“China’s Digital Authoritarianism: Surveillance, Influence,
and Political Control”
May 16, 2019
Hearing Before the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Prepared statement by
Peter Mattis
Research Fellow, China Studies
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
* * *
Chairman Schiff, Ranking member Nunes, distinguished members of the Committee, thank you for
inviting me to appear before you. The Chinese Communist Party’s influence and, particularly, its
political interference in the United States is an important topic as we establish a new baseline for
U.S.-China relations. Any sustainable, long-term strategy for addressing China’s challenge requires
the integrity of U.S. political and policymaking processes. This requires grappling with the challenges
posed by the party’s efforts to shape the United States by interfering in our politics and domestic
The United States, its political and business elite, its thinkers, and its Chinese communities have long
been targets for the Chinese Communist Party. The party employs tools that go well beyond
traditional public diplomacy efforts. Often these tools lead to activities that are, in the words of
former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, corrupt, covert, and/or coercive. Nevertheless,
many activities are not covered by Turnbull’s three “Cs” but are still concerning and undermine the
ability of the United States to comprehend and address Beijing’s challenge.
Here are a few of the ways in which the Chinese Communist Party has shaped the ways in which
Americans discuss, understand, and respond to the People’s Republic of China, its rise, and its
We have been persuaded that the Chinese Communist Party is not ideological and has
substituted its Leninist tradition for a variation of capitalism.
We have not responded to violence, coercion, and intimidation committed or instigated by
PRC officials on U.S. soil. These are allegedly criminal acts committed by a foreign
government against our people on our soil, and U.S. authorities did not open criminal
We have not responded to PRC education officials intimidating Chinese students on
university campuses, despite this activity not being consistent with their diplomatic status.
We have changed our laws at the state level to facilitate the Confucius Institute program to
help the party build beachheads inside universities.
We often debate our policy options toward China in binary terms: engagement vs
containment; trade war or negotiation; accommodation or war; etc.
Most of my statement will focus on the policies and actions of the Chinese Communist Party for
two reasons. First, as Americans, we are still not prepared to accept the party has sought to shape
and influence U.S. political and business elite for decades. We are still in a process of building
awareness and consensus about the nature of the problem. Second, it is not my place to name names
of American individuals and institutions before Congress. The U.S. Government has the resources
and authority to investigate and analyze the party’s challenge.
The central element to understanding what the Chinese Communist Party is doing and why to shape
the world outside the party is united front work. Mao Zedong described the purpose of this work as
mobilizing the party’s friends to strike at the party’s enemies. In a more specific definition from a
paper in the 1950s, the Central Intelligence Agency defined united front work as “a technique for
controlling, mobilizing, and utilizing non-communist masses.” Put another way, united front policy
addresses the party’s relationship with and guidance of any social group outside the party. The most
important point here is that what needs to be shaped is not just the Chinese people or world outside
the People’s Republic of China, but rather those outside the party.
United front work also is a tool of political struggle. It is not just a question of activities that we
would call propaganda or public diplomacy. Nor is it limited to what we would call covert action. As
Mao wrote in 1939: “Our eighteen years of experience show that the united front and armed
struggle are the two basic weapons for defeating the enemy. The united front is a united front for
carrying on armed struggle. And the Party is the heroic warrior wielding the two weapons, the united
front and the armed struggle, to storm and shatter the enemy's positions. That is how the three are
related to each other.” Mao’s basic framing of united front work within the party’s toolbox remains
the core understanding within the party today. Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping all have
characterized united front work as a “magic weapon” to facilitate China’s rise in the midst of an
international ideological battleground.
United front activities help the party resolve several dilemmas of the post-Mao era and that became
ever more apparent after the Tiananmen Massacre and the passing of Deng Xiaoping. These are
fundamental questions for the Chinese Communist Party, and they speak to why the party must
spend so much effort trying to shape the world beyond the membership of the party.
1. How to motivate and mobilize the Chinese population without the ideological fervor of the
Mao Zedong era?
2. How to benefit from the outside world while screening out influences and ideas that might
damage the party’s positions?
3. How to enlist the outside world in supporting China’s rise and keeping those doors open
even as the party continues to be repressive?
Achieving the “Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation” (民族大复) has two
significant components. The first is making China a great power with global reach. The second is
doing so with the Chinese Communist Party at the helm.
The party defines the “Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation” as having three components. The
first is building “a great, modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally
advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.” Although many of these words are self-explanatory, others
like democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious mean something very different in the party’s
context than in the American context. “Democratic” is consultative democracy in which the party
leads, and other political inputs are provided through controlled mechanisms like the united front
policy system. “Culturally advanced” and “harmonious” define the party’s relationship with society
and the ways in which Chinese people conduct themselves. The second is national reunification of
all areas claimed by Beijing, regardless whether they were traditionally by China. The third is China’s
emergence as a global leader in terms of comprehensive national power and international influence.
The following quote from Xi Jinping in 2016 explains what united front work is intended to
accomplish in bringing together a unity of effort. When U.S. intelligence officials describe Beijing as
presenting a “whole-of-society” challenge, they are describing an important element of what the
united front policy system is doing.
