JULY 1, 2023 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
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ARTICLE 1 UNION RECOGNITION ............................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 2 NON DISCRIMINATION .............................................................................................. 1
ARTICLE 3 WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR ........................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE 4 HIRING AND APPOINTMENTS .................................................................................... 3
4.1 Filling Positions ............................................................................................................ 3
4.2 Types of Appointment................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Types of Positions ......................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Employee Status ........................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Review Periods ............................................................................................................. 7
ARTICLE 5 TITLE IX ................................................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE 6 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ................................................................................... 9
6.1 Objective ...................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Evaluation Process ........................................................................................................ 9
6.3 PDP Training .............................................................................................................. 10
6.4 Position Description Form Training ............................................................................ 10
ARTICLE 7 HOURS OF WORK ................................................................................................... 10
7.1 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 10
7.2 Position Designation ................................................................................................... 11
7.3 Overtime-Eligible Positions-Schedules ....................................................................... 11
7.4 Overtime-Eligible Unpaid Meal Periods ...................................................................... 12
7.5 Overtime-Eligible Unpaid Meal Periods Outside of the Normal Workday ................... 13
7.6 Overtime-Eligible Paid Meal Periods for Straight Shift Schedules ............................... 13
7.7 Overtime-Eligible Rest Periods ................................................................................... 13
7.8 Overtime-Eligible Employees Positive Time Reporting ............................................ 13
7.9 Overtime-Exempt Employees...................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 8 OVERTIME .............................................................................................................. 14
8.1 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 14
8.2 Overtime Eligibility and Compensation ....................................................................... 14
8.3 General Provisions ...................................................................................................... 15
8.4 Compensatory Time for Overtime-Eligible Employees ............................................... 15
ARTICLE 9 TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................ 16
9.6 Master Agreement Training ........................................................................................ 16
9.7 New Employees .......................................................................................................... 17
ARTICLE 10 LICENSING CERTIFICATION, AND QUALIFICATIONS ............................................. 17
10.2 Conditions of Employment.......................................................................................... 17
10.4 Outside Entity Requirements ....................................................................................... 18
10.5 Employer Convenience ............................................................................................... 18
ARTICLE 11 HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................................. 18
11.1 Paid Holidays .............................................................................................................. 18
11.2 Observance of Holidays .............................................................................................. 19
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11.3 Holiday Rules ............................................................................................................. 19
11.4 Personal Holidays ....................................................................................................... 20
ARTICLE 12 VACATION LEAVE ................................................................................................. 21
12.2 Vacation Leave Credits ............................................................................................... 21
12.3 Vacation Leave Accrual .............................................................................................. 21
12.4 Vacation Leave Accrual Rate Schedule ....................................................................... 21
12.5 Vacation Scheduling for 24/7 Operations .................................................................... 22
12.6 Vacation Scheduling for All Employees ...................................................................... 22
12.7 Family Care Leave ...................................................................................................... 22
12.8 Military Family Leave................................................................................................. 22
12.9 Domestic Violence Leave ........................................................................................... 22
12.10 Use of Vacation Leave for Sick Leave Purposes .......................................................... 23
12.11 Emergency Childcare .................................................................................................. 23
12.12 Vacation Cancellation ................................................................................................. 23
12.13 Vacation Leave Maximum .......................................................................................... 23
12.14 Separation ................................................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 13 SICK LEAVE .......................................................................................................... 24
13.1 Sick Leave Accrual ..................................................................................................... 24
13.2 Sick Leave Use ........................................................................................................... 24
13.3 Use of Compensatory Time or Vacation Leave for Sick Leave Purposes ..................... 25
13.4 Restoration of Vacation Leave .................................................................................... 25
13.5 Sick Leave Reporting, Certification and Verification .................................................. 25
13.6 Sick Leave Annual Cash Out....................................................................................... 26
13.7 Sick Leave Separation Cash Out ................................................................................. 26
13.8 Reemployment ............................................................................................................ 26
ARTICLE 14 SHARED LEAVE ..................................................................................................... 27
14.1 Shared Leave .............................................................................................................. 27
14.2 Shared Leave Receipt .................................................................................................. 29
14.3 Shared Leave Use ....................................................................................................... 30
14.4 Leave Donation ........................................................................................................... 31
14.5 Shared Leave Administration ...................................................................................... 32
14.6 Grievability ................................................................................................................. 33
ARTICLE 15 UNIFORMED SERVICE SHARED LEAVE POOL ........................................................ 33
LEAVE, AND WASHINGTON PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ............................................ 34
16.11 Pregnancy Disability Leave ......................................................................................... 36
16.12 Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Program................................................ 36
ARTICLE 17 SUSPENDED OPERATIONS ...................................................................................... 37
ARTICLE 18 MISCELLANEOUS LEAVE ...................................................................................... 38
18.1 Bereavement Leave ..................................................................................................... 38
18.2 Family Care Leave ...................................................................................................... 39
18.3 Military Leave ............................................................................................................ 39
18.4 Parental Leave ............................................................................................................ 39
18.5 Pregnancy Disability Leave ......................................................................................... 40
18.6 Temporary Disability Leave ........................................................................................ 40
18.7 Civil Duty Leave ......................................................................................................... 41
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18.8 Employee Assistance Program .................................................................................... 41
18.9 Interviews ................................................................................................................... 41
18.10 Life-Giving Procedures, Blood Platelet and Fluid Donations ....................................... 42
18.11 Personal Leave ............................................................................................................ 42
ARTICLE 19 LEAVE WITHOUT PAY .......................................................................................... 43
19.2 Unpaid Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience ................................................. 44
19.4 Limitations .................................................................................................................. 44
19.5 Returning Employee Rights ........................................................................................ 45
19.6 Military Leave ............................................................................................................ 45
19.7 Educational Leave ....................................................................................................... 45
19.8 Child or Elder Care Emergencies ................................................................................ 45
19.9 Cyclic Employment Leave .......................................................................................... 45
19.10 Governmental Service Leave....................................................................................... 45
19.11 Citizen Volunteer or Community Service Leave .......................................................... 46
19.12 Volunteer Firefighting Leave ...................................................................................... 46
19.13 Military Family Leave................................................................................................. 46
19.14 Domestic Violence Leave ........................................................................................... 46
20.4 Qualified Pre-Tax Transportation Benefits Plan .......................................................... 47
ARTICLE 21 SAFETY AND HEALTH ........................................................................................... 47
ARTICLE 22 WORK-RELATED INJURY OR ILLNESS .................................................................. 48
Compensable Work-Related Injury or Illness Leave .................................................................. 48
ARTICLE 23 UNIFORMS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT .................................................................... 49
23.1 Uniforms ..................................................................................................................... 49
23.2 Tools and Equipment .................................................................................................. 49
23.4 Personal Property Reimbursement ............................................................................... 49
ARTICLE 24 DRUG AND ALCOHOL -FREE WORKPLACE ........................................................... 49
24.2 Possession of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs...................................................................... 50
24.3 Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications .......................................................... 50
24.4 Drug and Alcohol Testing Safety Sensitive Functions .............................................. 50
24.5 Testing for Reasonable Grounds.................................................................................. 50
24.6 Training ...................................................................................................................... 51
ARTICLE 25 ELECTRONIC MONITORING OF EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY ......................................... 51
ARTICLE 26 RELOCATION/USE OF VEHICLES/TRAVEL ............................................................ 52
ARTICLE 27 USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT ................................................. 53
ARTICLE 28 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES................................................................................. 53
28.1 Representation ............................................................................................................ 53
28.2 Discipline .................................................................................................................... 53
28.3 Investigations .............................................................................................................. 54
28.4 Off-Duty Conduct ....................................................................................................... 54
28.5 Notice to Employees ................................................................................................... 55
28.6 Probationary Employees ............................................................................................. 55
28.7 Removal of Documents ............................................................................................... 55
ARTICLE 29 RESIGNATION AND ABANDONMENT ...................................................................... 56
29.1 Voluntary Resignation ................................................................................................ 56
29.2 Unauthorized Absence/Abandonment ......................................................................... 56
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29.3 Notice of Separation.................................................................................................... 56
29.4 Petition for Reinstatement ........................................................................................... 56
29.5 Grievability ................................................................................................................. 56
ARTICLE 30 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... 56
30.1 Terms and Requirements ............................................................................................. 56
30.2 Filing and Processing .................................................................................................. 59
30.3 Successor Clause ......................................................................................................... 61
ARTICLE 31 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND BENEFITS ................................................................. 62
ARTICLE 32 LEGAL LIABILITY ................................................................................................. 62
32.1 Employee Liability ...................................................................................................... 62
32.2 Personal Property Reimbursement ............................................................................... 62
ARTICLE 33 PERSONNEL FILES ................................................................................................ 62
34.1 Disability Accommodations ........................................................................................ 64
34.2 Disability Separation ................................................................................................... 65
34.4 Safety Accommodations ............................................................................................. 65
34.5 Pregnancy Accommodations ....................................................................................... 66
ARTICLE 35 SENIORITY ............................................................................................................ 67
35.1 Definition .................................................................................................................... 67
35.2 Ties ............................................................................................................................. 68
35.3 Seniority List .............................................................................................................. 68
ARTICLE 36 LAYOFF AND RECALL ........................................................................................... 68
36.2 Basis for Layoff .......................................................................................................... 69
36.3 Voluntary Layoff, Leave of Absence or Reduction in Hours ....................................... 70
36.4 Probationary Employees ............................................................................................. 70
36.5 Temporary Layoff ....................................................................................................... 70
36.6 Layoff Units ................................................................................................................ 71
36.7 Skills and Abilities ...................................................................................................... 71
36.8 Options Within the Layoff Unit ................................................................................... 71
36.9 Institution-wide Options .............................................................................................. 72
36.10 Multi-Employee Layoffs ............................................................................................. 72
36.11 Notification to Permanent Employees ......................................................................... 72
36.12 Salary.......................................................................................................................... 74
36.13 Transition Review Period ............................................................................................ 74
36.14 Recall.......................................................................................................................... 75
36.14 Project Employment .................................................................................................... 75
ARTICLE 37 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ......................................................................................... 76
ARTICLE 38 LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE ....................................... 77
38.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 77
38.2 Committees ................................................................................................................. 77
38.3 Scope of Authority ...................................................................................................... 78
ARTICLE 39 UNION ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................ 78
39.1 Representation ............................................................................................................ 78
39.2 Staff Representatives ................................................................................................... 78
39.3 Shop Stewards ............................................................................................................ 78
39.4 Employees .................................................................................................................. 79
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39.5 Use of State Facilities, Resources, and Equipment ...................................................... 80
39.6 Bulletin Boards and Newsstands ................................................................................. 81
39.7 Distribution of Material ............................................................................................... 82
39.8 Time Off for Union Activities ..................................................................................... 82
39.9 Temporary Employment with the Union ..................................................................... 82
39.10 Temporary Employment as a Union President ............................................................. 83
39.11 Board of Trustee Meetings .......................................................................................... 84
39.12 WPEA HE Master Agreement Negotiations ................................................................ 84
ARTICLE 40 UNION DUES DEDUCTION AND STATUS REPORTS ................................................. 84
40.1 Notification to Employees ........................................................................................... 84
40.2 Union Dues Deduction ................................................................................................ 85
40.3 Dues Cancellation ....................................................................................................... 85
40.4 Status Reports ............................................................................................................. 85
40.5 Indemnification ........................................................................................................... 86
ARTICLE 41 CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................... 87
41.1 Classification Plan Revisions ...................................................................................... 87
41.2 Position Review .......................................................................................................... 87
41.3 Effect of Reallocation ................................................................................................. 88
41.4 Salary Impact of Reallocation ..................................................................................... 88
ARTICLE 42 COMPENSATION .................................................................................................... 89
42.1 General Service Pay Range Assignments .................................................................... 89
42.2 “IT” Professional Structure Pay Range Assignments ................................................... 90
42.3 Pay for Performing the Duties of a Higher Classification ............................................ 90
42.4 Establishing Salaries for New Employees and New Classifications ............................. 90
42.5 Periodic Increases ....................................................................................................... 90
42.6 Salary Assignment Upon Promotion............................................................................ 91
42.7 Salary Adjustments ..................................................................................................... 91
42.8 Demotion .................................................................................................................... 92
42.9 Transfer ...................................................................................................................... 92
42.10 Reassignment .............................................................................................................. 92
42.11 Reversion .................................................................................................................... 92
42.12 Elevation ..................................................................................................................... 92
42.13 Part-Time Employment ............................................................................................... 92
42.14 Callback ...................................................................................................................... 92
42.15 Shift Premium ............................................................................................................. 93
42.16 King County Premium Pay .......................................................................................... 93
42.17 Standby ....................................................................................................................... 93
42.18 Relocation Compensation............................................................................................ 94
42.19 Salary Overpayment Recovery .................................................................................... 94
42.20 Special Pay Salary Ranges .......................................................................................... 95
42.21 Multilingual/Sign Language/Braille Premium Pay ....................................................... 95
42.22 Dependent Care Salary Reduction Plan ....................................................................... 95
42.23 Pre-Tax Health Care Premiums ................................................................................... 95
42.24 Medical/Dental Expense Account ............................................................................... 95
42.25 Voluntary Separation Incentives Voluntary Retirement Incentives ........................... 96
42.26 One-Time Lump Sum Payment for Proof of Up-to-Date COVID-19 Booster(s) .......... 96
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42.27 Specific Classification Range Increases-Recruitment, Retention, Compression or Class
Plan Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 96
ARTICLE 43 HEALTHCARE BENEFITS ....................................................................................... 97
43.3 Wellness ..................................................................................................................... 97
43.5 Medical Flexible Spending Arrangement .................................................................... 98
ARTICLE 45 STRIKES ................................................................................................................ 99
ARTICLE 46 ENTIRE AGREEMENT ............................................................................................ 99
ARTICLE 47 SAVINGS .............................................................................................................. 100
ARTICLE 48 DISTRIBUTION OF AGREEMENT .......................................................................... 100
ARTICLE 49 DURATION .......................................................................................................... 100
ARTICLE 50 MANDATORY SUBJECTS ...................................................................................... 100
50.2 Negotiations .............................................................................................................. 101
50.3 Release Time ............................................................................................................ 101
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................ A-1
Bargaining Units with Represented Individuals as of November 12, 2019
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................ A-3
Bargaining Units With Appendix D Part-Time Hourly Appointment Represented Individuals As
Of November 12, 2019
APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................................ A-4
WPEA Higher Ed Layoff Units
APPENDIX D ........................................................................................................................ A-6
Part Time Hourly Appointments
APPENDIX E ...................................................................................................................... A-10
General Service Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
APPENDIX F ...................................................................................................................... A-21
General Service Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
APPENDIX G ...................................................................................................................... A-31
SP Range Salary Schedule – Effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
APPENDIX H ...................................................................................................................... A-34
SP Range Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
APPENDIX I ....................................................................................................................... A-37
IT Professional Classifications and Salary Ranges
APPENDIX J ....................................................................................................................... A-39
IT Professional Classifications and Salary Ranges Excluding IT Professionals
APPENDIX K ...................................................................................................................... A-40
IT Professional Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
APPENDIX L ...................................................................................................................... A-42
IT Professional Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
APPENDIX M ..................................................................................................................... A-44
Specific Classification Range Increases Based On Recruitment, Retention, Compression,
Inversion, Or Class Plan Maintenance Excludes It Structure Impacted Classes
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A. DATA SHARING AGREEMENT ............................................................................................... M-1
C. COVID-19 BOOSTER INCENTIVE ........................................................................................... M-5
D. MEDICAL FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT WORKGROUP ......................................... M-6
F. VACATION LEAVE ACCRUAL MAXIMUM ............................................................................. M-9
WPEA Higher Education
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This Agreement is entered into by the State of Washington, referred to as the “State,” on behalf of
each separate Community College District listed below, referred to as the “Employer,” as part of
their State Community College Coalition (State CCC) and the Washington Public Employees
Association/UFCW Local 365, referred to as the “Union.” It is the intent of the parties to specify
wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment in accordance with RCW 41.80.
The following are the Community College Districts:
Bellevue College
Big Bend Community College
Cascadia College
Clark College
Columbia Basin College
Edmonds College
Grays Harbor College
Olympic College
Pierce College
Skagit Valley College
Tacoma Community College
Walla Walla Community College
Wenatchee Valley College
WPEA Higher Education
1.1 The State and the Employer recognize the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative
for the employees described in Appendix A, entitled “Bargaining Units Represented by the
Washington Public Employees Association.”
1.2 This Agreement covers the employees in the bargaining units described in Appendix A,
entitled “Bargaining Units Represented by the Washington Public Employees
Association,” but does not cover any statutorily-excluded positions, or any positions
excluded in Appendix A. The titles of the jobs listed in Appendix A are listed for
descriptive purposes only.
1.3 If the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) certifies the Union as the
exclusive bargaining representative during the term of this Agreement for a bargaining unit
covered by RCW 41.80 in any of the Employer’s Community College Districts, the terms
of this Agreement will apply.
2.1 The Employer and the Union are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the
2.2 Under this Agreement, discrimination against employees on the basis of religion, age,
gender, sex, marital status, race, color, creed, national origin, political affiliation, military
status, status as an honorably discharged veteran, a disabled veteran or Vietnam era
veteran, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or the presence of any real
or perceived sensory, mental or physical disability, genetic information, pregnancy, being
a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, citizenship, immigration status
or because of the participation or lack of participation in union activities is prohibited, and
no unlawful harassment will be tolerated.
2.3 Employees who feel they have witnessed or been the subjects of unlawful discrimination,
harassment or hostile work environment are encouraged to bring such issues to the attention
of their supervisor or the Human Resources Office, or to file a complaint in accordance
with college/district policy. In cases where an employee files both a grievance and an
internal complaint regarding the same alleged discrimination, harassment or a hostile work
environment, the grievance will be suspended until the internal complaint process has been
2.4 When a complaint is received, the Employer will determine the appropriate form of
investigation, if any, and take appropriate action. When the Employer has determined that
an investigation is warranted, the Employer will begin an investigation within twenty-one
(21) calendar days. Each thirty (30) day period thereafter, the complainant employee and
WPEA HE 2023-2025
the investigated employee may request and receive an update on the status of the
investigation. At the conclusion of the investigation, the complainant employee will be
provided with a notification that the investigation is completed and the investigated
employee will be provided with both a notification that the investigation is complete and
information on the investigation outcome.
2.5 Both parties agree that nothing in this Agreement will prevent the implementation of an
approved affirmative action plan.
2.6 Both parties agree that nothing in this Agreement will prevent an employee from filing a
complaint with the Washington State Human Rights Commission, Office of Civil Rights,
or the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission.
2.7 The Employer agrees to provide training and the Union agrees to support and encourage
participation in training to positively accept the diversity that exists in the workplace and
to understand as well as to prevent all forms of discrimination.
3.1 The Employer and the Union agree that all employees should work in an environment that
fosters mutual respect and professionalism and values diversity, equity, and inclusion. The
parties agree that inappropriate behavior in the workplace does not promote a college’s
business or employee’s well-being. All employees are responsible for contributing to such
an environment and are expected to treat others with courtesy and respect. Inappropriate
workplace behavior by employees, supervisors and/or managers will not be tolerated. If an
employee and/or the employee’s union representative believes the employee has been
subjected to inappropriate behavior, the employee and/or the employee’s representative is
encouraged to report this behavior to the employee’s supervisor and/or the Human
Resources Office.
3.2 Inappropriate workplace complaints made to the Human Resource Office will be in writing
and will be identified as such. When a written complaint is received by the Human
Resource Office, the Employer will determine the appropriate form of investigation, if any,
and take appropriate action. When warranted, the Employer will begin an investigation
within twenty-one (21) calendar days. Each thirty (30) day period thereafter, the
complainant employee and the investigated employee may request and receive an update
on the status of the investigation. At the conclusion of the investigation, the complainant
employee will be provided with a notification that the investigation is complete and the
investigated employee will be provided with both a notification that the investigation is
complete and information on the investigation outcome.
3.3 The Employer and the Union will jointly develop training materials regarding inappropriate
workplace behavior through the local labor management committee for dissemination to
managers, supervisors and employees. Supervisors, managers, Human Resource Office
staff, and shop stewards will receive training on processing inappropriate workplace
behavior reports.
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3.4 The procedural aspects of this Article are subject to Step 2 of the grievance procedure only.
No other grievance steps apply.
4.1 Filling Positions
A. The Employer will determine when a position will be filled, the type of appointment
to be used when filling the position, and the skills and abilities necessary to perform
the duties of the specific position within a job classification. The Employer can fill
a position on a full-time or part-time basis. Positions will be posted for at least
seven (7) calendar days.
B. Labor/Management Communication Committee (LMCC) meetings, as described in
Article 38, may include the sharing and discussion of information about filling,
leaving vacant, reallocating or eliminating bargaining unit positions and positions
that supervise bargaining unit positions, along with the timeframe thereof. As part
of the preparation for the meeting, in accordance with Section 38.2 C, at the Union’s
request, the Employer will provide a list of vacant positions, at the meeting. The
list will include information about the status of the open position(s).
C. When filling positions, the Employer will appoint to the position the most senior
candidate on the appropriate internal layoff list with the required skills and abilities
who had indicated an appropriate geographic availability.
D. If the position is not filled from the layoff list, all promotional, transfer voluntary
demotion candidates, who have the skills and abilities to perform the duties of the
position will be considered by the Employer, prior to consideration of other
E. An internal promotional candidate is an employee who applies for appointment
with their college/district to a class with a higher salary range maximum.
F. A transfer candidate is an employee who applies for appointment with their
college/district to a position in the same class or to a different class with the same
salary range maximum.
G. A voluntary demotion candidate is an employee who applies for appointment with
their college/district to a class with a lower salary range maximum.
H. Once hired, promoted, transferred or demoted, an employee will receive a position
description of their new position within twenty-one (21) calendar days following
their start date.
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4.2 Types of Appointment
A. Regular Employment
The Employer may fill a position with a regular employment appointment for
positions scheduled to work twelve (12) months per year.
B. Cyclic Year Employment
The Employer may fill a position with a cyclic year appointment for positions
scheduled to work less than twelve (12) full months each year, due to known,
recurring periods in the annual cycle when the position is not needed. At least
fifteen (15) calendar days before the start of each annual cycle, incumbents of cyclic
year positions will be informed, in writing, of their scheduled periods of leave
without pay in the ensuing cycle. Such periods of leave without pay will not
constitute a break in service.
4.3 Types of Positions
A. Permanent Positions
Except for project positions, non-permanent positions or (temporary) hourly
appointments established under Appendix D, classified positions are considered to
be permanent with no specific end date. However, nothing in this Article precludes
the Employer from initiating a layoff in accordance with Article 36, Layoff and
B. Project Positions
1. The Employer may establish project positions for which the assigned work
is contingent upon state, federal, local, grant, or other special funding of
specific and/or of time-limited duration. Project positions will be identified
as such and the Employer will notify employees appointed to project
positions, in writing, of the expected end date of the project employment.
2. Employees who enter into project positions without previously attaining
permanent status will serve a probationary period. Employees will gain
permanent status upon successful completion of their probationary period.
Project employees with permanent status will serve a trial service period
when they:
a. Promote to another job classification within the project; or
b. Transfer or voluntarily demote within the project to another job
classification in which they have not attained permanent status.
3. The Employer may consider project employees with permanent status for
transfer, voluntary demotion, or promotion to non-project positions. Project
employees will serve a trial service period upon transfer, voluntary
demotion, or promotion to a non-project position.
4. When the Employer converts a project position into a permanent position,
due to a change in the nature of funding, and retains the incumbent
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employee who has already served a probationary or trial service period in
that position, the employee will not serve a new probationary or trial service
5. The layoff and recall rights of project employees will be in accordance with
the provisions in Article 36.
C. In Training Positions
1. The Employer may designate specific positions, groups of positions, or all
positions in a job classification or series as in-training. The Employer will
document the training program, including a description and length of the
2. A candidate who is initially hired into an in-training position must
successfully complete the job requirements of the appointment. The
Employer may separate from classified service, any employee who has
completed the probationary period for an in-training appointment but does
not successfully complete the subsequent trial service periods required by
the in-training program. Employees who are not successful may be
separated at any time with prior written notice from the Employer.
3. An employee with permanent status who accepts an in-training appointment
will serve a trial service period or periods, depending on the requirements
of the in-training program. The Employer may revert an employee who does
not successfully complete the trial service period or periods at any time. The
employee’s reversion right will be to the job classification that the employee
held permanent status in prior to their in-training appointment, in
accordance with Subsections 4.5 (B)(3) and 4.5(B)(4) of this Article.
The in-training separation of an employee will not be subject to the
grievance procedure in Article 30.
4. A trial service period may be required for each level of the in-training
appointment, or the entire in-training appointment may be designated as the
trial service period. The Employer will determine the length of the trial
service period or periods to be served by an employee in an in-training
5. If a trial service period is required for each level of the in-training
appointment, the employee will attain permanent status upon successful
completion of the training program at each level.
6. If the entire in-training program (meaning all levels within the in-training
appointment) is designated as a trial service period, the employee will attain
permanent status upon successful completion of the training requirements
for the entire in-training program.
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D. Non-Permanent Positions
1. The Employer may make classified non-permanent appointments to fill in
for the absence of a permanent employee, during a workload peak, while
recruitment is being conducted or when the nature of the work is sporadic
and does not fit a particular pattern. Non-permanent appointments will not
exceed eighteen (18) months. A non-permanent appointee must have the
skills and abilities required for the position and will be assigned to an
official Washington State Human Resources job classification and paid on
the General Service Salary Schedule. The Employer may choose to fill the
position with a competitive process or by appointment.
2. A permanent employee who accepts a non-permanent appointment within
their college will have the right to return to their position in the college or
to a position in the permanent classification they left at the completion of
the non-permanent appointment, provided, the employee has not left the
original non-permanent appointment, or unless the original supervisor
agrees otherwise.
3. The Employer may convert a non-permanent appointment into a permanent
appointment if the Employer used a competitive process to fill the non-
permanent appointment. In such circumstances the employee will serve a
probationary or trial service period upon conversion.
4. The Employer may end a non-permanent appointment at any time with one
(1) working day’s notice to the employee.
5. The separation of a non-permanent employee will not be subject to the
grievance procedure in Article 30.
4.4 Employee Status
A. Classified Service/Permanent Status
An employee will attain permanent status in the classified service upon completion
of a probationary period. For positions designated in-training, Subsection 4.3 C will
govern when permanent status is attained.
An Employee who is newly hired in a classified position will be required to serve
a probationary period, regardless of whether or not they have held permanent status
at another college district or agency. However, unless the employee has a break in
service between appointments, they will have continuous or unbroken classified
service for the purpose of seniority, leave and any article in this Agreement that
refers to continuous or unbroken service.
B. Job Classification
An employee will attain permanent status in a job classification upon their
successful completion of a probationary, trial service, or transition review period.
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4.5 Review Periods
A. Probationary Period
1. All employees, including part-time or full-time, will serve a probationary
period of six (6) months following their initial appointment to a permanent
or project position. The Employer may extend the probationary period for
an individual employee or for all employees in a class as long as the
extension does not cause the total period to exceed twelve (12) months. The
Employer agrees to notify the employee in writing when it intends to extend
the probationary period of an employee or for all employees in a
classification beyond six (6) months. If the extension is based on
performance issues, the supervisor will provide written information to the
employee about the needed improvement(s).
2. If the Employer converts the status of a non-permanent appointment to a
permanent appointment, the incumbent employee will serve a probationary
period upon conversion.
3. The Employer may separate a probationary employee at any time during the
probationary period, whether or not the Employer has evaluated the
probationary employee. Probationary separation will not be subject to the
grievance procedure in Article 30.
4. The Employer will extend an employee’s probationary period, on a day-for-
day basis, for any day(s) that the employee is on leave without pay or shared
leave, except for leave taken for military service or Employer-mandated
temporary reductions in hours (furlou ghs) under Subsections 36.5.B, and
5. An employee who transfers or is promoted prior to completing their initial
probationary period will serve a new probationary period. The length of the
new probationary period will be in accordance with Subsection 4.5(A)(1),
unless adjusted by the Employer for time already served in probationary
status. However, in no case will the total probationary period be less than
six (6) months.
B. Trial Service Period
1. Except for those employees in an in-training appointment, all other
employees with permanent status who are promoted, or who voluntarily
accept a transfer or demotion into a job classification for which they have
not previously attained permanent status, will serve a trial service period of
six (6) consecutive months. The Employer may extend the trial service
period for an individual employee or for all employees in a class as long as
the extension does not cause the total trial service period to exceed twelve
(12) consecutive months. The Employer agrees to notify the employee in
writing when it intends to extend the trial service period of an employee
beyond six (6) months. If the extension is based on performance issues, the
supervisor will provide written information to the employee about the
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needed improvement(s). Employees in an in-training appointment will
follow the provisions outlined in Subsection 4.3 C.
2. If the Employer converts the status of a non-permanent appointment to a
permanent appointment, an incumbent employee who has already attained
permanent status will serve a trial service period. However, the Employer
will credit time worked in the non-permanent appointment toward
completion of the trial services period per Subsection 4.3(D)(3).
3. An employee serving a trial service period will have their trial service
period extended, on a day-for-day basis, for any day(s) that the employee is
on leave without pay or shared leave, except for leave taken for military
service or Employer-mandated temporary reductions in hours (furloughs)
under Subsections 36.5.B, and C.
4. With prior written notice by the Employer, all employees that have not
successfully completed a trial service period may be offered an opportunity
to revert to a position in the same institution that is:
a. Vacant and is within the trial service employee’s previously held job
classification; or
b. Vacant at or below the employee’s previous salary range.
In either case, the employee being reverted must have the skills and
abilities required for the vacant position. If the employee has not
attained permanent status in the job classification of the vacant
position, the employee will be required to complete a trial service
5. An employee who has no reversion options or does not revert to the
classification they held prior to the trial service period may request the
Human Resource Office to place their name on the layoff list for positions
in job classifications where they had previously attained permanent status.
6. An employee serving a trial service period may voluntarily revert to their
former position within fifteen (15) calendar days after the appointment,
provided that the position has not been filled or an offer has not been made
to an applicant. The Employer may consider requests after the fifteen (15)
day period. After fifteen (15) days and at the discretion of the Employer, an
employee serving a trial service period may voluntarily revert at any time
to a vacant position in the same college/district that is:
a. Within the employee’s previously held job classification; or
b. At or below the employee’s previous salary range.
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If the employee has not attained permanent status in the job
classification, the employee will be required to complete a trial
service period.
The reversion of employees who are unsuccessful during their trial service period
is not subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30.
C. Transition Review Period
In accordance with Article 36, Layoff and Recall, the Employer may require an
employee to complete a transition review period.
5.1 Each college district is required to comply with the Violence Against Women
Reauthorization Act, the Campus SaVE Act, and Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972. Compliance with these federal laws and associated regulations requires
institutions of higher education to adopt and implement programs designed to prevent and
respond to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and
stalking. This program is typically referred to as “Title IX.”
5.2 Pursuant to these federal laws, institutions of higher education are required to develop
policies and procedures to prevent and respond to sexual violence and to train, properly
process, investigate, and adjudicate sexual misconduct allegations. The Employer’s
policies and procedures will incorporate specific requirements of the federal law and
regulations governing processing of complaints conducting investigations and
adjudications, imposing sanctions, and conducting appeals. In some areas these federal
laws and regulations require additional procedural elements that will be adhered to, in
addition to and/or in conjunction with, other Articles within this Collective Bargaining
Agreement. In instances where Articles within this Collective Bargaining Agreement may
conflict with policies and procedures required by these federal laws and regulations, the
federal laws/regulations will take precedence.
6.1 Objective
The performance evaluation process is designed to provide supervisors and employees an
opportunity to discuss and record performance planning, feedback and performance
outcomes. Supervisors and employees will discuss how the employee’s position aligns with
the college’s mission and goals and the Employer’s job requirements. Performance
problems should be brought to the attention of the employee at the time of the occurrence
to give the employee an opportunity to address the issue.
