One in a Series of Working Papers from the Transatlantic High Level
Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression
Emma Llansó
Center for Democracy and Technology
Joris van Hoboken
Institute for Information Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Paddy Leerssen
Institute for Information Law
Jaron Harambam
Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
February 26, 2020
Artificial Intelligence,
Content Moderation, and
Freedom of Expression
The Transatlantic Working Group Papers Series
Co-Chairs Reports
Co-Chairs Reports from TWG’s Three Sessions:
Ditchley Park, Santa Monica, and Bellagio.
Freedom of Expression and
Intermediary Liability
Freedom of Expression: A Comparative Summary of
United States and European Law
B. Heller & J. van Hoboken, May 3, 2019.
Design Principles for Intermediary Liability Laws
J. van Hoboken & D. Keller, October 8, 2019.
Existing Legislative Initiatives
An Analysis of Germany’s NetzDG Law
H. Tworek &P. Leerssen, April 15, 2019.
The Proposed EU Terrorism Content Regulation:
Analysis and Recommendations with Respect to
Freedom of Expression Implications
J. van Hoboken, May 3, 2019.
Combating Terrorist-Related Content Through AI
and Information Sharing
B. Heller, April 26, 2019.
The European Commission’s Code of Conduct for
Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online: An Analysis
of Freedom of Expression Implications
B. Bukovská, May 7, 2019.
The EU Code of Practice on Disinformation: The
Diiculty of Regulating a Nebulous Problem
P.H. Chase, August 29, 2019.
A Cycle of Censorship: The UK White Paper on
Online Harms and the Dangers of Regulating
P. Pomerantsev, October 1, 2019.
U.S. Initiatives to Counter Harmful Speech and
Disinformation on Social Media
A. Shahbaz, June 11, 2019.
ABC Framework to Address Disinformation
Actors, Behaviors, Content: A Disinformation ABC:
Highlighting Three Vectors of Viral Deception to
Guide Industry & Regulatory Responses
C. François, September 20, 2019.
Transparency and Accountability Solutions
Transparency Requirements for Digital Social Media
Platforms: Recommendations for Policy Makers
and Industry
M. MacCarthy, February 12, 2020.
Dispute Resolution and Content Moderation:
Fair, Accountable, Independent, Transparent,
and Eective
H. Tworek, R. Ó Fathaigh, L. Bruggeman & C. Tenove,
January 14, 2020.
Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
An Examination of the Algorithmic
Accountability Act of 2019
M. MacCarthy, October 24, 2019.
Artificial Intelligence, Content Moderation, and
Freedom of Expression
E. Llansó, J. van Hoboken, P. Leerssen & J. Harambam,
February 26, 2020.
A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania in partnership with
The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands and the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam,
with support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Washington, D.C.
Artificial Intelligence, Content Moderation, and Freedom of
Emma Llansó, Center for Democracy and Technology
Joris van Hoboken, Institute for Information Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Paddy Leerssen, Institute for Information Law
Jaron Harambam, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
February 26, 2020
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................2
Key Recommendations .............................................................................................................................................2
Part I: Automation in Content Moderation ...........................................................................................................3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................3
Capabilities and limitations of automated content analysis ........................................................................5
sis: Freedom of expression threats and safeguards ...........................................................................8
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Part II: Content Curation through Recommendation Algorithms ..
................................................................ 14
roduction .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Explaining recommendation systems and their deployment .................................................................. 1
ysis: How are platforms and governments addressing the algorithmic amplification of hate
speech and disinformation? .......................................................................................................................... 18
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
One in a series: A working paper of the Transatlantic Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of
Expression. Read about the TWG:
As governments, companies, and people around the world grapple with the challenges of hate speech,
terrorist propaganda, and disinformation online, “artificial intelligence” (AI) is often proposed as a
key tool for identifying and filtering out problematic content. “AI,” however, is not a simple solution
or a single type of technology; in policy discussions, it has become a shorthand for an ever-changing
suite of techniques for automated detection and analysis of content. Various forms of AI and
automation are used in ranking and recommendation systems that curate the massive amounts of
content available online. The use of these technologies raises significant questions about the
influence of AI on our information environment and, ultimately, on our rights to freedom of
expression and access to information.
What follows is a compact position paper, a first version of which was written for the Bellagio, Italy,
session of the Transatlantic Working Group (TWG), Nov. 12-16, 2019. It discusses the interface of
AI/automation and freedom of expression, focusing on two main areas.
Part I focuses on content moderation and the use of automated systems for detecting and evaluating
content at scale. Part II focuses on content curation and questions about the role of
recommendation algorithms in amplifying hate speech, violent extremism, and disinformation.
For both content moderation and content curation, the paper explores the use of AI and other forms
of automation. In particular, it focuses on their use in the fight against hate speech, violent extremism,
and disinformation. On that basis, we reflect on the need for new freedom of expression safeguards
tailored to these new automated forms of speech governance.
This paper and its recommendations take into account the transatlantic nature of the TWG and are
therefore intended to speak to both U.S. as well as EU legal contexts. The authors are grateful for
the discussions and observations produced by participants in the TWG meeting at Bellagio, many of
which have been incorporated into this report and the recommendations that follow. The text of the
paper remains the sole responsibility of the authors.
Key Recommendations
1. Speech governance debates should not focus exclusively on AI technology as such, but take
into account a broader range of automating technologies and processes, including simpler
forms of automation and algorithmic systems.
2. Automation in content moderation should not be mandated in law because the state of the
art is neither reliable nor effective.
3. Entities that use automation in content moderation should provide greater transparency
about their use of these tools and the consequences they have for users’ speech, privacy, and
access to information.
a. Priority should be paid to enabling availability of research data while respecting users’
privacy and data protection rights, and in particular to resolving the questions of
whether or how data protection regimes in the U.S. and Europe constrain the sharing
of data for research.
4. Policy makers should resist simplistic narratives that lay the blame for harmful content online
exclusively with algorithms.” Instead, policy makers should recognize the role of users and
communities in creating and enabling harmful content. Solutions to policy challenges such as
hate speech, terrorist propaganda, and disinformation will necessarily be multifaceted.
5. Regulating ranking algorithms raises free speech risks comparable to outright removal of
content and should be treated with comparable safeguards. Content regulation via ranking
decisions is particularly problematic due to the lack of transparency in this space and the
potential for far-reaching and unintended consequences for online discourse.
6. There is no such thing as a neutral” recommendation algorithm and policy makers should
therefore avoid simplistic mandates for “neutralityor “non-discrimination.”
7. Potentially fruitful measures to address harmful content in recommendation systems include:
a. Enhancing user agency by providing the option to choose between different
approaches to ranking.
b. Media literacy and awareness programs.
c. Enhancing public transparency about the design and performance of
recommendation systems.
Part I: Automation in Content Moderation
Enormous amounts of content are uploaded and circulated on the Internet every day, far outpacing
any intermediary’s ability to have humans analyze content before it is uploaded.
Many companies
and governments are turning to automated processes to assist in detection and analysis of problematic
content, including disinformation, hate speech, and terrorist propaganda.
“AI in content moderation” is a very broad concept: In one sense, there is very little true “artificial
intelligence” in use in content moderation systems.
As it is typically used in law and policy
conversations, however, AI in content moderation can refer to the use of a variety of automated
processes at different phases of content moderation. These processes may be as simple as keyword
filters, but they may also rely on machine learning and can include a number of tools and techniques.
In this section we will examine a variety of machine learning processes and discuss how they are used
in different phases of content moderation.
Content moderation on a site or service with a global user base requires the application of a set of
rules or standards for speech that may occur in many formats (such as text, images, video, or audio),
on any subject, in potentially any language or dialect, from thousands or millions of cultural contexts.
As a recent report from Cambridge Consultants noted, content moderation raises a number of
challenges, “such as ambiguity within a certain piece of content, the change of meaning within a post
when context is considered and the potential for bias in the moderator. AI moderation has to contend
with the same set of contextual challenges, along with a number of AI-specific technological
In content moderation, automation can be used in the related phases of proactive detection of
potentially problematic content and the automated evaluation and enforcement of a decision to
remove, tag/label, demonetize, demote, or prioritize content. Machine learning tools can also be used
to automate the generation of content and accounts. Understanding these capabilities for creating
new material can also aid in the detection of it, including tools for the evaluation of manipulated
imagery, such as “deepfakes.”