“Attaining the ‘Two Centenary Goals’ requires that our entire society works together
in one heart and one mind. It requires that people of all ethnic groups focus their
thoughts and their efforts towards the same goal. A society that lacks common
ideals, goals, and values, and that finds itself in permanent disorder will never achieve
anything. China has a population of more than 1.3 billion people, and neither the
people nor the country would benefit if we ended up like that. To attain our goals…
[we must rally] all Chinese people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist
Party, and motivating all parties to engage in a concerted effort to bring about the
rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”
The United Front Work Department, the executive agency for conducting and coordinating these
operations, provided a similar description of its purpose and activities:
“The history of China and foreign countries shows that whether a political power or
a political party is good or not, its success or failure ultimately depends on the back
of the people. Paying attention to the people's sentiments, obeying the public's will,
striving for the people's hearts, maintaining proper flesh-and-blood ties with the
masses, and winning the sincere support of the masses is a solid foundation for our
country's long-term stability and a fundamental guarantee for the sure victory of our
The second important component of the “Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation” is
maintaining the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. The most important threats to party
that must be addressed are the diaspora communities and potentially threatening great powers. The
former have the cultural knowledge to introduce subversive ideas that resonate. The latter have the
material power to undermine or topple the party-state.
The desire to control the political landscape and protect the party’s position found clear definition in
China’s National Security Law (2015). The law describes security in broad terms that go well beyond
physical threats to the territory of the PRC. Security comes from the inside out. Articles Two and
Three of the law state: “National security refers to the relative absence of international or domestic
threats to the state’s power to govern, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, the welfare of the
people, sustainable economic and social development, and other major national interests, and the
ability to ensure a continued state of security. National security efforts shall adhere to a
comprehensive understanding of national security, make the security of the People their goal,
political security their basis and economic security their foundation; make military, cultural and social
security their safeguard…”
This definition has two notable features. First, security is defined by the absence of threats, not by
the ability to manage them. This unlimited view pushes the Chinese Communist Party toward
preempting threats and preventing their emergence. Second, security issues extend to the domain of
ideas—what people think is potentially dangerous. The combination of these themes — preemption
in the world of ideas — creates an imperative for the party to alter the world in which it
operates—to shape how China and its current party-state are understood in the minds of foreign
One way of making this more concrete is to look at party documents about security threats. In April
2013, “Document No. 9” — “Communiqué on the Current State of the Ideological Sphere” —
identified ideas that undermine the party-state’s security. Among them were the promotion of
constitutional democracy, civil society, and Western concepts of journalism. In the circular’s final
paragraph, it stated the party should “allow absolutely no opportunity or outlets for incorrect
thinking or viewpoints to spread.” Although it would be easy to dismiss this document as a one-off
or unenforced, in 2015 Beijing abducted and held five Hong Kong booksellers, including foreign
passport holders, who sold books ostensibly banned in China. Moreover, Beijing issued new
regulations on counter-espionage last December that clarified the Counter-espionage Law (2014)
and defined activities threatening national security apart from espionage. Among these was
“fabricating or distorting facts, publishing or disseminating words or information that endanger state
security.” Influencing the outside world, therefore, is not just a historical activity of the party, but an
ongoing requirement for national security as defined by the party-state.
The Chinese Communist Party’s management of political influence operations — evaluated on the
basis of the united front policy system — runs to the very top of party, involving senior leaders
directly. The policy systems extends through the party’s hierarchy and spills over into the
government ministries of the People’s Republic of China as well as other state-owned and
-administered organizations. Put simply, united front work is conducted wherever the party is
present. Moreover, united front work is not an “influence operation” or a campaign. It is the
day-to-day work of the party. There are not special orders explaining what to do to achieve what
objectives or the equivalents of a presidential finding.
At the leadership level, four elements point to the importance of united front work and shaping the
world outside the Chinese Communist Party.
1. A Politburo Standing Committee Member Oversees United Front Work: The senior-most
united front official is the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
chairman, who is the fourth-ranking PBSC member. A look at the leaders who have held the
CPPCC chairmanship suggests that Western observers have been far too quick to condemn
the CPPCC as a mostly-useless advisory body. The list is a who’s who of the party, including
Much of this section draws from a forthcoming report for the Australian Strategic Policy Institute co-authored with
Alex Joske as well as “An American Lens on China’s Interference and Influence-Building Abroad,” Asan Forum
, April
30, 2018 <http://www.theasanforum.org/an-american-lens-on-chinas-interference-and-influence-building-abroad>; and
““Russian and Chinese Political Interference Activities and Influence Operations,” in Richard J. Ellings and Robert
Sutter, eds., Axis of Authoritarians: Implications of China-Russia Cooperation
(Seattle, WA: The National Bureau of Asian
Research, 2018).
Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Li Xiannian. The current CPPCC chairman,
Wang Yang, continues a tradition of competent leadership at the top of the united front
system. He exemplifies the need of united front personnel to be highly-disciplined party
cadre, who are nonetheless capable of handling themselves among diverse people and
feigning ideological flexibility.
2. A State Council Vice Premier Has a United Front Portfolio: The vice premier position
serves as the bridge between the party center and the State Council ministries. The vice
premier provides prestige to the united front system as well as a necessary position of
authority to direct and coordinate the ministries’ united front activities. The position often
looks as though the portfolio covers education and culture, because of the overlap with
united front work. At meetings of the united front policy system, this vice premier appears
in protocol order between the CPPCC chairman and United Front Work Department
director. Currently, the position is held by Sun Chunlan.
3. Two Members of the Central Secretariat Have United Front Policy Roles: The directors of
the party’s United Front Work Department (UFWD) and Propaganda Department serve on
both the Politburo and the Secretariat of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist
Party of China. Because the Politburo does not meet regularly—its far-flung membership
includes both central party bureaucrats and provincial party secretaries—the secretariat is
empowered to make day-to-day decisions related to policy that has already been settled. This
group is also responsible for moving paperwork among the central leaders and coordinating
the party’s actions. Secretariat membership is not related to relationships that the current
UFWD and propaganda chiefs—respectively, You Quan and Huang Kunming—have but
rather reflects the structure of post–Deng Xiaoping politics. Their presence on the
Secretariat is more institutional than political.
