How to design sample size?
Minato Nakazawa, Ph.D.
Dept. Public Health
Textbook in English
"Chapter 14. Sample size issues." in Machin D, Campbell
MJ, Walters SJ (2007) Medical Statistics, 4th ed., Wiley,
pp. 261-275.
"Chapter 4. Comparing groups with p values: Reporting
hyothesis tests." in Lang TA, Secic M (2006) How to report
statistics in medicine: Annotated guidelines for authors,
editors, and reviewers. 2nd ed., American College of
Physicians., pp.45-60.
"Chapter 1. Research design" in Peacock JL, Peacock PJ
(2011) Oxford handbook of medical statistics. Oxford Univ.
Press, pp.1-73 (especially 56-73).
Textbook in Japanese
永田靖 (2003) サンプルサイズの決め . 朝倉書店
新谷歩 (2011) 今日から使える医療統計学講座【 Lesson 3
サンプルサイズとパワー計算 . 週刊医学界新聞, 2937
A hypothetical case
Due to the availability of patients within graduate school
terms, only 10 patients were investigated to test the
specific null-hypothesis X that factor Y is not related with
factor Z, and the null-hypothesis could not be rejected at
a significance level of 5%.
Based on the consideration that the result of "not
significant" is also to be published to avoid publication
bias, a manuscript entitled as "No relationship in the
patients ..." was written and submitted to a journal.
The referee judged as "No significance may be caused by
the less sample size." (In other words, the statistical
power was not enough.) This is the fatal fault of the study
design. Usually the manuscript is rejected.
The student asked to a statistician of helpful advices, but
the statistician can do nothing to help the one.
It's a kind of common tragedy for many students.
What can the student do?
The study framework was the hypothesis testing.
Statistical power may increase with the sample size, so
that it could be possible to determine the sample size to
achieve enough statistical power before the study.
After the study, the student can do nothing but writing
excuse: e.g. due to less availablity of the patients, short
of funding, tradition in that specific study field.
Sometimes it will pass the peer review because the result
can contribute to future meta-analysis.
Statement in medical statistics textbooks
A study that is too small may be unethical, since it is not
powerful enough to demonstrate a worthwhile correlation
or difference.
Similarly, a study that is too large may also be unethical
since one may be giving people a treatment that could
already have been proven to be inferior.
Many journals now have checklists that include a
question on whether the process of determining sample
size is included in the method section (and to be
reassured that it was carried out before the study and not
in retrospect).
The statistical guidelines for the British Medical Journal in
Altman et al. (2000) state that: `Authors should include
information on … the number of subjects studied and why
that number of subjects was used.'
Why not sample size calculations?
A cynic once said that sample size calculations are a
guess masquerading as mathematics. To perform such a
calculation we often need information on factors such as
the standard deviation of the outcome which may not be
available. Moreover the calculations are quite sensitive
to some of these assumptions.
Any study, whatever the size, contributes information,
and therefore could be worthwhile and several small
studies, pooled together in a meta-analysis are more
generalisable than one big study.
Often, the size of studies is determined by practicalities,
such as the number of available patients, resources, time
and the level of finance available.
Studies, including clinical trials, often have several
outcomes, such as benefit and adverse events, each of
which will require a different sample size.
Not necessary cases
Qualitative studies / Case report
Small survey / pilot study
In descriptive study, usually previous information about the
measures is unavailable, so that the sample size
calculation is impossible.
Rules of thumb: at least 12 individuals in each group
List the main cross tabulations that will be needed to ensure
that total numbers will give adequate numbers in the
individual tables cells.
In the exploratory studies ...
Two kinds of study
Testing the null-hypothesis always requires the sample
size calculation before the study (already explained).
Exploring the hidden hypothesis or describing estimates
with 95% confidence intervals may not always require the
sample size calculation, but power analysis (to evaluate
sampling adequacy) after the study is possible.
In the exploratory or descriptive studies
Prevalence estimates from small samples will be imprecise
and may be misleading. For example, when we wish to get
the prevalence of a condition for which studies in other
settings have reported a prevalence of 10%. A small
sample of, say, 20 people, would be insufficient to produce
a reliable estimate since only 2 would be expected to have
the condition and ±1 would change the estimate by 5%.
Sample size calculation determine the number of subjects
needed to give a sufficiently narrow confidence intervals.
Examples in exploratory studies
Values are obtained from previous studies in advance.
When we would like to estimate a mean, the following 3
values are needed.
