28 AUGUST 2024
1030 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330
SUBJECT: Reissuance of Department of the Air Force Guidance Memorandum to Department of Air
Force Manual (DAFMAN) 23-122, Materiel Management Policy
By Order of the Secretary of the Air Force, this Department of Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 23-
122 Materiel Management Policy, and this Guidance Memorandum immediately changes DAFMAN 23-
122. Compliance with this Memorandum is mandatory. To the extent its directions are inconsistent with
other Department of the Air Force publications, the information herein prevails, in accordance with DAFI
90-160, Publications and Forms Management. Ensure all records created as a result of processes
prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with AFI 33-322, Records Management and
Information Governance Program, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition
Schedule (RDS) located in the Air Force Records Management System.
This memorandum includes significant changes and must be reviewed in its entirety. Changes
incorporate Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness corrections; updated guidance for Defense
Property Accountability System processes; Force Activity Designator management; Inventory frequency
and Repair Cycle management. This guidance is applicable to the entire DAF, including all civilian
employees and uniformed members of the United States Space Force (USSF), Regular Air Force, the Air
Force Reserve, the Air National Guard, the Civil Air Patrol when conducting missions as the official Air
Force Auxiliary, and those with a contractual obligation to abide by the terms of DAF issuances. Note:
All references to United States Air Force (USAF) terminology, units, and positions will also apply to the
equivalent in the USSF, as appropriate. For example, references to Airmen will also apply to Guardians.
References to MAJCOMs or NAFs will apply to field commands. References to wings will also apply to
deltas or centers. Air Staff roles and responsibilities (i.e., AF/A1) may also apply to the equivalent Office
of the Chief of Space Operations (Space Staff) office (i.e., SF/S1), as appropriate.
This Memorandum becomes void after one year has elapsed from the date of this Memorandum,
or upon incorporation by interim change to, or rewrite of DAFMAN 23-122, whichever is earlier.
Lieutenant General, USAF
DCS/Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection
Change to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
1.2. (Replaced) Headquarters Air Force (HAF) Logistics Readiness Division (A4LR).
Coordinates all FAD change requests submitted by MAJCOMs, and combatant commands for
Air Force and associated foreign country organizations. Reviewers will coordinate with
supporting commands and resolve or explain all discrepancies and denials.
1.4.1. (Replaced) AFMC/FM will use 435th Supply Chain Operations Squadron (SCOS)/GSD
Budget Estimate Submission (BES) input in the AFMC BES sent to Secretary of the Air Force
(SAF)/Financial Management (FM). (Replaced) Any other obligation circumstances not previously identified that cannot be
resolved by the local budget office and warrant obligation of a due-out using prior fiscal year
O&M funding, require MAJCOM budget approval along with AFMC/FM GSD manager
coordination prior to processing. (Replaced) The Resource Advisor should review applicable records before submitting
O&M budgets to the base budget office to allow for tentative budget code changes that will
affect budget submissions for 57*3600, 57*3080 appropriations and C-SAG Operating Program. (Replaced) The WRM GMO must procure initial WRM GSD obligation authority with
Appropriation 3400 Program Objective Memorandum (POM) funds. (Replaced) When WRM items are used to satisfy MICAP requirements, these items are
replaced with GSD operating obligations authority. WRM items should be rotated with like
peacetime assets to the extent possible to assure their continued serviceability. When WRM
assets become unusable or outdated, replacement is considered an initial procurement of new
WRM and must be acquired with GSD WRM obligation authority and identified to AFMC on
the GSD Operating Program for additional WRM funding. (Replaced) The CSAG WRM obligation authority will be used to finance CSAG
budget code “8.” (T-1). GSD obligation authority will be used to finance budget code “9” GSD
RSP requirements. (T-1). Assets will be maintained on detail records and are included in ILS-S
inventory until they are consumed and expensed. (T-1). (Replaced) The 435th Supply Chain Operations Squadron (SCOS)/GSD Stock Fund
Management Flight will initiate a WRM GSD budget call annually to obtain WRM requirements
by program element code from the WRM GMO to be included in the GSD Program Budget
Review (PBR). (T-1). The WRM GMO will use the Q07 or pseudo Q07 validation to support the
budget call. (T-2). (Replaced) The 435
SCOS/GSD Stock Fund Management Flight will submit the
BES to AFMC/Financial Management (FM). (T-1). (Replaced) AFMC/FM will use 435 SCOS GSD Budget Estimate (BES) input in the
AFMC Submission (BES) sent to Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)/Financial Management (FM).
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) The 435 SCOS/GSD Stock Fund Management Flight will load funding
and notify the WRM GMO to execute. (T-1). Note: Funding is provided by priority and dollar
value for the assets identified on the last Q07 or WRM GMO pseudo Q07. (Replaced) The 435 SCOS/GSD Stock Fund Management Flight will track the
spending of the WRM obligation authority and report back to AFMC/FM when spending is
completed. (T-1). (Replaced) General appropriations. The approved annual ratio of operating obligations
plus credit returns to gross sales need achieved in order to generate cash from sales to support
stock replenishment requirements. Achievement of the approved ratio also aids in the control of
GSD outlays. Reference unit cost ratio impacts in AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 2, for
items that impact the unit. (Replaced) Annual Operating Budget (AOB) received from AFMC/FMRA provides
approved credit returns, gross sales, obligations, and an approved ratio of operating obligations
plus credit returns to gross sales (unit cost ratio). The GSD stock fund managers must continually
manage these approved financial targets and actual ratio in order to avoid an Anti-Deficiency Act
violation. (T-1). The following actions will be performed: (Replaced) Operating obligations will be computed using the worksheet provided in
AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 2, Table 2.63. (T-1). (Replaced) GSD Stock Fund managers must distribute approved financial targets down
to Stock Record Account Number (SRAN) operating level. (T-1). (Replaced) GSD Stock Fund managers will use the D08, D20, D32, and M01 reports to
manage the approved financial targets. (T-1).
2.3.5. (Replaced) MACR Controls. (Replaced) Purpose: To explain the procedures for MACR controls and MACR factor
development and control. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101, Materiel
Management Policy, and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 2. (Replaced) Maximum automatic obligation values, MACR factors, Urgency Need
Designator (UND) Codes, and MACR percentages are used as control data for requisitioning.
Load modifications of these values at any time, but use caution. Remember that the maximum
automatic obligation for replenishment and due-outs cannot be loaded for less than $50. (Replaced) Five control parameters are available in the MACR record: (Added) MACR percentages.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) The use of MACR controls is preferable during mission changes and other
events (such as MAJCOM changes in stockage levels or changes in supply levels dictated by
local authority) that make demand patterns hard to predict. But keep in mind that with use of the
MACR controls, there is an increased workload, both for depots and for the Distribution Section.
Using the MACR controls also increases the chance of out-of-stock conditions and more
customer due-outs. For these reasons, use the MACR controls only when necessary. (Replaced) Initial development is performed and consolidated by AFMC. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Added) Execution Analysis. A narrative analysis will be prepared by AFMC as of the
end of each month and furnished to AFMC/FMR no-later-than the 15th day the following month. (Added) The analysis should provide a comprehensive assessment of the execution of
approved unit cost targets. Any variances plus or minus 3 percent must be narrated to include but
not limited to; causes, get-well date, mission impacts and actions initiated to ensure execution
within end-of-year approved unit cost targets. (T-1). Specific emphasis and narrative justification
is required for variances for each unit cost goal. (Added) The narrative analysis will be prepared in the format provided by
AFMC/FMR. (Replaced) The authorized quantity field of each input must reflect the Operational
Plan (OPLAN) Starter Quantity identified on the WCDO. (T-1). The total authorization is the
sum of supportable and unsupportable. Enter the unsupportable quantity in the appropriate field
when directed by MAJCOM WRMO. The supportable and unsupportable quantities will be
maintained on the same detail. (T-1). To request WRM ordering authority for General Support
Division requirements see AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 2, and AFI 25-101. (Replaced) WRM Direct Vendor Delivery Process. (Replace) Direct vendor delivery of WRM RSP initial spares, procured with 3080
appropriation funds, will be on special spares details. (T-1). (Replaced) The 635 SCOW/WM will: (Added) Obtain an approved Master Parts List from the vendor to include the items,
price, and quantities within the kit. (T-1). (Added) Process 1EBs to load RSP serial control record. (T-1).
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Process FILs for all items on the Master Kit List that are not loaded in ILS-
S. Assign a temporary serialized stock number for non-stock listed part numbers. (T-1). (Added) Process due outs for all items and quantities on the Master Parts List TEX
7 to prevent a system-generated requisition. (T-1). (Added) Process offline SPRs to link the due outs to off-line SPR using RIC – JLS,
Signal Code – D, and using offline blocked numbers D001-D999 for all items on the Master
Parts list to prevent a creation of an RNB detail. (T-1). This will ensure the Air Force does not
pay for the item twice. (Added) Provide an Excel® cross reference list containing the information on the
master parts list from the vendor, and the stock number, due out, and offline requisition number.
(T-1). Send an Excel® cross reference list to the vendor for inclusion in shipping along with the
DD250, and to the Base RSP Reps, and Base Inbound Cargo. (T-1). This will assist in matching
the items when delivered. (Replaced) RSP Representative will: (Added) Assist Inbound Cargo personnel upon delivery of Master Parts List items
by using the Excel® cross reference list, provided by the 635 SCOW/WM, to match up the items
received to the Master Part Number List. (T-1). (Added) Annotate receipt overages, shortages, or other discrepancies directly onto
the Excel® cross reference list and forward to 635 SCOW/WM within 72 hours for resolution.
(T-1). (Added) Process an MSI transaction for materiel issued to a customer using the
requester’s organizational funds to ensure RSP replenishment. (T-1). (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) Deleted) (Replaced) Supportability Change. When notified by the AFMC GSD manager that
unsupportable authorization has become supportable, the WRM manager will follow these
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Out-of-cycle change requests are submitted on the AF Form 1032, WRM
Spares List, or equivalent for recoverables and for consumables. Due to the workload involved,
and the impact on package requirements, out of cycle changes should be kept to a minimum.
Table 2.1. (Replaced) Spares Assessment.
If the method used is
and the
range is
then the reported
spares assessment
percentage is
then the
category lent is
MRSP/IRSP fill rate (Weapon System
Management Information System (WSMIS)
info not available) Method X, RSP
65 -79
sortie generation capability
Method Y, SORTIE
(strategic airlift only)
aircraft availability Method Z, ACFTA
(Option # 1, Direct Support Objective
(DSO) = 83%, PAA > 6)
(Notes 1, 2, 5)
65 -79
aircraft availability Method Z, ACFTA
(Option #2, DSO = 83%, PAA< 6)
(Notes 1, 3, 5)
aircraft availability Method Z, ACFTA
(Option #3, DSO = 75%)
(Notes 1, 4, 5)
aircraft availability Method Z, ACFTA
(Option #4, Fighters= 63%)
(Note 1 and 5)
51-59 89 2
42-50 79 3
0-41 64 4
1: DSO refers to the 'sustained' DSO. Applicable DSOs by aircraft type are identified in AFI 23-101.
2: Applies to all aircraft types, except strategic airlift and fighters. General categories are bombers,
special operations, tactical airlift, tankers, helicopters, and special mission aircraft.
3: Generally applies to Low Density, High Demand (LD/HD) aircraft of the same aircraft types listed
for Method Z, Option #1.
4: Applies to F16C LANTIRN/suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) only, F15C, A10 and F15E in FY03;
applies to all fighters in FY04.
5. (Added) Use DSO 88% (days 1-10) and DSO 75% (days 11-30) for the USAF Air Demonstration Squadron (F-
16/Thunderbirds) seasonal HPMSKs. (Replaced) Immediately upon notification of deployment, to include forward-
deployments and returns, MRSP personnel will prepare and submit a deployment notification
email message to their corresponding MAJCOM/A4RM. (T-2). (Figure 2.3) for email message
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Redeploying Unit Responsibilities. Immediately upon return to home
station from a deployment or exercise, prepare and submit a return notification to
MAJCOM/A4R. (Figure 2.3) for email message requirements. (Replaced) All initial WRM RSP requirements will be established with a
Supportability Code F and appropriate Note Code assigned. (Replaced) Replacement for (expired shelf life, unserviceable) stock fund RSP details
will be established with a Supportability Code F and appropriate Note Code assigned (unless it is
a legacy item). (Replaced) Replenishment (MSI from kit) stock fund WRM RSP details will be
established with a Supportability Code F and appropriate Note Code. Legacy WRM RSP details and assets will be established and identified with a
Supportability Code F and appropriate Note Code assigned. (Replaced) When the GSD has been previously reimbursed, equipment-in-stock can be
free issued when the requesting organization has a valid authorization. Perform a transaction
history search to determine if either a receipt-not-due-in or due-out cancellation without a direct
customer charge (1PU) was processed in the last 365 days. If either condition exists, the item
cannot be free issued until the criteria in the next paragraph has been met.
2.9.8. (Replaced) GSD Stock Fund Aspects. (Replaced) Disposing of GSD Items. After notification of base closure is received, the
best method for disposing of GSD items must be determined. (T-1). Consideration is given to the
following methods: shipment to other bases, transfer to DLADS, and free issue to MAP
countries. Free issue requires special approval by the Secretary of Defense before the Air Force
can take action. (T-0). Normal staff actions of this type require 60-90 days to obtain OSD
approval. Commands needs to inform HQ USAF about the estimated value of GSD items to be
transferred. (Replaced) Receiving Frustrated Shipments. Each Air Force activity affected by the
base closure (for example, ICPs, IMs, bases identified for receipt of frustrated shipments) is
advised of the base closure by account number. When a base receives a frustrated shipment as a
result of a base closure, the receiving base or depot must pick up the shipment as a transfer in
(GLA 62902 or 62903, as appropriate). The base or depot GSD manager must make the
necessary adjustments for any changes in the operating program resulting from the receipt of
frustrated shipments. (Replaced) Credit Determination. Credit will not be allowed on local manufacture
items unless they are a part of the GSD (budget code 9). Contact Customer Support Section to
determine if credit is allowed. If the local manufacture receipts are for GSD items, the receipts
must contain a Y in position 45. The organization and shop code of the fabricating activity must
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
appear in positions 46-50. The total cost (actual or estimated) of all items used to fabricate the
end item must appear on the receipt document. The total cost must be divided by the number of
units to obtain the cost which is also the input cost. Based on the input unit price, credit will be
provided to the fabricating activity. The unit cost, not the total cost, is to be entered in positions
74-80 of the receipt input. (Replaced) General AWP Listing Procedures. AFMC customers will perform the
following actions to obtain and monitor the AWP Management Listing. Direct NRTS (NRTS-1) are DIFM items that are not authorized repair by base level
per TO 00-20-3. Assets will be identified withNRTS-1 indicator of Y and repair activity
009RW for Reliability Improvement Warranty (RIW) items or repair activity 009DN for all
others. They will be identified with NRTS-1 indicator and applicable Ship-To Stock Record
Account Number (SRAN). All other repairable assets will have a NRTS-1 indicator of N and
applicable repair activity. NRTS-1 indicator will never be blank. Exception, NSNs with RIMCS
control codes preventing Ship-To SRAN assignment. Wholesale Item Managers load RIMCS
control codes to NSNs for enterprise reasons that will prevent direct NRTS NSNs from having
a Ship-To SRAN. LRS activities will still assign direct NRTS indicator and repair activity data
elements but will follow Item Manager RIMCS control code business rules per AFMCMAN
23-501V1 for disposition execution. (Replaced) Load item code U or M respectively to the authorized in-use detail
record prior to issuing an unsatisfactory substitute or multiple component substitute of an
authorized item. See Equipment Management File Maintenance: FCI Load in AFH 23-123,
Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 5. Note: ILS-S will retain the requisition process until DPAS employs
the requisitioning capability for AF support equipment. (Added) Utilize the appropriate equipment advice code in accordance with AFH
23-123, Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 5. When supporting replacement requests, enter the DPAS
Asset Identification code in the ILS-S MARKFOR field when available. Note: Equipment items
returned to Logistics Readiness prior to requesting the replacement equipment may not have a
DPAS Asset Identification code for the MARKFOR. (Added) Items with a DPAS Asset Identification code in the ILS-S Due-Out
MARKFOR require transfer to DPAS after receipt into ILS-S. (Replaced) Customer Support sends the free issue output document to LRS/Materiel
Management Activity Funds Management/GSD Liaison for initials on the face of the output
document before physical issue of the property. When approval was not received prior to
processing, and the GSD disapproves the issue, the GSD manager contacts the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity to have the transaction record reversed and reprocessed with the
appropriate funding. (Replaced) Liquid Oxygen (LOX)/Liquid Nitrogen (LIN) Issues.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Generating Backorders (Due-Outs) for LOX/LIN. When LOX/LIN stocks
require replenishment, base LRS/LGRF (Fuels Flight) personnel process an issue request
transaction or notify AFMC of their requirements. The notification will include a minimum of:
quantity, required delivery date (RDD), priority, and the using organization code. When
LOX/LIN products are being ordered for more than one organization, the quantity for each
organization will be specified in the notification. (Replaced) Inventory measurements of de-icing fluid stored in bulk tanks shall be
provided to the LRS Inventory Section by the tank owner's operator, custodian, manager, or
contractor. (Added) For inventory tolerance thresholds, Bulk De-icing fluid shall be
considered a Category B asset (difficult to measure product) IAW DLM 4000.25, Volume 2,
Supply Standards and Procedures, Table C6.T1 (General Supplies Record Accuracy Goals
Stratification Sub-Populations and Associated Goals and Tolerance Levels). Accordingly, an
inventory tolerance level of 10% will be used for determining automatic inventory adjustments
not requiring Flight leadership approval. This tolerance level is due to de-icing fluid volume
changes related to temperature, evaporation, and other related measurement factors. (Added) Bulk De-icing fluid inventory variances greater than 10% require Flight
leadership approval prior to adjustment. Flight leadership should notify the Maintenance
Operations Center of inventory adjustments greater than 10%. (Added) Variations in de-icing fluid inventory levels that meet thresholds in DoD
Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Volume 12, Chapter 7, DoD Financial Liability
for Government Property Lost, Damaged, Destroyed, or Stolen determine when a financial
liability investigation is mandatory. (Replaced) AMC FSL Requisition Built-Up Items. AFMC assigns command stock
numbers to selected assemblies requiring build-up, assembly, cure dating, etc. Requisitions for
command stock numbered items do not require DD Form 1348- 6, non-NSN requisition
(manual). (Replaced) Fund Requirement (FRC) File Process. The following actions will be
performed: (Replaced) AFMC will process the Fund Requirement Update/Analysis
(R04/NGV857) Option 3 monthly. This report identifies Budget Code 9 requirements that ILS-
S has suppressed when the requisitions: exceed the Maximum Automatic Obligation (MAO)
authority, do not pass the Urgency of Need Funding Flag (UNFF), or have specific SPC edits.
Reference AFH 23-123 for IT FRC file and image processing instructions. Note: AFMC
approves requisitioning for Budget Code 9 items with stock fund FRC indicators. (Replaced) The LRS/Materiel Management Activity responsibility:
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Review the Funds Requirement Update/Analysis (R04/NGV857
Option 3) monthly to determine which memo TEX coded due-outs to obligate. Note: The
R04/NGV857 Option 3 will be downloaded from the ILS-S Management Reports application. (Replaced) Review and obligate due-outs assigned Jxx. (Replaced) Coordinate with organizations to ensure customers are aware of
suppressed requirements. (Replaced) Coordinate with AFMC to obligate requirements. (Replaced) Below are the subsequent activity statements; complete the following
actions. (Replaced) Received not processed. Customer Service will process Receipt
with TEX 8 followed by processing a Special Inventory Request (1GP) in accordance with
AFH 23-123 and forward all source documents to Inventory for additional research and
adjustment. (Replaced) Updated Shipment status. Delete old/erroneous shipment status
(using TAR with action code D) as needed (paying close attention to suffix code if applicable).
Process updated shipment status (AS1) to update the 211 (Ship Status) detail with new
shipment date. (Added) Lost in transit (LIT). When Inbound Cargo Activity changes the
overdue condition to Lost in Transit then a Transportation Discrepancy report (TDR) DD
361/Message will be provided. Customer Support processes a TAR transaction with action code
asterisk (*). (Added) SDR Reporting. SDR reporting is applicable to unclassified and
pilferable items above $100, after Cargo Movement confirms that the shipment was lost,
destroyed, or Proof of Delivery could not be furnished. Use the ILS-S SDR function as the
primary means to submit SDR and SF 364, Report of Discrepancy, when the ILS-S SDR
function is not available. Reference the TDR when applicable. (Replaced) Cargo Movement Actions. Cargo Movement will work tracer action
listings in accordance with AFI 24-602, Vol 2. (Replaced) Validation Processing. To validate due-outs, the supported organization
should contact the person with the need for the backordered item to ensure the item is still
required. It is essential the organization validate and verify each due-out on the list and cancel
those which are no longer required. When there are any changes or cancellations required, the
customer organization must contact the LRS/Materiel Management Activity in writing or by
returning an annotated listing.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Validation Listing. Supported organizations resource advisor or
equivalent must sign (digital or wet) and return the validated due outs (to include changes or
cancellations) to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity, while ensuring to retain an annotated
copy in file until the next validated list is filed. The supported organization commander or
designated rep signature must be annotated on one listing per quarter. (T-2). (Added) Re-warehousing Projects. (Added) Management. A re-warehousing project is defined as a planned
simultaneous physical movement of 25% or more of warehouse locations from an original
location, in a stock room, to either a permanent or a temporary location for the purpose to add,
modify, or subtract storage locations. During a re-warehousing project, the key is to maintain the
integrity of the warehouse location system that allows one to pinpoint the exact location of any
item in the warehouse inventory. (Added) Accountability. Items must remain on the item record and if temporarily
staged, in an alternate location, be readily accessible, not comingled, orderly stored, and meet the
criteria of select and move materiel as outlined in AFI 23-101. (T-1). A validation and a
complete inventory for the stock room(s) involved must be accomplished by the following month
after the completion of the re-warehousing project, to ensure accountability of all assets. (T-1).
When planning of a re-warehousing project, scheduled inventories should take into consideration
to try to prevent additional workload on the Inventory Section as much as possible. (Replaced) IPE personnel will review, validate, and update overdue assets monthly.
(T-1). Use mobility IT system to pull listing. If assets are not returned after 10 days from the
member’s return date IPE personnel must: (Replaced) Contact member’s Unit Deployment Manager (UDM) to determine if
member has been extended, if so, update mobility IT system AF Form 1297 with new return
date. (T-1). (Replaced) Provide LRS/CC status of overdue returns. The LRS/CC will notify
the member’s unit commander in writing for action on the 15th duty day. (T-1). Note: Actions
also apply to government civilians and contractors. (Added) IPE personnel will review, validate, and update expired assets monthly. (T-
1). Use mobility IT system to pull listing. If assets are not returned after 10 days from their
expiration date IPE personnel must: (Added) Provide LRS/CC status of expired returns. The LRS/CC will notify the
member’s unit commander in writing for action on the 15th duty day. (T-1). Note: Actions also
apply to government civilians and contractors. (Replaced) MICAP Requirements for Buildup Items. Supply points will release
buildup items to satisfy the MICAP requirement of another activity when no other items are
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
available to satisfy the redistribution order and AFMC directs the shipment. Maintenance
personnel will ensure the item is broken down (into separate components) prior to release, unless
the MICAP requirement calls for the buildup items to remain "built-up" (such as for aircraft
wheels and tires). The ILS-S orders, open MICAP events/bullets will clearly state if wheel and
tire MICAPs must be shipped as built-up items (as applicable). (Replaced) LRS-Operated Buildup Supply Points. When the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity manages the buildup supply point (instead of Maintenance), use DIFM
procedures to control the items during buildup using "C" activity code, and serviceable turn-ins
with action taken code "B." LRS/Materiel Management Activity will coordinate with
Maintenance to minimize the amount of time an item is in buildup. (Replaced) Use of Advice Code and FREE SHPMNT Phrase. Stock Control inputs
advice code 2E when GSD Stock Fund Management has approved a request for nonreimbursable
shipment. When code 2E is input, the phrase FREE SHPMNT appears on the output DD Form
1348-1A shipping document. (Replaced) File a copy of the request in suspense. The GSD Stock Fund
Management reviews this copy against the daily Free Issue and Credit Code Y Turn-Ins Listing,
Base Supply Surveillance Report (D20/NGV821). (Replaced) When the shipment was previously approved by GSD Stock Fund
Management, no further action is required. (Replaced) When neither approval nor disapproval was obtained, AFMC must
record approval or disapproval on the listing. When the shipment is approved, no further action
is required. When the shipment is not approved, AFMC will either attempt to stop the shipment,
recover the shipping document, reverse-post the transaction or re-input the shipment as a normal
reimbursable transaction together with personnel from base level Customer Support/GSD
Liaison POCs to coordinate with Materiel Management Flight/transportation activity and the
shipment processing activity (AFMC or LRS Materiel Management Activity). (Replaced) When a FREE SHPMNT cannot be aborted, the GSD Stock Fund
Management marks the listing as disapproved with comments indicating the attempt to stop the
shipment was unsuccessful. Before forwarding the original request to Stock Control, GSD Stock
Fund Management will sign, mark, and stamp the original to indicate whether the request was
approved or disapproved. (Replaced) When GSD Stock Fund Management returns the approved or
disapproved requests, Stock Control will process a SHP input for approved requests with advice
code 2E, or process a SHP input for disapproved requests without an advice code. (Replaced) The Organizational Commander responsibilities:
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Ensure newly appointed bench stock monitors complete Base Level
Supply Customer Training as it pertains to Block I (General Supply Indoctrination) and Block
IIA (Bench Stock) training prior to assuming responsibilities as a bench stock monitor. Members
can access the online training modules via myLearning, or by
following the tree path in the website: Home>Courses>Air Force>My Learning>Air Education
and Training Command (AETC)>Supply Customer Training. (Added) Ensure used Bench Stock items in work centers are demilitarized and
disposed in accordance with paragraph 6.3 of this manual. (Replaced) The LRS/Materiel Management Activity Customer Support
maintains Master Bench stock file on each account which exists at base level. Note: Master
Bench Stock files may be maintained electronically and maintained per AFRIMS. They shall
incorporate the following format: Tab A Memorandums and Certificates, Appointment letter,
Block I and IIA/B training certificates issued by myLearning, Initial bench stock establishment
letter. Note: If the original letter is not available, have the custodian type up a MFR as to why
initial bench stock letter is not available (e.g., 5.3.12. destroyed/lost), Maximum dollar
threshold letter for the unit price on bench stock details. Note: Exceeding the established dollar
threshold for any item requires a letter of justification from the supported organization
commander. This letter will be maintained attached to the original maximum dollar threshold
letter. (Replaced) Provide information on how to access Base-Level Supply Customer
Training as it pertains to Block I (General Supply Indoctrination) and Block IIA (Bench Stock).
Members can access the online training modules via myLearning, https://lms-, or by following the tree path on the website: Home>Courses>Air
Force>My Learning>Air Education and Training Command (AETC)>Supply Customer
Training. (Added) Budget code S items need to be approved/coordinated with the CICP. (Added) Non-consumption based CICP (i.e., F77, etc.)/ Budget code S items
require written justification from the organizational customer. The LRS/Material Management
activity will coordinate these requests with the applicable CICP. (Replaced) Supply Support Delays. If the supply support for an organizational
bench stock due-outs is ineffective, the Customer Support Liaison Element may request a Due-
Out Status Listing or any other like management product, to ensure satisfactory supply action
has been taken for due-outs. This will be coordinated with AFMC Stock Control to ensure
maximum bench stock support. (Replaced) Phase II-Semiannual Bench Stock Review. The Customer Support
Liaison Element will arrange a semiannual joint review meeting with bench stock-supported-
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
shops (determined jointly by the LRS APO and the supported organization commander or
Maintenance Chief). Authorized quantity changes made between Phase II meetings will be
reviewed. (Replaced) Purpose: To explain the procedural processes to conduct organizational
visits. (Replaced) Ensure accountable equipment items that are verified as directed below
are marked with an Item Unique Identification (IUID) and Unique Item Identifier (UII) label is
serviceable, readable, and associated with the correct DPAS property record information if IUID
program is fully implemented. (Replaced) Verify accountability of COMSEC/CCI equipment. Assets received are
validated via Standard Form (SF) 153, COMSEC Material Report, are recorded in the APSR as
prescribed in AFMAN 17-1302-O, Communication Security (COMSEC) Operations. (Replaced) Query the DPAS Custodian Asset Report and ensure there are no CFO
property records missing data. (Replaced) Visually verify all capital equipment assets with custodian and validate
CFO data fields on DPAS Property Records match the actual property (i.e., Cage Number, Serial
Number, etc.). (Replaced) Visually verify Acquisition Date and Acquisition Cost on the DPAS
property record match the Key Supporting Document (KSD) stored in Tab C of the Master
Jacket File. Correct all identified errors. (Replaced) Identify and validate DPAS property records correctly identify property
undergoing unserviceable maintenance and calibration actions. (Replaced) Document organizational overages and direct return actions to LRS. (Replaced) Provide organizational commander or responsible officer with a written
status report of the organizational visit signed by the LRS/CC. Include in this report, strengths,
findings, and observations. Review previous reports and classify write ups as “repeat findings”
when warranted. (Replaced) Review and validate the responsible officer’s replies to the report’s
findings and determine if the actions taken are sufficient to correct the deficiencies. If the
discrepancies are not resolved within 30 calendar days, notify the LRS/CC, the responsible
officer’s group/CC within 45 calendar days, and wing commander after 60 calendar days, in
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Measure schedule effectiveness to ensure organizational visits are
completed annually and reported to the LRS/CC monthly during how-goes-it or equivalent
5.4.2. (Replaced) Authorization Identification (ID). (Replaced) Purpose: To explain Authorization IDs and their use with equipment
management. Review DAFI 23-101 for guidance specific requirements. The following is
guidance for the application of Authorization IDs: (Replaced) Authorization IDs prescribe the master item in the Interchangeable and
Substitute Group (ISG). (Replaced) Equipment ERRCDs and Authorization IDs. (Replaced) ERRCD and Authorization IDs. (Replaced) Authorization IDs only contain ERRCD “S” and “U”. (Deleted) (Replaced) End Items for Standby Use. Only in unusual circumstances will end item
Authorization IDs be approved for standby (backup or maintenance attrition) equipment. If
additional end items are required, coordinate with CEMF for approval. Those requests, which are
in direct support of weapon systems or other major equipment end item systems, must be
validated by the applicable SPM, Product Group Manager (PGM), or Materiel Group Manager
(MGM) before sending them to AFMC Authorization Managers. Justification for this type of
authorization must provide sufficient detail to define the need. (Replaced) Authorization IDs will not include expendable spare parts required for the
maintenance, assembly, or repair of end items. Consider equipment items requiring replacement
within an end item as a component necessary to complete the end item. (Replaced) The FReq in Authorization IDs represents the maximum allowable quantity
for an equipment item. (Replaced) The approving authority determines the Authorization ID FReq utilizing
adequate justification. (Replaced) Cite authorization IDs in flexible terms to allow for variables in equipment,
personnel, and workloads. (Deleted) (Deleted)
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Deleted) (Replaced) Authorization ID Support Categories. All authorization IDs will indicate the
end item application grouped into specific support categories according to the intended use of the
equipment. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Replaced) Purpose. AFI 51-506, Gifts to the Department of the Air Force from
Domestic and Foreign Services, identifies circumstances under which units or individuals must
account for gifts. AFMC will establish accountability for these gifts by requesting that Records
Maintenance assign the gift a local stock number. This action will exclude the gift from Air
Force GSD Stock Fund Management. The action will also allow the gift to be issued without
reimbursement. (Replaced) Retention Authority – ASC 048. Do not use this ASC. These items are
managed under the Malposition program as overage property. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Replaced) Sponsors for non-GSD customers. AFMC will not lend equipment to a
borrowing activity that is not an authorized GSD customer, unless a base activity that is an
authorized GSD customer sponsors the loan. The sponsoring activity's organization code will
appear on all records for these items, and the sponsoring activity will pay any operating expense. (Replaced) AFMC will not requisition GSD equipment to make a temporary loan.
Also, if an item is on temporary loan, and a customer needs the item to meet a valid
authorization, then AFMC will terminate the loan authorization and issue the item to the
customer. (Deleted)
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
5.4.12. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
5.4.13. (Deleted) (Replaced) Purpose: To explain the procedural process for review and correction of
equipment out of balance conditions and quantity errors. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Added) Storage locations will establish due-outs and due-ins for WRM/BEAR
shortages. (Added) Project code L86 will be used to identify initial/increased BEAR
requirements. Used by retail/wholesale supply systems to identify BEAR requirements. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
5.4.14. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Replaced) Ensure the DPAS- or ILS-S-generated inventory reports is signed by the
appropriate custodian and organizational commander (or ANG designated operational
commander) and filed.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Place weapons for daily use on the DPAS Custodian Inventory Report
under the using organization. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
5.4.34. (Added) DPAS Equipment Management. (Added) Authorization Change Requests. Authorization Managers and EAEs will load
and create new authorizations to the appropriate DPAS UIC and custodial account. (Added) Authorization Managers and EAEs will utilize ILS-S and DPAS
concurrently to manage authorizations and requirements to ensure accounts do not exceed
approved total allowable quantities. (Added) Custodians will coordinate authorization requests with the host EAE to
validate information on the documents and provide corrective action as appropriate. The
custodian must identify and document the responsible approving authority for the request (e.g.,
Functional Area Manager, WRM Managers). (Replaced) The Functional Area Manager (FAM) Community of Practice (CoP)
SharePoint is located at (Replaced) The custodian must ensure the appropriate Lead Functional Area
Manager (FAM) is identified in the Approving Authority block to approve the Authorization
Change Request. (Replaced) Reviewing Authorities will include the required organizations
responsible for developing requirements and impacts posturing of equipment throughout the
responsible command. (Added) At a minimum, Reviewing Authorities will include unit commanders, pilot
units, MAJCOM FAMs, centralized equipment managers, and program offices, as applicable.
Additional reviewing authorities may be applied as necessary to assist in the Approving
Authority’s decision.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) The host EAE will perform the following edits to ensure data elements are
accurate: (Added) Ensure initiator data is correct and Section I fields are populated by the
initiator. The initiator’s commander must concur with the authorization change request as a
Reviewing Authority prior to loading onto the FSM SharePoint® site. (Added) Verify Section II correctly captures type of request the initiator is
submitting for approval. (Added) Verify Section III information matches the Authorization Id information
contained in the Force Systems Management Module to include: Stock Number, Nomenclature,
Accountable UIC, UIC, Organization Id, Readiness Code, UTC, Force Requirement (current and
new), Organization Authorization (current and new), justification, and item description. See
Table 5.13.
Table 5.13. (Added) Authorization Change Request Verification Table.
Authorization Id
Must match FSM.
Stock Number
Must be prime National Stock Number. Do not
submit requests for Expendable, repairable,
Recoverability Cost Designators N (XBx), P (XFx),
and T (XDx). They are not useable codes.
Must match Federal Logistics Information System
if applicable. Local Stock Number nomenclatures
must match the DD Form 1348-6. Note 1.
Accountable Unit
Identification Code
Must match the AUIC associated with the host
Accountable Property Officer.
Unit Identification Code
Must match the DPAS UIC associated with the
requesting account.
Organization Identification Code
Must match the Organization Identification code
associated with the UIC.
Readiness Code
Must match the appropriate requirement: mobility
(Readiness Code A), non-mobility (Readiness Code
B), and War Reserve Materiel (Readiness Code D).
Unit Type Code
Validate the accuracy of all UTCs against the
MEFPAK, UTA, or other authoritative source.
Current Force Requirement
Must match the existing FReq if available.
New Force Requirement
Must match the Pilot Unit.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
Current Organization Authorization
Must match the existing OAuth if available.
New Organization Authorization
Must be the product of the new FREQ (basis
of issue) x OREQ (number of times unit is tasked
for the specific UTC).
Justification and Item Description
Justification must contain sufficient details to define
and validate the need for inclusion within the
requested Authorization ID. Include technical orders,
command directives, applicable end item, weapon
system and/or aircraft, operating orders, plans or any
other directive concerning the equipment
requirement. Include page, paragraph, figure, or
index, as appropriate. Include any other pertinent
information, such as level of maintenance, turnaround
requirements, volume of work, etc. If the request is
for an increase in quantity, provide a detailed
explanation as to why the current authorization does
not meet operational needs, to include the suitability
of similar items in current allowances. Note 2.
Note 1. Local Stock Numbers are not cataloged in FLIS and will require review by 437
Note 2. Reviewing Authorities will not prevent the change request from advancing to the
Approving Authority solely based upon non-concur with the justification. (Added) EAE will: (Added) Upload the validated authorization change request to the FSM
SharePoint® site:
Standardize the document name to the 5-digit Julian date, SRAN and 3-digit serial number (e.g.,
20261FE2067001; to represent 9/18/2020, Robins AFB, and the first validated authorization
change request for that day). (Added) Insert a copy of the validated AF Form 601 in the appropriate custodian
jacket file. (Added) Centralized Equipment Management activities will only review the AF 601
for accuracy and ensure the coordination is in the proper format. (Added) The CEMF will return the AF Form 601 to the requester for corrections or
additional information, as required. The requester will have 15 calendar days from the date of
reassignment to make necessary changes. The requestor will reassign the AF Form 601 to the
CEMF upon completion of the updates.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) CEMF will closeout returned requestor AF Form 601s after 15 calendar
days from the reassignment date. Requestors must submit a new AF Form 601 if the requirement
is still valid. (Added) Reviewing Authorities will review the change request concurrently to ensure
adherence and accuracy to specific functional requirements. (Added) The Lead Command FAM or appropriate Functional Manager will review
authorization changes for approval. FAMs may submit authorization change requests; however,
coordinate with the Centralized Equipment Management Flight and Reviewing Authorities. (Replaced) In accordance with DAFI 10-401, Operations Planning and Execution,
the FAM Roster located on the FAM CoP is the authoritative source to identify FAMs. (Replaced) Authorization managers will immediately non-concur on all AF Form
601 submissions containing FAMs not identified on the FAM roster. Cite this paragraph as
justification. (Replaced) FAMs will ensure engineering authorities have reviewed the request and
have concurred on the document as appropriate. (Added) FAMs will notify the respective CEMF on all disapproved authorization
change requests and provide justification for disapproval. The respective CEMF will notify the
EAE for any disapproved requests. The EAE will notify the requesting activity. (Added) Initial change requests by the Approving Authority (e.g., FAM, WRM
Managers) will require Centralized Equipment Management activity review as a minimum. (Added) The 440 SCOS will notify the EAEs of the authorization update when
changes have been updated in DPAS. (Added) Authorization Managers will load the authorization Id within 30 calendar
days of approval. (Added) DPAS Support Equipment Initial Issue and Replacements. (Added) DPAS Redistribution Orders (RDO) Equipment managers will utilize the
Redistribution Order template for all equipment transfers regardless of system (e.g., DPAS to
DPAS, DPAS to ILS-S, ILS-S to DPAS). (Added) Obtain the RDO template utilizing the Equipment Central SharePoint® site
at (Added) Enterprise technicians will use existing DPAS transfer process guides to
execute the RDO request.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) DPAS Inbound Management (Added) EAEs will monitor the DPAS Pending Transaction dashboard to ensure
transferring property records are timely acknowledged and processed in DPAS. (Added) EAEs will coordinate with transportation and traffic management activities
to locate overdue transfers and take appropriate actions to resolve problems. (Added) Transfer and Disposition Processing Actions. Shipping activities will employ
existing policies and procedures per AFI 23-101, Materiel Management Policy, for equipment
being shipped within the Air Force transportation system. (Added) DPAS Transfers occur within the DPAS environment from UIC to UIC.
Disposition processing occurs when shipping from DPAS to non-DPAS activities. Equipment
Custodians or appropriate agency will submit transfer and disposition requests to EAEs. (Added) EAEs will process the transfer or disposition in DPAS and generate the
necessary movement documents (e.g., DPAS-generated DD Form 1348-1A). Utilize pen and ink
annotations to capture Type Cargo Code (Block 8), Protect Service Code (Block 9), Freight
Classification Nomenclature and Special Packaging Instruction (Block 16), Controlled Item
Identification Code (Block 27) and applicable Transportation Account Code (TAC) on the DD
Form 1348-1A, as necessary. (Added) Use the appropriate unit or project Transportation Account Code (TAC) as
provided by organization directing the movement. If CMOS validation determines another
source of funding is appropriate, then that TAC or MORD will be utilized and the requisition
will be annotated. (Replaced) Reference DAFI 65-601 V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, to
determine applicable funding/Transportation Account Code. (Added) Utilize the DPAS-generated DD Form 1348-1A for on-installation UIC-to-
UIC transfers. (Added) Transfers. Transfer actions will occur for off-installation, on-installation, and
intra-UIC movements. Utilize the Transfer Process Processing Guide found on the DPAS
Working Group SharePoint® site. (Added) Transfer Off-Installation. Initiate the transfer in DPAS to generate the
Transportation Control Number (TCN). Select the appropriate Transportation Account Code
(TAC) and use the DPAS-generated TCN as the document number for the DD Form 1348-1A.
Approve the Pending UIC-to-UIC transfer and complete transfer actions in DPAS only when the
DPAS-generated DD Form 1348-1A is signed and received from Outbound Cargo. File the
signed document in the appropriate Master Jacket File.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Transfer On-Installation. Initiate the transfer in DPAS to generate the
movement document number. Create the DPAS-generated DD Form 1348-1A for movement
from the losing UIC to the gaining UIC. Complete the transfer actions in DPAS only when the
movement document is signed and received. File the signed document in the appropriate Master
Jacket File. (Added) Transfer Intra-UIC. Transfers between custodians within the same UIC do
not generate a movement document. Complete the transfer in DPAS and file the email
notification, or appropriate notice, in the Master Jacket File. (Added) Temporary Equipment Loans (not GFE). Ensure equipment on temporary
loan cite “accountability retained at home station” in the remarks field on the DPAS-generated
DD Form 1348-1A. This will ensure and clarify accountability for the property belongs to the
loaning organization. Annotate the primary location with “LOAN” and add expected return date
(JULIAN date) with actual location in the sub-location field. Provide additional information in
Remarks and upload any supporting documentation as necessary. (Added) Transfer Authorizations. Unauthorized transfers occur when units transfer
property without the knowledge of LRS. (Added) Organizations are required to produce shipping documents or emails from
the receiving activity as proof the asset was shipped from the losing installation. (Added) Coordinate with the transferring organization’s EAE to initiate the transfer.
Utilize the off- installation transfer process in the Transfer Process Processing Guide on the
DPAS Working Group SharePoint® site. (Added) The transferring organization’s EAE should enter “TCN unknown” in the
remarks field if the TCN from the original DD Form 1348-1A is unknown. (Added) The gaining EAE will account for the property as “000” and direct the
gaining organization to return the property to LRS or obtain authorization for the item. (Added) A financial liability investigation is not required since the property is not
considered lost. (Added) Traffic Managers apply existing Transportation Account Code (TAC)
processes in accordance with AFI 24-602V2 when the movement document does not contain an
appropriate TAC for the shipment. (Added) EAEs will forward shipping documentation to customers and notify them of
next appropriate actions. (Added) Equipment Custodians will arrange delivery and shipment for the equipment
with Outbound Cargo.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Outbound Cargo personnel apply existing procedures as necessary in
accordance with 24-series guidance. (Added) Pending Transaction Reconciliation. EAEs will manage and review
installation-level pending transactions within the Accountable UIC to control the movement of
property and completion of transaction processing within the Accountable Property System of
Record. (Added) EAEs will utilize DPAS-generated reports to capture pending inbound and
outbound transactions against the Accountable UIC (e.g., Pending Transactions Due-In Inquiry,
Pending Transaction Due-Out Inquiry). (Added) Inbound pending transactions may be reviewed for receipt, transfer, loan
within DPAS, and loan returns. (Added) Outbound pending transaction reconciliations are performed for
disposition, transfer, and pending processing actions. (Added) Outbound Pending Transaction management. (Added) Shipping activities perform pending transaction reconciliations every two
weeks. EAEs will take action for unprocessed pending transactions with approval dates beyond
45 calendar days. (Added) EAE check master jacket file and confirm receipt of the signed DD
Form 1348-1A from Outbound Cargo with shipment data. (Added) Follow-up with custodian to determine if property was dropped off at
outbound cargo if a signed DD Form 1348-1A is not available in the master jacket file.
Custodians should produce a copy of the signed DD Form 1348-1A with signature from
Outbound Cargo personnel indicating the property was accepted by the shipping activity. (Added) Initiate a special inventory to confirm accountability of the property if
the custodian cannot produce a signed DD Form 1348-1A. If property is found direct the
custodian to deliver to Outbound Cargo. (Added) Forward a copy of the pending transaction record to Cargo Movement as
supplemental TTL for transactions requiring additional research. A copy of the signed DD Form
1348- 1A must be included if available as acceptance confirmation by Outbound Cargo
personnel. (T-1). (Added) Cargo Movement shall perform research and provide TTL statements in
accordance with AFI 24-602, Volume 2. (T-1). Return documents to Cargo Movement if invalid
statements are provided.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) If Cargo Movement confirms “received in file,” EAEs contact gaining
activity to request completion of the pending transaction. Forward associate documentation as
validation of Proof of Delivery (POD). (Added) If Cargo Movement confirms “Updated shipment status,” annotate the
DD Form 1348-1A and place in suspense until next review. (Added) If Cargo Movement confirms “TO tracing,” annotate the DD Form
1348-1A and place in suspense file until next review. (Added) If lost in transit, gaining activity rejects the transfer. The shipping
activity processes an administrative adjustment. In remarks field, enter “lost in transportation,
TDR initiated for TCN [enter appropriate lost TCN].” (Added) A Financial Liability Investigation is not necessary as the Transportation
Discrepancy Report accomplishes the financial management requirement for recoupment in
accordance with DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 12, Chapter 7. (Added) EAEs will transfer asset records to the WHSE UIC if the property was
accepted by Outbound Cargo and no indication the property was shipped to the gaining activity.
Outbound Cargo will initiate and perform a financial liability investigation for the lost property. (Added) Account for the prime end item in DPAS and ensure the cost of the end
item captures the total cost of the installed components. Do not account for installed component
parts if the cost is part of the total acquisition cost. (Added) Validate the ERRC in FLIS to determine the appropriate code. Use Air
Force Technical Order Form 22, Technical Manual (TM) Change Recommendation and Reply, to
submit installation initiated SMR/ERRC changes as necessary in accordance with TO 00 5-1 and
TO 00-25-195. (Added) Provide supporting documentation (e.g., T.O. IPB, Item Specialist
confirmation,) confirming the requested item is indeed a sub-component of the end article. (Added) Managing Multiple Equipment-Component End Items. Multiple
equipment-component items consist of equipment-coded items (ERRC S or U) installed into
another equipment-coded higher assembly. (Added) Account for equipment components (Asset Level Code “CL”) separately
from the higher assembly (Asset Level Code “EC”) in the APSR. (Added) Do not maintain components coded as XD/XF (ERRC T and P) on
Equipment Authorized In-Use Details or DPAS property records. Continue to order requirements
in ILS-S utilizing standard DIFM procedures.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Items built from an assortment of piece parts (e.g., mock-ups) are not
considered equipment even if the total value exceeds $5K and the item remains built up for more
than 2 years. (Added) Process multiple equipment-component item requirements in ILS-S with
item code M. (Added) Create a valid 201-detail for the requirement in ILS-S to process the
requisition. (Added) Order all multiple equipment-component item requirements using the
same authorization as the higher assembly. (Added) Process unserviceable return upon receipt and subsequent due-out
release of replacement multiple components utilizing the equipment detail document number to
terminate accountability. (Added) EAE will process a 1ETX in ILS-S if the unserviceable component was
returned prior to receipt of the replacement unit. Annotate the transaction number of the return
(obtain using CTH) to remove any existing 201-details if necessary. Ensure to include the
remark, “Multiple equipment-component item return. New part installed in the end item.” on the
document and file with Document Control. (Added) DPAS Inventory Schedule and Execution. Accountable Property Officers and
EAEs will adhere to AFI 23-101, Materiel Management Policy, for inventory policies and
procedures. (Added) EAEs will generate the Custodian Inventory Report from DPAS for
inventory count purposes. Additionally, EAEs will use the ILS-S-generated R14 for those items
temporarily remaining in the system. These reports may be maintained digitally for use and file
maintenance. (Added) Property Custodians will utilize the DPAS- or ILS-S-generated inventory
reports, as appropriate, to perform organizational inventory counts. Logistics Readiness
Squadron (LRS) or Materiel Management Activity personnel will accomplish the custodial
inventory count of all items against the WHSE custodial account and items contained within the
Organization’s UIC. (Added) Utilize the Generating Inventories Processing Guide located on the DPAS
Working Group SharePoint® site for procedures to prepare inventory reports and record
inventory results in DPAS. (Added) EAEs will adhere to specific rules for processing inventory results in DPAS.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Utilize the Receipt Processing Guide for inventory overages and Found on
Base returns. Under the Receiving menu select “IAAR – Administrative Adjustment” and apply
receipt processing procedures. Importantly, do not select “IFOI – Found on Installation” for
inventory overage or FOB instances. (Added) EAEs will identify and update all property records suspected of lost
property. Per AFI 23-101, Materiel Management Policy, guidance applies for suspected losses
against ILS-S records. Utilize the suspected loss procedures contained in the Generating
Inventories process guide for DPAS property records. (Added) EAEs will use Suspected Loss Status Code of “S” to identify property
records suspected of loss. (Added) EAEs will add their initials to the Inventory User Id and update the
Suspected Loss Status Code from “S” to the appropriate status code against the appropriate
property record when the suspected loss has been resolved. (Added) EAEs will produce a weekly DPAS Suspected Loss Status Code to manage
and resolve property record discrepancies suspected of being lost. The report will include
Suspected Loss Status Codes of “I” – Under Investigation, “R” – Report of Survey, and “S” –
Suspected Loss. Property records with suspect flag assignments must be resolved within 30 days. (Added) All DPAS adjustments will supplement the M10, Consolidated Inventory
Adjustment Register as an attachment to the monthly inventory adjustment register. (Added) Produce the DPAS Increase Decrease Action Report and attach all
supporting documentation to the product. (Added) Capture the following adjustment codes on the exported DPAS Increase
Decrease Action Report on the M10 attachment: (I/D) AAR Administrative Adjustment, (I/D)
IAJ – Inventory Adjustment, and DLDD – Report of Survey/Lost, Damaged, Destroyed. Note:
The “I” represents an increase to the property record. The “D” represents a decrease to the
property record. (Added) DPAS Documentation. (Added) Air Force SE transfers are authorized to move on DPAS- and LTS-generated
documents as lateral redistribution requirements to maintain compliance with transactional and
accountability procedures. (Added) Air Force SE requisitioned from sources of supply and retail-level
inventories will move as prescribed by DLMS procedures. (Added) Key Supporting Documentation (KSD). Existing management and document
control requirements exist for all KSDs regardless of APSR.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) DD Form 1348-1A. Air Force activities will utilize the DPAS-generated
DD Form 1348- 1A for all DPAS equipment transfers and disposition actions. (Added) DD Form 1149 and 1150. Air Force activities will accept the DD Form
1149 and DD Form 1150 for equipment movements against DPAS requirements, as appropriate. (Added) Other Acceptable Documentation. Other forms of documentation are
acceptable to capture the initial acceptance and existence for property receipts. (Added) Document Control Records. EAEs will ensure all equipment document
control records are cleared in ILS-S prior to uploading property records and documents into
DPAS. (Added) Uploading and attaching Documents to Property Records. EAEs will upload
copies of all KSDs and associate accountability documents to individual property records in
DPAS. Additionally, EAE will upload and attach the DPAS Stock Number History report and/or
appropriate justifying documentation to accompany KSDs assigned to the DPAS property record,
as necessary. (Added) DPAS Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Records. DPAS will perform CFO
reporting for Air Force property. The current capitalization threshold for Air Force equipment is
$1 million as cited in DoD 7000.14-R, Department of Defense Financial Management Policy,
Volume 4, Chapter 25. (Added) All assets meeting capitalization requirements must be recorded in DPAS
with the following data: acquisition cost, acquisition date, part number, and serial number. (T-0).
Additionally, all appropriate KSDs must be uploaded to each CFO property record. (Added) The Activation Date, Acquisition Date, and Original In-Service Date in
DPAS must match the Acquisition Date contained on the associate KSD. (Added) EAEs will update erroneous CFO data in DPAS to ensure financial reporting
is correct. (Added) DPAS CFO asset records requiring corrective action have auto-populated
serial numbers beginning with “RECON” in the serial number field. EAEs are responsible to
resolve these conditions immediately upon discovery. See “Asset Inquiry” guide to obtain
complete list. (Added) Utilize the Updating CFO Data Processing Guide to update CFO records and
data in DPAS. (Added) DPAS Stock Number Management.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Each Stock Number is unique to a specific catalog within each logistics
program and only exists once in a catalog. There are three type of stock numbers in DPAS by
Stock Item Code: “A” National Stock Number, “J” Management Control Number, and “B” Part
Number. (Added) “A” – National Stock Number. Accomplish National Stock Number
searches using the Stock Number Browse wizard to determine if the stock number exists in
DPAS or to pull stock number information from FEDLOG. Do not load stock numbers with
Material Management Aggregation Codes against the DPAS catalog. (Added) Select the appropriate record image reflected from the browse inquiry
then select Add from the search criteria page. (Added) Mandatory fields are identified by an asterisk (*) and include Stock
Number, Type Asset Code, Asset Control Code, Item Description, Stock Item Code, Federal
Stock Class, Management Code, Unit of Issue, Unit Price, Years of Service Life, Authorization
Code, Maintenance Group Identification, Demilitarization Code, Controlled Item Identification
Code, Reportable code, and Accounting Requirements Code. (Added) Air Force support equipment are within the General Personal Property
and Equipment (PP&E) criteria for Type Asset Code. (Added) The Asset Control Code identifies the accounting class of assets. The
codes displayed are conditional based upon the Type Asset Code selected. It is critical the proper
code is selected because it identifies the accounting class of the asset. This information will be
passed to the accounting systems for use in preparing financial statements. If the wrong code is
chosen, the accounting transaction may be rejected or passed incorrectly. (Added) Air Force support equipment is serially managed in DPAS unless
otherwise directed. (Added) The normal years of service life for support equipment is 10 years. (Added) Authorization Code is blank as authorizations are managed in a different
module. (Added) Maintenance Group Identification is blank until item is selected for
maintenance group management (repair, etc.). (Added) Select “0-Non-Reportable” for the Reportable Code field. This option
will be determined in a separate process. (Added) Add the stock number to the catalog and correct all discrepancies as
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) “J” – Management Control Number. This method allows catalog managers
to create a stock number for a local purchase item. (Added) This 15-position field consists of the 4-digit Federal Supply Class, the 2-
digit National Codification Bureau country of origin, an Item Number consisting of 1
alphabetical and 2 numeric characters, and a 4-digit DPAS serial number. (Added) Air Force catalog managers and users do not use this method of loading
stock numbers to the DPAS catalog. (Added) “B” – Part Number. Catalog managers use this type of stock number to
load enterprise P- Serialized Stock Numbers into the DPAS catalog. (Added) Add the P-Serialized stock number and the item description on the stock
number search criteria screen. (Added) Air Force support equipment is within the General Personal Property and
Equipment (PP&E) criteria for Type Asset Code. (Added) The Stock Item Code for enterprise P-serialized stock numbers is “B”
Part Number. (Added) Enterprise P-Serialized stock numbers adhere to Air Force support
equipment rules regarding serial management unless otherwise directed. (Added) Unit price of the item is the same as the acquisition price for the
purchase. (Added) The normal years of service life for support equipment is 10 years unless
otherwise specified in accordance with DoD 7000.14-R, Department of Defense Financial
Management Policy, Volume 4, Chapter 25, Table 25-2. (Added) Authorization Code is blank as authorizations are managed in a different
module. (Added) Maintenance Group Identification is blank until item is selected for
maintenance group management (repair, etc.). (Added) Select “0-Non-Reportable” for the Reportable Code field. This option
will be determined in a separate process. (Added) Stock Number Updates. The process is like the Stock Number Add process
except that it is accessed from the Search Results window. This capability updates the Type
Asset Code, ACC, Stock Item Code, and Stock Number.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Catalog managers can enter the updating stock number or search for the
stock number using the Stock Number Browse function. (Added) Search for the appropriate stock number after selecting the correct record. (Added) Select update for the record appearing on the search results to perform
edits. (Added) Ensure to select update after modifying the stock number record data
elements. (Added) Document all reasons for change to CFO stock numbers and related
indicative data in the catalog remarks field or in justifying supporting documentation, as
required. (Added) Stock Number Mass Updates. Process stock number mass updates in the
Catalog Mass Updates – Stock Number Tab. This process changes the current existing stock
number to a new stock number for all assets within the catalog. (Added) To change a stock number, both stock numbers must exist on the catalog
and the remaining fields may not be updated. Both TO/FROM stock numbers must have the
same Accounting Requirements Code, Management Code, and Unit of Issue. (Added) To maintain the stock number, but change specific fields, leave the Stock
Nbr To field blank. This allows updates to the fields mentioned above. (Added) Use this process to change the following fields but maintain the current
stock number: Stock Item Cd, Type Asset Cd, ACC, Attribute(s) Template, IT Device Cd, Demil
Cd, CIIC, Type Dsg, Util Svc Life, Util Measure Cd, Fdcry Deprn Mthd Cd, Maint Grp Id. (Added) If the transaction fails during the batch process, review the Batch Error
Detail Report. Stock Number Deletions. The Stock Number Delete process allows removal of a
stock number from the catalog. (Added) Catalog managers can enter the updating stock number or search for the
stock number using the Stock Number Browse function. (Added) Search for the appropriate stock number after selecting the correct record. (Added) Select delete for the appropriate stock number record to remove from
search results. (Added) Select delete to complete the transaction and remove the stock number
from DPAS.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Utilize the DPAS Part Number Submission form for all non-stock listed
stock number requests. (Added) Equipment custodians complete the form in collaboration with the host
EAE to ensure all appropriate data elements are correct and available prior to submission for
entry into DPAS. (Added) EAEs forward the submission form together with supporting
documentation, as necessary, to the 437 SCOS for upload into the DPAS catalog. (Added) Cataloging Managers validate the submission form for accuracy and assign
a new stock number in the DPAS P-Serialized Stock Number Register. (Added) Catalog Managers have the authority to collaborate on stock number
changes, determine and direct changes when appropriate, and execute the stock number change
upon discretion. (Added) Centralized agencies and field-level organizations assist Catalog Managers
when discrepancies or changes are necessary to correct or modify the DPAS catalog. (Added) Utilize DPAS reports and enterprise-provided tools and reports to perform
daily reviews against the DPAS catalog to ensure all stock number records conform to AF-
determined structures. (Added) DPAS Excess Equipment Redistribution Program. The excess equipment
redistribution program focus on the redistribution of in-warehouse equipment deemed available
to satisfy existing enterprise requirements. (Added) Purpose. DoDM 4140.01, Volume 1, DoD Supply Chain Materiel
Management Procedures: Operational Requirements, defines excess as, “materiel at a retail
supply activity that is excess to that activity’s requirements and is subject to return to the
wholesale materiel manager, redistribution within the DoD supply chain, or to disposal by
Defense Logistics Agency-Disposition Services.” As such, all in-warehouse equipment is excess
at the local level. (Added) Enterprise Excess. Enterprise excess is the aggregate total of a property
items in- warehouse excess which exceeds the enterprise requirement. (Added) Property items identified as excess, or enterprise excess are available
candidates for redistribution within the excess equipment redistribution program. (Added) The 404 SCMS will generate an Excess Equipment Redistribution report
matching enterprise excess to existing equipment requisitions.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Define report logic and generation in local operating instructions. At a
minimum, the excess equipment redistribution report will contain an applicable Transportation
Account Code and other information necessary to process the transfer or shipment to the gaining
activity. Produce this product at least quarterly or more frequently as necessary. (Added) The 404 SCMS will upload the Excess Equipment Redistribution report
(Redistribution Effort (RDO)) to the 404 Supply Chain Management Squadron SharePoint® and
notify Item Managers and 440 SCOS personnel for action. (Added) Item Managers will have one (1) workweek to view the report and
collaborate with MAJCOM managers (as appropriate) and take necessary actions to satisfy
specific requirements. (Added) The 440 SCOS will have two (2) workweeks to view the report after the
Item Manager review and process DPAS transfers to satisfy the remaining requirement pairings. (Added) Item Managers and 440 SCOS will notify applicable shipping activities of
the redistribution order or lateral transfer action upon completion of the review for coordination
of the movement. (Added) Shipping activities will have one (1) workweek from notification of
transfer to approve or reject the DPAS pending redistribution order or lateral transfer. (Added) Item Managers and 440 SCOS will notify 404 SCMS upon completion of
the review. (Added) The 404 SCMS will ensure applicable requisitions are appropriately
cancelled in D035A. (Added) The 440 SCOS will process applicable due-out cancellations (DOC) and
annotate “DPAS LATERAL” in the reference data field against the gaining activity’s ILS-S
supply account. (Added) Host LRS activities will provide customer organizations a monthly DPAS
Due-In report to supplement the Monthly Due-Out Validation Listing (M30) allowing
organizations to identify and track incoming transfers and shipments. (Added) Equipment Malposition Program. The Malposition Program focuses on the
misplacement of property. Specifically, the program identifies organizational and enterprise
overages and re-allocates them to satisfy existing enterprise requirements. Supply Chain
Managers will collaborate with Functional Area Managers (or equivalent) and provide corrective
recommendations for action. (Added) DAFI 10-401, Operations Planning and Execution, places responsibility on
MAJCOM Functional Area Managers (FAM) to monitor unit readiness and advise applicable
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Deputy Chief of Staff/director of units that are not manned, trained, and/or equipped to maintain
the postured capability. Coordinate appropriate actions with applicable unit or agency to remedy
manning, training, or equipment issues. (Added) Malposition. A malposition is the wrong or bad posturing of property
throughout the enterprise creating organizational and enterprise overages. Results of
malpositioned property negatively impacts Air Force readiness through the improper distribution
of resources; creates property shortages at tactical-level organizations; and inhibits the ability to
accurately compute operational-level requirements. (Added) Organizational Overage. An organizational overage exists when a custodial
organization possesses property exceeding approved authorization levels (e.g., IF total
authorized quantity = 1, AND possessed quantity = 2; THEN organizational overage = 1). (Added) Enterprise Overage: An enterprise overage exists when a property item’s
total organizational overages exceed approved total enterprise authorization levels (e.g., IF total
enterprise authorization quantity = 80, AND enterprise possessed quantity = 100; THEN
enterprise overage = 20). (Added) Property records identified as organizational, or enterprise overages are
available candidates for re-posturing within the equipment malposition program. (Added) 404 SCMS will generate an Equipment Malposition report matching
enterprise overages to existing equipment requirements. (Added) Define report logic and generation in local operating instructions.
MAJCOM FAMs (or equivalent) will utilize appropriate Transportation Account Codes to fund
the movement of re- postured property to resolve command malposition deficiencies. (Added) 404 SCMS will upload the Equipment Malposition report to the 404
Supply Chain Management Squadron SharePoint® for access by Functional Area Managers (or
equivalent) for action. (Added) FAMs (or equivalent) will have one (1) month to view the report and take
action as necessary to satisfy specific requirements. (Added) 404 SCMS will develop and populate a monthly metric to identify
organizational and enterprise overages by command, installation, and organization. (Added) Upload this metric to 404 Supply Chain Management Squadron
SharePoint® (Redistribution Effort (RDO)) for access by Functional Area Managers (or
equivalent) for review and brief with MAJCOM leadership (e.g., Director, Directorate, and
Command Primary APO).
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) AF/A4LR will brief the monthly metric to AF/A4L as the AF Primary
APO for General Support Equipment. (Added) Host APOs will brief Group Commanders during local meetings for
situational awareness and action. (Added) EAEs should measure within the appropriate DODAAC by UIC. The
primary focus area is available “Overage Quantity” against accountable property records with
standard prices greater than or equal to $5000 and controlled item property records. (Added) EAEs should emphasize the volume of overages by UIC, line items,
quantity, and value. Recommendations to resolve identified non-compliant conditions will
include returning overage items to the APO and subsequently requesting FAM approval for use
authorization, if required. (Added) Equipment Organizational Overage Corrections. Custodians must return
equipment organizational overages to the host APO within 30 calendar days upon notification or
identification the condition exists. (Added) AFMC or CFL personnel and EAEs will direct custodial organizations to
return identified equipment overages to the host APO upon discovery. LRS/Materiel
Management Activity will not refuse equipment overage returns due to lack of disposition
instructions. Maintain the property record on the DPAS WHSE Custodial Number and await
disposition. (Added) Organizational custodians may submit an authorization request for the
overage to retain the equipment. However, the custodial organization must return the equipment
overage immediately if the authorization request is not approved. (Added) LRS/Materiel Management Activities will receive all in-bound equipment
shipments onto the DPAS WHSE Custodial Number when a valid authorization does not exist
for the expecting organization. Receive ILS-S shipments against corresponding due-outs, if
applicable, and immediately transfer the property record to the DPAS WHSE Custodial Number. (Added) EAEs will notify expecting organizations an approved authorization must
exist against the gaining UIC prior to releasing the equipment. Do not release the equipment if
the action will create an organizational overage condition. (Added) DPAS Force System Management. (Added) Overview. The Force System Management (FSM) module is a component
of the Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) and is used for managing accountable
equipment authorizations. FSM is the primary source for Unit Type Code (UTC) mobility
(Readiness Code A), non-mobility (Readiness Code B), and War Reserve Materiel (Readiness
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Code D) accountable equipment authorizations and provides data to Department of Defense
Readiness Reporting System (DRRS). (Added) Organizations are responsible to capture all mobility, non-mobility, and
War Reserve Materiel (WRM) authorizations for non-accountable materiel as determined by
functional managers or equivalent (e.g., Organizational Visibility List, local data base). (Added) FSM accountable equipment UTC authorizations will take precedence
when mismatches occur with the Logistics Detail (LOGDET) pending resolution by the
Manpower and Equipment Force Packages (MEFPAK) Responsible Agency (MRA) Functional
Area Manager (FAM), or equivalent, in accordance with AFI 10-401, Operations Planning and
Execution. (Added) All centrally managed and centrally procured equipment items require
authorization management at the enterprise level of oversight, to include items with Procurement
Source Code 5. Additionally, functional communities may determine the use of authorization
management for those items requiring additional levels of oversight. (Added) 440 SCOS. The 440 SCOS is responsible for overall management and data
integrity of the Force Systems Management module. 440 SCOS/CC will: (Added) Ensure compliance with established policies and guidance governing
equipment authorizations. (Added) Appoints the Force Systems Management Officer. (Added) Force Systems Management Officer. The Force Systems Management
Officer is responsible for day-to-day Force Management Systems operations. Force System
Management Officer will: (Added) Appoint Authorization Managers as required to oversee all FSM
authorizations. (Added) Serve as the FSM Information Owner and grant user access to the FSM
module. (Added) Schedule biennial Authorization Identification reviews and ensure the
event coincides with the appropriate MRA Functional Area Manager UTC biennial review as
applicable to DAFI 10-401, Operations Planning and Execution. Include non-mobility
authorizations to ensure adequate sustainment of base support operations during deployments. (Added) Establish internal controls to prevent unauthorized changes to FSM data.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Authorization Manager. Authorization Managers are responsible for
establishing and maintaining DPAS Authorization Identifications (Authorization Id), Platforms,
Mission Descriptions, and all other associate data. Authorization Managers will: (Added) Maintain authorization detail records for each Authorization Id. Ensure
prime stock numbers are loaded with appropriate readiness code, justification, force requirement
(FReq), and force authorization (FAuth). Also, ensure Organizational Requirement (OReq) and
Organizational Authorization (OAuth) records are accurate and updated as required. (Added) Schedules and performs assigned biennial mobility Authorization Id
reviews to coincide with UTC biennial reviews as applicable. Conduct non-mobility
Authorization Id reviews as directed by Force Systems Management Officer. (Replaced) Challenge and adjudicate authorization approvals and disapprovals
with the responsible FAM based upon questionable justifications, as required. (Added) Employ internal controls to prevent unauthorized changes to the FSM
data. (Replaced) Utilize available IT systems and data to generate variance reports for
the following: Interchangeable and Substitute Groups (I&SG), unit type codes, unit postures, and
organizational authorizations. Variances are delinquent if not cleared within 15 calendar days of
report date. These variance reports replace the obsolete AFEMS UTCVAR report. (Replaced) These variance reports will identify erroneous NSNs and
authorization data elements negatively impacting existing authorizations and postures. Retain the
working reports on file, either electronically or in hard copy, until next review. (Replaced) Interchangeable and Substitute Groups. Review all Authorization IDs
and ensure stock numbers are loaded against the master stock number if contained within an ISG. (Added) Unit Type Codes (UTC). Validate the accuracy of all UTCs loaded
against authorization details against the MEFPAK or other authoritative source. Utilize LIMS-
EV generated product to identify discrepant UTCs and update the authorization Id. (Added) Unit Postures. Validate the unit posture against the balance in the
Organization Requirement (OReq). Utilize the MEFPAK or other authoritative source to
identify variances between the unit posturing and the quantity contained in the OReq data field in
FSM. (Added) Organizational Authorizations. Validate the quantity contained in the
OAuth data field is accurately calculated in FSM (e.g., FReq x OReq = OAuth). Also, validate
UIC assignments to ensure authorization ids are applied to the appropriate organization. Utilize
exported information from FSM to capture populated quantities in authorization review tab of
FSM and applied UIC assignments.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) DPAS Centralized Equipment Management. These responsibilities are
applicable to Air Reserve Component and Regular Air Force CEMF, War Readiness Materiel
Managers, and Core Functional Lead (when appropriate). Personnel will: (Added) Identify and apply Authorization Detail records to specific UICs as
needed. (Added) Assist Force Systems Management Officer or Authorization Managers
with requests to update Organizational Requirement (OReq) and Organizational Authorization
(OAuth) Authorization Id record reviews. (Added) Download and maintain daily authorization listings on SharePoint® site
as report capabilities become available for use. Listings will contain all authorization data in
FSM and will be accessible for historical purposes. (Added) WRM Managers will retain responsibilities for assets pertaining to WRM
data records and organizations in addition to responsibilities contained in this chapter as
applicable. (Added) Provide FSM WRM reports to CWRMO as required to identify
authorizations and requirements. (Added) Identify organization WRM overages and suspense units to either return
equipment or submit authorization change requests to retain property. (Added) Per AFI 23-101, Core Functional Leads will retain responsibility for
assets included in peculiar Authorization Ids as identified in PAD D16-03, Annex X, Table X-1.
CFLs will participate in biennial UTC and authorization reviews as appropriate. (Added) DPAS Force System Management Authorization Review Process. The Force
Systems Management Officer maintains the schedule for Authorization Id reviews and is
responsible to ensure the validation of associate information no less than biennially. (Added) Mobility Authorizations. Mobility authorizations (Readiness Code A) will
be synchronized with the biennial UTC review. Biennial UTC review requirements are captured
in AFI 10-401; Authorization Managers or 440 SCOS representative must attend as mandatory
participants. ARC and CFLs may also attend as appropriate. The Force Systems Management
Officer may delegate responsibilities to 440 SCOS representatives as needed to complete
reviews. Authorization Managers will: (Added) Assist MRA FAMs in validating all pilot and non-pilot unit FSM UTC
requirements. Substantiate increases or decreases for Readiness Code A requirements with FAM-
approved AF Form 601.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Ensure non-pilot unit authorizations are consistent with actual unit
postures and pilot-unit authorization requirements. (Added) Non-Pilot unit authorizations should mirror the pilot unit standard
package multiplied by number of UTC tasks the unit is postured to support. (Added) Deviations from the pilot unit standard package are not authorized unless
approved by the MRA FAM. The MRA FAM will provide justification for deviations to
Authorization Managers and the justification will be documented and re-validated during next
biennial review. (Added) Validate stock numbers are only non-expendable (ERRC S or U) and
meet the threshold for accountability in accordance with AFI 23-101. Note: DPAS only captures
requirements for accountable equipment, not expendable or non-accountable equipment assets. (Added) Ensure authorizations are leveraged against the Prime NSN if part of an
interchangeable and substitute group. (Added) Document all authorized changes onto a single report. The Authorization
Manager and MRA FAM will sign and date the report certifying the changes as valid. The
Authorization Manager will maintain the report until the next authorization review. (Added) Update FSM Authorization Detail records. Coordinate with the applicable
Centralized Equipment Manager to ensure OReq and OAuth quantities are appropriately
changed. (Added) Base Support Authorizations. Base support requirements (Readiness Code
B) are non- mobility accountable equipment assets necessary to support installation-level
operations. Authorization Managers will: (Added) The Base Support authorization list will include Force and Organization
requirements and authorizations. (Added) Update FSM Authorization Detail records. Coordinate with the applicable
Centralized Equipment Management activity to ensure OReq and OAuth quantities are
appropriately changed. (Added) Ensure the completed validated list is signed by the applicable ERAA and
file until the next authorization review. (Added) Centralized Equipment Management Flight will: (Added) Email the complete list of Base Support authorizations with previously
approved justifications to the applicable lead command FAM for validation. Authorizations from
comparable units will also be emailed to ERAA for comparison.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Provide training and assistance to ERAAs ensuring requirements are
valid, justified, and clearly support the authorization. (Replaced) AFMC Equipment Managers will discontinue utilizing obsolete Q09
and Q10 products and guidance. The Invalid Backorder Report is the replacement tool to
perform those functions. (Added) Logistics Management Activities will not create due-out requirements or
requisitions until an approved Authorization ID reflects new or changed authorization quantities. (Added) WRM/BEAR storage locations will establish due-out requirements and
requisitions for confirmed shortages. Use project code L86 to identify initial and increased
BEAR requirements. (Added) Logistics Management Activities will develop and present organization
overage metrics to the installation commander as the Primary APO monthly, as needed. Note:
The ERL is the preferred source to obtain overage information. (Added) EAEs should measure within the appropriate DODAAC by UIC. The
primary focus area is available “Overage Quantity” against accountable property records with
standard prices greater than or equal to $5000 and controlled item property records. (Added) EAEs should emphasis the volume of overages by UIC, line items,
quantity, and value. Recommendations to resolve identified non-compliant conditions will
include returning overage items to the APO and subsequently requesting FAM approval for use
authorization, if required. (Added) DPAS Receipt Processing Actions. Logistics Readiness personnel will
continue to follow existing ILS-S processing actions for equipment moving on DD Form 1348-
1As. Contact EAE for all equipment receipts processed in ILS-S. EAEs will: (Added) Arrange delivery or pick-up with equipment custodians, as required. (Added) Transfer (1ETT) all equipment property records to DPAS upon
notification and confirmation of established equipment property records in ILS-S. (Added) Ensure annotation of the appropriate property record’s asset identification
on document control records after transferring property from ILS-S to DPAS. (Added) Process equipment component receipts as a “Component” transaction to
create the property record and associate the component to the Higher Assembly Asset ID. Ensure
to select the “cost embedded” box for the transaction. (Added) Reconcile DPAS property records to ILS-S property records to confirm a
successful migration between the two systems.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Utilize the Receipt Processing Guide located on the DPAS Working
Group SharePoint site for procedures to receive equipment into DPAS. (Added) Processing a receipt transaction for an asset record which already exists
in DPAS. The 440 SCOS is responsible to resolve DPAS 117 rejects for enterprise materiel
management activities. (Added) Engage with the receiving activity to ensure the security, accountability,
and physical custody of the property. Additionally, EAEs will: (Added) Review and validate information on the movement document, physical
property, and the reject transaction. Ensure the stock number, serial number, quantity, and
movement document number matches the input information. (Added) Document all discrepancies on the source document and reprocess the
receipt transaction utilizing normal procedures. Accomplish any Supply Discrepancy Report
action as necessary. (Added) Attach a copy of the movement document and DPAS 117 Reject
notification on the physical property upon confirmation of a possible duplication of property
records. Move the property to an APO-managed reject control area until corrective actions are
complete. (Added) Submit an email to [email protected]
containing a screen snapshot of the DPAS 117 reject with all pertinent information for the 440
SCOS to research. (Added) The 440 SCOS will perform an inquiry in DPAS to determine if an
active or deleted property record exists for the stock number and serial number combination. The
440 SCOS will: (Added) Resolve rejects due to a matching active asset record. (Added) Request both possessing organizations to email a photo of the property’s
ident-a-plate or another form of proof to confirm the stock number and serial number
combination. (Added) Inform possessing organizations with incorrect property records to
perform corrective actions to resolve the discrepant accountable record (i.e., adjustments, asset
update, etc.). (Added) Notify the organization with the reject discrepancy to complete
processing actions in DPAS, as appropriate. (Added) Resolve rejects due to a matching deleted asset record.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Process a reversal action to restore the deleted property record back to
active status. Journal the statement, “Processed by 440 SCOS to resolve DPAS 117 reject IAW
published guidance,” in the History Remarks field. (Added) Process a transfer action in DPAS from the UIC containing the
reactivated property record to the gaining activity’s custodian number from the reject
notification.screen shot. Journal the statement, “Processed by 440 SCOS to resolve DPAS 117
reject IAW published guidance,” in the remarks field. (Added) Notify applicable organizations of the corrective actions and upload a
copy of the email correspondence to the appropriate property record. (Added) Maintain email correspondence in accordance with AFRIMS. (Added) ILSS to DPAS Migration Reconciliation. Property records remaining in
ILS-S will undergo validation and reconciliation to ensure the proper migration to DPAS. (Added) AF/A4LR will generate a DPAS Ad Hoc report identifying all property
records requiring reconciliation action against DPAS and ILS-S systems. (Added) Major Commands will manage all details requiring corrective actions
until resolution (e.g., migration, removal, etc.). (Added) EAEs will coordinate with each applicable equipment custodians, as
required, to obtain missing information, correct custodian names and contact information, and
update all effected DPAS property records. (Added) EAEs will forward a list of DPAS property records requiring
reconciliation to the appropriate custodian. Instruct custodians to physically confirm and
document property serial numbers to the DPAS property record list. (Added) EAEs will review custodian annotated DPAS property record lists to
validate missing information. Update the appropriate DPAS property record after confirming
data and completing the validation process. (Added) EAEs will place the validated custodian annotated DPAS property record
list in the custodian’s jacket file. (Added) Manual Property Record Migration from ILS-S to DPAS. EAEs are
responsible for manually migrating ILS-S property records to DPAS for accountability and
management. EAEs will: (Added) Prepare the 1ETT transaction for 201-detail property records and process
in ILS-S for transfer to DPAS.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Confirm and validate all data elements, CFO information, and item
identification prior to migrating the property record to DPAS. (Added) Process the receipt transaction in DPAS to establish the property record
for the accepted item. Ensure all data elements are correctly documented on the property record
prior to completing the action. (Added) Utilize the DPAS Migrating ILS-S Asset Records process guide located
on the DPAS SharePoint site. (Added) Redistribution Order (A2A) from ILS-S to DPAS Transaction. LRS
activities will process A2A Redistribution Orders to migrate equipment balances from ILS-S
item records to DPAS. Property must meet DoDI 5000.64_DAFI 23-111, Accountability and
Management of DOD Equipment and other Accountable Property and AFI 23-101, Materiel
Management Policy, thresholds for migration. LRS Activities will: (Added) Utilize the transaction input parameters found in AFH 23-123, Integrated
Logistics System-Supply (ILS-S), Materiel Management Operations, Volume 2, Part 1,
Redistribution/Referral Order (A2*/A4*) Input. (Added) Maintain a control register to prevent the duplication of serial numbers
and to ensure the processing of migration transactions. Bases will utilize the ILS-S transaction
report to confirm completion of the A2A transaction. MAJCOMs may develop and employ a
standardized control register to capture transactions. (Added) Process A2A transactions in ILS-S to RID F99 DODAAC FEDPAS to
migrate on-hand ILS-S balances to DPAS property records. Note: Ex. A2ADZD
6625010508799TGEA00002FE461092047006 FEDPASM 12 A F99. (Added) Assign the movement document number according to local procedures.
Begin each Julian Date with serial number 7000 with a range through 7099. (Added) Obtain and retain the output A2A document containing the migration
statement indicating the redistribution of property from ILS-S to DPAS. EAEs will process A2A
transactions to clear and resolve rejects and migrate remaining property. (Added) Process the receipt transaction into DPAS to create accountable property
records against the appropriate UIC. As well, receive all excess property against the LRS WHSE
Custodian Number. (Added) Utilize the ILS-S A2A document as the source document for DPAS
receipt transactions. (Added) Apply the procedures from the Receiving Equipment Process Guide
available on the DPAS SharePoint site.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Enter the A2A document number in the Obligation Document Number on
the Accounting Tab. (Added) Ensure to capture and load all serial numbers for serial-coded property
records within DPAS. Utilize the Serialized Managed Items receiving process within the
Receiving Equipment Process Guide. (Added) Establish property records with Asset ID Prefix “ITM” for COMSEC
(CIIC 9) items with Serial Report Codes ‘C’ (SRC C). (Added) Apply OSD FIAR guidance and this publication to determine
appropriate KSD requirements. (Added) File the A2A document in Document Control to track removal from
ILS-S, as appropriate. Uploading Non-CFO A2A documents to DPAS property records is not
necessary. However, organizations may file the A2A document in the WHSE custodian master
jacket file. (Added) Utilize the LIMS-EV “In-Warehouse Equipment Report” processed by
SRAN (e.g., 4800, etc.), or other viable product, to manage existing equipment residing on ILS-S
item records. (Replaced) All materiel management activities will retain all source documents with
TRICS ISU, DOR, MSI, SHP, AXA, BSU, FCH, and FCU for 120 months (10 years) regardless
of what is in position 53 of the DCR. (T-1). The materiel management accounts with an
applicable materiel management automated tracking system do not need to maintain paper copies
if the transaction was processed through this automated system. These transactions must be
retained in this automated system for 120 months. All other transactions output documents will
be stored using the ILS-S Digital Document Control capability. (Replaced) Attention: Forced Record Alteration (FIX) processing input images are
written to ILS-S audit trail.
5.6.5. (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted) (Deleted)
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) The Inventory Management function in ILS-S will be used to record and
submit inventory counts for ILS-S accounts. Inventory count listings (and count images) will be
available in ILS-S Inventory Management function after the applicable inventory parameter is
processed by AFMC. See ILS-S User’s Manual for IT guidance. Note: ILS-S system queries will
not be used as the official tool to perform this function. (T-1). (Replaced) Inventory count parameter requests for ILS-S accounts will be submitted
to AFMC one calendar day before the inventory count deadline date (See AFH 23-123 for
inventory parameter request format). To ensure frequency requirements are met, inventory
parameters will be processed once a month with the Date of Last Inventory (DOLI) option. For
example, two separate Inventory Count File parameters will be processed for in-warehouse
assets that will become overdue in the schedule month: one to identify item records that will not
meet the 365-day/annual requirement (e.g., consumables and recoverables) and another for the
180-day/ semi-annual requirements (e.g., classified and COMSEC). (T-1). (Replaced) DOLI options will be processed to identify detail records that will
become overdue in the scheduled month (e.g., Supply Point, Equipment, SPRAM, WCDO,
MSK, Special Spares, RSP, Unserviceable DIFM, COMSEC and SA/LW Serialized Details,
etc.). Process all item and detail record inventories through ILS-S so DOLIs are updated within
inventory frequencies outlined in DAFI 23-101. (T-1). Physically recount the inventory materiel in the location indicated on the inventory
recount image and record the count balance. Note: To comply with DoDM 4140.01, Vol. 11,
materiel recounts must be blind and not performed by the original inventory counter. (Replaced) Purpose: To describe the general procedures associated with conducting
Semiannual NWRM Worldwide Inventory (WWI) and inventories required when the NWRM
Accountable Officer (NWRMAO) changes. Additional information, including appointment and
certification of NWRM inventory team, can be found in AFI 20-110. For other guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part
1, or ILS-S User Guide. (Replaced) A complete physical count of NWRM by serial number or Unique Item
Identification (UII) will be conducted semiannually or upon change of NWRMAO to obtain
agreement between the physical on-hand NWRM balances and the accountable record balance.
NWRM inventories validate the existence and completeness of 100% of the NWRM. Existence
indicates items selected from the Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) (e.g., ILS-S,
CAS, DSS) are physically inspected. Completeness indicates all assets are accounted for in the
APSR. (Replaced) The change of NWRMAOs requires a 100% inventory to support the
effective date of transfer. For the accounting of all NWRM, the losing NWRMAO will direct a
100% inventory of NWRM. This inventory will be validated (reviewed with the inventory officer
(IO), referenced NWRMAO and AFI 20-110) by both the losing and gaining NWRMAOs to
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
certify a joint 100% inventory as of the effective accountability transfer date. See paragraph 1.2
for Change of NWRMAO procedures. Note: Semiannual inventories can be used to suffice for
the requirement for a change of NWRMAO provided both gaining and losing individuals
approve the inventory and no transactions affecting stock record balances occur between the end
date of the inventory and the effective date of the transfer of accountability. (Replaced) The NWRMAO: (Replaced) A complete physical inventory of NWRM, by Serial number (S/N), will be
conducted on every NWRM with an on-hand balance in the accountable materiel management
systems to include all detail balances, assets tracked by spreadsheets, or any assets that are not on
an accountable materiel management system (e.g., trainers, mockups, simulators, test stands,
displays). Note: Blind inventory requirements must be complied with when multiple
NWRMAO's have NWRM in a shared respective area. At a minimum NWRMAO's will review
NWRM listings together before the semi-annual inventory begins to ensure all NWRM in the
respective area is inventoried and that count cards on common items are reconciled afterwards
against the applicable accountable property system of record data files (e.g., inventory
spreadsheets). (Replaced) These assets will be inventoried by records check. The NWRMAO will
create a new blind inventory count card for each NSN for NWRM that are inventoried via a
records check. (Replaced) NWRMAO will collect all materiel given to the inventory teams. (Replaced) MICAPs: MICAP requirements for assets with available stock on hand
will be satisfied using manual degraded operations issue procedures (Asset Management will not
be used). MICAP requirements for assets with no stock on hand will be requisitioned off-line and
receipted/due-out released using manual degraded operations procedures (Asset
Management will not be used). All transactions will be recorded on recap sheets for subsequent
processing when the freeze is lifted. The NWRMAO is responsible for ensuring all degraded
operations transactions are processed correctly and record balances, serial numbers, etc. match
assets on-hand. (Replaced) Inventory requirements for record balance gains (receipts, returns)
resulting from the above transactions: Assets will be inventoried using procedures above (general
procedures for NWRM Semi-annual Inventories) and the following additional guidance. A new
blind inventory count card will be created by the NWRMAO and completed by the inventory
team. Enter explanation of record balance gain in the remarks field of the blind inventory count
card (e.g., MICAP REC, Doc # FBXXXX91969001). These additional assets will not be counted
when processing Inventory Recount (IRCs) transaction to complete ILS- S inventory processing.
Asset information from the blind inventory count cards will be transferred to the appropriate
columns of the inventory spreadsheet using the first blank line at the bottom of the inventory
spreadsheet. Enter specific explanation for addition in the remark’s column (e.g., MGS receipt,
Doc # FBXXXX91960001).
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Inventory Procedures for Assets in Cargo Movement. Inventory Management
will inventory assets that have been processed for shipment but were not physically shipped by
the Cargo Movement prior to the shipping deadline per guidance. The NWRMAO will identify
NWRM assets in the Cargo Movement and create a new blind inventory count card for each
NSN. The IO will complete the blind inventory count card and enter In-transit Cargo Movement
and the shipment document number in the remark’s column. (T-2). Additional assets will not be
counted when processing IRCs to complete ILS-S processing. Asset information from the blind
inventory count cards will be transferred to the appropriate columns of the inventory spreadsheet
using the first blank line at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Enter In-transit Cargo Movement and
the shipment document number in the comments. (Replaced) Track and report performance to the NSF NWRMAO. (Replaced) Report problems completing any of the Type Physical Inventory Codes
(TPIC) G inventories to the NWRMAO. (Replaced) Notify the NWRMAO within one hour after discovery of potential
inventory loss or gain of NWRM. (Replaced) Have all potential adjustments reviewed by the NWRMAO. Causative
research for all adjustments requires approval at the Flag Officer/Senior Executive Service level. (Replaced) Conduct rapid assessment research for all potential gains and losses
and report findings to the NWRMAO. (Replaced) Report inventories of any NSN not completed, in writing, to the
NWRMAO. The report should contain an explanation of the reason the inventory is incomplete. (Replaced) After the inventory documents (DSS PE4Y-02 and modified QMF count
sheets) are annotated, the IO and Verifying Individual will turn them over to the NWRMAO who
will reconcile the counts of the DSS PE4Y-02 (Figure 5.2) against the modified DSS count
sheets (Figure 5.3.) The NWRMAO will then verify the UII/serial numbers on the DSS count
sheets against the AFMC provided data pull. (Replaced) When the second count does not reconcile, the NWRMAO will
accompany the inventory team to the location and determine the cause of the discrepancy and
resolution. Counts that cannot be reconciled will be processed in accordance with AFI 20-110
procedures for causative research and potential inventory adjustment. (Replaced) Forward AFMC Form 37 to Wing NWRMAO for further research or
action. (Replaced) The NWRMAO will continue causative research, if required, and
forward AFMC Form 37 to the IM for adjustment action.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Close and early coordination between the NWRMAO, AFNWC Program
Offices, IM, Production Management Specialist (PMS), ALC Contracting (PK), the Defense
Contract Management Agency (DCMA), AFMC, and NTCC is essential to ensure full
understanding and cooperation from all involved parties to include the contractors possessing
Government owned NWRM at their facilities. (Replaced) NWRMAO: (Replaced) The NWRMAO must research, identify, and correct, or initiate action to
resolve, the cause of all inventory discrepancies. (T-1). If the input inventory count does not
match the accountable records balance, a physical recount is required to validate the initial count.
The inventory team will recount the item using the procedures in this document and record the
results on new inventory count card(s). The NWRMAO will then use the NWRM inventory
count card(s) and inventory spreadsheet to reconcile the inventory to the accountable record. (T-
1). (Replaced) If the recount does not resolve the discrepancy, pre-adjustment research is
required. Pre-adjustment research is performed to verify that the system balance is correct. The
NWRMAO will perform a complete review of all transactions to include supporting documents
and catalog changes, shipping discrepancies and unposted/rejected documentation since the last
inventory in order to validate the system balance and determine if a discrepancy between that
balance and the count exists. (T-1). If a potential loss cannot be resolved within 24 hours, a
“Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss” will be initiated and provided to the IM. Pre-
adjustment research is complete when the system balance is verified to be correct, or the
adjustment quantity is determined. (Replaced) If upon completion of pre-adjustment research, an inventory adjustment is
required, the IM, the NTCC, and MAJCOM A4R must be notified within 24 hours and provide
inventory adjustment documentation for IM approval. The inventory adjustment documentation
must be certified by the NWRMAO and approved by the appointing official (Wing/CC) per AFI
20-110. IMs must obtain approval from the first Flag Officer/Senior Executive Service level in
their chain of command prior to performing or authorizing the inventory adjustment transaction.
The adjustment that results will change the system balance to match the final definitive count. (Replaced) Causative research must be performed on all discrepancies, resolved and
unresolved, identified because of the inventory. The purpose of causative research is to identify
the root cause of any inventory discrepancy. The NWRMAO has 30 days to complete causative
research and provide the results to the IM, the NTCC, and MAJCOM A4R. A resolved
discrepancy is any discrepancy that is correctable by (re)processing a transaction to correct the
system balance (thus bringing count in line with balance). An unresolved discrepancy is any
discrepancy that cannot be corrected by (re)processing a transaction to correct the system
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) The NWRMAO or Munitions Accountable Systems Officer (MASO) of
units participating in the semi-annual NWRM Worldwide Inventory (WWI) will submit the
following products to their respective MAJCOM NWRM POC: (Replaced) A Certificate of Inventory signed by the NWRMAO or MASO,
Inventory Officer and the Verifying official. (T-1). (Replaced) A certificate of Inventory signed by the NWRMAO or MASO,
Inventory Officer and the Verifying Individual. (Replaced) An Inventory sheet signed and dated by the Inventory Officer and the
Verifying Individual reflecting the final counts. Note: All discrepancies will be identified
(losses, gains, and inventory mismatches). Inventory sheets submitted by NWRMAOs and
MASOs must include MAJCOM A4R and A4W (or equivalent) signatures acknowledging the
inventory review and the results of their respective units. (T-1). (Replaced) Federal Aviation Agency certified Items. A FAA Form 8130-3 will
accompany all serviceable certified items. Exception: When FAA Form 8103-3 is not available,
forms listed in AFI 23-101, paragraph may be used for certification. DD Form 1574 is
acceptable certification if signed or stamped by a Federal Aviation Agency approved repair
facility. Certification forms are not required for aircraft consumable spares. Each package or
unpackaged item will have the required certification forms on the outside of the container. Items
missing certification forms will not be stored, issued, or shipped to requesting organizations. (Replaced) Suspect Materiel. Air Force Discrepant Materiel Program Office (AFDMPO)
will coordinate stock screen action requests received from DLA, Government Industry Data
Exchange Program (GIDEP), the Joint Deficiency Reporting System (JDRS), Depot item
managers, Air Staff, etc. (Replaced) AFDMPO will forward discrepant materiel notices to AFMC to initiate
stock screen actions. AFMC will: (Added) Maintain a SharePoint site to provide suspect item information for
LRS/Materiel Management Activities
spx). (Added) Query and determine which LRS accounts have the listed NSN loaded and
load suspect materiel flag to item records. (Added) Monitor suspenses to all LRS accounts affected by stock screen. Stock
screen suspenses will be based on the Deficiency Report (DR) deficiency category (deficiency
categories are defined in TO 00-35D-54, Table 1-2).
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Added) Stock screens of DR Category I (CAT I) will be completed immediately
(NLT 2 workdays) and DR Category II (CAT II) within 10 workdays. (Added) Stock screen actions will be completed and reported to AFDMPO within 3
workdays for CAT I and 20 workdays for CAT II DRs. (Added) Track replies from affected units. Follow-up messages will be sent for
overdue replies with additional messages sent to associated LRS/CC and parent MAJCOMs
A4RM staff for replies not received within suspense date. (Added) Freeze item/detail records for the affected stock numbers on overdue replies
over 30 calendar days. (Added) Compile results from all stock replies and forward information to AFDMPO
once all accounts have completed screening actions. Results will include total discrepant items
located, accounts reporting suspect materiel and final closeout date of the screen actions. (Added) Collect additional reports from bases of discrepant materiel located/received
after initial stock screen was conducted and forward this information to AFDMPO. (Added) Maintain all stock screen notifications and screen results received from the
bases until suspect flags or exception control data is removed. (Added) Maintain a list of all current discrepant item stock screens on SharePoint site
spx) to support LRS units to manage their Materiel Suspect Code Listing and/or the Inspection
Offline Checklist (see AFI 23-101, Materiel Management Policy, Chap 5, Section 5I).
, (Added) Engage and coordinate with AFDMPO for any potential suspect/discrepant
items identified by retail accounts, maintenance activities, or other sources outside of GIDEP and
JDRS. AFDMPO will determine if discrepant item notification will be established IAW AFI 23-
101, Materiel Management Policy, Section 5J. (Replaced) LRS/Materiel Management Activities will perform the following actions
for stock screen of discrepant materiel: (Added) Provide AFMC current contact names and/or offices to act on stock screen
messages. (Added) Unit POCs will enroll for alert notifications from the AFDMPO SharePoint.
Units will query ILS-S to determine if suspect stock number is loaded in their account. (Added) If suspect NSN is loaded in their account, screen all supply assets
(warehouse stocks and details) within the time frames listed above and provide information to
AFMC. Replies will include number of discrepant items found and date stock screen actions
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
were completed. Negative replies are required. Note: CAT I stock screens require immediate
actions and replies. (Added) Segregate and tag materiel as directed in the discrepant report provided.
Disposition of discrepant items is generally contained in the discrepant report or provided by the
DR contacts listed in the report. (Added) Notify AFMC of additional discrepant items located/received after initial
stock screen is concluded. Include date found, quantity, and source of discrepant items (i.e.
depot/lateral shipment, maintenance returns, etc.) (Added) Update the Materiel Suspect Code Listing and/or the Inspection Offline
Checklist with NSNs identified by DMRP (see AFI 23-101, Chap 5, Section 5I) and/or listed on
the AFMC Stock Screen Share-Point. (Added) Remove suspect flag from items records after one year (unless advised by
AFDMPO to remove flag earlier). (Added) Ensure personnel unit contacts are trained to properly manage discrepant
materiel and utilize Joint Discrepancy Reporting System (JDRS) program to IAW DAFMAN 23-
122, para. (Replaced) AF Form 2005 and processing instructions. Prepare an AF Form 2005 for
all materiel returns. The procedure for preparing the AF Form 2005 depends on the type of
item being returned, as outlined in other sections of this chapter. Note: For recoverable item
turn-ins (XD2/XF3), either an AF Form 2005 or a copy of the original output issue/due-out
release document (DD Form 1348-1A) may be used as the alternate source document for the
return input transaction. Ensure the AF Form 2005 contains all required entries, including the
DOCUMENT CONTROL, (CLASSIFIED, or NWRM when required) stamp after processing,
then forward to Document Control. (Replaced) The Flight Service Center ensures only personnel authorized by the
NWRMAO process NWRM return transactions. (T-1). (Replaced) Throw Away Items. Customers may only throw away items that are in such
a deteriorated condition they cannot be sold through DLADS, thus making them useless for any
future application. Examples are used gaskets, seals, broken plastic items, etc. Under no
circumstances will serviceable or unserviceable consumable items requiring demilitarization be
thrown away. (T-1). See paragraph 6.3 for disposal and demilitarization procedures.
Table 7.1. (Replaced) Activity Code J Serial Number Assignment.
Assigned to
Serial Number
Maintenance in-line transactions
Maintenance in-line transactions
Maintenance in-line transactions
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Maintenance in-line transactions
Off-line transactions for IMIS units
Off-line transactions for DPAS units
Off-line transactions for IMDS CDB units
Off-line transactions for G081 units (Replaced) Maintenance sends the required information to process the issue
transaction to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. This information must include the ID
code of the requesting DPAS/IMIS/IMDS CDB/G081 unit and the entire 12-position job control
number. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity creates a document number for the requested
asset using the normal J document numbers and starting with a daily serial number of 6000-6999
for IMIS, 7000-7999 for DPAS, 8000-8999 for IMDS CDB and 9000-9499 for G081. (Added) All rejects should be cleared within 1 workday unless there are specific
reasons that prohibit correction of the reject. Rejects are considered delinquent after 3 days for
controlled/sensitive assets and after 6 days for all others. (Added) Manually cleared rejects in the ILS-S SBSS Reject Management function
will contain a valid "Reason Why" phrase. For re-processed transaction, use the transaction
number as the "Reason Why" phrase. Materiel Management Flight leadership will monitor
rejects "Reason Why" inputs and ensure rejects are cleared in a timely manner.
7.3.4. (Added) Enterprise Environmental, Safety & Occupational Health – Management
Information System (EESOH-MIS) Interface. (Added) Purpose to provide the procedures and identify the processes required for the
Materiel Management IT system interface between ILS-S and the EESOH-MIS. (Added) Establishment of this interface to increase the accuracy and efficiency of
interaction between ILS-S and EESOH-MIS by eliminating the need to post transactions
separately in both systems. All applicable transactions, with the exception of receipts, will
generate from EESOH-MIS and will be passed via an automated interface using the Rest API to
ILS-S for processing. Receipt processing will initiate in ILS-S, but will then be passed to
EESOH-MIS for completion and to maintain their system records. In EESOH-MIS, supply
personnel have the capability to inquiry ILS-S inventory balances, order parts, cancel their own
requirements, perform condition code changes, retrieve current status, turn-in consumable assets,
and review canceled requirements through remote terminals located in the work center area. (Added) Issues. Activity codes R and X are assigned to issue requests for EESOH-MIS.
The serial numbers in Table 7.2 will be assigned. Table 7.2 Activity Code R, X Serial Number
Assignment. Assigned to Serial Number for EESOH-MIS 2000-2999 EESOH-MIS In-line
transactions. (Replaced) Verify that the source document (DD Form 1348-6, etc.) contains all
necessary data elements to complete the research action (that is, if a TO reference is given, the
figure and index must be included). If a TO reference gives a non-procurable source code,
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Maintenance provides AFTO Form 22. If a sole source or brand name is specified, the customer
must provide a letter of justification. Note: The requester must include the unit price or an
estimate on the DD Form 1348-6. (Added) Price. Include the unit price, if known, and an allowable tolerance. This data
will be used by Base Contracting personnel to ensure that items with unacceptably high prices
are not used. If the price is not known, enter an estimated unit price. Determine whether the
customer's price estimates are reasonable by comparing them to those for similar items already
loaded in the account. This will ensure that proper ERRCD and budget code, as well as the
proper price, is assigned. If the data is insufficient, return the document to the requester. (Deleted)
8.2.22. (Replaced) Force Activity Designator (FAD) Management. FADs define the relative
importance of a U.S. force, unit, activity, project, program, or foreign country to accomplishing
DoD objectives. FADs are used in conjunction with Urgency of Need Designators to establish a
matrix of priorities used for supply requisitioning and the transport system. (Replaced) CJCSI 4110.01F, Security Information -- United States Only. Classified
lists reflecting authorized FAD I requisitioning entities are distributed and maintained by the
Joint Staff, Directorate for Logistics, Supply Division, J-4/SD. Distribution of this list is on a
strict “need-to-know-basis.” DoD components and associated agencies are authorized to
determine the appropriate distribution within their organizations following standard security
procedures. The following classification guidance applies when information is extracted from the
lists: (Added) The association of the nomenclature of any single unit or program with the
FAD I level designator is classified SECRET. (Added) Any compilation of forces, units, activities, projects, or programs associated
with the FAD I level designator is classified SECRET. (Replaced) Concurrently use the following supplemental procedures with guidance
contained in DoDM 4140.01, Volume 8, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Materiel Data Management and Exchange. (Replaced) Air Force and foreign country organizations will submit FAD I requests
through the supporting Combatant Commands during real-world contingencies, crises, or
emergencies only. These requests must be submitted via SIPRNET message. (T-0). FAD
assignment requests will include all elements. (T-0). Normal day-to-day FAD requests pertain to
organizational FAD upgrade submissions which are not prompted by an immediate real-world
operation, crisis, or emergency. For example, mission change from training unit to combat unit.
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Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022 (Replaced) Air Force and foreign country organizations will submit FAD I requests
through the supporting Combatant Commands during real-world contingencies, crises, or
emergencies only. (T-0). These requests must be submitted via SIPRNET message. (T-0). (Replaced) Requesting AF organizations will use FAD criteria, supported by CJCSI
4110.01F, to determine the appropriate level FAD necessary to support mission requirements.
Requests to change FAD designation will be accomplished per CJCSI 4110.01F. (Figure 8.1). (Replaced) Direct supporting units requiring a FAD increase to match the supported
unit’s designation for FAD I-IV requests, requires AF/A3 approval, per DAFPD 10-11,
Priorities for Resource Management. (Figure 8.2.). (Replaced) MAJCOM A4s must ensure all requested information is included and will
coordinate with MAJCOMs A3, A4, A5, A8, and A10 (Nuclear requests Only), prior to
submitting change request to AF/A4LR. (Replaced) Submit FAD I change requests via SIPR. Contact AF/A4LR to determine
to whom it should be sent to on SIPR. Notify the individual immediately once email sent to
SIPR. (Added) FAD II-IV change requests can be submitted directly to the AF/A4LR FAD
Monitor [email protected] If any information on a FAD II-IV
change request is deemed at risk of disclosure, submit on SIPR as outlined for FAD I. (Replaced) AF/A4LR will review all FAD change requests submitted by MAJCOMs,
Combatant Commands for Air Force and associated foreign country organizations for
completeness. Reviewers will coordinate with requestor to resolve or explain all discrepancies
and denials. (Replaced) All FAD requests require staff coordination from AF/A5, AF/A8, AF/A10
(Nuclear requests only), SAF/IA (FMS requests only), and AF/A4LM, prior to AF/A3
coordination. (Replaced) AF/A4L, as the Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board (JMPAB) Air
Force delegate, will forward all adjudicated FAD I requests to the Joint Staff/J4 for review and
approval action. (T-0). AF/A4LR will forward all adjudicated FAD II-IV requests to AF/A3 for
review and approval action. (Replaced) AF/A4LR will forward copies of the approved documentation to the
requesting organization, supporting MAJCOM, and the 635 SCOW/LG. AF/A4LR will also
notify the AF/A4LR FAD Monitor of the new FAD. Packages declined will be returned to
requestor. (Replaced) Enterprise FAD Monitor will update the approved FAD, in accordance
with CJCSI 4110.01F, on the Record of File (ROF) and the OCCR. DPAS FAD Monitor will
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manually update approved FAD changes until DPAS interfaces with ILS-S. (T-0). The
requesting organization will ensure the new FAD is directly associated with the mission
generating the FAD assignment. (Replaced) Annual FAD Validation. (Replaced) FAD I Validation. A FAD I validation will take place every March.
AF/A4LR will obtain the most current approved FAD I list from JS/J4. AF/A4LR will validate
and re-justify necessity of the designation through coordination with MAJCOMs and Combatant
Commands for all AF and associated foreign country organizations. (Added) All FAD change requests will follow normal submission requests as cited
in this chapter. (Replaced) FAD II-V Validation. A FAD II-V validation will take place every
March. AF/A4LR will obtain the most current approved FAD II-V list from AF/A3. AF/A4LR
will validate that the ROF and OCCR FAD records match the approved AF/A3 list. (Replaced) AF/A4LR will provide SF/S4 FAD Monitor a FAD I-V validation
summary comprised of a distribution profile and graphical representation of FAD I – V
assignments. (Replaced) AF/A4LR will forward a copy of the FAD I-V validation summary,
comprised of a distribution profile and graphical representation of FAD I – V assignments, to
AF/A3 and the Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board via the Joint Staff, Director of
Logistics no later than 30 June. (Added) AF/A4 delegates AF/A4L as the representative for the JMPAB and associate
working groups, as necessary. (Replaced) To preserve the integrity of the FAD assignment, FAD overrides will only
be supported for deployments as outlined in CJCSI 4110.01F. (T-0). (Replaced) In preparation of a deployment, a unit may be authorized a higher FAD
per the CJCSI 4110.01F. The deployment preparation order will be reviewed by the 635
SCOW/LG and in coordination with the applicable MAJCOM, to determine if a higher FAD is
authorized as outlined in the CJCSI 4110.01F. The 635 SCOW/LG is authorized to direct AFMC
Records Maintenance to upgrade OCCR FAD up to a FAD II for the period of the operation,
deployment, or execute orders expire. FAD I upgrades are not authorized without JS/A4
approval. (T-0). (Added) AFMC Records Maintenance will assign a valid start and stop date based
on the execution order when updating the approved OCCR FAD II-IV upgrade in the system.
The system will automatically revert back to the unit’s original FAD when the stop date expires.
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
(Replaced) Figure 8.1. FAD Change Request
SUBJECT: FAD Change Request
1. In accordance with DAFMAN 23-122 and CJCSI 4110.01F the following information is provided:
A. Force, unit, activity, project, or program nomenclature:
C. Unit identification code:
D. FAD requested:
E. Request Duration:
F. Submission Classification (as applicable):
G. Mission, project, or program description:
H. Justification (See Note 6):
I. Estimate of operational impact if the FAD is not awarded.
J. Known competing forces, units, activities, projects, or programs.
K. Office of primary responsibility:
L. Other supporting data or remarks (e.g., actions taken to obtain the necessary supplies and/or equipment
or to solve the problem that the requested FAD is intended to alleviate).
M. Supply Data for FAD Change Request: Applicable PFMR(s) and Org Code(s)
2. The Squadron/Office Symbol/POC/email/Commercial/DSN.
3. MAJCOM Coordination (See Note 2). Include MAJCOM directorates, coordination, name, and date.
Note 1: Requesting AF organizations will use FAD criteria, supported by CJCSI 4110.01F, to
determine the appropriate level FAD necessary to support mission requirements. Requests to change
FAD designation will be accomplished per CJCSI 4110.01F.
Note 2: MAJCOM A4s must ensure all requested information is included and will coordinate with
MAJCOMs A3, A4, A5, A8, and A10 (Nuclear Only), prior to submitting change request to AF/A4LR.
Note 3: Submit FAD I change requests via SIPR. Contact AF/A4LR to determine whom to send it to on
SIPR. Notify the individual immediately via NIPR once email sent to SIPR.
Note 4: Submit FAD II-IV change requests directly to the AF/A4LR. If any information on a FAD II-IV
change request is at risk of disclosure, submit on SIPR as outlined for FAD I.
Note 5: Email or memo format are both suitable for requests.
Note 6: Detailed justification of the critical nature of the requirement and its relationship to mission
readiness to ensure JMPAB members can determine impact on DoD forces and programs.
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
(Replaced) Figure 8.2. Direct Support FAD OCCR Change Request
SUBJECT: Direct Support FAD OCCR Change Request
1. In accordance with DAFMAN 23-122 and CJCSI 4110.01F the following information is provided:
Part IApproved Higher Force, Unit, Activity, Project, or Program Information:
N. Approved higher force, unit, activity, project, or program nomenclature
O. Approved Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC)
P. Approved unit identification code
Q. Approved FAD
Part IIDirect Support FAD OCCR Change Request Information
A. Direct support force(s), unit(s), activity(s), project, or program nomenclature
B. Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC)
C. Unit identification code.
D. FAD OCCR requested.
E. Duration of request
F. Classification of submission information, as applicable.
G. Mission, project, or program description
H. Justification (See Note 6).
I. Estimate of operational impact if the FAD is not awarded
J. Known competing forces, units, activities, projects, or programs.
K. Office of primary responsibility
L. Other supporting data or remarks (e.g., actions taken to obtain the necessary supplies and/or equipment or to
solve the problem that the requested FAD is intended to alleviate
M. Supply data FAD OCCR change request: Applicable PFMR(s) and Org Code(s)
2. The Squadron/Office Symbol/POC/email/Commercial/DSN.
3. MAJCOM Coordination (See Note 2). Include MAJCOM directorates, coordination, name, and date.
Note 1: Requesting AF organizations will use FAD criteria, supported by CJCSI 4110.01F, to determine the
appropriate level FAD necessary to support mission requirements. Requests to change FAD designation will
be accomplished per CJCSI 4110.01F.
Note 2: MAJCOM A4s must ensure all requested information is included and will coordinate with
MAJCOMs A3, A4, A5, A8, and A10 (Nuclear Only), prior to submitting change request to AF/A4LR
Note 3: Submit FAD I change requests via SIPR. Contact AF/A4LR to determine whom it send to on SIPR.
Notify the individual immediately via NIPR once email sent to SIPR.
Note 4: Submit FAD II-IV change requests directly to the AF/A4LR. If any information on a FAD II-IV
change request is at risk of disclosure, submit on SIPR as outlined for FAD I.
Note 5: Email or memo format are both suitable for requests.
Note 6: Detailed justification of the critical nature of the requirement and its relationship to mission readiness
to ensure JMPAB members can determine impact on DoD forces and programs.
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
(Added) Figure 8.3
. CJCS Project Code
SUBJECT: CJCS Project Code Request
1. Requests for CJCS project codes will include the following information:
A. The type of CJCS project code required, as defined in CJCSI 4110.01F paragraph 2 of Enclosure D.
B. Project Name.
C. Service or CCMD.
D. Office of primary responsibility.
E. Proposed effective date.
F. Proposed termination date.
G. Force/activity designator.
H. Classes of materiel involved.
I. Brief narrative background on the nature of the requirement.
J. Justification of the need for a CJCS project code, to include:
(1) Resource conflicts and shortfalls.
(2) Types of materiel involved.
(3) Probable impact and/or schedule slippages if a project code is not assigned.
(4) Production delays or backlogs, if appropriate.
2. Emergency requests to assign CJCS project codes for use in crisis situations or unscheduled critical
operations may be submitted with only the specific information designated above in subparagraphs 1.a.
through 1.i. When available, units, forces, and activities that will use the project code should also be
included with the information provided in subparagraph 1.j.
3. Message requests for assignment of CJCS project codes should be addressed
4. The Squadron/Office Symbol/POC/email/Commercial/DSN.
5. MAJCOM and 635 SCOW/LG Coordination (See Note 2). Include MAJCOM directorates,
coordination, name, and date.
Note 1: Requesting AF organizations will use CJCS project code criteria, supported by CJCSI
4110.01F, to determine the appropriate project code series to support mission requirements.
Note 2: MAJCOM A4s must ensure all requested information is included and will coordinate with
MAJCOMs A3, A4, A5, A8, and A10 (Nuclear Only), as well as the 635 SCOW/LG, prior to
submitting change request to AF/A4LR.
Note 3: Submit CJCS project code requests via SIPR. Contact AF/A4LR to determine whom to
send it to on SIPR. Notify the individual immediately via NIPR once email sent to SIPR.
Note 4: Email or memo format are both suitable for requests.
Note 5: Detailed justification of the critical nature of the requirement and its relationship to mission
readiness to ensure JMPAB members can determine impact on DoD forces and programs.
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
(Added) Figure 8.4. FAD Management Process Map (Replaced) General Support Division (GSD) Operating Program. The gaining major
command is responsible for notifying AFMC of an anticipated move or conversion, the date of
the move or conversion will take place, and any pertinent information on the major command
9.4. (Added) Project Code 703, Safeguard Support.
9.4.1. (Added) AF Policy. Any unit(s) tasked to support Immediate Response Force (IRF) and or
replacement naming mission set, can have their Readiness Spares Package (RSP) assigned
Project Code (PC) 703 and Project Flag (PF) B for the duration of their IRF window. All PC 703
requisitions will be prioritized equal to all other 7-series project codes, but lower than all 9-series
project coded requisitions.
9.4.2. (Added) AF Procedures: (Added) AF/A4LR: (Added) Will authorized SPRS assignment of 19 for PC 703, Safeguard Support. (Added) Will direct AFMC AFLCMC/HIS to have KSNs with PC 703 assigned from
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
Auto Sourcing. (Added) MAJCOM (A4R): (Added) Will coordinate with applicable A3 Division to obtain schedule of unit(s) in
IRF window(s). (Added) Will direct unit(s) to load PC 703/PF-B to applicable IRF tasked RSP KSNs
30 days prior to IRF window start date. (Added) Will direct unit(s) to remove PC 703/PF-B from applicable IRF tasked RSP
KSNs when unit(s) are no longer in IRF window. (Added) Base Level (Materiel Management): (Added) Will load PC 703/PF-B to IRF tasked RSP KSN as directed by MAJCOM
A4R. (Added) Will ensure the “Percent Fill Require” on the IRF tasked RSP serial
number/control record is set to 99% or higher. (Added) Will change the Withdrawal Flag to “N” on all RSP details records for the
IRF tasked RSP KSN. (Added) Will remove PC 703/PF-B from applicable IRF tasked RSP KSNs once
tasking window is complete or when authorized use of a higher PC/PF. (Added) Will change Withdrawal Flag to “Y” on all RSP detail records for IRF tasked
RSP KSN once tasking window is complete. (Replaced) The serial numbers for each transaction will be listed on the
Management Notice F117, in conjunction with the output (source) document. All serial numbers
are left justified. The COMSEC serial numbers will not be prefixed by zeros unless the zero is
part of the COMSEC serial number. (Replaced) Document Control will file a copy of the Management Notice F117
along with the source document.
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
(Deleted) AFI 23-111, Management of Government Property in Possession of the Air Force, 19
November 2018
(Added) DAFPD 10-11, Priorities for Resource Management, 21 May 2021
(Added) DAFI 10-401, Operations Planning and Execution, 13 January 2021
(Deleted) DAFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015
(Added) DAFI 65-601 V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, 22 June 2022
(Added) DAFI 90-160, Publications and Forms Management, 14 April 2022
(Added) DAFMAN 10-406, Unit Type Code Management, 6 October 2021
(Added) DoDI 5000.64_DAFI 23-111, Accountability and Management of DoD Equipment and
Other Accountable Property, 6 December 2021
(Added) CJCSI 4110.01F, Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation, 25 September 2021
(Deleted) CJCSI 4110.01E, Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation, 19 July 2012
(Added) ILS-S User Guide
(Added) TO 00-1-5, Air Force Technical Order System
(Added) TO 00-25-195, Air Force Technical Order System Source, Maintenance, and
Recoverability Coding of Air Force Weapons, Systems, and Equipment
Abbreviations and Acronyms
(Deleted) AFLRB-Air Force Logistics Readiness Board
(Added) AFMC/FM—Air Force Materiel Command Financial Management
(Added) DAF—Department of the Air Force
(Added) DAFGMDepartment of the Air Force Guidance Memorandum
(Added) DAFM—Department of the Air Force Manual
(Added) GMO—Global Management Officer
(Added) GIDEP-Government Industry Data Exchange Program
(Added) IRF-Immediate Response Force
(Added) MACR—Materiel Acquisition Control Record
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
(Replaced) NWRMAONWRM Accountable Officer
(Added) SAF—Secretary of the Air Force
(Added) SCOS—Supply Chain Operations Squadron
(Deleted) SMAG—Supply Management Activity Group
(Deleted) SMAG-R—Supply Management Activity Group-Retail
Attachment 4
Base Closure Checklist
Table A4.1. (Replaced) Base Closure Checklist.
When notified about a base closure, the major command must
determine the status of satellite accounts and local agreement for
Federal aid, and prepare a phasedown plan for the applicable
As items are identified for base closure, the base closure flag field
(101-BASE-CLOSURE) of the item record will be equal to a
1. Requisitioning programs will recognize this flag and requisition
only for due-out and special level quantities (via R32/NGV822.).
Special processing for excess reporting should not be required
once items have been identified for base closure (the base closure
field of the item record will be equal to a numeric 1). To ensure
that excesses are promptly reported to the source of supply,
AFMC must ensure that file status is processed after the base
closure flag is set on the item record.
AFMC (Stock
The demand level for all items selected will be forced to zero
under computer control. Also see #23. Failure to do this will result
in requisitioning and RVPs.
AFMC (Stock
Items that exceed requirements (special level and due-out detail
quantities) are considered excess and must be reported or disposed
AFMC (Stock
Use the lateral requisitioning procedures to facilitate disposing of
excess items. Accomplish extensive lateral redistribution before
accelerated excess reporting, when possible.
AFMC (Stock
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
When accelerated excess reporting and disposition actions have
not deleted all serviceable and unserviceable balances, and the
applicable PAD or directive authorizes automatic return, take the
following actions to process the automatic return items:
Use GCSS/Business Objects (BOBJ) to: 1) scan the ILS-S
computer for automatic return items, and 2) format FEX according
to AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part 1. Process the FEX inputs inline
to record the transactions and produce the required shipping
AFMC (Stock
Be sure to clear delinquent DIFM items and dispose of
All weapon systems and associated support equipment will be
transferred in complete and serviceable configuration.
Repair items still on backorder at time of transfer will be
purchased by the losing organization. Missing components will be
paid for by the losing organization as well.
The way to ensure that complete/serviceable systems are
transferred is to conduct a thorough Site Activation Task Force
(SATAF) with all key players and disciplines present.
MAJCOMs must deliver programming plans (p-plans) to both the
gaining and losing activities well in advance of the scheduled
transfer of assets.
In the event the gaining organization agrees to accept an
incomplete weapon system, it is their responsibility to ensure the
funds and records (supply and accounting) are transferred.
If the gaining organization accepts an incomplete system without
the necessary funding, the gaining organization will pay for the
missing components.
When the CEMF personnel receive special guidance and direction
from the HQ USAF, they must make sure to: 1) report and ship all
equipment items, and 2) reduce all authorized/in-use detail records
and balance fields to zero by the established closure date.
Determine if equipment on authorized/in-use detail records will to
be transferred to another base as a package (that is, all items
supporting a particular weapons system).
When movement of personnel and organizations requires custodial
accounts to be closed before disposing of all items, the Logistics
Readiness Squadron/supply activity will transfer all in-use
property to the BCE or residual contractor using FET procedures.
When these in-use details are transferred to the Logistics
Readiness Squadron Commander/Accountable Officer holding
account, the allowance source code is changed to 076.
DAFMAN 23-122_DAFGM2024-01
Attachment Title
Changes to DAFMAN 23-122, 2 August 2022
Because the base closure date usually is known well in advance,
single line-item cancellations can be submitted. However, when
insufficient advance notice does not permit continued cancellation
on a single line-item basis, a mass or universal cancellation
request may be submitted.
AFMC (Stock
Once all property has been transferred/shipped coordinate with
ILS-S PMO to pull a real time list to verify no remaining details
are left on the account (Note: Do not delete NSNs for NWRM
assets identified with freeze code S or NWRM in nomenclature.)
AFMC (Internal
Run GCSS/BOBJ script to identify what details are on account
e.g., DIFM, RNB, Status, due-in/due-out, etc. and ensure details
are cleared working with weapon system teams, MAJCOM, LRS.
AFMC (Internal
Review M01/NGV972 Stock Fund On-Order, In-Transit, And
Payable List for outstanding details that require.
Process FCD to load REX 4 to all NSNs or zero demand levels
whichever is most feasible and coordinate with Computer OPS to
stop releveling on Stock Record Account Number (SRAN).
AFMC (Stock
Run GCSS script to identify retro policy levels Max Level one and
AFMC (Stock
Identify Max Level zero and delete (Note: Ensure REX 4s are
loaded to all NSNs prior to deleting MAX Level 0.)
AFMC (Stock
Process FID to delete NSNs.
AFMC (Records
Run final ILS-S products for account closure: Normal end-of-day
reports, Normal end-of-month reports, Conversion Audit List
(R22/NGV803) and Accounting and Finance end-of-year report
Run Conversion Audit List (R22/NGV803) file on S-drive.
Process/Review last M32/NGV808 and M01/NGV972 reports to
review status of item records with zero serviceable balance equal
the total number of item records and miscellaneous/detail record
data equal zero
Coordinate with DFAS on SRAN deletion.
Contact Gunter to delete SRAN from ILS-S.
Go to DoDAAC webpage and delete DoDAAC. Follow-up with
DoDAAC monitor and MAJCOM to track deletion process.
Delete SRAN from GCSS and DAAS.
27 OCTOBER 2020
Materiel Management
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication
Supersedes: AFMAN23-122,
14 December 2016
Certified by: SAF/AQD
(Ms. Angela L. Tymofichuk)
Pages: 469
This publication implements Air Force Instruction (AFI) 23-101, Air Force Materiel
Management, in conjunction with Air Force Handout (AFH) 23-123, Materiel Management
Handbook. This manual provides procedures in support of guidance from Department of Defense
(DoD) and the Air Force (AF).This document applies to all civilian employees and uniformed
members of the Regular Air Force (RegAF), Air Force Reserve (AFR), and Air National Guard
(ANG). Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of
Primary Responsibility (OPR) using AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication;
route AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional’s chain of command. The
authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier
(“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See DAFI 33-360,
Publications and Forms Management, for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier
numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier
waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestor’s commander for non-tiered
compliance items. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this
publication are maintained in accordance with AFI 33-322, Records Management and
Information Governance System, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records
Disposition Schedule located in the Air Force Records Information Management System. The
use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or
service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force. This Air Force Manual
(AFMAN) may be supplemented at Major Command (MAJCOM) level, but all supplements
that directly implement this publication must be routed to the Air Force Logistics, Engineering
and Force Protection, Logistics Readiness Division (AF/A4LR) for coordination prior to
certification and approval. Notify AF/A4LR of guidance conflicts between this manual and any
Certified Current, 15 AUGUST 2024
2 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
other DoD/USAF guidance or Technical Orders (TO). Pending case resolution, DoD
directives/TOs will take precedence. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer,
commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by
the Air Force. In accordance with DoD policy, ensure that reports of information collections are
collected, compiled and transmitted from the general public are cleared and licensed by the
Office of Management and Budget prior to collection. Information that is collected from other
DoD components or Federal agencies must be approved by DoD and licensed with a report
control symbol. See Attachment 1 for a glossary of references and supporting information.
Compliance with the attachments in this publication is mandatory.
This revision includes significant changes and must be reviewed in its entirety. Major changes
include guidance to incorporate Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) compliance
procedures for equipment custodians; movement of Satellite Operations to Chapter 9; Local
Purchase (LP) Waivers or Local Repair (LR) Waivers for AF Equipment Items; update the term
MICAP-Mission Impaired Capability Awaiting Parts; addition of Non-optimize (NOP)
procedures; update to Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) protective mask procedures; the
change of the Centralized Equipment Office to establishment of Centralized Equipment
Management Flight (CEMF); Force Activity Designator (FAD) Management; validating War
Reserve Materiel (WRM) and Readiness Spares Package (RSP) funding requirements.
