off analyses, and develop TTP.
c. Operational Support. Operational commands use simulations to provide training
from the individual to theater staff levels, serve as tactical decision aids, develop and
evaluate OPLANs, conduct detailed mission planning, and reconstruct past events.
d. Weapon System Development. Materiel developers use simulations to support
engineering development and design, capability/vulnerability and survivability analyses,
and value-added assessments.
e. Intelligence Support. Intelligence agencies use simulations to evaluate raw
intelligence, reverse-engineer developing threats, develop threat projections, analyze threat
design options, and evaluate threat tactics and employment options.
3. Modeling Agencies
There are numerous government agencies and contractors involved in JEMSO
modeling. The Defense Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office operates the
defense modeling and simulation catalog. This is the most comprehensive catalog of
models available and identifies most agencies involved in JEMSO modeling. Listed below
are some of the joint and Service organizations involved with JEMSO modeling and
a. Joint. Defense Modeling and Simulation Office, JEWC, Joint Warfare Analysis
Center, Joint Training and Simulation Center, JSC, Warrior Preparation Center, and Joint
Staff Hampton Roads.
Appendix J
J-2 JP 3-85
b. Army. Aviation and Missile Command, NGIC, Air Defense Center and School,
Intelligence Center and School, US Army Training and Doctrine Command Analysis
Center, 1st Information Operations Command (Land), Electronic Proving Ground,
Communications Electronics Command, Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency, Test
and Evaluation Command, Signal Center and School, Space and Missile Defense
Command Future Warfare Center, and National Simulation Center.
c. Navy. Navy Information Operation Commands, Naval Command and Control and
Ocean Surveillance Center, Naval Air Warfare Center, Naval Research Laboratory, Navy
Modeling and Simulation Office, Naval Oceanographic Office, Center for Naval Analyses,
Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, and Naval Surface Warfare Center.
d. Air Force. Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation, Air Force Research
Laboratory, NASIC, 53rd Electronic Warfare Group, Air Force Operational Test and
Evaluation Center, Air Force A-9 [Studies, Analysis, and Assessments], Aeronautical
Systems Center, Survivability and Vulnerability Information Analysis Center, Air
Armaments Center, Air and Space C2 Agency, Aeronautical Systems Center Simulation
and Analysis Facility, and Air Force Wargaming Center.
e. Marine Corps. Commandant’s Warfighting Lab, Marine Corps Combat
Development Command’s Wargaming and Combat Simulated Division, and Marine Air-
Ground Task Force Staff Training Program’s Modeling and Simulation Branch.
4. Fidelity Requirements
Fidelity is the degree of accuracy and detail to which the environment, physical
entities, and their interactions are represented. Fidelity requirements vary widely
depending on the particular purpose and application. Considerations in determining the
proper fidelity should be based on scope (e.g., individual versus corps staff, engineering
versus operational), consequences of inaccurate results (e.g., strike planning and
execution), time available (minutes/hours to weeks/months), computer resources available
(e.g., processing speed, networking requirements, data feeds and memory/storage),
accuracy and availability of data (e.g., level of detail, confidence level, and form/format),
and risk tolerance of results. Regardless of the fidelity required, a consistent methodology
is required to define and guide the process. This typically entails problem definition (scope
and objective), research (data gathering), analytical methodology development (how the
data is used or applied), and the results/reporting format (satisfy objective/answer
question). Outputs from high-fidelity tools are often used as inputs to low-fidelity tools.
For example, modeling at the engineering level informs modeling at the engagement level.
In general, the setup time, input data requirements, model processing time, computer
resources, and user knowledge/expertise increase proportionally with the model scope,
fidelity, and flexibility of the modeling and simulation tools.
5. Model Design
a. User Interface, Preprocessors, and Postprocessors. These requirements will
drive the development of the model and will vary widely depending on the particular
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Modeling
application. For example, an engineering-level model will require complex mathematical
parameter input, to produce an in-depth, system-on-system (one-on-one) level modeling
product. At the tactical level, an analyst would have limited time and computing resources
for the development of a tactical decision aid. Other than purpose, setup, and analysis,
time requirements and user expertise are key considerations in designing preprocessors and
postprocessors and the user interface. In general, maximum use should be made of
standard graphic user interfaces.
b. JEMSO Functions. Depending on the level of complexity, any one JEMSO
function, or various combinations of functions, may need to be replicated in the model.
