Collective Bargaining Agreement By and Between
Western Washington University
Public School Employees
July 1, 2023 Through June 30, 2025
Public School Employees of Washington / SEIU Local 1948
P. O. Box 798
Auburn, Washington 98071-0798
Table of Contents
Preamble .................................................................................................................................. 1
Union Recognition ....................................................................................................... 1
Union Membership And Dues Deduction ...................................................................... 2
Membership Reports ............................................................................................... 2
Membership Movement Reports ............................................................................. 3
Union Membership ................................................................................................. 3
Dues Cancellation ................................................................................................... 3
Employer Indemnification ...................................................................................... 3
Membership Financial Reports ............................................................................... 3
Removal from the Bargaining Unit ......................................................................... 4
Rights of the Union ...................................................................................................... 4
Collective Bargaining .............................................................................................. 4
3.2 Disciplinary Notification ......................................................................................... 4
3.3 Employer Facilities and Equipment Use ................................................................. 4
3.4 Bulletin Boards ........................................................................................................ 4
3.5 Intra-Employer Communication Services ............................................................... 5
3.6 Supplies and Equipment .......................................................................................... 5
3.7 University Access .................................................................................................... 5
3.8 Attendance of Meetings .......................................................................................... 5
3.9 Informational Packet ............................................................................................... 5
3.10 Third-Party Requests .............................................................................................. 5
PSE Employee Representatives ..................................................................................... 6
Representative Designation ..................................................................................... 6
4.2 Representative Release Time .................................................................................. 6
4.3 Unreasonable Use of Time ...................................................................................... 6
4.4 Time Off for Union Activities ................................................................................ 7
Non-Discrimination And Equal Opportunity................................................................... 7
Compliance with State and Federal Law ................................................................. 7
5.2 Non-Discrimination ................................................................................................. 7
5.3 Processes Available to Employees .......................................................................... 7
5.4 Harassment and Bullying ........................................................................................ 8
5.5 Additional Agencies for Recourse........................................................................... 8
Workplace Behavior ..................................................................................................... 8
Respect and Professionalism ................................................................................... 8
6.2 Inappropriate Behavior ............................................................................................ 8
6.3 Grievance Limitation............................................................................................... 8
6.4 Protected Category Issues ....................................................................................... 8
Rights of the Employee ................................................................................................. 9
Off-duty Conduct .................................................................................................... 9
7.2 Outside Employment ............................................................................................... 9
7.3 Notification of Charges ........................................................................................... 9
7.4 False Complaints ..................................................................................................... 9
7.5 Right to Union Representation ................................................................................ 9
7.6 Treatment of Employees ....................................................................................... 10
7.7 Workplace Harassment and Violence ................................................................... 10
Legal Defense ............................................................................................................ 10
Defense by the Employer ...................................................................................... 10
8.2 Cooperation with Defense ..................................................................................... 10
Committee Membership ............................................................................................ 10
University Committees .......................................................................................... 10
9.2 Release Time for Committees ............................................................................... 11
Joint Labor-Management (JLM) Committee ............................................................... 11
Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................ 11
10.2 Representation ....................................................................................................... 11
10.3 Release Time and Meeting Expenses .................................................................... 11
10.4 Scheduling of Meetings ......................................................................................... 11
10.5 Other Communications ......................................................................................... 11
10.6 Agreements 12
Management Rights ................................................................................................. 12
Authority 12
11.2 Rights 12
11.3 Mandatory Subjects of Bargaining ....................................................................... 13
Hours of Work ......................................................................................................... 13
Workweek 13
12.2 Work Schedule ...................................................................................................... 13
12.3 Flex Schedules ...................................................................................................... 14
12.4 Schedule Changes ................................................................................................. 14
12.5 Meeting Notice...................................................................................................... 15
Remote Work .......................................................................................................... 15
Remote Working ................................................................................................... 15
Breaks and Meal Periods .......................................................................................... 15
Deviation from Regulations .................................................................................. 15
14.2 Rest Breaks 15
14.3 Meal Period 15
Overtime and Callback ............................................................................................. 16
Overtime Notification and Award ......................................................................... 16
15.2 Overtime Computation for Full-Time Employees ................................................. 16
15.3 Overtime Computation for Part-time Employees .................................................. 16
15.4 Overtime/Compensatory Time Authorization ....................................................... 16
15.5 Overtime and Compensatory Time Selection ........................................................ 16
15.6 Compensatory Time .............................................................................................. 16
15.7 Positive Time Reporting ........................................................................................ 17
15.8 Callback Pay ......................................................................................................... 17
Suspended Operations and Inclement Weather ......................................................... 17
Suspended Operations ........................................................................................... 17
16.2 Inclement Weather ................................................................................................ 18
Holidays .................................................................................................................. 18
Paid Holidays ........................................................................................................ 18
17.2 Holiday Pay 19
17.3 Eligibility for Holiday Pay .................................................................................... 19
17.4 Hours Worked on a Holiday .................................................................................. 19
17.5 Alternate Schedules ............................................................................................... 19
17.6 Holiday Observance .............................................................................................. 19
17.7 Personal Holiday ................................................................................................... 19
Vacation Leave ........................................................................................................ 20
Vacation Accrual ................................................................................................... 20
18.2 Maximum Vacation Accrual ................................................................................. 22
18.3 Use and Scheduling of Vacation ........................................................................... 22
18.4 Transfer of Vacation.............................................................................................. 22
18.5 Cash Out of Vacation ............................................................................................ 22
18.6 Family Care 22
18.7 Family Military Leave ........................................................................................... 22
18.8 Domestic Violence Leave ..................................................................................... 23
Sick Leave ................................................................................................................ 23
Sick Leave Accrual ............................................................................................... 23
19.2 Uses of Accrued Sick Leave ................................................................................. 23
19.3 Annual Sick Leave Cash Out ................................................................................ 24
19.4 Sick Leave Notification and Verification .............................................................. 24
19.5 Sick Leave Cash Out Upon Retirement or Death .................................................. 25
19.6 Reemployment ...................................................................................................... 25
19.7 Coordination of Benefits ....................................................................................... 25
Shared Leave/Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool ................................................. 25
Shared Leave ......................................................................................................... 25
20.2 Qualifying for Shared Leave ................................................................................. 26
20.3 Shared Leave Donation ......................................................................................... 27
20.4 Verification 28
20.5 Shared Leave Administration ................................................................................ 28
20.6 Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool ................................................................. 29
20.7 Grievance Limitation ............................................................................................ 30
Family Medical Leave ................................................................................................ 31
Family Medical Leave ........................................................................................... 31
21.2 Maternity Related Disability Leave ....................................................................... 31
21.3 Parental Leave ....................................................................................................... 31
21.4 Paid Family and Medical Leave Program ............................................................. 31
Leave Without Pay ................................................................................................... 32
Purposes 32
22.2 Qualified Reasons ................................................................................................. 32
22.3 Permissible Reasons .............................................................................................. 32
22.4 Conditions Applicable to Leaves .......................................................................... 33
22.5 Use of Paid Leave ................................................................................................. 33
22.6 Cancellation of Leave ............................................................................................ 33
22.7 Benefits During Leave .......................................................................................... 33
22.8 Reinstatement ........................................................................................................ 33
22.9 Educational Leave ................................................................................................. 34
22.10 Child and Elder Care Emergencies........................................................................ 34
22.11 Governmental Service Leave ................................................................................ 34
22.12 Citizen Volunteer or Community Service Leave .................................................. 34
22.13 Formal Collective Bargaining Leave ..................................................................... 34
22.14 Volunteer Firefighting Leave ................................................................................ 34
22.15 Domestic Violence Leave ..................................................................................... 34
22.16 Unpaid Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience ......................................... 34
Military Leave .......................................................................................................... 35
Military Leave ....................................................................................................... 35
23.2 Military Service Physical Examination ................................................................. 35
23.3 Military Leave of Absence .................................................................................... 35
23.4 Copy of Employee Orders ..................................................................................... 36
23.5 Return from Military Service ................................................................................ 36
23.6 Spousal Deployment Leave .................................................................................. 36
Miscellaneous Paid Leaves ....................................................................................... 36
Personal Leave Day ............................................................................................... 36
24.2 Winter Break Day ................................................................................................. 36
24.3 Using Personal Leave and Winter Break Day ....................................................... 36
24.4 Leave for Childcare Emergencies ......................................................................... 37
24.5 Bereavement Leave ............................................................................................... 38
24.6 Jury and Witness Leave ......................................................................................... 38
24.7 Life Giving Procedures ......................................................................................... 38
24.8 University-wide Blood Drive ................................................................................ 39
24.9 Domestic Violence ................................................................................................ 39
24.10 Community Service Leave Day ............................................................................ 39
24.11 Release Time for University-Supported Activities ............................................... 39
Compensation .......................................................................................................... 39
General Salary Schedule Range Assignments and Wage Increases ...................... 39
25.2 Minimum Hourly Rate. ......................................................................................... 40
25.3 State Salary Survey and Other Range Changes ..................................................... 40
25.4 Compensation Reopener ....................................................................................... 40
25.5 Special Pay 40
25.6 New Employees .................................................................................................... 41
25.7 Periodic Increases .................................................................................................. 41
25.8 Transfer / Reassignment ........................................................................................ 42
25.9 Trial Service Reversion ......................................................................................... 42
25.10 Part-time Employment .......................................................................................... 42
25.11 Premium Pay for Additional Language(s) ............................................................. 42
25.12 Promotional Pay .................................................................................................... 42
25.13 Shift Differential ................................................................................................... 42
25.14 Voluntary Separation Incentives - Voluntary Retirement Incentives .................... 42
25.15 Regional Compensation ........................................................................................ 43
25.16 Career Enhancement/Growth Program ................................................................. 43
Health Care Benefits Amounts .................................................................................. 44
Vacancies and Position Allocations ........................................................................... 44
Types of Appointments ............................................................................................ 46
Full-time Appointments ........................................................................................ 46
28.2 Part-time Appointments ........................................................................................ 46
28.3 Cyclic Appointments ............................................................................................. 46
28.4 Project Positions .................................................................................................... 47
28.5 Higher Level Duties .............................................................................................. 47
28.6 Leave Adjustments ................................................................................................ 47
Classification and Reclassification ............................................................................. 48
Policy 48
29.2 Classification ......................................................................................................... 48
29.3 Classification Plan Revisions ................................................................................ 48
29.4 Allocation Review Process ................................................................................... 48
Probation and Trial Service ........................................................................................ 49
Probationary Period ............................................................................................... 49
30.2 Trial Service Period ............................................................................................... 50
30.3 Permanent Status ................................................................................................... 51
30.4 Reallocations - Higher Salary Range Maximum ................................................... 51
30.5 Reallocations - Equal Salary Range Maximum ..................................................... 51
30.6 Reallocations - Lower Salary Range Maximum ................................................... 51
Seniority .................................................................................................................. 51
Seniority Defined .................................................................................................. 51
31.2 Establishing Seniority ........................................................................................... 52
31.3 Unit Wide Seniority .............................................................................................. 52
31.4 Adjustment of Seniority Date ................................................................................ 52
31.5 Losing Seniority .................................................................................................... 52
31.6 Transfer to a Civil Service-Exempt University Position ....................................... 52
31.7 Seniority Ties ........................................................................................................ 53
31.8 Seniority Preferences, Strict Seniority................................................................... 53
31.9 Layoff Seniority Rights ......................................................................................... 53
31.10 Veterans Layoff Credits ........................................................................................ 53
Reduction in Force/Layoff ........................................................................................ 53
Reduction in Force ................................................................................................ 53
32.2 Employee Notifications ......................................................................................... 54
32.3 Probationary Employees ....................................................................................... 54
32.4 Layoff Options ...................................................................................................... 54
32.5 Project Employee Layoff Rights ........................................................................... 56
32.6 Layoff Lists 56
32.7 Reinstatement of Benefits Following Layoff ........................................................ 57
Temporary Appointment .......................................................................................... 57
Temporary Appointments ..................................................................................... 57
33.2 Compensation ........................................................................................................ 57
33.3 Overtime-Eligible Employees Hours of Work and Overtime ............................... 58
33.4 Release Time for Interviews .................................................................................. 58
33.5 Paid Sick Leave ..................................................................................................... 58
33.6 Seniority Credit and Use of Vacation Leave ......................................................... 58
33.7 Probationary Period ............................................................................................... 58
33.8 Other Provisions .................................................................................................... 58
33.9 Grievance 59
Performance Evaluation and Coaching ...................................................................... 59
Overview 59
34.2 Probationary Period Progress Evaluation .............................................................. 60
34.3 Coaching 60
34.4 Evaluation Form .................................................................................................... 60
34.5 Performance Evaluations ....................................................................................... 60
34.6 Performance Issues ................................................................................................ 60
34.7 Unsatisfactory Level of Performance .................................................................... 61
Personnel Files ......................................................................................................... 61
Maintenance of Personnel Files ............................................................................ 61
35.2 Employee Right to Review ................................................................................... 61
35.3 Copies of Personnel File Material ......................................................................... 61
35.4 Written Rebuttals .................................................................................................. 62
35.5 Removal of Material.............................................................................................. 62
35.6 Public Disclosure .................................................................................................. 62
35.7 Supervisor Working Files ...................................................................................... 62
35.8 Medical Information Files ..................................................................................... 62
Discipline and Discharge ........................................................................................... 63
Cause for Discipline .............................................................................................. 63
36.2 Progressive Discipline ........................................................................................... 63
36.3 Investigations ........................................................................................................ 63
36.4 Pre-Disciplinary Procedure ................................................................................... 64
36.5 Job Abandonment .................................................................................................. 65
36.6 Preemption by Title IX Processes and Procedures ................................................ 65
36.7 Grievance of Discipline or Discharge ................................................................... 65
Grievance and Procedure .......................................................................................... 66
Dispute Resolution ................................................................................................ 66
37.2 Grievance Defined ................................................................................................ 66
37.3 Time Limits 66
37.4 Filing a Grievance ................................................................................................. 67
37.5 Informal Discussion .............................................................................................. 67
37.6 Process 67
37.7 Removal of Documents ......................................................................................... 69
37.8 No Retaliation ....................................................................................................... 69
Job Contracting/Bargaining Unit Integrity .................................................................. 70
Contracting for Services ........................................................................................ 70
38.2 Removal of Bargaining Unit Work ....................................................................... 70
Training and Development ....................................................................................... 71
Development and Training Program ..................................................................... 71
39.2 Employee Requests for Training ........................................................................... 71
39.3 Approved Training Time and Expenses ................................................................ 71
39.4 Tuition Waiver Program ....................................................................................... 71
Licensure and Certification ....................................................................................... 72
License and Certification Fees .............................................................................. 72
40.2 Continuing Education for Required Licenses and Certifications .......................... 72
Travel ...................................................................................................................... 72
Travel Expense Reimbursement ............................................................................ 72
41.2 Use of Personal Vehicle ........................................................................................ 72
Parking and Transportation ....................................................................................... 72
Alternate Means of Transportation ........................................................................ 72
42.2 Commute Trip Reduction ...................................................................................... 72
42.3 Parking Rates ........................................................................................................ 73
Employee Assistance ................................................................................................ 73
Employee Assistance Program ............................................................................. 73
Childcare ................................................................................................................. 73
Uniforms and Equipment ......................................................................................... 73
Cost of Uniform or Safety Equipment ................................................................... 73
45.2 Employer Provided Equipment ............................................................................. 73
45.3 Safety Shoes Allowance ........................................................................................ 74
45.4 Cleaning 74
45.5 Cost of Tools or Equipment .................................................................................. 74
Health and Safety .................................................................................................... 74
Responsibility for Safety ....................................................................................... 74
46.2 Unsafe Assignments .............................................................................................. 75
46.3 Unsafe Work Areas ............................................................................................... 75
46.4 Hazardous Materials .............................................................................................. 75
46.5 Excessive Heat Conditions .................................................................................... 75
46.6 Safety Training ...................................................................................................... 75
46.7 Facilities 75
46.8 Smoking and Using Vaporizing Devices Policy ................................................... 76
46.9 Disputes Regarding Safety Issues ......................................................................... 76
Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association (VEBA) ................................................ 76
Maintenance of VEBA Plan .................................................................................. 76
Scope of Agreement ................................................................................................. 76
Relationship to WAC 357 ..................................................................................... 76
48.2 Relationship to Employer Policies ........................................................................ 76
48.3 Severability 76
48.4 Reopening Process ................................................................................................ 77
48.5 Bargaining Regarding Changes to Mandatory Subjects ....................................... 77
No Strike/No Lockout ............................................................................................... 77
No Strike, Slowdown, Work Stoppage or Lockout ............................................... 77
49.2 Picket Lines 77
Term of Agreement .................................................................................................. 78
Term and Duration ................................................................................................ 78
Appendix A Bargaining Units Represented by Public School Employees of Washington ............... 80
Appendix B Parking Rates ........................................................................................................ 83
Appendix C Healthcare Benefit Amounts .................................................................................. 85
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2023-2025
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This Agreement is made and entered into by Western Washington University, referred to as the
Employeror the “University,” and Public School Employees of Washington, referred to as PSE
or the “Union.”
The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth certain terms and conditions of employment and
to promote orderly and peaceful labor relations between the parties.
The parties agree that it has been and will be their mutual aim to promote: systematic and
effective employee-management cooperation; fair and reasonable working conditions; efficiency
and productivity in the performance of the work and the accomplishment of Employer’s mission,
goals and strategic plans (by providing competitive compensation, professional development,
and improving the working conditions for staff at all locations); effective methods for the prompt
adjustment of differences, misunderstandings and disputes; dignified and fair treatment of
employees in the implementation of University policies and procedures; and a caring and
supportive environment for all members of the campus community.
All the employees covered by this agreement are an integral part of the University administration.
The Preamble will not be subject to the grievance process.
Union Recognition
The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for the
employees described in Appendix A.
The Agreement covers the employees in the bargaining units described in Appendix A, entitled
“Bargaining Units Represented by the Public Schools Employees at Western Washington
University, but does not cover any positions excluded by statute any positions excluded in
Appendix A. The titles of the jobs listed in Appendix A are listed for descriptive purposes only.
If the Public Employment Relations Commission certifies the Union as the exclusive bargaining
representative during the term of this Agreement for an RCW 41.80 bargaining unit at Western
Washington University, the terms of this agreement will apply.
The Employer agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract with the employee, individually
or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Any
such agreement shall be null and void.