Section 1AGeneral Manual Information 6
1.1. Purpose and Scope. .................................................................................................. 6
Section 1BRoles and Responsibilities 6
1.2. Headquarters Air Force (HAF) Logistics Readiness Division (A4LR). .................. 6
1.3. Major Command (MAJCOM) Functions. ................................................................ 6
1.4. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). .................................................................. 7
1.5. Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS). ..................................................................... 7
Figure 1.1. Template for Certificate of Transfer of Account (for DODAAC "FB" Accounts). . 9
Figure 1.2. Template for Certificate of Transfer of Account (for DODAAC “FB” Accounts
with NWRM). .......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1.3. Template for Certificate of Transfer of Account (For DODAAC Account Types
Other Than FB). ....................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2PLAN 12
2.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 12
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 3
2.2. Stockage Procedure. ................................................................................................. 12
2.3. Financial Management. ............................................................................................ 20
2.4. War Reserve Materiel (WRM). ................................................................................ 26
2.5. Degraded Operations. .............................................................................................. 34
2.6. Readiness Spares Packages and Kits. ...................................................................... 37
Figure 2.1. Deployment Computation Request Format. ............................................................ 48
Figure 2.2. RSP Destruction and Reconstitution Assessment. ................................................... 49
Table 2.1. Spares Assessment. .................................................................................................. 57
Figure 2.3. MRSP Deployment Notification. ............................................................................. 58
2.7. Base Closures. .......................................................................................................... 59
2.8. Weapons System Transfer. ...................................................................................... 61
2.9. Equipment Transfers. ............................................................................................... 62
2.10. Weapon Systems Deactivation Action. .................................................................... 67
3.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 68
3.2. Local Purchase and Retail Sales. ............................................................................. 68
Figure 3.1. DD Form 1348-6, Local Purchase Entry. ................................................................ 69
3.3. Receipt Processing. .................................................................................................. 79
4.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 81
4.2. Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO). ........................................................... 81
4.3. Repair. ...................................................................................................................... 93
4.4. Time Change Items. ................................................................................................. 103
5.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 105
5.2. Ordering and Requisitioning. ................................................................................... 105
Table 5.1. MAJCOM Country Code. ........................................................................................ 108
Table 5.2. RIK Accountability. ................................................................................................. 108
Table 5.3. Issue and Account for Cash Reimbursement. .......................................................... 109
4 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Table 5.4. Data Elements. ......................................................................................................... 109
Table 5.5. Customer Backorder Review/Validation Products. ................................................. 149
5.3. Physical Asset Management. ................................................................................... 151
Table 5.6. Minimum SDR Data. ............................................................................................... 159
Table 5.7. NSN list for SEX 2. ................................................................................................. 190
Table 5.8. MRA/MAQ Flags and Definitions. .......................................................................... 199
5.4. Equipment Management. ......................................................................................... 216
Figure 5.1. Sign this statement on the last page. ........................................................................ 248
Figure 5.2. Certification of Loss Due to Combat Operations. .................................................... 250
Table 5.9. Equipment Master CA/CRL Jacket File Checklist. ................................................. 252
Table 5.10. Equipment Folder Checklist (Field use). ................................................................. 256
Table 5.11. Definitions for Local Purchase/Local Repair Waiver Requests Information. ......... 284
Table 5.12. Prioritization Category 1-4. ..................................................................................... 285
5.5. Document Control and Detail Records. ................................................................... 285
5.6. Record Reversal and Correction. ............................................................................. 296
5.7. Physical Inventory and Inventory Adjustments. ...................................................... 300
Figure 5.3. QMF Generated Spreadsheet Example. ................................................................... 333
Figure 5.4. Query Management Facility (QMF). ....................................................................... 335
5.8. Special Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM). ....................... 336
5.9. Inspection and Related Operations. ......................................................................... 344
5.10. Management of Discrepant, Counterfeit and Suspect Counterfeit Materiel. ........... 352
5.11. Stock Positioning. .................................................................................................... 352
6.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 355
6.2. Returns. .................................................................................................................... 355
Table 6.1. Materiel Return Source Document Requirements. .................................................. 357
Table 6.2. Exceptions to TEX code “+” Returns. ..................................................................... 359
6.3. Disposal and Demilitarization. ................................................................................. 365
Figure 6.1. Inspector Certification. ............................................................................................ 369
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 5
Table 6.3. Demilitarization / Disposal Requirements. .............................................................. 371
7.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 375
7.2. Automatic Identification Technology, MMHS, and Other Capabilities. ................. 375
7.3. Supply Chain Materiel Management System........................................................... 376
Table 7.1. Activity Code J Serial Number Assignment. ........................................................... 379
8.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 382
8.2. Cataloging and Records Maintenance. .................................................................... 382
9.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 399
9.2. Special Logistics Support. ....................................................................................... 399
9.3. Satellite Operations. ................................................................................................. 400
10.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 404
10.2. Management of Controlled Materiel. ....................................................................... 404
6 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 1
Section 1AGeneral Manual Information
1.1. Purpose and Scope.
1.1.1. Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this manual is to further implement direction
provided in AFPD 23-1 and AFI 23-101. This guidance provides directions for performing
predominantly retail materiel management processes associated with determining stock
requirements, inventorying, storing materiel, cataloging, ordering, sourcing, receiving,
delivering, and return/disposal of materiel for Class IX repair parts and select Class VII
major end items as identified and approved by Headquarters AF (HAF). Additionally,
guidance for other classes of supply is covered in specific subject areas. These references
will be specifically enumerated where applicable.
1.1.2. Description. This manual has the same construct as AFI 23-101 and AFH 23-123.
While not all sections within AFI 23-101 have associated procedures enumerated in AFMAN
23-122, those sections where procedures are detailed have the same section titles. In a similar
manner, where applicable, sections have the same titles in AFH 23-123. For example,
paragraph 5.4, is the same section in AFI 23-101 and AFH 23-123. Users are encouraged to refer to Attachment 1 for reference information as well
as identification of legacy AF supply chain functions with updated terminology. The Integrated Logistics System-Supply (ILS-S) system is the overarching term
used to describe the system(s) used by base retail materiel management operations. In
many cases the term ILS-S is used to identify system related functions/references. Where
applicable, in some instances, specific identification of ILS-S is used for more detailed
identification. Definitions of data elements used throughout this manual for preparing and
processing changes to essential data on item, detail, and support records are located in
AFH 23-123 and ILS-S User's Manual.
Section 1BRoles and Responsibilities
1.2. Headquarters Air Force (HAF) Logistics Readiness Division (A4LR). Reviews all
validated FAD requests from MAJCOMs and Combatant Commands for Air Force and
associated foreign country organizations. Reviewers will coordinate with supporting commands
and resolve or explain all discrepancies and denials.
1.3. Major Command (MAJCOM) Functions.
1.3.1. MAJCOMs collect SDR data from their respective units on a semi- annual basis
(reporting periods are October - March and April - September) the suspense for October -
March is 30 April and for April - September is 31 October. This is necessary so MAJCOMs
can evaluate the quality of their base SDR programs. MAJCOMs will ensure their units are
collecting the minimum information shown in Table 5.6 from all sources of shipment or
supply (e.g., AFMC Air Logistics Complexes, GSA, DLA (including Defense Distribution
Depots)), other Bases, and any other major source of supply.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 7
1.3.2. MAJCOMs provide redistribution plan guidance to respective IPE Elements.
1.3.3. MAJCOMs coordinate with AFMC prior to disposing of excess IPE assets or
authorizing out of cycle redistributions.
1.3.4. MAJCOMs review the Allowance Standard working copy and have a command
position, by item, prior to the conference. Commands submit their comments to the lead
Equipment Review Authorization Authority point of contact prior to the allowance standard
review when representation will not attend the review.
1.3.5. The MAJCOM/DRU/FOA CEMF will: Act as the liaison to AF/A4LR to resolve requests for waivers to policy for
transfer actions. Act as the liaison between the Functional Area Manager (FAM) and supporting
AFMC. Coordinate transfer of accountability between the FAM, CEMF, the gaining
location, the losing location, and AFMC. Monitor loaned assets shipped via redistribution orders (RDOs) using transfer
procedures until assets are returned. Ensure Chief Financial Officer (CFO) data for assets shipped with a unit price
equal to or over $1M, as a result of transfer/RDOs, are properly updated via AFEMS.
1.4. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC).
1.4.1. AFMC/FM will use data from the SMAG-R PBR in the Budget Estimate Submission
(BES) sent to Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)/Financial Management (FM).
1.4.2. Computes the value of requisitions anticipated for the remainder of the fiscal year. (T-
1.4.3. Manages the entire degraded operations process at their level.
1.4.4. Manages the requisition override program.
1.4.5. Responsible for all requisition follow-up except for local routing identifiers, TCTOs,
and non -MICAP part number requisitions.
1.4.6. Suspect Materiel. AFMC coordinates stock screening action requests received from
the Air Force Discrepant Materiel Program Office (AFDMPO) DLA, GSA, Depot item
managers, Air Staff, etc.
1.4.7. Suspenses supported LRS/Materiel Management Activities to perform stock screening
actions and will maintain all stock screening notifications and screening results received from
the bases until suspect flags or exception control data is removed.
1.5. Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS).
1.5.1. Change of Accountable Property Officers (APOs). Purpose: To explain the Change of APOs process. For policy specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for Information Technology (IT) specific guidance
use AFH 23-123.
8 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the APO of an accountable Department of Defense Activity Address Code
(DODAAC) is replaced by a newly designated APO the following actions will be
performed: Complete a 100% inventory of Nuclear War Reserve Materiel (NWRM)
for FB accounts with NWRM per paragraph 5.7, prior to transfer of accountability.
(T-1). The installation/wing commander or equivalent with approving official
input will determine if conditions exist which would preclude relief from
accountability or require board/survey action against the officer before the present
APO is relieved from accountability. (T-1). If applicable, refer to DoD Financial
Management Regulation (DoDFMR) 7000.14-R, Financial Liability for Government
Property, Lost, Damaged, Destroyed, or Stolen. Process the consolidated inventory adjustment document register,
M10/NGV836 as the record of activity for FB account transfers. (T-1). See
Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register in AFH 23-123. Note:
Materiel Management IT system queries will not be used as the official tool to
perform this function. The Materiel Management Flight will initiate a certificate of transfer
for the account. (T-1). See Figure 1.1 for FB accounts and Figure 1.2 for
transfers of FB account with NWRM. For other than "FB" account transfers refer to Figure 1.3 If other
guidance outlines transfer of accountability actions, it may be used in lieu of
Figure 1.3 (e.g., "FK" or “FV” munitions account transfers will refer to AFI 21-
201, Munitions Management for appropriate guidance.) Note: Contractor
managed accounts must have a government APO appointed. The government
APO can either be the functional area chief, quality assurance evaluator, or other
appointed government individual who is qualified in the appropriate Air Force
Specialty Code (AFSC). These procedures apply to the transition of these APOs
as well.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 9
Figure 1.1. Template for Certificate of Transfer of Account (for DODAAC "FB"
10 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Figure 1.2. Template for Certificate of Transfer of Account (for DODAAC “FB” Accounts
with NWRM).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 11
Figure 1.3. Template for Certificate of Transfer of Account (For DODAAC Account Types
Other Than FB).
I certify that the balance shown on the records of activity/DODAAC as of the
above date and the last document number (or equivalent) dated
20 is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the
property has been turned over this date to pursuant
to G-
Series Order # (or equivalent designation of accountability), date.
SIGNED: (Outgoing Accountable Property Officer)
APPROVED: (Commander at the next level of command)
I certify that I have received this date from my
predecessor, all property pertaining to the above designated activity/DODAAC for which
my said predecessor was accountable, plus all proper charges against and less all
authorized credits to my predecessor's activity/DODAAC to the last document number
____________ (Date) and that I have assumed this date accountability for the property
pertaining to this activity/ DODAAC pursuant to [G-Series Order # (or equivalent
designation of accountability), date].
SIGNED: (Incoming Accountable Property Officer)
APPROVED: (Commander at the next level of command) When the projected successor officer contests the information presented in the
transfer documentation, resolution should be sought with the projected relieved officer.
When resolution is not achieved, the approving official with installation/wing
commander concurrence shall determine the necessary action to achieve resolution. One copy of the certificate of transfer will be retained by the officer being
relieved of accountability and one copy will be filed with the accountable records
(disposition in accordance with AFI 33-364, Records Disposition Procedures and
Responsibilities). (T-1).
12 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 2
2.1. Overview. This chapter outlines steps for the materiel management processes associated
with demand and supply planning for base retail operations. These activities include Stockage
Policy procedures; Financial Management; WRM; Degraded Operations; and Readiness Spares
Packages and Kits; Non-optimize (NOP); Base Closure/Weapons System Transfers.
2.2. Stockage Procedure.
2.2.1. Readiness Based Leveling. Purpose: Describe the procedures and transactions used to implement and
maintain centrally computed Readiness Based Levels. For guidance specific requirements
refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Readiness Based Level (RBL) procedures. A Readiness Based Level is
a centrally computed quantity pushed from the Air Force RBL (D035E) system. When
RBL levels are established in the ILS-S, the RBL quantity becomes the peacetime portion
of the total base requirement and the base stock level. RBL levels are identified in the ILS-S with Type Level Flag F and “A007PL” in
the first six positions of the document number. See Guide to Assigning the Type Level
Flag (TLF) in AFH 23-123 for a list of type level flags. The RBL process was designed to
allocate the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)-computed worldwide peacetime
requirements among AF bases and depots in a way that minimizes worldwide expected
backorders. Contractor Inventory Control Points (C-ICP) are responsible for total item
management including the requirements computation and setting and updating base stock
levels. Wholesale Contractor ICPs may use RBL, their own unique leveling system, or a
combination of both in managing item stock levels. Computing RBLs considers item usage (demand data), pipeline times, adjusted
stock levels and worldwide requirements data. Bases send item usage data to the RBL
(D035E) or C-ICP central leveling system via electronic TRIC transactions (e.g., XCB).
AFMC/C-ICPs can request updated base usage data via electronic TRIC requests (XCE)
when base daily demand/percent base repair reports are over 90 days old. The RBL
process uses base specific data to determine the optimum allocation of the worldwide
requirement. The following actions will be performed: RBL is processed quarterly at AFMC for both the base and the depot. The
computation is performed during the third week of the first month of each quarter.
Generally, the system will allocate a stock level to all worldwide users. However,
there is no guarantee that each user will receive a positive level, because even though
a base may have sufficient demands to establish a demand level in the ILS-S, the
AFMC-computed worldwide peacetime requirement may not be sufficient to allocate
a positive level to every base. Therefore, the system could allocate a stock level of
zero to a base. An exception applies to select Communications-Electronics (C-E),
Nuclear Command, Control, Communication (NC3) systems, space, and ground
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 13
based launched missile system items that are managed under the Low Density Level
(LDL) process. For LDLs, AFMC LDL manager consolidates MAJCOM-approved
levels, creates a flat file and sends it to AFMC to be loaded into the RBL system each
quarter. AFMC will review and approve any exclusion to these LDL RBL
rules. A MAJCOM may request exclusions to the LDL RBL rules by submitting
a list of the applicable National Stock Numbers (NSN), SRDs and SRANs which
they want to exclude, with supporting justification, to AFMC. AFMC will review
the request for exclusion and approve or disapprove the request. When
disapproved, AFMC will coordinate with HAF and the requesting MAJCOM.
When approved the request, the excluded items will be passed to Air Force
Sustainment Center (AFSC) so the exclusions can be included in the next RBL
quarterly push. When the exclusion is approved between the normal quarterly
push, but requires immediate processing to meet mission needs, an out-of-cycle
re-computation of levels can be accomplished for the affected NSNs, SRDs and
SRANs. The RBL system contains special rules for honoring Contingency High
Priority Mission Support Kit (CHPMSK) requirements. When approved by AFMC,
CHPMSK levels are loaded at contingency/deployment locations and supported by
the source of supply. For tactical Joint Chief of Staff (JCS) coded units, AFMC may
authorize CHPMSKs for those units supported by In-Place Readiness Spares Package
(IRSP) offset levels. CHPMSKs support long term (over 90 days) contingency needs.
To accommodate the CHPMSK requirements, RBL subtracts the CHPMSK
authorized quantity from the worldwide peacetime requirements before any RBL
allocations are made. Therefore, the additional CHPMSK quantity that will be
requisitioned by the contingency location will be offset by reductions in RBL
allocations to all worldwide users of the CHPMSK items. Note: AFMC/A4 will
maintain/publish a listing of units authorized CHPMSK. This listing will be updated
at least annually in preparation for the annual CHPMSK review. AFMC and C-ICPs communicate centrally computed RBLs sent via
centrally computed level transactions. See Readiness Based Level (RBL) Procedures
and Transactions in AFH 23-123, for specific details and input format for centrally
computed level transactions. The RBL will always be sent to bases on the AFMC
master NSN for items in an interchangeable and substitute group (ISG) or on a
bachelor NSN for items that are not in an ISG.
2.2.2. Customer Oriented Leveling Technique (COLT). Purpose: Describe the procedures used to implement and maintain COLT. For
guidance specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to
COLT Procedures in AFH 23-123. COLT centrally computes levels for Budget Code 9 items that have an
established demand pattern at a base. The following paragraphs describe the methodology
for setting and implementing COLT stock levels.
14 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The COLT process was designed to set base stock levels on Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA)-managed items in a way that minimizes base-wide unit customer wait
time (CWT) per dollar spent. CWT considers both the number of items issued
immediately and backordered (as does issue effectiveness) as well as the duration of the
backorders to provide a complete measure of the efficiency and effectiveness of the
levels. COLT is generally designed to produce base stock levels that are cost-neutral with
respect to the ILS-S demand leveling process. The Air Force COLT team obtains base-level data from the Air Force centralized
database for input to the COLT model. The COLT model develops stock levels one base
at a time; finding the optimum levels. A review of the output is performed by the AF
COLT team. Time is provided in the process for AFMC, MAJCOMs, or bases to
optionally review the output to ensure level accuracy. AFMC, MAJCOM/base may
decide to exclude some items from receiving levels based on local conditions (e.g.,
improper coding of Hazardous Material (HAZMAT)). The final COLT levels are then
sent to the ILS-S using XCA transactions. They are implemented in the ILS-S via RBL
transactions described in RBL Procedures and Transactions, AFH 23-123. No special
level request documentation approval/submission is required for COLT items. COLT levels are computed once a quarter for each base. To spread the
workload, COLT computes levels for one-third of the bases each month of the quarter
Quarterly-computed COLT levels are only pushed to bases when the new level differs
from the existing base stock level by more than the square root of the existing level.
Note: Increases in levels for items with Mission Impact Code (MIC) 1 will always be
pushed regardless of the difference from previous levels. This is the same as the ILS-S
rule and is designed to reduce level volatility. See COLT Procedures in AFH 23-123 for
additional transactions. There are a number of constraints (level caps) in COLT to control the depth of
leveling. Like the ILS-S computed demand levels, the economic order quantity (EOQ) is
capped at one year's demand quantity as is the COLT reorder point (ROP). These caps
are designed to prevent over stocking. COLT stops leveling when the Expected Backorders (EBOs) are less than
0.0027; preventing leveling where there are minimal gains. COLT supports the use of
the Shelf Life Code (SLC); capping levels at half the shelf life quantity. Stockage Priority Code (SPC) 5 items are capped at the existing on hand
balance. This allows COLT to maintain a level on these items (and prevent
backorders), while keeping the system from buying more stock until there are
subsequent demands. When there are subsequent demands, the SPC code will be
upgraded, allowing the resumption of full COLT leveling. The final cap calls for the
total COLT level to be capped at $4,000 (if the ILS-S demand level = 0) or $5,000
more than the ILS-S demand level (if the demand level > 0). COLT will sometimes
provide significantly more depth of levels than the current ILS-S demand level.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 15 COLT has several rules that restrict the levels. There is an initial leveling
rule in COLT to prevent initially stocking an item when the chance of a future
demand is small. COLT logic limits stock levels for Individual Equipment (IEU)
items (Federal Stock Group 84 and Federal Stock Class 4240) and HAZMAT items
(IEX 9). To accommodate MAJCOM policies, COLT only provides levels on these
items if ILS-S demand level > 0. COLT will not stock any item with a Max Level of
0 or an SPC of E. In addition, there are exclusion/zero lists maintained by the AF
COLT team, modified by the MAJCOMs/AFMC, which excludes items in identified
federal stock classes at identified bases from receiving positive levels. The ILS-S programmatically assigns MIC 1 to items that have previously
caused a MICAP at that base. All COLT candidate items will receive a positive level
on MIC 1 items, except for those MIC items with an SPC 5 and no on-hand
serviceable balance. COLT has other rules to modify levels. COLT uses the Mission Change
details and Base Closure Flags to modify demand and leveling for changing missions.
COLT has a bench stock/RSP rule where it considers other inventory on a base as
partially available to help avoid backorders. Finally, COLT has special logic to
determine levels for the Air Mobility Command (AMC) Forward Supply Locations. Refer to COLT Procedures in AFH 23-123, for further details associated with
COLT transaction processing.
2.2.3. Proactive Demand Levels (PDL). Purpose: Describes the procedures used to generate and communicate PDL to
base level. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. PDL is used to compute levels for items that have no demand history or
extremely low historical demands. The goal of PDL is to reduce the number of MICAPs
for Materiel Management IT systems non-stocked items. PDL procedures in AFH 23-123, describe the methodology for setting and
implementing PDL.
2.2.4. Mission Change Data. Purpose: To explain the Mission Change Data (MCD) procedures process. For
guidance specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to
AFH 23-123. The mission-change process is designed to alter base stock levels for items
applicable to a weapon system that is already assigned at the base that will be affected by
a known “mission change.”
16 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 A mission change is the addition or loss of a number of weapon system end
items at a base or the base may be tasked to fly the same number of sorties, but increase
or decrease the average sortie duration. The ILS-S can use the base historical SRD-based
consumption data for the applicable weapon system and information about the mission
change to adjust base demand, thereby adjusting the stock levels for the weapon system
applicable items. Consider an example in which the mission change process should be
used. Suppose a base has 24 F-16C aircraft assigned and is going to receive an additional
12 aircraft in 6 months. The actions contained in Mission Change and New Activation
Spares Support List Procedures, will be taken by the base to establish sufficient materiel
management support for the increased number of aircraft. Reference Mission Change and New Activation Spares Support List Procedures,
AFH 23-123, for further details associated with MCD transaction processing.
2.2.5. Adjusted Stock Level Requests. Purpose: To explain the general procedures for requesting and processing
Adjusted Stock Level (ASL) Requests. Review AFI 23-101 for policy and AFH 23-123
for IT specific guidance. Activities may submit requests for ASLs to AFMC using a digitally signed
email. Where multiple individual items with the same justification require ASLs, requests
may be submitted in a single correspondence. All required data must be included on the
request, message or email. (T-1) Repetitious data need only be provided once. All
approved ASL’s will be validated through the appropriate approval authority biennially.
(T-1) Categories. Nuclear Weapons-Related Materiel (NWRM) adjusted levels are
managed, loaded/changed/deleted by the NWRM Transaction Control Cell
(NTCC), located at Scott AFB. All actions including required validations are
performed by the NTCC. Low Density Levels (LDL) levels. All actions, to include loads,
changes, deletes, and validations, will be coordinated with the requesting
MAJCOM, Lead MAJCOM and AFMC LDL Manager. (T-1). Local Routing Identifier Levels. Levels apply to items identified with
routing identifier beginning with “J.” All actions, to include
loads/changes/deletes/validations, are performed by the LRS Customer Support. Contractor Inventory Control Point (C-ICP) levels. All actions, to
include loads/changes/deletes (as pushed by the C-ICP via Defense Automatic
Addressing System (DAAS) and validations, are performed by AFMC. Forward Supply Location (FSL) levels. All actions, to include
loads/changes/deletes/validations, are performed by AFMC. All other levels. All actions, to include
loads/changes/deletes/validations are performed by AFMC.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 17 Requesting ASLs. LRS will provide detailed justification for all initial requests
for negotiated levels to AFMC. Clearly justify the reason for the request and the expected
period of need. The quantity requested should be the minimum essential quantity required
to support the requirement. All ASL requests need to contain the following information: Level Justification Code. For Low Density Levels (LDL), the following additional data is
required. Lead Command of the supported Weapons System. Type of LDL level being requested: Single Point Failure (SPF) Items. Single point failure items are
items whose failure will render a system inoperative or unable to perform its
designated mission. SPF items are pre-positioned to meet specific mission
requirements such as system restoration time of 48 hours or less and warrants
pre-positioning of a spare or storage at a designated centralized storage
location. Operational Readiness Part (ORP) Items. Operational Readiness
Part items do not fit the general definition of an SPF item. Range and depth of
available weapon system inventory usually warrants pre-positioning of the
spare or storage at a supply point or centralized storage location. These
conditions require pre-positioning of ORP items. Examples of conditions
which require pre-positioning of ORP items include a unit in a unique (e.g.,
remote) location, a small worldwide available inventory, or units with
multiple system locations. ORP items are required to maintain maximum
redundant capabilities or a one-of-a-kind system capability. Joint Transfer Agreement (JTA) Items. Joint transfer agreement
(JTA) items are inter-Service C-E related and have been authorized for pre-
positioning by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). These assets are required to be
maintained on a supply point for the life of the system. Non-Prepositioned (NPP). This encompasses the remaining
LDL levels that do not mandate pre-positioning. LRS will send ASL requests to the appropriate AFMC activity for an
analysis/review. For non-weapon system related requests, AFMC will perform
analysis/review. AFMC will assess the need for the level and best placement
throughout the enterprise to support the identified need. If other than AFMC initiated, ASL requests that are not justified will
be disapproved and returned without action to the initiator, with reason for
18 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The analysis/review responsibility includes the identification of
plausible alternatives to the establishment of the ASLs. For example, recommend
disapproval of the ASL request if the item can be obtained from a depot,
purchased, or manufactured locally in time to satisfy operational requirements. Types of Approved Levels. ASLs will be categorized as directed, permanent or
temporary based on the reason and results of the analysis/review. See AFH 23-123 for IT
specific guidance. Load approved ASLs with the appropriate Reason Why Code (RWC)
outlined in AFH 23-123. If there is not a specific RWC for the situation, load the ASL
with RWC “Y” and file all correspondence related to the approval of the level for
future reference. Permanent Levels. When analysis/review determines the need for an ASL based on an
indefinite period or critical mission requirement and the demands pattern will not
warrant an RBL/COLT level, a permanent level will be approved using
Sustainment Flag P. Permanent Levels can be loaded as a minimum, maximum, or fixed
type level, as coordinating Type level flags C, D, and E. Permanent Levels will be reviewed upon changes in mission or
activation/deactivation of major weapons systems. When review shows the level is no longer required or a lesser
quantity is justified, AFMC will either process an adjusted stock level delete
transaction to delete the level or process an adjusted stock level change
transaction to adjust the authorized quantity. AFMC will use the special level review listing or comparable
ILS-S Query to manage and or delete any permanent levels that need deletion. Temporary Levels. When a change in mission or new mission requirements justify the
need for an ASL and the purpose for the level indicates that future demand will
result in a self-sustaining level, AFMC will establish the level as a temporary
level using Sustainment Flag T. Using Sustainment Flag T, process an Adjusted Stock Level Load or
Adjusted Stock Level Approval Date Update input with a determined expiration
date. The approval date will be computed by subtracting 730 calendar days from
the expiration date. This date will be entered on the Adjusted Stock Level Load or
Adjusted Stock Level Approval Date Update transaction. Temporary Levels can be loaded as a Minimum, Maximum, or Fixed
type level, as Type Level Flag A, B, D or E. In most cases, Temporary Levels
should be loaded as Minimum to allow the ASL to be deleted or become Memo
once the normal demand computation meets or exceeds the ASL.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 19 Use the Special Level Review Listing or comparable ILS-S Query to
manage and or delete any Temporary Levels. Directed Levels. Adjusted Stock Levels directed from higher levels are termed
directed because the quantity, application, justification, and approval have already
been determined. Directed Levels can be loaded with Sustainment Flag P or T as
determined by the directing activity. All directed ASLs are established in the ILS-S as either a minimum
memo ASL, maximum, or fixed firm ASL upon receipt. Any Type Level Flag can
be used per the directing activity of the level request. See Adjusted Stock Level
Load, Change, Delete Transaction (1F3) in AFH 23-123, for more information
and processing directed levels loads, changes and deletes. Directed Levels are reviewed upon changes in mission or
activation/deactivation of major weapons systems. When review shows the level is no longer required or a lesser
quantity is justified, AFMC will coordinate with directing activity on
deletion/change of the ASL. Actions for ASL Disapprovals. AFMC personnel will prepare an Adjusted Stock
Level Delete input as prescribed in Adjusted Stock Level (ASL) Delete Input Format
(1F3D), AFH 23-123, to delete the ASL detail record. ASL requests for AFMC-managed non-airborne Communications-Electronic (C-
E), Nuclear Command, Control, Communication (NC3) systems. Space, Weather, Radar,
and Missile Systems are submitted electronically to the 439
Supply Chain Operations
Squadron (439
SCOS) by the requestor to the MAJCOM/Lead MAJCOM.
MAJCOM/Lead MAJCOM will forward to appropriate AFMC/SCOS for processing. ASL Load to Interchangeable and Substitute Group (ISG). AFMC personnel
may load Minimum, Maximum, or Fixed ASL detail records to any item within an ISG.
Moreover, AFMC personnel may load multiple detail records to the same item or group
when: (1) the ASL is required to support different end items; (2) support is required by
different shops within the same organization; or (3) support is required by different base
organizations. Guidelines for approving ASL requests are as follows: AFMC loads a memo detail level and retains a suspense copy pending
approval/disapproval. After final approval has been coordinated, process the ASL
load, change, update, or delete transaction. AFMC enters the approval date based on
the desired expiration date on the Adjusted Stock Level Load or Adjusted Stock
Level Approval Date Update transaction. This action loads the approval date and
establishes the ASL detail record as confirmed (FIRM). The suspense copy can be
20 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 For AFMC-managed requests, an Adjusted Stock Level Approval Date
Update must not be processed until an approval is received. If this input is processed
before materiel manager approval is obtained, the materiel manager will return an
ASL reject transaction with a reject code "R." When this occurs, AFMC will process
an Adjusted Level Validation input with an asterisk in position 73 that blanks the
approval date and changes the ASL detail from firm to memo. See Adjusted Stock
Level Load, Change, Delete Transaction (1F3) in AFH 23-123. When an ASL Reject Notification is received from the materiel manager
and there is an approved authorization on file, contact the appropriate materiel
manager. Refer to AFH 23-123, Stockage Procedure for ASL Reject Notification
(XE5) transaction processing. New ASL requests will be reviewed for supportability for NSNs coded as
Obsolete (acquisition advice code (AAC V or Y), AF Inactive, or NSNs assigned
Numerical Parts Preference Code (NPPC) 2, 3, 5 or 9. When an ASL is required for
this type of item, then the requestor must submit an AF Form 86, Request for
Cataloging Data/Action, or coordinate with the Item Managers (IM)/Equipment
Specialists (ES) at the owning AFMC Air Logistics Complexes to re- catalog the
NSN. The new level may be approved after the AF Form 86 action is completed and
the NSN is stock listed and procurable. ASLs are authorized for obsolete items with
an active repair contract. These items are coded obsolete with no plans for future
procurement; they have an active repair contract to support the weapon systems.
Note: Previously existing ASLs are authorized if an AF Form 86 action has been
submitted. When exception codes are loaded to prevent future usage, the special
levels will be deleted. ASLs are not authorized for stock numbers with ERRC "ND" and "NF."
Exceptions are TLF D Maximum Level Zero and Non-AFMC managed ERRC
2.2.6. Exception Management. Exception Codes. Exception codes are assigned to item records when exception
processing is necessary for the management of excesses, requisitions, shipments and
issues. Personnel at AFMC will manage the exception code program. The LRS/Materiel
Management Activity is responsible for all locally assigned exception codes. See AFH
23-123 [EEX/SEX] and [IEX/REX] for exception code processing instructions. Exception Phrases. Exception phrases are assigned to the ILS-S when exception
processing is necessary for the management of excesses, issues, requisitions and
shipments. Personnel at AFMC will manage the exception phrase program. See AFH 23-
123 for more information concerning exception phrase record creation and management.
2.3. Financial Management.
2.3.1. Due-Out Obligation Procedures.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 21 Purpose: Explains how to obligate an organization’s Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) funds on selected due-outs. Two basic methods are used to obligate due-outs:
Due-out obligation flag and Due-out obligation/de-obligation transaction input 1DO. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. The following procedures described after this sentence do not apply to TEX code
8 equipment due-outs, TEX code H due-outs, or TEX code D due-outs. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity or AFMC (for accounts under the
AFMC support) will turn on the due-out obligation flag in the base constants record
in the appropriate ILS-S. When this flag is turned on, all customer due-outs will obligate when
processed. Funds Requirement Card (FRC) or Special Requisition (SPR) inputs to
firm unfunded due-outs will obligate if funds are available, and the requisition is to
routing identifiers other than D(xx), JBR, or J(xx). Due-Out Obligation. This method does not check for funds availability and
could lead to over-obligation of funds. If the previous year's O&M funds are to be
obligated, the budget officer must also approve the use of this process. Refer to Due-Out
Obligation/De-obligation Input (1DO) in AFH 23-123 for processing. When the fiscal year of obligation is blank, the customer due-out was firm
and obligated before 30 September of the previous fiscal year, but because of an error
the date of obligation is now blank. In this case, use the previous year Accounting and
Finance (A&F) Stock Fund Due-Out Reports to obtain the fiscal year to be used with
the Due-Out Obligation transaction. When the due-out is erroneously canceled and was obligated before 30
September of the previous fiscal year, LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel
will reestablish the due-out with the same document number and the same fiscal year
of obligation, as reflected on previous A&F Stock Fund Due-Out Reports. When an item record indicative data change rejects, it may be necessary to
de-obligate the due-out, cancel the due-out, reestablish the due-out using the same
document number, and obligate with the original fiscal year of obligation using Due-
Out Obligation transaction. Any other obligation circumstances not previously identified that cannot be
resolved by the local budget office and warrant obligation of a due-out using prior
fiscal year O&M funding, require MAJCOM Budget approval along with MAJCOM
SMAG manager coordination prior to processing.
22 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 An industrial funds organization is an organization that provides a service
or product to another military service or government agency. Customers pay for these
services and products. AF activities that are industrially funded include
Transportation Working Capital Fund (Sales code 49), Consolidated Sustainment
Activity Group (CSAG)-Maintenance (Sales code 63 series), and other AF industrial
funds (Sales codes 48, 62, 69). When the funding for these services or products is not
linked to a specific year of appropriation, due-outs for industrial funds items are
always obligated with current year funds.
2.3.2. Budget Code Z Investments. Purpose: To explain steps required before loading Budget Code Z item records.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123. Once the budget code has been assigned, it usually is not changed until the end
of the fiscal year. This prevents excessive changes between investment funds (major
appropriations), stock and Operations and Maintenance funds. AFI 65-601, Vol 1, Budget
Guidance and Procedures, provides the criteria for determining whether or not an
investment equipment item is authorized a budget code Z. Budget code Z is initially assigned to locally funded equipment items with a unit
cost of $250,000 or more. These items are funded through one of three appropriations:
major procurement appropriation for other procurement (57*3080); other RDT&E
procurement (57*3600); or NIMA procurement (97*0300.4802). Two materiel
acquisition control records are maintained for each System Designator (S/D). One will
always be for procurement appropriation 57*3080. The second may be for other
appropriations authorized by AF/A4LR see Materiel Acquisition Control Record
(MACR) Load, Change, or Delete Input (1LM) in AFH 23-123, to load MACR for
Budget Code Z. The SMAG manager should review applicable records before submitting O&M
budgets to the base budget office to allow for tentative budget code changes that will
affect budget submissions for 57*3600, 57*3080 appropriations and C-SAG Operating
Program. Coordination with Records Maintenance personnel to change budget code Z. For
more information on assignment of Budget Code 9/Z, reference Assignment of Budget
Code 9 in AFH 23-123.
2.3.3. Validating WRM and RSP Funding Requirements. Purpose: To explain the validation process of WRM/RSPs funding request
procedures process. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123. War Reserve Materiel Program guidance specific requirements are contained in
AFI 25-101, Air Force War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Guidance and Procedures.
WRM/Readiness Spares Packages (RSP) Requirements (Q07/NGV848) report described
in AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 23 General validation process. The Q07/NGV848 report, is designed for use by
bases/MAJCOMs to determine and identify WRM and Operational RSP shortages. The
WRM Global Management Office (GMO) will produce and distribute a pseudo Q07 to
the MAJCOM WRMOs quarterly to identify type spares codes H and W for budget code
“9” unfunded requirements (WRM, RSP, WCDO and use code “D”). WRM obligation authority is a firm limitation that is fenced and cannot be
exceeded. The WRM GMO must procure initial WRM SMAG obligation authority
with Appropriation (APPN) 3400 Program Objective Memorandum (POM) funds. When WRM items are used to satisfy MICAP requirements, these items
are replaced with SMAG operating obligations authority. WRM items should be
rotated with like peacetime assets to the extent possible to assure their continued
serviceability. When WRM assets become unusable or outdated, replacement is
considered an initial procurement of new WRM and must be acquired with GSD
WRM obligation authority and identified to AFMC on the GSD Operating Program
for additional WRM funding. The CSAG WRM obligation authority will be used to finance CSAG
budget code “8.” (T-1). GSD SMAG obligation will be used to finance budget code
“9” GSD RSP requirements. (T-1). Assets will be maintained on detail records and
are included in ILS-S inventory until they are consumed and expensed. Quarterly, the WRM GMO will send the WRM/RSP Q07 Report or pseudo Q07
to the MAJCOM WRMOs. (T-1). The MAJCOM WRMOs will contact base level RSP
Managers or installation WRMO/NCO (LRS/LGRDX) and commodity WRM Managers
(WRMM) to validate unsupportable requirements. Validation includes the
identification/correction of erroneous details and selecting valid details as deferred for
items that should not be funded immediately due to being coded shelf-life/hazardous or
storage capacity limitations. The MAJCOM WRMOs will forward the validated reports
to the WRM GMO. WRM/RSP Q07 Report and WRM GMO pseudo Q07 can be found
on the WRM GMO SharePoint. Users must request access to the SharePoint site prior to
viewing reports. Load obligation authority to Materiel Acquisition Control Record (MACR)
Update Code 20 in GSD MACR. The Supply Management Activity Group-Retail (SMAG-R) will initiate a
WRM GSD budget call annually to obtain WRM requirements by PEC from the
WRM GMO to be included in the GSD Program Budget Review (PBR). (T-1). The
WRM GMO will use the Q07 or pseudo Q07 validation to support the budget call.
(T-2). The SMAG-R will submit the PBR to AFMC/Financial Management
(FM). (T-1). AFMC/FM will use data from the SMAG-R PBR in the Budget
Estimate Submission (BES) sent to Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)/Financial
Management (FM).
24 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Based on WRM GMO APPN 3400 O&M POM for PECs 28031F
and 41135F, SAF/FM will determine if O&M funds are approved for purchasing
initial WRM assets. If O&M is approved, Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)/FM
will provide AFMC/FM the additional stock fund authority. Budget execution for GSD begins with SAF/FM by annual funding
distribution to AFMC/FM. The SMAG-R will load funding and notify the WRM GMO to
execute. (T-1). Note: Funding is provided by priority and dollar value for the
assets identified on the last Q07 or WRM GMO pseudo Q07. The SMAG-R will track the spending of the WRM obligation
authority and report back to AFMC/FM when spending is completed. (T-1). Total Financial Authority (TFA) consists of obligation and
commitment targets for operating and War Reserve Materiel (WRM). These
targets will be loaded to the MACR, to support requisitions placed with supply
sources (see DFAS-DE 7077.10-M, Standard Base Supply System User’s Manual,
for MACR update logic). (T-0). Targets for obligations are limitations that cannot
be exceeded.
2.3.4. Apportionment Control. Purpose: To explain control of appropriations procedures. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. General appropriations. The approved annual ratio of operating obligations plus
credit returns to gross sales must be achieved in order to generate cash from sales to
support stock replenishment requirements. Achievement of the approved ratio also aids in
the control of SMAG outlays. Reference Unit Cost Ratio (UCR) Impacts in AFH 23-123
for items that impact the unit. Annual Operating Budget (APOB) received from AFMC/FMRA provides
approved credit returns, gross sales, obligations, and an approved ratio of operating
obligations plus credit returns to gross sales (unit cost ratio). The SMAG managers must
continually manage these approved financial targets and actual ratio in order to avoid an
Anti-Deficiency Act violation. The following actions will be performed: Operating obligations are be computed using the AFMC developed
worksheet available upon request. SMAG managers must distribute approved financial targets down to Stock
Record Account Number (SRAN) operating level. SMAG managers will use the D08, D20, D32, and M01 reports to manage
the approved financial targets. During periods of constrained funding, MACR controls must be applied in
order to operate within approved financial targets.
2.3.5. SMAG MACR Controls.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 25 Purpose: To explain the procedures for MACR factor development and control.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123. General Procedures. Unlike the OCCR, Project Funds Management Record
(PFMR), and Stock Fund Inventory Management Record (SFIMR), which are for data
collecting and reporting the MACR serves the purpose of control. The MACR is used to
adjust or prevent the automatic requisitioning of materiel. Also, the MACR is used to
change or prevent requisitions undergoing normal computer processing. Maximum automatic obligation values, MACR factors, and Urgency Need
Designator (UND) Codes are used as control data for requisitioning. Load modifications
of these values at any time, but use caution. Remember that the maximum automatic
obligation for replenishment and due-outs cannot be loaded for less than $50. Four control parameters are available in the MACR record: Urgency of need funding flag. Maximum automatic obligation for due-outs. Maximum automatic obligation for stock replenishment. MACR factors. The use of MACR factors is preferable during mission changes and other events
(such as MAJCOM changes in stockage levels or changes in supply levels dictated by
local authority) that make demand patterns hard to predict. But keep in mind that with use
of the MACR factors, there is an increased workload, both for depots and for the
Distribution Section. Using the MACR factor also increases the chance of out-of-stock
conditions and more customer due-outs. For these reasons, use the MACR factors only
when necessary. The following actions will be performed: AFMC will compute the value of requisitions anticipated for the remainder
of the fiscal year. (T-1). Reference Example of MACR Factor Development in AFH
23-123 to determine factors to use in the MACR. Format for MACR load, change, and delete inputs and related dollar data.
Reference AFH 23-123. For more information on MACR factor, reference AFH 23-123.
2.3.6. GSD Operating Program. GSD Operating Program. AFMC will forward to AFMC/FMR annual
projections for obligations, credit returns, gross sales and unit cost ratio. Execution Analysis. A narrative analysis will be prepared by AFMC as of the
end of each month and furnished to AFMC/FMR NLT the 15th day the following month.
26 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The analysis should provide a comprehensive assessment of the execution
of approved unit cost targets. Any variances plus or minus 3 percent must be narrated
to include but not limited to; causes, get-well date, mission impacts and actions
initiated to ensure execution within end-of-year (EOY) approved unit cost targets. (T-
1). Specific emphasis and narrative justification is required for variances for each unit
cost goal. The narrative analysis will be prepared in the format provided by
2.4. War Reserve Materiel (WRM).
2.4.1. WRM Transfers Between Kits. Purpose: To explain the procedures to transfer between WRM Special Spares
RSPs. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101, AFI 25-101, War Reserve
Materiel (WRM), and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. General WRM transfer between kits. This section discusses procedures for
preparing and processing inputs to transfer assets from one WRM detail record to
another. Input preparation is discussed first, followed by output documents, degraded
operations transfers, rejects, and management notices. It is important to note that transfers
between kits cannot be corrected with record reversal and correction (formerly RVP) and
require inputs to correct any processing errors. The following actions will be performed by AFMC: For Transfer Between Kits Inputs. Leave the action quantity blank when the requirements of the gaining
detail document number are to be filled from assets recorded on WRM detail
records specified by the input stock number, system designator, and parameters.
The total quantity transferred will be a combination of the following: The gaining primes. The authorized quantity minus on-hand assets (including
substitutes). The due-outs (except when due-out action flag M is used)
(Refer to MSK/MRSP/WRM Transfers Between Kits (1KT) in AFH 23-123). When processing serialized reporting assets, process a Weapons
Serialized Control Input (DSR) or Serialized COMSEC Control Input (XHB)
prior to processing the Transfer Between Kits. Serialized reporting assets
cannot be transferred using the Transfer Between Kits multiple option. When output of documents is not desired and there is a need to enter
specific quantities, enter a 6 in the input TEX code position.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 27 Enter Due-Out Action Flag M when due-outs are not to be considered
in the authorized versus on-hand computations, and the program will ignore any
due-outs. An “Excess Due-Out Details Resulted from the Use of Due-Out Flag
M” (F202) management notice will be produced when due-outs are greater than
on-hand quantities. Transfer the resulting quantity from those assets recorded on the
detail record as specified by the first parameter of the input. When the deficiency
is not satisfied by the detail record of the first parameter, check the detail record
of the second parameter. Continue checking each parameter until all have been
verified or the deficiency has been satisfied. When the asset position of the gaining detail record does not match
the authorized quantity, an “On-Hand Quantity Does Not Complement the
Authorized Quantity: Quantity Short” (F206) management notice will be
produced. When an action quantity is entered, the computer will transfer this
quantity to and from the detail record specified by the input. Rejects occur when the gaining detail record asset position and
the action quantity exceed the authorized quantity. Rejects occur when a selected detail record is deployed. For Transfer Between Kits Output Documents. The computer prepares a transfer document for each Transfer
Between Kits transaction (Refer to MSK/MRSP/WRM Transfers Between Kits
(1KT) in AFH 23-123) unless degraded operations (TEX code 6) is used. When the transfer document is received, the WRM Manager
(WRMM) will do the following. Clear the suspended creation sheet. Physically transfer the assets or coordinate with kit custodians
for the transfer. Sign the transfer document. Distribute documents as follows. Copy 1 to Document Control. Copy 2 to the losing kit or organization. Copy 3 to the gaining kit or organization. When serialized reporting assets are transferred, a Serial
Number List (F117) management notice will be output at function 444. Attach
the management notice to the applicable output document and the property
being moved.
28 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Degraded Operations Transfers. When the degraded operations option
(TEX 6) is used, the WRMM will hand-write three copies of the transfer document.
After the transfer, the WRM monitor signs and distributes the documents in
accordance with this section. Rejects and Management Notices. The WRMM reviews rejects for corrections and re-inputs. When
reprocessing is not necessary, the WRMM will remove and destroy the suspense
creation sheet and take action to clear any suspended (rejected) transactions. The WRMM will review management notices for necessary action.
When excess due-outs result from processing a transfer, request an inquiry of the
gaining detail record document number. Review the due-outs of the gaining detail
record for possible cancellation, cancellation and reestablishment under a losing
detail record, or any additional applicable action.
2.4.2. Maintenance of WRM Assets. Purpose: To explain the procedures to maintain WRM assets. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101, AFI 25-101 and for IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123. General WRM asset procedures. An item in WRM packages, including an
expendable item authorized by allowance standards, will be managed and maintained to
retain proper control and accountability of the assets. The following actions will be performed: For WRM items requiring TOC/TCTO procedures apply as outlined in
paragraph 4.2, Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO). For WRM items requiring shelf-life inspection procedures apply as
outlined in paragraph 5.3, Physical Asset Management. For WRM items requiring functional check procedures apply as outlined in
paragraph 5.3 For redistribution of excess WRM procedures apply as outlined in
paragraph 2.4, War Reserve Materiel. For Inventory of WRM procedures apply as in paragraph 5.7, Physical
Inventory and Inventory Adjustments. For requisitions of WRM requirements procedures apply as outlined in
paragraph 5.2, Order and Requisitioning. For initial/increased requirements use
WRM project code DCP. For funding of WRM requirements procedures apply as outlined in
paragraph 2.3, Financial Management. For WRM Equipment items procedures apply as outlined in paragraph
5.4, Equipment Management.
2.4.3. War Consumable Distribution Objective (WCDO) Detail Records.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 29 Purpose: To explain WCDO Detail Record procedures. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and AFI 25-101. For IT specific guidance use AFH 23-
123. General WCDO Detail Record procedures. The WCDO is classified based on the
classification for each line of activity in the War and Mobilization Plan, (WMP), Vol 4,
published annually. The minimum classification for any WCDO extract (unit/base) is
SECRET. The following actions will be performed: For accounting for WCDO Details. WCDO support authorizations and assets are stored on
WRMWCDO-SPARES (241) detail records and accounted for on the
WCDO/WRM Munitions List (R07). Use organization/shop code 002WR and
activity code W for detail document numbers. Account separately for rations and
petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POLs). Follow MAJCOM provided guidance
identified in WMP, Vol 4/WCDO cover letter. Geographical Location Pseudo-Base codes (GEOLOC PBC). WCDO
PBCs are assigned by Logistics Feasibility Analysis Capability (LOGFAC)
classified system managed by ACC. Annually a unique PBC is assigned for every
GEOLOC with WCDO requirement. GEOLOC to PBC relationship can be cross-
referenced in LOGFAC. PBCs when associated with an actual location or Base
Code is classified SECRET. Load the PBC shown in the WCDO report into the
WRMWCDO-SPARES detail records. The PBC of the Alternate Storage
Location is entered in position 62-65 and the PBC of the Planner Operating
Base (POB) is entered in positions 66-69 of the WCDO load, change, and
delete. For PBCs not contained in the WCDO document, contact
CWRMO by Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET). CWRMO
will query LOGFAC and notify base via SIPRNET of the PBC. Bases will
enter the PBC in positions 62-65 and 66-69 of the WCDO load, change or
delete. WCDO Requirements. WRM spares detail records account for two kinds
of authorizations, as shown in the annual HQ USAF (HAF) Non-Airborne RSP
(NARSP) Authorization, Document, and Vol II. The WRMM will process the
applicable WCDO load, change, and delete (see WCDO Load, Change, And Delete
(TRIC 1CK) in AFH 23-123) to load the total WCDO authorizations.
30 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The authorized quantity field of each input must reflect the
Operational Plan (OPLAN) Starter Quantity identified on the WCDO. The total
authorization is the sum of supportable and unsupportable. Enter the
unsupportable quantity in the appropriate field when directed by MAJCOM
WRMO. The supportable and unsupportable quantities will be maintained on the
same detail. To request WRM ordering authority for General Support Division
SMAG requirements see AFH 23-123 and AFI 25-101. Authorizations can be loaded with or without using the
automatic issue program. When the automatic issue program is used the
processor will create a WCDO detail record and create an issue request input
and process the issue. Attempting to use the automatic issue program on details with
unsupportability codes loaded will result in (F215) management notice. When notified by the WRM GMO that a fiscally restrained
unsupportable authorization has become supportable, the WRMM will follow
these instructions: Part unsupportable. When only part of the assets authorized
become supportable, process the change input and enter the new
unsupportable quantity in the unsupportable quantity field. The change input
to decrease the unsupportable quantity cannot contain issue data. Prepare an
issue request according to Expendable Item Customer Issue Request (ISU)
Transaction Format and Documentation Requirements in AFH 23-123, for the
new supportable quantity with WRM project code DCP. Unsupportable details becoming supportable. If the total
authorization becomes supportable, process a change by inputting an asterisk
(*) in the supportability code field and zeros in the unsupportable quantity
field. Prepare an issue request according to paragraph 5.2, for the new
supportable quantity with WRM project code DCP. Supportability Change. When an unsupportable authorization
becomes supportable, the WRM GMO will follow these instructions. Just in time
supportability applies to BEAR requirements which are only filled upon tasking
via local purchase or other expedited means. Note: Only hazardous and shelf life
items are authorized just in time supportability. Storage location RSP manager will compile a list of candidate items
for coordination and final approval. Candidate listing must contain the following
information: Stock Number, Unit of Issue, Nomenclature, Unit Type Code (UTC),
Health hazard flag, Shelf life code, Total authorized and Quantity for just in time
2.4.4. WRM Special Spares Readiness Spares Packages Detail Records. Purpose: To explain WRM Special Spares Readiness Spares Packages (RSP)
Detail Record procedures. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
AFI 25-101. For IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 31 Special Spares support authorizations and assets are stored on WRM SPECIAL
SPARES (233) detail records with type spares code H and established, maintained and
deleted by Special Spares load, change, delete and receipt. WRM special spares RSP
authorizations are accounted for on the Special Spares Listing (R34). Use activity code U
and MAJCOM Special Spares Authorization Letter or email to identify shop code for
detail document numbers.
2.4.5. WRM/RSP Authorizations and Reconciliations. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with processing WRM
authorizations and reconciliations. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-
101, AFI 25- 101, and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. BEAR, PACAF Legacy Airfield Damage Repair (ADR) and Reverse Osmosis
Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), and Fuels Support Equipment (FSE) are the only
types of WRM with RSPs. WRM RSPs authorized for CRS assets. See WMP, Vol 1, for qualification of
BEAR in this category. WRM GMO will retain excess RSP assets by assigning ASC
080EXCE to the 233 special spares detail. WRM RSP kit content authorization files (D040) are jointly developed by
AFCEC or Functional Area Manager (FAM), and the pilot unit, while coordinating with
using and storing commands. The pilot unit forwards the coordinated RSP authorization
file to the WRM GMO. The WRM GMO will lead the annual RSP Review. (T-1). The WRM GMO uses the authorization file to update the Consumables Reserve
Spares Package (CRSP) Utilization Management System (CRUMS). CRUMS database is
used to perform the annual RSP reconciliation. WRM RSP kit contents will be standardized across the enterprise. Any
deviations must be approved by the pilot unit and WRM GMO. WRM RSP change requests are sent through MAJCOM WRMO to the WRM
GMO from each unit. All requested RSP changes will include NSN, NOMEN, U/I,
requested quantity (QTY), Source of Supply (SOS), Standard Reporting Designator
(SRD), Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Code (ERRC), unit price, work unit
code and budget code. All RSP changes will be coordinated as follows, via e-mail: Unit Customer. MAJCOM WRMO. WRM GMO. 635
Materiel Maintenance Group (BEAR) (pilot unit). Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) or Air Force Petroleum Agency
(AFPA). Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Program
Management Office (PMO).
32 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 WRM GMO (CRUMS update) will: Run a quarterly report identifying WRM RSP components coded as
obsolete or terminal. Work with functional experts from the pilot unit and AFCEC, along with
engineers/equipment specialists at the support source of supply, to determine
replacement stock numbers for obsolete and terminal items. In addition, the WRM
GMO will update CRUMS and enterprise kit details with the replacement stock
number. WRM RSP kit serial numbers (KSN) are listed in the War Mobilization Plan
(WMP), which constitutes the WRM RSP authorization document. At a minimum, the
WMP will contain KSNs and quantities by storage location. The non-airborne
requirements in WMP, Vol 4, is retained by the 635 SCOW. MAJCOM WRMOs will coordinate with AFMC as changes to UTC
authorizations occur. The RSP Authorization Document, found in the WMP, Volume 2,
reflects an accurate picture of WRM KSNs at all times. WRM KSNs listed in the WMP
match the WRM KSNs loaded in ILS-S and CRUMS. The WRM RSP KSN structure will be standardized across commands to allow
the use of centralized reconciliation tools and reduce excess WRM KSN records. Any
deviations from the below WRM KSN structures must be fully justified in writing and
approved by the WRM GMO. WRM RSP KSNs will be structured as follows: Stock
Record Account Number (SRAN)s (storing locations) will load a unique WRM KSN per
UTC, with individual kits delineated by organization/shop codes. The same WRM KSN
cannot be loaded at multiple SRANs within a host and satellite supply account grouping.
(Example: When a PACAF SRAN supports four XFABL UTCs, load KSN
ABOBBL0R0100 with Org/Shops of 809AA, 809AB, 809AC, and 809AD (the WRM
KSN at the second SRAN would be ABOBBL0R01(x) (x)). Shops AA, AB, AC, and AD
represent individual kits containing standard contents based on CRUMS.) WRM RSP reconciliations are centrally processed annually by the WRM GMO
using CRUMS data (source system) compared to ILS-S special spares details (233 detail)
linked to the master WRM KSN record (024 record) and Org/Shop control record (025
record). S07/S05 program logic is used for WRM RSP reconciliations. XTJ/XVF
files will not be produced depending on which reconciliation option is utilized. When the ILS-S automated reconciliation option is used, the WRM GMO
will extract and organize data pulled from CRUMS to create XTJ/XVF files for
upload into ILS-S. When the WRM GMO defers using the centralized ILS-S option, no
XTJ/XVF will be produced, but the same logic will be used to compare CRUMS and
ILS-S records. A pseudo “clean” S05 will be signed by the WRM GMO and posted on
the WRM SharePoint. The ILS-S reconciliation (S05) date will also be updated. MAJCOM WRMOs options for handling reconciliation excess:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 33 Option 1. The WRM GMO will notify the MAJCOM WRMO of RSP
details requiring return action by the storing location. Once returns are processed the
WRM GMO will delete or adjust the details to reflect the correct authorization. Option 2. The WRM GMO will load KSN details for each stock number
where excesses are generated as a result of authorization changes. The details will be
loaded with an authorized quantity equal to the excess quantity, an unsupportable
detail flag of “F”, an unsupportable quantity equal to the excess quantity and an
allowance source code (ASC) of 080EXCE. The WRM GMO, or storage location at
the request of the MAJCOM WRMO, will process 1KT transactions to move the
excess from the authorized detail to the excess detail. The original detail will be
adjusted accordingly to reflect the proper authorization quantity. WRM RSP details containing a 080EXCE ASC will not be
considered as part of the reconciliation. The WRM GMO will provide a 080EXCE report to the MAJCOM
WRMOs monthly. When directed by the WRM GMO, 080EXCE excesses will be
turned in to stock to satisfy enterprise WRM shortages. MAJCOM WRMOs will
engage with WRM storage locations to get excesses turned in to stock, making
assets available for redistribution. WRM storage locations will return assets maintained on special
spares details containing ASC 080EXCE to stock and delete the detail. Direct vendor delivery of WRM RSP initial spares procured with APPN 3080
funds must be accounted for on special spares details. The WRM GMO will provide the MAJCOM WRMO with the delivery
schedule and WRM RSP components list. When the list contains non-stock listed items, the WRM GMO will assign
a temporary local serialized stock number and add the items to CRUMS. The MAJCOM WRMO will notify the WRM GMO of delivery of assets.
Storage locations have 72 hours from receipt to conduct inventory of assets received.
MAJCOM WRMOs will provide the following: Type and quantity of kits received,
copy of the DD Form 250, Military Inspection and Receiving Report, with packing
list, list of overages, shortages and items not identified on the packing list, org and
shop code for each authorized kit. WRM GMO: Process all required transactions (1EB, FIL and 1KK) except for OCCR
loads or changes. Input transportation control number from DD Form 250 shipping
document in “shipping document number” field. Process reconciliation.
34 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Maintain signed S05, DD Form 250 with packing list and e-mail status
report received from MAJCOM WRMO per the AF Records Disposition Schedule in
2.5. Degraded Operations.
2.5.1. Manual Accounting during Degraded Operations. Purpose: Describe the manual accounting during degraded operations procedures
process. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123 and the ILS-S User Guide. These procedures apply to AFMC, LRS, satellite accounts, and all assigned or
attached activities that maintain records on or receive support from the ILS-S. These
procedures are to be used in the event the ILS-S (in whole or in part) is not available.
AFMC supported bases will coordinate degraded operations with AFMC Control Team
Chief (CTC). Degraded Operations. Degraded operations will meet the requirements of normal
operations, but the extent the processes are performed and the application of technology
used to perform them will vary. Scenarios that may drive materiel management activities
into degraded operations are described in Supply Automated Systems Availability
Scenarios in AFH 23-123. Degraded operations will be tailored to each situation based on
mission requirements. As soon as the need for degraded operations becomes apparent the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity and AFMC will advise customers that their support
may be limited. Transactions are processed on a case by case basis (normally based on
mission impact) with close coordination between the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity, AFMC, and the sources of supply. When the situation dictates, some
transactions may be held and processed individually after recovery is complete. For
example, a single equipment transaction that was worked off-line during degraded
operations might be held and processed individually. The CTC will be involved in
decisions to withhold transactions from recovery. Degraded operations do not impede
physical movement (transfer/deployment) of spares and equipment. Degraded operations documents are created to move assets. Kit
deployment/transfers are processed as part of or immediately after system recovery
(e.g., transactions that occur at home station prior to kit deployment/ transfer are
processed prior to application of the deployment indicator. Transactions occurring at
the deployed site are processed after the kit deployment/transfer has processed). Computer products/listings will be used to record transactions and update
inventory information as needed. See Base Level Data Required to Support Degraded
Operations in AFH 23-123. Transactions will be prepared in legacy straight-line format (flat file) and
processed as part of the degraded operations recovery.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 35 Sequence transactions. Ensure transactions are sequenced for recovery.
Sequencing must be precise to avoid rejects. See Degraded Operations Backlog
Processing Sequence in AFH 23-123, for the degraded operations backlog processing
sequence. Duration. When a planned outage is projected to last less than 24 hours, the
control team Chief can elect not to formally activate the Control Team (CT). Hold
transaction processing until system is available. When the outage (planned or unplanned)
is projected to be more than 24 hours, then degraded operations will be declared and the
CT will be activated. The CT will not be activated for normal weekends and holidays.
Materiel Management activities should not expect to process all transactions during
degraded operations (even if the operation extends for an extra ordinary length of time).
The capabilities of suppliers must be considered during the operational assessment, e.g.,
if suppliers are also in a degraded mode significant limits on additional processing may
need to be continued. Functional Area Procedures. Common procedures applicable to all functional
areas are described below. Prepare for Degraded Operations. Preparations for degraded operations
actually begin before the ILS-S goes down and before degraded operations
commence. Each functional area will ensure they are able to access the computer
products (reports/listings/data files) and forms needed to fulfill their primary duties
during degraded operations. Specific data needed during most degraded operations is
addressed in Base Level Data Required to Support Degraded Operations, AFH 23-
123, Materiel Management Operations. Note: Electronic media may be used instead
of physical forms as long as the information contained in the media meets the intent. Update Computer Products. Ensure transactions are posted to applicable
computer products as the transaction occurs. This will ensure the viability of the
computer product throughout the degraded operation. Enforce Controls. Special handling must be enforced during degraded
operations. Each functional area will ensure that special handling continues to be
applied. Check item record attributes for Controlled Item Codes, Serialized Report
Codes, TCTO, NPPC, Suspect, Functional Check, Shelf Life, ESD, and Exception
Codes (Issue, Shipment, and Requisition) and apply special handling as required.
Place special emphasis on the control of pilferable, classified and NWRM. Recovery Files. As transactions are made, create transaction images in
legacy straight-line (80-320 position) (flat file) format. When ILS-S is available for
recovery processing, ensure applicable 4-position SRAN is appended to the beginning
of each transaction image prior to batch processing. Follow example found in ILS-S
Batch Processing, AFH 23-123. Limit batch transactions to 250 or less images.
36 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Prepare auditable documents. Prepare DD Form 1348-1A, Issue
Release/Receipt Document to facilitate the movement (issues, shipments, transfers,
and releases) of assets during degraded operations. When Asset Management
System is available then document labels can be used for on-base movements. See
Preparation of DD 1348-1A, (ISU/MSI/DUO/DOR/A2x/SHP/A5J Documents) in
AFH 23-123 for more information on the preparation of DD Form 1348-1A. Quality Control. Ensure transactions are correctly prepared prior to end of
day merge or more often if required to avoid rejects during recovery processing.
Verify data on input images match what is reflected on the reports/accountable
documents (for example, NSN, unit of issue, quantity, document number, and system
designator match what is reflected on computer products and forms such as AF Form
2005, Issue/Turn-In Request or DD Form 1348-1A). Specific Functional Area Procedures. Customer Support Liaison. Call-in points will accept issue requests and perform research actions
based on CTC guidance. Requirements accepted but not qualifying for processing
will be held and input after recovery. Load item and support records during degraded operations. Support the screening of incoming receipts and returns for due-out
release action. A list of serviceable assets maintained in the Flight Service Center
will be consolidated with the list of serviceable assets held in Receiving so asset
availability can be quickly determined. After recovery is complete, perform quality control on all auditable
documentation for accuracy. Quality control standards and procedures outlined in
outlined in AFH 23-123, Quick Reference Guide for DD 1348-1A Quality
Control Edits, are also applicable to degraded operations documents. Confirm all
degraded operations documents have been processed in the ILS-S. Requisitioning. During degraded operations, requisitions are processed as
offline requisitions. Ensure all new MICAP due-outs (TEX 7) are added to the High
Priority MICAP Boards if available (see ILS-S User’s Manual). When ILS-S is not
available, call in new MICAP backorders to AFMC. Only when directed by AFMC,
forward all Stock replenishment Issues (TEX 6) and Non MICAP backorders to
AFMC. AFMC creates offline requisitions for authorized items using the Special
Requisition (SPR) Transaction. Receiving. CTC prescribes what receipts are processed using degraded
operations procedures. Perform normal receipt actions as outlined in AFI 24-602, Vol
2, Cargo Movement. A list of all serviceable items held in receiving will be
maintained and screened against incoming asset requests (issues, shipments, etc.) as
requested. AFI 24-602, Vol 2, provides guidance on the receiving process used during
degraded operations.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 37 Asset Management Storage Operations. Storage operations conducts asset
availability checks (to include lateral sourcing requests) as needed and notifies the
requestor/call-in points of asset availability. Stock will be processed for issue/release
as directed. The CTC determines if some or all stock will be binned. Flight Service Center. Maintain control of items Due-In From Maintenance
(DIFM). The Flight Service Center will accept and process returns as prescribed by
the CTC. Normal in-checking and inspection functions for serviceable returns apply
as explained in paragraph 6.2 of this manual. Serviceable returns will be screened
for dueout release action and reparable items will be evacuated as directed. DIFM
Return in AFH 23-123 provides guidance on the DIFM process used during degraded
operations. Quality Assurance (QA). Monitor the entire degraded operations process,
to include attending and observing transaction recovery. AFMC will manage the
entire degraded operations process at their level. LRS Quality Assurance function will
ensure an After Action report is created and submitted using the Sample After Action
Report Template found in, AFH 23-123. (T-2). Inventory personnel will be available to the CT for lifting freezes that
result from erroneous processing. This section/element collects and processes Special
Inventory Request notices that result from Insufficient Quantity rejects. Computer Operations/Functional Systems Management. The LRS/Materiel
Management Activity and AFMC will configure ILS-S to support degraded
operations (to include Recovery). Any incoming System interface processing should
be suspended until recovery is complete. Base level interfaces (maintenance,
transportation, etc.) will be evaluated and disabled if needed. When IT System is
available, set the recovery flag for Degraded Operations. Assign processing capability
to users designated by the CTC. Other Areas Not Specifically Addressed. Specific scenarios and mission
requirements may require the involvement of other functional areas. Other areas that
must process materiel management transactions off-line will do so pertaining the
applicable section of this publication.
2.6. Readiness Spares Packages and Kits.
2.6.1. Procedures for Unsupportable Package Requirements. Purpose: To load, change, or delete kit and package detail records’ authorized
quantities for RSP. Package detail records account for two kinds of authorizations,
supported and unsupported. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT specific processes use AFH 23-123. Use blank for the supportability code for fully supportable authorizations. Use F for authorizations which may not be requisitioned because of base or
command fiscal restraints (no funds available). General Unsupportable Package maintenance Procedures. The following actions
will be performed for the loading, changing, or deleting of unsupportable RSP
38 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Load of Total Authorization. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity RSP
package manager must load the total package authorization. (T-2). The authorized
quantity field of each input must reflect the total authorization, which includes the
sum of supportables and unsupportables. Then, enter the unsupportable quantity in
the applicable field. The supportable and unsupportable quantities will be maintained
on the same detail. For RSP, HPMSK, and CHPMSK input screen see Airborne
Mobility Readiness Spares Package (AMRSP) Load, Change, Inquire, Delete and
Receipt (1UB) in AFH 23-123. Load authorizations using automatic issue program. Process an issue to
establish a due-out for new supported quantities see Expendable Item Customer Issue
Request (ISU) Transaction Format and Documentation Requirements in AFH 23-123. Issue for Shortages. To request an issue as changes are being made to the
supportable detail record, process a do not requisition issue. See Expendable Item
Customer Issue Request (ISU) Transaction Format and Documentation Requirements in
AFH 23-123. When the computer program processes the issue, items will be issued from
the warehouse to balance the package detail, or a due-out for the quantity will be issued.
If the full quantity is issued, remove the special requirements flag from the unsupportable
due-in detail record and link the due-out and due-in. Supportability Change. When notified by the AFMC SMAG manager that
unsupportable authorization has become supportable, the WRM manager will follow
these instructions. Part unsupportable. When only part of the assets authorized become
supportable, process the change input and enter the new unsupportable quantity in the
unsupportable quantity field. The change input to decrease the unsupportable quantity
cannot contain issue data. Prepare an issue request according to Expendable Item
Customer Issue Request (ISU) Transaction Format and Documentation Requirements
in AFH 23-123 for the new supportable quantity. Total Unsupportable. When the total authorization becomes supportable,
process a change by inputting an asterisk (*) in the supportability code field and zeros
in the unsupportable quantity field. Prepare an issue request according to AFH 23-123
for the new supportable quantity. Unsupportable Package Requirements are managed by MAJCOM RSP
Managers and units will be directed to make changes as needed to meet mission
requirements. MAJCOM RSP Managers will: Perform a quarterly supportability code validation to identify items
requiring new loads and to ensure existing codes and unsupportable quantities are
correctly applied. Review RSP details using Air Force Approved Ad-Hoc Database
Systems script to determine whether or not supportability code F applies (on an
item-by-item basis) for new additions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 39 Ensure details with or without existing supportability codes have
correct unsupportable quantities loaded. Notify applicable units of new additions or changes. Date and file
listing manually or electronically until next validation.
2.6.2. Establishing and Maintaining Detail Records for RSP. Purpose: To create and maintain RSP detail records. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General procedures to load, change, delete or postpone RSP detail records. The
following procedures will be used to establish and maintain RSP detail records: Use MAJCOM RSP Listing. Use the listing and records received from
Lead MAJCOM as authority to load, change, or delete RSP detail records. LRS/Materiel Management Activity conducts a joint review with
maintenance to determine how to best segment the MAJCOM provided
authorizations. Ensure enroute support, existing taskings to multiple operating
locations and maintenance repair facilities are taken into consideration. Configure
non-airborne MRSP according to employment repair capabilities. Assign Shop Codes. Assign shop codes to identify a kit/package or
kit/package increment. The first position specifies the kit number and the second the
part or container. Conduct a joint review with maintenance to determine how to best
segment the MAJCOM provided authorizations. Ensure enroute support, existing
taskings to multiple operating locations and maintenance repair facilities are taken
into consideration. In all cases, airborne MRSP must be configured in a manner that
will support the unit's mobility concept. Configure non-airborne MRSP according to
employment repair capabilities. Bases will ensure the sum of all authorizations does
not exceed the total MAJCOM authorized quantity. All airborne and non-airborne
MRSP will have standard shop codes with the first and second position alpha code
identifying the XD2 segment. Non-airborne MRSP will use a separate shop code for
each supported end item. Process transaction to load the detail. See AMRSP Load, Change, Inquire,
Delete and Receipt (1UB) in AFH 23-123, for all input formats that apply to each
type of asset. When the information has been processed and verified, retain
authorization listings or files until superseded by new authorization files. Postponing Repairs. When an item is issued from a deployed MRSP kit/package
but repair of the damaged reparable item is postponed until the deployment is over,
process the issue from MRSP detail records, using TEX W.
2.6.3. Mission Support Kits (MSK). Purpose: To load, change, inquire, delete, and receipt for Mission Support
details. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use
AFH 23-123.
40 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 General procedures to load, change, inquire, delete, and receipt for Mission
Support details MSKs. Personnel in Asset Management or organizational personnel
(when MSKs are maintained at organizational level) will perform the following
procedures to maintain MSKs: Establishing Authorization Numbers. Each authorized item will be
assigned an item number which will be used as the last four positions of the detail
record document number. Processing Formats. Use format and processing procedures outlined in
MSK Load, Change, Inquire, Delete, and Receipt (1MK) in AFH 23-123, to load,
change, inquire, and delete a Mission Support Kit. Adding to an MSK. When adding or increasing an MSK detail record,
compare the total combined authorized quantity of all mission support kit and supply
point detail records to the requisition objective. A reject stating the input quantity plus
supply point and MSK authorization quantity exceed the requisition objective (R/O)
will be produced if the combined authorized quantity exceeds the R/O. Load or
change the detail record accordingly. Bases must either increase the R/O by adding a
special level or decrease the MSK and supply point detail record authorized quantity.
(T-2). When bases do not accomplish this requirement computation process the result
will be a management notice stating the supply point and MSK authorized quantity
exceeds the R/O. Establishing New Codes for MDS. If an MSK supports multiple MDS,
unique shop codes should be assigned to each MDS. This will allow classification by
MDS on the MSK Listing. Manual Processing. When the applicable IT system is not available, follow
degraded operations procedures for transaction processing.
2.6.4. WRM Authorizations and Reconciliations. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with steps taken before
processing WRM authorizations, processing the WRM authorizations and performing
WRM reconciliation. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
reference use AFH 23-123. General procedures for steps taken before processing WRM authorizations, how
to process the WRM authorizations and performing WRM reconciliation. The following
actions will be performed: Materiel Management personnel must make sure they have received the
entire WRM authorization file.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 41 Processing the WRM authorizations. Lead MAJCOM RSP managers will
develop, create and ensure the MAJCOM WRM Serial Number Authorization
Record/WRM Authorization Input Record images, commonly referred to as the
XVF/XTJ files, are loaded annually, no earlier than 1 August and no later than 30
August. These images are provided to ILS-S by either manual download/upload or
automatically through the WS-MIS REALM PC interface. RSP managers will
coordinate with base Asset Management Section prior to initializing RSP
reconciliation. RSP managers will notify base Asset Management personnel when
files are ready for reconciliation. See ILS-S User’s Manual for RSP Reconciliation
instructional material. WRM Base Authorization Input Processor List. When the option to create
WRM authorization input list is taken, the computer will output a WRM base
authorization input list to help Asset Management. This list helps in loading or
changing WRM serial number/control record(s), segments the WRM Authorization
Input Record, and assigns the shop codes and item numbers. See MAJCOM WRM
Serial Number Authorization Record (XTJ) in AFH 23-123, for WRM base
authorization input screen selection format. The computer outputs the WRM Base
Authorization Input Processor list in the following sequence: MAJCOM WRM serial number authorization input record by
SRD/UTC. WRM authorization input record by national stock number/
SRD/UTC. Initiating WRM Base Authorization Input Processor. After completing the
actions required on the WRM base authorization input list, initiate the WRM Base
Authorization Input Processor process to add or change the applicable WRM details.
The computer will enter the add/change images of the applicable WRM detail
load/change in the pseudo reader to process or create a disk file for review prior to
processing. WRM Base Authorization Input Processor Scan Option. After completing
all adds, changes, or deletes, Asset Management should process the WRM Base
Authorization Input Processor scan option to make sure all the WRM authorization
input records have been processed completely. When any WRM authorization input
records have not been completely processed, the computer will produce a WRM base
authorization input list. Then Asset Management must complete processing for those
WRM Authorization Input Record authorizations which appear on the WRM Base
Authorization Input Processor list. WRM Reconciliation. When Materiel Management personnel are satisfied that all WRM Base
Authorization files have properly uploaded into ILS-S, they should schedule a WRM
Reconciliation. When necessary, the WRM Base Authorization may be reloaded to
accommodate any changes to the records. Continue processing the RSP
Reconciliation until no discrepancies exist.
42 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 WRM Reconciliation processing procedures. Process the WRM
Reconciliation in the following way: After WRM Base Authorization files have been properly uploaded
into ILS-S proceed with the WRM Reconciliation. The reconciliation is complete
when there are no variances or indicative data changes remaining. The Materiel Management Flight Officer, LRS APO, or ranking
individual of the tenant activity responsible for the kit shall verify the
reconciliation. The authorizing MAJCOM and Lead MAJCOM will verify that the
reconciliation has been completed. Contingency Reconciliation Processing. RSPs transferred to the area of
responsibility (AOR), in accordance with established milestones, MAJCOM RSP
managers will develop, create and load the WRM authorization files (XTJ/XVF images)
annually in ILS-S. In order to meet required milestones, complete all actions detailed in this
section within 30 calendar days after receipt of the master authorization files for each
type of RSP (MRSP/HPMSK). Managing MAJCOMs will determine if the
reconciliation will be performed for RSPs expected to transfer in less than 60
calendar days. Extensions must be requested in writing via message or letter to
Managing MAJCOM RSP managers. A complete explanation and expected
completion date must accompany extension request. Quantity Variances (Changes). For details with reduced authorizations,
process applicable TRICs (based on type spares code) to reduce authorized quantities
but retain items resulting in excess on-hand balances in the RSP. Process due-out
cancellations if assets are not on-hand. Turn in all excess property upon return to
home station. (T-2). Detail No Matching XVF Authorization (Changes). For details with on-
hand balances change the authorization to unsupportable and retain items as excess.
Process due-out cancellations and decrease/delete authorizations if assets are not on-
hand. Turn in all excess property upon return to home station and delete all
unsupportable details. (T-2). The unsupportable details are the only discrepancies that
MAJCOM RSP managers will approve. MRSP (Airborne) Non-optimize (NOP) Maximum effort will be made to compute RSP requirements in the D087
system using flying hour programs (decelerated where directed). This includes large
Mean Time Between Demand (MTBD) items. If an item can be computed, it should
not be NOP-ed. Some item requirements cannot be computed using flying hours or
sorties and are determined outside of D087. These items are identified in D087 by the
entry of an appropriate computation exception code and are referred to as "NOP"
(Non-optimize) items. All indicative data for these NOP items must still be included
in the D087 database. NOP quantities are to be file-maintained as the Total Wartime
Requirement (TWR) and, for IRSP, must also have a POS offset provided by the
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 43
using command. All items that are NOP-ed or adjusted must be explained and the
method used to determine the quantity documented using one of the approved reason
codes. Reason codes are defined in Attachment 2, Table A2.1 Specific guidelines are as follows: Weapon systems using decelerated hours will compute brake and
landing gear items in lieu of NOPing. When NOP-ed all systems will use the
formulas in Figure A2.1 to compute wheels and tires. Weapon systems that do
not use decelerated hours will use the formulas in Figure A2.1 for all of these
types of items. Program Select Code (PSC) 5 item will be computed if the weapon
system is decelerated. Tires and Wheels. Tires: MAJCOMs should base RSP tire requirements for the
support period on the anticipated wartime landings per tire divided by the
mean landings between demands, then multiply the result by the QPA.
Additional safety levels will not be computed for tires, due to the impact on
airlift requirements. Wheels: RSP requirements for wheels are not failure driven, but
are surge support requirements. Given this situation, MAJCOMs should
compute wheel requirements for RSP based on five duty days of surge sorties
divided by the number of wartime landings, with that result multiplied by the
QPA. For aircraft that do not deploy tire change capability, wheel
requirements will equal tire requirements in the RSP. Until the D087 system can compute requirements for items whose failures
are not based on flying hours, or sorties for those weapon systems using decelerated
hours, MAJCOMs will continue to manually determine requirements. See
Attachment 2, Figure A2.1 for formulas. These items will be non-optimize in the
D087 system. To determine these requirements, the MAJCOMs should divide
peacetime sorties by total demands to arrive at the peacetime "mean sorties between
demands" (MSBD). MAJCOMs will divide the number of wartime sorties by that
peacetime MSBD to yield the wartime requirement. For feasible cannibalization
items (see Attachment 2, Figure A2.2), subtract one half of the expected number of
NMCS aircraft in the surge period from that wartime requirement to determine the
NOP quantity. This is the quantity that the SPD will file maintain into the D087
system. Aircraft guns, gun barrels, components, and repair parts may be included in
RSP based on the following constraints. Both MRSP and IRSP will include repair
parts and components for the weapon system support period (30 calendar days for
most aircraft). The MRSP may also include one complete gun and gun barrel set. In
addition, the MRSP will include enough gun support items, such as drums, to support
initial operations. The remainder of the wartime requirement for gun related items
will be included in the wartime consumables distribution objective (WCDO). Guns
and gun barrel sets will not be included in IRSP.
44 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Other NOP reason codes may only be used with prior approval of
AFSC. A request for additional reason codes must include a clear statement of
why a flying hour/sortie computation is wrong for the requested category of items
or why the items must be adjusted. It must include which computation exception
code will be used (that is, “N” if it is to be a one-time case and will revert to
“compute” for the following review, or “Y” if the circumstance is permanent). It
must include the proposed method for determining the RSP quantity for items in
the category either an equation or decision rules clear enough for anyone to use. MRSP (Non Airborne) NOP Item. NOP “E” identifies items applicable to non-airborne systems.
Requirements for these items will be determined using guidelines in Attachment
2, Figure A2.2 (Pair with computation exception code “Y,” refer to Worksheet
and Audit List Data Element Definitions.) Non-airborne systems normally have limited in-garrison
operating time, therefore MAJCOMs will determine the authorized quantity
for the RSP. Non-airborne system spares will not be duplicated within the
RSP and Initial Spares Support List (ISSL) or Adjusted Stock Level (ASL)
program, unless the consumption data supports the requirement.
2.6.5. Resource Readiness (formerly the Status of Resources and Training System or
SORTS) of Readiness Spares Packages. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with Resource Readiness
reporting methods, for obtaining and reporting WRM/RSP Fill Rates. Minimum Required
Products and Skills to Support ASM Assessment Processes. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General. These procedures reference guidelines in AFI 10-201, Force Readiness
Reporting. The available methods for Resource Readiness reporting are the Weapon System
Management Information System Sustainability Assessment Module (WSMIS SAM,
D087C), PC-Aircraft Sustainment Model (PC-ASM), and Enterprise PC-ASM (EASM).
These procedures will discuss the entire assessment and Resource reporting process for
RSPs. WSMIS SAM. This is an AFMC mainframe computer system that assesses
all Air Force airborne RSPs using standard methodology. Each supply account with
RSPs and the Forward Supply Support (FSS) System reports their asset position by
processing the weekly MAJCOM Combat Supplies Management System (CSMS)
Reconciliation Report R30 to Wright-Patterson AFB. AFMC processes the R30 for
RSPs for regionalized accounts and RSPs transferred to AFMC managed locations.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 45 PC-ASM. For bases with multiple weapon systems, MAJCOM units
assigned under one system designator, the host LRS/CC or equivalent should be
responsible for ensuring PC-ASM is used for Resource Readiness reporting. Upon
completion of the base level annual RSP Reconciliation, each MAJCOM will
download their applicable Dyna-METRIC Microcomputer Analysis System (DMAS)
files from WSMIS SAM and forward these files to the applicable units for use in PC-
ASM. Upon receipt from the MAJCOM, base RSP personnel will import the DMAS
file into PC-ASM for each applicable Kit Serial Number (KSN) identified in the War
Mobilization Plan (WMP), Vol 3. Note: The next step must be performed in PC-
ASM operating on a classified computer. As each of the KSN’s are loaded into PC-ASM, the pertinent WMP, Vol 5,
information must also be loaded. When MAJCOM directs changes to the RSP (e.g.,
adds, changes, or deletes outside of the reconciliation period), they will provide using
bases with the updated DMAS file to import into PC- ASM. In order to obtain the
current retail level WRM and POS on-hand assets for all Mission Design Series
(MDS) RSPs being reported by the unit in Resource Readiness, the reporting base
will prepare and submit AF Form 2011, Base Supply ADPE Work Request, to
schedule the required PC-ASM Report(s), (R26/NGV776) from the host computer
operation section. It is critical that both the PC-ASM RSP files and the R-26 are set
up on OPLAN-tasked and DOC-response -time sequence. The MAJCOM will include
the sequence numbers on the annual MRSP load letter. Resource Readiness reporting
will be accomplished on the 1st of each month or next duty day should it fall on a
weekend or holiday and problem parts must be aggressively worked at that time.
Results/Problem parts are included in the Resource Readiness report to include
detailed status of the parts and the impact on maintenance. EASM. AFMC is responsible for the development of EASM assessments
for RSP Resource Readiness reporting. Each year, upon completion of the MAJCOM
RSP review process and subsequent posting of current DMAS files into WMIS-SAM,
the AFMC will extract and load the applicable RSP data for each ASM assessed KSN
identified in the WMP, Vol 3. As each of these KSN’s are loaded into ASM, the
pertinent WMP, Vol 5, information are loaded. On the 1st of each month or next duty
day should it fall on a weekend or holiday, the AFMC will provide a consolidated R-
26 to update ASM with the current retail level WRM and POS on-hand assets for
each MDS assessed within ASM. Problem parts will be identified as the result of the
assessments, and passed to the applicable weapon system spares management team
for analysis and action. For spares fill rates see Table 2.1
2.6.6. Performing and Interpreting PC-ASM Assessments. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with performing initial PC-
ASM assessment. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
references use AFH 23-123. General procedures to perform initial PC-ASM assessment. The following
actions will be performed.
46 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 For most units the reported assessment from PC-ASM is the “availability %
(Method Z)”, which cross references to Table 2.1 Applicable rules (9-20) from the
DRRS Reference Tables are located on the SIPRNET Department of Defense Readiness
Reporting System (DRRS) web portal. For strategic airlift only, the sortie generation
capability (method “Y”) is used and is accomplished only via WSMIS/SAM as a “fleet”
rating. Strategic (C-5/C-17) bases are not required to perform PC-ASM assessments. This
fleet assessment rating is computed via WSMIS/SAM, and the results can be obtained
directly from WSMIS/SAM via SIPRNET. Even if the kit assessment's sortie percentage
equates to an S-1 level, the model will generate problem parts if a single stock number
exceeds the ENMCS threshold, which is the inverse of the DSO for the RSP’s Primary
Aircraft Authorization. Refer to AFI 23-101 for DSO information. Once the PC-ASM assessment is completed, produce the Problem Parts List. To
do so, click on “Print Summary & Problem Parts” to identify any problem parts as a
result of the PC-ASM assessment. When the MRSP(s) is assessed to S-1 and has not generated any problem parts,
the PC-ASM is finished and the Resource and Capability readiness information is ready
to be filled out. When an assessment is less than S-1 and problem parts are identified or
not identified contact AFMC for further research and assistance.
2.6.7. Performing and Interpreting EASM Assessments. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with AFMC performing
initial EASM assessments. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General procedures followed by the AFMC to perform initial EASM
assessments. Load current FY D087C WSMIS/SAM. DMAS files into ASM. On a SIPRNET system, add MDS applicable War Mobilization Plan (WMP),
Vol 5, scenario data for Resource Readiness worksheets (hours/sortie, sortie rate, and
max sortie, decel rates if applicable). Load R-26 on-hand spares data into ASM. Within EASM, there are two methods in which the R-26 assets may be
allocated to the Fleet RSPs: Fleet Proportional and Fleet Priority schemes. Fleet
Proportional allocation spreads POS and spares evenly based on the authorizations
with the goal of bringing all KSNs to the same equivalent performance level and
generally achieve a higher fleet overall assessment. Fleet Priority allocation fills top
priority RSPs optimally until availability target or item authorization is reached. This
method provides a flexible option for assessing different scenarios (e.g., filling an
RSP tasked for deployment). AFMC will utilize the Fleet Proportional allocation
scheme for monthly RSP assessments. The Fleet Priority allocation scheme will be
utilized to initially robust RSPs identified in WMP, Vol 4, scenarios.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 47 Assess RSP. EASM will perform modeling assessment and provide results
on the Fleet Assessment Output tab. RSP kits are listed in priority sequence with
Fleet Size, ENMCS data, Availability flown percentage. The fleet size is equal to the
Primary Aircraft Authorization (PAA) of the MDS weapon system supported by the
RSP kit. The availability flown percentage is the percentage of the PAA supported
that are expected to be FMC (fully mission capable) at the completion of the
assessment scenario. After processing each unit and MDS fleet assessment, AFMC will update
the monthly RSP assessment data located on the SIPRNET EASM SharePoint and
forward assessment information to Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS-S)
personnel. AFMC shall make EASM outputs available to the LRS/CC or equivalent to be
utilized at their discretion unless directed by MAJCOM to utilize EASM results for
Resource reporting. These EASM output files provide units with the A/A and the
ENMCS reporting categories for determining the health of the MRSP(s). The first
category is the aircraft availability (A/A). This is the primary measured category for
determining S-Level for Resource reporting. Refer to AFI 23-101 for Direct Support
Objective (DSO) information. Even if the sortie percentage equates to an S-1 level,
problem parts are generated if a single stock number exceeds the ENMCS threshold,
which is the inverse of the DSO for the RSP’s PAA. Problem parts identified during the EASM monthly assessment process will be
annotated on the applicable fleet RSP assessment data located on the SIPRNET EASM
SharePoint. AFMC will review identified problem parts and take corrective actions to
resolve. When the MRSP(s) is assessed to S-1 and has not generated any problem parts
and one is ready to fill out the Capability Readiness Assessment worksheet. When an
assessment is less than S-1 and problem parts are identified or not identified contact
AFMC for further research and assistance. EASM provides the capability to enhance the
asset position and thus obtain assessments that are more robust by including all locally
available assets and enterprise wide assets if applicable. As Requested Assessments. AFMC will process out-of-cycle assessments upon
request. Situations that may require an out-of-cycle assessment are contingency
deployment computations, destruction and reconstitution assessments of spares due to
natural disaster, fire, war, etc. ASM assessment requests shall be submitted to AFMC.
Figure 2.1 provides the minimum information required for a contingency deployment
computation. Figure 2.2 provides the minimum information required for RSP destruction
and reconstitution assessment.
48 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Figure 2.1. Deployment Computation Request Format.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 49
Figure 2.2. RSP Destruction and Reconstitution Assessment.
2.6.8. Working Assessment Shortfalls. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with Working Assessment
Shortfalls. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference
use AFH 23-123. General procedures to perform to work assessment shortfalls. Host and tenant
units must work together to prevent “double counting” assets, correct ILS-S Audit Report
mismatches, and research problem parts. The following steps will be performed. Ensure DIFM assets are properly coded and can be repaired on base. If not they
need to be returned to the depot and requisitioned. Initiate Supply/Command assistance actions to AFMC on potential single failure
component parts. (This is not necessary if the weapon system and depot use EXPRESS).
50 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Coordinate with Maintenance to determine the impact each problem part will
have on the wartime mission and to identify any additional assets that may be available
for use, e.g., Special Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM) assets,
cannibalized assets from Backup Aircraft Inventory (BAI), Attrition Reserve (AR)
aircraft, and Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) coded aircraft. These problem parts are identified by NSN in the ESSA1 Remarks Label
along with authorized quantity, RSP balance, other serviceable base assets, a
description of the problem, anticipated maintenance man-hours to perform
cannibalizations, and actions taken to resolve the problem. Verify SPRAM assets are in serviceable condition and assets would be
available within DOC response time. The time must include removal, inspection,
packing, palletizing, and marshaling. Consider only assets which maintenance can
reasonably cannibalize in the pre-deployment phase within DOC response times from
BAI, AR, and PDM coded aircraft. Ensure BAI/AR aircraft are available for
cannibalization and not being used to backfill a grounded war-tasked aircraft. Aircraft
in PDM status located off base will not be considered for cannibalization plans. After applying these additional wing assets to the appropriate RSPs in PC-
ASM, rerun the PC-ASM assessment. Cannibalized or other base assets that are
available can only be applied against RSP shortfalls once, not applied against each
squadron independently. Remember, to reload the wartime flying scenario before
running the enhanced PC-ASM assessment (refer to the security portion of the
classified flying scenario message). This second enhanced PC-ASM assessment will normally increase both
sorties generated and aircraft availability. Use AFI 10-201, to convert the PC-ASM
results to the Capability Readiness Assessment percentage and S-Level.
2.6.9. Post-Capability Readiness Assessment Actions. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with post Capability
Readiness Assessment follow-up actions. For guidance specific requirements review AFI
23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General procedures for Post Capability Readiness Assessment pro-active
actions. The following actions will be performed by AFMC: Units with PC-ASM capability will continually review the status of
problem parts and pacing items, and coordinate with stock control to generate follow-
ups/supply assistance requests when the LRS APO has authorized this action. Compare EXPRESS Tables and D035C with applicable IT system records. LRS/Materiel Management Activities should compare the D035C
reported asset position and the EXPRESS tables on the PC-ASM generated
problem parts to ensure accurate D028/RAMPS reporting. In D035C, verify the reported demand level, WRM level, serviceable
Peacetime Operating Stock (POS) balance, WRM balance, Due In/On-Hand
DIFM, and in-transit serviceable levels are correct when compared to applicable
IT system records.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 51 EXPRESS tables should be reviewed to ensure the depot has these
parts validated with the proper Resource readiness values, and are scheduled for
repair and distribution accordingly. The applicable IT system must initiate any corrective actions, not the
Item Manager. A return maybe required to correct a DIFM problem, or releveling
may be needed to correct a D028 problem with a WRM or POS level, etc.
2.6.10. Home Station Consumable Readiness Spares Package (CRSP) Processing. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with home station CRSP
processing. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference
use AFH 23-123. General procedures to perform loading and requisitioning of home station
CRSP packages. Loading CRSPs. When a CRSP package is not required for an imminent
deployment or contingency, the withdrawal flag on each RSP detail will be set to "Y"
thereby allowing unrestricted issues and lateral support shipments from CRSPs. The
automatic withdrawal flag will be set to "N" when a deployment or contingency is
imminent to restrict withdrawals. See MRSP/IRSP Serial Number and Control Record
Change in AFH 23-123, for additional information about loading RSP withdrawal flags.
When the CRSP is segmented into multiple packages, the combined Total Wartime
Requirement (TWR) for all RSP details for each stock number will not exceed the
MAJCOM-computed TWR for the stock number for that Stock Record Account Number
(SRAN). The MAJCOM can specify the use of either the MRSP or IRSP to implement
CRSP via RSP Details. Requisitioning CRSP Assets. Use standard RSP fill procedures to requisition
CRSP requirements. The quantity requisitioned and maintained as a CRSP package at the
home station is the RSP TWR quantity. The Contingency Flag Review process will
initiate requisition modifier transactions as appropriate to ensure the pertinent base
requisition quantities up to the TWR are assigned CRSP project codes and priorities. The
Contingency Flag Review is the process used to modify the JCS project flags and
JCS/Intra-Air Force project codes on replenishment requisition transactions.
2.6.11. Storage and Maintenance. Procedures for Storage and Maintenance of all RSPs. Purpose: Provide general guidance and requirements on storing and
maintaining RSPs. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
reference use AFH 23-123. Buildup Items. When authorized, RSP are allowed to maintain built-up
configuration prior to use. Wheels and Tires stored in an RSP will be maintained in a
built-up configuration per TO 4W-1-61, Maint and OH Instr All Type Acft Wheels. (T-
52 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Hazardous items may be segregated in Hazardous Storage facility
(HAZMART) at the home station prior to deployment preparation. RSP personnel will
maintain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each hazardous RSP item. AFJMAN 23-209,
Storage and Handling of Hazardous Material, provides guidance in the control, storage,
and handling of hazardous commodities.
2.6.12. Independent/Dependent Concept. Purpose: Provide guidance on combining dependent MRSP and independent
MRSP to enable single Capability Readiness reporting. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. Regardless of how the authorized MRSP is warehoused or packaged for
deployment, it will be reported as a single MRSP of the Primary Mission Aircraft
Inventory (PMAI). The dependent MRSP will be combined with the independent MRSP
and will be Resource readiness reported as a single MRSP of the combined PMAI. General procedures for combining dependent MRSP and independent MRSP.
The following procedures will be used to establish the “working package” and
computation adjustments for Resource Readiness reporting of the combined PMAI. When units operate under the independent/dependent concept, a "working
package" of the combined PMAI must be built. This package will not be listed in the RSP
Authorization Document, and will always have an authorization factor of zero, because
no such unit actually exists. The working package and dependent MRSP will be built
after all file maintenance has been done on the independent package. Create the working package by copying the independent package to a serial
number containing the combined PMAI of the independent and the dependent packages,
and an "N" in the thirteenth position of the PSN. In this new "N" package, change the
flying hours and Direct Support Objectives (DSO) to reflect the combined PMAI. Create
the dependent MRSP by copying the independent MRSP to a serial number containing
the dependent PMAI and an “N” in the thirteenth position, then, when necessary,
adjusting the flying hours and the DSOs. The independent/dependent operational concept requires adjustments after the
computation. The independent, dependent, and working packages are computed
separately. Quantities in the dependent package are then adjusted as follows: The Program Manager (PM) must send the independent and working kits
to be computed along with all the rest of the kits. The SPM must create a post-computation database on the REALM PC
server and use the “TID” dependent kit calculation tool. After entering the three kit
serial numbers and executing the computation, the dependent kit will be populated.
For computing items, the dependent kit quantity is determined mechanically by
subtracting the independent kit quantity from the working kit quantity. For
noncompeting items, the dependent kit receives the same NOP quantity as the
independent kit.
2.6.13. Out-of-Cycle Change Requests.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 53 Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with submitting an Out-
OfCycle Change Request. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT reference use AFH 23-123. Out-of-cycle change requests are submitted for recoverables and for
consumables. Due to the workload involved, and the impact on package requirements,
out of cycle changes should be kept to a minimum. Coordination among the offices concerned is essential. When an out-of-cycle
change request is required, the initiator, the authorizing and Lead MAJCOM, and the
SPM RSP Manager must be kept informed and given enough time to take appropriate
action. Each office having action on an out-of-cycle change request must promptly
acknowledge receipt of messages (to include e-mail). Changes to economic order quantity (EOQ) items in the CRSP are approved by
the authorizing MAJCOM. The Lead MAJCOM will provide the changes to the SPM
RSP Manager in the D040 system format. If ten or fewer stock numbers are involved, a
message or e-mail may be submitted. Changes to investment items in an RSP are approved by the SPM RSP
manager, in close coordination with the applicable IMS/Equipment Specialist and Lead
MAJCOM. Mandatory entries are the note code, stock number, quantity, work unit code,
division code, the package or end item serial number, and the justification for the
proposed change. Once the change is approved, all of the following actions are required
otherwise the RSP authorizations and the data files supporting readiness assessments will
be inconsistent: The SPM RSP manager must make the change (as an adjustment) in
Reliability Execution Availability Logistics Module (REALM). The Lead MAJCOM RSP Manager must notify the impacted base(s) of
the change. The Lead MAJCOM RSP Manager must request, from AFMC, new ASM
files be extracted to support availability assessments.
2.6.14. Base Level Review of Readiness Spares Package. Purpose: Describe the general procedures and tasks associated with the annual
base level RSP review process. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101
and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. The review is to update the range of items in RSPs and verify the complete set
of data used to compute quantities for those items. The review will include all
recoverable items. Stock class 1377 cartridge actuated devices and propellant actuated
devices are exempt from annual review. Selected EOQ items, to include the following
categories, must also be reviewed: aircraft guns, gun components, aircraft wheels, aircraft
tires, aircraft brakes and brake components, and others, as agreed between the SPM RSP
Manager and Lead MAJCOMs. The review process provides a forum to forecast any RSP
add/change/ deletes and the anticipated cost to buy them. The following actions will be
54 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Annually, the RSP packages are reviewed. Authorizations are computed
from historical demand data and programmed scenarios. However, inputs from the
ALC, MAJCOM, Base RSP managers, and maintenance experts provide information
necessary for determining valid authorizations. These tasks are part of the annual RSP
review process. Conduct a joint review with maintenance to determine how to best to
segment the MAJCOM provided RSP Authorization document. Ensure existing
taskings to multiple operating locations and maintenance repair facilities are taken
into consideration. In all cases, airborne MRSPs must be configured in a manner that
will support the unit’s mobility concept. The Base RSP manager will schedule a face-to-face base level review
session with maintenance and distribute worksheets to lead technicians. The Base
RSP Manager will serve as chair and record minutes, forward minutes and results to
Lead MAJCOM. MAJCOM RSP/SPM Manager must be informed to review Authorization
document for accuracy of the following data: Look for indentured data to the Next
Higher Assembly, Item Type (LRU/SRU), Quantity per Aircraft (QPA) Maintenance
Concept, Cannibalization indicator and TO Fig/Index.
2.6.15. Asset Deployment and Transfer. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with deploying and
transferring RSPs. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
reference use AFH 23-123. Units will initiate support segments within 5 calendar days of scheduled
deployments based on tasking priority. (T-2). Use program R42/NGV904 RSP
Shortage Listing. During the support segment review, units will consider items
contained in supply points, other RSPs, tail number bins and as a last resort,
cannibalization from home station aircraft as candidates to fill shortages within the
deploying Readiness Spares Package. (T-2). Readiness Spares Package sections will
provide maintenance with a list of candidates for cannibalization within 12 hours of
notification of deployment. (T-2). Immediately upon notification of deployment, to include forward-deployments
and returns, MRSP personnel will prepare and submit a deployment notification email
message to their corresponding MAJCOM/A4RM. (T-2). See Figure 2.4 for email
message requirements. WRM Special Spares. Special Spares Packages items dispersed to support
enduring units or forward operating bases will be immediately placed in mission
deployed status. WRM Special Spares Packages will be expensed to the deployed unit in
possession of the end item by the supporting MAJCOM or Component Numbered Air
Force in lieu of processing a transfer (1WD/NBV471). Losing Base RSP monitor will accomplish the following:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 55 Process WRM Detail Record Deployment inputs to update the asset
status flag on each unit's deployed package detail record. (T-2). Produce the applicable package list for the RSP segment deployed
and retain a copy at the home base. (T-2). Delete the asset status flag immediately upon return after post
deployment inventory. After deployment, when the package has returned to the
home base, process a WRM Detail Record Return to delete the asset status flag.
(T-2). Update applicable IT system database records by processing
degraded operations recovery files within the IT system immediately after return.
(T-2). Losing Base Replenishment. Replenish the deployed package if required,
from the unit's home base if airlift is available. Transfer. Deploying units for over 30 calendar days will transfer supply
accounts to the AFMC servicing the deployment theater. Transfers are accomplished by
processing WRM Detail Record Transfer. See WRM Detail Record Transfer (NGV471)
in AFH 23-123 for select and parameter images. AFMC will provide detailed kit transfer instructions, to include a request
for the latest results of the PC-Aircraft Sustainment Model (PC-ASM) assessment.
The deploying unit will use the PC-ASM assessment to identify critical problem
items and evaluate the overall spares posture of the gained unit. Kit transfer
procedures will include specific redeployment instructions. Deploying Unit Responsibilities. Use degraded operations procedures for
transaction processing during package or segment package transfers. Use the package
listing and a log book or local computer products to record all transactions to or from
the transferred package. Continue until all information is uploaded on the gaining
CSB computer or reloaded at the unit's home station after redeployment. Document
all package transactions regardless of which manual process is used to post
transactions. Redeploying Unit Responsibilities. Immediately upon return to home
station from a deployment or exercise, prepare and submit a return notification to
MAJCOM/A4R. See Figure 2.4 Units that deploy to locations with no ILS-S capabilities or an active SRAN
will notify their MAJCOMs who will coordinate with Contingency Ops for assistance. Upon direction from AFMC/AFSC Logistics Operation Center/LOC, the
following issuing and robusting rules and procedures govern the transition of spares from
the re-deploying MRSP. Contingency spares robusting is defined as issuing serviceable
spares from redeploying MRSP to contingency operating stock, to include CHPMSK,
RSP, and POS where an In-place Readiness Spares Package (IRSP) and Total Wartime
Requirement (TWR) exist.
56 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Contingency spares robusting from redeploying unit MRSP's is critical to
ensure effective positioning of spares to support contingency operations, without
harming the deployed unit’s ability to return to home station. The (E)LRS/CC or
designated representative and parent AOR MAJCOM will also be advised of these
procedures and may be asked to assist the deployed unit in contingency robusting
actions. Note: When there is not sufficient overlap time between transfer of inbound
replacement MRSP and redeployment of outbound MRSP, robusting to the inbound
MRSP may not be possible. AFMC, inbound/outbound accountable Officer/NCO and
(E)LRS/CC will make every effort to identify replacement unit MRSP requirements
and robust from the redeploying MRSP before departure. When AFMC determines de-robusting is necessary to support ongoing
operations, they will provide the deployed accountable Officer/NCO and host
(E)LRS/CC a list of recommended NSNs and quantities to be robusted from the
redeploying MRSP to the deployed location contingency operating stocks. Any
disagreement on assets recommended for robusting, from either the deployed
accountable Officer/NCO or (E)LRS/CC should be based on mission requirements
and communicated to AFMC before redeployment. There may be legitimate reason(s)
for some, or even all, of the assets recommended for robusting, remaining in the
redeploying MRSP. Resulting actions taken on each recommended NSN for robusting
will be annotated on the list provided by AFMC and returned before physical MRSP
redeployment. Decisions to not robust recommended assets to contingency operating
stocks should be justified with supporting rational (Examples: Assets required for
redeployment operations, warehouse refusal, or other mission related reasoning).
Coordination with AFMC/SCOW is the approval authority for any disagreement. When the location is authorized JCS Project Flag A, the outbound MRSP
will release any assets required to bring the contingency location's POS, CHPMSK,
and inbound MRSP on-hand levels to one hundred percent of authorized levels. The
authorized level is the sum of the POS, CHPMSK and inbound MRSP levels. When the location is authorized JCS Project Flag B, the outbound MRSP
will release any assets required to bring the contingency location's POS, CHPMSK,
and inbound MRSP on-hand levels to fifty percent of authorized levels. The
authorized level is the sum of the POS, CHPMSK and inbound MRSP levels. For
example, if the contingency location has a total authorized quantity of four and an on-
hand quantity of zero, the outbound MRSP would release two assets to robust the
deployed location levels. When the contingency location had a total authorized level
of three and total on-hand balances of zero, the outbound MRSP would still release
two in order to bring the contingency on-hand level to the required floor of fifty
percent. When the location is authorized JCS Project Flag C, outbound MRSP will
release assets required to bring the sum of the contingency location's on-hand POS,
CHPMSK, and inbound MRSP levels up to one. When the total on-hand quantity is
zero the outbound MRSP is required to release an asset to robust Project Flag C
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 57
Table 2.1. Spares Assessment.
58 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Figure 2.3. MRSP Deployment Notification.
2.6.16. WRM RSP Asset Control. The WRM GMO centrally manages WRM RSP assets. Asset re-alignments
will be passed to the MAJCOM WRMOs for execution by storing commands. Initial and replacement WRM RSP details: All initial WRM RSP requirements will be established with a
Supportability Code F and Note Code 3 assigned. Replacement for (expired shelf life, unserviceable) stock fund RSP details
will be established with a Supportability Code F and no Note Code assigned (unless it
is a legacy item). Replenishment (MSI from kit) stock fund WRM RSP details will be
established with a blank Supportability Code and no Note Code. Legacy WRM RSP details and assets will be established and identified
with a Supportability Code F and Note Code 1 assigned. All WRM RSP authorizations will be maintained on the Special Spares Listing
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 59
2.7. Base Closures.
2.7.1. Purpose: Describe the procedures performed during base closures. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. These
procedures apply to all MAJCOMs, LRS, satellite accounts, and all assigned or attached
activities that maintain records on the ILS-S. Use Base Closure Checklist in Attachment 4,
Table A4.1
2.7.2. Supporting Operational Activities. The ILS-S has satellite Supply functions. During
base closure, some satellites must remain operational. To ensure that these satellites are
supported until they are deactivated, consider the following conditions of base closure: Closure of an ILS-S account with autonomous satellites. (See AFH 23-123). Relocation of satellites. (See AFH 23-123 for IT references to relocate
2.7.3. Phasedown Actions. The phasedown plan must meet the following objective: To achieve a smooth,
orderly closeout while the variety and number of supplies are gradually reduced. The rate
of supply reduction is determined by resources and the closeout date. Phasedown actions
require careful attention and will be taken by the appointed personnel. Phased Reduction of Stock Requisitioning. As items are identified for base
closure, the base closure flag field (101-BASE-CLOSURE) of the item record will be
equal to a numeric 1. Requisitioning programs will recognize this flag and requisition
only for due-out and special level quantities. This requisitioning is done by re-computing
the demand level for the item; the computer then forces zeros to this field on the
requirements computation record. Computing excess quantity. Special processing for excess reporting should not
be required once items have been identified for base closure (the base closure field of the
item record will be equal to a numeric 1). To ensure that excesses are promptly reported
to the source of supply, AFMC must ensure that file status is processed after the base
closure flag is set on the item record. The demand level for all items selected will be
forced to zero under computer control. Items that exceed requirements (special level and
due-out detail quantities) are considered excess and must be reported or disposed of (see
AFH 23-123 for IT references). Note: If computing an excess quantity manually, use
demand level zero. QUP procedures. These procedures for normal processing do not apply during
base closure. When the base closure flag is ON, the QUP is 1 or 0. Facilitating disposition of excesses. Use the lateral requisitioning procedures to
facilitate disposing of excess items. Accomplish extensive lateral redistribution before
accelerated excess reporting, when possible. Accelerated DIFM Processing and Disposition of Reparables. Be sure to clear
delinquent DIFM items and dispose of reparables.
60 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Compressed Inventory Schedule. Inventory is very important during the
phasedown. To make sure all assets are physically disposed of and balance fields are
zeroed before final closeout, adjust and closely monitor inventory schedules and
accelerate inventory actions.
2.7.4. Closeout Action. Mandatory Closure Procedures. During closure of a Host or satellite, certain
actions are standard practice and considered mandatory. AFMC and the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity will make sure the following actions are taken: The SRAN is deleted from the SNUD. Nature of change (merger of accounts, or similar circumstances). Accounts
which are merged or consolidated with other accounts will remain open for receipts
only for six months to close out the account. Cancellation of backorders will be
automatic after six months. Terminating ILS-S Operations. When determined by the MAJCOM or HQ
USAF as practical and necessary for early ADPE release, a satellite account may be
established on another ILS-S account. Balances should then be transferred to that
satellite account using lateral (JLS) shipments and receipts. Transfer equipment items
on authorized/in-use detail records using the processes outlined in AFH 23-123,
Equipment Management. Mandatory Reports. The following reports and listings are scheduled and
run, as they are mandatory for base closure and are the final ILS-S products produced
for the closing account: Normal end-of-day reports. Normal end-of-month reports. Conversion Audit List (R22/NGV803). Accounting and Finance end-of year report (NGV946). The last M32/NGV808 and M01/NGV972 reports are reviewed to
verify the status of the following records. Item records with zero serviceable balance equal the total
number of item records. Miscellaneous/detail record data equal zero.
2.7.5. Mass Cancellations of Requisitions. Need for mass and universal cancellation requests. During base closure, requests
for cancellation of multiple requisitions may need to be submitted. Because the base
closure date usually is known well in advance, single line item cancellations can be
submitted. However, when insufficient advance notice does not permit continued
cancellation on a single line item basis, a mass or universal cancellation request may be
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 61 Submitting mass and universal cancellation requests. AFMC will notify all
applicable DoD sources of supply in accordance with Defense Logistics Management
(DLM) 4000.25, Defense Logistics Management Standards. (T-0). Requests must be
submitted in DLMS format and contain the identity of the base submitting the request,
the effective base closure date, and the desired transportation diversion precedence. Mass
or universal cancellation requests are submitted under the following conditions: Mass cancellation requests are submitted when continued document and
shipment processing is desired for selected requisitions. For requisitions identified for
continued document or shipment processing that is already being processed, submit a
requisition modifier (AMx) document to the source of supply as soon as possible. The
requisition modifier document must contain an expedited handling signal code 555 in
the RDD field, positions 62-64. For requirements produced after a mass cancellation
request has been submitted, the requisition must contain the expedited handling signal
code 555 in the RDD field. Universal cancellation requests are submitted when all source of supply
processing of requisitions is stopped. This request will also stop the processing of
requisitions previously identified for continued document and shipping processing
under mass cancellation situations. When a universal cancellation request is
submitted to replace a mass cancellation, and outstanding requisitions contain (or are
modified to contain) 555 in the RDD data field, supply sources must take action to
cancel all outstanding requisitions regardless of whether they contain 555.
2.8. Weapons System Transfer.
2.8.1. Purpose: This section is used to describe the procedures for transferring due-out, due-
in, and credit DIFM details to a gaining base during mission change/base closure actions.
These procedures should be part of a plan directed by the parent major command. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-
123. Weapon System Transfer. All weapon system and associated support equipment
will be transferred in a complete and serviceable configuration. In the event the gaining
organization agrees to accept an incomplete weapon system, it is their responsibility to
ensure the funds and records (supply and accounting) are transferred. Further, the gaining
organization will ensure transferred funds will cover existing and necessary (not yet
established) due-outs before accepting the broken or incomplete weapon system. If the
gaining organization accepts an incomplete system without the necessary funding, the
gaining organization will pay for the missing components. Should the gaining
organization be required to accept an incomplete system, the directing organization will
identify a funding source to pay for missing components.
2.8.2. Coordination Between Bases. Requirements. Items transferred must have type SRAN B or E or as otherwise
specified in this publication. Items must not have routing identifier JBx. Organization
codes must be between 100 and 999.
62 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Item Records. The bases should coordinate efforts to have all item records
required at the gaining base loaded. This can be done by formatting FIL images for the
items to be transferred at the losing base and forwarding them to the gaining base along
with the applicable documentation (e.g., DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item
Requisition System Document, (Manual-Long Form)). Organization Codes. The gaining base should provide the losing base with the
organization codes needed to transfer the details. If new organization loads are required,
the gaining base should load them before the losing base transfers the details. Losing Base. The 1TO program is used to delete due-out, due-in, status, and
DIFM details. An AMx requisition modifier is sent through DLA Transaction Service to
the source of supply so the requisition will be shipped to the gaining base. A 99S image is
sent through DLA Transaction Service to the gaining base to load a due-in, due-out, and a
DIFM detail, if required, for the transferred assets. Credit DIFM details will be
transferred to the gaining base as credit DIFM details. Gaining Base. A 99S image is received from the losing base through DLA
Transaction Service. This image must be processed inline for establishment of the due-
out, due-in, and DIFM details. It updates both current and prior fiscal year financial
records as required. Note: If the due-out at the losing base has a "J" activity code, the
1TO program creates the 99S with an "X" activity code for the gaining account. This is to
prevent Interactive Communications Interface (ICI) errors with the maintenance systems.
2.9. Equipment Transfers.
2.9.1. Procedures under CEMF/HQ USAF. When the Operations Support Flight personnel
receive special guidance and direction from the CEMF/HQ USAF, they must make sure to:
1) report and ship all equipment items, and; 2) reduce all authorized/in-use detail records and
balance fields to zero by the established closure date. These actions prevent the establishment
of numerous due-outs and related due-ins without decreasing mission support.
2.9.2. Transferring equipment as a package. When equipment on authorized/in-use detail
records is to be transferred to another base as a package (that is, all items supporting a
particular weapons system), follow the references outlined in AFH 23-123.
2.9.3. Closing custodial accounts. When movement of personnel and organizations requires
custodial accounts to be closed before disposing of all items, the custodian will turn in all in-
use equipment without credit.
2.9.4. Processing automatic returns. When accelerated excess reporting and disposition actions have not deleted all
serviceable and unserviceable balances, and the applicable PAD or directive authorizes
automatic return, take the following actions to process the automatic return items: Identify items coded for automatic return, and format FEX transactions. The
unique project code RDE, required TEX code, materiel return code, and storage point
routing identifier code are provided in the PAD or the base closure directive. Process the FEX inputs inline to record the transactions and produce the required
shipping documents.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 63
2.9.5. Base Closure Deactivation. Special Instructions. AFMC and local Logistics Readiness Squadron will refer to
Air Staff/Major Command phasedown plan, PAD, or other directives for special
instructions for the following actions: Use of disposal authority code I. Loading the base closure flag. Transferring assets to the local community using AFI 25-201, Intra-Agency, and
Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures.
2.9.6. Special Excess Reporting Procedures. Note: When specific instructions are not
provided, bases will request assistance from the major command. Reporting Excess Personal Property. Excess materiel identified as personal
property is reported to the IM/ICP using FTE procedures. The FTE must contain project
code 3QQ. This code tells the IM/ICP the item is listed on the preliminary inventory of
personal property to be transferred to the local community when the base closes. Standard Disposal Procedures. After IM/ICP and command screening, items are
distributed. Remaining items are disposed of according to the directives listed above.
Standard disposal procedures are as follows: Process transfers to DLADS using TRM with disposal authority code I.
Selectively load the base closure flag to item records. Process transfer of authorized/in-use detail record balances to the local
community using FME or TIN, TRM, and FCI. Processing Property Transferred to the Community. Process property to be
transferred to the local community according to the paragraph above. Community
screening of property is accomplished by processing from approved materiel
management IT systems to list item records and authorized/in-use detail records. Note:
Actual procedures vary for community screening of property. The base closure officer
must decide which procedures to follow. Closure of Geographically Separated Units. MAJCOM actions. Closure of a GSU requires special procedures for
caretaker responsibilities and item disposition. The GSU's major command must
provide these special procedures to the supporting Logistics Readiness Squadron
Commander/Accountable Officer. When specific guidance is not provided, the base
must request assistance from its parent MAJCOM. Note: When the caretaker
responsibilities are taken over by a major command other than the GSU's, the
supporting LRS APO must follow the procedures contained in AFI 25-201, Intra-
Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures. (T-0). Caretaker action. Dispose of non-EAID (EMC 1) equipment items according to the
following guidelines:
64 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Assets to be transferred to the local community or GSA are processed
(according to the procedures given above.) The major command normally issues
supplemental instructions in PAD. In OCONUS, the host major command
determines which accountable transfer documents to use. Assets to be transferred to other Air Force bases are shipped on DD
Form 1348-1A. Remaining assets are turned in, using activity code P document
numbers, to the LRS APO as excess. Dispose of EAID reportable items according to the following guidelines: Assets to be transferred on the same installation are processed using
current equipment IT system procedures. Assets to be transferred to the local community or GSA are
processed. Transfer balances using the procedures above. Assets transferred to other Air Force bases or bases with a different
system designator and the same Host are processed using FME procedures. Assets transferred to other government agencies or activities are
processed (using turn-in and shipment) with the appropriate advice code for
nonreimbursable shipment. Following are the only situations where issues and shipments of GSD items
are authorized without reimbursement. Issue/shipment/transfer to approved Security Assistance (SA)
programs (grant aid) of materiel in excess of approved force acquisition
objectives required to fill current deficiencies in US supported levels of equipping
and stockage. Issue/shipment of excess property with a standard price of less than
$5,000 to an accountable property officer of another military service or defense
agency. This does not apply to issues within the same service. Equipment items are authorized free issue/shipment as follows: Redistribution Order (RDO) of on-hand items that have completed the
mandatory reporting cycle and are directed for disposal. Issue of excesses received through equipment IT system when the
customer has a due-out established with a Transaction Exception Code (TEX) "8"
prior to receipt processing. When the SMAG has been previously reimbursed, equipment-in-stock can
be free issued when the requesting organization has a valid authorization. Perform a
transaction history search to determine if either a receipt-not-due-in or due-out
cancellation without a direct customer charge (1PU) was processed in the last 365
days. If either condition exists, the item cannot be free issued until the criteria in the
next paragraph has been met.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 65 Equipment-in-stock without previous reimbursement from the customer
must remain in stock for 365 days prior to free issuing. Free issues are authorized
after 365 days are past.
2.9.7. Financial Records. Immediately prior to account closure, ensure all inventory and supply detail
records have been cleared. However, if outstanding financial records are still in the ILS-S
computer, and the following actions must be taken: All outstanding financial records are closed by DFAS as outlined in DFAS-
DE 7077.10-M, Financial Management Regulation. Reduce all items to zero at the time of closure. Exception: Do not reduce
to zero due-ins and associated records for which cancellation/frustration has not been
confirmed. Establish a residual account to provide for the orderly phase out of due-ins not
reduced to zero and certain Accounting and Finance records. This account will be
established at a base chosen by the major command. To load records to this account and
maintain them, take the following actions: Limit records to be loaded to the residual account to the following: due-ins
with shipped status, RNB details, BNR details, and SNC details with transportation
status and all necessary supporting records. Research SNC detail records without transportation status to determine and
load the status or reverse-post the shipment, as applicable. Establish and maintain the residual account as an autonomous (self-
contained) satellite of the computer support base to which it is assigned. The residual
account will retain the SRAN of the closed base. Processing Receipts at the Transfer Base. If a closing base has outstanding due-
ins when the residual account is transferred to a selected base, IM and ICP must be
informed about the alternate shipment location. When ILS-S bases receive a frustrated
shipment, the Receiving personnel must review the receiving document. If the receipt is
from a standard ICP (SMS, Fxx, etc.) and the SRAN is not the SRAN of the receiving
base, the receipt must be processed as a transfer in (process the receipt with a JLS routing
identifier code as a receipt not due-in).
2.9.8. Supply Management Activity Group (SMAG) Aspects. Disposing of SMAG Items. After notification of base closure is received, the
best method for disposing of SMAG items must be determined. Consideration must be
given to the following methods: shipment to other bases, transfer to DLADS, and free
issue to MAP countries. Free issue requires special approval by the Secretary of Defense
before the Air Force can take action. Normal staff actions of this type require 60-90 days
to obtain OSD approval. Commands must inform HQ USAF about the estimated value of
SMAG items to be transferred. Clearing Due-Ins. When the ILS-S account is to be deactivated, valid due-ins are
cleared and the receipt is processed.
66 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The due-ins are cleared only upon receipt of one of the following
documents: a completed copy of a receiving document from the account receiving the
frustrated shipment; a confirmation of cancellation from the ICP; or a Report of
Discrepancy/Supply Discrepancy Report from the Logistics Readiness
Squadron/transportation activity. The receipt is processed, using normal procedures, by the autonomous
satellite. The satellite must then process a shipment (advice code 2E), using the
document number of the receipt, to the account that received the frustrated shipment.
The shipment is then processed as a transfer out (GLA 61602 or 61603, as
appropriate). The shipping document must be marked BASE CLOSURE TRANS
ONLY and filed with the receiving document in Document Control. Receiving Frustrated Shipments. Each Air Force activity affected by the
base closure (for example, ICPs, IMs, bases identified for receipt of frustrated
shipments) is advised of the base closure by account number. When a base receives a
frustrated shipment as a result of base closure, the receiving base or depot must pick
up the shipment as a transfer in (GLA 62902 or 62903, as appropriate). The base or
depot SMAG manager must make the necessary adjustments for any changes in the
operating program resulting from the receipt of frustrated shipments.
2.9.9. Follow-up/Termination of Residual Detail Records. Billed Not Received (BNR) Details. Termination of residual BNR detail records
is directly related to termination of residual due-in details: a BNR detail record is
automatically deleted when a receipt is processed. BNR detail records related to due-ins
which are terminated because of a cancellation or Supply Discrepancy Report are deleted
by Accounting and Finance (A&F) personnel. A&F deletes these BNR details when
appropriate billing adjustment actions are completed. Follow-up actions. AFMC will perform normal supply and transportation action
on residual due-in detail records. Before tracer action required (TAR) inputs (blank in
position 7) are processed, AFMC Stock Control must contact the receiving account to
determine whether the frustrated shipment was received. If the account received the
shipment, the due-in details can be deleted. Termination procedures. After frustrated shipments are received, a copy of the
completed receiving document is requested, and the applicable TAR input is destroyed.
Because due-in detail records do not have a specified termination period, AFMC Stock
Control must continually review residual due-in details for validity. Residue RNB Details. Conduct normal Accounting and Finance follow-up on
residual RNB detail records as outlined in DFAS-DE 7077.10-M, Financial Management
Regulation. (T-0). To terminate, delete residual RNB detail records from the ILS-S 360
calendar days after the date the receipt was processed. For procedures to delete the RNB
details, see DFAS-DE 7077.10-M. (T-0). Shipped Not Credited (SNC) Details. Conduct normal Accounting and Finance
follow-up on residual SNC detail records as outlined in DFAS-DE 7077.10-M. (T-0).
Delete residual SNC detail records from the ILS-S 360 days after the date of shipment.
Accounting and Finance will maintain these SNC details offline.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 67
2.10. Weapon Systems Deactivation Action.
2.10.1. Requirements. Upon notification of a unit/weapon system drawdown, MAJCOMs
must provide DLA Aviation and AFMC the projected deactivation date, number and type of
weapons being deactivated, name and SRAN of the losing base. This action should take place
at least 18 months prior to the scheduled deactivation date, if possible, and quarterly
2.10.2. AFMC will process the R13/NGV890 report with the following parameter inputs: all
SRDs affected, percentage of the weapon system remaining active, and projected
deactivation date.
2.10.3. MAJCOMs will notify HQ DLA Aviation and AFMC of any changes in the
scheduled deactivation (e.g., increase or decrease in the number of affected units, projected
deactivation date changes by more than 60 calendar days, or any other changes the major
command believes will affect the validity of this program).
2.10.4. AFMC will process the R13/NGV890 report, when directed by the supporting major
command, and transfer output SIFS files to HQ DLA. Refer to AFH 23-123 for IT processes.
Note: MAJCOMs will provide AFMC with the input data for the R13/NGV890 parameter
68 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 3
3.1. Overview. This chapter outlines AF guidance for completing supply chain materiel
management processes associated with the sourcing of materiel activities. These activities
include Local Purchase and Retail Sales; Receipt Processing, Item Management; and
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Materiel Shortages. For this chapter, DoDM 4140.01
and DoD 4140.26-M, all volumes, serve as primary DoD sources and various AF publications
also serve as references.
3.2. Local Purchase and Retail Sales. This section explains ILS-S processing of local
purchase requisitioning. Processes are explained concerning submission, status, follow-up, and
reconciliation of local purchase requisitions.
3.2.1. Local Purchase Submission Procedures. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is
responsible for local purchase requisitions. DoD and AF policy allows for the local purchase
of items as another avenue to fulfill base requirements. Local purchase provides another
method to obtain low cost items locally, quickly, and efficiently. In the ILS-S, local purchase
requisitions are normally assigned routing identifier code (RIC) JBB. Purpose: To provide local purchase submission procedures. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Submission Procedures. Use the following steps for all local purchase
requisitions. Ensure four copies of DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item Requisition
System Document, (Manual-Long Form) are completed using IT Requirements for
completing DD Form 1348-6, in AFH 23-123. At a minimum ensure the following blocks
identified in Figure 3.1 are filled in:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 69
Figure 3.1. DD Form 1348-6, Local Purchase Entry.
Manufacturer's Code and Part Number. Self-explanatory.
Manufacturer Name. Enter the manufacturer's name and address. If more
than one, enter on the reverse side of the form. Customer Support will enter
the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code of the manufacture.
Manufacturer's Catalog. If applicable, enter commercial catalog number.
Manufacturer's Catalog Date. If applicable, enter commercial catalog and
which identifies this item.
Name of Item Requested. Self-explanatory.
Description. Enter a complete description of the item. 9a Source of Supply.
Left blank by initiating activity.
9b Make. Self-explanatory. If applicable.
9c. Model Number. Self-explanatory. If applicable.
9d. Series. Self-explanatory. If applicable.
9e. Serial Number. Self-explanatory. If applicable.
10 Requisitioner: Enter the organization identification, initiator name, and
telephone Distribute DD Form 1348-6 as follows: Copy 1: Customer Support. Copy 2: Customer. Copy 3 & 4: As locally determined when supported by Standard
Procurement System (SPS). LRS/Materiel Management Activity will provide descriptions for local purchase
items to base contracting to facilitate loading into the SPS when a new item is loaded into
the ILS-S and ILS-S sends a local purchase requisition to the SPS. (T-2). Follow general requisition steps for customers’ orders discussed in Chapter 5 of
this manual.
3.2.2. Special Submission Procedures. Purpose: To provide local purchase procedures needed for special requirements.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-
123. Project Buy U.S. (BUSH) for Overseas Bases. When the base is located overseas
(OCONUS), the RIC equals JBH (Federal Supply Schedule), and the REX code is not 2,
Base Contracting must accept and process the local purchase requisition to determine if
Project BUSH applies. When applicable, Base Contracting will notify Supply to change
the RIC to JBG (Project BUSH). When not applicable, LRS/Materiel Management
Activity will assign REX code 2 to the local purchase item record and process a request
cancellation for the requisition. The ILS-S will produce a new requisition with the routing
identifier code of GSA, DLA, or AFMC.