6.2 Evaluation Process
A. Employee work performance will be evaluated during probationary, trial service
and transition periods and at least annually thereafter, at a time that allows for
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adequate application of the process. Supervisors will meet with employees at the
start of their review period to discuss performance expectations. Employees will
receive copies of their performance expectations as well as notification of any
modifications made during the review period. Written notification will normally be
given to a probationary or trial service employee whose work performance is
determined to be unsatisfactory. If the probationary or trial service deficiency is
substantial, the Employer may separate the probationary employee or revert the trial
service employee at any time.
B. The Employer will use the Performance and Development Plan (PDP) developed
by OFM/SHR. A copy of the performance evaluation will be provided to the
employee at the time of the review. If an employee disagrees with their performance
evaluation, the employee has the right to attach a rebuttal. The original performance
evaluation forms, including the employee’s comments, will be maintained in the
employee’s personnel file.
C. If a supervisor has had less than ninety (90) calendar days to observe the
employee’s performance, the employee may request a joint review with the
previous supervisor (if still employed with the college). If the previous supervisor
is no longer employed with the college, the employee may request a consultation
with other managers with knowledge of the employee’s performance.
D. The performance evaluation procedure may be grieved; however, the content of the
evaluation is not subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30.
E. Performance evaluations will not be used to initiate personnel actions such as
transfer, promotion, or discipline.
6.3 PDP Training
Training on performance evaluations will be provided to managers, supervisors, and
6.4 Position Description Form Training
Training on writing new or modifying existing position description forms will be provided
to managers and supervisors.
7.1 Definitions
A. Full-time Employees
Employees who are scheduled to work forty (40) hours per workweek.
B. Overtime-Eligible Employees
Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
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C. Overtime-Exempt Employees
Employees who are not covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
D. Part-time Employees
Employees who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per workweek.
E. Work Schedules
Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established by
the Employer in order to meet business and customer service needs, as long as the
work schedules meet federal and state laws.
F. Work Shift
The hours an employee is scheduled to work each workday in a workweek.
G. Workday
One (1) of seven (7) consecutive, twenty-four (24) hour periods in a workweek.
H. Workweek
A regularly re-occurring period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours consisting
of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods. Workweeks for employees
will normally begin at 12:01 am Sunday and end at 12:00 midnight the following
Saturday or as otherwise designated by the appointing authority or their designee.
If there is a change in their workweek, employees will be given written notification
by the appointing authority or their designee.
7.2 Position Designation
In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state law, the Employer will
determine whether a position is overtime-eligible or overtime-exempt. Overtime-eligible
and overtime-exempt employees will be informed of their status as such at the time of
appointment. If there is a change in the overtime eligibility designation for an employee’s
position, the Employer will provide the employee with written notification of the change
with a copy to the Union.
7.3 Overtime-Eligible Positions-Schedules
A. Regular Work Schedules
The regular work schedule for overtime-eligible employees will not be more than
forty (40) hours in a workweek, with two (2) consecutive calendar days off and
starting and ending times as determined by the requirements of the position and the
B. Alternate Work Schedules
Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established for
overtime-eligible employees by the Employer in order to meet business and
customer service needs, as long as the alternate work schedules meet federal and
state requirements. Prior to assigning employees to alternate work schedules, the
Employer will seek volunteers with the necessary skills and abilities who are
qualified to perform such assignments. If more than one (1) volunteer has the
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necessary skills and abilities and is qualified to perform such assignments, seniority
will be the determining factor in making the assignment.
The Employer will not adjust the workday for the employee’s workweek to avoid
the payment of overtime or accrual of compensatory time, unless requested by the
C. Temporary Schedule Changes
Employees’ workweeks and/or work schedules may be temporarily changed with
prior notice from the Employer. A temporary schedule change is defined as a
change lasting twenty-one (21) calendar days or less. Overtime-eligible employees
will receive seven (7) calendar days’ written notice of any temporary schedule
change. The day that notification is given is considered the first day of notice.
Notice will normally be given to the employee during their scheduled working
D. Permanent Schedule Changes
Employees’ workweeks and work schedules may be permanently changed with
prior notice from the Employer. Overtime-eligible employees will receive fourteen
(14) calendar days’ written notice of a permanent schedule change. The day
notification is given is considered the first day of notice. Notice will normally be
given to the employee during their scheduled working hours.
E. Emergency Schedule Changes
The Employer may adjust an overtime-eligible employee’s workweek and work
schedule without prior notice in emergencies or unforeseen operational needs.
Employees affected by emergency schedule changes will be allowed de minimis
time to make necessary arrangements.
F. Employee-Requested Schedule Changes
Overtime-eligible employees’ workweeks and work schedules may be changed at
the employee’s request and with the Employer’s approval, provided the Employer’s
business and customer service needs are met and no overtime expense is incurred.
G. Off-Duty Phone Calls
An off-duty overtime-eligible employee will be compensated in six (6) minute
increments for receiving and/or responding to work related phone calls.
7.4 Overtime-Eligible Unpaid Meal Periods
Unpaid meal periods for employees working more than five (5) consecutive hours, if
entitled, will be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes and will be scheduled as close to the
middle of the work shift as possible, taking into account the Employer’s work requirements
and the employee’s wishes. When an employee’s unpaid meal period is interrupted by work
duties, the employee will be allowed to resume their unpaid meal period following the
interruption, if possible, to complete the unpaid meal period. In the event an employee is
unable to complete the unpaid meal period due to operational necessity, the employee will
be entitled to compensation, which will be computed based on the actual number of minutes
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worked within the unpaid meal period. Meal periods may not be used for late arrival or
early departure from work and meal and rest periods will not be combined.
7.5 Overtime-Eligible Unpaid Meal Periods Outside of the Normal Workday
Employees working three (3) or more hours longer than a normal workday will be allowed
at least one (1) thirty (30) minute meal period.
7.6 Overtime-Eligible Paid Meal Periods for Straight Shift Schedules
The Employer and the Union agree to vary from and supersede the paid meal period
requirements of WAC 296-126-092. Employees working straight shifts will not receive a
paid meal period, but will be permitted to eat intermittently as time allows during their
shifts while remaining on duty.
7.7 Overtime-Eligible Rest Periods
Employees will be allowed rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes for each one-half (1/2) shift
of four (4) or more hours worked at or near the middle of each one-half (1/2) shift of four
(4) or more hours, taking into account the Employer’s work requirements and the
employee’s wishes. Rest periods do not require relief from duty. Where the nature of the
work allows employees to take intermittent rest periods equivalent to fifteen (15) minutes
for each one-half (1/2) shift, scheduled rest periods are not required. Rest periods may not
be used for late arrival or early departure from work and rest and meal periods will not be
7.8 Overtime-Eligible Employees Positive Time Reporting
Overtime-eligible employees will accurately report time worked in accordance with a
positive time reporting process as determined by each Employer.
7.9 Overtime-Exempt Employees
Overtime-exempt employees are not covered by federal or state overtime laws.
Compensation is based on the premise that overtime-exempt employees are expected to
work as many hours as necessary to provide the public services for which they were hired.
These employees are accountable for their work product, and for meeting the objectives of
the institution for which they work. The Employer’s practice for all overtime-exempt
employees is as follows:
A. The Employer determines the products, services, and standards which must be met
by overtime-exempt employees.
B. Overtime-exempt employees are expected to work as many hours as necessary to
accomplish their assignments or fulfill their responsibilities and must respond to
directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines.
Full-time, overtime-exempt employees are expected to work a minimum of forty
(40) hours in a workweek and part-time, overtime-exempt employees are expected
to work proportionate hours. Overtime-exempt employees may be required to work
specific hours to provide services, when deemed necessary by the Employer.
C. The salary paid to overtime-exempt employees is full compensation for all hours
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D. Overtime-exempt employees are not authorized to receive any form of overtime
compensation, formal or informal.
E. The appointing authority or their designee may approve overtime-exempt employee
absences with pay for extraordinary or excessive hours worked, without charging
F. If they give prior notice and receive the Employer’s concurrence, overtime-exempt
employees may alter their work hours. Employees are responsible for keeping
management apprised of their schedules and their whereabouts.
G. Prior approval from the Employer for the use of paid or unpaid leave for absences
of two (2) or more hours is required, except for unanticipated sick leave.
8.1 Definitions
A. Overtime
Overtime is defined as time that an overtime-eligible employee works in excess of
forty (40) hours per workweek.
B. Overtime Rate
In accordance with the applicable wage and hour laws, the overtime rate will be
one and one-half (1½) of an employee’s regular rate of pay. The regular rate of pay
will not include any allowable exclusions.
C. Work
For overtime purposes, work is the time actually spent performing the duties
assigned in addition to time during which an employee is excused from work for
holidays, sick leave, vacations or compensatory time.
D. Work does not include:
1. Shared leave;
2. Leave without pay;
3. Additional compensation for time worked on a holiday; or
4. Time compensated as standby, callback, or any other penalty pay.
8.2 Overtime Eligibility and Compensation
Overtime-eligible employees are eligible for overtime compensation under the following
A. Employees who have prior approval and work more than forty (40) hours in a
workweek will be compensated at the overtime rate;
B. An employee whose workweek is less than forty (40) hours will be paid at their
regular rate of pay for all work performed up to forty (40) hours in a workweek and
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paid at the overtime rate for authorized work of more than forty (40) hours in a
workweek; and
C. When employees work on a holiday in accordance with Subsection 11.3 B.
8.3 General Provisions
A. The Employer will determine whether work will be performed on regular work time
or overtime, the number, the skills and abilities of the employees required to
perform the work, and the duration of the work. The Employer will first attempt to
meet its overtime requirements on a voluntary basis with qualified employees who
are currently on duty. In the event there are not enough employees volunteering to
work, the supervisor may require employees to work overtime.
B. If an employee was not offered overtime for which they were qualified, the
employee will be offered the next available overtime opportunity for which they
are qualified. Under no circumstances will an employee be compensated for
overtime that was not worked. There will be no pyramiding of overtime.
8.4 Compensatory Time for Overtime-Eligible Employees
A. Compensatory Time Eligibility
At the employee’s request and with the supervisor’s approval, compensatory time
may be earned in lieu of cash. Compensatory time must be granted at the rate of
one and one-half (1½) hours of compensatory time for each hour of overtime
B. Maximum Compensatory Time
Employees may accumulate no more than one hundred sixty (160) hours of
compensatory time.
C. Compensatory Time Use
Employees must use compensatory time prior to using vacation leave, unless this
would result in the loss of their vacation leave or the employee is using vacation
leave for Domestic Violence Leave. Compensatory time must be used and
scheduled in the same manner as vacation leave, as in Article 12, Vacation Leave.
Employees may use compensatory time for leave as required by the Domestic
Violence Leave Act, RCW 49.76. The Employer may schedule an employee to use
their compensatory time with seven (7) calendar days’ notice.
D. Compensatory Time Cash Out
1. All compensatory time must be used by June 30th of each year. If
compensatory time balances are not scheduled to be used by the employee
by April of each year, the supervisor will contact the employee to review
their schedule. The employee’s compensatory time balance will be cashed
out every June 30th or when the employee:
A. Leaves state service for any reason;
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B. Transfers to a position in their institution with different funding
sources; or
C. Transfers to another state agency or institution.
9.1 The Employer and Union affirm that continued professional and personal growth of
individual staff members and professional and program development are fundamental to
improving the total effectiveness of the college. The Employer and the Union recognize
the value and benefit of education and training designed to enhance an employee’s ability
to perform their job duties. Training and employee development opportunities will be
provided to employees in accordance with current institution policies and available
9.2 Employees will submit written requests to the supervisor for training and employee
development, including the specific training, the schedule and costs. The supervisor will
approve or deny requests in writing. If training is denied, the written notice will include
the reason for denying the request.
9.3 The Employer will continue to provide release time to each employee to participate in
training and development activities consistent with the Employer’s training and
development policies. If approved, release time will be provided for both off-campus and
on-campus professional development and training, where appropriate for individual
employees’ training needs.
9.4 An employee who wishes to use a tuition fee waiver program to register for qualifying
courses will be allowed to do so in accordance with Employer policy and RCW
28B.15.558. Employees may participate from the first day of class unless a capacity
concern exists. Employees who wish to enroll in courses at other higher education
institutions will abide by the policies of those institutions.
9.5 The Employer will make reasonable attempts to schedule Employer-required training
during an employee’s regular work schedule. Attendance at Employer-required training
will be considered time worked and the Employer will pay the registration costs. Travel
associated with training will be paid in accordance with applicable wage and hour laws,
Office of Financial Management travel regulations and the travel provisions in Article 26,
Relocation/Use of Vehicles/Travel.
9.6 Master Agreement Training
A. The Employer and the Union agree that training for managers, supervisors, and
shop stewards responsible for the day-to-day administration of this Agreement is
important. The Union will provide training to current shop stewards, and the
Employer will provide training to managers and supervisors on this Agreement.
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B. The Union will present the training to current shop stewards within each bargaining
unit. The shop stewards will be released with pay on one (1) occasion for up to
eight (8) hours to attend the training.. The training will be considered time worked
for those shop stewards who attend the training during their scheduled work shift.
The Employer may approve leave in accordance with Section 39.8 for additional
time for those shop stewards who attend the training during their scheduled work
shift. Shop stewards who attend the training during their non-work hours will not
be compensated. The parties will agree on the date, time, number and names of
shop stewards attending each session.
C. Upon mutual agreement, the Employer and the Union will provide joint training on
the provisions of the contract to members of the bargaining unit. The Employer and
the Union recognize the value of joint training and will encourage it when possible.
Each party shall be responsible for naming their own trainer.
9.7 New Employees
A. When a college/district hires a new employee, the Employer will provide each new
employee with an orientation package provided by the Union.
B. Within ninety (90) days following a new employee’s start date in a bargaining unit
position represented by the Union, the Employer will provide the Union access to
the new employee. This access will be provided during the employee’s regular work
hours at the employee’s regular worksite, or at another location mutually agreed to
by the Employer and the Union, for no less than thirty (30) minutes, to present
information about the Union and this Agreement. This presentation may occur
during a formal or informal new employee orientation provided by the Employer
or at another time within the above ninety (90) day period. No employee will be
required to attend the presentation given by the Union. The Employer will provide
notice to the newhir[email protected] and the designated Shop Stewards of a new
employee orientation at the same time the new employee is given notice.
10.1 The Employer will continue its current practices related to licensure and certification or
comply with Sections 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4, whichever provides the greater benefit to the
10.2 Conditions of Employment
The Employer and the Union recognize the necessity for bargaining unit employees to
maintain appropriate licensure and/or certification, as required, to perform the duties of
their assigned position and to meet the qualifications of their position. When a license
and/or certification is required as a part of the qualifications for a position prior to the
appointment of an employee into the affected position, the employee will be responsible
for the initial cost of the license and/or certification. Thereafter, the employee will be
responsible for maintaining the license and/or certification and for all renewal costs.
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10.3 Employees who fail to maintain appropriate licensure and/or certification, as required, to
perform the duties of their assigned position and/or to meet the qualifications of their
position may be subject to a non-disciplinary separation.
A. A non-disciplinary separation is the process whereby an employee’s employment
is terminated for reasons other than as outlined in Article 28.2.
10.4 Outside Entity Requirements
When an outside entity, e.g. by state regulation or local ordinance, requires a new license
and/or certification following the appointment of the employee into the affected position,
the Employer will reimburse the employee for the initial cost of the new license and/or
certification. Thereafter, the employee will be responsible for maintaining the license
and/or certification and for all renewal costs.
10.5 Employer Convenience
When a license and/or certification is not required by an outside entity and the Employer,
for its own convenience, requires a new license and/or certification following the
appointment of the employee into the affected position, the Employer will reimburse the
employee for the initial cost of the new license and/or certification. Thereafter, the
Employer will continue to pay for maintaining the license and/or certification and for all
renewal costs.
10.6 Employees will notify their appointing authority or designee if their work-related license
and/or certification has expired, or has been restricted, revoked or suspended within
twenty-four (24) hours of expiration, restriction, revocation or suspension, or prior to their
next scheduled shift, whichever occurs first.
11.1 Paid Holidays
The following days are paid holidays for all eligible classified employees:
New Year’s Day
January 1
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Third Monday in January
Presidents Day
Third Monday in February
Memorial Day
Last Monday in May
June 19
Independence Day
July 4
Labor Day
First Monday in September
Veterans Day
November 11
Thanksgiving Day
Fourth Thursday in November
Native American Heritage Day
The Friday Following the Fourth Thursday in
Christmas Day
Personal Holiday
December 25
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11.2 Observance of Holidays
The Board of Trustees for each institution of higher education may establish calendars that
observe holidays on dates other than those listed.
11.3 Holiday Rules
The following rules apply to all holidays except the personal holiday:
A. Employees will be paid at a straight-time rate even though they do not work.
B. In addition to Subsection 11.3 A, employees will be paid for the hours actually
worked on a holiday at the overtime rate.
C. Permanent and probationary employees working twelve (12) month schedules or
cyclic year position employees who work full monthly schedules throughout their
work year will receive holiday pay if they were in pay status on their regular,
scheduled work day preceding the holiday.
D. Cyclic year employees scheduled to work less than full monthly schedules qualify
for holiday compensation if they work or are in pay status on their last regularly
scheduled working day preceding the holiday. Cyclic year employees will be
entitled to the number of paid hours on a holiday on the same proportional basis
that their appointment bears to a full-time appointment.
E. Permanent and probationary employees will receive pay equivalent to the
employee’s work shift on the holiday.
F. For operational convenience or necessity, the Employer, with prior notice, may
switch groups of employees from an alternate work schedule to a regular work
schedule during the week of a holiday.
G. When a holiday falls on the employee's scheduled workday, that day will be
considered the holiday.
H. When a holiday falls on the employee's scheduled day off, they will receive an
alternate day off.
I. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday before will be the holiday. When a
holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be the holiday.
J. The holiday for night shift employees whose schedule begins on one (1) calendar
day and ends on the next calendar day will be determined by the institution. It will
start either at:
1. The beginning of the scheduled night shift that begins on the holiday; or
2. The beginning of the shift that precedes the calendar holiday.
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11.4 Personal Holidays
An employee may choose one (1) workday as a personal holiday during each calendar year
if the employee has been continuously employed by the State of Washington and/or the
institution for more than four (4) months.
A. An employee who is scheduled to work less than six (6) continuous months over a
period covering two (2) calendar years will receive only one (1) personal holiday
during this period.
B. The institution will release the employee from work on the day selected as the
personal holiday if:
1. The employee has given at least fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice
to the supervisor. However, the supervisor has the discretion to allow a
shorter notice period.
2. The number of employees choosing a specific day off allows an institution
to continue its work efficiently and not incur overtime.
C. Personal holidays may not be carried over to the next calendar year except when an
eligible employee’s request to take their personal holiday has been denied or
canceled. The employee will attempt to reschedule their personal holiday during
the balance of the calendar year. If they are unable to reschedule the day, it will be
carried over to the next calendar year.
D. Institutions may adopt eligibility policies to determine which requests for particular
dates will be granted if all requests cannot be granted.
E. Personal holidays are prorated for less than full-time employees.
F. The pay for a full-time employee’s personal holiday is equal to the work shift the
day the holiday is taken.
G. Part or all of a personal holiday may be donated to another employee for shared
leave as provided in RCW 41.04.665. Any remaining portions of a personal holiday
must be taken as one (1) absence, not to exceed the work shift on the day of absence.
H. Part or all of a personal holiday may be used for:
1. The care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC 296-
2. Leave as required by the Military Family Leave Act, RCW 49.77 and in
accordance with Section 19.13; or
3. Leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act, RCW 49.76.
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Any remaining portions of a personal holiday must be taken as one (1)
absence, not to exceed the work shift on the day of absence.
*This article has been modified by an MOU effective April 1
, 2024
12.1 Employees will retain and carry forward any eligible and unused vacation leave that was
accrued prior to the effective date of this Agreement.
12.2 Vacation Leave Credits
Full-time and part-time employees will be credited with vacation leave accrued monthly,
according to the rate schedule and vacation leave accrual below.
12.3 Vacation Leave Accrual
Full-time employees will accrue vacation leave according to the rate schedule below under
the following conditions:
A. Employees working less than full-time schedules will accrue vacation leave on the
same proportional basis that their appointment bears to a full-time appointment.
B. The scheduled period of cyclic year position leave without pay will not be deducted
for purposes of computing the rate of vacation leave accrual for cyclic employees.
C. Vacation leave will not accrue during leave without pay which exceeds ten (10)
working days in any calendar month, nor will credit be given toward the rate of
vacation leave accrual except during military leave without pay.
D. Vacation leave accruals for the prior calendar month will be credited and available
for employee use the first of the next calendar month.
E. Employment in positions not accruing leave is not credited for continuous or total
state employment.
12.4 Vacation Leave Accrual Rate Schedule
Full Years of Service
Hours Per Year
During the first and second year of current
continuous employment
One hundred twelve (112)
During the third year of current continuous
One hundred twenty (120)
During the fourth year of current
continuous employment
One hundred twenty-eight (128)
During the fifth and sixth years of total
One hundred thirty-six (136)
During the seventh, eighth, and ninth year
of total employment
One hundred forty-four (144)
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During the tenth, eleventh, twelfth,
thirteenth, and fourteenth year of total
One hundred sixty (160)
During the fifteenth, sixteenth,
seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth
year of total employment
One hundred seventy-six (176)
During the twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-
second, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth
year of total employment
One hundred ninety-two (192)
During the twenty-fifth year of total
employment and thereafter
Two hundred (200)
12.5 Vacation Scheduling for 24/7 Operations
Vacation requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that
two (2) or more employees request the same vacation period, the supervisor may limit the
number of people who may take vacation leave at one (1) time due to business needs and
work requirements.
12.6 Vacation Scheduling for All Employees
A. Vacation leave will be charged in the amount actually used by the employee.
B. When considering requests for vacation leave, the Employer will take into account
the desires of the employee but may require that leave be taken at a time convenient
to the Employer. The Employer may designate black-out periods to address
operational needs with advance notice. The Employer may approve vacation
requests during the black-out period on a case-by-case basis.
C. Employees will not request or be authorized to take scheduled vacation leave if they
will not have sufficient vacation leave to cover such absence at the time the leave
will commence.
D. Vacation leave will be approved or denied within ten (10) calendar days of the
request. If the leave is denied, a reason will be provided in writing.
12.7 Family Care Leave
Employees may use vacation leave for care of family members as required by the Family
Care Act, WAC 296-130.
12.8 Military Family Leave
Employees may use vacation leave for leave as required by the Military Family Leave Act,
RCW 49.77 and in accordance with Section 19.13.
12.9 Domestic Violence Leave
Employees may use vacation leave for leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave
Act, RCW 49.76.
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12.10 Use of Vacation Leave for Sick Leave Purposes
The Employer may allow an employee who has used all of their sick leave to use vacation
leave for sick leave purposes as provided in Subsection 13.2 A. An employee who has used
all of their sick leave may use vacation leave for sick leave purposes as provided in
Subsection 13.2 B–H.
12.11 Emergency Childcare
Employees may use vacation leave for childcare emergencies after the employee has
exhausted all of their accrued compensatory time. Use of vacation leave and sick leave for
emergency childcare is limited to a combined maximum of six (6) days per calendar year.
12.12 Vacation Cancellation
A. Should the Employer be required to cancel scheduled vacation leave because of an
emergency or exceptional business needs, affected employees may select new
vacation leave from available dates. In the event the affected employee has incurred
non-refundable, out-of-pocket, vacation expense, the employee may be reimbursed
by the Employer.
B. In those cases where an employee will not have sufficient vacation leave to cover
the absence at the time it is scheduled to commence, the Employer may cancel the
approved vacation leave or authorize leave without pay. Should the Employer
cancel the vacation leave due to insufficient vacation leave, the affected employee
will not be reimbursed for any vacation expenses.
12.13 Vacation Leave Maximum
In accordance with RCW 43.01.040, employees may accumulate maximum vacation
balances not to exceed two hundred eighty (280) hours. However, there are two (2)
exceptions that allow vacation leave to accumulate above the maximum:
A. If an employee’s request for vacation leave is denied by the Employer, and the
employee is close to the vacation leave maximum, the institution will grant an
extension for each month that the institution must defer the employee’s request for
vacation leave.
B. An employee may also accumulate vacation leave days in excess of two hundred
eighty (280) hours as long as the employee uses the excess balance prior to their
anniversary date. Any leave in excess of the maximum that is not deferred in
advance of its accrual as described will be lost on the employee’s anniversary date.
12.14 Separation
Any employee, who has been employed for at least six (6) continuous months will be
entitled to payment for vacation leave credits when they:
A. Resign with adequate notice;
B. Retire;
C. Are laid off; or
D. Are terminated by the Employer.
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In addition, the estate of a deceased employee will be entitled to payment for vacation leave
13.1 Sick Leave Accrual
Employees will accrue sick leave each month under the following conditions:
A. Employees working a full-time schedule and in pay status for eighty (80) non-
overtime hours in a calendar month will accrue eight (8) hours of sick leave. In
accordance with the Minimum Wage Requirements and Labor Standards, RCW
49.46.210, overtime-eligible employees, who have been on leave without pay that
exceeds ten (10) working days in a calendar month, will accrue sick leave at the
rate of one (1) hour of sick leave per forty (40) hours worked up to a maximum of
eight (8) hours of sick leave in a month. For overtime-exempt employees, sick leave
will not accrue during leave without pay that exceeds ten (10) working days in a
calendar month.
B. Employees working less than a full-time schedule will accrue sick leave on the
same proportional basis that their employment schedule bears to a full-time
C. Sick leave accruals for the prior calendar month will be credited and available for
employee use the first of the next calendar month.
D. This Section and the entire Article 13 do not apply to those part-time hourly
appointments covered in Appendix D.
13.2 Sick Leave Use
Sick leave may be used for:
A. A personal illness, injury or medical disability that prevents the employee from
performing their job, or personal medical or dental appointments.
B. Care of family members as required by the State Family Care Act, RCW 49.12, and
Family Care Rules, WAC 296-130 and for the purposes and family members as
defined by RCW 49.46, the Minimum Wage Requirements and Labor Standards,
49.46.210, family members to include a:
1. Child, including a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child
to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is a de
facto parent, regardless of age or dependency status;
2. Biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian
of an employee or the employee’s spouse or registered domestic partner, or
a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child;
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3. Spouse;
4. Registered domestic partner, as defined by RCW 26.60;
5. Grandparent;
6. Grandchild;
7. Sibling; or
8. Other category as provided by RCW 49.46.210.
C. A death of any relative or household member that requires the employee’s absence
from work. Relatives are defined for this purpose as spouse, domestic partner,
significant other, legal ward, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, foster child, child-
in-law, grandparent, great-grandparent, parent, sibling, sibling of one’s parent,
child of one’s sibling, first cousin, sibling-in-law and corresponding relatives of
employee’s spouse, domestic partner or significant other.
D. Childcare emergencies after the employee has exhausted all their accrued
compensatory time. Use of sick leave and vacation leave for emergency childcare
is limited to a combined maximum of six (6) days per calendar year.
E. Closure of an Employer’s place of business, in accordance with the Minimum Wage
Requirements and Labor Standards, RCW 49.46.210, by order of a public official
for any health-related reason, or when an employee’s child’s school or place of care
has been closed for such a reason. Health-related reason, as defined in WAC 296-
128-600 (8), means a serious public health concern that could result in bodily injury
or exposure to an infectious agent, biological toxin, or hazardous material. Health-
related reason does not include closure for inclement weather.
F. Leave for Military Family Leave Act as required by RCW 49.77 and in accordance
with Section 19.13.
G. Leave for Domestic Violence Leave as required by RCW 49.76.
13.3 Use of Compensatory Time or Vacation Leave for Sick Leave Purposes
The Employer may allow an employee who has used all of their sick leave to use
compensatory time or vacation leave for sick leave purposes.
13.4 Restoration of Vacation Leave
In the event an employee is injured or becomes ill while on vacation leave, the employee
may submit a written request to use sick leave and have the equivalent amount of vacation
leave restored. The supervisor may require a written medical certificate.
13.5 Sick Leave Reporting, Certification and Verification
A. An employee must promptly notify their supervisor on the first day of sick leave
and each day after, unless there is mutual agreement to do otherwise. If an employee
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is in a position where a relief replacement is necessary if they are absent, they will
notify the supervisor at least two (2) hours prior to the scheduled time to report to
work (excluding leave taken for emergencies in accordance with RCW 49.76
Domestic Violence Leave).
B. The Employer may require a written medical certificate for any sick leave absence
explaining the nature of the illness or absence in circumstances where the Employer
suspects an abuse of sick leave. Such medical certification or verification required
of overtime-eligible employees shall be in accordance with the Minimum Wage
Requirements and Labor Standards, RCW 49.46.210 and WACs 296-128-600 et
seq. sick leave provisions. When a medical certificate is required, the Employer
will state reasons for suspicion of sick leave abuse. The Employer will not require
continuous medical verification for longer than six (6) months as a result of the
Employer suspecting abuse. The required medical certificate will be provided by
the employee to the Human Resources Office on the day the employee returns to
C. An employee returning to work after any sick leave absence may be required to
provide the Human Resources Office with written certification from their health
care provider that the employee is able to return to work and perform the essential
functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation.
13.6 Sick Leave Annual Cash Out
Each January, an employee is eligible to receive cash on a one (1) hour for four (4) hours
basis for ninety-six (96) hours or less of their accrued sick leave, if:
A. Their sick leave balance at the end of the previous calendar year exceeds four
hundred eighty (480) hours;
B. The converted sick leave hours do not reduce their previous calendar year sick leave
balance below four hundred eighty (480) hours; and
C. The employee notifies their payroll office by January 31st that they would like to
convert sick leave hours earned during the previous calendar year, minus any sick
leave hours used during the previous year, to cash.
All converted hours will be deducted from the employee’s sick leave balance.
13.7 Sick Leave Separation Cash Out
At the time of retirement from state service or at death, an eligible employee or the
employee’s estate will receive cash for their compensable sick leave balance on a one (1)
hour for four (4) hours basis. For the purposes of this Section, retirement will not include
“vested out of service” employees who leave funds on deposit with the retirement system.
13.8 Reemployment
Former state employees who are re-employed within five (5) years of leaving state service
will be granted all unused sick leave credits they had at separation.
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14.1 Shared Leave
The purpose of the leave sharing program is to permit state employees, at no significantly
increased cost to the state for providing leave, to come to the aid of another state employee
A. Is suffering from or has a relative or household member suffering from an
extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental
B. Is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy disability;
C. Is taking parental leave to bond with their newborn, adoptive, or foster
D. Is called to service in the uniformed services;
E. Is a current member of the uniformed services or a veteran as defined under
RCW 41.04.005, and is attending medical appointments or treatments for a
service-connected injury or disability;
F. Is a spouse of a current member of the uniformed services or a veteran as
defined under RCW 41.04.005, who is attending medical appointments or
treatments for a service-connected injury or disability and requires
assistance while attending appointments or treatments.
1. Is responding to a state of emergency anywhere within the United
States declared by the federal or any state government;
2. Is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking;
G. “Domestic violence” means physical harm, bodily injury, assault,
sexual assault, stalking, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical
harm, bodily injury, assault, as defined in RCW 9A.46.110, of one
intimate partner by another intimate partner, or of one family or
household member by another family or household member as
defined in RCW 26.50.010.
H. “Employee” means any classified employee who is entitled to
accrue sick leave or vacation leave and for whom accurate leave
records are maintained; and does not include part-time hourly
appointments under Appendix D.
I. "Employee’s relative" normally will be limited to the employee’s
spouse, state registered domestic partner as defined by RCWs
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26.60.020 and 26.60.030, child, stepchild, grandchild, great-
grandchild, grandparent, great-grandparent or parent.
J. "Household members" is defined as persons who reside in the same
home who have reciprocal duties to and/or do provide financial
support for one another. This term will include, but is not limited to,
foster children and legal wards. The term does not include persons
sharing the same general house when the living style is primarily
that of a dormitory or commune.