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Union Membership And Dues Deduction
Membership Reports
Each month the Employer shall provide PSE with electronic access to or a report in an
electronic format of the following data, for employees in the bargaining unit:
1. unique employee ID number (W#)
2. name (parsed)
3. home mailing address
4. appointment length
5. classification code and title
6. position number
7. salary range
8. salary step
9. gross salary
10. appointment percent
11. seniority date
12. longevity date (adjusted service date)
13. dues rate
14. deduction code type
15. work unit (department)
16. work phone number
17. assigned building and room number
18. mail stop
19. Western e-mail address
20. employee pay status
PSE will maintain the confidentiality of all employees’ mailing addresses and other information.
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Membership Movement Reports
When an employee enters, moves laterally to a different classification, promotes within, or leaves
the bargaining unit, notice will be provided to PSE upon finalization. Upon request, a copy of the
Position Questionnaire/Position Review form will be provided.
Union Membership
All employees covered by this Agreement may become members of PSE and pay membership
dues by providing authorization to the Union, which will provide it to the Employer. Upon the
Employer’s receipt of the employee’s authorization, the Employer shall deduct PSE dues from
the pay of the employee, and shall transmit all such funds deducted to the Treasurer of Public
School Employees of Washington on a semi-monthly basis. The Employer agrees to submit a
report semi-monthly along with its remittance of dues identifying each employee by name,
employee number, position number, gross salary, and dues amount remitted.
Local Dues
The Employer shall deduct PSE local chapter dues separately and remit all such funds
to the local PSE chapter treasurer on a semi-monthly basis.
Upon receipt of written authorization conforming to legal requirements, the
Employer will deduct from the pay of bargaining unit employees the amount of
contribution each employee voluntarily chooses for deduction for COPE and shall
transmit contributions to the Union. The employee may revoke the request at any
time. At least annually, the employee shall be notified by PSE about the right to
revoke the request.
Dues Cancellation
An employee may cancel their payroll deduction of dues by providing written notice to the Union
in accordance with the terms of the authorization. The Employer will end dues deduction no
later than the second payroll after receipt of the notice from the Union that the employee has
revoked authorization.
Employer Indemnification
PSE will indemnify, defend and hold the Employer harmless against any claims based on the
Employer’s compliance with this Article and any issues related to the deduction of dues and fees.
Membership Financial Reports
Each payroll period the Employer will provide PSE with electronic access to or a report in an
electronic format of the following data, pertaining to employees in their bargaining units. This
report shall include individual’s pay status, gross pay, hours worked, union dues pay status
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(agency fee, religious objector) any dues and fees deducted. PSE will maintain the confidentiality
of any provided information.
Removal from the Bargaining Unit
The Employer will provide to PSE, on a monthly basis, the names and addresses of all employees
who are promoted/transferred out of the bargaining unit; who are on leave without pay; who are
seasonal or cyclic; who have resigned, terminated, retired, etc. This information will be provided
to PSE via an electronic format mutually agreed to by the parties.
Rights of the Union
Collective Bargaining
PSE has the right and responsibility to represent the interests of all employees, to present its
views to the Employer on matters of concern either orally or in writing, and to enter collective
negotiations with the objective of reaching an agreement applicable to all employees within the
bargaining unit. The Employer shall notify PSE of any proposed policy change that affects wages,
hours or other terms and conditions of employment. The parties recognize that policies and
procedures encompassing mandatory subjects of bargaining may come to their attention outside
the scope of this paragraph. Agreement to this paragraph does not constitute a waiver of any
lawful right to negotiate over any such mandatory subject.
Disciplinary Notification
PSE shall promptly be notified by the Employer of disciplinary actions against any employee. PSE
is entitled to have an observer at hearings conducted by the Employer and to make known PSE's
views concerning the case.
Employer Facilities and Equipment Use
PSE may use Employer facilities, on a space available basis, for the purpose of holding union
meetings and conducting union business subject to University policies and procedures and
payment of published rental charges, if any.
Bulletin Boards
The Parties agree to continue to meet concerning the development and implementation of
electronic bulletin boards linked to the Western Labor Relations web site. A working committee
will be formed with representatives from both the Employer and PSE to identify a proposal(s) for
electronic bulletin boards due no later than September 30, 2013. If the parties cannot reach
mutual agreement on electronic bulletin boards the Employer will provide physical bulletin
boards or space to PSE for Union Communication. The parties will bargain over the number and
location of the physical bulletin boards or space. Materials posted either electronically or
physically will be appropriate to the workplace, politically non-partisan, in compliance with state
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ethics laws and officially identified as PSE literature. PSE communications may not be posted in
any other location on the campus.
Intra-Employer Communication Services
The president of PSE’s local chapter and PSEs employee representatives will be permitted to use
the Employer’s communications systems, including Campus Mail Services and email, consistent
with the provisions of Washington State law to communicate as needed with all bargaining unit
employees about matters concerning the administration of the Agreement or collective
bargaining in accordance with the established policies and procedures of the University. The
Employer further grants to PSE the use of campus duplicating services, including self-operated
machines, at the rate charged to other campus users.
Supplies and Equipment
PSE and its membership will not use state-purchased supplies to conduct union business or
representational activities. This does not preclude the use of the telephone for representational
activities if there is no cost to the Employer, the call is brief in duration and it does not disrupt or
distract from the Employer’s business.
University Access
Representatives of PSE, upon making their presence known to the Employer, shall have access to
the Employer’s premises during business hours; provided that conferences or meetings between
employees and PSE representatives will not interfere with the Employer’s operations.
Attendance of Meetings
With prior supervisor approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld, employees will be
allowed to flex their work schedule to attend PSE local meetings that occur during the employees’
normal work time; provided that local meetings generally will be conducted between 12:00 p.m.
to 1:00 p.m. or after 5:00 p.m.
Informational Packet
The Employer agrees to provide each employee entering the bargaining unit(s) with an
informational packet provided by PSE which describes its representation programs and includes
a membership application. PSE shall be allowed no less than thirty (30) minutes to meet with new
employees on matters concerning the rights of employees and the role of PSE as the exclusive
bargaining representative.
Third-Party Requests
The Employer agrees to provide notice to PSE of all records requests by third parties made
pursuant to RCW 42.56 that request disclosure of the personal information of any group or
classification of represented employees covered by this bargaining agreement. For the purposes
of this section, personal information includes the employees’ full names, contact information,
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payroll deductions and/or biographical data. Such notice will be provided no later than three (3)
business days prior to any planned disclosure of the bargaining unit’s personal information.
PSE Employee Representatives
Representative Designation
The Employer recognizes PSEs right to designate bargaining unit members, who shall be known
as PSE representatives, to assist bargaining unit members in contract administration matters,
including the processing and investigation of grievances. Under special circumstances, with
written notification, the President of PSEs local chapter may appoint a designee representative.
PSE will provide the Associate Vice President (“AVP”) of Human Resources (or designee) with a
written list of the current PSE representatives within thirty (30) days of appointment.
Representative Release Time
After prior coordination with their supervisors, PSE representatives will be released during their
normal working hours for the following representational activities on the Employer’s property:
Management scheduled investigatory interviews and pre-disciplinary meetings in accordance
with Article 36;
1. Management scheduled new employee orientation in accordance with Article 3.9;
2. Labor/Management Committees meetings in accordance with Article 10.3;
3. Informal grievance resolution meetings, grievance meetings, mediation sessions,
alternative dispute resolution meetings, and arbitration hearings in accordance
with Article 37; and
4. Assisting or consulting with bargaining unit members or Employer officials in
legitimate matters of contract administration.
PSE members shall incur no loss of pay while engaging in any of the above activities.
Unreasonable Use of Time
In the event the Employer determines that the amount of work time used by any PSE
representative on grievances or other authorized union activities is unreasonable, or is
preventing the employee from completing their assigned duties, the parties will meet to discuss
a resolution for the excess use of time before any disciplinary action is taken.
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Time Off for Union Activities
PSE-designated employees may be allowed time off without pay, or paid work time funded by
PSE reimbursement to the University, to attend union-sponsored meetings, training sessions,
conferences, and conventions. The employee’s time off will not interfere with the operating
needs of the institution as determined by management. If the absence is approved, the
employees may use accumulated compensatory time or vacation leave instead of leave without
Non-Discrimination And Equal Opportunity
Compliance with State and Federal Law
The parties acknowledge their mutual support for equal employment opportunity and their
commitment to abide by all state and federal laws and Employer policies regarding
nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in the workplace. Both parties agree that nothing in
this agreement will prevent the implementation of an approved affirmative action plan.
The Employer is committed to ensuring a respectful work environment free of discrimination
and/or harassment based on legally protected characteristics, including sexual harassment.
Under this Agreement, neither party will discriminate against or harass employees on the basis
of: race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual
orientation, disability, age, veteran status, marital status, or genetic information. In addition,
neither the Employer nor PSE shall discriminate against any employee on the basis of union
membership and/or participation (or lack thereof).
Processes Available to Employees
Employees who feel they have been the subject of protected-category discrimination and/or
harassment, including sexual harassment, are encouraged to address these issues and seek
resolution. Employees are encouraged to inform their supervisors of their situation, if they feel
comfortable doing so, and seek assistance from the Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance Office
(“CRTC”), which provides both informal and formal resolution processes. In those cases where
an employee files both a union/HR grievance and an internal CRTC discrimination complaint
regarding the alleged discrimination, the union/HR grievance process will be suspended until
such time as the discrimination complaint investigation has been completed. Other avenues
available to employees are through the Washington State Human Rights Commission (“HRC), or
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC). Employees who file an HRC or EEOC
complaint will not initiate or pursue union/HR grievances about the discrimination allegation(s).
If after filing a union/HR grievance an employee chooses to file a complaint with the CRTC, HRC
or EEOC, the union/HR grievance regarding the alleged discrimination will be considered
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Harassment and Bullying
Both parties agree that unlawful harassment or bullying will not be tolerated. Harassment is a
form of discrimination. Bullying is a subset of harassment. Examples of harassment and bullying
include name-calling, graphic or written statements (including cyber), or physical conduct that is
threatening, harmful or humiliating and that is based, at least in part, on a legally protected
characteristic. Harassment does not have to include intent to harm, be directed at a specific
target, or involve repeated incidents. Harassment where the conduct is severe or pervasive
enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating,
hostile, or abusive is unlawful and will not be tolerated.
Additional Agencies for Recourse
Both parties agree that nothing in this Agreement will prevent an employee from filing a
complaint with the Washington State Human Rights Commission, Office of Civil Rights, or the
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, or other relevant civil rights agencies.
Workplace Behavior
Respect and Professionalism
The Employer and the Union agree that all employees should work in an environment that fosters
mutual respect and professionalism. The parties agree that inappropriate behavior in the
workplace does not promote the University’s business, employee well-being, or productivity. All
employees are responsible for contributing to such an environment and are expected to treat
others with courtesy and respect.
Inappropriate Behavior
Inappropriate workplace behavior by employees, supervisors and/or managers will not be
tolerated. If an employee and/or the employee’s union representative believes the employee
has been subjected to inappropriate workplace behavior, the employee and/or the employee’s
representative is encouraged to report this behavior to the employee’s supervisor, a manager in
the employee’s chain of command and/or the Human Resources Office. The employee and/or
union representative will be notified upon conclusion.
Grievance Limitation
This Article is not subject to the grievance procedure in Article 37.
Protected Category Issues
For protected category issues, see Article 5.
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Rights of the Employee
Off-duty Conduct
Employees shall not be disciplined for off-duty conduct absent a clear and relevant nexus
between the conduct and the employee’s on-duty responsibilities. Employees have the right to
confidentiality related to personal information and personnel issues to the extent
provided/allowed by law. The Employer, PSE and the employees will take appropriate steps to
maintain such confidentiality.
Outside Employment
Outside employment is permissible if it does not interfere, compete or conflict with the
Employer’s job requirements and provided it does not hinder the employee’s ability to meet the
responsibilities and demands of their Employer-required work. Prior to beginning outside
employment, employees are responsible for notifying their supervisors. Employees will be asked
to complete the Employer’s Outside Employment Request Form, and if requested, provide
written information about the prospective outside employment. Employees may request a
written explanation of any denial of outside employment.
Notification of Charges
Prior to any final Employer decision or recommendation regarding disciplinary action, employees
shall be advised in writing of charges or complaints against them that the Employer reasonably
believes could result in disciplinary or other adverse action, and shall be allowed to respond to
such charges.
False Complaints
If an employee is the subject of more than one (1) false complaint from the same individual, the
matter will be evaluated by the Human Resources Department, with the assistance of the
University Police Department and/or Employee Assistance Program as appropriate, and a
determination will be made whether the repeated complaints indicate a possible personal
security threat to the employee, requiring disclosure to the employee.
Right to Union Representation
A member of the bargaining unit has the right to union representation in an investigatory
interview (as provided by Section 36.3.A) or in any meeting between the University and employee
to issue or discuss discipline. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify management that a
union representative will be present at a meeting with their supervisor or other levels of
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Treatment of Employees
The employee has the right to a workplace free from harassment, intimidation or other
threatening behavior. Employees who believe they have experienced harassment, intimidation
or threatening behavior are encouraged to report their concern to their immediate supervisor. If
the immediate supervisor is the source of the workplace harassment, intimidation or other
threatening behavior, the incident should be reported to the AVP of Human Resources or
designee, or to other responsible Employer officials in accord with the Employer’s harassment
and workplace violence policies. The University will investigate the reported behavior and take
appropriate action as necessary.
Workplace Harassment and Violence
The Employer prohibits harassment, violence or threats of violence in the workplace, and will
maintain and enforce policies prohibiting workplace harassment and violence. The Employer will
provide channels for employees to report concerns regarding workplace harassment or violence,
and will promptly investigate concerns or complaints raised. Affected employees will be notified
of the outcome of any such investigation, and any actions taken by the Employer as a result.
Legal Defense
Defense by the Employer
Subject to approval of the Employer and the Attorney General of the State of Washington in
accordance with RCW 28B.10.842 and RCW 4.92, claims, suits or proceedings against an
employee for good faith actions or omissions arising out of their ordinary course and scope of
duties for the Employer shall be defended by, and at the expense of, the Employer.
Cooperation with Defense
The employee and the Employer must cooperate fully with the office of the Attorney General in
furnishing any documents, depositions or other assistance necessary for the defense of the
Committee Membership
University Committees
PSE will be notified of any Employer committee that includes, or is intended to include, bargaining
unit representation, and will be accorded the opportunity to name a representative of the
bargaining units to such committee.
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Release Time for Committees
PSE representatives to Employer committees will be released from duties without loss of pay to
engage in the normal activities of such committees, subject to the reasonable needs of the
Employer and each employee’s particular work assignment. Permission for such release time shall
not be unreasonably withheld.
Joint Labor-Management (JLM) Committee
Purpose and Scope
The Employer and PSE will maintain a Joint Labor-Management Committee to provide a forum
for communication between the parties and to promote constructive labor/management
relations. Committee meetings will be used for discussions only. The committee will have no
authority to conduct any negotiations or modify the provisions of this agreement. Pending
individual grievances and grievance issues will not be discussed in the Joint Labor-Management
Committee meetings.
The Joint Labor-Management Committee will consist of up to six (6) bargaining unit employees
selected by PSE, a PSE staff representative and up to four (4) representatives selected by the
Release Time and Meeting Expenses
The Employer will release employee representatives for time spent in committee meetings,
provided the absence of the employees will not disrupt operations. Employees will be released
without loss in pay. Time spent by employees attending committee meetings outside their
scheduled work time will not be considered time worked and will not result in additional
Scheduling of Meetings
Either party may request a meeting of the Joint Labor-Management Committee by sending a
written communication to the other party including a description of the issue(s) to be addressed.
When possible, PSE requests will include a list of meeting representatives to facilitate scheduling.
The meeting will be scheduled at a mutually acceptable time and place. The committee will
normally meet every month, unless there is mutual agreement for more or less frequent
Other Communications
Nothing in this Article shall preclude the parties from discussing issues of mutual concern outside
the context of the Joint Labor-Management Committee.
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Any action item agreements reached at a Joint Labor-Management Committee meeting shall be
placed on a list and signed jointly by the AVP of Human Resources or designee and the bargaining
unit representative before the meeting adjourns. No later than seven (7) calendar days after the
meeting is concluded more complicated agreements reached will be reduced to writing and
forwarded to PSE for signature.
Management Rights
The Employer reserves the right to manage its affairs in accord with its lawful mandate, and
retains all management powers and authority recognized by law and not specifically abridged,
delegated or modified by the terms of this Agreement.
The sole and exclusive rights of the Employer include, but are not limited to, the rights to:
Plan, direct and control all operations and services of the Employer, including its mission,
strategic direction, service levels, staffing levels and resource requirements.
Develop, interpret, amend and enforce written policies, procedures, and rules governing
the workplace.
Determine the methods, means, and organization by which Employer operations and
services shall be undertaken and accomplished.
Discipline or discharge probationary employees as it deems appropriate, and discipline or
discharge employees who have completed probation for cause.
Assign work, schedule the hours of work, alter work schedules, and authorize overtime.
Establish the duties and responsibilities of employees, including the development and
alteration of job descriptions.
Establish and implement policies and procedures for evaluating the performance of
Plan and implement any reductions in force, including the identification of the specific
position(s) or job classifications affected by a reduction in force.
Recruit, hire and promote employees based on standards established by the Employer.
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Determine the need for additional training, and assign employees to complete any such
Perform all other functions not expressly limited by this Agreement.
Mandatory Subjects of Bargaining
Except limited by this Article and as established in this Agreement, the parties acknowledge their
obligation to bargain regarding matters affecting wages, hours and other terms and conditions
of employment as permitted by RCW 41.80.020.
Hours of Work
Unless otherwise specified for particular employees or groups of employees, the workweek, for
purposes of determining overtime eligibility, shall commence at 12:01 a.m. on Monday and end
at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday. Employees will not be regularly scheduled to work more than forty (40)
hours in a workweek.
Work Schedule
The Employer will assign each position to one of the following work schedule designations:
A. Regular Schedules
Regular schedules consist of five (5) consecutively and uniformly scheduled eight (8)
hour days in a seven (7) day period. Uniformly scheduled is defined as a daily
repetition of the same working hours and a weekly repetition of the same working
B. Alternate Schedules
Alternate schedules consist of workweeks and/or work shifts of different lengths.
Alternate schedules may be assigned to meet business and customer service needs.
For full-time employees, alternate schedules will consist of forty (40) hours of work,
with at least two (2) consecutive days off, in a seven (7) day period.