JEMSO model functions and capabilities address areas such as RF and EO-IR wavelength
propagation, radar line of sight, terrain masking, self-protect jamming, standoff jamming
(communications and noncommunications), ES systems, expendables (chaff and flares),
decoys (active and passive), SEAD targeting, acquisition and tracking sensors (radar, EO-
IR), clutter (land/sea/atmospheric), satellite coverage (polar/geosynchronous), link
analysis, missile guidance and flyout, evasive maneuvers, communications processes, EP,
communications targeting, and doctrinal issues.
c. Software Architecture. The design of a JEMSO model or system of models
should be modular and object oriented. Existing standards and commonly used commercial
software packages should be used where appropriate. Standards include those from the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, American National Standards Institute,
Federal Information Processing Standards, Open Software Foundation, and NSA.
Standards should be tailored to meet the user requirements for documentation. Standards
are particularly important with regard to interfaces. The primary objective of
standardization is to make the simulation as machine independent as possible.
6. Verification and Validation
a. Verification. Model verification is related to the logic and mathematical accuracy
of the propagation algorithms within a model. Verification is accomplished through such
processes as design reviews, structured walk-throughs, and numerous test runs of the
propagation algorithms within a model. Test runs are conducted to debug the algorithms,
as well as determine the sensitivity of the propagation output to the full range and accuracy
of input parameters. Included in verification is a review of input data for consistency,
accuracy, and source. Ultimately, verification determines if the model functions as
designed and advertised. Verification is rather straightforward but time-consuming.
b. Validation. Model validation relates to the correlation of the model with reality.
In general, as the scope of a simulation increases, validation becomes more difficult. At
the engineering level for a limited scope problem, it is often possible to design a laboratory
experiment or field test to replicate reality. At the force level, it is not possible to replicate
all the variables in the OE and their interaction. It may be possible to validate individual
functional modules by comparison with test data or previously validated engineering-level
or high-to-medium-resolution models. A model cannot predict with 100 percent accuracy
in given scenarios and the number of assumptions and limitations increase as the model
scope increases. At the force level, models typically rely on statistical methods but can
Appendix J
J-4 JP 3-85
provide relative answers, insights, and trends so alternatives may be rank ordered. Model
users should thoroughly understand the capabilities, limitations, and assumptions built into
the tool and integrate results with off-line or manual methods, during post-processing, to
compensate for these shortfalls. Although the above methods may be used for the
validation of individual modules in a force level model, three techniques are used for
validating the bottom-line output of force-on-force simulations: benchmarking with an
accepted simulation, comparing with historical data, and using sound military judgment.
As rapidly moving technological advances are incorporated in modern force structures,
availability of useful historical data becomes less prevalent for predicting outcomes in
future mid- to high-intensity conflicts. The use of forecasts and assumptions becomes
necessary but such efforts tend to be less reliable the further into the future one tries to
project. Benchmarking against widely accepted simulations provides a straightforward and
less biased method of validation. However, problems are caused by differences in input
data structures, assumptions, and output formats between the models. To the extent
possible, careful review, analysis, and data manipulation are applied to minimize the
potential of creating apparent discrepancies that can result from attempts to compare
disparate data.
7. Databases
Numerous databases are available to support JEMSO modeling. Data include
doctrinal, order of battle, parametric, signature, antenna pattern, communications
networks, and topographic. One of the most comprehensive database catalogs available is
the directory of DOD-sponsored research and development databases produced by the
Defense Technical Information Center. Some sources of data for EW modeling include
the following:
a. Doctrinal or Scenario Order of Battle and Communications Networks. DIA,
NSA, Joint Training and Simulation Center, Combined Arms Center, NGIC, NASIC, 688th
Information Operations Wing, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, NMIC,
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, and Air Force Air Warfare Center.
b. Parametric, Signature, and Antenna Pattern. NSA, DIA, NGIC, NMIC, Missile
and Space Intelligence Center, Office of Naval Intelligence, nuclear weapons
reconnaissance list, Navy Information Operations Command, NASIC, JSC, Air Force
Research Lab, Army Research Lab, Navy Research Lab, and 688th Information Operations
c. Topographic. NGA, CIA, US Geological Survey, Army Geospatial Center, and
Waterways Experiment Station.
d. Weather/Atmospherics. 557 Weather Wing, Fleet Numerical Meteorology and
Oceanography Center.