4. In 2015, Xi Jinping Established a United Front Leading Small Group: As part of the effort
revitalize and better coordinate united front activities under Xi Jinping, the party established
a leading small group. It functions as platform to coordinate and raise the status of united
front work across the bureaucracy, bringing together senior officials from numerous state
and party agencies for united front study tours across China. Interestingly, the last time the
party created a united front leading small group — in 1986 under the leadership of Xi
Jinping’s father Xi Zhongxun — it coincided with a similar description of problems to be
resolved: expanding scope and responsibilities coinciding with a lack of central direction.
The Chinese Communist Party bureaucracy at the central level has four key bodies for building and
exercising political influence outside the party — and especially outside China. The United Front
Work and the Propaganda departments also have subordinate elements at the provincial and local
1. United Front Work Department: The UFWD is the executive and coordinating agency for
united front work. It has a variety of responsibilities at home and abroad, including in the
following areas: Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan affairs; ethnic and religious affairs;
domestic and external propaganda; entrepreneurs and non-party personages; intellectuals;
and people-to-people exchanges.17 The department also takes the lead in establishing party
committees in Chinese and now foreign businesses. The UFWD operates at all levels of the
party system from the center to the grassroots, and the CCP has had a united front
department dating to the 1930s.
2. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC): The CPPCC, according to the
organization’s website, is “an organization in the patriotic united front of the Chinese
people, an important organ for multiparty cooperation and political consultation.” The
advisory body mediates between important socials groups and the party apparatus. The
CPPCC is the place where all the relevant united front actors inside and outside the party
come together: party elders, intelligence officers, diplomats, propagandists, military officers
and political commissars, united front workers, academics, and businesspeople. They are
gathered to receive instruction in the proper propaganda lines and ways to characterize
Beijing’s policies to both domestic and foreign audiences. Many of these individuals,
particularly if they hold government positions, are known for their people-handling skills and
have reputations for being smooth operators. CPPCC membership offers access to political
circles, political protection for business, and minor perquisites like expedited immigration.
The CPPCC standing committee includes twenty or so vice chairpeople who have a protocol
rank roughly equivalent to a provincial party secretary. At the central level, the CPPCC
includes more than 2,200 members, but the provincial and local levels include another
3. International (Liaison) Department: The International Department, founded in 1951, is the
party’s diplomatic arm, handling relationships with more than 600 political parties and
organizations as well as individual, primarily political, elites. The department previously
handled the CCP’s relationships between fraternal Communist parties and cultivated splinter
factions of Moscow-dominated Communist parties after the Sino-Soviet split. The activist
bent of the International Department disappeared as the department began re-establishing
itself in 1970–71 following the tumultuous early years of the Cultural Revolution.
Interestingly, the department originated as a UFWD bureau before being carved out into an
independent entity.
4. Propaganda Department: The Propaganda Department has been a core part of the CCP
since 1924. The official description of its duties includes conducting the party’s theoretical
research; guiding public opinion; guiding and coordinating the work of the central news
agencies, including Xinhua and the People’s Daily; guiding the propaganda and cultural
systems; and administering the Cyberspace Administration of China and the State
Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television. The Propaganda
Department cannot be regarded as an entirely internal organization that broadcasts outward
to the extent that it is involved in influence-building abroad. For example, China Radio
International developed in the 2000s a covert international network of radio stations to hide
the CCP’s direct role in broadcasting Chinese-language propaganda inside target countries.
The Propaganda Department presumably also plays a role in the cooptation, intimidation,
and purchase of Chinese-language print media outside China.
The State Council ministries and many other organizations with a party committee also conduct
united front work. These organizations all offer unique platforms and capabilities that the united
front policy system can draw upon for operational purposes. Below are a few of the examples of the
organizations outside the party that perform united front work or have united front work
departments attached to their party committee:
1. Ministry of State Security
2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
3. Ministry of Civil Affairs
4. Ministry of Education
5. Ministry of Culture and Tourism
6. Chinese Academy of Sciences
7. China Baowu Steel Group
8. China National Overseas Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
9. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC)
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) deserves special mention, because it operates both inside and
in concert with these other influence-building actors as well as outside this system. During the
Chinese Revolution, the PLA served almost as the party’s expeditionary arm. It duplicated all of the
party’s functions within a military organization. The PLA was and remains the armed wing of the
Chinese Communist Party and not China’s national army. As the party’s armed wing and as the
ultimate guarantor of the party’s power, the PLA still mirrors the party structure from leadership to
leading agencies to tactical execution.
1. Central Military Commission: Headed by Xi Jinping, the Central Military Commission serves
as the nexus between the party and military leadership. Historically, the two military vice
chairmen included an officer who risen through the PLA’s political work system; however,
since 2012, two experienced operations officers have held the vice chairmenships. The CMC
also includes the minister of national defense and the director of the Political Work
Department. The former, like the vice premier for united front work, serves as the link
between the PLA and the State Council. The latter oversees the bureaucracy responsible for
military propaganda and political influence operations.
2. Political Work Department: This department is the successor to the General Political
Department, which was dissolved in the reorganization of the PLA launched in November
2015. The department’s Liaison Bureau is the military agency that contributes most to the
party’s united front work. It operates much like an intelligence service with officers using
official and non-official cover, but focused on strategic targets relevant to military
operations. Two of the Liaison Bureau’s most notable targets have been Taiwan and
3. Strategic Support Force: The creation of the Strategic Support Force as part of the 2015
reforms integrated the PLA’s signals and electronic intelligence capabilities with its tactical
information warfare elements.