Key concepts in machine learning
Supervised learning involves training a model based on a labeled or annotated training dataset. For
example, a research team that is building a tool to identify hate speech on a social media platform
could label a corpus of posts as “hate speech” and “not hate speech” (or as “racist,” “homophobic,
“anti-immigrant,” and “not hate speech, or any other set of labels). These labels assist the machine
learning model in identifying features of the data that help to distinguish the various categories of
posts from one another. Supervised learning models can be effective at developing classifiers to
distinguish or categorize different inputs, but they can be resource-intensive to train, as they require
substantial quantities of hand-labeled inputs. Further, as discussed below, the processes of generating
the training dataset and having one or more people label it can introduce biases and errors into the
Unsupervised learning involves training a model based on an unlabeled dataset; the model learns to
identify underlying patterns and features within the data. Unsupervised learning can, for example, be
used to develop a corpus of word pairs that often occur together in a text. These pairs can then serve
as the “labeled” training data for a tool like Word2Vec that assesses the relationships among words
called “word embeddings.”
Word embeddings can be a powerful way to automatically parse text,
but such tools can also inadvertently “learn” associations in the underlying text that reinforce cultural
There are a number of different types of algorithms that are frequently used in machine learning. For
instance, supervised learning often uses linear regression or decision tree algorithms, whereas
unsupervised learning uses K-means clustering or Apriori association rule learning.
Discriminative algorithms are those that apply a classifier to determine whether an input should be
labeled as fitting into a particular category (e.g., spam or not spam). Generative algorithms, by contrast,
start from a particular label and predict what features or characteristics the “input” should have.
Mathematical models are what encode the results of the machine learning done on the dataset. A neural
network is a layered machine learning model akin to the connections among neurons in the human
brain. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are a type of neural network commonly used to evaluate
image data.
Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are neural networks that incorporate outputs from the
system into subsequent runs and are thus better able to process sequences of information.
Capabilities and limitations of automated content analysis
Analysis of text
Automated blocking and removal of online text predates sophisticated machine learning techniques:
some of the earliest automated content moderation systems relied on keyword filtering to block posts
or access to websites that included certain words and phrases. Keyword filtering is notoriously
overbroad and underinclusive, blocking words regardless of their context or meaning and failing to
filter content not specified on the list of prohibited terms.
Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of study that seeks to enable computers to parse text in
a more comprehensive way, closer to the way that a human would understand the text.
NLP tools
can be trained to predict whether a text is expressing a positive or negative emotion (sentiment
analysis) and to classify it as belonging or not belonging to some category (such as the hate speech
classifier described above). NLP tools are often trained on text that has been stripped of features
such as URLs, usernames, and multilingual communication, but some researchers are beginning to
experiment with incorporating information from emojis into sentiment-analysis tools.
A well-known example of an NLP tool is Google/Jigsaw’s Perspective API, an open-source toolkit
that allows website operators, researchers, and others to use Perspective’s machine learning models
to evaluate the “toxicity” of a post or comment.
Perspective provides a good illustration of both
the capabilities and limitations of a sophisticated NLP tool. It has been used for a variety of
including as a tool that comment moderation systems use to warn users that they may
be posting a “toxic” comment and to give them the opportunity to revise their comment.
Perspective, and the concept of evaluating “toxicity” of comments, is far from perfect; soon after the
Perspective API was launched, researchers began exploring ways to “deceive” the tool and express
negativity that slipped under the radar,
and researchers continue to identify bias in the tool, such as
misclassification that disproportionately affects different racial groups.
The Conversation AI
research team behind Perspective cautions,We do not recommend using the API as a tool for automated
moderation: the models make too many errors.”
Machine learning models can also be used in the generation of text. Earlier this year, the OpenAI
research team announced the public release of their GPT-2 language model, a predictive text tool
that was trained on a dataset of eight million web pages.
The text generated by the GPT-2 model
can be fairly complex and, according to the researchers, regularly outperforms the previous state-of-
the-art models for text generation.
The research team made a widely publicized decision to release
only a smaller, less capable model for public scrutiny and use, “[d]ue to concerns about large language
models being used to generate deceptive, biased, or abusive language at scale.
Six months later, it
released a larger version of the model along with a paper discussing the lessons it had learned through
this “staged release” strategy which has allowed OpenAI and other researchers to more fully consider
the implications and potential malicious uses of this technology.
(Meanwhile, two graduate student
researchers at Brown University attempted to replicate OpenAI’s full GPT-2 model and released
their version publicly in August 2019.)
Analysis of images
Automated image-detection and -identification tools can range from fairly simple systems designed
to detect previously identified content to more complex tools designed to discover features of novel
content. Hash values are unique numerical values that are generated by running a specific algorithm
on a file; the hash function calculates the numerical value based on characteristics of the file, and can
be thought of as generating a specific “digital fingerprint” for that file. A system can run the same
hash function on novel/newly uploaded content and detect whether the novel content matches the
hash value of previously identified content.
For simple hashing, the characteristics that the function evaluates can include things like dimensions
of the image and specific color values of pixels; changing any of these characteristics, however, can
completely change the hash of the altered file, which makes simpler hashing functions easy to
circumvent if the goal is to evade detection.
A more sophisticated approach, perceptual hashing,
be more resilient against circumvention by calculating hashes based on relationships among pixels
and accounting for minor variations in the resulting hash.
Microsoft’s PhotoDNA tool, for example,
converts an image to black and white, resizes it to a standard size, divides the image into a grid, and
calculates the hash based on the intensity gradient of each black-and-white square.
transformations of the image, as part of the hash function, help to counteract minute changes to the
image that could stymie simpler hash functions.
Other approaches to image analysis, including machine learning methods and techniques from the
field of computer vision, work to detect the presence of specific elements or features in an image, such
as symbols or logos, weapons, or nudity.
Tools that are designed to detect pre-identified images,
such as a specific symbol or logo, need to be able to identify variations of that symbol in different
lighting conditions, resolutions, and rotation/skew. Optical character recognition tools can identify text in
an image and convert it into machine-readable formats, which is an essential step to using natural
language processing to evaluate the meaning of text.
Tools can also be designed to classify whether an image contains a feature such as nudity. One
approach to detecting nudity in an image has been to analyze the proportion of pixels in an image
that fall into a specific color range that has been pre-identified as representing skin color. This kind
of tool is vulnerable to misclassification of underrepresented skin tones and of objects or scenes with
the same color palette as the training data (for example, deserts
). More involved machine learning
tools will use skin-tone detection as a component of their analysis, along with other image-parsing
processes to detect, for example, the presence of faces
and distribution of body parts. Such tools
then use this underlying information about the components of an image to generate a classifier to
identify likely nudity or sexual activity. Even more complex tools, however, can erroneously classify
content to a significant degree when they are used on mass-scale, highly variable datasets like social
media postings, as Tumblr discovered when it implemented its ban on nudity and sexual content,
which yielded a wide variety of false positive results.
Other deep-learning methods enable techniques such as scene understanding, which not only
identifies the discrete features/likely objects in an image but analyzes them in the context of their
relationship with the other objects in the image.
The field of image-generation is also rapidly developing. For example, Generative Adversarial Networks
(GAN) use generative algorithms to create new data to test and refine a machine learning classifier.
GANs can be useful for training a machine learning model in how to detect a manipulated image or
Generative algorithms can also be used to deceive machine learning tools by manipulating
images so that they look essentially unchanged to the human eye but display mathematical features
that the classifier will understand to be something else entirely.
Researchers have demonstrated
effective adversarial techniques even against black-box networks, i.e., networks for which the
attackers have no specific knowledge of the model or the training data that generated it.
Image generation also notably includes the area of “deepfakes,” composite videos and images created
on the basis of real footage that portray fictional statements and actions. A common form of deepfake
is face-swapping, where the face of one individual is superimposed on the body of another. For
example, in a video aimed at warning people not to believe everything they see on the Internet,
filmmaker Jordan Peele created a deepfake video where his words appear to be spoken by President
To accomplish this, an autoencoder is used to analyze a large volume of images of a person
to create a detailed mathematical map of the features of an individual’s face (encoding) and to develop
a process for turning these features back into the image of the individual’s face (decoding). Once the
autoencoders are trained, the encoded data of one person’s face can be translated back into an image
by the decoding process for another person’s face, essentially preserving the features of the first
person but placing them in the context of the second person’s face.