Joint Staff/J-7/Joint Doctrine Division
Comm: 703-692-7276 (DSN 222)
Website: http://www.jcs.mil/doctrine/
E-mail: js.pentagon.j7.jedd-support@mail.mil
Joint Staff Doctrine Sponsor/J-39
Mailing address: 4000 Joint Staff, J-3 Pentagon
Room 2B746
Washington, D.C. 20318-4000
Comm: 703-571-1893
Website: https://intelshare.intelink.gov/sites/ocs/
E-mail: [email protected]il
Appendix K
K-2 JP 3-85
Intentionally Blank
The development of this publication is based upon the following primary references.
1. General
Department of Defense Electromagnetic Spectrum Strategy: A Call to Action, 2013.
2. Department of Defense Publications
a. Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 3222.04, Electronic Warfare (EW)
b. DODD 3700.01, DOD Command and Control (C2) Enabling Capabilities.
c. DODD 4650.05, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT).
d. DODI 3222.03, DOD Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Program.
e. DODI 4630.09, Communications Waveform Management and Standardization.
f. DODI 4650.01, Policy and Procedures for Management and Use of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum.
g. DODI 4650.08, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) and Navigation
Warfare (NAVWAR).
h. DODI 8320.05, Electromagnetic Spectrum Data Sharing.
3. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Publications
a. CJCSI 3121.01B, (U) Standing Rules of Engagement/Standing Rules for the Use
of Force for US Forces.
b. CJCSI 3210.04A, (U) Joint Electronic Warfare Reprogramming Policy.
c. CJCSI 3320.01D, (U) Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO).
d. CJCSI 3320.02F, Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution.
e. CJCSI 3320.03D, Joint Communications Electronics Operating Instructions.
f. CJCSI 3500.02B, Universal Joint Task List Program.
g. CJCSI 3810.01E, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations.
h. CJCSI 6130.01G, 2019 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Master Positioning,
Navigation, and Timing Plan.
Appendix L
L-2 JP 3-85
i. CJCSI 6740.01C, Military Telecommunications Agreements and Arrangements
Between the United States and Regional Defense Organizations or Friendly Foreign
j. CJCSM 3130.03A, Planning and Execution Formats and Guidance.
k. CJCSM 3212.02D, Performing Electronic Attack in the United States and
Canada for Tests, Training, and Exercises.
l. CJCSM 3320.01C, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations in
the Electromagnetic Operational Environment.
m. CJCSM 3320.02D, Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution (JSIR) Procedures.
n. CJCSM 3320.04, (U) Electronic Warfare in Support of Joint Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations.
o. JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment.
p. JP 3-0, Joint Operations.
q. JP 3-09, Joint Fire Support.
r. JP 3-12. Cyberspace Operations.
s. JP 3-13.2, Military Information Support Operations.
t. JP 3-13.3, Operations Security.
u. JP 3-13.4, Military Deception.
v. JP 3-14, Space Operations.
w. JP 3-59, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations.
x. JP 3-60, Joint Targeting.
y. JP 5-0, Joint Planning.
z. JP 6-0, Joint Communications System.
aa. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Concept for Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations (JCEMSO).
bb. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Military Strategic Plan for
Electronic Warfare.
cc. Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2030.
4. Service Publications
a. Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-13, Information Operations.
b. Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-51, Electromagnetic Warfare and Electromagnetic
Spectrum Operations.
c. Air Force Instruction 10-703, Electronic Warfare (EW) Integrated
d. Air Force Instruction 33-580, Communications and Information Spectrum
e. Army Regulation 5-12, Management Army Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
f. Army Regulation 525-22, US Army Electronic Warfare.
g. Field Manual 2-0, Intelligence.
h. Field Manual 3-0, Operations.
i. Naval Telecommunications Procedures 6 (E), Navy Electromagnetic Spectrum
(EMS) Guide.
j. NTTP 3-51.1, Navy Electronic Warfare.
k. Marine Corps Order 2400.2A, Marine Corps Management and Use of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum.
l. COMDTINST M2400.1G, Spectrum Management Policy Procedures.