70 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Mandatory Requirements for Local Purchase of AF-Managed Investment Items.
All local purchase requests for AF-managed investment items must be channeled through
the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. (T-1). The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
will record the appropriate demand and consumption data for demand-based stock
leveling purposes. (T-2). Note: Although LRS/Materiel Management Activity may
suggest a local contractor parts store as a supply source for AF-managed investment
items, the Base Contracting Office (BCO) makes the final decision on vendor selection.
Use the following instructions to process the local purchase of AF-managed investment
items: Establish Retail Supply System Due-In Detail. Process a special requisition
(SPR) with RIC JBB, signal code A, and fund code 64 to establish the due-in detail
for AF-managed items (budget code 8, A-H, J-X, or Blank) in the ILS-S. Provide AF Funding Citation. Acquire a funds citation from the source of
supply and manually prepare a DD Form 1348-1A requisition (A0*) transaction. The
DD Form 1348-1A will contain the obligation authority and funds citation (received
from the source of supply) in Block 3 (Ship To). (T-1). Note: Do not use local funds
to locally purchase AF-managed items. The depot source of supply should provide a
funds citation for the assets. (T-1). Local Purchase of AF-Managed Recoverable Items. Local purchase of AF
managed recoverable items is also authorized following the procedures described
above for AF-managed investment items. AF-managed recoverable items contain
Expendability/ Recoverability/ Reparability/ Cost Designator (ERRCD) XD2/XF*,
budget code 8, and are purchased from base CSAG stock fund monies. To establish
the due-in detail and create a local purchase requisition (A0*) for AF-managed
recoverable items in the ILS-S, process a manual SPR transaction with RIC JBB.
Note: The BCO will cite CSAG stock fund monies to purchase the requisitioned
items. Processing Emergency Local Purchase Requisitions. GSA items (budget code 9)
with a DLA RIC of S** that have been locally purchased for emergency situations will
be processed according to the following instructions. Special Requisition Transaction Input. AFMC and the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity personnel will process a SPR transaction to establish the due-in
detail and create an output requisition (A0*) transaction. (T-2). Use RIC JBB in
positions 4-6 and S** RIC in positions 57-59 (project code). When the ILS-S assigns
the requisition number, leave positions 30-43 blank. When the requisition is prepared
offline, enter the offline requisition number in positions 30-43. Special Instructions for Base Contracting. Base Contracting will use the
special instructions contained in AF 64 series directives to locally purchase items for
DLA (S**) RICs. (T-1).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 71 Local Purchase Adjustment Transactions. The LRS/Materiel Management
Receiving function will coordinate with Customer Support Liaison for bulk deliveries to
BCE. Customer Support Liaison will process local purchase adjustment transactions in
the materiel management IT system to adjust the requisition quantity or dollar value of
the requirement when they are different from the original requisition quantity and dollar
value. (T-2). See Local Purchase Adjustment (LPA) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for
more information concerning local purchase adjustment transactions. Local Purchase of Compressed Gases. To reduce costs for cylinder handling and
transportation, purchase industrial grade compressed gases locally whenever possible.
The GSA federal supply schedule contains a list of vendors approved for local purchase
of compressed gases. If there are not enough cylinders available, submit initial or
increased requirements for compressed gases to DLA Aviation in the following manner: Overseas Activities. OCONUS retail Materiel Management Activities
submit a requisition for the NSN assigned to the filled cylinder if the acquisition
advice code (AAC) is K and the Federal Stock Class (FSC) is 6830. CONUS Activities. CONUS activities submit a requisition for the NSN
assigned to the empty cylinder if the AAC equals D and the FSC equals 8120.
Normally DLA Aviation will supply the empty cylinder. Empty cylinders are filled
with gas through local purchase requisitioning procedures. To satisfy a CONUS gas
cylinder requisition, the IM may work with the customer to substitute full cylinders
for empty ones. DLA Aviation can take this action only if stock levels permit, and
there are unusual circumstances to justify the substitution, or the customer urgently
needs the full cylinder. Requisitioning Gases. CONUS or OCONUS activities will not use DLA
Aviation to requisition any stock number assigned to gases only (FSC 6830). These
stock numbers are for local purchase only. When local purchase sources are disrupted
or unavailable, or when local purchase cannot meet the customer need, DLA Aviation
will assist the customer to acquire gas as necessary. In any circumstance, requisitions
to DLA Aviation must include either the NSN assigned to the empty cylinder (AAC
D), or the filled cylinder (AAC K), not the gas itself (AAC L). Requisitioning Intermodal International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Containers. AFMC will contact the USAF Intermodal ISO Container Manager at AFMC,
before requisitioning any containers (FSC 8150). REX code 6 will be assigned to all
NSNs to identify assets requiring ISO containers.
3.2.3. Local Purchase Requisition Status. Purpose: This section explains how LRS/Materiel Management Activities
manages status for local purchase requisitions. This section explains the submission and
receipt of local purchase status from the Base Contracting Office (BCO). For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. The LRS manages local purchase requisition procedures for SPS. BCO assigns
status to local purchase requisitions for input to the ILS-S during daily (inline)
processing. BCO produces a variety of local purchase status transactions (with local
purchase coding) to the ILS-S to update internal records.
72 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 LPS transaction. DoD and AF local purchase status is provided to update status
concerning a purchase order or contract. BCO assigns the purchase order number and
provides a local purchase status (LPS) transaction to update the purchase order number,
date, and all associated coding on ILS-S local purchase status details. See AFH 23-123
for local purchase status (LPS) transaction format and processing instructions. Local purchase status change transaction. BCO provides local purchase status
change transactions to the ILS-S to update local purchase requisition status, Estimated
Delivery Date (EDD), contract number, purchase order number, and the BPA call number
in the ILS-S. See Local Purchase Status Change (EDD) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for
Local Purchase Status Change transaction format and processing instructions. Local purchase cancellation (LCC) transaction. DoD and AF local purchase
cancellation status is provided to cancel local purchase requisitions or decrease local
purchase requisition quantities. Base Contracting will provide the LCC transaction to the
ILS-S for processing. See AFH 23-123 for LCC transaction format and processing
instructions. Local purchase status adjustment (LPA) transaction. LPA transactions are
produced by BCO and forwarded to the ILS-S. The LPA transaction primarily notifies the
ILS-S of adjustments to either the local purchase price or quantity. See AFH 23-123 for
LPA transaction format and processing instructions. Local purchase extra (LPX) transaction. The LPX transaction is a Civil Engineer
Material Acquisition System (CEMAS) unique transaction that provides the ILS-S
complete Procurement Instrument Identification Number (PIIN) and contract year, from
the Award Purchase Request (AWDPR) file. The LPX transaction may also be used by
the LRS/Materiel Management Activity to manually process local purchase detail
updates. See AFH 23-123 for LPX transaction format and processing instructions. Local purchase receipt acknowledgement (1RA) transaction. The 1RA
transaction is used to update SPS purchase order records. When the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity or equivalent Receiving function processes a local purchase
receipt, the ILS-S produces a 1RA transaction and sends it to the SPS. See Standard
Procurement System (SPS) Local Purchase Receipt Acknowledgment (1RA) Transaction
in AFH 23-123, for 1RA transaction format and processing instructions. Local Purchase Requisition Cancellation Request (AC1) Transaction. Requests
to cancel local purchase requisitions are created in the ILS-S through file status or the
manual processing of a local purchase requisition cancellation request transaction. The
ILS-S computes and requests cancellation for due-in excess each time requirements
computation is performed. When the ILS-S computes due-in excess, it automatically
formats an AC1 transaction, assigns status code ZD to the local purchase status detail,
and forwards to the SPS. If a manual requisition cancellation request is made, the ILS-S
formats an AC1 transaction with status code ZC. See AFH 23-123 for the format and
processing instructions for the local purchase AC1 output transaction.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 73 Local purchase requisition cancellation request follow-up (AK1) transaction.
An AK1 transaction is created in the ILS-S if Base Contracting does not reply to the first
AC1 transaction within 10 calendar days. Base Contracting processes both cancellation
request and cancellation request follow-up transactions and automatically reply with
Local Purchase Cancellation , Local Purchase Status or Supply Status transactions to
acknowledge, change, update, or cancel the local purchase requisition.
3.2.4. Local Purchase Requisition Follow-up. Purpose: This section explains how requisition follow-up actions are performed
for local purchase requisitions. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible
for local purchase follow-up. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT references use AFH 23-123. Local purchase requisition follow-up. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
performs follow-up for local purchase requisitions. Requisition follow-up (AF*) and
reinstatement (AT*) transactions are also produced by the ILS-S for local purchase
requisitions. The type of follow-up transaction produced depends upon whether the status
detail contains status or not. Local purchase follow-up transactions are produced as
follows: Local purchase requisition with status. The ILS-S produces automated
follow-up (AF*) transactions when updated procurement status has not been provided
within established timeframes. The type of requisition AF* transaction produced
depends on the base location, priority, estimated delivery date, and the date of last
transaction (DOLT). Local purchase requisition without status. The ILS-S produces automated
requisition reinstatement (AT*) follow-up transactions when initial procurement
status has not been provided within established timeframes. The type of requisition
follow-up (AT*) transaction produced depends upon base location, priority,
requisition date, and DOLT. Action Required (ARC) Report Transaction for Local Purchase Requisitions.
The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible for ARC transactions for local
purchase requisitions. ARC transactions create Status Details with status code of 99.
Status codes 9* are termed status counters. The status counter identifies the number of
follow-up transactions produced for requisitions without status. The status counter begins
with 99 for the first follow-up and is reduced by one (1) for each subsequent follow-up
transaction produced. ARC transactions can be retrieved from Supply Interface System
(SIFS), which are produced in AT* format, or comparable ILS-S Query for status counter
99 and below. ARC transactions or status counters are created on the third and subsequent
follow-ups for local purchase requisitions. SIFS produced ARC transaction position
71 will be blank and positions 72-76 will contain the purchase order number. When
BCO has not replied to follow-up transactions within established schedules, an ARC
transaction or status counter will be created by the ILS-S and forwarded to Customer
Support for processing.
74 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The SPS does not accept ARC transactions. Therefore, prior to submission
to Base Contracting, Customer Support must review the SIFS residual file and change
the transaction Document Identifier Code (DIC) to the appropriate follow-up
transaction DIC or process ILS-S query for counter status and format accordingly.
Customer Support will contact BCO to obtain current status for local purchase
requisitions that have produced ARC output transactions. When the local purchase requirement no longer exists, Customer Support
Liaison will process LCC transactions same day to cancel local purchase due-in
details. Once ARC transactions or status counters have been produced, no other
automated follow-up (AF*) transactions will be produced by the ILS-S. New ARC transactions or status counters are programmatically created
every 10 calendar days until updated status is processed in the ILS-S, or local
purchase requisitions are canceled.
3.2.5. Local Purchase Requisition Reconciliation. Purpose: To reconcile Local Purchases between the ILS-S and SPS. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-
123. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel will process the Local
Purchase SPS Reconciliation Program (NGV583) quarterly to perform a complete
reconciliation of requisitions between SPS and the ILS-S. (T-2). All ILS-S local purchase
due-in details are reconciled, except those with status codes Z2 (overseas foreign
procurement) and Z3 (valid description required). When large numbers of mismatched
records exist, local management may schedule local purchase reconciliations more often. Production of Local Purchase Reconciliation Header /Local Purchase
Reconciliation Transactions. Prior to conducting reconciliations, the Local Purchase
Reconciliation Header transaction is produced. The Local Purchase Reconciliation
Header transaction provides the SPS the base PIIN and Stock Record Account Number
(SRAN). Customer Support must contact the BCO to obtain the correct contracting
installation numbers used for the reconciliation. See Local Purchase Reconciliation
Header (1LH) Transaction in AFH 23-123 for format and processing procedures for the
Local Purchase Reconciliation Header transaction. After the Local Purchase Reconciliation Header is created, a Local Purchase
Reconciliation transaction output image will be produced for all local purchase
requisitions contained in the ILS-S. If status is loaded in the ILS-S for the requisition, the
Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction will provide corresponding status to
contracting. See Local Purchase Reconciliation (1LP) Transaction in AFH 23-123 for
format and processing information for the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction. LRS/Materiel Management Activity Reconciliation Processing. Customer
Support requests program SPS Due-in Reconciliation Listing.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 75 BCO Reconciliation Processing. BCO processes the Local Purchase
Reconciliation Header transaction header to build a table of the SRANs being reconciled.
Once the SRAN table is built, the SPS processes the reconciliation output transactions as
follows: When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction record matches the
SPS file exactly, no response will be provided to the ILS-S. The requisition data will
be printed on the Reconciliation Matched Listing. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction matches SPS, but the
estimated delivery date differs, the SPS sends the ILS-S a Local Purchase Status
Change EDD transaction update. The requisition data will be printed on the
Reconciliation Matched Listing. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction matches SPS, but
status is different, the SPS will create a local purchase status or local purchase
adjustment transaction for ILS-S processing and update. The requisition data will be
printed on the Reconciliation Matched Listing. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction matches SPS, but SPS
shows the requisition was canceled, the SPS will generate a new local purchase
cancellation transaction to cancel the requisition in the ILS-S. The requisition will
print on the Reconciliation Matched Listing. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction does not match SPS
and the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction does not contain BD (delayed)
status, the SPS will generate a Defense Logistics Management Standards Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) Status transaction with BF (no record) status for ILS-S
requisition update action. The requisition will print on the Reconciliation Unmatched
Listing. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction does not match SPS
and the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction indicates the contract was awarded,
the SPS will generate a DLMS EDI Status transaction with B5 (updated status) status
will be provided. The requisition will be printed on the Reconciliation Action Listing
- Contracting. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction does not match SPS
awarded contracts file, but the requisition has been received by SPS, the SPS will
generate a DLMS EDI Status transaction with Z3 (description) status requesting
additional item description from the ILS-S. The requisition will be printed on the
Reconciliation Matched Listing. When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction indicates requisition
assignment to Contracting personnel in SPS, but the requisition has been awarded or
suspended for further information, the SPS will generate a DLMS EDI Status
transaction with BD (delayed) status for the ILS-S. The requisition will print on the
Reconciliation Matched Listing.
76 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction and SPS indicate BD
(delayed) status, the SPS will print this item on the Reconciliation Action Listing
Contracting. This action indicates offline research is required for this requisition by
contracting. When a SRAN is listed in the Local Purchase Reconciliation Header and
no Local Purchase Reconciliation transaction is received for records contained in
SPS, a listing of all the records SPS contains for that account will be printed on the
Reconciliation Action Listing for offline research by the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity. LRS/Materiel Management Activity Investigation of Mismatched Records. Upon
receipt of the Reconciliation Unmatched Listing and Reconciliation Action Listing,
Customer Support actions are: Identify the Problem. Customer Support personnel review the
Reconciliation Action Listing and check all mismatched records found during the
reconciliation to find out what caused the problem and take all necessary actions. Verify the Local Purchase Requisition. When the requisition is for a valid
requirement, LRS/Materiel Management Activity processes a SPR to load the
requisition. Additionally, all necessary DLMS EDI Supply Status transaction inputs
will be processed to correct ILS-S due-in details. Received Requisition. When the requisition is received, process a local
purchase receipt acknowledgement transaction and notify Contracting. See SPS Local
Purchase Receipt Acknowledgment (1RA) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for 1RA
transaction format and processing instructions. Canceled Requisition. When the requisition is canceled, process an AC*
transaction and notify Contracting. See Requisition Cancellation Request (AC1/AK1)
Output Transaction in AFH 23-123 for AC* transaction format and processing
instructions. Contracting Investigation of Mismatched Records. The Contracting Office
reviews the Reconciliation Action Listing-Contracting, to determine the cause for
mismatched records. Contracting personnel may request Customer Support’s assistance
in correcting their records. Some of the more common requests will be for stock number
change transactions, and research of supply records to assist in correction of local
purchase requisition mismatches.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 77 Local Purchase Reconciliation Management Reports. A suspense will be
established to assure the reconciliation is completed not more than 10 duty days after
receipt. After completion of actions by both the BCO and the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity, a meeting between the two offices will be held to assure all required system
inputs are completed and the reconciliation listings are properly documented. To assure
management personnel are aware of LRS/Materiel Management Activity and Contracting
interface problems, the results of the local purchase reconciliation process will be
reviewed, dated, and signed by the LRS/Materiel Management Activity Materiel
Management Officer and the Chief, Management Analysis Flight in the Base Contracting
Office. (T-2). Once the listing is signed it is be filed and any previous listings may be
destroyed. Using the Integrated Accounts Payable System (IAPS) Billed Not Received
(BNR) Follow-up To Supply for Receiving Report. This report identifies items that have
a vendor bill presented for payment, but the receipt has not processed by the ILS-S. Use
this listing to reconcile vendor bills with LRS/Materiel Management Activity receiving
records. Local purchase items will appear on the listing 7 days after the vendor bill is
received and processed in BCO. LRS/Materiel Management Activity Processing Actions. The Customer
Support processes document number inquiries on all items. When the local purchase
due-in detail is on file in the ILS-S, annotate the listing with the current status and
EDD. When a Received Not Billed (RNB) detail is on file indicating LRS/Materiel
Management Activity receipt processing, annotate the listing with RNB and the
DOLT from the RNB detail. When no detail exists in the ILS-S for the requisition
document number, perform a transaction history from the current Julian date back to
the original date the requisition was established. Note: Use the document number
date in most cases to establish the date of requisition creation. When the local
purchase due-in was previously canceled, annotate the listing with cancellation status
and date. When the item was previously received, annotate the listing with the word
“Received” and “Date.” When no record of the local purchase requisition is found
during transaction history research, annotate the listing with the statement “No
Record of Due-In.”
3.2.6. Local Purchase Open Item List. Purpose: For bases not supported by the SPS, the Local Purchase Open Item List
provides a means to determine and verify the status of purchase orders with the BCO. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. Bases supported by the SPS may eliminate the manual Local Purchase Order
File in Receiving. SPS supported bases are not required to complete the actions in the
subparagraphs listed below; however, all other actions are required. The LRS/CC may
assign Customer Support Liaison and Funds Management responsibilities listed below as
deemed necessary to effectively and efficiently accomplish the tasks. Funds Management Actions. Funds Management will receive three copies of the
Local Purchase Open Item List and send one copy to Receiving and one copy to
Customer Support.
78 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Customer Support Liaison Actions. Within 10 workdays of receiving the
annotated list from Receiving, Stock Control completes the following actions: Obtain Missing DD Form 1155, Order for Supplies or Services and DD
Form 1348-1A. If Inbound Cargo annotated the listing indicating missing DD Forms
1155 and 1348-1A, Customer Support will obtain the forms from Contracting and
send to Inbound Cargo. Determine Status of Unlisted Purchase Orders. Customer Support will
contact Contracting to determine the status of unlisted purchase orders on the open
item listing. If a purchase order was canceled, Customer Support personnel advises
Inbound Cargo to close the file. Otherwise, Customer Support updates local purchase
due-in and status detail records in the ILS-S. Screen BNR Details for Processing Errors. Customer Support ensures that
BNR detail records are screened against the document files and transaction history
records. Customer Support reconciles any corresponding due-out detail records with
the customer if required and takes the appropriate actions to correct any errors. Process the Annotated Listing. The open item list is annotated with actions
taken and one copy provided to Funds Management. Customer Support retains one
copy of the annotated listing to avoid duplicate research actions on the next listing. Final Funds Management Actions. After receiving the annotated list from
Customer Support, Funds Management performs the following actions: Check Signed Invoices. Funds Management personnel will identify BNR
detail records which Accounting and Finance contains a signed invoice. Funds
Management will initiate action with the appropriate sections to ensure a receipt
(REC) and request for special inventory (1GP) transactions are processed. The signed
invoice will be used as supporting documentation for any inventory adjustment
transaction processed. Check for Proof of Delivery. Funds Management personnel contacts
Accounting and Finance for proof of delivery for each BNR detail record. Once
obtained, Funds Management forwards proof of deliveries to Receiving for receipt
(REC) and special inventory (1GP) processing. Funds Management will identify
which BNR detail records reflect Records Reversal in the purchase order number
columns and determine why receipts were not reprocessed correctly.
3.2.7. Other Local Purchase Management Reports and Notices. Purpose: The following paragraphs describe some of the other products that may
be used to ensure the LRS/Materiel Management Activity and contracting requisition
records match. Aside from the quarterly local purchase requisition reconciliation process,
there are a number of other local purchase management reports and notices produced. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 79 Holdover listing. Each day, SPS produces the Holdover Listing. This listing
identifies supply local purchase requisitions “held over” because either the stock number
or descriptive data are not loaded in the SPS system. The LRS/Materiel Management
Activity should use this listing to identify items with status statements “NEW ITEM” and
“NEW PRI.” These status statements indicate there is a mismatch between contracting
and the LRS/Materiel Management Activity records that must be corrected before further
procurement action is taken. Coordinate with base contracting to determine the cause of
the mismatch and provide the required data to correct the situation. Item listing. The Item Listing is printed as required. This listing identifies all
stock numbers currently loaded in the SPS database. Note: The listing is printed in stock
number, part number, and nomenclature sequence. The LRS/Materiel Management
Activity personnel use the Item Listing to research part numbers for local purchase
customer requests when the SPS system is not available. Error notices. SPS error notices are produced when an error condition is detected
during SPS processing. Error notices resulting from the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity inputs are normally sent back to the ILS-S for correction. Supply will correct the
error and then return the error notice to the BCO for reprocessing. Contact Base
Contracting for explanations of Supply error notices and associated corrective actions. Procurement notices. When supply requisition, status, and other transactions do
not meet Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) standards,
the SPS system creates Procurement Notices. For some Procurement Notices, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity may have to correct the specific problem. Contact
Base Contracting for explanations of Procurement Notices and associated corrective
3.3. Receipt Processing.
3.3.1. Local Manufacture Receipts. Purpose: To explain the local manufacture receipt procedures process. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and additional information, AFI 24-
602. In order to reduce transportation and handling costs, LRS/Materiel Management
Activity Flight Service Center will process receipts for local manufacture items. (T-2).
All other receipts should be processed by Cargo Movement personnel. Materiel Receipt
Acknowledgement Notice (DRA) is not produced for local manufacture (JBD) receipts. Once a work order request (DD Form 1348-1A) and the manufactured items are
received from a base maintenance activity, the following actions are performed: Receipts Due-In. Local manufacture receipts will be processed as receipts
due-in. Ensure the form contains the requisition number assigned (See paragraph 5.2
of this manual for procedures to establish a requisition number). Acknowledge receipt by forwarding a receipted copy of the work order
request to the maintenance activity. The remaining copies of the work order request
will be used as a receiving document.
80 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Process the receipt transaction in the ILS-S (see AFI 24-602 for receipt
format). Credit Determination. Credit will not be allowed on local manufacture
items unless they are a part of the SMAG (budget code 9). Contact Customer Support
Section to determine if credit is allowed. If the local manufacture receipts are for
SMAG items, the receipts must contain a Y in position 45. The organization and shop
code of the fabricating activity must appear in positions 46-50. The total cost (actual
or estimated) of all items used to fabricate the end item must appear on the receipt
document. The total cost must be divided by the number of units to obtain the cost
which is also the input cost. Based on the input unit price, credit will be provided to
the fabricating activity. The unit cost, not the total cost, is to be entered in positions
74-80 of the receipt input.
3.3.2. Receipt Acknowledgement. Purpose: To describe the automated processes and transactions used by the ILSS
to acknowledge receipt processing and to respond to follow-ups from wholesale
activities. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use
AFH 23-123. The ILS-S acknowledges receipts with wholesale activities through two distinct
automated methods. See Receipt Acknowledgement and Follow-Up in AFH 23-123 for
additional information on Receipt Acknowledgement.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 81
Chapter 4
4.1. Overview. This chapter outlines AF guidance to complete supply chain materiel
management processes associated with the making and maintaining of materiel. These processes
include Time Compliance Technical Order, Repair and Time Change Items. For this chapter,
DoDM 4140.01, Vols.4 and 11, serves as a primary DoD reference source.
4.2. Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO).
4.2.1. TCTO Compliance. Purpose: To identify assets requiring TCTO compliance. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. Accurate management of Time Compliance Technical Order’s is key to upgrade
of end items such as aircraft, missiles, vehicles and equipment used to support these
platforms. Items requiring TCTO compliance will be identified in one of two ways: Items
requiring modifications which change their form, fit, or function will be assigned NPPC
4; Items requiring issue to maintenance for modification and then returned under the
same stock number will be assigned the TCTO flag. Identified during receipt processing. When receipts are processed that
require TCTO compliance, the phrase “TCTO MODIFICATION REQUIRED” will
be printed on line 4 of the bin notice. Inspectors determine whether the TCTO has
been complied with; if it has not, an inspector issues the item to maintenance using
procedures outlined in paragraph 5.2 of this manual. Identified on Shipping Document. When a shipping document contains
“TCTO MOD REQ'D” in block 27 of the DD Form 1348-1A, in line 16 of the DD
Form 1348-1A (computer generated) or the IT produced label, the inspector will tag
all items in storage requiring TCTO modification with a DD Form 1576,
Test/Modification Tag - Materiel, as specified in TO 00-20-3, Maintenance
Processing of Reparable Property and the Repair Cycle Asset Control System. (T-0).
Pull modified assets (if they are available) upon receipt of an issue document
containing the phrase "TCTO MODIFICATION MAY BE REQUIRED." Contact the
customer if only unmodified assets are available to see if an unmodified item is
acceptable. When TCTO modification result in a change in the form, fit (specification of
size), or function, the item will be re-identified and assigned a new NSN. The inspector
loads a numeric parts preference code (NPPC) of 4 to the NSN. Assignment and Retention of NPPC 4. NPPC 4 is assigned either through
1) the AFMC Interchangeability and Substitution Edit and Suspense System (D043B)
or 2) a Stock Control Data-Load/Change/Delete input found in Procedures for Stock
Control Data Load/Change/Delete Input (FCD) in AFH 23-123.
82 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Conditions causing the Deletion of NPPC 4. The NPPC 4 is normally
retained on the item record until the record is deleted. The following conditions may
cause deletion of the NPPC 4 from the item record before the item is deleted: AFMC Cataloging Transaction. When a cataloging transaction from
AFMC removes the NPPC 4, the materiel management IT system will
automatically produce a TCTO Code management notice with the phrase “D043B
UPDATE” in the remarks field. When LRS/Materiel Management Activity
inspectors believe the code was removed in error and the item in question meets
the criteria for assigning the NPPC 4, they assign a TCTO flag and contact the
applicable ALC Technical Service Branch. When the ALC Technical Service Branch determines the item
requires TCTO, process a Stock Control Data Input to load NPPC 4 found in AFH
23-123. When the ALC Technical Service Branch determines the NPPC 4 is
not applicable, Stock Control will delete NPPC 4. Inspection personnel ensure the
DD Form 1576 is removed. Delete the TCTO flag once the ALC Technical Service Branch
resolves the issue. Stock Control Data Input to change or delete NPPC 4. Conflict with AFMC D043B. If the NPPC 4 was assigned locally with
Stock Control Data Input but the AFMC D043B system does not yet contain the
correct parts preference code, cataloging actions from D043B processing may remove
the NPPC 4. When the NPPC 4 is removed, a TCTO Code management notice with
the phrase “D043B UPDATE” in the remarks field will be produced. Inspection personnel may contact the applicable ALC Technical
Service Branch or AFMC and provide a copy of the TCTO for NSN requiring
NPPC 4 cataloging activity. Inspection personnel will load the TCTO flag to the item record of
the item in question in order to maintain control of the item until the issue is
resolved. Once the D043B records have been updated, the ILS-S automatically
produces a TCTO Code management notice. Inspection personnel delete the TCTO flag. Items requiring TCTO modification for reasons other than having changed
in form, fit, or function do not qualify for NPPC 4, they will be assigned a TCTO
Flag using the Stock Control Data Input found in Loading, updating, and processing
NPPCs in AFH 23-123, to prevent issue of unmodified items. These items are issued
to maintenance for modification and then returned under the same stock number. The
TCTO flag is assigned through the Stock Control Data-Load/Change/Delete input.
Retain the TCTO flag on the applicable item records until the recession date of the
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 83 TCTO Code Management Notices. When an NPPC 4 is loaded to an item record,
a TCTO Code management notice will be produced. Upon receipt of the TCTO Code
management notice, the materiel management inspector determines the availability of the
TCTO publication. Check TCTO Publication Files. If the TCTO publication is already
available in the Inspector’s TCTO publication file, then appropriate procedures will
be followed. If the TCTO publication is not available, contact the Maintenance Plans
Scheduling and Documentation to obtain the TCTO publication. TCTO not Available. When maintenance has no record of the TCTO
publication requiring assignment of NPPC 4 to the item, the Inspector must contact
AFMC to obtain the TCTO number. (T-2). When the Inspector obtains the TCTO
number, immediately provide it to Base Maintenance Plans Scheduling and
Documentation, to requisition the required TCTO publication. Technical data may
also be obtained by contacting the applicable ALC’s Technical Service
Division/Branch. Control of Items Requiring TCTO Kits. Items requiring TCTO kits will not be
issued to maintenance for modification until the kits are available and maintenance has
requested them. When maintenance returns the modified item, enter the TCTO number in
the remarks block of the DD Form 1574/-1, Serviceable Tag. Annotate the form to
indicate TCTO compliance. Monthly Verification of TCTO Items On-the-Shelf. Each month Inspection
personnel must verify stocked items assigned either NPPC 4 or the TCTO flag comply
with TCTOs. (T-2). Inspection personnel ensure all assets are inspected. Outputs or
listings should be produced in warehouse and detail location sequence to facilitate
inspections. TCTO Compliance Undetermined. When the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity Inspection personnel cannot determine if an item complies with a TCTO, use
activity code “C” to issue the item to maintenance for inspection. Maintenance performs
the necessary tests or inspections to determine if the item complies with the TCTO. If the item does not comply and the appropriate TCTO publication is not
available, maintenance requests the TCTO publication. LRS/Materiel Management
Activity Inspection personnel assigns the TCTO flag to the item to control it until
Maintenance receives the TCTO/disposition instructions. Once maintenance receives the
TCTO publication, normal TCTO processing takes place. When the item does comply
with the TCTO, ensure it is tagged appropriately.
4.2.2. TCTO Kit Management. Purpose: To explain TCTO kit management. For guidance specific requirements
review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General procedures to identify TCTO kit management actions.
84 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Due-outs for TCTO kits are not released automatically. Receipt processing
of TCTO kits produces a notice to stock and a TCTO availability notice. The notice
indicates the total on-hand balance and all existing due-out detail record. All TCTO
kits and all copies of the I029 management notice are forwarded to the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity TCTO Kit Manager. To ensure a TCTO asset availability
notice is produced, personnel will not enter a bypass due-out release TEX code on the
receipt input. TCTO Kit Receipts. As base assembled TCTO kits are completed, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity TCTO Kit Manager prepares a receiving
document on DD Form 1348-1A. The receiving document will include routing
identifier code JBD and the appropriate due-in requisition document number. The
LRS/Materiel Management Activity TCTO Kit Manager signs the receiving
document to indicate the TCN, NSN, and number of kits stated in the quantity field
has in fact been completed. Flight Service Center picks up/signs for and processes all
TCTO kits.
4.2.3. TCTO Publications. Purpose: To explain the proper actions taken upon receipt of TCTO publications.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-
123. General procedures for handling TCTO publications. Maintenance Quality
Assurance forwards a copy of all TCTO publications (except for munitions) to the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity inspectors and TCTO kit monitor. A copy is filed in
the applicable TCTO kit jacket file and used to manage items in stock which require
modification. Maintain TCTO publications in TCTO number sequence. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity Inspector accomplishes the following: Process Inquiry. Prepare an inquiry to list all item records, ISG related item
records, and detail records for the listed stock numbers. Load NPPC 4 or TCTO Flag. Initiate action to load an NPPC 4 or TCTO
Flag to the item record of the item to be modified. Enter the TCTO number in the
source of restriction field (position 49-80) of the Stock Control Data-
Load/Change/Delete input. Tag materiel awaiting TCTO modification with the applicable DD Form
1576 series label or tag. Use the stock number or part number physically located on
the asset as the source identification. Load suspect item flag to items assigned NPPC 4 or TCTO flag to ensure
assets are properly inspected/tagged prior to releasing to stock or due-out release. Determine Total Kit Requirement. Determine the number of TCTO kits
needed to modify base stocks. Take inventory of all unmodified spares on hand,
including serviceable, unserviceable, readiness spares packages, and supply points.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 85 Review of Due-Ins. If the modification does NOT apply to specific serial
numbered items, then due-in quantities that have been shipped or released for
shipment will also be included in the total kit requirement. When the modification
applies to specific serially numbered items, due-ins are not considered during the
review. Requirements for serially numbered items will be determined upon their
receipt from the depot. Correspondence. Send correspondence to forward supply points/locations,
AC&W sites; relay sites, etc., when spares at those sites are to be modified. Forward
the TCTO publication and a cover letter to these forward sites for their evaluation.
Route the correspondence for AC&W sites and radio relay sites through the EACC. When the host base provides maintenance support for the forward base,
include the number of assets at the forward base requiring modification in the total kit
requirements. When compliance cannot be made at the forward base, the forward base
requests replacement spares from the host base and returns unmodified spares to the
host base for maintenance. The EACC coordinates the return of unmodified spares for
AC&W and radio relay sites. Send unmodified spares to Inspection, who then
forwards them to maintenance for modification. Advising Maintenance. Upon completion of the above review, Inspection
personnel advises the appropriate maintenance activity of the total number of kits
required to modify base stocks (and in transit items when applicable). Demand and Adjusted Stock Levels. When the technical order stipulates
demand or adjusted stock levels be reduced or eliminated, advise the applicable Stock
Control personnel to reduce or delete the adjusted stock level.
4.2.4. Assembly of Kits. Purpose: To describe the base assembly of TCTO kits. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. General procedures to identify assembly of TCTO kits. The TCTO normally indicates how the TCTO kit is to be assembled and
provides directions for obtaining and funding the kit. Most TCTO kits are assembled
at the wholesale level and provided free of charge to base units. However, the TCTO,
AFMC, or HQ USAF may direct base assembly of TCTO kits. When base assembly
is directed and funds will be provided, the base will track expenditures as noted
86 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Billing Base-Assembled TCTO Kits. To make it easier to bill expenses
incurred for the base assembly of TCTO kits, an Organization Cost Center Record
(OCCR) and Project Funds Management Record (PFMR) are loaded for each kit and
source of funds (such as OBAN, ALC, MAJCOM, etc.). Accounting and Finance
(A&F) will load the PFMR, as specified by DFAS-DE 7077.10-M. (T-0). The
LRS/Materiel Management Activity will load the OCCR using an organization code
in the 100-999 series and type organization code 3 as outlined paragraph 8.2 The
responsibility center/cost center code will be 99xxxx, as provided by A&F. Upon
receiving authority to assemble a kit at base level, the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity TCTO Kit Monitor furnishes A&F the TCTO kit number, the appropriate
funding source, and the A&F disbursing station number. Inclusion of Unauthorized Materiel in TCTO Kits. When a modification
requires materiel not authorized for inclusion in the kit, such as explosives,
munitions, or medical items, the IM/SM responsible for the modification will provide
appropriate funding for the required materiel to the activity developing or assembling
the kit. Base funds will not be provided to buy items not normally included in TCTO
kits. The costs for these items are included in the base's operating budget. The activity
will then obtain the required materiel. All such items will be kitted separately and
identified as part of the total TCTO kit so proper storage and safety measures can be
taken. Deviations from the Complete Kit Policy. Deviations from the complete kit
policy require waivers agreed to by the MAJCOM. Base level will accept the
financial and manpower burden upon acceptance of a deviation from the complete kit.
(T-1). Host command LRS/Materiel Management activities accept the responsibility
for kit buildup of incomplete TCTO kits waived by a tenant unit's MAJCOM. Items
excluded from TCTO kits by waiver are acquired from existing organizational
resources or purchased through regular supply channels. When the need is urgent and
the using command has adequate materiel assets at another location, they will
redistribute the materiel laterally to complete their TCTO kits.
4.2.5. Establishment and Maintenance of TCTO Kit Files. Purpose: To explain the establishment and maintenance of the TCTO kit files.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-
123. General procedures for filing completed TCTO kit files. Establishment and
maintenance of TCTO Kit Files will be accomplished in accordance with AFI 23-101,
Chapter 4. Completed TCTO Kit Files. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity TCTO Kit
Monitor places the TCTO Kit file in the completed file when all balances have been
reduced to zero and no requirements exist. The completed jacket file will be retained as
specified in the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule. (T-2).
4.2.6. Establishment of TCTO Kit Item Records.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 87 Purpose: To identify procedures to establish the TCTO Kit item records. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-
123. General procedures governing TCTO Kit item records loads. Establishment of TCTO Kit Item Records. If a new TCTO is required,
maintenance coordinates with the LRS/Materiel Management Activity TCTO Kit
Monitor to request Records Maintenance to load the item record. The item record will
be assigned ERRCD XD2 and the appropriate Routing Identifier Code. Recoverable Assembly Management Process System (RAMP) Reporting.
All TCTO kits assigned a depot RIC (e.g., FHZ, FLZ, F77) are included in the daily
RAMP reports and are subject to depot management or redistribution.
4.2.7. Identification of TCTO Kit Requirements. Purpose: To identify items requiring TCTO compliance. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. Identification of TCTO Kit Requirements. Maintenance activities review
incoming technical publications to determine the number of TCTO kits required. Usually,
only one kit for each aircraft, missile, end item of equipment, spare part or component to
be modified is authorized. The maintenance activity sends a copy of the technical order to
the LRS/Materiel Management Activity inspection personnel to determine kit
requirements for items in stock (and in transit when applicable).
4.2.8. Releasing TCTO Kits to Maintenance. Purpose: To identify procedures for Releasing TCTO Kits to maintenance. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-
123. TCTO kits are ordered through the TCTO Kit Monitor. When complete kits are
available for release to the user, the TCTO Kit Monitor processes a DOR at which time
the TCTO kit may be distributed. Releasing TCTO Kits to maintenance. When TCTO kits are required, the
following actions are accomplished: The maintenance activity furnishes the TCTO Kit Monitor with a
Maintenance IT system report listing specifying the technical order number and
the serial number of the end item listed on the AF Form 2001, Notification of
TCTO Kit Requirements. The TCTO Kit Monitor processes a force due-out
release to the applicable due-out listed in the TCTO Jacket File using the
procedures outlined in paragraph 5.2 of this publication. When a consolidated issue request has been used, the TCTO kit
monitor enters the quantity to be released and verifies the completeness of
available kits (all components may not be available). When complete kits are available, the TCTO kit monitor prepares and
processes a forced DOR using the procedures outlined in Chapter 5.
88 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When complete kits are not available, the TCTO kit monitor advises
maintenance of the current supply status of the items still required. The
incomplete kits may be released at the option of the maintenance activity. The TCTO Kit Monitor enters the date of release for each TCTO kit
on the AF Form 2001. Free Issue of TCTO Kits. Modification-driven TCTO kits will be free
issued. Only one kit per asset requiring modification will be funded. When in-stock
assets (RSP, POS, Supply Points, etc.) require modification, the asset will be issued
using activity code “C” to the appropriate repair shop, and one TCTO kit for each
asset requiring modification will be free issued to the appropriate repair shop as
outlined in paragraph 5.2 of this publication. Exceptions. Non-modification driven TCTO kits and replacement kits or
components for assets which are lost or used for purposes other than modification
must be purchased using the organization's O&M funds unless type organization code
3 is used.
4.2.9. Storage and Control of TCTO Kits. Purpose: To describe the proper storage and control of TCTO kits. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. General procedures to establish controls to prevent the loss or unauthorized use
of kits and their components. Shelf Life Monitoring. TCTO kits may contain shelf life items so each kit
is inspected to be certain the shelf life items listed in the TCTO bill of materials are
still serviceable. The TCTO Kit Monitor uses kit stock numbers to control the shelf
life items in the kits. When items become outdated, normal shelf life control
procedures will apply. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity TCTO Kit Monitor
tags kits containing outdated items with condition code E (limited restoration). The
kits remain in this status until the outdated items have been replaced or shelf life has
been extended. Type I items are replaced through normal requisitioning procedures. The Inspector will examine type II items and update the DD Forms
1574/-1, or DD Form 2477 on the containers. When the inspection is completed
and the outdated materiel is replaced, the kit will be assigned the appropriate
supply condition code (A, B, or C). Items Needing Repair. TCTO kits found to contain items needing repair
will be tagged condition code G (incomplete) by an authorized Inspector. The
reparable items will be tagged condition code F (reparable) and turned in for repair.
The LRS/Materiel Management Activity Inspector will notify the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity TCTO Kit Monitor immediately to requisition replacements to
return the kits to complete (issuable) status. (T-2).
4.2.10. Transferring TCTO Kits.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 89 Purpose: To describe procedures for transferring TCTO kits. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. General procedures to describe actions to transfer TCTO kits. Transferring TCTO Kits. Maintenance Plans, Scheduling and
Documentation (PS&D) advises the TCTO Kit Monitor of impending transfers of
aircraft or end items. This notice should be issued as far in advance of the transfers as
possible in order to ship applicable TCTO kits with the aircraft or end items. PS&D provides identification data, including date of transfer, specific
TCTO number involved, destination base, type, and tail or identification number. The TCTO kit monitor determines; 1) the availability of the kits
designated for transfer, and 2) the weight and cube of those kits (by estimation if
exact figures are not available). The TCTO kit monitor prepares a degraded operations shipping document
and Nondirected Shipment Transaction input for each kit being shipped, as outlined
in paragraph 2.2 The type of aircraft, end item of equipment, or tail identification
number will be entered in Block V of the shipping document. The TCTO kit monitor
coordinates with the LRS/Transportation activity to establish the date the kits and
shipping documents should be forwarded. After the LRS/Transportation activity has
received and signed for the kits, the Nondirected Shipment Transaction input and
document file copies will be processed. Upon shipment of the kits the TCTO kit
monitor cancels all TCTO kit Due-Outs and Due-Ins for the transferred aircraft or end
items, and, when applicable, annotates AF Form 2001 to show the cancellation and
shipment. Once the TCTO kit monitor has completed the shipment, it advises the
consignee (ship-to Stock Record Account Number (SRAN)) LRS APO by message
that the TCTO kits are being shipped with the transferred aircraft or end items of
equipment. This message will include the TCTO kit stock number, technical order
number, quantity, shipping document number, type of aircraft or end item, tail or
identification number, and mode of shipment. When the TCTO kit monitor at the consignee (ship-to SRAN) receives the
shipping notice, and work closely with the PS&D and the Materiel Management
Flight, Vehicle Operations Element to make sure that all kits arriving with the aircraft
or end items are delivered to the LRS, Inbound Cargo. The TCTO kit monitor and the
PS&D ensure that all outstanding kit requirements for the new aircraft and end items
are properly recorded on AF Form 2001 and incorporated into the base TCTO kit
system. When requested by PS&D, the TCTO kit monitor adds the new aircraft, end
item, or identification number to any existing AF Form 2001. The PS&D prepares
and processes a new AF Form 2001 if required by an outstanding TCTO.
4.2.11. TCTO Kit Reconciliation and Status Report. Purpose: To describe procedures for TCTO kit reconciliation and status
reporting. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references
use AFH 23-123.
90 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 General procedures to describe steps taken for TCTO kit reconciliation and
status reporting. TCTO Kit Reconciliation and Status Report. The LRS/Materiel
Management Activity and maintenance reconcile all TCTO kit assets and
requirements monthly in accordance with AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment
Maintenance Management. (T-2). The purpose of this reconciliation is to validate kit
availability, shortages, excesses, due-outs, and due-ins. Local Program. Bases will process a locally developed program or
an as-required report using Logistics, Installations & Mission Support-Enterprise
View applications to obtain reconciliation data from applicable ILS-S database
records. (T-2). The program should list data from the item record, due-out detail,
due-in and status detail records. Item Record (technical order number obtained from item
record nomenclature field, TCTO kit stock number, on-hand serviceable
balance, routing identifier code, and the unit cost). Due-out Detail Record (due-out document number, due-out
mark for field, quantity due-out, urgency justification code). Due-in and Status Detail Records. Actions. The following actions are necessary: Maintenance advises the TCTO Kit Monitor of all excesses found in
the reconciliation. Maintenance advises the TCTO Kit Monitor of tail number changes
required in existing due-outs and of additional requirements not stated in the
Reconciliation Listing. The TCTO Kit Monitor ensures all changes requested by
maintenance are processed. An actual face to face meeting will be held. The Materiel Management
Officer determines attendance requirements for LRS/Materiel Management
personnel. MX Plans, Scheduling and Documentation will chair the meeting. Both the
Materiel Management Officer and the Maintenance Control Officer must sign the
TCTO Reconciliation Listing. (T-2). The chair prepares the minutes and distributes
them to the MX Group Commander and the LRS/CC within 5 working days. Both
LRS/Materiel Management Activity and maintenance TCTO monitors will use the
minutes or the Reconciliation Listing to administer the TCTO program. (T-2). Reporting of Excess Kits. Report excess kits to the IM by e-mail. IMs
provide disposition instructions for excess kits. At the option of the MAJCOM,
excess locally manufactured kits with routing identifier JBD are reported to a
command redistribution system for disposition instructions. If a command
redistribution system does not exist, then maintenance disassembles all excess locally
assembled kits having routing identifier code JBD and returns the components to
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 91
4.2.12. Redistribution/Disassembly of TCTO Kits. Purpose: To describe procedures for the redistribution or disassembly of TCTO
Kits. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific processes
use AFH 23-123. General procedures to describe actions taken to redistribute or disassemble
TCTO kits. Redistribution/Disassembly of TCTO Kits. IMs use Redistribution Orders
(RDO) to direct redistribution or disassembly of excess centrally managed TCTO
kits; those with a routing identifier code (RIC) other than JBD. RDOs directing disassembly contain the constants YBRKDN in the
supplementary address field. In lieu of disassembly, MAJCOMs may use non-directed shipment
requests (SHP) to redistribute locally assembled kits with RIC of JBD. When kits are to be disassembled: The TCTO kit monitor will issue the kits to Maintenance. (T-
2). Upon disassembly of the kits, all components are to be turned
in to base stocks. The TCTO kit monitor works closely with the appropriate
Maintenance Materiel Control to ensure that all documents for turned-in,
removed, or replaced parts are properly marked and controlled throughout the
redistribution process.
4.2.13. Re-Identification and Stock List Changes. Purpose: To describe procedures for the re-identification and stock list changes
of assets after modification. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT guidance use AFH 23-123. General procedures to identify steps taken when an asset is modified due to
TCTO compliance. When a TCTO affects parts, subassemblies, assemblies, or complete
articles to the extent that physical modification of the part is required, a new part number
will be assigned and the national stock number (NSN) will be changed. When the TCTO
requires a condition inspection to identify defects which will be corrected through the
replacement of a like new item, no NSN or part number change is required. When retrofit changes are made that result in new parts, parts being modified,
or changes in installation and assembly of new parts, new drawings shall be prepared or
existing drawings revised to include new part numbers, as applicable, (MIL-DTL-31000,
Technical Data Package) to reflect the retrofit change being performed. When a part number or NSN is stamped, etched, stenciled, brazed, etc., on the
article being modified, removal or change to re-identify the modified article with the
appropriate new part number or NSN will be accomplished (MIL-STD-130,
Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property). (T-1).
92 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When an item is altered according to an engineering change or a TCTO change,
new or revised drawings will be required. Item interchangeability and substitution (ISG) relationships are updated and
changes reflected in records and through revised ISG group stock list publications. End article IMs issuing TCTOs notifies the applicable cataloging activity to
have expedited change actions initiated. Prompt re-identification changes in the next AF
stock list change or AF service supplement change cycles, and any changes to the MCR-1
publication file will be accomplished. It is the intent to issue the applicable stock list
change notice concurrently with release of the routine TCTO. Upon determining applicability of the TCTO, the Maintenance Plans,
Scheduling and Documentation Section immediately furnishes an action copy of the
TCTO to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. The LRS/CC uses the published
TCTO as authority to freeze item records and warehouse bins, challenge all requisitions
for validity of end item application as a controlled exception, and apply management
codes as required per this chapter.
4.2.14. Management Coding On Supply Records. Purpose: To describe procedures for the management coding on supply records.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-
123. General procedures to outline coding on Supply Records for TCTO kits. All
TCTO kits will be assigned manager review code "L" per AFMC guidance. This degree
of management gives visibility of transactions and requires positive manager action
before any shipments are made. This control is required to ensure that kits are not used
for unauthorized requirements. The visibility of actions assists the Technical Content
Manager (TCM) in the release of backorders to maintain the TCTO schedule. IMs
coordinate with applicable MAJCOM TCTO Kit Manager(s) prior to force release
actions to ship kits. The TCM(s) documents coordination actions in the TCTO kit
management files. All items/spares affected by TCTOs that jeopardize life, safety of flight, and
condemnation/mutilation will be assigned manager review code "T" per AFMC guidance.
This degree of management gives visibility of transactions and requires positive manager
action before any shipments are made. This control is required to prevent wrong
spares/items from being issued to a user and to ensure that critical parts affecting safety
that have been removed by a TCTO are not reissued to maintenance for the same
application. Manager review codes are assigned to those affected items immediately upon
receipt and processing of AFMC Form 874, Time Compliance Technical Order Supply
Data Requirements, and AFMC Form 172, Coordination of Proposed Technical Order,
and the manager review code will remain in place during the life of the TCTO. Items identified for removal and mutilated to prevent inadvertent reinstallation
are processed as follows: Assign manager review code "T."
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 93 Determine approximate number of items in the ILS-S and prepare an
AFMC Form 206 Temporary Work Request to have these items mutilated or
salvaged. Items containing precious metal should be mutilated and all scrap residue
processed to disposal. These items will be processed to the DLADS, in accordance
with the Precious Metals Recovery Program. When the AFMC Form 206 is approved and the work center that will do
the mutilation/ salvage is known, the TCM will establish a maintenance contact for
the work center; this will allow the work center to be notified of any subsequent items
that generate into the ILS-S. The TCM of the item being mutilated will prepare a save
list and coordinate it through the Product Director for use by the work center that is
required to do the mutilation or salvage operations. A priority book message will be prepared to all LRS/Materiel
Management Activities using "Safety of Flight Warning" as the subject. The message
will require mutilation/salvage of the item and will give directions for accomplishing
the mutilation/salvage operation. This message will require an answer, giving the
number of items salvaged or mutilated or a negative reply "No assets this activity.” The TCM will review procurement records. When it is determined that a
production contract is in existence, the Directorate of Procurement will be advised
and requested to stop all production, and to hold the contract in abeyance until
work/re-identification/disposition can be determined and formalized. The Item Manager Wholesale Requisition Process (IMWRP) D035A
subsystem records will be file maintained with a constant reject code "CJ" according
to AFMC guidance. An AF Form 86, Request for Cataloging Data/Action will be prepared
and submitted by the TCM in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of this manual, to have
the item cataloged as obsolete in the federal supply system. (T-1). All TCTO kits will be assigned ERRCD "XD2." This designator is used in
accounting records, to ensure that all TCTO kit identification numbers assigned by the
ALCs are reported in the RAMPS/D035C, regardless of unit cost, for management
4.3. Repair.
4.3.1. Due-In From Maintenance (DIFM) Management Quarterly Reconciliation. Purpose: To explain the quarterly DIFM Quarterly Reconciliation procedures
process. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use
AFH 23-123. General DIFM Quarterly Reconciliation Procedures. The following actions
will be performed by the Flight Service Center for all DIFM Quarterly
Reconciliations: Repair Cycle Management Listing. Obtain current copy of the Repair
Cycle Asset Management Listing.
94 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Contact Shops. Contact all shops having on hand DIFM assets which
appear on the Repair Cycle Asset Management Listing. Draft/release memo
notifying shops date/time Flight Service Center representative will visit the
workcenter to reconcile on-hand DIFM asset(s) with the Repair Cycle Asset
Management Listing. (T-2). Conduct Shop Visits. Flight Service Center representative(s) will perform “eyes
on” for all DIFM assets. (T-2). For GSUs, the GSU DIFM monitor will perform "eyes
on" for all DIFM reconciliation actions in accordance with this section and provide the
status to the host base Flight Service Center. (T-2). Listing Validation. Flight Service Center representative validates the
following against the current Repair Cycle Listing: DIFM Status and Location. Review and annotate the Repair Cycle
Listing to ensure it reflects the correct current status and location. As such Flight
Service Center personnel will work closely with the applicable shop to resolve
these discrepancies. Completion of Applicable Property Tags. Review the tags accompanying
each DIFM asset. At a minimum, each DIFM will have a completed AFTO Form 350
tag and if applicable, a condition tag. Some DIFM assets may require other tags.
Additional information concerning the completion of these tags can be found in AFI
23-101. Property Not Listed. Immediately research property found during the
reconciliation which is not on the listing. If it is determined property does not belong
to the applicable shop, initiate found on base return procedures found in paragraph
6.2 of this manual. Missing Property. Take immediate action to locate missing items. Flight
Service Center personnel are to work closely with the using shop/organization to
locate the property. This includes such actions as interrogating the applicable ILS-S
and ensuring that other shops do not have the property. If not found, a special
inventory will be conducted per paragraph 5.7 Final Report. Flight Service Center personnel will complete a final report
within 10 workdays identifying discrepancies and best practices found during the
reconciliation. (T-2). Report Disposition. Send an electronic or hard copy of the report to the
applicable shop. Follow-up. Flight Service Center personnel are to closely monitor any
noted discrepancies. These actions include but are not limited to electronic messages
and any coordination with the shop. Filing of Report. Flight Service Center will file this reconciliation report in
accordance the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule. (T-2).
4.3.2. Multiple DIFM Indicators.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 95 Purpose: To explain the loading of multiple DIFM indicators. This one position
code indicates the DIFM assets that can be issued in quantities greater than one. This
indicator is located on the item record. A value of zero shows an issue quantity of one
only. A value of one shows an issue quantity of more than one. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. General Multiple DIFM Indicator Procedures. Perform the following actions to
load/delete multiple DIFM indicators: Receive/Review Multiple DIFM Indicator Request. The Flight Service
Center will review/verify the justification. Process Request. Process multiple DIFM indicators in accordance with
Procedures for Stock Control Data Load/Change/Delete Input (FCD) in AFH 23-
123. (T-1). Retain Document Justification. File document justification in office file
plan for the duration of the DIFM indicator. (T-2).
4.3.3. Repair Cycle Asset Management Listing. Purpose: To explain the Repair Cycle Management Listing procedures process.
See AFI 23-101 for guidance specific requirements and AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s
Manual for IT guidance. Repair Cycle Management Listing Procedures. The following actions are
performed by the LRS/Materiel Management Activity/customers with a maintenance
information system to obtain/monitor the Repair Cycle Listing. Obtain Current Repair Cycle Listing. Verify Current DIFM Status Code and Location. Ensure proper DIFM
status code is assigned and location is updated to reflect physical location of item(s). DIFM Days. Pay attention to the number of issue days on item(s). In
accordance with AFI 23-101, DIFM items not inducted into maintenance repair will
be returned to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity within 4 duty days from the
date of issue. (T-2). Update/Annotate Discrepancies. Track updates/discrepancies as necessary
on the Repair Cycle Listing. Follow up with unit DIFM monitors daily and when
issued DIFM exceed return time frames established in AFI 23-101, Chapter 4.
Complete follow-up actions on noted discrepancies each day until they are resolved. Verify status and location of DIFM items on the next repair cycle listing.
4.3.4. DIFM Status Code and Location Updates.
96 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Purpose: To explain DIFM status code and location update procedures to reflect
the current and previous status and location of item(s). The status code and location are
used to track status/physical location of item(s) in the repair cycle. The DIFM status code
and location are located on the DIFM detail record and are loaded to the DIFM detail
record by DFM input. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for IT guidance. The
following actions will be performed by the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity/customers with a maintenance information system to update DIFM
status/location: Verify Status Codes validity found in AFH 23-123. (T-1). Perform a DFM input
to update status codes and appropriate location. (T-1). See AFH 23-123 for IT processing
4.3.5. Maintenance Turnarounds (TRN). Purpose: To explain the TRN process. For guidance specific requirements
review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. TRN Procedures. The following actions will be performed by the Maintenance
activity, Decentralized Material Support or LRS/Materiel Management Activity to
update/monitor TRNs. (T-2). The Maintenance activity, DMS or LRS/Materiel Management Activity
will process a TRN any time a repair action is taken. (T-2). Necessary Documentation. Maintenance activities will complete AFTO
Form 350 in accordance with TO 00-20-2, Maintenance Data Documentation. (T-0). TRN Data. Local quick reference lists of items may be developed to
allow for identification of high demand items by the TRN manager. TRN Document Number. Use the organization and shop code of the
maintenance activity in the TRN document number. The bottom portion of AFTO Form 350 will be completely filled out to
include the maintenance action taken code. Maintenance action taken codes for TRNs
must be A, F, G, K, L, or Z. More information can be found in specifying the
Condition of Returned Materiel in AFH 23-123. Return Invalid Forms. Invalid/incomplete AFTO Form 350 tags will be
returned to the customer for correction. (T-2). Process TRN. Process TRN in accordance with Maintenance Turnaround
Processing in AFH 23-123. Note: AFMC will capture and process DHAs (DLA
ERRC-XF3 assets) for all bases. Daily Document Register. The Daily Document Register (D04) or
equivalent IT system report will be used to monitor TRN processing. AFTO Form
350 will be compared to the D04 to ensure the TRN input has been processed.
4.3.6. Awaiting Parts (AWP) Management. Purpose: To explain the AWP management process. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 97 General AWP Listing Procedures. AFMC/customers will perform the following
actions to obtain/monitor the AWP Management Listing. Monitors will pay close attention to the AWP program to ensure assets are
returned to serviceable condition as soon as possible and to determine if Cross-
cannibalization of serviceable bits and pieces is feasible to return AWP DIFM items
to a serviceable condition. Monitor the DIFM/AWP disposition report on a daily basis for AFMC
directed evacuations. Base-level only: When cross-cannibalization is possible, maintenance
activities are responsible for providing the LRS/Materiel Management Activity with
the end-item DIFM document number(s) and the bits and pieces involved. Obtain Current AWP Management Listing. Verify Current Status. Closely monitor AWP status using the AWP
Management Listing. Requesting Evacuation Approval. When an unserviceable end-item
has been in AWP status for 30 days, AFMC AWP monitor will contact the item
manager responsible for the bits and pieces or SRUs on order to repair the
unserviceable item. When delivery of the bits and pieces or SRUs cannot be
guaranteed within 45 days, the AFMC AWP monitor will contact the item
manager or end-item manager and AFMC Repair Network Manager (RNM)
workflow, for coordination of disposition and evacuation instructions. The RNM
will collaborate with the IM, to determine appropriate action based upon repair
status and seeking to keep repair at the lowest level. The IM will then send agreed
upon recommendation(s), to the AFMC AWP monitor and RNM workflow,
providing disposition and evacuation instructions. Final determination authority
will reside with the end-item manager. AFMC AWP monitor will ensure
customers are aware of final disposition. Cancellation of Bits and Pieces. When AFMC receives evacuation
approval, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity AWP monitor will cancel due-
outs for bits and pieces not received. Follow-Up. LRS/Materiel Management activity AWP Monitors will
follow-up with AFMC on any noted discrepancies until they are resolved. (T-2).
4.3.7. Ordering AWP Assets. Purpose: To explain the AWP assets procedures process. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General AWP Ordering Procedures. LRS/Materiel Management activity
customers, who use a maintenance system or ILS-S to order AWP assets, will perform
the following actions to order AWP assets. Use of the AWP Checklist in AFH 23-123, is
mandatory during this process. Refer to AFH 23-123 for additional AWP processing
98 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Complete AF Form 2005. (T-2). This document is required when ordering assets
through the applicable IT system. Detailed instructions for completing this form can be
found in AFH 23-123. Particular attention should be placed when completing AF Form
2005 for an AWP request: Project Code. For AWP requests, enter the standard reporting designator
(SRD) in the project code field. Urgency Justification Code. The use of “AR” or “BR” is required. Mark For Field. The DIFM or EAID end-item document number must be
placed in this field. Place Request in Applicable IT system. (T-2). Use AFH 23-123 for IT
references. Follow-up. AFMC personnel will work AWP backorder and input status in the
applicable ILS-S. (T-2). SPRAM AWP. Process a material Return (see Chapter 6) and issue for in-house
repair (see Chapter 5). (T-2).
4.3.8. Management of Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) items. Purpose: To explain management of PQDR items. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123. For PQDR
return procedures refer to paragraph 6.2 of this manual. General Management of PQDR Item Procedures. LRS/Materiel Management
activities will follow procedures outlined in TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency Reporting,
Investigation, and Resolution and the proper storage and handling requirements outlined
below. (T-0). Holding Period. Update the unserviceable detail document number in the
ILS-S to reflect this date; see AFH 23-123 for DIFM Status/Location update
processes. To ensure disposition instructions are received, PQDR monitors maintain a
close contact with maintenance. Storage Location. Store PQDR assets in a clearly marked area separate
from normal operating stock. Ensure all condition tags and documentation is attached
to the item and assign a warehouse location. Suspense File Folders. Maintain a suspense jacket files maintained for each
PQDR asset. Each folder contains a copy of the initial deficiency report and labeled
with the following: report control number, stock number, unserviceable detail
document number, and initials of individual placing the item in its applicable
location. The file folders also contain the documentation if held past the initial 30 day
period. Received disposition instructions are also filed in the folder. Suspense jacket
files will be maintained in deficiency report number sequence. Once disposition
instructions are received and actions taken, move the suspense jacket file from the
open to the closed file. Both open and closed files are maintained in accordance with
AF Records RDS. (T-2).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 99 Verify Current Due-In From Maintenance (DIFM) Status/Location.
LRS/Materiel Management activities will monitor status of PQDR assets using the
Repair Cycle Management listing. (T-2).
4.3.9. Base Contract Maintenance. Purpose: To explain the management of base contract maintenance items. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-
123. General Management of Base Contract Maintenance Procedures. LRS/Materiel
Management activities will follow the procedures outlined in Base Contract Maintenance
in AFH 23-123. (T-1).
4.3.10. Calibration Repair and Return (CRR). Purpose: This procedure covers the return, receipt, and evacuation of items for
CRR. It also presents procedures for processing CRR documents for input/output,
requisitions, and termination of accountability. Special instructions for Non-DLMS EDI
shipments for Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) items to an off-base
support Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) are also covered. Off-Base Calibration/Repair/Return. At times, property is to be sent to off-base
locations for calibration/repair and return. Vendors, contractors, and calibration/repair
activities (with the exception of the calibration/repair activities at the computer support
base) are considered off-base. LRS/Materiel Management Activity procedures for
processing property for calibration/repair and return are outlined below. These
procedures do not apply to AFMC-managed XD/XF items, except when directed to
return them directly to the contractor under warranty programs. Note: Do not use these
procedures to ship small arms (CIC N or 4) under any conditions. These procedures document the movement of property from the customer
through the ILS-S and back to the customer without charging O&M funds. Inputs to System. Inputs to the system must contain project code 440,
PACER SHELL. (T-1). This project code identifies equipment and materiel not on a
maintenance scheduling and control system. Return of Equipment for Calibration, Repair, and Return. Tagging of Equipment. The custodian ensures equipment is properly
tagged with an AFTO Form 350 and the tag is clearly marked
CALIBRATION/REPAIR AND RETURN. Requesting Preparation for Repair and Return of equipment. The
custodian contacts the EAE to request preparation of a repair and return input.
100 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Preparing the Repair and Return Input Document. EAE prepares a
repair and return input document. The document number for equipment will be
the existing authorized/in-use detail document number, with activity code E and
the current date entered in positions 36-39. If no authorized/in-use detail record
exists, then the document number will be the next available number from the
control register (but the activity code must be E). See Calibration/Repair and
Return Request in AFH 23-123 for document and input transaction format. Preparing the Repair and Return Input Document for EMC-1 Items.
For EMC-1 items an activity code P will be automatically assigned by the
program if no authorized/in-use detail is loaded. This ensures that the due-out
detail record is established with an activity code P. The prepared Repair and
Return document may be input through any terminal or the RPS/main system. See
Calibration/Repair and Return Request in AFH 23-123 for document and input
transaction format. Return of Expendable Items (Except for AFMC Managed XD/XF) for
Calibration, Repair, and Return. Cleaning and Tagging. The user will ensure that the item is clean and
properly tagged. Requesting Preparations for Repair and Return. The user will contact
Customer Support and request preparation of a repair and return input document. Preparing the Repair and Return Input Document. Customer Support will
prepare a repair and return input document (see Calibration/Repair and Return
Request in AFH 23-123. (T-1). The document number contains activity code P. The
prepared Return and Repair document may be input through any terminal or the
RPS/main system. Record Reversal and Correction Unauthorized. Record Reversal and Correction
of Return and Repair is not authorized. When the Return and Repair is processed with
invalid data, then do the following: Prepare and process a receipt (TRIC REC). Use TEX code 2 and the
dueout document number created by the erroneous input in positions 60-73. (See AFI
24-602, Vol 2 for additional information on REC processing.) Find and destroy the APOE that was produced for routing to the repair
base. When the APOE has already been sent to the repair base, tell the repair
base to process a TRIC DOC to cancel the lateral due-out. Special instructions for the movement of Non-DLMS EDI Shipments of
TMDE. These instructions apply to the movement of TMDE items, commonly
referred to as Precision Measurement Equipment (PME), to an off-base support
PMEL, to include Air Force Metrology Calibration Detachment when calibration,
repair and return of the same items are required (TO 00-20-14, Air Force Metrology
and Calibration Program).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 101 These items are not to be processed through supply channels. In certain circumstances, shippers may have an official need to move
DoD materiel outside of normal DLMS EDI procedures. In those situations, the
shipper provides authority for movement and is responsible for the integrity of the
shipment. All non-DLMS EDI shipment requests will be tendered to the
Transportation Officer on DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping
Document. The shipper also provides written authority for movement when requested
by the Transportation Officer. Instructions for the completion and distribution of DD Form 1149 are
provided in AFI 24-602, Vol 2. The distribution activity receives the DD Form 1149 from
maintenance/equipment custodian/PMEL and assigns transportation priority. Entries
on DD Form 1149 will be checked for accuracy and a signature in block 19 with a
receipt copy to delivery personnel. The transportation activity verifies the DD Form
1149 documentation and package(s) to be shipped, and process the shipment as
prescribed in applicable directives.
4.3.11. Semi-annual Direct Not Reparable This Station (NRTS) validation: Semi-annually, maintenance activities will validate direct NRTS items utilizing
the Q04 or Air Force Approved Ad-Hoc Database Systems Direct NRTS listing and
forward changes to the Flight Service Center for updates. (T-2). Direct NRTS (NRTS-1) are DIFM items that are not authorized repair by base
level per TO 00-20-3. Assets will be identified with NRTS-1 indicator of Y and repair
activity 009RW for Reliability Improvement Warranty (RIW) items or repair activity
009DN for all others. They will be identified with NRTS-1 indicator and applicable Ship-
To Stock Record Account Number (SRAN). All other repairable assets will have a
NRTS-1 indicator of N and applicable repair activity. NRTS-1 indicator will never be
blank. Maintenance repair shops will review items identified by their org/shop as the
repair activity and confirm items are repairable or have diagnostic capability. (T-2). All maintenance repair shops will review items with no org/shop (blank repair
activity) and validate they have no repair or diagnostic capability for the item. (T-2). When all repair shops indicate no repair or diagnostic capability exists, the item
is then coded direct NRTS by Flight Service Center. Note: All items are assumed
repairable and will be coded as such unless certified Direct NRTS as indicated above. Upon completion of Semi-annual Direct NRTS validation, Flight Service
Center will disseminate to all DMS activities an updated Q04 or a LIMS-EV script in two
parts: Sort Product by NSN and Repair Activity Sort Product by NSN and Ship to SRAN or CRF
102 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
4.3.12. Centralized Repair Facility (CRF). MAJCOMs may establish CRFs based on concepts outlined in AFI 20-117,
Repair Network Integration Management. These procedures apply to Air Force repair
activities supported by or designated to operate under the Enterprise CRF concept. ILS-S Records at CRF Supported LRS Bases. The LRS activity at the CRF
location conducting intermediate repair is identified as the “CRF Host LRS.” Bases
required to ship to a CRF for intermediate repair support are identified as “CRF-
supported units” The ILS-S capability to manage CRF’s coupled with changes made by AFMC
Execution and Prioritization of Repair Support System (EXPRESS) allow an Enterprise
management of repair actions. The Repair Destinations capability uses a daily EXPRESS data file to update
ILS-S reparable shipment destinations. When updates are not correctly reflected in ILS-S
bases will ship reparable carcasses to the incorrect repair location.
4.3.13. AFMC will: Load applicable support records, determine appropriate shipment guidance,
shipping destination, routing identifier, and RIC as well as provide supplemental
instructions to units/MAJCOMs as necessary. Load shipping destination record; load the RID to DODAAC on version record.
Refer to AFH 23-123. Load PFMR Flag. Use TRIC FRD to load the PFMR flag in the shipping
destination record for the CRF SRAN. Set the CRF Enterprise Flag to ‘F’ (indicates Forward base) on the Base
Constant’s record. Note: These are base(s) shipping assets to CRF. Set the CRF Enterprise Flag to C” (indicates CRF base) on the base
Constant’s record. Note: These are base(s) repairing assets that forward bases have
shipped. Set the Maintenance Action Override Flag to 1 (‘On’). Load the CRF SRAN as the Ship-to-SRAN.
4.3.14. CRF Host LRS will: Load item records. Ensure records are loaded for the specified NSNs. (T-2). Load the Repair Organization and Shop Codes. (T-2). Use TRIC FRR to load
the designated base repair activity's organization and shop codes to the repair cycle
records of each item being managed under this concept. Process Prepositioned Materiel Receipt Inputs. (T-2). Process Reparable Turn-Ins. Process using the proper Activity code per AFH
23-123 using the Action Taken Codes table. (T-2). Load the appropriate priority designator. (T-2).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 103
4.4. Time Change Items.
4.4.1. Time Change Duties. Purpose: This section will outline the duties of the Time Change Management in
the Flight Service Center. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for
IT references use AFH 23-123. Manages time change items for the base by completing the following actions: Obtain a forecast list from maintenance monthly. Segregate new requirements from existing requirements. For new requirements: Ensure the item is currently on backorder. When there is not a
backorder in the ILS-S, have the customer place a demand on the system for
the part. Validate the backorder has positive status in the IT system.
When there is no positive status, forward a request to Customer Support to
obtain information from AFMC. For existing requirements: Reconcile the forecast list with maintenance. Reconciliation will consist of 100% validation of existing due-
outs, complete physical inventory of all issued time change items, and “Mark
For” changes/validity.
4.4.2. Maintain Supporting Documentation. Purpose: This section will list what documents need to be filed. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. Flight Service Center will file and maintain all documentation that pertains
to time change items for 1 year. (T-2). Documentation must be part of file plan.
4.4.3. Time Change Out-Of-Warehouse Inventory and Reconciliation. Purpose: This section will give direction on how to conduct a warehouse
inventory and reconciliation. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT references use AFH 23-123. The following actions will be taken to complete a Time Change
Reconciliation: Retrieve a current DIFM listing from the AF Portal reports page. Schedule an appointment with the DIFM monitor. Match each line item on the DIFM listing with each asset in the
possession of the DIFM monitor. Validate/verify the national stock number, document number,
mark-for, DIFM location, DIFM status, and quantity (multiple DIFM flags).
104 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When out of balance discrepancies exist (missing assets), process a Special
Inventory Request Input in accordance with Special Inventory Interrogation Input (1GP)
in AFH 23-123. When minor discrepancies exist inform the custodian and have them notify base
DIFM Manager upon completion of corrective action. Follow-up on discrepancies weekly until resolved.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 105
Chapter 5
5.1. Overview. This chapter outlines AF guidance to accomplish supply chain materiel
management processes associated with the delivery of materiel. These processes include Order
and Requisitioning; Physical Asset Management; Equipment Management; Document Control
and Detail Records, Record Reversal and Correction, Physical Inventory and Inventory
Adjustments; SPRAM; Inspection and Related Operations; and Materiel Disposition in DLM
4000.25, Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS), and DLM 4000.25-4, Defense
Automatic Addressing System (DAAS); DoDM 4140.01, and DoDM 4140.27, all volumes, are
reference sources for this chapter.
5.2. Ordering and Requisitioning.
5.2.1. Customer Issue Request and Processing. Purpose: To explain the customer issue request procedures process. For guidance
specific requirements, review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Most maintenance issue requests are processed directly
from an external maintenance IT system (e.g., Integrated Maintenance Data System
(IMDS) and G081). Processing instructions for those systems can be found in the
applicable system handbooks. Customers requiring the Logistics Readiness Squadron
(LRS)/Materiel Management Activity to directly input issue requests in the ILS-S will
submit issue requests to the customer support. Various forms used to submit customer
requests for materiel include: AF Form 2005; DD Form 1348-6; AF Form 601,
Authorization Change Request; and AF Form 1445, Materials and Equipment List. Under
certain circumstances, spreadsheets may be more practical than individual AF Forms
2005. All processing requirements that apply to the AF Form 2005 equally apply to the
spreadsheet. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity will take the following actions for
customer issue requests: Process customer request using Expendable Item Customer, Issue Request
(ISU) Transaction Format and Documentation Requirements in AFH 23-123. (T-2).
Priority orders are typically ordered as "fill or kill," meaning any quantity not filled
from stock is suppressed (killed). When the customer request is killed, contact the requestor to
determine backorder priority. When requestor desires to backorder asset MICAP,
refer to paragraph 5.2 When the requestor desires to backorder other than MICAP, process
backorder using the Customer Backorders in AFH 23-123. For Non-Expendable equipment item customer requests, the Equipment
Accountability Element (EAE) will: Verify if equipment accountability is necessary.
106 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 For accountable (ERRCD NF(*)/ND(*)) assets issues: Assign activity code E and process in accordance with Non-
Expendable Item Customer, Issue Request (ISU) Transaction in AFH 23-123. Load item code U or M respectively to the authorized/in-use
detail record prior to issuing an unsatisfactory substitute or multiple
component substitute instead of an authorized item, see Equipment
Management File Maintenance: FCI Load in AFH 23-123. For Non-Accountable Equipment Item Issues. Assign activity code P and
process in accordance with Non-Expendable Item Customer Issue Request (ISU)
Transaction Format and Processing Instructions in AFH 23-123. Input transaction and review output reject/management notice for further
action: When an asset issued, ensure transaction output processed to the
applicable warehouse. When a transaction is rejected (“REJ” notice), see 316 REJ
“Authority For Issue Flag Blank or Invalid” in AFH 23-123, for corrective action
and re-input transaction.
5.2.2. Customer Issue Request and Processing of Special Type Items and Conditions. Purpose: To explain how to prepare and process customer issue requests for
special type items and conditions. For guidance specific requirements, review AFI 23-
101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: There are numerous categories of items and circumstances
where normal (automated) ILS-S issue procedures do not apply. Examples include:
reduced price items; health hazard items; forms; local manufacture items; non-stock
listed items; and rubber stamps that require special issue procedures. Also, under certain
circumstances, customers may request issue of unserviceable items managed on ILS-S
unserviceable detail (R920) records. When requested, special issue procedures and
coding are required. Transient Aircraft Item Issues. Foreign Government Aircraft. Foreign Governments must have an
Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements (ACSA) in place before any exchange
can occur. Obtain approval to provide supply assets according to AFI 25-301,
Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 107 When ACSA transactions are approved by the MAJCOM ACSA
manager or delegated authority per AFI 25-301, this section provides materiel
management procedures for international cross-servicing of Not Mission Capable
(NMC) aircraft using ACSA authority. Supply assets can be sold and exchanged
using ACSA authority. Under ACSA, logistic support exchanges are voluntary
and at the discretion of the MAJCOM and installation/unit providing or receiving
support. Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis, evaluated for legal
authority, capability to support, and the supporting entity’s mission impact if the
request is supported. ACSA Global Automated Tracking and Reporting System
(AGATRS) will be used by all AF units, as directed by MAJCOM per AFI 25-
301. MAJCOMs may delegate ACSA exchange approval authority to local
commanders. MAJCOM or Higher HQ ACSA manager, in coordination with the
providing unit(s) will ensure: The requesting nation is ACSA eligible. The asset being provided or exchanged is authorized under
ACSA authority. Negative mission impacts of providing support are minimal. Initial Issue of Depot Level Reparable assets (DLR) in support of
Cost Per Flying Hour (CPFH) need to follow the approving authority as outlined
in AFI 23-101. Standard Order Form 1-3a, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing
Agreement (ACSA)/Mutual Logistics Support (MLS) Order Form, produced in
ACSA Global Automated Tracking and Reporting System (AGATRS) is the
DoD standard and will be used in accordance with AFI 25-301. ACSA repayment method from the receiving nation is accomplished
through Replacement-In-Kind (RIK) or Cash reimbursement. The selection of
repayment will be indicated on the completed ACSA MLS order form. Use the following procedures to issue spares and receive
reimbursements. The applicable maintenance organization will order the part on
their supply organization account with shop code TA. (T-1). When the
requirement is loaded in a Maintenance Information System (MIS) with a
valid job control number (JCN), requisitions will be processed in the
appropriate MIS with an activity code “J” document number. (T-1). When
there is no MIS, the requisition will be processed directly with the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity using the ILS-S under an activity code
“X” document number. (T-2).
108 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Mark-For. Use the foreign aircraft tail number and valid SRD.
The last two positions of the mark-for is the MAJCOM country code found on
the ACSA transaction form (See Table 5.1 below). An example mark-for
would be: “CC00065AHX9942” (Tail CC00065, SRD AHX (Non-AF
aircraft), WUC 99, and MAJCOM 42 (ACSA country code for Canada).
Table 5.1. MAJCOM Country Code.
United Kingdom
All Other Nations
46 RIK reimbursement method: F77 managed C-17 parts for
foreign/international C-17 customer. This is an FMS issue and no ACSA
approval is required. F77 parts are budget code S, assets are exchanged one-
for-one. Issue and account for RIK spares using the information in
Table 5.2
Table 5.2. RIK Accountability.
Demand Code
DIFM Control
F77 Managed C-17 parts
1, 2
Non-F77 Reparable (XD2 & XF3) Parts
Non-F77 Consumable (XB3) Parts
Note 1. In order to clear the DIFM detail, the unserviceable foreign part is
immediately returned to the providing maintenance organization and turned in to
LRS/Materiel Management Activity as unserviceable
Note 2. Initial issue is not authorized.
Note 3. When serviceable asset(s) are returned, the supporting USAF maintenance
organization will return the asset to supply as Found on Base (FOB). Cash reimbursement method: This approach requires the
identification of an USAF Resource Advisor (RA) and a full fund cite
identified on the ACSA form. When directed by MAJCOM ACSA manager,
the unit RA will submit for cash reimbursement via DFAS using the ACSA
transaction form as supporting documentation. (T-1). Issue and account for Cash reimbursement using the
information in Table 5.3
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 109
Table 5.3. Issue and Account for Cash Reimbursement.
F77 Managed C-17
N/A Cash reimbursement for foreign C-
17 customers is not authorized
Non-F77 Reparable
(XD2 & XF3) Parts
Note 2
Note 1
Non-F77 Consumable
(XB3) Parts
No return parts
Note 1. Non-recurring demands. When an unserviceable return is considered as part of the
reimbursement, the core cost amount will be charged on the ACSA form. The unserviceable
asset is returned to the supplying maintenance unit for TIN.
Note 2. Initial Issue demands. When no unserviceable asset is returned, the full procurement
value of the asset is the amount charged on the ACSA form and DIFM control will not be
necessary. Equal Value Exchange (EVE) reimbursement method: The
EVE method creates a supply accountability and validation issues that are
difficult to resolve. Note: EVE should be avoided. US Government & US Military Aircraft. Process issue
transaction using the data elements in Table 5.4
Table 5.4. Data Elements.
Shop Code
Demand Code
AHX or XH4 for all non-AF US military aircraft
and non- AMC commercial aircraft; AMZ or
XMZ for AMC commercial aircraft
49 for DoD Aircraft Other Than AF (Army, Navy,
Marines); 4B for Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) aircraft; 4C for other U.S. government
aircraft, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), Coast Guard, etc.) TCTO Item Issues For Time Change requests, process issue requests with: The using activities organization and shop code (cannot use shop
code “TO”). UJC AU, BU, or CU will be used. Process customer issue requests for items requiring TCTO
modification with materiel condition code D.
110 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The following actions should be considered before processing
customer issue requests: Customer Actions. The customer determines if unmodified
assets may be used, or if TCTO kits are available for modification. This action
is performed by contacting the TCTO kit manager for review of the
modification technical order (for applicability by end-item model number,
completion dates, etc.) and kit availability. LRS/Materiel Management Activity Actions. Customer Support
personnel processes TCTO item issue requests with materiel condition code D
if unmodified assets may be used. The Inspection function works with the
responsible maintenance activity for item modification if needed when TCTO
kits are available. Customer Support works with the base TCTO kit manager
to determine the type of LRS/Materiel Management Activity action required
to satisfy the issue request when TCTO kits are not available. Nuclear Weapons Related Materiel (NWRM) Issues. All NWRM issue requests
will comply with AFI 20-110, Nuclear Weapons-Related Materiel Management. The Customer Support/After Hours support will: Review the current NWRM authorization list to ensure the individual
and organization ordering the asset is a valid recipient. (T-1). Provide the NWRM Transaction and Control Center (NTCC) NSN,
part number, issue document number, quantity, unit of issue, and applicable serial
number(s) of the assets. (T-1). The NTCC will lift freeze code “N” via Freeze
Code Update processing, and notify the requesting LRS/Materiel Management
Activity that the freeze code has been removed. When an asset is available, process the issue request with IEX D.
After successful processing, contact the NTCC to reload the freeze code “N.” When an asset is not available: process the backorder, contact NTCC
to process a requisition and reload the freeze code “N.” Continuous Length Items. When the issue request is for one continuous length of
an item, assign requisition advice code 2N to the issue request. Customer Support
personnel will query the ILS-S to see if the item record serviceable balance is equal to or
greater than the input issue request quantity and process the request as follows: Sufficient Continuous Length. When the quantity on hand in the ILS-S is
equal to or greater than the input issue quantity, Customer Support personnel will
contact warehouse personnel to verify that the quantity required is in one continuous
length. Customer Support personnel will process the issue transaction with the
quantity requested. Insufficient Continuous Length. When the quantity is less than requested,
or not in a continuous length, process the issue transaction with TEX 8 to bypass on-
hand stock and requisition the appropriate continuous length.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 111 Contract Maintenance/In-House Repair for items in stock. Prepare and process
the issue transaction using activity code C, demand code N, the organization code
established for contract maintenance or the LRS/Materiel Management Activity
organization code (as determined locally), and shop code CM. Free Issue Items. All customer issue requests for free issue of GSD assets must be approved
by the LRS/CC before processing with TEX code D. (T-2). Customer Support will be
responsible for ensuring free issue criteria are met before approval is given. See AFI
23-101, Chapter 2, for GSD free issue criteria and for guidance specifics regarding
free issue of CSAG-Supply items with TEX R. Customer Support sends the free issue output document to LRS/Materiel
Management Activity Funds Management/SMAG Liaison for initials on the face of
the output document before physical issue of the property. When approval was not
received prior to processing, and the SMAG disapproves the issue, the SMAG
manager contacts the LRS/Materiel Management Activity to have the transaction
record reversed and reprocessed with the appropriate funding. Equipment items (ERRCD codes ND(*) and NF(*)) with alpha budget
codes are considered free issue to Equipment Authorized In-Use Detail (EAID)
reporting customers with the exception of special projects and Depot Procured
Equipment Maintenance (DPEM). Reduced Price Item Issues. All requests for reduced-price-item-issues are at the
option of the LRS/CC. If approved, the issue request transaction is processed with TEX
% and the applicable discount percentage (01 through 99) granted by the LRS/CC in
positions 62-63. See Transaction Exception (TEX) Code in AFH 23-123, for more
information concerning TEX % procedures. Reduced-price-requested-items contain a
serviceable balance greater than zero or the issue request will be killed. Additionally, the
base requisitioning objective for the item must be zero which indicates an inactive item.
(T-2). All reduced price issue transactions will be processed as non-recurring (demand
code N) so demand data is not updated. (T-2). Repair Cycle Item Initial Issues. The requesting organization will submit complete written justification for
initial issue of repair cycle assets to the Materiel Management Flight Officer in
Charge (OIC) or Superintendent for review and approval/disapproval. Note:
Guidelines for submitting justification letter for Budget Code 8 and Budget Code S
items are in AFI 23-101, Chapter 2. See Non-Expendable Item Customer Issue
Request (ISU) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for processing procedures for initial issue
of SPRAM assets. Send approved initial issue requirements to Customer Support for
preparation and processing of the initial issue request. See Non-Expendable Item
Customer Issue Request (ISU) Transaction in AFH 23-123 for processing
112 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 All processing for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Operational
Test & Evaluation (Glory Trip) assets as a result of re-assembling a launch vehicle
will be processed as initial issue. (T-1). Any budget code 8 assets will be processed as
free issue. (T-2). Free issue approval is not required. Issue of Items Frozen for Inventory. Customer Support personnel will contact warehouse personnel to verify
property is on-hand to support issue request. If asset is not available, Customer Support will contact customer to
determine if MICAP condition exists. If MICAP condition does not exist, hold
transaction in suspense file until notified that item record is unfrozen and normal
inline processing can be completed. When assets are available: Prepare an off-line issue document (DD Form 1348-1A or computer
generated equivalent) and forward it to the applicable warehouse function for
issue to the requesting activity. Mark the issue document to reflect that the asset is
frozen for inventory. Refer to ILS-S User’s Manual for manually creating Asset
Management Records. File the issue request in a suspense file until advised by Inventory
personnel of the method and time the manual issues are to be processed. Review and take action on all management notices and rejects output
during processing. Other Documents. Hold all other documents rejected as a result of
inventory action in suspense until notified by Inventory personnel that the inventory
is complete. Local Manufacture Item Issues. The normal procedure for requesting a locally
manufactured item is for the requesting activity to submit the request through the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. There are situations where the locally manufactured
item does not have to be processed through the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. The
following paragraphs explain the procedures for both situations. Local Manufacture of Items Requiring LRS/Materiel Management
Activity Processing. The requesting activity submits the requirement to the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity on AF Form 2005 or DD Form 1348-6 (with necessary
drawings) for non-stock numbered items. Drawings or examples of the locally
manufactured items need not accompany the DD Form 1348-6 or the AF Form
2005 when the remarks blocks contain a statement that the manufacturing activity
currently possesses the necessary documents. In other words, this is not the first
request for the item. Normal issue/stock control procedures will apply.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 113 Items Coded Field Manufacture (FM). When the locally
manufactured item is beyond base maintenance capability to manufacture,
maintenance personnel return the work order request with the reason for non-
manufacture to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. LRS/Materiel
Management Activity personnel will cancel the local manufacture due-in detail
record and assign requisition exception code 2. (T-2). See Requisition Exception
Codes in AFH 23-123, for requisition exception code processing instructions. Items not coded field manufacture (FM). The following action is
taken to request the local manufacturing of items not coded FM: The using activity sends the request to Customer Support.
When the item is not stock listed, Customer Support personnel identify the
requested item and assign an ERRCD and a locally assigned stock number.
When the item is identified as an accountable equipment (activity code E)
item, the request is sent to the customer for preparation of AF Form 601/AF
Form 2005 before issue processing in the ILS-S. For stock listed budget code 9 DLA items, contact AFMC to
process Demand History Adjustment transaction. When the request is not for an equipment item, LRS/Materiel
Management Activity personnel processes the issue request as memo (TEX 7)
and prepares a special requisition transaction to complete requisitioning.
Additionally, they will prepare a DD Form 1348-1A (eight copies) and send
all copies to the appropriate maintenance Production Control activity. Base Civil Engineer (BCE) locally manufactured items. The
following actions are performed when the BCE is tasked to locally manufacture
requested items: The requesting organization submits the request to Customer
Support on AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request and AF Form
2005 or AF Form 601 (Equipment) as applicable. Additionally, non-stock
numbered items require a DD Form 1348-6 with all necessary drawings
attached when local manufacture by the BCE is appropriate. Customer
Support Liaison establishes a memo backorder (due-out) with TEX 7 and
processes a special requisition transaction to complete ILS-S processing. See
Special Requisition (SPR) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for special requisition
transaction instructions. The requesting organization then submits the DD Form 1348-
1A and AF Form 332 to the BCE for approval of local manufacture. If the AF
Form 332 is approved, the item is locally manufactured and delivered to the
Cargo Movement Section with the DD Form 1348-1A. Normal receipt and
issue processing applies. Local Manufacture of Items Not Requiring LRS/Materiel Management
Activity Processing.
114 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the item is needed to satisfy an internal maintenance
requirement, the maintenance group commander may authorize local manufacture
of the item without processing the request through the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity, if it is coded as a field level locally manufactured item. When this option
is used, paperwork does not have to be processed through the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity and no demand may be placed on the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity. When the item is needed to satisfy an internal BCE maintenance
requirement, and equipment accountability (activity code E) is not applicable, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity will annotate the AF Form 332 in Block 31
with a statement indicating the item is not available through the ILS-S and that no
further processing through the LRS/Materiel Management Activity is required.
The request will then be returned to the BCE. Liquid Oxygen (LOX)/Liquid Nitrogen (LIN)/Deicing Fluid Issues. Generating Backorders (Due-Outs) for LOX/LIN/Deicing Fluid. When
LOX/LIN/deicing fluid stocks require replenishment, base LRS/LGRF (Fuels Flight)
personnel process an issue request transaction or notify AFMC of their requirements.
The notification will include a minimum of: quantity, required delivery date (RDD),
priority, and the using organization code. When LOX/LIN and deicing fluid products
are being ordered for more than one organization, the quantity for each organization
will be specified in the notification. See Transaction Exception (TEX) Code in AFH
23-123, for LOX/LIN and deicing fluid issue transaction format and processing
procedures. Process the issue with TEX 7 to establish a memo backorder (due- out). If
only one organization consumes the product, process the issue transaction against the
using organization code. If more than one organization consumes the product, process
an issue transaction for each organization code, in proportion to historical
consumption as determined by the LGRF. Backorder Requisitioning. After the memo (TEX 7) backorder is
established, process a special requisition transaction for the total due-out quantity.
See Special Requisition (SPR) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for special requisition
transaction processing. At bases where a blanket purchase order is used the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity advises the Base Contracting Office of the
priority, quantity, requisition number, and required delivery date (RDD) required. Non-Medical Materiel Issues. The medical materiel manager is responsible for requesting nonmedical
supply items for which the LRS/Materiel Management Activity has a stock level or
serviceable balance, from the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. Requisition Processing. Process all centrally procured non-medical
equipment requisitions (ERRCD codes ND (*) and NF (*)) through the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity, with the exception of vehicles.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 115 Base Funded Equipment. Base funded medical equipment requests are
requisitioned by the medical materiel activity directly from the source of supply if the
medical materiel manager verifies that the equipment is not available from the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. Other Type Account Item Issue Requests. Return customer issue requests for
items managed by other than LRS/Materiel Management Activities to the
customer/organization and indicate the appropriate source for submission. Personnel Parachute Issues. Process customer issue requests for complete
personnel parachutes as locally manufactured items. Personnel parachutes are not
normally stocked by the LRS/Materiel Management Activity in an assembled/built-up
condition. Small Arms (Repair Parts) Item Issues. A locally assigned issue exception
(IEX) code will be established for customer issue requests of small arms repair parts. See
Special Type Items and Conditions in AFH 23-123, for more information. The IEX
ensures these items are only issued to authorized organizations. Utility (Gas/Electric/Water) Item Issues. Equipment requiring connection to
electric, gas, or water utilities and requiring modification or alteration of real property or
facilities are of major concern to the BCE. Coordinate with BCE before requesting,
authorizing, or procuring equipment items which may ultimately require BCE support. Unserviceable Item Issues: Process customer issue requests for unserviceable items located on
unserviceable detail records using the issue from detail transaction. See Special
Requisition (SPR) Transaction in AFH 23-123. Activity code C or P are used for issue requests for unserviceable
equipment items. Bench Mockup Items. Budget code 8 repair cycle (ERRCD XD2/XF (*)) item
issues will be free issued (TEX D). Notify the ALC Manager for approval of the items
that will be free issued. The ALC Manager will in turn notify AFMC. Organizational and Provisional Flags, Flagstaffs, Guidons, Emblems, and
Streamers. Requesting organizations will submit DD Form 1348-6 to the
LRS/Materiel Management Activities to obtain document number for off-line
requisition submission. The requesting organization will submit the DD Form 1348-6 to the 311th
Human Systems Wing as described in AFI 34-1201, Protocol.
116 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Visual Information Software and Commercial Production Films. The Base
Audiovisual Services unit processes all requests for audiovisual software, that is,
commercially produced films or video cassettes. See AFI 35-109, Visual Information, for
more information. These items will not be procured through retail Materiel Management
Activity channels. Note: FL**** library Stock Record Account Numbers (SRANs) may
requisition mission-essential and general or recreational films and video cassettes through
library central procurement channels or the Base Contracting Office (BCO). See AFI 34-
101, Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs and Use Eligibility,
for more information. Automotive Tires. In accordance with AFI 24-302, Vehicle Management when
economically feasible, Vehicle Management will order tires from DLA via the ILS-S for
direct vendor delivery. (T-1). Mission essential requirements (Priority 01-08) will be
processed with the RDD in positions 62-64. Normal materiel management actions apply
to these requisitions if activities fail to enter the required data. Priority 09-15 requisitions
will be processed to DLA in the normal manner. Base Closure Items. The following procedures apply to requisitions from
LRS/Materiel Management Activities undergoing base closure action. AFMC will
oversee the automated mission change/base closure detail transfer. They will ensure all
necessary actions have been taken by the AFMC and LRS/Materiel Management
Activity. Losing LRS/Materiel Management Activity will coordinate with
maintenance activities on all back orders to determine which items should be
transferred. (T-1). LRS/Materiel Management Activity will process necessary
transaction in the ILS-S, leaving only valid mission impacting due-outs requiring
transfer. (T-2). Losing LRS/Materiel Management Activity will forward due-outs
requiring transfer, gaining unit SRAN, and organization & shop codes to AFMC. (T-
2). The AFMC will process 1TOs and ensure that the DIC 99S are sent to the
applicable base. They will resolve any rejects associated with DIC 99S. When the
gaining base is an AFMC supported base, AFMC will coordinate with the gaining
base to ensure valid due-outs have been established and will link the pushed due-ins.
When the gaining base is not an AFMC supported base, the Weapon System Manager
is responsible for ensuring valid due-outs have been established and linkage of
pushed due-ins. Books, Periodicals (Magazines and Newspapers), and Other Printed Materials
(FSC 76) and FL Library Account Items. General Procedures. The retail materiel management activity will not
requisition printed forms, publications, charts, and decals, and other similar items
which are subject to central administrative or numbering controls. (T-2).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 117 Requisitions by the FL (****) Library Account. Stock Record Account
Number FL (****) library accounts will requisition all FSC 7610 nonstock listed or
non-cataloged commercial books and pamphlets, and all FSC 7630 commercial
newspapers and periodicals. The FL(****) library account also requisitions general or
recreational commercial publications such as books for rent or lease, recreational
fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, audiovisual materials, etc., and all
publications and materials used by the public. See AFI 34-101 for more information. The base activity designated to order, stock, and issue National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) products will requisition FSC 7640 cataloged
maps, atlases, charts, and globes. (T-1). This same base activity will also requisition
other maps, charts, flight information publication (FLIPS), air target materiel, point
positioning data, and geodetic products. (T-1). See AFMAN 14-405, Multi-
Intelligence, for more information. Requisitioning Methods for Mapping Products.
Customers requisition mapping products through Defense Logistics Agency,
Aviation. Federal Supply Class (FSC) 7650 cataloged and noncataloged drawings,
specifications, operation and repair manuals, etc., previously furnished with new
equipment from the equipment manufacturer are requisitioned by the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity. Federal Supply Class (FSC) 7690. Normally, FSC 7690 cataloged and
noncataloged miscellaneous printed labels and decals are requisitioned by
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. When any of the following exceptions apply,
the requesting organization must requisition the materials through the Information
Management (IM) activity. (T-2). Exceptions to the above includes labels or
markings required for equipment items which are not listed in technical orders, non-
standard markings, and items required for local applications or used by a single
MAJCOM. Legal Books and Periodicals. Use the Law Book Procurement Office of
the Office of the Judge Advocate General to requisition legal books and periodicals,
including Weighted Airmen Promotion System (WAPS) study materials (AFI 51-105,
Legal Information Services). Medical Books and Periodicals. The FM (****) medical account
requisitions medical books and periodicals for medical facilities and medical
education. Training Aids, Instructor Manuals, Practice Books, and Multiple Copies
of Textbooks. The requesting organization requisitions training aids, instructor's
manuals, practice books, multiple copies of textbooks, etc., for use in military and
civilian education programs and religious activities directly from Base Contracting.
See AFI 36-2670, Total Force Development; and AFI 52-101, Planning and
118 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Items for Self-Sustaining (Separately Funded) Units. The organization
responsible for self-sustaining or separately funded activities, such as the Air National
Guard (ANG) and AFR units, are to requisition library-type items directly from Base
Contracting. See AFI 65-601, Vol 1 for more information. Air Force Handbook 1, Airman, Study Guide and Specialty Knowledge
Test (SKT) Guides. Publication distribution offices will requisition Professional
Development Guide (PDG) and SKT guides to support the Weighted Airmen
Promotion System (WAPS). See AFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program,
and AFI 36-2670. Items Assigned a Local Unit of Issue (Dash One (-1) Stock Numbers). Items
assigned a local unit of issue are identified by a dash one (-1) in positions 14 and 15 of
the stock number. Items are normally assigned a local unit of issue when the basic stock
number is purchased using a different unit of issue than customers require upon issue. For
example, a basic stock number is ordered with a unit of issue of box (BX). Customers
only require issues of one (1) each (EA). In this situation, a (-1) stock number would be
established to allow issues of one each. Requisitioning dash one (-1) stock numbers. Requisition (A0*)
transactions should not be produced for -1 stock numbers. Depot cancellation action
will occur if a -1 stock number is requisitioned to the source of supply. Therefore,
ensure that all replenishment requisitions are produced for the basic stock number
only. The -1 requirement can only be filled from the on-hand balance of the basic
stock number. Adjust demand data. Do not reduce the demand data on the -1 stock
number unless a lower demand-based stock level is desired. Demand data must be
retained to ensure a demand-based stock level is computed as required. Note:
Demand data will be adjusted automatically when the ILS-S S01 program is
processed. Items under Integrated Management. Items are placed under integrated
management to alleviate problems incurred in forecasting unusual requirements for
individual items required to support special programs or projects. These are non-
repetitive in nature and cannot be predicted through the use of demand history or
available program data. Additionally, these items have the greatest probability of
materializing and resulting in the eventual submission of requisitions. This procedure is
applicable to AFMC Air Logistics Complexes, AFMC base support activities, and AF
base level activities who become involved in these types of programs. Compliance with
these procedures permit a greater degree of responsive support for planned projects and
programs, and can improve ICP effectiveness and enhance customer support. Items under integrated management are requisitioned as follows: Process a special requisition transaction to load the due-in detail.
Demand Code P (Special Programs Nonrecurring) will be used on the special
requisition transaction format.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 119 Prevent due-in cancellation. Either establish a due-out or be sure the
special requirement indicator (SRI) R is used on the special requisition
transaction. Note: The SRI R appears on the due-in detail. Due-out detail or due-
in details containing SRI R will prevent the ILS-S from requesting cancellation on
these requisitions. Lumber and Other Wood Products. Lumber and other wood products coded for
requisitioning from the DLA Land and Maritime may be locally purchased if the total
value of the requisition conforms to the micro-purchase threshold in accordance with AFI
64-117, Government Purchase Card Program. Note: There is no set dollar limit on
lumber and other wood products coded for local purchase. Emergency lumber
requirements not available locally, regardless of price, are processed dependent upon the
FSC. AF Broadcasting Service (AFBS) Items. Submit requisitions for AF
Broadcasting Service (AFBS) items (project code SAR) to the Television-Audiovisual
Support Activity (T-ASA), Sacramento Army Depot CA, RIC BS7. Submit requisitions
for AFBS part-numbered items in message format using DIC A0E/A05. Include all
information from the required DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item Requisition
System Document, (Manual-Long Form), in the message. In addition, enter the T-ASA
management control number (MCN), if known, in the remarks block of the message.
Media and Status (M&S) code T will be entered in block 7 for all requisitions. (T-1).
This will ensure 100 percent supply and shipping status is furnished by T-ASA. After the
message is prepared and released, enter the requisition into the ILS-S. After the
requisition is entered, immediately process a supply status transaction input with status
code BD (delayed), and with an EDD of 45 days from the date of the requisition number.
(T-1). Note: Do not use A0B/A02 procedures to requisition AFBS items. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Vehicle Parts. The DLA Land and Maritime
is an optional source for vehicle parts to Air Force vehicle management activities, and
can supply repair parts for commercial vehicles to military activities within the
continental United States and overseas. Bases may use DLA Land and Maritime as an
alternate source of supply to obtain vehicle parts not available from local procurement.
The DLA Land and Maritime provides vehicle parts to AF Support for both national
stock number (NSN) and non-NSN items. All vehicle part requisitions submitted to DLA
Land and Maritime must have a project code assigned to align the requirement to the
specific type of vehicle equipment supported. Applicable project codes are: JZO
(Administrative Vehicles); JZC (Commercial Construction Equipment); and JZM
(Materiel Handling Equipment). Vehicle Part Requisitioning Process. Bases submit requisitions directly to
DLA Land and Maritime (RIC equals S9C or SMS) with the correct JZ(*) project
code. When the requisition is received, DLA Land and Maritime will provide supply
status BZ indicating the requisition has been forwarded for action. When the
requisitioned item is not included on the DLA Land and Maritime contract, the
requisition will be canceled. Excluded items include: non-price listed items; tires;
hazardous materials (batteries, flammables, etc.); extended cost exceeds $10,000.00;
and 463L pallets and associated equipment.
120 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 DLA Land and Maritime Actions. Once the requisition is accepted by
DLA Land and Maritime, supply status BM with RIC S9J or SMS is provided to
advise that the requisition is being supported through DLA Land and Maritime. When
the asset is shipped, supply status BV is provided. Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment (CWDE). When CWDE items are
requisitioned, enter additional information on the output requisition (A0*) transaction as
follows. DLA Requisition Data Requirements. If the source of supply is the DLA
Troop Support, RIC S9T or SMS, the priority designator in positions 60-61 must be
05, required delivery date (RDD) in positions 62-64 must be S24, and the requisition
advice code in positions 65-66 must be 2L. AFMC Requisition Data Requirements. When the source of supply is
AFMC Air Logistics Complex (WR-ALC), RIC FLZ, the requisition must contain the
applicable 6*-series requisition advice code. Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Service (DLADS) Items. All items
withdrawn from DLADS are processed in the ILS-S as free issue. DLADS Withdrawal Authorization. The APO provides a letter to DLADS
identifying the individuals authorized to authenticate requisitions for removal of
assets from DLADS. This letter includes the base DODAAC, long line (mailing)
address, telephone number, and full name and signature of individuals authorized to
authenticate direct removal of DLADS items on behalf of the APO. Note: Non-
Appropriated Fund (NAF) activities with their own DODAAC will submit
appointment letters directly to the servicing DLADS. Property received by NAF
activities from DLADS must be for administrative or other purposes from which no
direct benefits will be realized by individuals (e.g., resale). (T-0). Withdrawing Materiel from DLADS. All property withdrawals from
DLADS (regardless of the asset condition) must be for valid, documented official
requirements. (T-0). DLADS withdrawals are subject to the same criteria as requests
from other DoD sources, e.g., all withdrawals must be properly accounted for and
posted in the ILS-S. Local retail supply activities document and approve DLADS
withdrawals for established customer or stock replenishment requirements.
Exception: When the requested item is AFMC-managed (ERRCD XD2) and budget
code 8, AFMC item manager approval must be obtained prior to physical withdrawal
of the asset from DLADS. Item manager approval is necessary to ensure there is a
valid AF requirement for the asset prior to withdrawal. Manual (offline) requisition log. Customer Support maintains an
offline (manual) requisition number log to manage withdrawals from DLADS. At
a minimum, the log contains the customer's name, organization, office symbol,
phone number, intended use of the property, document number, stock number,
nomenclature, quantity, and a suspense date for a copy of the completed
paperwork to be returned to Customer Support. When the suspense date has
passed, Customer Support contacts the customer for resolution.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 121 DLADS withdrawals for organizational requirements. DLADS
withdrawals for organizational requirements must be for assets normally
authorized for requesting organizations and specific customer requirements. For
audit purposes, base activities (other than NAF activities) must request all
property (regardless of condition) located in DLADS through the retail Materiel
Management Activity. The retail Materiel Management Activity ensures the
requester is an authorized representative of the requesting organizational activity.
Authorization for organizational DLADS withdrawal may be accomplished using
any local approval procedure. For example, authorization letters from the unit
commander, alpha rosters, or simply checking for valid identification may suffice.
With few exceptions, organizational requests to withdraw property from DLADS
must be established in the ILS-S to support valid customer requirements (due-out)
and create audit trails for each DLADS withdrawal. Establishing customer due-out. Items pending withdrawal
from DLADS must be assigned a valid stock number in order to process the
requirement through the retail Materiel Management Activity. When required,
Customer Support processes a new item record load (FIL) transaction. When
DLADS has a locally-assigned stock number (non- NSN) identifying the item,
a new FIL transaction is required to load the new stock number using an L-
serialized number. Place the DLADS local number (from the DLADS
screening sheet) and a short description of the item in the nomenclature field
of the item record load. Once the item record is loaded, an issue transaction is
processed in the ILS-S with TEX code H and the appropriate Demand Code
(recurring vs. non-recurring). The issue transaction creates a memo due-out
detail to the customer's organization. Note: This customer due-out detail may
be established before or after customer visits the DLADS; however, normal
due-in-from-maintenance (DIFM) controls and demand data update
requirements apply. If an item in DLADS contains ERRCD XD2 or XF*
(regardless of serviceability), it is placed under DIFM control unless the item
is not to be repaired or used for its original purpose. Items that will not be
repaired or used for their original purpose may be processed, bypassing DIFM
control, by using demand code I, J, K, L, or M, as appropriate. Requisitioning procedures. When property required to fill the
due-out requirement is available in DLADS, Customer Support processes a
special requisition transaction with RIC JBR in positions 4-6, and J, K, or L in
position 40, the supplying activity DODAAC in positions 45-50, and the due-
out document number in positions 67-80. The JBR routing identifier code
ensures property is released to the customer at no cost. DLADS withdrawals for stock replenishment requirements.
LRS/Materiel Management Activities may withdraw serviceable items from
DLADS to fill stock replenishment requirements. In this situation, a customer
due-out detail is not required. The special requisition transaction is processed with
positions 67-80 blank. DLADS Withdrawal of Accountable Equipment Items.
122 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 DLADS withdrawal of scrap materiel. If property identified as scrap
is located in DLADS, automated DLADS withdrawal processing is not required.
Customer Support Liaison personnel prepare DD Form 1348-1A requisition
document using an offline requisition number. Place the word SCRAP in the
stock number field. Mark the document “DO NOT POST,” and ensure the
customer returns a DLADS signed copy of the completed document to Customer
Support. DLADS withdrawal of material in batch lots. When DLADS has the
required item in a batch lot, it is usually not necessary for the customer to
withdraw the complete lot to obtain the needed item. When part of the batch lot is
withdrawn, follow DLADS withdrawal procedures for individual item
withdrawal. If the customer wants the entire lot, the DD Form 1348-1A
requisition document must be processed as DO NOT POST. Customer Support
Liaison personnel annotate the lot number in the stock number field on the DD
Form 1348-1A document rather than identifying individual items by stock
number. After withdrawal, the customer will return the entire batch lot to the
retail Materiel Management Activity Inspection functions for item identification
and establishment of stock number records. When an item record is not loaded for
an item included in a batch lot, a new item record load transaction is required to
load the item in the ILS-S. DLADS withdrawal requests for materiel managed by other type
accounts. Requests for withdrawal of DLADS materials normally managed by
other accounts, e.g., medical items in FSG 65, will not be processed through the
ILS-S. (T-1). Advise the customer to request the item through the appropriate
submission source. Organizations Geographically Separated From DLADS. When the retail
Materiel Management Activity and requesting activity/organization are
geographically separated from the DLADS, the APO may issue a block of DD Form
1348-1A requisition document numbers (with the stock number blank), to
geographically separated units. This is intended to preclude multiple trips between the
DLADS and the LRS/Materiel Management Activity and must be monitored
carefully. LRS/Materiel Management Activity prepares the DD Form 1348-1A,
leaving the stock number and nomenclature blank. The Materiel Management Officer
furnishes instructions for the customer on what data are to be added after identifying
the item selected. Suspense log. Customer Support Liaison establishes a suspense log
to reflect requisition document numbers assigned on all DLADS withdrawals for
geographically separated units. The log reflects the number of withdrawals,
signature of recipient, category of property, due date for return of unused
documents or copy of used documents, and any other pertinent data.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 123 Sole Source/Brand Name Items. AF policy allows customers to request specific
“Brand-Name” items without base contracting competing the requirement with local
vendors. Additionally, customers may be authorized (with certain limitations) to request a
specific vendor or one “Sole Source” for items to comply with Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) requirements. Guidance for Sole Source/Brand Name Items can be
obtained through local Contracting support organizations and FAR Part 6, Competition
Requirements. Brand-Name Requirements. When a customer specifies that only one
manufacturer’s part number or specific item will satisfy requirements, Brand- Name
requisitioning may be justified. The customer also specifies in writing what technical
requirements exist to justify use of a brand-name item, rather than procure the item
competitively. A DD Form 1348-6 must also be prepared describing the required
item. The DD Form 1348-6 also includes the statement “DO NOT SUBSTITUTE.”
Note: Brand-Name requisitioning does not necessarily justify sole source
procurement. Sole-Source Requirements. When a customer specifies that only one
vendor or Sole Source can supply the requested item (or suitable substitute), Sole
Source requisitioning may be justified. The customer must specify in writing why the
requirement can only be satisfied from one source. (T-0). A DD Form 1348-6 is used
to describe the required item. The justification and DD Form 1348-6 will be
forwarded to AFMC for checking against available commercial catalogs and federal
supply schedules, to determine if the requested item can be procured from other
sources within the date required. AFMC is required to annotate other potential
sources on the DD Form 1348-6. Recycled Products. Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal
Sustainability in the Next Decade, DoD and AF Policies prescribe the use of recycled
products when available and practical. (T-0). Customers are responsible for using
recycled products, except when recycled products do not meet minimum quality
standards for the intended use. When recycled products cannot be used for Brand
Name or Sole Source requirements, customers must include in the justification letter
the technical or mission requirements which preclude the use of recycled materials. Brand Name/Sole Source Request Processing. A customer due-out will be
established in the ILS-S for each brand name or sole source Request with demand
code N (nonrecurring). This will ensure the ILS-S will not compute a demand-based
stock level and stock the requested items. Note: When a customer requires a brand
name or sole source item more than once, and there is no suitable substitute available,
have an AF Form 86 prepared to have the item cataloged. See Request For Stock List
Data: Data For Input #1 And Input #2 (BZA) in AFH 23-123, for more information
concerning AF Form 86 processing.
124 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Base Investment (Budget Code Z) Items. The ILS-S will not automatically
requisition base investment (budget code Z) items. Equipment Management establishes a
memo due-out (TEX 7) for each Budget Code Z customer request. Once the memo
customer due-out is entered into the ILS-S, a 350 management notice (Requisition
Suppressed) is produced. See General Use/Reject/Management Notices in AFH 23-123,
for more information concerning processing of the 350 management notice. Funds Availability. Equipment Management sends the 350 management
notice to the Customer Support to check the availability of base investment funds.
When funds are not immediately available for the requested item, the customer due-
out detail will remain memo. As long as the requirement remains unfunded, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity Funds Manager or Customer Support retains the
350 management notice in suspense in a locally determined sequence or they can
utilize a local computer listing to sort all budget code Z requests according to their
buy priority. The Customer Support will establish jacket files and coordinate with
Base Budget on all budget code Z requirements. Determining Buy Priority. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
Resource Management activity or Customer Support Liaison will use the 350
management notice or local listing/file to manage all budget code Z item requests
according to their buy priority. The buy priority depends on the customer's urgency
of need (UND) and impact statements. The Financial Management Board (FMB)
determines the buy priority. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity Funds
Manager/Customer Support or Base Budget personnel will send the priority list of
budget code Z requirements to base Accounting and Finance budget personnel for
submission to the applicable MAJCOM to get funding approval as required. (T-2).
After receiving MAJCOM approval for base investment item requests, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity Funds Manager or Customer Support annotates
the approved 350 management notice from the suspense file indicating funds are
available, and initiate special requisitioning processing. The LRS will coordinate with
AFMC on any non-local purchase budget code Z requirements when funding is
received to ensure the requirements are requisitioned. (T-2). Customer Support will use the following instructions to prepare the
special requisition transaction: Fund code assignment. AFMC will assign the fund code for budget
code Z requisitions based upon appropriations: Appropriation 57*3080--assign fund code 17. Appropriation 57*3600--assign fund code 29. Appropriation 97*0300 4802--assign fund code 8C. Industrial Fund Activity Budget Code Z Item Requisitions. Special
requisitions for investment equipment for industrial fund activities will place the
appropriate fiscal year code in position 51, the industrial fund code in positions 52-
53, and requisition advice code 2E in positions 65-66.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 125 AF Materiel Command (AFMC) and General Services Administration (GSA)
Items. Requisition Preparation. Enter a certification that funds are available for
the fund code cited on the manual requisition form or an attached sheet/letter signed
by the certifying Financial Services Office (FSO) individual. For overseas bases,
enter a funds limitation statement, MAXIMUM FUNDS AUTHORIZED
$XXXXX.00, in the lower right-hand corner of the requisition. When the maximum
dollar amount of funds listed is too low to procure the item, the supply source will
cancel the requisition. If the supply source cancels the requisition, Records
Maintenance calculates a new standard price and process a unit price change (FCU)
transaction. AFMC will then submit a new requisition with a new price. Prepare a special requisition. Enter the fiscal year code in position 51
rather than the signal code. This action will ensure investment funds are obligated to
the correct activity. Note: For overseas bases only, assign the applicable fund code in
positions 52-53 based upon the appropriation. Interim Processing by the Customer Support. When the Funds Manager and
Customer Support receives the completed requisition and approved 350 management
notices, the 350 management notice will be annotated with the current date and all
documents sent to FSO. A copy of the 350 management notice and all supporting
documentation will be filed by Customer Support. (T-2). Financial Services Office (FSO) Processing. FSO will perform the following
actions after receiving the pending requisition: Certify funds are available. Assign the applicable appropriation (budget program or program line
number). Retain a file copy of all supporting documentation. Load funds (annual budget authorization (ABA) and allotment) to the
budget code “Z” MACR. Notify the LRS Resource Management Activity or Customer Support
Liaison that the requirement was funded and return all supporting documentation. Final Processing by the LRS Resource Management Activity or Customer
Support Liaison. After receiving funding notification from FSO, the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity Funds Manager or Customer Support will destroy the suspense
copy of the approved 350 management notice. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
Funds Manager or Customer Support Liaison will request AFMC to process the SPR
transaction to establish a due-in detail, firm-up the customer due-out detail (if applicable),
and update the budget code Z MACR. (T-2).
126 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Exchange of AF Property with Commercial Sources. Whenever economically
possible and efficient, AF policy allows the exchange of property with commercial
sources to satisfy requirements. The exchanged item and the procured item must be
similar; the procured item replaces and performs substantially all of the functions of the
exchange item. If required, the exchange property has been made safe or harmless, or has
been demilitarized. Lastly, the exchanged and procured items are eligible to be
exchanged per Property Eligible for Exchange in AFH 23-123. Note: A list of Property
Ineligible for Exchange is provided in the same reference. To request a waiver of
exchange requirements, a customer must submit a fully justified request to AFMC. Recording of the Exchange. The item being procured must be recorded
and issued at the Latest Acquisition Cost. Customers must submit a letter requesting
an “Exchange of any item not specifically excluded from the program.” (T-2). The
letter will contain the following statement: this property is offered as exchange or
trade-in under the exchange provisions of the Public Law 81-152, The Federal
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, DoD Materiel
Management Regulation (DoDM 4140.01, Vol. 1), Category Applies. Note: Enter the
numeric category from Property Eligible for Exchange as listed in AFH 23-123. Customer Support Liaison/Equipment Management Actions. Depending
on the commodity exchange (supplies/equipment), Customer Support Liaison or
Equipment Management personnel will send AFMC three copies of the exchange
request letter and a copy of the management notice showing the due-out and
requisition document numbers. (T-1). Customer Support Liaison Actions. Customer Support Liaison personnel
will record the requisition and due-out document numbers on all copies of the
exchange request letter. (T-2). Customer Support Liaison will send one copy to
Contracting and file one copy in requisition number sequence. (T-2). Customer
Support will work with BCO to ensure the item is eligible for exchange, the Logistics
Acquisition Cost (LAC) is assigned, and the amount of credit to be received for the
exchange item is determined. (T-2). Customer Support must record the new item
LAC and amount of credit on their copy of the request letter. (T-2). Notify Inbound Cargo. Customer Support will send Inbound Cargo
a copy of the exchange request letter with applicable cost information. Customer
Support will include a note directing Receiving to process a receipt transaction for
the exchanged item. Verify Receipt or Cancellation. After receipt processing, Customer
Support will retain the exchange request letter in accordance with AF RDS. (T-1).
Customer Support verifies that the customer has received the property or the due-
out has been satisfied. If the item has not been received, or is still due-out, contact
Contracting to obtain current status for the exchange item. Customer Support will
record the date of review on the letter on file. (T-2).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 127 Processing Exchange Requisitions. Customer Support processes
exchange requisitions in the ILS-S. Contracting also provides procurement status
containing Quantity Purchased Variance Code T in the local purchase status
(LPS) or local purchase adjustments (LPA) transactions. When Customer Support
processes the LPS/LPA transactions with Quantity Purchased Variance Code T,
the ILS-S will update the price on the local purchase status detail. Note: The ILS-
S will not change the unit price on the item record. Return Processing for Exchangeable Items. When the new item arrives, the
customer will return the item to be exchanged to LRS/Materiel Management Activity.
Note: Some items may require inspection. When the contractor or vendor request to
inspect the exchangeable item, refer the inspection request to Contracting. Customer
Support Liaison/Flight Service Center will process return transactions using the
instructions in paragraph 6.2, with TEX 8 or 1, and activity code E, P, or R, as
applicable. USAF Historical Property Issues. All USAF historical property issue requests
will comply with AFI 84-103, United States Air Force Heritage Program.
5.2.3. Issue to Supply Point, Mission Support Kit (MSK), WRM, RSP, and Non-Airborne
RSP Detail Records. Purpose: To explain how to process issues to supply point, MSK, WRM, RSP,
and Non-Airborne RSP detail records. For guidance specific requirements, review AFI
23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-123 or ILS-S User’s Manual. General Discussion: The ILS-S reformats the issue from detail record input
transaction into a replenishment issue to detail record transaction during issue from detail
processing. This process can only be bypassed by assigning a TEX “F” when processing
the issue from detail record. When automatic replenishment transactions are bypassed or
other circumstances dictate, an issue must be processed to these detail records to
replenish the details. The ILS-S will only issue the input quantity up to the authorized
level or backorder any unfilled quantity as appropriate under normal processing. The following actions will be taken when processing: Process replenishment issues to Supply Point detail records with: Activity code S, organization code 005, and applicable supply point
code in the document number. Use demand code N in order to bypass demand
data update. TEX 6 or 4 when processing issue request for recapped tires assigned
the dash two (-2) stock number. TEX 2, K, 6, and 4 or V when the replenishment issue is for a
recapped tire and a requirement exists to exceed the authorized Supply Point
authorized quantity. TEX M to bypass kill action and establish a backorder for the
requested item when substitute items are available with equal units of issue, but
the assets cannot be used.
128 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Urgency justification code CZ. Process replenishment issues to Mission Support Kit (MSK) detail records
with: TEX codes 2, K, or 6 to prevent kill action of the input quantity (or
part of the input quantity) and permit issue or due-out action resulting in excess
detail record assets. TEX M to bypass kill action and establish a memo backorder when
substitutes are available with equal units of issue but the assets cannot be used. Urgency Justification Code CZ. Process replenishment issues to WRM Spares detail records with: TEX codes 2, K, 6, 7, or P to prevent kill action of the input quantity
(or part of the input quantity) and permit issue or due-out action resulting in
excess detail assets. When TEX 7 or P is used, a special requisition submission
transaction will be required. See Special Requisition (SPR) Transaction in AFH
23-122. Urgency justification code BT. Base level personnel will process replenishment issues to RSP and non-
airborne RSP detail records with: TEX codes TEX 2, K, 6, 7, or P to prevent kill action of the input
quantity (or part of the input quantity) and permit issue or due-out action resulting
in excess detail assets. If TEX 7 or P is used, a special requisition submission
transaction will be required. TEX blank for normal replenishment issues. Urgency Justification Code (UJC). When the replenishment issue is
created as a result of TRIC: MSI processing, the replenishment issue is assigned
UJC BT. Process replenishment issues of Consumable WRM Items Maintained on
Authorized/In-Use Detail Records with: Activity Code E and demand code N to bypass demand data update. TEX code TEX 2, K, 6, 7, or P to prevent kill action of the input
quantity (or part of the input quantity) and permit issue or due-out action resulting
in excess detail assets. When TEX 7 or P is used, a special requisition submission
transaction will be required. TEX blank for normal replenishment of consumable WRM
items located on authorized/in-use detail records. Urgency Justification Code BT.
5.2.4. Establish Mission Impaired Capability Awaiting Parts (MICAP) backorder.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 129 Purpose: To explain the MICAP backorder process. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: The MICAP backorder process normally begins with
processing of customer issue requests as described in Customer Issue Request and
Processing of this chapter. When assets are not available to fill the issue request, the following actions will
be performed: Aircraft Parts Store (APS) or Customer Support Liaison will contact the
requesting Maintenance Production Superintendent or equivalent in accordance with
AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management to verify MICAP
condition exists. (T-1). Customer Support Liaison or APS, will perform an exhaustive search
for available local resources as part of the MICAP verification. Local resources
include, but are not limited to: Substitute or Interchangeable NSN. Time Change/Time Compliance Technical Order assets. Bench Stock assets. War Reserve Materiel. RSP and Non-Airborne RSP. Special Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance
(SPRAM). Supply point. Component parts/repair list items. Next Higher Assembly (NHA). Tail Number Bin (TNB). Assess the possibility of priority repair of unserviceable assets
in the maintenance repair cycle (DIFM). Cannibalization of serviceable items from another
unserviceable end- item will be considered if assets are not available for issue. Once all local resources have been exhausted, establish the MICAP
backorder. The following paragraphs provide procedures for different situations. Standard MICAP: Aircraft MICAP request will be reprocessed with TEX 7 unless
AFMC notifies LRS/Materiel Management Activity that the ILS-S auto sourcing
logic is to be utilized. Non-aircraft backorders will be reprocessed with TEX M. (excluding
overseas contingency operations and NEXRAD MICAPs).
130 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Aircraft Parts Store or Customer Support Liaison documents the
verification process in the ILS-S and include all pertinent data; part number, TO,
figure, index, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make, model, manufacturer,
etc. (see ILS-S User’s Manual). Note: For units supporting a Chairmen Joint
Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) operation, ensure an approved CJCS project code is used. Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) MICAP: Process with TEX X, FAD 2, MICAP FLAG N, and UJC 1C/JC.
When the IT system is inoperable, requirements will be called into the Customer
Support or handled according to local instructions and input into the IT system
with TEX "7" when the IT system becomes operable. Customers notify AFMC of all NEXRAD MICAP incidents. AFMC support for NEXRAD items is as follows: Process transactions for NWS managed reparable items in-line.
The requisition will be funded by AFMC Air Logistics Complex (Ogden) and
forwarded to the Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA), G13. Verify asset availability by inquiring the DLA IT system or
contacting the respective DLA Customer Interaction Center (CIC) for all DLA
managed requirements. When assets are available, AFMC will call the requirement in to
the appropriate DLA CIC. When no assets are available, AFMC will check the National
Logistics Support Center Website for asset availability. When assets are available at G13, AFMC will contact DLA CIC
and inform the representative assets are available at G13 and they should
process "BM" status to pass the requirement to G13 manual NEXRAD
MICAP support: AFMC will assign an off-line requisition number. For National Weather Service (NWS) managed reparable,
MICAP requirements must be processed in-line with the MICAP controller
ensuring that the correct supplementary address is entered. The requisition
should go directly to AFMC Air Logistics Complex (Ogden/FGZ) for
processing. When the requisition is not in the D035A system the MICAP
Controller will enter the requisition information into D035A.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 131 For consumable items, the MICAP controller checks for asset
availability at the respective DLA CIC (SMS). When assets are available, the
MICAP controller calls the requirement into the appropriate DLA CIC. The
MICAP controller ensures the correct supplementary address is given and
informs the CIC representative the requirement is for a NEXRAD emergency.