The Chinese Communist Party’s political influence operations come through five primary vectors:
community organizations, wealthy proxies, Confucius Institutes, exchanges, and consulting
agreements. None of these avenues for influence are bad by themselves. Often only a few
individuals camouflaged by the myriad China engagements are working on behalf of the united front
system, but they might be difficult to point out without implicating individuals who are guilty, if
anything, of nothing more than naivete.
1. Overseas Chinese Community Organizations: The Chinese communities outside the PRC
contain an alphabet soup of ethnic community organizations, including chambers of
commerce, hometown associations, friendship societies, and cultural promotion centers.
These organizations exist for all the same reasons that ethnic community organizations come
together. They provide useful community resources and services, even as ones tainted by the
united front system bring the party’s influence along with them. In most of the problematic
organizations, the membership probably is unaware of the connections. The leadership
sitting atop co-opted organizations become the community leaders through which politicians
engage their local Chinese communities. They also can be quoted in media as being
community leaders, even in cases where the organization exists in little more than name.
There are several indicators for whether a community organization — or rather its leadership
— is working on the party’s behalf. None of these indicators by themselves is sufficient, but,
taken together, they are strongly suggestive. The first is whether the organization’s officers
participate in united front delegations and conferences back to China. Sometimes these
officers have special advisory roles with united front work units. The second is contact with
the local PRC embassy or consulate, and whether these officials participate in the
organization’s events. The third includes changes, such as a shift from using traditional
characters to simplified characters or visible changes to the amount of money used to put on
2. Wealthy Proxies: Wealthy businesspeople working on the party’s behalf are one of the most
important vectors for the party’s influence abroad. Although many of these individuals are
PRC citizens or emigres, some businesspeople from other states are influenced, coopted, or
fully recruited to the party’s cause. Their primary value is the ability to move money quickly
outside of China and, in democratic societies, the ability to spend that money legitimately
without generating the alarm that comes with more direct state activity. Where the united
front system is active, two or more businesspeople will provide a significant chunk of the
financial support for large united front-linked community organizations as well as other
relevant political or social causes. For example, in Australia, Chau Chak Wing and Huang
Xiangmo appear to have been the most active financial supporters of Beijing’s efforts to
interfere in Australian politics. Their money bought access to the major political parties,
platforms for pro-China voices, and supported community groups like the Australian
Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification.
The easiest group of these proxies to identify come from Hong Kong. Their wealth has been
built with the party’s assistance. Although their families may have built successful businesses
in one or two industries, a hallmark of these businesses is sprawl across numerous, unrelated
industries. These businesspeople often can be identified because they are members of the
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the National People’s Congress
system. Their Hong Kong residency gives them legitimacy and credibility that their
counterparts in China do not have. For example, former Hong Kong chief executive Tung
Chee-hwa has been able to reinvent himself as a philanthropist to donate money to U.S.
think tanks, academic programs, and sponsor trips for journalists, students, and politicians to
China. Tung, however, became Beijing’s man in Hong Kong after the party bailed his
company out of bankruptcy in the mid 1980s, and he began representing the party’s interests
to the British. Tung now serves as a vice chairman of the CPPCC, which gives him standing
within the party at roughly the level of a provincial party secretary.
3. Confucius Institutes: The Confucius Institute program — ostensibly under the Ministry of
Education and Hanban — creates a beachhead in university administration through which
the party’s influence can expand. Although a Confucius Institute appears focused on
language training and cultural programming, they sometimes provide opportunities for staff
to move into influential positions. Confucius Institute directors can be found on faculty
committees and advising engagement offices on how to handle China. In some cases, the
institutes have given Beijing a voice in a university’s hiring decisions for China-related faculty
and affected the kind of speakers invited to the university. Australia’s John Fitzgerald, an
astute observer of the party’s influence operations, wrote that accepting a Confucius
Institute signaled a university was “prepared to make an exception for China on questions of
academic freedom, teaching curriculums, and research integrity.” Not every Confucius
Institute has proven to be problematic, but it has depended on whether the university avoids
exceptions and ensures the institute operates within the agreement.
4. People-to-People Exchanges/Diplomacy: The united front policy system sponsors and
arranges hundreds of trips to China each year. These trips are used in a myriad different
ways to earn good will and to influence analysts and politicians. They offer opportunities for
the party to persuade them of China’s rectitude or to refute critical arguments. Even if the
latter does not persuade the critic, their fellow participants may be persuaded or inclined to
see the critic as needlessly provocative. The trips also give party officials evaluate potential
targets personally. Not only is there personal interaction, but there often is substantive
discussion of ideas and policy positions.
5. Consulting Agreements: Hiring senior officials after they retire has become common
practice. Beijing may have pioneered the process decades ago, pressing companies that
wanted to do business in China to hire their favored former officials to close business
agreements. Perhaps the most noteworthy recent example is former Australian trade minister
Andrew Robb’s $880,000 (AUS) salary for minimal work on behalf of the Chinese firm
Landbridge. Robb resigned from this position ahead of the deadline to register under
Australia’s new transparency scheme for former officials. In some cases, former officials
work for Chinese or Hong Kong businesspeople through their personal consulting
companies, obfuscating the sources of their income.
The relationships formed through from these vectors serve to open doors into institutions and
networks for exploitation. Most often there is a sequence of the relationship that goes through
periods of development, testing, and exploitation.