5. Multinational Publications
a. MC 64/10 NATO, Electronic Warfare Policy.
b. MC 101/10 NATO, SIGINT Policy and Directive.
c. MC 486 NATO, Concept for NATO Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff
d. MC 515, Concept for the NATO SIGINT & Electronic Warfare Operations Centre
e. MC 521, Concept for Resources and Methods to Support an Operational NATO
EW Coordination Cell/SIGINT & EW Operations Centre (EWCC/SEWOC).
f. AJP-01(C), Allied Joint Doctrine.
g. AJP-2, Allied Joint Doctrine for Intelligence, Counter Intelligence and Security.
Appendix L
L-4 JP 3-85
h. AJP-3.6(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Electronic Warfare.
i. ATP-08 Vol 1 (D), Doctrine for Amphibious Operations.
j. ATP-44(C), Electronic Warfare (EW) in Air Operations.
k. ATP-51(A), Electronic Warfare in the Land Battle.
l. QSTAG 593, Doctrine on Mutual Support Between EW Units.
m. QSTAG 1022, Electronic Warfare in the Land Battles.
n. ACP 190 US SUPP 1, Guide Spectrum Management in Military Operations.
o. ASP-01, Part 1, Spectrum Management in Military Operations, NATO Standard.
p. ASP-01, Part 2, Spectrum Management in Military Operations, Standardization
Agreement 5641 (NATO Confidential).
6. Other Publications
a. USSTRATCOM, Operational Concept for Electromagnetic Battle Management.
b. Joint Electromagnetic Warfare Center, Operational Employment Guide (OEG)
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cell (JEMSOC).
1. User Comments
Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using the
Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at: https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf
and e-mail it to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-support@mail.mil. These comments should address
content (accuracy, usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.
2. Authorship
a. The lead agent for this publication is the USSTRATCOM. The Joint Staff doctrine
sponsor for this publication is the Joint Staff, J-3 [Operations].
b. The following staff, in conjunction with the joint doctrine development community,
made a valuable contribution to the revision of this joint publication: lead agent, Mr. Mitch
Houchin, Mr. Scott Kollmansberger, and Mr. Dan Rocha; Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, Mr.
Tim Kochman; Joint Staff J-7, LTC Joshua Darling.
3. Supersession and Cancellation
This publication supersedes and cancels JP 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare, 8 February
2012; JP 6-01, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations, 20 March 2012;
and Joint Doctrine Note 3-16, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, 20 October
2016. Relevant material from these publications has been incorporated into the main body
and appendices of this publication. Accordingly, JP 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare; JP 6-01,
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations; and Joint Doctrine Note 3-16,
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, will be removed from the joint doctrine
4. Change Recommendations
a. To provide recommendations for urgent and/or routine changes to this publication,
please complete the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at:
https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-mail it to:
b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change
source document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a
proposed change to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other
organizations are requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents
reflected in this publication are initiated.
5. Lessons Learned
The Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization,
Appendix M
M-2 JP 3-85
training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint
Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) is the DOD system of record for lessons
learned and facilitates the collection, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative
resolution, and dissemination of lessons learned to improve the development and readiness
of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with joint doctrine through the joint doctrine
development process by providing lessons and lessons learned derived from operations,
events, and exercises. As these inputs are incorporated into joint doctrine, they become
institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the JLLP. Lessons and lessons learned are
routinely sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout formal staffing of the
development process. The JLLIS Web site can be found at https://www.jllis.mil
(NIPRNET) or http://www.jllis.smil.mil (SIPRNET).
6. Distribution of Publications
Local reproduction is authorized, and access to unclassified publications is
unrestricted. However, access to and reproduction authorization for classified JPs must be
IAW DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, DOD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification, and DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, DOD
Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information.