C. Employee-Requested Schedule Changes
An employee’s workweek and work schedule may be changed at the employee’s
request and with the Employer’s approval, provided the Employer’s business and
customer service needs are met and no overtime expense is incurred.
D. Emergency Schedule Changes
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The Employer may adjust an employee’s workweek and/or work schedule without
prior notice in emergencies or extraordinary unforeseen operation needs.
Flex Schedules
Employees whose overtime is compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the
employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond forty (40) in a workweek may work a
flexible schedule by prior mutual written agreement with their supervisor. Flexible schedules
include variable daily starting and ending times based on operational need or by agreement
between the employee and their supervisor. In addition, the University may assign a flexible
schedule to the following employees:
1. Commerce Specialist 2 and 3
2. Sewing & Alterations Specialist 3
3. Stage Manager
In the event the Employer determines that operational needs require assigning a flexible
schedule to additional positions or classifications, the Employer will provide notice to PSE and, if
requested, meet and confer regarding the assignment. Employees may request a written
explanation of any decision denying a request to work a flex schedule.
Schedule Changes
E. The Employer may temporarily change an employee’s schedule:
1. By providing written notice to the employee at least seven (7) calendar days in
advance of any change. The day notice is given is considered the first day of the
notice period; or
2. By providing less than seven (7) calendar days’ notice if the Employer permits the
employee, at their option, to work all hours in their original schedule in addition
to the modified schedule. In the event the employee elects to work additional
hours under this subsection, such additional hours will be compensated in accord
with the provisions of Article 15, Overtime & Callback.
F. Employees will be notified of permanent schedule changes in writing at least fourteen
(14) calendar days in advance of any change. The day notification is given will be
considered the first day of notice.
G. With approval of their supervisor, employees may change their schedule for a
particular workday or workweek to accommodate personal needs. Any such adjusted
schedule will be considered an agreed exception to Section 15.2.B.1.a.
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Meeting Notice
Employees shall be given two (2) working days’ notice of mandatory meetings scheduled outside
of their normal working hours.
Remote Work
Remote Working
Remote work is the practice of performing required job functions from home or another
management-approved location. When used in appropriate situations, remote work may benefit
the Employer, employees, the economy and the environment. Any employee who believes that
all or part of their position is suitable for remote work may request to work remotely by
submitting a written request to their supervisor. The Employer will evaluate the employee's
request, and will approve or deny the request in writing. Employees whose requests to work
remotely are approved may be required to sign an agreement confirming expectations regarding
their schedule, timekeeping, remote work environment, data/information security and other
matters specific to their position. Employees may seek review of a denied request through
Human Resources.
Breaks and Meal Periods
Deviation from Regulations
The meal and rest breaks for employees established by this Agreement vary from and supersede
the meal and rest breaks required by WAC 296-126-092.
Rest Breaks
Employees shall receive an uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute paid rest break for each four (4)
hours of work. Rest periods should not be used for late arrival or early departure from work, or
combined with meal periods without prior supervisor approval.
Meal Period
Employees shall receive a minimum of thirty (30) minutes for a meal during any shift of five (5)
or more hours. Meal periods are not paid work time. Employees shall be relieved of all work
during that time. Designated meal periods may be changed with prior supervisor approval. If an
employee’s meal period is interrupted by a work related demand, the employee will be permitted
to complete the unpaid meal period at a time within the same workweek mutually agreed
between the employee and the employee’s supervisor, or will be paid for the time worked during
the meal period.
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Overtime and Callback
Overtime Notification and Award
Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide employees with advance notice of overtime
needs. Where there are multiple employees qualified to complete an overtime assignment,
overtime opportunities and requirements will be rotated among such qualified employees on an
equitable basis.
Overtime Computation for Full-Time Employees
Overtime shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee’s
regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond forty (40) in a workweek. Employees assigned to
a regular or alternate schedule will also receive overtime for all hours worked beyond their daily
schedule. For purposes of calculating overtime eligibility, all hours spent performing assigned
duties, holidays and other paid leave will be considered hours worked. Leave without pay, shared
leave, additional compensation for time worked on a holiday and bonus pay for callback do not
constitute hours worked. There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime.
Overtime Computation for Part-time Employees
Hours worked beyond forty (40) in a workweek shall be considered overtime. For purposes of
calculating overtime eligibility, all hours spent performing assigned duties, holidays and other
paid leave will be considered hours worked. Leave without pay, shared leave, additional
compensation for time worked on a holiday and bonus pay for callback do not constitute hours
worked. There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime.
Part-time employees assigned to work hours beyond their regularly scheduled hours will receive
additional pay at their regular rate of pay for such hours up to a total of forty (40) hours in a
Overtime/Compensatory Time Authorization
Employees may not work overtime/compensatory time unless authorized by the employee’s
supervisor. Working overtime without authorization may result in disciplinary action(s).
Overtime and Compensatory Time Selection
Employees who are requested to perform overtime work may not be compelled to choose
compensatory leave. Supervisors will not attempt to influence employee choice.
Compensatory Time
Compensatory time shall accrue at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times for each
overtime hour worked.
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Compensatory time off must be scheduled in advance with the approval of the employee’s
supervisor. No employee will accumulate more than one hundred twenty (120) hours of
compensatory time in lieu of cash overtime.
In cases of extended medical leave (e.g. leaves covered under the Family Medical Leave
Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act), an employee must use compensatory time prior
to using vacation leave, unless this would result in the loss of their vacation leave.
Compensatory time may also be used for
1. The care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC-296.
2. Leave as required by the Military Family Leave Act, RCW 49.77 and in accordance
with Article 23.6.
3. Leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act.
4. At their election, employees may use compensatory time in place of or in addition
to sick leave for any of the purposes described in Article 19, Sick Leave. Employees
using compensatory time for this purpose will provide their supervisor notice of
their absence as described in Article 19.4.
Accrued compensatory leave above sixty (60) hours must be used or converted to pay at
the conclusion of each fiscal year (currently June 30). Upon termination of employment,
employees shall be cashed out for all accrued compensatory time.
Positive Time Reporting
Employees will accurately report time worked in accordance with a positive time keeping process.
Callback Pay
When an employee has left the institution grounds and is called to return to the work station
outside of regularly scheduled hours, they shall receive three (3) hours bonus pay at the
employee’s regular rate of pay in addition to pay for time actually worked. Time worked
beginning no more than two (2) hours immediately prior to an employee’s regular shift does not
constitute callback, provided notice of at least eight (8) hours has been given. An employee on
standby status called to return to the work station does not qualify for callback pay.
Suspended Operations and Inclement Weather
Suspended Operations
In the event that the Employer suspends operations, only employees deemed essential and notified
by their supervisors to report to their work site may do so. All other employees will work remotely
for a suspension of operations that does not exceed fifteen (15) calendar days. The University will
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declare any suspension of operations in accordance with University policy. Unless otherwise
approved by the employee’s supervisor, employees on pre-scheduled leave at the time of a
suspension of operations will remain on leave as scheduled and record leave time for their absence.
Employees who are otherwise not available for work during a suspension of operations may use
accrued paid leave appropriate to circumstances of their absence. PSE will be notified of proposed
changes to the Employer’s suspended operations procedures.
Inclement Weather
Bargaining unit employees who are unable to report to or remain at their work site for part or all
of their work day because of inclement weather may, at the supervisor’s option, be assigned
remote work. Employees who miss scheduled work time because of inclement weather and who
are not provided with a remote assignment may charge the time to: vacation, personal holiday,
accrued compensatory time, leave without pay, or any accrued sick leave up to a maximum of
three (3) days in any calendar year. Employees who take leave without pay on their last work day
preceding a holiday due to inclement weather will not be deemed ineligible for holiday pay
because of such leave.
Paid Holidays
The following days are paid holidays for all eligible employees:
New Year’s Day
January 1
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Third Monday in January
Presidents’ Day
Third Monday in February
Memorial Day
Last Monday in May
June 19
Independence Day
July 4
Labor Day
First Monday in September
Veterans’ Day
November 11
Thanksgiving Day
Fourth Thursday in November
Native American Heritage Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
December 25
Winter Break Day
To be used between the end of Fall
Quarter and the beginning of
Winter Quarter
Personal Holiday
To be used during the calendar year
When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday before will be the holiday. When a holiday falls on
a Sunday, the following Monday will be the holiday.
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Holiday Pay
Eligible full-time employees will receive eight (8) hours of pay at their straight time rate for each
holiday. Part-time employees will receive holiday pay on the same prorated basis that their
monthly schedule bears to full-time employment
Eligibility for Holiday Pay
Employees are eligible for holiday pay if they are in paid status on the regular business day
preceding the holiday. In addition, cyclic employees who are scheduled to work less than a full
month in a month in which a holiday falls will receive pay for the holiday if they were in paid
status on their last scheduled work day preceding the holiday. Employees whose employment is
terminated immediately prior to a holiday are not entitled to holiday pay.
Hours Worked on a Holiday
In addition to holiday pay described in Section 17.2, employees required to work on a holiday will
receive the pay at their overtime rate for all hours worked on the holiday.
Alternate Schedules
Employees working alternate schedules who are normally scheduled to work more than eight (8)
hours on a day observed as a holiday may use vacation leave, compensatory time or leave without
pay to make up the difference between the employee’s normally scheduled shift and the eight
(8) hours of holiday pay.
Holiday Observance
When a holiday falls on the employee’s scheduled workday, that day will be considered
the holiday. When a holiday falls on the employee’s scheduled day off, the employee shall
receive the equivalent time off.
An employee whose scheduled shift begins on one calendar day and ends on the next
calendar day will observe the holiday on the shift that begins on the holiday.
Personal Holiday
Employees who have been continuously employed by the Employer for more than four (4)
months may choose one (1) workday as a personal holiday, eligible during the calendar year
(January 1 – December 31) under the following criteria:
Personal Holiday Accrual
Full-time employees shall receive eight (8) hours off for a personal holiday. Part-time
employees shall receive paid hours off on the same prorated basis their monthly
schedule bears to full-time employment.
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Personal Holiday Scheduling
Employees shall be permitted to take their selected day as their personal holiday if:
1. The employee has given at least fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice to
their supervisor. However, the supervisor, at their discretion, may permit a shorter
notice period.
2. The number of employees choosing a specific day off does not interfere with the
Employer’s operations or require the Employer to incur overtime.
Personal Holiday Restrictions
Personal holidays may not be carried over into the next calendar year and will not
be cashed out under any circumstances. However, if the selected personal holiday
was denied due to the Employer’s operations, the employee may use the personal
holiday by March 31 of the next year (giving them up to three (3) months).
Donation of Personal Holiday
Part or all of a personal holiday may be donated to another employee for shared
leave as provided in Article 20, Shared Leave. Any remaining portion of a personal
holiday must be taken as one (1) absence.
Personal Holiday may also be used for:
1. The care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC- 296.
2. Leave as required by the Military Family Leave Act, RCW 49.77 and in accordance
with Article 23.6.
3. Leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act.
4. At their election, employees may use the Personal Holiday in place of or in addition
to sick leave for any of the purposes described in Article 19, Sick Leave. Employees
using the Personal Holiday for this purpose will provide their supervisor notice of
their absence as described in Article 19.4.
Vacation Leave
Vacation Accrual
Full-time employees shall accrue vacation at the rates set forth below. Part-time
employees shall accrue vacation on a prorated basis according to the employee’s
appointment percentage.
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Accrual rates below shall be based on the employee’s total years of state employment;
provided that, in order to receive credit for prior state employment, employees must
notify Human Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of their initial appointment of any
prior work experience for which they seek credit.
Completed Years of Service
Annual Hours of Vacation Accrual
0 Year
1 Years
2 Years
3 years
4 Years
5 Years
6 Years
7 Years
8 Years
9 Years
10 Years
11 Years
12 years
13 Years
14 Years
15 Years
16 Years
17 Years
18 Years
19 Years
20 Years
21 Years
22 Years
23 Years
24 Years
25+ Years
Vacation hours shall be credited at the end of the month accrued. Employees who are in
unpaid status for more than ten (10) working days in a month will not accrue vacation leave
during that month.
For purposes of this Section, an employee’s years of total employment includes
employment with any department, agency or institution of the state, excluding
employment in the legislative or judicial branches, and employment in a temporary or
student position not governed by civil service.
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Maximum Vacation Accrual
Employees may accrue vacation up to a maximum of two hundred forty (240) hours. An employee
who has reached the maximum accrual level may continue to accrue vacation until their next
anniversary date, at which time any vacation accrued in addition to the two hundred forty (240)
hour maximum accrual will be extinguished. With the prior written approval of the appropriate
Department Head, an employee may carry more than two hundred forty (240) hours of vacation
beyond their anniversary date when they are precluded from taking a previously scheduled
vacation because of Employer needs. Any such written approval will specify a timeline for the
employee to use any excess vacation accrual, after which any excess vacation accrual will be
Use and Scheduling of Vacation
At their election, employees may use vacation in place of or in addition to sick leave for
any of the purposes described in Article 19, Sick Leave. Employees using vacation for this
purpose will provide their supervisor notice of their absence as described in Article 19.4.
Except as provided in Section A above, vacation leave must be scheduled with the advance
approval of the employee’s supervisor. To the extent permitted by operational needs,
leave shall be scheduled in accordance with the wishes of the employee in any amount up
to the total vacation accrual.
Vacation leave requested in writing will be approved or denied within ten (10) working days
of the request. If the leave is denied, a reason will be provided in writing.
Transfer of Vacation
Employees who transfer from the Employer to another state agency or institution without a break
in service may, at their election, transfer their accrued but unused vacation.
Cash Out of Vacation
Except for employees who elect to transfer vacation as provided in Section 18.4, upon
termination employees who have successfully completed their probation period shall be paid for
their accrued but unused vacation hours at their regular rate of pay.
Family Care
Employees may use vacation leave for care of family members as required by the Family Care Act,
RCW 49.12.265 et seq, and WAC 296-130.
Family Military Leave
Employees may use vacation leave for leave as required by the Family Military Leave Act, RCW
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Domestic Violence Leave
Employees may use vacation leave for leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act, RCW
Sick Leave
Sick Leave Accrual
Full-time employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours for each completed
month of service. Part-time employees shall accrue sick leave on a prorated basis according to
the employee’s appointment percentage. Employees who are in unpaid status for more than ten
(10) working days in a month will accrue sick leave for that month at a rate of one (1) hour for
every forty (40) hours worked. Employees may accrue an unlimited amount of sick leave.
Uses of Accrued Sick Leave
Sick leave may be used in tenth-hour (1/10
) increments for the purposes below.
1. An employee’s own mental or physical illness, injury or health condition.
2. To accommodate the employee’s need for medical diagnosis, care or treatment
of a mental or physical illness, injury or health condition.
3. Preventative care, such as a medical, dental or optical appointment and/or
4. Care of a family member who needs medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a
mental or physical illness, injury or health condition.
5. Care for a family member who needs preventative medical care.
6. Closure of the University, or the employee’s child’s school/place of care, by order
of a public official for any health-related reasons.
7. A period of quarantine following the exposure to a contagious disease during the
period when attendance on duty would jeopardize the health of others.
8. Bereavement leave in addition to leave provided by this Agreement, if such use is
approved in advance by the employee’s Department Head.
9. Leave for Family Military Leave as required by RCW 49.77.
10. Leave for Domestic Violence Leave as required by RCW 49.76.
11. Qualifying absences for Family and Medical Leave.
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12. Care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, RCW 49.12.265 et seq.
13. When an employee is unable to report to work in accordance with Article 16,
Suspended Operations and Inclement Weather.
For the purposes of this section, “family” member means any of the following:
1. A child, including biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child whom
the employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is de facto parent,
regardless of age or dependency status;
2. A biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of
an employee or the employee’s spouse or domestic partner, or a person who
stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child;
3. A spouse;
4. A domestic partner, which includes those who are in registered domestic
partnerships or in relationships composed of two (2) unmarried adults who are
living together in a committed family relationship and have reciprocal duties to,
and provide financial support for, one another;
5. A grandparent;
6. A grandchild;
7. A sibling.
Annual Sick Leave Cash Out
In January following any year in which an employee reaches a minimum accrual of four hundred
eighty (480) hours of sick leave, the employee may receive cash at the employee’s straight time
rate for any sick leave hours accumulated during the prior calendar year; provided that
employees will not be permitted to reduce their sick leave balances below four hundred eighty
(480) hours through sick leave cash out. Sick leave will be cashed out at a rate of one (1) hours
pay for each four (4) hours of sick leave. Hours cashed out will be deducted from the employee’s
sick leave balance.
Sick Leave Notification and Verification
Employees must notify their supervisor as soon as reasonably possible when they will be absent
due to illness or injury. For absences of more than three (3) consecutive days or where there is a
reason to suspect sick leave abuse, the Employer may require the employee to present a
physician’s certificate verifying the need for sick leave before leave is authorized.
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Sick Leave Cash Out Upon Retirement or Death
Upon retirement or death, an employee or the employee’s estate will receive cash at the
employee’s straight-time hourly rate for one-quarter (1/4) of their sick leave hours. Sick leave
will be cashed out at the employee’s base hourly rate. If the bargaining unit elects to place in
effect a VEBA plan as provided by this Agreement, employees cashing out sick leave upon
retirement shall receive the proceeds in the form of a contribution to their VEBA account.
Former state employees who are reemployed within five (5) years of leaving state service will be
granted all unused and unpaid sick leave credits they had at separation. Unless otherwise
required by applicable law, employees who are reemployed after retiring and cashing out their
sick leave balance will not have leave reinstated at the time of rehire; when such employee
subsequently retires again or dies, only unused sick leave accrued since the date of
reemployment minus sick leave taken within the same period will be eligible for sick leave
separation cash out, in accordance with Article 19.5 above.
Coordination of Benefits
Employees who are absent due to illness or injury covered by workers’ compensation benefits
may use accrued sick leave to make up the difference between the employee’s regular salary and
the amount received in workerscompensation benefits, taking into account the tax-free nature
of workers’ compensation benefits.
Shared Leave/Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool
Shared Leave
In accordance with RCW 41.04.650 et seq., state employees may donate vacation leave, sick
leave, or personal holidays to a qualifying fellow state employee. To the extent this Article
conflicts with, or omits benefits provided by, state law, the University will comply with the terms
of the statute.
1. Employee's “relative” is limited to the employee's spouse, registered domestic
partner, child, stepchild, grandchild, grandparent, or parent.