K. “Parental leave” means leave to bond and care for a newborn child
after birth or to bond and care for a child after placement for
adoption or foster care, for a period of up to sixteen (16) weeks after
the birth or placement, in accordance with RCW 41.04.655(3). If the
birth parent suffers from a pregnancy disability, the period of sixteen
(16) weeks begins immediately after the pregnancy disability has
ended provided that the parental leave is used within the first year
of the child’s life.
L. “Pregnancy disability” means a pregnancy-related medical
condition or miscarriage, in accordance with RCW 41.04.655(4).
M. "Service in the uniformed services" means the performance of duty
on a voluntary or involuntary basis in a uniformed service under
competent authority and includes active duty, active duty for
training, initial active duty for training, inactive duty training, full-
time national guard duty including state-ordered active duty, and a
period for which a person is absent from a position of employment
for the purpose of an examination to determine the fitness of the
person to perform any such duty.
N. "Severe" or "extraordinary" condition is defined as provided in
WAC 357- 31-395.
I. “Sexual assault” has the same meaning as in RCW 70.125.030.
J. “Stalking” has the same meaning as in RCW 9A.46.110.
K. "Uniformed services" means the Armed Forces, the Army National
Guard, and the air national guard of any state, territory,
commonwealth, possession, or district when engaged in active duty
for training, inactive duty training, full-time national guard duty, or
state active duty, the commissioned corps of the public health
service, the Coast Guard, and any other category of persons
designated by the President of the United States in time of war or
national emergency.
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L. “Victim” means a person that domestic violence, sexual assault, or
stalking has been committed against as defined in this Article.
14.2 Shared Leave Receipt
A. The Employer may permit an employee to receive shared leave if the employee
meets any of the following criteria:
1. The employee suffers from, or has a relative or household member suffering
from, an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which
is of an extraordinary or severe nature;
2. The employee is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy
disability, as defined in Subsection 14.1F;
3. The employee needs the time for parental leave as defined in Subsection
4. A state of emergency has been declared anywhere within the United States
by the federal or any state government and the employee has the needed
skills to assist in responding to an emergency or its aftermath and volunteers
their services to either a governmental agency or to a nonprofit organization
engaged in humanitarian relief in the devastated area, and the governmental
agency or nonprofit organization accepts the employee’s offer of volunteer
5. The employee has been called to service in the uniform services;
6. The employee is a current member of the uniform services or a veteran as
defined under RCW 41.04.005, and is attending medical appointments or
treatments for a service connected injury or disability;
7. The employee is a spouse of a current member of the uniformed services or
veteran as defined under RCW 41.04.005, who is attending medical
appointments or treatments for a service connected injury or disability and
requires assistance while attending appointments or treatments; or
8. The employee is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
B. The illness, injury, impairment, condition, call to service, emergency volunteer
service, or consequence of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, parental
leave or pregnancy disability has caused, or is likely to cause, the employee to:
1. Go on leave without pay status; or
2. Terminate state employment.
C. The employee’s absence and the use of shared leave are justified.
D. The employee has depleted or will shortly deplete their:
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1. Vacation leave, sick leave and personal holiday if the employee qualifies
under Subsection 14.2(A)(1). The employee is not required to deplete all of
their accrued vacation and sick leave and can maintain up to forty (40) hours
of vacation leave and forty (40) hours of sick leave;
2. Vacation leave and paid military leave allowed under RCW 38.40.060, if
the employee qualifies under Subsection 14.2(A)(2). The employee is not
required to deplete all of their accrued vacation leave and paid military leave
allowed under RCW 38.40.060 and can maintain up to forty (40) hours of
vacation leave and forty (40) hours of military leave;
3. Vacation leave and personal holiday if the employee qualifies under
Subsections 14.2(A)(4) or 14.2(A)(8). The employee is not required to
deplete all of their accrued vacation leave and can maintain up to forty (40)
hours of vacation leave;
4. Vacation leave, sick leave, personal holiday and compensatory time, if the
employee qualifies under Subsections 14.2(A)(2) or (A)(3). The employee
is not required to deplete all of their accrued vacation leave and sick leave
and can maintain up to forty (40) hours of vacation leave and forty (40)
hours of sick leave.
5. Vacation leave, sick leave, and personal holiday if the employee qualifies
under Subsection 14.2(A)(6) or 14.2(A)(7). The employee is not required to
deplete all of their accrued vacation and sick leave and can maintain up to
forty (40) hours of vacation leave up to forty (40) hours of sick leave.
E. The employee has abided by the Employer’s rules regarding:
1. Sick leave use if the employee qualifies under Subsections 14.2(A)(1),
14.2(A)(4), (A)(5) or (A)(6); or
2. Military leave if the employee qualifies under Subsections 14.2(A)(2).
14.3 Shared Leave Use
A. The Employer will determine the amount of leave, if any, which an employee may
receive. However, an employee will not receive more than five hundred twenty-
two (522) days of shared leave, except that the Employer may authorize leave in
excess of five hundred twenty-two (522) days in extraordinary circumstances for
an employee qualifying for the program because they are suffering from an illness,
injury, impairment or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary or
severe nature.
B. The Employer will require the employee to submit, prior to approval or disapproval:
1. A medical certificate from a licensed physician or health care practitioner
verifying the employee’s required absence, the description of the medical
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problem, and expected date of return to work status for shared leave under
Subsection 14.2(A)(1);
2. A copy of the military orders verifying the employee’s required absence for
shared leave under Subsection 14.2(A)(2);
3. Proof of acceptance of an employee’s offer to volunteer for either a
governmental agency or a nonprofit organization during a declared state of
emergency for shared leave under Subsection 14.2(A)(3);
4. Verification of the employee’s status as a victim of domestic violence,
sexual assault or stalking for shared leave under Subsection 14.2(A)(4);
5. Verification of childbirth or placement of adoption or foster care, when the
employee is qualified under Subsection 14.2(A)(5); or
6. Medical certification from a licensed physician or health care provider
verifying the pregnancy disability when the employee is qualified under
Subsection 14.2(A)(6).
C. The Employer should consider other methods of accommodating the employee’s
needs such as modified duty, modified hours, flex-time or special assignments in
lieu of shared leave usage.
D. Leave may be transferred from employees of one (1) community college district to
an employee of the same community college district or, with the approval of the
heads of both state agencies, higher education institutions, school districts or
educational service districts, to an employee of another state agency, higher
education institution, school district or educational service district.
E. Vacation, sick leave, or all or part of a personal holiday transferred from a donating
employee will be used solely for the purpose stated in this Article.
F. The receiving employee will be paid their regular rate of pay; therefore, the value
of one (1) hour of shared leave may cover more or less than one (1) hour of the
recipient’s salary.
G. The Employer will respond in writing to shared leave requests within fourteen (14)
calendar days of receipt of a properly completed request.
14.4 Leave Donation
An employee may donate vacation, sick leave, or personal holiday to another employee for
purposes of the leave sharing program under the following conditions:
A. The Employer approves the employee’s request to donate a specified amount of
vacation to an employee authorized to receive shared leave; and
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1. The full-time employee’s request to donate leave will not cause their
vacation balance to fall below eighty (80) hours. For part-time employees,
requirements for vacation balances will be prorated; and
2. Employees may not donate excess vacation leave that they would not be
able to take due to an approaching anniversary date, unless an employee’s
request for vacation leave was denied and the vacation leave was deferred.
B. The Employer approves the employee’s request to donate a specified amount of
sick leave to an employee authorized to receive shared leave. The employee’s
request to donate sick leave will not cause their sick leave balance to fall below one
hundred seventy-six (176) hours after the transfer.
C. The Employer approves the employee’s request to donate all or part of their
personal holiday to an employee authorized to receive shared leave.
1. That portion of a personal holiday that is accrued, donated as shared leave,
and then returned during the same calendar year to the donating employee,
may be taken by the donating employee.
2. An employee will be allowed to split the personal holiday only when
donating a portion of the personal holiday to the shared leave program.
D. No employee may be intimidated, threatened, or coerced into donating leave for
purposes of this program.
14.5 Shared Leave Administration
A. The calculation of the recipient’s leave value will be in accordance with applicable
Office of Financial Management (OFM) policies, regulations, and procedures. The
leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all
other leave balances.
1. An employee receiving industrial insurance replacement benefits may not
receive greater than twenty-five percent (25%) of their base salary from the
receipt of shared leave.
2. Shared leave may be used intermittently or on nonconsecutive days as long
as the leave has not been returned under Section 14.5 F of this Article.
B. An employee on shared leave will continue to be classified as a state employee and
will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits
as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation or sick leave.
C. All salary and wage payments made to employees while on leave will be made by
the state agency, higher education institution, school district or educational service
district employing the person receiving the leave.
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D. Where the Employer has approved the transfer of leave by an employee of one (1)
state agency, higher education institution, school district or education service
district to an employee of another state agency, higher education institution, school
district or education service district, the state agencies, higher education
institutions, school district or educational service districts involved will arrange for
the transfer of funds and credit for the appropriate value of leave in accordance with
OFM policies, regulations, and procedures.
E. Leave transferred under this Article will not be used in any calculation to determine
a state agency’s, higher education institutions, school district’s or educational
service district’s allocation of full-time equivalent staff positions.
F. Any shared leave no longer needed or will not be needed at a future time in
connection with the original injury or illness or for any other qualifying condition
by the recipient, as determined by the agency head or designee, will be returned to
the donor(s). Unused leave approved for an employee who suffers from an illness,
injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an extra ordinary or
severe in nature may not be returned until the conditions in RCW
41.04.665(10)(a)(i) or (ii) are met.
The remaining shared leave is to be divided on a pro rata basis among the donors
and reinstated to the respective donors appropriate leave balances based upon each
employee’s current salary rate at the time of the reversion. The shared leave
returned will be prorated back based on the donor’s original donation.
G. Unused shared leave may not be cashed out but will be returned to the donors per
Subsection 14.5 F.
H. An employee who uses leave that is transferred under this Article will not be
required to repay the value of the leave that they used.
I. If a shared leave request is closed and an employee later has a need to use shared
leave due to the same condition listed in the closed request, the Employer must
approve a new shared leave request for the employee.
14.6 Grievability
Denial of shared leave may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure
in Article 30.
15.1 The Employer agrees to follow RCW 41.04.685 and the OFM rules and policies governing
the donation and use of shared leave from the uniformed services shared leave pool. The
Employer will adopt policies consistent with the needs of the employees. Employees
requesting to donate to or receive leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool must
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follow their Employer’s policies and procedures addressing uniformed service shared
15.2 This Article is only subject to Step 2 of the grievance procedure in Article 30.
16.1 A. With the exception of Section 16.12, definitions within this Article will be in
accordance with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
Consistent with FMLA and any amendments thereto, an employee who has worked
for the state for at least twelve (12) months and for at least one thousand, two
hundred fifty (1,250) hours during the twelve (12) months prior to the requested
leave is entitled to up to twelve (12) workweeks of family medical leave in a twelve
(12) month period for one or more of the following reasons:
1. Parental leave for the birth of and to care for a newborn child or placement
for adoption or foster care of a child and to care for that child;
2. Personal medical leave due to the employee's own serious health condition
that requires the employee's absence from work;
3. Family Medical Leave to care for a spouse, child, or parent who suffers
from a serious health condition that requires on-site care or supervision by
the employee; and/or
4. FML for a qualifying exigency when the employee’s spouse, child of any
age or parent is on active duty or call to active duty status of the Armed
Forces, Reserves or National Guard for deployment to a foreign country.
Qualifying exigencies include attending certain military events, arranging
for alternate childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements,
attending certain counseling sessions, and attending post-deployment
reintegration briefings.
B. Military Caregiver Leave will be provided to an eligible employee who is the
spouse, child of any age, parent or next of kin of a covered servicemember to take
up to twenty-six (26) workweeks of leave in a single twelve (12) month period to
care for the covered servicemember or veteran who is suffering from a serious
illness or injury in the line of duty.
During the single twelve (12) month period during which Military Caregiver Leave
is taken, the employee may only take a combined total of twenty-six (26)
workweeks of leave for Military Caregiver Leave and leave taken for other FMLA
qualifying reasons.
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The single twelve (12) month period to care for a covered servicemember or veteran
begins on the first day the employee takes leave for this reason and ends twelve
(12) months later, regardless of the twelve (12) month period established for other
types of FMLA leave.
C. Entitlement to FML for the care of a newborn child or newly adopted or foster child
ends twelve (12) months from the date of birth or the placement of the foster or
adopted child. Pregnancy disability leave will be granted for the period of time an
employee is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy and/or childbirth
and will be in addition to any leave granted under family medical leave or
Washington state leave laws.
D. The one thousand, two hundred fifty (1,250) hour eligibility requirement noted does
not count vacation leave, sick leave, personal holidays, compensatory time off, or
shared leave.
16.2 The FML entitlement period will be a twelve (12) month period measured forward from
the date an employee begins FML. Each time an employee takes family medical leave
during the twelve (12) month period, the leave will be subtracted from the twelve (12)
workweeks of available leave. The Employer will respond in writing to FML requests as
soon as practicable but no later than seven (7) calendar days of receipt of a properly
completed request.
16.3 The Employer will continue the employee's existing employer-paid health insurance
benefits during the period of leave covered by FML. The employee will be required to pay
their share of heath care premiums.
16.4 The Employer has the authority to designate absences that meet the criteria of the FML.
The use of any paid or unpaid leave (excluding leave for work-related illness or injury
covered by workers compensation and compensatory time) for a FML qualifying event will
run concurrently with, not in addition to, the use of fFML for that event. Any employee
using paid leave during a FML qualifying event must follow the notice and certification
requirements relating to FML usage in addition to any notice and certification requirements
relating to the paid leave.
16.5 The Employer may require certification from the employee’s, family member's, or covered
servicemember’s health care provider for the purpose of qualifying for FML.
16.6 Personal medical leave, serious health condition leave, or serious injury or illness leave
covered by FML may be taken intermittently when certified as medically necessary.
Employees must make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment
so as not to unduly disrupt the Employer’s operations. Leave due to qualifying exigencies
may also be taken on an intermittent basis.
16.7 Upon returning to work after the employee’s own FML qualifying illness, the employee
will be required to provide a fitness-for-duty certificate from a health care provider.
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16.8 The employee will provide the Employer with not less than thirty (30) days’ notice before
family medical leave is to begin. If the need for the leave is unforeseeable thirty (30) days
in advance, then the employee will provide such notice as is reasonable and practicable.
16.9 An employee returning from FML will have return rights in accordance with FMLA.
16.10 Definitions used in this Article will be in accordance with the FMLA. The parties recognize
that the Department of Labor is working on further defining the amendments to FMLA.
The Employer and the employees will comply with existing and any adopted federal FMLA
regulations and/or interpretations.
16.11 Pregnancy Disability Leave
A. Pregnancy disability leave will be granted for the period of time an employee is
sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy and/or childbirth and will be in
addition to any leave granted under family medical leave or Washington state leave
B. An employee must submit a written request for disability leave due to pregnancy
and/or childbirth in accordance with agency policy. An employee may be required
to submit medical certification or verification for the period of the disability. Such
leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth may be a combination of sick leave,
vacation leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, exchange time, shared leave,
and leave without pay. The combination and use of paid and unpaid leave will be
the choice of the employee.
16.12 Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
A. The parties recognize that the Washington Paid State Family and Medical Leave
(FML) Program(Title 50.A RCW) is in effect and eligibility for and approval of
leave for purposes as described under that Program shall be in accordance with Title
50A RCW. In the event that the legislature amends all or part of Title 50A RCW,
those amendments are considered by the parties to be incorporated herein. In the
event that the legislature repeals all or part of Title 50A RCW, those provisions that
are repealed are considered by the parties to be expired and no longer in effect upon
the effective date of their repeal.
B. The employee may use sick leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, personal
leave day or vacation leave as a supplemental benefit while receiving a partial wage
replacement for paid family and/or medical leave under the Washington State Paid
Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program, Title 50A RCW. The Employer may
require verification that the employee has been approved to receive benefits for
paid family and/or medical leave under Title 50A RCW before approving leave as
a supplemental benefit.
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17.1 If the Employer determines for any reason, including but not limited to, inclement weather,
that health, property or safety is jeopardized and it is advisable due to emergency conditions
to suspend the operation of all or any portion of the college/district buildings or operations,
the Employer will notify employees per the Employer’s notification procedure. The
following will govern employees:
A. Employees scheduled and not required to work during a late start, an early closure
or total suspended operations will have no loss in pay for all late starts, early
closures and the first day of total suspended operations.
B. The following options will be made available to the affected employees who are
not required to work for the balance of the total suspended operations:
Vacation leave;
Personal holiday;
Personal leave;
Accrued compensatory time (where applicable);
Sick leave;
Leave without pay; or
Make up lost time through employee-requested schedule changes in
accordance with Subsections 7.3 F, 7.9 F and 7.9 G.
C. At the Employer’s discretion and approval, affected employees who are not
required to work during the balance of suspended operations may be offered the
option to work remotely or reassigned to a similar position at a location within a
reasonable commute distance from the non-operational location during the
suspended operations.
D. Employees who are not required to work but whose work shift starts prior to an
announcement of a subsequent day of total suspended operations will be paid for
actual hours worked and Subsection 17.1 B and C will apply for the balance of the
work schedule after the announcement.
E. The Employer will identify the services required during late starts, early closures
and total suspended operations and notify employees required to work in
accordance with the Employer’s suspended operations procedures. Upon request,
the Human Resources Office will make the suspended operations written
procedures available to an employee.
F. Employees who are required to work during late starts, early closures and total
suspended operations will be paid for all hours worked plus an additional eight (8)
hours at their regular pay rate. The additional eight (8) hours of pay shall not be
counted as hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
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G. Employees not receiving callback, who are required to work during late starts, early
closures, and total suspended operations will receive a minimum of two (2) hours
of pay for each day worked.
H. Any overtime worked during suspended operations will be compensated according
to Article 8, Overtime.
I. During suspended operations when there are unsafe driving conditions or other
hazards, the Employer may allow off-duty employees to remain at the
17.2 The options listed in Subsection 17.1 B, will be made available to employees who report
to work late, leave work early or are unable to report to work due to severe inclement
weather. In addition, employees may use sick leave for childcare emergencies, if
applicable, per Subsection 13.2 D.
17.3 If a work location is fully operational but an employee is unable to report to work or remain
at work because of severe inclement weather, conditions caused by severe inclement
weather or natural disaster, the employee’s leave will be charged in the following order:
A. Any earned compensatory time;
B. Any accrued vacation leave;
C. Any accrued sick leave, up to a maximum of three (3) days in any calendar year;
D. Leave without pay.
Although the types of paid leave will be used in the order listed and each type of paid leave
will be exhausted before the next is used, employees will be permitted to use leave without
pay or their personal holiday rather than vacation or sick leave at their request.
17.4 Employees on pre-approved leave will not have their leave reversed due to suspended
operations, unless that leave was granted under Section 17.3, because they were unable to
report to the worksite that subsequently closed based on severe inclement weather.
18.1 Bereavement Leave
A. Up to five (5) days of paid bereavement leave will be granted for the death of any
family member or household member that requires the employee’s absence from
B. Family members are defined as parent, stepparent, sibling, parent-in-law, domestic
partner’s parent, spouse, domestic partner, grandparent, great-grandparent,
grandchild, great-grandchild, child, stepchild, and a child in the custody of and
residing in the home of an employee.
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C. “Household members” is defined as persons who reside in the same home who have
reciprocal duties to or do provide financial support for one another. This term will
include, but is not limited to, foster children and legal wards. The term does not
include persons sharing the same general house when the living style is primarily
that of a dormitory or commune.
D. In addition, sick leave may be used for the death of a family member, per
Subsection 13.2 C.
18.2 Family Care Leave
In accordance with the Washington State Family Care Act, employees may use sick leave,
compensatory time, vacation, and/or all or part of a personal holiday to care for a child of
the employee with a health condition, or a spouse, state registered domestic partner as
defined by RCWs 26.60.020 and 26.60.030, parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent who has
a serious health condition. Use of such leave must be in accordance with the terms of this
18.3 Military Leave
Employees will be entitled to military leave with pay not to exceed twenty-one (21)
working days during each year, beginning October 1st and ending the following September
30th, in order to report for required military duty, when called, or to take part in training
or drills including those in the National Guard or state active status.
A. Such leave will be in addition to any vacation and sick leave to which an employee
is entitled and will not result in any reduction of benefits, performance ratings,
privileges or pay.
B. During military leave, the employee will receive the normal base pay. Employees
required to appear during working hours for a physical examination to determine
physical fitness for military service will receive full pay for the time required to
complete the examination.
18.4 Parental Leave
Parental leave will be granted to a permanent employee because of the birth of a child of
the employee and in order to provide care, or because of the placement of a child with the
employee for adoption or foster care.
A. Parental leave will not total more than six (6) months, and will run concurrently
with leave granted under Article 16, Family and Medical Leave, and any pregnancy
disability leave following the birth or placement of a child.
B. Requests for parental leave that exceed the provisions of Article 16, may be denied
on the basis of operational necessity.
C. Parental leave must be taken during the first year following the child's birth or
placement of the child with the employee for adoption or foster care.
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D. The employee will submit a written request for parental leave to the Employer and
must receive the approval prior to taking parental leave. The employee will provide
not less than thirty (30) days’ notice, except that if the child's birth or placement
requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide
notice as is practicable.
E. Parental leave may be a combination of the employee’s accrued vacation leave, sick
leave for pregnancy disability or other qualifying events, personal holiday,
compensatory time or leave without pay.
The Employer may require employees to exhaust all paid leave prior to using any
leave without pay for parental leave, except that the employee will be allowed to
use eight (8) hours per month of accrued paid leave during each month of parental
leave to provide for continuation of benefits as provided by the Public Employees
Benefits Board. The Employer will designate on which day of each month the eight
(8) hours paid leave will be used.
18.5 Pregnancy Disability Leave
A. Pregnancy disability leave will be in addition to any leave granted under family
medical leave or Washington state family leave laws.
B. Pregnancy disability leave will be granted for the period of time that an employee
is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy and/or childbirth. The length
of pregnancy disability leave will be as defined and certified by the employee’s
licensed health care provider. The employee will provide a copy of such
certification to the Employer.
18.6 Temporary Disability Leave
Temporary disability leave will be granted to a permanent employee who is precluded from
performing their job duties because of a disability. Temporary disability leave includes a
serious health condition of the employee as provided in Article 16.
A. Temporary disability leave will run concurrently with leave granted under Article
16, Family and Medical Leave. Temporary disability leave will not total more than
twelve (12) months or two thousand, eighty-eight (2088) straight-time hours. For
the purposes of intermittent use (i.e. when temporary disability leave is not taken
continuously), each hour taken will be deducted from the balance of temporary
disability leave available.
B. The temporary disability and recovery period will be as defined and certified by the
employee's licensed health care provider. The employee will provide, in a timely
manner, a copy of such certification to the Employer.
The Employer may require employees to exhaust all paid leave prior to using any
leave without pay for temporary disability leave, except that the employee will be
allowed to use eight (8) hours per month of accrued paid leave during each month
of temporary disability leave to provide for continuation of benefits as provided by
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the Public Employees Benefits Board. The Employer will designate on which day
of each month the eight (8) hours paid leave will be used.
18.7 Civil Duty Leave
A. Leave of absence with pay will be granted to an employee to serve on jury duty, to
serve as a trial witness, or to exercise other subpoenaed civil duties. An employee
will be allowed to retain any compensation paid to them for their jury duty or trial
witness service. Specifically, a subpoenaed employee will receive paid leave to
appear as a witness in court or an administrative hearing, except as provided in
Subsection 39.4(A)(2)(a), unless they:
1. Are a party to the matter and are not represented by the Office of the
Attorney General of the State of Washington; or
2. Have an economic interest in the matter.
Nothing in this Subsection will preclude an employee from being paid to
appear in court or an administrative hearing on behalf of the Employer.
B An employee will inform the Employer when notified of a jury summons or
subpoenaed civil duties and will cooperate in requesting a postponement of jury
duty service if warranted by business demands.
C. An employee whose work shift is other than day shift will be considered to have
worked a full work shift for each workday during the period of jury duty or
subpoenaed civil duties. If a day shift employee is released from jury duty or
subpoenaed civil duties and there are more than two (2) hours remaining on their
work shift, the employee will call their supervisor and may be required to return to
18.8 Employee Assistance Program
A. The Employer agrees to provide all bargaining unit employees and qualifying
family members access to a confidential employee assistance program selected and
paid for by the Employer.
B. Leave of absence with pay will be granted to an employee to attend an initial intake
and assessment session from an employee assistance program, if it occurs during
the employee’s scheduled work shift.
C. The Employer may approve an employee-requested schedule change, use of paid
leave or leave without pay to attend any other appointment(s) with an employee
assistance program.
18.9 Interviews
A. Employees will receive leave of absence with pay for interviewing for positions
within the employee’s college, if scheduled during an employee’s scheduled work
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B. Employees will receive leave of absence with pay for up to four (4) hours per fiscal
year for travel and interviews within the employee’s district, if scheduled during an
employee’s scheduled work time.
18.10 Life-Giving Procedures, Blood Platelet and Fluid Donations
A. When approved, employees will receive leave of absence with pay during an
employee’s work schedule, not to exceed thirty (30) working days in a two (2) year
period, for participating and any subsequent incapacity to work due to recovery for
life-giving procedures. Such leave shall not be charged against sick leave or annual
leave, and use of leave without pay is not required.
“Life-giving procedure” is defined as a medically-supervised procedure involving
the testing, sampling, or donation of blood, platelets, organs, fluids, tissues, and
other human body components for the purposes of donation, without compensation,
to a person or organization for medically necessary treatments. Employees will
provide reasonable advance notice and written proof from an accredited medical
institution, physician or other medical professional that the employee participated
in a life-giving procedure. The notice will include any expected duration of
incapacity to work for recovery purposes. Employers may take into account
program and staffing replacement requirements in the scheduling of leave for life-
giving procedures and subsequent recovery.
B. When approved, employees will receive paid leave, not to exceed five (5) working
days in a two (2) year period, for the donation of blood platelets or fluids to a person
or organization for medically necessary treatments. The Employer may approve
additional days through the use of accrued paid leave. Employees will provide
reasonable advance notice and written proof from an accredited medical institution,
physician or other medical professional that the employee participated in the
donation procedure. Agencies may take into account program and staffing
replacement requirements in the scheduling of leave for these donations.
18.11 Personal Leave
A. An employee may choose three (3) workdays as personal leave days each fiscal
year during the life of this Agreement if the employee has been continuously
employed by the college/district for more than four (4) months.
B. The college/district will release the employee from work on the day selected for
personal leave if:
1. The employee has given at least fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice
to the supervisor. However, the supervisor has the discretion to allow a
shorter notice period.
2. The number of employees choosing a specific day off allows a
college/district to continue its work efficiently and not incur overtime.
3. The leave does not conflict with the business needs of the Employer.
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4. For positions requiring backfill, the release from duty will not cause an
increase in costs due to the need to provide coverage for the employee’s
C. Personal leave may not be carried over.
D. The pay of an employee’s personal leave day is equivalent to the employee’s work
shift on the day selected for the personal leave day absence.
E. Upon request, an employee will be approved to use part or all of their personal leave
day for:
1. The care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC 296-
2. Leave as required by the Military Family Leave Act, RCW 49.77 and in
accordance with Section 19.13; or
3. Leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act, RCW 49.76.
4. Any remaining portions of a personal leave day must be taken as one (1)
absence, not to exceed the work shift on the day of the absence.
19.1 Leave without pay will be granted for the following reasons:
A. Family and medical leave (in accordance with Article 16, Family and Medical
B. Compensable work-related injury or illness leave (in accordance with Article 22,
Work-Related Injury or Illness);
C. Military leave;
D. Cyclic employment;
E. Suspended operations (in accordance with Article 17, Suspended Operations);
F. Pregnancy disability leave (in accordance with Article 18, Miscellaneous Leave);
G. Parental leave (in accordance with Article 18);
H. Temporary disability leave (in accordance with Article 18);
I. Volunteer firefighting leave;
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J. Military family leave; and/or
K. Domestic violence leave.
19.2 Unpaid Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience
A. Leave without pay will be granted for up to two (2) workdays per calendar year for
a reason of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the
auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. Leave
without pay may only be denied if the employee’s absence would impose an undue
hardship on the Employer as defined by WAC 82-56 or the employee is necessary
to maintain public safety.
B. The Employer will allow an employee to use compensatory time, personal holiday
or vacation leave in lieu of leave without pay. All requests to use compensatory
time, personal holiday or vacation leave requests must indicate the leave is being
used in lieu of leave without pay for a reason of faith or conscience. An employee’s
personal holiday must be used in full workday increments.
C. An employee’s seniority date, probationary period or trial service period will not
be affected by leave without pay taken for a reason of faith or conscience.
D. Employees will only be required to identify that the request for leave is for a reason
of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a
religious denomination, church, or religious organization.
19.3 Leave without pay may be granted for the following reasons:
A. Educational leave;
B. Child or elder care emergencies;
C. Governmental service leave;
D. Citizen volunteer or community service leave;
E. Conditions applicable for leave with pay;
F. Union activities (in accordance with Article 39, Union Activities); and/or
G. As otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
19.4 Limitations
A. Leave without pay will be no more than twelve (12) months in any consecutive five
(5) year period, except for:
1. Compensable work-related injury or illness leave;
2. Educational leave;
3. Governmental service leave;
4. Military leave;
5. Cyclic employment leave;
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6. Leave for serious health condition taken under the provisions of the Family
and Medical Leave (Article 16);
7. Leave taken voluntarily to reduce the effect of a layoff;
8. Leave authorized in advance by an appointing authority as part of a plan to
reasonably accommodate a person of disability;
9. Leave to participate in union activities;
10. Volunteer firefighting leave; and/or
11. Domestic violence leave.
B. Leave of absence without pay may be extended for an additional twelve (12)
months upon signed request of the employee and signed approval of the appointing
19.5 Returning Employee Rights
Employees returning from authorized leave without pay will be employed in the same
position or in another position in the same job classification, as determined by the
Employer, provided that such reemployment is not in conflict with other articles in this
Agreement. Prior to the commencement of the leave, the Employer will notify the
employee in writing regarding return rights.
19.6 Military Leave
In addition to twenty-one (21) working days of paid leave granted to employees for
required military duty, training or drills including those in the National Guard, or state
active status, unpaid military leave granted under Article 19.1, above, will be in accordance
with RCW 38.40.060 and applicable federal law. Employees on military leave will be
reinstated as provided in RCW 73.16 and applicable federal law.
19.7 Educational Leave
Leave without pay may be granted for educational leave for the duration of actual
attendance in an educational program.
19.8 Child or Elder Care Emergencies
Leave without pay, compensatory time or paid leave, may be granted for child or elder care
19.9 Cyclic Employment Leave
Leave without pay will be granted to cyclic employees during their off-season.
19.10 Governmental Service Leave
Leave without pay may be granted for government service in the public interest, including,
but not limited to, the U.S. Public Health Service or Peace Corps leave.
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19.11 Citizen Volunteer or Community Service Leave
Leave without pay may be granted for community volunteerism or service.
19.12 Volunteer Firefighting Leave
Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called
to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.
19.13 Military Family Leave
In accordance with the Military Family Leave Act, RCW 49.77, leave without pay will be
granted to an employee whose spouse or state registered domestic partner as defined by
RCWs 26.60.020 and 26.60.030 is on leave from deployment or before and up to
deployment, during a period of military conflict. Use of leave without pay, compensatory
time, vacation leave, sick leave, personal leave, and all or part of a personal holiday is
limited to a combined maximum of fifteen (15) working days per deployment. Employees
must provide the Employer with five (5) business days’ notice after receipt of official
notice that the employee’s spouse or state registered domestic partner as defined by RCWs
26.60.020 and 26.60.030 will be on leave or of an impending call to active duty.
19.14 Domestic Violence Leave
In accordance with the Domestic Violence Leave Act, RCW 49.76, leave without pay,
including intermittent leave, will be granted to an employee who is a victim of domestic
violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Family members of a victim of domestic violence,
sexual assault or stalking will be granted leave without pay to help the victim obtain
treatment or seek help. Family member for the purpose of domestic violence leave includes
child, spouse, state registered domestic partner as defined by RCWs 26.60.020 and
26.60.030, parent, parent in law, grandparent or a person the employee is dating. The
Employer may require verification from the employee requesting leave.