The standard deviation (SD) of the measure being
The desired width of the confidence interval (d)
The confidence level (usually 90, 95, or 99 %; 1-alpha)
Necessary number of samples (n) is obtained by:
n = qnorm(1-alpha/2)^2 * 4 * SD^2 / d^2
(e.g.) Suppose we wish to estimate mean systolic blood
pressure in a patient group with a 10mmHg-wide (or
5mmHg-wide) 95% confidence interval. Previous work
suggested using a standard deviation of 11.4.
n = 1.96^2 * 4 * 11.4^2 / 10^2 = 19.97... = 20
n = 1.96^2 * 4 * 11.4^2 / 5^2 = 79.88... = 80
Doubling the precision needs quadrupling the sample size.
Estimating proportions will be given in the next slide.
Examples in exploratory studies (cntd.)
Required information from previous studies and study
purpose to estimate proportion
Expected population proportion (p)
Desired width of confidence interval (d)
Confidence level (1-alpha)
Approximate equation to estimate the number of subjects
needed [ qnorm(1-alpha/2) means z
; ^2 = squared ]:
n = qnorm(1-alpha/2)^2*4*p*(1-p) / d^2
(e.g.) Suppose we wish to estimate the prevalence of
asthma in an adult population with the width of the 95%
confidence interval 0.10, an accuaray of ±0.05. An
estimate of the population prevalence of asthma is 10%.
p = 0.10, d = 0.10, alpha = 0.05
n = qnorm(0.975)^2*4*0.1*0.9 / 0.1^2 = 1.96^2*36 = 138
Principles in hypothesis-testings
What kind of information is needed?
Method of statistical test (including null-hypothesis)
Type I error (alpha error: probability to reject the true null-
hypothesis, in other words, false positive)
Type II error (beta error: probability to fail to reject the false
null-hypothesis / false negative) = 1 – statistical power
Expected values from previous studies
Minimum differences of clinical importance
Equations are quite different by statistical tests (and by
textbooks, because all of those are of approximation)
Compare means by t-test:
n= 2*(z
+ z
Compare proportions by χ
n= (z
Usually special softwares (nQuery, PASS, PS) or general
statistics softwares (SAS, SPSS, STATA, EZR, R, etc.)
will be applied.
An example
Suppose we wish to compare the mean increased degree
of elbow flexion between stimulated and control patients.
4 degree difference has clinical importance.
Let alpha error 0.05 and statistical power 90%.
SD of increase of elbow flexion is assumed as 5 degree.
Calculation by the previous equation
n= 2*(z
+ z
= 2*(-1.64-1.28)^2*5^2/4^2+(-1.64)^2/4
= 27.3174 ~ 27
Based on this, 26 treated patients and 25 control patients
were measured. They showed increase in elbow flexsion
by 16±4.5 and 6.5±3.4, respectively. The mean
difference was 9.5 (95%CI was 7.23 to 11.73), t-test
resulted in t=8.43, df=49, p<0.001.
Typical description of this design and statistical results
should be written as follows:
Typical description of the situation
We designed the study to have 90% power to detect a 4-
degree difference between the groups in the increased
range of elbow flexion. Alpha was set at 0.05. Patients
receiving electrical stimulation (n=26) increased their
range of elbow flexion by a mean of 16 degrees with a
standard deviation of 4.5, whereas patients in the control
group (n=25) increased their range of flexion by a mean
of only 6.5 degrees with a standard deviation of 3.4. This
9.5-degree difference between means was statistically
significant (95%CI = 7.23 to 11.73 degrees; two-tailed
Student's t test, t=8.43; df=49; p<0.001).
(Lang and Secic, 2006, pp.47)
Here the expected standard deviation 5 nor applied
equation is not clearly written (both seems implicit).
Usage of the PS
PS: Power and Sample
Size Calculator
/twiki/bin/vi ew/Main/PowerSa
Free Software
Survival (logrank test), t-
test, Regression1,
Dichotomous (chisq-
test), Mantel-Haenszel
are included.
An example of
description is given as
Ratio of two groups can
be specified as m
Usage of EZR on Rcmdr
EZR on Rcmdr is developed by Jichi Medical School
Free software; latest version is 0.96 on 31 July 2011.
Installation is very easy. Just click the downloaded
executable installer. Messages are given in Japanese.
Usage is also easy, but manual is not enough.
10 20 30 40
R console
> power.t.test(delta=4, sd=5, sig.level=0.05, power=0.9)
Two-sample t test power calculation
n = 33.82555
delta = 4
sd = 5
sig.level = 0.05
power = 0.9
alternative = two.sided
NOTE: n is number in *each* group
The result is 34 (similar to PS)