A GAN can then be used to
evaluate and iterate on the produced images and video and develop a more refined outcome.
Deepfakes can threaten rights to privacy and dignity, as in the case of involuntary pornography,
may be used in disinformation campaigns. However, experts caution that the expense and time
required in creating deepfakes will likely limit their use in disinformation campaigns, especially when
it is easier to create misleading or recontextualized information to achieve similar results.
There are a variety of other forms of automated content analysis that can be relevant in content
moderation, including video and audio analysis techniques and efforts to detect bot
Technical limitations of automation in content moderation
Different technical approaches to automated detection and analysis of user-generated content will
have limitations specific to their design for example, a tool designed to detect “toxic” comments
in one language will have difficulty parsing multilingual text.
This section summarizes major
technical and design limitations to automated content detection and analysis; Section 1.3 examines
the broader limitations of these tools and the risks for freedom of expression when they are
incorporated into content moderation systems at mass scale.
The importance of context: Whether a particular post amounts to a violation of law or content
policy often depends on context that the machine learning tool does not use in its analysis. Some
context could be incorporated into a machine learning tool’s analysis, such as the identity of the
speaker or the relationship between sender and receiver of a message, but these come with significant
tradeoffs for privacy. Other context, such as historical, political, and cultural context, are much more
difficult for a tool to be trained to detect.
Lack of representative, well-annotated datasets to use for training: Machine learning tools
develop their ability to identify and distinguish different kinds of content based on the datasets they
are trained on. Many tools are trained on labeled datasets that are already publicly available; if these
datasets do not include examples of speech in different languages and from different groups or
communities, the resulting tools will not be equipped to parse these groups’ communication.
Annotation for supervised learning can introduce bias: The process of labeling a dataset for
supervised learning typically requires the involvement of multiple human beings to evaluate examples
and select the appropriate label, or to evaluate an automatically applied label. Intercoder reliability is an
important measure of how consistently different humans involved in labeling a dataset perform this
task. Low intercoder reliability means that the humans applying the label do not agree among
themselves what content merits the label of, for example, “hate speech” or “spam.”
Need for flexible, dynamic models: Human communication patterns can change quickly, and
speakers who are blocked by automated filters often have extra incentive to figure out how to
circumvent the filter. Static machine learning models will quickly become outdated and unable to
correctly classify users’ communications.
Domain specificity: Natural language processing tools perform best in environments that closely
match the data they were trained on. It is difficult to develop tools that work well across a variety of
sites, languages, cultures, interest groups, and subject matter.
Significant risks of bias against underrepresented speakers: Applying a tool to a domain or
group of speakers who do not closely match the groups represented in the training data can lead to
erroneous classifications that disproportionately affect underrepresented groups.
Resource limitations in energy, data, and processing power: Geoffrey Hinton, “one of the
forefathers of modern deep learning,” argues that we may have hit the limits of what existing machine
learning techniques can do. “Hinton points out that CNNs [convolutional neural networks] are highly
inefficient at learning features: neural networks require huge amounts of memory and computing
power, and massive amounts of data, and still struggle with translational and rotational changes of
Wide-scale application of ultra-sophisticated machine learning models for content analysis
may be too resource- and energy-intensive to be sustainable.
Analysis: Freedom of expression threats and safeguards
Beyond the technical limitations of any particular tool, the use of automation in content moderation
systems raises distinct challenges for freedom of expression and access to information online. There
is a growing body of literature on the human rights implications of the use of automation by online
services: The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, David Kaye, has offered analysis,
conclusions, and recommendations on artificial intelligence in a number of recent reports.
Council of Europe has provided several reports, studies, and recommendations that touch on the
topic and is in the process of finalizing a new recommendation on the human rights impacts of
algorithmic systems.
It is important to note that the application of artificial intelligence in the online media environment
can have both positive and negative implications for individuals’ right to freedom of expression. First,
AI is at the core of the services that are central to effectuating people’s rights to express themselves
and to access information. Search engines, social media, and other internet services deploy various
complex and adaptive information-processing technologies at the core of their operations. Without
these technologies, these services, and the value they provide to people in expressing themselves and
accessing information, would simply not be possible. This is not to say that relevant services are
always doing a good job in supporting freedom of expression. There are significant concerns about
how well current services serve our democracies and respect people’s right to freedom of expression.
Even so, the deployment of these advanced data-processing operations will remain central to our
media and communications ecosystem.
Second, algorithmic systems have become a necessary tool to defend freedom of expression and the
values underlying it. AI not only powers complex service operations, it is increasingly necessary to
create the conditions for a robust and vibrant democratic exchange on online platforms. To make a
simple analogy: Without AI, our media would increasingly feel like an email inbox without a spam
Third, such filtering systems, including content moderation and recommendation systems (see
Section II), raise their own set of freedom of expression concerns. Their application can raise issues
of bias and discrimination, private due process, and surveillance issues that our current legal
frameworks have not fully addressed. When combined with regulatory pressure on platforms to
tackle issues such as disinformation, terrorism content, and hate speech, the application of these tools
raises privatized censorship concerns, as well as questions about prior restraint, and due process.
AI tools and risks to freedom of expression
There are a number of recognized issues with the application of algorithmic systems and automation
for these purposes:
False positives and false negatives: The use of algorithmic systems for detecting particular types
of speech and activity will always have so-called false positives (something is wrongly classified as
objectionable) and negatives (the automated tool misses something that should have been classified
as objectionable). From a freedom of expression perspective, the implications of false positives and
negatives depend on the goals of the tool that is used. If the tools are used to identify and demote or
remove content, or single it out along with the relevant content creators for further scrutiny, false
positives risk significant burdens on individuals’ right to freedom of expression. False negatives, on
the other hand, can result in a failure to address hate speech, harassment, and other objectionable
content that may create a chilling effect on some individuals’ and groups’ willingness to participate
Potential bias and algorithmic discrimination: Algorithmic systems have the potential to perform
badly on data related to underrepresented groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, non-
dominant languages, and/or political leanings. This is due both to the lack of data and to the
possibility of biased training datasets: If data are influenced by real-world biases and inequalities, then
the models trained on these data may come to reflect or amplify these inequalities. This can result in
serious risks to freedom of expression for communities and individuals, potentially including
illegitimate silencing of their expression and failure to address harms to their communities.
Large-scale processing of user data and profiling: Algorithmic systems will typically rely on the
large-scale processing of user data to develop and apply the tools. These systems may also involve
the additional profiling of users in view of the risk that such users engage in activity that may warrant
additional scrutiny and/or risks from a content moderation perspective. In this way, the growing
reliance on algorithmic systems further encourages the collection and processing of personal data,
which pose additional risks to the rights to privacy and freedom of expression.
Presumption of the appropriateness of prior censorship: Automatically pre-judging content and
prohibiting it from being posted is the very definition of prior restraint/censorship. While pre-
screening content to limit the spread of malware, child abuse material, and spam has been broadly
accepted as a positive use of automation, we must be cautious about applying that logic to other types
of speech.
Inadequate oversight and lack of due process: Algorithmic systems may be applied as a quick fix
for the complex task of judging whether particular content or activity warrants restrictive actions
(which can range from flagging, demoting, demonetizing or removing it, to actions taken against
account holders). Without proper complaint, review, and appeal procedures as well as oversight, these
actions may violate freedom of expression rights, due, for instance, to the issue of false positives and
negatives identified above. In particular, this raises due process issues. And given the difficulty of
explaining and documenting complex machine learning systems, it may be even more difficult to
create transparency and monitoring here than for other types of content moderation. Fundamentally,
there is a tension between the evaluation of AI tools from a statistical perspective (how well are they
performing overall) and their evaluation on a case-by-case basis, which is the predominant mode of
evaluation from a fundamental rights perspective.
Need for redress and accountability: Automation in content moderation challenges preexisting
structures and frameworks for making determinations about speech, given the enormous scale of
speech that is being evaluated. What do remedy – and accountability – look like at scale?
The role of platforms in communications governance
Online platforms facilitate and shape the power of the speech of others.