19.15 Requests for leave without pay will be submitted in writing. The Employer will approve or
deny leave without pay requests, in writing, within fourteen (14) calendar days when
practicable and will include the reason for denial. If leave without pay is granted, annual
plans and expectations may be adjusted as needed.
20.1 The Employer will continue to encourage but not require employees to use alternate means
of transportation to commute to and from work consistent with the Commute Trip
Reduction law and the needs of the college/district community. Additionally, the Employer
agrees to offer low-cost alternative transportation where appropriate and feasible.
20.2 The Employer and the Union recognize the value of compressed workweeks, flextime
arrangements, and working remotely/teleworking/telecommuting.
20.3 The Employer agrees not to make any changes to current parking conditions for the term
of this Agreement unless it first meets its collective bargaining obligation. In the event
another group of college/district employees working at the same location, not covered by
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this Agreement, is permitted to purchase employee parking permits at a lower rate, the
lower rate will automatically be applied to employees covered by this Agreement at that
location. This provision does not require colleges to provide special rates available for
situations such as emeritus status, special event parking, part-time employment, student
enrollment or employment, commute trip reduction or reasonable accommodation, where
employees do not meet the criteria for the special rates. Employees working at a college
worksite that is not the main campus will not be charged parking rates in excess of WPEA
represented staff parking at the main campus.
20.4 Qualified Pre-Tax Transportation Benefits Plan
The Employer agrees to maintain the current qualified pre-tax transportation benefits plan
that allows eligible employees to pay for qualified parking and/or public transit on a pre-
tax basis as permitted by federal law or regulation.
21.1 The Employer, employee and Union have a significant shared responsibility for workplace
safety and health.
A. The Employer will abide by safety and health standards in accordance with
applicable state and federal law, including, but not limited to, the Washington
Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA).
B. Employees will comply with applicable safety and health practices and standards
established by the Employer and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act
C. The Employer and employees will contribute to a healthy workplace including not
knowingly exposing co-workers, students and the public to conditions that would
jeopardize their health or the health of others. The Employer may direct employees
not to be in the workplace, when employees self-report contagious health
conditions. When an employee has been directed not to be in the workplace, an
employee may use leave or request and, with Employer approval, be permitted to
work remotely.
D. The Union will work cooperatively with the Employer on safety and health related
matters and encourage employees to work in a safe manner.
21.2 Employees will take an active role in creating a safe and healthy workplace by reporting
immediate safety issues to their supervisor(s), following the chain of command, and other
safety issues to their safety committee and/or safety officer for review and action, as
necessary. Both parties agree to comply with WAC 296-360-150 regarding unsafe working
conditions. The Employer will address reported, unsafe working conditions in a timely
manner and take appropriate action.
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21.3 The parties recognize the need of electronic monitoring in public places as part of a safety
and security plan, subject to the limitations in Article 25 Electronic Monitoring of
Employee Activity.
21.4 The Employer will determine and provide the required safety devices, personal protective
equipment (PPE) and apparel, which the employees will wear and/or use. The Employer
will provide employees with orientation and/or training to perform their jobs safely. If
necessary, training will be provided to employees on the safe operation of the equipment
prior to use.
21.5 Each Employer will form joint safety committees in accordance with WISHA requirements
at each work location where there are eleven (11) or more employees. Meetings will be
conducted in accordance with WAC 296-800-13020. Committee recommendations will be
forwarded to the appropriate appointing authority for review and action, as necessary.
21.6 The Employer and the Union recognize the importance of first aid and CPR training and
as such the Employer will offer first aid and CPR training.
21.7 The Employer encourages employee wellness. The Employer will provide employees
access to wellness facilities and resources consistent with other employee groups.
Employees will not pay higher rates than other employee groups for access to college
wellness facilities or resources. In the event another group of college employees working
at the same location, not covered by this Agreement, is permitted to purchase access to
college wellness facilities or resources at a lower rate, the lower rate will automatically be
applied to employees covered by this Agreement at that location.
21.8 At the request of the employee, the Employer will ensure that an ergonomic assessment of
the employee’s work station is completed by a person trained to conduct ergonomic
assessments. Solutions to identified issues/concerns will be implemented within available
21.9 At least once every two years, the Employer will provide Emergency Preparedness
Compensable Work-Related Injury or Illness Leave
An employee who sustains a work-related illness or injury that is compensable under the state
workers compensation law may select time-loss compensation exclusively or leave payments in
addition to time-loss compensation. Employees who take sick leave, vacation leave or
compensatory time during a period in which they receive time-loss compensation will receive full
sick leave, vacation leave or compensatory time pay in addition to any time-loss payments. Leave
for a work-related injury covered by workers compensation may run concurrently with the FMLA
at the employee’s request. Notwithstanding Section 19.1 of Article 19, Leave Without Pay, the
Employer may separate an employee in accordance with Article 34, Reasonable Accommodation
and Disability Separation.
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23.1 Uniforms
The Employer may require employees to wear uniforms. Where required, the Employer
will determine and provide the uniform or an equivalent clothing allowance. The Employer
will follow their policy regarding the provision and maintenance of required uniforms, and,
specialized clothing. The Employer will determine the need for and may provide
specialized footwear. The cost of normal wear and tear and loss of required uniforms,
specialized clothing and footwear due to workplace conditions is the responsibility of the
23.2 Tools and Equipment
The Employer may determine and provide necessary tools, tool allowance, equipment,
personal protective equipment (PPE), and foul weather gear. The Employer will repair or
replace Employer-provided tools and equipment if damaged or worn out beyond usefulness
in the normal course of business. Employees will be responsible for reimbursing the
Employer for any provided tool or equipment damaged due to negligence or lost by the
23.4 Personal Property Reimbursement
Employees may seek reimbursement, in accordance with RCW 4.92.100 and applicable
college policies, for personal property that is unavoidably damaged or stolen in the proper
performance of their duties. Upon request, the Employer will provide the tort claim form
to the employee. Employees will be granted work time to complete and submit the claim
form. Employees have the responsibility for taking precautions to protect both personal
and state property/equipment.
24.1 All employees must report to work in a condition fit to perform their assigned duties
unimpaired by alcohol or drugs. Each institution is required to comply with the Drug-Free
Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses
Regulations in order to be eligible for federal funding. Compliance with these Acts requires
colleges to adopt and implement a program designed to prevent the unlawful possession,
use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on institution
premises or as part of any institution related activities. Marijuana remains an illicit drug
based on federal law despite Washington law. Pursuant to the provisions of the Drug-Free
Work Place Act, qualifying institutions are required to make an ongoing good faith effort
to maintain a drug-free workplace. Therefore, for purposes of this Article, the terms
“drugs” and “controlled substances” include marijuana and/or medical marijuana and is an
illicit drug.
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24.2 Possession of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Employees may not use or possess alcohol while on duty, except when authorized by the
institution’s policy. The possession or use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
24.3 Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
Employees taking physician-prescribed or over-the-counter medications, if there is a
substantial likelihood that such medication will affect job safety, must notify their
supervisor or other designated official of the fact that they are taking a medication and the
side effects of the medication.
24.4 Drug and Alcohol Testing Safety Sensitive Functions
Employees required to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) are subject to pre-
employment, post-accident, random and reasonable suspicion testing in accordance with
the U.S. Department of Transportation rules, Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR Part 16)
or the Federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. The testing will be
conducted in accordance with current institution policy.
24.5 Testing for Reasonable Grounds
A. Reasonable suspicion testing for alcohol or controlled substances may be directed
by the Employer for any employee when the Employer has reasonable grounds to
suspect that alcohol or controlled substance usage may be adversely affecting the
employee’s job performance or that the employee may present a danger to the
physical safety of the employee or another. Specific objective grounds must be
stated in writing that support the reasonable suspicion. Examples of specific
objective grounds include, but are not limited to:
1. Physical symptoms consistent with controlled substance and/or alcohol use;
2. Evidence or observation of controlled substance or alcohol use, possession,
sale or delivery; or
3. The occurrence of an accident where a trained manager, supervisor or lead
worker suspects controlled substance/alcohol usage may have been a factor.
Post-accident drug and alcohol testing may be conducted when a work-
related incident has occurred involving death, serious bodily injury or
significant property/environmental damage, or the potential for death,
serious injury, or significant property/environmental damage, and when the
employee’s action(s) or inaction(s) either contributed to the incident or
cannot be completely discounted as a contributing factor.
B. Referral
Referral for testing will be made on the basis of specific objective grounds
documented by a supervisor or manager who has attended the training on detecting
the signs/symptoms of being affected by controlled substances/alcohol and verified
by another trained supervisor or manager.
C. Testing
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When reasonable grounds exist, employees must submit to alcohol and/or
controlled substance testing when required by the Employer. A refusal to test is
considered the same as a positive test. When an employee is referred for testing,
they will be removed immediately from duty and transported to the collection site.
The cost of reasonable suspicion testing, including the employee’s salary, will be
paid by the Employer.
Testing will be conducted in such a way to ensure maximum accuracy and
reliability by using the techniques, chain of custody procedures, equipment and
laboratory facilities, which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. All employees notified of a positive controlled substance or
alcohol test result may request an independent test of their split sample at the
employee’s expense. If the test result is negative, the Employer will reimburse the
employee for the cost of the split sample test.
D. Rehabilitation
The Employer may use a positive drug or alcohol test to require an employee to
complete an evaluation by a substance abuse disorder professional and any provider
E. Discipline
An employee who has a positive alcohol test and/or a positive controlled substance
test may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, dismissal based on
the incident that prompted the testing, including a violation of the drug and alcohol
free work place rules.
24.6 Training
Training will be made available to managers and supervisors. The training will include:
A. The elements of the Employer’s Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Program;
B. The effects of drugs and alcohol in the workplace;
C. Behavioral symptoms of being affected by controlled substances and/or alcohol;
D. Rehabilitation services available; and
E. Medical confidentiality and HIPAA regulations regarding prescription and over-
the-counter medications.
25.1 Except as provided in Section 25.2, employees generally will not be subjected to electronic
monitoring in the workplace without notice by the Employer. “Electronic monitoring” is
defined as the use of data gathered from Employer-controlled electronic equipment,
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including, but not limited to, video cameras, electronic key cards and key pads, to
determine an employee’s whereabouts or activities, either in real time or after the fact.
25.2 Where the Employer has reasonable grounds to suspect that an employee has engaged or
is engaging in misconduct, it may use electronic monitoring without prior notice as a part
of a specific investigation, provided:
A. The monitoring is part of a written investigation plan that describes the reason for,
duration, and scope of the monitoring;
B. The monitoring is narrowly tailored to meet the purpose of the investigation; and
C. The college President, District Chancellor or designee has approved the
investigation plan.
26.1 The Employer may pay moving expenses for employees affected by Employer-initiated
actions in accordance with the Office of Financial Management (OFM) State
Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM), Chapter 60.
26.2 Employees are responsible for providing their own transportation between their home and
duty station or field site. However the Employer may authorize an employee who resides
within a reasonable commuting distance of the employee’s duty station or field site to take
a personally assigned vehicle home, in accordance with the Washington State Department
of Enterprise Services Policy No. BR.01.01 and Procedure BR.01.01.P1 (previously cited
as OFM SAAM, Chapter 12).
26.3 Travel time will be considered time worked, when:
A. It is required by the Employer during normal work hours from one worksite to
B. It occurs prior to normal work hours to a different work location that is greater than
the employee’s normal home-to-work travel time; or
C. The employee is authorized or required to travel away from home overnight and
the travel occurs during normal working hours or during corresponding hours on
non-working days.
26.4 Travel time will not be considered time worked, when:
A. The employee is commuting between the employee’s home and their office,
worksite; or
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B. When traveling away from home overnight outside of regular working hours or
outside of corresponding hours on non-working days when the employee is
traveling as a passenger on an airplane, train, boat, or automobile.
27.1 Equipment provided by the Employer for the purpose of conducting business is to be used
primarily for such purposes.
27.2 De minimis personal use of electronic office equipment is permitted, provided that such
use does not interfere with business operations or job performance, and is consistent with
Executive Ethics Board rules and advisory opinions.
27.3 The Employer will provide information and training to all employees regarding use of
electronic devices and how said usage intersects with Washington state ethics regulations
and public disclosure requests under RCW 42.56.
27.4 Employees may make use of their personal electronic devices during work time, provided
that such use does not interfere with business operations or job performance.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon request, an employee has the right to a union representative at an
investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably
believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably
available, the employee will select another union designated representative who is
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their union
designated representative.
C. The role of the union designated representative is to provide assistance and counsel
to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise
of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions,
demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if
documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only,
subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an
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employee, the Employer will take reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged
employee misconduct, are superseded; however, federal laws and/or regulations
related to Title IX will be followed by the institution, even if those laws and
regulations conflict with this Agreement. The Employer has the authority to
determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the
grievance procedure set forth in Article 30, except where precluded by federal laws
and/or regulations related to Title IX. Oral reprimands, however, may only be
processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days’ written
notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days
written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to
provide seven (7) calendar days’ notice, the discharge will stand and the employee
will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have
been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days’ notice been given.
However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in
lieu of the seven (7) calendar days’ notice period if, in the Employer’s
determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period
would jeopardize the good of the college.
28.3 Investigations
A. Both parties agree that timely resolution of investigations of alleged employee
misconduct is critical to maintaining a positive and productive work environment.
B. Employees are required to fully and truthfully answer all questions during an
C. Employees will not be prohibited from contacting their union representative.
D. If requested, the Employer will provide the employee under investigation with a
status update of the investigation progress every thirty (30) days until the
investigation is complete.
28.4 Off-Duty Conduct
The off-duty activities of an employee may be grounds for disciplinary action if said
activities are a conflict of interest as set forth in RCW 42.52, are detrimental to the
employee’s work performance or the program of the Employer, or otherwise constitute just
cause. Employees will report all arrests and any court-imposed sanctions or conditions that
affect their ability to perform assigned duties to the Employer within forty-eight (48) hours
or prior to their scheduled work shift, whichever occurs first.
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28.5 Notice to Employees
When the Employer is contemplating economic disciplinary action (reduction in pay,
suspension, demotion, and/or discharge) against an employee, the Employer will notify the
employee and the Union on the same day. Such notice will include the charges against the
employee, an explanation of the evidence which forms the basis for the charge, and the
action contemplated. The employee has the right to give reasons orally or in writing why
the action should not be taken.
28.6 Probationary Employees
Nothing in this Article limits the Employer’s right to separate a probationary employee
during their probationary review period.
28.7 Removal of Documents
A. Written reprimands will be removed from an employee’s personnel file after three
(3) years if:
1. Circumstances do not warrant a longer retention period;
2. There has been no subsequent discipline; and
3. The employee, or a Union representative with written authorization from
the employee, submits a written request for its removal. If the request is
denied, the Employer will notify the employee in writing with the specific
reasons for the denial.
B. Records of disciplinary actions involving reductions in pay, suspensions,
demotions, and written reprimands not removed after three (3) years will be
removed after five (5) years if:
1. Circumstances do not warrant a longer retention period;
2. There has been no subsequent discipline; and
3. The employee, or a Union representative with written authorization from
the employee, submits a written request for its removal. If the request is
denied, the Employer will notify the employee in writing with the specific
reasons for the denial.
C. Nothing in this Section will prevent the Employer from agreeing to an earlier
removal date, unless to do so would violate RCW 41.06.450 or federal laws or
regulations regarding Title IX.
D. References in a performance evaluation to a disciplinary document removed
pursuant to Subsections 28.7 A or 28.7 B shall be redacted from the performance
evaluation at the same time the disciplinary document is removed from the
personnel file.
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29.1 Voluntary Resignation
The employee may withdraw their resignation at any time prior to the effective date only
with approval of the Employer.
29.2 Unauthorized Absence/Abandonment
When an employee has been absent without authorized leave and has failed to contact the
Employer for a period of three (3) consecutive days, the employee is presumed to have
resigned from their position. During the three (3) day period, the Employer will make at
least two (2) attempts during their regular shift to contact the employee to determine the
cause of the absence. Such attempts will include calling the employee at their contact phone
number and any emergency contacts on file with the Employer. The Employer may also
request a welfare check.
29.3 Notice of Separation
When an employee’s resignation is presumed in accordance with Section 29.2, the
Employer will separate the employee by sending a separation notice to the employee by
certified mail to the last known address of the employee. Such notice will include
information regarding eligibility for continuation of medical benefits.
29.4 Petition for Reinstatement
An employee who has received a separation notice in accordance with Section 29.3, may
petition the Employer in writing to consider reinstatement. The employee must provide
proof that the absence was involuntary or unavoidable. The petition must be received by
the Employer or postmarked within fifteen (15) calendar days after the separation notice
was deposited in the United States mail.
29.5 Grievability
Denial of a petition for reinstatement pursuant to Section 29.4 is grievable. The grievance
may not be based on information other than that shared with the Employer at the time of
the petition for reinstatement.
30.1 Terms and Requirements
The Union and the Employer agree that it is in the best interest of all parties to resolve
disputes at the earliest opportunity and at the lowest level. The Union and the Employer
encourage problem resolution between employees and management and are committed to
assisting in resolution of disputes as soon as possible. In the event a dispute is not resolved
in an informal manner, this Article provides a formal process for problem resolution.
A. Grievance Definition
A grievance is an allegation by an employee or a group of employees that there has
been a violation, misapplication, or misinterpretation of this Agreement, which
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occurred during the term of this Agreement. The term “grievant” as used in this
Article includes the term “grievants.”
B. Filing a Grievance
Grievances may be filed by the Union on behalf of an employee or on behalf of a
group of employees. If the Union does so, it will set forth the name of the employee
or the names of the group of employees.
C. Computation of Time
The time limits in this Article must be strictly adhered to unless mutually modified
in writing. Days are calendar days, and will be counted by excluding the first day
and including the last day of timelines. When the last day falls on a Saturday,
Sunday or holiday, the last day will be the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday
or holiday. Transmittal of grievances, appeals and responses will be in writing.
Transmittal of grievances, appeals, and responses may be filed by fax or email.
Timelines will apply to the date of receipt. Documents filed after 5:00 pm on a
scheduled business day, or on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday will be considered
received on the next business day.
D. Failure to Meet Timelines
Failure by the Union to comply with the timelines will result in the automatic
withdrawal of the grievance. Failure by the Employer to comply with the timelines
will entitle the Union to move the grievance to the next step of the procedure.
E. Contents
The written grievance must include the following information or it will not be
1. The date of the occurrence giving rise to the grievance or the date the
grievant knew or could reasonably have known of the occurrence;
2. The nature of the grievance;
3. The facts upon which it is based;
4. The specific Article and Section of the Agreement violated;
5. The specific remedy requested;
6. The steps taken to informally resolve the grievance;
7. The name of the grievant(s); and
8. The name and signature of the union representative.
F. Modifications
No newly alleged violations may be made after the initial written grievance is filed,
except by written mutual agreement.
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G. Resolution
If the Employer provides the requested remedy or a mutually agreed-upon
alternative, the grievance will be considered resolved and may not be moved to the
next step.
H. Withdrawal
A grievance may be withdrawn at any time.
I. Resubmission
If resolved or withdrawn, a grievance cannot be resubmitted.
J. Pay
Shop stewards will be provided a reasonable amount of time during their normal
working hours to investigate and process grievances through Step 2. Grievants and
shop stewards will not lose pay for attending informal dispute resolution meetings,
grievance meetings, alternative dispute resolution sessions, and arbitration hearings
held during their scheduled work time. Grievants will not be paid for informal
dispute resolution meetings, grievance meetings, alternative dispute resolution
sessions, and arbitration hearings held during their off-duty time.
K. Group Grievances
No more than five (5) grievants will be permitted to attend a single grievance
L. Consolidation
By mutual agreement, either the Employer or the Union may consolidate grievances
arising out of the same set of facts.
M. Bypass
Any of the steps in this procedure may be bypassed with mutual written consent of
the parties involved at the time the bypass is sought.
N. Discipline
Disciplinary grievances will be initiated at the level at which the disputed action
was taken.
O. Grievance Files
Written grievances and responses will be maintained separately from the personnel
files of the employees.
P. Alternative Resolution Methods
Any time during the grievance process, by mutual consent, the parties may use
alternative methods to resolve the dispute. If the parties agree to use alternative
methods, the time frames in this Article are suspended. If the selected alternative
method does not result in a resolution, the Union may return to the grievance
process and the time frames resume. The cost of alternative resolution methods, if
any, will be shared equally by the parties.
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30.2 Filing and Processing
A. Filing
A grievance must be filed within thirty (30) days of the occurrence giving rise to
the grievance, or the date the grievant knew or could reasonably have known of the
B. Processing
Step 1: Human Resources Office Designee
If the issue is not resolved informally, the Union may present a written grievance
to the Human Resources Office, within the thirty (30) day period described above.
The Human Resources Office will designate who will hear the grievance at Step 1.
The designee will meet in person or confer by telephone with a shop steward and/or
staff representative, and the grievant within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the
grievance, and will respond in writing to the Union within twenty-one (21) days
after the meeting. The employer will arrange the Step 1 grievance meeting. In the
event that the grievant does not attend the meeting, the Union will present the
grievance on the grievant’s behalf.
Step 2: President/Chancellor or Designee
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the Union may move to the next step by
filing it with the Human Resources Office, within fifteen (15) days of the Union’s
receipt of the Step 1 decision. The President/Chancellor or designee will meet in
person or confer by telephone with a shop steward or staff representative and the
grievant within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the appeal, and will respond in
writing to the Union within twenty-one (21) days after the meeting. If a designee is
selected it will not be the same designee who heard the grievance at Step 1. The
employer will arrange the Step 2 grievance meeting. In the event that the grievant
does not attend the meeting, the Union will present the grievance on the grievant’s
Step 3: Mediation or Pre-Arbitration Review Meetings (PARM)
1. Disciplinary Grievances
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 2, the Union may file a request for
mediation with the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) in
accordance with WAC 391-55-020, with a copy to the Office of Financial
Management/SHR/Labor Relations and Compensation Policy Section
(OFM/SHR/LRS) and the Human Resources Office within fifteen (15) days
of receipt of the Step 2 decision. In addition to all other filing requirements,
the request must include a copy of the grievance and all previous responses.
2. Non-Disciplinary Grievances
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 2, the Union may request a PARM
by filing a copy of the grievance and all responses attached to the
OFM/SHR/LRS (labor.[email protected]) and the Human Resources
Office within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Step 2 decision. Within
fifteen (15) days of the receipt of all of the required information, the
OFM/SHR/LRS will either:
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i. Notify the Union in writing that a PARM will be scheduled with the
OFM/SHR/LRS designee, the college’s Human Resources Office
representative, and the Union’s representative to review and attempt
to settle the dispute; or
ii. Notify the Union in writing that no PARM will be scheduled.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request, a pre-arbitration
review meeting will be scheduled unless mutually extended by
written agreement between the parties. The meeting will be
conducted at a mutually agreeable time.
The proceedings of any mediation or PARM will not be reported or recorded in any
manner, except for written agreements reached by the parties during the course of
the mediation or PARM. Unless they are independently admissible, statements
made by or to the mediator, or by or to any party or other participant in the
mediation or PARM, may not be:
1. Later introduced as evidence;
2. Made known to an arbitrator or hearings examiner at a hearing; and/or
3. Construed for any purpose as an admission against interest.
Step 4: Arbitration
If the matter is not resolved at mediation or a PARM, or the OFM/SHR/LRS
designee notifies the Union in writing that no PARM will be scheduled, the Union
may file a demand for arbitration. The demand to arbitrate the dispute must be filed
with the American Arbitration Association (AAA) within fifteen (15) days of the
mediation session, PARM, or receipt of the notice that no PARM will be scheduled.
Simultaneous with filing, copies of the demand for arbitration will be provided to
the Human Resources Office and OFM/SHR/LRS.
C. Selecting an Arbitrator
The parties will select an arbitrator by mutual agreement or by alternately
striking names supplied by the AAA, and will follow the Labor
Arbitration Rules of the AAA unless they agree otherwise in
D. Authority of the Arbitrator
1. The arbitrator will:
a. Have no authority to add to, subtract from, or modify any of the
provisions of this Agreement;
b. Be limited in their decision to the grievance issue(s) set forth in the
original written grievance unless the parties agree to modify it;
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c. Not make any award that provides an employee with compensation
greater than would have resulted had there been no violation of this
Agreement; and
d. Not have the authority to order the Employer to modify their staffing
levels or to direct staff to work overtime.
2. The arbitrator will hear arguments on and decide issues of arbitrability
before the first day of arbitration at a time convenient for the parties,
immediately prior to hearing the case on its merits, or as part of the entire
hearing and decision-making process. If the issue of arbitrability is argued
prior to the first day of arbitration, it may be argued in writing or by
telephone, at the discretion of the arbitrator. Although the decision may be
made orally, it will be put in writing and provided to the parties.
3. The decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding upon the Union, the
Employer and the grievant.
E. Arbitration Costs
1. The expenses and fees of the arbitrator, and the cost (if any) of the hearing
room will be shared equally by the parties.
2. If the arbitration hearing is postponed or canceled because of one party, that
party will bear the cost of the postponement or cancellation. The costs of
any mutually agreed upon postponements or cancellations will be shared
equally by the parties.
3. If either party desires a record of the arbitration, a court reporter may be
used. If that party purchases a transcript, a copy will be provided to the
arbitrator, free of charge. If the other party desires a copy of the transcript,
it will pay for one-half (1/2) of the costs of the fee for the court reporter, the
original transcript and a copy.
4. Each party is responsible for the costs of its attorneys, staff representatives,
and all other costs related to the development and presentation of their case.
When an employee is subpoenaed as a witness on behalf of the Union in an
arbitration case, the employee may appear without loss of pay if they appear
during their work time. Every effort will be made to avoid the presentation
of repetitive witnesses. The Union is responsible for paying any travel or
per diem expenses for its witnesses, the grievant and the shop steward.
5. If, after the arbitrator issues their award, either party files a motion with the
arbitrator for reconsideration, the moving party will bear the additional
expenses of the arbitrator.
30.3 Successor Clause
Grievances filed during the term of the 2021-2023 Agreement will be processed to
completion in accordance with the provisions of the 2021-2023 Agreement.
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31.1 The Employer will provide employee lounge facilities apart from work areas.
31.2 The Employer’s written Board of Trustee or administrative policies pertaining to
employees represented by the Union will be made available to Union staff representatives,
shop stewards and employees. The Employer will provide advance notice to the Union of
any substantive change to Board of Trustee or administrative policy pertaining to the Union
or this Collective Bargaining Agreement.
32.1 Employee Liability
If an employee becomes a defendant in a civil liability suit arising out of actions taken or
not taken in the course of their employment for the state, they have the right to request
representation and indemnification through their Employer according to RCW 4.92.
32.2 Personal Property Reimbursement
An employee has the right to seek reimbursement for personal property items damaged in
the proper performance of their duties, and the Employer will process the request in
accordance with RCW 4.92.100. Employees are encouraged to take precautions to protect
personal property/equipment.
33.1 The Employer will maintain an official personnel file for each employee, showing a record
of employment and such other information required for business and legal purposes. The
Employer will determine the location of the personnel file and will notify the Union if
someone other than the Employer’s Human Resource Manager is responsible for the
personnel file. Additional employee files may include, , administrative files, supervisory
files, payroll files, and medical files.
33.2 Health and medical information obtained by the Employer will be maintained in a separate,
confidential file. The Employer will not require employees to provide information about
the health or medical conditions of the employee or the employee’s family unless such
information is related to the performance of duties within the scope of employment, fitness
to hold the employee’s position or the providing of benefits requested by the employee.
33.3 An employee and/or their representative may arrange to examine the employee’s files p
during regular business hours upon reasonable notice. Written authorization from the
employee is required before any representative of the employee will be granted access to
the personnel file, medical file and/or the file kept by the employee’s supervisor. The
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Employer may charge a reasonable fee for copying any materials beyond the first copy
requested by the employee or their representative.
33.4 Employees will be provided a copy of all adverse material placed in the official personnel
file at the time it is placed in the file. The employee or their representative may not remove
any contents from the file; however, an employee may provide a written rebuttal or refuting
documentation to any information in the file that they consider objectionable. The parties
agree that it is a good practice for an employee to be provided with copies of letters of
appreciation and commendation addressed to the Employer. An employee may insert a
reasonable amount of job-related material in their personnel file that reflects favorably on
their job performance.
33.5 Information in the personnel files will be retained only as long as it has a reasonable bearing
on the employee’s job performance or upon the efficient and effective management of the
college/district. Adverse material related to alleged employee misconduct that is
determined to be false, and all information related to incidents of which the employee has
been fully exonerated of wrong doing, will be promptly removed from the personnel file
and/or supervisory file. Such information will be maintained in an administrative file,
separate and apart from the personnel file and will not be released unless required by
judicial order or by applicable laws governing disclosure of public documents.
33.6 When documents in an employee’s personnel file, supervisory file and/or administrative
file are the subject of public disclosure request, subpoena or legal discovery the Employer
will provide the employee and the Union with a copy of the request at least ten (10)
business calendar days in advance of the intended release date, unless otherwise required
by law.
33.7 The Employer will not release personal information about an employee except as is
necessary, or as the law requires.
33.8 Adverse material or information related to alleged misconduct that is determined to be false
and all such information in situations where the employee has been fully exonerated of
wrongdoing will be removed from the employee’s personnel file.
33.9 Supervisors may keep working files of documentation relevant to employee performance.
The previous year’s job performance documentation will be removed from the supervisors
working file following the completion of a performance evaluation, unless related to issues
of an ongoing nature. Upon request, the supervisor will inform the employee if
documentation has been retained.
Supervisors who keep employee working files will maintain the files in a manner that
protects against unauthorized access or casual observation and in accordance with other
governing laws and rules. Employees may view these files per Section 33.3, but may not
append refutations nor rebuttals to the file.
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34.1 Disability Accommodations
A. The Employer and the Union will comply with all relevant federal and state laws,
and regulations regarding the employment of persons with disabilities and will
provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. The
Employer will maintain written guidelines for reasonable accommodation for
qualified individuals with disabilities. Upon request, the Human Resources Office
will make the reasonable accommodation written guidelines available to an
employee. Reasonable accommodation may include job restructuring, or
modification of the work environment, methods or equipment that make it possible
for an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position,
or that enables the employee to enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment as
are enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without a disability. Reasonable
accommodation will be implemented as long as it is medically necessary and does
not impose an undue hardship or a direct threat.
B. Essential functions means the primary job tasks and responsibilities of a position
that are fundamental and necessary to accomplish the required outcomes of the
position. The term “essential functions” does not include the marginal functions of
the position that are incidental to the performance of the primary job functions.
C. An employee who believes that they suffer a disability and requires a reasonable
accommodation to perform the essential functions of their position may request
such an accommodation by submitting a request to the Employer. The Employer
will make a good faith effort to provide the employee requesting accommodation
with an alternate assignment during the accommodation process, as necessary.
D. Employees requesting accommodation must cooperate with the Employer in
discussing the need for and possible form of any accommodation. The Employer
and the employee will enter into an interactive process to discuss the job-related
limitations, possible accommodation options, including the employee’s
preferences, and the potential effectiveness of each option.
E. The Employer may require supporting medical documentation and may require the
employee to obtain a second medical opinion at Employer expense. Medical
information disclosed to the Employer will be kept confidential.
F. The Employer will determine whether an employee is eligible for a reasonable
accommodation and the accommodation to be provided. If more than one (1) option
for reasonable accommodation exists, the Employer will decide which option to
provide the employee, taking into consideration the employee’s preference. If a
reasonable accommodation cannot be provided, the Employer will provide the
employee with written notification of such decision.
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34.2 Disability Separation
A. An employee with permanent status may be separated from service when the
Employer determines that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions
of the employee’s position due to a mental, sensory, or physical disability, which
cannot be reasonably accommodated. Determinations of disability may be made by
the Employer based on an employee’s written request for disability separation or
after obtaining a written statement from a licensed health care professional. The
Employer can require an employee to obtain an independent medical examination
at Employer expense, from a licensed health care professional of the Employer’s
choice. Evidence may be requested from the licensed health care professional
regarding the employee’s limitations.