When no assets are available, the MICAP controller also checks the NWS
website for asset availability. When assets are available at G13, the MICAP
controller will contact DLA CIC with offline requisition information and
inform the DLA CIC customer service representative assets are available at
G13 and to process "BM" status to transfer the requisition to G13. When the IT system is back online, AFMC will process a
special requisition transaction to load the requisition number. Local Manufacture (RIC: JBD) Items MICAP: Complete previously addressed MICAP validation process. Note:
Check availability of end-item and all bits and pieces needed to manufacture the
item. Parts Available. Reprocess the issue request for the end-item using
the appropriate MICAP UJC, when the bits and pieces required to manufacture
the item locally are available. Parts Not Available. Reprocess both the killed end-item and the bits
and pieces required for manufacture with the appropriate MICAP UJC if the bits
and pieces required to manufacture the item locally are not available. Transient Aircraft MICAP Support. When a maintenance team is dispatched to repair a transient aircraft
at a location with an AF Stock Record Account Number (SRAN), establish a due-
out at the transient location in accordance with procedures described in Standard
MICAP. Transient Locations without Supply Accounts. When assets are available from Aircraft’s Home Base. Assets to
satisfy MICAP conditions for a transient aircraft are required at a location that
does not contain an Air Force SRAN, issue the required assets at the home
base to the home base maintenance activity. Note: Maintenance personnel
will either dispatch a home base maintenance team or process maintenance-to-
maintenance shipment procedures to ship the assets to the activity that will
repair the aircraft. Home station maintenance personnel and aircraft
commander will ensure that reparable (unserviceable) assets are returned to
home station either with the aircraft or through transportation channels (using
DD Form 1348-1A) to clear any DIFM detail records. Assign DIFM status
code Aircraft Cross Country (AXC) to the DIFM detail to indicate the asset is
at a transient location.
132 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When assets are not available from aircraft’s home base. When
assets to satisfy MICAP conditions for a transient aircraft (non-home station)
are required at a location where no Air Force SRAN exists and a home base
maintenance team will not be dispatched, the home station will process a
MICAP due-out using the home station maintenance organizational account.
(T-1). AFMC will source for assets to fill the MICAP requirement. Once
lateral assets are found, AFMC will create a manual lateral shipment
document using the address of the recovery location. The shipment documents
will authorize shipment of the required assets to the aircraft commander where
the aircraft is located. The home station of the transient aircraft is accountable
for the shipped assets. The manual shipment documents (DD Form 1348-1A)
will contain instructions in the remarks block advising the aircraft
commander: 1) the reparable items should be returned to the home station of
the aircraft; and 2) the aircraft commander should contact home base
maintenance to pick-up the reparable items. AFMC will process the manual
shipment in the applicable ILS-S to the home station supply account. Transfer of Asset Accountability. To transfer asset
accountability, the home station LRS/Materiel Management Activity will
process a receipt transaction once notified by AFMC that the asset was
delivered to the recovery location. The home station maintenance activity will
advise the LRS/Materiel Management Activity to update the DIFM status to
“AXC” to indicate the asset is at a transient location. The Materiel
Management Flight or equivalent at the shipping base will also email/FAX a
set of all shipping documents to the home station of the aircraft to the Asset
Management Section. The due-out release and shipping documents will be
cross-referenced in the ILS-S. Two copies of each issue document and one
copy of the receiving document will be forwarded to base maintenance
Production Control pending return of the aircraft. Production Control will
ensure reparable items are picked up when the aircraft returns and the items
are processed through base maintenance using normal DIFM procedures. Air Mobility Command (AMC) and Air Force Special Operations
Command (AFSOC) Transient Aircraft. For AMC aircraft, the theater AMC
Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC) will help the LRS APO locate assets for
lateral shipments to satisfy MICAP requirements. For AFSOC aircraft, the
AFSOC Combat Logistics Office (CLO) will assist to locate assets for lateral
shipment to satisfy the MICAP requirements. Information requisition data (stock
number, unit of issue, quantity, part number, technical order, figure and index)
will be furnished to the AFMC, who will provide an offline requisition number to
the TACC/CLO. Item indicative data such as nomenclature, part number,
technical order reference, and complete aircraft identification will also be
provided. The applicable TACC/CLO will conduct theater lateral support searches
to satisfy transient aircraft MICAP requirements.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 133 No Available Lateral Assets. If the item is not available from theater
resources, the TACC/CLO may pursue CANN options, or AFMC will generate an
off-line requisition to the source of supply. D035K MICAPs. The DLA D035K supply activity will enter Depot
Maintenance MICAPs into ILS-S and request AFMC support in satisfying the
requirement from base level assets. AFMC will take the following actions: Source for availability of assets and enter the results of the sourcing
query into the ILS-S MICAP order bullets. When assets are available, process the lateral shipment and update
the ILS-S MICAP order bullets accordingly to include updates to the shipping
status. When AFMC is unable to locate assets laterally, they will enter the
reason why in the ILS-S MICAP order bullets and the DLA supply activity will
assume ownership of the applicable MICAP requirement.
5.2.5. Requisition Submission. Purpose: To explain requisitioning procedures for establishing base-generated
requisitions. For guidance requirements review AFI 23-101. For IT reference use AFH
23-123. General Discussion: Under normal processing, the ILS-S will generate automatic
requisitioning actions to the source of supply. General ILS-S automated (inline)
actions/processes are found in AFH 23-123, Requisition Submission. When
circumstances prevent automatic requisitioning, an off-line requisition must be submitted. The following actions will be performed for manual (off-line) requisitioning: Lateral support requisition submission. AFMC or Weapon System Support Activities will process all non-
MICAP lateral support requests. AFMC will request lateral support to and from NATO forces utilizing
the Acquisition and Cross Serving Agreement through project officer at USAFE. AFMC may telephone lateral support requisition requirements to
other AF bases using the following instructions: Provide the lateral support base with an offline requisition
number. See Requisition Serial Number Assignment in AFH 23-123 for more
information about assigning offline requisition serial numbers. Prepare a special requisition transaction to load the requisition
and corresponding due-in details. Input the same offline requisition number
given to the lateral support base to ship the item(s). Note: To link the lateral
due-in with the customer due-out, enter the customer due-out document
number in positions 67-80 of the SPR transaction. See SPR input processing
in AFH 23-123. Part number requisition submission.
134 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible for
submission (and status management) of part number/p-serialized national stock
number request to source of supply with the exception of MICAPs to an F(XX)
source of supply, these will be processed by AFMC. For special requisition input processing, see Special Requisition
(SPR) Transaction in AFH 23-123. Local purchase requisition submission. The LRS/Materiel Management
Activity is responsible for managing local purchase/local manufacture requisitions. Purchasing centrally managed XB/XF items related to weapon systems
with Government Purchase Card (GPC). Specific procedures for processing GPC
purchases are outlined in AFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card Program. For
GPC purchases in support of vehicle maintenance requirements also refer to AFI 24-
302. Obtain local purchase authority. AFMC will request local purchase authority and a qualified
source from the applicable Weapon System’s Program Director (SPD) for all
MICAP requirements. AFMC will advise the requesting activity of the approval for
local purchase and provide the requesting activity with the qualified source
information. Note: The decision to purchase the asset with the GPC rests with
the requesting activity. For non-MICAP requirements, the requesting activity will be
responsible for obtaining SPD approval for GPC purchase. The requesting activities are responsible to coordinate with
LRS/Materiel Management Activity to process Due Out Cancellation, TEX 9. AFMC will process a monthly script to extract all TEX Code “9” Due
Out Cancellations. and process a Demand History Adjustment in the applicable
DLA Materiel Management IT System to capture demand data for the quantity of
DLA items procured through local purchase for all DLA managed budget code 9
assets (for both MICAP and non MICAP requirements). Items requiring special requisitioning procedures. See Special Requisition
(SPR) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for processing instructions required to create and
submit requisition transactions for special types of items or conditions. AMC FSL Requisition Built-Up Items. AFMC assigns command
stock numbers to selected assemblies requiring build-up, assembly, cure dating,
etc. Requisitions for command stock number items do not require DD Form 1348-
6, non-NSN requisition (manual). Built-up items with a command stock number assigned will be
processed in-line.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 135 AMC FSLs will submit telephone, fax or email requisitions to AFMC
for built-up up items that do not have a command stock number assigned (e.g.,
wheels and tires). Special Requirements Indicator (SRI). SRI R is used on special requisition
transactions to requisition items that the ILS-S will not requisition automatically.
AFMC will use the instructions contained in SRI R in AFH 23-123 to assign SRI R
requisitions. Note: The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible for SRI
assignment on JBB/JBD and non-MICAP Part number requisitions. SRI "R" may be used by the AFMC to ship serviceable assets deemed
as excess from Forward Operations Support Element (FOSE) or contingency
location deployment back to Primary Supply Point (PSP) or home station of
deployed unit. SRI "R" may be used by the AFMC to support contracted Inventory
Control Points (ICP) requirements (This may include Boeing, Lockheed, etc.). The following examples describe other situations where a SRI may
be needed. Use of the SRI R for the listed examples or any other conditions will
be at AFMC’s discretion. Items Assigned a Local Unit of Issue (-1 Stock Numbers). Bulk Purchase Items (ready mixed concrete, fuel oil, coal, etc.). Unsupportable MRSP/IRSP Requirements. Calendar Requirements Greater than Combined Due-Out
Requirements. Minimum Buy/Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
Requirements. REX Codes. REX codes are a one-position, alpha/numeric code assigned
to stock numbers to restrict or modify output requisition transactions. Numeric REX
Codes are normally assigned as described in Requisition Exception (REX) Codes,
(AFH 23-123). Alpha REX codes are locally, AFMC, or MAJCOM assigned and
used to modify requisitions. See the reference above for a complete list of REX codes
and processing instructions for each. AFMC will review and take action on stock numbers assigned REX
codes listed in the Requisition Exception Code (REX) table in AFH 23-123, on an
as required basis. "As required" is determined by a customer requirement or
automated releveling processes. AFMC will annually audit REX 4s ensuring there
is complete processing data in the nomenclature field. Note: IEX "D"s will also
receive annual audits. Additionally, REX codes will be deleted as necessary, e.g.,
if a part-numbered or non-NSN item changes to an active (cataloged) stock
number, the routing identifier code (RIC) changes to a new source of supply that
will support base requirements, the exception no longer applies to the item, etc.
136 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The LRS/Materiel Management Activity function responsible for
monitoring each REX code must prepare and maintain an exception control
(ECC) image for each item. See AFH 23-123, Exception Phrase Load, Change, or
Delete (FXR). REX codes may be manually loaded, changed, or deleted with a
stock control data (FCD) transaction. See Procedures for Stock Control Data
Load/Change/Delete Input (FCD) in AFH 23-123 for format and processing
instructions for FCD transactions. Suppress Automatic Requisitioning. Requisition exception codes 1, 3,
and 4 will cause the ILS-S to suppress requisition transactions, regardless of the
assigned exception notice code (ENC). However, requisitions are suppressed for
all REX-coded items if ENC R (Reject) is assigned. REX codes are also used to
identify requisitions which require external management review before
submission. Assignment of ENC P (Process) to the REX exception phrase record
will cause the ILS-S to enter the REX code in position 71 of the output requisition
transaction. Before submitting the output requisition transaction to the supply
source, AFMC must blank position 71. Note: This does not apply to local
purchase requisition transactions printed on DD Form 1348-1A. Requisition Override Records. Requisition exception (REX) codes
may also be used to force the ILS-S to override normal requisition data as
specified by the exception phrase record. Requisition exception phrase records
loaded for this purpose are identified as requisition override records. Any alpha
requisition exception code may be used as a requisition override record. Properly
established requisition override records will improve local requisitioning and
reduce the need for manual (offline) requisitions. Conversely, improper
requisition override records will generate invalid requisitions and internal records.
Use exception notice code (ENC) P (process) when creating requisition override
records. AFMC will manage the requisition override program. AMC will coordinate assignment of requisition override records
with AFMC to ensure requisitions are correctly routed. See Exception Codes
and Exception Code Control (ECC) Management in AFH 23-123 for more
information concerning creating and maintaining ECC images. Fund Requirement (FRC) File Process. The following actions will be
performed: AFMC will process the Fund Requirement Update/Analysis
(R04/NGV857) Option 3 monthly and forward to the LRS. This report identifies
Budget Code 9 requirements that ILS-S has suppressed when the requisitions:
exceed the Maximum Automatic Obligation (MAPO) authority, do not pass the
Urgency of Need Funding Flag (UNFF), or have specific SPC edits. Reference
AFH 23-123 for IT FRC file and image processing instructions. Note: AFMC
approves requisitioning for Budget Code 9 items with stock fund FRC indicators. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity responsibility:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 137 Review the Funds Requirement Update/Analysis, Option 3, as
required to determine which due-outs to obligate. Review and obligate due-outs assigned Jxx. Coordinate with organizations to ensure customers are aware of
suppressed requirements. Coordinate with AFMC to obligate requirements.
5.2.6. Due-Out Release (DOR). Purpose: To explain the DOR procedures process. For guidance specific
requirements, review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Normally, the ILS-S automatically releases serviceable
assets to fill a customer backorder. Special circumstances may prevent automatic release,
and automatic release of high priority items can be manually prevented. These result in
an on-hand balance for an item with due-outs loaded. When this occurs, the serviceable
assets available have to be manually (forced) due-out released to fill the backorder. The following actions will be performed to force release to a specific due-out: Review applicable management notice or process inquiry in the appropriate
IT system to obtain due-outs for asset. Enter the desired document number in the
force DOR transaction in the ILS-S as outlined in Customer Due-Out-Release (DOR)
in AFH 23-123. To release automatically per the order of release table depicted in ILS-S
Order Of Release Sequence Table in AFH 23-123. Process force DOR transaction as
outlined in Forced Due-Out Release (DOR) Input Transaction, AFH 23-123.
5.2.7. Modify Backorders. Purpose: To explain the modification of established due-ins and due-outs. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: When customer backorders require modification, AFMC
(for non-AFMC supported customers) prepares and processes a due-in/due-out update
transaction. The following actions will be performed: The customer is responsible to submit the following information when
backorder modification action is required: Stock number requested. Document number. Requisition number. Modification Requirement. The customer identifies any or all of the
following data elements for modification: Supplementary address. Project code.
138 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Force activity designator. Mark-for. Urgency justification code. Required delivery date. Ammo transaction code. Authority for issue flag. For non-MICAP customer backorders, process Due-In/Due-Out Modifier
(DIT) Input Transaction in due-in/due-out update transaction in the ILS-S, per AFH
23-123. For MICAP customer backorders, process the appropriate MICAP
Notification/Status transaction in the ILS-S in accordance with MICAP
Notification/Status (NOR) Transaction in AFH 23-123. AFMC will ensure priority
due-in details are deleted or changed when corresponding customer due-out details
have been cancelled or downgraded.
5.2.8. Requisition Follow-up Purpose: To explain the requisition follow-up procedures to validate/obtain
status. AFMC is responsible for all requisition follow-up except for local routing
identifiers, TCTOs, and non -MICAP part number requisitions. The LRS/Materiel
Management Activity is responsible for local routing identifiers, TCTOs, and non-
MICAP part number requisition follow-up. For guidance specific requirements review
AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Use manual requisition follow-up procedures when
automated (INLINE) Requisition follow-up transactions discussed in Requisition Follow-
Up, AFH 23-123, have not yielded the desired results, and mission requirements dictate
improved status is required. Manual requisition follow-up processing may be conducted
alone or in conjunction with automated follow-up processing. The following actions will be accomplished for manual requisition follow-up: AFMC will perform follow-up for all off-line lateral support requisitions
when no shipment is loaded. See Requisition Follow-Up (AFC/FLP) Input
Transactions in AFH 23-123, for processing information and input transaction format. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity will perform follow-up for local
purchase, local manufacture, and non-MICAP part number requisitions when
necessary. For local purchase requisitions with status, see Requisition Follow-
Up in AFH 23-123, for automated follow-up transaction format, frequency, and
processing instructions. For local purchase requisitions without status, see Requisition
Follow-Up in AFH 23-123, for automated requisition reinstatement follow-up
transaction processing instructions and transaction format.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 139 For local manufacture requisition follow-up, Requisition Follow-Up
in AFH 23-123, for more information and processing instructions. Priority requisition follow-up transaction. Utilize the priority requisition
follow-up transaction for priority 01-08 requisitions containing unsatisfactory
estimated delivery dates. See Requisition Follow-Up (AFC/FLP) Input Transactions
in AFH 23-123, for processing instructions and format. Action required transaction. AFMC is responsible for centrally managed
item action required status images. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is
responsible for all routing identifier Jxx action required transactions. See Requisition
Follow-Up in AFH 23-123, for transaction processing information and format. Supply assistance request message. When all other attempts have failed to
acquire current or improved status for priority 01-08 requisitions, the supply
assistance request message should be used. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
will assist customers with preparing supply difficulty and supply assistance requests
for forwarding to AFMC. AFMC will combine base inputs and submit assistance
requests to the appropriate action ALC/ICP, and return responses to the initiators. The
supply assistance request message informs the source of supply how the lack of the
requisitioned item affects mission support. See Supply Assistance Request Message
Format in AFH 23-123, for the supply assistance message format and submission
procedures used by the Materiel Management Activity. A request for assistance may
be accomplished by electronic mail (computer--DDN), message, letter, or telephone
to the appropriate supply source.
5.2.9. Requisition Reconciliation. Purpose: To ensure requisitioned materiel is still required and valid. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. As this is a system intensive process, see Requisition Reconciliation in AFH 23-
123, for processing instructions to automated responses using the ILS-S to ensure
requisitioned materiel is still required and valid.
5.2.10. Requisition Status. Purpose: To explain the requisition status procedures process. AFMC manages
status for centrally managed item requisitions. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
will manage status for local purchase, local manufacture and non-MICAP part number
requisitions. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT references
use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: AFMC and LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel
must ensure all status is processed immediately, no matter how the status is received. If
status is not processed immediately, more workload may be created due to invalid follow-
ups, receipt rejects, and requisition cancellations and billings. AFMC must establish
management notice suspense files for status problems. Most status transactions are
processed internally by the ILS-S, however some require external handling. AFMC and
LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel must make decisions on each management
notice received to correct individual status problems.
140 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The following actions will be accomplished in performing requisition status
updates: F4(**) management notices. The ILS-S will produce F4** management
notices to explain processing actions for each cancellation status code received. See
AFH 23-123 for detailed instructions for each management notice. SRI. If a special requirement indicator is assigned to the due-in
detail, the system will add a third line of print on the F4** management notice
specifying the flag. See Special Requisition (SPR) Transaction in AFH 23-123,
for more information concerning SRI assignment. Processing Cancellation/Rejection Status. AFMC with coordination with
LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel will process rejection and cancellation
status. The following paragraphs detail specific instructions for processing the most
common types of rejection/cancellation status received. See Intra-Air Force, And
Intra-Base Requisition Status Codes and Phrases in AFH 23-123, for a complete list
and explanation of each type of status code that may be received and for status
transaction format and instructions. Cancellation Status Code BF (No Record of Requisition). When the
wholesale source of supply does not have a record of an ILS-S requisition, the
wholesale supply system generates a status transaction with status code BF. Cancel the requirement. If the due-in and due-out should be
canceled, enter TEX 9 in position 51 of the status transaction and re-input. Re-requisition the requirement. If the canceled quantity should
be requisitioned again, enter TEX R in position 51 of the status transaction
and re-input. Decrease the requirement. If the cancellation should be
processed to delete or decrease only due-in details and corresponding status
details, enter TEX P in position 51 of the status transaction and re-input. Current status exists. In this situation, do not re-input the
status transaction. Take this action when due-in and status details exist in the
ILS-S with current status. Note: Follow-up processing will force the source of
supply to confirm they do not have a record of the requisition.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 141 Cancellation Status Code CA. The source of supply notifies
LRS/Materiel Management Activities of CA cancellations by message. The
message explains the reason for the cancellation and any additional requirements.
When the message is received, AFMC processes a status (AE*) input transaction
with status code CA. Note: Status code CA automatically assigns REX code 1
which prevents further requisitioning action for the item. See Requisition
Exception (REX) Codes in AFH 23-123, for a list of REX codes and associated
processing instructions. If AFMC does not receive the CA cancellation message,
the ILS-S will generate subsequent follow-up (AF*) transactions to the supply
source. Note: The supply source will not send another message to the base. When
follow-up transactions are received by the supply source they send status (AE*)
transactions with status code CA. When processed in the ILS-S, the CA status
transaction will assign REX code 1 to the item record, update cancellation status
codes on the routing identifier record, and output an F436 management notice.
See AFH 23-123 for more information concerning F436 management notices. Cancellation Status Code CW (One-Time Local Purchase). The
ILS-S will generate a 421 Reject (input must be coded with TEX 9, P or R, and
reprocessed) when requisitions are canceled with CW status. Use the following
instructions to process CW cancellation status: When the canceled quantity will be locally procured to meet
the requirement, prepare a DD Form 1348-6 according to the instructions in
AFH 23-123. Attach a copy of the 421 Reject to copy 2 (and 3 if required) and
send to Contracting. The 421 Reject indicates to Contracting this DD Form
1348-6 has been generated because of CW status. AFMC will submit a new
requisition for the requirement. When a DD Form 1348-6 has been previously submitted on
this item, and management decides to procure it locally, re-input the status
transaction with TEX R in position 51. Do not send the DD Form 1348-6 and
the 421 reject notice to the Base Contracting Office. When the due-in and due-out on the item is canceled, enter
TEX code 9 in position 51 of the status transaction and re-input. When the item cannot be locally procured, enter TEX P in
position 51 of the status transaction and re-input. This action will delete or
decrease the due-in and status details. Submit a new requisition to the source
of supply with advice code 2A. When the cancellation is for a local purchase due-in, only TEX
codes 9 or R apply.
142 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Cancellation Status Codes ZG and ZH. For cancellation codes ZG
(item permanently not available from Base Contracting) and ZH (item temporarily
not available from Base Contracting), the ILS-S will delete the requisition and
assign REX 1 to the item record. The primary course of action is to review the
requirement for these items with the customer and work to find an acceptable
substitute. When a substitute is discovered, re-requisition the substitute item with
a new requisition number through Contracting. If a substitute cannot be found,
assign REX 2 to the item record using a Stock Control Data (FCD) transaction.
This action will allow requisitioning again from the primary source of supply as
determined by the federal supply class/MMAC (FSC/MMAC) table. See
management notice I964 in AFH 23-123, for more information. Source of Supply Substitute and Equal Item Offers. The source of supply
will notify the LRS/Materiel Management Activity through message or other
correspondence when substitute or equal items are available to satisfy requisitions.
When notified, Stock Control will first determine the unit price of the offered item.
When the extended cost of the requisition is greater than $499.99, or the item is
considered accountable equipment (ERRCD equals ND*), Stock Control contacts the
customer to determine if the offered item is acceptable. When acceptable by the
customer, instruct the source of supply to provide updated status (BH) containing the
new (offered) stock number. When the offered item is not acceptable to the customer,
instruct the source of supply to continue procurement (if possible) for the requested
item. Note: The source of supply should establish a customer response suspense date.
When a customer response suspense date is not provided by the source of supply,
Stock Control should submit the customer response (acceptance/nonacceptance) to
the source of supply within 7 workdays. Request for Missing Requisition Information. BD status suspends the
requisition in the wholesale supply system for 30 calendar days awaiting Item
Manager review and action. Bases have 30 days to provide requested information.
When the supply source does not receive requested information within 30 calendar
days, the supply source cancels the requisition using status code D3 (Canceled). See
Intra-Air Force, And Intra-Base Requisition Status Codes and Phrases in AFH 23-
123, for IT information concerning D3 status processing.
5.2.11. Requisition (Overdue Shipment) Tracing. Purpose: To explain the procedures for tracing requisitions with overdue
shipment status. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use ILS-S User’s Manual.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 143 General Discussion. The ILS-S will be used to identify requisitions (inbound
shipments) that have exceeded normal transit time and are therefore considered overdue.
Normal transit time is based on standards set by the Transportation Category (TC) of the
shipment and the location (CONUS or OCONUS) of the requisitioning Stock Record
Account Number (SRAN). When transit time has expired the requisition (shipment) will
be flagged as overdue within ILS-S and the LRS/Materiel Management Activity
managers will coordinate with the local LRS/Transportation Activity to research, trace,
and resolve the overdue shipments. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity must ensure
that all required tracing actions are completed daily. (T-2). See ILS-S User’s Manual
Chapter 10 for processing information about identifying overdue shipments within ILS-
S. The ILS-S provides several work products to manage overdue shipments.
These work products use the due-in and status shipped details within ILS-S to identify
and list overdue shipments so no other programs need to be scheduled or processed. Any
updates to the due-in or status shipped details will reflect almost immediately in ILS-S
(even if the shipment was received right before the work products are reviewed) so users
should review the reports and take the appropriate action on a daily basis. As long as
actions are recorded promptly, no duplication (rework) is possible. The ILS-S work
products are also based on a condition (state) either automatically assigned by the system
or manually assigned by a user. The ILS-S Overdue Shipment work products are designed to facilitate a
logical workflow for managing overdue shipments. This workflow is based on the
assignment of overdue conditions to each shipment based on the results of research
and tracing actions. LRS/Materiel Management Activity uses the ILS-S Overdue Shipment
work products to initiate, monitor, and correct overdue shipments. LRS/Materiel
Management Activity will set up controls to ensure timely processing of the work
products and completion of required actions. LRS/ Materiel Management Activity Initial Actions. Review each entry on the Overdue Shipments No Condition
work product for errors such as incomplete/inaccurate status, rejects
associated with the orders or erroneous receipt processing. If possible, correct
the erroneous condition immediately so the entry will no longer appear on this
list. Based on this review, LRS/Materiel Management Activity can change
the Overdue Condition as needed or if no action can be taken to correct the
overdue shipment change the condition to Transportation Review Required
(TRR). ILS-S requires the entry of comments whenever the overdue
condition is changed. Users will ensure these comments are meaningful and
justify the condition change. Note: When the TCN/GBL field contains
Pilot/Consignee, then transportation channels were not used for the shipment
so do not change the condition to Transportation Review Required (TRR).
These entries must be worked as Received Not Processed (RNP).
144 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Verify the status that is loaded is the most recent status
available. If updated status is available, process an AS1 through ILS-S. If the
updated status cannot be processed immediately, then change the condition to
Updated Status (UPD) and enter comments to justify the change. Review reject listings to determine if any rejects associated
with the document number (and or lead TCN document number if
consolidated) are pending. Process Audit Trail or CTH queries as needed to
determine if previous receipts against the document number (or lead TCN
document number if consolidated) have been processed and then ensure the
receipts were processed correctly, paying close attention to any suffix code. If
proof of receipt is available, then change the condition to Received Not
Processed (RNP) and enter comments to justify the change. Automatic Loss. Overdue shipments that are unclassified and
have a dollar value less than $100 should be automatically deleted by ILS-S
on a daily basis. However, sometimes the transaction used to delete these
shipments (a TAR transaction with action code *) may reject. If any entries
that meet this criteria remain on the listing then attempt to delete them
immediately (by reprocessing the TAR or correcting the condition). No SDR
is required for shipments that meet this automatic loss criteria. However, any
other entry will be reported as a SDR regardless of dollar value, after the
LRS/Transportation Activity confirms that the shipment was lost, destroyed or
proof of Delivery could not be furnished. Follow procedures outlined in DLM
4000.25, Vol 2. Processing Output Products. Successful processing of a TAR
with action code (*) may generate Management Notices such as the I306,
I198, I116, and F080. These management notices are automatically output to
the Manage Transaction Output (MTO) function of ILS-S. Responsible areas
should use the MTO function to retrieve these notices. See ILS-S User’s
Manual. Receipts processed incorrectly: Customer Support will
compile and process record reversal. See paragraph 5.6 of this manual. Immediately forward inbound records that require tracer
actions to Inbound Cargo for their actions. LRS/Materiel Management Activity Subsequent Actions
Following LRS/Transportation Activity Review. Review the Overdue
Shipments-Updated Status, Received Not Processed, and Lost in Transit
entries for meaningful comments that justify the condition. If the comments
for an entry do not support the condition change the condition back to
Transportation Review Required (TRR) and enter comments as to why the
entry needs to be reexamined. Changing the condition back to TRR reassigns
that entry back to LRS/Transportation Activity for additional action. Note:
Entries in the Tracing (TRR) condition for 30 days will automatically change
to Tracing Follow-up Required (TFR).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 145 Below are the subsequent activity statements; complete the
following actions. Received not processed. Process Receipt with TEX 8.
Process Special inventory request (1GP) in accordance with AFH 23-123.
Forward all source documents to Inventory for additional research and
adjustment. Updated Shipment status. Delete old/erroneous shipment status
(using TAR with action code D) as needed (paying close attention to suffix
code if applicable). Process updated shipment status (AS1) to update the 211
detail with new shipment date. Lost in transit (LIT). When Inbound Cargo Activity changes
the overdue condition to Lost in Transit then a Transportation Discrepancy
report (TDR) DD 361/Message will be provided. Customer Support processes
a TAR transaction with action code asterisk (*). SDR Reporting. SDR reporting is applicable to unclassified
and pilferable items above $100, after Cargo Movement confirms that the
shipment was lost, destroyed, or Proof of Delivery could not be furnished. Use
the ILS-S SDR function as the primary means to submit SDR and SF 364,
Report of Discrepancy, when the ILS-S SDR function is not available.
Reference the TDR when applicable. Cargo Movement Actions. Cargo Movement will work tracer action
listing in accordance with AFI 24-602, Vol 2. Tracing Push Due-Ins (Lateral Transfers of Equipment/SPRAM,
Shipments to CRFs, etc.). Due-Ins created as a result of processing 99S/DWA
transactions are not captured on the normal ILS-S Overdue Shipment work products
that are used to monitor due-ins with overdue shipment status. Note: Push Due-ins are
identified on a separate ILS-S work product for Overdue Shipments/Push Due-Ins. LRS Materiel Management will: Utilize the ILS-S Overdue Shipments for Push Due-Ins listing to
monitor lateral equipment/SPRAM transfers, shipments to CRFs and other Push
Due-Ins. Review the Overdue Shipments for Push Due-Ins listing and delete
details not cleared by the system due to erroneous processing. The LRS may
forego tracer/SDR action and process a Push Due-in Delete (PDD) transaction to
delete the due-in when system inquiry or direct communication from processing
activity clearly reveals a lateral equipment/SPRAM transfer was processed in
error. Contact customer to determine if assets have been received and
process FED or REC/DOR accordingly. Make every effort to resolve overdue push due-ins prior to
requesting assistance from the Transportation Activity. Request assistance from the Transportation Activity as needed for
details requiring additional research.
146 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Cargo Movement will perform research and assign the appropriate
overdue conditions listed in AFI 24-602, Vol 2. (T-2). LRS Materiel Management Activity will take the following actions based
on overdue condition assigned: Received Not Processed (indicating Transportation has proof of
receipt on base). When property cannot be immediately found, LRS will accept
responsibility for lost property and FED (for lateral equipment/SPRAM transfers)
or REC (for any other push due-in) will be processed onto LRS equipment
account. (T-1). Process a PDD transaction to delete the due-in (as needed) and a
1GP to initiate special inventory procedures. Tracing (indicating Transportation has initiated tracer action). Wait
for results of tracer action. Updated Shipment Status (indicating Transportation has
received updated shipment status from the supplier). Continue tracking until
property arrives or updated shipment status has expired. Lost in Transit (indicating tracer action was unsuccessful and
the shipment is considered lost). Process TRIC PDD to delete the due-in and
prepare a Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) to the shipping activity; include
results of the tracer action. If hard copy listings are used to coordinate between supply
and transportation then date and file listings electronically along with any
supporting documentation in accordance with Records Disposition Schedule
(RDS). Note: If ILS-S internal work products are used then only supporting
documentation must be filed. Brief overdue lateral Equipment/SPRAM transfers to the
Flight OIC/Superintendent monthly. 99S Requisition Tracing for Lateral Equipment/SPRAM Transfers. General Discussion: Requisitions created as a result from lateral
equipment/SPRAM transfers are not captured on the Transportation Tracer
Listing (TTL). Special procedures are necessary to ensure proper tracking and
prevent materiel from becoming lost or overdue in transportation channels.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 147 EAE will utilize Materiel Management IT System Query to identify
99S requisitions every two weeks. (T-1). Begin preliminary research action on
99S requisitions over 30 days old. Delete details not cleared by the system due to
erroneous FED processing. Contact gaining custodian to determine if assets have
returned and process FED accordingly. Take resolute actions when property
cannot be immediately found by processing FED onto LRS equipment account
and ensuring LRS/CC is notified of responsibility for lost property. Then process
TRIC 99S to delete requisition and initiate special inventory procedures. Make
every effort to resolve delinquent 99S requisitions prior to forwarding listing to
Cargo Movement for additional research. Forward listing to Cargo Movement as
supplemental TTL for details requiring additional research. Cargo Movement will
perform research and provide TTL statements listed in AFI 24-602, Vol 2. Return
listing to Cargo Movement if invalid statements are provided. “TO tracing.” This statement indicates TO has initiated tracer
action. Wait for results of tracer action. “Updated shipment status.” This
annotation indicates TO has received updated shipment status from the supplier.
Continue tracking until property arrives. “DD 361/Message attached.” This
statement indicates tracer action was unsuccessful and the shipment is considered
lost. Prepare a Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) to the shipping activity; include
results of the tracer action and Process TRIC 99S to delete requisition. "TM1
action required," requires EAE to submit a request for transportation status on
overseas follow-ups, through DAAS to the Air Force Shipper Service Control
Office (SSCO), for tracing action. When transportation status is unsuccessful, the shipment is
considered lost. Prepare a Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) to the shipping
activity, include results of the tracer action and process TRIC 99s to delete
requisition. When at any time EAE discovers shipment (1ET) was processed in
error either through system inquiry or direct communication from processing
activity; EAE may forego tracer/SDR action and delete requisition accordingly. Date and file listing electronically along with any supporting
documentation for one year. 99S requisitions are considered delinquent if over 60
days. Delinquent 99S requisitions will be briefed to Flight OIC/Superintendent
5.2.12. Customer Backorder Review, Validation, and Cancellation. Purpose: To explain the customer backorder review, validation, and
cancellation procedures. For guidance specific requirements see AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific information see AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Because the accuracy of backorders in the IT system is
important, LRS/Materiel Management Activity must coordinate with organizations to
review and validate their backorders regularly. The following actions will be performed:
148 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Customer backorder review. Customers review backorders for their
organizations to ensure they contain valid requisition numbers. Also, customers
should ensure requisition numbers have current status, and that backorder data
elements (e.g., priority, project code, quantity, mark-for, etc.) are correct. Customer backorder validation. Customers validate backorders for their
organization to determine if the item(s) are still required. Note: Local management
may dictate only weekly reviews are required for UND A and B customer backorders
for equipment items. Customer Backorder Review/Validation Products:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 149
Table 5.5. Customer Backorder Review/Validation Products.
Type Of
Due-Out Review And
Management Reports
Base Civil Engineer
BCE Due-Out Status Listing
- D03
Used exclusively by base
civil engineering
organizations daily to
review backorders
Base Civil Engineer BCE)
BCE Due-Out
Validation Listing
- M09
Used exclusively by base
civil engineering
organizations monthly to
validate backorders.
Supply Points (Inventory
Supply Point Listing
- Q13
Used by LRS/Materiel
Management Activity each
quarter to review and
validate supply point items
and backorders
All Organizations
Listing - M30
Used by LRS/Materiel
Management Activity and
customers monthly to
validate all customer
backorders except bench
All Organizations
Priority Monitor Report
- D18
Used by LRS/Materiel
Management Activity
and customers
daily/weekly to review
all UND A and B
customer backorders
All Organizations
Due-Out Status Listing
- R31
Used by LRS/Materiel
Management Activity and
customers (in conjunction
with other reports) as
required to review
Note: LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel may use a local retrieval program or an
existing program in place of these reports.
150 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Review of UND A and B Customer Backorders. Each day, LRS/Materiel
Management Activity will coordinate with applicable organizations for review of
customer backorders with UND A. At least weekly, LRS/Materiel Management
Activity will coordinate with applicable organizations for review of customer
backorders with UND A and B. Note: Management may determine daily processing
is not warranted. Customers are not required to return listings received for backorder
review. Customers must notify LRS/Materiel Management Activity of items on the
listings no longer needed. Notification can be via the listing, telephone, or other
military correspondence. Validation of Customer Backorders: Monthly Validation of Customer Backorders. The backorder
validation listing (M30), or equivalent, for all due-outs is produced monthly.
Note: The LRS/Materiel Management Activity and maintenance organization
jointly determines when the validation of customer backorders with the
maintenance information system shall be accomplished. Validation of Customer Backorders. Validation of customer
backorders for non- IMDS CDB organizations may create output images which
can be input after the organization has completed the validation. In this case, these
images and one copy of the validation listing are retained by the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity. During backorder validation for IMDS CDB organizations,
the images are forwarded to the applicable IMDS CDB organization. Validation Processing. To validate due-outs, the supported
organization should contact the person with the need for the backordered item to
ensure the item is still required. It’s essential the organization validate each due-
out on the list and cancel those which are no longer required. When there are any
changes or cancellations required, the customer organization must contact the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity in writing or by returning an annotated
listing. Validation Listing. Supported organizations resource advisor or
equivalent must sign and retain validated due-outs to include changes or
cancellations. The supported organization commander or designated rep signature
must be annotated on one listing per quarter. (T-2). Validation of Base Civil Engineering (BCE) Customer Backorders. The
M09, or equivalent, serves as the tool for validation of BCE customer backorders.
The computer listings are distributed with a letter of transmittal to BCE Materiel
Control Section. BCE uses the same procedures as other customers for reviewing,
validating, requesting changes and cancellations to existing backorders. In addition,
LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel use the M09, or equivalent, in the
same method as the M30. LRS/Materiel Management Activity retains work copies of
the M09 and M30, or equivalents, for the purpose of reviewing and researching
customer backorders, including memo-obligated backorders. When necessary,
LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel will requisition for support or cancel
customer due-outs as appropriate.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 151 Validation of Bench Stock Due-outs. The monthly inventory of bench
stocks fulfills the requirement to review and validate bench stock backorders. Backorder cancellations: Once a customer has determined that an item on backorder is no
longer required, they will contact the LRS/Materiel Management Activity to have
the backorder cancelled. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel will process a
due-out cancellation as described in Customer Backorder Due-Out Cancellation
(DOC) Transaction, AFH 23-123. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity
personnel must process DOC input transactions received from the base
Maintenance on the same day to ensure Maintenance and Supply records remain
coordinated. (T-2). When necessary, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity will
process a request for due-in cancellation for local purchase, local manufacture and
non-MICAP part number requisitions. See Local Purchase Status Cancellation
(LCC) Transaction in AFH 23-123, for processing instructions. Note: Process
due-in cancellation requests as required to ensure the requisition is not loaded at
the source of supply.
5.3. Physical Asset Management.
5.3.1. Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR). Purpose: To describe the procedures for submitting, following up, and replying
to SDR. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use
AFH 23-123. General. SDRs will be submitted in accordance with DLM 4000.25, Vol 2. The
SDR program is used to promote evaluation, correction, prevent recurrence and
improvement of logistics operations. Incoming SDRs. Incoming SDRs should rarely occur because bases are
primarily receiving rather than shipping activities. The preponderance of base SDR
activity pertains to “outgoing” SDRs, e.g., those sent to DLA, GSA, commercial vendors,
and occasionally to other AF bases (lateral support). When incoming SDRs are received,
Customer Support Liaison Element will take appropriate actions to resolve discrepancies. Outgoing SDR Submissions (Reporting Activity). The reporting (receiving)
activity will submit an SDR for all items, shipping or packaging discrepancies in
accordance with DLM 4000.25, Vol 2. (T-1). LRS personnel will use ILS-S SDR function as the primary tool to submit
SDRs. (T-1). The SF 364 paper form can be used as a secondary tool until access to
the ILS-S SDR function is established. All requirements pertaining to SDRs
throughout this section will be accomplished using the ILS-S SDR function.
Exception: SF 364 paper form can be used for reporting local purchase discrepancies
to the Base Contracting Office (BCO). Refer to the DLA Customer Assistance
Handbook via the web using CAC for further information concerning current POC
addresses, e-mails or phone numbers.
152 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Discrepancies in Item Unique Identification Data (IUID) are reportable under
shipping discrepancy criteria. Coordinate with EAE to report discrepancies involving
IUID to ensure contractual requirements are met. Adjustments. Completed SDRs may be used to support adjustments to the
accountable inventory and financial accounting records of both the reporting and
shipping activities. SDR Suspense Log. The reporting activity will maintain a consolidated ILS-S
SDR reporting tool to serve as the control log on all SDRs submitted. SDRs will remain
in suspense until closed. An SDR is considered closed when: a reply is received, the SDR
is categorized as unresolved, or the shipment appears on an ILS-S script providing
shipment loss analysis. Closed SDRs submitted via SF 364 paper form, will be
maintained in accordance with AFRIMS. When a reply is received the suspense copy of the SDR may be closed. “Recorded for Information Only-No Action Taken” SDRs will be
monitored for trend analysis and distributed to the respective activities impacted
by the SDR. Units may request additional information when SDRs are received as
Recorded for Information Only-No Action Taken and lack a clear narrative of the
problem. SDRs may be categorized as unresolved based on the lack of response to
follow-ups. These SDRs will be processed as indicated in Unresolved SDR Actions
paragraph. The Shipment Loss Analyses Report lists all shipments which may be
potential losses, confirmed losses, and recovered shipments. If a shortage SDR was
submitted for an item that appears on this report in Part Three-Recovered Shipments,
then the SDR should be removed from the file and canceled since the SDR is no
longer valid. Processing Report of Discrepancy Listings. When discrepant receipts are
processed in the supply system, a claims receivable or claims payable details will be
created. The ILS-SSDR function automatically identifies the details and creates an
internal SDR record. Claims payable and claims receivable details that require an initial
SDR or follow-up can also be obtained by processing the ILS-S program (See Report of
Discrepancy List (NGV587) in AFH 23-123). The program also produces transportation
action required (TAR) inputs for all listed items. The listings and TAR inputs are used to
ensure proper billing credit actions are taken. Claims Receivable Details. Claims receivable detail records are used to
produce informational SDRs and to request billing credit. They are created and
deleted as follows: Creation. A claims receivable detail is created if one of the following
conditions exists and the dollar value involved is greater than $100 for non-
Department of Defense (DoD) activities (Exception: Greater than $25.00 for
GSA.) and greater than $100 for DoD activities:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 153 Receipt Shortage. When a shortage is processed on a funded
receipt and the dollar values above are met, then a claims receivable detail
will be created under program control for the missing item, which identifies
the Source of Supply (SOS) should credit the funds back to the receiving
activity or send an asset to fulfill the shortage. Also created is an adjusted
received-not-billed (RNB) detail for the quantity actually received as the
original RNB detail would have reflected the originally ordered total quantity
due-in. Soon-to-be-Canceled Due-In. During follow-up processing,
when a due-in detail is subject to valid cancellation, and a billed-not-received
(BNR) detail exists, then a reject is created indicating the due-in cannot be
cancelled because a BNR detail exists and to submit a report of discrepancy
requesting credit. Deletion. A claims receivable detail is deleted under program control
when the credit billing is received and processed, the credit billing is denied by
the source of supply, or Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Field
Site deletes it. Claims Payable Details. Claims payable detail records are used to request
billing credit for the SOS. They are created and deleted as follows: Creation. If an overage of a funded shipment is processed and the
overage is greater than $100 for DoD and non-DoD activities (Exception: greater
than $25.00 for GSA) then a claims payable detail is created under program
control for the extra item(s) received. This detail identifies the receiving activity
now owes funds to the SOS to pay for the additional asset received. Deletion. A claims payable detail is deleted under program control
when the proper billing adjustment input has been processed. Items on the Report of Discrepancy/Supply Discrepancy Report Listing
(See Report of Discrepancy List (NGV587) in AFH 23-123). The stock control
portion of the listing shows each claims receivable detail which requires an SDR
submission and which is a reclassified BNR detail. These claims receivable details
have a B in the source-flag field. The listing and Tracer Action Request data files are
produced to assist Customer Support in conducting follow-up. Items on the Receiving Listing. This listing shows each item which
requires a SDR submission for its claims payable detail, claims payable receipt
overages, and short receipt claims receivable detail. Receipt overage claims details
will have a P (213 CLAIMS-PAYABLE-FLG) in the source-flag field. Short receipt
claims receivable detail will have an S in the source-flag field. See DFAS-DE
7077.10-M, Automated Materiel Accounting System Integrated within Standard Base
Supply System, claims receivable and received not billed record layouts for source-
flag indicators.
154 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Processing ILS-S Report of Discrepancy Receipt Listings. When
discrepant receipts are processed in the ILS-S, they are stored within the Air Force
Supply Centralized Data Bank (AFSCDB). Each day, ILS-S queries the AFSCDB
transaction history table to identify all receipt transaction history records (TRIC of
"REC") with Transaction Phrase Code (TTPC) equal to "8A", "1B" or "9X" and
meets the following other business rules: TTPC equal to "8A", and TEX code equals "Q" or "U" then the discrepancy is an
incorrect item. Nomenclature contains "REC" in positions 4 - 6 and has an "S"
in position 19, then the discrepancy is a shortage receipt. Nomenclature contains "TAR" in positions 4 - 6 and has an "S"
in position 19, then the discrepancy is a TAR receipt. Nomenclature contains "REC" in positions 4 - 6 and has a "P”
in position 19, then the discrepancy is a claims receivable that has been
reclassified as a Billed-not-Received. TTPC equal to "1B", and TEX code equals "P" or "Z" then the discrepancy is a damaged
item. Stockage Priority Code equals "J", then the discrepancy is a
record not due-in. Document Number and Action Quantity equals Document
Number and Action Quantity of other receipt transactions, then the
discrepancy is a duplicate receipt. Demand code equals "F", "G", "H", "J", "K:, or "L", then the
discrepancy is an unserviceable (incomplete, condemned, reparable)
suspended material. TTPC equal to "9X", and Nomenclature contains "REC" in positions 4 - 6 and has an "O"
in position 19, then the discrepancy is an Overage receipt. Nomenclature contains "REC" in positions 4 - 6 and has an "E"
in position 19, then the discrepancy is an Excess receipt. Nomenclature contains "REC" in positions 4 - 6 and has an "S"
in position 19, then the discrepancy is a Shortage receipt. Nomenclature contains "TAR" in positions 4 - 6 and has an "S"
in position 19, then the discrepancy is a Shortage receipt.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 155 Initial ILS-S SDR Actions on the Discrepancy Receipt Listing. Once the
internal SDR records have been created in ILS-S, ILS-S will identify those records
which are mandatory "M" and those that are optional "O", those that are input
manually by the field user "U", and those that are found to be duplicates "D" with the
applicable letter in the source indicator field. Customer Support Liaison Element will
use the listing to perform the following actions: Process Mandatory SDRs. DOD guidance establishes a minimum
reporting of discrepancy for "Mandatory" assets within 24 hours of discovery for
shortage, overage, wrong item, and misdirected shipments. Process Optional SDRs. DOD guidance establishes a minimum
reporting of discrepancy for "Optional" assets within 60 calendar days from date
of shipment for CONUS destinations. For overseas destinations, 120 calendar
days from date of shipment are allowed. At the discretion of the LRS commander,
optional SDR records can be deleted from ILS-S without being submitted. Manually Created SDRs. For those receipts not captured in the
business rules where the CTH does not indicate that the transaction was
discrepant, (e.g., Wet lumber, improper packaging) an SDR can be created
manually within ILS-S. These are stored on the SDR Listing in ILS-S with a
source indicator code of “U.” Duplicate SDRs. When a receipt is processed matching the business
rule following Processing ILS-S Report of Discrepancy Receipt Listings, then
ILS- S creates a duplicate “D” SDR record. A duplicate SDR record can be
created from TEX ‘Q’ receipts (receipt for misidentified materiel) as well. One
will show up as “M” (mandatory) and the other as “D” duplicate, each matching
the business rule. Only one of these SDRs needs to be submitted. Late SDR Submissions. When circumstances prevent compliance
with the above time standards, e.g., response to a tracer action reveals a supposed
transportation discrepancy to be a shipping/packaging discrepancy, the reasons for
delay shall be provided in a brief clear-text explanation. When appropriate, the
responsible activities will honor the discrepancy report. Reporting activities are
required to send SDRs to report a shipping or packaging discrepancy even after
the above submission time standard has elapsed. When lacking justification,
action activities will normally process for use in reporting metrics and corrective
action, when appropriate. The SOS shall not be responsible for financial
resolution on late submission SDRs unless shipment history is available and the
circumstances warrant such action. Initial SDR Actions on the Stock Control and Receiving Listings.
Customer Support, Stock Control function will review the Receiving listing and
identify all claims receivable details created through the processing of a shipped short
receipt. For all such details on the listing, and for all details on the Stock Control
listing, they will perform the following actions:
156 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Process SDRs. Refer to DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17, for
specific dollar value criteria. DoD guidance establishes a minimum reporting
dollar value of $100, with exception to controlled material and shipments from
contractors, manufacturers, or vendors these are mandatory. Prepare an SDR for
each detail exceeding $100 per line item. Claims from $100 to $499.99 may be
pursued at the local level initially, and will forward documentation to the finance
center or claims office for disposition if the claim cannot be settled. Claims above
$500.00 are mandatory submissions. Process a TAR input (see Tracer Action
Required (TAR) Transaction in AFH 23-123) with action code C. This input will
update the detail 213-Billing-Request-Date or 221-FAE-Date to show that an
SDR has been submitted. Designate Details for Deletion. Identify shipments between DoD and
non-DoD activities which are less than $100 per line item. DFAS Field Site will
then automatically delete the corresponding claims receivable or payable detail
records. Annotate the SDR listings with the deletion actions taken. Follow-up Listing. SDR follow-ups will be prepared and processed as
specified in DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17. To assist in the follow-up process
a listing that shows all claims receivable and claims payable details which do not
have follow-up SDRs submitted for them will be produced by the Report of
Discrepancy List. The follow-up schedule is determined by subtracting the 213-
Billing-Request- Date or 221-FAE-Date on the detail from the Julian date of the SDR
listings as follows: First Follow-up. Details requiring first follow-up action are those
which appear on the list 55 days after the initial submission of the SDRs. Once a
first follow-up has been submitted, a detail will not appear on the list again until
40 days after initial submission. Second Follow-up. Details requiring second follow-up action are
those which appear on the list 120 days after the initial submission of the SDRs.
Once a second follow-up has been submitted, a detail will not appear on the list
again and the SDR will be considered unresolved. Update the ILS-S. When a follow-up is submitted, process a TAR
input (AFH 23-123) with an action code F to update the Billing-Request-Date or
FAE-Date and show a follow-up has been submitted. Designate Details for Deletion. TAR monitor or Customer Support
personnel will identify all non-classified item details appearing on the follow-up
listing for DoD shipments valued at less than $100. These items will be
designated for deletion. DFAS Field Site will then automatically delete the
corresponding claims receivable/payable detail records. All classified items,
regardless of cost, will require follow-up action. ILS-S Follow-up Listing. SDR follow-ups will be prepared and processed
as specified in DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17. ILS-S SDR follow-ups are
completed as follows:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 157 Controlled Items. ILS-S considers controlled items codes A, B, C,
D,E, F, G, H, K, L, O, S, T, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 as controlled. Discrepant
controlled inventory items (shortage/overage/wrong item/misdirected): Total
response time, to include sequential processing by multiple action activities when
necessary, will be resolved within 25 calendar days. Wrong item receipts
identified as controlled/sensitive and unidentified items will be returned to the
designated location within 30 calendar days of the SDR reply. Sources of supply
will monitor for the return and follow-up with the SDR submitter if materiel is not
returned. Non-Controlled Items. ILS-S considers non-controlled items codes as
all other not considered controlled in following this chapter and the follow-up
days are: First follow-up. Details requiring first follow-up action are
those which appear on the list 55 days after the initial submission of the
SDRs. ILS-S will automatically generate the TAR "F", updating the 221 ILS-
S detail record. Second follow-up (Manual). Details requiring second follow-up
action are those which appear on the list 85 days after the initial submission of
the SDRs. Unresolved SDR Actions. A SDR is defined as unresolved by the ILS-S when its
reply has not been received 146 days after initial submission. Allow additional mailing
time for overseas bases. ILS-S unresolved SDRs are defined as unresolved if it is a
controlled item and has not received a reply in 90 days or when it is a non-controlled item
and has not received a reply in 115 days after initial submission. Forward all unresolved SDRs to the MAJCOM for assistance. When
MAJCOM personnel do not reach a resolution for the SDR, they will request
assistance from the AF SDR focal point. SDR Reply Actions. Required Replies. Action activities are required to reply to every SDR
submitted within the time limits specified in DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17.
Shipping activity personnel will perform the following actions: Respond to the SDR indicating the appropriate disposition, e.g.,
acknowledgement of the report, disposition of the material, validation of the
report with authorization of financial adjustment, and instructions for repair or
other type of corrective action. Identify the interim disposition/status using up to
three disposition/status (reply) codes available from the DLMS Data Element
Dictionary/Directory. Complete the information on the reverse side of the SDR. Indicate whether a billing adjustment will be issued. Forward the reply to the Customer Support Liaison Element.
158 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Process Replies. Customer Support Element will perform the following
actions after receiving a reply to a SDR. When a reply is received, process a TAR
(see Tracer Action Required (TAR) Transaction in AFH 23-123) with an action code
"R" to update the detail DOLT. The detail will no longer appear on the SDR listings,
and it will remain in the computer until the proper billing adjustment input is
processed by DFAS Field Site personnel. Interim Replies. Responsible action activities must provide an interim
reply where a final reply cannot be provided within established timeframes. For
additional information refer to DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17. Management Evaluation of the SDR Process. DLM 4000.25, Volume 2,
Chapter 17, directs the institution of SDR quality programs and semi-annual reporting of
results. SDR quality programs must be sufficient to identify trends, establish volume and
dollar values of SDRs, identify problems with shipping activities, and assist in preventing
recurrences. Note: This does not address Security Assistance (SA) SDRs. Action on SA
SDRs will be prescribed by SAF/IA (see DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17). The LRS/CC will ensure detailed SDR data is maintained to analyze their
programs. Bases must collect information on the number of SDRs submitted and
received, dollar value, and discrepancy type. The number of follow-ups responses
received, unresolved SDRs, and dollar values recovered will also be measured.
Operations Compliance will semiannually report the effectiveness of the SDR
program to their respective MAJCOMs. MAJCOMs will collect SDR data from their respective units on a semi-
annual basis (reporting periods are October - March and April - September) the
suspense for October - March is 30 April and for April - September is 31 October.
This is necessary so MAJCOMs can evaluate the quality of their base SDR programs.
MAJCOMs will ensure their units are collecting the minimum information shown in
Table 5.6 from all sources of shipment or supply (e.g., AFMC Air Logistics
Complexes, GSA, DLA (including Defense Distribution Depots), other Bases, and
any other major source of supply. MAJCOMs may prescribe additional information,
if necessary. MAJCOMs may be asked to provide data to AF/A4LR as needed. Note:
Data sent to AF/A4LR should only include overall trends and problems that cannot be
resolved at MAJCOM and base levels. Minimum Requirements, (for each Source of Supply or Shipping
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 159
Table 5.6. Minimum SDR Data.
Total Receipts
Total SDRs
Discrepant Dollar Value
Discrepancy Type
Controlled Items Total Investigation 0-25
days old
Dollar Value Recovered by Credit or
Total Investigations 0-59 Days Old
Total Investigations 60-89 Days Old
Total Investigations 90-119 Days Old
Total Investigations 120 Days and Older
Total Not Resolved
Brief explanation of top two SDR problems
5.3.2. Storage Locations (Primary, Reserve, Bin Labels, Locator Files). Purpose: To explain storage location procedures process. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. The warehouse location system allows one to pinpoint the exact location of any
item in the warehouse inventory. Property may be maintained in fixed warehouses,
supply points, transportable spares packages, or in maintenance activities to include in-
use assets. Before assigning a warehouse location, stockroom personnel must complete the
following at a minimum: Ensure all unnecessary labels and tags are removed from outside of box. Ensure applicable serviceability tag/labels are attached. Ensure the item is properly stored in correct warehouse (e.g., NWRM,
classified, pilferable, ESD, etc.). Assigning Warehouse Locations. Refer to Warehouse Location
Load/Change/Delete (FCS) input transaction and Warehouse Location Format in AFH
23-123, for specific ILS-S information and processing. Primary Storage Locations. Warehouse personnel assign and maintain
primary warehouse locations for each serviceable item stocked. Primary locations are
assigned to items using the warehouse location load/change/delete input transaction.
During re-warehousing projects, personnel will ensure items are accounted for
throughout the entire process, in accordance with DoDM 4140.70, DoD Supply Chain
Materiel Management Procedures for Storage and Material Handling. (T-0). Reserve Storage Locations. The Materiel Management Flight
OIC/Superintendent will establish controls to ensure reserve locations are assigned
only as a last resort and that they are promptly deleted when no longer needed.
160 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When used, warehouse personnel will cross-reference bin labels or
the bin label/holder of both primary and reserve locations. Items under detail management (e.g., readiness spares package
(RSPs), unserviceable details, in-use equipment, etc.) may contain duplicate
storage locations; however, the storage facility must have the capability to cross
reference the applicable document number to maintain the audit trail and item
accountability at all times. Processing a Warehouse Location Load/Change/Delete Request. Materiel
Management personnel at a minimum will download electronic stock number
directory from LIMS-EV weekly for each warehouse/storeroom. Follow the steps
below to load, change or delete a warehouse location. Find an open warehouse location. Copy warehouse location and prepare temporary bin label which will
include NSN, warehouse location, Unit of Issue, date created and initials of
warehouse person. Enter location change in the stockroom suspense log. Develop and
maintain warehouse location load/change/delete suspense log (within
stockrooms). Minimum information will include NSN, warehouse location, date
processed, date new label was produced and detail record (if applicable). Update warehouse location on electronic stock number directory or a
working copy of detail record listing. Process location add or change (FCS). See AFH 23-123 for
processing instructions. Process stock number/detail number inquiry to verify accurate entry
of warehouse location. Use ILS-S Daily FCS capability to print bin labels for FCS
transactions processed between 0 - 7 days prior to the start date selected. Replace temporary bin label with permanent bin label. Update
suspense log. Rejects. When the warehouse location load/change/delete request
input rejects, correct the input and reprocess it, or take the action indicated by the
reject. When the item record is frozen for inventory, forward a copy of the reject
to Inventory personnel. See AFH 23-123 for details on researching and processing
rejects. Duplicate Locations. Once a warehouse location record has been
assigned to an NSN, a duplicate location record will not be allowed. When a
location has already been assigned within a system designator, a reject notice will
occur. A different location must be assigned or the existing record must be
changed or deleted.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 161 Deleting warehouse locations. When a warehouse location requires
deletion; ensure the location does not contain property by visually checking
location and processing an inquiry to ensure serviceable balance is zero. If no
property exists in location or on serviceable balance, process a location delete
transaction with an “*” in cc 72 “Warehouse Location Delete Flag.” Refer to AFH
23-123, for additional processing instructions. When property exists in location
and serviceable balance is zero, check to ensure all assets have been pulled. When
there are no assets requiring a pull, process a request for special inventory. Refer
to Special Inventory Interrogation Input (1GP) in AFH 23-123 for additional
information on request for special inventory. Warehouse Locations for Unserviceable Details. All unserviceable
details must have an assigned warehouse location. Warehouse location
load/change/delete inputs may be used to load or change locations on
unserviceable details. All location loads/changes will be maintained in suspense
until the location is verified by its appearance on the Due-In From Maintenance
Listing. Bin Labels. Bin labels will be attached to storage racks, bins, or bin
subdivisions (shelf, box, drawer, etc.) in a neat and uniform manner. Bin labels for
outside storage locations should be at strategic points in the area (such as on corner
markers of open storage bays). Place labels for outside storage on permanent
weatherproof placards. Bin labels are not required for unserviceable warehouse
location changes. Production of Bar-Coded Bin Labels. The HHT print Temporary Bin
Labels ILS-S warehouse bin label function provides the capability to print
temporary warehouse bin labels on portable printers attached to HHTs (see ILS-S
User’s Manual for processing instructions). The ILS-S produces all bar-coded bin
labels. Bar-coded bin labels cannot be created manually, regardless of the number
required. Warehouse personnel may request new warehouse bin labels by
preparing a warehouse location load/change/delete (FCS) input transaction, (see
AFH 23-123) or through the Print Warehouse Bin Label function in ILS-S (see
ILS-S User’s Manual). Validation of Bin Label Data. Warehouse personnel validate all data
on the bin labels by comparing the data on the label with the data on output
documents or bin notices. When the data on the bin label does not match the data
on the document and the data on the bin label is not correct, process a request for
a replacement label. Active Storage Locations without Bin Labels. When warehouse
personnel find a location with property but no bin label or an incorrect bin label,
they must identify the proper location. Check the stock number directory or
process an inquiry to determine the correct location for the stock number.
162 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the warehouse location is correct and a replacement bin
label is needed prepare a warehouse location load/change/delete (FCS) input
transaction, (see AFH 23-123) or through ILS-S. When the inquiry rejects because the item record is not loaded,
then a special inventory is required. When the inquiry rejects because the item
record is not loaded, warehouse personnel will: Coordinate with Customer Support to load the item record. Process a warehouse location change to assign location. Process a request for special inventory. Refer to Special
Inventory Interrogation Input (1GP) in AFH 23-123 for additional information
on request for special inventory.
5.3.3. Special Storage Handling. Purpose: To explain special storage handling procedures process. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Hazardous commodities, controlled items, cylinders, electrostatic discharge
(ESD) and elastomeric material are among items where alternate or additional procedures
for storage and handling are required. Hazardous Commodities. It is not possible to list all hazardous items that may be
received into the Supply complex. Therefore, to adequately protect life and property,
materiel management processors and inspectors must be alert to potentially hazardous
material received, stored, or issued. The following references provide guidancefor the identification,
authorization, handling, tracking, and storage of hazardous commodities: FED-STD-313, Material Safety Data, Transportation Data, and
Disposal Data, for Hazardous Materials Furnished to Government Activities,
contains a list of FSCs that are likely to contain hazardous or radioactive
materials. AFMAN 32-7002, Environmental Compliance and Pollution
Prevention, establishes guidance and procedures that govern the identification,
tracking, and authorization of certain hazardous materials (have), as defined in the
AFI. It applies to all AF personnel who manage, authorize, procure, issue, use, or
dispose of HAZMAT in the course of their official duties, whether the processes
are performed by government or contractor personnel. AFMAN 32-7002 is
applicable to all installations, except where joint basing or international
agreements require modified policy. It establishes a cross-functional Hazardous
Materials Management Process (HMMP) team at each installation to assist with
the identification, authorization, and management of HAZMAT. It requires the
use of the Enterprise Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Management
Information System (EESOH-MIS) to track selected HAZMAT on the
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 163 EESOH-MIS is the source of organizations authorized to
procure and issue hazardous materials on the installation. Use Air Force Approved Ad-Hoc Database Systems to identify
potential hazardous materials. Process script semi-annually to select all item
records in FSC/FSG listed in Tables I and II of FED-STD-313 and that meet
local criteria established by the installation HMMP team. Customer not an EESOH-MIS authorized user must obtain
authorization from the installation HMMP team before hazardous material
(HAZMAT) is issued in accordance with AFMAN 32-7002. (T-1). AFJMAN 23-209, Storage and Handling of Hazardous Material,
provides guidance in the control, storage, and handling of hazardous
commodities. AFJI 23-504, Radioactive Commodities in the DoD Supply System,
provides uniform procedures for the acquisition, accountability, identification,
possession and handling, storage, shipment, transport, transfer and disposal of
radioactive commodities by DLA and DoD. Personnel must wear the proper safety clothing and equipment when
handling hazardous commodities. (T-1). Leakage or Spillage of Hazardous Commodities. Leakage or spillage of
hazardous commodities with a health, flammability and reactivity hazards rating of 0
or 1, proceeded by an asterisk (*); 2, 3, or 4 may be extremely dangerous to
personnel. If leakage or spillage should occur, contact the Civil Engineer Squadron
(CES) and Base Safety Officer before cleaning up or disposing of the materiel. The materiel management procedures identified in the following
paragraphs apply to NSNs that have either a Hazardous Characteristic Code (HCC),
an Issue Exception (IEX) Code of 9, or are included in an FSC listed in FED-STD-
313. NSNs with a Health Hazard Approval Flag already set have been previously
reviewed and exempted from IEX 9 coding by the installation HMMP team. Materiel
management personnel may receive and issue health hazard approval flagged
materials without executing the following procedures and without tracking the
materials in EESOH-MIS. Materiel management personnel will assign the IEX Code
9 to materials that have been designated as a hazmat by the HMMP team and manage
such material as indicated below. (T-1). Issue Transactions. Materiel management personnel will use EESOH-
MIS to process HAZMAT requests to verify an organization’s hazardous material
authorization. (T-1). If the requesting shop is an approved user, the supply clerk will
fulfill the supply transaction and ensure that the issue transaction is updated in
EESOH-MIS. (T-1). When the requesting shop is not an approved user in EESOH-
MIS, the requesting shop will secure authorization through EESOH-MIS prior
to issue.
164 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the requesting shop is not an approved user and the NSN
is mission time-critical, follow local procedures or contact the HMMP team.
(T-1). HAZMAT Authorization/Exemption Processing. Materiel
management personnel will complete the following actions for all new
requirements for HAZMAT. When the HMMP team has designated the NSN material as
hazardous that must be tracked in EESOH-MIS, update the record with an
IEX 9 for subsequent tracking. (T-1). When the HMMP team has exempted the material from
tracking in EESOH-MIS, set the Health Hazard Approval Flag. (T- 1). This
effectively ends any further tracking until rescinded by the HMMP team. Logistics Readiness Squadrons will not assign “L” and “P” (Non-
Catalogued) stock numbers for hazardous material at locations using EESOH-
MIS for hazardous materials authorization and tracking. EESOH-MIS centrally
stewards hazardous material non-catalogued numbers for AF-wide
standardization and use. The EESOH-MIS data stewards will use the following
NSN convention when assigning hazardous material Stewarded Local Purchase
stock numbers. Position 1-4 will be populated with the four-digit federal stock
class. Positions 5-7 will be populated with “PHM.” Positions 8-15 will be
populated by a serialize number assigned by EESOH-MIS. Materiel management personnel should periodically verify that the
list of IEX 9 items are adequately controlled and tracked in EESOH-MIS and
should periodically review HCC and FED-STD-313D flagged items to ensure
continued HMMP exemption from authorization and tracking. (T-1). Controlled Items. AF activities will comply with guidance in DoDM 4140.01, all
volumes; DoDM 5200.01, all volumes, and AFI 16-1404, Air Force Information Security
Program, regarding the storage of controlled materiel. Procedures apply to all AF
activities or agencies managing, issuing, receiving, storing, shipping or tracking AF
owned controlled materiel; to include civilian, contractor, Air National Guard, and AF
Reserve Component units. Designation. AF activities will formally designate, in writing, personnel
authorized to handle, or accept controlled materiel in accordance with AFI 16-1404,
AFI 20-110 and other applicable directives. Only personnel authorized by the Commander or equivalent are
permitted to handle and accept controlled materiel into accountable records
systems. Releasing activities will verify the identification of an individual and
their authorization to accept controlled materiel prior to signing for the materiel. Utilize only the most current authorization list(s) of individuals
approved to handle, and accept controlled materiel. Maintain the source lists in a
single collection point to manage the documents. These lists are updated by
Document Control or Customer Support according to paragraph 5.4
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 165 AF activities will store controlled materiel according to the security
classification, security risk, or pilferage controls of the item. (T-1). AF activities will ensure controlled inventory items are safeguarded
in appropriate storage facilities. (T-1). AF activities will clearly identify the item, classification, and serial
number (as appropriate) for all controlled materiel being stored. (T-1). AF activities will manage documentation for controlled materiel in
accordance with disposition guidance found in AFI 16-1404. AF activities will stamp or mark in red ink each document and label
with the appropriate item classification phrase (e.g., "Classified Item",
"Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI)", "Sensitive Item", "Pilferable Item"
,"Classified NWRM Item") prior to the issue, receipt, turn-in, or shipment of
controlled materiel. (T-1). Clearly mark NWRM transitory holding and unserviceable storage
areas. Requirements for classified storage also apply. All NWRM must be segregated by condition code. (T-1). AF activities will annotate the item serial number of the physical
asset onto all accountable documents. (T-1). AF activities will not requisition or transport AF owned controlled
materiel outside of normal DLMS electronic data interchange (EDI). All AF
activities will coordinate acquisition, utilization, and transportation requirements
for AF owned controlled materiel with authorized activities. (T-1). AF activities will provide training to affected personnel in regards to
all DoD and AF policies to be followed in managing, issuing, receiving, storing,
shipping or tracking controlled materiel. AF activities will conduct training to
maintain awareness and competence regarding proper management of controlled
materiel and will document all training in formal training records. (T-1). AF activities will stamp or mark in red each copy of Top Secret,
Secret and Confidential documents with the phrase "CLASSIFIED ITEM" prior
to the issue, receipt, return, or shipment of classified material. (T-1). Cylinders. This paragraph describes the general procedures for the control of
government- or vendor-owned cylinders/containers. Government-Owned Cylinders. Cylinders are used to store warehouse
stock of compressed gases. Each government-owned gas cylinder will be assigned a
national stock number (NSN), L or P stock number. Tagging Cylinders' Condition. Inspection personnel indicate the
condition of the cylinders by attaching tags or labels as specified in TO 42B5-1-2,
Gas Cylinders (Storage Type) Use, Handling, and Maintenance.
166 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Exchanging Cylinders. Customers may exchange empty cylinders for
full ones on a one-for-one basis. No transaction against the cylinder item record is
necessary for an exchange. Issuing Cylinders without an Exchange. When a customer has a
requirement for gas but does not have an empty cylinder immediately available, a
full cylinder will be issued. Refilling/Repairing Empty Cylinders. Warehouse personnel ship or
issue cylinders to vendors for refill or repair. Customer Pre-inspection. When mutually agreed to between
LRS/Materiel Management Activity and the customer, the LRS APO has the
option to allow customers to pre-inspect and accept delivery of compressed gas
cylinders at the LRS/Materiel Management Activity storage point. When this
option is used, the customer physically inspects the cylinders for any defects and,
if not defective, transports them from the LRS/Materiel Management Activity
storage point to their organization site. This method reduces delays that may
result when defective cylinders are delivered by LRS/Materiel Management
Activity to the customer site. When this option is used, it is the responsibility of
the customer to return empty cylinders to the supply storage point. Controlling Vendor-Owned Cylinders or Containers. When issuing vendor-
owned cylinders or containers, Central Storage personnel will prepare AF Form 1297,
Temporary Issue Receipt. The AF Form 1297 will be signed by the organization
receiving the contents of the cylinders or containers. Central Storage will maintain the
signed form in a suspense file until the cylinders or containers have been returned to
the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. Warehouse personnel will prepare and
process updates to vendor-owned container detail records (IT Reference: Vendor
Owned Container Detail Record Update 1VR in AFH 23-123) upon issue of filled
containers and when empty containers are returned. (T-2). Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Inspection will ensure ESD items are properly
marked/labeled and a type cargo code (TCC) 3 is stored on the item record. (T-1). When
physical inspection indicates ESD marking/labeling with TCC other than 3, handle the
item as ESD sensitive and submit a message or letter to the Transportation Manager at
the Air Logistics Complex (ALC) managing that particular item. To inquire if an item is
truly TCC 3, send all requests to Robins AFB TCC 3 Challenges. Serviceability Checks. When the serviceability of an ESD item is
questionable, inspection personnel will issue the item to maintenance for a functional
check. (T-1). Never use staples or any kind of metal fasteners to attach
documentation to ESD property. Elastomeric Materiel. Elastomeric items will be managed using first-in/first-out
(FIFO) procedures. For example, materiel with a use by date of 1 January 2012 should be
placed in front, on top, etc., of items with a use by date of 1 May 2013. When issuing
property, select the items with the closest use by date first. When materiel does not have a
use by date, then select the items with the oldest date received stamped/printed on the
package/container. Exception: Issue the newest item to fill RSP kits.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 167 Controlled Inventory Items Codes (CIIC) as Highest Sensitivity (Category I)
Arms, Ammunition and Explosives with a physical security classification of Secret (CIIC
5), High Sensitivity (Category II) Arms, Ammunition and Explosives. (CIIC 6), and
High Sensitivity (Category II) Arms, Ammunition and Explosives with a physical
security classification of Confidential (CIIC 8) will be stored and transported in
accordance with AFI 16-1404, DoDM 5100.76, Physical Security of Sensitive
Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E) or DoDM 5100.76, whichever
is more stringent. Small Arms weapon components, such as silencers, mufflers and noise
suppression devices will be treated as Category II items. (Reference: DoDM 5100.76). Small Arms major subparts, such as frame(s) and receiver(s), will be treated as
Category II items. (Reference: DoDM 5100.76). Barrels and Major Subassemblies will be protected as Category IV Arms.
(Reference: DoDM 5100.76). Generally, only arms, rockets, explosive rounds, mines and projectiles that have
an unpackaged weight of 100 pounds or less shall be categorized as sensitive. (Reference:
DoDM 5100.76). The following is a list of sensitive items that require a high degree of protection
and physical inventory control. The DoD components are expected to include additional
items determined to require a similar degree of control: Drug abuse items. Precious metals. Hazardous items. Arms. Handguns. Shoulder-fired weapons. Light automatic weapons up to and including 50 caliber machine
guns. Recoilless rifles up to and including 106 mm. Mortars up to and including 81mm. Rocket launchers man portable. Grenade launchers, rifle, and shoulder-fired. Individual operated weapons that are portable or can be fired
without special mounts or firing devices and which have potential use in civil
disturbances and are vulnerable to theft. Ammunition: Ammunition for weapons listed above. Bulk explosives.
168 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Antitank and anti-personal land mines. Hand grenades. Demolition charges and related items: for example, blasting caps,
detonating cords, safety fuses, detonators, destructors, primers, firing devices,
squibs, igniters, demolition kits, explosive kits, etc. Fuses. Boosters. Supplementary charges (not assembled to end items). Explosive bolts, explosive cartridges, and related items. Safety and arming devices. Incendiary destroyers. Fuel thickening compound. Riot control agent, bulk, 60 pound package or less. Warheads and rocket motors (unpacked weight of 60 pounds or
less). Missiles and rockets (unpacked weight of 60 pounds or less). End items of conventional and guided missile ammunition (except
artillery rounds, bombs, and torpedoes) which have potential use in civil
disturbances and are vulnerable to theft.
5.3.4. Warehouse Storage Location Validation. Purpose: To explain warehouse storage location validation procedures. For
guidance specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT references use AFH 23-
123. The accurate storage and control of assets is essential to inventory control and
accuracy. Warehouse location validations are conducted to: 1) verify the asset is stored in
the warehouse location stated on item record, 2) ensure all records indicating a
serviceable balance are assigned a warehouse location, and 3) identify those records
having duplicate warehouse locations. Warehouse Validation Schedule. Warehouse personnel are required to prepare a
warehouse location validation schedule each fiscal year to ensure all assigned locations
are validated annually. Note: Do NOT count balances when conducting annual
validations. Scheduling Warehouse Location Validations. The validation program is
scheduled and performed based on the location of items in the warehouse (warehouse
location sequence). Additional validation selections are provided to fulfill the
requirements of local management (e.g., classified, sensitive, and pilferable). These
additional selections do not satisfy the normal requirements for validation.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 169 Coordination of Activities. The LRS/CC will ensure Inventory Section and
warehouse personnel coordinate closely during the preparation of the warehouse
location validation and inventory schedules. (T-1). The storage activity will complete
scheduled validations 10 workdays prior to the start of an inventory cycle. (T-1). Copies of the Location Validation Schedule. The Asset Management
Section will receive copies of the warehouse location validation schedule from each
warehouse activity assigned to Asset Management and provide to the appropriate
stock rooms, Inventory section, and other section/element(s) as required. All
recipients of the warehouse location validation schedule will retain it until replaced
by or superseded with a new schedule. (T-2). Satellite Accounts. The warehouse location validation for satellite accounts
is scheduled and conducted by warehouse personnel responsible for their respective
satellite accounts. Validation File Listing. ILS-S Warehouse Management, Location Validation
function is the primary IT tool for validations. One day before the start of the validation,
warehouse personnel will request the warehouse validation listing using applicable IT
system. Refer to ILS-S User’s Manual for the parameter format. The Warehouse Location
Validation program writes images to a location-validation database and prints the images
on the Validation File Listing in warehouse location sequence. Warehouse Location Validation Processing. Warehouse personnel compare the
stock number displayed on the bin label with the stock number on the property tag of the
item in the bin location. Note: Warehouse personnel will open all containers for
controlled materiel (NWRM, classified, sensitive, and pilferable) and physically verify
that the item matches the stock number on the property tag and bin label. (T-1). Materiel
in a location must be identified/tagged. Refer to AFI 23-101 for specific marking/tagging
guidance. Processing Warehouse Location Validation Discrepancies. Stock number on property does not match stock number listed on the bin
label. Warehouse personnel will take the following actions: Process a stock number inquiry in the applicable IT system to
determine if location exists and was accidently put in the wrong location. Note: If
applicable IT systems are unavailable, research using the Stock Number User
Directory (SNUD), warehouse location change suspense files, or the Daily
Document Register. If warehouse location is assigned, then move to correct location. If warehouse location is not assigned, process a warehouse
location change (FCS) to assign one. Refer to AFH 23-123, for processing
instructions. When the inquiry indicates a zero (0) balance, prepare a request
for special inventory. Enter the location of the property on the request, and
then forward it to the Inventory Section, see Special Inventory Interrogation
Input (1GP) in AFH 23-123, for the format.
170 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the inquiry rejects because the item record is not loaded,
warehouse personnel will get with Customer Support to load the item record,
then process a warehouse location change to assign location, and finally
process a request for special inventory. Stock in bin/location for which no warehouse location has been assigned.
Warehouse personnel first check the warehouse location change suspense file and the
“Serviceable Balance - No Location” Listing to see if a warehouse location is being
loaded. When a location is being loaded, prepare a slip to indicate the bin has been
validated. When the locator file indicates another location, move the stock to the
proper location. When failing to resolve the problem using either of the methods above,
then prepare a request for special inventory. Annotate the location on the inventory
request, and place a copy in the bin. Zero Balance/Zero Demand Level Listing. A listing of locations assigned to item
records with a zero (0) serviceable balance, a zero (0) demand level, and date of last
transaction (DOLT) equal to or greater than 30 days, will be requested using the
appropriate option. Note: Program control will not select “dead” locations with the above
conditions when any of the following detail records are linked to the item record: Due-in
detail, due-in from maintenance detail, due-in from maintenance (DIFM) unserviceable
detail, supply point detail, war reserve materiel (WRM)/ in place readiness spares
package (IRSP) spares detail, and WRM/wartime consumables distribution objective
(WCDO) spares detail. Warehouse personnel will physically verify each location
identified on the list to ensure the location is empty. When the location is empty, warehouse personnel may delete the location.
See Warehouse Location Load/Change/Delete (FCS) input transaction in AFH 23-
123 for specific ILS-S information and processing. Remove the bin label from the
location after the location has been deleted. When any stock remains in the bin, process a request for special inventory
and forward it to Inventory. Serviceable Balances with No Warehouse Location. ILS-S Warehouse
Management, “Locations/Validation” function is the primary IT tool for managing
serviceable balances with no location. Items with serviceable balances and no warehouse
location must be assigned a location no greater than 3 duty days from the date of last
transaction (DOLT). (T-2). Items not assigned locations within the timeframe will be
reported to Materiel Management Flight Leadership. See the ILS-S User’s Manual or
refer to for the Serviceable Balance No Location Listing.
5.3.5. Warehouse Change Documents. Purpose: To explain warehouse change document procedures process. For
guidance specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT processes refer to AFH 23-
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 171 Certain ILS-S transactions will automatically cause the generation of warehouse
change documents. These transactions are item record indicative data changes, unit of
issue changes, and controlled item code changes. Processing Warehouse Change Documents. Transactions that will cause the
automatic generation of a warehouse change document are: Item Record Indicative Data Changes. When an item record indicative data
change input changes a stock number, system designator, or ERRCD. Note: A
warehouse change document will NOT be produced when the FIC input changes only
the last two positions of the national stock number (positions 14-15). It is, NOT
necessary to keep positions 14-15 of the national stock number current on external
tags, bin labels, etc. The 13-digit national stock number is the basis for ILS-S
transactions on these items. Unit of Issue Changes. Refer to Warehouse Change Document in AFH 23-
123, for the output format. Controlled Item Code Changes. Refer to Warehouse Change Document in
AFH 23-123, for the output format. Receipt of Warehouse Change Documents. Warehouse personnel must process
warehouse change documents as quickly as possible. (T-1). Upon receipt of warehouse
change documents, warehouse personnel will do the following: Update Labels, Tags, and Listings. Change the applicable data on bin
labels, property tags, locator listing (Stock Number Directory), etc. Shelf Life and Issue Exception Code Changes. The ILS-S program
control prints the shelf life code and issue exception code. When applicable,
warehouse personnel will use this data to update external files. Unit of Issue Change affecting zero balances. When a unit of issue
change results in a zero balance (e.g., EA changed to DZ) and there is an
insufficient quantity on hand (5 EA to 0 DZ) to show a balance, warehouse
personnel must coordinate with Customer Support to decide if the item is critical
or in short supply locally. When plausible local management may choose create a
(-1) NSN and adjust records to reflect the appropriate quantity. Note: Local
management may request to Free Issue the remaining (-1) NSNs to a known local
user if there are no anticipated future demands. See paragraph 5.2 for Free Issue
processing. Pricing. Ensure pricing has been updated to reflect new converted
unit of issue. (Example: unit price for 1 EA equals $1, when converted to DZ the
new unit price should increase). If the warehouse change price is in question,
contact Customer Support for correction. Relocate Property. Relocation may be necessary when the following occur:
172 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Changed Controlled Item Code. The Materiel Management Flight
Commander or Superintendent must approve any relocation of the property
caused by controlled item code changes by signing the warehouse change
document. (T-1).When changing from classified to unclassified, warehouse
personnel must verify the change to the controlled item code originated through
the stock number user directory (SNUD). (T-1). When the change did not
originate through SNUD, warehouse personnel process a controlled item code
change input to reinstate the previous controlled item code stated on the
warehouse change document. When the change was received through SNUD, it
should be valid. When the Materiel Management Flight Commander or
Superintendent believes the change compromises security, warehouse personnel
immediately ask Customer Support to validate the controlled item codes. In the
meantime, the property remains in secure storage. Consolidating Stock Numbers/Unit of Issue. When warehouse change
documents require consolidation due to stock number merge or unit of issue
conversions. Ensure material correctly matches quantity and stock number
changes. Coordinate with Inspection. Coordinate with Inspection when property
requires inspection. DD Form 1348-1A. Initial and date block 27 of the DD Form 1348-1A and
then forward the original to Document Control. Daily Document Register. The Daily Document Register contains entries for 1)
inputs that recorded a deleted warehouse location against the item record, and 2) item
record indicative data changes, unit of issue changes, and controlled item code changes
that recorded an unserviceable detail record for an item. Warehouse personnel must verify the Daily Document Register for
transactions daily. (T-1). Deleted Item Record Entries on the Daily Document Register.
Deleted item record entries on the Daily Document Register are arranged
sequentially by location. Central Storage personnel must verify all locations. (T-
2). When the location is empty, remove or obliterate the bin label and
cross out the corresponding entry on the locator listing. When the location contains property, prepare a request for special
inventory and forward it to Inventory. Enter the location of the property on the
request for special inventory but do not cross out the corresponding entry on the
locator listing (although this may be annotated to indicate that the item record was
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 173 Item record indicative data changes, unit of issue changes, and controlled
item code changes that recorded an unserviceable detail record. They are arranged
sequentially by document number, which will have activity code R, organization code
920, and shop code RW. Entries indicate changes to stock number, system
designators, and ERRCD. Any changes to controlled item codes or unit of issue refer
to procedures listed in this section. Destroy daily document register once all actions have been completed.
Should any subsequent research be necessary, use the Daily Document Register
maintained by Document Control. The LRS/CC signature is not needed on the portion
of Daily Document Register processed by warehouse storage personnel.
5.3.6. Individual Protective Equipment Element. Purpose: To explain the individual protective equipment element procedures
process. For guidance specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT processes
refer to AFH 23-123 or the mobility IT system handbook. General Discussion: Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) Element involves
managing all General Purpose (A-Bag), Cold/Extreme Cold Weather (B-Bag), Chemical
Biological, Radiological, Nuclear equipment (CBRN) (C-Bag) components, and other
assets identified by AFMC. Individual Protective Equipment actions: Issuing assets: IPE personnel will ensure members verify NSN, contract/lot number,
serial number (when applicable), cage code (when applicable) and quantities
issued prior to signing the mobility IT system generated AF Form 1297 (hand
receipt). If the mobility IT system or HHTs are not immediately available, use
AF Form 1297 when issuing assets. Reconcile and update AF Form 1297s in the
mobility IT system when it becomes available. Shelf-life or Service life for items issued for deployment (based on
individual testing or current date of expiration) must extend beyond the duration
of the deployment. (T-1). Turning In assets: IPE personnel will verify all mobility items presented for turn-in
exactly match the customer hand receipt information (NSNs, contract/lot
numbers, serial numbers and quantities issued) prior to releasing the customer of
asset possession responsibilities. When items are turned-in at a different base (account) than issued,
the base (account) to which the items are returned shall process the asset returns,
clear hand receipts as applicable, and assume stock accountability responsibilities
for the returned items.
174 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Items missing or damaged; annotate AF Form 1297, identify to
member which missing or damaged items they are still responsible for. If
required, the member’s commander will initiate an investigation as addressed in
DoD 7000.14-R for additional information. Initiate restitution actions for
contractors with the Contracting Squadron. IPE personnel will review, validate, and update overdue assets
monthly. (T-1). Use mobility IT system to pull listing. If assets are not returned
after 10 days from the member’s return date IPE personnel must: Contact member’s Unit Deployment Manager (UDM) to
determine if member has been extended, if so update mobility IT system AF
Form 1297 with new return date. (T-1). Provide LRS/CC status of overdue returns. The LRS/CC will
notify the member’s unit commander in writing for action on the 15th duty
day. (T-1). Note: Actions also apply to government civilians and contractors. Authorizations: IPE personnel will coordinate with the applicable Logistics Plans
office to ensure authorizations and adjustments are validated/received annually.
(T-2). Stock levels for Regular Air Force (RegAF) installations are
calculated in accordance with guidance in AFI 23-101, Air Force Materiel
Management, and include all assigned AF host, tenant and geographically
separated units unless host tenant support agreement states otherwise. Shelf-Life Assets: CBRN Shelf-Life. AF Civil Engineer Center, Emergency
Management (AFCEC/CXR) is the AF shelf life manager for CBRN IPE assets.
AFCEC/CXR is responsible for shelf life management policy guidance and
surveillance testing of CBRN mobility equipment. The Joint Acquisition CBRN Knowledge System-Reporting
Warehouse (JACKS-RW) provides shelf life updates via message to the mobility
IT system PMO. AFCEC/CXR provides assistance to A4LR/A4CX and the
MAJCOMs concerning serviceability, authorizations, and disposition of CBRN. Shelf life updates will be automatically updated to the web-based
version of the mobility IT system. Extension data will be updated for all assets in accordance with
Shelf-Life Item Control. Condition code “J” and “H” assets must be stored separately and
clearly identified from operational assets. Timeframes by which materiel may be
suspended is per DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-2. MAJCOMs contact AFMC/A4RM
when CBRN asset(s) are placed in “J” status. AFMC will coordinate with
AFCEC/CXR, to provide disposition instructions within 90 days through the
Defense Accountability Reutilization and Disposal Program.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 175 Assets with expired shelf life will be used for training in accordance
with AFI 10-2501 with MAJCOM/A4R approval. (T-2). Units will Assets with
expired shelf life will be used for training in accordance with AFI 10-2501 with
MAJCOM/A4R approval. (T-2). Request disposition instructions from
MAJCOM/A4R for assets with expired shelf life. Equipment Decontamination Kits: The equipment decontamination kit (M-295) will NOT be removed
from the original packaging in accordance with DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-2. (T-0). M-295 kits can be extended, pending testing, in accordance with
configuration manager protocols and can be reissued upon visual inspection. Sealed M295 boxes shall not be opened until M295 kits are required
for operational needs. When a sealed box of 20 M295 kits is opened, IPEE shall
re-identify all 20 of the M295 kits from the opened box to a new (LL) NSN
(6850-LL-357-8456) via the Mobility IT System. Relocate stock to an already
existing location for the “LL” number or if required create a new warehouse
location. Protective Masks: The Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM) M50 will be
maintained in the mobility IT system by LRS. Stock numbers and serial numbers
will be loaded for the JSGPM M50 mask. Serial number data must be entered
exactly as written on item including all dashes/slashes or spaces/characters. The
M50 mask uses the M-61 canister set. The canister set will be maintained in the
mobility IT system and loaded by stock number, contract and lot number, Date of
Manufacture, and Date of Expiration. The Land Warrior Mask (M45) is an extra-small mask used only for
hard to fit personnel and will be maintained in the mobility IT system. The M45
will be loaded by stock number. The M45 mask uses the C2A1 canisters. The
canisters will be maintained in the mobility IT system and loaded by stock
number, contract and lot number, Date of Manufacture, and Date of Expiration. IPE personnel shall store, clean, inspect, and document inspections
per applicable technical orders/manuals. (T-1). Modified or non-operational
masks used for training are not authorized. (T-1). 635 SCOW ensures requisition exception (REX) code 4 is loaded to
all protective masks and mask component parts. (T-1). Gas masks will not be stored in the C bag. In addition, long-term and
short-term storage of masks will follow technical orders/manuals. For, Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM), Date of
Manufacture is reflected on lot number combination on filter ring mount of mask;
in-lieu of DOM on rubber mask medallion. Mask Support Kits are optional and are not mandatory UTCs. Protective Mask Leak Test:
176 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 LRS/Materiel Management Activity will monitor gas mask leak test
schedule to ensure all masks are maintained in accordance with T.O. 14P4-20-1.
JSMLT mask inspections will be documented on the DD Form 1574 and in the
mobility IT system. Perform an initial physical inspection of the JSGPM protective masks
upon receipt from the manufacture. The date of manufacture on the JSGPM protective mask serves as the
initial mask leak inspection date. The Joint Service Mask Leakage Tester (JSMLT) will be used to leak
test the protective masks. The operator will conduct proper preventive
maintenance checks and services (PMCS) per T.O. 14P4-20-1. PMCS ensures
that the operator is performing inspections and maintaining the mask. Note: The
JSMLT will not be used as a mask fit test machine. JSMLTs will be maintained by the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity and accounted for on a CA/CRL. LRS/Materiel Management Activity trainers will conduct
JSMLT refresher training through in-house training. (T-2). Air Force Mask Inspection and Repair Program (AFMIRP) and
JPEO-CBRND Enterprise Fielding and Surveillance (JEFS). Units
participating in AFMIRP must maintain a JSLMT capability to support
possible unscheduled testing of M50 masks. (T-2). Inventories: IPE personnel will coordinate with inventory personnel to ensure all
mobility assets are inventoried annually, at a minimum. (T-1). The mobility asset
inventory is included on the annual inventory schedule prepared and conducted by
the Inventory Section. IPE personnel will perform the warehouse validation prior to the
inventory. Use reports from the mobility IT system as source documents to
conduct annual inventories. Inventory personnel will use the inventory capability
within the mobility IT system to document and complete inventories. Adjustments
will be reflected in the mobility IT system. IPE personnel will provide a written report with a list of all inventory
adjustments signed by the Materiel Management Flight Officer to the Inventory
Section upon completion of inventories. Inventory will brief the LRS APO during
the monthly M10 review. File all inventory source documents in Document
Control in accordance with AF Records Information Management System
(AFRIMS). (T-1). Inspections: Conduct IPE inspections in accordance with the applicable item TO.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 177 Physically inspect returned assets prior to processing into the
mobility IT system. CBRN Training Assets: Physically separate training assets from operational assets and
visibly mark in accordance with AFI 10-2501. LRS/Materiel Management Activity has the option to bulk issue to
units and individuals. Redistribution: AFMC will produce redistribution plans for all mobility IPE assets. AFMC will direct redistribution of centrally funded assets and
coordinate redistribution plans with MAJCOMs for concurrence on non-
centrally funded assets. MAJCOMs will provide redistribution plan guidance to
respective IPE Elements. MAJCOMs may initiate redistribution of serviceable excess assets
and expired training assets when needed. MAJCOMs will coordinate with AFMC
prior to disposing of excess assets or authorizing out of cycle redistributions. AFMC centralized funding will support all CBRNE/IPE asset
shipping costs for enterprise management. For Individual Body Armor (IBA): IBA includes torso extremity protection, small arms protective
inserts, and ballistic head protection. IBA will be maintained in mobility IT
system. Note: IBA for Battlefield Airman and Special Tactics Operation Forces
will be maintained in accordance with AFPD 10-35, Battlefield Airmen. Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts (ESAPI). The NSN, noun,
cage code, and lot number will be loaded and maintained in the mobility IT
system. Enhanced Side Ballistic Inserts (ESBI). The NSN, noun, cage code,
and lot number will be loaded and maintained in the mobility IT system. Only Air Force approved torso extremity protection materiel
solutions with serviceable ESAPI and ESBI inserts which meet Level-4 ballistics
protection are issued to deploying personnel. IBA and Protective Insert Training Assets: Unserviceable IBA are authorized to be used for training and will be
visibly marked in accordance with the applicable T.O. (T-1). Unserviceable IBA
will be turned into DLADs in accordance with DEMIL instructions when training
use is no longer viable or not needed. Training assets must be physically maintained separately from
operational assets and visibly marked per applicable TO.
178 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 LRS/Materiel Management Activity has the option to bulk issue to
units and /or individuals. IPE Element personnel must take corrective action on all the mobility IT
system errors. (T-1). This will foster accurate accountability. The Mobility IT System is mandatory for all record maintenance of IPE
assets unless otherwise excluded in guidance. Funding Sustainment For RegAF, AFMC will conduct an analysis to develop an annual
budget for IPE assets. When funding is received, AFMC will develop an execution plan to
procure RegAF enterprise requirements.
5.3.7. Supply Point Management. Purpose: To explain supply point unique management procedures. For guidance
specific requirements, review AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. Supply Points are additional warehouses located within or next to the supported
activities. Supply Point Establishment/Change Requests. Organizations desiring to establish or change a supply point must submit a
list of requested items to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity, Flight Service
Center element. This list shall include the following item information: stock number,
part number, and nomenclature, end item application (e.g., weapon system, end item,
or equipment), quantity desired, and identify if functional check is required for the
assets. The following items are authorized on a supply point: Any item of supply, except for equipment items (ERRCD ND*/NF*)
and items assigned Numeric Parts Preference Codes (NPPC) 4 or 9. Buildup items. The individual XD2/XF* components of buildup
items will be identified and accounted for separately on supply point detail
records. Expendable items (XB3) required for a buildup item do not need to be
accounted for separately. Expendable items can be obtained by submitting normal
issue requests. Launch kits. Once an item is selected for addition, all authorized interchangeable
(substitute) items must also be stocked in the supply point. Upon receipt of the supply point establishment/change request, the Flight
Service Center will:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 179 Verify authorized items and quantities that have been requested. (T-
1). The quantity of an item stocked in a supply point is based upon the demand
data of the organizations using the supply point (except for XB3 items). Items
used by more than one organization can be stocked in a supply point; however,
care must be taken to ensure all base users are adequately supported. Sole Users. When only one organization uses the item, the total
authorization of the base’s operating stock may be kept at the supply point (when
space allows). In this case, supply point personnel will receive, store, and issue
property in the same manner as central storage personnel. Multiple Users. When there is more than one user of the item,
only a portion of the base’s operating stock will be stored in the supply point
for each supported organization. In this case, the balance maintained in each
supply point will be recorded on a supply point detail for each organization. Verify supply point requests are supported by positive Requisitioning
Objectives (RO). (T-1). This can be accomplished by processing individual item
record inquiries or a LIMS-EV script to ascertain base asset position. When RO is
insufficient to support supply point request, the Flight Service Center direct the
customer to prepare and submit an ASL. Failure to submit the ASL could delay
supply point support. See paragraph 2.2 for ASL request submission
instructions. Non-Airborne Communications-Electronics (C-E) XD2 items (to
include space, weather and missile system assets) do not require the documented
request for a special level. See paragraph 2.2 for procedures on establishing Low
Density Levels for C-E XD2 items. Forward supply point requests which include Economic Order
Quantity (EOQ) items (ERRCD XB3) to the Materiel Management Flight
Commander for approval. (T-1). For all new supply point establishment requests, coordinate addition
of a new delivery destination record with the Customer Support Liaison Element.
Shop codes for all supply point activities must have a corresponding delivery
destination record loaded to ensure correct delivery. For supply point activities
not located on the supporting base or satellite, the off-base indicator must be used
when loading a delivery destination. When this indicator is used, the ILS-S
produces a transportation copy of issue or release document. The off-base
indicator will be blank for those activities serviced by the supporting base or
satellite Documented Cargo. See Delivery Destination Record Load, Change, Or
Delete (1DE) in AFH 23-123 for delivery destination input format and processing
procedures. Add/change/delete Supply Point Detail Records. Assets maintained in
supply points will be accounted for and controlled on supply point detail records.
See Supply Point Detail Load/Change/Delete/Inquiry (FSP) in AFH 23-123, for
specific ILS-S information and processing.
180 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Submit requests to produce the Supply Point Listing and bin labels.
See Supply Point Listing (Q13/NGV875) in AFH 23-123, for specific ILS-S
information and processing instructions. For specific information on bin labels,
refer to the ILS-S User’s Manual. Provide a copy of the listing and bin labels to
the supply point monitor. Maintain one copy of the Supply Point Listing in the
Flight Service Center. Asset Accountability. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity maintains
accountability of supply point assets in ILS-S. The supported organization’s supply point monitor is responsible for the
overall management and control for those supply point within their possession, to
include: assist LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel during scheduled
inventories, maintain supply discipline when ordering assets from the supply point,
ensuring assets in supply points are serviceable inventories, and provide secure space
and facilities to store supply point assets. Stocking and Replenishing Supply Points. Issues (Transfers) to Supply Points. The issue of stock to a Supply Point is
a transfer of stock from one warehouse location to another. No usage or demand data
will be updated. When Supply Points are established or changed, the issue interface
can be used to automatically request transfers of stock to the Supply Point. IT
procedures outlined in Customer Issue Request (ISU/MSI) Transaction Mark-For
Field Data Requirements in AFH 23-123. Issues From Supply Points. All issues from a supply point are over-the
counter. When a demand is placed on the supply point and the item is available,
supply point personnel will select the item from the location and prepare an MSI
request. If ILS-S access is available at the supply point, the MSI document will be
returned to the input terminal so the recipient's signature can be obtained. Supply
points operating without an ILS-S terminal (or with an inoperable terminal) will
prepare MSI requests as degraded operations. The supply point monitor will forward
all documentation to the Flight Service Center for processing and to ensure proper
document control actions are taken. (T-2). See Issue From Kit (MSI) Processing
Instructions and Transaction Format in AFH 23-123, for detailed supply point
processing and documentation preparation. Turn Around Processing In Lieu of Issue Requests. Turn around
procedures may be used in lieu of processing issue requests to record demand data for
fast moving items in supply points. When turnaround procedures are used, the supply
point detail Date of Last Transaction (DOLT) is not updated. See Maintenance
Turnaround Processing in AFH 23-123, for turnaround processing and TO 00-20-3,
Maintenance Processing of Reparable Property and the Repair Cycle Asset Control
System for additional information, for additional information.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 181 Transfers of Items between Supply Points. One supply point may issue items to
another. First, a return (TRIC TIN with TEX code 8) from the losing supply point must
be processed to prevent due-outs from being released. See Recoverable Item Turn-In
Request (TIN) in AFH 23-123, for return processing. Secondly, a forced due-out release
(TRIC DOR with TEX code 3) will be processed with the gaining supply point’s due-out.
See Forced Due-Out Release (DOR) Input Transaction in AFH 23-123. Returns to a Supply Point from Maintenance. Returns (TRIC TIN) to a supply
point from maintenance will be completed, as outlined in AFH 23-123, Recoverable Item
Turn-In Request (TIN). Supply points will only accept returns when the property is
serviceable and required to satisfy existing due-outs. Supply Point Reconciliation. Semiannual reconciliations of all supply points are mandatory. More
frequent reconciliations are recommended when warranted by the volume of changes.
One of the semiannual reconciliations will be accomplished at the same time as the
annual supply point inventory. See paragraph 5.7 for more information on
inventorying supply points. Reference AFI 21-101 for additional information. A Supply Point Listing will be used to perform the reconciliation. IT
Reference, Supply Point Listing (Q13/NGV875), in AFH 23-123. The supported
supply monitor(s) will perform a physical count to verify the balances. All items and
requirements on the listing will be verified, to include: Balance Discrepancies. When the physical on-hand balance does not
match the quantities on the Supply Point Listing, discrepancies will be reconciled
according to the inventory procedures in paragraph 5.7 Verified Excesses. The supply point monitor will complete an AF
Form 2005, Issue/Turn-In Request, and return verified excesses to the Flight
Service Center. Items Less than the Authorization. When the reconciliation shows the
total items are less than the authorization plus due-outs, the Flight Service Center
will verify the RO is still sufficient to support the supply point’s authorized
quantity. When RO is sufficient, Flight Service Center will process issue requests
to establish due-outs or create issue release. The Flight Service Center may use
the issue transactions produced by the Supply Point Listing or manually process
issues. If RO is not sufficient to support authorized quantity, follow the Supply
Point Management procedures in this manual, or the assets will be returned to
Flight Service Center and supply detail reduced for discrepant quantity. Operating Supply Points with Buildup Items. Transaction Notification. Each time a buildup item (or components) is
removed from the supply point to replace a like item (removed from an end item), the
organization responsible for the supply point items will notify the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity of the transaction. An issue from the supply point or a
turnaround will be processed for each component. When issue procedures are used,
demand code R or N will be used to establish DIFM accountability.
182 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Clear the DIFM. After the item is restored (repaired and built up) by
Maintenance, the asset will be placed back in the supply point’s stock and a
paperwork return (TRIC TIN) for each component will be processed to clear the
outstanding DIFM details. After the return is processed, a paperwork transfer to the supply point
will be processed to reduce the serviceable on-hand balance and restore the supply
point on-hand balance. When the item is returned to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity
for Not Reparable This Station (NRTS)/condemned action, normal DIFM return
procedures will apply. MICAP Requirements for Buildup Items. Supply points will release
buildup items to satisfy the MICAP requirement of another activity when no other
items are available to satisfy the redistribution order and AFMC directs the shipment.
Maintenance personnel will ensure the item is broken down (into separate
components) prior to release. LRS-Operated Buildup Supply Points. When the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity manages the buildup supply point (instead of Maintenance),
short term (10 days or less) hand receipts will be used to control the items while they
are physically in Maintenance undergoing buildup. LRS/Materiel Management
Activity will coordinate with Maintenance to minimize the amount of time an item is
in buildup. When hand receipts are in excess of 10 days, conduct a daily revalidation
with Maintenance until they are cleared. Do not use DIFM procedures to control the
items during buildup because they will cause erroneous ILS-S reporting.
5.3.8. Selecting Assets for Issue, Shipment, or Transfer (Normal, Warehouse Refusal, Zero
Balance Validation). Purpose: To explain how to select assets for an issue, shipment, or transfer. For
guidance specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT reference use AFH 23-123. When a request will be satisfied by assets that are in stock, a movement
document will be produced. Warehouse personnel will take immediate action to move the
assets from stock for delivery to the customer or cargo movement. Selecting Property for Issue. Take the following steps to ensure that correct
property is selected: Go to the location indicated on the movement document/label or prompted
on Asset Management HHT. Ensure the bin label matches the information on the issue document or use
Asset Management HHT to scan/enter bin label data. Ensure that the stock number and unit of issue on the property are
correct or use Asset Management HHT to scan/enter NSN and Unit of Issue data. For Shelf-life and Elastomeric items, select the oldest dated item in
location to ensure proper stock rotation. Exception: Select the newest dated item
to issue from Readiness Spares Packages.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 183 Select the quantity indicated on the document or use Asset Management
HHT to scan/enter quantity selected. Ensure issue exception processing is accomplished when applicable. For
example, random length (IEX code 4 sheet metal, tubing, fabric, etc.) sometimes
requires quantities to be issued in one continuous length. Sign and date block 22 of the movement document to show that the
property was pulled or complete the pull using the Asset Management HHT, which
documents the same action. Use Asset Management HHT to annotate the movement of the property for
delivery to the customer. Move the property and document for delivery to the customer. Asset Selection Problems. The two most common problems that may occur
when assets are being selected from stock are: 1) the warehouse location stated on a
document is either empty or does not contain sufficient assets to fill the request; 2)
documents indicate the on-hand balance was reduced to zero but assets remain in stock. Warehouse Refusals. A warehouse refusal occurs when the warehouse
location stated on an issue or shipment document is either empty or does not contain
enough quantity to fill the request. In this situation, take the following steps to ensure
the item is not misplaced in the warehouse: Fill the request from a reserve location (if applicable). Check adjacent locations to see if the item might have fallen into the
adjacent location or was stored in the wrong location. Check the same and adjacent locations in the bin rows on each side of
the one stated on the issue/shipment document. Check the locator listing and FCS suspense file for a possible
warehouse location change. Process a CTH inquiry to check for recent transactions (e.g., receipts,
returns, location changes). Check “Not Put Away” reports, Inbound Cargo,
Inspection, and the Flight Service Center to determine the location of missing
property. When the assets are still not found, notify the warehouse or
stockroom supervisor. Supervisors will take action to verify the item is missing by
repeating all of the above procedures. When the assets are still not found the
warehouse or stockroom supervisor will:
184 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Process the pull in the HHT and enter a quantity of “zero” and
Click “Deny” in the Asset Management Warehouse Refusal Report, these
steps will freeze the items record and move the Asset Management Record to
history and update the Temporary Location with “Moved to history. Reason:
Warehouse Refusal Denied.” When not using Asset Management, then stamp
all copies of the label/document WAREHOUSE REFUSAL (using 1/2 inch
block letters and red ink), sign copy 1 across the stamp, and write ASSIGN
TEX Code “P” beneath the stamp on the first copy. When Asset Management HHT and ILS-S in unavailable,
process a special inventory request to freeze the item record using TEX Code
“P.” For IT reference see Special Inventory Interrogation Input (1GP), AFH
23-123, for format. Forward all copies of the refused document along with
special inventory output notice to the inventory control function. If the issue is for a repair cycle item, prepare and process a due-
in from maintenance (DIFM) detail change input to load status “RFS” to the
DIFM detail. Refer to Due-In From Maintenance (DIFM) Updates in AFH 23-
123, for processing instructions. Notify Customer Support of all warehouse-refused documents.
Note: Customer Support will notify AFMC if warehouse refusal is for a
shipment or Redistribution Order. (T-2). When Inventory finds the asset. Retrieve the Asset Management
record from history or the DD Form 1348-1A from document control files.
Pull the asset and move to customer delivery. Zero Balance Validation. To facilitate zero balance validation, the supply
system automatically identifies documents or transactions (ISU, BSU, DOR, SHP,
and A5J) that reduce the item record serviceable balance to zero. The phrase SER
BAL = 0 will be printed in either block W or block F on physical documents. Bench
stock issues (TRIC BSU) that reduce the item record serviceable balance to zero are
identified by a numeric zero in position 80. The individual validating the zero balance
will initial next to the zero balance phrase to indicate the check has been
accomplished. Note: ILS-S/AM processing stores user information on transaction
histories, a physical document is not required. When stock remains, request a special inventory for the warehouse
location indicated on transaction. See Special Inventory Interrogation Input
(1GP), AFH 23-123, for inventory request format.
5.3.9. Directed and Non Directed Shipments. Purpose: To explain base-initiated, non-directed shipment (SHP) procedures. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 185 General: AF bases can initiate shipments of supply (ERRCD XB3, XF3, and
XD2) and equipment (NF*/ND*) items when required. Base-initiated shipments can also
be used to ship assets when the application of “special shipment procedures” is required.
One common use of base-initiated shipments is base-to-base lateral support. (Note: Bases
are not authorized to initiate asset shipments to non-AF activities (such as other Services,
DLA, or GSA). Bases are not authorized to return serviceable AF managed assets back to
Air Logistics Complex’s using transaction SHP, bases should receive redistribution
orders (A2*) from the item manager. Bases will perform physical bare item inspection of
property (identaplate, engraving, decal, or label) to ensure: proper identification of asset
in accordance with MIL-STD-129, Military Marking for Shipment and Storage; and that
materiel shipped matches supporting documentation AFTO Form 350, Reparable Item
Tag and ILS-S records. (T-1). Lateral requisition procedures allow for an ILS-S account to requisition
either stock replenishment or due-out requirements from another ILS-S account
provided there is a mutual agreement between the Supply activities. This form of
support can be for selected items or a full range of items. See AFI 23-101, Chapter 2,
for detailed information about lateral support policy for CONUS and OCONUS
bases. Note: Lateral support shipments are subject to the asset release rules detailed
in Lateral Support Requisitioning Procedures, High priority lateral support in AFH
23-123, and ILS-S User’s Manual. The activity required to pay for lateral support transportation charges
are dependent on whether the asset being shipped is included within the Defense
Working Capital Fund (DWCF), or not and whether the asset is an Item Manager
directed shipment or not. Details are provided in AFI 65-601, Vol 1, Budget
Guidance and Procedures. Processing a lateral support non-directed shipment (SHP) transaction
causes the ILS-S to output a DD 1348-1A, Issue Release/Receipt. Base logistics
personnel use the output release/receipt document to pick up (from the supply
warehouse location) and ship the redistributed asset. AFH 23-123 outlines
Nondirected Shipment (SHP) Output Format - DD 1348-1A. Status for base-initiated shipments is programmatically passed to the base
receiving the redistributed asset by the ILS-S via supply status (AE*) transactions.
Additionally, the ILS-S at the receiving base programmatically initiates follow-up
action with the shipping base via DLMS EDI follow-up transactions. Refer to
paragraph 5.2 for additional information about supply status (AE*) and DLMS EDI
follow-up (AFC) transactions. The ILS-S Manage Outbound Shipment process provides enhanced capabilities
for managing movements from initial shipment through Cargo Movement until the
receipt is processed at the gaining base. This capability focuses on ensuring outbound
shipments are planned, packaged and executed by Cargo Movement personnel within the
standard timeframes defined for the current Delinquent Shipment Listing process, and
that base shipments arrive at the proper destination in the correct quantity. Refer to ILS-S
User’s Manual for more information.
186 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 There are a number of circumstances where special procedures must be used to
generate base shipments. For Non-Reimbursable Shipments. Use of Advice Code and FREE SHPMNT Phrase. Stock Control
inputs advice code 2E when Funds Management has approved a request for
nonreimbursable shipment. When code 2E is input, the phrase FREE SHPMNT
will appear on the output DD Form 1348-1A shipping document. When a request is received for a non-reimbursable shipment, AFMC
will: Approve or disapprove the request. File a copy of the request in suspense. The Funds Management
reviews this copy against the daily Free Issue and Credit Code Y Turn-Ins
Listing, Base Supply Surveillance Report D20/NGV821). When the shipment is for a vendor-owned container, no further
action is required. When the shipment was previously approved by Funds
Management, no further action is required. When neither approval nor disapproval was obtained, AFMC
must record approval or disapproval on the listing. When the shipment is
approved, no further action is required. When the shipment is not approved,
AFMC will either attempt to stop the shipment, recover the shipping
document, reverse-post the transaction or re-input the shipment as a normal
reimbursable transaction together with personnel from base level Customer
Support/SMAG Liaison POCs to coordinate with Materiel Management
Flight/transportation activity and the shipment processing activity (AFMC or
LRS/Materiel Management Activity). When a FREE SHPMNT cannot be aborted, the Funds
Management marks the listing as disapproved with comments indicating the
attempt to stop the shipment was unsuccessful. Before forwarding the original
request to Stock Control, Funds Management will sign and mark/stamp the
original to indicate whether the request was approved or disapproved. When Funds Management returns the approved or disapproved
requests, Stock Control will process a SHP input for approved requests with
advice code 2E, or process a SHP input for disapproved requests without an
advice code. Shipment of Serviceable Assets Direct from a Detail. Use of Document Numbers. The detail document number must be
entered in positions 67-80 when serviceable assets are to be shipped from MSK,
supply point, MRSP, or WRM details.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 187 Automatic Replenishment of Assets. The ILS-S automatically
initiates replenishment requisitioning for shipped MSK, supply point, MRSP, or
WRM assets unless the TEX code in position 51 of the shipment transaction
(SHP) contains a “+.” Classified and Sensitive Item Shipments. Release of Classified/Sensitive Items. Classified material will be
released only to individuals identified by the LRS APO as authorized to receive
classified material. When someone is to receive classified material, first check the
individual's military or civilian identification card and verify their identity.
Identity will be verified against approved classified authorization list/letter. Make
the identity check before the individual signs the DD Form 1348-1A and before
releasing the materiel. Preparation of DD Form 1348-1A Hand Receipt. The ILS-S prepares
three copies of the DD Form 1348-1A for use as a hand receipt for directed and
non-directed shipments of classified/sensitive items (see AFH 23-123 for the
Classified Hand Receipt Output Format). Requirements for off- base shipment of
these items must contain one of the classified or sensitive controlled item codes
(listed in DoDM 4100.39). Asset Management personnel will stamp or write CLASSIFIED
ITEM in red ink on all copies of DD Form 1348-1A when a shipment (FTR,
A2*, A4*, SHP, or A5J) is produced for a classified item. LRS/transportation activity personnel place the three extra
copies in the shipping container with the other shipment documents. DD Form 1907, Signature and Tally Record is used only for the
transportation portion of a movement. Movement of Classified Shipments via Total Delivery Service (TDS)
contract carrier. Secret and Confidential freight shipments may be moved within
CONUS via TDS contract carrier small package express carrier provided there is
strict adherence to the restrictions and processes contained in AFI 24-602 Vol 2,
Cargo Movement. Shipments must comply with provisions contained in DoDM
5100.76 and AFI 16-1404. LRS/transportation activity personnel must develop
locally written procedures with LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel,
information management, and security personnel covering the preparation, handling,
receipt, documentation, and delivery of classified shipments using this method of
transportation. Ensure these procedures include the possible shipment of classified
property directly from decentralized support elements such as flight-line operated
parts stores and flight service centers.
188 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Cargo Movement is responsible for ensuring the package, wrapping,
marking, and addressing are in compliance with applicable directives if packed by
Cargo Movement, otherwise it is the shipper’s responsibility. The carrier’s
package may be used as the outer wrapper. Classification markings, packing lists,
and classified document receipts will be located on the inner container. Contact
local Cargo Movement personnel, and review AFI 24-602 Vol 2, Cargo
Movement for guidance when considering using the Next Generation Delivery
Service (NGDS) contract small package express carrier for movement of
classified material. Reliability Improvement Warranty (RIW) Item Shipments. Identification of RIW Items. RIW items are managed by the AFMC
item manager and are identified in the ILS-S by the SNUD. SNUD performs the
following for RIW assets: Set the item record RIW program to 1. Set the repair cycle record RIW program code to G. Changes the disposition field to the database key of the
applicable shipping destination record. Redistribution of Serviceable/Unserviceable RIW Items. Item
Manager-directed RIW shipments to the DLADS will be processed in accordance
with Disposal and Demilitarization instructions described in AFH 23-123. RIW
shipments processed for return to a contractor must contain project code 390 and
project name PACER WARRANT. See AFH 23-123 for the format of the RIW
Shipment Notification (XFA) transaction. Results of RIMCS Loads. Most RIW items will be assigned
RAMPS report codes, and the load of RIMCS data found on SNUD will
usually create an automatic shipment. When the TIN is input with TEX code 1
(to request offline disposition from the applicable item manager) the asset can
be shipped to the routing identifier code. These shipments are accomplished
by making a SHP input using the serial number in positions 46-50 of the
RIMCS input image. Processing Through Intermediate Repair Facilities. When the
RIW contractor has an intermediate repair facility at the Primary Supply Point
(PSP) base, and when all reparable assets must be processed through this
facility because of a contractual agreement, then the off-shore activity must
load a shipment override record identifying the intermediate facility as the
ship-to Stock Record Account Number (SRAN). This load will override the
automatic shipment to the intermediate facility. NWRM SHP/A2x/A4x Shipments: Before sourcing for lateral support, the
NWRM Transaction Control Center (NTCC) will always verify that D035 does not
already reflect a shipment released against the original due-in.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 189 LRS/Materiel Management Activity will provide the NTCC with the
requestor’s information along with NSN, part number, quantity, unit of issue,
gaining base SRAN, applicable serial number(s), and condition code. (T-1). NTCC will contact the IM to ensure the gaining base/address is
authorized to receive the asset(s). NTCC will lift the freeze code “N” via 1FC processing, process the
SHP/A2x/A4x request, then reprocess the freeze code “N.” NTCC will notify the IM of pending shipment and will track asset(s)
through transportation channels to final destination. NTCC will update Positive Inventory Control (PIC) Fusion. Deficient Item Shipment Conditions That Warrant Shipped Not Credited
(SNC) Detail Creation Procedures: Shipments for unserviceable budget code 9
deficient items are manually initiated by AFMC via Nondirected Shipment (SHP)
transactions. See AFH 23-123 for detailed processing instructions. This SNC detail
provides Accounting and Finance with a suspense record for identifying and
following up on transactions for credit purposes. Disposition of Certain Chemical Defense Equipment (CDE). This paragraph applies to the disposition/return of certain CDE by
use of routing identifier code B14 which is managed by the U.S. Army Armament
Munitions and Chemical Command, Rock Island IL. Procedures. To ensure the Air Force complies with Army
requirements, the following procedures apply: Stock Control assigns SEX code 2 to item records for the stock
numbers listed below. The ILS-S will report CDE to RID B14 for disposition
instructions via Report of Redistributable (Excess) Materiel (FTE)
transactions, regardless of excess or asset condition.
190 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Table 5.7. NSN list for SEX 2.
TRAINING AID, SKIN All returns of CDE material, regardless of condition, must be
correctly packaged and labeled. All NSNs should be packed separately to
facilitate depot receipt, handling, and safe storage. Return items must be
labeled or manifested as hazardous waste.
5.3.10. Organizational Refusals. Purpose: To explain the organizational refusal procedure process. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific process use AFH 23-123. Organizational refusals occur when a customer refuses to accept an item for
any number of reasons. When this occurs the person refusing the property (the primary or
alternate custodian for equipment items) must annotate all copies of the ISU/MSI/DOR
document with the phrase ORGANIZATION REFUSAL, give a brief explanation for
refusing the property, and sign the document. LRS Transportation Actions. LRS transportation personnel will return the
property along with the issue/due out release document to materiel management
inspection activity.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 191 LRS/Materiel Management Activity Inspection Actions. Upon receipt of an
item and applicable issue/due-out release document annotated with ORGANIZATIONAL
REFUSAL, Inspection personnel will determine the primary responsibility for the refusal.
Inspection personnel will consider the reason for refusal stated on the issue/due-out
release document and an inspection of the item when making this determination. For
example, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible if the property is
misidentified, unserviceable, an unsuitable substitute, or the quantity issued is in excess
of what the customer ordered. The customer is responsible if the wrong item was ordered,
or if the item was shipped due to a failure to cancel a due-out. See AFH 23-123 for more
specific information about processing Organizational Refusals. Note: Do NOT reverse-
post items returned because 1) too many were issued, or 2) the wrong item was issued
and returned after having been signed for. Process these items according to the correct
return (TIN) procedures explained in AFH 23-123.
5.3.11. Deficiency Reports. Purpose: To explain deficiency report procedures process. For guidance
specific requirements refer to AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-
123. Upon receipt of a supply or equipment item with a deficiency or latent defect,
report the Deficiency Report asset and prepare the asset for immediate return according
to TO 00-35D-54. Control of Deficiency Report Exhibits. The originating point maintains control
of the exhibit when the size and configuration of the asset allows. When the exhibit size
and configuration allow, move the exhibit to a controlled area (preferably locked) to
ensure the exhibit is not altered or lost. Normally, this controlled area is in the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. When there is not enough space in the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity, maintenance may store the exhibit pending final disposition. There
is an exception to this policy when maintenance becomes the permanent storage location.
When the need arises to establish a permanent storage area within maintenance, the
organization must request approval authority from AF/A4LR, through its MAJCOM. Materiel Deficiency Returns. Process Deficiency Report to include latent defect
returns as follows. Maintenance personnel initiating deficiency returns must provide
materiel management personnel with a copy of the initial deficiency report (DR)
submittal paperwork with the deficient property at the time of return. The return will not
be processed without the required paperwork. Unserviceable Supply (ERRCD X**) Items. For unserviceable supply
item returns, indicate the unsatisfactory condition of materiel by entering supply
condition code Q and action taken code C. Exception: Use action taken code C and
supply condition E for Federal Supply Class (FSC) 3110 routing identifier code Sxx,
ERRCD XF3. The ILS-S will assign supply condition code Q to the unserviceable. The ILS-S will update the appropriate details (for example, due-in from
maintenance (DIFM), in-use) when returns with action taken code C are processed.
192 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The ILS-S will produce a management notice I012 (stock awaiting
disposition) on the input terminal reflecting the unserviceable detail document
number. A 156ALL inquiry will also be printed reflecting the NSN affected by the
deficiency report action. Be sure to attach a copy of the management notice to the
property so it can be readily identified. Processing Deficiency Report Returns. The Flight Service Center will process
Deficiency Report or latent defect returns for items assigned ERRCD XD, XF, XB. EAE
will process return documents for Deficiency Report or latent defects on equipment
managed items. See AFH 23-123 for return (TIN) formats. Flight Service Center/ EAE
will process the return if the degraded operations method is used. When deficiency report items are assigned budget code 8 or 9, the ILS-S
return program logic will automatically grant credit (assign credit code Y) based upon
the action taken code of C and condition code Q. Funds manager approval is not
needed. Store deficiency report assets in a central location in the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity warehouse unless the items are too large. Check for Similar Deficient Assets. Flight Service Center or EAE personnel
(for equipment assets) will query the ILS-S database to determine if there are additional
assets (with the same NSN) requiring deficiency report action. When additional assets
exist, coordinate with the using maintenance activity to determine if the assets should be
tested for similar deficiencies. When other assets have the same deficiency, use the
following procedures: When an organization is using the asset, the maintenance activity
reporting deficiency will determine whether the item should be used or turned in.
When return is required, process the asset (according to the section above). When the asset is in base stock, coordinate with the maintenance activity
to determine whether the assets should be removed from stock or remain in stock.
When the assets are to be removed, process according to this section. Use the instructions in TO 00-35D-54 to monitor deficiency report
pending actions. The deficiency report will be monitored using the materiel
deficiency report portion of the unserviceable DIFM Detail List. When the maximum
hold date is exceeded and no disposition instructions have been received, follow
instructions in TO 00-35D-54. Deficient Warranty Item Returns. For pre-post returns, forward property and all
copies of the DD Form 1348-1A to the holding area.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 193 When the defective item is authorized for field level repair, determine
whether the item should be repaired or if disposition should be requested from the
SPM/IM. When the item is mission essential and in critical short supply and non-
availability would adversely affect the mission capability of the activity concerned,
the item should be repaired locally and returned to service. On those defective
warranted items which are not turned in to LRS/Materiel Management Activity but
are repaired on site, maintenance will notify supply of their decision to repair.
LRS/Materiel Management Activity, in turn, will advise the SPM/IM by message
including the information below that the item was repaired and returned to service. RIW items will not be repaired locally, except in such cases where the
warranty identification tags or equipment technical order specifies that such repair is
authorized. Procedures for RIW items are contained below. On items for which disposition instructions are required, attach a DD
Form 1575, Suspended Tag - Materiel/DD Form 1575-1, Suspended Label-Materiel,
to the item to identify the item as an exhibit with condition code "Q." Notify the applicable SPM/IM by message of the defective item
furnishing the NSN, contract number, and all data available regarding the defect and
request disposition instructions. Follow disposition instructions according to SPM/IM.
5.3.12. Bench Stock (Add, Change, Delete and Reconciliation). Purpose: To explain bench stock procedures process. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific process use AFH 23-123. Bench stocks are consumable items kept on-hand in a work center to increase
mission support. As such, the ILS-S includes functionality that makes use of historical
organizational item consumption data to recommend the quantity of items customers
should include, maintain or delete in organizational bench stocks. The process also
provides customers the flexibility to include consumable items in their bench stocks with
little or no historical consumption. The specific criteria for bench stock item qualification
are provided in Bench Stock Item Qualification Criteria paragraph. The logic used in the
ILS-S for determining bench stock item add, change, and deletion recommendations is
described in paragraph 5.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bench Stocks. Advantages of Bench Stocks. Bench stock items are physically stored in
the maintenance work area, so bench stock customers have ready access to the items
as needed. Consumption of bench stock items requires no paperwork or
communication with LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel. Bench stocks
also result in reduced workload for base logistics support activities since the items are
periodically replenished in bulk quantities rather than being issued, picked, and
delivered individually each time a customer need occurs.
194 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Disadvantages of Bench Stocks. Bench stock inventory must be
purchased at the time of replenishment. Since maintenance funds are expended for the
purchase of bench stock items in advance of actual need, there is at least some
potential for buying unneeded items. Organizational bench stock customers must also
provide the storage space and storage bins required for maintaining bench stock
inventories. There is also an organizational workload associated with periodically
coordinating bench stock inventory range and depth updates with base logistics
support personnel. The establishment and maintenance of customer bench stock
records is a recurring workload for LRS/Materiel Management personnel. Finally,
from a materiel management point of view, it is disadvantageous that inventory
issued to organizational bench stocks is no longer visible within ILS-S. Bench Stock Responsibilities for Organizational Customers and LRS/Materiel
Management Activity Personnel. The Organizational Customer responsibilities: Appoint a primary and alternate bench stock monitor. Ensure newly appointed bench stock monitors attend/receive Base
Level Supply Customer Training as it pertains to Block I (General Supply
Indoctrination) and Block IIA (Bench Stock) training prior to assuming
responsibilities as a bench stock monitor. Provide secure bench stock storage. Care and safe-guard bench stocks in accordance with AFI 23-111,
Management of Government Property in Possession of the AF. (T-1). Ensure controls are established for shelf life items to ensure that
older shelf life items are used first to minimize the occurrence of expired,
unusable items. Monitoring each bench stock item balance for replenishment (see
Routine Bench Stock Cycle Replenishment). Reviewing bench stock due-outs. The ILS-S will provide each
organization with a Daily Document Register that will serve as the basis for the
review. See AFH 23-123 for a complete description of the Daily Document
Register. Bench stock customers may also obtain Due-Out Status Listings to
validate organizational bench stock backorders. See AFH 23-123 for additional
information about Due-Out Status Listings. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity will: Create and maintain bench stock records to document requested and
approved customer bench stock authorization requests. (T-1). See AFH 23-123
for transactions and procedures required to Load Master Bench Stock Detail
Records (2BSL), Master Bench Stock Record Change (2BSC), Master Bench
Stock Record/EOQ Delete (2BSD), and Master Bench Stock Consolidation
(2BSCON) transactions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 195 The LRS/Materiel Management Activity Customer Support
maintains Master Bench stock file on each account which exists at base level.