John Fitzgerald, “Unis Could Bide Their Time and Escape the Long Arm of Beijing,” The Australian
, March 2, 2018,
1. Developing the Relationship: From my experience and research, I think there are two
beginnings to problematic relationships with the Chinese Communist Party’s united front
system. The first is party-sponsored trips to China. Whether the sponsorship comes from
different united front platforms or more overtly through the International Department,
these delegations provide several useful services for the party. Most obviously, a relationship
can be established between the visitor and the party. The party also gets the opportunity to
assess the visitors, their views, and, depending on the visitors’ security awareness, their
personal and professional networks. The second is someone deliberately directed to seek the
position. This indicates the willingness to exploit an opportunity as much as any kind of
long-term planning.
A key element of developing relationships is the massive collection of data on individuals
who play influential roles or who might prove useful to the party. This line of effort —
historically called “social affairs work” — draws upon the human and technical collection
capabilities of the party-state. Delegations and exchanges provide opportunities to learn
more about individuals, exploit their electronics, and ask about who is important. Retired
officials are interviewed. Now, computer network operations are launched at databases for
employment, healthcare, and travel records as well as government personnel files. This data
is fed into large databases that track personal and family networks, receptivity to China, and
their public and online presence.
2. Formal Agreement and Testing: The formal agreement sets a baseline for what will come.
Poorly negotiated agreements — such as some of the original Confucius Institute
agreements that contained secret clauses or required the university to defend publicly the
reputation of the institute — invite abuse. Even well-structured agreements are meaningful
only if they are enforced and the institution stands up for itself. Once a foothold has been
established, the parameters of the relationship will be tested to see how an institution
responds. As Vladimir Lenin reportedly observed, “Probe with bayonets. If you encounter
mush, proceed; if you encounter steel, withdraw.” In the case of Confucius Institutes, this
probing has involved testing the institute’s voice in university affairs, holding external events
under the university’s name, and using institute funds to affect hiring decisions for China
studies faculty elsewhere in the university.
3. Compromise and Exploitation: Compromise takes severals forms depending on how
attentive the institution is to the agreement and the relationship. One of the most common
ways relates to the individuals running China-related programs. In some cases, they are
recruited directly by the party. In others, they are former PRC government officials or
already connected to the party’s united front system. In still others, the individuals’
incentives are shaped by the home institution to push simply for more engagement and to
ignore potential problems with their partners in China. From there, access and opportunity
are manipulated to ensure the standing of the individual and their ability to have a public or
institutional voice to further the party’s objectives. The difficulty in identifying, especially
from open sources, how this compromise comes about is that the party is most often is
opening a door for someone to succeed. Without specific evidence of how the opportunity
that made someone successful arrived, who is to gainsay how that success was achieved.
The harm caused by Beijing’s political influence and united front operations takes several forms,
even if we accept many of these activities as being legitimate actions of a foreign state inside the
United States or other countries.
1. Western Politicians Become Symbols for the Chinese Communist Party’s Rule: By using
party-controlled community organizations for their outreach to ethnically-Chinese
constituents, Western politicians become propaganda fodder for the Chinese Communist
Party. Politically-aware Chinese in the People’s Republic of China (and sometimes abroad)
can recognize these groups for what they are: pawns of the party. The reason for the
publicity surrounding these meetings and fundraisers is to broadcast back into China the
message that Western politicians care about liberalism at home, but not for Chinese people,
and that they stand on the side of the party. They reinforce the image of the party’s strength.
Vaclav Havel captured this dynamic in his essay The Power of the Powerless
by describing a
greengrocer placing a slogan of regime loyalty in his shop window. He does not believe in
the regime or its ideology, but he does so to make his life a little bit easier. Nor do people
necessarily notice or read the slogan, because similar slogans can be “found in other shop
windows, on lampposts, bulletin boards, in apartment windows, and on buildings.” The
presence of these slogans becomes part of the “panorama of everyday life.” This panorama
“reminds people where they are living and what is expected of them. It tells them what
everyone else is doing, and indicates to them what they must do as well, if they don't want to
be excluded, to fall into isolation, alienate themselves from society, break the rules of the
game, and risk the loss of their peace and tranquility and security.” By participating even
inadvertently in united front-sponsored events, U.S. politicians and their foreign
counterparts help the Chinese Communist Party build Havel’s “panorama of everyday life”
for the Chinese people and their own ethnic Chinese citizens.
2. The Chinese Communist Party Mediates Between Chinese Citizens and Their Elected
Representatives: The network of united front “community organizations” creates a fake civil
society. The community which is supposedly represented is supplanted by the Chinese
Communist Party, unless politicians reach directly to membership or deal with
uncompromised organizations. The party’s interests become the constituency interests that
are presented to officials.
3. The Marketplace for Ideas is Distorted: Having a pluralistic, democratic society means
engaging with differences of opinion. There is a natural ebb and flow. As noted above, the
defining feature of the party’s united front operations is the effort to control platforms
rather than just the narrative. As platforms are compromised, the voices and messages they
carry change. They may not specifically represent the Chinese Communist Party, but they
will avoid criticisms or subjects that are intrinsically damaging to the party’s image, standing,
and legitimacy.
4. The Party Suppresses Discussion of China’s Future: The Chinese Communist Party’s control
inside China means that any version of China’s future without the party must be discussed
and decided beyond China’s borders. The extent to which the party monopolizes the social
space of Chinese people — especially those who would like to return to their home country
— is the extent to which the party can preempt the transmission of liberal political values
into China and discussion of China without reference to the party.