B. When the Employer has medical documentation of the employee’s disability, has
met its obligation to explore accommodation options, including placement in any
vacant funded position at the same or lower level of pay and benefits for which the
employee qualifies, and has determined that the employee cannot be reasonably
accommodated, or the employee requests separation due to disability, the Employer
may separate the employee with five (5) calendar days’ notice. The Employer will
provide the Union with a copy of any disability separation letters.
C. The Employer will inform the employee in writing of the option to apply to return
to employment prior to their separation due to disability. The Employer will provide
assistance to individuals seeking reemployment under this Article for two (2) years.
If reemployed, upon successful completion of the employee’s probationary period,
the time between separation and reemployment will be treated as leave without pay
and will not be considered a break in service.
D. A disability separation is not a disciplinary action. An employee who has been
separated due to disability may grieve their disability separation only up to Step 3
of the grievance procedure. Disability separation at the employee’s request is not
subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30.
34.3 Light duty may be considered for employees who are temporarily unable to perform the
essential duties of their position.
34.4 Safety Accommodations
A. An employee may request a reasonable safety accommodation if the employee or
the employee’s family member is a victim (or perceived victim) of domestic
violence, sexual assault or stalking. An employee may be required to show
verification of the need for a safety accommodation by providing a police report to
the Human Resources Office showing the employee or family member was a
victim, a court order protecting or separating the victim from the perpetrator of the
act, or other evidence from the court or the prosecuting attorney to support the
request. Documentation from an advocate for victims, an attorney, a member of the
clergy or a medical or other professional who provides services to such victims may
be provided, and it shall retain its confidential or privileged nature of
communication pursuant to the extent provided by law. An employee can also
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provide a written statement that they or a family member are a victim and in need
of the safety accommodation. Verification of the familial relationship to the victim
can be in the form of a statement from the employee, a birth certificate, court
document, or other similar documentation.
B. A reasonable safety accommodation may include, but is not limited to:
1. A transfer, reassignment, modified schedule, changed work telephone
number, changed work email address, changed workstation, installed lock,
implemented safety procedure, or any other adjustment to a job structure,
workplace facility, or work requirement in response to actual or threatened
domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
2. Qualifying leave pursuant to Article 12 Vacation, Article 13 Sick Leave,
Section 18.11 - Personal Leave and Article 19Leave Without Pay may be
considered a reasonable safety accommodation.
3. The Employer may deny a reasonable safety accommodation request based
on an undue hardship, which means an action requiring significant difficulty
or expense.
4. The employee will notify the Employer when circumstances change.
34.5 Pregnancy Accommodations
A. For purposes of this Section, “pregnancy” includes the employee’s
pregnancy and pregnancy-related health conditions.
B. A pregnant employee may request a reasonable accommodation,
which may include any of the following:
1. Providing more frequent, longer, or flexible restroom breaks;
2. Modifying a no food or drink policy;
3. Job restructuring, part-time or modified work schedules,
reassignment to a vacant position, or acquiring or modifying
equipment, devices, or an employee’s work station;
4. Providing seating or allowing the employee to sit more frequently if
their job requires the employee to stand;
5. Providing for a temporary transfer to a less strenuous or less
hazardous position;
6. Providing assistance with manual labor and limits on lifting;
7. Scheduling flexibility for prenatal visits; and
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8. Any further pregnancy accommodation an employee may request,
and to which an Employer must give reasonable consideration in
consultation with information provided on pregnancy
accommodation by the State Department of Labor and Industries or
the attending health care provider of the employee.
C. The Employer may deny a reasonable pregnancy-related accommodation based on
undue hardship if the requested accommodation requires significant difficulty or
expense. An Employer may not claim undue hardship for the accommodations
listed above in Sections 34.5(B)(1), 2 and 4, or for limits on lifting over seventeen
(17) pounds, and the Employer may not request written certification for those same
accommodation requests.
D. The Employer will not require a pregnant employee to take leave if another
reasonable accommodation can be provided.
E. An Employer, except for the limitations in Section 34.5 C, can require the employee
to provide written certification from their treating health care professional
regarding the need for a reasonable accommodation.
F. An Employer does not have to create a position for an employee asking for a
pregnancy accommodation or transfer a less senior employee, or promote the
pregnant employee as part of a reasonable accommodation.
35.1 Definition
A. Seniority for employees will be defined as the employee’s length of unbroken
classified service. Leave without pay of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days or
less will not affect an employee’s seniority. When an employee is on leave without
pay for more than fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days, the employee’s seniority
will not be affected when the leave without pay is for:
1. Periods of cyclic leave without pay;
2. Military leave;
3. Compensable work-related injury or illness leave;
4. Governmental service leave;
5. Reducing the effects of layoff;
6. Time between disability separation and post-reemployment completion of
probation, not to exceed two (2) years, except for any federal law protecting
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7. Formal contract negotiations in accordance with RCW 41.80; and/or
8. Time spent on a temporary layoff or when an employee’s work hours are
reduced in accordance with Section 36.5, Temporary Layoff.
B. For the purposes of layoffs, a maximum of five (5) years credit will be added to the
seniority of permanent employees who are veterans or to their surviving spouses or
surviving state registered domestic partners as defined by RCWs 26.60.020 and
26.60.030, as provided for in RCW 41.06.133.
C. Employees who are separated from state service due to layoff and are reemployed
within two (2) years of their separation date will not be considered to have a break
in service. The time the employee is on the layoff list will be treated as leave
without pay.
D. For existing employees whose state service began prior to July 1, 2017, the parties
agree that for the purposes of calculating seniority, the Employer has divided the
hours worked through June 30, 2017 for each employee by eight (8) hours to
determine the number of days worked. The number of days worked was then
calculated under a divisor of two thousand, eighty-eight (2,088) hours per calendar
year, which was counted backward from July 1, 2017 for a seniority date
determination for each employee. These seniority date determinations became
effective July 1, 2017.
35.2 Ties
If two (2) or more employees have the same seniority, ties will be broken in the following
A. Longest continuous time within their current job classification;
B. Longest continuous time with the institution; and
C. By lot.
35.3 Seniority List
The Employer will prepare and post a seniority list annually. The list will contain each
employee’s name, job classification and the total amount of seniority. Employees will have
fourteen (14) calendar days in which to appeal their seniority to their Human Resources
Office, after which time the seniority list will be presumed correct. A copy of the seniority
list will be provided to the Union at the time of posting.
36.1 A. The Employer will determine the basis for, extent, effective date and the length of
layoffs in accordance with the provisions of this Article. A layoff is an Employer-
initiated action that results in:
1. Separation from service;
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2. Employment in a class with a lower salary range maximum;
3. Reduction in the work year; or
4. Reduction in the number of work hours.
B. When it is determined that layoffs, other than a temporary layoff,
will occur within a layoff unit, the Employer will provide the Union
1. As much advance notice as possible, but not less than thirty (30)
days’ written notice (this time period may run concurrent with the
notice period provided by the Employer to the employee);
2. An opportunity to meet with affected employees prior to the
implementation of the layoff; and
3. An invitation to meet under the provisions of Article 38,
Labor/Management Communication Committee, of this Agreement.
C. Upon the Union’s request, the Employer will bargain impacts to the
bargaining unit. The bargaining will not serve to delay the onset of
a layoff.
D. The Employer will explore options including the reduction of hourly
E. For purposes of this Article, days are calendar days, and will be
counted by excluding the first day and including the last day of
timeliness. When the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday,
the last day will be the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or
36.2 Basis for Layoff
A. The reasons for layoff include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Lack of funds;
2. Lack of work; or
3. Organizational change.
B. Examples of layoff actions due to lack of work may include, but are not limited to:
1. Termination of a project or special employment;
2. Availability of fewer positions than there are employees entitled to such
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3. Employee’s ineligibility to continue in a position following its reallocation
to a class with a higher salary range maximum; or
4. Employee’s ineligibility to continue, or choice not to continue, in a position
following its reallocation to a class with a lower salary range maximum.
36.3 Voluntary Layoff, Leave of Absence or Reduction in Hours
The Employer may allow an employee to volunteer to be laid off, take an unpaid leave of
absence or reduce their hours of work in order to reduce layoffs. If it is necessary to limit
the number of employees in an institution on unpaid leave at the same time, the Employer
will determine who will be granted a leave of absence and/or reduction in hours based upon
staffing needs. Employees who volunteer to be laid off may request to have their names
placed on the appropriate layoff list for the job classifications in which they held permanent
status, regardless of a break in service with the current Employer.
36.4 Probationary Employees
Employees with permanent status will not be separated from state service through a layoff
action without first being offered positions they have the skills and abilities to perform
within their current job classification within the layoff unit currently held by probationary
employees. Probationary employees will be separated from employment before permanent
36.5 Temporary Layoff
A. Temporary Reduction in Work Hours
The Employer may temporarily reduce the work hours of an employee to no less
than twenty (20) hours per week due to an unanticipated loss of funding, revenue
shortfall, lack of work, shortage of material or equipment, or other unexpected or
unusual reasons. Employees will normally receive seven (7) days’ notice of a
temporary reduction in hours.
B. Temporary Layoff
The Employer may temporarily layoff an employee for up to ninety (90) days due
to an unanticipated loss of funding, revenue shortfall, lack of work, shortage of
material or equipment, or other unexpected or unusual reasons. An employee will
normally receive seven (7) days’ notice of a temporary layoff.
C. The notification will specify the nature and duration of the temporary layoff.
D. An employee who is temporarily laid off will not be entitled to:
1. Be paid any leave balance; except if the layoff is not due to loss of funding
or revenue shortfall, upon request, an employee will be paid for accrued
vacation leave up to the equivalent of their regular work schedule for the
duration of the layoff;
2. Bump to any other position; or
3. Be placed on a layoff list.
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E. If a temporary layoff is implemented due to the failure of the legislature to adopt
an appropriation act prior to the end of the current biennium, an employee in
temporary layoff status shall not be in pay status and is not entitled to holiday or
other paid leave unless the legislature authorizes otherwise.
36.6 Layoff Units
A. A layoff unit is defined as the entity or administrative/organizational unit within
each institution used for determining the available options for employees who are
being laid off.
B. The layoff unit(s) for each institution covered by this Agreement are described in
Appendix C.
36.7 Skills and Abilities
The skills and abilities required of the positions offered as an option in Sections 36.8 and
36.9 will have been identified at least thirty (30) days prior to layoff
36.8 Options Within the Layoff Unit
A. Permanent employees will be laid off in accordance with seniority, as defined in
Article 35, Seniority, and the skills and abilities of the employee within the layoff
unit. The Employer will determine if the employee possesses the required skills and
abilities for the position and the comparability of the position. Comparability is
defined as having the same FTE appointment. The average number of hours worked
in a year for one (1.0) FTE equals two thousand, eighty-eight (2,088) hours. For
this Section, a less than comparable position is defined as not less than eighty
percent (80%) of the employee’s FTE appointment. The Employer may require
updated information from the employee regarding their skills and abilities. Vacant
positions will be offered prior to filled positions. Employees being laid off will be
provided one (1) option within the layoff unit:
1. A comparable funded vacant position for which the employee has the skills
and abilities, within their current permanent job classification.
2. A comparable funded filled position held by the least senior employee for
which the employee has the skills and abilities, within their current
permanent job classification.
3. A less than comparable funded vacant position for which the employee has
the skills and abilities and is within their current permanent job
4. A less than comparable funded filled position for which the employee has
the skills and abilities and is within their current permanent classification.
5. A comparable funded vacant position for which the employee has the skills
and abilities, at the same or lower salary range as their current permanent
position, within a job classification in which the employee has held
permanent status.
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6. A comparable funded filled position held by the least senior employee for
which the employee has the skills and abilities, at the same or lower salary
range as their current permanent position, within a job classification in
which the employee has held permanent status.
B. The layoff unit option will be determined, as specified in descending order of salary
range and one (1) progressively lower level at a time.
C. If a job classification in which an employee has previously held permanent status
has been abolished or revised, a crosswalk to the class series will be used to identify
layoff options at the same or lower salary range as their current permanent position.
D. An employee in a position that is reduced in work year or work hours will have the
choice of staying in the reduced position.
36.9 Institution-wide Options
In addition to the layoff unit option offered in Section 36.7, permanent employees being
laid off will be offered the following position options:
A. Up to three (3) institution-wide comparable funded vacant positions within their
district provided they meet the skills and abilities required of the position(s) and
the positions offered are at the same or lower salary range as the position from
which the employee is currently being laid off.
B. If there are no comparable vacant positions, the Employer will offer less than
comparable funded vacant positions.
C. If there are no less than comparable vacant positions, the Employer may offer a
temporary appointment per Appendix D, Temporary Hourly Appointments. The
award or denial of an informal option to a temporary hourly appointment is not
subject to the grievance procedure.
D. The Employer will determine if the employee possesses the required skills and
abilities for the position. The Employer may require updated information from the
employee regarding their current skills and abilities.
36.10 Multi-Employee Layoffs
For multi-employee layoffs, more than one (1) employee may be offered the same funded
vacant position. In this case, the most senior employee with the skills and abilities who
accepts the position will be appointed.
36.11 Notification to Permanent Employees
A. Except for temporary reduction in work hours and temporary layoffs as provided
in Section 36.5, permanent employees will receive written notice at least thirty (30)
days before the effective layoff date. Notice will be provided by certified mail or
personal delivery with a copy to the employee’s work e-mail. The notice will
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1. The basis for the layoff;
2. The effective date of the layoff;
3. The employee’s layoff unit option and any institution-wide options;
4. Specific information about the employee’s layoff unit option, including:
a. Department/Division;
b. Work location;
c. Work hours/schedule (subject to change in accordance with Article
d. FTE of the position;
e. Whether the position is cyclic;
f. Job classification;
g. Salary, range and step pursuant to Article 36.11;
h. Supervisor; and
i. Existing job description, including any required
5. Notification that the employee may request specific information
contained in Article 36.10(4)(a) through (i), above, regarding
offered institution-wide option(s);
6. The specific layoff lists for which the employee is entitled to
7. The date by when an employee must select a layoff option; and
8. The process, including timelines, by which the employee is entitled
to challenge the layoff.
B. The Union will be provided with a copy of the notice.
C. Except for temporary reduction in work hours and temporary layoffs as provided
in Section 36.5, if the Employer fails to provide thirty (30) days’ notice, the
employee will be paid their salary for the days that they would have worked had
full notice been given.
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D. Employees will be provided seven (7) days to accept or decline, in writing, any
option provided to them. This time period will run concurrent with the thirty (30)
days’ notice of layoff provided by the Employer to the employee.
36.12 Salary
Employees appointed to a position as a result of a layoff action will have their salary
determined as follows:
A. Current Salary Level
An employee who accepts another position within their current salary range will
retain their current salary.
B. Lower Salary Level
An employee who accepts a position with a lower salary range will be paid an
amount equal to their current salary, provided it is within the salary range of the
new position. In those cases where the employee’s current salary exceeds the
maximum amount of the salary range for the new position, the employee will be
compensated at the maximum salary of the new salary range.
C. Appointment from a Layoff List
1. Employees who are appointed from a layoff list to a position with the same
salary range from which they were laid off will be paid the amount for
which they were compensated when laid off plus any across the board
adjustments, including salary survey adjustments, that occurred during the
time they were laid off.
2. Employees who are appointed from a layoff list to a position with a lower
salary range than the position from which they were laid off will be paid an
amount equal to the salary they were receiving at the time they were laid off
provided it is within the salary range of the new position. In those cases
where the employee’s prior salary exceeds the maximum amount of the
salary range for the new position, the employee will be compensated at the
maximum salary of the new salary range.
36.13 Transition Review Period
A. The Employer will require an employee to complete a six (6) month transition
review period when the employee accepts a layoff option to a job classification in
which they have not held permanent status or has been appointed into a position
from a layoff list. The Employer may extend the transition review period for an
individual employee as long as the extension does not cause the total period to
exceed twelve (12) months.
B. The Employer will have the authority to shorten an employee’s transition review
period. Employees will receive a permanent appointment to the position upon
successful completion of the transition review period.
C. The Employer may separate an employee or an employee may voluntarily separate
at any time during the transition review period. Upon separation, and at the
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employee’s request, the employee’s name will be placed on or returned to the
appropriate layoff list. The employee will remain on the list until such time as their
eligibility expires or they have been rehired. Separation during the transition review
period will not be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30.
D. An employee may voluntarily separate a maximum of two (2) times as a result of a
single layoff action.
36.14 Recall
A. The Employer will maintain a layoff list for each job classification. Permanent
employees who are laid off may have their name placed on the layoff list for the
job classification from which they were laid off or bumped. Additionally,
employees may request to have their name placed on the layoff list(s) for other job
classifications in which they have held permanent status at the same or lower salary
ranges, regardless of a break in service with the current Employer. However,
employees will not have their names placed on a layoff list for a classification from
which they were demoted for cause in the last six (6) year. An employee’s name
will remain on the layoff lists for two (2) years from the effective date of their
B. When a vacancy occurs within an institution and where there are names on a layoff
list for that classification, the Employer will fill the position with the most senior
employee who has the required skills and abilities to perform the duties of the
position to be filled in accordance with Article 4, Hiring and Appointments.
C. Removal from Layoff Lists
When an employee is appointed from a layoff list, the employee’s name will be
removed from that job classification’s layoff list, as well as from all other layoff
lists at the same or lower salary range as the position to which they were appointed.
An employee will be removed from the appropriate job classification layoff list
after they waive the appointment to a position for that job classification three (3)
times. In addition, an employee will have their name removed from all layoff lists
upon retirement, resignation or discharge from the Employer.
36.14 Project Employment
A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Formal options will be determined
using the procedure outlined in Section 36.7.
B. Permanent classified employees who left regular classified positions to accept
project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the
institution in which they held permanent classified status. The employee’s return
rights will be to the job classification they last held permanent status in prior to
accepting project employment using the procedures in Sections 36.7 and 36.8.
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37.1 The Employer retains all rights of management, which, in addition to all powers, duties
and rights established by constitutional provision or statute, will include but not be limited
to, the right to:
A. Determine the Employer’s functions, programs, organizational structure and use of
B. Determine the Employer’s budget and size of the Employer’s workforce and the
financial basis for layoffs;
C. Direct and supervise employees;
D. Take all necessary actions to carry out the mission of the state and its institutions
during emergencies;
E. Determine the Employer’s mission and strategic plans;
F. Develop, enforce, modify or terminate any policy, procedure, manual or work
method associated with the operations of the Employer;
G. Determine or consolidate the location of operations, offices, worksites, including
permanently or temporarily moving operations in whole or part to other locations;
H. Establish or modify the workweek, daily work shift, hours of work and days off;
I. Establish work performance standards, which include, but are not limited to, the
priority, quality and quantity of work;
J. Establish, allocate, reallocate or abolish positions and determine the skills and
abilities necessary to perform the duties of such positions;
K. Select, hire, assign, reassign, evaluate, retain, promote, demote, transfer and
temporarily or permanently lay off employees;
L. Determine, prioritize and assign work to be performed;
M. Determine the need for and the method of scheduling, assigning, authorizing and
approving overtime;
N. Determine training needs, methods of training, and employees to be trained;
O. Determine the reasons for and methods by which employees will be laid-off; and
P. Suspend, demote, reduce pay, discharge and/or take other disciplinary actions.
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37.2 The Employer agrees that the exercise of the above rights will be consistent with the
provisions of this Agreement.
38.1 Purpose
The Employer and the Union endorse the goal of a constructive and cooperative
relationship. To promote and foster such a relationship, Labor/Management
Communication Committees will be established. The purpose of the committee(s) is to
provide communication between the parties, to share information and concerns and to
promote constructive, respectful, meaningful and cooperative labor-management relations.
38.2 Committees
Either party may propose items for discussion on topics which may include, but are not
limited to, administration of this Agreement, changes to applicable law, legislative updates,
organizational change, improvement in systems and processes, resolving workplace and
service delivery problems, quality of work life for employees, and/or more productive and
efficient service delivery.
The committee(s) will meet, discuss, exchange, and consider information of a group nature
and general interest to both parties.
A. Composition
Committees will consist of up to four (4) Employer representatives. The Union may
have a WPEA/UFCW 365 staff representative and up to four (4) employee
representatives. The number of employee representatives may not exceed five
percent (5%) of the total membership of the Union at the college or two (2)
employee representatives, whichever is greater. The Employer and Union will be
responsible for the selection of their own representatives. If agreed to by both
parties, additional representatives may be added.
B. Participation
1. The Union will provide the Employer with the names of their committee
members at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of the date of the
meeting in order to facilitate the release of employees.
2. Employees attending committee meetings during their work time will have
no loss in pay. Attendance at meetings during employees non-work time
will not be compensated nor considered as time worked. Employees
attending pre-meetings during their work time will have no loss in pay for
up to thirty (30) minutes per committee meeting. Attendance at pre-
meetings during the employees non-work time will not be compensated nor
considered as time worked. The Union is responsible for paying any travel
or per diem expenses of employee representatives.
C. Meetings
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Meetings may be called by either party. Committee meetings will be scheduled on
mutually acceptable dates and times. Agenda items will be exchanged prior to the
meeting date. Late agenda items may result in delaying those specific items to the
next meeting, at the request of either party. Each party may keep written records.
38.3 Scope of Authority
Committees established under this Article will be used for discussions only, and the
committees will have no authority to conduct any negotiations, bargain collectively or
modify any provision of this Agreement. Discussion at a committee meeting does not
constitute official notice of a proposed mandatory subject change. The committee’s
activities and discussions will not be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30.
39.1 Representation
Upon request, employees will have the right to representation at all levels on any matter
adversely affecting their conditions of employment. The exercise of this right will not
unreasonably delay or postpone a meeting. Except as otherwise specified in this
Agreement, representation will not apply to discussions with an employee in the normal
course of duty, such as giving instructions, assigning work, informal discussions, delivery
of paperwork, staff or work unit meetings, or other routine communications with an
39.2 Staff Representatives
A. The Union will provide the Employer with a written list of staff representatives and
the jurisdictions they are responsible for. The Union will provide written notice to
the Employer of any changes within thirty (30) calendar days of the changes.
B. Staff representatives may have access to the Employer’s offices or facilities in
accordance with college policy and this Agreement to carry out representational
activities. The representatives will notify Human Resources prior to their arrival on
campus grounds and will not interrupt the normal operations of the institution. If
the staff representative intends to be on campus between 5:00 pm and 8:00 am, the
representative will inform Human Resources before 4:00 pm on the day of their
arrival. In accordance with Section 39.4, staff representatives may also meet with
bargaining unit employees in non-work areas during the employees’ meal periods,
rest periods, and before and after their shifts.
39.3 Shop Stewards
A. The Union will provide the Employer with a written list of current shop stewards,
their campus jurisdiction and which shop stewards are approved to provide
representation under Section 39.1, Representation. The Union will maintain the list.
The Employer will not recognize an employee as a shop steward if their name does
not appear on the list.
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B. Shop stewards will be provided reasonable time during their normal working hours
to prepare for, travel to and attend meetings scheduled by management within the
shop stewards’ office, facility or geographic jurisdiction within the bargaining unit
for the following representational shop steward’s activities:
1. Representational shop stewards only: investigatory interviews and pre-
disciplinary meetings, in accordance with Article 28, Disciplinary
Procedures, or to investigate and process grievances in accordance with
Article 30, Grievance Procedure; or
2. Labor/Management Communication Committees and other committee
meetings under Section 39.8 C; or
3. Negotiations in accordance with Article 50, Mandatory Subjects; or
4. To meet with new employees under Section 9.7.
The shop steward will obtain prior approval from their supervisor to prepare
for, travel to and attend a meeting. Notification will include the approximate
amount of time the shop steward expects the activity to take. Any college
business requiring the employee’s immediate attention will be completed
prior to attending the meeting. Time spent preparing for, traveling to and
attending meetings during the shop stewards non-work hours will not be
considered as time worked. Shop stewards may not use state vehicles to
travel to and from a worksite in order to perform representational activities,
unless authorized by the college.
C. If the amount of time a shop steward spends performing steward activities is
affecting their ability to accomplish assigned duties, the Employer will not continue
to release the employee and the Union will be notified, in writing, as to the
39.4 Employees
A. An employee will be provided a reasonable amount of time during their normal
working hours to meet with a representational shop steward and/or staff
representative to process their grievance. In addition, an employee will be released
during their normal working hours to prepare for and attend meetings or hearings
scheduled by management for the following:
1. Management scheduled investigatory interviews and/or pre-disciplinary
meetings, in accordance with Article 28, Disciplinary Procedures; and
2. Management scheduled informal grievance resolution meetings, grievance
meetings, alternative dispute resolution meetings, mediation sessions and
arbitration hearings, in accordance with Article 30, Grievance Procedure.
a. Subpoenaed Witnesses in an Arbitration
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When an employee is subpoenaed as a witness on behalf of the
Union in an arbitration case, the employee may appear without loss
of pay if they appear during their work time, provided the testimony
given is related to their job function or involves a matter they have
witnessed, and is relevant to the arbitration case. Every effort will
be made to avoid the presentation of repetitive witnesses.
B. An employee will obtain prior approval from their supervisor in order to attend any
meeting or hearing during their work hours. All requests will include the
approximate amount of time the employee expects the activity to take. As
determined by the supervisor, any college business requiring the employee’s
immediate attention must be completed prior to attending a meeting or hearing.
Employees will suffer no loss in pay for preparing for or attending management
scheduled meetings and hearings that are scheduled during the employee’s work
time. Time spent preparing for and attending a meeting or hearing during the
employee’s non-work hours will not be considered as time worked. An employee
cannot use a state vehicle to travel to and from a worksite in order to attend a
meeting or hearing unless authorized by the college.
C. If the amount of time an employee spends attending meetings or hearings on behalf
of the Union, is affecting their ability to accomplish their assigned duties, the
Employer will not continue to release the employee and the Union will be notified,
in writing, as to the reason(s).
39.5 Use of State Facilities, Resources, and Equipment
A. Meeting Space and Facilities
The Employer’s offices and facilities may be used by the Union to hold meetings
subject to the Employer’s policy, availability of the space and with prior written
authorization of the Employer.
B. Supplies and Equipment
The Union and its membership will not use state-purchased supplies or equipment
to conduct union business or representational activities. This does not preclude the
use of the telephone for representational activities if there is no cost to the
Employer, the call is brief in duration and it does not disrupt or distract from
institution business.
C. Email, Fax Machines, the Internet, and Intranets
The Union and its members will not use state-owned or operated email, fax
machines, the internet, or intranets to communicate with one another except in the
following circumstances:
1. Employees may use state-operated email to request union representation.
2. Shop stewards may use state owned/operated equipment to communicate
with the Union and/or the Employer for the exclusive purpose of
administration of this Agreement. Such use will:
WPEA HE 2023-2025
a. Result in little or no cost to the Employer;
b. Be brief in duration and frequency;
c. Not interfere with the performance of their official duties;
c. Not distract from the conduct of state business;
d. Not disrupt other state employees and will not obligate other
employees to make a personal use of state resources; and
e. Not compromise the security or integrity of state information or
3. The Union may participate in Employer scheduled new employee
orientation meetings, either in person or online using the Employer’s online
platform, but not the Employer’s equipment.
The Union and its shop stewards will not use the above-referenced state
equipment for union organizing, internal union business, advocating for or
against the Union in an election or any other purpose prohibited by the
Executive Ethics Board. Communication that occurs over state-owned
equipment is the property of the Employer and may be subject to public
D. Up to one (1) time per month, the college/district human resource director, or
designee, with seven (7) calendar days’ notice, will distribute notifications from the
Union by email, limited to date, time and location of union sponsored informational
meetings, subject to the restrictions in Subsection 39.5 C. Designated union
officials will provide notification by submitting it directly to the human resource
director or designee, who will distribute the notice within three (3) business days.
39.6 Bulletin Boards and Newsstands
A. Bulletin Boards
The Employer will maintain bulletin board(s) or space on existing bulletin boards
currently provided to the Union for union communication. In bargaining units
where no bulletin board or space on existing bulletin boards has been provided, the
Employer will supply the Union with adequate bulletin board space in convenient
places. Where there are existing bulletin boards for WPEA only, the Employer will
replace the Employer’s bulletin board with a Union provided bulletin board of a
similar size. Material posted on the bulletin board will be appropriate to the
workplace, politically non-partisan, in compliance with state ethics law, and
identified as union literature. Union communications may not be posted in any other
location on the campus.
B. Newsstands
WPEA HE 2023-2025
If requested, The Employer will identify area(s) where Union provided
newsstand(s) can be located at each college/district. Union provided newsstand(s)
must meet the Employer’s campus standards.
39.7 Distribution of Material
A Union-designated employee will have access once per month to their worksite for the
purposes of distributing Union information to other bargaining unit employees provided:
A. The employee is on break time or off-duty;
B. The distribution does not disrupt the Employer’s operation;
C. The distribution will normally occur via desk drops or mailboxes as determined by
the Human Resources Manager. In those cases where circumstances do not permit
distribution by those methods, an alternative method will be mutually agreed upon;
D. The employee notifies the Human Resources Manager in advance of their intent to
distribute information.
39.8 Time Off for Union Activities
A. Union-designated employees may be allowed time off without pay to attend Union-
sponsored meetings, union-informational meetings, training sessions, negotiations,
conferences, and conventions. The employee’s time off will not interfere with the
operating needs of the institution as determined by management. If the absence is
approved, the employees may use accumulated compensatory time, vacation leave
or personal holiday in accordance with Article 11, Holidays, instead of leave
without pay. However, employees must use compensatory time prior to use of
vacation leave, unless the use would result in the loss of vacation leave.
B. The Union will give the Employer a written list of the names of the employees it is
requesting attend the above-listed activities, at least fourteen (14) calendar days
prior to the activity.
C. The Employer may approve alternate or flex employee work schedules in order for
bargaining unit employees to attend labor-management committees, or Employer-
established committees, meetings or council meetings at which the Employer
requests a Union member to attend in a Union-related role.
39.9 Temporary Employment with the Union
With thirty (30) calendar days’ notice, unless agreed otherwise, employees may be granted
leave without pay to accept temporary employment with the Union of a specified duration,
not to exceed six (6) months, provided the employee’s time off will not interfere with the
operating needs of the college/district as determined by management. Employees who
accept temporary employment with the Union may be allowed to use 8 hours per month of
vacation leave or compensatory time to maintain their medical benefits while working for
the Union. The Union will reimburse the Employer for the “fully burdened costs of the
positions” the Employer incurs as a result of an employee accepting the temporary
WPEA HE 2023-2025
employment. The Union will reimburse the Employer. The parties may agree to an
extension of leave without pay up to an additional six (6) months. The returning employee
will be employed in a position in the same job classification and the same geographical
area, as determined by the Employer.
39.10 Temporary Employment as a Union President
A. Leave of Absence
Upon request of the Union, the Employer will grant leave with pay for the President
for up to thirty-six (36) months. The Union will give the Employer at least thirty
(30) calendar day’s prior notice, unless otherwise agreed. The Union will reimburse
the Employer for the “fully burdened costs of the positions” the Employer incurs
as a result of placing the President on leave with pay during the period of absence.
The Union will reimburse the College by the 20th of each month for the previous
B. Leave Balances
The President will accrue sick leave in the amount of one hour for every 40 hours
worked but will not accrue vacation leave during the period of absence. When the
President returns to state service their leave balances will not exceed their leave
balances on the date the period of absence commenced. If the sick leave balance
was under 40 hours as of the date the period of absence commenced, they will retain
accrued sick leave up to 40 hours total upon return to state service. If the President
retires or separates from state service at the end of the period of absence, their leave
balances will not exceed their leave balances on the date the period of absence
commenced. Reporting of leave will be submitted to the Employer. All leave
requests will be submitted within the required time limits.
C. Indemnification
The Union will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Employer for any and all
costs including attorney’s fees, damages, settlements, or judgments, or other costs,
obligations, or liabilities the Employer incurs as a result of any demands, claims,
or lawsuits filed against the Employer arising out of or in relation to actions taken
by the President, or their status as President during the period of absence.