2. Household members” are defined as persons who reside in the same home who
have reciprocal duties to and do provide financial support for one another. This
term will include foster children and legal wards even if they do not live in the
household. The term does not include persons sharing the same general house,
when the living style is primarily that of a dormitory or commune.
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In addition, for purposes of the state leave sharing program, the definitions provided
in RCW 41.04.655 apply.
Qualifying for Shared Leave
The Employer permits an employee to receive shared leave if:
1. The employee suffers from, or has a relative or household member suffering from,
an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an
extraordinary or severe nature; or
2. The employee has been called to service in the uniformed services; or
3. The employee has the needed skills to assist in responding to an emergency
declared anywhere within the United States by the federal or any state
government or its aftermath and volunteers their services to either a
governmental agency or to a nonprofit organization engaged in humanitarian
relief in the devastated area, and the governmental agency or nonprofit
organization accepts the employee’s offer of volunteer services; or
4. The employee is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
The illness, injury, impairment, condition, call to service, emergency volunteer service, or
consequence of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking has caused, or is likely to
cause, the eligible receiving employee to:
1. Go on leave without pay status; or
2. Terminate state employment.
The employee’s absence and the use of shared leave are justified.
In addition, the receiving employee has depleted or will shortly deplete their:
1. Vacation leave, sick leave and personal holiday if the employee qualifies under
Article 20.2.A.1; or
2. Vacation leave and paid military leave allowed under RCW 38.40.060 if the
employee qualifies under Article 20.2.A.2; or
3. Vacation leave or personal holiday if the employee qualifies under Article 20.2.A.3
or Article 20.2.A.4.
For work-related illness or injury, the receiving employee must have diligently pursued and
been found to be ineligible for benefits under RCW 51.32 if the employee qualifies under
Article 20.2.A.1.
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The eligible receiving employee has abided by Employer policies regarding the use of sick
leave if the employee qualifies under Articles 20.2.A.1 and 20.2.A.4; and paid military leave
if the employee qualifies under Article 20.2.A.2.
Donated leave is transferable between employees in different state agencies or
institutions of higher education with the agreement of both heads of the state
agencies/higher education institutions.
The Employer will determine the amount of donated leave an employee may receive and
may only authorize an employee to use up to a maximum of five hundred and twenty-two
(522) days of shared leave during total state employment.
1. The employer may authorize leave in excess of this limit because the qualifying
employee is suffering from an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental
conditions that are of an extraordinary or severe nature.
2. Shared leave received under the Uniformed Service shared leave pool in
accordance with RCW 41.04.685 is not included in this total.
A non-permanent or on-call employee who is eligible to use accrued leave or personal
holiday may not use shared leave beyond the termination date specified in the non-
permanent or on-call employee’s appointment letter.
Shared Leave Donation
A qualifying employee may donate vacation leave, sick leave, or personal holiday to
another employee if the receiving employee meets the qualifications of Article 20.2 above.
An employee with an accrued vacation leave balance of more than eighty (80) hours may
donate any amount of vacation leave, provided the donation does not cause the
employee's vacation leave balance to fall below eighty (80) hours after the transfer. For
part-time employees, requirements for vacation leave balances will be prorated.
Employees may donate excess vacation leave that the donor would not be able to take due
to an approaching anniversary date.
The donating employee may donate any specified amount of sick leave, provided the
donation does not cause the employee's sick leave balance to fall below one hundred
seventy-six (176) hours after the transfer. For purposes of sick leave donation, a day equals
the donor's monthly sick leave accrual.
The donating employee may donate all or part of a personal holiday. Any portion of a
personal holiday that is not used will be returned to the donating employee.
All donated leave must be given voluntarily. No employee will be coerced, threatened,
intimidated, or financially induced into donating leave for purposes of this program.
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The Employer will require the employee to submit, prior to approval or disapproval, a
medical certificate from a licensed physician or health care practitioner verifying the severe
or extraordinary nature and expected duration of the condition when the employee is
qualified for shared leave under Article 20.2.A.1.
The Employer will require the employee to submit, prior to approval or disapproval, a copy
of the military orders verifying the employee's required absence when the employee is
qualified for shared leave under Article 20.2.A.2.
The Employer will require the employee to submit, prior to approval or disapproval, proof
of acceptance of an employee’s offer to volunteer for either a governmental agency or a
nonprofit organization during a declared state of emergency when the employee is
qualified for shared leave under Article 20.2.A.3.
The Employer will require the employee to submit, prior to approval or disapproval,
verification of the employee’s status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or
stalking when the employee is qualified for shared leave under Article 20.2.A.4.
Verification required by the employer shall be consistent with the verification required by
RCW 49.76.040.
The Employer will respond in writing to shared leave requests within fourteen (14)
calendar days of receipt of a properly submitted request.
Shared Leave Administration
The receiving employee will be paid their regular rate of pay; therefore, one (1) hour of
shared leave may cover more or less than one (1) hour of the recipient's salary. The
calculation of the recipient's leave value will be in accordance with Office of Financial
Management policies, regulations, and procedures. The dollar value of the leave is
converted from the donor to the recipient. The leave received will be coded as shared leave
and be maintained separately from all other leave balances.
Any shared leave not used by the recipient during each incident/occurrence as determined
by the Employer will be returned to the donor(s). Before returning unused leave, agency
heads or designees will obtain a statement from the receiving employee’s doctor verifying
the injury or illness is resolved. The shared leave remaining will be divided among the
donors on a prorated basis based on the original donated value and returned at its original
donor value and reinstated to each donor's appropriate leave balance. The return will be
prorated back based on the donor's original donation.
An employee who uses leave that is transferred under this Section will not be required to
repay the value of the leave that they used.
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While an employee is on shared leave, the employee shall continue to be classified as a
state employee and shall receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and
employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation or
sick leave.
The Shared Leave Program is subject to the grievance procedure of Article 37 up through
Step 2 only.
Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool
In accordance with RCW 41.04.685 et seq., the uniformed service shared leave pool
allows state employees to donate leave to be used as shared leave to fellow state
employees called to service in the uniformed services. Employee participation will
be voluntary at all times. The Military Department, Department of Personnel and
Office of Financial Management administer the pool.
For purposes of this Article 20.06 only, the definitions contained in RCW 41.04.685
1. An employee may be eligible to receive leave from the uniformed service shared
leave pool under the following conditions:
a. The employee is entitled to accrue vacation leave, sick leave, or a
personal holiday.
b. The employee has been called to service in the uniformed services.
c. The call to service has caused, or is likely to cause, the employee to go
on leave without pay status or terminate state employment.
d. The employee’s absence and the use of shared leave are justified.
e. The employee has depleted or will shortly deplete their vacation leave and
paid military leave allowed under RCW 38.40.060.
f. The employee has followed agency rules regarding military leave.
Allowable Donations
An employee may donate vacation leave, sick leave, or all or part of a personal
holiday to the uniformed service shared leave pool under the following conditions:
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1. The donating employee may donate any amount of vacation leave, provided the
donation does not cause the employee’s vacation leave balance to fall below
eighty (80) hours. For part-time employees, requirements for vacation leave
balances will be prorated.
2. The donating employee may donate any specified amount of sick leave, provided
the donation does not cause the employee’s sick leave balance to fall below one
hundred seventy-six (176) hours after the transfer.
3. The donating employee may donate all or part of a personal holiday.
1. Employees requesting to donate to or receive leave from the uniformed service
shared leave pool must follow their agency policies and procedures addressing
uniformed service shared leave.
2. Employees requesting to receive leave from the uniformed service shared leave
pool must also comply with Military Department procedures for requesting and
receiving leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool. Employees
requesting leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool should provide to
their agency head or designee an earnings statement verifying military salary and
orders of service, most current state leave and earnings statement, a completed
uniformed service shared leave pool recipient request form, and notification of
any change. The employee must also provide copies of earnings statements and
orders of service when requested by the Military Department.
3. Shared leave may not be granted unless the pool has sufficient balance to fund
the requested leave for the expected term of service.
4. Shared leave, in combination with military salary, will not exceed the level of the
employee’s state monthly salary. Up to eight (8) hours per month of shared leave
may be withdrawn and used to continue coverage under the Public Employees’
Benefit Board, regardless of the employee’s monthly salary and military salary.
5. The receiving employee continues to be classified as a state employee and
receives the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits
as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation or sick leave.
6. Agencies will investigate any alleged abuse of the uniformed service shared leave
pool. If there is a finding of wrongdoing the employee may be required to repay
all of the shared leave received from the pool.
Grievance Limitation
Article 20.6 is not subject to the grievance procedure.
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Family Medical Leave
Family Medical Leave
Employees who have been employed by the state for at least one (1) year, and who worked in
state employment at least one thousand two hundred fifty (1250) hours during the twelve (12)
month period immediately preceding the commencement of leave, are permitted up to twelve
(12) workweeks of Family Medical Leave during any twelve (12) month period for purposes
specified by law. Family Medical Leave shall be administered according to University Policy POL
U5410.03, the Family Medical Leave Act, 29 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq., 29 CFR § 825, the Washington
Family Leave Act, RCW 49.78, and its associated regulations.
Maternity Related Disability Leave
Pregnant employees may take unpaid leave for the entire period of any maternity related
disability. Such leave may, at the pregnant employee’s election, be taken in addition to the twelve
(12) week leave to care for a new-born child under the federal Family Medical Leave Act, if the
employee is eligible for Family Medical Leave.
While employees remain on paid leave, the Employer will continue providing paid health
insurance to the employee on the same basis that those benefits are provided during regular
Once paid leave is exhausted, employees on unpaid maternity-related disability leave may
continue their health insurance coverage by paying the full premium cost for that insurance
unless covered by FMLA protections.
Parental Leave
Employees may request unpaid parental leave for up to six (6) months, including any period of
Family Medical Leave pursuant to Section 21.1 for the birth of the employee’s child or the
placement with the employee of an adopted or foster child. Parental leave must be taken within
one (1) year following the child’s birth or placement. The Employer may grant a request for
parental leave beyond any period of Family Medical Leave.
Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
Eligible employees are covered by Washington’s Family and Medical Leave Program, RCW
50A.04. Eligibility for leave and benefits, which begins January 1. 2020, is established by
Washington law and is therefore independent of this Agreement. Premiums for benefits are
established by law and for the period ending December 31, 2020, will total four-tenths of one
percent (0.4%) of employees’ wages (unless otherwise limited by action of the State). Employees
will pay through payroll deduction the full cost of the premiums associated with family leave
benefits and forty-five percent (45%) of the cost of the premiums associated with the medical
leave benefits, as determined under RCW 50A.04.115. The University will pay the remaining
premium amounts.
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Leave Without Pay
In addition to the circumstances specified elsewhere in this Agreement, the Employer, in its
discretion, may approve a leave without pay for the reasons specified below. Leaves will be
approved in writing by the Human Resources Department, and such approval will specify a date
for the employee’s return to work.
Qualified Reasons
Leave without pay will be granted for the following reasons:
Family and Medical Leave (Article 21)
Compensable work-related injury or illness leave
Military Leave (Article 23)
Volunteer firefighting leave
Spousal Deployment Leave (Article 23)
Domestic violence leave, or
Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience
Permissible Reasons
Leave without pay may be granted for the following reasons:
Educational leave
Child or elder care emergencies
Governmental service leave
Citizen volunteer or community service leave
Formal collective bargaining leave
Conditions applicable for leave with pay, or
As otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
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Conditions Applicable to Leaves
Employees must submit any request for a leave in writing. Except as required by law, a request
for a leave must meet the following conditions:
The employee must have successfully completed twelve (12) months of service;
The employee must have a bona fide intention of returning to work following the leave;
The leave must not interfere with operational needs; and
Except for leaves approved to permit an employee to complete an educational program or
service in the Peace Corps, leaves may not exceed twelve (12) months.
Use of Paid Leave
Except as provided in Section 22.7 below, an employee on an approved leave must exhaust all
available sick leave (if available for the purpose of the employee’s leave), vacation leave, and
personal holiday time before taking unpaid leave; employees who choose to use compensatory
time as part of a leave must use any such time prior to taking unpaid leave.
Cancellation of Leave
The Employer may cancel a leave upon a finding that the employee is using the leave for purposes
other than those specified at the time of approval, or where there are exigent circumstances
requiring the employee’s return to work. The Employer will provide written notice to the
employee that a leave has been cancelled, which will set a date for the employee’s return to
Benefits During Leave
An employee on a leave who uses less than eight (8) hours of paid leave during a month is
responsible for paying the entire premium cost (both the Employer and employee shares) of their
health insurance during an approved leave. Employees who are granted a leave for their own
disability may save and use up to thirty-two (32) hours of paid leave at a rate of eight (8) hours
per month to remain eligible for paid health insurance.
Employees returning to work following an approved leave will be returned to the position they
held prior to the leave or to another position in the same classification; provided that in the event
the employee’s position is eliminated during the time the employee is on leave, they will be
notified and provided a time period in which to exercise any rights available pursuant to Article
32, Reduction in Force/Layoff.
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Educational Leave
Leave without pay may be granted for educational leave for the duration of actual attendance in
an educational program.
Child and Elder Care Emergencies
Leave without pay may be granted for child and elder care emergencies. In lieu of leave without
pay, compensatory time, exchange time or paid leave may also be used for child and elder care
Governmental Service Leave
Leave without pay may be granted for governmental service in the public interest, including but
not limited to the U.S. Public Health Service or Peace Corps leave.
Citizen Volunteer or Community Service Leave
Leave without pay may be granted for community volunteerism or service.
Formal Collective Bargaining Leave
Leave without pay may be granted to participate in formal collective bargaining sessions
authorized by RCW 41.80.
Volunteer Firefighting Leave
Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to
duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.
Domestic Violence Leave
In accordance with RCW 49.76, leave without pay, including intermittent leave, will be granted
to an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. Family members
of a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking will be granted leave without pay to
help the victim obtain treatment or seek help. Family member for the purpose of domestic
violence leave includes child, spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or a person the
employee is dating. The Employer may require verification from the employee requesting leave
in accordance with RCW 49.76.
Unpaid Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience
Leave without pay will be granted for up to two (2) workdays per calendar year for a reason
of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious
denomination, church or religious organization. Leave without pay may only be denied if
the employee’s absence would impose an undue hardship on the Employer as defined by
Chapter 82-56 WAC or the employee is necessary to maintain public safety.
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The Employer will allow an employee to use compensatory time, personal holiday or
vacation leave in lieu of leave without pay. All requests to use compensatory time,
personal holiday or vacation leave must indicate the leave is being used in lieu of leave
without pay for a reason of faith or conscience.
A permanent or probationary employee who is on an unpaid holiday for reasons of faith
and conscience on a work shift preceding a paid holiday, as designated in Article 10.1, will
receive holiday pay for the designated holiday.
An employee’s seniority date, probationary period or trial service period will not be
affected by leave without pay taken for a reason of faith or conscience.
Military Leave
Military Leave
Any employee who is a member of the United States Military, a member of a military reserve
force of the United States or of the Washington National Guard shall be entitled to military leave
with pay not to exceed twenty-one (21) working days during the October 1 through September
30 time period in order for the employee to report for required military duty, training, or drills
including those in the national guard. Such paid military leave shall be in addition to any
compensatory time, vacation or sick leave to which the employee might otherwise be entitled,
and shall not involve the reduction of any benefits, performance rating, privileges or pay. During
the period of paid military leave, the employee shall receive their normal base pay. Military leave
will only be charged for the days that the employee is scheduled to work.
Military Service Physical Examination
Employees required to report during working hours for a physical examination to determine
physical fitness for military service shall receive full pay for the time required to complete the
Military Leave of Absence
Employees shall be granted a military leave of absence without pay for absence from work for
service in the armed forces of the United States or the Washington National Guard. During an
unpaid military leave of absence, an employee is entitled to receive:
Retirement benefits and service credit in accord with the provisions of the applicable
retirement system.
Health plan coverage at the employee’s request and expense for a limited period of time
as determined by the Health Care Authority.
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Other length of service credits related to employment that would have been granted had
the employee not been absent; provided the employee returns to the University at the
conclusion of leave in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
Any additional benefit required by applicable state or federal law.
Copy of Employee Orders
Unless prohibited by military necessity, the Employer shall be provided with a copy of an
employee’s orders at the time the employee requests military leave.
Return from Military Service
Following release from military service, an employee shall have the right to return to their
employment as provided by applicable state and federal law.
Spousal Deployment Leave
As provided in RCW 49.77, during a period of military conflict, an employee who is the spouse or
state registered domestic partner as defined by RCW 26.60.020 and 26.60.030 of a member of
the armed forces of the United States, National Guard, or reserves who has been notified of an
impending call or order to active duty or has been deployed is entitled to a total of fifteen (15)
days of unpaid leave per deployment after the military spouse has been notified of an impending
call or order to active duty and before deployment or when the military spouse is on leave from
deployment. The employee may choose to use accrued leave in place of leave without pay.
Miscellaneous Paid Leaves
Personal Leave Day
Employees who have been continuously employed by the Employer for more than four (4)
months will be entitled to choose one (1) workday as a personal leave day, eligible to be taken
during the fiscal year (July 1 June 30).
Winter Break Day
Employees who have been continuously employed by the Employer for more than four (4)
months, prior to the end of the Fall Quarter, will be entitled to an additional day of paid leave to
be used between the end of Fall Quarter and the beginning of Winter Quarter.
Using Personal Leave and Winter Break Day
Personal Leave and Winter Break Day Accrual.
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Full-time employees shall receive eight (8) hours off for each of these leave days.
Part-time employees shall receive prorated leave based on the employee’s
appointment percentage.
Personal Leave and Winter Break Day Scheduling.
Employees shall be permitted to take their selected day as their leave day if:
1. The employee has given at least fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice to
their supervisor. However, the supervisor, at their discretion, may permit a shorter
notice period.
2. The number of employees choosing a specific day off does not interfere with the
Employer’s operations or require the Employer to incur overtime.
Personal Leave and Winter Break Day Restrictions.
The personal leave and winter break days may not be carried forward for use at a
later date, may not be donated through Shared Leave, and will not be cashed out
under any circumstances.
Personal Leave or Winter Break Day may also be used for:
1. The care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC-296.
2. Leave as required by the Military Family Leave Act, RCW 49.77 and in accordance
with Article 23.6.
3. Leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act.
4. At their election, employees may use Personal Leave or Winter Break Day in place
of or in addition to sick leave for any of the purposes described in Article 19, Sick
Leave. Employees using Personal Leave or Winter Break Day for this purpose will
provide their supervisor notice of their absence as described in Article l9.4.
