Resume FAQs1
How long should resumes be?
Resume lengths can vary. If you are just entering the job
market with less than 5 years’ experience, it is generally
expected that your resume should be no longer than 1 page
If you have more than 5 years’ experience, 2 pages is
acceptable. 3 or more pages is generally reserved for
executive level and higher
Since recruiters have many resumes to review, they may
spend 30 seconds looking through each of them. So you
should keep it short and relevant to the job you are applying to
What should I include in my resume?
Contact information this makes it easy for them to reach out
to you!
Optional brief summary about who you are (your motivations,
interests, target/objectives, etc.). Try to avoid using
descriptors such as “team player” or “hard worker”, as this
can come off as disingenuous
Current or most recent position at the top, with older
Professional certificates - if you have any
Skills section for any specialize skills such as program
familiarity (i.e. SAP, Oracle, Power BI), programming
languages (i.e. C++, Python), and foreign languages (i.e.
Spanish, Italian)
When do I no longer need to put down my GPA in my
After you have been in your first job post-graduation, it is no
longer expected to include a GPA on your resume or the date
of graduation/expected graduation
Resume FAQs
Resume FAQs2
Should I include my entire work history?
After a certain amount of time, you can begin to take out
some of your older jobs that are no longer relevant to your
current job search. For instance, if you had a part-time job
when you were a student, but now have a professional full-
time job, you no longer need to include that first job
The emphasis should be on your more recent and relevant
positions. If you feel the need to have former jobs on your
resume, you can shorten them to just the important
information: Company, title, dates. This will allow you more
space to elaborate on the job details of a position that relates
more closely to your current search
Anything else I should include?
An “Achievements” section can help you highlight previous
accomplishments or volunteer work. Recruiters may be
interested in tangible information or evidence that show them
you are the most suitable candidate for this position
What is LinkedIn?
A professional social media platform where you can maintain
your network, stay up to date on industry news, and apply for
Do I need to have a LinkedIn profile?
Yes! This is how Recruiters can find you and see if you are a
match for any of their current jobs
How important is it to make connections on LinkedIn?
Very important! The connections you make can help you land a
job. For example: as you search for jobs, LinkedIn will show
you if anyone in your network works for the company you are
currently looking at. You can then reach out to that person
and see if they would be willing to refer you to their recruiters
for further consideration.
Resume FAQs3
Who do I connect with?
Connect with people you know: Coworkers, vendors, fellow
students, teachers, friends, and family. You never know who
in your network could help be that connection to your next
If you want to connect with someone you may not know well,
make sure to include a note when requesting to connect to let
them know who you are or remind them of where you met
Should I have a profile photo?
Yes, this is the proper place for you to add a photo
Do: Smile, focus on a headshot, be professional
Don’t: Have multiple people, full body shot, distracting
Resume FAQs4
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