They can act (or perhaps
better, be asked or forced to act) as control points in tackling the proliferation of illegal and different
forms of harmful speech and activity. What their role should be, and by what standards they should
be judged, remains a topic of intense debate.
In part because of their critical role in facilitating speech, online platforms are also at the center of
discussions about objectionable content. Not surprisingly, online platforms are now central sites for
the development of automated content moderation systems and solutions. To develop these systems,
larger platforms such as Google and Facebook can leverage world-leading expertise in machine
learning and unrivaled financial resources in combination with large datasets and internet-scale user
activity. The role of these private sector actors in developing content moderation tools may result in
a lack of transparency and accountability with respect to their functions and effects, including on
freedom of expression. In addition, the development and implementation of these technologies will
be informed by specific commercial motivations that are connected to the platforms’ business
models. Any freedom of expression safeguards with respect to the use of algorithmic systems in
content moderation will have to address the central role of platforms in the development and
application of these tools in real-world settings.
The human rights framework
The implications of artificial intelligence in media and communications for human rights have already
been explored. As the UN special rapporteur on freedom of expression concluded in his thematic
report to the General Assembly,
AI tools, like all technologies, must be designed, developed and deployed so as to be
consistent with the obligations of States and the responsibilities of private actors under
international human rights law. Human rights law imposes on States both negative
obligations to refrain from implementing measures that interfere with the exercise of
freedom of opinion and expression and positive obligations to promote the rights to
freedom of opinion and expression and to protect their exercise.
Further development and deployment of algorithmic systems will continue to raise new issues under
the existing human rights framework that should be addressed. One important aspect to take into
account is the positive obligation for governments to encourage pluralism and diversity. The online
information ecosystem raises a variety of questions with regard to pluralism and diversity: On the
one hand, many speakers and perspectives have been able to attain a broader audience than ever
before. But on the other hand, the dominance of a few major online advertising providers has
radically changed the business model, and fiscal stability, of news and media publishers around the
world. Moreover, the application of algorithmic systems for content moderation raises distinct
questions of pluralism, as these systems impose a particular set of content restrictions at potentially
enormous scale. Policy makers should evaluate the risk to pluralism and diversity that may come from
automated content moderation on massive platforms. Policy makers and platform operators alike
should consider specific safeguards designed to achieve pluralism and diversity. Such safeguards
could range from clear, minimally restrictive default settings combined with greater user controls or
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that enable users to implement a third-party’s content
moderation rules on the content they view on a platform.
Regulation of platforms vs. other forms of regulation
Increasingly, regulation is targeting platforms, due to their central role and significant power in the
media and communications landscape. Many of the self- and co-regulatory initiatives in this area are
also coming from platforms. This can leave other (and existing) forms of regulation to address the
fundamental rights implications of algorithmic systems for content moderation unexplored. In
Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is broadly applicable to the
processing of user data in the online environment, provides an important baseline for the protection
of fundamental rights in data-driven power dynamics between platforms and their users. It sets limits
to profiling activities, imposes transparency and accountability requirements, and grants relevant
rights to individuals. Non-discrimination law has an important role to play in addressing bias and
discriminatory impacts of algorithmic systems. Antitrust law should help to prevent undue
concentrations of power over media and communications. It’s crucial to acknowledge the
importance of a broad set of regulatory frameworks that provide important baseline conditions for
the effective exercise of freedom of expression online.
Intermediary liability
Intermediary liability frameworks, discussed in a separate TWG discussion paper,
have always had
a strong link to the state-of-the-art of technologies used to address illegal third-party content and
activity. In the early days of the commercial web, both the U.S. and the EU legal systems considered
the idea of imposing general filtering mandates on intermediaries that required them to screen out
illegal content, but ultimately rejected such mandates due to the significant burden on freedom of
expression imposed by overbroad, imprecise filtering. Today, however, legislators are increasingly
revisiting the presumption against filtering,
based in part on assumptions that filtering technologies
have become more sophisticated. Proposed requirements for intermediaries to use filters are based
on the rationale that, if there are suitable technologies available to address illegal content and the
harms that may result from it, a refusal or unwillingness to use filters could be considered a form of
negligence on the part of the intermediary. However, given the persistent risk to free expression
posed by the automated detection and evaluation of speech, the deployment of filtering systems
without regard for their harmful effects could also be considered a form of negligence. Intermediary
liability laws should neither mandate, nor condition liability protection on, the use of filters.
Mandatory and voluntary use of automated systems
The mandatory use of particular forms of automation in content regulation raises prior restraint issues
from a freedom of expression perspective. In fact, the mandatory application of such algorithmic
systems, the automatic evaluation of content, and the subsequent restrictions on such content from
being posted and disseminated fits the very definition of prior restraint, which is generally prohibited
under freedom of expression doctrines. In view of this, lawmakers should refrain from imposing
mandatory obligations on service providers to impose restrictions on speech through automated
systems. Preference should be given to the voluntary deployment of such tools, in combination with
safeguards for the fundamental rights of internet users, in view of the issues of false positives, due
process, discrimination, and surveillance outlined above.
Systemic responsibilities for platforms and risk assessments
As noted in the paper on intermediary liability, some recent European laws and proposals move away
from penalizing platforms for individual incorrect decisions about specific user expression, and
instead seek to regulate platforms’ overall content management operations and create new forms of
administrative oversight with respect to these frameworks. The development of standards for
transparency and accountability of content moderation practices is central to this.
accountability mechanism that should be further explored is the use of human rights due diligence
processes and other risk assessment methodologies. Risk assessment may be deployed with respect
to particular products or services that a platform develops as well as with particular known threats
such as hate speech, terrorism content, and disinformation. Formal risk assessment procedures
provide an opportunity for in-depth consideration of the potential impact on fundamental rights that
a product or policy poses as well as the various measures that are and may be taken to address them.
It is crucial that freedom of expression and associated human rights, and the risks to the rights and
freedoms of individuals, are included in these risk assessments. This prevents such risk assessments
from being only focused on one particular set of harms and ignoring the potential harmful impacts
of mitigating measures on freedom of expression and other fundamental rights.
Complaint and redress mechanisms
The use of automation in content moderation can give rise to additional problems of lack of due
process for particular user content and activity. As a result, the development of new complaint
procedures and new dispute resolution mechanisms has become a central part of the discussion about
online content moderation and freedom of expression. Without proper complaint mechanisms, the
actions that platforms take with respect to content and activity lacks accountability and endangers
people’s ability to effectively exercise their right to freedom of expression. The need for human
oversight over automated decision-making deserves a particular emphasis in this context. It is
paramount that the results of automated decision-making in individual cases can be scrutinized by
humans and that wrong decisions are remedied, both at the individual decision level and through
review of the systems that produced the error. Human oversight is necessary in all stages of the
development and deployment of algorithmic systems. The possibility of human oversight when there
are complaints about the function and impacts of algorithms for content moderation can provide a
crucial safety net for the rights and freedoms of affected users.
Freedom of expression by design
“Regulation by design” has become an important way to safeguard fundamental rights. In the case
of data privacy, regulation-by-design approaches have matured over the last two decades. These
approaches have become an important foundation in privacy law and policy, underpinning data
minimization strategies, information accountability, and privacy-friendly approaches to human
computer interaction design. In the case of freedom of expression, regulation by design is still in its
infancy. The development and deployment of AI and algorithmic systems more generally in the area
of content moderation should draw lessons from the regulation-by-design literature developed in this
area. By better incorporating freedom of expression and associated human rights concerns into the
design and deployment of relevant tools and practices, the effective protection of freedom of
expression can be better realized. To achieve this, relevant experts involved in the development and
deployment of technologies for content moderation should be supported in developing a more
robust field of “freedom of expression by design” approaches. In addition to transparency,
accountability, and fairness, such approaches could extend to the creation of relevant datasets and
labelling practices, as well as the particular ways in which algorithmic systems are being deployed.
Part II: Content Curation through Recommendation Algorithms
Automation is used not only to moderate content, but also to recommend content to potential
viewers. Important recommendation systems include content feeds,” such as Facebooks Newsfeed
and YouTube’s Recommended Videos, as well as search engines such as Google Search. These
algorithmic tools play a central role in determining what content is seen online, and what remains
Content recommendations serve an important need in online media: helping people find relevant
content. Based on certain personal and contextual information, these algorithmic systems search
through an abundance of content to provide personalized selections of items that are (predicted to
be) relevant for the user.