Leave for Childcare Emergencies
Employees who must miss work due to unforeseen childcare emergencies may charge their
absence to any accrued paid leave or to unpaid leave under the following conditions. Unpaid
leave requests for unforeseen childcare emergencies will go through the Leave Without Pay
approval process as defined by Article 22, Leave Without Pay. Employees using leave due to
childcare emergencies are not required to obtain advance approval prior to using leave, but must
notify their supervisor of their absence as soon as possible prior to the start of their scheduled
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Bereavement Leave
Employees will be granted three (3) days of paid bereavement leave, per occurrence, for the
death of the employee’s spouse, child, step-child, parent, stepparent, parent-in-law, sibling, step-
sibling, domestic partner, domestic partner’s parents, grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law,
daughter-in-law, brother and sister-in law or household member. The pay for a full-time
employee’s bereavement leave day is eight (8) hours. Bereavement leave is pro-rated for part-
time employees based on the employee’s appointment percentage. With approval of the
employee’s supervisor, employees shall be granted accrued sick leave as provided in Article 19,
Sick Leave or unpaid leave for bereavement. Employees using accrued vacation leave due to the
death of a close personal friend, colleague, or neighbor will not be unduly denied use of vacation
Jury and Witness Leave
Employees must notify their supervisors upon receipt of a subpoena for jury or witness duty,
keep their supervisors apprised of the schedule for their jury or witness duties, and report to
work when the court schedule permits.
Employees subpoenaed to appear for jury service will receive pay at their regular rate of pay for
work hours missed because of their required jury duty service. An employee will be allowed to
retain any compensation paid for jury duty service.
Employees subpoenaed as a witness, or whose testimony is pertinent to a work-related court or
administrative hearing will receive pay at their regular rate, unless the employee:
Is a party in the matter and is not represented by the Attorney General’s Office of the State
of Washington, or
Has an economic interest in the matter.
Employees assigned to work an evening or night shift will be reassigned to a day shift for the
duration of the jury or witness service.
Employees subpoenaed as an arbitration witness shall receive pay in accordance with Article
Life Giving Procedures
When approved, employees will receive paid leave, not to exceed five (5) working days in a two
(2) year period, for participating in life-giving procedures. The pay for a full-time employee’s day
of life giving procedure leave is eight (8) hours. Life giving procedures leave is pro-rated for part-
time employees based on the employee’s appointment percentage. “Life-giving procedure” is
defined as a medically-supervised procedure involving the testing, sampling, or donation of
blood, platelets, organs, fluids, tissues, and other human body components for the purposes of
donation, without compensation, to a person or organization for medically necessary treatments.
Employees will provide reasonable advance notice and written proof from an accredited medical
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institution, physician or medical professional that the employee participated in a life- giving
procedure. The Employer may take into account program and staffing replacement requirements
in scheduling of leave for life-giving procedures.
University-wide Blood Drive
Employee participation in a University-wide Blood Drive as a donor is considered work time.
Domestic Violence
Employees may use paid leave, including sick leave or unpaid leave, as necessary to cope with
the situation, if the employee is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Community Service Leave Day
Employees covered by this Agreement may request and be granted one (1) day of paid
community service leave per fiscal year to participate in community service, including volunteer
work on behalf of schools, community or charitable organizations, and organized volunteer
events. The pay for a full-time employee’s community service day is eight (8) hours. Community
service leave is pro-rated for part-time employees based on the employee’s appointment
percentage. Employees wishing to engage in community service will provide a written request
in advance and may be required to provide proof that the employee participated in the service
or event.
Release Time for University-Supported Activities
With advance notice to and approval by their dean or department director, employees may be
permitted to use limited amounts of paid work time to participate in University-related or
sponsored activities not directly related to their primary duties, such as serving as a guest speaker
or presenter in a course/program, or assisting faculty with research or other academic needs.
Any such activities must be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with University
General Salary Schedule Range Assignments and Wage Increases
Except as provided by Section 25.3 below, effective July 1, 2023, those classifications
represented by the Union will continue to be assigned to the same salary range to which
they were assigned on June 30, 2023. Salary schedules, including the N1 salary schedule,
that include the increases described in paragraphs B and C below and the two (2) Career
Enhancement/Growth Program steps described in Section 25.16, are attached as Appendix
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Effective July 1, 2023, all ranges and steps of the salary schedules in effect on June 30,
2023, will be increased by three and one-half percent (3.5%) if fully funded by the State of
Effective July 1, 2024, all ranges and steps of the salary schedules in effect on June 30,
2024, will be increased by three percent (3%) if fully funded by the State of Washington.
Should classified general state government employees represented by WFSE (GG) and/or non-
uniformed University employees represented by WFSE (“WFSE”) receive a package of general
salary increases different than the package described in paragraphs B and C above, PSE may, at
its option, substitute the package of general salary increases included in the GG or WFSE
agreements for the package described in paragraphs B and C above.
Minimum Hourly Rate.
To reflect the University’s and PSE’s shared values, the base salary for represented permanent
employees, following successful completion of probation, will be set at the step in the range that
most closely approximates eighteen dollars ($18) per hour, not to exceed Step M.
State Salary Survey and Other Range Changes
In the event that a classification range assignment used by State general government is adjusted
to a range higher than that in effect at the University due to the State’s implementation of a
salary survey, the State’s evaluation of recruitment or retention data, or through the State’s
negotiations with represented employees of general government (referenced in Appendix T of
the GG agreement with WFSE), the University will change the classification’s range assignment
to match the state assignment. This provision will be implemented only to the extent such salary
range adjustments are fully funded by the State.
Compensation Reopener
Compensation increases described above and in Section 25.15 below will take effect only if they
are deemed feasible by the Director of OFM, approved by the Legislature as provided in RCW
41.80, and fully funded by the State appropriations to the University. In the event that some or
all of the compensation increases described above are not approved or fully funded, the parties
will reopen negotiations to bargain a replacement provision. Nothing in this paragraph obligates
either party to agree to any proposal.
Special Pay
The Employer may designate a position for special pay in the following circumstances:
A. When a unique configuration of work requires skills, duties, or working conditions
beyond those typically required of comparable positions;
B. To alleviate employment problems such as recruitment and/or retention;
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C. When failure to grant special pay could result in retention problems and seriously
jeopardize University operations; and
D. To prevent salary inversion or compression problems with other classes in the same or
related series which have been granted special pay.
New Employees
The University will assign newly hired employees to the appropriate range and step of the salary
Periodic Increases
Employees assigned to a salary range other than “N1” will receive periodic
increases as follows:
1. Employees who are hired at the minimum step of the pay range will receive a
two (2) step increase to base salary following completion of the probationary
period, and an additional two (2) step increase annually thereafter, until they
reach Step M.
2. Employees as of July 1, 2023, who have been at Step L for twelve (12)
months or longer will progress to Step M of their assigned salary range effective
July 1, 2023.
3. Employees who are hired above the minimum step of the salary range will
receive a two (2) step increase annually on their hire date until they reach the top
of the pay range.
4. Employees in classes that have pay ranges shorter than a standard range
will receive their periodic increases at the same intervals as employees in classes
with standard ranges.
B. Employees assigned to the “N1” salary range will receive periodic increases as
1. Upon hire, employees will be assigned to the step of the pay range that
corresponds to their completed years of nursing experience.
2. Employees who are hired at the minimum step of the pay range will, upon
completion of the probationary period, be assigned to the step that corresponds
with their completed years of nursing experience.
3. Employees who are hired above the minimum step of the pay range will
be assigned to the step that corresponds to their completed years of nursing
experience annually on their hire date until they reach the top of the pay range.
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Transfer / Reassignment
Employees who transfer or are reassigned to a position within their class or within their range
will retain their current base salary.
Trial Service Reversion
Employees who do not successfully complete a trial service period and revert to the class in which
the employee most recently held a position, or move to a classification in the same series with a
lower salary range, will receive the base salary they received prior to their promotion.
Part-time Employment
Monthly compensation for part-time employment will be prorated based on the ratio of hours
worked to hours required for full-time employment.
Premium Pay for Additional Language(s)
Whenever a classified position has a bona fide requirement for regular use of competent skills in
more than one language, sign language (AMESLAN), and/or Braille, the University will authorize
premium pay of two (2) steps above the level normally assigned for that position; provided that
this premium will not apply in those instances where the position is allocated to a class that
requires these skills.
Promotional Pay
An employee who is promoted to a higher classification shall be paid at the salary step which
represents at least a two (2) step increase over the salary received immediately prior to the
promotion. The AVP of Human Resources, or their designee, may authorize more than a two (2)
step increase. All promotional increases must be within the salary range for the class.
Shift Differential
Employees assigned to a shift in which a majority of time worked falls between 5:00 p.m. and
7:00 a.m. shall be paid an additional one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour for the entire shift.
An employee assigned to a shift that qualifies for shift differential pay shall receive the same shift
differential for authorized periods of paid leave, or when assigned to a different shift for less than
a full workweek.
Voluntary Separation Incentives - Voluntary Retirement Incentives
The Employer will have the discretion to participate in a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program
or a Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program, if such programs are provided for in the current
operating budget. Such participation must be in accordance with the program guidelines adopted
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by the Department of Personnel and the Department of Retirement Systems, following
consultation with the Office of Financial Management. Program incentives or offering of such
incentives are not subject to the grievance procedure.
Regional Compensation
To compensate for local cost-of-living factors, the University will provide regional pay to its
employees as follows:
All employees whose primary reporting location is in Whatcom County or Skagit
County will receive two percent (2%) premium pay calculated from their base salary;
provided that in the event the State implements regional compensation for
employees whose primary reporting location is in Whatcom or Skagit County that
exceeds two percent (2%), the University will increase its premium pay to the amount
provided by the State.
In the event the State implements regional compensation for employees whose
primary reporting location is in a county other than Whatcom or Skagit Counties, the
University will provide regional pay to its employees on the same basis and in the
same amount provided by the State. Primary reporting location for purposes of this
paragraph is a University facility, not a location where an employee may be permitted
to work remotely.
Career Enhancement/Growth Program
The University will support the establishment of a new Career Enhancement/Growth
program. The program will recognize employees whose development of skills,
increased productivity, or assumption of higher-level duties results in increased value
to the department, service enhancements, or efficiencies for the department in which
the employee works.
Each of the two (2) available CEGP steps will be attained solely through the Career
Enhancement/Growth program and will not be based on length of service.
Employees in every classification covered by this Agreement will be eligible for the
program. Employees are eligible to receive a Career Enhancement/Growth step any
time after they have been at the last automatic step in their pay range for a minimum
of one (1) year. Employees are eligible for the subsequent and final Career
Enhancement/Growth step beginning one (1) year after receiving the previous step.
There will be no minimum or maximum number of employees who may receive
Career Enhancement/Growth steps. There will be no minimum or maximum amount
of money the University will spend on the Career Enhancement/Growth program.
Decisions about Career Enhancement/Growth steps shall be made within sixty (60)
days of the submission of the CEGP application to HR.
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Either employees or managers may initiate the CEGP application process by
submitting a completed CEGP application to HR.
HR will track CEGP applications, grants, and denials including at a minimum the job
class, department, employee id, the decision to grant or deny, and the documented
reason for any denial. If denied, the employee may appeal to the decision-maker’s
supervisor, whose decision will be final.
The CEGP application will allow for the inclusion of up to three (3) letters of
recommendation, and will record years of experience in the position or field, as well
as years of service with the University. The union will have access to this information
on request.
The Career Enhancement/Growth program will not be a substitute for
reclassifications. Reclassifications will take priority over receiving Career
Enhancement/Growth steps such that if an employee qualifies to receive a Career
Enhancement/Growth step but could otherwise be reclassified, the employee will be
reclassified and will not simultaneously receive the Career Enhancement/Growth
step. Career Enhancement/Growth steps shall be considered in calculating salary
adjustment associated with promotion and upward reclassification, but in no instance
shall a salary in a new position be at a step higher than the top automatic step in the
new pay range, except for lateral transfers where there is no mutual agreement not
to exceed the top automatic progression step in the new pay range.
The University agrees to regularly issue University-wide reminders promoting the
value of this program.
The parties will utilize the JLM committee to review the CEGP program periodically
with the goal to improve standards and accessibility.
The Career Enhancement/Growth program in its entirety is not subject to the
grievance procedure.
Health Care Benefits Amounts
See Health Benefits Agreement by and between the State of Washington and the Coalition of
Unions in Appendix C.
Vacancies and Position Allocations
The Employer will determine when a position will be filled, the type of appointment to be used
when filling the position, and the skills and abilities necessary to perform the duties of the specific
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position within a job classification. The Employer may fill a position on a full-time or part-time
basis. When filling a vacant position, the Employer will first consider bargaining unit employees
on the appropriate internal layoff list who have the required skills and abilities to perform the
duties of the position. In the event the position is not filled with a candidate from the internal
layoff list, the Employer will consider internal candidates who have the skills and abilities to
perform the duties of the position being filled. For purposes of this Article, “internal candidates”
are candidates who are currently employed by the Employer in a regular, probationary, or
project position, or candidates eligible for dual-career assistance per the Employer’s policy.
If no internal candidate is selected, the Employer may consider all other candidates including
internal candidates.
Position Changes
When Human Resources becomes aware of one of the following actions, the AVP of Human
Resources, or designee, will provide written notification to PSE:
Holding a position in the bargaining unit vacant;
Reallocation of a bargaining unit position to a lower classification; or
Removal of a position from the bargaining unit.
Recall from Layoff
When filling a position, the Employer will consider all laid-off employees on the
appropriate layoff list in seniority order with the required skills and abilities for the specific
position regardless of appointment percentage or FTE. The most senior candidate with the
required skills and abilities will be offered the position. PSE will be notified in the event
that the layoff list candidate(s) are determined not to be qualified for the position. If there
are no names on the internal layoff list or no laid-off candidates are found to be qualified,
the Employer will consider internal candidates as described in subsection 27.4 below.
When the Employer intends to accomplish work with a temporary appointment requiring
ten (10) working days or more in a month, the Employer will offer the temporary
appointment to the employee on the layoff list who was performing that work prior to
their layoff. If the temporary appointment requires work for less than ten (10) days in a
month, the Employer will give first consideration to those individuals on the layoff list who
previously performed the work prior to their layoff. The provisions of this subsection do
not apply to employees who have been on the layoff list for more than one (1) year. Refusal
to accept a temporary appointment does not count as a refusal of a comparable position.
Acceptance of a temporary appointment will not remove the individual from the layoff list.
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Opportunities for Internal Applicants
When a vacant position becomes available, employees who wish to apply for the position may
submit their application materials to HR. When filling a position where no candidate was
appointed from the appropriate layoff list, the Employer will consider qualified internal
candidates. Qualified internal candidates are those internal candidates who have the required
skills and abilities to perform the duties of the specific position being filled. The search committee
will only have access to internal candidate applications for the first seven (7) days of the
application review period. HR shall keep internal and external candidate applications separate
until the end of said seven (7) day time period. The Employer will offer an interview to at least
three (3) potentially qualified internal candidates. If there are fewer than three (3) qualified
internal candidates for the position, the Employer will interview all such candidates. Upon
selection of interview candidates, the Employer may request that HR disclose whether an internal
candidate has a record of disciplinary action (written reprimand or suspension without pay)
within the past twelve (12) months on file with HR. Presence of disciplinary action is not grounds
for withdrawal of the interview request.
Posting of Vacant Positions
Positions that are not filled through placement of employees from the layoff list will be posted
for a period of at least seven (7) calendar days, during which time, internal and external applicants
may apply. The posting will include, at a minimum, a description of the work to be performed,
the requirements of the position, the rate of pay and the shift.
Types of Appointments
Full-time Appointments
Full-time appointments are scheduled to work twelve (12) months per year, forty (40) hours per
Part-time Appointments
Part-time appointments are scheduled to work at least twenty (20) hours per week but less than
twelve (12) months per year and/or less than forty (40) hours per week. Such employees will
receive a percentage of the full-time benefit (vacation leave, sick leave, personal holiday,
holidays, etc.) based on the percentage their monthly schedule bears to full-time employment.
Cyclic Appointments
Cyclic leave positions are defined as less than twelve (12) month appointments due to known
budgetary restraints or known, recurring periods in the academic calendar when the position is
not needed.
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H. Cyclic Year Schedules
At least fifteen (15) calendar days before the start of each annual cycle, a cyclic
schedule shall be established in consultation with the affected employee.
Incumbents of cyclic year positions will be informed in writing of their scheduled
periods of leave without pay in the ensuing annual cycle. Such leave without pay
shall not constitute a break in service and shall not be deducted from the employees'
length of service in granting periodic increments nor in computing the employees'
vacation leave accrual rate.
I. Additional Work for Cyclic Employees
When additional work is required of a cyclic year position during a period for which
the position was scheduled for leave without pay, the temporary work will be
offered to the incumbent first, then to available bargaining unit members by
seniority. The incumbent will be allowed at least three (3) working days in which to
accept or decline the offer.
Project Positions
Project positions are positions of specific duration of six (6) months or longer. The Employer may
create project positions in situations where the position is contingent upon state, federal, local,
grant or other special funding of specific and time-limited duration, and/or where the work to be
performed by the position is project-based and of a time-limited nature. The Employer will notify
employees at the time of hire of the project nature of the position and the anticipated ending
date of the project position.
Higher Level Duties
The Employer may assign to an employee duties from a higher job classification for a period not
to exceed six (6) months. If this period of time exceeds six (6) months, the employer will engage
in bargaining with the Union. For the duration of such a temporary assignment, the employee
shall receive additional compensation equal to five (5) percent of the employees base wages. In
the event an employee is temporarily assigned the full set of duties from a higher job
classification, and the lowest step of the pay range for that higher job classification exceeds the
employee’s base wage by more than five percent (5%), the employee shall be paid at the lowest
step of the higher pay range (or, if the position is exempt, the lowest advertised pay rate for the
position) for the duration of the temporary assignment. Based on an assessment of the
assignment and duties, the AVP for Human Resources may authorize, at their discretion, an
increase of the base salary up to a total of twenty-five percent (25%) for the duration of the
assignment. The base salary will not exceed the top of the range of the higher job classification.
Leave Adjustments
Employees with part-time appointments who work in excess of their assigned percentage
appointment shall have their vacation and sick leave hours adjusted at the end of each month to
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reflect any additional leave earned in the previous month, if the adjustment will result in
additional accrued leave of one (1) or more hour per month.