7. Distribution of Electronic Publications
a. Joint Staff J-7 will not print copies of JPs for distribution. Electronic versions are
available on JDEIS Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) at
https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/index.jsp (NIPRNET) and https://jdeis.js.smil.mil/jdeis/index.jsp
(SIPRNET), and on the JEL at http://www.jcs.mil/Doctrine/ (NIPRNET).
b. Only approved JPs are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and
Joint Staff. Defense attachés may request classified JPs by sending written requests to
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)/IE-3, 200 MacDill Blvd., Joint Base Anacostia-
Bolling, Washington, DC 20340-5100.
c. JEL CD-ROM. Upon request of a joint doctrine development community member,
the Joint Staff J-7 will produce and deliver one CD-ROM with current JPs. This JEL CD-
ROM will be updated not less than semiannually and when received can be locally
reproduced for use within the combatant commands, Services, and combat support
ABCANZ American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New
ACC air component commander
ACP Allied communications publication
AFB Air Force base
AJP Allied joint publication
AOC air operations center
AOI area of interest
AOR area of responsibility
ASP Allied spectrum publication
ATP Allied tactical publication
BDA battle damage assessment
BDS BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
C2 command and control
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
CCDR combatant commander
CCEB Combined Communications-Electronics Board
CCIR commander’s critical information requirement
CCMD combatant command
C-E communications-electronics
CEMA cyberspace electromagnetic activities (USA)
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
C-IED counter-improvised explosive device
CIO chief information officer
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual
CJSMPT Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool
CMO civil-military operations
CO cyberspace operations
COA course of action
COMDTINST Commandant instruction (USCG)
CONOPS concept of operations
CONPLAN concept plan
DCCC Defense Collection Coordination Center (DIA)
DE directed energy
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DOD Department of Defense
DODD Department of Defense directive
DODI Department of Defense instruction
GL-2 JP 3-85
DODIN Department of Defense information network
DOS Department of State
DSCA defense support of civil authorities
DSO Defense Spectrum Organization (DISA)
E3 electromagnetic environmental effects
EA electromagnetic attack
EACA electromagnetic attack control authority
ELINT electronic intelligence
EM electromagnetic
EMBM electromagnetic battle management
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMCON emission control
EME electromagnetic environment
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMOE electromagnetic operational environment
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMS electromagnetic spectrum
EMSCA electromagnetic spectrum coordinating authority
EMSO electromagnetic spectrum operations
EMSOC electromagnetic spectrum operations cell (USMC)
EOB electromagnetic order of battle
EO-IR electro-optical-infrared
EO-IR CM electro-optical-infrared countermeasure
EP electromagnetic protection
ES electromagnetic support
EW electromagnetic warfare
EWCC electromagnetic warfare coordination cell
EWO electromagnetic warfare officer
FDO foreign disclosure officer
FHA foreign humanitarian assistance
FM frequency management
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System
GNSS global navigation satellite system
GPS Global Positioning System
HD homeland defense
HERF hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels
HERO hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
HERP hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel
HHQ higher headquarters
HN host nation
HNC host-nation coordination
HPM high-power microwave
HQMC Headquarters, United States Marine Corps
IAW in accordance with
IC intelligence community
IFF identification, friend or foe
IR infrared
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
ITU International Telecommunications Union
J-2 intelligence directorate of a joint staff
J-3 operations directorate of a joint staff
J-4 logistics directorate of a joint staff
J-5 plans directorate of a joint staff
J-6 communications system directorate of a joint staff
JCEOI joint communications-electronics operating instructions
JCEWR joint coordination of electromagnetic warfare
JEMSO joint electromagnetic spectrum operations
JEMSOC joint electromagnetic spectrum operations cell
JEPAC Joint Electromagnetic Preparedness for Advanced
JETS joint equipment, tactical, and space
JEWC Joint Electromagnetic Warfare Center (USSTRATCOM)
JEWCS joint electronic warfare core staff (NATO)
JFC joint force commander
JFMCC joint force maritime component commander
JFMO joint frequency management office
JIOC joint intelligence operations center
JIPOE joint intelligence preparation of the operational
JISE joint intelligence support element
JNWC Joint Navigation Warfare Center
JOA joint operations area
JP joint publication
JPP joint planning process
JRFL joint restricted frequency list
JSC Joint Spectrum Center (DISA)
JSIR joint spectrum interference resolution
JSME joint spectrum management element
JTCB joint targeting coordination board
JTF joint task force
LNO liaison officer
MAGTF Marine air-ground task force (USMC)
MC Military Committee (NATO)
GL-4 JP 3-85
MC4EB Military Command, Control, Communications, and
Computers Executive Board
METOC meteorological and oceanographic