This is by no means a neutral process. Recommendation systems are designed and deployed by
specific people in a specific context and for specific purposes. Accordingly, their content selections
are dependent on a wide range of factors, including commercial and in some cases political
considerations. A number of studies suggest that recommendation systems may funnel people toward
disinformation, hate speech and violent extremism.
The following sections will elaborate on the
functioning of recommendation systems, evaluate existing efforts to remedy their potentially
radicalizing qualities, and offer alternative frameworks to mitigate their amplifying dynamics while
minimizing the impact on freedom of expression.
Platforms also use (machine learning) algorithms to serve advertisements and other promoted
content. This technology allows ad buyers, using large sets of personal data, to microtarget their
advertisements toward highly specific audiences in ways that raise concerns about privacy,
accountability, manipulation, discrimination, and bias.
Yet, despite both recommendation systems
and advertising systems using algorithms to personalize their offerings, these types of content
distribution are fundamentally different in terms of substance, sources, functions, relevant harms,
governance systems, applicable law, and so forth. Therefore, advertising and sponsored content
exceeds the scope of this contribution, which focuses instead on content recommendations for organic
content, i.e., content that is disseminated without payment to the platform.
Explaining recommendation systems and their deployment
Recommendation systems are automated tools that present (“curate”) a selection of content
(“recommendations”) from an abundance of content. These personalized selections are the result of
two main processes. The first is the collection of information about an individual user or browser
and the development of a profile based on that information. This involves analyzing data from the
user and others like them (website visits, articles read, social media behavior such as clicks and likes).
This data is sometimes received from third-party data brokers who sell the data to the entity creating
the profile. The second process involves matching the user with the larger pool of content from
which the recommendations are drawn. The software system computes a similarity score between
the user profile and the characteristics of each individual content item.
Recommendation systems
are presented as tools to help users find more “relevant” content, but they can also serve other goals.
Most importantly, they help content providers and platforms generate advertising revenue by
increasing user engagement.
Proprietary concerns related to this process may make it hard to pinpoint what recommendation
systems are actually composed of, and how they function. In turn, this creates serious complications
and limits to solutions aimed at transparency.
Platforms may be unwilling to lay bare the workings
of their recommendation algorithms for proprietary reasons. Even without this impediment
recommendation systems are complex systems to grasp, explain, and hold accountable,
and some
have argued that this narrative can also be a deflection strategy employed by platforms to avoid
scrutiny of their systems.
The way recommendation systems work differs between platforms. While search engines like Google
deliver filtered selections in response to user queries, social media platforms like Facebook and
Twitter give personalized feeds of content independent from any explicit user input. These active
and passive recommendation systems both filter out and prioritize content according to specific
algorithmic procedures that are optimized for personal “relevance.” However, what relevance means
is not always explained in detail to the public, allegedly because these algorithmic relevancy formulas
are well-kept corporate secrets.
Users might get some explanation as to why they receive a certain
post, but the level of detail varies between platforms and services. In some cases, relatively detailed
information is published and can offer helpful guidance for sophisticated users to optimize their
content for findability.
But other services operate largely as “black boxes,” certainly when it comes
to explaining these complex systems in a meaningful way to the average internet user. Basic
disclaimers and notices (“you see this post because you like politics”) may not be not very informative
about the precise selection criteria at work. What their secret recipe involves, precisely, is often
unclear. As discussed further below, a variety of interests and considerations play a role here:
recommendation systems are designed for audience engagement, but increasingly also as a vehicle for
content moderation or curation.
Recommendation systems are widely used today in various contexts, ranging from commerce
(Amazon), travel (, music (Spotify), and video on demand (Netflix) to, most relevant
for a discussion of disinformation and hate speech, social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and
YouTube). These social media platforms rely on advertising revenue and their business model centers
on engagement, or keeping users “hooked.” Controversial, provocative, and extreme content can
drive engagement, so their algorithms learn to prioritize such content when it is popular with users.
It should be noted that recommendation systems do not work in isolation, but interact with other
human and non-human actors in complex ways. First, platform recommendation systems depend on
the content uploaded and shared by users, including content which may be contentious, harmful, or
unlawful. The pool of content from which recommendation systems draw is not a neutral
representation of public opinion, but biased toward the interests of its most active contributors.
And this content pool can tend toward fringe views, if only because there is a relatively weaker
incentive to share content displaying scientific or societal consensus.
For example: one will find less
content arguing that the earth is round, that vaccinations are safe, or that the Clintons are not
pedophiles or that there is no relation between race and IQ. The opposing views, however, are
overrepresented. This skews recommendations toward the extreme content that is available, even
with hypothetically neutral algorithms. Indeed, research shows that sophisticated users can exploit
data voidsin the content supply: by targeting obscure terms and topics with little to no existing
results, they can attempt to draw attention toward potentially manipulative or harmful content.
Second, users also influence recommendation systems by behaviors such as liking, rating, sharing,
following, scrolling, reading, and clicking; their algorithms are tuned to take popularity (or virality)
into account.
Strategic actors can therefore deploy bots which send, (re)tweet, like, and spread
contentious content to artificially amplify the popularity of certain topics.
In addition, research has
shown that “false news” spreads much faster and further than “truthful” news, at least within certain
user populations.
All this means that there is no such thing as a completely neutral, objective, or unbiased
recommendation system: they necessarily reflect and amplify certain preferences, biases, and
intentional distortions introduced by their users. In this regard, content recommendations are not
entirely unlike editorial decisions made in traditional media; they involve a judgement of relevance
and newsworthiness that is necessarily value-laden.
(Of course, editors and recommendation
systems also differ in many regards, including that recommendation systems are automated and
process third-party content, and as a result are generally less intentional or deliberate about overall
The effects of recommended content are highly unpredictable. Nevertheless, actors with more
oversight, resources, and/or knowledge of platform dynamics are generally better able to manipulate
the wider information landscape. This threat became visible during the “fake news” controversy
around the 2016 U.S. presidential election and UK’s Brexit referendum, and the subsequent
Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal,
after which it became clear that certain governmental
actors had strategically exploited the underlying dynamics of platforms and intentionally inserted
dubious claims and outright propaganda in the media ecosystem for political and/or commercial
The effects of such interventions on public opinion and politics are difficult to measure or
quantify. But these stories do underscore that amplification of harmful content through
recommendation systems is not necessarily fully intentional or expected on the part of the platform;
it may occur without the platform’s full knowledge, intent and control, since these systems operate
in complex and dynamic networks of multiple invisible actors and incentives.
Of course, deploying
these systems without proper research into their potentially harmful effects could still raise a charge
of negligence or recklessness.
The complex role of recommendation systems in online hate speech and disinformation
Research on the role of recommendation systems in the circulation of disinformation and hate speech
online has surged in recent years. However, studying these systems has proven difficult because of
the complexity and magnitude of the current information ecosystem and its ever-changing
recommendation algorithms, and the limited cooperation from social media platforms with research
communities. Despite these challenges, more researchers within academia and beyond are developing
ways to measure and understand how recommendation algorithms contribute to the spread of
Wittingly or not, platforms may actively contribute to the amplification of incendiary, controversial
and divisive (dis)information as it directly aligns with the commercial and technological
infrastructures of their recommendation systems that are optimized for user engagement. However,
blaming recommendation systems alone ignores the fact that these infrastructures work in
conjunction with users’ own biased content and behavior, and are furthermore used and strategically
exploited by sophisticated actors with more resources and experience than the average user, who can
accordingly work the system and gain more political influence.
To give a few examples: Guillaume Chaslot, a former YouTube engineer, developed an algorithmic
method to show which recommendations YouTube gives on certain popular topics.
He showed
that by inserting rather ordinary queries, people increasingly get more and more extreme items
recommended, in part due to the content-availability asymmetries noted earlier: asking about “vaccine
facts,” it takes only a few steps to get to anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories; “global warming” to climate
change denialism; “US presidential election” to pro-Trump videos, and entering “the pope” gives
suggested videos describing the Catholic leader as “evil,” “satanic,” or “the anti-Christ.”
samples are not representative, but nonetheless provide a revealing snapshot that lends empirical
support to the theory that YouTube is a “great radicalizer.”