Note: Master Bench Stock files may be maintained electronically and
maintained per AFRIMS. They shall incorporate the following format: Tab A-
Memorandums and Certificates, Appointment letter, Block I and IIA/B
training certificates issued by Customer Support, Initial bench stock
establishment letter. Note: If the original letter is not available, have the
custodian type up a MFR as to why initial bench stock letter is not available
(e.g., 5.3.12. destroyed/lost), Maximum dollar threshold letter for the unit
price on bench stock details. Note: Exceeding the established dollar threshold
for any item requires a letter of justification from the supported organization
commander. This letter will be maintained attached to the original maximum
dollar threshold letter. Tab B- Authorization letters, authorization letters for
controlled items (Refer to the Controlled Items in Bench Stocks rules for more
information and signature authority.). Tab C- M04, Bench stock Review
Report. Recommend add, changes, and deletes. Note: May be filed
electronically. Tab D- S04, Organization Bench Stock Listing indicating
Phase III Annual SRD/MRA validation has been completed. File with a
copy of signed endorsement letter. Maintain until next annual SRD/MRA
validation. Ensure monthly bench stock review (M04/NGV850) report is
available to determine when to add, change, or delete items from the
organizational customer’s bench stocks. (T-2). See AFH 23-123 for details on this
report. Responsible for processing routine and urgent bench stock
replenishment requests for organizational bench stock customers when access to
materiel management IT system is not available. (T-2). See Bench Stock Due-out
processing for routine and urgent bench stock replenishment procedures. Flight Service Center will process consumable returns for excess
bench stock materials returned from organizations. (T-2). See AFH 23-123
Processing Return of Consumable Items processing instructions. Assist customer in preparation of adjusted stock level requests to
AFMC. (T-2). Should a request be required to support an organization’s bench
stock account, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity will perform the necessary
actions to request the level. See adjusted stock level requests for ASL request
submission instructions. Provide Base-Level Supply Customer Training as it pertains to
Block I (General Supply Indoctrination) and Block IIA (Bench Stock). (T-2). Bench Stock Item Qualification Criteria. Before a bench stock is established,
the following minimum criteria must be met. The item record Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Coded
(ERRC) designator must be XB3.
196 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Restricted Item Codes. In general, the item record must not be coded as
follows: Disposal (numeric parts preference code (NPPC 2). On-hand/in-use
assets that have an NPPC 2 may be issued/used if they satisfy a local requirement
or until the cost to repair the item exceeds its value. Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) (numeric parts
preference code 4). Non-published (NPPC 5). On-hand/in-use assets that have an NPPC
5 may be issued/used if they satisfy a local requirement or until the cost to repair
the item exceeds its value. Unacceptable for AF use (NPPC 9). Recoverable Assembly Management Process (RAMPS)/War
Reserve Material (WRM) codes 5, 6, 7, or E. Classified, sensitive, or issue exception codes (IEX) 3, 6, E, or K.
Additional details regarding classified items are provided later in this chapter. Quantity Irregularities. Items that are normally used in quantities that are
different from the unit of issue (for example, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.) and items that
have a quantity of issue different from the quantity unit pack, should be added to
bench stock to the maximum levels possible. Controlled Items in Bench Stocks. The following rules apply to items
with a controlled item code. See AFH 23-123 and DoDM 4100.39 for details about
controlled item codes. Controlled Items Not Requiring IEX. Controlled item code *, I, J,
U, 7, Y, and Z are authorized on bench stock. None of these categories require
issue exception codes loaded on the item record. Controlled Items Requiring IEX. Controlled item code R items,
other than photographic items, are authorized on bench stock when the unit
commander has given approval in writing. Items in this category will require an
issue exception code N to be loaded to the item record. Photographic Items. Controlled item code *, J, R, or X items may be
authorized on bench stock with the written approval of the unit commander who
controls and manages bench stock. Requesting Approval. The shop supervisor/bench stock
manager will send a letter to the commander asking to add the items to bench
stock (specifying org/shop code). The letter will list the national stock number
(NSN), nomenclature, and unit of issue of each photographic type of item to
be added.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 197 Approval Letters. If the additional items are approved, endorse
the letter to the Customer Support Liaison Element. After LRS/Materiel
Management Activity personnel take action, Customer Support Liaison
Element will endorse the letter back to the applicable unit commander so a
successor will be aware of the action and comply with AFI 23-111. Controlled Item Codes S and C. With LRS approval, items with
controlled item codes S and C items may be included on organizational bench
stocks when demand data indicates it is advantageous to do so. When authorized
by LRS, classified bench stock material must meet all security, storage, and
access provisions outlined in AFI 16-1404, and DoDM 5100.76. Other Controlled Item Codes. Controlled item codes not specified
above are authorized on bench stock when the unit commander has given
approval in writing. Assigning issue exception code N to the item record will
further identify items in this category. When IEX N is assigned, the other item
flag for bench stock items will be assigned with a stock control data change. The
bench stock flag will be assigned by the ILS-S when a master bench stock detail
is loaded. Off-Base Supported Organizations. Unless specifically included in a joint
tenancy agreement, or some specific directive, the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity will not perform a walk-thru inventory of bench stock assets to off-base
organizations. Bench Stock Item Add, Change and Delete Logic. This logic is used in the ILS-S to develop recommendations for adding,
deleting, and changing the quantities of items in organizational bench stocks. Guidelines for Adding and Deleting Items from Bench Stocks. The bench
stock process makes use of organizational historical consumption and customer
desires to determine what range of items to include in a customer bench stock. The
range determination may result in the addition or deletion of an item from a bench
stock. Bench Stock Additions. The identification of candidates for bench
stock addition is either consumption-based or specified by bench stock customers. Consumption-Based Bench Stock Add Recommendations. The
ILS-S uses organization-specific historical consumption data to identify items
that, based on past demand, price, and other item characteristics, are
candidates for addition to an organizational bench stock. For details about
ILS-S procedures for identifying bench stock addition candidates, see the
Bench Stock Review (M04/NGV850) in AFH 23-123. The bench stock
review logic recommends items for addition to organizational bench stocks
meeting the qualifying conditions detailed in Bench Stock Item Qualification
Criteria where organizational economic order quantity (EOQ) consumption
detail record indicates there have been three or more customer demands and
the EOQ consumption detail has existed for at least 30 days.
198 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Non-Consumption-Based Bench Stock Additions.
Organizational bench stock customers can request the addition of qualifying
items to bench stocks regardless of historical consumption under certain
conditions. See procedures for Establishing Non-Consumption-Based Bench
Stock Items section for a complete list of non-consumption-based bench stock
qualification conditions. Bench Stock Deletions. Like additions, bench stock deletion
candidates are based on organizational consumption history and bench stock
customer desires. Consumption-Based Deletion Recommendations.
Consumption-based bench stock items that become inactive (have no
consumption) are candidates for deletion from bench stocks. Non-Consumption-Based Deletions. Organizational bench
stock owners may request deletion of bench stock items at any time based
upon mission support or financial considerations. Bench Stock Quantity Determination. The determination of what quantity
to apply to customer bench stocks is based upon consumption and non-consumption
based support periods for individual items. Consumption-based Support Period. Unless otherwise specified by
the organizational bench stock owner, the depth of stock for bench stock items is
calculated based upon a 30-day support requirement. That is, the bench stock
quantity is the quantity required to fill the organization’s anticipated demands,
based on their historical demand history, for a 30-day period. Non-Consumption-Based Support Period. Organization
commanders may deviate from the 30-day support requirement by specifying an
alternative number of support days in the Organizational Bench Stock Stockage
Days Field of the BS OCCR. Organizational Cost Center Record (OCCR) Bench Stock Stockage Days
Field. When the bench stock stockage days field is populated, the ILS-S will use that
value in calculating the depth of stock for bench stock items. Additionally, bench
stock quantity calculations are altered as specified when a master bench stock detail
record contains a minimum reserve authorization (MRA) or a maximum authorization
quantity (MAQ). Conditions for Non-Consumption-Based Bench Stock Additions. An item may
be added to bench stock via MRA and MAQ procedures described in this section,
regardless of consumption data, if one of the following conditions applies: The end-item being supported is a primary mission aircraft, missile
system, or communications electronic maintenance (CEM), and the applicable group
commander has determined that maintenance cannot wait for the item to be delivered
from a LRS/Materiel Management Activity warehouse. The using activity is off base or in a remote area of the base, and the item
must be at the using location.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 199 The unit of issue is not compatible with the unit of use (such as nuts,
bolts, and screws) or with the quantity unit pack (QUP) (such as wire which comes in
50 foot rolls). Procedures for Establishing Non-Consumption-Based Bench Stock Items.
Commands have the option to use adjusted stock levels to support bench stock items.
Bases will use MRA or MAQ procedures to establish, order, and maintain adequate
stockage for bench stock levels not based on normal consumption. MAQ/MRA Flags. The Bench Stock Review (M04/NGV850) in AFH 23-
123, is normally used to calculate bench stock authorized quantities. Bench stock
authorized quantities that are not based on consumption may be established via the
use of MAQ or MRA procedures. See this section for the details about how to specify
MRA/MAQ quantities and flags in Master Bench Stock detail records. MRA/MAQ
flags and their definitions are provided in Table 5.8
Table 5.8. MRA/MAQ Flags and Definitions.
Bench stock minimum reserve authorization based on a 30-day requirement
Bench stock maximum authorized quantity based on a 30-day requirement
Bench stock minimum reserve authorization based on a 45-day requirement
Bench stock maximum authorization quantity based on a 45-day requirement
Bench stock minimum reserve authorization based on a 60-day requirement
Bench stock maximum quantity authorization based on a 60-day requirement
Authorization based on consumption for 60 days with no bench stock
minimum reserve
QUP to be considered when computing recommended level. Using this code
does not prevent automatic deletion if normal deletion criteria apply
Authorization based on consumption for 30 days with no bench stock
minimum reserve Impact of MRA/MAQ Flags on Bench Stock Quantity Calculations. MRA/MAQ Flag A, B, C, 3, or 4. If a master bench stock detail
record contains an MRA/MAQ flag of A, B, C, 3, or 4, the MRA/MAQ will
override the bench stock stockage days. MRA/MAQ Flag C. If the MRA/MAQ flag is a C, the authorized
quantity will be computed based on 60-day consumption. MRA/MAQ Flag 1, 3, or A. If the MRA/MAQ flag is 1, 3, or A, the
authorized quantity will be the MRA or the computed consumption quantity,
whichever is greater. When the date of last demand (DOLD) is greater than 270
days, the item is no longer considered for automatic change, review procedures
must be accomplished.
200 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 MRA/MAQ Flag 2, 4, or B. If the MRA/MAQ flag is 2, 4, or B, the
authorized quantity will be the maximum authorized or the computed
consumption quantity, whichever is smaller. When the DOLD is greater than 270
days, the item is no longer considered for automatic change, and review
procedures must be accomplished. MRA/MAQ Quantity Letters. Recertification of MRA/MAQ will be
accomplished through the review process. Conformity. MRA/MAQ quantity changes required for conformance with
quantity unit pack or materiel handling requirements do not require a letter from the
supported organization and may be accomplished by annotating the listing. Master Bench Stock Record Load. Bench Stock Review Program
Recommended Additions. The monthly Bench Stock Review Program will produce a listing of those
items, which qualify for addition to an organizational bench stock. These additions
are computed from the EOQ consumption detail records, which are built from issues,
and due-out releases processed for expendable (ERRCD XB3) items that are not
currently on bench stock. When these listed items are not recommended for addition,
these details are maintained in the database for 180 days before they are deleted.
Once an item has been recommended for addition, it will stay in the database for 30
days. If at the end of the 30-day period the item has not been added to a bench stock,
the detail will be deleted and the consumption data will be deleted from the records. Recommended add transactions will not be produced for items that are
assigned RAMPS/WRM report codes 5, 6, 7, or E. When the organization elects to
add these items to their bench stock and a reject (extended cost exceeds $1,000.00
EOQ item) is produced when the transaction is processed, the organization should be
notified so they can determine if a suitable substitute can be added to their bench
stock in place of the originally recommended add item. See Load Master Bench Stock
Detail Record (2BS) in AFH 23-123 for specific ILS-S information and processing. Addition of Items Not on the Bench Stock Review Program Listing. Upon
receipt of a request to add items which are not on the monthly bench stock add listing,
LRS/Materiel Management Activity Customer Support Center personnel are to
accomplish the following: Verify the stock number and unit of issue. Furnish the issue exception code, application code, and system
designator for each item. Review each item to ensure that all criteria for bench stock are met. Obtain necessary approvals and notify the requesting activity of
action taken. Prepare and process a load input as described in this chapter to load
the master bench stock detail.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 201 Prepare and process a bench stock issue. See AFH 23-123 for
specific ILS-S information and processing Bench Stock Issue (1BS) transactions. Master Bench Stock Record Change. Changes to the authorized quantity on
existing master bench stock details are made automatically during the review. The
MRA/MAQ flag is considered, as well as consumption, in computing new levels. See
procedures for Establishing Non-Consumption Based Bench Stock for additional
information about MRA/MAQ flags. Organizations may request changes to a bench stock
at any time via telephone, letter, email, or annotated listing. See AFH 23-123 for specific
ILS-S information and processing Master Bench Stock Record Change (2BSC)
transactions. Authorized Quantity Changes. An authorized quantity change is
computed only for substantial changes in consumption patterns. For this computation,
a change that exceeds the square root of the previous authorized quantity is defined as
substantial. The review program does not make changes smaller than the square root
of the previous authorized quantity. 30-day Consumption Factor. A 30-day consumption factor will be used
unless one of the following exists: The organization cost center record contains bench stock stockage
days. The master bench stock detail record contains an MRA/MAQ flag
of A, B, C, 3, or 4. If both conditions exist, the MRA/MAQ will override the
bench stock stockage days. Bench Stock Routine, Stock-Out, Urgent Replenishment and Due-Out
Procedures. The normal responsibilities of Customer Support Center personnel include
assistance in the establishment, change or deletion of Master Bench Stock details as well
as the processing of bench stock issue requests as applicable. Routine Bench Stock Cycle Replenishment. Bench stock items should
be replenished when the quantity on hand is equal to or less than 50 percent of the
authorized quantity. This should be done once every 30 days (or more often as
necessary). The unit bench stock monitor will perform the following: Routine Walk-Through. Unit bench stock monitors should perform
a routine walk-through based on mission needs and frequency of bench stock
replenishment requests. At the option of the LRS APO and supported
organization, the unit bench stock monitor processes routine bench stock
replenishment requests as soon as the 50 percent or below level is reached. When
this option is used, the organization may waive the weekly walk through. The
LRS APO may authorize the organizational bench stock monitor use the ILS-S to
enter their replenishment requests. Red flags may be used as an aid; when used,
they will be displayed if the stock is below 50% of the authorized bench stock
level whether a due-out has been established or not.
202 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Document Replenishment Needs. Unit bench stock monitors will
circle the item numbers on the AF Form 465, Bench Stock Inventory (Not LRA)
which require replenishment and then process issue requests. Customer Support
Center personnel will process requests bench stock issue requests for units not
having that capability. See AFH 23-123 for specific ILS- S information and
processing Bench Stock Issue (1BS) transactions. Coordinating Customer Excess Disposition. Customer Support
personnel will coordinate with the supported activity to take the appropriate
action when excess bench stock inventory exists. Items will not be considered
excess until the on-hand balance is more than twice the authorization. Excesses
will initially be considered for return review (to determine if return is desiredor
necessary, as in the case of storage problems within the bench stock). Stock-Out and Urgent Bench Stock Replenishment Procedures. Stock-Out (Empty Bin) Reports. The organization may request
normal issue processing to replenish the entire bench stock authorization
providing a backorder does not already exist for this item. Urgent Bench Stock Requirements. The method to satisfy urgent
bench stock requirements will be determined by the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity in coordination with the supported activity. Submit Issue Request. Process a priority issue request or call in an
expedite issue request to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity using activity
code X and then follow normal issue procedures described earlier in this chapter,
including the re-input of any killed quantity after validation. Items will be
delivered within specified delivery times. Submit Request to Customer Support Liaison Element. The
Customer Support Liaison will input a bench stock issue. See AFH 23-123
Expendable Item Customer Issue Request (ISU) transaction format and
processing instructions. If the request is filled (issued), a DD Form 1348-1A
output issue document will be produced. The customer will be notified of item
availability by telephone. The output issue document will be hand-carried to the
appropriate warehouse for item location. Issued items will be delivered within
specified delivery times. After Duty Hour Requests. Provide the applicable Customer Support
function with all the bench stock issue requests outside normal duty hours. Supply Support Delays. If the supply support (timeliness of receipts) for
an organizational bench stock is ineffective, the Customer Support Liaison Element
may request a Due-Out Status Listing or any other management product, or develop a
QLP or SURGE program to ensure satisfactory supply action has been taken for due-
outs. This will be coordinated with Stock Control to ensure maximum bench stock
support. Bench Stock Due-Out Processing.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 203 Establish Firm Backorder (Due-Out). The Customer Support
Center will establish a firm customer backorder (due-out) for all initial bench
stock fill requests that are processed when property is not available for issue. Due-Out Quantity Balances. If a backorder (due-out) already
exists for the full authorized bench stock quantity, the issue request will be
killed. Bench stock backorders will only be created for the full authorized
quantity. When a due-out is created as a result of a partial issue being
processed by the ILS-S, the bench stock due-out will be created for the full
authorized quantity. For each bench stock backorder, the cumulative recurring
demand (CRD) field is updated on the master bench stock detail. Other Asset Notice. When an issue request is not satisfied
and available items may be suitable, a management notice is produced. If any
or all of the items are acceptable, reprocess the bench stock issue request with
TEX “C.” See AFH 23-123 for more information on processing I023
Management Notices. The use of this TEX code will allow available assets to
be issued in place of the originally requested item(s). Unsuitable Substitutes. When substitute items are available, but cannot
be used, process issue requests for the usable item only; these issues may be
identified as bench stock by using the mark-for field serial number portion to identify
the line number, e.g. BS00433. Cancellation of Due-Outs. When a master bench stock detail is deleted
by processing a Bench Stock Record/EOQ Delete (2BSD) transaction, the IT system
will automatically cancel any existing due-out with the same stock number,
organization and shop codes. See AFH 23-123 Master Bench Stock Record/EOQ
Delete Transaction for specific ILS-S information and processing. Lack of Funds. When insufficient funds exist for the requested item, the
due-out is killed and a management notice (lack of funds) is produced. See AFH 23-
123 for resolution of Input Exceeds Project FMR Fund Balance rejects. Due-Out Release Procedures. On-base due-out release of items for
bench stocks will be delivered by the LRS/Materiel Management Activity to the
organizational bench stock delivery location. Bench Stock Review Requirements and Responsibilities. The bench stock
review process is designed to ensure bench stocks are regularly updated in a way that
maximizes mission support. Three-Phase Review Process. The bench stock review will be made in
three separate phases; monthly, semiannually for regular bench stock, and annually
for standard reporting designator (SRD) and minimum reserve authorization. The
semiannual review may be discontinued with the concurrence of the LRS APO and
the supported organizations.
204 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Phase I-Monthly Recommended Additions, Changes, and
Deletions. Bench stock will be reviewed monthly for additions, changes, and
deletions. Items recommended by IT system are based upon past issue and due-
out release action. Coordination with affected bench stock account representatives
will be effected prior to changes being made. This requirement may be changed to
quarterly at the option of the major command. See AFH 23-123 for instructions
on processing the Bench Stock Review listing. Phase II-Semiannual Bench Stock Review. The Customer Support
Liaison Element will arrange a semiannual joint review meeting with bench
stock-supported-shops (determined jointly by the LRS APO and the supported
organization commander or Maintenance Chief). Phase III-Annual SRD/MRA Validation. SRD data and minimum
reserve authorization levels must be validated annually. Bench stock demands are
identified to mission requirements only if proper SRD data are loaded. MRA
levels may no longer be valid resulting in erroneous stock control practices. After
phase II of the review has been completed, the following actions are required: The Customer Support Liaison Element, Decentralized
Supply Support/Materiel Control and the appropriate shop supervisor will
participate in the joint review meeting. Air Force approved Adhoc Database
system script will be run to identify bench stock NSNs with zero item record
demands and zero item record cumulative demands. During these reviews,
bench stock details identified via the Air Force approved Adhoc Database
system script will be deleted unless a letter is submitted by the Maintenance
Superintendent justifying retention. The semiannual review may be
discontinued with the concurrence of the LRS APO and the supported
organization commander, but must be conducted at least annually. Credit may
be granted for bench stock turn-ins for lateral support and for items from non-
flying hour accounts for which there are a positive enterprise positive
enterprise demand with less than 3 years stock on-hand within the enterprise. Processing of the Organizational Bench Stock Listing is not
required when this review does not take place, but may be processed when
requested by the Customer Support Liaison Element supervisor. This
paragraph may be supplemented if local/MAJCOM requires this review to be
accomplished more frequently. The review should not conflict with normally
busy periods, such as end of month. Close coordination with the scheduler is
needed to set the processing date for the semiannual review. All bench stocks will be replenished within 15 days of their
scheduled semiannual reviews. After the review is concluded (within one
work week), normal support to the shops will be resumed as quickly as
possible. The one-week time limit may be extended by the major command
for distant/remote off-base supported activities. Also, off-base organizations
may be reviewed prior to on-base organizations to eliminate the delay in
processing the Bench Stock Review.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 205 All changes and recommended deletions will be reviewed
during the joint review meeting, and the listing annotated as needed, and then
signed by reviewing participants. The Customer Support Liaison Element will
keep a copy of the signed listing until the next review is completed. The Customer Support Liaison Element will provide copies
of the Organization Bench Stock Listing to the applicable shop supervisor and
Materiel Control (after all necessary actions have been taken). The listing
assists shop personnel in the location of bench stock items. The Customer
Support Liaison Element will also file a copy of the listing with the signed
listing from the joint review meeting. The copy of the listing produced after
the semiannual review may be replaced if a new listing is run before the next
review. A thorough review is extremely important to ensure that bench stock
supports the mission efficiently and economically. When approved by the LRS APO and the supported
organization commander or Maintenance Chief, the semi-annual joint review
may be conducted by the following electronic means. LRS/Materiel
Management Activity personnel will initiate the ILS-S generation of the
Organizational Bench Stock Listing and forward it to the appropriate
individual using any electronic means. Current technology will allow the
listing to be sent via e-mail to the bench stock monitor or the organization’s
electronic mail box. Future technology changes that allow transfer of listing
will also be acceptable methods of forwarding the listing. The LRS/Materiel
Management Activity Bench Stock Monitor will not be the chairperson for a
formal meeting. Reviewing organizations will ensure special emphasis is
placed on the following items: items with no demands in the past year and
items with excessive quantities not supported by demands. All changes and recommended deletions will be reviewed
during the electronic review, and the listing annotated as needed. The using
organization will prepare a memo for the record to be signed by the reviewing
participant. The memo will indicate the following data elements: date the
Organizational Bench Stock Listing was created; date review was completed;
details requiring change; required change; name; rank; and phone number of
individual(s) conducting the review. The memo will be forwarded to
Customer Support Liaison who will make the indicated changes and maintain
the signed memo until the next review is completed. Memo may be filed
electronically. Updated copies of the Organization Bench Stock Listing will
be provided by the Customer Support Liaison for the applicable shop
supervisor and Materiel Control (after all necessary actions have been taken).
A thorough review is extremely important to ensure that bench stock supports
the mission efficiently and economically.
206 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The Customer Support Liaison must keep the fund’s manager
informed of significant increases or decreases in bench stock authorizations
and demands. Organization commanders will find pertinent financial
information included in each organization's bench stock listing. No bench
stock orders will be filled unless funds are available in the project fund
management record. Phase III-Annual SRD/MRA Validation. SRD data and minimum
reserve authorization levels must be validated annually at the same time as one of
the semiannual bench stock reviews. Bench stock demands are identified to
mission requirements only if proper SRD data are loaded. MRA levels may no
longer be valid resulting in erroneous stock control practices. After phase II of the
review has been completed, the following actions are required: A digitally signed email or cover letter by the LRS APO must
accompany the Organization Bench Stock Listing provided to Decentralized
Materiel Support. The letter will request a review of all SRD and MRA data.
There must also be a reply by endorsement, signed by the shop supervisor, to
certify completion of the review. Changes resulting from the review will be submitted to the
Customer Support Liaison, who will update the master bench stock record. A copy of the signed endorsement will be filed in the
Customer Support Liaison and used for verification of the annual review. Bench Stock Issue Output Issue Document Format and Document FlowDD
Form 1348-1A. Bench Stock Issue Document Flow. See Bench Stock Issue Transaction
in AFH 23-123, for specific ILS-S information and processing. Customer Support Liaison. Create the master bench stock issue
request for items requiring replenishment. Asset Management Section. Off-base issues. Select the property to be issued and enter the
date and name of the individual selecting the property on line 29 of the DD
Form 1348-1A. Forward property with DD Form 1348-1A attached to
transportation for shipment. The transportation function will sign, date, and
distribute the DD Form 1348-1A. Bench stock issues. Select the property to be issued and enter
the date and signature of the individual selecting the property on line 29 of the
DD Form 1348-1A. Place property and any corresponding documentation in
the Deployment and Distribution holding area for customer delivery. Management Notice. This output will be used to coordinate with
the customer if a substitute is available for issue.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 207 Deployment/Contingency Bench Stock Support. Bench stock support at
deployment/contingency locations is provided via CRSP. In the event a weapon system
operates from the same deployment/contingency location for a timeframe sufficient to
establish reliable demand patterns within ILS-S and the weapon system is expected to
continue operations at the location in the foreseeable future, then regular organizational
bench stocks can be established. These two different approaches dictate different replenishment actions.
Be aware of these differences and take every effort to aid or assist in the timely
replenishment of consumables. These represent the majority of bits and pieces,
attaching parts and hardware. Items included in the RSP will be ordered under normal procedures as
they are expensed (used.). Bench Stock Review. Bench Stock should begin immediate review of
deploying units' bench stock. If it is a short notice deployment (60 days or less), the
above actions are still advised but must be compressed within the given time. Close and continuous coordination with the supported organization
to check and double check bench stock adds and deletes is essential. Initiate priority action to fill bench stocks according to established
procedures. Initiate priority action on bench stock due-out line items that the
deploying organization identifies as necessary for deployment. Bin Labels. Bench stock bin labels are produced via the ILS-S upon request. Bin
labels are automatically produced for new bench stock items and when existing bench
stock records are changed. Bin labels for items with a shelf life can be colored, to
distinguish those items from non-deteriorating items. See Daily Bin Labels
(D38/NGV837) in AFH 23-123 for additional details about bench stock label printing
options. In some locations, bench stock items are managed by the use of automated
information technology (AIT) equipment (hand-held terminals) that record the
information stored on bin labels. Process this report using ILS-S. Reference the ILS-S User’s Manual.
The purpose of this report is to provide bin labels for all item record warehouse
locations, bench stock operations, supply point, equipment, retail sales, SPRAM,
mission support and war reserve type items.
5.3.13. Shelf Life Item Control. Purpose: To explain shelf life procedures process. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific processes use AFH 23-123. Shelf life management procedures are contained in DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-2,
and will be followed for stocking, storing and issuing shelf life designated material.
208 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Designation. Items assigned a National Stock Number (NSN) in the
Federal Supply System will be designated by a specific shelf life code. This code
identifies length of the shelf life period. All NSNs not designated as shelf life items per DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-
2, are considered to be non-deteriorative and, thus, are not managed as shelf life items
and shall be coded and identified by shelf life code 0 (zero). Shelf Life Management and Programs. Storage. Shelf life items should be consolidated in one central stockroom
or warehouse to the maximum extent possible. Consolidation will facilitate efficiency
during inspection or surveillance actions by reducing the amount of travel time
between locations. It is not necessary to segregate shelf life items from other assets in
storage. Report any item in storage that appears to be deteriorating and
excluded from the shelf life control procedures to the responsible item manager to
evaluate if the item should be assigned a shelf life code. Item(s) may be unsuitable for intended use at the expiration of the
assigned storage time. Users need to ensure not to confuse Shelf Life and Service
Life. Shelf Life is the time the item sits “on the shelf” prior to issue or after issue
and not in use. The service life is determined by appropriate TO, Commercial
Manuals, or other documentation. For example, a tire might have a shelf life code
of “S” (60 months). This does not mean replace a “in use” tire every 60 months.
The service life of the tire might be 10 years. When the tire has been on the shelf
for 60 months and has not been used the shelf life code (SLC) will apply because
requirements in tactical situations when mission success could be jeopardized by
failure and lives could be lost during combat when assets have sat “on the shelf.”
Users may challenge any SLC if they feel items are improperly coded. Identification on Labels. Warehouse personnel must make sure the
label on each item, subject to shelf life management, clearly states the expiration
date. (T-1). Activities using items with short shelf lives are authorized, on an
optional basis, to use a color-coding system making expiration dates more readily
apparent. One system is to have two sets of decals like those used on vehicle
license plates. Each set is a different color to designate the current year and the
next year. Each color would have decals with numbers from 1 to 12 to designate
the month of expiration.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 209 Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment (CWDE). Individual
Protective Equipment assets that qualify for shelf life extension must be
clearly marked with the latest discard/expiration date and will be clearly
remarked with new discard/ expiration date. This can be done by marking out
the old data and hand writing in new data, or use of DD Form 2477. Note:
Property previously identified with AF Form 2032, Inspection Extension
(rescinded) must now be identified using a DD Form 2477. AFTO Form 152,
Chemical Defense Ensemble Inspection Record/DD Form 1574/1574-1 to
show updated extended shelf life is an acceptable method of update. Assets
"without" a marked discard/expiration date will not require individual
marking of extended shelf life. Along with the guidance above, Mobility IT
System will be updated for all assets with extension data. Maximum Use of Stock. Issues of shelf life stocks should be directed
against the oldest stocks (those with the least shelf life remaining). Storage activities
shall initiate controls to minimize expiration of materiel in storage by issuing first
those stocks which have the earliest expiration date for Type I items; or the earliest
date manufactured, date packed, date cured, or date assembled for Type II items,
except where issue of newer stocks is justified. Under normal circumstances, this
policy prescribes for a strict application of first-in/first-out (FIFO) issue control
techniques. Exceptions. The only exception to this policy is issues (transfers) to
mission support kit (MSK)/mobility readiness spares package (MRSP)/war
reserve material (WRM) where the newest stock is released. Under no conditions
will warehouse personnel issue an item that has reached or passed its expiration
date. Immediately notify inspection personnel when an item with an expired shelf
life date is discovered in stock. Inspection personnel will immediately begin a
complete review of all assets on hand for that stock number. Time compliance technical order (TCTO) kits containing shelf-life
items will be assigned a shelf-life code of the shortest shelf-life item in the kit. Overseas Shipments. All items for overseas shipment will be
selected from the newest stock (longest remaining shelf-life). Internal Controls. To control items in storage, Inspection personnel do the
following: Query the ILS-S to list the item records for all items assigned shelf
life codes (See ILS-S User’s Manual and AFH 23-123) for additional information
on shelf life codes). This program may also be processed to select specific shelf
life codes, as required. This option should be used to frequently monitor items
assigned short shelf life codes. Physically check each location for the following: Bin label attached to and matches property in location. Ensure using first-in/first-out (FIFO) issue control techniques. Verify shelf life and expiration date.
210 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Ensure items are in original packing with manufacturer label
for Type I. Type II must have a manufacturer label or DD Form 2477. Note:
Manufacturer label must be clear and legible. Color coding bin labels. On an optional basis, warehouse
personnel can use a color-coding system to making shelf life and expiration
dates more readily apparent. One system is to have two sets of decals like
those used on vehicle license plates. Each set is a different color to designate
the current year and the next year. Each color would have decals to designate
the month of expiration. Annotate the listing to indicate items are outdated or require issue or
disposition before the next inspection. Retain the annotated listing(s) until new products are produced. DoD Shelf Life Program Website. The DoD Shelf Life program has both
a secure and non-secure website. These sites contain access to the Shelf Life
Extension System (SLES) and other management information. The secure site is
available to .mil customers and is located at the DoD Shelf-Life Program web site: Shelf-Life Extension System (SLES). AF personnel will utilize SLES to
determine whether shelf-life materiel has been tested by a certified laboratory and
extended (Reference DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-2). Quality Status Listing (QSL). AF storage activities may utilize the
test results in the QSL to extend the shelf-life or dispose of specified items as
indicated. The QSL is available to “.mil” customers on the SLES secure site. To
extend the shelf-life based on the test results in the QSL, the items on hand must
equate to the same stock number, contract, lot, and batch number as listed. For
items not appearing on the QSL, contact the appropriate ICP Shelf-Life Point of
Contact for assistance. Note: QSL test results are based upon compliance with the
mandated DoD/AF storage standards. Storage activities must take into
consideration local storage conditions prior to extending/disposing of shelf-life
assets. Acting in the role of AF Executive Agent, the Warner Robins ALC shares
the responsibility of testing shelf-life items with other DoD components and helps
assure update and operation of the data in the SLES. Shelf Life Codes. Assigning Shelf Life Codes. Items assigned shelf life codes are divided
into categories as follows: Type I (alpha codes) are assigned to items having a definite, non-
extendable shelf life. Type I shelf life items will not be tested, inspected, or
extended in storage. These assets will be downgraded from condition codes
"A," to "B," to "C," to "H," in accordance with the specified condition code
timeframes located in DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-2.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 211 For all shelf life assets other than cure dated items, the
manufactured date, assembled date, packed date, expiration date, and the
inspect/test date shall be expressed by the numeric month followed by the last
two digits of the calendar year, with the day of the month being the last day.
When two or more unit packs of identical items have different beginning or
ending shelf-life dates, the earliest ending date, e.g., expiration or inspect/test
shall be the date used. Note: Example, the date of 12/03 would be December
2003 and the inspection/expiration date would be the 31st of December 2003.
The 31st would be the use to date and the item could have a longer service
date. Type II (numeric codes) are assigned to items having a shelf life
which may be extended after the completion of inspection, testing, or restoration,
as appropriate. An item may be extended for the full term of its original life unless
TOs or other publications prevent it. For Type II extendible shelf life items, materiel requiring
visual inspection will be inspected 6 months prior to the inspection test date.
Materiel requiring laboratory testing shall be tested 9 months prior to the
inspect/test date, while the item is still in condition code A. Prior to testing,
the QSL shall be checked to determine if the item has already been tested and
extended. For materiel requiring laboratory testing which is stored at an
intermediate or LRS/Materiel Management Activity, the storage activity may
test materiel locally in a certified lab or contact the managing ICP shelf life
focal point DoDM 4140.27, Vols. 1-2, for a list of approved certified labs. When submitting Type II shelf life materiel to a testing
laboratory, it is important that the batch, lot, and contract numbers are
annotated on all documentation/property that is being sent for testing. This
requirement applies to materiel from the warehouse that needs to be tested, as
well as the materiel in depot maintenance support centers. This information is
required so that the test results reported in the SLES product can be used
accurately. In cases where the contract number is not available, the materiel
can still be tested and extended if test parameters are met. Testing and Inspections. Shelf-Life Testing Costs. The basic premise is the organization owning
the material pays for the testing. When the customer owning the material is from
another AF base, another Service, another Agency, etc. they are responsible to fund
any costs related to the testing of shelf-life assets. When the material is owned by a
local manufacturing production organization, the testing lab gets paid by the expense
incurred testing the material being charged back to the organization owning the
material. Lab testing is necessary prior to issue or shipment of items
exceeding shelf life expiration dates. When lab testing is not required, check
requirements with applicable Technical Order (TO).
212 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 After Type II shelf life materiel is inspected or tested and then
extended to a new inspection or test date, a DD Form 2477, shall be attached to
the outside container of each item in a conspicuous place at the storage location. Natural or synthetic rubber components, bearings, lubricants, etc.,
should be replaced when necessary, as well as any other reconditioning required
to return the item to a serviceable condition prior to issue or shipment if the
assigned storage time has elapsed. Petroleum Products are managed as to TO 42B-1-1, Quality Control
of Fuels and Lubricants and AFI 23-204, Organizational Fuel Tanks. Quality
control of petroleum products and chemicals will be inspected visually or retested
as specified in TO 42C-1-12. (T-1). Contact AF Petroleum Office at Ft. Belvoir,
VA, for petroleum product retest information or disposition instructions.
Information can also be obtained through the AF Petroleum Office via the AF
Portal. Aircraft jet engine oils, MIL-PRF-7808L, Lubricating Oil, Aircraft
Turbine Engine, Synthetic Base and MIL-L-23699, must be used within 36 months
of the date of packaging or the date of the last test. To prevent unnecessary
testing, the QSL published by DLA may be used to obtain test data. Bases maintaining large inventories of aircraft and engine oils
as WRM may have difficulty rotating stocks in peacetime, when demands are
low. Accordingly, 12 months before the product's expiration date, bases
should submit requests for assistance in redistributing stock. AF bases unable
to rotate stocks adequately may use advice code 2G when requisitioning to
DLA. Containers, Drums, Tanks, Lines, and Associated Equipment. Local
checklists are developed to ensure that containers, drums, tanks, lines, and
associated equipment are inspected monthly. The ILS-S listings or a suitable
program may be used to assist in these inspections. Checklists will indicate
specific storage areas where chemicals are stored, location of tanks and lines
where applicable, and location or serial numbers of associated equipment used in
the chemical storage operation. The result of the monthly inspections will be
documented on the checklist and maintained for a minimum of one year. XD/XF Assets. All Type II shelf life ERRC designator XD (T) and
XF (P) items must undergo a 100% test or inspection. (T-1). These items will
require a bench or functional check to ensure serviceability; therefore all affected
assets must be checked. Critical Supplies. Shelf life items that are in a critical supply
position will be tested and extended in stock when appropriate; regardless of the
dollar value of the materiel involved. Item criticality will be determined by
coordination with the appropriate AF activity with engineering authority assigns
the shelf life code having responsibility for the item.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 213 Possession of Shelf Life. Inspections shall be the responsibility of
the activity having custody of a shelf life item. Units shall be responsible and
accountable for shelf life inspection on materiel that has been issued to them.
Supply activities shall be responsible and accountable for shelf life inspection on
materiel in their possession. The materiel management activity should request
assistance from a maintenance activity (user) when they need services or advice to
accomplish the inspection or to evaluate the test results. The following procedures
will assist with these circumstances: Process a condition change input to transfer outdated
serviceable items to unserviceable details when the item is to be issued to
Maintenance for serviceability check, or there will be a delay in processing
the item to disposal. Maintenance personnel will forward written results of their
test findings and the items not used or consumed in testing. Maintenance will return items not consumed but tested
unserviceable. Inspection personnel will process a return for the total quantity
of the items not consumed but tested unserviceable. Maintenance will tag those items tested and found serviceable
and their expiration dates will be extended according to this manual. Inspection personnel will process a return for the quantity used
or consumed during testing. The unserviceable document will be stamped or typed with the
following statement: “Property reflected on this document has been consumed
during routine testing in accordance with applicable directive.” The ILS-S document will be signed and dated by the Chief
Inspector or designee and forwarded to Document Control. Attach a copy of
the written test results to provide an audit trail. Items consistently failing to meet test requirements and have
been properly stored should be reported to the appropriate Item Management
organization for assessment of the assigned shelf life or use of an alternate
source of supply. Processing Outdated Shelf Life Items. Under no conditions will warehouse
personnel issue an item which has reached or passed its expiration date. Immediately
notify inspection personnel when an item with an expired shelf life date is discovered in
stock. Inspection personnel will immediately begin a complete review of all assets on
hand for that stock number. Type I Shelf Life Items. When type I shelf life items are outdated, process
a condition change to change the condition to H (condemned) for an automatic
transfer to DLADS.
214 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Type II Shelf Life Items. The QSL maintained by DLA under the SLES
program will be checked before any local testing is initiated. Testing is required when
the on- hand balance for the affected batch/lot indicates the materiel will remain in
stock beyond the expiration. Decisions to test are based on the normal utilization rate
or demand pattern for the affected item. If the materiel cannot be tested while it is still
in condition code A, this materiel shall be allowed to migrate to condition codes B, C,
or J, until the laboratory test results or disposition instructions are received. Processing Type II Expired Shelf Life Items. Process a condition
change input to change the condition code to J (suspend outdated items on an
unserviceable detail). When the item is to be issued to maintenance for a
serviceability test or when there is a delay in processing. Issue unserviceable
items to maintenance using ILS-S controls for monitoring. Test Findings. The Maintenance function forwards a written reply of
the test finding(s), along with any materiel not used or destroyed in testing, to
Inspection. Item Destroyed During Testing. If the item was destroyed as a
result of testing, Inspection processes a return with supply condition code of H
and action taken code of 9. This action will generate a transfer document to
DLADS. Returns are processed using the original issue document numbers to
make certain all due-in from maintenance (DIFM) details are deleted. Stamp, type or hand scribe the following statement on the
transfer document: “Property reflected on this document has been consumed
during routine testing in accordance with applicable directive.” The Chief Inspector or designee signs and date the document
before forwarding it to Document Control. A copy of the written test result(s)
will be attached to provide an audit trail. Tested Unserviceable. Materiel not consumed and tested
unserviceable is processed in the same manner as above, but the resulting transfer
document and the unserviceable item are forwarded to DLADS. Tested Serviceable. Items tested and found serviceable are tagged
and their expiration dates are extended according to instructions in this section. Exception to Type II Shelf Life Testing. When small quantities of the
same stock number reach their expiration date, the Chief Inspector must determine if
testing of this material is cost effective. Testing should not be done when the cost of
the test is greater than the total dollar value of the outdated materiel, or when only
one unit remains and the materiel will be consumed in testing. See DoDM 4140.27,
Vols. 1-2, for specific policy guidance.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 215 Shipping. Source of Supply activities should utilize the following criteria to
ensure that shelf life items arrive at their destination with adequate serviceable shelf life
remaining. Once the Type II materiel is received, it becomes the receiver's (e.g., retail,
end user) responsibility to inspect the materiel and ensure that extension information is
available or submit an SDR if information is not current and not available in the QSL.
Subsequently, the receiver will ensure that extension markings are current and remark
accordingly. Costly DLADS/hazardous waste disposal of Type II shelf-life items/materiel
solely on the basis that the inspect/test date markings on the shipment container had
lapsed when received would most likely be premature and is unauthorized without
conducting the appropriate research. Shipping expired shelf-life materiel to any customer
is prohibited. Continental United States (CONUS) Shipments. Items with less than 90 days of shelf life remaining (condition code
"C") may only be issued for immediate usage priority designator 01-08
requisitions. Items with three to six months shelf-life remaining (condition code
"B") may be shipped to CONUS contractors' facilities for use as government
furnished property (GFP) or government furnished materiel (GFM) and to other
CONUS requisitioner's for stock and reissue. Overseas Shipments. All items for overseas (OCONUS) requirements,
Foreign Military Sales (FMS), including shipments under security assistance
programs, will be selected using guidelines in DoDM 4140.27. (T-0). Requisitioners may specify the shipment of only the newest stock to meet
strategic mission requirements by utilizing DLMS EDI advice code "2G." The IMMs have the capability to supplement the advice codes indicated
in the customer's requisition or when instructing storage activities to deviate from the
FIFO principle by the use of DLMS EDI management codes. These codes are to be
used only to supplement information conveyed by the condition code on the materiel
release order. The two management codes are defined as follows: Code "T" - Issue
newest stock only. Code "U" - Issue stock having at least one-year shelf life
remaining. Excess, Disposal and Reutilization of Shelf Life Assets. All AF units shall report all excess on-hand quantities to the Integrated
Materiel Manager (IMM) in accordance with DoD 4140.26-M, Vol 5. (T-0). All
efforts will be made to redistribute potentially expiring shelf life assets.
216 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Final disposal action should be the absolute last resort for shelf life items
that have, for example: (1) expired or (2) will not be extended due to visual
inspection/laboratory test failure and (3) are not Hazardous Material
(HAZMAT)/Hazardous Waste. Using discretion and common sense, in terms of
Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) considerations, there may be
circumstances where use of these items may be diverted to completely non-critical or
non-tactical applications as opposed to disposal. Alternative uses should be
coordinated with ESOH authority and facilities maintenance. Challenging a SLC Assignment. Challenges shall be written, coordinated
within the challenging service/agency prior to routing to the AF activity with
engineering authority that assigns the shelf life code, and coordinated with the
remaining services/agencies prior to service implementation. Shelf life assignments
are based on optimum storage conditions and the exact rates of deterioration or
degradation are unknowns, shelf life items must be closely monitored and visually
inspected prior to use. When the items are still good even where stored under adverse
conditions, the scenario presents an opportunity to challenge the shelf life code
assignment. Retail activities will dispose of expired items and redistribute/dispose of
excess items as needed. When serviceable items become unserviceable due to
expiration of a shelf life component, a determination will be made as to whether a
firm or future stock level requirement still exists for the item. If so, the item will be
tagged with a DD Form 1576 or DD Form 1576-1, Test/Modification Label-Materiel
and forwarded to maintenance for local repair or evacuation.
5.4. Equipment Management.
5.4.1. Organizational Visits. Purpose: To explain the procedural processes to conduct organizational visits.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer
to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: The EAE is responsible for ensuring proper accountability
of in-use equipment, custodians properly conduct their duties, and squadron commanders
or designated representative are provided feedback concerning equipment accountability.
The EAE assists unit property custodians with equipment issues, perform base level
equipment management functions and perform scheduled organizational visits. Note:
MAJCOMs are authorized to modify these instructions for wings with contracted or Most
Efficient Organization (MEO) LRS’s if organizational visits will significantly increase
the cost of current contracts or MEO manpower until such contracts are due to be
competed or renewed. The unit will provide their MAJCOM/A4R with a waiver request
that includes reason(s) they cannot comply, their proposed alternative method to ensure
equipment accountability and a projected get well date. MAJCOMs/wings will add
associated EAE tasks to contracts as they are competed or renewed. The following actions will be performed:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 217 EAE will schedule and conduct annual visits to ensure organizations are
compliant with custodial responsibilities. During annual visit, EAE will review the
following: Ensure accountable equipment items that are verified as directed
below are marked with a Unique Item Identifier (IUID) and Unique Item
Identifier (UII) label is serviceable, readable, and associated with the correct
equipment data within AFEMS if IUID program is fully implemented. Verify accountability of all capital equipment assets and ensure
documentation is available to support valuation. Verify accountability of Nuclear Weapons Related Material
(NWRM) equipment per AFI 20-110. EAE will verify accountability of COMSEC/CCI equipment. Assets
received are validated via Standard Form (SF) 153, COMSEC Material Report,
are recorded in the APSR as prescribed in AFMAN 17-1302-O, Communication
Security (COMSEC) Operations. Spot check a random 10% sample (per account) of the organization’s
remaining accountable in-use equipment to ensure it is on hand. Custodian Jacket File. Query AFEMS In-Use serialized asset screen and ensure there are no
CFO details missing data or CFO details awaiting reconciliation. Visually verify all capital equipment assets with custodian and
validate CFO data fields within AFEMS match the data collected from the asset
(e.g., Cage Number, Serial Number, etc.). Visually verify Acquisition Date and Acquisition Cost within the
AFEMS CFO Data fields match FIAR Key Supporting Document (KSD) stored
in Tab C of the Master Jacket File and correct any errors within AFEMS. Ensure custodian’s information appears on current Authorization-to-
Receipt-for-Classified-Property-Listing for accounts with classified items. Identify and validate unserviceable maintenance and calibration
quantities on CA/CRL. Document excess equipment overdue 30 day return. Note: Date
established on excess detail. Provide organizational commander or responsible officer with a written
status report of the organizational visit signed by the LRS APO. Include on this
report, strengths, findings and observations. Review previous reports and classify
write ups as “repeat findings” when warranted.
218 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Review and validate the responsible officer’s replies to the report’s
findings and determine if the actions taken are sufficient to correct the deficiencies. If
the discrepancies are not resolved within 30 calendar days, notify the LRS APO, the
responsible officer’s group within 45 calendar days and wing commander after 60
calendar days, in writing. Measure schedule effectiveness to ensure organizational visits are
completed annually and reported to the LRS APO monthly during how-goes-it or
equivalent briefings.
5.4.2. Allowance Standards (AS). Purpose: To explain AS and their use with Equipment Management. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific process refer to
AFH 23-123. AS’s are available online in AFEMS. The following is guidance for the
application of AS’s: AS’s prescribe the master item in the Interchangeable and Substitute (ISG)
subgroup. ERRCD and AS’s. Generally, only nonexpendable items (ERRCD Nxx) are listed in an AS’s.
When expendable items are listed, it is for information purposes only. With the
exception of WRM equipment items, Equipment Management Code (EMC) “1” items
are excluded from EAID records and AFEMS reporting, unless the item is equal to or
greater than $5,000.00, or is an exception per AFI 23-101. Using commands can substitute expendable items and quantities when
desired. Exceptions include specialized tools, personal retention and survival items,
components of bench set components, test measurement diagnostics equipment, and
WRM. End Items for Standby Use. Only in unusual circumstances will end item
allowances be approved for standby (backup or maintenance attrition) equipment. If
additional end items are required, coordinate with CEMF for approval. Those requests,
which are in direct support of weapon systems or other major equipment end item
systems, must be validated by the applicable SPM, Product Group Manager (PGM), or
Materiel Group Manager (MGM) before sending them to AFMC Allowance Manager.
Justification for this type of allowance/authorization must provide sufficient detail to
define the need. ASs will not include expendable spare parts required for the maintenance,
assembly, or repair of end items. In certain circumstances, equipment items may be
required as spare parts to be used in the repair of other major equipment end items. The
items will be obtained using activity code “P” and the reparable equipment item will be
turned in to supply. The BOI in AS’s represents the maximum allowable quantity of a
nonexpendable item. The AS BOI is authorized by the applicable approval authority when
substantiated by adequate justification.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 219 Allowances should be stated in flexible terms to allow for variables in
equipment, personnel, and workloads. Organization commanders may exceed the BOI in a non-weapon AS if the
item is ERRC code NF, BC 9, and use code B (base funded/base support). This
guidance excludes: BC9 items listed in AS 009, 016 (Parts C, D, E, F, G, and H), 410,
501, 654, and 658. Weapon system AS, depot support, controlled items, mobility, WRM,
and any allowances requiring approval above wing/base level. The equipment custodian will provide a single AETC Form 120/120A for
each course. List items required in stock number sequence and indicate maximum
authorizations. The AETC Form 120 must include a cover letter signed by the
squadron commander or flight chief. The letter must indicate any items and quantities
that supply must order. The letter and AETC Form 120/120A will be kept in the
Equipment Master Jacket file and the Custodian Jacket file. A new AETC Form
120/120A must be provided whenever there is a change, add or delete. New AETC
Forms 120/120A will replace old letters in both jacket files. AS Support Categories. All AS’s will indicate the end item application grouped
into specific support categories according to the intended use of the equipment. Category I, Miscellaneous Allowances. These are non-published
Allowance Source Codes (ASC), such as; Special Allowance 041; Retention
Authority 048, etc. Category II, Special Support. Reflects equipment to support peculiar
operations, missions or functions, including WRM support. AS’s in this category may
reflect both standard and nonstandard equipment. The user will review AS’s in this
category annually to validate the need to continue the requirement and advise the AM
of the results of the review. Category III, System Support. Reflects equipment to support specific
aircraft or missile, and is tailored to specific operational and maintenance concepts. Category IV, Facilities Support. Reflects equipment required to support
normal base and satellite installation functions for such things as food service,
chaplain, and civil engineers. Category V, Personnel Support. Reflects equipment to support personnel in
performance of their assigned duties based upon AFSC or job
classification/description and related functions with respect to specific USAF
missions. Category VI, Mission Support. Reflects equipment required to support
common application of organizational and field level maintenance for such things as
machine, welding, and sheet metal shops.
220 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 AS Changes. Users may submit change requests when allowances are
inadequate, excessive, or unsuitable for functions for which prescribed. Change
requests can be submitted online through the AFEMS (TACR) or manually on AF
Form 601. Detailed instructions for submitting change requests are contained in AF
Form 601 Preparation, AFH 23-123. Recommendations to change an AS preface (or
format) must be submitted by letter. Proposing a new AS. Any activity may develop a new AS to perform a specific
duty or function. Any level may approve, modify, or disapprove the proposed new AS
prior to forwarding it to AFMC Allowance Manager for final action. Forward the requests through MAJCOM channels. Include statements of
evaluation by Equipment Review Authorization Activity (ERAA) with a proposed
BOI on the approval. Send one copy to AFMC Allowance Manager for approval. Include the recommended title, purpose, preface, and special information
in sufficient detail to permit the evaluation of the stated equipment requirements. Include a complete list consisting of the NSN, nomenclature, unit of issue,
and BOI for each of the proposed items. Explain pertinent data. Include such things as a functional chart, copies of
directives assigning new or expanded functions, numbers and skills of personnel
available or required for equipment operation and maintenance, level of maintenance
to be performed, student load, peacetime and wartime workload. Line by Line Allowance Standard Review and Desktop Audit Allowance
Review. MAJCOMs may request reviews for mission changes, new or modified
operational or maintenance concepts, conversion from one weapon system to another,
or when determined to be mission critical. The activity requesting the review must
provide justification and obtain coordination from other using MAJCOMs. Allowance Managers will schedule and coordinate the review with
requesting MAJCOM Equipment Review Authorization Authorities and appropriate
weapon system representatives. The Allowance Manger also serves as the
Chairperson for the review. Additional representation may include Lead MAJCOM Equipment Review
Authorization Authorities, Command Functional Area Manager, Pilot Unit
representation, contractors, or activities having subsystem or related support
responsibilities, and other commands utilizing the subject allowance standard. At least 30 days prior to convening the allowance standard review
conference, the Allowance Manager will furnish conferees an agenda and current
working copy allowance standard for use at the conference.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 221 MAJCOMs will review the working copy and have a command position,
by item, prior to the conference. Commands submit their comments to the lead
Equipment Review Authorization Authority point of contact prior to the allowance
standard review when representation will not attend the review. The Allowance Manager makes the final determination regarding items
and the basis of issue reflected on the allowance standard with exception for those
items directed or controlled by HQ USAF. AS updates. The AFEMS (C001) message board will used to notify all affected
users of allowance changes/updates. In certain instances, the AFEMS (C001) will provide
an automated base authorization update (DOC ID XSJ) which will permit the updating of
the authorized/in-use detail record without human intervention.
5.4.3. Special Allowances and Miscellaneous Allowances. Purpose: To explain Special Allowance and their use with Equipment
Management. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123. Special and Miscellaneous Allowances were established
to permit necessary deviations for authorizations when a requirement develops for an
item or quantity of equipment that normal allowance standard coverage is inappropriate
or inadequate. These are non-published Allowance Source Codes (ASC) in AFEMS. Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Equipment ASC
040 and ASC 049. Purpose: Air Force designated RDT&E activities must use ASC 040
and ASC 049 when equipment is used in direct support of RDT&E programs or
projects. AF Form 601/TACR are not required. Authorization for ASC 040
and ASC 049 are approved at the base level by MAJCOM identified RDT&E
activity. ASC 041 - Special Allowance. Special allowance 041 is applicable to equipment authorizations that
normal allowance standard coverage is inappropriate or inadequate. In addition to applicable data specified in Allowance Standard
Change Requests, cite the peculiar circumstances that preclude inclusion of the
item in an AS. The MAJCOM CEMF is the approval authority for base funded (BC
9) Equipment items. This does not apply to controllable items requiring higher
level approval. MAJCOM approval allows a base to procure a BC 9 item while, at
the same time, processing the request for a normal AS add. All special requests for centrally-procured items will be forwarded
through command channels to the Allowance Manager for final approval. The provisions above do not apply to USAF medical activities.
222 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The ASC(s) covering the above, and other specific situations, are
identified in AFEMS. Requisition or retained items that are restricted for
authorization, acquisition, or possession only need approval of the controlling
agency prior to the ASC being approved for use. Depot Non-Standard Equipment. Purpose: Depot activities at OO-ALC (Ogden-Hill), OC-ALC
(Tinker), WR-ALC (Robins), and 309 Aerospace Maintenance And Regeneration
Group (Davis-Monthan) are authorized to use ASC 042 for non-stock listed
equipment that directly supports depot programs or projects which has been
determined to be a one-time buy. Submit requests for special allowance according
to paragraph 5.4 For guidance requirements AFI 23-101; for IT guidance refer to
AFH 23-123. Unless the items are REMS, no AF Form 601/TACR is required.
Approval for ASC 042 is approved at the base level. MAJCOM may authorize certain Depot activities to establish
separate ERAA. ERAA will review and make recommendations only on Depot
requirements that use ASC 042. Staff responsibilities. ERAA staff will be technically qualified
to determine if requested equipment meets engineering, economic, and
mission requirements. The senior member of the ERAA will recommend
approval or disapproval in block 19 of the AF Form 601. The staff member
will send approved requests to the LRS/CC or Accountable Property Officer
and will return disapproved ones to the submitter. AFMC responsibilities. With the advice of the ERAA, AFMC
will control, establish initial and replacement issues, account for, and
promptly report excess equipment for disposition. Gift Items- ASC 044. Purpose. AFI 51-506 identifies circumstances under which units or
individuals must account for gifts. AFMC will establish accountability for these
gifts by requesting that Records Maintenance assign the gift a local stock number.
This action will exclude the gift from Air Force Supply Management Activity
Group (SMAG) management. The action will also allow the gift to be issued
without reimbursement. Detail record for the gift will be loaded using ERRCD NF2, REX
code 4, routing identifier code JBZ, budget code 9 for items with a unit price less
than $250,000 or budget code will be Z for items with a unit price of $250,000 or
more and ASC 044. AFMC will establish an authorized/in-use detail record for the gift,
using ASC 044.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 223 Collateral Equipment ASC 047. When collateral equipment is required it
is listed in an allowance standard AND shown in an approved drawing. When the
equipment is shown in an approved drawing but is not listed in an allowance
standard, AFMC will use ASC 047 as the AID on detail records. Miscellaneous AS
047 is applicable to collateral equipment (other than installed real property) that is
contractor affixed/installed and contributes to the functional operations of a facility
such as a dining hall, bakery, service club, etc. For guidance specific requirements
review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. Retention Authority ASC 048. Purpose: To save money, units may retain equipment that will help
complete the assigned mission. The item must be safe to use, maintainable and
not designated for recall due to personnel or maintenance hazards. Centrally
procured items are no longer required to meet MAJCOM or other AF authorized
requirements. ASC 048 is also used when an item may be too expensive to repair
or to redistribute to meet other authorized Air Force requirements. The unit commander is the approval authority for ASC 048 retention
of base-funded items regardless of previous allowance ID or use code. Specially
excluded from this are items in weapon system allowance standards. AFMC may authorize a custodian to retain an item rather than
redistribute it provided it is not a vehicle or an asset/organization that would
normally require higher than base-level approval for retention. AFMC may
approve ASC 048 when the item is in-use or it can be issued from stock/DLA
Disposition Services. AFMC screens other organization requirements for a valid
allowance standard. When a shortage exists, offer the item to the organization
with the valid allowance standard prior to ASC 048. Note: Under no
circumstances will AFMC authorize retention of an item that was initially
requisitioned. Custodians will submit requests or input an allowance change request
(TACR) online into the AFEMS (C001) for retention authority when higher than
base-level approval is required. MAJCOM CEMFs may approve retention requests for Disposal
(DSP) coded items without referring them to the AFMC item manager (IM), and
Non- DSP coded items with other valid AF requirements. When CEMF approves
a retention request for an AF CP item that is not coded DSP, then CEMF sends
the request to AFMC IM for approval. When the AFMC IM disapproves the
request, he or she will send shipping instructions to redistribute the item. When repairing retained items they may be repaired within base
resources if the repairs are economically reasonable and justified. Vehicle repairs
will not exceed the maximum repair allowance in TO 00-36-1-191, Technical and
Managerial Reference for Motor Vehicle Management. Retention equipment will not be replaced under any circumstances.
AFMC will not substitute other items for retained items under any circumstances.
224 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Loan of Other Governmental Agency Equipment to the USAF ASC 050. Purpose: Special Allowances (ASC 050) were established to account
for loaned equipment from other Governmental Agency Equipment to the USAF AFMC will set up authorized/in-use detail records for EAID items
that other governmental agencies lend to AF activities, using FED inputs with
Accounting and Finance interface code LOAN to establish the detail records.
ASC 050 will be used for loaned equipment with the first position of the
allowance ID suffix aligned with AFH 23-123 to identify the lending agency. The
next three-position alpha code in the allowance ID suffix (last three positions), to
further identify the lenders when directed by the CEMF or higher authorities. If
this code is not required, fill the ASC field with three alpha O's. AFMC will set up loan controls to be sure that lent items are returned
to the lending agency when the loan is up, rather than being turned in as local
excess or transferred to DLA Disposition Services. FED and FME are the only
authorized inputs for establishing and deleting authorized/in-use detail records for
these items. Do not use normal REC, FCI, ISU, SHP, TRM, etc., inputs. Loan of AF Equipment to NON-AF Activities ASC 051. Purpose: Special Allowances (ASC 051) were established for
activities with which the base does and does not have a host/tenant agreement. Activities with which the base does not have an agreement. When in-
stock equipment is loaned to non-AF supported activities that a base has no
host/tenant agreement with, AFMC will use the temporary loan procedures. Activities with which the base has an agreement. When in-stock
equipment is lent to non-AF supported activities that a base has a host/tenant
agreement with, AFMC will use FCI, ISU, TIN procedures and ASC 051 to
process the loan. ASC 050 will be used for equipment on loan, with the first
position of the allowance ID suffix aligned with AFH23-123, to identify the
borrowing agency. All centrally managed support equipment provided to a contractor as
a result of a Base Operations Services contract will be reported on EAID records. The appropriate AS will be cited. Requisitions on back order for a contractor will be immediately
cancelled if the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) approves a direct
buy by the contractor CEMFs will forecast future equipment requirements for these
accounts using normal forecast procedures. Miscellaneous AS 043 is applicable to Air Force funded equipment
provided in support of Department of Defense dependent schools and requires
authorized/in-use detail records. Special Projects ASC 054.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 225 Purpose: Equipment Sources for Special Projects. Headquarters
USAF or MAJCOM may authorize a one-time special project (other than a
RDT&E project). When no allowance standard exists, then the command assigned
to the project will use its authorized equipment to support the project to the
maximum extent possible. Equipment will also be provided according to
directives and instructions for the specific project. AFMC will maintain authorized/in-use detail records for special
project equipment, using ASC 054. Identify the specific project in the last three
positions of the allowance ID. A MAJCOM initiating a special project will request equipment on
TACR citing ASC 054. It will input a TACR online into the AFEMS (C001) for
special projects for approval by the allowance manager. The allowance manager
will then evaluate the requirement and check with the appropriate SM, IM, and
technical services personnel. For a special project directed by HQ USAF, the
MAJCOM assigned to the project may approve required equipment unless the
project directive lists other instructions. AS 054 approval by AFMC is required for: Requested equipment item costs more than $50,000 per
unit. Or when AFMC controls the item. Or when HQ USAF controls the item. Exception for
special projects directed by HQ USAF may be approved by MAJCOM
unless project directive lists other instructions. Turn-In. LRS EAE will turn in equipment authorized for special
projects as soon as the equipment is no longer needed for the project. Service Test of Commercial Items ASC 056. Purpose: When authorized, customers may purchase or borrow off-
the-shelf, non-aeronautical, commercial items for service tests. These tests will
determine if the item meets a military operational requirement. Items authorized
for service testing will be tagged as service test equipment. The MAJCOM CEMF is the approval authority. A TACR is
required with complete justification for the item, description of the item to be
tested, price, available source, estimated duration of the testing, additional costs,
if any, including transportation. When the AF has acquired title to an item, use ASC 056.
Process ASC 056 items using normal REC, FCI, ISU, etc., inputs. When the item is on loan from private industry, use ASC 057.
Do not use normal REC, FCI, ISU, etc., inputs.
226 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 AFMC will maintain authorized/in-use detail records for service test
equipment. When receive ASC 057 items, use FED inputs with Accounting and
Finance (A&F) interface code LOAN to establish detail records. Establish local
controls for all ASC 057 items to make sure that items are returned to the loaning
agency and not turned in as local excess or transferred to DLA Disposition
Services. When the loan ends, use FME inputs to delete the detail records and
return the items to the owning agency. When the service test determines that the item meets the operational
requirement, the customer will submit a request for standardization and cataloging
to EAE. The request will include a report of the service test along with evidence
to support standardization and cataloging. EAE will send the request with
attached report to the CEMF. When the service test determines that the item does
not meet the operational requirement, then the customer will submit a report to the
IM. Mechanized Materiel Handling Systems (MMHS) - ASC 060. Miscellaneous allowance 060 is applicable for accountability of
MMHS equipment as described in AFI 23-101. MMHS project officer and the organization’s equipment
custodian will inform the Customer Support Section (LGRMC) what
components make up the MMHS (Do not include components accounted for
as real property). The list will include the unit price of each component.
LGRMC will assign an L stock number to the MMHS with a unit price based
on the computed total of each component unit price. AFMC will maintain authorized/in-use detail records for
MMHSs using ASC 060. Loan of In-Use Equipment Between AF Organizations ASC 063 and
ASC 064. Purpose: MAJCOMs may direct the temporary loan of in-use items
to other Air Force units at different bases in the same or different commands.
When commands use these equipment loan procedures, EAID accountability and
reporting are transferred to the borrowing base. Therefore, both the lending and
the borrowing commands should appoint project managers to coordinate the
above procedures with AFMC especially since the lent equipment is often critical
to support the mission. When the loan is terminated, the project managers should
make sure that AFMC returns the lent equipment, and reestablishes accountability
at the lending base. The project manager should make sure that this property
accountability is transferred as quickly as possible, to reduce the in transit time
(the period when accountability is not established at either the loaning or the
borrowing base) to an absolute minimum. The MAJCOM CEMF is the approval authority for Loan of In-Use
Equipment between AF organizations. EAE or AFMC maintains AF Form 601 or
TACR and all supporting documentation for temporary loan (ASC 064 for the
Gaining Unit).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 227 The lending command will direct the lending base to establish an
authorized/in-use detail record using ASC 063, Allowance ID suffix (the Stock
Record Account Number (SRAN) of the borrowing base OR the Julian date for
the termination of the loan) the number of assets loaned as the authorized
quantity, zero as the on-hand quantity, and the shop code. The MAJCOM will
decide which Allowance ID suffix to use. The lending command will direct the
lending base to ship the items to the borrowing base. The lending or borrowing
commands may set up specific shop codes that lending or borrowing bases can
use to account for loaned equipment. The borrowing command will direct the borrowing base to process
an FCI to establish an authorized/in-use detail record using ASC 064, Allowance
ID suffix (the SRAN of the lending base or the Julian date of loan termination),
zero as the authorized quantity, the number of items on loan as the on-hand
quantity. When the loaned equipment is received, AFMC will use the manual
FED procedures to process the equipment. Use the shipping document number
from the 1ET processed by the lending base and the Accounting and Finance
interface code EAID to properly account for the receipt of the lent equipment.
However, the review listings do not need to be processed. When the borrowing
base returns the equipment to the lending base, AFMC will use 1ET to ship the
equipment and FED to reestablish EAID accountability. When the MAJCOM CEMF directs the permanent retention of
loaned equipment, the loaning base will delete the EAID detail citing ASC 063,
and the borrowing base changes the EAID detail citing ASC 064 to the
appropriate AS. Special Equipment Management - ASC 081, 082, and 083. Purpose: ASCs 081, 082, and 083 are reserved for special
equipment management purpose and may only be used when directed by
AF/A4LR. These ASCs will only be used when a need exists to account for
equipment which has been returned from a theater of operation, deployment, or
other significant operation. The approval period is not to be indefinite and is to be
sufficient to resolve the problems necessitating use of these ASCs. Accounting for In-use Equipment by Air Force Services Morale
Welfare and Recreation (MWR) activities that lost APF Support. Revenue
generating activities and the outdoor recreation activity may retain in-use assets
originally provided by APF support which now exceed allowance standard BOI,
as a result of BOI deletion or downward adjustment due to partial or total APF
support withdrawal. These assets will be transferred to ASC 083. ASC 083 assets will be maintained with NAF, will not be
redistributed to satisfy non-MWR activity requirements, will be used to satisfy
same base MWR requirements, and assets no longer needed or uneconomical
to repair will be turned in to the LRS/CC or Accountable Property Officer. Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) Items - ASC 986.
228 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Purpose: QRC items are items listed in allowance standards which
can support QRC (however, some items are not listed in the allowance standards). AFMC will maintain authorized/in-use detail records for QRC items
using equipment code Q. For supporting QRC items listed in the allowance
standard, use the allowance identification of the allowance standard. For QRC
items not listed in the allowance standards, use ASC 986 unless the MAJCOM
directs that separate records be established. Loan of Items Required for a Short Time ASC 987. Purpose: At times, a customer may need an item for a short time.
AFMC may issue a temporarily required item without reimbursement for a
maximum period of 6 months or less. Approved items are issued with ASC 987,
to record that the item has been lent to the customer for a short time. The Julian
calendar date of the loan's termination follows ASC 987. AFMC will not lend equipment to supplement normal authorizations
nor to help the customer avoid normal operating expenses. AFMC will only
approve loans for short-term activities or activities with specific temporary
requirements, such as activities on maneuvers and training exercises, reserve
forces field activities, scouting jamborees. AFMC will normally lend equipment for 90 days; however, the
LRS/CC or Accountable Property Officer may extend the loan for an additional
90 days. AFMC will not extend loans past the 180-day maximum. Sponsors for non-SMAG customers. AFMC will not lend equipment
to a borrowing activity that is not an authorized SMAG customer, unless a base
activity that is an authorized SMAG customer sponsors the loan. The sponsoring
activity's organization code will appear on all records for these items, and the
sponsoring activity will pay any operating expense. AFMC will not requisition SMAG equipment to make a temporary
loan. Also, if an item is on temporary loan, and a customer needs the item to meet
a valid authorization, then AFMC will terminate the loan authorization and issue
the item to the customer.
5.4.4. Emergency Contingency Allowances ASC 058. Purpose: Emergency Contingency Allowances are applicable in instances of
emergency contingency, combat operations, or emergency relief mission where an
established base cannot provide support and normal allowance coverage is inadequate.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer
to AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 229 The MAJCOM Commander having logistical support responsibility requests
establishment of an FX account per AFMAN 23-230, Maintaining Air Force DoD
Activity Address Codes (DODAAC), and authorizes the use of emergency contingency
(allowance identity ASC 058) to authorize and identify requirements. Advise AFMC
Allowance Manager each time the contingency allowance procedure is authorized and the
anticipated scope and level of approval within the MAJCOM. Except for combat
operations, use ASC 058 only in those instances where the referenced FX account is
established. To support combat operations, cite ASC 058 for emergency equipment
authorizations as a place holder for equipment that is transferred. Authorizations are
driven by what is reflected in the Logistics Detail (LOGDET) based on the UTC in the
standard AS to meet the MISCAP. Send requests for ASC 058 authorizations for combat
operations to the parent MAJCOM for approval. The MAJCOM periodically evaluates
ASC 058 approved authorizations and initiates requests changes to applicable AS, when
appropriate. Upon completing the contingency requirement, request disposition instructions
from the applicable IM.
5.4.5. Mobility Equipment (ME) and WRM Allowances. Purpose: Mobility Equipment (ME) and WRM Allowances provide a means to
allow equipment for the prescribed purposes of ME, joint-use and WRM support.
Determination of items and quantities of equipment to be authorized and prepositioned
will be made with coordination from the FAM and pilot unit based on applicable
allowance documents. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. During the development stages of new Weapon Systems AS’s (WSAS),
items required to support the weapon system during mobility contingencies are
identified and included in the WSAS. The FAM will identify general-purpose
equipment required to support a mobility tasking and coordinate with CEMF to
incorporate these requirements. Changes to WSAS and non-WSAS will be coordinated through the
MAJCOM, which has approval/disapproval authority. Air Force policy dictates that RegAF and reserve forces units tasked with
the same Unit Type Code (UTC) requirements will be similarly equipped so that they
can be used interchangeably. To achieve this goal, ME required to meet the wartime
tasking of reserve forces must be identified by the gaining MAJCOM in coordination
with ANG, AFR, and AFMC Allowance Manager. When adequate authorization criteria is published or has otherwise been
provided to the APO by CEMF to permit base level determinations of items and
quantities of equipment to be authorized as ME, submission of AF Form 601, etc. for
command level approval is not required.
230 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 All equipment to support a UTC will be on-hand, on-order, or contained in
appropriate budget documents if not centrally procured. AF/A4LR must approve
exceptions to this policy. Note: Home station DEPORD-required ME that has been
TEMPORARILY transferred to contingency location ASC 058 records will be
considered as "on-hand" assets unless applicable MAJCOMs direct permanent AOR
retention. Home station units will not generate replacement requisitions for deployed
assets without first verifying MAJCOM approval of permanent AOR retention. WSAS/non-WSAS is the only basis for the authorization and procurement
of ME. In no case will equipment items be placed in Unit Type Code logistics detail
(LOG-DET) without a WSAS/non-WSAS authorization. War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Allowances. WRM allowances and authorizations are based on formal wartime tasking
in the USAF War and Mobilization Plan (WMP), Vol 3, as determined by agreement
between HQ AF/A3O and the appropriate MAJCOM operational OPR. Detailed instructions regarding policy, allowances and accounting for
WRM is contained in AFI 23-101. BEAR SE is loaded against use code D unless approved from by the WRM
GMO, or transferred to AS 058. BEAR AS 159 is a valid authorization document that reflects command
allowances per UTC and quantities authorized. The WRM Global Strategy Document
(GSD) will be published by the WRM GMO and utilized to provide using and storing
command data based on the SPG and TWG. BEAR assets, deployed as Direct Mission Support, will transfer off of the
storing command’s account to the gaining account custodian. Records will transfer to
the Contingency Allowance Standard (AS) 058, as soon as connectivity is established
at the contingency location. BEAR assets, deployed as Indirect Mission Support, will not be transferred
to AS 058 without written approval from the WRM GMO. Composition (Comp) codes identify the use and type of requirement for
WRM/Joint Use. These codes and their description are stored within the Classified
AFEMS (C001).
5.4.6. Deployment and Transfer of Equipment. Purpose: To explain the procedures for the transfer and deployment of
equipment. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 231 General Discussion: Transfer of accountability will be the primary method to
move equipment. Movement of all equipment in support of contingency, humanitarian, or
disaster relief operations will be accomplished using transfer procedures in the ILS-S or
AFEMS. Note: The primary method to move equipment for ANG and AFR will be to
deploy not transfer. Transfer of ANG and AFR equipment can only occur when the
ANG/AFRC CEMOs have determined that it is excess to their needs. Excess ANG and
AFR equipment will follow transfer procedures. Transfer of ANG and equipment that is
not excess can only be transferred when DoDM 1225.08, Reserve Component Facilities,
Construction, and Real Property Programs; AFI 10-402, Mobilization Planning are
complied with first. Additionally, at least 45 days prior to initiating ANG/AFR equipment
transfers, gaining MAJCOMs will provide a replacement plan to AF/A4LR for staffing
and subsequent approval with the SECDEF through the Assistant. SECDEF for Reserve
Affairs (ASD (RA)). AF/A4LR will forward the approved plan and proposal for
withdrawal, diversion, or reduction for equipment to the ANG/AFRC ERAAs. Organization and personnel roles and responsibilities are as follows: The MAJCOM/DRU/FOA CEMF will: Act as the liaison to AF/A4LR to resolve requests for waivers to
policy for transfer actions. Act as the liaison between the Functional Area Manager (FAM) and
supporting AFMC. Coordinate transfer of accountability between the FAM, CEMF, the
gaining location, the losing location, and AFMC. Monitor loaned assets shipped via redistribution orders (RDOs) using
transfer procedures until assets are returned. Ensure Chief Financial Officer (CFO) data for assets shipped with a
unit price equal to or over $1M, as a result of transfer/RDOs, are properly updated
via AFEMS. The Owning Unit Commander/Designated Representative will: Appoint primary and alternate deploying custodians for the
equipment tasked to deploy. Appoint a sufficient number of personnel to serve as equipment
custodian/alternates on all unit deployments. Ensure that newly appointed deploying custodians receive Deployed
Custodian training. Document training records prior to deploying with assets.
Note: Not required if previous deployment training was completed within one
year of deployment date. Ensure the owning equipment custodian properly selected, deployed,
or transferred accountability of assets to the deploying custodian. (T-1). Ensure owning custodians conduct periodic mobility equipment
reviews with the Unit Deployment Manager (UDM). (T-1). Note: Use Code B
assets are to be reviewed bi-annually.
232 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Ensure the deploying custodian signs all applicable deploying
equipment documentation prior to departure. (T-1). The Owning equipment custodian responsibility includes: Review mobility requirements with the Unit Deployment Manager
(UDM). (T-1). Compare the CA/CRL to LOGDET data to ensure tasked
equipment is identified with the proper UTC in AFEMS and CA/CRL account
data is current in LOGDET. Note: Only assets coded as use code ‘A’ will be
subject to deployment with the following exception: Use code ‘B’ assets may be
deployed only when prior approval from the pilot unit and FAM is granted and
when matched with a valid UTC in the unit’s Logistics Detail (LOGDET). Notify EAE or AFMC of upcoming deployments. (T-1). Conduct an inventory with the deploying custodian prior to the
movement of assets to identify assets to deploy or transfer. (T-1). Ensure all assets are in serviceable condition and have identification
labels prior to deployment. (T-2). Either create a deployment/transfer package in the Support
Equipment APSR or forward a list of NSNs, details and quantities from the
deploying account to EAE or AFMC for deployment/transfer processing. (T-1).
Process separate packages for each deploying function, e.g., civil engineering,
security forces, aircraft maintenance, etc. (T-1). Ensure deploying custodian signs all applicable documents,
validating receipt of assets. (T-1). Maintain copies of all supporting documentation until the return of
the equipment or the decision by MAJCOM is made to maintain the assets in
support of stay-behind initiatives are agreed upon. (T-1). Note: If the assets are
moved BEFORE deployment/transfer transactions are processed through the ILS-
S/C, the owning equipment custodian will, if AFEMS access is authorized, create
a deployment/transfer package. (T-1). If not, forward a list of NSNs, details and
quantities from the affected accounts to be transferred to EAE or AFMC for
processing. (T-1). Immediately initiate a report of Survey investigation for losses
resulting from deployment as specified in DoD 7000.14-R, Vol 12, Chapter 7,
Financial Liability for Government Property Lost, Damaged, Destroyed, or
Stolen. (T-1). The Primary/Alternate Deploying equipment custodian will: Prior to processing equipment for movement, conduct an inventory
with the owning equipment custodian to identify assets to deploy/transfer. Coordinate the selection of items to deploy with EAE. Verify and sign applicable deployment equipment accountable
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 233 Maintain two copies of the deployment listings/transfer documents. While deployed, act as the single point of contact in the deploying
organization on all matters relating to the deployed equipment. (T-2). Retain responsibility for deployed equipment until the equipment
returns to the home base custodian or accountability transfers to the gaining base
or forward location. (T-1). Maintain documentation for all equipment gains and losses that occur
en-route or while assigned to the deployed location on the Consolidated Deployed
Equipment Listing or locally devised custodian log. Note: If equipment
gain/losses are processed during the deployment, the documentation MUST be
returned with the Custody Receipt Transfer document upon redeployment and
reported to the unit commander. (T-2). Upon notification of termination of deployment, notify Expeditionary
Logistics Readiness Squadron (ELRS) or AFMC of assets to be returned. Upon return to home station, perform a 100 percent inventory with
the original owning equipment custodian. (T-1). When assets were not received/returned, notify EAE and take tracer
action. The EAE responsibility: Attend base deployment concept briefings to identify organizations
that are deploying or transferring equipment. (T-1). Within 120 days of departure: Identify supported organizations (host & tenant) subject to
deployment. (T-1). Schedule a pre-deployment planning meeting with the owning
equipment custodian and ensure deploying equipment custodians are
designated, in writing by the unit commander for the upcoming deployment.
Retain a file copy of each deployment letter. (T-1). Within 90 days of actual departure. Review the CA/CRL with the appropriate custodian, staff
agencies, and logistics personnel together to determine what equipment will
be transferred. (T-1). Obtain vehicle registration numbers if vehicles will transfer. (T-
1). Provide hands on assistance with the deploying process as
necessary, to include, assisting custodians with pre-deployment inventories,
identification of assets to deploy, correction of CA/CRL data, and individual
equipment training. (T-2).
234 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Request Equipment/WRM deployment Review Listings through
AFMC or use pre-built deployment packages through AFEMS. Maintain one
copy for the custodian’s jacket file and forward two copies to the owning
custodian. (T-2). Annotate listing with items not required or authorized at the
deployment base. Assist with the identification of any shortages and take the
necessary steps required to fill shortages as appropriate. Coordinate with
CEMF or MAJCOM FAM as necessary. (T-1). Within 60 days of departure. Conduct a follow up (face-to-face) conference to ensure the
custodians understand the equipment process and assist with providing
solutions to problems and questions that may arise. (T-1). Ensure that gaining location account information is available; if
not, contact AFMC to establish account information at the gaining location. Within 30 days of departure. Conduct a final (face-to-face) conference with the deploying
custodian to ensure the custodian has the necessary administrative/mission-
oriented tools to accomplish the mission. (T-2). Review the custodian’s deployment folder, providing
names/phone numbers of POCs at each level (LRS/Materiel Management
Activity, Expeditionary LRS (ELRS), and AFMC). Provide information relating to establishing accounts and EAID
accountability at the deployed location and that deploying equipment
custodians understand any actions that they are required to take upon arrival at
the deployed location. (T-2). Provide information such as internet links to support systems
and ensure access to support systems (passwords) etc. is accomplished prior to
departure. Within 15 days of departure. Ensure that the shipping destination record for the ship-to-
Stock Record Account Number (SRAN) is loaded. If not, contact the AFMC. Prepare and process the transactions to deploy/transfer the
equipment per AFH 23-123, for EAID Accountability Transfer (Inline) - 1ET;
Equipment/WRM Deployment Select (FME) Input (Group Selection); and
Equipment/WRM Receipt/Transfer Input (FED) transaction processing
instructions. If the custodian has IT access, assist with the creation of the
deployment/transfer package. (T-1).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 235 When the transfer is from one base account to another on
the same base, the transfer will result in an out-of-balance condition at the
losing account. This will result in an automatic backfill. To rectify this
situation, prior to transfer, process a replacement issue with TEX “H” to
suppress automatic requisition. Immediately upon return of asset from
deployment, cancel the replacement issue (backorder). Note: Transfer
vehicles BEFORE other items on the same custody account to prevent
rejects. Use only valid Routing Identifiers (RIDs). Do not use RID “XXX.”
The use of RID “CLS” (classified) is authorized and will be kept to an
absolute minimum and only to identify true classified locations. (T-1). Ensure all listings/accountable documents are signed and in
possession of the deploying custodian prior to departure. Instruct the
custodian to hand-carry listings/documents to the gaining location. (T-1). Returns. Upon return of deployed/transferred property to home base
ensure DOLI is updated when custodian has completed inventory. Prepare the inputs necessary to remove the deployment
indicator, subtract the appropriate quantities from the deployed quantities
and add it to the on-hand quantity. Assets deployed using the group
selection option, should be returned from deployment using the same
selection criteria. Note: Do not remove the deployed indicator until the
deployed quantity is reduced to zero. Upon receipt of transferred assets at the gaining location,
use the document number/transaction control number (TCN) to update
shipment suspense detail (99s) and obtain accountability. EAE will maintain a consolidated list of all deployed equipment
on authorized in-use details and track expected return dates. Use of the LIMS-
EV “Deployed Equipment Report” will be run and reconciled against EAE’s
deployed equipment listing monthly to ensure accuracy. EAE will coordinate
with the equipment custodian to determine the status of the deployment and
rectify existing details when deployed assets have not returned within 15 days
of deployment termination date. EAE will follow up with unit periodically, but no less than
every six months when custodian is prohibited from revealing expected
deployment return dates due to OPSEC requirements.
236 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 EAE will create off-base (GSU) accounts (TRIC FORSYS)
in accordance with AFH 23-123, for units wishing to leave equipment long
term (1 year) beyond initial deployment and rotate deployed personnel while
still maintaining custody. Organization commander will remain the same for
new account, however, a separate Master Jacket File will be created with
custodian appointment letter, CA/CRL, etc. Inter-custody Receipt/Transfer
(FET) Input transactions will be processed to transfer equipment in lieu of
Equipment Single Item Deployment/Return (1ED) transactions. Inventories
will be required upon change of custodian for new account as normal for on-
base accounts. The Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron (ELRS) will assume
responsibility of all equipment and transactions processed against the owning SRAN,
to include all equipment and transactions from tenant units and satellite accounts. (T-
1). Expeditionary Equipment Authorization Element (EEAE)
responsibilities include: Identify deployed equipment custodians at the time of their
debarkation and obtain a copy of the deployment listing/shipping
documentation. This is to ensure all assets are physically received at the
gaining location. Create jacket file/folders for all equipment accounts added to
the owning SRAN. Assist deployed custodians with identifying, inventorying, and
assuming accountability for all equipment under their responsibility. Contact AFMC to initiate accountability via Equipment Receipt
Input (FED) transactions outlined in AFH 23-123. Upon notification of deployment termination, assist custodians
with inventorying equipment and forward all pertinent shipping information to
the home station owning custodian and EAE. Contact AFMC to transfer accountability back to home station,
using EAID Accountability Transfer (1ET) procedures. See AFH 23-123 for
IT instructions. Ensure all listings/accountable documents are signed and in the
possession of the returning deployed custodian prior to departure. AFMC will: When notified of deployment, process transfers, loans, or
redistribution orders as directed by CEMF using EAID Accountability
Transfer (1ET) as referred in AFH 23-123. Assist EAE/owning custodian with establishing or obtaining
gaining account information to facilitate the transfer.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 237 National Emergency transfers. Transfers to support FEMA are
processed upon notification and validation of a request for equipment by
AF/A4LR: Process transfer of equipment according to transfer
procedures. Process replacement issues for transferred assets with the
name of the emergency or national disaster listed in the ‘mark for’ field of
the issue (e.g., Katrina ZZZZZ). Maintain a list of assets, to include quantities, losing
organization, dollar amounts, account information or other pertinent
information for higher level reporting. Note: The parent and host commands
may decide to transfer property accountability to exercise transfer
procedures, etc., even though a deployment is less than 120 days.
5.4.7. AF Equipment Management System (AFEMS) processing. Purpose: To explain the AFEMS procedures process to update base level data.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer
to AFEMS and also AFH 23-123. Note: As Defense Property Accountability System
(DPAS) replaces AFEMS, processes will transition to the new capability, where
applicable. General Discussion: The EAE is responsible for ensuring base level AFEMS
data, such as Chief Financial Officer Data and equipment custodian/Commander Profile
Data are entered into AFEMS. MAJCOM CEMF has the responsibility to ensure ILS-S
and AFEMS databank accuracy to include any organization configuration data updates
identified. Perform the following actions: The EAE will process the following transactions: Equipment Identity Change requests. See paragraph 5.9, of this
manual and AFH 23-123 for EAID In-Use Identity Change (FER) input
transaction. Intercustody Receipts and Transfers (e.g., to record and document the
transfer of equipment between custodians). See AFH 23-123 for Inter-custody
Receipt/Transfer (FET) Input instructions. Equipment Action Request (AF Form 601/TACR). EAE will process
Equipment Action Request using the AFEMS Transaction Allowance Change
Request (TACR) option. EAE will validate unit commander’s approval. (T-1).
Note: Equipment custodians will retain authority to process TACR in AFEMS.
238 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 BEAR/WRM allowance standard Allowance Change Requests
(TACRs) will be input through AFEMS and routed to the WRM GMO for
coordination. Coordination and flow of BEAR/WRM TACRs will start with
the unit equipment custodian/Customer, who will forward to the Requesting
Command/A7xx (or equivalent), who will then forward to the WRM GMO (in
coordination with 49 Materiel Management Group (MMG) and Air Force
Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC/CXX) or the Air Force Services Agency
(AFPC/SVX). Ensure all information involving the movement of equipment, to
include MAJCOM approved Redistribution Orders (RDOs) shipments are
forwarded to AFMC for processing. Process Equipment Receipt Input (FED) transactions for all assets
transferred or as directed by CEMF. See AFH 23-123 for processing instructions. AFMC will: Correct equipment out of balance conditions using the Equipment
Out of Balance Listing. Manage AFEMS rejects and variances (with the exception of
vehicles). Conduct Allowance Source Code listing reviewsand notify
EAE/custodian of corrective actions. Process requests for initial issue and replacement equipment. Process EAID Accountability transfers (1ET) in accordance with
AFH 23-123. Notify gaining EAE of incoming equipment to ensure proper receipt
of assets. Supply personnel deployed to support BEAR UTCs work for the
contingency site LRS and will account for and maintain accountability of BEAR
assets until transferred to AS 058. The WRM GMO will: Utilize AFEMS for support equipment budget requirements, procurement
plans, and capital equipment asset reporting. Review and compare AFEMS organizational information to the WRM
program document (PD) and non-program document (Non-PD) information and
determine if changes/updates need to be made to the AFEMS database. Perform actions to create and delete the WRM base code within classified
AFEMS when a base code is required or compromised. Provide a new base code list to SIPRNET SharePoint when new base codes
are created.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 239 On an as-needed/required basis, coordinate with applicable equipment
allowance managers, to create new WRM composition codes and extract composition
and base code reports from classified AFEMS.
5.4.8. Allowance Updates. Purpose: To explain the AFEMS allowance change procedure process to update
base equipment authorizations. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101
and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: AFEMS provides allowance update change notices and
reports to AFMC and equipment custodians to advise them of changes to allowances
applicable to their base or organization. Perform the following actions: Review notices upon receipt to determine if the change affects a current
authorization. Change applicable equipment records to reflect the information in the
allowance change notices.
5.4.9. Allowance Standard Change Requests. Purpose: To explain the change request process when equipment allowances are
inadequate, excessive or unsuitable for the required function. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: A data Transaction Sessions Allowance Change Request
(TACR) is the preferred method of requesting allowance standard changes. The EAE will
process Equipment Action Request using the TACR option in AFEMS. EAE will validate
unit commander’s approval. Perform the following actions: The EAE or Custodians will submit Allowance Change Requests either via
an AF Form 601, or in the AFEMS via the TACR option. TACRs for Use Code "A"
Mobility Support Equipment will have additional requirements addressed in this
chapter. When submitting a request for change, include any or all of the following
that apply: The appropriate allowance identification or end item, mission
application, and mission exception. Nomenclature, stock number, and cost of item(s) involved. Recommended Basis of Issue (BOI) of the items. Title and numerical unit designation of the requesting activity and
base location. Include technical order, command directives, operating orders, plans
or any other directive concerning the equipment requirement. Include page,
paragraph, figure, or index, as appropriate.
240 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Detailed explanation justifying an allowance increase to include,
information about the suitability of similar items in current allowances. The applicability of the change request to other units. Any other pertinent information, such as level of maintenance,
turnaround requirements, volume of work, etc. ACR's for support equipment tied to a Unit Type Code (UTC) will
have a Use Code "A" designator identified within the TACR/AF Form 601. The
UTC must be valid and registered in the Manpower and Equipment Force
Package (MEFPAK). TACR/AF Form 601 will require a statement justifying the need
for the support equipment (SE) being added or deleted from the Allowance
Standard. An ACR for changes or deletions for SE on an established UTC
can originate from any non-Pilot Unit but MUST be routed to the applicable
Pilot Unit for their approval before going to the CEMF. CEMF will forward to
the Allowance Manager. The ACR Evaluators Comments screen will contain the
statement "Change and request for deviations were coordinated and approved
by the applicable Pilot Unit (Pilot Unit Designation), gaining Command
CEMF, and UTC Functional Manager.” Submit allowance change requests via an AF Form 601 only, do not input
in AFEMS for the following: Explosive ordnance disposal equipment (FSCs 1385 and 1386).
MAJCOM evaluators will forward requests for Explosive Ordnance Disposal
equipment to Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (AFIMSC), AF
Civil Engineer Center Primary Support Unit (AFMC/CXE) Indian Head MD
20640-5099. Do not input these change requests into AFEMS. Special Weapons. MAJCOM evaluators will forward all change
requests for special weapons equipment in triplicate to the applicable ALC which
manages that stock number. If the change request is not applicable to all units
then indicate the special unit affected by the change. Do not input the change
request into AFEMS. Multiple item requests. Requests with classified information. When requesting a non-stock listed commercial item, include the part
number (if available) in the allowance change request and ensure initiation of
cataloging actions. If appropriate, also furnish any available military, federal, or
adopted industrial specification standard for addition to the allowance standard. When
specification standards are not applicable, give a composite description to include: New item description with all available information.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 241 Essential characteristics of the item such as material, electrical data
(if any), dimensions, principles of operations, essential operating conditions,
special features, restrictive or significant environmental conditions,
manufacturer’s name, address, part number, and brochure (include as a mail in
attachment). Intent of use, operation to perform, and equipment to use the item
with. When CEMF directs a change to a specific unit’s authorization, the EAE
and AFMC will process all necessary inputs to adjust the EAID records. The EAE and AFMC or equipment custodian can obtain the latest
allowance change request status by using the Data Transaction Sessions Allowance
Document Status Query Screen (TDSI). Build, validate, and adjustment (add/changes or deletes) of
WRM/BEAR/FORCE Allowance Standards require collaboration between the WRM
GMO and Program management Office, pilot unit(s), allowance managers at Robins AFB
(AFMC), applicable MAJCOM functional area managers, and AFMC.
5.4.10. Documentation of Organizational Equipment Authorizations. Purpose: All equipment items, except those as specified in AFI 23-101,
required to support organizational missions and functions will be authorized and
accounted for on EAID records maintained by the APO. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. The EAID constitutes the authorization, accounting, and reporting record for
the host, tenant units, and AFMC Air Logistics Complexes Programmed Depot
Maintenance (PDM) facilities. Acquisition of base funded or AFMC centrally procured
equipment will not be issued prior to authorization approval. Equipment authorizations
will be documented as follows: Current Authorizations. Consists of all equipment authorized in-use or in-
place within an organization and maintained on EAID records. Forecast Authorizations. Forecast authorizations are used to
systematically plan, develop, and report projected equipment requirements for CP
items (forecast records for base funded items will be at MAJCOM option).
Requirements will be forecast as far in advance as possible. Detailed instructions
concerning forecasting are contained in AFH 23-123, Vol 3. Authorizations are coded in EAID records to indicate the type of
authorization and intended utilization as follows: Mobility Equipment (ME). Items and quantities of equipment
required to be moved with a unit or special activity upon deployment to an
emergency or wartime situation. Determination of ME will be made by the CEMF
based upon applicable allowance standards.
242 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Support Equipment (SE). All items and quantities of organizational
equipment, in addition to the authorized ME, required for support of a unit’s day-
to-day operation. Joint-Use (JU) Equipment. Items and quantities of equipment
required by existing organizations, which can also be used in support of an
emergency or wartime additive mission. JU equipment is determined by the APO
equipment management function in conjunction with the base war reserve
materiel (WRM) officer. Equipment which is coded JU (Use Code = “C”) will not
be classified as WRM. War Reserve Materiel (WRM). Equipment, in addition to authorized
“ME” and “JU” items, that is required to support forces, missions, and activities
reflected in USAF war plans. War Plans Additive Requirements Roster (WPARR). The War Plans Additive Requirements Roster (WPARR) identifies
and authorizes WRM in addition to POS. The WPARR is compiled based on
equipment authorizations in the Allowance Standards. The WRM GMO will generate and publish the WPARR on the
WRM SharePoint annually NLT 30 November. MAJCOM WRMO’s, using Command’s and storing Command’s
approval of WPARR adds, changes, and deletions must be reflected in AFEMS.
5.4.11. Equipment Review and Authorization (ERAA) for DLADS Withdrawals. Purpose: To explain the process for withdrawing equipment from DLADS. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to
AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Prior to withdrawing or requisitioning equipment from
DLADS, the requesting organization must comply with procedures that outline
equipment authorizations and have a valid equipment authorization established. Preparatory Actions for DLADS Withdrawals: When practicable, the EAE and AFMC shall obtain technical advice and
recommendations from functional experts prior to approval/disapproval of any
equipment authorization request for equipment being withdrawn from DLADS. The EAE and AFMC can approve/disapprove changes within an
allowance standard and disapprove changes that exceed the allowance standard.
Approved recommended changes to an allowance standard will be input into the
AFEMS using the TACR and include recommendations/evaluators comments. The
TACR will be forwarded to the next evaluator. For supported tenant units of other
commands, the AFEMS will forward the request to the parent command of the tenant
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 243 Input into AFEMS all requests to change allowance standards or special
allowance for HQ USAF controlled items. The AFEMS will forward the request to
the parent MAJCOM for approval and submission to the appropriate allowance
manager. Note: Submit special weapons allowance change requests to the Prime Item
Manager. DLADS Withdrawal Procedures for Equipment Items. Before accountable equipment items can be withdrawn from DLADS, a
valid allowance standard or authorization supporting the equipment must exist. This
authorization requirement also includes unserviceable equipment items which will be
repaired by the customer and used for their original purpose. Any vehicle equipment
asset withdrawals must be coordinated with the MAJCOM Vehicle Management Staff
in accordance with AFI 24-302. When an authorization is not established, Equipment Management
personnel process accountable items using equipment transfer (FED) transaction
procedures. When an authorization and customer due-out are already established
in the ILS-S for the item, cancel the existing due-out and reestablish it with TEX
H. When equipment transfer (FED) procedures are used, Customer
Support prepares a DD Form 1348-1A requisition (A0*) document using an
offline requisition document number to withdraw the item from DLADS. Clearly
mark the requisition (A0*) document “Do Not Post” and attach it to the FED
document. Non-accountable individual equipment items withdrawn from DLADS to
fill a valid authorization for individual/organizational clothing (ASC 016) are
processed through the retail materiel management Customer Support. Unserviceable equipment withdrawals. Equipment authorizations are not
required for unserviceable equipment items withdrawn from DLADS which will not
be repaired, or used for their original purpose by the customer. In this case, the
customer provides the LRS/Materiel Management Activity a signed statement by the
organizational commander or designated representative. This statement certifies the
unserviceable equipment item will not be repaired or used for its original purpose.
Customer Support personnel review the signed statement to ensure necessary
approval is obtained prior to processing the withdrawal. The customer should retain a
copy of the approval as authority to retain the unserviceable equipment item without
accountability. The statement may be submitted by letter or typed on the DD Form
1348-1A requisition (A0*) document by Customer Support and will read as follows,
“I certify this item will not be repaired, is not to fill a valid authorization, and will not
be used for its original, intended purpose.”
244 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Re-identification of equipment items. Equipment items obtained for
purposes other than what they were intended must be re-identified for the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. A local L-serialized stock number will be
assigned with the original stock number loaded in the nomenclature field.
Additionally, these items will be assigned an ERRCD NF1 to these items and the unit
price of one penny (.01) will be loaded. For example, a withdrawal of condemned
flight suits to perform paint details.
5.4.12. Allowance Source Code (ASC) Listing. Purpose: To explain the procedural process for review and validation of
allowance source codes. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for
IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: AFMC will use the ASC listing to ensure that equipment
authorizations are within required allowance standards, units are requesting minimum
quantities of equipment and the Allowance Source Code (ASC) applies to the requestor. Perform the following actions: Review all ASCs at least annually and annotate the ASC Listing with
changes/actions. During ASC reviews, as a minimum, examine the following: Special allowances. Examples of special allowances include 048,
054, and 063. AFMC will ensure approved AFEMS TACR is on file. Note: ASC
048 is not authorized for NWRM equipment. Duplication of requirements. Research using organization citing
same NSN, allowance standard (AS), part, section, subsection and column against
multiple equipment records and validate total authorized quantity against the basis
of issue. Review UTCVAR report of ASC being reviewed and clear
variances. Variances are delinquent if not cleared within 15 calendar days of
report date. ASC listing with attached UTCVAR report will be kept on
file, either electronically or in hard copy until next review. Multiple components and interchangeable substitute (ISG) relationships.
Verify that bench mock-ups and other multiple and component ISG relationships are
authorized within the allowance standard or technical order. Compare mobility (A), base use (B), joint use (C) and war reserve
material (D) use codes on Equipment Authorization In-Use Detail (EAID) records
against authorizations in AFEMS. Verify unsuitable or unsatisfactory substitutes with D043
relationships and AFEMS basis of issue narrative.
5.4.13. Equipment Authorization and On Hand Balance Reconciliation.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 245 Purpose: To explain the procedural process for review and correction of
equipment out of balance conditions, quantity errors, and Allowance Source Code 000
excess equipment. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. The Equipment Authorization and On Hand Balance Reconciliation compares
the authorized quantity with the in-use and due-out quantity. Process the list quarterly and
initiate corrective actions or provide justification for out-of-balance conditions. MAJCOM WRMOs, FAMs, Pilot Units, Item Managers, AFMC, LRS
Equipment Offices, and equipment custodians monitor detail record variances
(shortages and excesses) and notify the WRM GMO when corrective actions are
required. Storage locations will establish due-outs and due-ins for
WRM/BEAR shortages. Excess BEAR/WRM SE will be identified against Comp Code
H000 details and a brief narrative of action to be taken along with the OPR. FETs/1ETs will be processed for H000 excesses when a valid
WRM requirement exists. When no enterprise requirement exists, storing units may hold
the H000 excess within the sealed storage container until first available
opportunity (inventory, deployment or transfer, etc.) to remove the equipment
for subsequent return to stock. Perform the following actions: Excess Equipment. ASC 000 will be assigned to excess equipment. When
the ASC 000 is assigned by AFMC, submit official written notification to the CEMF,
LRS EAE and unit equipment custodians at that time and include the old ASC. Units
then have 30 calendar days to comply for excess equipment, except vehicles and non-
centrally procured items which allot a 45 calendar day response. Note: Extensions to
this timeline must be approved by AFMC. Excess equipment assigned to the Air
Force Reserve or the Air National Guard will be redistributed by that corresponding
Command Equipment Management Office per DoDM 1225.08. When excess equipment is not returned or AFEMS ACR is not
submitted, when the excess equipment is AFR or ANG then AFMC will contact
the corresponding CEMF for further action; otherwise, AFMC will perform the
following: Notify servicing LRS Commander of non-compliance after 30
calendar days of excess notification. Notify MSG and unit's group commander of non-compliance after
45 calendar days of excess notification. Notify MAJCOM of imminent freezing of unit's supply account.
Accounts will not be frozen prior to 60 calendar days of initial LRS EAE and unit
equipment custodian excess notification.
246 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 LRS/Materiel Management Activity will not refuse returns of excess
equipment due to lack of disposition instructions. Property will be returned and
stored by LRS while awaiting disposition. Excess ASC 000 and due-outs exist. Take action to return the item
for subsequent automatic due-out release to satisfy any existing due-out. See AFH
23-123 for Return (TIN) processing. When there are no existing requirements for the excess equipment
and it is still required, then submit AF Form 601 justifying the need for the
equipment. Quantity errors. Take the following actions based on the condition for the
error: When the quantity in-use is less than the quantity authorized or the
quantity in-use plus due-outs are less than the quantity authorized, then take
action to reduce the authorization or establish a due-out. When the quantity in-use exceeds the authorized quantity, take
action to increase the authorization or transfer excess quantity to ASC 000. When the quantity in-use plus due-out exceeds the quantity
authorized, increase the authorization or cancel the excess due-out, unless the due
out is a replacement backorder reflected by demand code R. (The customer is
retaining the old item until the replacement is received). When the quantity authorized and the quantity in-use is unequal for
items citing ASC 048 or 000A, then correct the authorizations to reflect the same
quantity as the in-use quantity. When a due-out exists, validate the authorized and
in-use quantities and if an asset is available and not required then transfer the
asset to the requiring custodian in accordance with AFH 23-123, Inter- custody
SPRAM Receipt Transfer Input (FET). When the quantity authorized and in-use citing ASC 048 or 000A
are equal and a due-out exists, then either cancel the due-out or increase the
authorization. When the quantity authorized and in-use equal zero and no due-out
exist, then delete the detail. Duplicate document number. When two or more prime records are
loaded, delete one of the duplicate prime authorized/in-use detail records. No authorized detail loaded for this document number. Process an inquiry
to determine if a prime authorized in/use detail record is loaded and either establish
an authorized/in-use detail record or transfer the item to another authorized/in-use
detail record. Equipment on loan has reached expiration date and a due-out exists. Take
action to update the expiration date or transfer the item to satisfy the due-out. EMEF equals Z; manual review required. Either delete this record or
change the EMEF.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 247 Multiple errors. Review to determine the multiple errors and make
necessary corrections.
5.4.14. Configuration Data. Purpose: To explain the procedures to perform a biennial configuration data
review. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123. At a minimum, configuration validation will be conducted biennially to ensure
changes to unit datasets in AFEMS are answered correctly. CEMF will: Obtain configuration validation dataset from AFEMS, for all host Stock
Record Account Numbers (SRANs). CEMFs may modify list as needed, but as a
minimum will retain SRAN, ORG ID, ASC, Use Code, BOI Indicator, Config Code,
Config Question, and Qty. CEMF will validate or suspense applicable MAJCOM FAM or EAEs to
validate answered questions. Other MAJCOMs may need to be contacted if host
SRAN has tenant units. Note: Out-of-cycle changes must be approved by CEMF or
applicable MAJCOM FAM. Process changes to organizational configuration datasets in AFEMS
or direct EAE to process changes. Post finalized list of both Use Code A and B validated configuration
dataset questions to AFMC SharePoint. Retain copy locally until next validation.
5.4.15. Signing Custody Receipts. Purpose: To explain equipment custodian custody receipt procedures. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to
AFH 23-123. General Discussion: equipment custodians have an inherent responsibility for
the management of assigned property. AF policy states they may be held financially
liable for the mismanagement of property under their control. Custodian
Authorization/Custody Receipt Listings (CA/CRL) are used to manage AF accountable
equipment. The EAE or AFMC will: Provide designated equipment custodians two copies of an updated
CA/CRL annually. Ensure the CA/CRL is signed by the appropriate custodian and
organizational commander (or ANG designed operational commander) and filed. Correct errors they find on the custody receipt listing. (T-2). The equipment custodians: Perform inventory count per this manual and validate deployed location
and quantities.
248 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Sign this statement on the last page:
Figure 5.1. Sign this statement on the last page. Relinquishing property responsibility. The EAE will process a new CA/CRL when an outgoing custodian has a signed
CA/CRL on file with EAE. The Outgoing equipment custodian(s): Concurrently with the Incoming Custodian perform a physical inventory
in accordance with AFI 23-101, Chapter 5 (Both custodians must be present and
participate in this joint inventory.). Identify all equipment over $5,000 to confirm that
items are on the CA/CRL. Inventories should not be used to add items to the
CA/CRL, but to ensure accountability is established for all applicable equipment
items in the work place. Once identified, the custodian should contact EAE to
determine/establish accountability. Account for lost, damaged, or destroyed property according to the
provisions of DoD 7000.14-R, and all other applicable guidelines and standards
before the relinquishing custodian is relieved of custodial responsibility. Remote Prepositioned Satellite Materiel Management CA/CRL accounts.
Personnel assigned to the prepositioned site are rotated at a frequency which may make
normal CA/CRL procedures impractical. A satellite Equipment Management is usually
established to manage satellite equipment; however, a single custodian may be used if
there are not enough management actions to justify a separate function. Be aware that the
single custodian concept cannot be used without AF/A4LR approval. In addition, if the
single custodian concept is being used when an activity is given satellite status, AF/A4LR
must give approval before conversion to a separate Equipment Management. Note:
MAJCOM or theatre LRS/Materiel Management Activities will also concur on the use of
these procedures. Change of custodian. Follow the procedures for Signing Custody Receipts
for a change in Property Custodians. Exceptions to this must comply with this
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 249 Maintain an inventory schedule which ensures 100 % of the account is
inventoried over a 12-month period. Note: MAJCOM or theatre LRS/Materiel
Management Activity must approve extensions to this frequency. Deployments. Transfer assets deployed from the prepositioned satellite
supply operation to a deployable CA/CRL. Attain signature on deployed CA/CRL from the receiving custodian. Perform a 100 % inventory of the deployed CA/CRL prior to
transferring the assets back to the satellite supply operational account.
5.4.16. Relief from Responsibility for Public Property Lost, Damaged or Destroyed by
Causes Other Than Fair Wear and Tear. Purpose: To explain the procedures to relieve individual liability for public
property lost, damaged or destroyed due to custodian negligence and during Disaster
Relief or Combat Conditions. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: When the custodian is found responsible for the loss,
damage, or destruction, relief from responsibility can be obtained by processing a Cash
Collection Voucher. When accountable equipment item is lost, damaged or destroyed
during Disaster Relief or Combat Conditions, relief from responsibility can be obtained
using a certified DD Form 1150, Request for Issue/Transfer/Turn-In. In accordance with DoD 7000.14-R, Vol 12, Chapter 7, investigations must be
processed for controlled items regardless of value. Note: All NWRM items are
categorized as controlled/classified. Commanders will investigate and adhere to DoD 7000.14-R, Vol 12, Chapter 7,
for lost, damaged, destroyed or theft of government equipment. (T-0). After investigation
is complete and the responsible officer has determined “negligence or abuse/evident,” the
financial liability investigation of property loss documentation is forwarded to the LRS
Materiel Management activity to adjust property records. (T-1). Record Adjustment Procedures. LRS/Materiel Management Activity will take
the following actions to adjust records for property lost, damaged, or destroyed: Adjust by Inventory Adjustment Document (IAD) lost or destroyed items
on authorized /in-use detail records. Attach the LRS APO copy of the relief document
to IAD as supporting documentation. The custodian will request replacements for lost, damaged, or destroyed
EAID and non-EAID items. Use normal issue procedures. Losses and damage sustained under Disaster Relief or Combat Conditions may
be processed as follows: Responsibility for any property lost, damaged, or destroyed during
combat operations may be terminated upon accomplishment and approval by the
commander of a DD Form 1150, and bearing the certification of the responsible
officer or person as shown in Figure 5.1
250 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Figure 5.2. Certification of Loss Due to Combat Operations.
Item Description (NSN, Nomenclature, etc.)
Loss or damage of above article is due to combat operations
Signature of LRS APO, or other designated responsible officer or individual
Signature of Commander at next level of command or designee Use of this form for termination of property responsibility will be at the
discretion of the USAF theater commander. The custodian will request replacements for lost, damaged, or destroyed
EAID and non-EAID items. Use normal issue procedures.
5.4.17. File Maintenance for Equipment Management (Jacket File). Purpose: To explain the procedures to maintain the Master and Custodian
CA/CRL Jacket Files. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific process refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: The EAE maintains a Master CA/CRL Jacket File on each
equipment account that exists at base level. The equipment custodian also maintains a
CA/CRL Jacket File. Table 5.5 lists mandatory items in which the EAE and equipment
custodian will maintain in each organizations jacket file. The Jacket Files will not contain
anything other than items contained in the checklist. Perform the following actions: Insert checklist at the beginning of each folder. Tab A Memorandums and Certificates. Appointment letter. All required training certificates, e.g., AFIT issued Block III
Custodian training, AFIT issued COMSEC training, locally issued Refresher
training. Initial or annual AF/A4LR Supplemental Training Certificate. AFEMS COMSEC training certificate or signed Memo for Record
indicating date of completion. Tab B Custodian Authorization/Custody Receipt Listing. Current signed CA/CRL from Primary or Alternate custodian and
organization commander. When utilizing the ILS-S database to store signed
CA/CRLs, the EAE or custodian will file a memo in Tab B identifying that the
CA/CRL is maintained within ILS-S. Note: Electronic signatures are acceptable. Memorandums from Organizational Commanders requesting for
extensions to current annual CA/CRL inventory requirements. Tab C - Information File. Any host wing agreement letters if applicable.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 251 AETC Form 120, Training Equipment List or AETC Form 120A,
Field Training Equipment List for all Air Education and Training Command
(AETC) sponsored training organizations. Serial number engraving documentation from the Cognizant/Chief
Engineer Other source documents mandated by higher HQ’s. Tab D Deployed Custodian Information File. Deployed custodian appointment letter. Proof of deployed equipment custodian training. All deployed
equipment custodians will take the AFIT provided Deployed equipment custodian
CBT which is located at AFIT online. All current marked 1RB581s showing existing deployments with
DD Form 1348-1A (1ED) documents attached and filed in deployed date
sequence. The following must be included on the 1RB581: Printed Name of
Deploying Custodian; Organization Name/Office Symbol; Work telephone
Number; Deployment Duration; Deployed Location; Signature & Date Block. Deployment Accountability Documents Tab-E-Organizational Visits. Written report of Annual Organization Visit (signed by the LRS
APO or designated representative). Replies to written report (within 30 days of written report). Tab-F-Miscellaneous Documentation. Standard Form (SF) 153, Special Inventory, Financial Improvement
and Audit Readiness (FIAR) Documentation. F119 Mgt Serial Number Change using IT guidance in AFH 23-123. Equipment Master CA/CRL Jacket File Checklist Use the checklist in Table 5.9 to ensure validity of Equipment
Master CA/CRL Jacket File contents.
252 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Table 5.9. Equipment Master CA/CRL Jacket File Checklist.
Memorandum & Certificates
Date of
in File
Custodian Appointment Letter
(SSgt and above)
Block III Training Certificates
AF/A4LR Supplemental
Training Certificate
COMSEC Training Certificate
CA/CRL Current R14 only
(must be signed w/in 15
workdays from the date listed
on the CA/CRL; 30 workdays
for off-base organizations)
Memorandums from
Organizational Commanders
requesting for extensions to
current annual CA/CRL
inventory requirements.
Information File
Host wing agreement letter (if
AETC 120-Field Training
Equipment List (if applicable)
Serial number engraving
Other documents mandated
by higher Headquarters
Deployment Custodian
Information File
Deployed Custodian
Appointment Letter
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 253
Deployed Custodian
Training/Block IV Certificate
Current 1RB581 Listing for
Deployed Equipment (if
applicable) Must have: Printed
Name of Deployed Custodian,
Organization Name/Office
Symbol, Work Telephone,
Deployment Location &
Duration, Signature and Date
Block and copies of the 1ED
Current 1RB581 for Transferred
Equipment (if applicable) Must
have same info as above 581
list & copy of 1ET documents
Deployment Accountability
Documents (if applicable)
Organizational Visits
Written Report of Annual
Organization Visit (signed by
LRS APO or designated
Replies to written report (w/in
30 days of written report)
Miscellaneous Documentation,
e.g., SF153, F119, FIAR or
special inventory
EAE REPRESENTATIVE NAME: _________________________________________
NEXT REVIEW DUE: _______________________ The following actions will be performed for the Custodian Jacket File: Insert checklist at the beginning of each folder. The checklist is available
in Table 5.10 Tab A Inventory Listings. Copy of the current signed CA/CRL or memorandum Monthly weapon inventory listings for individual units which
encompass the last 24 inventories accomplished (total of 2 years). Semi-annual
weapons inventory listings which encompass the last four inventories
accomplished (total of 2 years) may be filed separately. Tab B - Information File, Regulations and Certificates.
254 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 A copy of this manual and all applicable supplements. When a
custodian is responsible for more than one equipment account, only one set of
directives is required. A memorandum showing the location of the manual and all
applicable supplements if it is not maintained by the custodian can be used. AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt. AF Form 9, Request for Purchase (contract maintenance forms). Warranty and guaranty documents. Current custodian designation letter. AFIT Block III CBT certificates issued after 1 July 2007 for the
primary and alternate custodian. Serial number engraving documentation from the Cognizant/Chief
Engineer. Capital Assets Documentation as regulated in DoD 7000.14-R. AETC Form 120, Training Equipment List, or AETC Form 120A,
FTD Training Equipment List, and cover letter for all AETC sponsored training
organizations. Tab C - Suspense and Completed File. Suspense File. Completed File. Tab D - Adjustment Documents. Documents on inventory action; that is,
statement of charges, cash collection vouchers, reports of survey, etc. Tab E - Register of Control Numbers. Custodian Request Log. Each custodian must log in all requests
submitted to LRS. The requests are maintained in the suspense and completed
file. This request log, should be set up to start with number 0001 on the first day
of each calendar year (see attachment). Custodians must enter the custodian
request number on the AF Form 601 and input on-line into the AFEMS (C001).
This is not required for equipment requests submitted by other means (e.g., AF
Form 2005, letter, etc.). Note: AF Form 126 has been discontinued and custodian
request logs are locally generated. Daily Document Register (D04) or a memorandum showing the
location of the D04 file if not maintained by the custodian. (D04) will be closely
monitored for transactions affecting the equipment account as LRS/Materiel
Management Activity does not return paper work to customers after processing
submitted customer requests. Tab F - Deployment Custodian Information File. Deployment Custodian appointment letter. Deploying custodians will need to provide proof of deployed
equipment custodian training by EAE.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 255 All current marked 1RB581's showing existing deployments with
DD Form 1384-1 (1ED) documents attached and filed in deployed date sequence.
The following must be included on the 1RB581 Printed Name of Deploying
Custodian; Organization Name/Office Symbol; Work Telephone Number;
Deployment Duration; Deployed Location; Signature and Date Block. All current marked 1RB581's showing existing transfers with DD
Form 1384-1 (1ET) documents attached and filed in transfer date sequence. The
following must be included on the 1RB581 Printed Name of Deploying
Custodian; Organization Name/Office Symbol; Work Telephone Number;
Deployment Duration; Deployed Location; Signature and Date Block. Deployment Accountability Documents.
256 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Table 5.10. Equipment Folder Checklist (Field use).
Inventory Listings
Date of
in File
CA/CRLR14 Annual
Monthly and Semi Annual
Weapons Inventory Listings
Information File,
Regulations and Certificates
Copy of Manual or
location Memorandum
AF Form 1297, Temporary
Issue Receipt
AF Form 9, Request
for Purchase
Warranty and Guaranty
Custodian Appointment Letter
Block III Certificate
Serial number engraving
Capital Assets Documentation
AETC Form 120, Training
Equipment List, or AETC
Form 120A, FTD Training
Equipment List, and cover
letter for all AETC sponsored
training Organizations.
Suspense and Completed File
Suspense File
Completed File
Adjustment Document
Financial Liability for
Government Property that is
Lost, Damaged, Destroyed or
Register of Control Numbers
Custodian Request Log
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 257
D04 Daily Document Register
Listings or location of
electronic equivalent
Deployment Custodian
Deployed Custodian
Appointment Letter
Block IV Certificates
Marked 1RB581 showing
existing deployment and/or
Deployment accountability
Misc Documents
5.4.18. Establishment/Termination of EAID Accountability. Purpose: To explain the procedures to establish or terminate accountability for
EAID assets. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: This section explains when to use the transactions to
establish and terminate equipment accountability. Note: Transactions to establish,
transfer and terminate accountability for NWRM equipment are not authorized and must
be coordinated through the Nuclear Transaction Control Center (NTCC). Extreme care must be taken when processing termination inputs. Programs to
perform a record reversal and correction of a termination input do NOT exist. If an error
is made, take the following action: Prepare an input to establish authorized/in-use detail
record using the original document number and the base Stock Record Account Number
(SRAN). Correct and reprocess any rejected inputs. The same procedures apply when a
transaction to establish EAID accountability is processed in error. Prepare input to
terminate accountability using the original document number and the base SRAN.
Correct and reprocess any rejected inputs. Perform the following actions: Use Termination and EAID Establishment transaction procedures when
financial records are NOT to be updated to accomplish the following tasks: Establish EAID accountability. Buying equipment being rented by USAF. Items provided by a contractor as part of a facility project. Initial load of a satellite. Items withdrawn from DLADS.
258 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Items previously dropped because of changes in Equipment
Management Code (EMC) or Expendability, recoverability, reparability, cost,
designator (ERRCD). Equipment items previously reported by other than AFEMS
inventory systems which are no longer exempt from AFEMS. OGMVCs purchased locally will be picked up on EAID records as a
substitute against the prime NSNs in Allowance Standard 036. COMSEC/CCI is not authorized for local purchase per AFI 64-117,
Government Purchase Card Program. Upon discovery of locally purchased
COMSEC/CCI, it must be picked up on EAID records, with supporting
documentation (e.g., SF 153, COMSEC Material Report, DD Form 1149, voucher
etc.). Note: An Investigation is not required when valid documentation is
provided. Terminate equipment accountability for equipment transferred to the local
community during base closure. Establish and Terminate accountability for: Fixed ground communication-electronics equipment end items
(ASC 654). Rental Items. Equipment on loan to USAF from other governmental agencies. Bench mockup/sets. Chemical Warfare Defense equipment. Terminate EAID
accountability for assets no longer in serviceable condition that are being
converted for Training Use Only. Research and development project expenditures. Aircraft or missile components sent to AFMC Aerospace
Maintenance and Regeneration Activity for retirement/storage. Federal Supply Class 6910 base L stock numbered vehicles
withdrawn from DLADS and destroyed/mutilated in training. Preparation and processing of transactions to establish and terminate
accountability. EAE personnel will prepare establish/terminate (FED/1ETX) inputs.
See AFH 23-123 for IT reference. Note: Using Establish/Terminate
accountability procedures in this section is Exception processing. EAE must process the transactions (rather than other flights or
elements such as Receiving or Pick-up and delivery) and has the following
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 259 Review equipment being processed to determine output
documents, signatures required, etc. In many cases, this documentation may
not require property to be moved. Input Establish/Termination transactions through any input
terminal. Process the output. AFMC will provide justification to the EAE who will write the
justification on all termination output documents to explain why
accountability ended (for example, return of rental items to vendor; return of
asset loaned to USAF from other government agencies). EAE will ensure documents are annotated, signed, and
forwarded to Document Control within 5 working days. The equipment custodian or the LRS Materiel
Management Officer must sign all Establish/Terminate output documents.
The LRS Materiel Management Officer may delegate authority to the
Equipment Management Supervisor to sign the output documents during
absence. (T-1). All 1ETX transactions terminating accountability must be
briefed to the LRS APO during the monthly M10 review. (T-1). A LIMS- EV
script or ESS inquiry listing of all 1ETX transactions will supplement the M10
as an attachment and filed accordingly.
5.4.19. Processing of Errors from AFEMS. Purpose: To explain the procedures to process and correct errors, rejects, and
variances. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: The AFEMS provides automated transactions which allow
the ILS-S to update their database without human intervention in most cases. These
transactions are intended to reduce variance and reject conditions by eliminating manual
reviews and record updates. AFMC will be notified of variances via email notices that are
sent as errors are found. Perform the following actions: To determine mismatches and error notices, log into AFEMS and select
email from the main menu. Upon determining the corrective action for an error, delete the error
suspense by logging on to the AFEMS, selecting data transactions from the Main
Menu and retrieve the error record using an AFEMS online transaction. Email notices sent to AFMC require immediate action. AFEMS terminal
users MUST log on daily to the AFEMS to see if email notices or output products are
awaiting their action.
260 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The following basic research points need to be emphasized when
corrections are being made. Check the ILS-S database records for completeness and
accuracy. Review the reject error report and email notices to determine
the appropriate corrective action using IT guidance in AFH 23-123. Determine whether incorrect entries caused the error. Contact AFMC, Supply Control Center to determine whether a
suspected ILS-S ADS programming problem could be causing a recurring
reject. The WRM GMO will produce and provide WRM/BEAR//FORCE storing
commands a monthly report identifying mismatches between established requirements in
WRM and BEAR allowance standards and authorizations loaded. Storing commands will
take action to correct misstated or duplicate AFEMS records. Storing MAJCOMs will ensure that storing units account for WRM
equipment by comp code and that BEAR is identified using the Allowance Source
Code (ASC) in the Air Force Equipment Management System (AFEMS). The ASC must be utilized in order to identify all WRM
requirements in the AFEMS Equipment Requirements System (ERS) for all
Budget Code (BC) Y assets.
5.4.20. Fixed Ground Communications-Electronics (C-E) Equipment - ASC 654. Purpose: To explain the procedures used to acquire and account for fixed
ground communications-electronic (C-E) equipment in allowance standard 654. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to
AFH 23-123. Fixed Ground Communications-Electronics (C-E) Equipment. Fixed ground C-
E equipment is non-tactical, which means it is not moved from one location for tactical
deployments. C-E equipment includes all radio, wire, and any other means used for the
electrical and visual transmission and reception of information or messages in the clear or
by cryptographic means; radar and radiation aids to Air Traffic Control and navigation
and enemy aircraft warning and interception; electronic weather equipment, electronic
countermeasure devices, and related electronic systems and equipment. Accountability is
in accordance with AFI 21-103, Equipment Inventory, Status and Utilization Reporting. Perform the following actions: Submit AF Form 601 to EAE or AFMC after the equipment has been
installed. Initial requirements are generally pushed to base level as part of a
communications-computer systems (C-CS) installation project or procured through a
contract. Note: AFMC will establish an equipment detail record and generate a
requisition for initial requirements only when 1) the local CSRD is the approval
authority, 2) the technical solution can be determined locally, and 3) the required item
is a budget code 9 or Z item.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 261 Normal equipment processing procedures apply for replacement of
installed fixed ground C-E equipment. Some fixed ground C-E end item equipment contains components
which are NF/ND and are not carried on separate details. Issue replacements for
these nonexpendable components by using activity code P. Maintain on accountable EAID records all end items (ERRC NF/ND)
specifically identified as major items in a project package. For example, an AN/GPN-
22 installed as a fixed facility may be made up of individual radar scopes or radios
that are ERRC NF/ND; however, only the highest stock number assembly is
accounted for on an in-use detail. Equipment not requiring EAID Accountability. Nonexpendable components of a major end item. Government-owned contractor-operated C-E equipment is
accounted for using Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) procedures. Real property C-E items in FSC 5410 and 5445. Accountability of
these FSCs is with BCE. Some FSC 5410 and 5445 items are not real property
and EAE should check with BCE before coding as real property. ASC 654 equipment will be custody receipted to the organization
possessing the fixed ground equipment (the using/operating agency). Equipment
installed at unmanned sites will be custody receipted to the AF organization tasked
with maintenance responsibility. Establish accountability for Fixed Ground C-E (AS 654) provided
through a contract by submitting an AF Form 601 to AFMC after the equipment is
installed. Cite the approved IT/NSSRD or PMD number and the coordination of the
base level communications-computer systems (CCS) program manager in the
justification and item description block. Attach a copy of the DD Form 250, Material
Inspection and Receiving Report. Leased or Rented Fixed Ground C-E Equipment require EAID accountability if
the lease is for more than 12 months. See AFH 23-123 for additional processing
instructions. Establish accountability by initiating AF Form 601 and attach a copy of
the lease/rental agreement (or refer to the agreement) as authority to enter items on
EAID records. Include the approved IT/NSSRD or PMD number and coordination of
the base C-CS program manager in the justification and item description block. Establish EAID records for leased/rented equipment based on the highest
assembly or system that will identify the equipment being leased or rented. Establish authorized in use detail records with equipment code “R” and
accounting and finance code “RENT.” When equipment is not stock listed assign a P number and submit for
cataloguing action.