5. Undermining the Integrity of Policymaking: At its worst, the party’s political influence and
united front operations distort policymaking and the process of gathering information to
feed into the policy process. The primary targets of united front work are socially influential
individuals, such as politicians, prominent businesspeople, intellectuals, and sometimes even
There is some reason to suspect that the united front system plays a role in feeding foreign
intelligence services information. In conversations with former U.S. intelligence officials and
serving foreign ones, they described questionable sources over the years whose information
seemed to good to be true. The sourcing for their political reporting appeared sufficiently
plausible and good to encourage officers to avoid placing too much scrutiny on the policy
implications of the reporting or how it seemed to slant the party’s politics and positions.
6. Facilitating Intelligence Operations and Technology Transfer: The united front network of
organizations and relationships in overseas Chinese communities has been used to facilitate
the theft and transfer of technology from the U.S. companies and research institutions. For
example, as Alex Joske of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute explained at recent
conferences in Canberra and Melbourne last month, Tesla’s problem with Chinese theft of
its intellectual property was entirely predictable. Those involved were nested within and had
even established UFWD-linked organizations related to talent recruitment and technology
transfer. Current and former intelligence officials inside and outside the United States believe
the Chinese intelligence services make use of the spotting and assessing opportunities
created by united front system-sponsored visits to China for education, culture, and
The United States has long been a target for the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to build political
influence. The risks in the United States largely stem from our dismissive attitudes about the dangers
we face and the seriousness with which the party has sought to influence U.S. opinions, especially at
elite levels.
The United States is often juxtaposed against Australia and New Zealand. U.S. analysts are
dismissive that the kinds of problems that happened in those countries could happen in the United
States. One of my former colleagues at the Central Intelligence Agency dismissed united front work
as a largely tangential issue in an interview. The way in which this analyst described the problem —
or rather its absence — is symptomatic of a larger malaise within the communities with
responsibility and competence to evaluate Beijing’s attempts to build political influence and interfere
in other countries’ politics:
“You know when I was working in the government we didn’t care that much about
the activities of the United Front Work Department and I think there’s still a reason
why we really shouldn’t care that much about their activities. You know, this is not
Australia … So the United Front Work Department is of course the group under the
Communist Party whose job it is basically to work on overseas Chinese and get them
to support the government, basically. In short, that’s what they do. And, you know,
look, there was some serious things going on in Australia. You know, they were
doing this. But I think it’s important for us to remember that the Chinese population
in Australia is a much larger portion of a much smaller total population. There were
some interesting challenges in Australian campaign finance laws that allowed
foreigners to contribute directly to, you know, these elections and so on, but we
don’t have these things in the United States. And from my observations I do not see,
for example, the Chinese diplomatic presence here or even some of their, you know,
think tanks and so on doing anything like what they were doing down there. Maybe
not yet, and maybe that’s what the concern is, but I find it over- overwrought.”
I want to take apart some of the problems in that statement, because they highlight the mix of
arrogance and ignorance typical of American attitudes about the party’s potential to have a real
impact in the United States. First, it inaccurately characterizes united front work as getting overseas
Chinese to support the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Republic of China. Overseas
Chinese are a focus of the party for the reasons identified above; however, they are not the sole
focus and they never have been. For example, when Beijing began planning how to handle Japan
diplomatically in the 1950s, two of the party’s most senior and experienced influencers were given
the responsibility: Zhou Enlai and UFWD deputy director Liao Chengzhi. They made the decision
to cultivate Japanese businesspeople by helping them succeed in China, even as Tokyo was frozen
out diplomatically. The businesspeople would then form a natural constituency to push Japanese
leaders toward Beijing, giving the latter the leverage to hold out for more generosity from Tokyo.
Second, the statement treats our ethnic Chinese citizens and residents as undeserving of their full
freedoms, because they are not a significant enough part of the U.S. population. They deserve to
have their rights protected and crimes against them investigated, regardless of race or creed.
Third, the United States does have stronger campaign finance laws than Australia previously had (a
problem they rectified last year), but that has not meant immunity from the problem of the Chinese
Communist party trying to directly influence U.S. politics. We might recall the Clinton campaign
finance scandal involving China in 1996, which may not have had a substantial impact on U.S. policy
given that the Democratic National Committee was able to return the Beijing-linked donations
without financial difficulty. The legal protections and the publicity of the campaign finance scandal
forced the party’s efforts underground and to work through American proxies who could legally
donate to political campaigns.
Fourth, even well-informed people are mostly unaware of the scale of the Chinese Communist
Party’s operations inside the United States. Below are just a few facts about what is taking place in
the United States that I consider to be relatively solid and reflect what is actually happening (or
happened) rather than analysis.
1. The Chinese Communist Party pressures Chinese students — either directly or through their
families — to conform to the codes of speech and behavior acceptable inside China.
2. In the space of a few hours, my research assistant and I identified more than 250
organizations in the United States with individuals who actively and probably wittingly work
to support the party’s united front activities.
3. The party’s united front system has sponsored dozens of visits by hundreds of local and
state government officials, journalists, and students to China. Such visits are used to
influence and evaluate the participants for their future usefulness.
4. Beijing pressured and incentivized MSCI to expand the share of Chinese stocks on its
emerging markets index. The move will likely move more than $1 trillion into China.
5. U.S. thinks tanks and civil society groups have conducted surveys of American attitudes
toward China and U.S.-China relations on behalf of the influence bureaucracies outlined
above. Major Chinese multinational companies have discussed with U.S. lobbying and
consulting firms projects to map U.S. policymaking on China beyond the scope of their
business and investments in the United States.