Since these events, YouTube has revised
its algorithms in an attempt to counter extremism.
These findings have been corroborated by a number of other, non-U.S.-focused studies. Kaiser and
Rauchfleisch (2017) report on how people watching videos of the populist right-wing party
Alternative für Deutschland are recommended by YouTube to watch videos by the vastly more
extreme and openly anti-Semitic National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD).
analyst Ray Serrato used computational methods to study the recommendations given by YouTube
when searching for “Chemnitz,” the East German city where violent anti-immigrant protests erupted
in 2018.
He shows how ordinary viewers searching for this term were led by YouTube toward more
and more extreme videos, while a tightly networked ecology of users and channels was able to amplify
the reach and virality of right-wing videos. And investigative journalists from the Dutch news outlets
de Correspondent and de Volkskrant undertook a major study into YouTube’s “radicalization
They gathered massive amounts of data (660,000 videos from 1,500 channels, with 120
million reactions, 15 million recommendations, and 440,000 video transcripts). Their analyses
revealed the presence of a tightly knit right-wing reactionary network on YouTube, which lured
viewers into a right-wing maze of more and more extreme videos with the help of YouTube’s
recommendation algorithms. They also showed the radicalization process of certain “heavy
commenters” based on content analyses of their comments over a yearlong period. Their efforts to
study the radicalizing effects of the recommendation algorithms did not yield conclusive results,
which they refrained from publishing.
These studies reveal the difficulty of isolating the influence of recommendation algorithms in the
amplification of hate speech and disinformation from the strategic actions of those who use
YouTube’s platform to convince viewers of their ideology. This intricate entanglement of sociological
and technological factors is particularly made clear by the research done by Rebecca Lewis at the
Data & Society Research Institute (2018). She identifies a wide, interconnected network of
“alternative political influencers” on YouTube who promote alt-right ideologies with specific online
branding techniques (testimonials, controversy, platform optimization). Having analyzed 65
influencers across 81 channels, she argues that such influencers facilitate radicalization through social
networking: by referencing others in the network, and through guest appearances on each other’s
shows, they let audiences move from mainstream conservative to more and more extreme right-wing
contents. She explains their appeal by describing how they establish an alternative sense of credibility
based on personal authenticity and relatability, and cultivating a social identity of a countercultural
Over the past two years, social media platforms have started adjusting their recommender algorithms
in a bid to suppress harmful content. A key question going forward is whether these changes will
have their intended effect, and what other (unintended) consequences they might have for online
Analysis: How are platforms and governments addressing the algorithmic amplification of hate
speech and disinformation?
Recommendation systems are currently subject to a range of efforts to combat the amplification of
disinformation and hate speech. These include (proposed) government interventions, as well as self-
regulatory initiatives among platforms and/or civil society. Generally speaking, their toolbox
includes the following interventions: content removal and other forms of moderation, algorithmic
content curation, user customization options, transparency, and media literacy.
Content removal, demonetization, and/or downranking
One way to respond to amplification concerns is to remove the content at issue. Of course, such
content moderation is by no means straightforward. Content removal is not always effective at
combating the perceived harms or identifying the content at issue, and raises questions about
gatekeeping and the freedom of expression. When it comes to amplification, content removal is
especially limited because it may concern content that does not necessarily violate content policies.
For instance, one might be concerned about the lack of political balance on a given recommendation
system without wishing to actually prohibit content from a particular political orientation or origin.
Removal, in other words, is a relatively extreme measure and may not always be proportional.
Platform moderation consists of removing dubious actors and content. In theory, this can help to
stop the spread of disinformation, hate speech, and violent extremism. In practice, this is a complex
exercise: how are these takedown decisions implemented, following what rules and procedures? Can
the speakers object or intervene, and if so how? How are human rights (freedom of speech, rights to
information) guaranteed when private actors (platforms) have such censoring powers? How are
critical voices not marginalized? Are platforms in any way accountable for their moderation practices,
and how can or should their decision-making be publicly scrutinized? Research shows that content
takedown is not always effective, either: much of the harmful content and actors remain active, giving
them a false aura of legitimacy.
Content moderators have other tools than removal. For instance, YouTube demonetizes some
content, terminating or suspending any revenue sharing agreements with the content provider. This
can be a powerful deterrent, since many YouTubers rely on ad revenue as a key source of income,
and raises comparable concerns from a free speech perspective, at least for professional content
producers. By cutting off a key source of revenue, platforms can render certain content unviable to
produce, and effectively silence certain speakers.
Another alternative to content removal is downranking: the harmful content is deprioritized in news
feeds and other recommendation systems, so that it becomes less visible and less likely to be
amplified. This is where the content moderation debate intersects with the broader issue of
algorithmic content curation: what design principles are applied in recommendation systems, and
how does it pick winners and losers? This is discussed in detail below.
Algorithmic content curation (and non-discrimination)
As discussed, recommendation systems are not inherently neutral and are designed to prioritize
content with certain characteristics and deprioritize other content. As such, their functioning is
already a form of content moderation: by suggesting some types of content and hiding others, they
perform an important gatekeeping function. A number of governments are now proposing to have
platform recommendation algorithms accommodate public interest considerations and legal
requirements, and platforms are taking comparable measures on their own initiative. For instance,
the European Commission’s Code of Practice on Disinformation requires platforms to “[d]ilute the
visibility of disinformation by improving the findability of trustworthy content” and to “invest in
technological means to prioritize relevant, authentic, and authoritative information.”
The Council
of Europe emphasizes the importance of diversity. Its Committee of Ministers has called on member
states to foster partnerships between social media platforms and outside stakeholders “to enhance
users’ effective exposure to the broadest possible diversity of media content.”
Many of these “public
interest considerations,” however, are relatively undertheorized and underdeveloped, in terms of
providing guidance that can be operationalized and evaluated in algorithmic systems.
Platforms are taking comparable measures of their own accord. In 2018 alone, Facebook announced
updates to promote content from friends and reduce the reach of news pages; to downrank “false
news” content flagged by accredited fact-checkers; and to downrank “borderline content” that falls
short of violating company policies.
In April 2019, Facebook started downranking anti-vaccination
In May 2019, Facebook presented its new click-gapmethod to suppress “low-quality
Similarly, in January 2019, YouTube announced that it would “begin reducing
recommendations of borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways.”
Another set of efforts focuses instead on non-discrimination rules, which would place limits on such
algorithmic curation. For instance, the German federal broadcasting authority has proposed, in an
instrument known as the Medienstaatsvertrag, to prohibit platforms from discriminating against
“journalistic editorial content” to the extent that the intermediary has “potentially a significant
influence on their visibility.”
In the Netherlands, the Dutch State Commission on the Parliamentary
System proposed a comparable “independent entity” to monitor platform recommendations, but
unlike the Germans, its mandate would not focus on non-discrimination but rather on maintaining
diversity and avoiding bias.
In the U.S., Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has proposed that
platforms observe “political balance” in their algorithms.
However, implementing such principles
in practice is not straightforward: as discussed, it is not clear how recommendation algorithms can
be made “neutral,” or what would constitute “discrimination,” since they necessarily rank some
content over others. In some sense, the entire purpose of these algorithms is to discriminate. Even
more difficult are concepts like “political balance,” “bias,” and “diversity,” which implicate value-
laden and content-specific judgements about newsworthiness. Indeed, these two types of principles
(non-discrimination and diversity) may contradict each other; diversity rules could require platforms
to prioritize certain specific types of content, whereas non-discrimination rules might prohibit them
from doing so.
Without further elaboration, therefore, these regulatory standards seem immature at best, and
implementing them would be both technically infeasible and politically controversial. Particularly
with such vague and subjective rules, government action in this space also raises questions about
freedom of expression and the rule of law. Without adequate safeguards, government regulation of
content recommendation could impede the freedom of expression of social media users. Prescribing
what should be downranked risks becoming a form of censorship, and what must be prioritized a
form of propaganda.