MILDEC military deception
MISO military information support operations
MNF multinational force
MNFC multinational force commander
MNL master net list
MOA memorandum of agreement
MOC maritime operations center
MOE measure of effectiveness
MOU memorandum of understanding
NASIC National Air and Space Intelligence Center
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVWAR navigation warfare
NG National Guard
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGB National Guard Bureau
NGIC National Ground Intelligence Center
NG-IFOG National Guard Interoperability Field Operations Guide
NG JFHQ-State National Guard joint force headquarters-state
NGO nongovernmental organization
NKOCC non-kinetic operations coordination cell (USAF)
NMCSO Navy and Marine Corps spectrum office
NMIC National Maritime Intelligence Center
NSA National Security Agency
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (DOC)
NTTP Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures
OA operational area
OE operational environment
OMC office of military cooperation
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operations security
OPTASK COMM operational tasking communication (message) (USN)
PED processing, exploitation, and dissemination
PNT positioning, navigation, and timing
prowords procedure words
QSTAG quadripartite standardization agreement
RF radio frequency
ROE rules of engagement
RTSO real-time spectrum operations
SA situational awareness
SATCOM satellite communications
SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
SEWOC signals intelligence/electronic warfare operations centre
SIGINT signals intelligence
SIM system impact message
SM spectrum management
SMB spectrum management branch
SME subject matter expert
SOFA status-of-forces agreement
SPINS special instructions
STO special technical operations
SUPP supplement
TSS target sensing system
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
USC United States Code
USCG United States Coast Guard
USINDOPACOM United States Indo-Pacific Command
USNORTHCOM United States Northern Command
USSPACECOM United States Space Command
USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command
WARM wartime reserve mode
WG working group
GL-6 JP 3-85
chaff. Radar confusion reflectors, consisting of thin, narrow metallic strips of various
lengths and frequency responses, which are used to reflect echoes for confusion
purposes. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the
source JP.)
countermeasures. That form of military science that, by the employment of devices and/or
techniques, has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy
activity. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the
source JP.)
directed energy. An umbrella term covering technologies that relate to the production of
a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles. Also
called DE. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the
source JP.)
directed-energy warfare. Military action involving the use of directed-energy weapons,
devices, and countermeasures. Also called DEW. (Approved for incorporation into
the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
directed-energy weapon. A weapon or system that uses directed energy to incapacitate,
damage, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, and/or personnel. (Approved for
incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
direction finding. A procedure for obtaining bearings of radio frequency emitters by using
a highly directional antenna and a display unit on an intercept receiver or ancillary
equipment. Also called DF. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary
with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
electromagnetic attack. Division of electromagnetic warfare involving the use of
electromagnetic energy, directed energy, or antiradiation weapons to attack personnel,
facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading, neutralizing, or destroying enemy
combat capability and is considered a form of fires. Also called EA. (Approved for
replacement of “electronic attack” and its definition in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic battle management. The dynamic monitoring, assessing, planning, and
directing of operations in the electromagnetic spectrum in support of the commander’s
concept of the operation. Also called EMBM. (Approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic battle management system. The facilities, equipment, software,
communications, procedures, and personnel essential for a commander to plan, direct,
monitor, and assess operations in the electromagnetic spectrum. (Approved for
inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic compatibility. The ability of systems, equipment, and devices that use
the electromagnetic spectrum to operate in their intended environments without
causing or suffering unacceptable or unintentional degradation because of
electromagnetic radiation or response. Also called EMC. (Approved for
incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
electromagnetic environment. The resulting product of the power and time distribution,
in various frequency ranges, of the radiated or conducted electromagnetic emission
levels encountered by a military force, system, or platform when performing its
assigned mission in its intended operational environment. Also called EME.
(Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
electromagnetic environmental effects. The impact of the electromagnetic environment
upon the operational capability of military forces, equipment, systems, and platforms.