The United States also has a limited capability to respond to the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts
to build political influence. We have built-in resilience because we are large country with diverse
centers of political, economic, cultural, and intellectual power. The natural churn of democratic
politics also bolsters the natural resilience of the United States. However, the limited capability to
generate and sustain a public conversation
1. Civil Society Capacity: The United States, as it stands today, is woefully short of journalists
and researchers who can bring these issues into the public light. The United States is more
than ten times more populous than Australia; yet, we have less than half the number of
journalists who have reported the issue. The same is true of Canada relative to the United
States. Most U.S. reporting has been done by a columnist, a freelancer, and a journalist who
is currently unemployed. I am hopeful that this will change as experienced China
correspondents return home and report China-related stories from inside the United States.
The Chinese-language media landscape in the United States also has succumbed almost
entirely to the party’s efforts to co-opt and control media outlets. Wealthy proxies or
party-controlled front organizations sometimes directly purchase the outlets. In other cases,
Beijing organizes advertising boycotts to drive the media outlet out of business or into
compliance with the party’s wishes. The only independent outlets seem to be run by the
Falungong, and they have not been able to maintain a consistent quality of journalism to
make them credible sources of information.
Academic research provides a disappointing picture. The research skills and language
capability is present, but the knowledge and output is not. The last book published by an
American scholar on united front work was by a Stanford professor in 1967. The united
front system also has not featured in most of the general textbooks on Chinese
policymaking, even in areas, such as the party’s relationship with business, where the
system’s importance is clear. A growing cadre of researchers also is emerging, but they are
too junior at the moment to carry the weight of public discussion. They also have had to pay
the burden of building this expertise on their own.
2. Government Capacity: As a former government analyst, I wish I could say with full
confidence that the U.S. Government has the resources and knowledge it needs across the
board. I do not think that is the case, despite some pockets of excellence and a few
outstanding individuals with a long period of time on target.
The Intelligence Community needs to think through what it means to have an analytic and
operational career in counterintelligence and countering foreign political
influence/interference. Laws and principles may be country agnostic, but the capabilities to
enforce will be specific to each country. There are some general skillsets common to all
forms of security intelligence — including counterintelligence, counterterrorism,
counter-narcotics, and counter-proliferation — but linguistic and regional/area studies
knowledge is required to research, understand, and unravel the networks.
At the policy level, the interagency process does not seem well-geared for countering foreign
political interference. Different agencies possess different elements of the response, but
coordination and clear responsibilities seem to be lacking. Allied security officials have
commented privately on what seems to be disarray within U.S. delegations on leadership,
substance, and protocol. A new agency or bureaucratic entity devoted to the problem seems
inappropriate. Such a reorganization would likely disrupt the intelligence components of the
system that are working without changing the bureaucratic dysfunction at the policy level.
The best fixes may be in the White House, where a deputy national security advisor or an
NSC senior director with the rank of deputy assistant to the president could be appointed to
coordinate the efforts to counter foreign interference. Outside the White House, there are
too many senior stakeholders who also must oversee much broader national and homeland
security portfolios.
The U.S. Government also needs to think through how to push information into the public
realm to drive the conversation, to explain its actions, and build public support. Open source
researchers can do quite a bit to map to the Chinese Communist Party’s united front system
and the networks of front organizations at the intersection of technology transfer,
intelligence, and political influence. However, such work requires having solid pegs into the
system from which to begin. Some of the very open political influence operations are
relatively easy to track because of the individuals public affiliations with the united front
system. Identifying, for example, the Ministry of State Security operations for political
influence is much more difficult if not frequently impossible. Government identification —
either through some sort of regular public report, taking cases to trial, etc. — allows
researchers to expand off of what the government has done, providing even more context
and possibly more leads to additional activities of concern. Having more of this information
available also helps justify U.S. government actions, especially administrative responses that
can be opaque even within government, in ways that lay and expert communities can
understand and debate .
1. Transparency: Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Out in the open, people have to make
choices about whether to continue on in their conflicts of interests or compromised
relationships. This applies equally to government and law enforcement responses to political
interference. Administrative responses done quietly are not as effective as public
prosecutions and explanations, which help create risk and inject new information into the
public sphere for discussion.
2. Conversation and Debate: The legislature draws the line between legal and illegal. Federal
government resources always will focus predominantly on the illegal side. In a democracy,
we would not want it any other way. What is unacceptable or improper, however, is not
necessarily what is illegal. Civil society must be able to discuss in reasonable terms what is
taking place
3. Protect Space for Critical Discussion of China: Whether it is Chinese-language media
outside of China, university spaces, or any other platform where discussion of contemporary
China takes place, they all are vulnerable to the party’s pressure. And they all are targets of
the Chinese Communist Party. They need support, protection, and sometimes even
4. Consequences Create Risk: Until the Chinese Communist Party faces consequences for its
actions, they are not in danger of overstepping the mark or overestimating their ability to
influence or intimidate. Without successfully taking cases to and winning at trial, without
administrative penalties, Americans who actively assist the Chinese Communist Party at the
expense of U.S. interests will have no reason to scrutinize their actions or to desist. Risk is
required to deter behavior that undermines democracy.
5. Civil Liberties as much as National Security: Because the Chinese Communist Party puts
so much emphasis on overseas Chinese communities and individuals, countering Beijing’s
efforts means ensuring ethnically-Chinese citizens and residents can enjoy equal protection
under the law. National security and the resources brought to bear in its name are negative,
defensive powers rather than positive or creative. Civil liberties protections and the resources
deployed for this purpose, however, are the latter. They serve to guarantee constitutional
freedoms, creating and preserving the free space for speech and association. Enabling
democratic practices is at least as important preventing the exploitation of democracy.