D. Return Rights
The President will have the right to return to the same position or in another position
in the same job classification and the same geographic area as determined by the
Employer, provided such reemployment is not in conflict with other Articles in this
Agreement. The employee and the Employer may enter into a written agreement
regarding return rights at the commencement of the leave. The period of leave will
not impact the employee’s seniority date.
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39.11 Board of Trustee Meetings
The Employer agrees to make the Board of Trustee meeting materials available to the chief
shop steward of each college/district.
39.12 WPEA HE Master Agreement Negotiations
A. Release Time
1. The Employer will approve paid release time for the first seven (7) days of
formal negotiations for one (1) Union team member, from each institution
of higher education listed in the Preamble, who are scheduled to work on
the day negotiations are being conducted. For all remaining formal
negotiation sessions and travel to and from the sessions, the Employer will
approve compensatory time, vacation leave, personal holiday, or leave
without pay, or at the discretion of their supervisor, an employee may be
allowed to adjust their work hours.
2. Paid release time and other negotiations release time listed above will be
approved for Union team members provided the absence of the employee
during negotiations will not interfere with the operating needs of
3. Per diem and travel expenses will be paid by the WPEA for Union team
members. No overtime or compensatory time will be incurred as a result of
negotiations and/or travel to and from negotiations.
4. The Union will give the Employer a written list of names of the employees
it is requesting attend the above-listed activities at least fourteen (14)
calendar days prior to the activity.
B. Confidentiality/Media Communication
Bargaining sessions will be closed to the press and the public unless agreed
otherwise by the chief spokespersons. No proposals will be placed on the parties
website. The parties are not precluded from generally communicating with their
respective constituencies about the status of negotiations while they are taking
place. There will be no public disclosure or public discussion of the issues being
negotiated until resolution or impasse is reached on all issues submitted for
40.1 Notification to Employees
The Employer will inform new, transferred, promoted, or demoted employees prior to
appointment into positions included in the bargaining unit(s) of the Union’s exclusive
representation status. The Employer will furnish the employees appointed into bargaining
unit positions with the Union payroll deduction authorization form provided by the Union.
WPEA HE 2023-2025
The Employer will inform employees, in writing, when they are leaving a position included
in a bargaining unit. The Employer will furnish the Membership Coordinator of the Union
with copies of the employee’s appointment notice/letter at the same time it is provided to
the employee.
40.2 Union Dues Deduction
Upon the Union’s written notice to the Employer of authorization from an employee
covered by this Agreement for deduction of membership dues, the Employer agrees to
deduct the membership dues from the salary of the authorizing employee within two (2)
pay periods of receipt of the written notice from the Union, submitted to the Employer’s
payroll office. The Employer will provide payments for all said deductions to the Union at
the Union’s official headquarters each pay period.
40.3 Dues Cancellation
An employee may cancel their payroll deduction of dues by the employee providing written
notice to the Union and the Union subsequently providing written notice to the Employer
of the cancellation. After receipt of the confirmation from the Union, every effort will be
made to make the cancellation effective on the first payroll and not later than the second
payroll after receipt of the notice.
40.4 Status Reports
A. Each month the Employer will provide the Membership Coordinator of the Union
with a status report in an electronic format. The Employer may choose to discharge
this duty by separately arranging to have a third party provide part or all of the data
supplied in the report to the Union. The status report will include the following
data, if maintained by the Employer, for employees in the bargaining unit and those
who enter or leave the bargaining unit or who start or stop deductions:
1. Employee name;
2. Permanent address;
3. College;
4. College duty station(s);
5. Home department name;
6. Job classification code and job title;
7. Bargaining unit code;
8. Unique employee system identification number;
9. Work phone number, if available;
10. Work email address;
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11. Seniority Date;
12. Position number;
13. Salary range and step;
14. Job percentage of full;
15. Gross salary for the month;
16. Union deduction code(s) and amount(s);
17. Work county code and name;
18. Employee type;
19. Overtime eligibility designation;
20. Retirement benefit plan; and
21. Whether an employee has been appointed to, separated from, or promoted
out of the bargaining unit and the effective date of such action. If separated,
the nature of the separation (e.g. termination, retirement, resignation, death)
will be provided.
B. Information provided pursuant to this Section will be maintained by the Union and
the United Food and Commercial Workers International (UFCW) union in
confidence according to the law.
C. The Union, UFCW and employees will indemnify the Employer and its third party
data supplier for any violations of employee privacy committed by the Union
pursuant to this Section.
D. When a bargaining unit position is vacated for at least thirty (30) days, the
Employer will inform the Union in writing of its intention to fill the position, leave
the position vacant, reallocate the position, or remove the position from the
bargaining unit.
40.5 Indemnification
The Union and employees agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Employer and its third
party supplier from all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that arise against
the Employer or third party supplier for or on account of compliance with this Article and
any issues related to the deduction of dues or fees and any issues related to Employee Status
Reports. Indemnification does not include the Employer’s or third party supplier’s legal
costs for representation provided by the Office of the Attorney General.
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41.1 Classification Plan Revisions
A. The Employer will provide to the Union in writing any proposed changes to the
classification plan including descriptions for newly created classifications. Upon
request of the Union, the Employer will bargain the effect(s) of a change to an
existing class or newly proposed classification.
B. The Employer will allocate or reallocate positions, including newly created
positions, to the appropriate classification within the classification plan. The
Employer will notify the Union when a position is being reallocated to a job
classification that is excluded from a bargaining unit covered by this Agreement.
41.2 Position Review
The Employer may initiate a position review for a position it believes is improperly
classified, and will inform the Union in writing when it has initiated a reallocation process
for a bargaining unit position.
An individual employee who believes that their position is improperly classified may
request a review according to the following procedure:
A. The employee will complete and sign the appropriate form.
B. The employee will then send the completed form to the Human Resources Office.
The Human Resources Office will date stamp and notify the employee when the
position review request form was received in their office. The Human Resources
Office will review the completed form and make a decision regarding appropriate
classification within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the request.
C. In the event the employee disagrees with the reallocation decision of the Employer,
they may request a review of the decision by the OFM/State Human Resources
(OFM/SHR) in writing with a copy to the Human Resources Office, within thirty
(30) calendar days of being provided the results of a position review or the notice
of reallocation. The Director of the SHR or designee will then make a written
determination which will be provided to the employee.
D. In accordance with the provisions of WAC 357-52, the employee or the Employer
may appeal the determination of the OFM/SHR to the Washington Personnel
Resources Board (WPRB) within thirty (30) calendar days of being provided the
written decision of the OFM/SHR or designee. The WPRB will render a decision
which will be final and binding.
E. The effective date of a reallocation resulting from an employee request for a
position review is the date the request was filed with the Human Resources Office.
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41.3 Effect of Reallocation
A. Reallocation to a Class with a Higher Salary Range Maximum
1. If the employee has performed the higher-level duties for at least six (6)
months and meets the skills and abilities required of the position, the
employee will remain in the position and retain their existing appointment
2. If the reallocation is the result of a change in the duties of the position and
the employee has not performed the higher-level duties for at least six (6)
months, the Employer must give the employee the opportunity to compete
for the position if they possess the required skills and abilities. The
Employer may choose to promote the employee without competition as long
as the employee possesses the required skills and abilities. If the employee
is not selected for the position, or does not have the required skills and
abilities, the layoff procedure specified in Article 36, Layoff and Recall, of
this Agreement will apply. If the employee is appointed to the position, they
must serve a trial service period.
B. Reallocation to a Class with an Equal Salary Range Maximum
1. If the employee has the skills and abilities required of the position, the
employee will remain in the position and retain their existing appointment
2. If the employee does not meet the skills and abilities required of the
position, the layoff procedure specified in Article 36, Layoff and Recall, of
this Agreement will apply.
C. Reallocation to a Class with a Lower Salary Range Maximum
1. If the employee has the skills and abilities required of the position and
chooses to remain in the reallocated position, the employee will retain their
existing appointment status and has the right to be placed on the Employer’s
internal layoff list for the classification the employee held permanent status
in prior to the reallocation.
2. If the employee chooses to vacate the position or does not have the skills
and abilities required of the position, the layoff procedure specified in
Article 36, Layoff and Recall, of this Agreement applies.
41.4 Salary Impact of Reallocation
An employee whose position is reallocated will have their salary determined as follows:
A. Reallocation to a Class with a Higher Salary Range Maximum
Upon appointment to the higher class, the employee’s base salary will be increased
as follows:
Employees promoted to a position in a higher class will be advanced to a step of
the range for the new class which is nearest to five percent (5%) higher than the
WPEA HE 2023-2025
amount of the pre-promotional step, or to the entry step of the new range, whichever
is higher.
B. Reallocation to a Class with an Equal Salary Range Maximum
The employee retains their previous base salary, or to the entry step of the new
range, whichever is higher.
C. Reallocation to a Class with a Lower Salary Range Maximum
The employee will be paid an amount equal to their current salary provided it is
within the salary range of the new position. In those cases where the employee’s
current salary exceeds the maximum amount of the salary range for the new
position, the employee will be compensated at the salary they were receiving prior
to the reallocation downward, until such time as the employee vacates the position
or their salary falls within the new salary range.
41.5 Decisions regarding appropriate classification will not be subject to the grievance and
arbitration procedure specified in this Agreement.
42.1 General Service Pay Range Assignments
A. Effective July 1, 2023, each classification represented by the Union will continue
to be assigned to the same salary range of the “State General Service Salary
Schedule Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2021” that it was assigned on
June 30, 2023, except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Article.
Effective July 1, 2023, each employee will continue to be assigned to the same
range and step of the State General Service Salary Schedule that they were assigned
on June 30, 2023, except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Article.
B. Effective July 1, 2023, all salary ranges and steps of the State General Service
Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 will be increased by
four percent (4%),, as shown in Appendix F. This salary schedule increase is based
on the General Service Salary Schedule in effect on June 30, 2023.
C. Effective July 1, 2024, all salary ranges and steps of the General Service Salary
Schedule Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 will be increased by three
percent (3%), as shown in Appendix F. This salary schedule increase is based on
the General Service Salary Schedule in effect on June 30, 2024.
D. Minimum Wages Determined by Local Ordinances
Any employee who has a permanent assigned duty station within a local jurisdiction
which has passed an ordinance establishing a minimum wage higher than the
minimum wage established in this Collective Bargaining Agreement, will be paid
no less than the minimum wage directed by the local ordinance. The Employer will
first consider the hourly wage of the employee’s base salary plus any applicable
King County Premium Pay under Section 42.16.. If, after this consideration, the
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employee’s salary is still below the local ordinance minimum wage, the Employer
will place the employee on a step in the assigned salary range that is equal to or
higher than the minimum wage requirement of the local ordinance.
E. State Minimum Wage
The Employer will implement any State of Washington minimum wage increase
enacted during the term of this Agreement as mandated by the State.
F. Employees who are paid above the maximum for their range on the effective date
of the increases described in Subsections B and C, above will not receive the
specified increase to their current pay unless the new range encompasses their
current rate of pay.
42.2 “IT” Professional Structure Pay Range Assignments
A. Effective July 1, 2023, Appendix K identifies the salary range and classification
assignment for the IT Professional Structure (ITPS) Range Salary Schedule.
B. Effective July 1, 2021, all salary ranges and steps of the “ITPS” Range Salary
Schedule will be increased by four percent (4%) remain in effect until June 30,
2025 as shown in Appendix K. This salary schedule increase is based on the ITPS
Range Salary Schedule in effect on June 30, 2023.
C. Effective July 1, 2024, all salary ranges and steps of the “ITPS” Range Salary
Schedule will be increased by by three percent (3%, as shown in Appendix L.
D. Employees who are paid above the maximum for their range on the effective date
of the increases described in Subsection B and C above will not receive the
specified increase to their current pay unless the new range encompasses their
current rate of pay.
42.3 Pay for Performing the Duties of a Higher Classification
Employees who are temporarily assigned the full scope of duties and responsibilities for
more than fifteen (15) calendar days of a higher level classification will be notified in
writing and will be advanced to a step of the range for the new class, that is nearest to five
percent (5%) higher than the amount of the pre-promotional step. The Employer may grant
a higher salary increase as provided in Subsection 42.7 C.
Time spent performing the duties of a higher classification in accordance with this Section
will not be eligible to be counted as time for reallocations in Section 41.3.
42.4 Establishing Salaries for New Employees and New Classifications
The Employer will assign newly hired employees to the appropriate range and step of the
appropriate State Salary Schedules as described in Appendices E, F, H, and I.
42.5 Periodic Increases
Periodic increases are provided as follows:
WPEA HE 2023-2025
A. Employees who are hired at the minimum step of the pay range will receive a two
(2) step increase to base salary following completion of six (6) months of service,
and an additional two (2) step increase annually thereafter, until they reach the top
of the pay range.
B. Employees who are hired above the minimum step of the salary range will receive
a two (2) step increase to their base salary following completion of twelve (12)
months of service, and an additional two (2) step increase annually thereafter, until
they reach the top of the pay range.
C. Employees in classes that have pay ranges shorter than a standard range will receive
their periodic increases at the same intervals as employees in classes with standard
ranges, in accordance with Subsections 42.5 A and B.
D. The effective date of the periodic increase will be the first day of the month it is
E. Employees hired before July 1, 2021 will retain their periodic increment date as of
June 30, 2021.
F. All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L
in their permanent salary range. The Employer may increase an employee’s step to
step M to address issues related to recruitment, retention or other business needs.
42.6 Salary Assignment Upon Promotion
A. Employees promoted to a position in a class which salary range maximum is less
than fifteen percent (15%) higher than the salary range maximum of the former
class will be advanced to a step of the range for the new class that is nearest to five
percent (5%) higher than the amount of the pre-promotional step.
B. Employees promoted to a position in a class which salary range maximum is fifteen
percent (15%) or more higher than the salary range maximum of the former class
will be advanced to a step of the range for the new class that is nearest to ten percent
(10%) higher than the amount of the pre-promotional step.
C. Recruitment, Retention, other Business Needs or Geographic Adjustments
The Employer may authorize more than the step increases specified in Subsections
42.5 A and B, when there are recruitment, retention, or other business needs, as
well as when the employee’s promotion requires a change of residence to another
geographic area to be within a reasonable commuting distance of the new place of
work. Such an increase may not result in a salary greater than the range maximum.
42.7 Salary Adjustments
The Employer may increase an employee’s step within the salary range to address issues
related to recruitment, retention or other business needs. Such an increase may not result
in a salary greater than Step M of the range.
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42.8 Demotion
An employee who voluntarily demotes to a position in a different job class with a lower
salary range will be placed in the new range at a salary equal to their previous base salary.
If the previous base salary exceeds the new range maximum, the employee’s base salary
will be set equal to the new range maximum.
42.9 Transfer
A transfer is defined as an employee-initiated move from one (1) position to another
position within the college or district, in the same job class (regardless of assigned range)
or to a different job class with the same salary range. Transferred employees will retain
their previous base salary. If the previous base salary exceeds the new range maximum, the
employee’s base salary will be set equal to the new range maximum.
42.10 Reassignment
Reassignment is defined as an Employerinitiated move of an employee within the college
or district from one (1) position to another in the same class or a different class with the
same salary range maximum. Upon reassignment, an employee retains their current base
42.11 Reversion
Reversion is defined as voluntary or involuntary movement of an employee during the trial
service period to the class in which the employee most recently held permanent status, or
movement to a class in the same or lower salary range. Upon reversion, the base salary the
employee was receiving prior to promotion will be reinstated.
42.12 Elevation
Elevation is defined as restoring an employee to the higher classification, with permanent
status, which was held prior to being granted a demotion or to a class that is between the
current class and the class from which the employee was demoted. Upon elevation, an
employee’s salary will be determined in the same manner that is provided for promotion
in Section 42.5.
42.13 Part-Time Employment
Monthly compensation for part-time employment will be pro-rated based on the ratio of
hours worked to hours required for full-time employment. In the alternative, part-time
employees may be paid the appropriate hourly rate for all hours worked.
42.14 Callback
A. When an overtime-eligible employee has left the institution grounds and is called
to return to the work station outside of regularly scheduled hours to handle
emergency situations that could not be anticipated, they will receive three (3) hours
penalty pay plus time actually worked. The penalty pay will be compensated at the
regular rate; time worked will be in accordance with Article 7, Hours of Work, and
Article 8, Overtime.
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B. Time worked by an overtime-eligible employee immediately preceding the regular
shift does not constitute callback, provided time worked does not exceed two (2)
hours or notice of at least eight (8) hours has been given.
C. An employee who is receiving standby pay is not entitled to callback penalty pay
if required to return to work after departing the worksite or is directed to report to
duty prior to the starting time of their new scheduled work shift.
42.15 Shift Premium
A. Shift premium for employees assigned to a shift in which a majority of time worked
daily or weekly is between 5:00 pm and 7:00 am will be two dollars and fifty cents
($2.50) per hour or four hundred and thirty five dollars ($435.00) per month.
B. Shift premium will be paid for the entire daily or weekly shift, which qualifies under
Subsection A. Shift premium may also be computed and paid at the monthly rate
for employees permanently assigned to a qualifying afternoon or night shift.
C. An employee assigned to a shift that qualifies for shift premium pay will receive
the same shift premium for authorized periods of paid leave.
D. When an employee is regularly assigned to an afternoon or evening shift that
qualifies for shift premium, the employee will receive shift premium pay during
temporary assignment, not to exceed five (5) working days, to a shift that does not
qualify for shift premium.
42.16 King County Premium Pay
Employees assigned to a permanent duty station in King County will receive five percent
(5%) premium pay calculated from their base salary. When an employee is no longer
permanently assigned to a King County duty station, they will not be eligible for this
premium pay.
42.17 Standby
A. An overtime-eligible employee is in standby status while waiting to be engaged to
work by the Employer and both of the following conditions exist:
1. The employee is required to be present at a specified location or is
immediately available to be contacted. The location may be the employee's
home or other specific location, but not a worksite away from home.
2. The Employer requires the employee to be prepared to report immediately
for work if the need arises, although the need might not arise.
B. Standby status will not be concurrent with work time.
C. Employees on standby status will be compensated at a rate of seven percent (7%)
of their hourly base salary for time spent in standby status.
WPEA HE 2023-2025
42.18 Relocation Compensation
A. The Employer may authorize lump sum relocation compensation, within existing
budgetary resources, under the following conditions:
1. When it is reasonably necessary that a person make a domiciliary move in
accepting a reassignment or appointment; or
2. It is necessary to successfully recruit or retain a qualified candidate or
employee who will have to make a domiciliary move in order to accept the
B. If the employee receiving the relocation payment terminates or causes termination
of their employment with the state within one (1) year of the date of employment,
the state will be entitled to reimbursement for the moving costs which have been
paid and may withhold such sum as necessary from any amounts due the employee.
Termination as a result of layoff or disability separation will not require the
employee to repay the relocation compensation.
42.19 Salary Overpayment Recovery
A. When the Employer has determined that an employee has been overpaid wages, the
Employer will provide written notice to the employee that will include the
following items:
1. The amount of the overpayment;
2. The basis for the claim; and
3. The rights of the employee under the terms of this Agreement.
B. Method of Payback
The employee must choose one (1) of the following options for paying back the
1. Voluntary wage deduction;
2. Cash; or
3. Check.
The employee will have the option to repay the overpayment over a period of time
equal to the number of pay periods during which the overpayment was made. The
employee and the Employer may agree to make other repayment arrangements. The
payroll deduction to repay the overpayment will not exceed five percent (5%) of
the employee’s disposable earnings in a pay period. However, the Employer and
the employee can agree to an amount that is more than the five percent (5%).
If the employee fails to choose one (1) of the three (3) options described within the
timeframe specified in the institution’s written notice of overpayment, the
institution will deduct the overpayment owed from the employee’s wages over a
period equal to the number of pay periods during which the overpayment was made.
WPEA HE 2023-2025
Any overpayment amount still outstanding at separation of employment will be
deducted from the earnings of the final pay period.
The Employer agrees not to add interest to the overpayment amount.
C. Appeal Rights
Any dispute concerning the occurrence or amount of the overpayment will be
resolved through the grievance procedure in Article 30 of this Agreement. No
deduction shall be made from the employee’s wages for the duration of the
grievance procedure, with the exception of those employees who separate from the
Employer during the pendency of the grievance process.
42.20 Special Pay Salary Ranges
The OFM/State Human Resources designee may adopt special pay salary ranges or
percentages for positions based upon pay practices found in private industry or other
governmental units. Special Pay is intended to be used as long as the skills, duties or
circumstances it is based on are in effect. Current special pay practices at each institution
will continue.
42.21 Multilingual/Sign Language/Braille Premium Pay
Whenever a classified position has a bona fide requirement for regular use of competent
skills in more than one (1) language, and/or sign language (AMESLAN), and/or Braille,
the Employer will authorize premium pay of two (2) ranges above the level normally
assigned for that position, except for those instances where the position is allocated to a
class that specifies these skills. For positions in IT classifications, the Employer will
authorize premium pay of five percent (5%) above the level normally assigned for that
position, except for those instances where the position is allocated to a class that specifies
these skills.
42.22 Dependent Care Salary Reduction Plan
The Employer agrees to maintain the current dependent care salary reduction plan that
allows eligible employees, covered by this Agreement, the option to participate in a
dependent care reimbursement program for work-related dependent care expenses on a pre-
tax basis as permitted by federal tax law or regulation.
42.23 Pre-Tax Health Care Premiums
The Employer agrees to provide eligible employees with the option to pay for the employee
portion of health premiums on a pre-tax basis as permitted by federal tax law or regulation.
42.24 Medical/Dental Expense Account
The Employer agrees to continue to allow insurance eligible employees, covered by the
Agreement, to participate in a medical and dental expense reimbursement program to cover
co-payments, deductibles and other medical and dental expenses, if employees have such
costs, or expenses for services not covered by health or dental insurance on a pre-tax basis
as permitted by federal tax law or regulation.
WPEA HE 2023-2025
42.25 Voluntary Separation Incentives Voluntary Retirement Incentives
The Employer will have the discretion to participate in a Voluntary Separation Incentive
Program or a Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program, if such programs are provided for
in the 2021-2023 operating budget. Such participation must be in accordance with the
program guidelines. Program incentives or offering of such incentives are not subject to
the grievance procedure.
42.26 One-Time Lump Sum Payment for Proof of Up-to-Date COVID-19 Booster(s)
A. Effective July 1, 2023, bargaining unit employees will be eligible to receive a one-
time lump sum payment if they meet the following conditions:
Employees who choose to be boosted, at a location of their choosing, and
voluntarily provide their employer with proof of up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination,
to include any boosters recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) at the time proof is provided to the employer, between January 1, 2023, and
December 31, 2023, shall receive a one thousand dollar ($1000.00) one-time lump
sum payment to be paid no earlier than July 25, 2023.
B. The lump sum payment will be reflected in the employee’s paycheck subject to all
required state and federal withholdings and be provided as soon as practicable
based upon their agency’s Human Resources and/or payroll processes.
1. Bargaining unit employees will only receive one lump sum payment
regardless, if they occupy more than one position within State government.
Eligibility for the lump sum payment will be:
a. Based upon the position in which work was performed on the date
the up-to-date status is verified; or
b. If no work was performed on the date the up-to-date status is
verified, then based on the position from which the employee
receives the majority of compensation.
3. Employees will receive the lump sum payment only once during their
employment with the State or Higher Education, regardless of whether they
hold multiple positions or are employed by multiple agencies between
January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
4. Employees who are no longer employed on July 1, 2023 are not entitled to
receive the lump sum.
42.27 Specific Classification Range Increases-Recruitment, Retention, Compression or
Class Plan Maintenance
Effective July 1, 2023, targeted job classifications were assigned to a higher salary range
due to documented recruitment or retention difficulties, compression or inversion, or class
plan maintenance. The associated increases shall be step for step. Appendix M identifies
the impacted job classification, the salary range increase and effective date of the increase.
WPEA HE 2023-2025
*This MOU is included as an attachment in this article.
43.1 A. For the 2023-2025 biennium, the Employer Medical Contribution (EMC) will be
an amount equal to eighty-five percent (85%) of the monthly premium for the self-
insured Uniform Medical Plan (UMP for each bargaining unit employee eligible
for insurance each month, as determined by the Public Employees Benefits Board
(PEBB). In no instance will the employee contribution be less than two percent
(2%) of the EMC per month.
B. The point-of-service costs of the Classic Uniform Medical Plan (deductible, out-
of-pocket maximums and co-insurance/co-payment) may not be changed for the
purpose of shifting health care costs to plan participants, but may be changed from
the 2014 plan under two (2) circumstances:
1. In ways to support value-based benefits designs; and
2. To comply with or manage the impacts of federal mandates.
Value-based benefits designs will:
1. Be designed to achieve higher quality, lower aggregate health care services
cost (as opposed to plan costs);
2. Use clinical evidence; and
3. Be the decision of the PEB Board.
C. Subsection 43.1 B will expire June 30, 2025.
43.2 A. The Employer will pay the entire premium costs for each bargaining unit employee
for dental, basic life, and any offered basic long-term disability insurance coverage.
If changes to the long-term disability benefit structure occur during the life of this
Agreement, the Employer recognizes its obligation to bargain with the Coalition
over impacts of those changes within the scope of bargaining.
B. If the PEBB Board authorizes stand-alone vision insurance coverage, then the
Employer will pay the entire premium costs for each bargaining unit employee.
43.3 Wellness
A. To support the statewide goal for a healthy and productive workforce, employees
are encouraged to participate in a Well-Being Assessment survey. Employees will
be granted work time and may use a state computer to complete the survey.
B. The Coalition of Unions agrees to partner with the Employer to educate their
members on the wellness program and encourage participation. Eligible, enrolled
subscribers shall have the option to earn an annual one hundred twenty-five dollars
WPEA HE 2023-2025
($125) or more wellness incentive in the form of reduction in deductible or deposit
into the Health Savings Account upon successful completion of required Smart
Health Program activities. During the term of this Agreement, the Steering
Committee created by Executive Order 13-06 shall make recommendations to the
PEBB regarding changes to the wellness incentive or the elements of the Smart
Health Program.
43.4 The PEBB Program shall provide information on the Employer Sponsored Insurance
Premium Payment Program on its website and in an open enrollment publication annually.
43.5 Medical Flexible Spending Arrangement
A. During January 2022 and again in January 2023, the Employer will make available
two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) in a medical flexible spending arrangement
(FSA) account for each bargaining unit member represented by a Union in the
Coalition described in RCW 41.80.020(3), who meets the criteria in Subsection
43.5 B below.
B. In accordance with IRS regulations and guidance, the Employer FSA funds will be
made available for a Coalition bargaining unit employee who:
1. Is occupying a position that has an annual full-time equivalent base salary
of sixty-thousand dollars ($60,000), or less on November 1 of the year prior
to the year the Employer FSA funds are being made available; and
2. Meets PEBB program eligibility requirements to receive the Employer
contribution for PEBB medical benefits on January 1 of the plan year in
which the Employer FSA funds are made available, is not enrolled in a high-
deductible health plan, and does not waive enrollment in a PEBB medical
plan except to be covered as a dependent on another PEBB non-high
deductible health plan.
3. Hourly employees’ annual base salary shall be the base hourly rate
multiplied by two thousand eighty-eight (2,088).
4. Base salary excludes overtime, shift differential and all other premiums or
C. A medical FSA will be established for all employees eligible under this Section
who do not otherwise have one. An employee who is eligible for Employer FSA
funds may decline this benefit but cannot receive cash in lieu of this benefit.
D. The provisions of the State’s salary reduction plan will apply. In the event that a
federal tax that takes into account contributions to an FSA is imposed on PEBB
health plans, this provision will automatically terminate. The parties agree to meet
and negotiate over the termination of this benefit.
WPEA HE 2023-2025
44.1 The Employer will provide to eligible employees covered by this Agreement a medical
expense plan that provides for reimbursement of medical expenses. Instead of cash out of
sick leave at retirement, the Employer may deposit equivalent funds in a medical expense
plan for eligible employees, as authorized by RCW 41.04.340. The medical expense plan
must meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.
44.2 As a condition of participation, the medical expense plan provided will require that each
covered eligible employee sign an agreement with the Employer. The agreement will
include the following provisions.
A. A provision to hold the Employer harmless should the United States government
find that the Employer or the employee is indebted to the United States as a result
1. The employee not paying income taxes due on the equivalent funds placed
into the plan; or
2. The Employer not withholding or deducting a tax, assessment, or other
payment on funds placed into the plan as required by federal law.
B. A provision to require each covered eligible employee to forfeit remuneration for
accrued sick leave at retirement if the employee is covered by a medical expense
plan and the employee refuses to sign the required agreement.
Nothing in this Agreement permits or grants to any employees the right to strike or refuse
to perform their official duties.
46.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and any past practice or agreement
between the parties, whether written or oral, entered into prior to July 1, 2005, is null and
void, unless specifically preserved in this Agreement.
46.2 With regard to WAC 357, this Agreement preempts all subjects addressed, in whole or in
part, by its provisions.
46.3 This Agreement supersedes specific provisions of institution policies with which it
WPEA HE 2023-2025
46.4 During the negotiations of the Agreement, each party had the unlimited right and
opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter
appropriate for collective bargaining. Therefore, each party voluntarily and unqualifiedly
waives the right and will not be obligated to bargain collectively, during the term of this
Agreement, with respect to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement.
Nothing herein will be construed as a waiver of the Union’s collective bargaining rights
with respect to matters that are mandatory subjects under the law.
If any court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction finds any article, section or
portion of this Agreement to be unlawful or invalid, the remainder of the Agreement will
remain in full force and effect. If such a finding is made, the parties agree to make
themselves available to negotiate a substitute for the invalid article, section or subsection.
The Employer will make this Agreement available on the appropriate Employer websites
and provide a copy to the Union in a mutually agreeable accessible electronic format. The
Union will be responsible for the printing and distribution of the Agreement for their
membership. The Employer will be responsible for ensuring managers and supervisors
have access to the Agreement.
49.1 All provisions of this Agreement will become effective July 1, 2023, and will remain in
full force and effect through June 30, 2025.
49.2 Either party may request negotiations of a successor Agreement by notifying the other party
in writing no sooner than January 1, 2024 and no later than February 28, 2024. Negotiations
will begin at a time agreed upon by the parties.
50.1 The Employer will satisfy its collective bargaining obligation before changing a matter that
is a mandatory subject not covered under the Agreement. The Employer will notify the
Union in writing at [email protected] of these changes and the Union may
request discussions about and/or negotiations on these changes. The Union will notify the
OFM State Human Resources Labor Relations and Compensation Policy Section (LRS) at, with a copy to the Employer, of any demands to bargain. In
the event the Union does not request discussions and/or negotiations from the OFM/LRS
Office within twenty-one (21) calendar days, the Employer may implement the changes
WPEA HE 2023-2025
without further discussions and/or negotiations unless both parties agree in writing to
extend the time. The timeframe for filing a demand to bargain will begin after the Employer
has provided written notice to the Union. There may be mandated conditions that are
outside of the Employer’s control requiring immediate implementation, in which case the
Employer will notify the Union as soon as possible.
50.2 Negotiations
A. The parties will agree to the location and time for the discussions and/or
negotiations. The Employer and the Union recognize the importance of scheduling
these discussions and/or negotiations in an expeditious manner and will schedule
negotiations as soon as possible.
B. Each party is responsible for choosing its own representatives for these activities.
The Union will provide the Employer with the names of its employee
representatives, including shop stewards and other bargaining unit employees, at
least four (4) calendar days in advance of the meeting date unless the meeting is
scheduled sooner, in which case the Union will notify the Employer as soon as
50.3 Release Time
A. The Employer will approve paid release time for up to three (3) employee
representatives who are scheduled to work during the time negotiations are being
conducted, provided the absence of the employee will not interfere with the
operating needs of the college/district. The Employer will approve compensatory
time, vacation leave or leave without pay for additional employee representatives,
provided the absence of the employee will not interfere with the operating needs of
the college/district.
B. No overtime or compensatory time will be incurred as a result of negotiations
and/or preparation for negotiations.