262 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Establish accountability for fixed C-E equipment Found On Base (FOB) by
submitting AF Form 601. Enter the approved IT/NSSRD or PMD number in the justification and
end item block. When there is not an approved IT/NSSRD or PMD on file in the local
communications unit, the AF Form 601 will have to be validated and approved by the
Communications Squadron Commander. Inventory adjustment procedures will be used to initiate accountability. Special Instructions for Telephone Switches. Digital switches (other than DMS 100 digital switches) will be accounted
for by P numbers loaded as substitute/multiple components for the prime number. Manual switches are accounted for by part number. Changes to Fixed Ground C-E Equipment require the submission of an
IT/NSSRD approved by the applicable authority (Base, MAJCOM, Air Staff, etc.). Once
approved, input the TACR in to AFEMS. Notify EAE immediately of any modifications have been made that change the
identity of the fixed C-E equipment. Update the authorized/in-use details by submitting
an AF Form 601 with a copy of applicable supporting documentation.
5.4.21. Communications Security/Controlled Cryptographic Item (COMSEC/CCI)
Equipment. Purpose: To explain the procedures on how to requisition and account for
COMSEC/CCI equipment. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and
for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. There are three categories of COMSEC/CCI equipment: airborne, deployable,
and fixed. Airborne consists of tactical COMSEC/CCI devices which are designed
to work primarily on airframes. Deployable consists of COMSEC/CCI equipment which can be deployed. Fixed COMSEC/CCI equipment items used in a fixed facility. Airborne
and deployable COMSEC/CCI equipment items appear in the allowance standard that
is applicable to each MAJCOM/weapon system for the end item the COMSEC/CCI
supports. Fixed COMSEC/CCI equipment items are in allowance standard 658. Note:
All activities not supported by the ILS-S will have their COMSEC/CCI equipment
accounted for in the COMSEC/CCI material Accounting System (CMCS) which is
managed by the AFMC Cryptologic and Cyber Support Division, San Antonio TX. The equipment custodian performs the following actions: Submit requests for COMSEC/CCI equipment items. Submit requests for deployable and airborne COMSEC/CCI by AF
Form 601/TACR.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 263 Fixed COMSEC/CCI requirements are not submitted via AF
Form 601, Authorization Change Request/TACR. Submit requirements for
these assets in accordance with MPTO 00-33D-3003, Managing the
Cyberspace Infrastructure with the Cyberspace Infrastructure Planning
System. Account for COMSEC/CCI items on CA/CRL authorized/in-
use details. Prepare and maintain SF 153 for COMSEC/CCI assets that were
shipped using manual procedures. Provide the Item Manager a copy of the SF 153
each time a transfer action occurs. KIV-42 COMSEC/CCI assets will be delivered by an agent courier
to the custodian who will contact Inbound Cargo to process the receipt. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity: Ensure equipment ERRCD NF/ND items are accounted for on
authorized/in-use detail records. SF 153 may be used to adjust EAID records for
COMSEC/CCI items maintained in the ILS-S. The SF 153 may be used as
justification to process an IAD when the gaining organization does not have a
ship to Stock Record Account Number (SRAN). When a SRAN can be identified
for the gaining organization, the SF 153 will be used to process a manual
shipment. The SF 153 is prepared by the losing COMSEC/CCI custodian. The EAE ensures the semi-annual COMSEC/CCI equipment
reconciliation is performed. Ordering of KI-111 COMSEC/CCI Assets. All due-outs for KI-111
will contain TEX Z and link to a valid due-in. These assets/devices are
programmed at the depot and cannot be interchanges by units or activities. Excess Equipment. Disposition of excess equipment should be requested
from MAJCOM CEMO/CEMF and AFMC Cryptologic and Cyber Support Division,
on serviceable excess equipment. Unserviceable equipment (including reparable)
should be shipped to the AFMC Cryptologic and Cyber Support Division (routing
identifier: FPD, DODAAC: FB2307). There is no requirement to contact the Item
Manager for permission to ship the asset. Telemetry Encryption Devices (e.g., KG66). Telemetry encryption
devices will be dropped from accountable records when a certified letter/document is
received from the operations officer that certify that the loss was due to OTE
(operational testing & evaluation) or operational requirements. The letter/document
will be certified by the senior operations officer and presented to the LRS APO. The
certified letter/document will be used as supporting documentation for processing
IAD transaction to adjust COMSEC/CCI items. The certified letter/document will be
cited as authority to terminate serial number tracking and filed with the M10 to
substantiate the COMSEC/CCI adjustment. The individual that requested the
termination of accountability is responsible for notifying the supported
COMSEC/CCI account of the lost/destruction.
264 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 CEMO/CEMF Responsibilities. The CEMO/CEMF is the only agent
authorized to submit allowance change requests to allowance standards for
deployable and airborne COMSEC/CCI item allowances. Allowance change requests,
must be input by the MAJCOM CEMO/CEMF to the AFMC for approval.
5.4.22. Portable Buildings. Purpose: To explain the procedures required to maintain and account for
portable buildings. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. A portable building is defined as a small, shed-type structure with less than 300
square feet with no permanently installed Base Civil Engineer utility hookups. These
buildings are not suitable for human habitation and do not satisfy requirements for
permanent real property. They are designed to be moved from one place to another by
means of a flat-bed trailer and, therefore are not considered vehicular (wheeled)
equipment. Portable buildings are purchased with budget code 9, local purchase (JBB)
funds. Perform the following actions: Submit requests for portable buildings on either an AF Form 2005 or by
letter with unit commander approval. Request must contain coordination of both Base Civil Engineer and
Safety Office specifying fire, safety, and structural requirements will be met prior
to purchase of building. All requests must have a DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item
Requisition System Document (Manual-Long Form), which states required
specifications of the building to be purchased. Assign a local “L” stock number, with Federal Stock Class (FSC)
5410 and assigned equipment management Code (EMC) 1. Portable buildings are authorized in allowance standard 006 with a
BOI of “when approved by the unit commander.” They are identified in the
allowance standard under one generic local purchase non-EAID NSN. Disposition of portable buildings. Return portable buildings to LRS/Materiel Management Activity
using the assigned “L” stock number. When there is no other base organization portable building
requirement, transfer to DLADS is authorized. Do not report portable building to the AFEMS Excess equipment
Redistribution Program.
5.4.23. Equipment Management of Computer Systems. Purpose: To explain the procedures required to maintain and account for
Computer Systems. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 265 Accountability for most computer systems is maintained per AFMAN 17-1203,
Information Technology (IT) Asset Management (ITAM). This includes personal
computers, microcomputers, and standard multi-user small computer requirements
contract systems. This also includes computer systems provided as part of downward
directed programs and locally purchased computer systems for administration purposes.
Guidelines and accountability thresholds are in AFMAN 17-1203. Perform the following actions: Computer System accountability in the ILS-S and in AFEMS Allowance
Standards apply to the following: Computer systems for mobility requirements and those that serve a
technical or test equipment end use. Centrally procured/managed computer systems 16
AF unit mission computers, printers and associated hardware.
Allowance Standard 709 is the authorization for this equipment. Submit and process requirements in accordance with AFMAN 63-
144, Business Capability Requirements, Compliance, and System Acquisition.
5.4.24. General Small Arms/Light Weapons Management. Purpose: To explain the procedures required to requisition and account for
weapons. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW) are defined as
carbines, grenade launchers, machine guns, pistols, recoilless weapons, revolvers, rifles,
shotguns, etc. The Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) Element provides secure
storage for mobility SA/LW. Accountability will remain on the owning organization’s
equipment account when courtesy storing small arms for other units. Perform the following actions: For Daily Use Weapons (Use Code B): Place weapons for daily use on the CA/CRL under the using
organization. Weapons required to be readily available for issue to base defense
forces and training will be custody receipted for Central Storage to the activity
responsible for the operation of the base defense and training program. The
organization’s designated equipment custodian is responsible for the storage and
safe keeping of the weapon. LRS/Materiel Management Activity Weapons Management: Wing Unit Type Code mobility requirements warehoused by the
supply activity will contain the storage code of WGMOB in the UTC field of the
266 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 WGMOB is an umbrella tool to capture all wing level UTC
requirements at an installation. Additionally, WGMOB should not be
populated in the LOGFOR/LOGDET as it will reflect a duplicate requirement. The increment code field will be used with no more than 80
SA/LW per detail. If more than one detail is required, the increment code will
be numbered (e.g., MOBAG1, MOBAG2, 375SV1, 375CE1, etc.). Control access to the SA/LW vault to authorized personnel only.
The LRS/CC or Materiel Management Flight Chief is responsible for access
control. Designate in writing personnel authorized to perform duties
associated with firearms protection and control. This designation will be via the Personnel Authorized
Unescorted Access/Personnel Authorized to Issue and Receive SA/LW Letter. The letter will identify personnel authorized access to the LRS
SA/LW vault and will include: individual’s names, rank/grade, duty title,
security clearance levels, and unit of assignment. The letter must be signed by
the LRS/CC or equivalent. Maintain a signed copy of the authorization letter posted on
the inside of the SA/LW storage area and ensure a copy is on file. Ensure that any organization using the SA/LW storage vault
for courtesy storage provides a current listing of personnel authorized to
remove SA/LW from the vault to the Individual Protective Element. The
organization’s list should state the conditions (e.g., maintenance, deployment,
etc.) for removal of the SA/LW from the vault. Personnel assigned to the IPE will control access to SA/LW
and adhere with requirements per AFI 36-2654, Combat Arms Program; AFI
31-101, Integrated Defense (ID); AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by
Air Force Personnel; AFMAN 21-209, Vol 2, Demolition Munitions;
AFMAN 21-209, Vol 1, Ground Munition; DTR 4500.9-R Part I, Defense
Transportation Regulation, Passenger Movement; and DoDM 5100.76, and
applicable technical orders. (T-0). IPE must ensure member has a current AF Form 522, USAF
Ground Weapons Training Data indicating personnel is qualified for specific
weapon to be issued; unless member is attending weapons qualification. Equipment custodian Responsibilities: Coordinate with Security Forces to inspect SA/LW, per AFI 36-
2654. Ensure the reconstitution of SA/LW from deploying units. Maintain SA/LW support kits. Ensure SA/LW are stored and shipped in the proper containers.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 267 Ensure that sufficient holsters, SA/LW magazines, ammunition
pouches, and slings are available for each weapon. Ensure that weapons have a unique item identifier (UII) label in
accordance with MIL-STD-130 if IUID program is fully implemented. Adjust out of cycle SA/LW authorizations to meet out of cycle
mobility bag authorizations. Note: Annually, the Logistics Plans will determine
the mobility SA/LW requirements in conjunction with mobility bag authorizations
(NLT 1 January). Specific references for the Arming of Aircrew, Mobility and
Overseas Personnel are described in AFI 31-117. Equipment custodians and Unit Deployment managers will assist
the Logistics Plans Flight with determining mobility SA/LW requirements. (T-1). Make adjustments to the inventory using normal materiel
management procedures, e.g., issue/return, etc. Inventory of Small Arms. Refer to paragraph 5.7 Inspection of SA/LW: The owning/using activity is responsible for actions related to
maintenance, inspection, cleaning & packing regardless of who is the storing
activity. Note: The only exception is SA/LW in storage for the AF Reserve. Coordinate with Combat Arms to inspect SA/LW at prescribed
intervals established in AFI 36-2654, Combat Arms Program, and other
applicable technical orders. After any inspection, the unit’s SA/LW custodian will: Remove all corroded SA/LW from storage and transport to a
centralized cleaning facility or to the unit for cleaning. After the SA/LWs are cleaned, the Combat Arms technician will
inspect the SA/LWs to ensure they have been properly cleaned and reassembled
according to the applicable Technical Order. (T-1). In accordance with AFI 36-
2654, units may use an Air Force general purpose form for documenting this
cleaning. Transport unserviceable SA/LW to the base Combat Arms for
repair. Provide the Combat Arms technician with an AFTO Form 105 for each
weapon requiring maintenance. Coordinate with the local Packing & Crating facility to have
packing and crating specialist pack and seal the SA/LW once cleaning and
inspection are completed. Note: If packing and crating specialist are not available,
owning unit personnel will pack their SA/LW following the appropriate technical
order and Special Packing Instructions (SPI). Check and verify the SA/LW serial number and that an AFTO
Form 105 is created and updated in Security Forces Management Information
System (SFMIS)
268 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Place the SA/LW in containers and seal & band the containers
after SA/LW is properly packaged and Combat Arms technicians have
annotated the AFTO Form 105 in SFMIS. Maintenance of SA/LW: Individual maintenance is limited to authorized disassembly,
assembly, cleaning, lubricating, preserving, tightening screws, adjusting sights,
and periodic inspections according to applicable technical orders. Only combat
arms personnel are authorized to interchange or cannibalize weapon parts. Item identification changes for SA/LW must be coordinated with
Combat Arms to ensure proper inspection and identification. Receipt of SA/LW: Combat Arms personnel must inspect all SA/LW received. Complete SF 364 and SF 361, Transportation Discrepancy for all
unserviceable or damaged SA/LW received. Prepare pre-embarkation Inspections as required for SA/LW being
deployed from CONUS to overseas or potential combat zone per AFI 36-2654.
Note: SA/LW inspected and gauged within the last 120 days or packed in sealed
barrier bags/containers with an Extended Storage inspection/gauged are exempt
from pre-embarkation inspection. Shipment of SA/LW: Trans-shipment requirements. To ensure maximum control, the IM
will instruct that SA/LWs be returned to the Anniston Army Depot (FY1346) AL
for trans-shipment to another service/DLA when trans-shipment is appropriate. Provide the SA/LW Item Manager with the NSN, QTY, and
condition code of excess SA/LW and coordinate disposition for subsequent
processing of all shipment transactions in accordance with Item Manager
disposition instructions. Note: AFMC or Base Level equivalent will provide this
info to the Item Manager. The Shipping Document Number will contain the SRAN/DODAAC
of the losing base. If included in the disposition instructions, DODAAC
“FY1346” will be used for the Supplementary Address and “FLS” for the Routing
Identifier Code (FROM) with Signal Code M to indicate no billing action
required. Do not ship assets to FD2060/FB2065, Robins AFB GA. The owning organization and traffic management package SA/LW
for shipment in accordance with applicable SPIs and TOs. Procedures for the
physical movement of SA/LW are contained in AFI 10-401 Air Force Operations
Planning and Execution; AFI 24-602V1 Passenger Movement; DoD 4500.9-R;
DoDM 5100.76. Note: For M9 SA/LW see SPI 00-317-2468. Instructions for
M16 SA/LW can be located under SPI 00-856-6885. Restrictions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 269 SA/LW must NOT be transferred from one accountable
activity to another within or outside the AF unless directed by the AFMC
SA/LW function. SA/LW must NOT be transferred from one activity to another
using repair and return procedures. Match grade SA/LWs presented to the LRS APO for shipment
to the USAF Gunsmith Shop for maintenance will be shipped and returned to
the master shooter when received from the school on accountable
documentation. Combat Arms will perform a complete inspection on all
SA/LW and accessories being turned in to LRS per AFI 36-2654. (T-1). Demilitarization. SA/LWs for Demilitarization or Destruction. SA/LWs must be
demilitarized or destroyed according to the following procedures: The IM must authorize the demilitarization or destruction of
all SA/LW. (T-1). EAE must process a Non-Directed Transfer to DLADS to
adjust accountable records, after authorization to demilitarize or destroy is
granted. (T-1). A Weapon Control Report transaction to applicable materiel
management system (SA Registry) with transaction code V will be generated
under program control. SA/LWs Using Code V. Demilitarized SA/LWs using code V and
retained for training, ceremonial, or other purposes must be processed according to
the following procedures: SA/LWs must be re-identified to a different stock number (NSN),
assigned a controlled item code N, safeguarded, and reported to the applicable
materiel management system. The applicable Materiel Management Activity is responsible for
updating the DoD Central Registry. SA/LWs Abandoned, Claimed, Found-On-Base, and Confiscated. SA/LWs Abandoned, Claimed, Found-On-Base, and Confiscated
should be reported according to the following guidelines: Abandoned, confiscated, etc., SA/LWs can be registered in
applicable materiel management system, the AFMC SA/LW Function must
check the AF and DoD-wide registry to see if the SA/LW is registered. When the SA/LW is registered with the AF, then the small
arm should be reported by normal reporting procedures.
270 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the SA/LW is not registered with the AF, then it will
be registered immediately when the SA/LW comes under government control. The document to establish accountability should contain the
following two statements: condition under which the SA/LW was obtained,
e.g., lost, found-on-base, confiscated; a notation will also be made to indicate
the completion of DoD-wide registration and reutilization screening. Refer to Table 6.2 regarding Found-On-Base SA/LW. Excess SA/LW, regardless of dollar value, must be reported. Non-appropriated-funded SA/LW turned in to a DLADS and
privately-owned SA/LWs classified as claims property will be registered
immediately when they come under the control of DoD. SA that are claimed
(private property whose title has passed to DoD as a result of a claim against
the government due to its damage in connection with government activities,
usually movement of household goods) or confiscated (private property whose
title has passed to the DoD as a result of being confiscated by appropriate
authority, usually as a result of being abandoned or unauthorized for personal
possession) by DoD activities will be reported immediately to Component
Registries, e.g., AF is the applicable materiel management system. Contact the
AFMC SA/LW Function SA equipment specialist. Captured SA/LW. Special procedures for captured SA/LW. Personnel involved with managing SA are to be familiar with AFI
31-101 before using information in this section. Special procedures apply for accountability of captured SA/LW. All AF SA/LW that are currently on hand but not registered
in the applicable LRS/materiel management system and all those captured in
the future are subject to the following guidance: Ensure all SA/LW are safeguarded per AFI 31-101. Immediately enter information on captured weapons into
the applicable materiel management system using stock number
“1005PCAPTURE.” The model number should be added to the end of the
stock number to identify the weapon (e.g., 1005PCAPTUREM9,
1005PCAPTUREAK47), utilizing no more than four characters). Identify in writing, to their parent MAJCOM, the type of
SA/LW complete with description, quantity, serial number, and intended
purpose. MAJCOMs will provide disposition instructions. In the
meantime, bases must retain these assets using ASC 054CAPT. Disposition
will consist of 1 of 3 different scenarios:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 271 When the SA/LW is intended for display purposes, it
must be approved per AFI 84-103, USAF Heritage Program. If assets could be used to support mission requirements if
approved by MAJCOM. When captured, the most probable fate will be
disposal/demilitarization. When not approved for display or to fill mission
requirements, units and LRS/Materiel Management Activity must ensure
that disposal of captured SA/LW be in accordance with DoDM 4160.21, Vol
4, Defense Materiel Disposition: Instructions for Hazardous Property and
other Special Processing Material. SA/LW that survives DLADS screening will be
destroyed. When the local DLADS has expanded demilitarization authority
and there are less than 10 SA/LW, the DLADS will generally accomplish
the demilitarization. Otherwise the DLADS will give instructions for
shipping the SA/LW to a demilitarization facility. When the MAJCOM
authorizes shipment of the SA/LW to another location for demilitarization,
the losing unit will input the shipping transaction while the gaining unit
input the proper demilitarization instructions into applicable materiel
management system. Note: If the shipment is to the Anniston Army Depot,
funding will be required to have the SA/LWs demilitarized. ASC 054CAPT will be used for captured SA/LW
awaiting disposition from MAJCOM. File Maintenance. All SA/LW controlled by serial
number must be assigned a valid NSN or service stock number (NC/ND).
Records Maintenance must submit AF Form 86, when required. Special Issue of Small Arms. Small Arms to General Officers. Air Force general officers
(including Air Force Reserve (AFR) and federally recognized Air National Guard
general officers) may be issued a unique configuration of their standard Air Force
handgun on a semi-permanent basis when they submit a letter of request to
AF/DPG (AF/REG for AFR GOs) for verification. This letter of request must
contain an appropriate organizational mailing address and a Stock Record
Account Number (SRAN) the weapon will be shipped to. These unique handguns
are referred to as the GO PDW program, refer to the General Officer Handbook. The USAF Small Arms Program Office located at Robins AFB,
GA is responsible for maintaining control of the issue and turn-in of these GO
272 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 No Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS)/supply activity action is
required when a GO PDW is shipped to a base from the USAF Small Arms
Program Office marked for a general officer since these weapons do not fall under
the DLMS EDI. Shipments of GO PDWs are accomplished using a DD Form
1149 (Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document). The GO PDW is the only weapon in the AF inventory that
can be shipped “off-line” via a DD Form 1149 without a waiver. Initial
shipments of the GO PDWs go directly to the general or aide who signs for
receipt of the weapon on the DD Form 1149 from the LRS/transportation
activity personnel. The General Officer or aide must make a copy of the
signed DD Form 1149 and send it to the SAPO at Robins AFB, GA. The
LRS/supply activity does not process REC/DOR transactions and does not
establish EAID accountability. Retained Handguns. General officers may retain the GO PDW
issued to them until retirement. Upon retirement, the general officer may either
turn-in or purchase the weapon. If the weapon is to be turned in, it must be
returned to the LRS Commander/Chief of Supply at the general officer's duty
station. The LRS Commander/Chief of Supply is responsible for requesting
disposition instructions from the USAF Small Arms Program Office. If the
weapon is to be purchased, payment is based on the current catalog price. To
obtain or verify the stock number, serial numbers, and price of the GO PDW,
contact the USAF Small Arms Program Office. For detailed instructions on how
to process the purchase request, refer to the current GO Handbook. 365-Day Extended Deployment Advance Assignments If deployed airmen do not return weapons to the losing base or
deployed account, the gaining location will acquire custody of the item and
contact the CEMF for RDO and instructions. The deployed location will coordinate a return shipment to the
owning account when airmen are not permitted to rotate with their assigned
weapon to a follow on location. Immediately initiate lost or stolen procedures if the member cannot
account for the weapon. Forward the completed Security Forces incident report to
the owning account to begin the Financial Liability Investigation, adjust the
accountable property system of record, and update the DoD Small Arms Registry.
5.4.25. Forecasting New Equipment Requirements. Purpose: To explain the procedures to forecast new equipment requirements.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer
to AFH 23-123. Forecasting is necessary to support future organizations changes, future fielding
of new or modified weapon/support systems, Special Training Equipment Program
(STEP) requirements, WRM changes, and ME changes. The MAJCOM/FOA/DRU CEMF will perform the following:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 273 Ensure the accurate and timely forecasting of future requirements are
noted in the classified equipment requirements computation system. Ensure forecast authorization equipment data only contains those items
indicated as nonexpendable by assignment of expendability, recoverability,
reparability category (ERRC) code of “S” or “U” in the applicable weapon/support
system ASs. Note: Do not include expendable items, including those contained in the
AS, in the forecasts submitted by the owning MAJCOM. Submit forecast data as soon as possible after requirements are known
(corresponding Organization Information Data is also necessary). Note: It must be
stressed that forecasting affects only authorizations. It does not affect actual
movement of assets, but causes reallocation of existing assets within the equipment
item requirements computation affecting the AFMC budget/buy requirement position.
The actual redistribution of SE assets, caused by movement of a system or subsystem,
is subject to negotiations between the MAJCOMs, the SPM, and the IM. The owning MAJCOM CEMO/CEMF is responsible for developing,
maintaining, and reporting forecast authorization equipment data, as required, to
project equipment requirements in support of programmed and unprogrammed unit
actions. Note: Failure to submit accurate forecasts in a timely manner will negatively
impact the ability of the AFMC Air Logistics Complexes to support the projected
change. The owning MAJCOM will develop forecasts for base funded items and
furnish them to the bases to ensure their budget projections are accurately projected.
(T-1). Reporting forecasts for base funded assets to AFMC is not required. The owning MAJCOM will notify the host MAJCOM when a unit is to be
activated, inactivated, moved, or when a mission change will occur within host
MAJCOM area of control. (T-1). Additionally, the owning MAJCOM will provide
the host MAJCOM with all applicable unit forecast authorization equipment data, for
centrally procured (CP) and base funded items. (T-1). The applicable ERAA/CEMF will actively participate with the SPO and
SPM in the mock-up inspections, development of engineering inspections, contractor
technical compliance inspections, weapon system phasing group meetings, SE
reviews, provisioning conferences and other related meetings pertinent to the
weapon/support system program. When forecasts are developed for programmed changes, the MAJCOM
ERAA/CEMF must ensure that ILS-S authorization records are not established prior
to the actions identified in the following paragraphs. (T-1). When both records
(Current Authorizations/Forecast Authorizations) are established, the Air Force
budget requirement is overstated. Additional information regarding forecasting
authorizations for organization equipment, development of forecast authorization
records, and forecasting for Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratories (PMEL)
support equipment (SE) is contained in the following paragraphs. Authorizations for Organization Equipment.
274 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Equipment subject to EAID/Forecast authorization includes all
nonexpendable items of equipment required for the support of AF organizations. Forecast authorizations will be used to systematically plan, develop and
report projected equipment requirements for centrally procured items to support
future conditions. Forecasts will be submitted for each organization requiring organizational
equipment support programmed in the USAF Program Document “Units, Bases and
Priorities” (PD) for activation, conversion or reorganization more than 270 days after
the next scheduled requirements reporting date. Forecasts will be submitted when changes occur in equipment
authorizations (increase or decrease) due to conditions not reflected in the PD and
scheduled more than 270 days after the next scheduled requirements PD reporting
date. Exceptions to the normal 270 days are those SE requirements for PMEL
(360 days). Development of Forecast Authorization Records. The development and reporting of forecast authorizations is essential to
ensure adequate budget/buy and timely supply support for future equipping
requirements. Forecast records only reflect authorizations for requirements to support
programmed or unprogrammed unit actions and must be maintained in a current
status to accurately reflect future authorizations required to support programmed
actions. The owning MAJCOM is responsible for preparation, maintenance, and
processing of forecast authorizations of the affected organization, with assistance (as
necessary) from the appropriate AFMC allowance manager and SPM. When forecasts
involve tenant units supported by a different command, full coordination between the
two MAJCOMs and the affected APO is essential. When new weapon or support systems are acquired or if unit strength is
increased or decreased, a forecast or forecast change must be processed. Forecasts are required when USAF PDs show: A weapon or support system is scheduled for activation. A unit is scheduled for re-designation. A unit is scheduled to convert to a different weapon system or
maintenance concept. Changes are scheduled to occur in operational plans, which result in
a change in equipment requirements. A unit is scheduled for significant changes in personnel capabilities
and functions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 275 A unit is scheduled to transfer between commands more than 270
days subsequent to the reporting date. The gaining command is responsible for
submission of the forecast. Forecasts will be submitted when non-programmed (non-USAF PD)
changes affect (add, increase, delete or reduce) in-being organizational EAID
authorizations more than 270 days beyond the AFEMS reporting date. Forecasts are required to change requirements to meet: Scheduled increased or decreased workloads. For example:
Additional tenant units to be assigned to the base and will be supported by the
host base shops. Changes in the numbers or types of systems to be assigned to the
base and will be supported by base shops. Any other future condition scheduled to occur more than 270 days
after the AFEMS reporting date, which will increase or decrease equipment
requirements of an in-being base organization. Forecasting for PMEL Support Equipment. The activation, conversion, movement, or transfer of a weapon system or
subsystem at a base may require augmentation of, or additional SE within PMEL.
Care must be taken to ensure these requirements are correctly identified and
forecasted as outlined in AFH 23-123. If these requirements affect a unit supported under a host/tenant
agreement as in AFI 25-201, Support Agreements Procedures, the MAJCOM of
the tenant unit will identify these requirements to the host MAJCOM, to ensure
they are aware of the mission change. SE requirements for PMEL should be submitted 360 days prior to the
scheduled event. Input or retention of forecast records within these designated time
frames would inflate the AFMC buy/budget position. Failure to provide the item
manager with forecast data pending establishment of in-use details will normally
result in nonsupport of the requirements.
5.4.26. Organization Information Record. Purpose: Describe procedures for management of the organization information
records. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123. Organization Information Records identify all essential data and programmed
actions associated with an organization. These actions are associated with additions to or
deletions from assigned systems, activations of new weapon or support systems,
transfers, moves, redesignations, or the capabilities of the organizations being reported.
For example, when activating a new organization, create a new Organization Identity
(Org ID) Number. See AFH 23-123 for applicable ILS-S processes to manage Organization
Information Records.
276 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
5.4.27. Base Issue/Distribution/and Redistribution. Purpose: Describe procedures for base issue, distribution and redistribution of
equipment. The ILS-S is designed to respond to processed receipt and return actions
based on previously established due-in, due-out, and equipment in-use detail records. The
ILS-S will automatically accomplish required issue transactions and distribution of assets
to authorizations loaded to the EAID record. For guidance specific requirements review
AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance refer to AFH 23-123. Upon receipt of equipment, the APO will update established due-in/due-
out and EAID records when an issue is made to a designated organization. If the need
exists to fill a higher priority request, the APO may reassign the item. When an organization reports excess equipment on hand, care will be
taken to ensure that overages are actually in excess to authorizations, rather than
belonging to another custody account. The APO will check due-in records to
ascertain if a different organization has a shortage and, when possible (if the item is
not USAF or CEMO/CEMF controlled), reissue to that shortage. If the assets are
ANG or AFR support equipment, the applicable CEMO/CEMF must be contacted by
the unit EAE for possible re-distribution within the reserve component in accordance
with DoDD 5105.83, National Guard Joint Force Headquarters-State (JFHQ-S), and
DoDM 1225.08. When turned in assets cannot be reallocated to an existing base
organization the APO will report the item to the applicable IM and await IM
disposition instructions. Current APO EAID records are reported online in the AFEMS/C001, and used
for computation of requirements and establishing buy/budget positions. IMs screen
output products for obvious errors and reconcile quantities prior to taking procurement,
disposal, or redistribution actions. Assets reported in excess of established authorizations or reflecting ASC
“000” generate queries from the IM to record validity and availability of excess for
redistribution. The queries are forwarded to the reporting APO, who will verify the
reported excess. Replies to IM queries are required as soon as possible, but not later
than ten working days after receipt. Decentralized Procurement Distribution/Redistribution. The distribution and
redistribution of assets procured under the decentralized process will be at the direction
of the MAJCOM that owns, or has funded for, the asset(s). MAJCOMs must coordinate
these actions with the IMs to ensure the most urgent requirements are filled, when
possible, and that critical assets are not prematurely disposed.
5.4.28. Equipment Disposition for Base Deactivation and Closure. Purpose: Describe procedures for Equipment disposition for Base Deactivation
and Closure. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance refer to AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 277 LRS or Materiel Management Activities will contact AFMC and MAJCOM
Equipment Management to coordinate the disposition of equipment in conjunction with
base deactivation and closures. (T-1). Upon coordination in paragraph above, LRS/Materiel Management
Activities will assign Allowance Source Code 076 for bases undergoing deactivation.
(T-1). This code identifies excess related personal property reflected on the APO
managed EAID holding account pending transfer to civil engineering and subsequent
reporting to General Services Administration (GSA) on SF 118C, Related Personal
Property Schedule C - Supplement to Report of Excess Real Property. Assets will be transferred directly from the active in-use custodian
account to the APO holding account to preclude stock fund capitalization action. LRS/Materiel Management Activities will consult AFMC and MAJCOM
CEMO/ERAA and CEMF for guidance regarding any further required actions. (T-1).
5.4.29. Loan of In-Use Equipment between AF Organizations. Temporary Loan of In-Use Items. MAJCOMs may direct the temporary loan of
in-use items to other Air Force units at different bases in the same or different commands,
using the following procedures: The lending command will direct the AFMC of the lending base to
establish an authorized/in-use detail record. This record will include the following: ASC 063. Allowance ID suffix (the SRAN of the borrowing base). The number of assets lent as the authorized quantity. Zero as the on-hand quantity. The expiration date of the loan will be placed in the increment code
field. The lending command will direct the lending base to ship the items to the
borrowing base. The lending command will also specify the length of the loan. AFMC will use the appropriate 1ET transfer procedures to process the
shipment. The review listings do not need to be processed. Note: 1ET, FME, and
FED transactions are not authorized for NWRM equipment. The borrowing command will direct the AFMC for the borrowing base to
process an FCI to establish an authorized/in-use detail record. This record will
include the following: ASC 064. Allowance ID suffix (the SRAN of the lending base). Zero as the authorized quantity. The number of items on loan as the on-hand quantity.
278 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The expiration date of the loan will be placed in the increment code
field. When the loaned equipment is received, the gaining EAE will notify
AFMC. The AFMC will use the manual FED procedures to process the equipment.
Use the shipping document number from the 1ET processed by the lending base and
the Accounting and Finance interface code EAID to properly account for the receipt
of the lent equipment. However, the review listings do not need to be processed. When the borrowing base returns the equipment to the lending base, the
original loan will be the authorizing document for the return and AFMC will use 1ET
to ship the equipment and FED to reestablish EAID accountability. Transfer of Accountability. When commands use these equipment loan
procedures, EAID accountability and reporting are transferred to the borrowing base.
Therefore, both the lending and the borrowing commands should appoint project
managers to coordinate the above procedures with AFMC, especially since the lent
equipment is often critical to support the mission. When the loan is terminated, the
project managers should make sure that AFMC returns the lent equipment, and
reestablishes accountability at the lending base. The project manager should make sure
that this property accountability is transferred as quickly as possible, to reduce the in
transit time (the period when accountability is not established at either the loaning or the
borrowing base) to an absolute minimum. When the MAJCOM ERAA/CEMF directs the permanent retention of loaned
equipment, AFMC will change the EAID detail citing ASC 064 to the appropriate AS.
5.4.30. Operations & Maintenance (O&M) & Investment Support Equipment. Purpose: Describe procedures for Fiscal Year (FY) O&M and Investment
Support Equipment. Explain the process for FY buys to include use of the Equipment
Requirements System (ERS) and Asset Distribution List (ADL), as well as management
of the Buy Lists, Current Unfunded Priority Lists, and outline the process for a Buy
Budget Review for EEIC 638 O&M items. General Discussion: ERS plays a vital role in the planning and budgeting
processes, as well as the development of the Buy Lists and the Current Unfunded Priority
List (UFR). ERS is used by the MAJCOMs to view and assess the criticality of their
requirements. Information file maintained in ERS by the MAJCOMs and AFMC is used
to compile and defend O&M and Investment POM, Investment Procurement Document
(PDOC), O&M Execution Plan, and O&M Spend Plan submissions. The Equipment
Prioritization Model (EPM), an underlying module within ERS, provides the baseline
prioritization of equipment requirements. Equipment Requirement System (ERS). MAJCOM’s will assess the criticality of each of their requirements. This
assessment will be used in the development of the Air Force Requirements Planning
List (RPL), which ultimately results in the FY O&M Buy List and associated UFR, as
well as forms the basis for the Spend Plan, Execution Plan, and POM submissions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 279 MAJCOM SE POCs will assign criticality assessments in ERS to
requirements of centrally managed equipment items after proper coordination and
validation with the applicable MAJCOMs Functional Area Managers (FAM) and
CEMF. MAJCOMs will maintain the applicable documentation to support
the classification of Critical and Important requirements in ERS upon request by
AFMC or AF/A4L. ERS will initially default all requirements to routine (category 3).
MAJCOMs may change their requirements to critical (category 1), important
(category 2); or defer (category 4) the requirements. MAJCOMs may update ERS on
a continual basis. Critical criteria is work stoppage has or will occur with no solution;
Safety of flight/safety of troops affected; Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) project coded
surge requirement; Resource Readiness reportable requirement; e.g., the
Capability Readiness Assessment rating of the unit has been downgraded, and
comments documented in the current Resource reporting report identify the
particular NSN as the impacting item. Projected delivery date will not allow
initial operational capability (IOC) of new missions or conversions, as applicable. Important criteria is current asset condition may cause work
stoppage. Improved safety and saved resources through “latest and greatest
technology advances.” Projected delivery date does not allow full operational
capability (FOC) of new missions or conversions, as applicable. Routine: ERS default for all requirements. Defer criteria is when MAJCOM determines there is no need to
satisfy the requirement at this time. MAJCOM has knowledge the requirement
will be reduced; e.g., Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) realignment;
Allowance Standard/Allowance Authorization reductions. Base has a non-
preferred sub, but does not want a replacement. Buy List changes must be accomplished in ERS for O&M and Investment
Buy Lists. The “Buy List” screen is used for deletions; and the “Current Unfunded
Priority List” is for additions. The Buy Lists identify buy requirements by MAJCOM
and PE for O&M and by MAJCOM and Budget Program Activity Code (BPAC) for
investment. Requisitions must be selected from the Asset Distribution List (ADL),
unless an alternative bed-down plan is in place having been coordinated and approved
by AFMC and MAJCOM SE POC. Status of all selected requisitions must be updated
in D035A. Agencies using an alternative bed-down plan must identify to the
applicable IMS and MAJCOM CEMO/CEMF SE POCs which requisitions will
be funded so they will be assigned status code “BV” to prevent duplicate funding.
280 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve (AFR) retain
ownership of their funding; however, they will follow the same procedures regarding
development of the Buy List. Base Expeditionary Airfield Resources (BEAR). The BEAR Program Office
will identify BEAR requisitions and contact the IMS to discuss the BEAR procurements
and associated requisitions. BEAR-specific procurements can be identified by their PE
(41135), which is reflected on the FY Buy List. Ensure proper project code is used for use code “D” is assigned to
BEAR/WRM equipment and vehicle initial (PC DCP) and replacement shortages (PC
BB2) and that they are backordered and requisitioned with the proper project codes. MAJCOMs will ensure storing units submit requisitions for all SE
shortages, as required but NLT 31 July each FY. (T-1). The WRM GMO will update all project code L87 (training)
equipment backorders in ERS with PEC 41135F (BEAR). ADL is a working product maintained on the BEAR Program
Management Office’s (PMO) SharePoint. The WRM GMO, AFLCMC (BEAR
PMO), and Wholesale Item Managers jointly use this product to produce the FY
APPN 3400 CAM buy list for BEAR. ADL procedures are located in AFMAN 25-
5.4.31. Seized Equipment. Purpose: Describe procedures for equipment seized as part of a law
enforcement investigation. Explain the process of accounting for seized equipment to
include processes for CEMF, LRS EAPO and equipment custodians. When equipment is seized, equipment custodians will: Contact respective LRS EAE for coordination to CEMF to assign
applicable ASC for seized equipment. Retain evidence receipt (AF Form 52 and AF Form 1297) until
disposition instruction is received. Forward a copy to LRS EAE for filing.
5.4.32. FIAR Compliance: Key Supporting Documentation (KSD) is mandatory for each capitalized asset
listed in the APSR to substantiate acquisition cost and date. The acquisition cost and date
must match the cost and date of the KSD. Refer to OUSD (Comptroller)/Chief Financial
Officer FIAR Guidance for details on allowable KSDs. EAE is not required to acquire or otherwise retain KSDs for expensed
assets (e.g., acquisition date older than 10 years) with an acquisition cost under $1M.
Assets with an acquisition cost of $1M or more will require a KSD regardless of age. When KSDs are unavailable, EAE will draft a Memorandum for Record
(MFR) to provide rationale for how acquisition cost and date were obtained. At a minimum, MFR will contain NSN, Serial Number, Acquisition
Cost, and Acquisition Date.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 281 MFR must indicate historical records were researched and no KSD
could be found or explain rationale for why DOR/FED in historical records were
not used if available. Acquisition Cost. Original acquisition cost includes all costs incurred to bring general
property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) to a form and location suitable or its intended
use (e.g., amounts paid to vendors, transportation to point of initial use, handling and
storage costs, interest costs paid, and direct and indirect production costs). This is
usually found on vendor invoice or DD Form 250 that accompany the asset. DD Form 1348-1A (DOR/FED) from Source of Supply (SOS) may also
be used as a KSD, but only when an invoice or DD Form 250 cannot be found. To obtain a DD Form 1348-1A (DOR/FED), query the supply
system and trace audit trail from when item was first received into the retail
system from SOS. When the item was transferred from another base, continue to
research using the other bases Stock Record Account Number (SRAN). Duplicate document when Document Control element does not have
a copy on file. Note: Signatures are not required in this instance if original signed
DD Form 1348 cleared through Document Control. When historical cost information for existing general PP&E is not
available, it should be valued/ recorded at estimated fair market value. The estimates
should be based on the costs of similar assets at the time of acquisition, or the current
costs of similar assets discounted since the time of acquisition (e.g., by deflating
current costs to costs at the time of acquisition by the general price index). Acquisition Date. General PP&E should be recorded when the title passes to the Air Force.
Usually found on same KSD as acquisition cost. Note: Acquisition date should not
match the date asset arrived on installation if property was gained through transfer
from another unit. General PP&E acquired under a capital lease shall be recorded as an asset
at lease inception. (T-1). For constructed assets that meet the capitalization requirements, the
"acquisition date" should be the date the asset is placed in service. When KSD is unavailable, EAE will use manufacturer date off item
identification plate as the acquisition date. When an item does not have manufacturer
date, coordinate with organization to establish age of asset. CFO data: AFEMS CFO data must be updated accurately for the system to correctly
calculate and report depreciation of capitalized assets. (T-1). A CFO detail record is
created in AFEMS for each CFO asset reported on-hand in the ILS-S system.
282 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 EAE must ensure CFO data is populated in AFEMS for all records
on the AFEMS CFO screen to include non-CFO items or CFO assets already
expensed which do not require a KSD. Missing CFO data. Missing CFO data occurs when an item is first receipted or
otherwise brought onto accountable records in ILS-S. AFEMS reads the balance
in ILS-S and builds a CFO detail with blank data elements awaiting user input. EAE must query AFEMS weekly to identify CFO details with
missing data elements, contact custodian to acquire information and ensure
AFEMS is updated accordingly. (T-1). Take immediate action to obtain KSDs on newly arrived property
and file per this manual. CFO reconciliation. CFO details require reconciliation whenever an out of balance
occurs between the on hand balance in ILS-S and the number of CFO details
reported in AFEMS. This often occurs when there are multiple CFO items in ILS-
S on a single In-Use detail and a transaction is processed in ILS-S reducing the
balance (e.g., TIN, IAD, etc.). AFEMS does not know which corresponding CFO
detail to delete and an out of balance condition occurs until manually rectified. EAE must query AFEMS weekly to identify CFO details requiring
reconciliation and immediately contact custodian to delete or update CFO data.
(T-1). Use IT specific guidance in AFH 23-123.
5.4.33. Local Purchase (LP) Waivers or Local Repair (LR) Waivers for AF Equipment
Items. Purpose: Local Purchase (LP) Waivers or Local Repair (LR) Waivers for AF
Equipment Items Centrally Managed and Procured NF/ND Nonexpendable Items with
Alpha Budget Codes. For LP/ LR Waiver policies refer to AFI 23-101, Chapter 5. The LP/LR waiver process is to be utilized when the normal supply support
process for equipment items cannot satisfy the requirement. A Waiver Request is
required to be submitted for each NSN, requirement, and requisition number. Specific Requirements for LP/LR Waiver. Requesting base must have a requisition in the supply system. For IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123 V2 PT1, Chapter 5. The AF Equipment IT System must reflect an authorization for the requesting
base and the requirement criticality must be coded appropriately. For IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 283 The requesting base must forward all waiver requests and supporting
documentation to the Centralized Equipment Management Flight (CEMF) for review and
validation actions. This request will contain all necessary information to identify the
requirement and provide rationale for the request. Customers requiring a request can
utilize the AFMC Centrally Managed Support Equipment Requirements Policy &
Procedures SharePoint website. CEMF must ensure the requirement meets the criteria to be considered for
Local Purchase/ Local repair waiver request. Redistribution of equipment is not possible to satisfy the urgency of the
mission requirement. Overall effect of realigning funds to fulfill the requirement through
procurement or repair. Ensure appropriate assignment of prioritization categories have been
assigned appropriately as defined in Table 5.12 The Local Purchase/ Local Repair Waiver Request must include the
information that is outlined in Table 5.11 The Equipment Policy and Procedures Implementation Office will assign a
tracking control number and act as the focal point between the CEMF and the applicable
ALC Integrated Product Team (IPT) member after receipt of the LP or LR Waiver
Request. Funding for Local purchase waiver requests. Funding will be provided for
Investment items/Direct AF Element of Expense Investment Code or (EEIC) 638
Operations & Maintenance (O&M) items. Reference AFI 65-601. Note: Funding is not
provided for local repair waiver requests. Exclusions are defined below: For Air National Guard/Air Force Reserve (ANG/AFR) EEIC 638 O&M
items, the ALC will coordinate with applicable Financial Management (FM)
personnel to realign funding back to the MAJCOM. For Depot Maintenance Activity Groups (DMAG) funding will not be
sent to the organization since they are required to fund their own equipment
requirements. Reference AFI 65-601. For initial requirements for in-production aircraft refer to AFI 65-601. The customer will then make the purchase(s) or repair per any ALC
instructions by: Procuring or repairing the asset(s) from the approved source per any
special instructions. Request must be resubmitted if the customer cannot purchase
or repair the item from the IPT approved source. Utilizing the funding provided if it is a local purchase waiver
284 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Once assets are received, the customer will complete part IV of the LP /
LR Waiver Request documentation and forward to the CEMF, IMS, and the
Equipment Policy and Procedures Implementation Office. IMS will confirm the requisition(s) as delivered, maintain the LP / LR
Waiver Request in history files for two years per AFRIMS, update procurement
history files, and assume materiel management.
Table 5.11. Definitions for Local Purchase/Local Repair Waiver Requests Information.
National Stock Number authorization must
exist in AF Equipment IT system for the
requested NSN or the Master NSN
Noun for NSN
Air Logistics Centers/Source of Supply
Manager Designator Code
Purchase Quantity
Quantity requested to meet the need
Allowance Source Code The 7 position
allowance source code that is cited against the
authorization of the item in the AF Equipment
IT system
Requirement Number
The 15 character position used in the AF
Equipment IT system and consist of SRAN(6
characters) and document number (9
characters broken down to ORG ID (3
characters);Shop Code(2 characters);Detail
Numbers (4 characters)
Prioritization Category
One of four categories assigned by the CEMF:
(a) Critical (Category 1)
(b) Important (Category 2)
(c) Routine (Category 3)
(d) Deferred (Category 4)
Requisition Number
Due-out Document number
Need Date
Earliest date of mission requirement
Rationale for LP/LR Waiver
Explain why the normal procurement process
for equipment will not satisfy the requirement
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 285
Unit level POC contact
Includes name, title, office symbol, DSN,
commercial number and email address
Approving Functional Area
Manager (FAM) contact
Includes name, title, office symbol, DSN,
commercial number and email address
CEMF Authorizing Official
contact information
Includes name, title, office symbol, DSN,
commercial number and email address
Table 5.12. Prioritization Category 1-4.
Prioritization Category
1 (Critical)
- Work Stoppage has or will occur with no work around
- Safety of flight/troops affected
- Joint Chief of Staff (JCS) project coded surge requirement
- Force Readiness reporting
- Projected delivery date will not allow initial operational
capability (IOC) of new missions or conversions as applicable.
2 (Important)
- Current asset condition may cause work stoppage
- Updated technology advances
- Projected delivery dates does not allow full operational
capability (FOC) of new missions or conversions, as applicable.
3 (Routine)
- AF Equipment IT system default for all requirements
4 (Deferred)
- CEMF determines there is no need to satisfy the requirement at
this time
- Base has a non-preferred sub, but does not want a replacement
Note: Requisitions will remain in ILS-S
5.5. Document Control and Detail Records.
5.5.1. Quality Control of Documents. Purpose: To explain the quality control procedures for documents. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. General Procedures for Quality Control. LRS/Materiel Management Activities
will follow the procedures outlined below concerning the quality control of documents.
286 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Required Documents. Begin by comparing the information on the
document control record (DCR) with the information on one of the following: the
ILS-S document, or Document Control copy of the source document. When
procedures state that a specific copy of a document is to be used as the Document
Control copy, the most legible copy may be substituted when the document specified
is marred or hard to read. Also, verify all accountable equipment documents are
signed for by the applicable equipment custodian. Additionally, ensure only
individuals officially appointed as inspectors verify condition of property. Note:
Automated document control uses the DCR from the ILS-S database to make these
comparisons (see Document Control Record (DCR) paragraph of this document). Filing DCR. DCRs are created by the applicable ILS-S during end-of-day
processing. Filing source documents. Generally, source documents are filed according
to organization and ascending document number to match the document control
record sequence. Weapons Inventory Listing (CA/CRL/R-14). Document Control will
maintain a signed copy of the Weapons Inventory Listing in accordance with
AFRIMS. If discrepancies are discovered, a letter must be attached to the listing
summarizing the results of the inventory, any differences, and the action taken to
correct the differences. The Materiel Management Officer must sign the letter and the
LRS APO must approve it. (T-1). Matching. To match document control records with their documents, use
the last 8 positions of the document number. Exception: For stock-funded, locally
manufactured items the document control records will contain the organization and
shop code of the manufacturing activity in positions 30-35. Note: The Document
Control copy for these receipts will contain the base stock record account number in
the document number field of the materiel management document. Errors. When finding an error or an omission that can be corrected, do so.
Return the document to the responsible activity for immediate corrections. Disposition. After the documents are validated and the required quality
control checks are performed, the document is digitally stored in ILS-S. Note: Bases
in wartime categories 1, 2, and 3 must validate only the signature on a document.
5.5.2. Shipment Suspense Processing. Purpose: To explain the quality control procedures for Shipment Suspense
Processing. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 287 General Procedures for Shipment Suspense Processing. LRS/Materiel
Management Activities are to follow the procedures outlined below concerning the
management of Shipment Suspense Processing. This section describes the procedures
that Document Control uses to manage the shipments both with and without the CMOS
interface. Shipments without the CMOS interface are controlled by using the shipment
suspense file and either a shipment suspense detail or shipped not credited detail.
Shipments using the CMOS interface are controlled entirely by either a SSC or a SNC. Shipment Suspense (SSC) Output. The ILS-S will provide an output of an SSC
image under several conditions when not operating with the CMOS interface. These
conditions are described below. Bases operating with a CMOS interface. Redistribution Order and Referral Order Inputs. With these inputs, the ILS-
S will output an SSC and also create a shipment suspense detail when shipment action
is initiated. For each different stock number, system designator, document number,
and suffix code that is shipped, there will be one SSC output and one shipment
suspense detail established. Replies to Reports of Customer Excess. With these inputs, the ILS-S will
output an SSC and create a SNC detail when credit return shipment action is initiated. DLADS Transfer Inputs. These inputs will produce an SSC and build a
shipment suspense detail. The SSC output will contain a T in position 7. CMOS Interface Processing. When the CMOS interface is in operation,
Document Control does not retain shipment documents and transfers to off-base
DLADS and off-base organizations. A SSC detail or a SNC detail is created and an electronic image is
sent to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. SSC images are not created
because CMOS generates SSC inputs and automatically updates the shipment
suspense/shipped not credited details with the in checker identification code, date
in-checked, TCN, date shipped, and mode of shipment code. There are exceptions when Document Control must manually update
details. The Customer Support NCOIC assigns a three-digit numerical in checker
code to each person in Document Control, and any other authorized outside
activities when approved by the LRS APO, to be used when processing manual
updates. These codes must be controlled. Use the following procedures when
processing these exceptions: Downgraded Low Dollar Value Property. When low dollar
value property is authorized to be downgraded to scrap and not sent to
DLADS, the inspector sends a copy of the document to Document Control.
Document Control personnel processes an SSC to update the applicable detail
with the in checker code and date. A TCN is assigned in accordance with SSC
input format and Entry requirement in AFH 23-123.
288 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Non-CMOS Property Transfers. When property is moved from
one account to another and not moved through the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity, a TEX code will be used to bypass CMOS. A DCR will be
established and a signed document will be returned, cleared, and filed under
normal document control procedures. Procedures for Degraded Operations Recovery. During these
operations, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity enters data for each
transaction manually. All SSCs for these transactions are stored in the ILS-S
interface until recovery is complete. When the interface is activated, the SSC
transactions are processed. Transfer of Property to DLADS. When property is moved to the DLADS,
the customer is responsible for ensuring a signed copy of the transfer document is
provided to Document Control. Shipment suspense details are created to use for
DLADS confirmation and follow-up. A DCR is created and a signed document is
returned to Document Control and cleared under normal document control
procedures. Deployed MRSP Details. When MRSPs are deployed, each detail is
flagged to create off-base releases of property. Normally, these must pass through the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. When MRSPs are about to be returned and the
MRSP personnel do not want to ship items to the deployed location, they should sign
for the property and send a signed copy to Document Control. Document Control
clears the document. These documents are then filed as normal.
5.5.3. Digital ILS-S Document Control. Purpose: To explain the Procedures for Digital ILS-S Document Control. For
policy review AFI 23-101 and for IT guidance see ILS-S User’s Manual. Digital ILS-S Document Control Procedures. The following actions and
procedures pertain to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity utilizing the Digital ILS-S
Document Control: Document removal, document signatures, specific quality control
checks, control checks for supporting documentation, document verification procedures
for DLADS in-transit control program, degraded operations document processing,
delinquent document requirements, and permanent document file requirements. Any validated and digitally stored document can be printed from ILS-S by any
user. Document Control Record (DCR). It is Document Control's responsibility to
maintain the DCR data file. Document Control performs the quality control checks then
updates the DCR database using the personal computer process. More IT specific
information on DCRs can be found in ILS-S User’s Manual. Delinquent Source Document (DSD). Document Control creates and loads the
DSD record on the database and deletes the DSD when it is cleared. See ILS-S User’s
Manual for IT guide.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 289 Delinquent Document List (DDL). Document Control personnel will utilize ILS-
S Manage Document Control Record (DCR) capability to manage delinquent document
list. This listing will be distributed to LRS activity responsible for the delinquent
document. See ILS-S User’s Manual for IT guidance and Delinquent DCR criteria. Consolidated Transaction History (CTH) Inquiries. Document Control processes
TIP/BATCH CTH inquiries from a terminal by screen inputs. See ILS-S User’s Manual
for IT guide. Automated reversal. Document Control processes reversal inputs on CTH
records. The automated program creates the reversal inputs and displays them for review
before processing. Review the automated reversal procedures in accordance with
AFMAN 23-122. Personal Computers. Procedures for the automated processing of document
control records are in Automated Document Control.
5.5.4. Filing Documents. Purpose: To explain the quality control procedures for filing documents. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. General Procedures for Filing Documents. LRS/Materiel Management activities
to follow the procedures outlined below concerning the filing of documents. Required Checks. Before filing documents, complete all required quality control
check outlined in this manual. Once all checks for completeness are accomplished, the
document(s) may be filed. Document Filing. Arrange documents in Julian date serial number sequence. Remove the corresponding document control suspense record from the file. Do a quality control check. If the document control suspense record and
the source document do not match, correct the errors using the instructions in
paragraph 5.6 If the DCR and the source document match scan document control
images for upload into ILS-S, upload images directly into ILS-S and complete the
validation within ILS-S regardless of the position code in position 53. All materiel management activities will retain all source documents
with TRICS ISU, DOR, MSI, SHP, AXA, BSU, FCH, and FCU for 75 months (6
years and 3 months) regardless of what is in position 53. (T-1). The materiel
management accounts with an applicable materiel management automated
tracking system do not need to maintain paper copies if the transaction was
processed through this automated system. These transactions must be retained in
this automated system for 75 months. All other transactions output documents
will be stored using the ILS-S Digital Document Control capability.
290 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 MRSP/IRSP/MSK Transfer (1WD/NGV471). Regardless of the flag found in
position 53, all document control records will be cleared by uploading and validating the
image within ILS-S, with one exception. The 1WD document generates multiple
transactions associated to the one document. Upload the 1WD document as a single
image within ILS-S. Then clear the first 1WD record with the uploaded document, and
clear the remaining DCRs by clicking the process 1SI button within ILS-S.
5.5.5. Processing Degraded Operations Documents. Purpose: To explain the procedures for processing degraded operations
documents. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. General Procedures for Processing Degraded Operations Documents.
LRS/Materiel Management activities are to follow the procedures outlined below
concerning the processing of degraded operations documents. General Issues, Releases, and Shipments. Once the appropriate signature has
been obtained, Document Control will receive copy 1 of all degraded operations
documents. Maintain these documents in a suspense file according to ascending Julian
date serial number. When the transaction appears on the Document Register, perform quality
control. Upload the document into ILS-S to complete the validation process and file
the handwritten accountable materiel management document in the permanent
document file. Returns. Inbound Cargo or designated return point will send a copy of all returns
to Document Control. Maintain returns in a suspense file in document number order. When the return appears on the Document Register, perform quality
control checks outlined in AFMAN 23-122, Quality Control of Records and AFH 23-
123. Note: Single returns with partial credit return require special processing. There
will be two document control records (DCR) representing a separate transaction for
these returns. Consider the total action quantity shown when performing the quality
control check. When reversal action is required, process separate inputs for each
5.5.6. The Delinquent Document Listing. Purpose: To explain the quality control procedures for managing the Delinquent
Document Listing. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123. General Procedures for the Delinquent Document Listing. LRS/Materiel
Management Activities are to follow the procedures outlined below concerning the
management of the Delinquent Document Listing.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 291 Obtain current Delinquent Document Listing within ILS-S. Review Listing. Verify that the documents were not previously given to
Document Control personnel. Contact applicable section delinquent document
monitors to verify location/status of particular document(s). Hold delinquent
document meetings as needed with LRS/Materiel Management Activities. Distribute the Listing. Any user can review the Delinquent Document
Listing within ILS-S. Only those assigned the document control capability will be
allowed to insert comments and clear document control records as outlined in the
ILS-S User’s Manual. Annotate listing. Annotate the ILS-S Document Control Listing to mark
the documents still being processed and the flight responsible. Destruction of the delinquent listing. The ILS-S Document Control
electronic listing is refreshed every 4 hours and new records obtained once a day. All
annotation remain in place until the document control record is cleared. Further Actions for Delinquent Documents. Begin aggressive action to
locate documents the first day they appear on the delinquent document listing and
continue the research on the second day. When a document is still missing after it
appears on three daily listings. Obtain a duplicate or prepare a replacement. Actions
will depend on the type of document being reviewed and at what stage in processing
it is lost or missing. Lost Documents. If the intended receiver has no record of and does
not have the property, prepare a replacement document, initiate a mandatory
special inventory, and complete issue or shipping action. If the special inventory
shows that a shortage exists, Inventory will start proper action. The inventory
results will support the complete inventory adjustment. When no shortage exists,
file the completed replacement document. No record reversal action is necessary. Lost document certification. If a signed copy of 1, 2, 3, or 4 from the
original set or a reproduction cannot be found, then a replacement document will
be created with a certificate of lost document stamped or typed on the Document
Control copy. This certificate will state that a thorough search has been made.
Include any other details important enough to mention. Forward to Document
Control for filing. Note: A duplicate means copy 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the original
document. A replacement is a hand scribed or typed copy to look like the original. Procedures for lost DLADS shipping documents: First, see if a
duplicate copy of the lost shipping document exists. Contact the
custodian/activity, local LRS/transportation activity, or the local DLADS that was
to receive the property to see if copy 2, 3, or 4 of the shipping document is
available. If a duplicate copy is available, it may be used without certification. If
it is not, then prepare a replacement. The replacement will be signed by the
intended custodian or activity, the local LRS/transportation activity, or the local
DLADS. Send a copy of the certified document to the intended receiver.
292 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Follow-up. Complete follow-up actions on delinquent documents each day
until the document(s) are received. Notify Leadership as necessary.
5.5.7. Delinquent Shipment Listing. Purpose: To explain the procedures for management of the Delinquent Shipment
Listing. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. General Procedures for Management of the Delinquent Shipment Listing.
LRS/Materiel Management Activities are to follow the procedures outlined below
concerning the management of the Delinquent Shipment Listing. This listing provides
Document Control with a list of all shipment transactions for which the SSC detail or
SNC detail has not been updated with transportation data (TCN, in checker code, in
checker date, mode of shipment, and date shipped) using the SSC input. Detailed
instructions for the Delinquent Shipment Listing are contained in ILS-S User’s Manual,
Chapter 17. Additionally, more information concerning Shipment Suspense detail
records can be found in AFH 23-123. Processing Frequency. Document Control requests that the delinquent shipment
listing be processed every 2 weeks. When the base is using the automated applicable ILS-
S/CMOS interface, the listing should be processed each week. More information on the
interface of the materiel management and transportation systems can be found in
paragraph 7.3 and AFH 23-123. Output. The delinquent shipment listing is produced in six parts: Parts I and II contain delinquent SSC and SNC records which have not
been updated with transportation data. Parts I and II are not produced when the base
is using the automated ILS-S/CMOS interface. Part III contains both SSC and SNC detail records for which the
LRS/transportation activity has provided only an estimated date the item was shipped
and a transportation hold code was not provided. These details are identified by an
asterisk (*) in position 1 of the TCN field. Part III is not produced when the base is
using the automated ILS-S/CMOS interface. Part IV contains a separate list of delinquent shipment suspense detail
records for all transfers to DLADS which were shipped through the base
LRS/transportation activity channels but have not been updated with an SSC input.
The delinquent shipment listing determines whether LRS/transportation activity or
the LRS/Materiel Management Activity delivery was used for disposal documents by
checking the “TMO-DRMO-DELIVERY-FLG” on the 516 record. If the flag is set to
a “T”, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity delivers the shipment directly to
DLADS. This part is not produced if DLADS shipments are delivered directly by the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity or if the base is using the automated ILS-
S/CMOS interface.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 293 Part V is produced only when the automated ILS-S/CMOS interface is
being used. The listing contains all SSC and SNC records for which the
LRS/transportation activity has not provided an in checker code and in checker date. Part VI is produced for those SSC and SNC records where the in checker
code and date are present but the TCN and Mode of Shipment are blank. Processing Parts I, II, and IV for Bases not using the ILS-S/CMOS
Interface. Document Control Actions. To process parts I, II, and IV details, check 1)
previous delinquent shipment listings provided by the LRS/transportation activity for
transportation data, 2) any unprocessed transportation data provided by the
LRS/transportation activity and 3) delinquent document files. Line off any entry on the
listing found during the above checks so the LRS/transportation activity does not review
these details. Enter any unprocessed transportation data found on an SSC input and
process to the ILS-S. Forward the updated delinquent shipment listing (original and one
copy) to the LRS/transportation activity within 1 calendar day after receiving the listing. LRS/transportation activity processing actions. To process the delinquent
shipment listing, the LRS/transportation activity will follow the steps below: Review the delinquent shipment listing against appropriate materiel
management documents. Return copies of these documents with the listing if they have not
previously been provided to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. When copies have been sent to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity,
the LRS/transportation activity will enter the transportation data on the listing and
return the annotated listing to Document Control for processing of an SSC input. When the LRS/transportation activity cannot provide either hold data or
TCN/GBL, but is sure the shipment was made on a specific Julian date, it will
provide these data. Document Control Actions. When Document Control receives copies of transportation documents or
the annotated delinquent shipment listing, enter the TCN/GBL data in the SSCs and
input them to the ILS-S. When the LRS/transportation activity is sure a shipment was made on a
specific Julian date but cannot provide hold data or TCN/GBL, Document Control
will check to see that a completed shipment document signed by the
LRS/transportation activity is on file. When a document is on file, then enter the
following data on the SSC input: an asterisk (*) in position 62 and the Julian date of
the shipment in positions 63-66. Next process the SSC image to update the SSC
294 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Part III Processing for Bases without CMOS Interface. Part III of the
delinquent shipment listing contains SSC/SNC details for which the
LRS/transportation activity has provided an estimated date shipped and a
transportation hold code was not provided. The estimated date shipped, as provided
by the LRS/ transportation activity, will appear in the date shipped field of the
SSC/SNC detail. This part of the listing provides information about the number of
shipments the LRS/transportation activity makes for which the ILS-S has been
provided no TCN/GBL or hold code. If the LRS/transportation activity has the
TCN/GBL for a shipment that appears in this part of the listing, it will send a copy of
the materiel management document along with the listing. Document Control will
then use the TCN/GBL to process the appropriate SSC input and update the
SSC/SNC detail. Part V Processing for Bases with CMOS Interface. Part V of the
delinquent shipment listing will include those SSC/SNC details which have no in
checker number or in checker date in the detail. This is an indication that the
LRS/transportation activity has not received the property for shipment. Document Control must check with the section shipping the materiel to
ensure the property has been moved, and no delays in shipping have occurred. (T-2).
When delays have occurred, line through the items that have not been forwarded to
the LRS/transportation activity for shipment. Forward the listing to the
LRS/transportation activity. The LRS/transportation activity will use the listing to
either provide transportation data or annotate the listing with no record of the
shipment found. The listing will then be returned to Document Control. For any item that the LRS/transportation activity has no record of the
shipment, record reversal or special inventory procedures will be followed. When inventory results indicate an overage equal to (or greater than)
the quantity on the shipment document exists then prepare a certified replacement
document and complete the shipping action. No inventory adjustment for the
shipment quantity or record reversal and correction action is necessary. When inventory results do not indicate an overage equal to (or
greater than) the quantity on the shipment document exists then further research
may be necessary. Part VI Processing for Bases with CMOS Interface. Part VI of the
delinquent shipment listing will include those SSC/SNC details which have the in
checker code and date in the detail but lack the TCN and Mode of Shipment. This is
an indication that the LRS/transportation activity has received the property but not
released it for shipment. Part VI should be annotated and forwarded directly to the
LRS/transportation activity for research. The LRS/transportation activity must
provide the missing data and conduct research to verify receipt by the consignee of
the shipment. The listing will then be returned to Document Control. Note: Manually
processed SSCs must also include the date shipped. This date is used to Shipment
Suspense Record deletion during follow-up.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 295
5.5.8. Monitoring Authorizations to Receipt for Property. Purpose: To explain the procedures for monitoring authorizations to receipt for
property. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. General Procedures for Monitoring Authorizations to Receipt for Property.
LRS/Materiel Management activities are to follow the procedures outlined below
concerning the monitoring authorizations to receipt for property. Initiating Activity Responsibilities. The organization commander to include the
LRS APO must do the following: Submit a letter to the Customer Support which identifies individuals
authorized to receive classified and NWRM property. (T-1). The letter will contain
the data elements specified in AFH 23-123, Receipt Authorization Record for
Classified/NWRM Property. For munitions, the initiating activity will follow the specific requirements
in AFMAN 21-201 and AFMAN 21-204, Nuclear Weapons Maintenance. For Classified equipment, the initiating activity will submit all requests to
appoint or change a custodian directly to the EAE. EAE maintains the custodian
authorization receipt file according to paragraph 5.4 EAE will provide a copy of this
request (letter) to Document Control or Customer Support so they can update the
Authorization Receipt Listing and notify internal LRS/Materiel Management Activity
agencies of the change/update. (T-1). Every June and December the initiating activity reviews the Authorization
Receipt Listing provided by the LRS APO, annotates required changes, signs and
dates the listing, and returns it to the LRS APO. Retain the Classified and NWRM Authorization Receipt Listing from
Document Control or Customer Support until it receives an updated listing. (T-1). Responsibility of the LRS APO. The LRS APO will provide a letter of receipt
authorization to activities that can process classified and NWRM property. (T-1). This
letter will identify the LRS/Materiel Management Activity representatives authorized to
receive classified and NWRM property. Responsibilities of Document Control or Customer Support. For classified
receipt authorizations for and NWRM property, Document Control or Customer Support
will: Prepare Classified and NWRM Authorization Receipt Listing from the
receipt authorizations. Document Control will send a complete copy to each internal
LRS/Materiel Management Activity. (T-1). One copy will be used to provide
supported activities with a list of individuals authorized to receive classified and
NWRM property for their organization.
296 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Record all changes to the current Classified and NWRM Authorization
Receipt Listing. Beginning with 1, number each change to the listing. Notify internal
LRS/Materiel Management Activity activities and the supported agencies either by
letter or listing. Note: Changes to the current activity requesting the change, receipt
listing do not require processing a complete new listing. Perform a semiannual revalidation of authorizations to receipt for classified
and NWRM property each June and December. The validations are done by sending
organizations a copy of their portion of the authorization listing which is prepared
from the file maintained according to this paragraph. Necessary additions, changes,
and deletions are annotated by the organizations and the listings are returned to
Document Control or Customer Support. Document Control or Customer Support
then updates the file and produces a new, updated listing for distribution according to
this paragraph.
5.6. Record Reversal and Correction.
5.6.1. Record Reversal and Correction Research. Purpose: To explain the record reversal and correction research procedures
process. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Inadequate research and subject knowledge could result in
rejects or erroneous inventory adjustments (e.g., Transaction Identification Codes
(TRICs), Type Transaction Phrase Codes (TTPC), and reversal sequence). A list of
reversible TRICs and TTPCs are located in AFH 23-123. The key is the word “reverse.”
The reversible transactions that appear on the CTH will be processed in reversal order
according to TRICs and TTPCs. The AF Form 13, Record Reversal & Correction
Worksheet is used to document all record reversal transaction data. The worksheet will be
signed by all approving officials prior to processing any record reversal transactions. The
approving official’s signature certifies information on the Record Reversal & Correction
Worksheet as accurate and all applicable research was conducted. Note: Record Reversal
& Correction for NWRM require more stringent research and approval authority. The following actions are performed in order: From research: determine the TRICs, TTPCs, and record reversal
processing order utilizing appropriate IT systems. Process a stock number inquiry to obtain interchangeable items and
substitutes in appropriate IT system. Process a consolidated transaction history record (CTH) on all related
stock numbers in appropriate IT system.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 297 After determining that a record reversal correction is needed: assign freeze
code “Q” to all affected item records utilizing the appropriate IT systems. Information
addressing Freeze Code “Q” and its effects on record reversal and correction in the
appropriate IT system is located in AFH 23-123 Item Record Preparation for Record
Reversal. Note: AFMC will coordinate with the LRS/Materiel Management Activity
prior to processing record reversal and correction transactions on shipments and
RDOs to ensure property has not departed from the base. Print a copy of the freeze code load notice and attach it to the reversal
record source document. Fill out the Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet for processing of the
correct TRIC/TTPC transaction sequence. Forward the Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet with the correct
supporting documentation to the LRS/CC’s designated personnel to process reversal
inputs. Determine the proper sequence for record reversal. When responsible for record
reversals determine the proper sequence of each transaction, e.g., due-out releases
(DORs) before receipts (RECs), etc. When processing the record reversal, coordinate with Asset Management to
determine correct quantities, unit of issue or stock numbers when necessary to ensure
accurate processing of the record reversal.
5.6.2. Automated Record Reversal. Purpose: To explain the reversal inputs for Automated Record Reversal from the
Consolidated Transaction History records that has been researched by the initiator. For
guidance specific requirements review, AFI-23-101 and for IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123. General Discussion: Only one TRIC can be processed at a time when utilizing
this program. Be sure to process the individual TRICs in the reversal order identified. All
information and requirements for normal record reversal processing also applies to the
automated record reversal. Inputs on the applicable IT systems require the TTPC, date,
and serial number of the transaction to reverse. This includes TTPCs from all stock
numbers that are applicable to the transaction being reversed. Review all prefilled areas on record reversal screen for accuracy before
input. Ensure the cursor is placed at the end of the last field on the screen before
5.6.3. Steps of Document Distribution. Purpose: To identify possible steps to ensure the capture of record reversal and
correction documentation. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for
IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. This procedure will help with the quality assurance of the process of getting the
reversal out of the system.
298 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The initiator will forward the Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet
and supporting documentation to the assigned supervisor for approval. Upon supervisor approval, the initiator will provide the Record Reversal &
Correction Worksheet and supporting documentation to the Flight Chief/Materiel
Management Flight Commander for approval. After Flight Chief/Materiel Management Flight Commander approval, the
initiator will provide the Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet and supporting
documentation to the Record Reversal & Correction Action monitor for processing of
the reversal. The initiator records the dates and transaction serial numbers on the record
reversal and correction log. Sample log is located in Document Identifier Code
(DIC)/Transaction Identifier Code (TRIC) Authorized Record Reversal, AFH 23-123.
If the type of transaction was a receipt and multiple inputs were required, enter the
date and transaction serial numbers which were applicable to type transaction phrase
codes (2T, 1Y, or 1W), since no output documents are created for these TTPCs. Record Reversal and Correction Action monitor will forward the Record
Reversal & Correction Worksheet and supporting documentation to Document
Control for filing. AFMC will process their own record reversal and correction
actions. AFMC will retain record reversal and correction documentation and will
forward a copy to the base for document control purposes. An additional copy of the Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet will be
provided to the initiator for corrective action after the reversal transaction to ensure
all reversal actions were completed. After verification of completion of all reversal actions, additional copies of
the Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet should be destroyed. Notify stock control of all transactions affecting unserviceable details in
order to report or to delete excess detail records.
5.6.4. Forced Record Alteration. Purpose: Occasionally, there will be conditions created on a database that cannot
be corrected by processing normal transactions. When these conditions exist the records
must be altered or deleted. It is mandatory that all errors should be corrected by
processing a normal input or a series of inputs, such as file maintenance, reverse-post, or
inventory adjustments in lieu of a Forced Record Alteration. Refer to ILS-S User’s
Manual, Chapter 34 for information on the forced record alteration process. Attention: Forced Record Alteration processing input images are not written to
audit trail tape.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 299 Forced Record Alteration processing. This program will permit alteration or
deletion of records on the database. The execution of this program is restricted and
should only be executed by personnel who are familiar with database management
system commands and the structure of the database. All Forced Record Alteration
requests will be reviewed and approved by the Materiel Management Flight
Commander/Chief and AFMC. AFMC and Contingency account Record Alteration
Requests will be reviewed/approved by AFMC only. After documentation has been reviewed and approved the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity requesting activity will submit a Forced Record Alteration
request using the AFMC website for processing. If the reason for the request was for
system related errors include the Difficulty Report (DIREP) or Computer Systems
Discrepancy (CSD) ticket number as part of the Forced Record Alteration
documentation. After processing the Force Record Alteration, AFMC will provide
notification of the Forced Record Alteration requests completion with the Forced
Record Alteration Change Request serial number, as well as the date completed. The
results recorded in the ILS-S audit trail will indicate if Accounting and Finance
(A&F) and satellites or other type stock record account records were affected. For
base level generated Forced Record Alterations, base level personnel will capture the
number of Forced Record Alterations and serial numbers for the month for filing via
AFMC website. The original copy of the document, all supporting documentation, and a
signed Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836 will
be filed in the Document Control. Each month, verify the accuracy of the Forced Record Alterations file.
Compare the number of Forced Record Alterations requests file with the AFMC
website. If number of Forced Record Alterations requests and the number of Forced
Record Alterations completed do not agree, the following procedure is used to
account for and correct the difference: Conduct an extensive search to determine the reason for the
disagreement. Note: The serial number for a Forced Record Alteration request is
stored on the AFMC Forced Record Alterations website. Do not confuse this
serial number with the Remedy system discrepancy report number. The section supervisor must submit a letter explaining the reason for
the difference, complete with support documents (copies of AFMC Forced
Record Alterations website reports/audit trail results, etc.). When a complete record is lost and must be reconstructed on the
database, use the applicable inputs to reestablish the record. For example, if an
item record is lost, use a FIL input to reload the record; use an inventory
adjustment input to establish the serviceable balance (if applicable) and execute
the Force Record Alteration to enter applicable data in other fields that cannot be
entered with normal inputs.
300 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
5.6.5. Query Language Processor (QLP) with Update. Purpose: It is mandatory that all ERRORS should be corrected by processing a
normal input or a series of inputs, such as file maintenance, reverse-post, or inventory
adjustments, in lieu of QLP with Update. When there are conditions created on a database
that cannot be corrected by processing normal transactions and Query Language
Processor (QLP) Update will be required. For guidance specific requirements review AFI
23-101. For IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual. General Discussion: AFMC will provide the DISA OKC with a request letter of
individuals authorized to process QLP with Update. QLP with Update. All QLP with update transactions will be
coordinated/approved by AFMC. AFMC will maintain a control log of all QLPs with
update. The log will contain the date; serial number; reasons for use, including
database/areas affected; who authorized use; names of personnel using the program; and
what was changed. AFMC personnel will provide the electronic copy to the
requesting/owning account for filing through the AFMC website. The Materiel
Management Activity will process the hard copy output resulting from use of QLP with
update in the same manner as a Forced Record Alteration document, annotated with the
information from the control log, and filed in Document Control. AFMC will take all output from this process and follow the rules of
documenting and filing output required for Forced Record Alterations. A write once/read
only electronic media may be used in lieu of printed output. The documentation must
state why Forced Record Alterations or other inputs could not be used to modify the
records and approval official's name and rank. Document Control will file the output with
the Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836. Wing and MAJCOM inspectors, along with AF Audit personnel, can request
from DISA OKC personnel a list of user-IDs, dates, and times that QLP with Update was
invoked (by researching audit trail tapes and spooled master console data), to provide a
check of compliance with this manual.
5.7. Physical Inventory and Inventory Adjustments.
5.7.1. Establish and Distribute an Inventory Schedule. Purpose: To provide an inventory schedule by fiscal year to ensure all items
assigned a warehouse location and on a detail record are inventoried at prescribed
frequencies. For guidance specific requirements and frequency review AFI 23-101,
Chapter 5. For other guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual. The inventory schedule will ensure all commodities outlined in AFI 23-101 are
schedule to not exceed required inventory frequency. Work with each warehouse/activity
to create schedule which will be used to create the warehouse location validation. The following actions will be performed to establish and distribute an Inventory
Schedule: Determine the length of time and the number of items for inventory, so that
normal LRS/Materiel Management Activity operations do not suffer.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 301 Physical Inventory Control Section establishes an inventory schedule by
fiscal year. Prepare and publish an inventory count schedule using letter format. Establish an inventory deadline as the date on which the inventory begins.
The balance on the computer record as of the deadline date is the balance with which
the inventory count input balance is compared. Provide copies of the inventory schedule to all affected sections/elements
or flights. The LRS APO will notify supported unit commanders of upcoming
scheduled inventories. EAE functions will notify the appropriate unit equipment/SPRAM
custodians of the inventory schedule to allow proper time to generate necessary
documents, listings, resolve discrepancies etc. in preparation for the inventory.
5.7.2. Preparing the Warehouse for Inventory Count. Purpose: Provide guidance on preparing the warehouse for an inventory count.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123. All actions applicable to the location scheduled for inventory must be processed
at least 1 day before the inventory deadline date. Warehouse personnel accomplish the following to prepare for an inventory
count: Validate the warehouse location within 10 workdays prior to the date the
inventory is to begin. See paragraph 5.3 of this manual for more information on
procedures to conduct warehouse validations. Isolate and identify the area scheduled for inventory by clearly marking the
parameters of the area with ropes, signs, etc. Signs marking off the area must state the
inventory deadline date so warehouse personnel can monitor transactions occurring
before that date. Limit movement of assets in the areas to be inventoried to emergency
issues and to transactions occurring before the inventory deadline date. When property is removed from an area under inventory on or after
the inventory deadline date, record the transactions on a recap sheet. As a
minimum, entries on the recap sheet must include stock number, system
designator, quantity, document number, appropriate transaction identification
code, and warehouse location. Items received during inventory are held in the Inbound Cargo hold
area if sufficient space is available. When not, the materiel, a copy of the receipt,
and a copy of the applicable IT system notice indicating the stock number is
frozen for inventory will be held in the warehouse storage hold area.
5.7.3. Complete Inventory Count Procedures.
302 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Purpose: To provide instructions for performing complete inventory counts. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123 or the ILS-S User’s Manual. The identification of a potential inventory variance (gain or loss) on a classified
item constitutes a potential compromise of classified information and will be reported
immediately upon discovery in accordance with AFI 16-1404. For NWRM, see AFI 20-
110 for additional reporting requirements. General Procedures for Conducting Complete Inventory Counts: Steps to
prepare the warehouse for inventory must be completed before the inventory count
deadline date. Perform complete inventory counts using the closed warehouse-method of
inventory. See AFI 23-101 for additional information on closed warehouse method. The Inventory Management function in ILS-S will be used to record and
submit inventory counts for ILS-S accounts. Inventory count listings (and count
images) will be available in ILS-S Inventory Management function after the
applicable inventory parameter is processed by AFMC. See ILS-S User’s Manual for
IT guidance. Note: ILS-S system queries will not be used as the official tool to
perform this function. Inventory count parameter requests for ILS-S accounts will be
submitted to AFMC one calendar day before the inventory count deadline date
(See AFH 23-123 for inventory parameter request format).To ensure frequency
requirements are met, inventory parameters will be processed once a month with
the Date of Last Inventory (DOLI) option. For example, two separate Inventory
Count File parameters will be processed for in-warehouse assets that will become
overdue in the schedule month: one to identify item records that will not meet the
365-day/annual requirement (e.g., consumables and recoverables) and another for
the 180-day/ semi-annual requirements (e.g., classified and COMSEC). DOLI options will be processed to identify detail records that will
become overdue in the scheduled month (e.g., Supply Point, Equipment, SPRAM,
WCDO, MSK, Special Spares, RSP, Unserviceable DIFM, COMSEC and SA/LW
Serialized Details, etc.). Process all Item and detail record inventories through
ILS-S so DOLI’s are updated within inventory frequencies outlined in AFI 23-
101. Retrieve the Inventory Count Listing from ILS-S Inventory Management
function. Count listings may be printed or downloaded to a handheld terminal (HHT). Physically count and record the warehoused/in-use quantity for each item
listed on the Inventory Count Listing. When the inventory count is completed, inventory personnel must submit
the Physical Count Quantity on each Inventory Count Record through ILS-S
Inventory Management function for processing in the ILS-S (See AFH 23-123 for
Inventory Count Format). (T-1).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 303 When the count quantity and the item record/detail quantity are
equal, the IT system will update the Date of Last Inventory and remove inventory
freeze codes. No further action is required. When the count quantity and the item record/detail quantity are
unequal, the following actions are accomplished: The IT system updates the applicable inventory accuracy
record, creates a transaction history, and produces an inventory recount image.
(See AFH 23-123 for the inventory recount format). Physically recount the inventory materiel in the location
indicated on the inventory recount image and record the count balance. Note:
To comply with DoDM 4140.01, Vol. 11, materiel recounts must be blind and
where feasible, not be performed by the original inventory counter. Update inventory recount images with the recount quantity and
input into the appropriate materiel management IT system (AFH 23-123 for
the inventory recount format). AF policy allows programmatic/automatic inventory
adjustments for items meeting defined criteria (See AFH 23-123 for detailed
automatic adjustment criteria). When unequal physical inventory recounts do not qualify
for programmatic/automatic adjustment, additional research must be
conducted (See Researching out-of-balance Inventory conditions of this
section for complete research procedures and documentation requirements). Inventory count completion. Review Daily Document Registers and Transaction Histories to
ensure all item movement recorded on recap sheets is processed immediately after
count/recount processing. Recap sheets may be destroyed after verifying all
transactions are recorded in the appropriate materiel management IT system. Advise applicable elements/sections/flights the inventory count has
been completed after all count/recount records and subsequent transactions have
been processed. When the last inventory count transaction for an inventory is
accepted, an Inventory Completion Notice will be recorded in the ILS-S Audit
Trail. Inventory Completion Notices are viewable by querying Transaction Name
“ICN” in ILS-S Audit Trail. Print output and file with monthly inventory
adjustment listing. Complete Inventory Counts of Supply Points. The general procedures for complete inventory recounts apply to
supply point inventory recounts except as detailed below.
304 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Process Supply Point Listing (see AFH 23-123) to create the
count record database file. Use ILS-S Inventory Management function to print
a list of count images for supply point items in document number sequence or
download the count images into a HHT. Inventory count personnel advise
Flight Service Center personnel of applicable supply points undergoing
inventory count to ensure emergency issues/shipments are recorded on recap
sheets. Note: ILS-S queries will not be used as the official tool to perform this
function. Inventory count personnel perform the physical count of local
supply point assets. LRS APO personnel may conduct a joint inventory with
CCI/COMSEC monitor. All other supply point custodians will assist
Inventory Count Personnel as required. Off-base inventory counts are conducted in the same way as
local supply point inventory counts, except that Inventory Count Personnel
send only the inventory count listing to the supervisor of the supply point.
Inventory Count Personnel retains the remainder of the Supply Point Listing
and appropriate Issues and Inquiries until the inventory count has been
completed. The supply point supervisor is responsible for conducting the
inventory count and for returning the listing to Inventory Count Personnel. For
satellite accounts, the inputs are returned to satellite Inventory Count
Personnel. Note: When the annual inventory count is to be conducted at the
same time as the reconciliation, the Supply Point Listing will be distributed by
the supply point monitor within the Flight Service Center. Inventory Count Personnel processes inventory recount inputs
for supply points through the ILS-S Inventory Management function. Satellite
account supply point inventory recounts are input by satellite account
Inventory Count Personnel Inventory Count Personnel can reconstruct lost count or recount
inputs by obtaining the required data from the count listing. Complete Inventory Counts of MSK/MRSP Assets. The general procedures for complete inventory recounts apply to
MSK/MRSP inventory recounts except as detailed below. Note: For recoverable
and consumable MSK/MRSP items, the item records are not frozen during annual
inventories For receipt of an MRSP transferred or loaned from another unit;
conduct an inventory in accordance with AFI 23-101, Table 5.5. Inventory counts for off base (non-deployed) MSK/MRSP may be
conducted by managing unit. LRS APO has the option to send inventory count
personnel to the off-base location if warranted. The managing unit signs and forward listing to LRS. Inventory
personnel will update DOLI accordingly.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 305 Listing will be filed in Document Control in accordance with
AFRIMS. Complete Inventory Counts of WCDO/IRSP Assets. The general procedures for complete inventory recounts apply to
WCDO/IRSP asset inventory recounts except as detailed below. WCDO/IRSP items collocated with normal retail warehouse stock.
When WCDO/IRSP spares are stored in the same bin location as normal retail
stock and DO NOT have an RSP warehouse location assigned, conduct the
inventory by doing the following: Process Inventory Count Listing (see AFH 23-123) and use
ILS-S Inventory Management function to print a list of count images or
download the count images into a HHT. Segregated WCDO/IRSP spares. When WCDO/IRSP spares are
stored separately from normal retail stock, and a RSP warehouse location is
assigned, conduct the inventory by doing the following: Process WCDO list using the inventory select option (See AFH
23-123). Process IRSP using the inventory select option (See AFH 23-
123). Use ILS-S Inventory Management function to print a list of
count images or download the count images into a HHT. MAJCOMs authorized IRSP will ensure local inventory procedures
are developed and coordinated with the storing activity when these assets are not
stored in the LRS APO storage facility. Inventory Count Personnel provides the
storing activity with an annual inventory count schedule. The inventory count is
jointly accomplished by personnel from Inventory Count Personnel and the
storing activity. Complete Inventory Counts of Sensitive, CCI/COMSEC in the warehouse
and on MRSP. The general procedures for complete inventory apply to
CCI/COMSEC MRSP inventory recounts except as detailed below. In addition to scheduling inventories, Inventory Count Personnel
submits the applicable inventory parameter to AFMC and takes the following
actions: Advise the applicable custodian of the inventory count date so
all transactions can be recorded on a recap sheet. Obtain the required inventory count list from ILS-S Inventory
Management function. Send the MRSP custodian the inventory count list.
Note: ILS-S queries will not be used as the official tool to perform this
306 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 RSP personnel will perform a 100% physical inventory count by
serial number. (T-1). Physically verify the serial number on the item to the serial
number on inventory list; enter the quantity on hand on the inventory count list,
and return to Inventory Count Personnel for processing. Overage/Shortage of CCI/COMSEC. If the physical inventory count
does not agree with the supply system inventory balances, an inventory recount
image is produced. Inventory Count Personnel must notify the LRS APO, the
CCI/COMSEC custodian, and the organization commander of a possible
overage/shortage of CCI/COMSEC. (T-1). Inventory Count Personnel will assist the RSP personnel in
performing the required research (for additional information on research see
Researching Out-Of-Balance Inventory Conditions). Note: For equipment
items, coordinate with EAE for additional research and corrective actions. When the cause of the overage/shortage cannot be determined,
the LRS APO or organization commander notifies the appropriate security
manager to initiate an inquiry into the probable compromise. Process the
probable compromise per DoDM 5100.76, AFI 16-1404 and DoD 7000.14-R.
Note: The COMSEC/CCI custodian / equipment custodian is responsible for
any additional reporting actions (see AFMAN 17-1302-O, Communications
Security (COMSEC) Operations, for additional information on COMSEC/CCI
materiel). Conduct complete inventory counts of BEAR Unit Type Codes (UTC
upon return from a deployment). When the annual inventory count schedule is completed, Inventory Count
personnel prepares an inventory parameter request using the Stand-Alone DOLI
option (See AFH 23-123, Vol 2) to produce inventory count outputs for item records
that contain a warehouse location or serviceable balance but have not been
inventoried in the past 365 days or in the last 180 days for sensitive and classified
5.7.4. Special Inventory Count Procedures. Purpose: To provide instructions for performing special inventory counts to
reconcile out-of-balance conditions discovered during other than complete inventory
counts. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101; for IT specific guidance
use AFH 23-123 or ILS-S User’s Manual. The identification of a potential inventory variance (gain or loss) on a classified
item constitutes a potential compromise of classified information and will be reported
immediately upon discovery per AFI 17-1703-O. For NWRM items, see AFI 20-110 for
additional reporting instructions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 307 Conducting Special Inventory Counts: The following paragraphs explain
generalized procedures for requesting and conducting special inventory counts. If an
inventory functional section/element does not exist at satellite accounts, the host base
performs the special inventory. Note: Special inventory counts do not satisfy the
requirement for complete inventories. Special Inventory Interrogations are required for: Insufficient Balance. When an insufficient balance exists for a
degraded ops transaction, item condition code changes, or identity changes, the
appropriate materiel management IT System will programmatically freeze the
item record. Inventory Count Personnel will receive the degraded ops transaction
reject and the special inventory request. Warehouse Refusal. For warehouse refusals, the
warehouse/stockroom supervisor will process the special inventory request and
forward the output notice to Inventory Count Personnel. Other. Inventory Count Personnel are required to process the request
for other special inventory requirements. Process a Special Inventory Interrogation Input (see AFH 23-123) to freeze
the item record and details with freeze code “I” and produce a Special Inventory
Count Output Notice (see AFH 23-123) containing pertinent asset, detail, and history
information. Transactions that do not affect the serviceable balance of a frozen item
record will be allowed to process. Inventory Count Personnel will manage a Special Inventory Suspense file. Retain the suspense file copy of the Special Inventory Interrogation
Inputs and reject notices. Automated files will be used in lieu of paper. After the inventory count is complete, pull the suspense copy for
distribution. Return a copy of the annotated Special Inventory Interrogation Input
to the requesting activity. If an automated file is used, notify the requester and
delete the record. Destroy the suspense copy for policy-directed special inventories
(e.g., control item change or critical item code change). Count the items in the bin location reflected on the Special Inventory
Count Output Notice (See AFH 23-123). When the item count is equal to the quantity indicated in the output notice,
process a Special Inventory Input transaction using the format provided in AFH 23-
123. Note: When a TEX Code is in the input, it appears on the M10/NGV836,
Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register for the management review. When the item count is not equal to the quantity indicated in the output
notice, conduct research to determine the cause and appropriate actions to correct the
out-of-balance condition. See this section for details about how to conduct the
research. Note: Research is not required for items meeting automatic adjustment
criteria per AFI 23-101.
308 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When the research is complete and corrective actions have been taken,
process an inventory recount input using the format provided in AFH 23-123. Special Inventory Procedures for Selected Conditions. The following paragraphs
detail additional special inventory count procedures as they apply to specific conditions. Warehouse Refusals or Insufficient Balance Rejects. When Inventory Count Personnel receive warehouse refusals without
a Special Inventory Output Notice (see AFH 23-123) attached, they should
prepare and process a Special Inventory Interrogation Input, TEX code “P” (see
AFH 23-123) for the item(s). Distribution of Warehouse Refusal Documents. The distribution
of warehouse refusal documents depends upon the outcome of the special
inventory count. Assets Not Found. If Inventory Count Personnel cannot find the
assets associated with the warehouse refusal, distribute the related documents. Issue Documents (to include Bench Stock Issues). Distribute
issue documents as follows: copy 1 to Document Control; copy 2 to Input
source; copy 3 to Organization; copy 4 to the Flight Service Center. Shipping Documents. Distribute shipping documents as
follows: copy 1 to Document Control; copy 2 to Input source; all other copies
will be disposed. Record Reversal Document. Forward the copy of the reverse-
post document (DD Form 1348-1A) to Bench Stock Support, so that the
master bench stock format will be re-input. Assets Found. If Inventory Count Personnel find asset(s)
associated with the warehouse refusal, return the documentation to Storage
personnel for action. For insufficient rejects without a Special Inventory Output Notice,
prepare and process a Special Inventory Interrogation Input (see AFH 23-123). Controlled Item Code Changes. When a controlled item code is upgraded
and the item record has a serviceable balance or a warehouse location, the item record
will be frozen for a special inventory count. Special Inventory count images will be
systematically created when controlled item code changes occur and detail records
have an on-hand balance exist. Inventory count images for DIFM details are created when the DIFM
status flag equals zero and for unserviceable details when the first six positions of
the document number equals R920RW. Unserviceable Asset Special Inventory Counts. Use the
Unserviceable Detail List section of the Repair Cycle Asset Management List to
perform the inventory of unserviceable detail assets.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 309 Notify Personnel. When counting out-of-warehouse assets (DIFM,
supply point, etc.), Inventory Count personnel notify the personnel who are
counting the materiel of the new controlled item code, so that adequate security
measures are taken. Unserviceable Asset Overage. Take the following actions if the special
inventory count result indicates an unserviceable asset overage exists: Unserviceable DIFM item: Overage Found-Unserviceable Detail Already Loaded. If there
is an overage and an unserviceable detail is loaded for the stock number, use
Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123) to increase the detail balance. Overage Found-Unserviceable Detail Not Loaded. Pick up
supply items by processing a Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123) with
TEX code L (found on base) followed by a condition code change (see AFH
23-123). Unserviceable Equipment Items. Inventory works with EAE to
determine if the previous user caused the overage by forwarding a return item to
the unserviceable warehouse location without processing the TIN input. Note:
When dealing with overage of a serialized control item, contact the applicable
Item Manger with the actual serial number of the asset. The Item Manager will be
able to tell who the last owner of the asset was, by organization and shop code,
and Stock Record Account Number (SRAN). Never process a FOB TIN on a
serialized control (CCI/COMSEC/weapon) asset except for those listed in Table
6.2 Previous User Known. When the previous using organization
can be determined, process a P or E activity code return (whichever is
appropriate) using their organization code. This records the unserviceable
detail and updates the authorized/in-use detail record if appropriate. Previous User Unknown. When assets cannot be traced to a
previous user, process a serviceable Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-
123) with TEX code L followed by a Condition Code Change (see AFH 23-
123). This action establishes an unserviceable detail record. Unserviceable Shortages. When there is a shortage, process a Special
Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123) to decrease or delete the unserviceable detail
record. Notify Flight Service Center Personnel of all transactions affecting
unserviceable detail records to ensure reporting, control, and shipment of
unserviceable assets. Identity Changes. When recorded assets or item records require identity
changes, Inventory Count Personnel will work with Inspection and Storage personnel
to provide the data necessary for proper validation and corrective action according to
paragraph 5.9 Problematic warehouse location changes.
310 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Inventory Count Personnel screen the file maintenance transactions
(activity code Y) on Daily Document Resisters to ensure newly assigned
warehouse locations are valid. When new locations are not valid, Inventory Count
Personnel initiates special inventory count procedures to verify the locations and
quantities on hand. When the items are not located, inventory adjustments will be
processed in accordance with this section. When locations are determined to be valid, update the inventory
schedule to ensure locations are included in normal inventory cycle. Misidentified Serialized Control CCI/COMSEC Items. When special
inventory procedures are used to re-identify serialized control CCI/COMSEC items
ensure the following occurs: Process a return to decrease the Authorized-In-Use-Detail record for
the losing stock number. Process a Special Inventory Interrogation Input (see AFH 23-
123) to freeze the stock number on the losing in use detail record. Process a COMSEC/CCI Serialized Control Input-Format Two.
Use type phrase IADDTL. Process a Special Inventory Input to decrease the in use
quantity on the losing in use detail record. Increase the Authorized In-Use Detail record for the gaining stock
number. Process a Special Inventory Interrogation Input (see AFH 23-
123) to freeze the stock number on the gaining in use detail record. Process COMSEC/CCI Serialized Control Input-Format Two.
Use the type phrase IADDTL. Process a Special Inventory Input to increase the in use quantity
on the gaining in use detail record.
5.7.5. Researching Out-Of-Balance Inventory Conditions. Purpose: Provide procedures for researching inventory out-of-balance
conditions. For additional information on research requirements, accounting adjustments,
and determining cause, see AFI 23-101, Chapter 5, and DoD 7000.14-R. For other
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. The identification of a potential inventory variance (gain or loss) on a classified
item or NWRM constitutes a potential compromise of classified information and will be
reported immediately upon discovery in accordance with AFI 17-1302-O. For NWRM,
see AFI 20-110 for additional reporting instructions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 311 General research requirements associated with specific inventory deficiencies.
Research begins with the current date and continues back either one year, to the last
inventory adjustment, or the previous DOLI. Research is not mandatory for automatic
adjustments (see AFH 23-123 for Automatic Adjustment Criteria). Research all variances, including DIFM balances, before input of the
recount to determine cause and correct the following accountable processing errors: Review the Consolidated Transaction History Inquiry Report to find
erroneous transactions. Account for transactions that may not have been posted. Review
unprocessed backlog including warehouse recap sheets, the daily/cumulative
reject listing, and the receiving line for assets that have not been forwarded to
Central Storage. Review Serviceable Balance with no Location function (see ILS-S
User’s Manual) to determine if a different warehouse location was assigned.
Correct warehouse location errors. Review IT audit trail file to determine if a notice to stock is on file
with a warehouse location. Review emergency issues made during complete inventory count to
ensure all physical movement of materiel in and out of the storage bin was
properly recorded. Do any additional research required to review locally established
processes. After research, correct the discrepancies via the following actions as
appropriate: Complete a Record Reversal to correct erroneous transactions
detected during research for resolved discrepancies. Advise Central Storage or the warehousing activity for other type
accounts and satellites to move the property to the correct location or to process a
warehouse location change. Process backlog transactions that include corrected/rejected
documents by other applicable sections or flights for resolved discrepancies. Adjust the count or recount quantity for unresolved discrepancies.
Then reprocess the count or recount image. Document research actions (including discrepancies and corrective action) and
file this document in Document Control as a supporting document. MAJCOM determines
the format and data required. When initial research does not identify the probable cause(s) of inventory loss,
further research may be required. See AFI 23-101 Chapter 5, and DoD 7000.14-R for
additional guidance.
312 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Further research is conducted by a person not supervised by the
accountable or responsible officer. The results of the investigation will be documented on DD Form 200,
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss. Investigating Discrepant DLADS Shipments/Transfers. Intransit control
procedures are an additional control for discrepant DLADS shipments or transfers. They
do not affect inventory adjustment procedures and criteria. Use the inventory procedures
below to investigate and process Disposal Follow-Up from DLADS. When Document Control forwards a copy of the Disposal Follow-Up from
DLADS to Inventory, perform a special inventory to determine why a quantity
variance exists between the quantity shipped/transferred to the DLADS Location and
the quantity reported to the DLADS. Complete the special inventory and return the
Disposal Follow-Up from DLADS to Document Control within ten days. Inventory Personnel determines if the property was removed from the
warehouse and delivered to the DLADS Location or if the property was transferred to
Cargo Movement for shipment to the DLADS Location. If the property is located,
Inventory ensures it is promptly delivered or transferred to the DLADS Location. If the property is not located and one suspects theft or fraud is the reason
property is not in the warehouse or at DLADS Location, document these findings and
present them to the Operations Officer. The Operations Officer reviews the findings
and if warranted, initiates a request for criminal investigation according to AFI 90-
301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution. If the DLADS Location never
received the shipment/transfer, enter an L in position 44 and enter zeros in position
5.7.6. DIFM Inventory Procedures. Purpose: To provide instructions for performing DIFM inventory counts. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123 or the ILS-S User’s Manual. The identification of a potential inventory variance (gain or loss) on a classified
item or NWRM constitutes a potential compromise of classified information and will be
reported immediately upon discovery in accordance with AFI 17-1302-O. For NWRM,
see AFI 20-110 for additional reporting instructions. Conducting DIFM Inventory Counts: DIFM Reconciliations satisfy the
requirement to inventory out-of-warehouse recoverable items. When discrepancies are
discovered between DIFM record balances and the physical count, Flight Service Center
requests a special inventory by processing a Special Inventory Interrogation Input (see
AFH 23-123). Special Inventory Counts of DIFM Items. Conduct the following steps for
resolving variances in DIFM inventory Perform a physical count.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 313 Conduct research for all special inventory counts as described in this
chapter. If research confirms adjustment or records reversal/correction is not
required, do the following: Process a Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123) with the item
record serviceable balance or the detail balance in the inventory count to remove
the freeze code. When records reversal and correction is required to resolve the
discrepancy, take the following action: Prepare and process reverse-post and other transactions as
required (see paragraph 5.6 of this manual). When applicable, forward warehouse refusal documents to
Central Storage to release materiel for customer equipment. Annotate the Special Inventory Interrogation Input notice with
the action taken. Use this notice to clear the freeze code suspense file. When adjustments are required, do the following: Input Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123). Enter the stock
number, system designator, count quantity (leading zeros are not required), and
TEX code, if applicable. The document number and research date fields will be
required if the suspense image is for a DIFM detail inventory count. If required, prepare reverse-post transactions. Annotate the Special Inventory Interrogation Input notice with the
corrective action. Keep the notice in suspense until the adjustment appears on the
document register. Use this notice to clear the freeze code suspense file. The following special instructions apply for unserviceable assets found on
base: If an asset does not seem to belong to an existing detail. Input Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123) TEX L to pick
it up on the item record serviceable balance. Process a condition change request to establish an unserviceable
detail, and transfer the assets. If the item is unserviceable and belongs to an existing detail, use
normal processing. For serialized controlled items, create the serial number record
(in AFH 23-123) with the phrase IADITM (inventory adjustment item).
5.7.7. Equipment Inventory Counts. Purpose: Provide procedures for completing inventory counts of in-use/in place
equipment. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123.
314 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The identification of a potential inventory variance (gain or loss) on a classified
item or NWRM constitutes a potential compromise of classified information and will be
reported immediately upon discovery in accordance with AFMAN 17-1302-O. For
NWRM, see AFI 20-110 for additional reporting instructions. The following actions are
to be performed by the LRS/Materiel Management Activity/unit equipment custodians: General Procedures for performing inventory on In-Use/In-Place Equipment
items. Equipment custodians are responsible for performing a complete physical
inventory of equipment recorded on unit’s Custodian Authorization/ Custody Receipt
Listing (CA/CRL). Organizational commanders/staff agency director can formally
request inventory count assistance from the LRS APO. Request must include full
justification and identify discrepancies involved. EAE utilizes the on-line AF Form 1991 or equivalent to submit an
Inventory Parameter to AFMC (see AFH 23-123 for parameter request format). Note:
Materiel management IT system queries will not be used as the official tool to
perform this function. Utilization of the ILS-S Inventory Management Function is the
preferred method, however EAE has the option to process Equipment Inventory
Count (EIC) transactions directly to update equipment detail DOLI. EAE retrieves CA/CRL and Labels, if requested, no later than the
beginning of the next workday. Forward to equipment custodian or to Inventory
Count Personnel when requests for inventory count assistance are been granted by the
LRS APO. Conduct physical inventory count and manually record count quantities on
the CA/CRL. Custodians must sign the CA/CRL to acknowledge responsibility for
property. Inventory Count Personnel will sign under the custodian’s signature
when providing inventory count assistance. When using the ILS-S database to
store the CA/CRL, after the commander has digitally signed and uploaded the
CA/CRL, the EAE will open the current stored CA/CRL, print it, and have the
Inventory Count Personnel print/sign and date under the custodian’s signature.
The EAE will then scan the Inventory Count Personnel’s signed CA/CRL into a
pdf file and upload into ILS-S. Custodians prepare and sign an Inventory Overage Document for all
overages found during inventory (see AF Form 2005(TRIC: IOD), AFH 23-123). When an AF Form 601 is required, attach to the inventory
overage document. Custodians must research appropriate supporting documentation (hand
receipts, affidavits, statements, certificates, etc.) and initiate a Financial Liability
Investigation as necessary.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 315 Forward a copy of the CA/CRL and any supporting documentation for
overages/shortages to EAE. Inventory Count Personnel must validate equipment
overages/shortages before adjusting the in-use detail. EAE personnel submit the physical count quantities through the ILS-S to
complete inventory processing and update applicable system records. Conducting Special Inventory Counts of Equipment. Inventory Count Personnel will use special inventory procedures (see
Special Inventory Count Procedures of this section) for overages/shortages custodians
report to EAE. The following process is to be performed if inventory recount and
research show an equipment overage exists: Obtain/prepare an Inventory Overage Document (AF Form
2005) with the custodian’s signature. Inventory Count personnel coordinates with EAE and Records
Maintenance to load the item record and authorized/in-use detail record as
required. Inventory Count Personnel processes inventory recount and
inventory adjustment in the appropriate IT system. Note: Ensure Financial
Liability Investigation process (if required) is initiated prior to adjustment. Attach the AF Form 2005, Inventory Overage Document, to the
Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836, upon
receipt. Forward to Document Control for filing. Notify EAE to take action. If the recount and research indicate an equipment shortage exists,
Inventory Count Personnel will enter the quantity change on the CA/CRL and
process recount images. Attach Inventory Adjustment Document to the
Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836 upon
receipt. Forward to Document Control for filing.
5.7.8. Small Arms and Light Weapons Inventory. Purpose: Provide the procedure for the inventory of SA/LW. Inventory will
comply with guidance in this chapter and DoDM 4140.01, Vol. 11. (T-0). Additional
arms facility inventory and documentation requirements can be found in AFI 31-101. For
IT specific guidance see AFH 23-123. General Inventory Requirements. SA/LW require serial number inventories at
prescribed intervals (excludes depot level activities). Equipment custodians are
responsible for maintaining, accounting for, inventorying, and managing the use of
SA/LW on authorized in-use details. CA/CRL Listing will be used to conduct SA/LW
inventories (see Equipment Inventory Counts for additional information on equipment
inventory procedures). Maintain inventory records per AFRIMS. Unit level SA/LW.
316 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Unit level SA/LW are assigned and maintained by an organization
solely intended for that organization's use. Unit level SA/LW will be inventoried
monthly by serial number. (T-1). EAE will provide custodian's CA/CRL/SPRAM listings on the first
duty day of the month. Unit armorers, persons authorized unaccompanied access, or the
same person will not conduct or participate in the inventory for two consecutive
months in a row per DoDM 5100.76, Enclosure 8. (T-0). Units may augment
personnel from outside organizations to assist if needed. Inventory listing will be signed by personnel who conducted the
inventory. Custodian will certify inventory was complete and sign, even if
excluded from participating in inventory as noted above. Organizational monthly weapon inventories are the organizations
responsibility to complete and file. CA/CRL and SPRAM inventories will be filed
in the custodians jacket file only, not in Master Jacket File. DOLI is not required
to be updated. Participate in semi-annual inventories in accordance with Base Level
inventory procedures. Base level SA/LW. Base level SA/LW are assigned to and maintained by LRS/Materiel
Management Activity. LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible for
storage, accountability and management of SA/LW for base mobility
requirements. Base level SA/LW will be inventoried semi-annually by serial
number. (T-1). EAE will provide custodians CA/CRLs on first duty day of the
month. Custodian will complete the SA/LW inventory and return the signed
CA/CRL within 15 workdays. Coordinate at least one inventory cycle with the annual Combat Arms
inspection. For inventory purposes, permanently affix numbered anti-pilferage
seals to containers. Inventory the contents of each container by serial number and record
on a locally developed spreadsheet. Note: This spreadsheet will include the
following minimum information: account code (ORG/SHOP), detail number,
NSN, nomenclature, serial number from the SA/LW, butt number (if applicable),
number assigned to the container and serial numbers from the anti-pilferage seals. Include a copy in the outside container packing list. Forward copies of the spreadsheet to Document Control and EAE to
ensure anti-pilferage seal integrity. The Document Control copy is the official
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 317 EIC will be processed to update the DOLI on the 201 detail. Note:
Updating the equipment 201 detail will automatically update the serialized 250
detail. EAE will file the signed inventory CA/CRL in the master jacket file
or maintain the CA/CRL within ILS-S. Use the following procedures for banded and crated SA/LW. Reconcile CA/CRL serial numbers with 100 percent of serial numbers as
reflected by the number of items listed on the outside of the container. Custodians
will only open crates to perform a physical inventory in the following situations: When there is evidence of tampering or the anti-pilferage seal serial
numbers do not match those recorded on the maintained listing, custodians will
open containers and complete a 100% physical inventory by serial number in
accordance with DoDM 5100.76. (T-0). Custodians will coordinate with Combat
Arms per AFI 36-2654. (T-1). Discrepancy Reporting. Complete the following actions within 24 hours of
discovering the discrepancy. If the error is unresolved after 24 hours, follow installation
procedures for lost/stolen SA/LW. EAE and inventory count personnel will provide assistance to the
equipment custodian to determine if the discrepancy is the result of supply transaction
processing. When research reveals a supply transaction error, inventory count
personnel will correct the error. Missing SA/LW. Conduct an immediate 100% floor-to-book serial number
inventory of the SA/LW storage facility and a review/validation of hand receipts. When the floor to book inventory does not resolve the error, EAE
will process a small arms serial number inquiry. Contact the CEMF if further
assistance is required. When weapon cannot be found follow procedures for Lost
or Stolen SA/LW. Lost or Stolen SA/LW. If a SA/LW is lost or suspected stolen, contact SFS
immediately. Make other notifications as required in the installation’s procedures for
lost or stolen SA/LW per AFI 31-101. Found SA/LW. Immediately following the identification of a found
SA/LW, contact EAE for inventory research assistance. When EAE cannot establish SA/LW ownership, contact SFS to
determine if the SA/LW was reported stolen. When ownership remains undetermined, contact the CEMF for
assistance. Inventory Adjustments of SA/LW. If a verified overage/shortage exists, see
Weapons Serialized Control Input (Format Two) as outlined in AFH 23-123 for serialized
control processing that must accompany inventory adjustment procedures.
318 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
5.7.9. NWRM Inventory Procedures. Purpose: To describe the general procedures associated with conducting
Semiannual NWRM Worldwide Inventory (WWI) and inventories required when the
NWRM Accountable Property Officer (NWRMAPO) changes. Additional information,
including appointment/certification of NWRM inventory team, can be found in AFI 20-
110. For other guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. A complete physical count of NWRM by serial number or Unique Item
Identification (UII) will be conducted semiannually or upon change of NWRMAPO to
obtain agreement between the physical on-hand NWRM balances and the accountable
record balance. NWRM inventories validate the existence and completeness of 100% of
the NWRM. Existence indicates items selected from the Accountable Property System of
Record (APSR) (e.g., ILS-S, CAS, DSS, etc.) are physically inspected. Completeness
indicates all assets are accounted for in the APSR. The change of NWRMAPOs requires a 100% inventory to support the
effective date of transfer. For the accounting of all NWRM, the losing NWRMAPO
will direct a 100% inventory of NWRM. This inventory will be validated (reviewed
with the inventory officer (IO), referenced NWRMAPO and AFI 20-110) by both the
losing and gaining NWRMAPOs to certify a joint 100% inventory as of the effective
accountability transfer date. See paragraph 1.2 for Change of NWRMAPO
procedures. Note: Semiannual inventories can be used to suffice for the requirement
for a change of NWRMAPO provided both gaining and losing individuals approve
the inventory and no transactions affecting stock record balances occur between the
end date of the inventory and the effective date of the transfer of accountability. AF activities will conduct the NWRM inventory during the same month of
the installation’s nuclear weapons Semiannual Inventory Report (SIR) in accordance
with TO 11N-100-3150, Joint Reporting Structure; Nuclear Weapons Reports. (T-0). AF activities that do not conduct a SIR, will conduct the NWRM
semiannual inventory in the months of March and September or April and October.
(T-1). NWRM will be inventoried according to the policies prescribed in AFI 20-
110 and the procedures in this section. (T-1). CAS managed NWRM will use CAS procedures found in AFMAN 21-
201, Munitions Management. (T-1). Note: Out-of-cycle inventory counts do not
satisfy semiannual complete inventory requirements. The LRS APO may elect to
conduct an annual inventory count for any class or type of asset other than controlled
assets, to include NWRM. Due to information system constraints and to ensure schedules and
deliveries are not impacted, it is up to the respective organization to determine if
items need to be frozen within the repair cycle for proper count during the inventory
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 319 NWRM installed on-weapon systems (e.g. missiles, aircraft) will not be
inventoried. Roles and Responsibilities for Semiannual Inventory. AFMC: Directs and manages the semiannual NWRM world-wide
inventory on every NWRM with an on-hand balance in materiel management APSR
to include all detail/custody balances. Provides specific dates for the stop movement and freeze of NWRM.
The inventory freeze will take place during a two week period in the months of
March and September or April and October for executing the inventory (except
AF activities with a SIR, who follow in accordance with TO 11N-100-3150. The
inventory freeze will be lifted after all units have completed their physical count. All materiel management APSR NWRM items will be frozen for
inventory. The NWRM Transaction and Control Center (NTCC) manages
inventory freeze codes and updates the Date of Last Inventory (DOLI) after the
inventory is complete. Identifies a POC to provide NWRM information to the MAJCOMs
and consolidates all NWRM inventory results forwarded to AFMC thru
MAJCOMs. Provides each MAJCOM POC with an inventory spreadsheet
containing NWRM items for their bases/units for use in accomplishing the
inventory process. Creates official world-wide inventory data pull listing and establishes
the inventory data cut-off date as of the date of the data pull. Provide discrepancies requiring inventory adjustment to AF/A4L
NLT 1 January for the previous year’s semi-annual inventories. MAJCOM NWRM POCs (recommend 0-6 or GS-15): Assigns an NWRM WWI POC and provides the POC information to
AFMC inventory POC and affected bases. Ensures distribution of NWRM WWI Semi-annual inventory
timeline, any additional inventory instructions, and inventory spreadsheets to all
units under their respective control. Note: The inventory spreadsheet is the
official inventory record. Performs quality check on unit submitted inventory documentation
and consolidates into a MAJCOM inventory package. When complete, forward all
inventory package to AFMC NWRM Inventory POC per AFI 20-110. Note:
Documentation package will also include any inventory related adjustment
discrepancy research. The NWRMAPO:
320 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Reviews the inventory data spreadsheet provided by AFMC to
validate locations, baseline quantities or volume to determine number of teams
required to perform inventories in the allotted inventory period. Assembles the inventory team(s) coordinating with appropriate
organizations and assign inventory area of responsibility. Appoints an IO in writing and select additional team members to
assist with inventory as required. The inventory team members must be identified no later than (NLT)
seven days prior to the start of the inventory to allow time to arrange for access
into the secured areas. The Inventory Team will be comprised of the following individuals:
an IO with materiel management experience and a verifying individual. The
organizational equipment custodian will be required to support the inventory of
assets on in-use details. The team may be further supported with additional
personnel to facilitate the inventory (moving property, unpackaging and
repackaging assets, etc.). Maintenance/munitions Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
will assist in determining special asset handling requirements. (See AFI 20-110
for additional information on inventory teams). Coordinate with the respective area being inventoried to provide
special instructions for access, safety, electro-static discharge (ESD) prevention,
and other required information. Schedule the times and locations for the inventory teams (where to go
and when). Ensure all inventory team members are authorized to enter all
locations where NWRM are stored. Brief the inventory team on the details and procedures of conducting
a ‘blind inventory.’ Use the inventory spreadsheet and current APRS data to identify all
locations where NWRM is stored. Note: The inventory spreadsheet(s) will not be
used to perform the inventory; it will be used to reconcile the results after the
inventory is complete. Create blind inventory count cards for each NWRM NSN using the
Excel template provided (for an example, see NWRM Inventory Count Card
Template, AFH 23-123). Only the NSN and location/facility will be filled in.
NWRM Storage Facility (NSF) may use DSS-generated products. Provide NWRM inventory count cards to the team verifying
officer(s). Sample count cards are provided in AFH 23-123. Provide NWRM Smart-Book (if used) for assigned inventory area. In coordination with inventory team(s), reconcile the blind
inventory count cards with the inventory spreadsheet after inventory counts are
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 321 Conduct thorough and in-depth causative research for any and all
variances or discrepancies. Report discrepancies in accordance with this manual and AFI 20-
110. Perform additional trend analysis of the inventory and provide
results to inventory OPR at the AFMC NTCC within 30 calendar days of
inventory closeout. Inventory Officer: Performs the physical count, annotate the NWRM inventory count
card(s), and provide the information to the inventory team verifier at the end of
each count. Keeps track of the NWRM inventory count cards given to the
inventory team. Validates the count and direct recounts when the physical count does
not match the accountable balance on the inventory spreadsheet. Initiates causative research for all inventory discrepancies. The verifying individual accomplishes an audit of account in conjunction
with the NWRM inventory. See AFI 20-110 for audit of account procedures. NWRM Smart-Book (if utilized). The use of a Smart-Book is a local option although not required, its use is
highly encouraged. If utilized, care must be taken to ensure the information contained
in the Smart-Book does not contain or become “classified” in nature. Each
organization with NWRM may generate an NWRM Smart-Book to help familiarize
the inventory team with their organization’s NWRM. Official NWRM NSN list with all NWRM NSNs highlighted which the
organization does or could possess. Consolidated list of potential NWRM with list of locations within the
organization where the item could be found (known as the NWRM footprint). Each NWRM item listing will consist of the following: NSN. Part Number(s). Applicable Resource Control Center (RCC)/Production Section
Scheduling Designator (PSSD). Delivery location(s). Storage location(s), including the AWP area. Maintenance location(s), where work is performed on the item. Month/Year of last time the organization had one or more of these
322 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 A picture or drawing of each NWRM, including information on the
location of the data plate. The following actions are general procedures for NWRM Semi-annual
Inventories: In order to validate the existence of NWRM, the inventory will be a blind
inventory, meaning the inventory officers will be provided a count card with an NSN
and location but will not be given the serial number or the number of assets on record. A complete physical inventory of NWRM, by Serial number (S/N), will be
conducted on every NWRM with an on-hand balance in the accountable materiel
management systems to include all detail balances, assets tracked by spreadsheets, or
any assets that are not on an accountable materiel management system (e.g. trainers,
mockups, simulators, test stands, displays). Note: Blind inventory requirements must
be complied with when multiple NWRMAPO's have NWRM in a shared respective
area. At a minimum NWRMAPO's will review NWRM listings together before the
semi-annual inventory begins to ensure all NWRM in the respective area is
inventoried and that count cards on common items are reconciled afterwards against
the applicable accountable property system of record data files (e.g., inventory
spreadsheets). The inventory team will be taken to the respective area by escorts
from the organization where the inventory is to take place to physically inventory
all NWRM they find in the area. These inventory locations will be searched for NWRM that may have
been misplaced to include those areas where NWRM has recently been stored or
maintained. The objective is to perform a general sweep of these locations, not a
“wall-to-wall” search, to find all NWRM. All NWRM will be visually verified (except when properly packaged and
marked per AFI 20-110) and counted by S/N. The blind inventory count card will be
filled out using asset information from the asset itself or the exterior packaging/tag if
the asset is banded, crated, or sealed. The objective is to ensure 100% accountability
of all NWRM. The IO and verifying individual both visually inspect the items
identification information for each asset or container. The maintenance/munitions
SME ensures the correct serial number is identified for assets that contain
subcomponents (e.g. Aft Section). The IO will records the required information on
the blind inventory count card and the verifying individual reviews the information to
ensure 100% accuracy. It is essential that serial numbers are accurately transcribed (to
include any preceding zeros) to the blind inventory count cards during the inventory.
Note: Care must be taken to ensure the information recorded on the blind inventory
count card is legible.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 323 When the data plate does not have all of the information needed to identify
the asset (e.g. data plate is missing the NSN), or the item is contained in a sealed box,
use the accompanying documentation (e.g. Work Control Document (WCD), DD
Form 1577, Unserviceable (Condemned) Tag Materiel, or DD Form 1348-1A) to get
the required information for the count card. If the documentation conflicts, note all
variations of numbers on the count card using subsequent lines with '#' column set the
same for any one item pending research after the completion of the inventory. When
unable to determine the identity of an asset, contact the NTCC for assistance. Inventory of installed assets on accountable records. NWRM will not be disassembled for the sole purpose of serial
number (S/N) verification. These assets will be inventoried by records check. The NWRMAPO
will create a new blind inventory count card for each NSN for NWRM that are
inventoried via a records check. The IO and verifying individual will complete the blind inventory
count card using data from the accountable system and will annotate, inventoried
by records check, in the remarks section of the count card. When transcribing the blind inventory count card data to the
inventory spreadsheet, annotate in the comments section the next higher assembly
(NHA) the asset is installed in (e.g. Trainer, Mockup, Simulator, test stand). After the inventory is complete, perform inventory reconciliation in
accordance with the process in this manual. Inventory Count Cards. The IO will document each NWRM inventoried on their inventory count
cards. Each line on the count card will only contain one item (e.g., Qty. is 1). Special
care will be taken to ensure all leading zeros are included in S/Ns. When corrections are made, line out incorrect information and initial next
to the line out. When all assets have been inventoried and the count card has remaining
lines, draw a diagonal line through all unused rows and write “No Further Entries” on
the line. Additional detailed instructions for filling out the count card (NWRM
Inventory Count Card) form are provided with the official form. Once the inventory is complete, close the inventory by assigning page
numbers (1 of 8, etc.) to the blind inventory count cards. Blind inventory count cards
used during the inventory must be signed and dated by both the IO and verifying
individual. NWRMAPO will collect all materiel given to the inventory teams. Movement of assets during semiannual inventory.
324 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Movement of assets must be curtailed prior to the inventory to clear the
transportation channels and ensure that most, if not all, assets are accounted for in a
system of record. To facilitate this effort, outbound shipments will be stopped two
weeks prior to the start of the inventory. Internal base-level or depot-level asset
movements (receipts, issues, due-out releases, returns) will continue through the day
prior to the data pull for the inventory (ensure returns are processed to unserviceable
details). The Cargo Movement will also stop all outbound shipments two weeks
prior to the start of the inventory. (T-2). They will make every effort to ensure all
assets processed for shipment are shipped prior to this deadline. After the data pull,
asset movements are restricted at all locations, with the exceptions noted below, until
inventory actions are completed across the AF and NTCC has lifted the inventory
freeze and normal activity can resume. Exceptions to asset movement restrictions: MICAPs: MICAP requirements for assets with available stock on
hand will be satisfied using manual degraded operations issue procedures (Asset
Management will not be used). MICAP requirements for assets with no stock on
hand will be requisitioned off-line and receipted/due-out released using manual
degraded operations procedures (Asset Management will not be used). All
transactions will be recorded on recap sheets for subsequent processing when the
freeze is lifted. The NWRMAPO is responsible for ensuring all degraded
operations transactions are processed correctly and record balances, serial
numbers, etc. match assets on-hand. Internal base-level asset movements (REC, ISU, MSI, DOR, TIN)
will continue through the day prior to the data pull for the inventory. Inventory requirements for record balance gains (receipts, returns)
resulting from the above transactions: Assets will be inventoried using procedures
above (general procedures for NWRM Semi-annual Inventories) and the
following additional guidance. A new blind inventory count card will be created
by the NWRMAPO and completed by the inventory team. Enter explanation of
record balance gain in the remarks field of the blind inventory count card (e.g.,
MICAP REC, Doc # FBXXXX91969001). These additional assets will not be
counted when processing Inventory Recount (IRCs) transaction to complete ILS-
S inventory processing. Asset information from the blind inventory count cards
will be transferred to the appropriate columns of the inventory spreadsheet using
the first blank line at the bottom of the inventory spreadsheet. Enter specific
explanation for addition in the remarks column (e.g., MGS receipt, Doc #
FBXXXX91960001). Inventory requirements for record balance losses (issues, due-out
releases, shipments) resulting from the above transactions: Enter explanation for
movement of asset in the remarks column of inventory spreadsheet for each
specific serial number involved (e.g., MICAP MSI, Doc # S0050191960001).
These assets will be counted when processing IRCs to complete ILS-S inventory
processing, since they were on record at the beginning of the inventory period.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 325 Inventory Procedures for Assets in Cargo Movement. Inventory Management
will inventory assets that have been processed for shipment but were not physically
shipped by the Cargo Movement prior to the shipping deadline per guidance. The
NWRMAPO will identify NWRM assets in the Cargo Movement and create a new blind
inventory count card for each NSN. The IO will complete the blind inventory count card
and enter In-transit Cargo Movement and the shipment document number in the remarks
column. (T-2). Additional assets will not be counted when processing IRCs to complete
ILS-S processing. Asset information from the blind inventory count cards will be
transferred to the appropriate columns of the inventory spreadsheet using the first blank
line at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Enter In-transit Cargo Movement and the shipment
document number in the comments. Inventory of Assets in Base Level Maintenance. Installed NWRM not on the
Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) are not subject to NWRM inventory.
Reference AFI 20-110 Note: If NWRM items are already disassembled, they will not be
counted, but the NSN/part number (PN) should be captured. The remarks section of the
inventory count card should clearly identify these items as sub-assemblies of the end item
they are a part of. The NSF is a wholesale NWRM node and will not follow standard
retail inventory procedures. For specific procedures, see the “Physical Counting in the
NWRM Storage Facility (NSF). Planning and Performing Inventories in AF NWRM Storage Facilities (NSF).