6. Maintain the Integrity of Rules and Processes: When relationships with Chinese
Communist Party organizations go awry or become exploitative, most cases — excepting
those involving recruited or compromised agents — involve foreign partners who do not
monitor and enforce their own guidelines and procedures. To protect against conflicts of
interests and outright compromise, organizations that seek to do business, promote
exchanges, collaborate on research, or otherwise have institutional relationships need to
establish and stick to rules and procedures. Exceptions and exemptions need to be done in
the open with clear explanation; otherwise, it is too easy to slip toward compromise and
1. Revise the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) to include more robust reporting
requirements, more robust penalties for non-compliance, and a publicly-accessible
database of FARA registrants updated frequently.
Others have more fully outlined the fixes that need to be made related to the Foreign Agent
Registration Act, but I would like to emphasize a few points. First, the reporting
requirements for describing the activities are quite minimal. Companies and individuals that
wish to be safe provide more; however, that is not the general rule. Expanding the reporting
requirements to include more substance and specificity about the messages delivered or
services provided would make the reporting mechanism more transparent. Separately,
additional reporting could be made a part of Congressional ethics standards. Second,
non-compliance with FARA seems to have few if any consequences. The current approach
to enforcement is largely about voluntarily self-policing. Third, the United States should
revise its approach to presenting FARA data, modeling its public-facing database on the
Australian Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme (FITS). The FITS database is updated
on a regular, rolling basis rather than the quarterly approach to FARA. The database and
accompanying documentation is comparatively clear and accessible.
2. Request a review of the Department of Justice’s decisions not to prosecute
espionage-related cases.
The intelligence, law enforcement, and prosecutorial capabilities for responding to espionage
are the same resources that will be used to address the greyer areas of political influence and
interference. A review of decisions not to prosecute should be completed to understand
what problems — whether investigative competence, resources and funding, political
expediency, or any other factors — undermined taking the cases to trial. This review should
be undertaken by Congress, and the Department of Justice should be encouraged to do their
own review and report it to the appropriate committees.
3. Expand the mandate of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC)
to include the civil liberties and human rights of ethnic Chinese living outside the
People’s Republic of China.
Congress created the CECC in 2000 “to monitor China’s compliance with international
human rights standards, to encourage the development of the rule of law in the PRC, and to
establish and maintain a list of victims of human rights abuses in China.” The treatment of
overseas Chinese at the hands of Beijing is closely related to this mandate.
The human rights of overseas Chinese would be a logical expansion, given that they are
subject to two issues. The first is Beijing’s willingness to surveil and apply pressure to these
communities as well as to subvert community organizations. The second is the absence of a
response from their home governments to the Chinese Communist Party’s actions. The
former is the infringement of the rights of overseas Chinese; the latter is the absence of
often constitutionally-guaranteed protections.
4. Develop and fund educational programs to support mid-career expertise building
and language skill maintenance.
Existing programs focus almost exclusively on undergraduate and graduate students, most
often at the beginning of their careers. Creating space and time for experienced professionals
to brush up on language skills or pursue useful personal projects would help ensure
continued learning. Government employees have some access to similar programs, but there
needs to be greater recognition of the value of education and being away from the desk.
Private sector employees need new programs and sources of support to be able to take the
time to study and return to work.
5. Create a national training center for community workers to support language
training and understanding foreign government operations in ethnic communities
within the United States.
Community outreach programs in the United States are decentralized owing to the federal,
state, and local government structure. Unifying these programs would be unnecessarily
complicated and put the different levels of government at odds with one another. To ensure
awareness of issues in ethnic communities, Congress should create a national training center
for community workers. Overseas Chinese communities are not the only ones subject to
harassment or infringement of their civil rights by a foreign government. The center should
support language training, either through residency programs or individual grants for local
Those most affected by a coercive foreign government do not have a ready outlet for
reporting the problems they face. Law enforcement works best when officers are dealing
with familiar issues and challenges. Building a cadre of informed community workers outside
the justice system serves at least two purposes. First, it provides navigators for those
individuals willing to stand up and report the problems. Community workers can help such
an individual navigate law enforcement when they may be reluctant to come forward.
Second, community workers can serve as an important source of information outside
traditional law enforcement and intelligence channels.
6. Use Congress’s institutional powers to press the executive branch for transparency
on actions taken against China, especially where the actions are administrative.
American opinions are shifting about China, but much of the public discussion remains
caught in limbo between the old policy paradigm and the uncertainty of today’s new era of
competition. Consequently, the administration needs to be more transparent than the
executive branch typically is inclined.
The visa denials for Chinese scholars is a perfect example from recent news. Many U.S. and
international scholars have been dismayed by the news, and the merits of excluding those
individuals or revoking their visas is not obvious to the public. The particular of case of Zhu
Feng, a Nanjing-based professor, having his visa revoked shows why the executive branch
needs to be more transparent publicly. Although he is a well-known scholar known for his
amiable humor, Zhu also has been supported by and done work for the political warfare
element of the People’s Liberation Army. This is available from open sources. Putting a few
simple criteria out in public for visa denials and alerting inviting institutions what criteria was
triggered would be a useful positive step for handling the visa issues going forward. Without
such information, many otherwise knowledgeable people about China assumed the worst
about the administration’s intentions and actions.
The administration also should be encouraged to use the legal system and press charges
where appropriate. The legal process forces the U.S. Government to commit to a course of
action and making some information public. That information, especially after a conviction,
becomes as close to ground truth as a possible on sensitive subjects for which there is not
much clear, public information.