C. The Union is responsible for paying any travel or per diem of employee
representatives. Employee representatives may not use a state vehicle to travel to
and from a bargaining session, unless authorized by the college/district for business
D. Employee representatives referenced in this Section include shop stewards and
other bargaining unit employees.
Bellevue College
Non-Supervisory Classified, excluding
custodians, grounds, maintenance, mail
carriers and mail service leads
Supervisory Classified Public Safety
Big Bend Community College
Non-Supervisory Classified IT
Non-Supervisory Classified employees
of the Custodial Services, Building and
Grounds Departments
Cascadia College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Clark College
All Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
Columbia Basin College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Edmonds College
Supervisory Classified
Grays Harbor College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
Olympic College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
Pierce College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
Skagit Valley College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
Non-Supervisory Head Start/ECEAP
Supervisory Head Start/ECEAP
Tacoma Community College
WPEA Higher Education
Walla Walla Community College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
Wenatchee Valley College
Non-Supervisory Classified
Supervisory Classified
WPEA Higher Education
OVEMBER 12, 2019
Bellevue College
Non-Supervisory Classified,
excluding custodians, grounds,
maintenance, mail carriers and mail
service leads
Big Bend Community
Non-Supervisory Classified IT
Non-Supervisory Classified employees of the
Custodial Services, Building and Grounds
WPEA Higher Education
Layoff Units
Bellevue College
1. Project Employment
2. All Other Classified Employees
Big Bend Community College
1. Project Employment
2. All Other Classified Employees
Cascadia College
1. Project Employment
2. All Other Classified Employees
Clark College
1. Classified Employees in the Northwest
Athletic Association of Community Colleges
2. Project Employment
3. All Other Classified Employees
Columbia Basin College
1. Project Employment
2. All Non-Supervisory Classified Staff
Edmonds College
1. Head Start Employees
2. Project Employment
3. All Other Classified Employees, including
Corrections Employees
Grays Harbor College
1. Project Employment
2. Satellite Campuses
3. All Other Classified Employees
4. The Center for Learning Connections
Olympic College
1. Project Employment
2. All Other Classified Employees
Pierce College
1. Pierce County Careers Connection
2. Invista Performance Solutions
3. Project Employment
4. All Other Classified Employees
Skagit Valley College
1. Project Employment
2. Head Start/ECEAP
3. All Other Classified Employees
WPEA Higher Education
Tacoma Community College
1. Gig Harbor Campus Employees
2. Project Employment
3. All Other Classified Positions
Walla Walla Community
1. Project Employment
2. Education Program Employees at the Washington
State Penitentiary in Walla Walla
3. Clarkston Center Employees
4. Coyote Ridge Corrections Center Employees
5. All Other Classified Employees
Wenatchee Valley College
1. Project Employment
2. All Other Classified Employees
WPEA Higher Education
D.1 Application of Appendix
This Appendix applies only to members of the bargaining units identified in
Appendix B represented by the Union.
D.2 Part-Time Hourly Appointments
The Employer may make temporary appointments (also referred to as “part-time
hourly”) per RCW 41.06.070 (1) (l). An individual in a part-time hourly
appointment is limited to one thousand, fifty (1,050) hours of work in any twelve
(12) consecutive month period from the individual’s date of hire. The Employer
will provide written notice to the Union when a part-time hourly appointment
exceeds three hundred fifty (350) hours.
A. Represented Individuals
Excluding students, individuals in part-time hourly appointments who work
between three hundred fifty (350) hours and one thousand, fifty (1,050)
hours in the twelve (12) consecutive month period defined above who are
members of the bargaining units identified in Appendix B represented by
the Union, are governed by the specific terms of this Article. Unless
identified in Section D.10, no other Articles in this Agreement apply to
represented individuals.
B. Non-Represented Individuals
All other individuals, including students, in part-time hourly appointments
who work less than one thousand fifty (1,050) hours in the twelve (12)
consecutive month period defined above are not covered by this Agreement.
The Employer may petition the OFM/State Human Resources or designee for
approval of exceptions to the one thousand, fifty (1,050) hour threshold specified
above. The Employer will provide the Union with a copy of the petition.
D.3 Appointment Notice
Prior to the start of a part-time hourly appointment, the part-time hourly appointee
must be notified in writing of the conditions of the appointment. The written
notification must contain the following information regarding the appointment:
1. The reason for the part-time hourly appointment;
2. The hours of work and the hourly rate of pay;
3. The anticipated duration of the appointment;
4. A statement regarding the receipt or non-receipt of benefits;
WPEA Higher Education
5. The employee’s original date of hire in a part-time hourly
6. A description of when they may become a represented individual,
included in the bargaining unit and covered by this Agreement;
7. A statement of the Union’s exclusive recognition and union security
provision; and
8. The right to request remedial action as provided in Section D.8.
D.4 Compensation
A. Salary Assignments
The Employer will continue current practices regarding salary assignments
for represented individuals.
B. Minimum Wages Determined by Local Ordinances
Any employee who has a primary assigned duty station within a local
jurisdiction which has passed an ordinance establishing a minimum wage
higher than the minimum wage established in this Collective Bargaining
Agreement, will be paid no less than the minimum wage directed by the
local ordinance. The Employer will first consider the hourly wage of the
employee’s base salary plus any applicable King County Premium Pay
under the below Subsection D.4 D. If, after this consideration, the
employee’s salary is still below the local ordinance minimum wage, the
Employer will place the employee at the minimum wage requirement of the
local ordinance.
C. King County Premium Pay
Employees assigned to a primary duty station in King County will receive
five percent (5%) premium pay calculated from their base salary. When an
employee no longer has their primary duty station in King County, they will
not be eligible for this premium pay.
D.5 Hours of Work and Overtime
The Employer will assign the hours of work for represented individuals. All hours
worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day workweek by overtime-
eligible represented individuals constitutes overtime. Overtime hours for overtime-
eligible represented individuals will be compensated at a rate of one and one-half
(1½) times the represented individual’s regular rate of pay.
D.6 Release Time for Interviews
Release time may be granted to represented individuals for the purposes of
interviewing for positions within the employee’s college.
WPEA Higher Education
D.7 Suspended Operations
If the Employer determines that public health, property or safety is jeopardized and
it is advisable due to emergency conditions to suspend the operation of all or any
portion of the institution, the following will govern represented individuals:
A. When prior notice has not been given, represented individuals released until
further notice after reporting to work will be compensated for hours worked
on the first day of suspended operations.
B. Represented individuals who are not required to work during suspended
operations may request and will be granted a schedule change during their
workweek, unless the Employer deems that the work that would have been
performed cannot be performed due to business or customer service needs.
C. Represented individuals who are required to work during suspended
operations will receive their regular hourly rate for work performed during
the period of suspended operation. Overtime worked during the suspended
operations will be compensated in accordance with Section D.5.
D.8 Remedial Action
A. If a represented individual has worked more than one thousand, fifty (1,050)
hours in the twelve (12) month period defined above, they may request
remedial action from the OFM/State Human Resources or the designee in
accordance with WAC 357-49. Following the director’s review of the
remedial action request, an individual may file exceptions to the director’s
decision in accordance with WAC 357.
B. Remedial action is not subject to the provisions of the grievance procedure.
D.9 Reasonable Accommodations
Sections 34.1, 34.4 and 34.5 of Article 34, Reasonable Accommodations and
Disability Separation, apply to represented individuals.
D.10 Other Provisions
The following articles in this Agreement apply to represented individuals:
A. Article 1, Union Recognition;
B. Article 2, Non-Discrimination;
C. Article 9, Training and Employee Development;
D. Article 10, Licensing and Certification;
E. Article 20, Commute Trip Reduction and Parking;
F. Article 21, Safety and Health;
WPEA Higher Education
G. Article 23, Uniforms, Tools and Equipment;
H. Article 24, Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace;
I. Article 25, Electronic Monitoring of Employee Activity;
J. Article 26, Relocation/Use of Vehicles/Travel;
K. Article 27, Use of Electronic Devices and Equipment;
L. Article 30, Grievance Procedure, only for the provisions of this Agreement
that are applicable to represented employees;
M. Article 31, General Conditions and Benefits;
N. Article 32, Legal Liability;
O. Article 33, Personnel Files;
P. Article 37, Management Rights;
Q. Article 38, Labor/Management Communication Committee;
R. Article 39, Union Activities;
S. Article 45, Strikes;
T. Article 46, Entire Agreement;
U. Article 47, Savings;
V. Article 48, Distribution of Agreement; and
W. Article 49, Duration.
D.11 Sick Leave
For part-time hourly employees in overtime-eligible positions, the Employer will
follow the applicable paid sick leave provisions in the Minimum Wage
Requirements and Labor Standards, RCW 49.46.200 et seq. and WAC 296.128.600
et seq.
WPEA Higher Education
Annual 32340 32880 33660 34500 35280 36072 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444
Monthly 2695 2740 2805 2875 2940 3006 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537
Hourly 15.49 15.75 16.12 16.52 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33
Standby 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42
Annual 32880 33660 34500 35280 36072 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428
Monthly 2740 2805 2875 2940 3006 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619
Hourly 15.75 16.12 16.52 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80
Standby 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46
Annual 33660 34500 35280 36072 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400
Monthly 2805 2875 2940 3006 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700
Hourly 16.12 16.52 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26
Standby 1.13 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49
Annual 34500 35280 36072 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552
Monthly 2875 2940 3006 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796
Hourly 16.52 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82
Standby 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53
Annual 35280 36072 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596
Monthly 2940 3006 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883
Hourly 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32
Standby 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56
Annual 36072 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688
Monthly 3006 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974
Hourly 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84
Standby 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60
Annual 36900 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864
Monthly 3075 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072
Hourly 17.67 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40
Standby 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64
Annual 37740 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088
Monthly 3145 3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174
Hourly 18.07 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99
Standby 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68
Annual 38640 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384
3220 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282
Hourly 18.51 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61
Standby 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Appendix E
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 39528 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620
Monthly 3294 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385
Hourly 18.93 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20
Standby 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76
Annual 40512 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964
Monthly 3376 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497
Hourly 19.40 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84
Standby 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81
Annual 41448 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224
Monthly 3454 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602
Hourly 19.85 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45
Standby 1.39 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85
Annual 42444 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676
Monthly 3537 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723
Hourly 20.33 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14
Standby 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90
Annual 43428 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104
Monthly 3619 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842
Hourly 20.80 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83
Standby 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95
Annual 44400 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616
Monthly 3700 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968
Hourly 21.26 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55
Standby 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00
Annual 45552 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056
Monthly 3796 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088
Hourly 21.82 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24
1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05
Annual 46596 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568
Monthly 3883 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214
Hourly 22.32 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97
Standby 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10
Annual 47688 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092
Monthly 3974 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341
Hourly 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70
Standby 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 48864 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748
Monthly 4072 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479
Hourly 23.40 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49
Standby 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20
Annual 50088 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380
Monthly 4174 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615
Hourly 23.99 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27
Standby 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26
Annual 51384 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072
Monthly 4282 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756
Hourly 24.61 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08
Standby 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32
Annual 52620 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800
Monthly 4385 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900
Hourly 25.20 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91
Standby 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37
Annual 53964 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552
Monthly 4497 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046
Hourly 25.84 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75
Standby 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43
Annual 55224 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376
Monthly 4602 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198
Hourly 26.45 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62
Standby 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49
Annual 56676 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188
Monthly 4723 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349
Hourly 27.14 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49
1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55
Annual 58104 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120
Monthly 4842 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510
Hourly 27.83 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41
Standby 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62
Annual 59616 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112
Monthly 4968 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676
Hourly 28.55 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37
Standby 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 61056 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056
Monthly 5088 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838
Hourly 29.24 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30
Standby 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75
Annual 62568 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192
Monthly 5214 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016
Hourly 29.97 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32
Standby 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82
Annual 64092 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208
Monthly 5341 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184
Hourly 30.70 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29
Standby 2.15 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89
Annual 65748 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416
Monthly 5479 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368
Hourly 31.49 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34
Standby 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96
Annual 67380 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624
Monthly 5615 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552
Hourly 32.27 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40
Standby 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04
Annual 69072 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868
Monthly 5756 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739
Hourly 33.08 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48
Standby 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11
Annual 70800 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184
Monthly 5900 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932
Hourly 33.91 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59
2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19
Annual 72552 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596
Monthly 6046 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133
Hourly 34.75 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74
Standby 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27
Annual 74376 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008
Monthly 6198 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334
Hourly 35.62 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90
Standby 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 76188 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540
Monthly 6349 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545
Hourly 36.49 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11
Standby 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44
Annual 78120 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096
Monthly 6510 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758
Hourly 37.41 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33
Standby 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52
Annual 80112 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712
Monthly 6676 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976
Hourly 38.37 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59
Standby 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61
Annual 82056 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400
Monthly 6838 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200
Hourly 39.30 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87
Standby 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70
Annual 84192 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160
Monthly 7016 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430
Hourly 40.32 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20
Standby 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79
Annual 86208 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016
Monthly 7184 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668
Hourly 41.29 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56
Standby 2.89 2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89
Annual 88416 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932
Monthly 7368 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911
Hourly 42.34 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96
2.96 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99
Annual 90624 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860
Monthly 7552 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155
Hourly 43.40 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36
Standby 3.04 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09
Annual 92868 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932
Monthly 7739 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411
Hourly 44.48 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83
Standby 3.11 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 95184 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040
Monthly 7932 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670
Hourly 45.59 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32
Standby 3.19 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29
Annual 97596 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244
Monthly 8133 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937
Hourly 46.74 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86
Standby 3.27 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40
Annual 100008 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508
Monthly 8334 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209
Hourly 47.90 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42
Standby 3.35 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51
Annual 102540 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916
Monthly 8545 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493
Hourly 49.11 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05
Standby 3.44 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62
Annual 105096 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300
Monthly 8758 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775
Hourly 50.33 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67
Standby 3.52 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74
Annual 107712 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840
Monthly 8976 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070
Hourly 51.59 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37
Standby 3.61 3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86
Annual 110400 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500
Monthly 9200 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375
Hourly 52.87 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12
3.70 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98
Annual 113160 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172
Monthly 9430 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681
Hourly 54.20 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88
Standby 3.79 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10
Annual 116016 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964
Monthly 9668 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997
Hourly 55.56 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70
Standby 3.89 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 118932 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888
Monthly 9911 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324
Hourly 56.96 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57
Standby 3.99 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36
Annual 121860 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836
Monthly 10155 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653
Hourly 58.36 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47
Standby 4.09 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49
Annual 124932 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000
Monthly 10411 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000
Hourly 59.83 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46
Standby 4.19 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63
Annual 128040 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212
Monthly 10670 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351
Hourly 61.32 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48
Standby 4.29 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77
Annual 131244 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496
Monthly 10937 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708
Hourly 62.86 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53
Standby 4.40 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92
Annual 134508 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948
Monthly 11209 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079
Hourly 64.42 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66
Standby 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07
Annual 137916 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424
Monthly 11493 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452
Hourly 66.05 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80
4.62 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22
Annual 141300 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080
Monthly 11775 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840
Hourly 67.67 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03
Standby 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37
Annual 144840 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796
Monthly 12070 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233
Hourly 69.37 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29
Standby 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 -
June 30, 2024
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 148500 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716
Monthly 12375 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643
Hourly 71.12 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65
Standby 4.98 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70
Annual 152172 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684
Monthly 12681 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057
Hourly 72.88 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03
Standby 5.10 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86
Annual 155964 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808
Monthly 12997 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484
Hourly 74.70 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48
Standby 5.23 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03
Annual 159888 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076
Monthly 13324 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923
Hourly 76.57 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01
Standby 5.36 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21
Annual 163836 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476
Monthly 13653 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373
Hourly 78.47 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59
Standby 5.49 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39
Annual 168000 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984
Monthly 14000 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832
Hourly 80.46 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23
Standby 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58
Annual 172212 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612
Monthly 14351 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301
Hourly 82.48 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93
5.77 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76
Annual 176496 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420
Monthly 14708 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785
Hourly 84.53 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71
Standby 5.92 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96
Annual 180948 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360
Monthly 15079 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280
Hourly 86.66 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55
Standby 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 -
June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 185424 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432
Monthly 15452 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786
Hourly 88.80 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46
Standby 6.22 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36
Annual 190080 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672
Monthly 15840 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306
Hourly 91.03 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45
Standby 6.37 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57
Annual 194796 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056
Monthly 16233 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838
Hourly 93.29 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51
Standby 6.53 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79
Annual 199716 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596
Monthly 16643 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383
Hourly 95.65 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64
Standby 6.70 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00
Annual 204684 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316
Monthly 17057 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943
Hourly 98.03 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86
Standby 6.86 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23
Annual 209808 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228
Monthly 17484 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519
Hourly 100.48 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17
Standby 7.03 7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46
Annual 215076 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296
Monthly 17923 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108
Hourly 103.01 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55
7.21 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70
Annual 220476 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496
Monthly 18373 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708
Hourly 105.59 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00
Standby 7.39 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94
Annual 225984 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912
Monthly 18832 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326
Hourly 108.23 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55
Standby 7.58 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 231612 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508
Monthly 19301 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959
Hourly 110.93 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19
Standby 7.76 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44
Annual 237420 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296
Monthly 19785 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608
Hourly 113.71 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92
Standby 7.96 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70
Annual 243360 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264
Monthly 20280 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272
Hourly 116.55 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74
Standby 8.16 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97
Annual 249432 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448
Monthly 20786 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954
Hourly 119.46 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66
Standby 8.36 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25
Annual 255672 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448 343848
Monthly 21306 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954 28654
Hourly 122.45 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66 164.68
Standby 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25 11.53
Annual 262056 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448 343848 352452
Monthly 21838 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954 28654 29371
Hourly 125.51 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66 164.68 168.80
Standby 8.79 9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25 11.53 11.82
Annual 268596 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448 343848 352452 361260
Monthly 22383 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954 28654 29371 30105
Hourly 128.64 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66 164.68 168.80 173.02
9.00 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25 11.53 11.82 12.11
Annual 275316 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448 343848 352452 361260 370296
Monthly 22943 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954 28654 29371 30105 30858
Hourly 131.86 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66 164.68 168.80 173.02 177.34
Standby 9.23 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25 11.53 11.82 12.11 12.41
Annual 282228 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448 343848 352452 361260 370296 379536
Monthly 23519 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954 28654 29371 30105 30858 31628
Hourly 135.17 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66 164.68 168.80 173.02 177.34 181.77
Standby 9.46 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25 11.53 11.82 12.11 12.41 12.72
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Ed. (see CBA)
Annual 289296 296496 303912 311508 319296 327264 335448 343848 352452 361260 370296 379536 389028
Monthly 24108 24708 25326 25959 26608 27272 27954 28654 29371 30105 30858 31628 32419
Hourly 138.55 142.00 145.55 149.19 152.92 156.74 160.66 164.68 168.80 173.02 177.34 181.77 186.32
Standby 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.70 10.97 11.25 11.53 11.82 12.11 12.41 12.72 13.04
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
WPEA Higher Education
Annual 33312 33864 34668 35532 36336 37152 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716
Monthly 2776 2822 2889 2961 3028 3096 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643
Hourly 15.95 16.22 16.60 17.02 17.40 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94
Standby 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47
Annual 33864 34668 35532 36336 37152 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736
Monthly 2822 2889 2961 3028 3096 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728
Hourly 16.22 16.60 17.02 17.40 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43
1.14 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50
Annual 34668 35532 36336 37152 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732
Monthly 2889 2961 3028 3096 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811
Hourly 16.60 17.02 17.40 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90
Standby 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53
Annual 35532 36336 37152 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920
Monthly 2961 3028 3096 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910
Hourly 17.02 17.40 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47
Standby 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57
Annual 36336 37152 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988
Monthly 3028 3096 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999
Hourly 17.40 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98
Standby 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61
Annual 37152 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116
Monthly 3096 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093
Hourly 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52
Standby 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65
Annual 38004 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328
Monthly 3167 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194
Hourly 18.20 18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10
Standby 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69
Annual 38868 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588
Monthly 3239 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299
18.61 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71
Standby 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73
Annual 39804 40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920
Monthly 3317 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410
Hourly 19.06 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34
Standby 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Appendix F F
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
40716 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204
Monthly 3393 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517
Hourly 19.50 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96
Standby 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82
Annual 41724 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584
Monthly 3477 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632
Hourly 19.98 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62
Standby 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86
Annual 42696 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880
Monthly 3558 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740
Hourly 20.45 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24
Standby 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91
Annual 43716 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380
Monthly 3643 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865
Hourly 20.94 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96
Standby 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96
Annual 44736 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844
Monthly 3728 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987
Hourly 21.43 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66
Standby 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01
Annual 45732 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404
Monthly 3811 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117
Hourly 21.90 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41
Standby 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06
Annual 46920 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892
Monthly 3910 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241
Hourly 22.47 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12
Standby 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11
Annual 47988 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440
Monthly 3999 4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370
Hourly 22.98 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86
Standby 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16
Annual 49116 50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012
4093 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501
Hourly 23.52 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61
Standby 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July
1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
50328 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716
Monthly 4194 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643
Hourly 24.10 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43
Standby 1.69 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27
Annual 51588 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396
Monthly 4299 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783
Hourly 24.71 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24
Standby 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33
Annual 52920 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148
Monthly 4410 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929
Hourly 25.34 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07
Standby 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39
Annual 54204 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924
Monthly 4517 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077
Hourly 25.96 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93
Standby 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44
Annual 55584 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724
Monthly 4632 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227
Hourly 26.62 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79
Standby 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51
Annual 56880 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608
Monthly 4740 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384
Hourly 27.24 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69
Standby 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57
Annual 58380 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468
Monthly 4865 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539
Hourly 27.96 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58
Standby 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63
Annual 59844 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460
Monthly 4987 5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705
Hourly 28.66 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53
Standby 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70
Annual 61404 62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512
5117 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876
Hourly 29.41 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52
Standby 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
62892 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516
Monthly 5241 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043
Hourly 30.12 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48
Standby 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83
Annual 64440 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712
Monthly 5370 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226
Hourly 30.86 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53
Standby 2.16 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91
Annual 66012 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800
Monthly 5501 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400
Hourly 31.61 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53
Standby 2.21 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98
Annual 67716 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068
Monthly 5643 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589
Hourly 32.43 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61
Standby 2.27 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05
Annual 69396 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348
Monthly 5783 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779
Hourly 33.24 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71
Standby 2.33 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13
Annual 71148 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652
Monthly 5929 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971
Hourly 34.07 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81
Standby 2.39 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21
Annual 72924 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040
Monthly 6077 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170
Hourly 34.93 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95
Standby 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29
Annual 74724 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524
Monthly 6227 6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377
Hourly 35.79 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14
Standby 2.51 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37
Annual 76608 78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008
6384 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584
Hourly 36.69 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33
Standby 2.57 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
78468 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612
Monthly 6539 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801
Hourly 37.58 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58
Standby 2.63 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54
Annual 80460 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252
Monthly 6705 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021
Hourly 38.53 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84
Standby 2.70 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63
Annual 82512 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940
Monthly 6876 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245
Hourly 39.52 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13
Standby 2.77 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72
Annual 84516 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712
Monthly 7043 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476
Hourly 40.48 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46
Standby 2.83 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81
Annual 86712 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556
Monthly 7226 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713
Hourly 41.53 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82
Standby 2.91 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91
Annual 88800 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496
Monthly 7400 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958
Hourly 42.53 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23
Standby 2.98 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01
Annual 91068 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496
Monthly 7589 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208
Hourly 43.61 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67
Standby 3.05 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11
Annual 93348 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520
Monthly 7779 7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460
Hourly 44.71 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11
Standby 3.13 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21
Annual 95652 98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676
7971 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723
Hourly 45.81 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63
Standby 3.21 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
98040 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880
Monthly 8170 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990
Hourly 46.95 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16
Standby 3.29 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42
Annual 100524 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180
Monthly 8377 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265
Hourly 48.14 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74
Standby 3.37 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53
Annual 103008 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540
Monthly 8584 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545
Hourly 49.33 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35
Standby 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64
Annual 105612 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056
Monthly 8801 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838
Hourly 50.58 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03
Standby 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76
Annual 108252 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536
Monthly 9021 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128
Hourly 51.84 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70
Standby 3.63 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88
Annual 110940 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184
Monthly 9245 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432
Hourly 53.13 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45
Standby 3.72 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00
Annual 113712 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952
Monthly 9476 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746
Hourly 54.46 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25
Standby 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13
Annual 116556 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732
Monthly 9713 9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061
Hourly 55.82 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06
Standby 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25
Annual 119496 122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644
9958 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387
Hourly 57.23 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94
Standby 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
122496 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688
Monthly 10208 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724
Hourly 58.67 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87
Standby 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52
Annual 125520 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756
Monthly 10460 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063
Hourly 60.11 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82
Standby 4.21 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66
Annual 128676 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040
Monthly 10723 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420
Hourly 61.63 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87
Standby 4.31 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80
Annual 131880 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384
Monthly 10990 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782
Hourly 63.16 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95
Standby 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95
Annual 135180 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788
Monthly 11265 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149
Hourly 64.74 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06
Standby 4.53 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09
Annual 138540 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372
Monthly 11545 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531
Hourly 66.35 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26
Standby 4.64 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25
Annual 142056 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992
Monthly 11838 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916
Hourly 68.03 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47
Standby 4.76 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40
Annual 145536 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780
Monthly 12128 12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315
Hourly 69.70 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76
Standby 4.88 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56
Annual 149184 152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640
12432 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720
Hourly 71.45 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09
Standby 5.00 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
152952 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704
Monthly 12746 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142
Hourly 73.25 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52
Standby 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90
Annual 156732 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828
Monthly 13061 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569
Hourly 75.06 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97
Standby 5.25 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07
Annual 160644 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108
Monthly 13387 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009
Hourly 76.94 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50
Standby 5.39 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25
Annual 164688 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532
Monthly 13724 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461
Hourly 78.87 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10
Standby 5.52 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43
Annual 168756 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088
Monthly 14063 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924
Hourly 80.82 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76
Standby 5.66 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61
Annual 173040 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764
Monthly 14420 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397
Hourly 82.87 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48
Standby 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80
Annual 177384 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560
Monthly 14782 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880
Hourly 84.95 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25
Standby 5.95 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00
Annual 181788 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548
Monthly 15149 15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379
Hourly 87.06 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12
Standby 6.09 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20
Annual 186372 190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656
15531 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888
Hourly 89.26 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05
Standby 6.25 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
190992 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920
Monthly 15916 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410
Hourly 91.47 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05
Standby 6.40 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61
Annual 195780 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340
Monthly 16315 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945
Hourly 93.76 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12
Standby 6.56 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83
Annual 200640 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916
Monthly 16720 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493
Hourly 96.09 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27
Standby 6.73 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05
Annual 205704 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648
Monthly 17142 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054
Hourly 98.52 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49
Standby 6.90 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27
Annual 210828 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572
Monthly 17569 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631
Hourly 100.97 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81
Standby 7.07 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51
Annual 216108 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700
Monthly 18009 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225
Hourly 103.50 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22
Standby 7.25 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75
Annual 221532 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972
Monthly 18461 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831
Hourly 106.10 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71
Standby 7.43 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99
Annual 227088 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388
Monthly 18924 19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449
Hourly 108.76 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26
Standby 7.61 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24
Annual 232764 238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032
19397 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086
Hourly 111.48 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92
Standby 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
GS Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 -
June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
238560 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856
Monthly 19880 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738
Hourly 114.25 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67
Standby 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76
Annual 244548 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872
Monthly 20379 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406
Hourly 117.12 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51
Standby 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03
Annual 250656 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080
Monthly 20888 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090
Hourly 120.05 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44
Standby 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30
Annual 256920 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516
Monthly 21410 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793
Hourly 123.05 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48
Standby 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58
Annual 263340 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516 354168
Monthly 21945 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793 29514
Hourly 126.12 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48 169.62
Standby 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87
Annual 269916 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516 354168 363024
Monthly 22493 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793 29514 30252
Hourly 129.27 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48 169.62 173.86
Standby 9.05 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87 12.17
Annual 276648 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516 354168 363024 372096
Monthly 23054 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793 29514 30252 31008
Hourly 132.49 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48 169.62 173.86 178.21
Standby 9.27 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87 12.17 12.47
Annual 283572 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516 354168 363024 372096 381408
Monthly 23631 24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793 29514 30252 31008 31784
Hourly 135.81 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48 169.62 173.86 178.21 182.67
Standby 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87 12.17 12.47 12.79
Annual 290700 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516 354168 363024 372096 381408 390924
24225 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793 29514 30252 31008 31784 32577
Hourly 139.22 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48 169.62 173.86 178.21 182.67 187.22
Standby 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87 12.17 12.47 12.79 13.11
Annual 297972 305388 313032 320856 328872 337080 345516 354168 363024 372096 381408 390924 400704
Monthly 24831 25449 26086 26738 27406 28090 28793 29514 30252 31008 31784 32577 33392
Hourly 142.71 146.26 149.92 153.67 157.51 161.44 165.48 169.62 173.86 178.21 182.67 187.22 191.91
Standby 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87 12.17 12.47 12.79 13.11 13.43
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
Annual 41292 42240 43260 44292 45276 46416 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660
Monthly 3441 3520 3605 3691 3773 3868 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555
Hourly 19.78 20.23 20.72 21.21 21.68 22.23 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18
Standby 1.38 1.42 1.45 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83
Annual 42240 43260 44292 45276 46416 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992
Monthly 3520 3605 3691 3773 3868 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666
Hourly 20.23 20.72 21.21 21.68 22.23 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82
Standby 1.42 1.45 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88
Annual 43260 44292 45276 46416 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396
Monthly 3605 3691 3773 3868 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783
Hourly 20.72 21.21 21.68 22.23 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49
Standby 1.45 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92
Annual 44292 45276 46416 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836
Monthly 3691 3773 3868 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903
Hourly 21.21 21.68 22.23 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18
Standby 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97
Annual 45276 46416 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264
Monthly 3773 3868 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022
Hourly 21.68 22.23 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86
Standby 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02
Annual 46416 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824
Monthly 3868 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152
Hourly 22.23 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61
Standby 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07
Annual 47472 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324
Monthly 3956 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277
Hourly 22.74 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33
Standby 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12
Annual 48588 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944
Monthly 4049 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412
Hourly 23.27 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10
Standby 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18
Annual 49716 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528
Monthly 4143 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544
Hourly 23.81 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86
Standby 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23
Annual 50880 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232
Monthly 4240 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686
Hourly 24.37 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68
Standby 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29
45SP Annual 52152 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924
Monthly 4346 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827
Hourly 24.98 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49
Standby 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34
Higher Ed (See CBA)
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate.
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Appendix GG
SP Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed (See CBA)
Annual 53388 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652
Monthly 4449 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971
Hourly 25.57 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32
Standby 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40
Annual 54660 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404
Monthly 4555 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117
Hourly 26.18 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16
Standby 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46
Annual 55992 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300
Monthly 4666 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275
Hourly 26.82 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06
Standby 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52
Annual 57396 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160
Monthly 4783 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430
Hourly 27.49 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95
Standby 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59
50SP Annual 58836 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152
Monthly 4903 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596
Hourly 28.18 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91
Standby 1.97 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65
Annual 60264 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096
Monthly 5022 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758
Hourly 28.86 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84
Standby 2.02 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72
Annual 61824 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112
Monthly 5152 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926
Hourly 29.61 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80
Standby 2.07 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79
Annual 63324 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152
Monthly 5277 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096
Hourly 30.33 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78
Standby 2.12 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85
Annual 64944 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300
Monthly 5412 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275
Hourly 31.10 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81
Standby 2.18 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93
Annual 66528 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460
Monthly 5544 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455
Hourly 31.86 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84
Standby 2.23 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00
56SP Annual 68232 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704
Monthly 5686 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642
Hourly 32.68 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92
Standby 2.29 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate.