Classification and Reclassification
Positions shall be allocated to the appropriate classification. Requests to reallocate should be
based on a belief that the duties, responsibilities, or qualifications of a position are such that it is
inappropriately allocated. Management retains the right to assign work in accordance with the
provisions of the management rights clause of this Agreement.
Except as specifically modified by this Article, position classification, position review and
reallocation shall be handled in accord with WAC 357.
Classification Plan Revisions
Positions will not be reclassified or reallocated in a manner which will remove their duties
from the combined PTE & BUD bargaining units except as provided in Article 38, Job
Contracting of this Agreement.
The Employer will provide to PSE, in writing, any proposed changes to the classification
plan, including job descriptions for newly created classifications. Upon request of PSE, the
Employer will bargain the salary effect(s) of a change to an existing class or newly proposed
Allocation Review Process
The department head, or an employee may request that a position be reviewed when the
requesting party believes that the basis of its request has become a permanent
requirement of the position. A position may not be reviewed more often than once every
six (6) months.
The request must be complete and in writing on forms provided by the Employer. Requests
may be submitted to Human Resources or to an employee’s direct supervisor or
department. Human Resources will provide a copy of the request to PSE. Any party may
submit additional information, including the names of individuals, which the party believes
is relevant to the position review.
An employee may request that a PSE representative be present as an observer at meetings
with the Employer reviewer scheduled to discuss the request for position review. The
University will notify the employee in writing of their right to have a PSE representative
observe meetings regarding the position review. The University’s notice will include a link
to PSE representative contact information.
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The Employer reviewer will investigate the position and issue a written response to the
employee or employee representative within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt of forms
by Human Resources. A completed request is defined as the employee completing all
employee portions of the reclassification forms. The response will include notification of
the class and salary assigned when the position is reallocated, or notification of the reasons
the position does not warrant reallocation when the request is not approved.
For IT position reviews involving an incumbent employee, an IT manager identified by the
University consistent with the requirements of WAC 357-13-058 must be present for the
initial interview and, at the employee’s request, may also be included in the initial position
Prior to the final decision of a position review, an employee may request to present
additional justification for the reclassification. Employees will be notified following the
initial interview of the anticipated date of the final decision.
In the event that an employee is reallocated to a lower classification, the employee will be
paid their current salary provided it is within the salary range of the new position. In those
cases where the employee’s current salary exceeds the maximum amount of the salary
range for the new position, the employee will continue receiving the salary the employee
was receiving prior to the reallocation downward until such time as the employee vacates
the position or their salary falls within the new range.
Following receipt of the Employer’s determination, an employee may request
reconsideration in accord with the provisions of WAC 357. Employer allocation decisions
will not be subject to the grievance procedure.
Probation and Trial Service
Probationary Period
Following their initial appointment into a permanent position, employees will serve a
probationary period of six (6) months. This period is to allow the Employer the opportunity to
train and aid the employee in adjusting to the position and to observe and assess the employee’s
work in order to determine if the employee will be granted permanent status in the position.
The Employer may discipline or discharge a probationary employee at any time during the
probationary period, and such action will not be subject to the grievance procedure.
However, the employee may request and will receive a review of the separation by the
AVP of Human Resources or designee. The review request must be submitted to the AVP’s
Office within fourteen (14) days from the effective date of the notice of separation. This
request, however, will not act as a suspension of the designated separation date.
Probationary employees shall receive a written performance evaluation(s) (as described in
Section 34.2) at or near the midpoint of the probationary period. Probationary employees
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will also receive coaching, as described in Section 34.3, should there be any performance
The Employer will extend an employee’s probationary period, on a day- for-day basis, for
any days that the employee is on leave without pay or shared leave, including Cyclic leave
except for leave taken for military service.
The Employer may extend the probationary period for an individual employee as long as
the extension does not cause the total period to exceed twelve (12) months of active
employment. The Employer will notify PSE of its intent to extend an employee’s
probationary period and will invite PSEs participation to support the success of the
probationary employee. An employee whose probationary period is extended will receive
a written explanation for the extension, including an identification of issues that need to
be addressed, and will be evaluated during the extended probationary period.
An employee who transfers or is promoted prior to completing their initial probationary
period will serve a new probationary period. The length of the new probationary period
will be six (6) months, unless adjusted by the appointing authority for time already served
in probationary status. In no case, however, will the total probationary period be less than
six (6) months.
Trial Service Period
Employees with permanent status who are promoted, who voluntarily accept a transfer or
demotion into a job classification for which they have not previously attained permanent status
will serve a trial service period of six (6) months. This period is to allow the Employer the
opportunity to observe and assess the employee’s work and to train and aid the employee in
adjusting to the position in order to determine if the employee will be granted permanent status
in the position.
If an employee is absent for a cumulative total of more than fifteen (15) days during the
trial service period, the Employer will extend the employee’s trial service period on a day-
for-day basis for the total accumulated number of days on which the employee was absent.
Upon mutual agreement between the Employer and PSE, an employee’s trial service
period may be extended by up to six (6) months.
Prior to a reversion, the Employer will provide written notice that an employee who has
not successfully completed their trial service period shall be offered an opportunity to
revert to a bargaining unit position that is:
1. Vacant or filled with a temporary employee and within a job classification in which
the trial service employee previously held permanent status; or
2. Vacant, at or below the trial service employee’s previous salary range, and in the
same classification series as the position in which the trial service employee
previously held permanent status.
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In either case, the employee being reverted must have the skills and abilities required for
the vacant position.
An employee who has not successfully completed their trial service period and who has no
reversion options may request to be placed on the layoff list for positions in job
classifications where the employee had previously attained permanent status.
Employees involuntarily reverted from trial service will have the right to grieve their
reversion to step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.
Permanent Status
Employees will attain permanent status in a job classification upon their successful completion
of a probationary or trial service period.
Reallocations - Higher Salary Range Maximum
If a permanent employee is reallocated into a classification with a higher salary range maximum
the employee will retain their existing appointment status as defined in sections 30.1, 30.2, and
30.3 if the employee has performed the higher level duties for six (6) months and meets the skills
and abilities required of the position.
If the reallocation is a result of a change in the duties of the position and the employee has not
performed the higher-level duties for at least six (6) months and meets the skills and abilities of
the position, the employee will serve a trial service period.
Reallocations - Equal Salary Range Maximum
If an employee meets the skills and abilities requirements of the position, the employee will
remain in the position and retain existing appointment status as defined in sections 30.1, 30.2,
and 30.3.
Reallocations - Lower Salary Range Maximum
If the employee meets the skills and abilities requirements of the position and chooses to remain
in the reallocated position, the employee will retain existing appointment status as defined in
sections 30.1, 30.2, and 30.3.
Seniority Defined
The term “seniority” as used herein shall mean an employee’s rank with respect to other
members of the bargaining unit for the application of the personnel preferences described in this
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Establishing Seniority
Employees who were members of PSE bargaining units prior to July 1, 2005, will retain the
seniority they have accumulated prior to that date. For employees entering PSE bargaining units
after July 1, 2005, the seniority date will be the date the employee commenced regular
employment in a Western Washington University (Western) classified position, after adjustments
described in Subsections 31.4 and 31.5. A Civil Service-exempt employee who enters a PSE-
represented unit will receive seniority credits for the time they spent in any prior University
classified position (s), subject to the adjustments described in Subsections 31.4, 31.5 and 31.6.
Unit Wide Seniority
Seniority in the PSE non-supervisory unit and the PSE supervisory unit shall be interchangeable.
Adjustment of Seniority Date
Approved unpaid leave shall not result in a break in service, but will result in adjustment of an
employee’s seniority date on a day-for-day basis for each day the employee spends on unpaid
leave, except as follows:
Cyclic employees will not have their seniority dates adjusted because of their regularly
scheduled period(s) of unpaid leave.
Employees who are receiving time loss benefits through workers’ compensation, and who
are not augmenting those time loss benefits through use of other paid leave, will not have
their seniority date adjusted unless their time in such status exceeds six (6) months.
Employees will maintain their seniority date during a period of unpaid military leave as
required by applicable law.
Losing Seniority
Employees who have established seniority will lose their seniority rights in the event of the
following occurrences: discharge for cause; resignation amounting to a complete separation from
employment with the University; failure to reasonably comply with the layoff-recall requirements
of this Agreement.
Transfer to a Civil Service-Exempt University Position
Bargaining unit members who move to a Civil Service-exempt position at the University, either
voluntarily or involuntarily, will retain the seniority they held at the time of movement for one
(1) year.
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Seniority Ties
All seniority ties will be broken by lot. The affected employees will be present when a
representative from Human Resources, along with the President of the local PSE chapter or a
representative, perform this procedure.
Seniority Preferences, Strict Seniority
The employee with the earliest seniority date (greatest seniority) shall have preferential rights
regarding the following personnel actions: shift selection, vacation periods, and special service
hours (including overtime and the right to refuse overtime). These rights shall, however, be
applicable only within individual departments or job assignments in which bargaining unit
members are ordinarily considered to be fungible.
With regards to vacation scheduling, the intent of this subsection is that senior employees have
preferential but not absolute rights to vacation requests for days surrounding major holidays.
Individual departments may develop and implement reasonable rules to insure an equitable
approach to vacation scheduling surrounding major holidays.
Layoff Seniority Rights
Time spent in layoff status will not be considered a break in service if the employee is recalled to
work from a layoff list. Upon recall from a layoff list, an employee’s seniority date will be adjusted
by the period of time the employee spent in layoff status. Employees on layoff status must
provide the Employer’s Human Resources Department with their current contact information,
including mailing and email address. Employees in layoff status will be notified by email about
job openings within the bargaining unit.
Veterans Layoff Credits
For the purposes of layoffs, a maximum of five (5) yearscredit will be added to the seniority of
permanent employees who are veterans, to the surviving spouse of a veteran or the veteran’s
surviving domestic partner as defined by RCW 26.60.020 and 26.60.030, as provided for in RCW
Reduction in Force/Layoff
Reduction in Force
The Employer will determine the basis for, extent, effective date and length of layoffs. A reduction
of regularly scheduled hours of a position will be considered a layoff and will permit an employee
to exercise layoff rights.
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Employee Notifications
A permanent status employee shall receive at least thirty (30) calendar days written notice of
layoff, including no less than five (5) working days in which to select placement on layoff list(s)
and/or an option in lieu of layoff.
Employees subject to Reduction in Force, having options for continued employment, shall be
provided with a copy of the job description for the option position(s) and the name of the
immediate supervisor(s).
Employees shall be allowed a reasonable time to review and/or discuss the options with the
potential new supervisor(s) and the AVP of Human Resources, or designee. In the event there are
no options available, the AVP of Human Resources, or designee, shall provide the employee with
information regarding the layoff list and procedures for recall from it.
Probationary Employees
Employees with permanent status will not be separated from state service through a layoff action
without first being offered positions they have the skills and abilities to perform within their
current job classification within the layoff unit currently held by probationary employees.
Layoff Options
When an employee is designated for layoff, the Employer will determine if the employee
possesses the required skills and abilities for the position and the comparability (including,
but not limited to classification, work hours, FTE, and geographic location) of the position.
The Employer may require updated information from the employee regarding their current
skills and abilities. Available options will be ranked in descending order as described below.
Employees will be provided with the highest-ranked option and, if available, the highest-
ranked available option that involves a vacant position. Employees may elect the option
involving a vacant position when such an option is available:
1. A funded vacant position for which the employee has the skills and abilities, within
their current job classification.
2. A funded filled position for which the employee has the skills and abilities, within
their current job classification that is held by an employee with less seniority. The
search for this option begins with the position held by the least senior employee
in the classification and continues upwards in terms of seniority until the search
reaches a position occupied by an employee with equal or greater seniority to that
of the employee who is being laid off. Bumping options should be examined using
the following scenario as a guide:
Employees A, B, C and D are all Communication Consultant 2’s and they are all
in the same layoff unit. Employee A is the most senior , Then Employee B, C
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and D respectively. Due to the lack of funding in the program, Employee A’s
position is being eliminated and Employee A is being laid off.
To determine if Employee A has a “bump” option provided for in Article 32.4.A.2
the following occurs:
First, examine the least senior Communication Consultant 2’s position
(Employee D) to determine if Employee A has the skills and abilities for the
position. If Employee A does not have the required skills and abilities for the
position held by Employee D, Employee A cannot bump Employee D.
Next, examine the next least senior Communication Consultant 2’s position
(Employee C) to determine if Employee A has the skills and abilities for the
position. If Employee A does not have the required skills and abilities for the
position held by Employee C, Employee A cannot bump Employee C.
Next, examine the next least senior Communication Consultant 2’s position
(Employee B) to determine if Employee A has the skills and abilities for the
position. If Employee A has the skills and abilities for the position held by
Employee B, Employee A can bump into Employee B’s position.
3. A funded vacant position for which the employee has the skills and abilities, in the
lower job classification within the same job classification series.
4. A funded filled position for which the employee has the skills and abilities, in the
lower job classification within the same job classification series held by an
employee with less seniority. The search for this option begins with the position
held by the least senior employee in the classification and continues upwards in
terms of seniority until the search reaches a position occupied by an employee
with equal or greater seniority to that of the employee who is being laid off.
5. A funded vacant position for which the employee has the skills and abilities, at the
same or lower salary range as their current permanent position, within a job
classification in which the employee has held permanent status.
6. A funded filled position for which the employee has the skills and abilities, at the
same or lower salary range as their current permanent position, within a job
classification in which the employee has held permanent status held by an
employee with less seniority. The search for this option begins with the position
held by the least senior employee in the classification and continues upwards in
terms of seniority until the search reaches a position occupied by an employee
with equal or greater seniority to that of the employee who is being laid off.
7. A funded vacant position within their bargaining unit, at the same or lower salary
range as their current permanent position, for which the employee has
professionally demonstrated the skills and abilities, in writing. Professionally
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demonstrated skills and abilities” is defined by work experience and/or related
education and/or training that is comparable to required qualifications as stated
in the current desk description. The employee need not have previously held
permanent status in this classification.
In options 1 and 2 above, if the funded position being offered to an employee scheduled
for layoff is less than a comparable position, the designated laid-off employee may accept
the offer or be offered an additional option, as specified above.
Project Employee Layoff Rights
Project employees designated for layoff shall have layoff rights within their project.
Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Article 32.4 above with the
exception of Sub-Article 32.4.A.7.
Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project
employment without a break in service have layoff rights based on the job classification in
which they held permanent status immediately prior to accepting project employment.
Layoff Lists
Layoff lists for bargaining unit positions shall be kept by each job classification with
employees ranked by seniority. The names of permanent employees who have been laid
off shall be placed on layoff lists for jobs in which they held permanent status and all lower
positions in the class series which the employee was laid off within PSE bargaining units.
Additionally, if an employee selects an option to layoff which is not comparable to the job
classification held at the time of layoff, as determined by Human Resources, the employee
may request placement on the layoff list for the job classification held at the time of layoff.
If an employee accepts a position from the layoff list that is less than the FTE the employee
held at the time of placement on the layoff list, and that employee is still active on the
layoff list, then if that employee is subsequently laid off from the lesser FTE position, their
bumping rights are to a position at the same FTE as that of their layoff list status.
Employees will remain on the layoff list for up to three (3) years. However, an employee
who is offered a comparable position and refuses the offer will have their name removed
from the appropriate layoff list after three (3) refusals.
When a vacancy occurs and where there are names on the appropriate layoff list, the
Employer will consider laid-off employees in accordance with Article 27, who have the skills
and abilities to perform the duties of the position to be filled regardless of appointment
percentage or FTE.
When the Employer intends to accomplish work with a temporary appointment, requiring
ten (10) working days or more in a month, the Employer will offer the temporary
appointment to the employee on the layoff list who was performing that work prior to
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their layoff. If the temporary appointment requires work for less than ten (10) days in a
month, the Employer will give first consideration to those individuals on the layoff list who
previously performed the work prior to their layoff. The provisions of this subsection do
not apply to employees who have been on the layoff list for more than one (1) year. Refusal
to accept a temporary appointment does not remove the individual from the layoff list.
Acceptance of a temporary appointment will not remove the individual from the layoff list.
Reinstatement of Benefits Following Layoff
If an employee accepts appointment into a position from the layoff list, the Employer will pay the
employee the salary they received prior to layoff unless that salary is greater than the top step of
the new range, in which case the employee will be placed at the top step of the new range. An
employee appointed from a layoff list shall be credited with sick leave and seniority accrued at
the time of layoff.
Temporary Appointment
Temporary Appointments
The Employer may make temporary appointments. Individuals in temporary appointments
(including, if permitted by the State, non-permanent appointments) are limited to terms of
service as provided by applicable State civil service rule.
Represented Individuals
Excluding students, individuals in temporary appointments who work between three
hundred fifty (350) hours and one thousand fifty (1,050) hours who are members of the
bargaining units identified in Appendix A represented by PSE, are governed by the specific
terms of this Article. Unless identified in Section 33.6, below, no other Articles in this
Agreement apply to represented individuals.
Non-Represented Individuals
All other individuals, including students, in temporary appointments who work less than
one thousand fifty (1,050) hours in the past twelve (12) month period defined above are
not covered by this Agreement.
The Employer may petition the Director of the Department of Personnel for approval of
exceptions to the applicable civil service rules limiting temporary appointments. The
Employer will provide PSE with a copy of the petition.
New temporary employees will be assigned a starting salary on the appropriate
classification salary grid.
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In the event of a general salary increase covering the salary schedule for classified
employees is implemented, or the temporary employee reports to work at a work site
covered by regional compensation as described in Section 25.15, such general salary
increases and/or regional compensation shall apply to the temporary employees assigned
to that salary grid.
Overtime-Eligible Employees Hours of Work and Overtime
The Employer will assign the hours of work for overtime-eligible represented individuals. All
hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day workweek constitute overtime.
Overtime hours will be compensated at a rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the overtime-
eligible represented individual’s regular rate of pay.
Release Time for Interviews
Paid release time may be granted to represented individuals during the individuals scheduled
work hours for the purposes of interviewing for positions within Western Washington University.
Paid Sick Leave
Overtime-eligible, represented individuals will accrue and may use paid sick leave in accordance
with applicable law.
Seniority Credit and Use of Vacation Leave
A temporary employee performing the full scope of duties will receive credit toward their
seniority date, and credit toward the six (6) month requirement for use of vacation leave
described in Article 18.3 for time worked if hired into the same position and same department.