Finally, it is worth noting that antitrust and consumer protection law already place some limits on
algorithmic curation and discrimination. First, antitrust law could place limits on the ability of
platforms to prioritize their own services (as seen in the EU case against Google’s Search and
Shopping products). Secondly, consumer protection law in most jurisdictions forbids covert
advertising, which means that platforms have a duty to disclose whether content is being sponsored
i.e., whether it constitutes an advertisement rather than organic content. Such disclosures are already
common practice on most major platforms, but they are not as visible and recognizable as they could
be: advertisements are often incorporated into organic content feeds, and their design risks blurring
the boundaries between these two types of content.
As noted, platforms also respond to public pressure and changed their recommendation algorithms
to prioritize “trusted sources” (whitelisting) and deprioritize “harmful content” (blacklisting), which
runs into the same problems as content moderation.
Downranking also raises many of the same
free speech issues as content moderation: it prevents platform users from effectively making their
voices heard, with little to no accountability when their content is removed. Because of “proprietary
reasons,” platforms are not transparent about what such changes in their recommendation algorithms
look like, hindering public scrutiny and accountability. Some argue that as long as platforms work on
ad-based models, they have an incentive to permit, or at least minimize, their investments in
combating disinformation and other incendiary content because this content keeps people engaged
on their platforms and thereby creates a source of revenue.
Public pressure may still motivate
platforms to act (or be seen to act), but these countervailing incentives should be taken into account
when assessing the prospects of self-regulation in this space.
User customization options
Another policy option is to develop tools for user choice, so they can customize their
recommendation systems. The aforementioned Council of Europe recommendation calls on states
to encourage platforms to “provide clear information to users on how to find, access and derive
maximum benefit from the wide range of content that is available.”
Similar rules are found in the
European Commission’s Code of Practice and the German broadcaster’s proposals.
In practice, platforms already provide several options for user customization. Basic functionalities
such as liking, following, and subscribing can be seen as a form of user choice, since they help users
to express what kind of content they would like to receive. YouTube and Facebook allow users to
express disinterest and filter out certain kinds of content or sources. Twitter allows users to view tweets
in a chronological order to avoid additional algorithmic curation. However, users may not always be
aware of or interested in these features particularly when they are not easily visible and accessible
in the platform’s visual interface.
Perhaps the most widely supported policy priority around recommendation systems is transparency.
All of the aforementioned policy instruments include transparency obligations of some sort. Further
transparency obligations can also be found in horizontal instruments. The General Data Protection
Regulation grants data subjects the right to demand “explanations” about recommendation systems.
Similarly, the EU’s Regulation on Promoting Fairness and Transparency for Business Users of Online
Intermediation Services (Platform-to-Business Regulation) requires platforms to explain “the
characteristics of the goods and services offered to consumers through the online intermediation
services or the online search engine.” The revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive has additional
rules specifically for video platforms. However, transparency is a broad term and can take many
forms -- particularly in the context of technically complex systems like content recommendations.
These issues of transparency are given particular attention in a separate Transatlantic Working Group
Media literacy
Last but not least, interventions can target users themselves: improving media literacy. Most, if not
all, European states have programs, often with government support, aimed at increasing people’s
ability to discern information quality. Such programs can include practical skills, critical reasoning,
and ethical considerations. The idea is simple: education better enables people to navigate today’s
complex media ecosystems and to be more resilient against the propaganda campaigns of malicious
actors. Media literacy is recognized as a fundamental skill in the 2016 Audiovisual Media Services
Directive, a key document defining the EU’s future media and communications policy. The European
Commission supports initiatives and prizes, manages projects, programs, and funding schemes, such
as Creative Europe, coordinates with member states on policies and best practices, and develops new
policies based on expert group findings. Each individual member state has similar programs that
tackle this issue from country-specific perspectives, often in conjunction with civil society and
educational initiatives.
Raising awareness and media literacy is useful and important; because these automated systems are
both novel and complex, they are poorly understood by many users. Helping them to understand
how recommendations are generated and what they can do to alter and customize their experience
can help users to act with greater care and autonomy in the face of harmful or misleading content
offerings. Still, this approach is limited by the fact that some people willfully engage in spreading
contentious content. Sociological research shows that these people are attracted by disinformation
not necessarily because they consider it truthful, but rather because it aligns with their worldview and
it gives them a sense of community and identity.
A related problem is that those in most need of
“education” may not be the ones who are actually reached and most receptive to it. Therefore,
educating citizens may not always work in combating disinformation in society at large because the
issue is not just cognitive i.e., based on a faulty understanding of social media or recommender
algorithms – but is also driven by deeper and more complex cultural and societal shifts related to the
loss of trust in mainstream media, science, and other knowledge institutions.
Tracing, highlighting, and correcting disinformation is important for reasons of transparency and
truth-finding, but is not a comprehensive solution either. At a practical level, fact-checking is difficult
to perform at scale: determining truth is one of the most difficult aspects of content moderation,
even for trained fact-checkers.
Even if possible, it will be properly difficult to automate and it will
continue to require human review, which is costly and time-consuming.
More fundamentally, as
discussed, the truthfulness of disinformation is often of secondary importance to those producing
and sharing it: it is mainly about worldview and identity, not truth. Accordingly, fact-checking
corrections will not always be taken seriously by people who ideologically do not align with its
Moreover, because fact-checkers are often from opposed ideological and societal groups,
these organizations may suffer a lack of trust among their target audience.
Indeed, highlighting
false information may even be counterproductive, since the excessive attention (and uptake by other
media organizations) can also increase its reach.
It has even been argued that being confronted
with corrections could actually further strengthen the original beliefs.
(Self) Regulation
Various regulatory frameworks have been discussed to tackle the amplification of disinformation and
hate speech, ranging from aforementioned efforts to impose more diverse recommendations to
stricter rules for content moderation.
However, governments have been reluctant to take a strong
lead here. For now, (supra)national governments have tried some forms of co-regulation, such as the
2018 European Commission’s Code of Practice, in which the major tech companies pledged to work
more actively to lessen the spread of disinformation and hate speech online. However, all of this is
non-binding and the rules of the game can be rather freely interpreted by these companies. Various
critics in academia and civil society argue that such forms of self-regulation do not provide enough
incentives for platforms to make meaningful changes, which might threaten their core business
models. Fact-checking organizations and academic researchers who partnered with Facebook have
expressed dissatisfaction at the lack of progress in these arrangements. Some argue therefore to
regulate recommendation systems themselves.
The development of effective regulations may be
challenging, not only due to its technical complexity and dynamism but also due to its extreme
political sensitivity, and its implications for fundamental rights including freedom of expression.
Despite these difficulties in preventing the amplification of disinformation and hate speech online, it
remains important to think about other possible remedies and solutions. We propose here some
potential directions and evaluate their feasibility.
Raising awareness and transparency
While transparency of recommendation systems is surely no panacea, and it knows many pitfalls,
there is much to gain by raising awareness of their functioning. Transparency can help to hold these
systems accountable and enable more evidence-based policy making. To this end, governments could
impose stricter enforcement of users’ right to explanation under the GDPR, and require platforms
to offer additional forms of transparency of their recommendation systems. This could take several
forms, including user-facing notices, government or civil society auditing, academic partnerships, and
regimes for public disclosure (discussed in the TWG’s working paper on transparency).
One particularly important form of transparency is the sharing of data and information with outside
researchers. First, non-sensitive, anonymized data could be shared in public datasets.
sensitive data can be shared in partnerships with relevant institutions, under non-disclosure
disagreements to safeguard confidentiality. Given the technical and legal difficulties faced by self-
regulatory initiatives in this space, such as Social Science One, there may be a role for governments
to facilitate these exchanges (e.g., by providing a processing ground under data protection law, and/or
by imposing sanctions for breaches of confidentiality).
To improve awareness, legacy media and civil society organizations should pay more attention to the
social and cultural contexts in which people radicalize, rather than just criticizing social media
platforms. Reporting on recommendation systems should not lose sight of the bigger picture. For
instance, the Mozilla Foundation took up an article by the Washingtonian, which reported on a
mother and her teenage son who turned to white supremacist movements online after being falsely
accused of a sex offense at high school.
Mozilla brought the mother and son together and invited
their community to pose questions to them. Personal stories like these help our understanding about
radicalization processes beyond a sole focus on the radicalizing powers of recommendation systems.