Also called E3. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85
as the source JP.)
electromagnetic hardening. Action taken to protect personnel, facilities, and/or
equipment by blanking, filtering, attenuating, grounding, bonding, and/or shielding
against undesirable effects of electromagnetic energy. (Approved for incorporation
into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
electromagnetic interference. Any electromagnetic disturbance, induced intentionally or
unintentionally, that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective
performance of electromagnetic spectrum-dependent systems and electrical
equipment. Also called EMI. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic intrusion. The intentional insertion of electromagnetic energy into
transmission paths in any manner, with the objective of deceiving operators or of causing
confusion. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the
source JP.)
electromagnetic jamming. The deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of
electromagnetic energy for the purpose of preventing or reducing an enemy’s effective
use of the electromagnetic spectrum, with the intent of degrading or neutralizing the
enemy’s combat capability. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic masking. The controlled radiation of electromagnetic energy on friendly
frequencies in a manner to protect the emissions of friendly communications and
electronic systems against enemy electromagnetic support measures/signals
intelligence without significantly degrading the operation of friendly systems.
(Approved for replacement of “electronic masking” and its definition in the DOD
electromagnetic probing. Intentional radiation designed to be introduced into the devices
or systems of an adversary for the purpose of learning the functions and operational
capabilities of the devices or systems. (Approved for replacement of “electronic
probing” and its definition in DOD Dictionary.)
GL-8 JP 3-85
electromagnetic protection. Division of electromagnetic warfare involving actions taken
to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy
use of the electromagnetic spectrum that degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly
combat capability. Also called EP. (Approved for replacement of “electronic
protection” and its definition in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic pulse. A strong burst of electromagnetic radiation caused by a nuclear
explosion, energy weapon, or by natural phenomenon, that may couple with electrical
or electronic systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges. Also called
EMP. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic radiation hazards. Transmitter or antenna installation that generates or
increases electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of ordnance, personnel, or fueling
operations in excess of established safe levels. (Approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
electromagnetic reconnaissance. The detection, location, identification, and evaluation
of foreign electromagnetic radiations. (Approved for replacement of “electronic
reconnaissance” and incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic security. The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny
unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from their
interception and study of noncommunications electromagnetic radiations (e.g., radar).
(Approved for replacement of “electronics security” and its definition in the DOD
electromagnetic spectrum management. The operational, engineering, and administrative
procedures to plan, and coordinate operations within the electromagnetic operational
environment. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic spectrum operations. Coordinated military actions to exploit, attack,
protect, and manage the electromagnetic environment. Also called EMSO. (Approved
for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic spectrum superiority. That degree of control in the electromagnetic
spectrum that permits the conduct of operations at a given time and place without
prohibitive interference, while affecting the threat’s ability to do the same. (Approved
for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic support. Division of electromagnetic warfare involving actions tasked
by, or under direct control of, an operational commander to search for, intercept,
identify, and locate or localize sources of intentional and unintentional radiated
electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition, targeting,
planning and conduct of future operations. Also called ES. (Approved for
replacement of “electronic warfare support” and its definition in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic vulnerability. The characteristics of a system that cause it to suffer a
definite degradation (incapability to perform the designated mission) as a result of
having been subjected to a certain level of electromagnetic environmental effects. Also
called EMV. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the
source JP.)
electromagnetic warfare. Military action involving the use of electromagnetic and
directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. Also
called EW. (Approved for replacement of “electronic warfare” in the DOD
electromagnetic warfare frequency deconfliction. Actions taken to integrate those
frequencies used by electromagnetic warfare systems into the overall frequency
deconfliction process. (Approved for replacement of “electronic warfare frequency
deconfliction” and its definition in the DOD Dictionary.)
electromagnetic warfare reprogramming. The deliberate alteration or modification of
electromagnetic warfare or target sensing systems, or the tactics and procedures that
employ them, in response to validated changes in equipment, tactics, or the
electromagnetic environment. (Approved for replacement of “electronic warfare
reprogramming” and its definition in the DOD Dictionary.)