Probationary Period
If a temporary employee is hired as a permanent employee into the same position and same
department without a break in service, the employee will serve a probationary period as
described in Section 30.1; provided that the combined length of the employee’s temporary
service, probationary period and any extensions of the probationary period will not exceed
twelve (12) months.
Other Provisions
The following articles in this Agreement apply to represented individuals:
Union Membership and Dues Deduction;
Employee Assistance Program;
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Scope of Agreement;
Labor/Management Committee;
Management Rights;
Non-discrimination and Affirmative Action;
Personnel Files;
Health and Safety;
Term of Agreement;
Authorized Per Diem and Mileage; and
Uniforms and Equipment.
For the purposes of this Section, a grievance is defined as an allegation by a represented
individual or group of represented individuals that there has been a violation, misapplication, or
misinterpretation, of a provision of this Agreement that is applicable to represented individuals.
The provisions of Article 37, Grievance Procedure, apply to represented individuals as
37.1 Applies in its entirety
37.2 Applies in its entirety
37.2 through 37.5 Applies in its entirety
37.6 Step 1 Applies in its entirety
37.6 Step 2 Applies in its entirety
The remainder of Article 37, Grievance Procedure, does not apply.
Performance Evaluation and Coaching
Employee work performance will be evaluated during probationary and trial service periods and
annually thereafter. Immediate supervisors will meet with employees at the start of their review
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period to discuss performance expectations. Employees will receive written copies of their
performance expectations as well as written notification of any modifications made during the
review period.
Probationary Period Progress Evaluation
Probationary employees shall receive coaching, as described in Section 34.3, and a performance
evaluation to discuss the employee’s progress in the job during the probationary period.
Immediate supervisors will meet with employees at the start of their review period to discuss
performance expectations. Employees will receive a written copy of their performance
expectations as well as written notification of any modifications made during the review period.
Coaching, job-related instruction, open clear communications, and clear job performance
expectations are vital to employee success. Coaching, including informal discussions between
the employee and supervisor, is an ongoing element of professional growth and performance
management. Supervisors may follow coaching discussions with an action plan for additional
Evaluation Form
As part of the performance evaluation process, employees will be provided with a written
performance evaluation on a standard form selected by the Employer, which will include a
signature line for the employee to acknowledge receipt of the evaluation and a space to record
the employee’s comments regarding the evaluation. The completed performance evaluation
form, including the employees comments, will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file.
A copy of the evaluation will be given to the employee.
Performance Evaluations
The evaluation is intended to convey the supervisor’s opinion of the employee’s performance in
relation to the job standards and expectations for the employee’s position, including such factors
as initiative, job knowledge, follow-through, effectiveness, professionalism, attitude and
judgment. Employee performance evaluations shall not be used to initiate personnel actions such
as transfers, promotions, or discipline. The specific contents of performance evaluations are not
subject to the grievance procedure in Article 37.
Performance Issues
Performance issues should be brought to the attention of the employee at the time the
supervisor becomes aware of the issue(s) in order to give the employee the opportunity to
address the concern with the supervisor in a timely manner. The University supports the
resolution of performance issues through corrective action and, where appropriate, progressive
discipline as described in Article 36. Generally, corrective action is a preferred starting point to
resolving performance issues. Supervisors may follow up with written documentation of the
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performance issue, including any performance improvement plan. Corrective action and
performance improvement plans are not considered disciplinary actions.
Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
All performance evaluations reflecting an unsatisfactory level of performance in one (1) or more
categories shall state specific reasons for the unsatisfactory evaluation, and action necessary by
the employee to improve the unsatisfactory performance, including any recommended training.
The employee's performance in the unsatisfactory category shall be periodically reviewed in a
conference with the employee and the immediate supervisor, until such time as the problem
causing the unsatisfactory performance review has been resolved. When the immediate
supervisor determines that the employee has improved their performance to a satisfactory level,
a written acknowledgement of that fact will be attached to the evaluation at issue.
Personnel Files
Maintenance of Personnel Files
The Employer shall maintain in the Human Resources Department one (1) personnel file for each
employee. The personnel file shall contain information pertinent to an employee’s qualifications,
record of employment and other information required for business and legal purposes. Access to
and use of information in the employee’s personnel file shall be restricted to a business or legal
purpose. Materials derived from any unknown sources will be excluded from the personnel file.
Performance, corrective action or disciplinary documents relating to the employee that are not
included in the official personnel file may not be used as evidence in any grievance arbitration
regarding discipline of the employee.
Employee Right to Review
Each employee shall have the right to review the entire contents of their personnel file. Such
review shall be in the presence of a Human Resources representative during business hours.
During the review, an official or representative of PSE may be present, and the employee may
initial and photocopy any material in the file. With such authorization as is required by law, a PSE
staff representative, or PSE employee representative, may review an employee’s file. The
Employer may charge a fee, equivalent to what the University charges for a public records
request, for copying any materials beyond the first copy requested by the employee or their
Copies of Personnel File Material
Employees shall be provided a copy of all material relating to discipline or performance that is
placed in their personnel file within five (5) days of its insertion.
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Written Rebuttals
An employee may, at any time, submit for inclusion in the personnel file, a written rebuttal or
comment regarding materials placed in their file.
Removal of Material
An employee may request that the AVP of Human Resources remove or destroy material that the
employee believe to be false, frivolous, irrelevant, or to have been improperly included in the
file. All adverse material or information related to alleged misconduct that is determined to be
false, and all such information in situations where the employee has been fully exonerated of
wrong doing, shall be promptly removed from the employee’s files and destroyed, however, the
information may be retained if the employee requests that the information is kept in their file;
or retained by the Employer in a legal defense file if the information is related to pending legal
action or legal actions may reasonably be expected to result.
Public Disclosure
When documents contained in a unit employee’s official personnel file are subject to a public
disclosure request by the general public, other government agencies or any other person under
RCW 42.56, the Employer shall take the following actions prior to disclosure:
Promptly notify affected employee(s) of the request.
Provide a copy of the requested document(s) to the affected employee(s), if they so desire.
Provide an opportunity to the affected employee(s), within seventy-two (72) hours of
notification, to consult with the Employer on the public disclosure request.
Upon consultation with the Employer, the employee may request an additional five (5)
calendar days in which to seek an injunction preventing provision of the documents to the
requesting party.
Supervisor Working Files
Supervisors may keep working files regarding employees. Documents in the supervisor’s working
file must be dated and may be kept only as long as they have a reasonable bearing on the
employee’s performance, but in no event longer than two (2) years.
Medical Information Files
Any health and medical information which is obtained by the Employer must be maintained in a
separate, confidential file. Access to this information by the Employer’s personnel will be strictly
limited to those persons with a legitimate business or legal need to know. Employees will not be
requested to sign a general or unlimited waiver of medical confidentiality.
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Discipline and Discharge
Cause for Discipline
All disciplinary actions for employees who have successfully completed their probation period
shall be for just cause. The Employer may discipline or discharge an employee during the
probation period without recourse to the grievance procedure; provided that employees who
are discharged during their probation period shall be entitled upon request to an exit interview
during which the employee may ask the Employer to reconsider its decision.
Progressive Discipline
Use of Progressive Discipline
Disciplinary action shall be progressive in nature, and may include written
reprimand, suspension, reduction in pay, demotion or discharge. The Employer shall
tailor discipline to respond to the nature and severity of the offense, as well as the
employee's prior disciplinary record. Oral or written corrective action is not
Discipline for Serious Misconduct
Consistent with the principles of progressive discipline, the Employer may suspend,
reduce pay, demote or discharge an employee for a first offense in circumstances of
serious misconduct.
Prior to any investigatory interview which could result in discipline, the affected
employee shall be informed that they have the right to Union representation. Upon
request, the employee shall be permitted a reasonable period of time to arrange for
participation of a PSE representative or bargaining unit shop steward, as is
appropriate and timely to the situation.
Duty to Cooperate
Employees have an obligation to cooperate with investigations conducted by the
Employer. Failure to do so may be considered insubordination and may be grounds
for discipline.
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Investigatory interviews and other meetings related to disciplinary action shall be
conducted on the employee’s paid time and, unless the circumstances otherwise
require, during an employee’s regularly scheduled work time.
Administrative Leave
The Employer may, at its discretion, place employees on paid administrative leave
during disciplinary investigations. Employees on such paid administrative leave must
remain available during their normal hours of work. Paid administrative leave is not
discipline and is not subject to the grievance procedure.
Pre-Disciplinary Procedure
If the Employer intends to impose discipline that involves a loss of pay or termination of
employment, the following pre-disciplinary procedure shall apply:
Notice of Intent to Discipline
The Employer shall inform the employee and PSE of the proposed discipline in
writing. The written notice shall describe the event or conduct with sufficient
particularity to permit the employee to understand the reason for the proposed
discipline and to respond to any charges. The notice will also inform the employee
of the right to PSE representation at a Pre-Disciplinary Meeting. The written notice
will be furnished directly to the employee during employee's working hours or, if this
is not possible, sent by certified mail to the employee's last known address.
Request for Information
Upon request, an employee or PSE will be provided with copies of any documents or
witness statements upon which the Employer is relying for the proposed disciplinary
action. No disciplinary action will be implemented based solely on anonymous
charges or complaints.
Pre-Disciplinary Meeting
The Employer will schedule a Pre-Disciplinary Meeting to permit the employee to
respond to a notice of intent to discipline. At the beginning of any Pre-Disciplinary
Meeting, the Employer will describe its proposed discipline and the reasons for
issuing the proposed discipline.
Disciplinary Decision
No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the close of the Pre- Disciplinary
Meeting, the Employer shall inform the employee and PSE of its decision in writing.
The written notice will include the specific cause for any discipline issued, and will
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inform the employee of their right to grieve. If the disciplinary decision involves a
suspension or a permanent reduction in pay, the notice will set an effective date for
the disciplinary action of at least fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the notice
was prepared.
Job Abandonment
An employee who is absent without approval or contact for more than three (3) consecutive
workdays will be presumed to have abandoned their position, and will be notified in writing of
the Employer’s intent to terminate their employment. The written notice will provide a
reasonable timeline during which the employee may respond to the notice.
Preemption by Title IX Processes and Procedures
Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, institutions of higher education are
required to develop policies and procedures to prevent and respond to sexual violence and to train,
properly process, investigate, and adjudicate sexual misconduct allegations. The University’s policies
and procedures incorporate specific requirements of the federal law and regulations governing
processing of complaints, conducting investigations and adjudications, imposing disciplinary
sanctions, and resolving appeals. Where provisions of this Agreement relating to discipline and
appeals of discipline decisions conflict with policies and procedures adopted by the University to
comply with federal laws and regulations, the University policies and procedures preempt the
conflicting provisions of this Agreement.
Grievance of Discipline or Discharge
Corrective Action.
Oral or written corrective action may not be challenged through the grievance
Title IX Disciplinary Decisions.
Any disciplinary decision reached through the University’s Title IX policies and
procedures, described in Section 36.6 above, may not be challenged through the
grievance procedure.
Grievances of Final Disciplinary Decisions.
Except as provided in paragraph B above, permanent employees may challenge all
final discipline or discharge decisions, including terminations due to job
abandonment, through the grievance procedure; provided that written reprimands
may not be grieved beyond Step 2 of the grievance procedure. However, if an
employee receives three (3) or more written reprimands from the same supervisor
within a twelve (12) month period; then the third and all subsequent reprimands
from the same supervisor will be subject to the full grievance procedure, including
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arbitration, during the twelve (12) month period following the effective date of the
third written reprimand.
Grievance and Procedure
Dispute Resolution
PSE and the Employer encourage problem resolution between employees and management, and
are committed to resolving disputes at the earliest opportunity and at the lowest level possible.
The procedure set forth in this Article shall be the exclusive means of resolving grievances.
Grievance Defined
A grievance is a dispute between the Employer and PSE, an employee, or a group of
employees as to the interpretation, application or violation of any terms or provisions of
this Agreement.
Grievances shall be presented on a form mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
No newly alleged violations and/or remedies may be made after the initial written
grievance is filed, except by written mutual agreement.
If the Employer provides the requested remedy or mutually agreed upon alternative, the
grievance will be considered resolved and may not be moved to the next step.
If resolved or withdrawn, said grievance cannot be resubmitted.
Release time will be provided to grievants and PSE representatives in accordance with the
Time Limits
Time limits within the grievance procedure may be waived or extended by the mutual
agreement of both parties. If PSE, on behalf of the employee(s), fails to act or respond
within the specified time limits, the grievance will be considered waived. If the Employer
fails to respond within the specified time limits, the grievance shall proceed to the next
step of the grievance procedure.
Days are calendar days and will be counted by excluding the first day and including the last
day of timelines. When the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the last day
will be the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or holiday.
Transmittal of grievances, appeals, and responses will be in writing.
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Filing a Grievance
Grievances may be filed by PSE on behalf of an employee or group of employees. If PSE does so,
it will set forth the name of the employee or the names of the group of employees. Employees
may be represented by PSE in any meetings scheduled by the Employer to discuss a pending or
threatened grievance as provided for in this Article 37.
Informal Discussion
Employees are encouraged to attempt to resolve complaints through informal discussion with
their supervisors prior to filing a grievance.
Step 1
Regardless of the status of any informal discussions between an employee and their
supervisor, PSE, on behalf of the aggrieved employee(s), shall submit the grievance
in writing to the Department Head or designee within twenty-eight (28) calendar
days of the events giving rise to the grievance, or the date the employee(s) or PSE
knew or could reasonably have been expected to know of such events. The written
statement shall include the facts giving rise to the grievance, the section(s) of the
Agreement allegedly violated, and the remedy sought. The Department Head or
designee shall respond to the grievance in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days
of its receipt.
Step 2
Should Step 1 fail to resolve the grievance, PSE shall, within fourteen (14) calendar
days after receipt of the Department Head’s or designee’s response, submit the
grievance in writing to the AVP of Human Resources. The AVP of Human Resources
shall respond in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt of PSE’s
1. Option of Mediation
Upon mutual agreement, the parties may elect to suspend deadlines on a
grievance that has proceeded to Step 2 of the grievance procedure while the
matter is submitted to voluntary mediation. Requests for mediation shall be filed
through the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC). Meetings will be
held at a mutually agreeable location. If the parties are unable to reach
agreement to conduct mediation or if the matter is not resolved during
mediation, PSE may, within fourteen (14) calendar days, request a Pre-
Arbitration (PARM) Review or file a demand to arbitrate the matter.
Step 3 – Pre-Arbitration Review
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If the grievance is not resolved at Step 2 or mediation, PSE may request a pre-
arbitration review (with a copy of the grievance and all responses attached). It will
be filed with the AVP of Human Resources or their designee within fourteen (14)
calendar days of receipt of the Step 2 decision or conclusion of mediation. Within
fourteen (14) calendar days of the receipt of the pre-arbitration demand, the
Employer will discuss the need to schedule a pre-arbitration review meeting with
PSE. If agreed, the Employer and PSE will meet within thirty (30) days to review and
attempt to settle the dispute. The grievant may be available for consultation, if
If the matter is not resolved at a pre-arbitration meeting, or if the Employer rejects
the request for a pre-arbitration meeting in writing, PSE will submit a written
demand for arbitration to the AVP of Human Resources or their designee within
fourteen (14) calendar days of the pre-arbitration meeting or the Employer’s
rejection of the meeting request.
Step 4 – Arbitration
The Parties shall confer and attempt to agree on a neutral arbitrator. If no agreement
has been reached within fourteen (14) calendar days of PSEs request to arbitrate,
and PSE wishes to pursue the grievance, PSE shall request a list of eleven (11)
arbitrators from the AAA. The list will be requested within fourteen (14) calendar
days of the parties’ conference regarding a neutral arbitrator. It will be limited to
arbitrators from Washington and/or Oregon. Within fourteen (14) calendar days
following the receipt of the list of eligible arbitrators, the parties’ representatives
will confer to select an arbitrator. The parties will each strike five (5) arbitrators
from the list in an alternating order, and the remaining arbitrator will hear the
dispute. The party exercising the first strike will be the loser of a flip of a coin.
1. The arbitrator will take testimony, hear arguments on and decide issues of
arbitrability before the first day of arbitration at a time agreed to by the parties,
through written briefs, immediately prior to hearing the case on its merits, or as
part of the entire hearing and decision making process. If the issue of arbitrability
is argued prior to the first day of arbitration, it may be argued in writing or by
telephone, at the discretion of the arbitrator. Although the decision may be made
orally, it will be put in writing and provided to the parties.
2. The arbitrator shall have no power to render a decision that will add to, subtract
from, alter, change, or modify the terms of this Agreement, and their power shall
be limited to interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement.
3. The Arbitrator shall issue written decision to the parties within thirty (30) days of
the close of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing briefs, whichever is
later. The decision shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Employer, PSE and
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the employee(s); provided that the decision does not include action by the
arbitrator beyond their jurisdiction.
4. The Arbitrator’s award may include back pay to the grievant(s); provided that no
such back pay award shall exceed the actual loss to the grievant, and all awards
shall be reduced by any replacement compensation received by the employee.
5. When an employee is subpoenaed as a witness on behalf of PSE in an arbitration
case, the employee may appear without loss of pay if the employee appears during
their work time; provided the testimony given is relevant and related to their job
function or involves matters they have witnessed. Every effort will be made to
avoid the presentation of repetitive witnesses.
6. Except as provided in Section E above, each party shall pay the compensation and
expenses (including travel and any per diem expenses) for its own representatives
and witnesses, including attorneys’ fees. The parties will share equally the costs
and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of a hearing room if the hearing is
conducted in a neutral location.
7. Either party may choose to use a court reporter at an arbitration hearing. If that
party purchases a transcript, a copy will be provided to the arbitrator, free of
charge. If the other party desires a copy of the transcript, it will pay for one-half
(1/2) of the costs of the fee for the court reporter, the original transcript and a
8. If, after the arbitrator issues the award, either party files a motion with the
arbitrator for reconsideration, the moving party will bear the additional expenses
of the arbitrator.
Removal of Documents
All adverse material or information related to alleged misconduct that is determined to be false,
and all such information in situations where the employee has been fully exonerated of wrong
doing, shall be promptly removed from the employee’s files and destroyed; however, the
information may be retained if the employee requests that the information is kept in their file,
or retained by the Employer in a legal defense file if the information is related to pending legal
action or legal action may reasonably be expected to result.
No Retaliation
Employees shall not be disciplined for participating in grievances filed under this Article.
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Job Contracting/Bargaining Unit Integrity
Contracting for Services
The Employer may contract for services customarily and historically performed by
employees only as permitted by RCW 41.06.142 and WAC 236-5 1, and as authorized by
applicable law existing prior to July 1, 2005.