These procedures outline the process to accomplish the semi-annual world-wide
inventory of NWRM in Distribution Standard System (DSS) accounts. The NSF is a
wholesale NWRM node and will not follow standard retail inventory procedures. The Acceptable Performance Level (APL) for physical inventories of
NWRM is 100 percent. This means that there will be zero difference between the
physical count and record balances. Unique Item Identification (UII) numbers (synonymous with serial
number) must be verified manually during the physical count process as DSS does
not inventory by UII. A DSS PE4Y-02 Inventory Workload By Work Area document
will be utilized in the verification process of the location count for each physical
inventory (See Figure 5.2). A second, modified, Query Management Facility (QMF)
Count Sheet will be used to inventory counts and record the UII/serial numbers (See
Figure 5.3). This product will not contain pre-printed UII/serial numbers. All inventories of NWRM are completed by physically counting the stock
unless Automated Information Technology (AIT) radio frequency identification
(RFID) inventory is performed at MAJCOM discretion. A paper count (recording the
on-hand balance from the Quantity By Location record) IS NOT an acceptable
practice. Physical counts will be performed by a two person (IO and verifying
individual) dual count verification process.
326 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When a second or third count of a location is required, different
individuals will perform the count. Example: Persons conducting the first count
should not conduct the second or third count. (Second count is generated as a
result of a first count variance. Third count is the result of a variance between the
first and second counts.) A bare item inspection is not required for banded, crated, or sealed
items that show no sign of tampering. Conduct a bare item inspection to verify the
NSN, UII, Condition Code, Unit of Issue and quantity. (If opening the container
will compromise the condition of the materiel, do not perform the inspection.) Procedures must be established to ensure the NWRM inventory includes
or meets the following: Schedule inventories. Monitor scheduling to ensure effective management of work. Complete NWRM inventories within two weeks of workload
release. Provide NTCC with verification that all NWRM NSNs at the site
have been inventoried. Track and report performance to the NSF NWRMAPO. Report problems completing any of the Type Physical Inventory
Codes (TPIC) G inventories to the NWRMAPO. Coordinate the availability of an Equipment Specialist (ES) as
required in performance of a bare item inspection/physical count. Notify the NWRMAPO within one hour after discovery of potential
inventory loss or gain of NWRM. Have all potential adjustments reviewed by the NWRMAPO.
Causative research for all adjustments requires approval at the Flag Officer/Senior
Executive Service level. Conduct rapid assessment research for all potential gains and
losses and report findings to the NWRMAPO. TPIC. NWRM item inventories will be assigned a TPIC of G
through the Complete Inventory Group Program in DSS. Report inventories of any NSN not completed, in writing, to the
NWRMAPO. The report should contain an explanation of the reason the
inventory is incomplete. Catalog data changes and condition code changes
automatically cancel the TPIC G inventory in DSS. If this occurs, reschedule
the cancelled inventory and complete within the original two-week period.
will be generated daily and may be reviewed to identify cancelled inventories
due to cataloging or condition code changes.).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 327 If a scheduled inventory cannot be completed within the
original two-week period, permission to extend the completion date must be
obtained from AFMC Cataloging Activity. NWRM Inventory Scheduling Procedures in DSS. Use the PS03 (LOCAL STRATA INPUT/REVIEW) screen to add
an inventory request. Type Physical Inventory Code “G”, Warehouse Area, and
Narrative (title for inventory) must be entered. After adding inventory request, confirm release of the
inventory (PS031 screen, LOCAL STRATA SELECTIONS). The complete inventory program will run behind the scenes
and populate the stratum. The inventory must be reviewed and accepted
before it will release into production. Access the PS11 (BROWSE OPEN SAMPLE INVENTORIES)
screen to locate and browse (or delete) the inventory that was created. DSS will
display the PS16 (COMPLETE INVENTORY REVIEW/ACCEPT) screen, where
the inventory may be accepted or deleted. The applicable Inventory Cut-Off Date
(ICOD) must be entered prior to accepting the inventory. The inventories will
load into the workload bank and subsequently release into the workload when
end-of-day wrap-up runs on the assigned ICOD. Verify the group inventory was accepted by browsing the applicable
group ID number on the blank PS11 (BROWSE OPEN SAMPLE
INVENTORIES) screen. DSS will display the PS13 (DISPLAY IN-PROCESS
RESULTS) screen showing the inventories were loaded into the workload bank. Print the DSS PE4Y-02, Inventory Workload By Work Area
document for use in the inventory. (Figure 5.2). Physical Counting in the NWRM Storage Facility (NSF) For assets stored in the NSF, one count team member will possess
the DSS PE4Y-02 (Figure 5.2) and the other will use the modified QMF count
sheets containing Stock Record Account Number (SRAN), NSN, and Location
(Figure 5.3). The IO and Verifying Individual will proceed location-by-location
to stored material, “both will” verify NSN, UII/serial number, Condition Code,
Unit of Issue and quantity contained on the DD Form 1500-Series tag and verify
corresponding information on the DSS documents. The “Physical Quantity” total
for each location will be recorded on the DSS PE4Y-02 and each “UII/Serial
Number” and “Total Location Count Quantity” will be recorded on the modified
QMF count sheet. During the inventory, annotate the following: Total Quantity. Serial Number/UII (Synonymous). Condition Code.
328 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Document Number (If an asset is in-transit or is not on the
data pull). Use the Remarks block to annotate any discrepancies or other
notes of interest. IO and VI prints name, organization, phone number, dates, and
signs in respective blocks. Note: SRAN need not be filled out on the Blind
Count Cards. After the inventory documents (DSS PE4Y-02 and modified QMF
count sheets) are annotated, the IO and Verifying Individual will turn them over
to the NWRMAPO who will reconcile the counts of the DSS PE4Y-02 (Figure
5.2) against the modified DSS count sheets (Figure 5.3). The NWRMAPO will
then verify the UII/serial numbers on the DSS count sheets against the AFMC
provided data pull. When the counts reconcile, the counts will be input into DSS
(PE3H screen, ENTER INVENTORY COUNTS) by a qualified NSF DSS
user. When the counts do not reconcile, a different inventory team
will be dispatched to the location where the discrepancy exists to perform a
second count. If that second count reconciles, the count will be input into DSS
(PE3H screen). When the second count does not reconcile, the NWRMAPO
will accompany the inventory team to the location and determine the cause of
the discrepancy and resolution. Counts that cannot be reconciled will be
processed in accordance with AFI 20-110 procedures for causative research
and potential inventory adjustment. Inventories in Depot Organic Maintenance. These procedures outline the process to accomplish the world-wide
inventory of NWRM items in depot organic maintenance. Maintenance Wing (MXW) personnel will inventory NWRM within their
respective wing. The AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Activity does not
have any NWRM in repair and these procedures do not address any NWRM assets on
an aircraft/end-item currently in storage at AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and
Regeneration Activity. For locations using multiple inventory teams, ensure local procedures are
developed to identify NWRM disassembled for on-going maintenance actions in
order to prevent duplication of count by inventory teams. Teams are highly
encouraged to coordinate the performance of inventories to avoid duplication in
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 329 NWRM that has been removed from a NHA as part of an on-going
maintenance action are subject to inventory. These items will be captured on a new
inventory count card and the remarks section of the count card will clearly identify
these items as sub-assemblies of their associated NHA. Research will be conducted to
determine the status of these items (e.g., to be reinstalled in the NHA or it is no longer
required and will be turned in, demilitarized, etc.). These assets will be added to the
inventory spreadsheet following the last entry under a heading “Part of Ongoing
Maintenance Action.” The status of these assets (e.g. reinstalled in NHA, turned in)
will be clearly identified in the comments section of the inventory spreadsheet for that
item. These are not considered overages. NWRM that are issued to a work order for repair of an NWRM NHA.
These assets will be documented on a new inventory count card and the remarks
section of the count card will clearly identify these items as sub-assemblies of the
NHA they are a part of to include the work order number. These items will be added
to the inventory spreadsheet with a comment stating these items will be installed in a
NHA to include the work order number. All maintenance holding areas (courtesy stores) will be inventoried, NHA
only. Items in the maintenance repair organization (MRO) will not be frozen
for this inventory. Inventory data will consist of physical location, SOS, NSN, Condition
Code, Serial Number, and an on-hand accountable balance. Researching an out-of-balance scenario. Each situation may be unique,
but there are common circumstances that could cause an out-of-balance scenario. Verify/validate, conduct research in the following areas for any
discrepancies noted. Check the RINA screen in D035K for condition code Z in-
transits, check the scheduling workbooks to verify all returns have been
processed, etc. See process for more avenues that could cause an out-of-
balance scenario. When the verifying individual does not have D035K access,
the NSF RIM will check D035K information. Transaction history in D035K. Due-In for Overhaul (DIOH) Returns (document identifier
D6M, condition code Z in-transits). Due-In for Overhaul (DIOH) Issues (document identifier
D7M, condition code Y in-transits). Wash-post transactions. The missing item may be located in awaiting parts storage
(AWP) area, which should be checked accordingly. Review scheduling workbooks for process routes (paint shop,
etc.) and match NSN against the WCD.
330 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Look for exceptions in G042A, G004L and D035K. Look for found on base (FOB) receipts. If discrepancy cannot be reconciled, inventory will complete an AFMC
Form 37, Inventory Research Worksheet. An inventory adjustment will not be taken
by inventory team. Forward AFMC Form 37 to Wing NWRMAPO for further research or
action. The NWRMAPO will continue causative research, if required, and
forward AFMC Form 37 to the IM for adjustment action. Inventory adjustments and Financial Liability for Government Property
Lost, Damaged, Destroyed or Stolen will be passed to the IM for processing. The IM will coordinate with AFMC Item Manager (RIM) to process any
adjustments. Planning and Performing Inventories in Contractor Facilities. Close and early coordination between the NWRMAPO, AFNWC
Program Offices, IM, Production Management Specialist (PMS), ALC Contracting
(PK), the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), AFMC, and NTCC is
essential to ensure full understanding and cooperation from all involved parties to
include the contractors possessing Government owned NWRM at their facilities. NWRMAPO: Assigns an IO that has a basic understanding of the items to be
inventoried. Provides the IO blind inventory count cards that contain the NSN
and location of NWRM as well as an inventory spreadsheet sealed in an envelope
that is to be used during the reconciliation. Coordinates with the contracting officer (CO) at least 30 days prior
to the inventory, to notify the contractor that the inventory will be taking place. Instructs contractors to stop movement of assets and freeze assets as
well as reduce transaction processing to mission essential transactions to align
with the inventory freeze dates provided by AFMC. The contractor will provide
the inventory team documentation of all transactions processed after the data pull
upon arrival at the contractor’s facility. PMS (AFNWC) works with the IM to ensure the inventory team has all
the necessary information/data to facilitate a successful inventory. CO: Acts as a liaison to the contractor to ensure full understanding and
compliance with the inventory requirements. Ascertains if special access/security clearances are required for
access to contractor facilities.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 331 Coordinates specific dates for the inventory and forward a formal
written notification to the contractor. Contact DCMA for inventory support as necessary. The IO is responsible for planning the inventory, conducting the
inventory, performing the inventory reconciliation and conducting any causative
research at the contractor facilities where the inventory took place, and report
inventory results as prescribed by AFMC in this document. Ask the contractor if they are aware of other AF owned NWRM at
their facilities. These assets will be inventoried in accordance with AFI 20-110
and this manual. The Government is responsible to perform the inventory along with the
IO will be familiar with AF inventory procedures. Program Manager is responsible to coordinate with the CO to ensure all
contracts include the necessary contract language outlining the requirements for semi-
annual 100% NWRM inventories. At larger contractor locations where a DCMA representative is assigned,
DCMA may act as a liaison between the contractor and the inventory team to verify
the contractor’s stated location of previously un-located items. At contractor facilities
where no DCMA representative is assigned, the regional DCMA office acts in an
advisory capacity providing assistance where practical. Reconciling Inventories. Serial number validation. Since NWRM are serialized, it is essential that
serial numbers from the blind inventory count cards are verified against the
accountable record to ensure 100% accountability. Asset identification info (NSN,
serial number, condition code) from the blind inventory count cards will be validated
against both the AFMC provided inventory spreadsheet and the system accountable
record to ensure all data matches. If there is a discrepancy, research must be
conducted to resolve the error. Completion of the inventory spreadsheet. Blind inventory count card data
for assets on record will be transferred (electronically) to the inventory spreadsheet in
the appropriate columns to the right of the pre-existing data. Blind inventory count
card data for assets gained (receipts, returns) or in the Cargo Movement will be added
in the first blank line at the bottom of the inventory spreadsheet. Ensure explanations
for record balance loss asset movements are recorded in the comments column for
each specific serial number. If physical count does not match accountable records and inventory
spreadsheet, research must be performed in accordance with researching inventory
discrepancy procedures in this section and full supporting documentation provided
(Reference: AFI 20- 110). Researching Inventory Discrepancies.
332 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The NWRMAPO must research, identify, and correct, or initiate action to
resolve, the cause of all inventory discrepancies. (T-1). If the input inventory count
does not match the accountable records balance, a physical recount is required to
validate the initial count. The inventory team will recount the item using the
procedures in this document and record the results on new inventory count card(s).
The NWRMAPO will then use the NWRM inventory count card(s) and inventory
spreadsheet to reconcile the inventory to the accountable record. (T-1). If the recount does not resolve the discrepancy, pre-adjustment research is
required. Pre-adjustment research is performed to verify that the system balance is
correct. The NWRMAPO will perform a complete review of all transactions to
include supporting documents and catalog changes, shipping discrepancies and
unposted/rejected documentation since the last inventory in order to validate the
system balance and determine if a discrepancy between that balance and the count
exists. (T-1). If a potential loss cannot be resolved within 24 hours, a “Financial
Liability Investigation of Property Loss” will be initiated and provided to the IM. Pre-
adjustment research is complete when the system balance is verified to be correct or
the adjustment quantity is determined. If upon completion of pre-adjustment research, an inventory adjustment is
required, the IM, the NTCC, and MAJCOM A4R must be notified within 24 hours
and provide inventory adjustment documentation for IM approval. The inventory
adjustment documentation must be certified by the NWRMAPO and approved by the
appointing official (Wing/CC) per in AFI 20-110. IMs must obtain approval from the
first Flag Officer/Senior Executive Service level in their chain of command prior to
performing or authorizing the inventory adjustment transaction. The adjustment that
results will change the system balance to match the final definitive count. Causative research must be performed on all discrepancies, resolved and
unresolved, identified as a result of the inventory. The purpose of causative research
is to identify the root cause of any inventory discrepancy. The NWRMAPO has 30
days to complete causative research and provide the results to the IM, the NTCC, and
MAJCOM A4R. A resolved discrepancy is any discrepancy that is correctable by
(re)processing a transaction to correct the system balance (thus bringing count in line
with balance). An unresolved discrepancy is any discrepancy that cannot be corrected
by (re)processing a transaction to correct the system balance. Analyzing and Reporting Inventories. The NWRMAPO or Munitions Accountable Systems Officer (MASO) of
units participating in the semi-annual NWRM World Wide Inventory (WWI) will
submit the following products to their respective MAJCOM NWRM POC: A Certificate of Inventory signed by the NWRMAPO or MASO,
Inventory Officer and the Verifying official. (T-1). An Inventory sheet signed and dated by the Inventory Officer and
Verifying Individual reflecting the final counts. Note: All discrepancies will be
identified (loses or gains, and inventory mismatches). (T-1).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 333 MAJCOM POCs will quality check/review unit submitted inventory
documentation. Consolidate information and submit an inventory documentation
package to NTCC within 30 calendar days after the last day of inventory. A certificate of Inventory signed by the NWRMAPO or MASO,
Inventory Officer and the Verifying Individual. An Inventory sheet signed and dated by the Inventory Officer and
the Verifying Individual reflecting the final counts. Note: All discrepancies will
be identified (losses, gains, and inventory mismatches). Inventory sheets
submitted by NWRMAPOs and MASOs must include MAJCOM A4R and A4W
(or equivalent) signatures acknowledging the inventory review and the results of
their respective units. (T-1). When out of balance condition was discovered during inventory, the
NTCC will remove the 'N' freeze code via NWRM Freeze Code Load or Delete (see
AFH 23-123) and submit a Special Inventory Interrogation (see AFH 23-123). The NTCC will update the DOLIs upon proper notification from the
owing MAJCOM indicating inventory completion at their individual units. Note:
DOLI processing will not occur for NSNs at the unit until AFI 20-110 Discrepancy or
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss processing is complete. NTCC will provide discrepancies requiring inventory adjustment to
AF/A4L NLT 1 January for the previous year semi-annual inventories.
Figure 5.3. QMF Generated Spreadsheet Example.
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
334 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F1900401A 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
C22F0300504B 1
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 335
Figure 5.4. Query Management Facility (QMF).
NWRM Third Count Notification QMF:
NWRM UII Verification QMF:
AND (B.UII_STTS_CD IN ('AA', 'AV', 'PA', 'PV', 'WA', 'WV','RA'))
5.7.10. Adjustment Procedures. Purpose: To provide instructions to adjust the accountable balance for
unresolved discrepancies when there is a difference between the quantities of assets on
hand and the quantity shown in the accountable balance. For IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123 or the ILS-S User’s Manual. The identification of a potential inventory variance (gain or loss) on a classified
item constitutes a potential compromise of classified information and will be reported
immediately upon discovery in accordance with AFMAN 17-1302-O. See AFI 20-110 for
additional reporting requirements for NWRM. Inventory variances are discovered during Complete or Special inventories or
upon the processing of a Special Inventory Input (see AFH 23-123).
336 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Processing a Special Inventory Input may create both a decrease and an
increase inventory adjustment record. These adjustments appear as separate entities on
the Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836. Adjustment Documentation Adjustments research will be documented using AF Form 12, Supply
Inventory Research Worksheet. AF Form 12 is used to provide justification and authentication for
the adjustment of the physical inventory and accounting records. AF Form 12 will
be signed by the certifying and approval officials prior to processing adjustment. The certifying official will be the person who performed the
inventory research or lead researcher if team performed the research. The
approving official will be the Materiel Management Flight Superintendent/OIC.
The certification signature certifies information on the AF Form 12 as accurate
and all applicable research was conducted. Note: Adjustments for NWRM require
more stringent research and approval authority in accordance with this manual. Once adjustment is processed, the IAD document number and
transaction number will be annotated on the AF Form 12 and form will be filed
with the M10 along with all supporting documentation. Supporting documentation for organizational supplies and equipment: Organizational supplies and equipment encompass any items stored
and managed outside of LRS, e.g., Equipment/SPRAM, DIFM, RSP, Supply
Point, etc. For losses that do not meet financial liability criteria, organizational
commander will draft a memorandum summarizing research conducted, suspected
cause of variance, and corrective actions taken to prevent further reoccurrence.
Memorandum will be attached to AF Form 12 as supporting documentation.
5.8. Special Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM).
5.8.1. Adding/Deleting SPRAM Authorizations. Purpose: To explain the procedures for Adding/Deleting SPRAM
Authorizations. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Recommendations to add or delete SPRAM authorizations are submitted by the
requesting organization via letter to the EAE. Additions or increases require justification
such as TO references, maintenance directives, correspondence, etc. Computation method. The method for computing the additional SPRAM
authorized quantity should be included in the justification. Example: If a maintenance
directive states that a quantity of two SPRAM assets is required per aircraft and 24
aircraft are assigned to the base, then the SPRAM quantity authorized under this
justification would be 48.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 337 Approval. Each request for changes to SPRAM authorizations will be
approved by the respective group commander and forwarded from the EAE to
AFMC. (T-2). The Operations Group and Maintenance Group Commanders (or
equivalent) may delegate SPRAM approval authority to the squadron commanders.
Delegation below that level is not authorized. Note: NWRM SPRAM approval
authority will not be delegated. Locally approved requests are forwarded to the MAJCOM CEMF for
tracking and in-turn will be forwarded to the MAJCOM FAM for approval. If
approved, the MAJCOM CEMF then forwards the request with a statement of
unit/MAJCOM funding availability for the requested items to the Lead Command
FAM for final approval. If approved, Lead Command FAM returns the approval
with supporting documentation to the MAJCOM CEMF for further distribution to
the supported activity for requisitioning purposes. Disapproval at any level warrants the return of the request with
reason for the denial to the initiating activity. SPRAM requests for entities where the SPM is also the requester,
(e.g., Cryptologic and Cyber Systems Division (CCSD); Remote ReKey (RRK)
program; Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Systems Directorate), will be
approved by the SPM's delegated authority and will be accompanied with the
delegation letter. (T-1). Requests for the following RDT&E programs will be approved by the
Logistics Branch Chief (or equivalent) and may be delegated to the Senior
Materiel Leader: (T-2). AF RDT&E, including the Aeronautical Systems Division
(ASD), (except for ASD flight line support), and their respective support base
activities. AF Research Laboratory (AFRL). Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) School of
Engineering (for master and doctorate thesis and for faculty research). National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) for
AF/A2. Documentation. A copy of each letter requesting changes to SPRAM
authorizations must be maintained by the EAE in a folder along with the current
SPRAM listing and the custodian appointment letter. The letters requesting SPRAM
changes may be discarded once a new SPRAM listing signed by the SPRAM
custodian is received. Review. All SPRAM authorizations should be reviewed annually and
certified as valid. Certification may occur during the annual SPRAM inventory and
may be noted on the approved SPRAM listing.
5.8.2. Maintain SPRAM Custodian File.
338 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Purpose: To explain the procedures for maintaining the SPRAM Custodian File.
For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use
AFH 23-123. The EAE maintains SPRAM Custodian File on each account where SPRAM
accountability approval has been given. The file is made up of the following mandatory
items which EAE will maintain for each organization Master SPRAM Jacket File. The
same mandatory items will also be maintained by the SPRAM custodian to maintain the
status of the SPRAM account. Files will not include anything other than what is listed in
each tab unless approved by CEMF. The SPRAM jacket will be maintained separate from
the Master CA/CRL Jacket File. Tab A Memorandums and Certificates. Original appointment letter; a copy is permitted as long as it is a
direct photocopy of the original no fax copy is allowed for permanent use. A fax
copy may be permitted if only used as a suspense copy when an off-base
organization will be mailing either an original or photocopy to the EAE or AFMC
Equipment Activity. SPRAM request change letters, e.g., letter requesting for a change to
existing authorized quantities, etc. SPRAM training certificate(s). Training certificates issued from each
respective EAE or AFMC is acceptable. EAE and AFMC will utilize the SPRAM
Training Handout provided by each MAJCOM CEMF for training certification. Tab B Current File. Current signed SPRAM Report List with original or digital (CAC)
signatures from either the primary or alternate custodian. Note: Electronic
signatures may be used. Any current transfer or deployment documentation relating to
SPRAM assets. AETC Form 120, Training Equipment List, or AETC Form 120A,
FTD Training Equipment List, and cover letter for all AETC sponsored training
organizations. Tab C Information File. Memorandums from organization commanders requesting an
extension to current Annual SPRAM Inventory requirements.
5.8.3. Load, Change, Delete SPRAM Detail Records. Purpose: To explain the procedures to load, change and delete SPRAM detail
records. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. EAE personnel load, change, and delete special purpose asset detail records
using the Load, Change, Delete SPRAM Detail Record input (see AFH 23-123 for the
input format).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 339 Load. The following is applicable: Use any terminal for the load, change and delete SPRAM detail
record input. However, any input through a satellite terminal function must be for
that specific satellite system designator. Load the item record for the applicable system designator, if required. Enter an “I” in position 64 of the load, change and delete SPRAM
detail record input to call the issue program. Assets will either be issued from the
item record serviceable balance or due-outs will be established. Change. Change the special purpose asset detail as follows by processing
load, change and delete SPRAM detail record input with a C in position 80. Authorized quantity. Do not decrease the authorized quantity below
the total quantity on hand for the prime and all substitute detail records. Item code. To realign the prime/substitute relationship in a group,
change the existing substitute record to the prime record or add a new prime
authorization. If making this realignment, the existing prime is changed to a
substitute if an on-hand quantity exists. If the on-hand quantity is zero, the
program deletes the detail substitute. Type SPRAM flag. Input the type SPRAM flag on the prime
authorization. This input changes all detail records with the same document
number and system designator. SRD. A valid SRD must be entered on the prime detail record. This
input will update the prime and sub detail of the SPRAM asset. Delete. Delete a special purpose asset detail record when all on hand
balances are 0 by processing the load, change and delete input with a D in position 80
if the on-hand balance equals zero. SPRAM detail record cannot be deleted when
either the prime (item code P) or substitute detail records are not zero. Inquiry. Inquire a special purpose detail record by processing a load,
change and delete SPRAM detail record input with an “I” in position 80. The only
data elements required to inquire a SPRAM detail is TRIC, action code, stock
number, system designator and document number.
5.8.4. Manage/maintain SPRAM Management Products. Purpose: To explain the procedures for managing/maintaining the SPRAM
management products. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123. The SPRAM Report List does the following (see AFH 23-123 for SPRAM
Report List processing procedures): Provides a listing of all items authorized, on hand, and due-out for those
organizations authorized SPRAM assets. Serves as a custody receipt and authorization certification document
and is signed by the custodian or alternate custodian.
340 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Provides equipment inventory count inputs for the inventory of
SPRAM assets. Daily Document Register. The Daily Document Register provides the
SPRAM custodian with a daily recap of all transactions affecting the SPRAM account
in document number sequence. Maintain the Daily Document Registers until receipt
of an updated and signed SPRAM Report List listings are received. Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836.
Certification and approval sort codes for SPRAM adjustments are as follows. (See
AFH 23-123 Consolidated Inventory Adjustment Document Register, M10/NGV836,
processing procedures.) Certifying Sort Code H. Approval Sort Code 1-5, which is the same as other inventory
adjustments. Priority Monitor Report and Due Out Validation Listings. Maintain current
copies of the Priority Monitor Report and Due out Validation Listings until
superseded. Custodian Request Log. Maintain a copy of a custodian request logs with
suspense and completed documentation submitted to LRS. Completed documentation
may be destroyed upon receipt and approval of a new SPRAM Report List listing.
Note: AF Form 126 has been discontinued and custodian request logs are locally
generated. Supporting Documentation. Maintain supporting documentation for
SPRAM assets authorized on the account. Note: Justification documentation will be
validated annually and maintained on file until the SPRAM authorization is deleted.
All copies of hand receipts, logs, letters, etc., used to identify assets stored or used
outside the custodian's work center. Authorized document codes are as follows: First digit: M=Manual R=Regulation T=TO L=Letter C=Message O=Other Second Digit U=Headquarter USAF M=MAJCOM A=AFMC L=Local
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 341 Records of Assets Off-Base. Maintain all records of SPRAM assets that
accompany end-items (that is, aircraft, test stations, etc.) off-station for other than
deployments. Maintain a copy of the correspondence directing the movement of the
assets with applicable model and serial numbers. If end-items return without the
SPRAM assets, the depot or using location will be tasked to return the assets, provide
a replacement, or accept accountability. Coordinate with the EAE to process returns
and shipments to the gaining location, if required. Maintain copies of returns and
shipment documentation until an updated SPRAM Report List is approved and filed. Relief of Accountability Documentation. Maintain all copies of
documentation requesting relief of accountability for assets lost, damaged, or
destroyed until updated SPRAM Report List listing reflects all actions have been
completed and the SPRAM Report List is signed and filed.
5.8.5. Deploy/Transfer EAID/SPRAM Assets. Purpose: To explain the deployment/transfer of SPRAM procedures. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. A deployment is the temporary movement of assets from the home base to
another location or base with accountability remaining at the home station. A transfer is
the movement of assets and accountability to another location or base. When it is
necessary to deploy or transfer SPRAM assets, the SPRAM custodian must provide the
EAE a listing of all items to be transferred or deployed indicating the duration, location,
and any special actions required. The custodian determines if any requirements on order
at the time of transfer action should remain on-order or be cancelled. Authority to Deploy or Transfer. The organization commander possessing
the SPRAM assets has the authority to deploy or transfer SPRAM assets. However,
for management purposes, MAJCOMs retain the authority to identify specific
SPRAM assets that require MAJCOM approval before they are deployed or
transferred. Losing EAE. When directed by the MAJCOM to deploy or transfer
SPRAM assets, the SPRAM custodian identifies the assets to the EAE. The losing
EAE does the following: List of assets. After receiving the deployment or transfer listing from
the custodian, logistics plans, and appropriate staff agencies, finalize the lists of
assets to be deployed or transferred. Prepare the inputs necessary to deploy, return, or transfer the selected
items (Equipment Deployment/Return Transaction/EAID Accountability
Transfer/EAID Accountability Termination). Use the Equipment/SPRAM Single Item Deployment/Return
Input to deploy or return single items (see AFH 23-123 for the input format).
342 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Use Equipment/SPRAM Accountability Transfer inputs to
transfer single items (see AFH 23-123 for the input format). Note: EAID
Accountability Transfer, EAID Accountability Termination and
Accountability Transfer transactions are not authorized for NWRM
equipment. Contact the NWRM Transaction Control Cell for processing
instructions. Use EAID Accountability Termination inputs for group
selection of assets for deployment, return, or transfer. (See AFH 23-123 for
the input format.). Shipping destination record. Ask Customer Support to load a
shipping destination record for the ship-to Stock Record Account Number
(SRAN). This provides a complete mailing address when shipping documents are
output. Multi-item custody receipt transfer. When the items selected for
transfer will be moved as a complete unit to another Supply Equipment account,
prepare the input to show that the transfer is made as a multi-item custody receipt
transfer. This option is only available with group processing of assets for
deployment, return, or transfer. Single-item custody receipt documents. When the items selected for
transfer will be shipped, transported, and received as individual items, use
materiel management shipping documents. Transfers to non-Supply Equipment
accounts are always made on materiel management shipping documents.
Equipment Deployment/Return and EAID Accountability Transfer inputs will
only produce materiel management output documents. Cover letter. Prepare a cover letter to the gaining LRS APO and
attach the following: Shipping documents. Item Record load/Load, Change, Delete SPRAM Asset Detail
Records/ Accountability Transfer inputs (when produced by EAID
Accountability Termination). DD Forms 1348-6 related to L and P numbered items
transferred. Assets and quantities transferred. Forward to the gaining LRS APO
MAJCOM a listing of the assets and quantities transferred. Names of custodians. Obtain and keep the names of the custodians
who will accompany the deployed or transferred assets and hand-carry the
materiel management documentation. Due-ins and due-outs. Determine if the losing EAE should cancel
due-ins and due-outs or keep them in the ILS-S database. Before canceling due-
ins and due-outs, consider such factors as urgency of need by the unit before and
after transfer, avoiding excessive shipping costs, and the availability of the item
from base sources.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 343 Gaining EAE. When the deployed or transferred unit arrives at the new
location, the gaining unit property custodian receives it and signs the resulting
SPRAM Report List. EAID Accountability Termination Input Options. Before processing EAID
Accountability Termination input, EAE personnel must understand that the EAID
Accountability Termination input has several options. For example, Item Record
Load, Load, Change, Delete SPRAM Asset Detail Records, and Accountability
Transfer inputs can be produced to load item records, establish special purpose assets
detail records, and receive property. If a substitute item is deployed, manually prepare
a Load, Change, Delete SPRAM Asset Detail Records to load a prime detail to the
ILS-S database. End Item Transfer. The following procedures apply when an end item(s)
(aircraft/missile) is transferred to the AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and
Regeneration Activity. Upon notification of an end item transfer, AFMC will
terminate accountability for all installed and support equipment, SPRAM assets, and
- 21” technical order assets. These procedures will minimize the number of AFEMS
(C001) reporting errors for FB/E2373 and the losing bases. Assets Transferred On-Board with the Aircraft/Missile. EAID
Accountability Termination documents will not be processed to FB/E2373 for
aircraft/missile installed equipment when the aircraft/missiles are transferred to
AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Activity for retirement/storage.
AFMC will process the EAID Accountability Termination/EAID Accountability
Transfer documents using the losing base SRAN. Accountability Transfer
documents will not be generated for installed Equipment assets located on board
the aircraft or missile. The reason why accountability ended (aircraft transferred
to AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Activity for
retirement/storage, aircraft tail number) will be annotated on the EAID
Accountability Termination EAID Accountability Transfer output documents.
Copies of the EAID Accountability Termination /EAID Accountability Transfer
terminations will be provided to the equipment custodian. Copy one is filed in
Document Control. AFMC is responsible for clearing all in transit delinquent
shipments identified by the AFEMS (C001) as a result of erroneously processing
EAID Accountability Termination / EAID Accountability Transfer documents.
Note: EAID Accountability Transfer, EAID Accountability Termination and
Accountability Transfer transactions are not authorized for NWRM equipment.
Contact the NWRM Transaction Control Cell for processing instructions. Instead
of processing EAID Accountability Transfer, refer to paragraph 5.7 for
processing of the inventory adjustment with proper supporting documentation.
344 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Assets which are shipped through transportation channels. Use non-
direct shipments (not EAID Accountability Termination) according to procedures
contained in paragraph 5.3 of this manual to ship in-use spare assets not
transferred onboard the aircraft/missile to AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and
Regeneration Group for storage. Assets will be shipped to FB/E2373, mark for
AFMC Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Activity, Davis-Monthan AFB,
AZ. Shipment suspense details should not be generated. See AFH 23-123 for
shipping destination record transaction (FRD) format. Receive or transfer SPRAM. Use the Accountability Transfer input to
process an issue to a special purpose asset detail record. It may be produced by EAID
accountability termination processing or by manually preparing individual inputs for
the input format (see AFH 23-123 for the format).
5.9. Inspection and Related Operations.
5.9.1. General Requirements for Inspection and Related Operations. Purpose: To explain standard AF methods and procedures for inspection and
related operations which include verifying identity, condition (as certified by
maintenance inspectors or obvious physical damage) and status marking, tagging, and
labeling of property at U.S. AF activities. The contents of this chapter also include
special storage and handling to include condition and identity changes of materiel and are
applicable to all activities unless prescribed otherwise in the individual section. For other
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. Logistics personnel will not sign DD Form 1574/1574-1 certifying an asset as a
serviceable condition item. Exception: Certified IPE personnel will sign DD Form
1574/1574-1 when applicable, after JSMLT inspections. MIL-STD-129 and MIL-STD-130 prescribe identification marking requirements
to be followed by contractors and AF activities. Serviceable items being received, stored,
issued, or shipped must be identified either through original containers or subsequent
containers. Example: 100 bolts are received into an account in one clearly identified
package. A shipment for 10 bolts is requested from the same account. The materiel
management technician would place the 10 bolts into another container (e.g., Baggie)
then annotate the identification (NSN, Noun, Contract and Lot Numbers) and the quantity
contents legibly on the new container prior to shipment, accompanied by the shipment s
DD Form 1348-1/1A. DD Form 1574/1574-1 can be used to identify property if the
remark field contains the following statement: ID PURPOSES ONLY. The following actions will be performed: Requirements for XD (Reparable) items: Incoming Shipments:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 345 Verify identification on the outside container matches DD Form
1348-1A or DD Form 1348-1A. If the outside container does not match the
DD 1348-1/1A, the container must be opened to properly identify the item. If
the actual property does not match the DD Form 1348-1A, submit a Supply
Discrepancy Report (SDR)/Report of Discrepancy (ROD) as outlined in AFI
23-101. Ensure condition paper work is located on the outside of the
container. If condition paperwork is not located on the outside of the container
but the item identification is matched and there is no suspected damage, the
DD Form 1348-1A will suffice as condition paperwork. The DD Form 1348-
1A must be affixed to the outside container for originator tracing purposes. No
further labeling/tagging or opening containers are required. Exception: Items
of sufficient size to make stenciling more appropriate due to outside storage
and exposure to weather, or when stenciling is preferred by AF activities.
When stenciling is accomplished in lieu of tagging, the minimum information
will be the data contained on DD Forms 1574/1574-1 (inspector’s
name/signature or the inspector’s stamp certifying the condition of the asset
on the outside of the container). If serviceability or condition of property cannot be identified or
is in question, an SDR must be processed prior to acceptance into the ILS-S
outlined in AFI 23-101. Incoming Returns: Ensure DD Form 1574/1574-1 series tag is completely filled out
and contains a legible signature from a certified maintenance inspector stating
the identification of the asset and the condition is placed on the outside of the
container. If DD Form 1574/1574-1 series tag is placed on the outside of the
container no further labeling/tagging or opening of containers are required.
Exception: Items of sufficient size to make stenciling more appropriate due to
outside storage and exposure to weather, or when stenciling is preferred by
AF activities. When stenciling is accomplished in lieu of tagging, the
minimum information will be the data contained on DD Forms 1574/1574-1
series tag (inspector’s name/signature or the inspector’s stamp certifying the
condition of the asset on the outside of the container). FAA Form 8130-3, Authorized Release Certificate, Airworthiness
Approval Flag. Federal Aviation Agency certified Items. A FAA Form 8130-3 will
accompany all serviceable certified items. Exception: When FAA Form 8103-3 is
not available, forms listed in AFI 23-101, paragraph may be used for
certification. DD Form 1574 is acceptable certification if signed or stamped by a
Federal Aviation Agency approved repair facility. Certification forms are not
required for aircraft consumable spares. Each package or unpackaged item will
have the required certification forms on the outside of the container. Items
missing certification forms will not be stored, issued or shipped to requesting
346 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Inspecting Federal Aviation Agency certified items in storage.
Inspection personnel will process a quarterly listing on all items records assigned
Federal Aviation Agency indicator codes. Inspection personnel will ensure all
serviceable items have mandatory certification forms visible on the outside of the
container. Items missing certification forms will be removed from storage
location, suspended on an unserviceable detail with condition code “J,” and
labeled using DD Form 1575. General requirements for both reparable and expendable items: Open packages with single items of supply received in vendor-sealed
containers for additional inspections or tagging as to the condition and or
identification when subjected to one or more of the following actions: Property has been used; been rendered incomplete; suffered
obvious or suspected damage, deterioration, corrosion; or had latent defects
disclosed. Condition or status of the property has been changed by
direction of higher authority. Identification of the property has been lost, defaced, or
obliterated. The container shows evidence of possible damage to the
materiel, or the item history dictates inspection action is required regardless of
pack. When the maximum operating time of the item is limited and
partial service life has been accrued, but the item is returned to serviceable
stock after minor repair under TO 00-20-3, Maintenance Processing of
Reparable Property and Repair Cycle Asset Control System. For bare items utilize the item identity plate if available. To validate identity of an asset cross reference the assets part number
with catalog records utilizing Master Item Identification System (MIICS) or
Federal Logistics Data. Original Containers affected by conversion to national stock numbers
(NSNs) or superseded by new codes or NSNs: Do not open solely for application of new Stock List Change data
(SLC) while in storage. Identify proper SLC data except in those instances when it is not
economically feasible to remark each container in storage, due to quantity
involved. In such instances, a sufficient quantity will be identified and re-tagged
to facilitate issue and inventory. Mark the location adequately with the use of a
bin card to indicate that some items have not been retagged. When issues or
shipments are made, all items, unit packs, outside containers or intermediate
containers, will be marked with the current SLC data (MIL-STD-129).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 347 Use the correct tag in accordance with TO 00-20-3 to prepare all
authorized tags/labels. Use MIL-STD-129 and MIL-STD-130 for marking and identification. MIL-STD-129 provides the minimum requirements for uniform
military marking for shipment and storage. Marking is the application of numbers,
letters, labels, tags, symbols, or colors on containers or packaging to provide
identification and expedite handling during shipment and storage. MIL-STD-130 provides the guideline that requires product
identification nameplates, product identification labels, and product identification
tags be designed in a specific way. Metal tags specification MIL-P (USAF): May be utilized to identify the contents of containers having only one
line item and which are stored outside or being shipped overseas. Metal embossing plates. May be utilized for applying item description and
other data to forms, tags, labels, listings, etc., at AF installations where equipment is
authorized and available. Activity Supply Inspector. Ensures that all materiel received, stored,
issued, or shipped is properly identified, and the legibility and permanence of the
information contained on tags, labels, and other markings are maintained. Condition and Item Management Data Changes. Changing the condition,
identity, or item management data of assets may be needed under certain circumstances.
The document flow for Document Flow for Condition/Identity Change (FCC or FCH) is
described in AFH 23-123, Condition Changes. Processing Condition Changes (FCC) is
described in AFH 23-123. Suspect Materiel. AFMC will coordinate stock screening action requests
received from the Air Force Discrepant Materiel Program Office (AFDMPO) DLA,
GSA, Depot item managers, Air Staff, etc. AFMC will suspense supported LRS/Materiel Management Activities to
perform stock screening actions and will maintain all stock screening notifications
and screening results received from the bases until suspect flags or exception control
data is removed. Supported LRS/Materiel Management Activities must also maintain
documentation on suspect items loaded at their location.
5.9.2. Processing Identity Changes. Purpose: To explain the procedures for processing identity changes. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
348 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Use the identity change processing to re-identify a specific item or quantity of
supplies from one stock number to another when it is recorded on the item record, EAID,
or a SPRAM detail record. Note: Identity changes are not allowed for vehicles and WRM
while on EAID. Process a return to stock before the identity change input is processed.
The item can may be issued back to the appropriate EAID under the new NSN. Identity Changes. Identity changes may be used to correct the identification
of serviceable items in storage, but they should be very rare. When possible, post
processing will be used to correct the identification of items on detail records. The
identity change of a Weapon or CCI/ COMSEC asset will not be allowed. Processing
Identity Changes are described in AFH 23-123. Item Management Data Changes. Some item management data changes
(e.g., controlled item code changes) will automatically cause the generation of
warehouse change documents. Warehouse personnel must process warehouse change
documents as quickly as possible. Warehouse Change Documents are described in
AFH 23-123. Whoever identifies that there is a discrepancy between the item/detail record’s
stock number assignment in the ILS-S and what the asset’s actual stock number is
physically (also known as misidentified) will notify a qualified inspector (as deemed by
AFI 23-101). Note: Normally, the qualified inspector for assets on equipment and
SPRAM details is aligned under EAE. Whereas, the qualified inspector for all other
assets is from the Inspection Element. The qualified inspector: Inspects the asset to confirm it is misidentified. Exception: The LRS APO
may, at discretion, determine that an asset does not have to be physically inspected by
an LRS/Materiel Management Activity inspector if sufficient information is provided
by E-mail, fax, or other means. If the asset is misidentified, research the ILS-S to ensure the discrepancy
cannot be resolved by other means (e.g., record reversal, return, etc.). Extreme care
should be taken when processing an identity change since it creates both a decrease
and an increase inventory adjustment record. Re-tag/label the property. Ensure the identity change meets the criteria specified in Processing
Identity Changes, AFH 23-123 prior to initiating any transaction processing. Coordinate with EAE to ensure changes are made to equipment and
SPRAM details as necessary in accordance with paragraph 5.4 Note: Items that are
deployed cannot be re-identified, but the remaining on-hand quantities can be re-
identified. Process the identity change transaction in the ILS-S. See AFH 23-123 for
SPRAM Identity Change, Identity Change Input, and EAID/In-Use Identity Change
Input and output formats. Take corrective action(s) as prescribed by AFH 23-123 if the transaction
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 349 Create a suspense file and forward the identity change document to
warehouse storage or EAE personnel, as applicable. Ensure asset is relocated; new
location is assigned; and location is entered on DD Form 1348-1A, as appropriate. Upon receipt of returned document annotate the reason for change in
blocks 26-27 of DD Form 1348-1A (continue on reverse side of form if needed). For
suspect materiel, AFMC will coordinate stock screening action requests received
from the Air Force Discrepant Materiel Program Office (AFDMPO) DLA, GSA,
Depot item managers, Air Staff, etc. sign identity change document (e.g., DD Form
1348-1A) as prescribed AFH 23-123, Quick Reference Guide For DD 1348-1A
Quality Control Edits. Obtain the appropriate official’s certification and approval as prescribed
by AFH 23-123, Authentication of Inventory Adjustments and Identity Changes, if
applicable. Forward completed documentation as follows: Copy 1 to Document Control for filing in accordance with
paragraph 5.5 of this manual. Copy 2 to custodian (for equipment and SPRAM identity change
inputs). Copy 3 to EAE jacket file (for equipment and SPRAM identity
change inputs). Remove FER or 1SA document when new R14 or R25 is
5.9.3. Processing Assets for Maintenance Functional Check. Purpose: To explain the procedures for processing maintenance functional
checks. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific
guidance use AFH 23-123. The types of assets requiring function checks fall into two
categories: Assets (other than buildup items) requiring extensive functional checks
before installation. Serviceability of an asset is in question. Assets that appear to have been
mishandled while in stock, dropped, etc. or assets received in a suspect condition. Responsibilities. Supply Inspectors normally manage the functional check program for the
LRS APO. At the option of the LRS APO or the MAJCOM, the functional check
program for readiness spares packages may be managed separately. The list of functional check assets will be compiled by Maintenance
Superintendent (MX Supt) and forwarded to the LRS, per AFI 21-101. (T-1).
350 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Identification of items requiring functional checks before installation. The
Maintenance contact point for functional checks prepares a listing of all items requiring
extensive functional checks before installation and forward a copy of this list to supply
Inspection. This listing is usually in the form of a signed letter. All listings, letters, etc.,
submitted by Maintenance point of contact will be kept on file in Inspection until the
superseded or items no longer require functional checks. Inspection of items requiring functional check. Upon receipt of the listing,
Inspection personnel perform following: Process an inquiry to determine the location of all assets on the
listing, including interchangeable assets. Physically inspect all assets on the inquiry to determine if the local
maintenance activity has already performed the functional check. The appearance
of a base maintenance inspector's stamp/signature is adequate proof of the
function check. If Inspection personnel find any assets requiring a functional
check, they process them. Process FCD inputs to load or delete the functional check flag for
those items identified on this listing. (See Stock Control Data
Load/Change/Delete Input (FCD), AFH 23-123 for FCD format.) The FCD input
changes all master and interchangeable items in the group having the same system
designator. At the option of a MAJCOM, DD Form 1576 or 1576-1 may be used
for items that require in-stock functional checks; otherwise, annotations will be
made on either the DD Form 1574/1574-1 to indicate in-stock functional checks
are required. Remove the distinctive markings from the bin labels for those items
requiring deletion. Processing Items Requiring Functional Checks. When Inspection personnel
find an item for which the local maintenance inspector has not indicated the condition
of serviceability by stamping or signing the DD Form 1574/1574-1, they contact the
maintenance contact point or Production Control to determine when the asset(s) can
be scheduled for a functional check. Receive time and place of delivery. Maintenance contact point
informs Inspection personnel what maintenance shop will perform the functional
check and when the functional check can be conducted. Issue to Maintenance. Process an ISU or MSI using activity code C
and the organization and shop code furnished by Maintenance point of contact.
Note: Process MSI for assets accounted for on MRSP, MSK, WRM, or supply
point detail records. See Issue From Detail Record (MSI) Processing Instructions,
AFH 23-123 for MSI format.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 351 Deliver items. Deliver the items to the appropriate shop where they
will be controlled under normal DIFM procedures until returned to Supply. If
these items need repair, the required bits and pieces will be charged to the
repairing shop. Return from Maintenance. When maintenance returns the item to
supply, process a turn-in (TIN) based on the condition of the item and the action
taken code. See Recoverable Item Turn-In Request (TIN), AFH 23-123 for the
TIN format. Processing Assets of Questionable Serviceability. When the serviceability of any
asset is in doubt, the supply Inspectors will place the item in a suspect condition and
process the item to maintenance using the functional check process. Issue to Maintenance. Issue the suspect item to maintenance using MSI
with activity code C and the organization and shop code furnished by maintenance
point of contact. The issue to maintenance results in no financial updates to the
organization’s O&M funds because of the suspect condition code and the “C” activity
code. Return from Maintenance. Credit will be allowed based on the
serviceability of the item and the action taken code as indicated below: Serviceable with Action Taken Code B. When maintenance
determines the item is serviceable (condition code A) and performs no repair
(action taken code B) process the turn-in (TIN) with a suspect condition code and
then change the condition of the asset from suspect to serviceable process using a
Condition Code Change input (FCC). This process prevents crediting the
maintenance organization for repairs it did not perform. See Processing Condition
Changes, AFH 23-123, for the FCC format. Serviceable with Action Taken Code Other than B. When
maintenance determines the item was unserviceable and repairs the item (action
taken code indicating repair, other than B) process the TIN as serviceable to allow
the maintenance organization to receive credit for the repair performed. Unserviceable. When maintenance determines the item is
unserviceable and performs no repair, process the TIN as unserviceable.
Maintenance will not receive any credit for the return of the unserviceable item. Functional Checks Listing. Program NGV401 with the functional check listing
option (or an equivalent local program) will be processed as required, but at least
semiannually. A copy of the output will be forwarded to both the Maintenance point of
contact and Inspection. Upon receipt of the listing, Inspection personnel do the following: Check this listing against the previous listing and with letters submitted by
Maintenance point of contact. Thoroughly research items added to or deleted from the previous
listing. If no requests from Maintenance point of contact are on file, ask the
Maintenance point of contact to verify the additions or deletions.
352 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Update the present listing manually or request a new listing when new
additions or deletions are requested. The number of changes required should
determine whether to manually update the listing or request a new one. Provide a copy of the Functional Check Listing to Receiving for use during
degraded operations.
5.10. Management of Discrepant, Counterfeit and Suspect Counterfeit Materiel.
5.10.1. Purpose: To provide referenced for AF policy guidance and procedures regarding the
management of discrepant, counterfeit and suspect counterfeit materiel. For guidance specific
requirements and other authoritative sources for discrepant materiel, review AFI 23-101; this
guidance identifies requirements for non-conforming or malicious materiel reporting,
investigating, and resolution processes and procedures.
5.11. Stock Positioning.
5.11.1. Asset Redistribution. Purpose: Describe the processing actions for Stock Control or designated
personnel to manage RDO/Referral suspense detail records. RDO/Referral suspense details will appear on the Base Supply Surveillance
Report (D20), part 13 and the RDO Metrics Report (M22) (Reference Surveillance
Report (D20/NGV821) and Redistribution Order (RDO Metrics) (M22/NGV885) in AFH
23-123. These listings provide management with the capability to manage and track all
incoming RDO/Referral orders when they are in a suspended status. Interrogation of the
RDO/Referral suspense details can also be accomplished by processing a 16 ALL inquiry
or an inquiry with retrieval code “T.” The management of RDO functionality within ILS-S is designed to operate
with little to no manual intervention. Users can view the ILS-S Audit Trail Component
(ATC) entries to determine the disposition of each RDO transaction. User can create a list
of all RDO suspense details from any base account (based on AFSCDB data), list
rejected RDOs, determine if RDO rejects were cleared without reprocessing (assuming
the clear was processed through ILS-S), and also determine if a record reversal and
correction on the shipment was performed. When a wholesale-directed redistribution transaction (A2*/A4*) is processed in
the ILS-S, the system checks for serviceable base assets. If serviceable base assets exist,
then the RDO/referral order is subjected to a series of rules, based upon the priority of the
redistribution transaction, to determine what base assets may be released for shipment.
Basically the rules ensure base assets will only be redistributed to bases with higher
priority needs. Those asset release rules are detailed in Redistribution Order (RDO) Asset
Release Rules in AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 353 If base assets are available to satisfy the RDO/referral, but some or all of
the required assets are “inaccessible” for immediate shipment, the ILS-S creates an
RDO/referral suspense detail (220) detail. There are numerous reasons why
serviceable assets may be suspended. For instance, RDO/referral suspensions can
occur due to ongoing physical inventory actions, out of warehouse storage locations,
because the serviceable assets are deployed in an MSK, and when an external
management decision is required. The RDO/referral suspense detail is maintained in
the ILS-S until the redistribution action is either honored or denied. When an A2*/A4* is suspended, either an I136 or I023 management
notice is produced and forwarded to Stock Control. See Common RDO (A2*),
Referral Order (A4*), And Excess Disposition Shipment (FTR) Rejects and
Corrective Actions in AFH 23-123 for common RDO rejects. Process a query to determine if the 220-RDO-QTY can be satisfied from
other assets or substitute NSNs. Personnel should check the numeric source coded item in D043 to
determine what the source code was before it was locally tailored. If the source code
is preferable to the source code on the input stock number (including consideration of
the item jump-to-code) then the item can be shipped to satisfy the RDO. If research
indicates the asset cannot be shipped, then take action to deny the RDO. Numeric
source codes indicate that the interchangeable and substitute group (ISG) has been
locally tailored, and the item may or may not be in a subgroup that is usable in lieu of
the requested stock number. Re-input RDO (A2*/A4*) transactions to either honor or deny suspended
redistribution/referral orders. See Redistribution/Referral Order (A2*/A4*) Input in
AFH 23-123. Re-input RDOs with TEX code asterisk (*) to ship a substitute NSN
or to honor RDOs with off-base supply point or deployed MSK assets. However,
before using TEX “*,” personnel should ensure that the A2*/A4* satisfies the
asset release rules detailed in Redistribution Order (RDO) Asset Release Rules
AFH 23-123. Note: TEX “*” is note authorized for RSP details. Failure to re-
input suspended RDOs with the “*” could cause duplicate RDO/Referral suspense
details. When using TEX code “*,” re-input the original A2*/A4*, with the
following changes: If shipping from an MSK or supply point detail, use the NSN and
the quantity that will be released from the detail. Use the suffix code from the
RDO/Referral suspense detail. If MSK or supply point assets are available, then
Stock Control can ship (A2*/A4*) the asset directly off the appropriate detail or
the assets can be turned in and shipped off the item record by re-inputting the
A2*/A4*. Stock Control should normally ship directly off the detail in lieu of the
return/ship process. If shipping a substitute item, use the substitute NSN and the quantity
of the substitute NSN that will be released for the RDO. Use the suffix code from
the RDO/Referral suspense detail.
354 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Re-input the applicable denial code into the TEX code field of the
A2*/A4*. The TEX code field is a dual purpose field and must reflect the appropriate
denial code. See authorized denial codes in Redistribution Order Denial (B7*)
Transaction Format in AFH 23-123. If a referral order (A4*) is partially or completely denied either
programmatically or manually, the ILS-S outputs a supply status (AE*) transaction
with “CB” status. When ICPs that initiated RDOs and referral orders have not received
status from the shipping bases, the ICPs follow-up to the shipping bases for updated
status. When AFMC or C-ICPs has not received status from a shipping
base indicating when (or whether) an RDO has been honored, the ICP sends a
redistribution order follow-up (BF7) transaction to the shipping base. The
redistribution order follow-up transaction format is provided in ILS-S Responses
to RDO and Referral Order Follow-ups in AFH 23-123. The ILS-S response to
these wholesale redistribution order follow-up transactions depends upon whether
the base has received the RDO, and if so, whether the RDO has been honored.
The ILS-S responses to ICP RDO follow-ups are provided in ILS-S Responses to
RDO and Referral Order Follow-ups, AFH 23-123. Referral order follow-ups. ICPs who initiate referral orders can
follow-up to shipping bases via DLMS EDI follow-up (AF*) transactions. Refer
to Reply to Redistributable Order Follow up Shipment Status (BL7) in AFH 23-
123, for a reference to DLMS EDI follow-up output (AF*) transactions. See ILS-
S Responses to RDO and Referral Order Follow-ups, AFH 23-123, for details
regarding the ILS-S responses to referral order follow-ups. Initiators of RDOs and referral orders communicate cancellation requests
via AC* transactions. See Requisition Cancellation Request (AC1/AK1) Output
Transaction in AFH 23-123 for the format for AC* transactions. When RDO or
referral order cancellation request transactions are input, the ILS-S attempts to locate
a shipment suspense or SNC detail with an equal document number and suffix code;
or an RDO/referral suspense detail. The action taken by the retail system depends
upon what details are found. See ILS-S Responses to RDO and Referral Order
Follow-ups, AFH 23-123 for a complete explanation of the ILS-S responses to
RDO/referral order cancellation requests.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 355
Chapter 6
6.1. Overview. This chapter outlines AF guidance for performing supply chain materiel
management processes associated with materiel returns and disposal of materiel. These activities
include Returns and Disposal. DoDM 4100.39, Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS)
Procedures, DoDM 4140.01, Vol. 6, DoDM 4160.21, Vol. 4, and DoDM 4160.28, Vol 1,
Defense Demilitarization: Program Administration, serve as primary DoD reference sources.
6.2. Returns.
6.2.1. Material Returns to the Retail Supply Activity. Purpose: To explain return procedures. For guidance specific requirements
review, AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Caution: AFI 16-1404
applies at all levels of personnel who handle, or store classified information and
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). Return requests will be processed without delay. The following actions will be performed for all returns: Perform physical bare item inspection of property (identaplate, engraving,
decal, or label) to ensure proper identification of asset following the MIL-STD-130.
Ensure materiel received matches supporting documentation and ILS-S records. If property identification does not match information in the ILS-S,
review interchangeable/substitute data within the system or research in the D043B
Interchangeable and Substitute (ISG) maintenance system. If ISG data is not compatible, action may dictate use of
Interchangeability Code I for return processing. Interchangeability Code I. Use extreme discretion in processing Due-in
From Maintenance (DIFM) returns with Interchangeability Code I. Improper
processing will lead to incorrect inventory control. The submitting organization will create a memorandum certifying the
item returned is acceptable to clear existing DIFM records; this memorandum will
include supporting documentation such as TOs or service manuals. The Flight Service Center will use this information to verify the item
returned is acceptable for the item issued and should not be or is not linked in the
applicable Interchangeable Substitute Group. All supporting documentation will
be filed with a copy of the D20, Base Supply Surveillance Report for a period of
two years. Property Preservation. Ensure all returns are protected with packaging
identified in Special Packaging Instruction (SPI) information, DD Form 1348-1A and
AFMAN 24-206_IP, Packaging of Materiel.
356 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Sign and date customer copy of the original DD Form 1348-1A upon
receipt and completion of bare item inspection. See Table 6.1 for complete document
requirements. Review the AFTO Form 350. Review the AFTO Form 350 accompanying
repairable returns for completeness and compatibility in accordance with the TO 00-
20-2. Coordinate with the applicable Maintenance Reparable Processing Center for
clarification or correction of any questionable or incomplete entries. Block 16 must contain the original issue request or due-out release
document number listed on the DD Form 1348-1A or equivalent. Block 17 must contain the nomenclature of the item. Block 18 must contain the Part Number. Block 18a, must contain the WUC when the item is declared NRTS
or condemned (Action Taken Codes 0 through 9). Block 19 must contain the National Stock Number. Block 20 must contain an Action Taken Code compatible with
property condition. See AFH 23-123 for a list of Action Taken codes. Block 21 must contain the Quantity. AFTO Form 350 Disposition. Leave Part 1 of the AFTO Form 350 tag
attached to the item. Part II of the AFTO Form 350 will be used for return
processing actions. Condition tags. Verify the accuracy of condition tags affixed to the repair
cycle asset in accordance with TO 00-20-3. Removal of Tags and Labels. Remove all documentation not pertaining to
current transaction (e.g., previous shipping labels, issue documents, MICAP, NMCS,
999, etc.). Tags and labels must be obliterated or removed from the item’s container
prior to the item being shipped, reissued or returned to warehouse stock. AF Form 2005 and processing instructions. Prepare an AF Form 2005 for
all materiel returns. The procedure for preparing the AF Form 2005 depends on the
type of item being returned, as outlined in other sections of this chapter. The format
and processing instructions for consumable (XB3), equipment (NF/ND) and
recoverable (XD2/XF3) item return requests are provided in AFH 23-123, Vol 2.
Note: For recoverable item turn-ins (XD2/XF3), either an AF Form 2005 or a copy of
the original issue/due-out release document (DD Form 1348-1A) may be used as the
source document for the return input transaction. Ensure the AF Form 2005 contains
all required entries, including the DOCUMENT CONTROL, (CLASSIFIED, or
NWRM when required) stamp after processing, then forward to Document Control.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 357
Table 6.1. Materiel Return Source Document Requirements.
Form Used
AF Form 2005
Note 2
Enter Last Name of In-Checker and Julian Date
Enter Last Name of Inspector and Julian Date
Nomenclature (Note 1)
DD Form 1348-1A
Note 3
Enter “TIN”
Enter quantity
Enter Return Condition
Enter Inspector/In-Checker Name/Signature
Enter Date received
Enter serial number (if applicable),
Note 1: AFH 23-123 Vol 2, prescribes all additional block/card column requirements.
Note 2: Provided by requestor.
Note 3: Applies to recoverable DIFM returns when original/copy of release document is
used to process transaction. Return Processing Delays. When an item is physically returned and
processing is delayed for more than 1 duty day, enter a P in Repair Cycle Flag
position 53. Record the last three positions of the Julian date (actual return date)
in Tote Box/Hold Bay positions 4-6 of the Return input. Handling Post Return Processing. After completing return processing,
move material with correct automated tracking labels and applicable documentation
to locally designated hold areas or applicable warehouse stockrooms.
6.2.2. Special Return Procedures. Purpose: These procedures cover returns that require special action. For
guidance specific requirements review, AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. Materiel Deficiency Returns. Process Materiel Deficiency Returns in accordance
with TO 00-35D-54. Maintenance personnel (originator) delivers the deficient exhibit to the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity in accordance with TO 00-35D-54, specifically: A copy of the initial deficiency report (DR) submittal paperwork. Provide documentation for DR to include latent defects found after
initial exhibit reporting. Two completed copies of the DD Form 1575. Two copies of the DD Form 2332 properly completed per TO 00-
35D-54 with the deficient property at the time of return.
358 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The LRS/Materiel Management Activity will verify maintenance has
provided required documentation and unserviceable (ERRCD X**) item returns are
identified with supply condition code Q and action taken code C. Upon completion of return processing, the appropriate ILS-S produces
management notice I012 (Stock Awaiting Disposition) reflecting the unserviceable
detail document number. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity will attach a copy
of the I012 management notice to the property and write the Report Control Number
(RCN) on the I012 so the exhibit can be readily identified. Move the exhibit to the deficiency report storage location. Assign location to R920 detail. Warranty Item Returns. Include all warranty paperwork when items are returned. Items Undergoing Physical Inventory. Inventory freeze codes (C for Cycle
inventory and I for Special inventory) will not affect processing of unserviceable returns.
Inventory freeze codes will have the following effects on serviceable return processing: When TEX code 7 or G is used to force shipment, the system will process
the return and shipment of the property. When the entire quantity can be due-out released, the system will process
the return and release the due-out. When neither of these conditions exist, reject 469 will be printed. Take the
following actions: Hold copy 1 of the 469 reject in suspense and re-input the return after
freeze code is removed. Forward copy 2 of the 469 reject to the holding area, where it will be
attached to the property. Found on Base (FOB) Item Returns. Assets in the possession of base customers
not accounted for on supply system due-in from maintenance or in-use equipment detail
records are commonly referred to as found on base (FOB). Determine ownership. The following research actions are performed for all
FOB returns to determine ownership: Verify all warehouse locations and detail
balances; review transaction history for previous adjustments to validate if FOB is
related; and check Degraded Operations log sheets to verify all transactions have been
processed. After research, if ownership of FOB property can be determined, return
the property to the owning organization. Specific FOB Actions. The Flight Service Center documents all research
actions and files with a copy of the D20 when an item is found on base. Follow
actions for Recoverable, Consumable, or Equipment Return Procedures and process
the return with TEX code “+.” Serialized control assets (e.g., NWRM,
CCI/COMSEC, Weapons) or classified assets need to follow actions identified under
Table 6.2 All research actions and maintenance documentation will be filed with a
copy of the D20 (BASE SUPPLY SURVEILLANCE REPORT) per AFI 23-101,
Chapter 5. Use Table 6.2 for additional actions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 359 Overages. Overages resulting from maintenance turn-ins due to scheduled
weapon system deactivations and modifications shall be considered resolved
discrepancies when maintenance activities provide documentation directing the
deactivations and or modifications as justification for resolution. The supply activity
will add the items to the item record via a turn-in/receipt transaction, and
documentation will be filed with Document Control per AFI 23-101, Chapter 5 for
NWRM assets, notify the NTCC (6[email protected]) prior to processing
for accountability and disposition instructions. If documentation cannot be provided,
the overages will be considered unresolved and the requirements prescribed in Table
6.2 will be followed. Note: For approved weapon system deactivation or
modifications, FOB TINs will be processed with a “0” in the Disposal Authority/SEX
Code field. FSC 8150 Intermodal ISO Containers. Contact the Air Force ISO
Container Program Manager at AFMC to request disposition instructions for ISO
containers declared FOB on AF installations. See Defense Transportation Regulation
(DTR) 4500.9-R, Part VI, Management and Control of Intermodal Containers and
System 463L Equipment, for ISOs found on installation.
Table 6.2. Exceptions to TEX code “+” Returns.
Type Item
Serialized control assets (e.g.,
Weapons) or Classified
These assets will not be turned-in with a TEX + (plus).
Use Special Inventory procedures and customers will
follow Financial Liability Investigation guidance in DoD
7000.14-R (DoD FMR), Vol 12, Chapter 7.
For NWRM: Immediately contact the NTCC to determine
proper accountability/disposition actions. Refer to AFI 20-
110, Chapter 11 for discrepancy reporting requirements.
Note: When the adjustment is the result of a weapon
system deactivation or modification, or programmed/un-
programmed reclamation refer to paragraph
Equipment (ERRC NF*/ND*)
If ownership can be determined, see paragraph 5.4 for
equipment processing procedures. Readiness Spares and Supply Point Item Returns. These assets are “returned” to
retail supply stocks, and the materiel return procedures are the same as those used for
customer materiel returns. Use the activity code, Organization Code, Shop Code and
serial number of the Readiness Spares or Supply Point detail for processing the return. Controlled Item and Nuclear Weapons Related Materiel (NWRM) Returns. Write or stamp CLASSIFIED ITEM in red ink on all copies of classified
item source documents. For NWRM equipment, stamp the AF Form 2005 with
CLASSIFIED NWRM Item in red ink.
360 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 LRS/Materiel Management activities will research and verify the serial
number and part number/stock number conversions for all controlled materiel turned-
in without the serial number or national stock number physically identified on the
item. Serialized Control Returns. When processing a return that affects the total
on-hand or detail quantity, follow normal processing procedures. However, if
processing a transaction for a partial quantity, specific serial numbers must be
identified before the in-line transaction is processed. Use TRIC XHB or DSR detailed
in COMSEC Serialized Control Input (XHB) and Small Arms Reconciliation Report
for AFMC (DSR) respectively in AFH 23-123. NWRM Returns. NWRM returns will be processed using the following
procedures: The Flight Service Center ensures only personnel authorized by the
NWRMAPO process NWRM return transactions. (T-1). Flight Service Center/return processing activities will notify NTCC
of processing actions when an NWRM is being returned. (T-1). The Flight Service Center provides the NTCC the NSN, the part
number, document number, quantity, unit of issue, and applicable serial
number(s). (T-1). The NTCC lifts freeze code N via Freeze Code Update (1FC)
processing, and notify the requesting Flight Service Center the freeze code has
been removed. Flight Service Center will process the TIN. After successful
processing, NTCC informs IM/repair facility of pending shipment and reload the
freeze code N. Do NOT process returns for NWRM with a TEX 7 and
Supplementary Address. This will prevent automatic bypass of the freeze code.
(T-1). When return processing releases to a backorder, Flight Service Center
will provide final destination detail (SPRAM, Equipment, Supply Point, etc.) of
the asset(s). All excess POS assets will be redistributed based on direction from
the Item Manager (IM). When return processing released to an unserviceable hold detail,
contact the NTCC to process a Shipment (SHP) or Wholesale Activity
Redistribution Order /Referral Order (A2x/A4x) to the correct address. Parachute Returns will be processed using equipment returns procedures detailed
in Chapter 5, and the following procedures. Parachute components found to be unserviceable as a result of inspection
performed in accordance with the applicable technical orders will be processed Reparable and serviceable parachutes and components of the following
stock numbers, which are excess to AF requirements, will be converted to training
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 361 Stock number 1670-00-940-0787. Stock number 1670-00-543-3819. Stock number 1670-00-376-8779. Stock number 1670-00-517-9539. Stock number 1670-00-554-6413. Stock number 1670-00-622-4462. Stock number 1670-00-680-9025. Stock number 1670-00-112-9861. Stock number 1670-00-892-4218. Stock number 1670-00-373-9094. Stock number 1670-01-236-3822. Serviceable components will be turned in to LRS/Materiel Management
Activity for stock or excess reporting to the IM for disposition instructions, to include
year/date of manufacture and condition, when applicable. AFMC will assign excess exception code (EEX) "6" and a locally
determined shipment exception (SEX) code, with exception notice code (ENC) of "R"
for reject, with the SEX exception phrase reading: Online ship to FB4620 (RIC DL7),
MF USAF Ground Survival School. "Do Not Post" shipments are prohibited. Prior to shipment, materiel management personnel will ensure the
parachute assemblies are conspicuously stenciled in indelible ink: "NOT FOR
FLIGHT - GROUND TRAINING ONLY." (T-1). Unserviceable components may be
stenciled during the technical order inspection performed by maintenance. Disassembled Parachutes. If disassembling parachutes, EAE, responsible
custodian, and owning activity work together to ensure the parachute is properly
taken apart, identified and accounted for on separate DIFM details before taking it to
the Flight Service Center. EAE determines what parts make up the assembled parachute and then
prepare the documents listed below. Process these documents in the exact order listed.
Note: Although these documents are basically "paperwork" transactions, output DD
Form 1348-1A will be distributed in the normal manner. Activity Code E Return (Assembled Parachute). This return transfers
the parachute from the in-use detail to the item record. EAE prepares and
processes the return with the following information: Supply condition code A;
TEX code 8; and PARCHUTDSAMBLY in positions 67-80. When necessary,
prepare an FCI to adjust authorizations. Activity Code P Issue (Assembled Parachute). This issue removes the
parachute from the item record balance. EAE prepares and processes the issue
with the following information: Activity code P; organization code 004; shop
code AD; and PARCHUTDSAMBLY in positions 67-80.
362 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Activity Code P Return (Parachute Component). For each parachute
component, EAE will prepare and process the return using following data:
Activity code P; organization code 004; shop code AD; condition code A; and
TEX code 8. Activity Code C Issue (Parachute Component). For every activity
code P return prepared for a component, EAE prepares and processes an activity
code C issue. In positions 67-80, enter the in-use document number of the
parachute. Use the disassembling activity's organization and shop code to
establish DIFM control on component items. Note: The activity disassembling the
parachute signs each activity code C issue. Other issues or returns are signed by
EAE. Return and Disposition of Parachute Components. After parachute
components have been associated to a unique DIFM detail, the disassembling activity
returns any serviceable, reparable, or condemned parachute components to the Flight
Service Center. Return of Bench Mockups or Sets. The equipment custodian must state
disassembly is complete when returning a bench mockup or set. Follow equipment return
procedures using activity code E, for returns of each component of the mockup or set. Special Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM). Returns for
SPRAM items must contain demand code I (when reducing or deleting authorized detail)
or demand code R (when requesting replacement item). Safe and Filing Cabinet Returns. Return documents for safes and filing cabinets
with combination locks will include combination settings. When locksmith services are
available, the combination settings will be changed to 50-25-50 prior to return. When a
locksmith is unavailable, returns may be accomplished without changing combination
settings. If so, in addition to writing the settings on the return document also notate the
combination on the tag or label attached to the safe or cabinet. Multiple DIFM Indicator. When using a multiple DIFM indicator, there is only
one DIFM document number. Additional processing will be required if returning partial
quantities or using separate conditions. Example: DIFM quantity is 10. When returning
five each with an action taken code 9 and the other five with an action taken code B, it
will be necessary to process separate returns with the same document number. Non-accountable equipment. Non-accountable equipment GPC purchased
items must be processed through the ILS-S to ensure the assets are not on any
accountable records. Process returns for non-EAID equipment items that do not affect in-
use detail records. The requester provides the org/shop code. Materiel Management
personnel will process the return using: Activity code “P” document numbers. Activity code “K” from retail outlets. Credit code “N.” Note: Credit code “Y” is assigned when credit is
allowed, the Funds manager must approve the use of credit code “Y” before
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 363 Contact EAE for items on EAID details Air Force Repair Enhancement Program (AFREP) Unserviceable XF Returns validated on the Q04 will be placed in the
designated hold area by Flight Service Center for one duty day to give the Air Force
Repair Enhancement Program time to determine reparability. When the Air Force
Repair Enhancement Program does not respond in one duty day, return will be
processed as normal. When AFREP can repair the asset, a TIN will be processed with a TEX
code "1" to clear the original DIFM detail. Process an unserviceable issue (MSI) with a TEX code "D" to the
AFREP account. Use activity code "C" for ERRC XD and XF budget code 8
(MSD), and "R" for XB and XF budget code 9 (GSD) and use shop code "GF."
This will provide the asset to AFREP as a "free issue" while establishing a DIFM
detail. Submit request to AFMC to assign local ERRC of XF for XB items
with recurring initiatives that have a demand level established in accordance with
AFH 23-123. Serviceable/Unserviceable returns from AFREP repair shops will be
processed for credit per AFI 23-101. (T-1).
6.2.3. Recoverable, Consumable, or Equipment Return Procedures. Purpose: To provide procedures on the return of recoverable, consumable, or
equipment items. For guidance specific requirements review, AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123. In addition to guidance in this chapter, follow instructions in subsequent
paragraphs for recoverable (ERRCD XD2 or XF3), consumable (ERRCD XB*/NF1), or
equipment (ERRCD N**) returns to the ILS-S. Recoverable Item Returns. Return recoverable items after completing the base
repair cycle process per TO 00-20-9, Forecasting Replacement Requirements for Selected
Calendar and Hourly Time Change Items. In addition, all recoverable returns will follow
procedures in Sec 6B and recoverable return transaction processing outlined in AFH 23-
123. Consumable Item Return Procedures. Processing Turn-In of Consumable Items,
as outlined in AFH 23-123, perform the following actions for all consumable item
returns: AFI 23-101 and DoDM 4160.21, Vol 1, Defense Materiel Disposition:
Disposal Guidance and Procedures, mandates all government materiel must be fully
used and reused whenever it can be effectively, economically, and safely utilized.
Although activities or work centers may no longer need consumable assets for current
needs, they are not authorized to automatically throw away these items because they
may be needed in the future. The following general guidelines will help determine
item usefulness and applies to both on and off-base organizations.
364 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Throw Away Items. Customers may only throw away items that are in such
a deteriorated condition they cannot be sold through DLADS, thus making them
useless for any future application. Examples are used gaskets, seals, broken plastic
items, etc. Useful materiel. Customers will collect, retain, and return to the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity all consumable items, serviceable or
unserviceable, having potential use or resale value. The LRS/Materiel Management
Activity will reissue and redistribute these for repair and reuse, or transfer to DLADS
as scrap. (T-1). The return activity prepares and signs the applicable DD Form 1500 series
tag/label. The return activity will write appropriate organization and shop code on the
applicable DD Form or the property container. The DD Form 1574/1574-1 is not
required on a serviceable consumable item if the item is in its original sealed
container, and the national stock number has not been removed or obliterated. LRS/Materiel Management Activity will not accept serviceable property less
than a full Unit of Issue (UI). (T-1). When returned serviceable property contains less
than a full UI (e.g., 57 EA and the UI is Hundred (HD)), the organization will keep the
items as work order residue or add them to existing bench stock.
6.2.4. Specific Consumable Processing Procedures. Purpose: To provide procedures on certain consumable returns. For guidance
specific requirements review, AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. In accordance with AFI 24-301, Ground Transportation, will incorporate
collection/pickup into their documented cargo sweeps, according to the schedule set by
the LRS. They will deliver recovered consumable materiel to Flight Service Center for
processing. Use the organization and shop code identified on the DD Form 1574/1574-1 or
container to make sure funds credit is provided when authorized. Property suspected to be
unserviceable or misidentified will be verified by a certified inspector. Process
unserviceable returns as condition code “H.” When items are considered scrap, process
see paragraph 6.3, of this manual. After processing, move materiel to applicable hold
6.2.5. Equipment Return Procedures. Purpose: To provide procedures on the return of recoverable, consumable, or
equipment items. For guidance specific requirements review, AFI 23-101 and for IT
specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Equipment return processing is outlined in Processing Turn-In of Equipment
Items To ILS-S, AFH 23-123. The organization equipment custodian will contact EAE to request return of
accountable equipment items. Additionally, the custodian will prepare two copies of AF
Form 2005 for return processing. The EAE:
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 365 Reviews the equipment custodian’s AF Form 2005 for accuracy. Queries the ILS-S to identify unfilled base authorizations for the item. Unfilled base authorizations: When a due-out exists, EAE contacts the customer to verify the
item returned will be acceptable to their requirements. If so, ensure the correct
document number is annotated on AF Form 2005 used for return with TEX 2. If no due-out exists, EAE transfers the serviceable item to the
existing base authorization. When there are no base requirements, the Flight Service Center
processes the TIN to stock which allows item manager visibility VIA the FTE
process for potential redistribution. Documented Cargo Operations is responsible to pick up the property from
custodian. Custodians ensure that items contain proper documentation prior to pick up.
Proper documentation includes: AFTO Form 350 and condition tag. When an item is
missing required packaging, an AF Form 451, Request for Packaging Service, will be
included with the property. Documented Cargo will initial the AF Form 2005 and leave a
copy with the custodian. Documented Cargo personnel are not responsible for the
inspection or completion of documentation. They will deliver the property and remaining
AF Form 2005 copies to Flight Service Center for return transaction processing. Flight
Service Center personnel will take delivery of items and coordinate with the owning unit
for discrepancies with packaging or documentation.
6.3. Disposal and Demilitarization.
6.3.1. Disposal. Purpose: To explain disposal procedures process required to transfer materiel
(TRM) to DLADS for managing excess and surplus materiel transfers. Materiel transfers
from AF retail materiel management activities to DLA can be either directed by
wholesale inventory control point (ICP) item managers, or can be initiated based upon
enterprise disposal decisions by AFMC only. For guidance specific requirements review
AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Overarching disposal guidance is contained in DoDM 4160.21, Vol 1. General Disposal Procedures. AFMC-directed materiel transfers to DLADS are
processed in the ILS-S when items are no longer required (excess) and all disposal
authority criteria has been met. The following actions will be performed for all items
being transferring to DLADS through LRS/Materiel Management Activity channels.
Reference AFI 23-101 for disposal authority criteria. Identify the type of property for disposal by checking NSN and Part
Number. Reference AFH 23-123 for clarification. Ensure all the paperwork if applicable, is complete (e.g., hazardous forms,
disposition instructions, and condition tags with property).
366 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Input of an AFMC-directed materiel transfer, the ILS-S applies transfer
disposal authority criteria to ensure the materiel qualifies for transfer. The transaction
format and processing instructions for transferring items are provided at AFH 23-123, Successful processing of the transfer transaction produces a DD Form
1348-1A output A5J transfer document, reference Preparation of DD 1348-1A,
(ISU/MSI/DUO/DOR/A2x/SHP/A5J Documents) in AFH 23-123, Transfer
Document. Attach document to the property. Note: DLADS is sometimes located off-
base and the transferred materiel must be transported. Go to DLA Disposition
Services property Turn-In ( to request an
appointment to bring scrap or usable property to nearby DLADS. When the document contains demilitarization codes F, G or P forward to
Inspection for processing and coordination materiel movement with base LRS/LGRD. For Wholesale-Directed Transfers to DLADS Transactions reference
Processing Procedures For ICP-Directed Transfers to DLADS, AFH 23-123. For Critical Safety Items (CSI) materiel which lacks required supporting
documentation will be mutilated prior to being transferred. The term “AFTO Form 95
Required” will be printed on all output shipments or transfer documents requiring
supporting historical maintenance data. LRS/Materiel Management Activity inspector
should contact maintenance when this phrase is printed on serialized reparable items and
no maintenance documentation is available. A criticality code of “E” or “F” identifies an item as CSI, in accordance
with DoDM 4100.39, Vol 10. DLADS will mutilate CSIs not accompanied by an AFTO Form 95 or other
historical maintenance record, and if the items have not already been mutilated. When disposing such aviation CSIs into DLA, ensure that the documents
clearly annotate that the part is "defective," "non-reparable," or "time-expired" and
that mutilation is required. Note: When the materiel is new/unused and still packaged
in the original manufacturer’s container that reflects all of the identification and
contracting data, the item shall be issued or turned-in to DLA without applying the
mutilation requirement. CSIs that contain military offensive or defensive capabilities shall be
demilitarized in accordance with DoDM 4160.28, Vol 1. Disposal of Special Access Program parts will comply with AFI 16-701,
Management, Administration and Oversight of Special Access Programs.
6.3.2. Disposal Return Document (DTID). Purpose: To explain Disposal Return Document/materiel transfer procedures
used by base organizations to process directly to DLADS. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 367 These procedures are primarily used to transfer scrap to DLA by authorized base
organizations. Since organizational transfers of materiel to DLADS are not processed
through the ILS-S, the initiating organizations are responsible for hand scribed or typed
DD Form 1348-1A documenting the transfer. There are two methods available for
producing the documentation. Organizations will use DLA’s Electronic Turn-in/Return
Document (ETID) system or manually produce the transfer shipment documentation if IT
is limited. General Disposal Procedures. Property shall be turned in to the DLADS Site in
accordance with DLM 4000.25, Vol 2 and DoDM 4160.21, Vol 1. All returns will be on
DD Form 1348-1A. Segregate scrap materiel to minimize DLA handling costs and to ensure
maximum returns from the sale of disposed materiel. Segregation of scrap materiel
shall be accomplished by the base organizations initiating materiel for all transfers. When purchased items using Government Purchase Card (GPC),
organization will contact LRS/Materiel Management Activity to ensure the assets are
not on any accountable records. For “Scrap Materiel,” organization will make every
effort possible to return the items directly to DLADS. Property shall be turned in using the DLADS Site at DLA Disposition
Services property Turn-In ( For password access see additional information link. The requesting organization coordinates with DLADS to schedule property
drop off/pick-up. When an ETID is prepared by an IM to process excesses at more than one
storage location, separate forms will be prepared for each location. Each form will
contain indicative information for the property held only at that location. Ensure
quantity to be transferred and retention quantity entries are complete.
6.3.3. Batch Lot Processing. Purpose: To explain the batch lot procedures. For guidance specific requirements
review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. In some cases, bases are authorized to transfer useable low dollar value materiel
to DLADS in “batch lots” instead of individual stock number (item) transfers. Note:
Batch lotted property documents are not in Web Docs and will be mailed back. Reference
DoDM 4160.21, Vol 1, for more information. General batch lot procedures. Property shall be collected in a standard tri-wall
container or other suitable container but must not exceed the dimension of a standard box
pallet. Place containers in a convenient location within each warehouse and when the
container is full or the warehouse supervisor considers it desirable, an ETID will be
prepared and the container forwarded to the DLADS. The following types of property do
not qualify for batch lot processing: Munitions List and Strategic List Items per DoDM 4160.28, Vol 1. Property that needs special handling as determined in DoDM 4160.21.
368 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Items designated as critical by the wholesale inventory manager. Items determined to be pilferable or sensitive. Hazardous property. The following procedures are performed: Generating activities transferring property to a DLADS site will prepare an
ETID to accompany the property. Type in below webpage and submit the request according to instructions.
6.3.4. Demilitarization Procedures. Purpose: To explain demilitarization for selected items. For guidance specific
requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Demilitarization of selected items must be performed by the disposing activity
prior to transfer to preclude the unauthorized use of military items; destroy the military
advantages inherent in certain types of property; render dangerous property harmless;
protect the national interest; and preclude the compromise of security requirements in
accordance with DoDM 4160.28, Vol 1. General Demilitarization Procedures: The following actions are performed: LRS/Materiel Management Activity Inspection personnel will contact IM
personnel to obtain guidance when Demilitarization (DEMIL) codes on DD Form
1348-1As appear to be incorrect or cannot be determined. When an IM cannot be
identified, contact DLADs in accordance with DoDM 4160.21, Vol 1. When Inspection personnel detect incorrect demilitarization codes,
they forward documents showing the changed demilitarization requirement to
Records Maintenance, who will resolve the coding conflict. For items assigned DEMIL code F, Inspection is responsible for initiating
correspondence to obtain demilitarization instructions from the IM/ICP. Inspection
personnel informs Central Storage to segregate or mark property destined for
shipment pending response from the IM/ICP. For items assigned DEMIL code G before they can be transferred:
Inspection is responsible for monitoring demilitarization, subsequent transfer, and
related documentation. Inspection personnel coordinates with the following activities to
establish a point of contact for carrying out demilitarization: Munitions Maintenance or Armament Maintenance, for
ammunition and explosives. HAZMAT Pharmacy/Budget Estimate Submission or Civil
Engineer, for radiological, biological, and toxicological materiel. Aircraft Maintenance for aircraft related items. Other activities as required.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 369 Upon receipt of a shipping document, the inspector contacts the applicable
function and arranges for the required demilitarization. Note: DoDM 4160.28, Vol 1,
establishes the criteria for determining the most appropriate means of
demilitarization. The inspector stamps or types the following certificate on the
shipping document before the property is moved to the disposing activity:
Figure 6.1. Inspector Certification.
I certify that demilitarization has been accomplished as prescribed in Chap, para. .
There is/is no residual materiel of salable quality. Residual materiel is/is not downgraded to
scrap/ waste/destroyed.
Base: The function carrying out the demilitarization accepts temporary
accountability for the property by signing and returning copy 8 of the shipping
document to the Inspection section. Inspection personnel hold this copy in suspense
until the demilitarized property or related documentation have been returned. They
then destroy copy 8. The activity demilitarizing the item completes the certification as follows: If, after demilitarization, the property retains its original identity
(only key points have been demilitarized), the certifying agent specifies 1) that the
item has been demilitarized, 2) that there is residual materiel, and 3) that such
materiel has not been downgraded to scrap. The certifying agent then returns the
residual property and related documentation to the LRS, who then ships it to the
DLADS. When, after demilitarization, the property does not retain its original
identity (it has been crushed or destroyed), the certifying agent specifies 1) that
the item has been demilitarized, 2) that there is or is not residual materiel of
salable quality, and 3) that such materiel has been downgraded to scrap or waste. When the residual materiel is of salable quality, the certifying
agent circles the stock number in print positions 8-22 of the DD Form 1348-
1A, enters the word SCRAP, and returns the residual materiel and related
documentation to Supply for later shipment to the DLADS. When the residual materiel is not of salable quality, the agent
circles the stock number in print positions 8-22 of the DD Form 1348-1A,
enters the word WASTE, and returns only the documentation to LRS.
370 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When, after demilitarization, there is no residual materiel (as in
explosives), the agent certifies 1) that the item has been demilitarized, 2) that
there is no residual materiel of salable quality, and 3) that the residual materiel
has been downgraded or destroyed. The agent then circles the stock number in
print positions 8-22 of the DD Form 1348-1A, enters the word DESTROYED,
and returns the documentation to LRS. Inspection personnel forward shipping documents containing a
demilitarization certificate and the word WASTE or DESTROYED in print positions
8-22 to Document Control. Note: No DLADS signature is required. Inspection
personnel process shipping documents containing a demilitarization certificate and
the word SCRAP in print positions 8-22 for delivery to the DLADS. Demilitarization Funding. Responsibilities for Funding Air Force Demilitarization Efforts. Table 6.3
identifies the demilitarization/disposal requirements funds owner, decision authority
and type of funds associated with given demilitarization/disposal events.
6.3.5. Precious Metal Returns. Activities including tenant activities, using precious metals will appoint a
Precious Metals Recovery Program (PMRP) monitor in writing to manage precious
metals and provide copies to the installation PMRP manager. PMRP managers will
ensure operating instruction are developed and implemented as required to comply with
overall program requirements. PMRP monitors will review supply listings daily and establish a log of
expected returns for precious metal items issued. At a minimum the log will contain NSN, nomenclature, quantity, date
issued, date returned. All items issued must have corresponding paperwork to indicate proper
disposal. At a minimum, accumulated returns will be disposed of every 180 days
regardless of amount accumulated. Disposal paperwork with applicable signature or stamp will be maintained
for a minimum of 2 years. For Precious Metals Indicator Codes (PMICs) review AFH 23-123. The
PMIC can only be assigned to NSN items by the inventory control point (ICP)
activity that manages the item. Within the Air Force it is the responsibility of the
equipment specialist (ES) to determine the appropriate PMIC. When PMICs are
assigned or changed by the ICP, they are uploaded into the D043 system. The AFMC
depot supply system (D035K) prints the PMIC on issue documents with the statement
Contains Precious Metal when the PMIC is other than "A.”
6.3.6. AF activities that purchase AF assets and material with a Government Purchase Card
must participate in the PMRP for the economic recovery of precious metals (gold, silver, and
the platinum family) from excess and surplus precious metal bearing materials. (T-1).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 371
Table 6.3. Demilitarization / Disposal Requirements.
(Funds Owner)
Decision Authority
Type of Funds
Induction of Weapon Systems into AFMC Aerospace Maintenance And
Regeneration Activity
RegAF Owned
Tooling, Engines
and Other Items
Program Manager
Depot Purchased
Centralized Asset
Management (DPEM -
RegAF Owned
Test Weapon
Tooling, Engines
and Other Items
Program Manager
Owning MAJCOM 3600
Owned Weapon
Engines and
Other items
Program Manager
Maintenance and
Program Manager
In place
Program Manager
O&M (if organic
capability is not
Of Crash/Battle
Weapon System
Program Manager
O & M Owning
Stock Funded Items (Wholesale) Not Associated with Drawdown of Weapon Systems
(Includes Excess or Failure) Not Installs/Items IM is accountable for SPARES
372 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
AF-Managed to
DLA Disposition
Services (not
demil codes P
(classified) or G
Explosive and
(AEDA), e.g.,
Pipeline Spares)
Item Manager
Item Manager
Service Level billing
Depot Level
(CSAG Demil
done by Depot
Item Manager
Item Manager
Budget Code of Item
drives funding source
Depot Level
(Demil done by
Item Manager
Item Manager
Budget Code of Item
drives funding source
Level Classified
(Demil done by
AF Personnel,
ILS-S driven)
Item Manager
Item Manager
No funds required
Ammunition Explosive and Dangerous Articles (AEDA)
Item Manager
Item Manager
Service Level Billing,
Army Joint Munitions
Hazardous Materiel to DLA Disposition Services
Depot Level
Item Manager
Item Manager
Service Level billing;
except hazardous bill is
paid by activity turning
in item
Item Manager
Item Manager
Service Level
billing; CE pays for
Non-Stock Funded Items
In an
Program Manager
DLA Disposition
Services Service
Level billing
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 373
Not in an
System, No
Acquisition Center
that managed the
program, or AFMC
if no AQ Center
O & M (Not CAMS-
FM) Out of cycle
Demilitarization due to Deactivation or Drawdown of Weapon System
Items in stock
tied to drawdown
(common and
unique items) IM
Item Manager
Installs and
in IM account)
Program Manager
Support Division
Spares that were
(not on
Program Manager
Museum Transfers
USAF Museum
uses organic
capability to
deactivate, if
exceeds organic
museum funds
USAF Museum
Museum O & M
Funds if required
Civilian Museum
Manager will pay
for demil /safing
of W/S; Gaining
Organization. In
accordance with
AF Museum
Policy (transport,
upkeep, etc…)
USAF Museum
O & M Funds
374 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Plant Clearance
Open Contract
Contract Program
Funds on the contract
Closed Contract
Contract Program
Office or Activity
that would have
that responsibility
Specialist if
Identifiable (if not
contract program
O & M
Support (CLS)
Weapon Systems
(CAM)/Depends on
Contract Funding
Nuclear Weapon
Related Material
Item Manager
Same as non NWRM
(see scenarios above)
Weapon Systems
not on an
O & M (Not CAM)
Out of cycle funding
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 375
Chapter 7
7.1. Overview. This chapter outlines AF guidance to complete supply chain materiel
management procedures associated with supporting technologies. These technologies include
Automated Identification Technology (AIT), Mechanized Material Handling Systems (MMHS),
other technological capabilities; Supply Chain Materiel Management Systems and the capability
requirements of the Readiness Driver Program. DoDI 3110.05, Readiness-based Materiel
Condition Reporting for Mission-Essential Systems and Equipment, DoDM 4140.01, Vol. 10,
and DoDI 8320.04, Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible Personal Property
serve as primary DoD reference sources.
7.2. Automatic Identification Technology, MMHS, and Other Capabilities.
7.2.1. Requesting Mechanized Material Handling Systems and Storage Aid Systems
(MMHS/SAS). Purpose: To explain the general procedures associated with the preparation of
mechanized material handling system (MMHS) and storage aid system (SAS) requests at
base level. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101, Chapter 7, and for
economic analysis specific guidance use AFI 65-501, Economic Analysis. For other
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123. General base level MMHS/SAS Request Procedures. Requirements Call. Annually, AFMC performs a requirements call requesting
final validation of all upcoming fiscal year projects and submission of new projects.
MAJCOM Program Managers receive the requirements call data. New and updated
concept papers are required for each project identified during the requirements call. Concept Paper. New MMHS/SAS projects require a concept paper.
Projects will not be budgeted without a current concept paper. The concept paper is a
one page summary of deficiencies and requested improvements. It contains specific
background information, requested improvements, present system(s), anticipated
benefits/impact and base point of contact. All concept papers will be developed and
submitted electronically. A Sample Concept Paper can be found in AFH 23-123.
Once the concept paper is complete, submit to MAJCOM Program Manager for
validation and prioritization. Cost to the User. For all programmed projects, base level users are
responsible for funding the roundtrip airline ticket for one engineer for each
Temporary Duty (TDY) necessary to accomplish the development and execution of
the project. There are typically three TDYs per project. Funding of the entire TDY
trip is encouraged. MAJCOM Program Manager. Submit all concept papers, prioritized by
fiscal year, to the Mechanized Materials Handling Engineering Office. Out of Cycle
concept papers are submitted upon receipt.
376 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
7.3. Supply Chain Materiel Management System. The Supply Chain Materiel Management
System Section covers system interfaces and reject management.
7.3.1. Cargo Movement Operations System (CMOS) Interface. Purpose: This section provides the procedures and identifies the processes
required for the ILS-S and the CMOS interface. Following a brief explanation of the ILS-
S and CMOS interface, the specific procedures and processes are identified. ILS-S/CMOS Interface. The ILS-S/CMOS interface establishes an
electronic interface between the ILS-S and base transportation activities. The
interface provides base transportation organizations with timely data to effectively
plan and schedule shipments into the transportation pipeline, to control shipment
limits to maximize the use of transportation resources, and to reduce transportation
costs. In addition, it allows transportation to preplan shipment consolidation and
selects the mode of shipment based on priority. CMOS provides electronic record
images to the ILS-S when transportation receives outbound cargo, and it continues to
provide shipment status information to the ILS-S until the cargo is released for
shipment. The SBLC (Standard Base Level Computer) is the primary mechanism
used to pass messages and transactions between the ADS. General Procedures. Responsibilities. AFMC. The Records Maintenance Activity is responsible for
ensuring an Automated Data System (ADS)-Interface Record is loaded, see ADS-
Interface Record, AFH 23-123, for transaction format. Satellite Accounts. Satellite accounts are responsible for coordinating
the load of the CMOS indicator with AFMC to establish the ILS-S/CMOS
interface. Materiel Management IT system processes. Acknowledgment of Receipt. The ILS-S/CMOS interface eliminates
the requirement for a signature on the shipment documents processed from the
ILS-S to base transportation. Base transportation acknowledges receipt of a
shipment to the ILS-S with an electronic image of a shipment suspense record
from the CMOS which updates the shipped not credited detail (SNC). It also
updates the shipment suspense detail (SSC) with an in-checker code and
inchecked date. Note: When the CMOS flag is loaded, document control cards
(DCC) are not produced for shipment documents except for classified items. See
paragraph 5.5 of this manual for more information on document control
procedures for shipments both with and without CMOS interface.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 377 Directed and Nondirected Shipments. The ILS-S provides CMOS
with an electronic image of a shipment interface record for all outbound
shipments. This record contains the shipping information printed on the DD Form
1348-1A which provides the CMOS with all the transportation data required to in-
check materiel and process outbound cargo (see ILS-S-to-CMOS Shipment
Interface Records, AFH 23-123). Note: When the collocated activity option is
used, a shipment interface record is not provided to CMOS. A document control
card (DCC) is produced. Transfer to DLADS. When transportation channels are used to
transport property transfers to DLADS, the ILS-S provides CMOS with an
electronic image of a shipment interface record, see ILS-S-TO-CMOS Shipment
Interface Records, AFH 23-123. When the LRS/Materiel Management Activity
makes the delivery to DLADS, a shipment interface record is not provided to
CMOS. See ILS-S-TO-CMOS Shipment Interface Records, AFH 23-123, for
loading a DLADS-Transportation Management Office (TMO) delivery flag to the
OCCR. (Note: Delivery flag still uses old office symbol identifiers, e.g., not
DLADs or Cargo Movement). Off-Base Issues. When materiel is routed to an off-base organization
through the base transportation office, the ILS-S provides an electronic image of
the shipment interface record to the CMOS for issues and due-out releases (TRICs
ISU, BSU, MSI, and DOR). Reverse-Post Processing. When a directed or non-directed shipment,
transfer to DLADS, or off-base issue is processed through the base transportation
office and is reverse-posted, the ILS-S provides an electronic image of a Record
Reversal Record to the CMOS (see Record Reversal Record, AFH 23-123). Follow-up Processing. An electronic image of a Follow-up Action
Record (see Follow-up Action Record, AFH 23-123) is provided to CMOS when
a receipt of acknowledgment, in-checker code and in-checker date for an off-base
shipment, transfer to DLADS, or off-base issue is not received by the ILS-S in a
timely manner. The first follow-up occurs when the in-checker code and in-
checker date in the SSC or SNC detail is blank and the date of last transaction is
older than 5 calendar days. When a response is not received from CMOS, a
second follow-up occurs when the date of last transaction is older than 10
calendar days. The ILS-S Delinquent Outbound Shipment process lists SSC/SNC
details with a blank in-checker code/inchecked date. This capability focuses on
ensuring outbound shipments are planned, packaged and executed by Cargo
Movement personnel within the standard timeframes. This report provides
management with a list of off-base shipments, transfers to DLADS, and off-base
issues processed to the Base Transportation Office when a receipt of
acknowledgment, in-checker number, and in-checker date have not been received
from CMOS. Refer to the ILS-S User’s Manual, for more information.
7.3.2. Integrated Maintenance Data System Central Database (IMDS CDB/G054) and Core
Automated Maintenance System For Mobility (CAMS-FM/G081) Interface.
378 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Purpose: To provide the procedures and identify the processes required for the
Materiel Management IT system interface with IMDS CDB and CAMS-FM/G081. Implementation of these processes does not change the current organizational
structure. Only selected transactions are permitted to be processed from a maintenance
work center terminal. In IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM, maintenance personnel have the
capability to order parts, cancel their own requirements, retrieve current status, and
review canceled requirements through remote terminals located in the work center area. Manual operations will be used if the interface is suspended for long periods of
time. Software. The SBLC (Standard Base Level Computer) is the primary mechanism
used to pass messages and transactions between the ADS. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Implementation. Ensure the following actions are
accomplished prior to IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM activation: Validate and update those SRDs that the IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM unit will
use to ensure they are loaded in the ILS-S SRD table (008 record). See SRD Inquiry,
AFH 23-123 for the input/output format of SRD Inquiry. Validate and update the IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM organization record to
ensure the IMDS CDB-GANG-NBR (the gang number they will be using for their
inputs) and the 518-Maint-Unit-Ident-Code are loaded. See OCCR, Load, Change, or
Delete, AFH 23-123 for the Organization Cost Center Record
Load/Change/Delete/Inquiry format and entry requirements. Use the ADS Interface Record handler to establish the ILS-S/ IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM interface. The information required for this screen consists of IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM gang number, their host system ID, and of course, the ILS-S
information as well. See ADS-Interface Record, AFH 23-123 for the format. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Activation/Deactivation. To activate IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM contact the ICI Monitor at the Defense
Megacenter (DMC) to ensure that the ICI authorization file can accommodate proper
ILS-S/IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM gang number correlation and that the ILS-S host-ID
and IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM host-ID are correct. To deactivate IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM interface, process ADS Interface
Record to delete IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM interface record. See ADS-Interface
Record, AFH 23-123 for the format. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM to ILS-S Processes. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Transaction Identification Codes (TRICs). IMDS
CDB input terminals are restricted to the following TRICs: Issues. Activity code J is assigned to issue requests for IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM support units. The below Table 7.1 describes the serial numbers
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 379
Table 7.1. Activity Code J Serial Number Assignment.
Assigned to
Serial Number
Maintenance in-line transactions
Maintenance in-line transactions
Off-line transactions for IMDS CDB units
Off-line transactions for CAMS-FM units Demand code I (initial issue) is not authorized for use by IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM. Due-out release. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM is restricted to force release
(TEX code 3) TCTO items only. Due-out cancellation. Maintenance Turn Around. MICAP Notifications to correct indicative data or to report cannibalization
actions taken, to preclude, satisfy, or transfer (from one end-item to another) MICAP
conditions. Changes to DIFM and Unserviceable Details (DFM). Bench Stock Issue Requests. Due-In/Due-Out Update. Maintenance is authorized to change only the
following data elements: delivery destination, due-out document number, and mark
for. ILS-S to IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Outputs. The outputs from ILS-S to IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM are in the form of due-out status notifications, management notices, and
reject notices. Due-Out Status Notifications. The ILS-S uses this transaction to notify
IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM of a change in status for a due-out asset requested by
maintenance. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM uses the data contained in the notification to
update the status fields in IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM systems (See Due-Out Status
Notification (1SH) Transaction Format, AFH 23-123, for the 1SH format and an
explanation of the different status codes). Management Notices. For each issue transaction submitted (whether it is
through IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM or the ILS-S input terminal), the ILS-S returns an
I004 to update the status fields in the supply data record maintained on the IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM system (except manual TEX ‘6’ issues or issues from a supply
point). Other management notices sent to IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM include the I005,
I006, I023, and I122 (see AFH 23-123). Management notices sent to IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM are displayed on the input terminal. IMDS CDB/CAMSFM
determines possible routing to other specified output terminals.
380 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Reject Notices. When ILS-S software detects an error in a transaction
image sent by IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM, the image is returned to the IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM input terminal along with the applicable reject notice. IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM then determines possible routing to other output terminals. Note:
Reject notices for IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM J activity code are not cumulative and do
not adhere to normal materiel management procedures governing delinquency. Interface Failure Contingencies. Use the following procedures when one or
more of the following interface components is inactive. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Active - ICI Active -ILS-S Inactive. ISU Transactions. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM will reject all ISU
transactions entered by Maintenance for transmission to the ILS-S for processing.
The transaction image input and a message will be returned to the IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM terminal that input the transaction. The message will indicate
that the ILS-S is unavailable for processing, and off-line processing procedures
must be used until the ILS-S again becomes active. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM to ILS-S Transactions. All IMD
SCDB/CAMS-FM to ILS-S transactions, except issues, will be placed in an ICI
hold file pending later processing. It is conceivable, though not probable, that the
ICI file could fill to capacity. Should that occur, all subsequent IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM to ILS-S transactions will reject back to the input IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM terminal with an explanation message. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Active - ICI Inactive-ILS-S Active or Inactive.
IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM will reject all transactions entered by maintenance for
transmission to the ILS-S. The transaction image and a message will be returned to
the IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM terminal that input the transaction. The message will
indicate that ICI is unavailable for processing and off-line processing procedures
must be used until the electronic interface is reactivated. Contact AFMC to determine
if ICI can be activated. IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM Inactive - ICI Active or Inactive ILS-S Active
or Inactive. The maintenance facility will use off-line procedures until the IMDS
CDB/CAMS-FM becomes active and the electronic interface is reactivated. Off-line Procedures for Critically Needed Assets. Maintenance sends the required information to process the issue
transaction to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. This information must
include the ID code of the requesting IMDS CDB/CAMS-FM unit and the entire
12-position job control number. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity creates a
document number for the requested asset using the normal J document numbers
and starting with a daily serial number of 8000-8999 for IMDS CDB and 9000-
9999 for CAMS-FM.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 381 The LRS/Materiel Management Activity processes the issue, if the
ILS-S is active. The ILS-S will either issue or kill the request. LRS/Materiel
Management Activity then notifies Maintenance of the action taken and requests
verification when a kill action occurs. Supply and Maintenance will use the
information on the I023 management notice to determine how the request will be
satisfied. When the ILS-S is not active, supply will initiate current manual
procedures to issue the required asset. When the ILS-S is reactivated, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity will process the issues using degraded
operations procedures.
7.3.3. Reject Management. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with managing rejects
associated with materiel management transactions. For guidance specific requirements
review AFI 23-101, for roles and responsibilities of reject management see AFH 23-123,
and for ILS-S specific guidance refer to the ILS-S User’s Manual. ILS-S Reject Management is the preferred method for managing materiel
management rejects. ILS-S provides a capability to manage all suspended rejects (not
just those processed through ILS-S). This capability is designed to replace the reject
management processor that requires users to sign-on into the ILS-S in the Demand
mode. Rejects in ILS-S may be managed for a single base or across the enterprise.
See the ILS-S User’s Manual for use of ILS-S Reject Management. Note: AF Form
14, 356 Reject Due-In Detail Not Loaded Checklist, is used by activities to perform
research for rejected due-in transactions. Cumulative Reject Processor may be used as a secondary tool when ILS-S
is not available or until access to the ILS-S Reject Management function is
established. See AFH 23-123.
382 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 8
8.1. Overview. This chapter outlines AF guidance for performing tasks associated with
logistics programs and systems regarding Cataloging and Records Maintenance and Force
Activity Designator (FAD) Management. DoDM 4100.39, DoDM 4140.01, all volumes, and
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 4110.01E, Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation,
serve as primary DoD reference sources.
8.2. Cataloging and Records Maintenance. Cataloging and Records Maintenance describes
the general procedures associated with cataloging and records maintenance. For guidance
specific requirements review AFI 23-101, Chapter 8, and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-
8.2.1. Loading and Changing Item and Part Number Records. Purpose: Describe the procedures required for loading and changing item and
part number records. AFMC and LRS Customer Support Liaison functions process and update records
for all items managed in the ILS-S. The LRS or AFMC can load item records however,
Customer Support Liaison will load item records when base customers are unable to
process their own item record loads. AFMC and LRS Customer Support Liaison are responsible for the accuracy of
the transactions they process. See AFH 23-123 for applicable ILS-S processes for loading item records and for
loading, changing, and deleting part number detail records.
8.2.2. Research and Processing Actions Required to Assign Stock Numbers to Non-
Cataloged Items. Purpose: Describe the procedures Customer Support Liaison must follow to
assign a stock number to a non-cataloged item. Also describes the requirements for
completing DD Form 1348-6, Non-NSN requisition (manual) and actions for processing
non-cataloged transactions. Non-cataloged items consist of part number items, non-NSN items, and nonstick
listed (NSL) items. Verify that the source document (DD Form 1348-6, etc.) contains all necessary
data elements to complete the research action (that is, if a TO reference is given, the
figure and index must be included). If a TO reference gives a non-procurable source
code, Maintenance provides AFTO Form 22, Technical Manual (TM) Change
Recommendation and Reply. If a sole source or brand name is specified, the customer
must provide a letter of justification. If the data are insufficient, return the document to the requester. If there are sufficient data, proceed with specific research actions outlined in
AFH 23-123, for part number items, non-NSN items, and NSL items.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 383
8.2.3. Indicative Data Codes. Purpose: Describe procedures required to manage application codes, precious
metals indicator codes, automated data processing equipment codes and AFTO Form 95,
Significant Historical Data codes. AFMC is primarily responsible for processing all required actions for managing
these codes, however, the LRS/Materiel Management Activity will process required
inputs for all local stock numbered items. Refer to Indicative Data Codes in AFH 23-123
or applicable ILS-S User’s Guide on loading, changing, or deleting these codes. Purpose of Application Codes. Application codes relate items to specific
systems, subsystems, end items, etc. Application codes can be used to assist in tracking
usage and cost analysis for a given weapon system. Application codes are locally
assigned, except as stated in this section. The major commands and AFMC can also
assign codes for use by its bases.
8.2.4. Maintenance of Internal Records. Purpose: Describe actions required to maintain the internal records of the ILS-S. Numerous inputs are required to maintain internal records and update various
indicative data. This includes Indicative Data, Miscellaneous Data, Unit Price, Unit of
Issue, Unit Pack Quantity and Item Record Deletion. See AFH 23-123 and applicable
ILS-S User’s Manual for IT processing guidance. Records Maintenance routinely uses to
update and maintain the internal records. AFMC only processes price changes during reconciliation, at End-of-Year, and
when problems arise. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity processes price changes
for L and P numbered items and make corrections as necessary for stock numbered items. Customer Support Liaison adjusts the unit price of non-cataloged items (except
local purchase) as they are received from contractors by reviewing advanced copies of
contract and receipt documents.
8.2.5. The Stock Number User Directory (SNUD). Purpose: Describe how each base, once registered as a SNUD user, will process
AFMC output, request data or report inaccurate data, and verify (annually) its ILS-S
database with the SNUD file. Also discussed is the Defense Inactive Item Program (DIIP)
and how it meets its objective with the help of the item manager, Distribution, and Stock
Control. See AFH 23-123 or ILS-S User’s Manual for applicable ILS-S processes. SNUD, D071 System, is an AFMC operated data system. SNUD distributes
stock control data such as stock-lists to the recorded users of the stock numbers. SNUD provides automatic distribution of stock number management data to
bases that are recorded users of the stock number. Distribution based on established user
interest reduces the need for users to manually research reference documents such as
stock-lists, stock-list change notices, General Services Administration (GSA) catalogs,
8.2.6. Interchangeable and Substitute Group (ISG) Data.
384 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Purpose: Describe actions required to maintain the ISG records in the ILS-S. The
ISG provides bases with information about items that may be used interchangeably for
local use. By using this information, each base may select suitable substitute items from a
wide range of relationships and adapt these items for local use. Maximum use of these
interchangeable and suitable substitutes will reduce waste throughout the AF. ISGs consist of items that are similar physically and functionally. In other words,
ISG items may be substituted for one another and used to do comparable work. After
performing these similar tasks, ISG items must consistently provide the same quality of
performance. Each group is also designed to contain items that have management data
compatibility. See AFH 23-123 and ILS-S User’s Manual, for applicable ILS-S processes for
managing ISG data. AFMC manages ISG actions.
8.2.7. Assignment and Management of Freeze Codes. Purpose: Describe procedures for the management and assignment of freeze
codes, as well as the management of associated output notices and rejects. Organizational freeze codes freeze the Organization Cost Center Record
(OCCR). Freeze code R will be loaded on the OCCR when two conditions are present: 1)
when the organization is being deactivated, consolidated, or transferred; and 2) when an
external decision has been made to restrict some financial transactions against the
organization, while allowing the processing of returns and reverse-post transactions to
clear detail records. Freeze code D will be loaded when no further transactions are to be
processed. AFMC and LRS/Materiel Management Activity personnel assign freeze
codes to item records in order to identify the reason for freezing the item record and
the responsible activity. See Freeze Code Load or Delete (FFC), AFH 23-123, for
applicable ILS-S processes on loading and deleting freeze codes. Customer Support will monitor the use of these codes. Note: Materiel
Management personnel at a satellite can assign freeze codes only to records of that
satellite system designator. Assignment of Freeze Codes. Only one freeze code may be assigned to an item record. When an item
record is already frozen, the appropriate materiel management IT system will reject a
second code assignment. The activity responsible for assigning the freeze codes will maintain a
suspense file for each frozen item record. Note: Excludes Freeze Code N for NWRM. Freeze Code Usage and responsibility: Code A. AFMC or LRS Customer Support Liaison is Office of
Primary Responsibility (OPR) for freeze code A and maintains the suspense
notice file. Use this code when no other freeze code applies. Freeze code A is
assigned when a Freeze Code Load is processed (see AFH 23-123).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 385 Code C and I. Freeze code C and I designates items under inventory.
Physical Inventory Control Section is responsible for the use and control of these
freeze codes and maintains the suspense notice file. Freeze code C identifies items under a complete (typically
scheduled) inventory. Freeze Code C is automatically assigned as the result of
Inventory Recount File processing (See paragraph 5.7 of this manual for
additional information on assigning freeze code C). Forward all rejects resulting from the existence of freeze code C
to Physical Inventory Control for action. Rejects for Freeze Codes I and C. Physical Inventory Control
personnel will maintain a reject notices in a suspense file in stock number
sequence. When it is necessary for adequate control, Inventory Count
Personnel may retain separate suspense files by freeze code. Rejected Inputs. File inputs that are rejected because the
item record is frozen (freeze codes C and I) with the inventory suspense
notice. Releasing Frozen Records. Physical Inventory Control
personnel are responsible for properly releasing frozen records for freeze
codes C and I. Removing Rejected Documents. When the freeze code has
been deleted, Physical Inventory Control personnel will remove rejected
documents from the suspense file and immediately notify the appropriate
office that the freeze code has been lifted from the item record. The rejected
document can then be re-input. Code E. Equipment Management assigns this code and is also
responsible for maintaining the suspense notices file. Code I. Inventory and the Central Storage Element, assign this code
for special inventory. Inline programs also assign this code when insufficient
balances require a special inventory or when a corrected input is required. Note:
A Freeze Code Load/Delete input cannot load or delete this freeze code.
Inventory is responsible for maintaining the suspense notices file (see Freeze
Code Usage and Responsibility). Code L. AFMC or LRS Functional Systems Management activity
assigns this code when either a database key or set error is detected. The activity
responsible for assigning the freeze code will maintain a suspense file. Code N. The NTCC assigns this code on all NWRM by processing a
NWRM Freeze Code Load or Delete. Note: Coordinate with NTCC to complete
NWRM Equipment related transactions processed thru AFEMS. Code P. Program Control loads and deletes this code. It cannot be
loaded or deleted with Freeze Code or Delete inputs.
386 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Program Control assigns this code when a unit of price change
is processed for an item with an IEX 3 or 6. Programs delete this code when a
Bulk Issue Reconciliation input is processed with a D in position 52. Program Control also assigns a P freeze code to the item record
for budget code 8 items which are locally assigned. Process a Price List
Change Input to remove freeze code P. Code Q. This code is assigned to items requiring reverse-post action.
Document Control is responsible for maintaining the suspense notice file. Code R. AFMC and Customer Support Sections use this code to
freeze item records that may require correction or deletion of indicative data and
extended research or checking is required. The activity responsible for assigning
the freeze code will maintain a suspense file. Code S. AFMC assigns this code and is responsible for maintaining
the suspense notices file. Management of Notices. The activity responsible for assigning the freeze code
will maintain one copy of each load output suspense notice or frozen record notice in a
suspense file in stock number sequence. See AFH 23-123 and ILS-S User’s Manual for
applicable ILS-S processes for management notices and rejects. Inputs rejected because the item record is frozen (except freeze codes C
and I) will be placed behind the load output suspense notice/frozen record notice in
the suspense file. The activity assigned the freeze code is responsible for prompt clearance of
freeze codes. When item records are frozen more than three working days, a justified
reason for the delay must be written on the suspense notice. Freeze codes will be monitored daily using a locally designed query. The
activity assigned the freeze code is responsible for the prompt clearance of their
respective freeze codes. Item records frozen for more than three working days require
a justified reason for the delay and must be annotated on the locally designed query. When an output suspense delete notice is received, the matching suspense
load notice/frozen record notice and any rejected documents will be removed from
the suspense file and re-input. The area responsible for assigning the freeze code to
complete processing for suspended transactions.
8.2.8. Management of Controlled Item Inventory Codes (CIIC). Purpose: Describe procedures required to manage CIICs. Controlled items require different kinds of handling for security purposes. The
controlled item inventory code is a one-position alpha/numeric code used to indicate the
degree of security handling needed for a given item. See DoDM 4100.39 for a complete
list and Controlled Inventory Item Code definitions.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 387 Research assigns the controlled item code when the item record is first loaded.
Records Maintenance or Inspection is responsible for all subsequent actions. It is the
responsibility of Records Maintenance to ensure that all controlled item phrase codes are
loaded. When incorrect coding is suspected, assign the code requiring a higher degree of
security handling. When the item is included in SNUD, submit an inquiry to SNUD.
SNUD will submit current stock control data via SNUD input. When the degree of
security is still questionable, the personnel responsible for cataloging the item should be
contacted. SNUD inquiries are always submitted under the FB account of the computer
support base. Local managers, at their discretion, can upgrade items coded through SNUD as
unclassified, nonsensitive, or nonpilferable to pilferable status. Such items will be
assigned controlled item code asterisk (*). An (*) can be assigned only to item records
having an existing code of U and will not be changed through SNUD interface. See
Controlled Item Code Change and Upgrade, AFH 23-123 for applicable materiel
management system processes on changing and upgrading the CIIC, as well as system
output and rejects.
8.2.9. Transportation Data. Purpose: Describe procedures required to manage Special Packing Instructions
(SPI) data. SPI and the foam-in-place code are provided to help the LRS/Transportation
activity personnel prepare items for movement. Although in general, these numbers and
codes apply to recoverable items, they may be assigned to some expendable items. The
information represented by these codes is stored on the item record and will be printed on
all DD Form 1348-1A shipping, issue, and due-out release documents. In addition, the
phrase REUSABLE CONTAINER will be printed on all DD Form 1348-1A shipping,
issue, and due-out release documents when an SPI applies. See AFH 23-123 and ILS-S
User’s Manual for applicable ILS-S processes on loading, changing, and deleting of
transportation data. AFMC loads and maintains transportation data.
8.2.10. Standard Reporting Designator (SRD). Purpose: Describe procedures required to manage SRDs. The SRD record is a computer-generated record that identifies the aircraft, end
items, or systems assigned to the base or satellite accounts. This record consolidates the
elements of mission design series (MDS) and maintenance equipment classification
designator (MECD). AFMC researches and prepares inputs to load, change and delete SRDs and
performs annual SRD validations. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity loads SRD
records if required for establishment of MICAP due-out details. See AFH 23-123 and
ILS-S User’s Manual for applicable ILS-S processes on loading, changing, or deleting
388 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Primary and Alternate SRD managers who in conjunction with the Mission
Impaired Capability Awaiting Parts/Maintenance Data Documentation (MICAP/MDD)
monitors will: Maintain the currency of the SRD tables in Reliability and
Maintainability Information System (REMIS). Notify major commands (MAJCOMs), field operating agencies (FOAs),
and Direct Reporting Units (DRUs) deactivation of SRDs. Accomplish notifications
using an organizational email message (Figure A3.1). MAJCOMs and FOAs will
have 30 calendar days to respond from the date of the email message was released.
Failure to acknowledge an SRD deactivation constitutes agreement. If disagreement,
the SRD manager will remove recommended deactivation from the approval process
for additional coordination with the MAJCOM/FOA until agreement is reached on
final action. Maintain a history file for new, change, and deactivation SRD requests.
At a minimum, the SRD file will contain the AF Form 1230, Standard Reporting
Designator (SRD) Candidate Information. Requests for change to or deactivation of
an SRD will be filed with the original request to establish the SRD. SRD records will
be kept for at least one year after deactivation. Conduct an annual SRD review. This review includes verifying reporting
in the equipment status, maintenance, and MICAP data systems to identify inactive
SRDs for possible deactivation, retention, or modification. Proposed deactivation and
changes resulting from these reviews will be coordinated with MAJCOMs and FOAs. Program Manager will: Submit a completed AF Form 1230 to the appropriate AFMC
Sustainment Center or United States Space Force (USSF) manager with a functional
description and intended use of the candidate equipment. Determine if the item is
MICAP reportable, requires Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) or service
bulletins, requires reliability and maintainability data, or is being tracked for
inventory purposes only, other end items it may install to or have installed to it.
Ensure REMIS accurately reflects configuration for installation on the Next Higher
Assembly (NHA). Review AF Form 1230 requests forwarded by the AFMC Center or SRD
manager for assignment, changes, or deactivation. Return disapproved AF Form 1230 requests that do not meet the
requirements to the requesting MAJCOM/FOA with a courtesy copy to the AFMC
Center SRD manager citing reasons for disapproval. Participate in all SRD assignment reviews when requested by the AFMC
Center SRD manager. Weapon System Program Office will: Identify potential SRD candidates as early as possible in the acquisition
cycle. See, Requirement for SRD Assignment.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 389 Submit a completed AF Form 1230 to the appropriate MAJCOM SRD
MANAGERS with a functional description, intended use of the candidate equipment,
system service date. Determine if the item is MICAP reportable, requires TCTO or
service bulletins, requires reliability and maintainability data, or is being tracked for
inventory purposes only, and other end items it may install to or have installed to it. Submit a completed AF Form 1230 to the appropriate MAJCOM SRD
manager/focal point when removing the item from the inventory or making any
changes to the original request. Initiate AF Form 1230 requests for any of those systems currently in the
field that meet the requirements for SRD assignment to the MAJCOM/FOA SRD
manager/focal point citing reasons for approval. Maintain record of requested assignment and conduct periodic reviews
when requested by the MAJCOM/FOA SRD manager/focal point (for MAJCOM
unique systems). Review AF Form 1230 requests forwarded from the MAJCOM/FOA
SRD manager/focal point for applicability, and finalize the form as required. MAJCOM SRD MANAGERS/ FOA SRD Managers or Focal Point will: Establish a MAJCOM Supply and Maintenance Office of Primary
Responsibility (OPR) and Office of Coordinating Responsibility (OCR) for SRD
management and provide information to AFLCMC/Gunter Database Manager
(DBM). Initiate an AF Form 1230 when a request for an SRD assignment is
received from the field. Review and evaluate information provided to determine if the
equipment warrants SRD assignment and the type of reporting requested. Forward a
copy to the System Program Manager or Program Manager Office designee for
coordination and validation. Forward to the Lead Command Program Office for
coordination and validation on whether the system is MICAP reportable, requires
TCTO or service bulletins, requires reliability and maintainability data, or is being
tracked for inventory purposes only, and any associations it may have with other end
items. If the requested system does not warrant SRD assignment, reply to the
field requestor with reasons for disapproval of the SRD. If the items meet any of the conditions referenced in this chapter, and the
Lead Command program office agrees, complete applicable information on AF Form
1230 and forward to the appropriate AFMC Center SRD manager. Forward Lead Command AF Form 1230 requests to the appropriate
System Program Manager or Program Manager. Conduct periodic review of all SRDs requested by organization or when
asked by the AFMC Center SRD managers. LRS Commander will:
390 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Forward SRD assignment requests to owning MAJCOM SRD OPR
stating the information on the equipment data plate (e.g., nomenclature, manufacture,
model number, and part number) and reason why an SRD is required. For problems with established SRDs (including local SRDs); contact the
Core Automated Maintenance System-For Mobility (CAMS-FM/G081) or Integrated
Maintenance Data System Central Database (IMDS CDB) data base manager for
resolution. If no resolution is found, contact the MAJCOM SRD OPR. Contact REMIS Program Management Office for specific MAJCOM
points of contact. The LRS/supply activity will load SRD records if required for
establishment of MICAP due-out details. Requirement for SRD Assignment: Assigning SRDs. SRDs are assigned to facilitate MICAP, MDD
(MDD15), TCTO, and inventory tracking on end-items of equipment. SRDs are not
normally assigned to items that are already have a work unit code (WUC) under
established SRDs. SRDs may be assigned for aircraft blocks or communications-
electronics (C-E) versions as required by the program manager. Maintenance Data Documentation (MDD). With the exception of engines,
assign SRDs for MDD only if the item meets the requirements and rules for on-
equipment maintenance action documentation per Technical Order (TO) 00-20-2.
MDD reportable end items must have a reportable SRD as well as WUCs to
document completed on-equipment maintenance actions. Do not assign individual
SRDs for MDD to items that are defined for off-equipment maintenance
documentation per TO 00-20-2; instead, use the SRD for the end item they comprise. SRD Requests: For COTS equipment, SRD requests are forwarded to the USSF SRD
manager (Maintenance Data Analysis). For COTS SRD requests, the equipment or system WUC table is
required with SRD request per USSF SRD managers. For COMSEC equipment, SRD requests are forwarded to the AFLCMC
SRD manager. All other AFMC managed equipment SRD requests will be forwarded to
the appropriate AFSC, AFLCMC and AFNWC SRD managers. For New Requests: During Acquisition and prior to end item equipment fielding, the
managing Center, Agency or Equipment Specialist will submit an AF Form 1230
to establish the Equipment Designator/SRD. Requests can also be submitted to
add additional SRDs to an existing production model Equipment Designator to
differentiate unique configurations.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 391 If the end item is Type Equipment A, M, E, R, an appropriate
Mission Design Series (MDS), Type Model Series Modification (TMSM), or
Type Model Series (TMS) (Attachment 3, Table A3.2) must be appointed and
pre-approved for use by AFLCMC. Select Type G equipment that is used by
multiple branches or agencies would also require a TMS assigned by AFMC.
Further guidance on this part of the process can be found in DoD 4120.15-L,
Model Designation of Military Aerospace Vehicles, AFI 16-401, Designating and
Naming Defense Military Aerospace Vehicles, and MIL-STD-196, Joint
Electronics Type Designation. MAJCOMs/FOAs or units identifying fielded equipment requiring
an SRD for up-channel reporting may initiate and forward up-stream to the
applicable Equipment Specialist for validation of the request and action, as
required. Equipment Specialist will forward the completed AF Form 1230 to
the appropriate SRD manager for processing. SRD manager will ensure equipment qualifies for SRD (MICAP,
TCTO reportable, or Inventory reportable). SRD manager will validate the AF Form 1230 and return any
form to the requesting activity for missing information. SRD manager will ‘Add’ new Equipment Designators to
REMIS via EFM0200 screen, ensuring Equipment Designator format
restrictions are met and all necessary data is entered. National Stock Numbers
must be entered when available. SRD manager will ‘Add’ new SRD record to REMIS via
EFM1690 screen. SRD manager will provide SRD table to the field. SRD manager will file the AF Form 1230 for audit purposes,
until the equipment is retired from USAF service. SRD Request Procedures: The program manager (PM) or product group manager (PGM) requests
the SRD assignment during the acquisition phase. The single manager forwards the
requests (AF Forms 1230) to the AFMC Center SRD manager/focal point.
Submission of AF Form 1230 also applies to significant equipment modifications or
configuration changes that may warrant additional SRD assignments. The Lead Command program office requests SRD assignment prior to
fielding for systems under their purview. Forward the requests (AF Forms 1230) to
the appropriate MAJCOM/FOA SRD manager who forwards the form to the prime
equipment SRD manager. (See REMIS web page for specific POC.) Submission of
AF Form 1230 also apply to significant equipment modifications or configuration
changes, which may warrant additional SRD assignments.