electronic intelligence. Technical and geolocation intelligence derived from foreign
noncommunications electromagnetic radiations emanating from other than nuclear
detonations or radioactive sources. Also called ELINT. (Approved for incorporation
into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
electro-optical-infrared countermeasure. A device or technique employing electro-
optical-infrared materials or technology that is intended to impair the effectiveness of
enemy activity, particularly with respect to precision-guided weapons and sensor
systems. Also called EO-IR CM. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD
emission control. The selective and controlled use of electromagnetic, acoustic, or other
emitters to optimize command and control capabilities while minimizing, for
operations security: a. detection by enemy sensors, b. mutual interference among
friendly systems, and/or c. enemy interference with the ability to execute a military
deception plan. Also called EMCON. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD
frequency deconfliction. A systematic management procedure to coordinate the use of
the electromagnetic spectrum for operations, communications, and intelligence
functions. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
guarded frequencies. A list of time-oriented, enemy frequencies that are currently being
exploited for combat information and intelligence or jammed after the commander has
weighed the potential operational gain against the loss of the technical information.
(Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
GL-10 JP 3-85
joint electromagnetic spectrum operations. Military actions undertaken by a joint force
to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the electromagnetic environment. Also called
JEMSO. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
joint restricted frequency list. A time and geographically oriented listing of TABOO,
PROTECTED, and GUARDED functions, nets, and frequencies and limited to the
minimum number of frequencies necessary for friendly forces to accomplish
objectives. Also called JRFL. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary
with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
precipitation static. Charged precipitation particles that strike antennas and gradually
charge the antenna, which ultimately discharges across the insulator, causing a burst
of static. Also called P-STATIC. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD
Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
protected frequencies. Friendly, generally time-oriented, frequencies used for a particular
operation, identified and protected to prevent them from being inadvertently jammed
by friendly forces while active electromagnetic warfare operations are directed against
hostile forces. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
radio frequency countermeasures. Any device or technique employing radio frequency
materials or technology that is intended to impair the effectiveness of enemy activity,
particularly with respect to precision-guided weapons and sensor systems. Also called
RF CM. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
TABOO frequencies. Any friendly frequency of such importance that it must never be
deliberately jammed or interfered with by friendly forces including international
distress, safety, and controller frequencies. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD
Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
verification. 1. In arms control, any action, including inspection, detection, and
identification, taken to ascertain compliance with agreed measures. (JP 3-41) 2. In
computer modeling and simulation, the process of determining that a model or
simulation implementation accurately represents the developer’s conceptual
description and specifications. (Definition #2 approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary with JP 3-85 as the source JP.)
wartime reserve modes. Characteristics and operating procedures of sensor,
communications, navigation aids, threat recognition, weapons, and countermeasures
systems that will contribute to military effectiveness if unknown to, or misunderstood
by, opposing commanders before they are used but could be exploited or neutralized
if known in advance. Also called WARMs. (Approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary.)
Approval Development
STEP #3 - Approval STEP #2 - Development
JSDS delivers adjudicated matrix to JS J-7
JS J-7 prepares publication for signature
JSDS prepares JS staffing package
JSDS staffs the publication via JSAP for
LA selects primary review authority (PRA) to develop the first
draft (FD)
PRA develops FD for staffing with JDDC
FD comment matrix adjudication
JS J-7 produces the final coordination (FC) draft, staffs to
JDDC and JS via Joint Staff Action Processing (JSAP) system
J adjudicates FC comment
FC joint working group
oint Staff doctrine sponsor (JSDS)
STEP #4 - Maintenance
JP published and continuously
assessed by users
Formal assessment begins
24-27 months following
Revision begins 3.5 years
after publication
Each JP revision is completed
no later than 5 years after
STEP #1 - Initiation
Joint doctrine development
community (JDDC) submission to fill
extant operational void
Joint Staff (JS) J-7 conducts front-
end analysis
Joint Doctrine Planning Conference
Program directive (PD) development
and staffing/joint working group
PD includes scope, references,
outline, milestones, and draft
JS J-7 approves and releases PD to
lead agent (LA) (Service, combatant
command, JS directorate)
JP 1
JP 1-0 JP 2-0 JP 3-0 JP 4-0 JP 5-0 JP 6-0
JP 3-0
All joint publications are organized into
a comprehensive hierarchy as shown in the chart above.
Joint Publication (JP)
3-85 is in the Operations series of joint doctrine publications. The
diagram below illustrates an overview of the development process.