Contracting out” occurs when the work is transferred to employees of another employer.
Prior to contracting out for services customarily and historically performed by bargaining
unit members, the University shall:
1. Notify the Union of the intent to contract services except that, in the event of
emergencies or mandated conditions requiring immediate implementation,
Western will notify PSE within three (3) days.
2. Satisfy any collective bargaining obligation under RCW 41.80. PSE shall have
twenty-one (21) calendar days from receipt of the written notice to request
negotiations. The request must be in writing and sent to the AVP of Human
Resources or their designee. Unless otherwise agreed, the parties will begin
bargaining within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the request to
bargain. If PSE does not request negotiations within twenty-one (21) calendar
days, the Employer may purchase services without bargaining.
Removal of Bargaining Unit Work
Prior to any permanent assignment of PSE bargaining unit work, as that term is defined
and interpreted by the Public Employment Relations Commission (“PERC”), to University
employees outside the bargaining unit, the University shall:
1. Notify the Union of its intent to assign bargaining unit work outside of the
bargaining unit.
2. Satisfy any collective bargaining obligation under RCW 41.80. PSE shall have
twenty-one (21) calendar days from receipt of the written notice to request
negotiations. The request must be in writing and sent to the AVP of Human
Resources or their designee. Unless otherwise agreed, the parties will begin
bargaining within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the request to bargain.
If PSE does not request negotiations within twenty-one (21) calendar days, the
Employer may implement its proposal without bargaining.
If the Union becomes aware that employees outside of the bargaining unit have been
assigned bargaining unit work, as that term is defined and interpreted by the Public
Employment Relations Commission (“PERC”), the Union may request negotiation of the
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assignment of such work and the University shall satisfy any collective bargaining
obligation under RCW 41.80. PSE shall have twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date
they received notice of such assignment to request negotiations. The request must be in
writing and sent to the AVP of Human Resources or their designee. Unless otherwise
agreed, the parties will begin bargaining within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of
the request to bargain. If PSE does not request negotiations within twenty-one (21)
calendar days, the assignment of work may be implemented without bargaining.
Training and Development
Development and Training Program
The Employer agrees to establish and maintain a budgeted program related to job and
promotional training.
Employee Requests for Training
Employees may submit a request for training to their supervisors. Training requests may be
aimed at improving the employee’s ability to perform job duties, or preparing the employee for
promotional opportunities. Requests will be considered based on operational needs and budget
considerations. An employee whose request for training is denied will be informed of the reason
for the denial. If requested by the employee, the rationale for denying a training request will
be provided in writing within five (5) working days. Training and professional development
goals may be identified by the supervisor and/or employee as part of the employee’s
onboarding and performance review processes.
Approved Training Time and Expenses
Time spent in training approved by the Employer shall be considered work time. Time spent in
travel related to training will be compensated in accordance with state and federal law. Travel or
other expenses incurred as a result of approved training will be reimbursed in accordance with
guidelines established by the state Office of Financial Management.
Tuition Waiver Program
The Employer recognizes the value of education in the personal development of employees. To
encourage employees who wish to enhance their careers or personal opportunities through
education, employees who have completed their probationary period are eligible to participate
in the Employer’s tuition waiver program as provided in RCW 28B.15.558.
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Licensure and Certification
License and Certification Fees
If the Employer requires licensure or certification as a requirement of an employee’s position, it
will pay the cost of obtaining and maintaining that license or certification. Employees may
request, and supervisors may authorize, payment of the costs of maintaining a license or
certification identified as a preferred qualification for their position.
Continuing Education for Required Licenses and Certifications
Employees will be permitted to use work time to complete continuing education requirements
associated with required licensure or certification. With advance supervisory approval, the
Employer will pay the costs associated with continuing education requirements.
Travel Expense Reimbursement
Allowable travel expenses including mileage, meals and accommodations that are incurred when
approved to travel for the performance of official duties shall be reimbursed up to approved per
diem rates in accordance with Washington State law/regulations and University policies and
Use of Personal Vehicle
Employees who use their personal vehicle for business purposes because an Employer vehicle is
not readily available will be reimbursed for mileage and parking fees incurred during such use.
Parking and Transportation
Alternate Means of Transportation
The Employer will continue to encourage but not require employees covered by this Agreement
to use alternate means of transportation to commute to and from work in order to reduce traffic
congestion, improve air quality and reduce the need for parking. The Employer will cover the
costs for employees to ride Whatcom Transportation Authority and Skagit Transit buses using
their Western card.
Commute Trip Reduction
The Employer may provide trip reduction incentives and other Commute Trip Reduction (CTR)
programs consistent with the Western CTR program and available resources.
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Parking Rates
The Employer’s parking rates for the term of this Agreement will be as provided in
Appendix B.
The Employer will establish and maintain a Parking and Transportation Advisory
Committee to make recommendations about future parking rate increases. PSE will be
given the option to name a representative to the Committee. The Employer will satisfy its
collective bargaining obligation as outlined in Article 48.5 prior to implementing any future
In the event another represented group of university employees, not covered by this
Agreement, is permitted to purchase employee-parking permits at a lower rate, the lower
rate will automatically be applied to employees covered by this Agreement.
Employee Assistance
Employee Assistance Program
The Employer will continue to offer an Employer-paid Employee Assistance Program for all
employees covered by this Agreement. This program will be available to any employee covered
by this Agreement and their immediate family as defined in this Agreement. Employees can
request adjustments in their schedule to allow access to the services of the Employee Assistance
The Employer and PSE recognize that family life has a significant impact upon employees’ work
lives. The Employer agrees to provide bargaining unit employees with access to the Child
Development Center on the same basis as any non-student in the Western Community.
Uniforms and Equipment
Cost of Uniform or Safety Equipment
The Employer shall provide and maintain, at no cost to the employee, any uniform or safety
equipment required by the Employer, OSHA, WISHA, L&I or other controlling authority.
Employer Provided Equipment
The Employer will provide employees with required safety devices, personal protective
equipment and apparel, including safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves, hard hats, and face
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Safety Shoes Allowance
The Employer will provide an allowance sufficient to purchase safety shoes to those employees
required to wear safety shoes. Employees who, for reasons of personal preference, choose a
model of safety shoe that costs more than the Employer-provided allowance must pay any
additional cost associated with their choice of shoe.
The Employer will make available a cleaning service for cleaning Employer-required safety
Cost of Tools or Equipment
The Employer shall provide employees, at no cost, all tools and equipment required to perform
their duties.
Health and Safety
Responsibility for Safety
The Employer, employees and PSE share responsibility for workplace safety. The Employer will
provide a work environment that complies with applicable safety standards established by the
Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) or other controlling authority.
Employees may request through their supervisors an assessment of their position and/or work
station to address exposure to hazards, ergonomic issues and/or other safety issues. Such
assessments will be conducted by the Employer’s Environmental Health and Safety staff.
Recommendations for alterations to a job or work station identified during an assessment will be
shared in writing with the affected employee, their supervisor and PSE.
The Employer shall endeavor to provide proper desks, chairs, and other appropriate equipment
for workstations equipped with computers. Employees will be trained in the proper use of
equipment to maximize operator comfort and efficiency.
Employees will comply with all safety practices and standards established by the Employer,
including rules requiring that employees wear and/or use provided safety devices, personal
protective equipment and apparel. Employees must report damaged or missing safety equipment
or other potentially unsafe practices or conditions to their supervisor as soon as reasonably
PSE will work cooperatively with the Employer on safety-related matters and encourage
employees to work in a safe manner.
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Unsafe Assignments
Employees who are given an assignment that they reasonably believe will be detrimental to their
health shall immediately notify their supervisor. The employee will not be required to perform
the alleged unsafe assignment until the matter has been reviewed by Environmental Health and
Safety staff, a union representative and the employee’s supervisor or a higher level supervisor.
The employee will be provided with a signed written report containing the results of the review.
If such a review does not resolve the matter, it may be referred to the Director of Environmental
Health and Safety or the Department of Labor and Industries for resolution.
Unsafe Work Areas
In the event the Employer determines that an employee’s work area is unsafe, or that the
employee is being or has been exposed to hazardous levels of fumes, chemicals, or other
substances the Employer will notify the employee as soon as possible of the potential danger or
exposure, and will take the actions appropriate to remedy the unsafe condition.
Hazardous Materials
Employees shall be responsible for handling hazardous materials in accordance with all
governmental regulations and Employer policies regarding such materials. The Employer shall
provide employees with appropriate training regarding hazardous materials used in the
employee’s work.
Excessive Heat Conditions
Employee concerns over excessive heat at their work locations should be reported and will be
addressed according to University policies and procedures. In the event that adjustments cannot
be made to ensure that the work location meets reasonable standards of heat and climate
control, the University will consider temporarily relocating the employee, adjusting their
schedule or taking other mitigation measures until the heat issues resolve.
Safety Training
The Employer will provide employees with appropriate training regarding the identification of
hazards they confront as part of their work responsibilities, and the proper way to address or
eliminate risks posed by those hazards.
Adequate lunchrooms, washrooms and toilet facilities will be provided and available for use of
employees, regardless of gender. These facilities are not to be used for any other purpose (e.g.,
storage, office space, etc.) which would render them inadequate.
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Smoking and Using Vaporizing Devices Policy
Employees and the Employer are expected to comply with University Policy POL-U5950.12,
Smoking or Using Vaporizing Devices, and RCW 70.160.
Disputes Regarding Safety Issues
Employees may, through PSE, challenge safety issues through the grievance procedure, or
through a complaint to the Department of Labor and Industries, but not both.
Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association (VEBA)
Maintenance of VEBA Plan
The Employer will maintain its Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association medical expense
plan during the term of this Agreement. All eligible employees who retire during a calendar year
will participate in the VEBA plan unless a majority of retirement eligible employees determines
through a majority vote that they do not wish to participate in the VEBA plan during that calendar
year. In the event of a tie, the default for the calendar year will follow the determination from
the prior calendar year. Eligibility to vote, and procedures for voting to determine participation
in the VEBA plan will be determined according to the Employer’s Voluntary Employees’
Beneficiary Association medical expense plan procedures.
Scope of Agreement
Relationship to WAC 357
This Agreement supersedes all provisions of WAC 357 not expressly incorporated by reference in
this Agreement.
Relationship to Employer Policies
This Agreement supersedes specific provisions of Employer policy with which it conflicts. Absent
such a conflict, employees will be subject to all Employer policies.
If any article, section, or provision of this Agreement is held unlawful by a court or administrative
agency of competent jurisdiction, such holding or judgment shall be confined to the article,
section or provision of this Agreement directly specified in the holding or judgment. The
remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. As soon as practical following
any ruling invalidating a provision of this Agreement, the parties will meet to negotiate regarding
a substitute provision.
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Reopening Process
This Agreement may be reopened during its term by the mutual agreement of both parties. All
requests for reopening negotiations regarding an issue shall be in writing and shall specify items
proposed for consideration.
Bargaining Regarding Changes to Mandatory Subjects
A. Except as provided in this Agreement or by applicable law, the Employer will satisfy its
collective bargaining obligation before changing a matter that is a mandatory subject.
The Employer will notify PSE, with a copy to the Local President and the field
representative, of the proposed changes and PSE may request discussions about and/or
negotiations on the impact of these changes on employee’s working conditions. In the
event PSE does not request discussions and/or negotiations within twenty-one (21)
calendar days, the Employer may implement the changes without further discussions
and/or negotiations. Unless otherwise agreed, the parties will begin bargaining within
thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the request to bargain. If PSE does request
discussions and/or negotiations, the Employer will bargain in good faith until an
agreement is reached or the parties reach impasse. Upon mutual agreement, the parties
may participate in mediation over unresolved issues. The Employer will not implement
its proposed change unless the parties have reached impasse and have completed any
agreed to mediation. There may be emergency or mandated conditions that are outside
of the Employers control requiring immediate implementation, in which case the
Employer will notify PSE as soon as possible.
B. The parties will agree to the location and time for the discussions and/or negotiations.
Each party is responsible for choosing its own representatives for these activities.
No Strike/No Lockout
No Strike, Slowdown, Work Stoppage or Lockout
There shall be no strike, slowdown, work stoppage or lockout of any kind during the term of this
Agreement. PSE agrees to take any and all action necessary to direct employees to return to work
in the event of action taken in violation of this Section. Participation in any strike, slowdown or
other work stoppage shall be grounds for discharge.
Picket Lines
Any action of an employee in refusing to cross, for their own personal safety, a picket line at the
University’s premises in case of an officially declared and recognized strike by another employee
union representing employees working for the University, shall not constitute a violation of this
Article, provided that such a decision shall be made freely by the employee without coercion by
either the University or the Union, provided further than nothing herein shall preclude the
University from continuing to operate the University with or without temporary replacement
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personnel. If an employee chooses to not cross a picket line under this provision and chooses to
not be or cannot be reassigned to an alternate work location, the employee must report time the
employee is absent from work as either vacation leave, paid compensatory leave, or leave
without pay.
Term of Agreement
Term and Duration
The term of this Agreement shall be the date it is fully ratified through June 30, 2025; provided
that if this Agreement expires while negotiations between the parties are underway for a
successor agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in effect until the
earlier of the date a successor agreement becomes effective or midnight June 30, 2026.
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Executed this ___ day of ________, 2023.
For Public School Employees of Washington
Western Washington University:
President, Western Chapter
For Western Washington University:
Liz Parkes
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
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Appendix A
Bargaining Units Represented by Public School Employees of Washington
Bargaining Unit D (BUD)
Non-supervisory civil service employees of Western Washington University who oversee student
workers performing office-clerical and administrative support functions, excluding confidential
employees, internal auditors, supervisors, employees in other bargaining units, and employees
historically excluded by orders of the Washington Personnel Board and its predecessors.
Supervisory civil service employees of Western Washington University who supervise civil service
employees performing office-clerical and administrative support functions, excluding
confidential employees, internal auditors, non-supervisory employees, employees in other
bargaining units, and employees historically excluded by orders of the Washington Personnel
Resources Board or its predecessors.
Professional And Technical Employees Bargaining Unit (“PTE”)
All full-time and regular part-time professional and technical employees of Western Washington
University, excluding supervisors and employees excluded from the coverage of the state civil
service law.
Job Titles
The following job titles are in use as of July 1, 2010. This list is for descriptive purposes only and
does not mean that the jobs will continue to exist nor is it intended to be all inclusive or limit the
scope of the bargaining units as identified in this Appendix A by excluding new, modified, or
overlooked classifications performing duties similar in nature to duties historically performed by
members of the bargaining units. If the job title has a common abbreviation for use in Western’s
Banner HR System, the abbreviation will follow the title.
Bargaining Unit D:
Job Title
Administrative Services Manager A (Admin Services Manager A)
Administrative Services Manager B (Admin Services Manager B)
Administrative Assistant 3
Administrative Assistant 4
Bookstore Manager
Assistant Central Services Supervisor 1
Fiscal Analyst 4
Fiscal Specialist Supervisor Fiscal
Technician Supervisor Grant and
Contract Supervisor
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Instructional/Classroom Support Technician 4 (Instruct/Clsrm Support Tech 4)
Library/Archives Paraprofessional 4
Library/Archives Paraprofessional 5
Library/Archives Paraprofessional 6
Office Support Supervisor 1
Office Support Supervisor 2
Parking Supervisor 1
Procurement and Supply Specialist 4
Program Manager A
Program Manager B
Program Support Supervisor 1
Program Support Supervisor 2
Research Technologist Supervisor (Research Technologist Sup)
Secretary Supervisor
Speech Pathology/Audiology Specialist 3 (Speech Path/Audio Spec 3)
Sports Equipment Manager 2
Professional And Technical Employees Bargaining Unit:
Job Title
Architect 2
Biomedical Electronics Technician Lead (Biomedical Electronics Tech Ld)
Budget Analyst 2
Budget Analyst 3
Budget Analyst 4
Commerce Specialist 3
Communication Consultant 2
Communication Consultant 3
Construction Project Coordinator 2
Construction Project Coordinator 3
Early Childhood Program Specialist 2 (Early Childhood Program Spec 2)
Early Childhood Program Specialist 3 (Early Childhood Program Spec 3)
Engineering Technician 2 (Engineering Tech 2)
Engineering Technician Lead Facilities Engineer 2
Facilities Engineer 3
Facilities Planner 1
Fire Protection Engineer Fiscal Analyst 1
Fiscal Analyst 2
Grant and Contract Specialist
Graphic Designer
Industrial Hygienist 3
Instructional/Classroom Support Technician 2 (Instruct/Clsrm Support Tech 2)
Instructional/Classroom Support Technician 3 (Instruct/Clsrm Support Tech 3)
Interior Designer
Library/Archival Professional 3
Library/Archival Professional 1
Library/Archives Paraprofessional 3 Library Material Conservation Specialist Library/Archives
Paraprofessional 6
Licensed Practical Nurse 2
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Management Analyst 3
Management Analyst 4
Marine Technologist 1
Mechanical Engineer 3
Media Engineer B Medical Assistant
Preservation & Museum Specialist 2 (Preservation & Museum Spec 2)
Preservation & Museum Specialist 3 (Preservation & Museum Spec 3)
Procurement & Supply Specialist 1 (Procurement & Supply Spec 1)
Procurement & Supply Specialist 2 (Procurement & Supply Spec 2)
Procurement & Supply Specialist 3 (Procurement & Supply Spec 3)
Program Specialist 2
Recreation & Athletics Specialist 2 (Recreation & Athletics Spec 2)
Registered Nurse 2
Research Analyst 1
Research Analyst 2
Research Analyst 3
Research Analyst 4
Research Technologist 2
Research Technologist 3
Safety Officer 2
Safety Officer 3
Sewing & Alterations Specialist 3 (Sewing & Alterations Spec 3)
Speech Pathology/Audiology Specialist 1 (Speech Path/Audio Spec 1)
Speech Pathology/Audiology Specialist 2 (Speech Path/Audio Spec 2)
Speech Pathology/Audiology Specialist 3 (Speech Path/Audio Spec 3)
Stage Manager
Sports Equipment Manager
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Appendix B
Parking Rates
G Lots
Afterhours Quarterly
G Lot Half-Time
A Half -Time
G Carpool
A Carpool
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Commuter Pack
10 Qty (one per qtr.)
Lincoln Creek
Personal Reserved
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Appendix C
[Health Care Agreement between the State of Washington and the Coalition of Unions to be
4884-3826-1043, v. 5