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
SP Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Higher Ed (See CBA)
Annual 69924 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996
Monthly 5827 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833
Hourly 33.49 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02
Standby 2.34 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15
Annual 71652 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360
Monthly 5971 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030
Hourly 34.32 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15
Standby 2.40 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23
Annual 73404 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772
Monthly 6117 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231
Hourly 35.16 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30
Standby 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31
Annual 75300 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220
Monthly 6275 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435
Hourly 36.06 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48
Standby 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39
Annual 77160 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788
Monthly 6430 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649
Hourly 36.95 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71
Standby 2.59 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48
Annual 79152 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356
Monthly 6596 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863
Hourly 37.91 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94
Standby 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57
Annual 81096 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356 108996
Monthly 6758 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863 9083
Hourly 38.84 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94 52.20
Standby 2.72 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.65
Annual 83112 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356 108996 111744
Monthly 6926 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863 9083 9312
Hourly 39.80 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94 52.20 53.52
Standby 2.79 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.65 3.75
Annual 85152 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356 108996 111744 114528
Monthly 7096 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863 9083 9312 9544
Hourly 40.78 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94 52.20 53.52 54.85
Standby 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.65 3.75 3.84
Annual 87300 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356 108996 111744 114528 117384
Monthly 7275 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863 9083 9312 9544 9782
Hourly 41.81 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94 52.20 53.52 54.85 56.22
Standby 2.93 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.65 3.75 3.84 3.94
Annual 89460 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356 108996 111744 114528 117384 120324
Monthly 7455 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863 9083 9312 9544 9782 10027
Hourly 42.84 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94 52.20 53.52 54.85 56.22 57.63
Standby 3.00 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.65 3.75 3.84 3.94 4.03
68SP Annual 91704 93996 96360 98772 101220 103788 106356 108996 111744 114528 117384 120324 123336
Monthly 7642 7833 8030 8231 8435 8649 8863 9083 9312 9544 9782 10027 10278
Hourly 43.92 45.02 46.15 47.30 48.48 49.71 50.94 52.20 53.52 54.85 56.22 57.63 59.07
Standby 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.65 3.75 3.84 3.94 4.03 4.13
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate.
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Annual 42528 43512 44556 45624 46632 47808 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304
Monthly 3544 3626 3713 3802 3886 3984 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692
Hourly 20.37 20.84 21.34 21.85 22.33 22.90 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97
Standby 1.43 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89
Annual 43512 44556 45624 46632 47808 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672
Monthly 3626 3713 3802 3886 3984 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806
Hourly 20.84 21.34 21.85 22.33 22.90 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62
Standby 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93
Annual 44556 45624 46632 47808 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112
Monthly 3713 3802 3886 3984 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926
Hourly 21.34 21.85 22.33 22.90 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31
Standby 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98
Annual 45624 46632 47808 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600
Monthly 3802 3886 3984 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050
Hourly 21.85 22.33 22.90 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02
Standby 1.53 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03
Annual 46632 47808 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076
Monthly 3886 3984 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173
Hourly 22.33 22.90 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73
Standby 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08
Annual 47808 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684
Monthly 3984 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307
Hourly 22.90 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50
Standby 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14
Annual 48900 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220
Monthly 4075 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435
Hourly 23.42 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24
Standby 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19
Annual 50040 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888
Monthly 4170 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574
Hourly 23.97 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03
Standby 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24
Annual 51204 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520
Monthly 4267 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710
Hourly 24.52 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82
Standby 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30
Annual 52404 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284
Monthly 4367 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857
Hourly 25.10 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66
Standby 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36
45SP Annual 53712 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024
Monthly 4476 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002
Hourly 25.72 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49
Standby 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41
Higher Ed (See CBA)
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate.
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Appendix HH
SP Salary
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed (See CBA)
Annual 54984 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800
Monthly 4582 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150
Hourly 26.33 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34
Standby 1.84 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47
Annual 56304 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612
Monthly 4692 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301
Hourly 26.97 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21
Standby 1.89 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53
Annual 57672 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556
Monthly 4806 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463
Hourly 27.62 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14
Standby 1.93 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60
Annual 59112 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476
Monthly 4926 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623
Hourly 28.31 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06
Standby 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66
50SP Annual 60600 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528
Monthly 5050 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794
Hourly 29.02 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05
Standby 2.03 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73
Annual 62076 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532
Monthly 5173 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961
Hourly 29.73 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01
Standby 2.08 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80
Annual 63684 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608
Monthly 5307 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134
Hourly 30.50 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00
Standby 2.14 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87
Annual 65220 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708
Monthly 5435 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309
Hourly 31.24 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01
Standby 2.19 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94
Annual 66888 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916
Monthly 5574 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493
Hourly 32.03 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06
Standby 2.24 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01
Annual 68520 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148
Monthly 5710 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679
Hourly 32.82 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13
Standby 2.30 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09
56SP Annual 70284 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452
Monthly 5857 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871
Hourly 33.66 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24
Standby 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate.
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
SP Salary
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
Higher Ed (See CBA)
Annual 72024 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816
Monthly 6002 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068
Hourly 34.49 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37
Standby 2.41 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25
Annual 73800 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252
Monthly 6150 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271
Hourly 35.34 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53
Standby 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33
Annual 75612 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736
Monthly 6301 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478
Hourly 36.21 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72
Standby 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41
Annual 77556 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256
Monthly 6463 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688
Hourly 37.14 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93
Standby 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50
Annual 79476 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896
Monthly 6623 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908
Hourly 38.06 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20
Standby 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58
Annual 81528 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548
Monthly 6794 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129
Hourly 39.05 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47
Standby 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67
Annual 83532 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548 112260
Monthly 6961 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129 9355
Hourly 40.01 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47 53.76
Standby 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.76
Annual 85608 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548 112260 115092
Monthly 7134 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129 9355 9591
Hourly 41.00 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47 53.76 55.12
Standby 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.76 3.86
Annual 87708 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548 112260 115092 117960
Monthly 7309 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129 9355 9591 9830
Hourly 42.01 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47 53.76 55.12 56.49
Standby 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.76 3.86 3.95
Annual 89916 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548 112260 115092 117960 120900
Monthly 7493 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129 9355 9591 9830 10075
Hourly 43.06 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47 53.76 55.12 56.49 57.90
Standby 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.76 3.86 3.95 4.05
Annual 92148 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548 112260 115092 117960 120900 123936
Monthly 7679 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129 9355 9591 9830 10075 10328
Hourly 44.13 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47 53.76 55.12 56.49 57.90 59.36
Standby 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.76 3.86 3.95 4.05 4.15
68SP Annual 94452 96816 99252 101736 104256 106896 109548 112260 115092 117960 120900 123936 127032
Monthly 7871 8068 8271 8478 8688 8908 9129 9355 9591 9830 10075 10328 10586
Hourly 45.24 46.37 47.53 48.72 49.93 51.20 52.47 53.76 55.12 56.49 57.90 59.36 60.84
Standby 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.76 3.86 3.95 4.05 4.15 4.26
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate.
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
SP Salary
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Higher Education
WPEA HE 2023-2025
IT Professional Job Family Classifications
New Salary
July 1, 2019
IT Application Development - Entry
Range 4
IT Application Development - Journey
Range 5
IT Application Development - Senior/Specialist
Range 8
IT Application Development - Expert
Range 10
IT Application Development - Manager
Range 10
IT Application Development - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Customer Support - Entry
Range 1
IT Customer Support - Journey
Range 3
IT Customer Support - Senior/Specialist
Range 5
IT Customer Support - Manager
Range 8
IT Data Management - Entry
Range 2
IT Data Management - Journey
Range 6
IT Data Management - Senior/Specialist
Range 7
IT Data Management - Expert
Range 9
IT Data Management - Manager
Range 10
IT Data Management - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Architecture - Journey
Range 4
IT Architecture - Senior/Specialist
Range 9
IT Architecture - Expert
IT Architecture - Manager
IT Architecture - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Business Analyst - Entry
Range 3
IT Business Analyst - Journey
Range 5
IT Business Analyst - Senior/Specialist
Range 7
IT Business Analyst - Expert
Range 9
IT Business Analyst - Manager
Range 9
IT Business Analyst - Senior Manager
Range 10
IT Policy and Planning Entry
Range 2
IT Policy and Planning - Journey
Range 3
IT Policy and Planning - Senior/Specialist
Range 8
IT Policy and Planning - Expert
Range 9
IT Policy and Planning - Manager
Range 10
IT Policy and Planning - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Project Management - Entry
Range 5
IT Project Management - Journey
Range 6
IT Project Management - Senior/Specialist
Range 8
WPEA HE 2023-2025
IT Professional Job Family Classifications
New Salary
July 1, 2019
IT Project Management - Expert
Range 10
IT Project Management - Manager
Range 10
IT Project Management - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Security - Journey
Range 5
IT Security - Senior/Specialist
Range 8
IT Security - Expert
Range 11
IT Security - Manager
Range 10
IT Security - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Vendor Management - Entry
Range 1
IT Vendor Management - Journey
Range 4
IT Vendor Management - Senior/Specialist
Range 7
IT Vendor Management - Expert
Range 8
IT Vendor Management - Manager
Range 10
IT Vendor Management - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Network and Telecommunications - Entry
Range 3
IT Network and Telecommunications - Journey
Range 5
IT Network and Telecommunications - Senior/Specialist
Range 7
IT Network and Telecommunications - Expert
Range 9
IT Network and Telecommunications - Manager
Range 9
Network and Telecommunications - Senior Manager
Range 11
IT Quality Assurance - Entry
Range 3
IT Quality Assurance - Journey
Range 5
IT Quality Assurance - Senior/Specialist
Range 7
IT Quality Assurance - Expert
Range 8
IT Quality Assurance - Manager
Range 9
IT Quality Assurance- Senior Manager
Range 10
IT System Administration - Entry
Range 3
IT System Administration - Journey
Range 6
IT System Administration - Senior/Specialist
Range 7
IT System Administration - Expert
IT System Administration - Manager
IT System Administration - Senior Manager
Range 9
WPEA HE 2023-2025
Job Class
Classification Title
Data Consultant 1
Data Consultant 2
Data Consultant 3
Data Consultant 4
IT Support Technician 1
IT Support Technician 2
Technical Training Consultant
Annual 59376 60888 62388 63948 65544 67176 68880 70596 72372 74172 76032 77928 79872
Monthly 4948 5074 5199 5329 5462 5598 5740 5883 6031 6181 6336 6494 6656
Hourly 28.44 29.16 29.88 30.63 31.39 32.17 32.99 33.81 34.66 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25
1.99 2.04 2.09 2.14 2.20 2.25 2.31 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.61 2.68
Annual 63828 65436 67068 68736 70476 72240 74028 75888 77784 79728 81720 83748 85848
Monthly 5319 5453 5589 5728 5873 6020 6169 6324 6482 6644 6810 6979 7154
Hourly 30.57 31.34 32.12 32.92 33.75 34.60 35.45 36.34 37.25 38.18 39.14 40.11 41.11
Standby 2.14 2.19 2.25 2.30 2.36 2.42 2.48 2.54 2.61 2.67 2.74 2.81 2.88
Annual 68628 70332 72108 73908 75756 77664 79608 81600 83640 85728 87888 90084 92340
Monthly 5719 5861 6009 6159 6313 6472 6634 6800 6970 7144 7324 7507 7695
Hourly 32.87 33.68 34.53 35.40 36.28 37.20 38.13 39.08 40.06 41.06 42.09 43.14 44.22
Standby 2.30 2.36 2.42 2.48 2.54 2.60 2.67 2.74 2.80 2.87 2.95 3.02 3.10
Annual 73764 75612 77484 79440 81420 83472 85548 87672 89868 92100 94404 96768 99192
Monthly 6147 6301 6457 6620 6785 6956 7129 7306 7489 7675 7867 8064 8266
Hourly 35.33 36.21 37.11 38.05 38.99 39.98 40.97 41.99 43.04 44.11 45.21 46.34 47.51
Standby 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.66 2.73 2.80 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.09 3.16 3.24 3.33
Annual 79296 81288 83316 85392 87540 89724 91968 94260 96612 99024 101496 104028 106644
Monthly 6608 6774 6943 7116 7295 7477 7664 7855 8051 8252 8458 8669 8887
Hourly 37.98 38.93 39.90 40.90 41.93 42.97 44.05 45.14 46.27 47.43 48.61 49.82 51.07
Standby 2.66 2.73 2.79 2.86 2.93 3.01 3.08 3.16 3.24 3.32 3.40 3.49 3.58
Annual 83268 85344 87480 89664 91920 94212 96552 98976 101448 103980 106596 109260 111984
Monthly 6939 7112 7290 7472 7660 7851 8046 8248 8454 8665 8883 9105 9332
Hourly 39.88 40.87 41.90 42.94 44.02 45.12 46.24 47.40 48.59 49.80 51.05 52.33 53.63
Standby 2.79 2.86 2.93 3.01 3.08 3.16 3.24 3.32 3.40 3.49 3.57 3.66 3.75
Annual 87432 89616 91860 94152 96492 98904 101376 103908 106512 109176 111912 114708 117588
Monthly 7286 7468 7655 7846 8041 8242 8448 8659 8876 9098 9326 9559 9799
Hourly 41.87 42.92 43.99 45.09 46.21 47.37 48.55 49.76 51.01 52.29 53.60 54.94 56.32
Standby 2.93 3.00 3.08 3.16 3.23 3.32 3.40 3.48 3.57 3.66 3.75 3.85 3.94
Annual 91776 94092 96444 98844 101328 103860 106464 109116 111840 114648 117528 120456 123468
Monthly 7648 7841 8037 8237 8444 8655 8872 9093 9320 9554 9794 10038 10289
Hourly 43.95 45.06 46.19 47.34 48.53 49.74 50.99 52.26 53.56 54.91 56.29 57.69 59.13
Standby 3.08 3.15 3.23 3.31 3.40 3.48 3.57 3.66 3.75 3.84 3.94 4.04 4.14
Annual 96396 98796 101268 103812 106380 109068 111780 114564 117432 120384 123384 126480 129624
Monthly 8033 8233 8439 8651 8865 9089 9315 9547 9786 10032 10282 10540 10802
Hourly 46.17 47.32 48.50 49.72 50.95 52.24 53.53 54.87 56.24 57.66 59.09 60.57 62.08
Standby 3.23 3.31 3.40 3.48 3.57 3.66 3.75 3.84 3.94 4.04 4.14 4.24 4.35
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Salary Range
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Appendix K
IT Salary Schedule
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Salary Range
Annual 101196 103728 106320 108972 111696 114492 117348 120288 123300 126372 129528 132768 136092
Monthly 8433 8644 8860 9081 9308 9541 9779 10024 10275 10531 10794 11064 11341
Hourly 48.47 49.68 50.92 52.19 53.49 54.83 56.20 57.61 59.05 60.52 62.03 63.59 65.18
Standby 3.39 3.48 3.56 3.65 3.74 3.84 3.93 4.03 4.13 4.24 4.34 4.45 4.56
Annual 106272 108924 111648 114444 117288 120228 123240 126324 129480 132708 136044 139440 142920
Monthly 8856 9077 9304 9537 9774 10019 10270 10527 10790 11059 11337 11620 11910
50.90 52.17 53.47 54.81 56.17 57.58 59.02 60.50 62.01 63.56 65.16 66.78 68.45
Standby 3.56 3.65 3.74 3.84 3.93 4.03 4.13 4.24 4.34 4.45 4.56 4.67 4.79
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after begin assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Salary Schedule
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Higher Education
Annual 61152 62712 64260 65868 67512 69192 70944 72708 74544 76392 78312 80268 82272
Monthly 5096 5226 5355 5489 5626 5766 5912 6059 6212 6366 6526 6689 6856
Hourly 29.29 30.03 30.78 31.55 32.33 33.14 33.98 34.82 35.70 36.59 37.51 38.44 39.40
Standby 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.21 2.26 2.32 2.38 2.44 2.50 2.56 2.63 2.69 2.76
Annual 65748 67404 69084 70800 72588 74412 76248 78168 80112 82116 84168 86256 88428
Monthly 5479 5617 5757 5900 6049 6201 6354 6514 6676 6843 7014 7188 7369
Hourly 31.49 32.28 33.09 33.91 34.76 35.64 36.52 37.44 38.37 39.33 40.31 41.31 42.35
Standby 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.56 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96
Annual 70692 72444 74268 76128 78024 79992 81996 84048 86148 88296 90528 92784 95112
Monthly 5891 6037 6189 6344 6502 6666 6833 7004 7179 7358 7544 7732 7926
Hourly 33.86 34.70 35.57 36.46 37.37 38.31 39.27 40.25 41.26 42.29 43.36 44.44 45.55
Standby 2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.62 2.68 2.75 2.82 2.89 2.96 3.03 3.11 3.19
Annual 75972 77880 79812 81828 83868 85980 88116 90300 92568 94860 97236 99672 102168
Monthly 6331 6490 6651 6819 6989 7165 7343 7525 7714 7905 8103 8306 8514
Hourly 36.39 37.30 38.22 39.19 40.17 41.18 42.20 43.25 44.33 45.43 46.57 47.74 48.93
Standby 2.55 2.61 2.68 2.74 2.81 2.88 2.95 3.03 3.10 3.18 3.26 3.34 3.43
Annual 81672 83724 85812 87948 90168 92412 94728 97092 99516 102000 104544 107148 109848
Monthly 6806 6977 7151 7329 7514 7701 7894 8091 8293 8500 8712 8929 9154
Hourly 39.11 40.10 41.10 42.12 43.18 44.26 45.37 46.50 47.66 48.85 50.07 51.32 52.61
Standby 2.74 2.81 2.88 2.95 3.02 3.10 3.18 3.26 3.34 3.42 3.50 3.59 3.68
Annual 85764 87900 90108 92352 94680 97044 99444 101940 104496 107100 109788 112536 115344
Monthly 7147 7325 7509 7696 7890 8087 8287 8495 8708 8925 9149 9378 9612
Hourly 41.07 42.10 43.16 44.23 45.34 46.48 47.63 48.82 50.05 51.29 52.58 53.90 55.24
Standby 2.88 2.95 3.02 3.10 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.42 3.50 3.59 3.68 3.77 3.87
Annual 90060 92304 94620 96972 99384 101868 104412 107028 109704 112452 115272 118152 121116
Monthly 7505 7692 7885 8081 8282 8489 8701 8919 9142 9371 9606 9846 10093
Hourly 43.13 44.21 45.32 46.44 47.60 48.79 50.01 51.26 52.54 53.86 55.21 56.59 58.01
Standby 3.02 3.09 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.42 3.50 3.59 3.68 3.77 3.86 3.96 4.06
Annual 94524 96912 99336 101808 104364 106980 109656 112392 115200 118092 121056 124068 127176
Monthly 7877 8076 8278 8484 8697 8915 9138 9366 9600 9841 10088 10339 10598
Hourly 45.27 46.41 47.57 48.76 49.98 51.24 52.52 53.83 55.17 56.56 57.98 59.42 60.91
Standby 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.59 3.68 3.77 3.86 3.96 4.06 4.16 4.26
Annual 99288 101760 104304 106932 109572 112344 115128 117996 120960 123996 127080 130272 133512
Monthly 8274 8480 8692 8911 9131 9362 9594 9833 10080 10333 10590 10856 11126
Hourly 47.55 48.74 49.95 51.21 52.48 53.80 55.14 56.51 57.93 59.39 60.86 62.39 63.94
Standby 3.33 3.41 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.77 3.86 3.96 4.06 4.16 4.26 4.37 4.48
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Salary Range
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
Appendix L
Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
Higher Ed. (see CBA)
Salary Range
Annual 104232 106836 109512 112236 115044 117924 120864 123900 126996 130164 133416 136752 140172
Monthly 8686 8903 9126 9353 9587 9827 10072 10325 10583 10847 11118 11396 11681
49.92 51.17 52.45 53.75 55.10 56.48 57.89 59.34 60.82 62.34 63.90 65.49 67.13
Standby 3.49 3.58 3.67 3.76 3.86 3.95 4.05 4.15 4.26 4.36 4.47 4.58 4.70
Annual 109464 112188 114996 117876 120804 123840 126936 130116 133368 136692 140124 143628 147204
Monthly 9122 9349 9583 9823 10067 10320 10578 10843 11114 11391 11677 11969 12267
Hourly 52.43 53.73 55.07 56.45 57.86 59.31 60.79 62.32 63.87 65.47 67.11 68.79 70.50
Standby 3.67 3.76 3.86 3.95 4.05 4.15 4.26 4.36 4.47 4.58 4.70 4.82 4.94
Standby rate is equal to 7% of the hourly rate
*All employees will progress to Step M six (6) years after being assigned to Step L in their permanent salary range.
IT Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
WPEA Higher Education
Job Class
New Range Or Range
Increases Effective 7/1/2023*
Human Resource Consultant 1
Range 47
Human Resource Consultant 2
Range 53
Human Resource Consultant 3
Range 59
Human Resource Consultant 4
Range 63
Custodian 1
Range 32
Custodian 2
Range 34
Custodian 3
Range 37
Custodian 4
Range 40
Custodian 5
Range 43
Communications Officer 1
Range 49SP
Grounds and Nursery Services Specialist 2
Range 34
Grounds and Nursery Services Specialist 3
Range 36
Grounds and Nursery Services Specialist 4
Range 38
Procurement & Supply Specialist 1
Range 41
Procurement & Supply Support Specialist 2
Range 34
Deaf Interpreter 3
Range 47
Library & Archives Paraprofessional 2
Range 37
Cook 1
Range 35
Cook 2
Range 38
Cook 3
Range 40
Food Service Worker
Range 34
Food Service Worker Lead
Range 37
Food Service Supervisor 1
Range 41
Food Service Supervisor 2
Range 43
Food Service Manager 1
Range 45
Maintenance Custodian
Range 36
Recreation & Athletics Specialist 3
Range 48
Data Consultant 3
Range 56
Program Assistant
Range 37
Program Coordinator
Range 40
* The associated increases shall be step for step.
WPEA Higher Education
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and between Washington State (Employer), the
Washington State Office of Financial Management, State Human Resources, Labor Relations
Section, and the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education (Union) is entered
into for the purposes of obtaining a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) with the Washington Public
Employees Association Higher Education which ensures that OFM confidential information is
provided, protected, and used only for purposes authorized by the data sharing agreement.
DSAs are part of a suite of tools designated to safeguard and protect employee information. DSAs
are a best practice when an agency shares category 3 or higher data. Additionally, the Office of the
Chief Information Officer outlines in policy #141.10 that when an agency shared category 3 or
higher data outside of their agency, an agreement must be in place unless otherwise prescribed by
Data shared under the DSA will be in response to information requests, status reports, and
voluntary deductions reporting as set forth in the collective bargaining agreement and covers both
Category 3 and 4 data, including Personal Information and Confidential Information that OFM
may provide.
Category 3 – Confidential Information
Confidential information is information that is specifically protected from either release
or disclosure by law. This includes, but is not limited to:
a. Personal information as defined in RCW 42.56.590 and RCW 19.255.10.
b. Information about public employees as defined in RCW 42.56.250.
c. Lists of individuals for commercial purposes as defined in RCW 42.56.070 (9).
d. Information about the infrastructure and security of computer and
telecommunication networks as defined in RCW 42.56.420.
Category 4 Confidential Information Requiring Special Handling Confidential information
requiring special handling is information that is specifically protected from disclosure by law and
for which:
a. Especially strict handling requirements are dictated, such as by statutes,
regulations, or agreements.
WPEA Higher Education
b. Serious consequences could arise from unauthorized disclosure, such as threats to
health and safety, or legal sanctions.
In recognition of the above, the parties agree to the following:
The Employer and the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education strive to
ensure that any sharing of personal or confidential information is supported by a written DSA,
which will address the following:
(1) The data that will be shared.
(2) The specific authority for sharing the data.
(3) The classification of the data shared.
(4) Access methods for the shared data.
(5) Authorized users and operations permitted.
(6) Protection of the data in transport and at rest.
(7) Storage and disposal of data no longer required.
(8) Backup requirements for the data if applicable.
(9) Other applicable data handling requirements.
The provisions contained in this MOU become effective on July 1, 2023. This MOU shall
expire June 30, 2025.
For the Employer
For the Union
Gina L. Comeau, OFM
OFM/SHR Labor Negotiator
Amanda Hacker
Contract Administration Director
WPEA Higher Education
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and between Washington State (Employer), the
Higher Education Community College Coalition, the Washington State Office of Financial
Management, State Human Resources, Labor Relations Section, and the Washington Public
Employees Association (WPEA) is entered into for the purposes of implementing a recognition
lump sum payment.
A. In recognition of the service state employees have provided the citizens of Washington
throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to retain critical state employees in
all higher education institutions; a one-time bonus will be provided. Effective July 1,
2023, bargaining unit employees will be eligible to receive a one-time lump sum
payment of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) if they meet the following conditions:
1. Was hired on or before July 1, 2022 and still employed on July 1, 2023 and did not
experience a break in service. Employees who meet the definition of career seasonal
are not considered to have a break in service.
B. The lump sum bonus will be reflected within the employee’s paycheck subject to all
required state and federal withholdings and will be paid no earlier than July 25, 2023.
The one-time bonus will not be subject to union dues or other union fees.
C. Bargaining unit employees will only receive one lump sum payment regardless, of
whether they occupy more than one position within State government or higher
a. Employees that hold more than one position within State government or higher
education; the position for which they work the majority of their hours will be
responsible for processing the lump sum payment.
b. Payment eligibility is based on employee’s position on July 1, 2023.
D. The amount of the lump sum payment for part-time and on call employees will be
proportionate to the number of hours the part-time employee was in pay status during
fiscal year 2023 in proportion to that required for full-time employment.
a. For employees who hold more than one part-time and/or on call position, the
number of hours will be cumulative from all positions. The lump sum payment will
not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
WPEA Higher Education
The provisions contained in this MOU become effective on July 1, 2023. This MOU shall expire
on July 30, 2023.
For the Employer
For the Union
Gina L. Comeau, OFM
OFM/SHR Labor Negotiator
Amanda Hacker
Contract Administration Director
WPEA Higher Education
WPEA Higher Education 2023-2025
It is the duty of the Employer to protect the health and safety of employees by establishing and
maintaining a healthy and safe work environment and by requiring all employees to comply with
health and safety measures.
Employees who choose to voluntarily provide their employer with proof of up-to-date COVID-19
vaccination, to include any boosters recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) at the time proof is provided, will receive a one-time lump sum payment
pursuant to Article 42.26-Compensation. For example, if at the time of, providing proof, an
employee had the number of bivalent COVID-19 vaccine doses recommended for their
demographic, they would be considered up-to-date for the purposes of the booster incentive. All
information disclosed to the Employer during the vaccination verification process will be stored
in the employee’s confidential medical file.
For the Employer:
For the Union:
Janetta Sheehan, OFM
Senior Labor Negotiator
Amanda Hacker
Contract Administration Director
WPEA Higher Education
Since the 2019-2021 PEBB healthcare agreement between the Coalition of Unions and the State
of Washington, the parties have agreed to a benefit involving a Medical Flexible Spending
Arrangement (FSA). Due to unknown reasons, a majority of eligible employees did not use some
or all of this benefit.
The parties agree to use the already scheduled quarterly series of meetings between Health Care
Authority (HCA), Office of Financial Management (OFM) and Union staff representatives to
review data and discuss possible options and solutions to increase represented employees’
awareness and utilization of the FSA benefit. The parties will focus their efforts on the following
1. Creating an introductory paragraph explaining the FSA benefit for represented employees
for use in HCA communications. This communication shall include all the participatory
unions’ logos and/or names provided by the unions as well as HCA/PEBB branding.
2. Exploring the option of sharing a list of all eligible employees who did not use the two
hundred fifty dollar ($250) benefit for the previous calendar year.
3. Creating a timely and targeted communication for those employees who have not yet
accessed their FSA benefit.
4. Reviewing existing communications provided to new employees about the FSA benefit.
5. Assisting the Coalition of Unions with providing information to their members about the
FSA benefit.
6. Ensuring that any information shared protects employees’ personally identifiable
information and protected health information.
7. Exploring options to provide access to this information for non-English speakers, for
example, a flyer in multiple languages with notification of these benefits.
This MOU will expire on June 30, 2025.
WPEA Higher Education
For the Employer:
For the Healthcare Coalition:
Ann Green, OFM
Lead Negotiator
Jane Hopkins, President
Karen Estevenin, Executive Director
WPEA Higher Education
WPEA Higher Education 2023-2025
On August 19, 2023, Governor Jay Inslee issued emergency Proclamation 23-05 declaring a state
of emergency exists in all areas of the state of Washington. All state agencies have been directed
to utilize state resources to assist affected political subdivisions in an effort to respond to and
recover from the event. Because the threat to life and property from existing wildfires is
extraordinary and significant and has caused harm to state employees as well as extensive damage
to homes, public facilities, businesses, public utilities, and infrastructure, all impacting the life and
health of state employees throughout Washington State, the parties enter into this agreement for
the purpose of assisting state employees that have been directly impacted by this emergency.
Beginning August 19, 2023, forward the following shall apply:
The employer may temporarily grant up to three (3) days of leave with pay per occurrence to
employees who are experiencing extraordinary or severe impacts, such as displacement from their
homes temporarily or permanently through evacuation or significant damage or loss. Employers
may require verification of the use of leave with pay.
If three (3) days of leave with pay are approved an employee is not required to use the three (3)
days of leave with pay consecutively and it does not need to be taken in full day increments.
This MOU will expire when the emergency Proclamation 23-05 has been rescinded or when the
emergency rule is rescinded, whichever is first.
Dated: August 30, 2023.
For the Employer
For the Union
Melanie Schwent
Labor Negotiator
SHR/OFM/Labor Relations
Amanda Hacker
Contract Administration Director
WA Public Employees Association
WPEA Higher Education 2023-2025
Vacation Leave Accrual Maximum
Due to passage House Bill 2246 amending RCW 43.01.044, 41.40.010, and 43.43.120; and
reenacting and amending RCW 43.01.040 which increases the maximum number of hours of
unused Vacation Leave a state employee may accrue from 240 hours to 280 hours effective June
6th, 2024, the parties agree to modify Article 12, Section 12.13-Vacation Leave Maximum as
12.13 Vacation Leave Maximum
In accordance with RCW 43.01.040, employees may accumulate maximum vacation
balances not to exceed two hundred eighty (280) hours. However, there are two (2)
exceptions that allow vacation leave to accumulate above the maximum:
A. If an employee’s request for vacation leave is denied by the Employer, and the
employee is close to the vacation leave maximum, the institution will grant an
extension for each month that the institution must defer the employee’s request for
vacation leave.
B. An employee may also accumulate vacation leave days in excess of two hundred
eighty (280) hours as long as the employee uses the excess balance prior to their
anniversary date. Any leave in excess of the maximum that is not deferred in
advance of its accrual as described will be lost on the employee’s anniversary date.
Modification to Article 12.13 as shown above are not effective until June 6th, 2024.
This MOU will expire on June 30th, 2025
Dated: April 1, 2024
An electronic signature to this Agreement shall be given effect as if it were an
original signature.
For the Employer
For the Union
Inti Tapia, Labor Negotiator
OFM/SHR Labor Relations &
Compensation Policy Section
Amanda Hacker, President
Executed this 1
day of July 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association – Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Lead Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations and
Compensation Policy Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations and
Compensation Policy Section
For Bellevue College:
Dr. Jerry Weber
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Lead Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Big Bend Community College:
Dr. Sarah Thompson Tweedy
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Cascadia College:
Dr. Eric Murray
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Clark College:
Dr. Karin Edwards
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Columbia Basin College:
Rebekah Woods
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Edmonds College:
Dr. Amit B. Singh
Adrianne Wagner
Board Chair
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Grays Harbor College:
Dr. James Minkler
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Olympic College:
Dr. Marty Cavaluzzi
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Pierce College:
Dr. Julie A. Manley White
Chancellor and CEO
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Skagit Valley College:
Dr. Christopher Villa
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Tacoma Community College:
Ivan Harrell
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Walla Walla Community College:
Derek R. Brandes
Executed this 1
day of July, 2023.
For the Washington Public Employees Association Higher Education:
Dana Spain
Amanda Hacker, Administration Director
WPEA President
For the State of Washington:
Gina Comeau, Section Chief
Gina Comeau, Chief Negotiator
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
OFM/SHR, Labor Relations Section
For Wenatchee Valley College:
Dr. Faimous Harrison