392 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Field activities submit requests for SRD assignment on items not
assigned during acquisition, or for changes to existing SRD data elements, to the
owning MAJCOM/FOA SRD manager/focal point using data from the equipment
data plate, e.g., nomenclature, manufacture, model number, and part number. Upon approval, the owning MAJCOM/FOA SRD manager/focal point
forwards the request to the appropriate program office. Update Request: SRD change/update requests are submitted by the assigned Equipment
Specialist via AF Form 1230 to the appropriate SRD manager. SRD manager will update permitted changes to EFM0200 screen and
EFM1690 screen, as necessary. Use ‘Add’ on EFM1690 screen to update SRD record with new
higher/lower equipment association or new National Stock Number information. Use ‘Change’ on EFM0200 screen to modify existing data in
changeable fields. Use ‘Change’ on EFM1690 screen to modify existing data in
changeable fields of the end item SRD (upper section of screen) or to change the
QPA/Usage Factor of a higher/lower assembly SRD (lower section), or an
associated National Stock Number’s MMC code (lower section). Use ‘Change’ on EFM1690 screen to deactivate the association
with a higher/lower assembly or National Stock Number by entering a ‘Stop’ date
in the appropriate field. SRD manager will file AF Form 1230 for audit purposes until the
equipment is retired from USAF service. Deactivation of an SRD: Deactivation of an SRD. When the equipment is no longer in the AF
inventory or no longer supported by AFMC, the lead command is responsible for
coordinating the removal of the SRD from REMIS and sending a message to
applicable field units stating disposition instructions for the end item Lead Command/FOA SRD manager will report to the assigned
Equipment Specialist when the last item for an SRD has been removed from their
inventory. When the equipment is no longer in the AF Inventory the assigned
Equipment Specialist will ensure all inventory and WUCs records are stopped in
REMIS. The assigned Equipment Specialist will submit an AF Form 1230 to the
appropriate SRD manager to deactivate the SRD in REMIS. The SRD manager will send a formal email message to the MAJCOM
SRD managers and functional managers to notify of the pending SRD deactivation,
refer to Attachment 2.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 393 SRD manager will deactivate SRD on EFM1690 screen. SRD manager will retain the deactivation request form for one year for
audit purposes. Annual SRD Program Reconciliation: Lead Command/FOA SRD Manager will request current SRD Cross-
Reference table file from the REMIS Program Office. SRD Manager will update REMIS per AF Form 1230 guidance. SRD manager will retain the AF Form 1230s submitted during
reconciliation until the equipment is retired from USAF service or one year from
deactivation. SRD Manager will distribute the product to Equipment Specialists
with a suspense date. Equipment Specialists will validate the data for all SRDs under their
supervision. Confirm accuracy of SRD description, associated higher/lower
assembly SRDs and their Quantity per Application, Management Division,
System Manager, MICAP/TCTO reportability, Type Maintenance Code
(TMC)/When Discovered Code (WDC) code groups and existence of WUCs and
inventory. Equipment Specialist will review all SRDs that have no active
inventory and submit AF Form 1230s to deactivate any determined to be retired
or no longer valid. Equipment Specialists will contact field agencies that are known to
possess SRD managed equipment that is not reflecting active inventory at REMIS
to ensure inventory is established. Equipment Specialist will return updated product to SRD Manager
with AF Forms 1230, as necessary. Assignment and management of SRDs: Assign SRDs to selected equipment in the Air Force active inventory or
new equipment undergoing acquisition. The first character of the SRD (Table A3.2)
identifies a general type of equipment such as "A" for aircraft, "M" for ground-
launched missiles, "T" for training equipment, etc. The last two characters of the SRD
code are used to identify specific equipment. They have no other specific meaning but
provide a quantity of codes to draw from when initially assigning the SRD (e.g.,
"ACH" for C-130E aircraft, "XGN" for T56-7 engines, and "BKP" for AN/GRR-23
radios). Multiple SRDs may be assigned for end-items having dual applications,
such as a stand-alone configuration, as well as a component of another system
requiring cost data tracking. (E.g. aerospace vehicles with non-interchangeable engine
or avionics configurations or engines installed to diverse aerospace vehicles).
394 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Location of SRD data: REMIS maintains the master table of valid
unclassified AF SRDs, which is transmitted to some interfacing MISs as they occur.
Valid SRDs for classified equipment are found in other AF systems and publications.
SRD codes for Command Mission Equipment (CME) are in the REMIS SRD table.
8.2.11. Federal Supply Class (FSC) and Materiel Management Aggregation Codes
(MMAC). Purpose: Describe procedures required to manage FSC and MMAC records. These records are used to route reports and shipments to the correct item
manager (IM). AFMC is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, researching and preparing
inputs to load, change, or delete FSC and MMAC records. See AFH 23-123 for
applicable ILS-S processes on loading, changing, or deleting FSCs and MMACs.
8.2.12. Shipping Destination Records. Purpose: Describe procedures for maintaining Shipping Destination Records. The shipping program uses shipping destination records to print addresses for
shipments on DD Form 1348-1A. See AFH 23-123 or ILS-S User’s Manual for
applicable IT guidance on the maintenance of these records, including shell records, and
procedures for changing and deleting shipping destination records. AFMC loads and
maintains shipping destination records. When unserviceable ERRCD XD2 items are shipped to destinations other than
the FSC or FSC/MMAC unserviceable storage site, a shipping destination record is
maintained for each destination. AFMC uses SNUD to selectively disseminate data for
controlling the movement of reparable items. Shipments Requiring Shipping Destination Records. Records Maintenance will
load and maintain a shipping destination record for each shipment to any of the
following: AFMC IM, AFMC unserviceable storage site, DLA storage sites, General
Services Administration (GSA), and Army storage points. Shipping destination records
may also be established when redistribution orders and lateral support requests give rise
to frequent shipments (serviceable and unserviceable) to any authorized stock record
account number. Ship-to Account Field of the shipping destination record. When the input ship
to account code is EZ or EY in the first two positions, the system will allow loading of a
RIC on the shipping destination record. References. Shipping addresses, routing identifier codes, and ZIP codes are
found in the following references: Shipping address information and routing identifier codes are listed in
DLM 4000.25 (DLMS), all volumes. ZIP codes are listed in the postal ZIP code manual.
8.2.13. Organization Cost Center Records (OCCR). Purpose: Describe the purpose of and procedures for maintaining OCCRs.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 395 The organization code identifies organizations and detachments receiving
logistical support from the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. The organization code
also identifies the internal functions of the LRS/Materiel Management Activity. Many
financial and ILS-S internal program decisions are made based on organization codes. LRS/Materiel Management Activities are responsible for loading, changing,
and deleting OCCRs for all on-base organizations, satellite accounts and geographically
separated units. AFMC is responsible for loading, changing and deleting OCCRs for
deployed units at contingency sites. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for applicable
ILS-S processes on the actions required to establish, change, or delete OCCRs.
8.2.14. Exception Phrase Records and Type Cargo Phrase Records. Purpose: Describe the purpose of and procedures for maintaining exception
phrase and type cargo phrase records. These are records that use narrative phrases rather than alpha-numeric code that
is loaded in the ILS-S. These phrase records are used for narrative processing. Exception phrase records are used to control and to identify items that are not
subject to normal excess, issue, requisitioning, and shipping procedures. Records
Maintenance is responsible for loading, changing, or deleting exception phrase records.
Locally Assigned Exception Codes. All requests to load local exception codes, modifiers
and phrase records will be submitted to AFMC. Disapproved requests will be returned to
the LRS/Materiel Management Activity with reason for disapproval. Type cargo phrase records are required to provide the plain language phrase for
printing on DoD single line item release/receipt document, DD Form 1348-1A. Records
Maintenance is responsible for loading, changing, or deleting type cargo phrase records.
See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for applicable ILS-S processes on the actions
required to establish, change, or delete these records. AFMC will review and take action on exception phrase records on an as
required basis. "As required" is determined by "notifications", e.g., computer transaction,
customer requirement, automated releveling processes, etc. Recurring validations are
discontinued. Exception phrase records will be deleted when no longer required.
8.2.15. Routing Identifier Records. Purpose: Describe the purpose of and procedures for maintaining routing
identifier records. Routing identifier records are used by the ILS-S to accumulate the data
required to compute order and shipping time (O&ST). These records also contain
management data that help local managers determine if given supply sources are quickly
and efficiently processing their requisitions. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for
applicable ILS-S transaction processes on how routing identifier records are loaded,
changed, deleted and updated, as well as how to monitor exception status codes.
8.2.16. Requests for Stocklist Data. Purpose: Describe procedures for managing stocklist data requests.
396 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Use the AF Form 86 to request assignment of a NSN for items not yet in the
Federal Cataloging System, and to request cataloging data actions on existing NSNs.
Items registered in the Federal Cataloging System offer some or all of the following
benefits: multiple sources of supply, competitive prices, increased standardization, and
increased supply availability for other using activities. All AF personnel will use the AF
Form 86. The AF Form 86 is for internal AF use only and will not be forwarded to any
other service or agency. AFMC is responsible for controlling, processing and following up on AF Form
86 requests they submit. Other activities are responsible for the AF Forms 86 they
submit. Personnel who do not forward the initial request through AFMC are responsible
for all follow-up actions. See AFH 23-123 for applicable ILS-S processes on requesting
stocklist data.
8.2.17. The Reparable Item Movement Control System (RIMCS). Purpose: Describe procedures for managing RIMCS data. RIMCS is designed to ensure that items in need of repair are sent to the nearest
appropriate repair activity. It allows for documentation of all AF repair activities,
including items requiring special handling (exception phrase records) and the shipping
program, and used for documentation of destinations for items needing repair. AFMC
loads RIMCS data. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for IT related guidance on
8.2.18. Repair Cycle Record. Purpose: Describe procedures for managing repair cycle record data. The repair cycle record is a record of repair and maintenance actions taken. It
contains an organization and shop code for designated repair activities. This field
identifies the on-base activity that is responsible for repairing each repair cycle asset. See
AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for IT related guidance to load, change, delete, or
inquiry indicative and quantitative data on the repair cycle record.
8.2.19. Conversion of Routing Identifier Code (RIC) to Department of Defense Activity
Address Code (DODAAC). Purpose: Describe procedures for the conversion of RIC to DODAAC records. This record is used to automate the manual cross-reference RIC to DODAAC
file. The uniform methods outlined here are used to convert the RIC to the appropriate
DODAAC, that is, the one used during tracer actions of the Defense Transportation
Regulation (DTR). These procedures apply to all DoD components and participating
federal agencies. AFMC is responsible for processing all DODAAC and RIC transaction
processing. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for IT related guidance on RIC to
DODAAC conversions.
8.2.20. Delivery Destination Record. Purpose: Describe procedures for the management of delivery destination
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 397 The LRS/Materiel Management Activity is responsible for managing delivery
destination records. These records contain stored information which will reflect in the
ship-to block of the DD Form 1348-1A. Loading this record identifies the specific
location for property delivery. Delivery destination records should be loaded for all
organizations and shop codes. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for IT related
guidance to load, change, and delete the delivery destination record.
8.2.21. Exception Code Management. Purpose: Describe procedures for the management of exception code records. Exception codes are assigned to item records and indicate exception processing
is necessary when the following actions are taken: disposing of excess property,
requisitioning, shipment, and issues. AFMC will review and take action on stock numbers assigned exception codes
on an as required basis. "As required" is determined by "notifications", e.g., computer
transaction, customer requirement, automated releveling processes, etc. Recurring
validations are discontinued. AFMC will annually audit IEX "D"s and REX "4"s ensuring
there is complete processing data in the nomenclature field. Exception codes will be
deleted when no longer required. See AFH 23-123/ILS-S User’s Manual for IT related
guidance to manage exception codes.
8.2.22. Force Activity Designator (FAD) Management. FADs define the relative importance
of a U.S. force, unit, activity, project, program, or foreign country to accomplishing DoD
objectives. FADs are used in conjunction with Urgency of Need Designators to establish a
matrix of priorities used for supply requisitioning and the transport system. The following supplemental procedures are intended for use concurrently with
guidance contained in DoDM 4140.01, Vol 8, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management
Procedures: Materiel Data Management and Exchange. Air Force and foreign country organizations will forward all normal day-to-day
FAD change request submissions to the parent or supporting command for review and
validation of the requirement via SIPRNET message. FAD assignment requests will
include all elements. Normal day-to-day FAD requests pertain to organizational FAD
upgrade submissions which are not prompted by an immediate real-world operation,
crisis, or emergency. For example, mission change from training unit to combat unit. Air Force and foreign country organizations will submit FAD I requests
through the supporting Combatant Commands during real-world contingencies, crises, or
emergencies only. These requests must be submitted via SIPRNET message. Requesting AF organizations will use FAD criteria to determine the appropriate
level FAD necessary to support mission requirements. AF/A4LR will review all validated FAD requests from MAJCOMs and
Combatant Commands for Air Force and associated foreign country organizations.
Reviewers will coordinate with supporting commands and resolve or explain all
discrepancies and denials. Approval authorities will adhere to Air Staff direction when performing the
review and adjudication of the FAD request.
398 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 AF/A4L, as the Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board (JMPAB) Air
Force delegate, will forward all adjudicated FAD I requests to the Joint Staff/J4 for
review and approval action. Additionally, will perform approval actions for all FAD II-V
submissions for AF and associate foreign country organizations. AF/A4LR will forward copies of the approval documentation to the requesting
organization, supporting MAJCOM, Centralized Equipment Management Flight
(CEMF), and AFMC Records Maintenance for records. The requesting organization will ensure the new FAD is updated and
utilized for requirements directly associated with the mission generating the FAD
assignment. AFMC Records Maintenance will update Organization Cost Center
Records in the appropriate Accountable Property System of Record (APSR). The
CEMF will update equipment management record within the AF Support Equipment
APSR. See AFH 23-123 for FAD code transaction processing. AFMC Records Maintenance Function will perform an annual validation of
each FAD I-V assignments, as directed by AF/A4L. Coordinate with MAJCOMs and
Combatant Commands for all AF and associated foreign country organizations to validate
and re-justify necessity of the designation. Distribute the USAF Force Activity Designator Assignment
Reconciliation List to MAJCOMs and Combatant Commands for validation the first
work day of March. MAJCOMs and Combatant Commands will validate the FAD assignment
and recommend any changes to AFMC Records Maintenance Function no later than
the last duty day of March. All FAD changes will follow normal submission requests as cited in this
chapter. All non-validated FAD assignments will revert to lowest rating
applicable. AFMC Records Maintenance will coordinate with AFMC/A4R and
provide a validation summary comprised of a distribution profile and graphical
representation of FAD I V assignments. Forward the FAD validation summary to
AF/A4LR no later than the last duty day in May. AF/A4LR will forward a copy of the FAD I-V validation summary to the
Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board via the Joint Staff, Director of
Logistics no later than 30 June. AF/A4LR will maintain the approved AF Force Activity Designator Roster as
a For Official Use Only document and perform annual FAD II-V validations with
MAJCOMs and Combatant Commands for all AF and associate foreign country
organizations. AF/A4 will delegate AF/A4L as the representative for the JMPAB and
associate working groups as necessary.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 399
Chapter 9
9.1. Overview. This chapter outlines processes with special requirements for AF materiel
management. These requirements include Special Logistics Support and USAF Heritage
Program and Satellite Operations. DoDM 4100.39, DoDM 4140.01, DoDM 4160.21, AFI 84-
103, and AFI 23-101 serve as primary DoD and AF reference sources.
9.2. Special Logistics Support.
9.2.1. Managing Procedures for the USAF Heritage Program. Purpose: To provide guidance and procedures for the donation of and loan of
USAF historical property. Refer to AFI 84-103, for policy, guidance, and procedures for the donation and
loan of USAF historical property to non-USAF organizations and to non-federal entities.
9.2.2. RDT&E Activities: RDT&E activities are afforded special procedures and exceptions
particular to their community. MAJCOMs will identify units authorized RDT&E procedures
and EAE will file authorization in Tab C of Master Jacket file. ERRC designation. Due to the nature of how RDT&E assets are procured,
modified, or manufactured, it’s often difficult to determine ERRC designation. The
following guidance is provided: LRS Customer Service or RDT&E activity will determine ERRC for non-
cataloged or non-serially controlled assets using input from scientist, engineers and
other applicable SMEs. The first position of the ERRC determines expendability. Items with
expendability designator of N are non-expendable and deemed equipment, all others
should be considered expendable and have expendability designator X. Items built from an assortment of piece parts (e.g., mock-ups) should not
considered equipment even if the total value exceeds $5,000 and the item remains
built up for more than 2 years. Items retrieved from DLADS, Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration
Group (AMARG), or other storing activity for cannibalization of parts should not
considered equipment and will be locally cataloged using as a p-serialized NSN even
if part being cannibalized crosses to a federally cataloged NSN. Many expendable and non-expendable items have unit prices greater than
one million dollars and are classified or sensitive in nature. Value of the asset and
classification should have no bearing in determining if item is expendable or non-
expendable. Items installed into or onto other end items lose their identity and should be
considered expendable. The end item should also be designated as expendable or non-
expendable. Note: Care must be taken not to account for both end item and end item
components simultaneously as this will cause dual reporting.
400 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 If items are separated (e.g. end item dismantled), determine ERRC
for individual pieces per these instructions. Equipment items are stable in nature. Assets constantly changing
composition should be considered expendable. Items may be coded as accountable equipment if deemed necessary even if
item does not normally meet the definition as indicated above. Historical files or other local system may be used to account for equipment items
that are not sensitive or classified and have a unit price of under $5,000 dollars even if
normally accountable due to stock class. Historical files may be used to capture local catalog information in lieu of the
DD Form 1348-6 stored in LRS Customer Service. Custodian and organizational commander will sign CA/CRL accepting
responsibility for inventory, however, count may be performed by scientist, engineers,
etc. Single custodian may be appointed for multiple equipment accounts and R23
utilized as CA/CRL in lieu of multiple R14s. EAE will use single Master Jacket file for
multiple org/shops and file R23 accordingly. CFO assets: RDT&E equipment items should be expensed and do not require KSD
unless they are associated with the development of an end item that is produced for
operational use. CFO information (e.g. acquisition cost, acquisition date, etc.) are not
required and EAE must ensure expensed equipment items are not depreciated by the
APSR. Equipment such as special tooling and special test equipment, acquired for
research and development, which may have alternative future uses and otherwise
meets the criteria for capitalization, should be capitalized accordingly and have a
KSD to substantiate acquisition date and cost. Annual LRS EAE organizational visits may be self-performed by RDT&E
activity. All areas and functions required from a normal EAE visit will be performed and
report will be provided to organizational commander and EAE. EAE will provide a copy
to LRS APO and file report in Master Jacket File.
9.3. Satellite Operations.
9.3.1. Satellite Relocation. Purpose: Satellite accounts are moved from one computer support base (CSB) to
another for satellite support for a variety of reasons: to improve support, to accommodate
additional satellite accounts at the host base, to relieve a host base of too many accounts,
to arrange new support when a base closes, etc. The process has to be exact. Strict
management control and cooperation from all activities involved are necessary. This
section covers timeline requirements, monitoring responsibilities, and reporting
requirements. See AFI 23-101 for guidance specific requirements and AFH 23-123 for IT
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 401 General Procedure: For a satellite account to be relocated, certain specific
procedures are required. The transfer procedures allow for an orderly transfer, and they
apply to all activities involved in relocation. The procedures must be accomplished in the
order presented, and MAJCOMs may supplement with directives needed for special
requirements. Time Requirement. Plan to start relocation actions 90 calendar days before
the relocation schedule date, unless the major command in coordination with the Air
Force Materiel Command (AFMC) elects to complete the procedure in a shorter
period. The Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) APO, AFMC and Accounting &
Finance officers at both the gaining and losing bases will appoint representatives to
monitor the transfer process. (T-2). Transfer. After down-loading procedures are completed, AFMC and LRS
APO have the responsibility of transferring all output to the gaining CSB responsible
for uploading the records. Points of Contact. Good communication is the key to a successful re-home.
Primary and alternate points of contact at both the gaining and the losing bases and
AFMC must be identified. Each individual selected as a point of contact must have a
good working knowledge of the re-home process. Recommend that the points of
contact be selected from Functional Systems Management Section (LGLOS) or
equivalent. Reporting Requirements. Notify the Standard Systems Group control
room, AFMC, prior to the re-home download and when the re-home has been
completed. The gaining CSB or AFMC reports the beginning of upload and notifies
AFMC when upload is completed. Any problems with hardware, procedures, or
software will be reported by means of normal procedures. When difficulties are
encountered in efforts to resume normal operations, notify satellite parent command,
CSB gaining command, and AFMC.
9.3.2. Satellite Relocation (Re-home) Sequence for Pre-Relocation Actions. Purpose: To provide a recommended schedule for planning satellite relocation
(re-home) beginning 90 calendar days before the completion date. The following actions will be performed: (T-2). 90 Days before Relocation. LGLOS personnel at the losing CSB will
contact the gaining CSB LGLOS, the Accounting and Finance (A&F) officers of both
CSBs and the satellite relocation monitor and establish a relocation plan. 30 Days before Relocation. The losing CSB will identify unique account
attributes such as locally cataloged "P" item records (“alpha character” in the fifth
position of the stock number), organization and shop codes and system designator
information. 20 Days before Relocation. The gaining command will request an address
change from AFMC from the losing CSB to the gaining CSB.
402 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 15 Days before Relocation. The losing CSB will establish a cutoff date in
conjunction with the planned removal of communication lines. 10 Days before Relocation. The losing CSB will send a list of standard
reporting designators (SRDs) used by the satellite to AFMC. AFMC will load all the
SRDs that are applicable. The satellite will develop a local Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with the gaining CSB. Two Days before Relocation. The losing CSB will provide the gaining
CSB Interchangeable Substitute Groups (ISG) clean up information. One Day before Relocation. Ensure all satellite processing has stopped. The Day of Relocation. Execute necessary ILS-S transition programs.
9.3.3. Establishing a Satellite Account. Purpose: This section describes the procedures used to establish (also known as
conversion) a satellite account. For guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101
and for IT specific guidance use AFH 23-123. Pre-conversion/Conversion Requirements. Formal Agreements. When a satellite account is established, a formal
agreement about responsibilities may be considered between the account and the host
base. This agreement may be in the form of a support agreement written according to
the regulations contained in AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency and Inter-
Agency Support Agreements Procedures, a contract, or a formal Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA). Time Requirements. Pre-conversion actions are normally time phased from
a period of 120 calendar days prior to conversion. The 120-day lead time may be
compressed or expanded as mission dictates. All functions scheduled to establish a
satellite account use the basic procedures contained in this section. Reporting Requirements: The new host CSB or AFMC will notify when
the upload begins and when the upload is complete. Normal procedures are used to
report to the major command and AFMC any problems with hardware, software, or
procedures. General Support Division (GSD) Supply Management Activity Group-
Retail (SMAG-R) Operating Program. The gaining major command is responsible for
notifying AFMC of an anticipated move or conversion, the date of the move or
conversion will take place, and any pertinent information on the major command
involved. Notification of Conversion. The gaining major command is responsible for
notifying certain agencies when a host or satellite account is established. The gaining
major command will: Submit a letter/message to the AFMC Allowance Manager advising
them of the pending conversion and requesting any known address changes. Note:
Notify AFMC Allowance Standard Activity only if the account is type E.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 403 Send a message to Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Transaction
Services (DLATS), Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio, advising them of any Stock
Record Account Number (SRAN) changes and the type of accounts affected (for
example SRANs beginning with FB, FG, FP, etc.). Satellite Account Pre-Conversion/Conversion. Refer to Satellite Re-home
Sequence for Pre-Relocation System Processing in AFH 23-123 for the
programs/processes needed to support Pre-Conversion and Conversion.
404 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 10
10.1. Overview. This chapter outlines procedures affecting AF intensively managed and
tracked items. These include management of controlled material to include NWRM and other
controlled or sensitive items. Various DOD and AF publications are reference sources for this
publication. For this chapter, DoDM 4140.01, and AFI 20-110 are the primary DoD and AF
10.2. Management of Controlled Materiel.
10.2.1. Serialized Control and Reporting Small Arms/Light Weapons (SA/LW). Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with the management of
SA/LW. This section specifically covers procedures for serialized coding, reporting and
reconciliation, serial number detail information and serial number control processing. For
guidance specific requirements review AFI 23-101 and for IT specific guidance use AFH
23-123, or the ILS-S User’s Manual. Do not process controlled material as found on base. See paragraph 6.2 of this
manual for exceptions to FOB processing. General Procedure for SA/LW. When SA/LWs are received or shipped, unpack the SA/LWs to positively
identify the serial number on the bare equipment. Coordinate off-base shipments through transportation channels prior to
processing. Shipping arrangements will be obtained from Deployment and
Distribution. All source documents for SA/LW will be processed and sent to Document
Control within 3 workdays from the ILS-S processed date or the date processed in
degraded operations. The serial numbers for each transaction will be listed on the
management notice in conjunction with the output (source) document. Document Control will file a copy of the management notice along
with the source document. Documents processed during Degraded Operations and hand scribed
documents will be held for processing until the ILS-S becomes available and
recovery transactions are processed. Make sure the correct serial numbers are
transcribed on the documents.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 405 SA/LW requiring serialized control and reporting are identified on the
item record by a serialized report code (SRC) of A. The SRC is assigned by, the
AFMC SA/LW Serialized Control Activity and is pushed to bases by the Stock
Number User Directory (SNUD) using Stock List Change transactions. Controlled
item codes (CIC) N, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8 are also assigned to these items. Serialized
reporting does not apply to barrels, firing mechanisms, etc. These items are assigned a
CIC N to indicate they require special control/warehousing to prevent pilferage. Only
items with a SRC A are reported to the AFEMS system. When a transaction at base level increases or decreases the base asset
position, a daily change report is generated under program control if the transaction
pertains to a type account E, ERRCD NF2/ND2 item, the daily change report is
forwarded to AFEMS (C001) via Daily Equipment Transaction Report files. Note:
IEX B is not required for items assigned SRC A. The actual serial numbers for each item coded with SRC A are
maintained on either a 249 serialized control detail or a 250 in-use serialized control
detail. A Weapons Serialized Control input is used to load, change or delete these
details (See Weapons Serialized Control Input (DSR), AFH 23-123 for transaction
format). Serial numbers for items in serviceable stock or on an unserviceable detail,
regardless of ERRCD, are maintained on a 249 serialized control detail. Upon issue
these details will convert to a 250 in-use serialized control detail. The LRS APO will not track type account B SRC A assets (e.g., aircraft
weapons coded as XD, XF, XB) once they are issued to the using organization. Serial Number Entry. Enter all serial numbers left justified. The SA/LW
serial number must not be prefixed by zeros unless the zero is part of the serial
number. Examples: If the serial number is 123, it will be entered as ‘123’. If the serial
number is 0123, it will be entered as ‘0123.’ SA/LW Reidentification. When it is necessary to reidentify SA/LWs, use the
ILS-S Weapon Modification program titled NGV441. Serialized Report Code (SRC) Changes. Verification. When the SRC changes from an “A” to blank or from blank
to an “A,” an F118 Management Notice is generated by program control. The F118
will print the Catalog Management Data Change Record input image with a clear text
statement indicating the change “to” and “from” SRC. AFMC must verify the change
for cataloged items with the D043. Once validated the LRS/Materiel Management
Activity will take appropriate warehousing/Inventory actions. Procedures for Valid Changes. If the SRC change is valid, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity will process a Serialized Control Input-Format
Two to add or delete the applicable 249 serialized control/250 in-use serialized
control detail(s). See AFH 23-123 for transaction formats. Note: SRC cannot be
deleted if serialized control/in use serialized control details are loaded. Procedures for Invalid Changes. For invalid changes, AFMC will
reprocess the Catalog Management Data Change Record to input the correct SRC.
406 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Weapon Reconciliation. Reconciliation Actions. Prior to 30 April process the edit option of the
Weapon Reconciliation Report with a (-) dash in position 65. This option compares
the on-hand balance and detail balance to 249 serialized control/250 in-use serialized
control detail records. An error listing is produced for records that do not pass edits. Take
action to correct errors and out-of-balance conditions. When all reporting errors are corrected and all out-of-balance
conditions have been resolved, process the Weapon Reconciliation Report with
‘W’ in position 66 of the program select card to create the outbound SIFS files.
The SIFS files are automatically transmitted to the appropriate receiving system.
External review is not necessary. Note: Do not process the SIFS option earlier
than 30 April unless directed by the AFMC SA/LW Serialized Control Activity or
the applicable Major Command. Overages and shortages identified during reconciliation with the AFMC
SA/LW Serialized Control Activity must be thoroughly researched, inventoried, and
appropriate investigative actions initiated. Invalid Reconciliation Reject Notice. The LRS APO will not maintain
visibility of type account B (ERRCD XD, XF, XB) weapons once they are issued to
the using organization. They will not be included in the annual reconciliation. It is the
responsibility of the LRS/Materiel Management Activity SA/LW POC to research
these notices, and ensure these items have in fact been issued to a using organization.
No response is required for these reject notices. Error Notices. When an error is detected by the AFEMS system, a Small Arms
Reject/Follow-up with an error notification code in positions 23-24 is transmitted to the
reporting Stock Record Account Number (SRAN). (Error notification codes are defined
in COMSEC Error Notification Codes, AFH 23-123). When the Small Arms
Reject/Follow-up is processed, an F122 Management Notice is generated under program
control. Research. Bases will research the error notice and take action to correct
the discrepancy. Serial numbers for type account B assets are not stored on serialized
control records after issue, so any inquiries/error notifications must be verified with
the owning organization. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity SA/LW POC is
required to research the transaction history to determine what organization was issued
the asset and contact the organization to verify if they have the serial number. After thorough research is completed, process a Small Arms Correction
Report (See AFH 23-123 or format and entry requirements). Transmission to AFEMS
will be the same as used for daily change reports. Serial Number Modifications. Forced Record Alteration program is no longer required to change a
serialized control serial number.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 407 Only Chief Inspectors are authorized to process a Serialized Control Input
(XS1) transaction. Use a Serialized Control Input (XS1) to load serialized control
details that have been erroneously deleted, to delete serialized control details that
were incorrectly loaded, or to change the serial number on serialized control detail.
For NWRM, Chief Inspector must notify the NTCC of serial number changes before
processing. (T-1). SA/LW Serial Number Transaction Processing. When processing transactions that affect the total on-hand or detail
quantity, normal processing procedures apply. When processing a transaction for a
partial quantity, identify affected serial numbers before processing the transaction. An F117 Management Notice listing the serial number(s) will be
printed in conjunction with output documents created as a result of completed
transactions. All SRC A items must have a 249 serialized control detail or 250 in-
use serialized control loaded or the transactions will reject. When a receipt receiving an error condition, limit the quantity to 80
on related transactions (issues, receipts, etc.) involving serialized control details.
If more than 80 serial numbers are involved, break up the transaction for multiple
inputs. Issues. Issue of total on-hand quantity to a detail. If the total on-hand
quantity is being issued to a detail (e.g., RSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM, supply
point) normal issue procedures apply; and Weapons Serialized Control Input-
Format Two processing is not necessary. The applicable 249 serialized control
detail will be deleted and a 250 in-use serialized control will be established by
program control. The newly created 250 in-use serialized control will reflect the
same document number as the ‘parent’ detail. Note: The number of serialized
control details must equal the item record serviceable balance to process a total
on-hand balance. Issue of partial on-hand quantity to a detail. If less than the total on-
hand quantity is being issued to a detail, identify which serial number(s) to issue.
Process a Weapons Serialized Control-Format Two input with type phrase
‘ISU/DOR.’ This will load an ‘I’ in the RECEIPT-CODE field of the 249
serialized control detail to prepare the detail for subsequent issue or due-out
release. Upon completion of issue processing, the applicable 249 serialized
control detail(s) will be deleted and a 250 in-use serialized control detail(s) will
be created. The newly created 250 in-use serialized control will reflect the same
document number as the ‘parent’ detail. Note: Prior to processing transactions
from serialized control details, it may be necessary to coordinate with warehouse
personnel to determine which serial numbers to identify.
408 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Issues to an organization. Serial number accountability for type
account B items (ERRCD XD/XF/XB) becomes the responsibility of the using
organization at the time of issue. Issue of total quantity from a detail. If the total detail quantity is
being issued, normal issue procedures apply. All 250 in-use serialized control
details identified will be deleted. Issue of partial quantity from a detail. When less than the total detail
quantity is being issued identify the serial number(s) to issue. Process a Weapons
Serialized Control Input-Format Two with “MSI” in the first three positions of the
type phrase field to load an “M” to the in-use serialized control detail. After the
record or records are flagged, normal MSI procedures apply. The 250 in-use
serialized control details identified will be deleted. New 250 In-use serialized
control details will be established for type account E items under the organization
and shop of the using organization, not to exceed the authorized quantity. When items are issued from a detail, the issue programs will
try to replenish the detail unless an “F” is in position 54 of the issue request
input. When the on-hand balance is greater than the replenishment quantity
the replenishment transaction will reject unless the applicable 249 serialized
control detail is identified for issue. To avoid rejects, it’s recommended all
issues for serialized control items from a detail are processed with an F in
position 54 of the issue request input. When replenishment is desired after the
transaction is processed, refer to issue processing in SA/LW Serial Number
Transaction Processing. Issues cannot be processed from one detail to another. A return
from the “issuing” detail must be processed to the item record then another
issue processed to the gaining detail. Returns. Return of total detail quantity. When the total detail quantity is
being returned, normal return procedures apply. The in-use serialized control
detail (250 record) will be deleted and a 249 serialized control detail established
under program control. Return of partial quantity from a detail. If less than the total detail
quantity is being returned, identify the serial numbers for return. Process a
Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format Two with the phrase “TURN-IN” to
load a “T” to the 250 in-use serialized control detail. After the records are flagged,
normal return procedures apply. The flagged in-use serialized control details will
be deleted and 249 serialized control details established. Return of items not on a detail. Process a Weapons Serialized
Control Input-Format Two with “TURN-IN” to load a serialized control detail
(249 record). After the serialized control detail is established, normal return
procedures apply.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 409 Shipments. Shipments from details are not allowed. Items on in-use
serialized control details must be returned to stock before shipment processing. Note:
Transfer is authorized for RSP, MSK, SPRAM, Authorized In-Use and WRM details
(see below for transfer procedures). For shipments of entire on-hand warehouse balance, normal
shipment procedures apply. Shipment of partial on-hand quantity. When less than the total detail
quantity is being shipped, identify the serial number(s) to ship. Process a
Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format Two with the type phrase ‘ISU/DOR’
to prepare the serialized control detail for shipment. Note: Redistribution
Orders/Referrals from MSK and Supply Point Details may be processed. Warner
Robins (WR-ALC) is no longer the storage site for weapons. Weapons are stored
at the Anniston Army Depot, AL. Weapons being returned to Depot must be
shipped to the Anniston Army Depot (FY1346). Receipts. When weapons are shipped from the depot, the AFEMS system
forwards a Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format Two with an asterisk in position
7 and type phrase ‘SHIPPED’ to the receiving base to identify which stock number,
document number and serial numbers are being shipped. The Weapons Serialized
Control Input-Format Two will be sent through SIFS and processed through pseudo,
and a serialized control detail will be loaded for each serial numbered item being
shipped. When the items are received, the serialized control detail should be ready for
receipt processing. After successful receipt processing an F117 Management Notice
is output reflecting all serial numbers processed. When a 615 reject is received, the serialized control detail is not
loaded. If weapons are received and there is not a serialized control detail loaded,
process Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format Two with type phrase
‘SHIPPED’ to load a the detail. Refer to Weapons Serialized Control Input (DSR)
Format Two, AFH 23-123, for transaction format and type phrase codes that
will change the receipt codes. If the Due In is not loaded, process a Prepositioned
Materiel Receipt to load the due in (see Prepositioned Materiel Receipts -
Input/Output (99S) AFH 23-123 for instructions and format). If a 616 reject is received, there is either not enough or too many
serialized control details loaded for the input document number. If a 619 reject is received, the Item Record does not have a SRC. If a 620 reject is received, the serialized control detail serial number
is already loaded. Process a stock number inquiry, with type record retrieval code
‘Z’ and ‘249’ for the selected detail document number. This will show all the
serialized control details loaded for this stock number.
410 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Inbound Cargo must inspect and verify serial numbers when small
arms are received. Errors between serial numbers shipped and received must be
identified to the AFMC SA/LW Serialized Control Activity. LRS/Materiel
Management Activity SA/LW POC will notify AFMC SA/LW Serialized Control
Activity by message or email with an information copy to the shipper and
MAJCOM of both shipping and receiving activities. The receipt reporting should
be delayed until resolution by the AFMC SA/LW Serialized Control Activity. Record reversal and correction transactions. Prior to these transactions
process a Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format Two to create/delete the
applicable serialized control detail/in-use serialized control detail. Ensure the correct
type phrase is used (see AFH 23-123 for additional information on type phrase). Deployment Procedures. Deployment Of Total Detail Quantity. When the total on-hand
quantity of the detail (RSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM or authorized in-use) is
deployed, normal deployment processing procedures apply. The deployed routing
identifier will be stored on the applicable in-use serialized control detail records. Deployment Of Less Than Total Detail Quantity. When less than
the total on-hand detail quantity is deployed, process a Weapons Serialized
Control Input-Format Two with type phrase “DEPLOY” to load a “D” in the
ACTION-CODE field of the in-use serialized control detail record. After the
records are flagged, normal deployment processing procedures apply. Program
control deletes the “D” from the ACTION CODE field of the in-use serialized
control detail and loads the deployed routing identifier to the DEPLOYED-RID
field of the in-use serialized control detail Total Quantity Returned From Deployment. When the total
deployed quantity is returned, normal return deployment processing procedures
apply. The deployed routing identifier will be deleted from the applicable in-use
serialized control detail (250 record). Partial Quantity Returned From Deployment. If less than the total
quantity deployed is returned, process a Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format
Two with type phrase “RETURN” to load an “R” in the ACTION-CODE field of
the in-use serialized control detail. After the records are flagged, normal return
deployment processing procedures apply. Transfer Procedures. Transfer of Total Detail Quantity. When the total on-hand quantity
of the detail (RSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM, or authorized in-use) is transferred,
normal transfer processing procedures apply. Daily Change Reports are generated
under program control to update AFEMS (C001). In addition, Weapons Serialized
Control Input images are created for forwarding to the gaining base to establish
serialized control details.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 411 Transfer of Less Than Total Detail Quantity. When less than the
total on-hand detail quantity is transferred, process a Weapons Serialized Control
Input-Format Two with type phrase “TRANSFER” (Note the spelling of this
phrase) to load a “T” in the ACTION-CODE field. After the records are flagged,
normal transfer processing procedures apply. Daily Change Reports are generated
under program control to update AFEMS (C001). In addition, Weapons Serialized
Control Input images are created for forwarding to the gaining base to establish
serialized control detail.
10.2.2. Serialized Control and Reporting of COMSEC/CCI Items. Purpose: Describe the general procedures associated with the management of
controlled materiel. This section specifically covers the serialized control and reporting
procedures for COMSEC items. Serialized Report Codes (SRC) for all COMSEC/CCI assets are identified with
SRC “C” and SRC “R.” Do not process COMSEC/CCI assets as found on base. If the COMSEC
asset was received from the National Security Agency or its suppliers, or has a
documented history of accountability, e.g. SF 153, then utilize equipment receipt.
Otherwise, contact the appropriate Item Manager to determine ownership and proper
disposition. Additional information can be found at the ITAC website for NSNs.
Note: See Table 6.2 for exceptions. Foreign nationals are authorized to store, inspect, deliver, and handle controlled
cryptographic item (CCI) assets as long as there is a U.S. citizen present. General Procedure for COMSEC. AFMC Cryptological System Activity monitors the central file of all
COMSEC assets by serial number via AFEMS. Coordinate off-base shipment through transportation channels prior to
processing. Shipping arrangements should be obtained from LRS Cargo Movement. All source documents for COMSEC items will be processed and sent to
Document Control within 3 workdays from the applicable ILS-S processed date or the
Degraded Operations date. The serial numbers for each transaction will be listed on the
management notice in conjunction with the output (source) document. All serial
numbers are left justified. The COMSEC serial numbers will not be prefixed by
zeros unless the zero is part of the COMSEC serial number. Document Control will file a copy of the management notice along
with the source document. Documents processed during Degraded Operations procedures and
hand scribed documents will be held for processing until the ILS-S becomes
available and recovery transactions are processed. Ensure correct serial numbers
are transcribed on the documents.
412 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 If a transaction at base level increases or decreases the base asset position,
a Daily Change Report is generated under program control. If the ERRCD is
NF2/ND2 type account E, the daily change report is forwarded to AFEMS (C001).
These change report images are placed in the same file as the images which go to
AFEMS (C001) for Daily Equipment Transaction reporting. AFEMS (C001) updates
the AFEMS database and forward the images to AFEMS (ACOM screen) to update
the central file. Daily Change Reports for ERRCD XB/XF/XD type account B items
are sent directly to AFEMS (ACOM screen). The actual serial numbers for each item coded with SRC C is maintained
on either a 249 Serialized Control Detail Record or a 250 In-Use Serialized Control
Detail Record. Serial numbers for items in serviceable stock or on an unserviceable
detail, regardless of ERRCD, are maintained on 249 Serialized Control Detail
records. Serial numbers for items coded as equipment will transfer to 250 In-
Use Serialized Control Detail records when issued to the customer. Serial
numbers for items maintained on a detail (e.g., MRSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM,
and supply point) are also accounted for on 250 In-Use Serialized Control
records. The LRS APO will not track type account B COMSEC assets (ERRCD
XB/XF/XD) once they are issued to the using organization. COMSEC Reconciliation. All COMSEC assets on detail records or on hand in
supply will be reconciled semiannually with AFEMS (C001) for type account code B and
E assets. AFEMS (C001) will process the type E COMSEC assets reconciliation data
received into the AFEMS database and then forward those images to AFEMS (ACOM
screen) for processing of the reconciliation. AFEMS (ACOM screen) will process the
data received from AFEMS (C001) and the type account B COMSEC assets data
received straight from the bases. Reconciliation actions. Process COMSEC Reconciliation prior to 15
March/15 April and 15 September/15 October (see AFH 23-123 for IT guidance).
This option will compare the on-hand balance and detail balance to serialized control
records. An error listing is produced for records that do not pass edits. When all
reporting errors are corrected and any out-of-balance conditions have been resolved,
process the COMSEC Reconciliation program again (with C in position 66 of the
program select card) to create the outbound SIFS file. Non-receipt. AFEMS (ACOM screen) sends a COMSEC Control Reject
Report with ERROR MESSAGE: “The required semiannual reconciliation report was
not received” to any base which fails to process the reconciliation as required. Take
action to have the reconciliation report processed with C in position 66 of the report
parameter (see AFH 23-123 for additional assistance with processing the
Weapon/COMSEC Reconciliation program).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 413 The LRS APO does not maintain visibility of type account B
COMSEC/CCI (ERRC XD/XF/XB) assets once they are issued to the using
organization, therefore; they are not included in the reconciliation. The ILS-S will
report serial numbers for these items when they are shipped. Out-of-Cycle Reconciliation. AFMC Cryptological System Activity may
direct out-of-cycle reconciliations reports with MAJCOM approval. Out-of-cycle
reconciliations and transmission of data will follow the same schedule/actions as
scheduled reconciliations. COMSEC Control Error Notification. AFEMS Processing. AFEMS processes COMSEC serialized control
reports from bases daily. When an error is detected by the AFEMS, a COMSEC
Control Reject Record is transmitted to the reporting Stock Record Account Number
(SRAN) according to COMSEC Control Reject Report (XHB) in AFH 23-123. Error
notification codes and possible corrective actions for these rejects are defined in
COMSEC Error Notification Codes in AFH 23-123. Base Corrective Action. Bases will correct the errors, change the
transaction ID in positions 1-3 to a COMSEC Control Report and the RIC in positions
4-6 to FNL for type accounts B and E COMSEC assets. Then transmit within 5
calendar days of receipt of error notification. Transmission will be the same as used
for daily transaction. Bases which have problems correcting COMSEC error
notification code rejects should contact AFMC Cryptological System Activity prior to
resubmission. SRC Changes. Verification. When the SRC changes from a “C” or “R” to blank or blank
to “C” or “R” a F118 Management Notice is generated by program control. The F118
Management Notice will print the Catalog Management Data Change Record input
image with a clear text statement indicating the change “to” and “from” SRC. AFMC
must verify the change for cataloged items with the D043. Once validated the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity will take appropriate warehousing/Inventory
actions. See AFH 23-123 for Weapons Serialized Control-Format Two format and
entry requirements. Procedures for Valid Changes. When the SRC change is valid, the
LRS/Materiel Management Activity will take action to add or delete the applicable
249/250 serialized control detail record(s). Note: The Catalog Management Data
Change Record input will not allow the serialized report code to be deleted if 249/250
serialized control details are loaded. Procedures for Invalid Changes. For invalid changes, AFMC will
reprocess the Catalog Management Data Change Record to input the correct SRC. COMSEC Serial Number Transaction Processing.
414 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 When processing transactions that affect the total on hand or detail
quantity normal processing procedures will apply. When processing a transaction for
a partial quantity, identify specific serial numbers before the in-line transaction is
processed. An F117 Management Notice listing the serial number(s) will be
printed in conjunction with output documents created as a result of a completed
transaction. All SRC C and R items must have a corresponding 249 or 250
serialized control record loaded or transactions will reject. Use Serialized Control Inputs (XS1) to load, change, or deleted
serialized control details. A Forced Record Alteration is no longer required to
change serialized control serial numbers. See AFH 23-123 for additional
instructions. The Chief Inspector or the NTCC are the only authorized
personnel to process a Serialized Control Input to change the serial number on
serialized control details for NWRM (SRC R items). The Chief Inspector must
notify the NTCC of the serial number change. (T-1). When receipt of an error condition, limit the quantity to 80 on
related transactions (issues, receipts, etc.) involving serialized control details.
When more than 80 serial numbers are involved, break up the transaction for
multiple inputs. Issues. Issue of total on-hand quantity to a detail. When the total on-hand
quantity is being issued to a detail (e.g., MRSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM, Supply
Point) normal issue procedures apply. The applicable 249 serialized control
record(s) is deleted and 250 an in-use serialized control record(s) established by
program control. The new 250 in-use serialized control record(s) will reflect the
last four positions of the detail document number. Issue of partial on-hand quantity to a detail. When less than the total
on-hand quantity is being issued to a detail, identify the serial number(s) to issue. When processing serial numbers from serialized control
records coordinate with warehouse personnel to determine which serial
numbers to identify. Process a COMSEC Serialized Control Input-Format Two
with the phrase “ISU/DOR” in the type phrase field to load an “I” in the
receipt code field of the 249 serialized control detail record. After the
record(s) are flagged, normal issue procedures apply. The applicable 249
serialized control record(s) is deleted and a new 250 in-use serialized control
record(s) established. The 250 in-use serialized control record(s) reflects the
last four positions of the detail document number. Issue to an organization.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 415 Serial number accountability for type account B items (ERRC
XD/XF/XB) becomes the responsibility of the using organization at the time
of issue. When the total on-hand quantity is being issued normal issue
procedures apply. For type account E items, the 249 serialized control
record(s) is deleted and a new 250 in-use serialized control record(s) is
established reflecting the last four positions of the in-use document number. Issue of partial on-hand quantity to an organization. When less
than the total on-hand quantity is being issued identify the serial number(s) to
issue. Process a COMSEC Serialized Control Input-Format Two with the
phrase “ISU/DOR” to load an “I” in the receipt code field of the 249 serialized
control detail record. After the records are flagged, normal issue procedures
apply. For type account E items, the 249 serialized control detail record(s) is
deleted and a 250 in-use serialized control record(s) is established reflecting
the last four positions of the in-use document number. Serial number
accountability for type account B items (ERRC XD/XF/XB) becomes the
responsibility of the using organization at the time of issue. Issue of total quantity from a detail. When the total detail quantity is
being issued normal issue procedures apply. The 250 in-use serialized control
detail record(s) is deleted and 250 in-use serialized control detail record(s) is
established for type account E items, reflecting the last four positions of the in-use
document number. Issue of partial on-hand quantity from a detail. When less than the
total detail quantity is being issued, identify the serial number(s) to issue. Process
a COMSEC Serialized Control Input-Format Two with “MSI” in the first three
positions of the type phrase field to load an “M” to the 250 in-use serialized
control record. After the records are flagged, normal Issue from Detail procedures
apply. The 250 in-use serialized control records identified are deleted and a new
250 in-use serialized control record(s) is established for type account E items
reflecting the last four positions of the in-use document number. When an issue from a detail record is processed, the issue
programs will try to replenish the detail unless an “F” is in position 54 of the
issue from detail record input. When the on-hand balance is greater than the
replenishment quantity the replenishment issue will reject unless the
applicable 249 serialized control records are identified for issue. Process all
Issues (from a detail) for serialized control items with an F in position 54 to
avoid rejects. Do Not process an issue from one detail to another detail.
Process a return from the “issuing” detail to the item record then process an
issue to the “gaining” detail. Returns.
416 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Total detail quantity being returned. When the total detail quantity is
being returned normal return procedures apply. The 250 in-use serialized control
detail record(s) is deleted and a 249 serialized control detail record(s) is
established. Return of partial quantity from a detail. When less than the total
detail quantity is being returned, identify the serial numbers being returned.
Process a COMSEC Serialized Control Input-Format Two with the phrase
“TURN-IN” in the type phrase field to load a “T” to the 250 in-use serialized
control detail record. After the records are flagged, normal return procedures
apply. The 250 in-use serialized control detail record(s) will be deleted and 249
serialized control record(s) established. Return of items not on a detail. Process a COMSEC Serialized
Control Input-Format Two with “TURN-IN” in the type phrase field to load a 249
serialized control detail record. After the serialized control record is established
normal return procedures apply. Caution: COMSEC/CCI found on base may
constitute a potential compromise of classified information and will be reported
immediately upon discovery per AFI 16-1404. For NWRM items, see AFI 20-
110 for additional reporting instructions. Shipments. Shipments from details are not allowed. Items on in-use
serialized control details must be returned to stock before shipment processing. Note:
Transfer is authorized for RSP, MSK, SPRAM, Authorized In-Use and WRM details
(Transfer Procedures). See paragraph 5.4 for Equipment Transfers between SRANs. The maximum amount of serial numbers that can be shipped with
one input is 50 (fifty). For shipments of entire on-hand warehouse balance, normal
shipment procedures apply. Shipment from a detail. Individual shipments from details are not
allowed. Process a return from the detail and ship from the item record. Prior to
processing the return and shipment, process a COMSEC Serialized Control Input-
Format Two to flag each serial number or a 615 reject will occur (see AFH 23-
123, for proper Type Phrase Codes). Note: Redistribution Orders/Referrals from
MSK and Supply Point Details may be processed. Shipment of partial on-hand quantity. If less than the total detail
quantity is being shipped, identify the serial number(s) to ship. Process a
Weapons Serialized Control Input-Format Two with the type phrase ‘ISU/DOR’
to prepare the serialized control detail for shipment. Note: Warner Robins
(WRALC) is no longer the storage site for weapons. Ensure weapons being
returned to Depot are shipped to the Anniston Army Depot (FY1346).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 417 Receipts. Prior to processing a REC for a COMSEC item, process a
Serialized COMSEC Control Input-Format Two with the phrase “SHIPPED” in the
type phrase field to load the 249 serialized control record. When the receipt
transaction is processed a F117 Management Notice is produced. Once the REC is
processed the Receipt Code field of the 249 control record is changed to an “R” to
signify the property was received and program control will generate a COMSEC
Control Report to update AFEMS (C001). If the 249 control record(s) is not loaded,
when the receipt is processed, the program will generate a 616 Reject. Take action to
load the 249 records before the receipt can be reprocessed. Note: All elements of the
249 record (e.g., suffix code, due-in number, MMAC) must match the REC input or
the transaction will reject. Record reversal and correction transactions. Prior to these transactions
process a serial Serialized COMSEC Control Input-Format Two to create/delete the
applicable 249/250 serialized control record. Deployment Procedures. Deployment of total detail quantity. When the total on-hand quantity
of the detail (MRSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM or Authorized In-use) is deployed,
normal deployment processing procedures apply. The deployed routing identifier
will be stored on the applicable 250 serialized control records. Deployment of less than total detail quantity. When less than the
total on hand detail quantity is deployed, process a Serialized COMSEC Control
Input-Format Two with type phrase “DEPLOY” to load a “D” in the
ACTIONCODE field of the 250 record. After the records are flagged, normal
deployment processing procedures apply. Program control will delete the “D”
from the 250 serialized control record and load the deployed routing identifier to
the control records. Total quantity returned from deployment. When the total deployed
quantity is returned, normal return deployment processing procedures apply. The
deployed routing identifier will be deleted from the applicable 250 serialized
control records under program control when the return is processed. Partial quantity returned from deployment. When less than the total
quantity deployed is returned, process a Serialized COMSEC Control Input-
Format Two with type phrase “RETURN” to load an “R” in the ACTION-CODE
field of the 250 record. After the records are flagged, normal return deployment
processing procedures apply. The deployed routing identifier will be deleted from
the applicable 250 serialized control records by program control. Transfer Procedures. Transfer of total detail quantity. When the total on-hand quantity of
the detail (MRSP, MSK, SPRAM, WRM or In-use) is transferred normal transfer
processing procedures apply. Daily Change Reports will be generated under
program control to update AFEMS (C001) and AFEMS (ACOM screen). In
addition, Daily Change Reports images are created for forwarding to the gaining
base to establish 249 serialized control records.
418 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 Transfer of less than total detail quantity. When less than the total
on-hand detail quantity is transferred process a Serialized COMSEC Control
Input-Format Two with type phrase “TRANSFER” (Note the spelling of this
phrase) to load a “T” in the 1st position of the ACTION-CODE field of the 250
record. After the records are flagged, normal transfer processing procedures
apply. Daily Change Reports will be generated under program control to update
AFEMS (C001) and AFEMS (ACOM screen). In addition, images are created for
forwarding to the gaining base to establish 249 serialized control records.
10.2.3. Processing actions for Removal/Installation of Controlled Cryptographic Items
(CCI). Purpose: Provide procedures for the processing and documentation of CCI
removal/installation. Controlled Maintenance activities use AFTO Form 781B, Communications
Security (COMSEC) Equipment Record to provide control for serial number CCI and as
an aid in serial number accountability. See TO 00-20-1 for additional information. When CCI is removed and a like item is installed at a transient base, an
AFTO Form 781B is sent to LRS/ Materiel Management Activity. Materiel
Management personnel will process a COMSEC Control Report (XHA) for
transmission to AFMC Cryptological System Activity. See AFH 23-123 for format. Home Station CCI Removal Processing Procedures. When an aircraft or
ground mobile communications center, etc., returns to its home station, the home
station maintenance activity forwards a copy of the AFTO Form 781B to the LRS/
Materiel Management Activity COMSEC monitor. Process a COMSEC Serialized
Control Input-Format Two. See AFH 23-123 for information on applicable ILS-S
transaction processing. Document Control of CCI Replacements. At the transient base and the home base, Document Control annotates or
stamps the “Comments” line with "Received by (signature of Document Control clerk
and date)." Forward a copy of the document to the maintenance activity that provided
the form to LRS/Materiel Management Activity. File the form for 2 years from the date received by the Document Control
personnel. The following results when all actions have been properly completed by the
transient base and the home base: The transient LRS/Materiel Management Activity home base serial
number now belongs to the transient base, and serialized control transactions were
prepared accordingly. The home LRS/Materiel Management Activity transient base serial
number now belongs to the home base, and serialized control transactions were
prepared accordingly.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 419 The AFMC Cryptological System Activity CCI formerly located at base
A is now located at base B, and the CCI formerly located at base B is now located at
base A.
10.2.4. Documentation of Transfer of CCI Assets from Base Level Maintenance
Organizations to Depot Level. Purpose: To provide procedures for the documentation of transfer of CCI assets
from base maintenance organizations to depot level. When an aircraft must be sent to a repair depot for maintenance and a CCI asset
is aboard, the home base maintenance activity reports this by AFTO Form 781B. The LRS/Materiel Management Activity COMSEC monitor at the losing
base enters the NSN and serial number in the COMSEC Control Report in positions
8-37 and leaves positions 38-67 blank. The host LRS/Materiel Management Activity
COMSEC monitor of the repair depot will enter the same NSN and serial number in
positions 38-67 and leave positions 8-37 blank. This combined processing action
notifies The AFMC Cryptological System Activity that a CCI asset formerly located
at a using base is now located at a repair depot. The host LRS/Materiel Management
Activity at AFMC depots will follow the procedures in AFMC regulations for
obtaining the required information from the depot. Other Service Performed Maintenance. When a CCI is removed and
replaced at another-service installation (Army, Navy, etc.), the home base
maintenance activity forwards the completed AFTO Form 781B to the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity COMSEC monitor. The monitor prepares COMSEC Control
Report (XHA) for transaction processing (See AFH 23-122). The other-service
installation reports the serial number change to their central office of record using
their own established procedures.
10.2.5. Special Logistics Support Procedures for Special Access Parts. Purpose: This section identifies support procedures. Special Logistics Support for Special Access Program (SAP) parts can be
found in various other publications. AFPD 16-7, Special Access Programs. AFI 16-701, Management, Administration and Oversight of Special
Access Programs. AFI 24-602 Vol 2, Cargo Movement. DoDM 5200.01, all volumes, Information Security Program. SAP assets will not be commingled with normal classified or communication
security property.
10.2.6. NWRM Transactions. Purpose: Describes procedures related to identifying/managing NWRM.
420 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 The NWRM Transaction Control Cell (NTCC) approves all transactions prior
to processing and will remove/replace the NWRM freeze code as appropriate. Follow the procedures for processing serialized controlled (COMSEC/CCI)
assets through the ILS-S. Specific rules apply when processing transactions for serialized
controlled items. See AFH 23-123 or ILS-S User’s Manual for IT and processing
Lt General, USAF
DCS/Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 421
Attachment 1
15Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 774 The Commerce Control List, as amended
22Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 121 The United States Munitions List, as amended
Air Force Handbook 1, Airman, 1 October 2017
AFH 23-123, Materiel Management Handbook, all volumes, 8 August 2013
AFI 10-201, Force Readiness Reporting, 3 March 2016
AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution, 7 December 2006
AFI 10-402, Mobilization Planning, 8 March 2018
AFI 10-2501, Emergency Management Program, 10 March 2020
AFI 16-401, Designating and Naming Defense Military, Aerospace Vehicles, 16 May 2014
AFI 16-1404, Air Force Information Security Program, 29 May 2015
AFI 16-701, Management, Administration and Oversight of Special Access Programs, 18
February 2014
AFI 20-110, Nuclear Weapons-Related Materiel Management, 4 June 2018
AFI 20-117, Repair Network Management, 22 August 2018
AFI 21-103, Equipment Inventory, Status and Utilization Reporting, 21 January 2020
AFI 23-101, Air Force Materiel Management, 12 December 2016
AFI 23-111, Management of Government Property in Possession of the Air Force, 19 November
AFI 23-204, Organizational Fuel Tanks, 24 July 2012
AFI 24-602, V1, Passenger Movement, 28 April 2017
AFI 24-602, V2, Cargo Movement, 12 June 2019
AFI 24-301, Ground Transportation, 22 October 2019
AFI 24-302, Vehicle Management, 21 February 2020
AFI 25-101, War Reserve Materiel (WRM), 27 August 2019
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures, 18
October 2013
AFI 25-301, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements, 3 June 2016
AFI 31-101, Integrated Defense (ID), 25 March 2020
AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force Personnel, 5 August 2020
DAFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015
422 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
AFI 34-101, Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs and Use Eligibility,
16 April 2019
AFI 34-1201, Protocol, 9 June 2017
AFI 35-109, Visual Information, 1 June 2017
AFI 36-2670, Total Force Development, 25 June 2020
AFI 36-2654, Combat Arms Program, 17 April 2020
AFI 51-105, Legal Information Services, 18 September 2018
AFI 51-506, Gifts to the Department of the Air Force from Domestic and Foreign Sources, 16
April 2019
AFI 52-101, Planning and Organizing, 15 July 2019
AFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card Program, 22 June 2018
AFI 65-501, Economic Analysis, 29 October 2018
AFI 65-601, Vol 1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, 24 October 2018
AFI 84-103, United States Air Force Heritage Program, 22 May 2015
AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, 28 December 2018
AFJI 23-504, Radioactive Commodities in the DoD Supply System, 28 March 2018
AFMAN 14-405, Multi-Intelligence, 11 May 2020
AFMAN 17-1203, Information Technology (IT) Asset Management (ITAM), 18 May 2018
AFMAN 17-1302-O, Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations, 9 April 2020
AFMAN 21-204, Nuclear Weapons Maintenance, 13 August 2019
AFMAN 21-201, Munitions Management, 26 March 2019
AFMAN 21-209, Volume 1, Ground Munitions, 29 August 2019
AFMAN 21-209, Volume 2, Demolition Munitions, 25 April 2018
AFJMAN 23-209, Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials, 13 January 1999
AFMAN 23-230, Maintaining Air Force DoD Activity Address Codes (DODAAC), 31 January
AFMAN 24-206_IP, Packaging of Materiel, 12 January 2004
AFMAN 32-7002, Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention, 4 February 2020
AFMAN 32-7002, Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention, 4 February 2020
AFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program, 16 May 2019
AFMAN 63-144, Business Capability Requirements, Compliance, and System Acquisition, 25
July 2018
AFPD 10-35, Battlefield Airmen, 5 June 2017
AFPD 16-7, Special Access Programs, 21 November 2017
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 423
AFPD 23-1, Materiel Management, 7 September 2018
CJCSI 4110.01E, Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation, 19 July 2012
DFAS-DE 7077.10-M, Automated Materiel Accounting System Integrated within Standard Base
Supply System, as amended
DLM 4000.25, Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS), all volumes, 19 May 2014
DLM 4000.25-4, Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS), 5 June 2012
DTR 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation, all volumes, as amended
DoD 7000.14-R, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (DoD FMR), as
DoD 4120.15-L, Model Designation of Military Aerospace Vehicles, 31 August 2018
DoDD 5105.83, National Guard Joint Force Headquarters State (JFHQ-S), 1 June 2018
DoDI 3110.05, Readiness-based Materiel Condition Reporting for Mission-Essential Systems
and Equipment, 25 September 2006
DoDI 4140.58, National Guard and Reserve Equipment Report (NGRER), 8 January 2010
DoDI 8320.04, Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible Personal Property, 3
September 2015
DoDM 1225.08, Reserve Component Facilities, Construction, and Real Property Programs, 21
February 2020
DoDM 4100.39, Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) Procedures, 8 March 2017
DoDM 4140.01, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures, all volumes, 13
December 2018
DoDM 4120.24, Defense Standardization Program (DSP) Procedures, 13 July 2011
DoDM 4140.26-M, DoD IMM For Consumable Items: Operating Procedures for Item
Management Coding, all volumes, 24 September 2010
DoDM 4140.27, DoD Shelf-Life Management Program, all volumes, 6 July 2016
DoDM 4140.70, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures for Storage and Material
Handling, 15 July 2019
DoDM 4160.21, Defense Materiel Disposition, all volumes, 22 October 2015
DoDM 4160.28, Vol 1, Defense Demilitarization: Program Administration, 9 August 2017
DoDM 5100.76, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives
(AA&E), 17 April 2012
DoDM 5200.01, DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information, 24
February 2012
Executive Order 12356, National Security Information, 2 April 1982
Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, 19 March 2015
424 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
FAR Part 6, Competition Requirements, as amended
FED-STD- 313, Material Safety Data, Transportation Data, and Disposal Data, for Hazardous
Materials Furnished to Government Activities, 1 July 2014
Integrated Logistics System -Supply (ILS-S) User’s Manual, Approved 9 September 2020
MIL-DTL-31000C, Detail Specification: Technical Data Package, 9 July 2004
MIL-L-23699, Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic Base, 25 August 1993
MIL-PRF-7808L, Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic Base, 2 May 1997
MIL-STD-129, Military Standard: Military Marking for Shipment and Storage, Part L-R
MIL-STD-130, Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property
MIL-STD-196, Joint Electronics Type Designation, 11 September 2013
MPTO 00-33D-3003, Managing the Cyberspace Infrastructure with the Cyberspace
Infrastructure Planning System
Public Law 81-152, The Federal Property and Administration Services Act of 1949, as amended
TO 00-20-1, Aerospace Equipment Maintenance Inspection, Documentation, Policies, and
Procedures, 15 June 2013
TO 00-20-2, Maintenance Data Documentation, 29 October 2007
TO 00-20-3, Maintenance Processing of Reparable Property and Repair Cycle Asset Control
System, 28 November 2011
TO 00-20-9, Forecasting Replacement Requirements for Selected Calendar and Hourly Time
Change Items, 29 October 2007
TO 00-20-14, Air Force Metrology and Calibration Program, 30 June 2016
TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency Reporting, Investigation, and Resolution, 15 May 2015
TO 00-36-1-191, Technical and Managerial Reference for Motor Vehicle Management, 8
November 2017
TO 11N-100-3150, Joint Reporting Structure; Nuclear Weapons Reports
TO 14P4-20-1-E, Operator and Field Maintenance Manual for Mask, Chemical-Biological:
Joint Service General Purpose, Field, M-50, 12 September 2019
TO 4W-1-61, Maint and OH Instr- All Type Acft Wheels, Rev 13, 16 July 2020
TO 42B-1-1, Quality Control of Fuels and Lubricants, 13 August 2012
TO 42B5-1-2, Gas Cylinders (Storage Type) Use, Handling, and Maintenance, 16 August 2010
TO 42C-1-12, Quality Control of Petroleum Products and Chemicals, Rev 6, 3 March 2015
Prescribed Forms
AF Form 12, Supply Inventory Research Worksheet
AF Form 13, Record Reversal & Correction Worksheet
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 425
AF Form 14, 356 Reject Due-In Detail Not Loaded Checklist
AF Form1032, WRM Spares List
Adopted Forms
AETC Form 120, Training Equipment List
AETC Form 120A, Field Training Equipment List
AF Form 9, Request for Purchase
AF Form 52, Evidence Tag
AF Form 86, Request for Cataloging Data/Action
AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request
AF Form 451, Request for Packaging Service
AF Form 465, Bench Stock Inventory (Not LRA)
AF Form 522, USAF Ground Weapons Training Data
AF Form 601, Authorization Change Request
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 1230, Standard Reporting Designator (SRD) Candidate Information
AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt
AF Form 1445, Materials and Equipment List
AF Form 1991, General Purpose Creation
AF Form 2001, Notification of TCTO Kit Requirements
AF Form 2005, Issue/Turn-In Request
AF Form 2032, Inspection Extension (rescinded)
AFMC Form 37, Inventory Research Worksheet
AFTO Form 22, Technical Manual (TM) Change Recommendation and Reply
AFTO Form 95, Significant Historical Data
AFTO Form 105, Inspection Maintenance Firing Data for Ground Weapons
AFTO Form 152, Chemical Defense Ensemble Inspection Record
AFTO Form 350, Reparable Item Processing Tag
AFTO Form 781B, Communications Security (COMSEC) Equipment Record
AFMC Form 172, Coordination of Proposed Technical Order
AFMC Form 206, Temporary Work Request
AFMC Form 874, Time Compliance Technical Order Supply Data Requirements
DD Form 200, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss
426 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report
DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document
DD Form 1150, Request for Issue/Transfer/Turn-In
DD Form 1155, Order for Supplies or Services
DD Form 1348, DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual)
DD Form 1348-1, DoD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document
DD Form 1348-1A, Issue Release/Receipt Document
DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual-Long Form)
DD Form 1574, Serviceable Tag Materiel
DD Form 1574-1, Serviceable Label Materiel
DD Form 1575, Suspended Tag Materiel
DD Form 1575-1, Suspended Label Materiel
DD Form 1576, Test / Modification Tag Materiel
DD Form 1576-1, Test / Modification Label Materiel
DD Form 1577, Unserviceable (Condemned) Tag Materiel
DD Form 1907, Signature and Tally Record
DD Form 2332, Product Quality Deficiency Report Exhibit
DD Form 2477, Shelf Life Extension Notice
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form 8130-3, Authorized Release Certificate,
Airworthiness Approval Tag
Standard Order Form 1-3a, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA)/Mutual Logistics
Standard Form (SF) 118C, Related Personal Property Schedule C - Supplement to Report of
Excess Real Property
Standard Form (SF) 153, COMSEC Material Report
Standard Form (SF) 361, Transportation Discrepancy
Standard Form (SF) 364, Report of Discrepancy
Form 1-3a, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA)/ Mutual Logistics Support
(MLS) Order Form
Abbreviations and Acronyms
1LMIntermediate Level Maintenance
AACAcquisition Advice Code
AA&EArms, Ammunition, and Explosives
AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Service
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 427
ABAAnnual Budget Authorization
ACCAir Combat Command
ACHAdvanced Combat Helmet
ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer
ACSAAcquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements
AEDAAmmunition Explosive and Dangerous Articles
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AFAir Force
A&FAccounting and Finance
AF/A4Air Force Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection
AF/A4LAir Force Directorate of Logistics
AF/A4LRAir Force Logistics Readiness Division
AFBSAir Force Broadcasting Service
AFDMPOAir Force Discrepant Materiel Program Office
AFEMSAir Force Equipment Management System
AFGSCAir Force Global Strike Command
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFIAAAir Force Intelligence Analysis Agency
AFITAir Force Institute of Technology
AFLCMCAir Force Life Cycle Management Center
AFLISAir Force Library and Information System
AFLRBAir Force Logistics Readiness Board
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFMMCABAir Force Supply Chiefs Advisory Board
AFMMWGAir Force Materiel Management Working Group
AFNICAir Force Network Integration Center
AFNWCAir Force Nuclear Weapons Center
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFPETAir Force Petroleum Office
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
428 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
AFREPAir Force Repair Enhancement Program
AFRIMSAir Force Records Information Management System
AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory
AFSCAir Force Sustainment Center
AFSCDBAir Force Centralized Database
AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command
AFSPBPAir Force Spare Parts Breakout Program
AGATRSACSA Global Automated Tracking and Reporting System
AGMAir To Ground Missile
AIMAir Interceptor Missile
AITAutomatic Identification Technology
ALCAir Logistics Complex
ALTAcquisition Lead Time
AMARGAerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group
AMCAir Mobility Command
ANGAir National Guard
AOAccountable Officer
AORArea of Responsibility; Accumulated Operating Result
APLAcceptable Performance Level
APOAccountable Property Officer
APSAircraft Parts Store
APSRAccountable Property System of Record
ARAttrition Reserve
ARCAction Required
ASAllowance Standard
ASCAllowance Source Code (Listing)
ASLAdjusted Stock Level
ASMAircraft Sustainability Model
AS/RSAutomated Storage/Retrieval System
ATCAudit Trail Component
AUAir University
AWDPRAward Purchase Request
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 429
AWPAwaiting Parts
BABudget Authority
BAIBackup Aircraft Inventory
BCBudget Code
BCEBase Civil Engineer
BCOBase Contracting Office
BEARBasic Expeditionary Airfield Resources
BESBudget Estimate Submission
BNRBilled Not Received
BOCRBusiness Overhead Cost Recovery
BOIBasis of Issue
BPBudget Program
BSUBench Stock Issue
CACost Authority (AKA Obligation Authority)
CA/CRLCustodian Authorization/Custody Receipt Listings
CAMS-FMCore Automated Maintenance System For Mobility
CAGECommercial and Government Entity
CASCombat Ammunition System
CBRNChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
CBTComputer Based Training
CCSquadron Commander
CCIControlled Cryptologic Item
CCIPCustomer Call
CCSCommunications Computer Systems
CCSDCryptologic and Cyber Systems Division
CDMContract Depot Maintenance
CDMPCContract Depot Maintenance Production Cost
C-ECommunications Electronics
CEMCommunications Electronic Maintenance
CESCivil Engineering Squadron
CICCustomer Interaction Center
C-ICPContractor Inventory Control Point
430 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
CIICControlled Item Inventory Code
CWDEChemical Warfare Defense Equipment
CEMFCentralized Equipment Management Flight
CEMOCommand Equipment Management Office
CFMCareer Field Manager
CFOChief Financial Officer
CFSContractor Field Service
CHPMSKContingency High Priority Mission Support Kit
CJCSChairmen Joint Chiefs of Staff
CLOCombat Logistics Office
CLSContractor Logistics Support
CLSSACooperative Logistics Supply Support Agreement
CMDCatalog Management Data
CMECommand Mission Equipment
CMOSCargo Movement Operations System
COContracting Officer
COBContingency Operating Base
COLTCustomer Oriented Leveling Technique
COMSECCommunications Security
CONOPSConcept of Operations
CONPLANContingency Plan
COOPContinuity of Operations
COPARSContractor Operated Parts Store
COSISCare of Supplies in Storage
COTSCommercial off the shelf
CPCentrally Procured
CPFHCost Per Flying Hour
CRDCumulative Recurring Demand
CRFCentralized Repair Facility
CRRCalibration Repair and Return
CRSContingency Retention Stock
CRSPConsumable Readiness Spares Package
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 431
C-SAGConsolidated-Sustainment Activity Group
CSAFChief of Staff of the Air Force
CSAGConsolidated Sustainment Activity Group
CSAG-SSupply division of CSAG (CSAG also has a Maintenance division)
CSAG-MMaintenance Depot division of CSAG
CSBComputer Support Base
CSDComputer Systems Discrepancy
CSICritical Safety Items
CSTCombat Skills Training
CSWSWGContractor Supported Weapon Systems Working Group
CTControl Team
CTCControl Team Chief
CTHConsolidated Transaction History
CTICContractor Technical Information Codes
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
CWDEChemical Warfare Defense Equipment
CWRMOCommand War Reserve Materiel Officer
CWRMNCOCommand War Reserve Materiel NCO
CWTCustomer Wait Time
DAASDefense Automatic Addressing System
DBMDatabase Manager
DCCDocument Control Card
DCMADefense Contract Management Agency
DCRDocument Control Record
DDRDaily Demand Rate
DFASDefense Finance and Accounting System
DICDocument Identifier Code
DIFMDue-In From Maintenance
DIIPDefense Inactive Item Program
DIOHDue-In for Overhaul
DIREPDifficulty Report
432 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
DISADefense Information Systems Agency
DITDDisposal Return Document
DMAGDepot Maintenance Activity Group
DMASDyna-METRIC Microcomputer Analysis System
DLADefense Logistics Agency
DLADSDefense Logistics Agency Disposition Services
DLATSDefense Logistics Agency Transaction Services
DLMDepot Level Maintenance
DLMSDefense Logistics Management System
DLMSODefense Logistics Agency Management Standards Office
DLRDepot Level Reparable
DoDFMRDepartment of Defense Financial Management Regulation
DOLDDate of Last Demand
DOLTDate of Last Transaction
DoDDepartment of Defense
DODAACDepartment of Defense Activity Address Code
DoDDDepartment of Defense Directive
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DoDMDepartment of Defense Manual
DOLIDate of Last Inventory
DOLTDate of Last Transaction
DORDue Out Release
DPEMDepot Procured Equipment Maintenance
DRDeficiency Report
DRAMateriel Receipt Acknowledgement Notice
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
DSODirect Support Objective
DSRWeapons Serialized Control Input
DSSDistribution Standard System
DTIDDisposal Return Document
DWCFDefense Working Capital Fund
EAEEquipment Accountable Element
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 433
EAIDEquipment Authorized In-Use Detail
EBOsExpected Backorders
ECCException Control
EDDEstimated Delivery Date
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EEXExcess Exception
EICEquipment Inventory Count
EISPEnd Item Sales Price
EMCEquipment Management Code
ENCException Notice Code
EOQEconomic Order Quantity
EPWGAir Force Equipment Policy Working Group
ERAAEquipment Review Authorization Activity
ERRCExpendability, Recoverability, Reparability Code
ERRCDExpendability, Recoverability, Reparability Category Designator
ERSEconomic Retention Stock; Equipment Requirement System
ESEquipment Specialist
ESAEngineering Support Activity
ESAPIEnhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts
ESBIEnhanced Side Ballistic Insert
ESCElectronic System Center
ESDElectrostatic Discharge
ETIDElectronic Turn-In/Return Document
EVEEqual value Exchange
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FADForce Activity Designator
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
FCFund Code
FCCCondition Code Change
FCILoad, Change or Delete Equipment In-Use Detail
FCUUnit Price Change
FEDEquipment Transfer
434 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
FFCFreeze Code Update
FIARFinancial Improvement and Audit Readiness
FIFOFirst-In First-Out
FIRMFunded and requisitioned due-out
FIXForced Record Change
FLIPSFlight information publication
FLISFederal Logistics Information System
FMField Manufacture
FMBFinancial Management Board
FMSForeign Military Sales
FOBFound on Base/Foundation Base
FORCEFuels Operational Readiness Capability Equipment
FRCFund Requirement Card
FSCFederal Supply or Stock Class
FSLForward Supply Location
FSOFinancial Services Office
FSSForward Supply System
FUPForecast Unit Price
GEOLOC PBCGeographical Location- Pseudo Base Codes
G-ICPGovernment Inventory Control Point
GI&SGeospatial Information and Services
GFEGovernment Furnished Equipment
GFMGovernment Furnished Materiel
GPCGovernment Purchase Card
GBLGovernment Bill of Lading
GSAGeneral Services Administration
GSDGeneral Support Division
GSLGeographically Separated Location
GMGlobal Manager
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
HAZMATHazardous Material
HHALHealth Hazardous Approval List
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 435
HHTHandheld terminal
HPMSKHigh Priority Mission Support Kit
HTAHigh Threat Area
HTSAHost Tenant Support Agreement
IADInventory Adjustment Document
IAPSIntegrated Accounts Payable System
IAVInventory Adjustment Voucher
IBAIndividual Body Armor
ICBMIntercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICIInteractive Communications Interface
ICODInventory cut-off date
ICOPInventory Cut
ICPInventory Control Point
ICSInterim Contractor Support
IEEIndividual Equipment Element
IEUIndividual Equipment
IEXIssue Exception
IIRPImproved Item Replacement Program
ILS-SIntegrated Logistics System-Supply
IMItem Manager
IMCItem Management Coding
IMDS CDBIntergraded Maintenance Data System Central Database
IMMIntegrated Materiel Management
IMSInventory Management Specialist
IMWRPItem Manager Wholesale Requisition Process
IOInventory Officer
IPAIntransit Property Area
IPEIndividual Protective Equipment; Industrial Plant Equipment
IRCInventory Recount
IRSPIn-Place Readiness Spares Package
436 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
ISGInterchangeable Substitute Groups
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISSPInterservice Supply Support Procedures
ITInformation Technology
IUIDItem Unique Identification
JACKS-RWJoint Acquisition CBRN Knowledge System-Reporting Warehouse
JALCJoint Aeronautical Logistics Commanders
JBERJoint Base Elmendorf
JCSJoint Chief of Staff
JCNJob Control Number
JMPABJoint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board
JSMJoint Service Manual
JSGPMJoint Service General Protective Mask
JUJoint Use
JTAJoint Transfer Agreement
JTRJoint Transfer Agreement
KSNKit Serial Number
LACLatest Acquisition Cost
LCCLocal Purchase Cancellation
LDLLow Density Level
LINLiquid Nitrogen
LOXLiquid Oxygen
LPLocal Purchase
LPALocal Purchase Adjustment
LPSLocal Purchase Status
LPXLocal Purchase Extra
LGRMMateriel Management Flight
LIMFACLimiting Factor
LMCALogistics Materiel Control Activity
LGLOSFunctional Systems Management Section
LOGFACLogistics Feasibility Analysis Capability
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 437
LOCLogistics Operation Cell
LRLocal Repair
LRCLatest Repair Cost
LRRSLong Range Radar Sites
LRSLogistics Readiness Squadron
LRULine Replaceable Unit
LSCLogistics Support Center
LSSLife Systems Stock
LTALow Threat Area
MAJCOMMajor Command
MAPOMaximum Automatic Obligation
MAQMaximum Authorization Quantity
MARSMilitary Affiliate Radio System
MASOMunitions Accountable Systems Officer
MCDMission Change Data
MCNManagement Control Number
MCRMateriel Cost Recovery
MDCManager Designator Code
MDDMaintenance Data Documentation
MDSMission Design Series
MEMobility Equipment
MECDMaintenance Equipment Classification Designator
MEFPAKManpower & Equipment Force Packaging
MEOMost Efficient Organization
MGMMateriel Group Manager
MICMission Impact Code
MICAPMission Impaired Capability Awaiting Parts
MICASMobility Inventory Control Accountability System
MIICSMaster Item Identification Control System
MISMaintenance Information System
MISTRManagement of Items Subject to Repair
MLSMutual Logistics Support
438 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
MMACMateriel Management Aggregation Code
MMHSMechanized Materiel Handling System
MOAMemorandum of Agreement
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MRAMinimum Reserve Authorization
MROMaintenance Repair Organization
MRSPMobility Readiness Spares Package
MRUMinimum Replacement Unit
M&SMedia and Status
MSGMission Support Group
MSIIssue from Kit
MSKMission Support Kit
MTAMedium Threat Area
MTBFMean Time Between Failure
MUPMark-Up Price
MWRMorale, Welfare and Recreation
MXWMaintenance Wing
NAFNonappropriated Funds
NARSPNon-Airborne Readiness Spares Packages
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASICNational Air and Space Intelligence Center
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NC3Nuclear Command, Control, Communication
NCONon-Commissioned Officer
NEMVACNoncombatant Emergency & Evacuation Plan
NEONoncombatant Evacuation Operations
NEXRADNext Generation Radar
NGANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGRERNational Guard and Reserve Equipment Report
NHANext Higher Assembly
NIINNational Item Identification Number
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 439
NMCNot Mission Capable
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPPCNumeric Parts Preference Code
NRTSNot Reparable This Station
NSFNuclear Weapons-Related Materiel Storage Facility
NSLNon-Stock Listed
NSNNational Stock Number
NSONumeric Stockage Objective
NTCCNuclear Weapons-Related Materiel Transaction and Control Center
NWRMNuclear Weapons-Related Materiel
NWRMAPONWRM Accountable Property Officer
NWSNational Weather Service
O&MOperation and Maintenance
O&STOrder & Shipping Time
OCOperations Compliance
OCCROrganization Cost Center Record
OCONUSOutside Continental United States
OCROffice of Coordinating Responsibility
OICOfficer In Charge
OIMOrganizational Intermediate Maintenance
OOBOperations Operating Budget
OPLANOperational Plan
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
ORPOperational Readiness Part
PAAPrimary Aircraft Authorization
PACAFPacific Air Forces
PBRPercent of Base Repair
PBLPerformance Based Logistics
PCCNProvisioning Contract Control Number
PCOProcuring Contracting Officer
440 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
PAProgram Authority
PASPersonal Accounting System
PB—President’s Budget
PBRProgram Budget Review
PDProgram Document
PDMProgrammed Depot Maintenance
PDLProactive Demand Leveling
PEOProgram Executive Office
PFMRProject Funds Management Record
PGMProduct Group Manager
PICPositive Inventory Control
PICAPrimary Inventory Control Activity
PIINProcurement Instrument Identification Number
PMProgram Manager
PMAIPrimary Mission Aircraft Inventory
PMICPrecious Metals Indicator Code
PMELPrecision Measurement Equipment Laboratory
PMOProgram Management Office
PMRPPrecious Metals Recovery Program
PMSProduction Management Specialist
POBPlanner Operating Base
POLPetroleum, Oils, and Lubricants
POMProgram Objective Memorandum
POSPeacetime Operating Stock
POWPrisoner Of War
PPBSPlanning, Programming, & Budgeting System
PPLProvisioning Parts List
PQDRProduct Quality Deficiency Report
PRPotential reutilization
PMProgram Manager
PS&DPlans, Scheduling and Documentation
PSSDProduction Section Scheduling Designator
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 441
PSPPrimary Supply Point
QAQuality Assurance
QAEQuality Assurance Evaluator
QDRQuality Deficiency Report
QLPQuery Language Processor
QMFQuery Management Facility
QPAQuantity per Aircraft
QSLQuality Status Listing
QUPQuantity Unit Pack
RAMPSRecoverable Assembly Management Process System
RBLReadiness Based Level
RCCResource Control Center
RCDLRepair Cycle Demand Level
RCNReport Control Number
RDDRequired Delivery Date
RDORedistribution Order
RDSRecords Disposition Schedule
RDT&EResearch, Development, Testing & Evaluation
REALMRequirements/Execution Availability Logistics Module
REMRegistered Equipment Management
REMISReliability and Maintainability Information System
REXRequisition Exception
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RICRouting Identifier Code
RIDRouting Identifier
RIIDRequirements Item Identification Data
RIMCSReparable Item Movement Control System
RIWReliability Improvement Warranty
RNBReceived Not Billed
RNDIReceipt Not Due
442 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
RORequisitioning Objective
RODReport of Discrepancy
ROPReorder Point
ROSReport Of Survey (Replacement: Financial Liability for Government Property)
RRKRemote ReKey
RSPReadiness Spares Package
RWCReason Why Code
SASecurity Assistance
SA/LWSmall Arms/Light Weapons
SAMSustainability Assessment Module
SAPSpecial Access Program
SAPISmall Arms Protective Inserts
SASSpecial Access Program
SASStorage Aid System
SBLCStandard Base Level Computer
SCMSupply Chain Management
SDDCSurface Deployment and Distribution Command
SDRSupply Discrepancy Report
SESupport Equipment
SECAFSecretary of the Air Force
SECDEFSecretary of Defense
SEXShipment Exception
SFSecurity Forces
SICASecondary Inventory Control Activity
SIFSSupply Interface System
SIPRSecret Internet Protocol Router Network
SIRSemiannual Inventory Report
SKTSpecialty Knowledge Test
SLCShelf Life Code; Stock List Change
SLESShelf-Life Extension System
SMSingle Manager
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 443
SMESubject Matter Expert
SMAGSupply Management Activity Group
SMAG-RSupply Management Activity Group-Retail
S/NSerial Number
SNCShipped Not Credited Detail
SNUDStock Number User Directory
SOOSatellite Operations Officer
SOSSource of Supply
SOWStatement of Work
SPCStockage Priority Code
SPDSystem Program Director
SPFSingle Point Failure
SPISpecial Packaging Instruction
SPMSystem Program Manager
SPSStandard Procurement System
SPRSpecial Requisition
SPRAMSpecial Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance
SPRSSpares Priority Release Sequence
SRASpecialized Repair Activities
SRANStock Record Account Numbers
SRCSerialized Report Code
SRDStandard Reporting Designator
SRISpecial Requirements Indicator
SSCShipment Suspense Detail
SSCOShipper Service Control Office
SSMSystem Support Manager
STEPSpecial Training Equipment Program
STRSystem Transaction Recovery
TACRAllowance Change Request (equipment transaction)
TARTracer Action Required
T-ASATelevision-Audiovisual Support Activity
TCCType Cargo Code
444 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
TCMTechnical Content Manager
TCNTransportation Control Number
TCTOTime Compliance Technical Order
TDSITransaction Sessions Allowance Document Status Query Screen
TDYTemporary Duty
TEXTransaction Exception Code
TFATotal Financial Authority
TLFType Level Flag
TMCType Maintenance Code
TMDETest, Measurement, & Diagnostic Equipment
TMOTraffic Management Office
TMSType Model Series
TMSMType Model Series Modification
TNBTail Number Bin
TOTechnical Order
TPFDDType Phase Force Deployment Data
TPICType Physical Inventory Codes
TRICTransaction Identification Code
TRMTransfer Materiel
TSPTransition Support Plan
TTFTransportation Tracer Flag
TTF-AReceipt Acknowledged Error Listing
TTF-FException Action Listing
TTF-LConsolidated Shipment Error Listing
TTF-PParcel Post Tracer Listing
TWRTotal Wartime Requirement
UCCUnit Control Center
UDMUnit Deployment Manager
UMMIPSUniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System
UNDUrgency of Need
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 445
UIUnit of Issue
UIIUnique Item Identifier
UJCUrgency Justification Code
UNDUrgency Need Designator
UNFFNeed Funding Flag
UTCUnit Type Code
USAFUnited States Air Force
USDUnder Secretary of Defense
USPFOUnited States Property and Fiscal Officer
USSFUnited States Space Force
WAAWartime Aircraft Activity
WAPSWeighted Airmen Promotion System
WCDWork Control Document
WCDOWartime Consumable Distribution Objective
WCFWorking Capital Fund
WDCWhen Discovered Code
WMPWar Mobilization Plan
WRMWar Reserve Materiel
WRMMWar Reserve Materiel Manager
WRMPMWar Reserve Materiel Program Manager
WSASWeapon System Allowance Standard
WSMIS-SAMWeapon System Management Information System Sustainability Assessment
WSGCWeapon System Group Code
WSSPWeapon System Support Program
WUCWork Unit Code
WWIWorldwide Inventory
XHBCOMSEC Control Input
ZOPZero Overpricing Program (now called the Price Challenge & Verification Program)
446 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Acquisition Lead TimeThe sum of the administrative lead time and production lead time.
Active InventoryMateriel that is expected to be consumed within the budget year (2 years)
and materiel that has been purchased to meet specific war reserve requirements.
Actual Unit PriceThe latest contract price plus inflation and first destination transportation
costs. This price is intended to approximate the price the item will cost on next acquisition.
Additive RequirementRequirements that are supported by projected requirements (e.g.,
modifications) rather than past demand experience. Requirements computed outside the
recoverable computation.
Aircraft Parts StoreLRS function located near flight line maintenance and functions as a
demand processing unit, customer support, and aircraft parts warehouse for maintenance
Aircraft Sustainability ModelThe mathematical model used to determine the requirements
for recoverable RSP items (in the D087G system) It uses a unit's wartime flying hour program,
the range of items determined at the annual review, and the demand rate/indicative data for each
item to determine the optimum mix of spares to achieve the target direct support objective.
Allowance StandardAuthorized document that identifies the amount and type of equipment
for an organization.
Approved Acquisition ObjectiveThe quantity of an item authorized for peacetime and
wartime requirements to equip and sustain U.S. and Allied Forces, according to current DoD
policies and plans. That quantity shall be sufficient to support other U.S. Government Agencies,
as applicable.
Awaiting PartsDuring the repair process for systems/equipment, parts are ordered for the
system/equipment undergoing repair or an end item is being scheduled for a repair process and
parts are ordered for a scheduled repair of the system/equipment to start the repair process. The
end item system/equipment undergoing repair/being scheduled for repair is AWP when the parts
to continue the repair process are backordered or the scheduled repair process will exceed
mission requirements.
Base Condemnation RateThe number of base condemnations divided by the sum base RTS
and base condemnations.
Base Consumption RatesBase consumption rates will be determined by taking the number of
failures at base level, over a specific period of time, divided by the operating program for that
same time period.
Base Not Repairable this Station RateThe number of Base NRTS divided by the sum of the
base RTS, base NRTS, and base condemnations.
Base Repair CycleThe number of days that elapse between the time an unserviceable
reparable item is removed from use and the time it is made serviceable and ready for issue.
Base Stock LevelThis level is computed in support of the base requisitioning objective
Bench StocksStores of expendability, recoverability, reparability coded (ERRC) XB3 items
kept on-hand in a work center to enhance maintenance productivity.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 447
Business Overhead Cost RecoveryBOCR@LAC/LRC is the portion of the cost recovery
element that represents indirect and direct overhead costs. Examples are various Supply
Operations Costs, DLADS, DISA, DFAS, Materiel Inflation, AORs, DLA distribution
issue/receipts costs, and transportation costs. BOCR is applied as a flat percentage, to the LAC
and the LRC, across all NSNs.
C-FactorMultiplier of the standard deviation (square root of the variance) of demand during
replenishment. The ILS-S uses the C-factor to selectively increase item special level quantities
for stocked items. The C-factor assignment policy is based on item mission impact, historical
demand and unit price criteria.
Calendar Time Change ItemsItems requiring replacement at regular intervals as specified in
appropriate technical orders.
Carcass CostThe value of an asset when the LRC plus BOCR have been removed from the
standard price of the item. Carcass cost is also equal to the LAC minus the LRC.
Care of Supplies in StorageProgram composed of a set of processes and procedures whose
purpose is to ensure that materiel in storage is maintained in ready-for-issue condition or to
prevent uneconomic deterioration of unserviceable materiel.
CatalogingAct of naming, classifying, describing, and numbering each item repetitively used,
purchased, stocked, or distributed to distinguish each item from every other item. Also included
is the maintenance of information related to the item and the dissemination of that information to
item users.
Cataloging ToolsThe process of initiating and enhancing documents and procedures required
to research, record, and organize logistics information.
Central ProcurementThe purchase of materiel, supplies or services by an officially
designated command or agency with funds specifically provided for such procurement for the
benefit and use of the entire component or the military departments as a whole.
Central Secondary Item StratificationAn automated capability that applies to wholesale and
retail asset and requirements data. The CSIS shall uniformly display the materiel requirements
and associated asset status of individual secondary items and generate summaries of essential
information. When a methodology other than stratification is used as a foundation, an audit trail
to the applicable stratification table shall be submitted to the USD (L&MR). Secondary item
assets shall be stratified at least semiannually. One stratification shall be as of September 30 (for
inventory reporting and funding reviews), and the other shall be as of March 31 (for budget
Classes of SupplyNot to be confused with Federal Supply Class, terminology used to divide
supplies and equipment into 10 easily identifiable categories of materiel that are depicted by
Roman Numerals.
Classified ItemControlled inventory item/materiel that require protection in the interest of
national security.
CommodityA homogeneous aggregation of like items.
448 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Communications-ElectronicsSpecialized field items concerned with the use of electronic
devices and systems for the acquisition, acceptance, processing, storage, display, analysis,
protection, disposition, and transfer of information.
Condemnation RequirementStock replacements for base and depot condemnations
Consumable ItemItem of supply (except explosive ordnance and major end items of
equipment) that is normally expended or used up beyond recovery in the use for which it is
designed or intended. Minor parts, tools, and hardware identified by ERRC designator XB3. NF1
items (with IEX E, K) are managed like consumable items. A consumable item cannot be
economically repaired by a field or depot maintenance activity. Accountability for consumable
items are terminated upon issue.
Contract TerminationThe cessation or cancellation, in whole or in part, of work under a
prime contractor a subcontract for the convenience of, or at the option of, the government, or due
to failure of the contractor to perform in accordance with the terms of the contract.
CoordinationThe necessary action to ensure adequate exchange of information to integrate,
synchronize, and deconflict operations between separate organizations. Coordination is not
necessarily a process of gaining approval but is most often used for mutual exchange of
Critical Safety ItemMeans a part, an assembly, installation equipment, launch equipment,
recovery equipment, or support equipment for an aircraft or aviation weapon system if the part,
assembly or equipment contains a characteristic any failure, malfunction, or absence of which
could cause a catastrophic or critical failure resulting in the loss of or serious damage to the
aircraft or weapon system, an unacceptable risk of personal injury or loss of life, or an
uncommanded engine shutdown that jeopardizes safety.
Customer Oriented Leveling TechniqueUsed to centrally compute levels for DLA-managed
items that have an established demand pattern.
Daily Demand Frequency RateThe DDFR reflects the average daily number of customer
requests for an item. The DDFR differs from DDR in that DDFR is based on the number of
customer orders (requests), while DDR is based the number of units of stock requested. DDFR is
calculated by dividing the sum of customer requests by the number of calendar days since the
item’s Date of First Demand (DOFD).
Daily Demand RateAverage quantity of an item that is used daily. The ILS-S computes the
DDR using one of the following methods: (1) Bachelor or Substitute Item. Divide the item
cumulative recurring demand by the difference of the current Julian date minus the DOFD. If the
demand experience available is less than 180 calendar days, a difference of 180 mitigates the
effect of limited demand experience. (2) Master or Interchangeable Item. Divide the cumulative
recurring demand for the master and all interchangeable items within the group (for one system
designator at a time) by the difference of the current Julian date minus the oldest date of first
demand in the master/interchangeable group. When the demand experience available is less than
180 days, a difference of 180 days mitigates the effect of limited demand experience.
Data DisseminationVarious products and events provide logistics information to customers at
every level of the supply system.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 449
Data Entry and Maintenance TransactionsThose actions necessary to ensure complete,
accurate and current logistics data records (excluding item characteristics data) for an item of
DeceleratedA demand forecasting technique to lower flying hours. It is based on the premise
that a two-hour sortie will not break twice as many parts as a one-hour sortie. Normally
peacetime sorties are much shorter than wartime sorties.
Defense Inactive Item ProgramThe systematic elimination of inactive items of supply from
DoD materiel management systems and the Federal Catalog System.
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition ServicesField activity of the DLA charged with the
responsibility of managing all aspects of the process of receiving, storing, marketing,
redistributing, and disposing of all materiel determined by elements of the DoD materiel
management structure to be excess to the needs of a DoD activity.
DemandAn indication of a requirement (requisition, request, issue, and reparable generation;
etc.) for issue of serviceable materiel. Demands are categorized as either "recurring" or
Demand LevelStock level for a specific item that is based upon past user demands.
Demand-Support ItemsItems that are stocked based on forecasted usage. Demand-supported
items are stocked with demand-based requirements on the basis of economics or with limited
demand requirements on basis of military mission essentiality.
DemilitarizationAct of destroying the functional or military capabilities of certain types of
equipment or material that has been screened through inventory control points and declared
surplus or foreign excess. Items that are subject to demilitarization include defense articles on the
United States Munitions List, as provided by Section 38 of the "Arms Export Control Act" (22
CFR 121 (reference (aj))). Also included are items on the Commerce Control List of the
Department of Commerce (15 CFR 774 (reference (ak))), and items on the United States
Munitions Import List of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms of the Department of
Treasury. That term includes mutilating, cutting, crushing, scrapping, melting, burning, or
otherwise altering to prevent the further use of that equipment or material for its originally
intended purpose, and applies equally to equipment or material in serviceable or unserviceable
Depot Consumption RatesThe number of failures at depot level divided by the appropriate
depot program.
Depot Level MaintenanceMaintenance performed on materiel requiring major overhaul or a
complete rebuild of parts, assemblies, subassemblies, and end items, including the manufacture
of parts, modifications, testing and reclamation as required.
Depot-Level Reparable ItemA reparable item of supply that is designated for repair at depot
level or that is designated for repair below the depot level, but if repair cannot be accomplished
at that level, shall have its unserviceable carcass is either forwarded to the depot for repair or
condemnation, or reported to the ICP for disposition.
450 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Depot Stock LevelsDepot stock levels represent those levels that are required in support of
depot overhaul requirements. These are subdivided into two categories, job-routed and nonjob-
routed stock levels. JR items are those items that are repaired as part of a higher assembly repair.
The stock level in support of JR overhaul requirements represents the amount of stock required
to prevent delay of programmed overhauls during the subassembly O&ST. NJR items are those
items that are removed during an overhaul and turned into supply. The NJR stock level
requirement represents the quantity of stock required to support the overhaul line during
subassembly O&ST.
Design Control ActivityWith respect to an aviation critical safety item, means the systems
command of a military department that is specifically responsible for ensuring the airworthiness
of an aviation system or equipment in which the item is to be used.’
DonationsDonable property under the control of a Military Service or a Defense Agency
authorized for donation by statute to an authorized recipient.
DirectionGuidance to or management of support staff functions. Inherent within command but
not a command authority in its own right. In some cases, can be considered an explicit
instruction or order. Used by commanders and their designated subordinates to facilitate,
channel, or motivate support staff to achieve appropriate action, tempo, or intensity. Used by
directors of staff agencies on behalf of the commander to provide guidance to their staffs on how
best to accomplish stated objectives in accordance with the commander’s intent.
Economic Order QuantityQuantity derived from a mathematical technique used to determine
the optimum (lowest) total variable costs to order and hold inventory.
End ItemA final combination of end products, component parts, and materiel ready for its
intended use, e.g., a ship, tank, mobile machine shop, or aircraft.
Engineering Support ActivityThe organization designated to provide engineering/technical
assistance including the development of technical data and engineering criteria, engineering
representation, guidance and decisions.
ExcessMateriel that has completed reutilization screening within the Department of Defense
and is not required for the needs and the discharge of responsibilities of any DoD activity.
Exchange Price—The price charged to customer’s exchanging a reparable item for a serviceable
one. This price is the LRC plus BOCR@LRC plus MCR.
Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Category DesignatorCataloging element that
indicates whether an item can be economically repaired and what level (base or depot) has the
authority to condemn an item.
Federal Supply or Stock ClassSeries of 4 numerals at the beginning of the NSN that
designates the general commodity grouping of the item of supply.
Financial Liability InvestigationThe statutory obligation to account for loss, damage,
destruction, or theft of government property; determine the responsibility and amount of
financial liability of those found to be culpable for such financial losses; provide relief from
accountability; and establish debts resulting from the assessment of financial liability. Formerly
referred as Report of Survey.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 451
Force Activity DesignatorRoman numeral (I to V) that the Secretary of Defense, the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or a DoD Component assigns to a unit, organization,
installation, project, or program to indicate its relative mission essentiality. The FAD is an
integral part of the UMMIPS.
Forward Supply Location—Part of the AMC’s Forward Supply System and serves as an
intermediate stockage location in the AMC Strategic Airlift route structure. Candidate NSNs for
stockage at the FSLs are applicable to the C-5 and C-17 strategic airlift.
Found on BaseAssets that are in the possession of base customers that are not correctly
accounted for on supply system due-in from maintenance or in-use equipment detail records are
commonly referred to as found on base.
Function ChecksFunction Checks consist of supply assets requiring maintenance check and
may fall into either of two categories: 1) Assets (other than buildup items) requiring functional
check, operational programming or calibration before installation. Maintenance units will submit
a list of functional check items as stated in AFI 21101. 2) LRS accountable assets for which
serviceability is in question (e.g., assets that appear to have been mishandled while in stock,
dropped, etc. or assets received in a suspect condition).
Government-Furnished MaterielMateriel owned by the U.S. Government and furnished to a
contractor to use for specific contract purposes. Title to all materiel furnished by the U.S.
Government remains with the U.S. Government. GFM is property that may be incorporated into
or attached to a deliverable end item or that may be consumed or expended in performing a
contract. GFM does not include materiel sold by the U.S. Government to a contractor.
Hazardous MaterielItem of supply consisting of materiel that because of its quantity,
concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may either cause or
significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious, irreversible, or
incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health
or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise
Holding CostsThose costs associated with the cost of capital, inventory losses, obsolescence,
storage, and other variable costs of maintaining an inventory.
Inbound CargoAll actions taken by a receiving activity from the physical turnover of
materiel by a carrier until the on-hand balance of the accountable stock record file or in-process
receipt file is updated to reflect the received materiel as an asset in storage, or the materiel is
issued directly from receiving to the customer.
Initial SparesSpares stocked to support a newly fielded weapon system or a modification of a
weapon system.
Insurance ItemA non-demand-based, stocked, essential item for which no failure is predicted
through normal usage. However, if a failure were to be experienced, or a loss should occur
through accident, abnormal equipment or system failure, or other unexpected occurrence, lack of
replacement item will seriously hamper the operational capability of a weapon system.
452 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Integrated Materiel ManagerAny DoD activity or Agency that has been assigned integrated
wholesale materiel management responsibility for the DoD and participating Federal Agencies.
Integrated wholesale materiel management responsibilities include requirements determination,
procurement, distribution, overhaul and repair of reparable materiel, and disposal of materiel.
Interchangeable and Substitution GroupSet of items that have similar physical and
functional characteristics to the extent that the items can provide comparable functional
performance against a given requirement.
Interchangeable ItemsAn item that possesses such functional and physical characteristics as
to be equivalent in performance, reliability, and maintainability, to another item of similar or
identical purposes, and is capable of being exchanged for the other item without selection for fit
or performance, and without alteration of the item itself or of adjoining items, except for
Intransit AssetsMateriel that is between storage locations, either wholesale or retail, or
materiel shipped from vendors after acceptance by the U.S. Government, but not yet received by
the inventory manager. Intransit assets are not included in the records of wholesale inventory
used in the stratification process.
InventoryMateriel, titled to the U.S. Government, held for sale or issue, held for repair, or
held pending transfer to disposal.
Inventory Control PointAn organizational unit or activity within the DoD materiel
management system that is assigned the primary responsibility for the materiel management of a
group of items either for a particular Military Service or for the Department of Defense as a
whole. In addition to IMM functions, an ICP may perform other logistics functions in support of
a particular Military Service or for a particular end item (e.g., centralized computation of retail
requirements levels and engineering tasks associated with weapon system components).
Inventory PositionSum of the on-hand asset quantity and the quantity already on order, minus
any existing customer backorder quantity.
Item Entry ControlItem entry control is a process where the cataloging agent examines
potential items for inclusion in the FCP. A determination is made by screening the part number
of the candidate item with existing items to see if a previously existing item can used in its place.
The previously existing item will be coordinated with the AF Equipment Specialist for
Item Management CodingThe process of determining whether items of supply qualify for
management by the military Services, rather than by DLA or General Services Administration,
according to DoDM 4140.26-M, Volume 6, DoD Integrated Materiel Management (IMM) for
Consumable Items: Supply Support Requests at DoD Directive Division website.
Item Unique IdentificationA system of marking items delivered to DoD with unique item
identifiers that have machine-readable data elements to distinguish an item from all other like
and unlike items.
Latest Acquisition CostThe price paid for an item the last time it was procured from a
supplier. The LAC is generally the latest representative contract price obtained. However, it can
be based on an earlier buy if that latest procurement is considered non-representative. The LAC
does not include any cost recovery or inflation.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 453
Latest Repair CostThe current year depot repair EISP. The LRC is either obtained from the
depot maintenance pricing systems or is a value adjusted by the Inventory Manager or
Production Manager based on updated information. When a new item with no reparable history
is established, the LRC is systemically calculated at 25 percent of the LAC.
Launch KitsLaunch kits are a type of mobile supply point. Launch kits contain a limited
range of spare parts kept in a maintenance vehicle where they will be immediately available if
malfunctions occur during the final phases of an aircraft prelaunch sequence. When a launch kit
is required, establish supply point details for the quantities needed.
Logistic ReassignmentTransfer of integrated materiel management responsibilities from one
manager to another.
Local Secondary Item StratificationIs prepared when asset or requirements data is not
prepared by an automated process. LSIS shall uniformly display the materiel requirements and
associated asset status of individual secondary items and generate summaries of essential
Low Density LevelTerm used to describe adjusted stock levels for non-airborne
communications-electronic Nuclear Command, Control, Communication systems space,
weather, and ground-based launched missile system items. LDLs may be utilized to preposition
critical assets on forward supply points near the supported system whenever possible. These
levels are also established for items having very low usage (low daily demand), erratic demand
patterns, or long Mean Time Between Failure rates.
LRS/Materiel Management ActivitiesOrganizations who perform both retail and wholesale
materiel management functions.
Mark-Up PriceThe difference between the standard price and the exchange price that is
added to the exchange price customer account if an unserviceable asset is not returned to the
materiel management inventory. This price is a penalty paid by a customer if a DIFM asset is not
returned within 60 calendar days. The MUP will be reimbursed upon receipt of a reparable asset
to clear the DIFM detail record after 60 days.
MaterielAll items (including ships, tanks, self-propelled weapons, and aircraft; etc. and
related spares, repair parts, and support equipment, but excluding real property, installations, and
utilities) necessary to equip, operate, maintain, and support military activities without distinction
as to its application for administrative or combat purposes. Materiel is either serviceable (e.g. in
an issuable condition) or unserviceable (e.g. in need of repair to make it serviceable).
Materiel Cost RecoveryThe portion of each exchange price sale that will pay for items
needed to be purchased for customer support. The MCR represents the constrained extended year
buy portion; the constraint being that it cannot be more than the customer is funded.
Materiel ManagementContinuing actions relating to planning, organizing, directing,
coordinating, controlling, and evaluating the application of resources to ensure the effective and
economical support of military forces. It includes provisioning, cataloging, requirements
determination, acquisition, distribution, maintenance, and disposal. The terms "materiel
management," "materiel control," "inventory control," "inventory management," and "supply
management" are synonymous.
Materiel ManagerSee integrated materiel manager.
454 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Measures and IndicatorsEncompassing term for the various criteria used to evaluate
progress within the assessment process.
Measure of PerformanceA quantitative empirical measure of achieved actions against
associated planned/required actions and against which a task’s or other action’s accomplishment,
is assessed.
Mission Impaired Capability Awaiting PartsFailure of the system/equipment prevents
performance of the required mission. The end item system/equipment mission capability is
identified by the system reporting designator as MICAP. The designation MICAP is provided by
maintenance activity.
Minimum Replacement UnitThe minimum quantity of an item normally replaced during a
maintenance action, often the quantity of a component used for each end item.
Mission Impact CodeValues of 1 through 4 are assigned programmatically to all consumable
and recoverable item records during the issue process based upon the UJC of customer issue
requests, not customer backorders (this is an important distinction that ensures all demanded
items are assigned appropriate MICs even when customer requests are issued from shelf stock
upon demand). MICs are never programmatically downgraded, but are upgraded to reflect the
priority of subsequent higher priority customer demands.
National Stock Number13-digit stock number used to identify items of supply. It consists of
a 4-digit FSC and a 9-digit National Item Identification Number.
Negotiated LevelWhen the quantities computed at base level do not provide adequate support,
the MAJCOM may negotiate a special level with the prime inventory management specialist.
Non-Demand-BasedRequirements determination process that is not based on forecasted
demand, but qualifies stockage based on other criteria. Types of non-demand-based stockage are
insurance stockage, life-of-type buys, and program-based buys.
Non-optimizeTerm used to refer to items whose requirements are not computed by the
mathematical model in the D087G (Requirements Execution Availability Logistics Module -
classified system. Such items are typically those that do not break by flying hours or sorties. The
model uses marginal analysis to determine the "optimal" quantity for an item. Therefore, an item
whose requirements are not computed using ASM is referred to as non-optimize.
Not Reparable This StationTerm used to characterize the process of returning items that
cannot be successfully repaired by a base maintenance repair shop to a repair activity designated
by the wholesale item manager.
Order and Shipping TimeAverage number of days between the initiation and receipt of stock
replenishment requisitions assuming sufficient stock is available on the depot shelf to satisfy the
requisition at the time the requisition is received.
Ordering CostVariable costs involved in determining requirements, administrative costs of
processing purchase request and cost associated with taking contract actions e.g., all cost from
receipt of the order through fulfillment.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 455
Organizational Intermediate MaintenanceThat maintenance which is the responsibility of
and performed by a using organization on its assigned equipment. These responsibilities
normally include the inspection, service, lubrication, adjustment and replacement of parts, minor
assemblies, and subassemblies.
Operating Level of SupplyThe quantity of materiel required to sustain operations in the
interval between requisitions or the arrival of successive shipments.
Operating RequirementEnsures that all assets removed due to failure will be replaced at the
time of removal. It is computed by multiplying the organizational/intermediate demand rate by
the operating program.
Partially Redistributable MaterielThe quantity of the on-hand serviceable balance that
exceeds the base stockage requirements.
Peculiar ItemAn item that cannot proven to have similar form, fit, and function; or similar
components with minor differences not confirmed through a comparison of part number,
technical order, and figure and index. CAGE code, cataloging data, and agreement/ disagreement
by the SOS are not determination factors.
Percent of Base RepairPercentage is the average base repair rate for the item over the current
and past four quarters. The ILS-S calculates the PBR using RTS (repaired this station), NRTS,
and condemnation data from the repair cycle record.
Pilferable ItemControlled inventory item/materiel having a ready resale value or application
to personal possession, which is especially subject to theft.
Potential Reutilization/Disposal MaterielDoD Component materiel identified by an item
manager for possible disposal, but with potential for reutilization; or materiel that has the
potential for being sent by an item manager to the DLADS for possible reutilization by another
DoD Component or by a Federal, State, or local governmental agency, or for disposal through
sale to the public.
Precious Metals IndicatorIdentifies defense materiel items that contain precious metals and
indicates the content value of the metal.
Primary Supply PointsPSPs are established at selected locations to provide primarily built-
up wheel and tires support to each AMC Forward Supply Locations.
Proactive Demand LevelingTool that uses global demand data to centrally compute and
maintain levels for DLA-managed items that have no demand level and little or no established
demand pattern. It proactively lays-in Adjusted Stock Levels at one base using demand data from
other bases that operate the same weapon system.
Procurement Lead TimeThe interval between the initiation of a procurement action and
receipt of the products or services purchased as the result of such action.
Production Lead TimeThe time interval between the letting of a contract or the placing of an
order, and receiving the purchased materiel into the supply system.
ProvisioningManagement process of determining and acquiring the range and quantity of
support items necessary to operate and maintain an end item of materiel for an initial period of
456 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Provisioning Screening Review and SupportThose actions taken to facilitate the best
selection, procurement, and cataloging of items of supply required to sustain weapons systems
and other government requirements (e.g., technical data validation, data calls, provisioning,
guidance conferences, Logistics Support Analysis conferences, etc.).
ReadinessA measure or measures of the ability of a system to undertake and sustain a
specified set of missions at planned peacetime and wartime utilization rates. Measures take
account of the effects of system design (reliability and maintainability), the characteristics of the
support system, and the quantity and location of support resources. Examples of system
readiness measures are combat sortie rate, fully mission capable rate, and operational
ReclamationProcess of reclaiming required serviceable and economically repairable
components and material from excess or surplus property for return to the proper Materiel
Management Activity, whereas the residue is processed as "disposable property."
Reorder PointPoint that, when an item's inventory position (e.g. on-hand stock plus stock
due-in minus stock due-out) reaches or breaches, triggers an order to replenish stock.
Repair Cycle AssetsAny recoverable item with an ERRCD code of XD or XF.
Repair Cycle Demand LevelPipeline stockage model that seeks to fill the Order and
Shipping Time, the base repair cycle time, and the base NRTS condemned time pipelines.
Because each of those pipeline segments and customer demand are variable, the RCDL also
includes a safety level quantity. The RCDL also includes an EOQ component for selected XF3
Repair Cycle ProcessProcess to establish firm control of all unserviceable repair cycle assets
from the time they are generated until the time they are returned to the LRS/Materiel
Management Activity as serviceable or unserviceable. Repair cycle time start when the DIFM
item is issued to the customer, and ends when the item (serviceable or unserviceable) is returned
to the LRS/Materiel Management Activity.
Reparable ItemAn item that can be repaired at either depot or field level.
ReplenishmentActions to resupply an inventory when the inventory position reaches the
reorder point.
Requirements ComputationAny mathematical calculation performed to support
requirements determination functions.
RequisitionAn order for materiel initiated by an established, authorized organization that is
transmitted either electronically, by mail, or telephoned to a materiel management source within
or external (e.g. sister services, DLA, etc.) to the AF.
Requisitioning ObjectiveMaximum quantity of materiel to be maintained on hand and on
order to sustain current operations and core war reserves. It shall consist of the sum of stocks
represented by the operating level, safety level, repair cycle, if applicable, the OST level, and
authorized additive levels.
RetailLevel of inventory below the wholesale level, either at the consumer level (directly
supporting customers) or at the intermediate level (supporting a geographical area).
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 457
Retail InventoryLevel of inventory below the wholesale level, either at the consumer level
(directly supporting customers) or at the intermediate level (supporting a geographical area).
Retail-Level SupplyThose secondary items stored within DoD intermediate and consumer
levels of supply down to and including the LRS. Retail-level supply does not include end use
secondary item materiel.
Retail StockStock held in the custody or on the records of a supply organization below the
wholesale level.
Safety Level QuantityDesigned to increase item stock levels in a way that protects ILS-S
customers of stocked items from variations in O&ST and demand during replenishment lead
Sensitive ItemControlled inventory item/materiel that requires a high degree of protection and
control due to statutory requirements or regulations, such as narcotics and drug abuse items;
precious metals; items of high value, highly technical, or hazardous nature; and small arms and
Shelf-Life ItemItem of supply possessing deteriorative or unstable characteristics to the
degree that a storage time period shall be assigned to ensure that it shall perform satisfactorily in
Special Access ProgramUnder the authority of Executive Order 12356 and as implemented
by the Information Security Oversight Office Directive No. 1, any program created by an agency
head whom the President has designated in the Federal Register to be an original TOP SECRET
classification authority that imposes "need-to-know" or access controls beyond those the DoD
normally requires for access to CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, or TOP SECRET Information.
Such a program includes, but is not limited to, special clearance, adjudication, or investigative
requirements; special designation of officials authorized to determine need-to-know; or lists of
persons who actually have a need-to-know.
Standard PriceThe price customers are charged which, for DoD ICP managed items
(excluding subsistence), remains constant throughout a fiscal year except for the correction of
significant errors. This price includes the LAC plus the BOCR@LAC.
Standard Reporting DesignatorAn SRD code is a three character code used in a variety of
MISs. It is used to facilitate the reporting, accounting and analytical processes of designated end
items of equipment by maintenance and supply agencies and facilities data interchange from one
MIS to another. The SRD also identifies whether an item is MICAP, MDD, TCTO reportable,
inventory tracked, what Type Maintenance and when Discovered Codes are permissible for the
end item.
StandardizationAF standardization operations are conducted primarily within the framework
of the DoDM 4120.24, Defense Standardization Procedures. The main objectives are to achieve
and maintain the highest practicable degree of standardization for items, materiel, practices,
procedures, and terminology by preparing standardization documents. In addition to participating
in the DSP, the AF standardization mission entails the conduct of, and participation in, various
other related programs and projects, including International Standardization Programs, Non-
Government Standards Bodies, Parts Control Programs, and Overpricing Programs.
458 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Stock FundRevolving fund established to finance the costs of inventories of supplies. It is
authorized by specific provision of law to finance a continuing cycle of operations.
Reimbursements and collections derived from such operations are available for use by the fund
without further action by the Congress.
Stock LevelDemand level or an adjusted level.
Stockage Priority CodeILS-S programmatically assigns SPCs to consumable items. The
requirements program uses SPCs to help determine when the items should be stocked for future
use. SPCs are also used to prevent item stockage.
Stratification ProcessA uniform portrayal of requirements and assets application that is a
computer generated, time-phased simulation of actions causing changes in the supply position;
e.g., procurement, repair, receipt, issue, termination, and disposal of materiel.
Substitutable ItemAn item possessing functional and physical characteristics that make it
capable of being exchanged for another only under specified conditions or for particular
applications and without alteration of the items themselves or of adjoining items. That term is
synonymous with the phrase “one-way interchangeability," such as item B shall be interchanged
in all applications for item A, but item A shall not be used in all applications requiring item B.
Supply Chain Operations Reference ModelCommercially based supply chain integration
model used to describe business activities associated with all phases of satisfying a customer
demand. The model is organized around the five primary management processes of Plan, Source,
Make/Maintain, Deliver, and Return. By describing supply chains using these building blocks,
the model may be used to describe supply chains that are very simple or very complex using a
common set of definitions.
Supply PointAdditional warehouses located within or next to the activities they support.
Assets maintained on supply points are accounted for and controlled on a supply point detail
record in the ILS-S.
Supply Support Request ProcessingA request by a Materiel Management Activity making
them a user of a consumable/field repairable item managed by another Materiel Management
Total Asset VisibilityThe capability to provide users with timely and accurate information on
the location, movement, status, and identity of units, personnel, equipment, materiel, and
supplies. It also includes the capability to act upon that information to improve overall
performance of the Department of Defense’s logistic practices. Also called TAV. An integrated
structure using a command and control process to ensure the quantity, condition, and location of
critical assets are visible.
Total OIM Demand RateThe rate at which an item has failed. It is developed by dividing the
sum of the base repaired this station, base not reparable this station, and the base condemnations
by the item past program for the period.
Totally Redistributable MaterielExists when a base has serviceable shelf stock for items
with no historical demand data or base peacetime need (no demand driven or ASL), or when a
base has unserviceable assets located in the warehouse.
TurnaroundThe means to record demand data in the ILS-S for either repair in place or
removal, repair, reinstallation of a recoverable item without ordering a replacement item.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 459
Unserviceable Asset PriceThe price charged to a customer to purchase an unserviceable asset
from the ICP. It includes the carcass cost of the unserviceable asset plus the BOCR. UAP is also
equal to the Standard Price minus the LRC.
Variable Safety LevelA quantity of materiel stored in addition to the operating level of
supply. It is required to be on hand to permit continuous operations in the event of minor
interruption of normal replenishment or unpredictable fluctuations in demand.
War and Mobilization PlanThe AF War and Mobilization Plan is the supporting plan to the
Joint Strategic Campaign Plan. It extends through the six year defense program to provide for
continuity in short and mid-range war and mobilization planning. Provides current policies and
planning factors for the conduct and support of wartime operations. Establishes requirements for
the development of mobilization and production planning programs to support sustained
contingency operations of the programmed forces. Encompasses all functions as necessary to
match facilities, manpower and materiel resources with planned wartime activity. Consists of
five (5) volumes:
War and Mobilization Plan, Volume 1Outlines basic war and mobilization policies.
War and Mobilization Plan, Volume 2Provides plans listings and summaries.
War and Mobilization Plan, Volume 3Gives force disposition and availability based on AF
programs and the Joint Strategic Campaign Plan.
War and Mobilization Plan, Volume 4Portrays (by operating location) planned aircraft
activity that implements each approved aircraft deployment, employment, and support operation
plan. The War and Mobilization Plan, Volume 4 arrays the War and Mobilization Plan, Volume
5 funded theater sorties down to individual units.
War and Mobilization Plan, Volume 5Outlines basic planning factors and reflects sortie and
flying-hour data for use in planning war and mobilization requirements. It represents the
approved and funded AF position on sortie rates, duration, and flying-hour requirements by
mission design series to support the AF programmed and mobilization force levels.
War Reserve MaterielMateriel required to equip and support the approved forces specified
under Secretary of Defense guidelines through the prescribed period for war materiel planning
Wholesale StockStock, regardless of funding sources, over which the IMM has asset
knowledge and exercises unrestricted asset control to meet worldwide inventory management
WholesaleThe highest level of organized DoD supply, and as such, procures, repairs, and
maintains stocks to resupply the retail levels of supply.
460 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 2
Table A2.1. NOP Reason Codes.
NSN is a gun-related item and its requirements are computed based on rounds fired
rather than flying hours.
NSN’s failures are more closely related to sorties than to flying hours (typically that
means wheels, brakes, landing gear, or tires).
NSN applies to spares for support equipment and its requirements are determined
based on equipment months or on-time.
Items applicable to non-airborne communications electronics systems.
Identifies electronic warfare items. Items will be restricted to those specifically
identified to EW/ECM subsystems in the TO-06.
Means miscellaneous. The package quantity for these items cannot be determined
using the decision rules of any other reason code. These items will receive the
highest degree of scrutiny during the review, and the method used to determine their
quantity retained by both the using MAJCOMs and the SPD RSP manager.
Justification for the use of this NOP reason code will be sent to the SPD RSP
manager and AFSC/LG prior to the review.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 461
Figure A2.1. NOP Formula.
MTBD = Flying Hours X QPA
Total Reparable Generations
TOIMDR = 100
NOP Formulas
1. General
Peacetime Sorties x QPA
Mean Sorties Between Demands (MSBD) = Total Reparable Generations
Then, determine the wartime requirement to be NOP-ed by,
NOP Quantity = Wartime Sorties
Then, for feasible cannibalization items, subtract fifty percent of the surge period NMCS
goal. For example, for an RSP supporting an 18 PMAI unit whose MDS has a surge DSO
percent of 83%, if the quantity determined using the MSBD technique shown above is 10, do
the following.
8 X 83% = 14.94 (number of DSO aircraft)
PMAI minus the number of DSO aircraft = NMCS goal, so 18 minus 14.94 = 3.06
That means that three aircraft are expected to be available cannibalization (CANN) aircraft,
so subtract half of that, or 1.53, from the wartime requirement to get the NOP quantity that
goes into D087H.
Since the wartime requirement in this example is 10, the NOP quantity is 10 - 1.53 = 8.47
and round up to a whole number, therefore, 9 is the NOP quantity.
462 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
2. NOP Quantities for Wheels
NOP Quantity = # of Wartime Sorties for 5 Days of Surge Period
# of Wartime Landings per Wheel X QPA
Note: Wartime sortie rates that can be identified to a weapon system are classified as
SECRET. Be careful to display and label this information.
Note: For aircraft that do not deploy tire change capability, wheel requirements are set equal
to tire requirements
3. NOP Quantities for Tires
NOP Quantity = # of Wartime Landings (for Support Period) X QPA
Mean Landings Between Demand
Combat Air Forces (CAF)
NOP Quantity = # of Wartime Sorties X QPA
# of Landing per Tire
4. NOP Quantities for Gun System Spares
Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)
Mean Rounds Between Failure = Peacetime Rounds Fired X QPA
Total # of Failures
Wartime Rounds Fired = Combat Load X Expenditure Per Sortie Factor (EPSF) X # of
Wartime Sorties
Then, NOP Quantity = Wartime Rounds Fired.
Mean Rounds Between Failure
Note: Expenditure Per Sortie Factor (EPSF) is classified.
Combat Air Forces (CAF)
Mean Round Between Failure (MRBF) for Gun Systems Spares
MRBF (Per Thousand Rounds Fires) = Total # of Rounds Fired ³ 1000
Total # of Failures
NOP Quantity for Gun System Spares
NOP Q Days Support MRBF (Per thousand Rounds Fired)
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 463
Figure A2.2. Cannibalization Indicator.
Identifying an item as feasible for cannibalization will reduce the RSP size and should reduce
the deployment footprint. On the other hand, it increases maintenance workload, since, in
addition to the repair of the broken jet, there is the cannibalization action and the repair of the
“CANN aircraft,” as well as a probable increase in the overall failure rate since some
cannibalization actions will almost certainly fail. REALM uses this flag to identify a feasible
CANN (“Y” flag) or difficult CANN (“N” flag). All owning commands must agree on the
flag that is used. Time and the chance of breakage define a “feasible cannibalization.” A
stock number will have one CANN code per MDS.
For aircraft utilizing low observable (LO) technology, an item is a feasible cannibalization if
the item can be removed without compromising the aircraft LO configuration. An item is a
feasible CANN if there is less than a 25 percent chance of breaking it during removal and if
the removal time is less than four hours, with the following exceptions:
3.5 hours for KC-135.
2.5 hours for the 0C-130E/H/J.
4.25 hours for the C-5.
Turn time (from RSP Authorization Document) for reconnaissance/surveillance MDSs.
464 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 3
Figure A3.1. Email Distribution List Sample Email Message Format.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 465
Table A3.1. Explanation of First Character (Prefix) of SRD Code.
466 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 4
Table A4.1. Base Closure Checklist.
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 467
468 AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020
AFMAN 23-122 27 OCTOBER 2020 469