Increasing user control
Some scholars argue that increasing user control in recommendation systems would mitigate many
of the aforementioned problems, and enhance the individual and societal value of recommendation
Besides empowering users to make recommendation systems more responsive to their
interests and needs, and not what platforms think is most relevant to them, user control
simultaneously requires recommendation systems to be more transparent and explainable. Not only
can this improve user satisfaction and trust, it can also counteract filter bubble concerns by
encouraging them to look beyond their assumed or known interests. Users could, for example, be
confronted with explicit options to receive recommendations outside their ordinary consumption
habits, like a “get me out of my filter bubble button” or a “show me more of the ideological other
side” slider. There are several ways to increase user control, at the input level of user preference and
in choosing from different kinds of recommendation algorithms so as to get different kinds of
recommendations depending on one’s mood or information interests at a given moment.
being said, some would warn that increasing user control can also serve to enable users who
deliberately choose to view extremist or contentious content. Much depends on how user control is
implemented and designed, and more empirical research (and access to data) is needed to study the
effects of these tools in practice.
Multistakeholder governance
In designing and implementing these interventions, one way to mitigate free speech concerns
regarding social media regulation is to incorporate multistakeholder and co-regulatory elements.
For instance, the Council of Europe’s guidelines related to media pluralism policy recommend that
social media platforms and other online services engage in “open, independent, transparent, and
participatory initiatives” alongside “media actors, regulatory authorities, civil society, academia and
other relevant stakeholders” on such issues as algorithmic diversity and transparency.
initiatives could assist in many of the efforts discussed above, including the design of recommender
systems and algorithmic curation as well as interventions for transparency and media literacy.
Bringing different stakeholders together, instead of relying exclusively on the judgment of either
dominant platforms or government regulators, can create checks and balances on these powerful
actors while helping them take account of outside viewpoints, interests, and expertise. In this way,
opening up the governance process to experts and affected stakeholders has the potential to enhance
both its effectiveness and its legitimacy.
Designing effective and inclusive regulatory institutions of participation is a key challenge going
forward; on the one hand, strictly voluntary arrangements may fail to hold powerful commercial
actors accountable. Government, therefore, may have an important role to play in undergirding these
initiatives with the force of law. On the other hand, the participation of outside experts should not
serve as a mere fig leaf on government policy; to have its intended effect, multistakeholder
governance should meaningfully involve other actors in the decision-making process. These
challenges may be serious, but inspiration can be drawn from earlier precedents in media governance;
for instance, lessons can be drawn from the design of self-regulatory and co-regulatory bodies in
journalism, advertising, and public broadcasting. Another relevant avenue of debate is the concept
of “social media councils,” explored in a separate Working Group report.
Incentives for alternative business models
As discussed, ad-based business models give social media platforms a strong commercial incentive
to keep users engaged, including via controversial and incendiary contents. Some critics have
therefore argued to push or incentivize platforms toward a subscription-based model.
Subscription-based models have the advantage of a revenue stream irrespective of advertising,
meaning that recommendation systems need not be designed to optimize for engagement only.
Netflix and Spotify, the two largest subscription-based platforms, increasingly use other metrics, such
as user satisfaction and explorability as well. Although such an approach introduces social equity
issues (people with lower incomes may not be able or willing to pay for ad-free services), it could
thus make good sense to think of financial or regulatory incentives to push ad-based platforms to
other business models with fewer incentives to push inflammatory content. One starting point, for
instance, might be to impose organizational restrictions to reduce the influence of advertising
operations’ on organic content recommendations. Lessons could be drawn from best practices in
journalism, where editorial decision-making is also designed to be independent from commercial
operations. These are evidently more far-reaching interventions than the aforementioned, and have
not yet received as detailed a treatment in policy research and debate. Further research would
therefore be needed to explore the potential applications and viability of these more muscular
approaches to social media regulation.
Platforms use countless different forms of automation to shape our experiences online. As we have
seen, this is not just about AI. And although technological solutions for content moderation and
curation are increasingly widespread, many are still rudimentary and imperfect. Use of automation in
content moderation exposes all speech to a form of evaluation ex ante and in a way that fails to
consider linguistic, social, historical, and other relevant context which creates substantial risks to
the freedom of expression. Governments should therefore act with caution and resist simplistic
narratives about all-powerful algorithms or AI as being the sole cause of, or solution to, the spread
of harmful content online. Indeed, any legal requirements to adopt specific forms of automation are
likely to be premature, and would present major risks to freedom of expression. For now, what
governments should focus on is enhancing transparency in existing practices, empowering research
communities with the necessary data, and ensuring that users have access to meaningful choice and
redress mechanisms.
Emma Llansó is director of the Center for Democracy & Technology’s Free Expression Project, which works to
promote law and policy that support internet users’ free expression rights in the United States and around the world.
Joris van Hoboken is a senior researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR), and a professor of law at the
Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB). He works on the intersection of fundamental rights protection (data privacy,
freedom of expression, non-discrimination) and the governance of platforms and internet-based services.
Paddy Leerssen is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute for Information Law (IViR). He focuses on the European
governance of recommendation algorithms in social media platforms and their impact on media pluralism how
platforms can be made publicly accountable
Jaron Harambam is an interdisciplinary sociologist working on news, disinformation, and conspiracy theories in
today’s algorithmically structured media ecosystem. He currently holds a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
at KU Leuven’s Institute for Media Studies.
For example, one set of estimates from 2018 found that, every minute, users post nearly 2,000 comments on Reddit,
50,000 photos on Instagram, 80,000 posts on Tumblr, 470,000 tweets on Twitter, 2 million snaps on Snapchat, and 3.8
million search queries on Google, Domo, Data Never Sleeps 6.0,
A note on terminology: The phrase “artificial intelligence” broadly refers to computer systems that can perform tasks
associated with intelligent beings. Its use in policy-making processes is typically imprecise, evoking powerful technical
capabilities without necessarily specifying existing technical processes. “Machine learning” is a branch of computer
science focused on computer programs that adapt to and “learn” how to act from data without being specifically
programmed by a human.
Use of AI in Content Moderation, Cambridge Consultants for UK OfCom (2019) at p. 37,
See Ekram Sabir et al., Recurrent Convolutional Strategies for Face Manipulation Detection in Videos,
This use of unsupervised learning to create labeled inputs for a supervised-learning process is sometimes called “self-
supervised” learning. See Andriy Burkov,
E.g. T. Bolukbasi et al., Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker? Debiasing Word
Embeddings (July 2016),
Mixed Messages p. 9,
“Using millions of emoji occurrences to learn any-domain representations for detecting sentiment, emotion and
sarcasm,” Felbo et al.,
Deceiving Google’s Perspective API Built for Detecting Toxic Comments, Hosseini et al. (2017)
The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection, Sap et al. (2019),
21 Specifically, “In order to preserve document quality, we used
only pages which have been curated/filtered by humansspecifically, we used outbound links from Reddit which
received at least 3 karma. This can be thought of as a heuristic indicator for whether other users found the link
interesting (whether educational or funny), leading to higher data quality than other similar datasets, such as
Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners, Radford et al. (2019)
models/language_models_are_unsupervised_multitask_learners.pdf. See also
Release Strategies and the Social Impacts of Language Models, Solaiman et al. (2019)
. See also, OpenAI has released the largest version yet of its
fake-news-spewing AI, Karen Hao, (Aug. 29, 2019),
OpenGPT-2: We Replicated GPT-2 Because You Can Too, Aaron Gokaslan and Vanya Cohen et al., (Aug. 26, 2019)
If the goal is to ensure the integrity of the message, as in cryptographic hashing, then this sensitivity of the hash to
the most minute change is the goal of running the hash function. Perceptual image hashes are much more vulnerable to
attacks that can reveal information about the content that has been hashed. See
See Perceptual video hashing based on the Achlioptas's random projections, R. Sandeep and Prabin K. Bora,
Note the difference between face detection, which identifies the presence of (typically human) faces in an image, and
facial recognition, which attempts to match a detected face to an identified person.
Louise Matsakis, Tumblrs Porn-Detecting AI Has One Job--And It’s Bad At It,
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OfCom 2019, 51.
For example, Facebook has announced plans to develop a dataset for researchers to use in developing technology to
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See, Camille François, Actors, Behaviors, Content: A Disinformation ABC: Highlighting Three Vectors of Viral
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