High fructose corn syrup and diabetes prevalence: A global perspective
Michael I. Goran
*, Stanley J. Ulijaszek
and Emily E. Ventura
Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
(Received 1 May 2012; final version received 9 August 2012)
The overall aim of this study was to evaluate, from a global and ecological
perspective, the relationships between availability of high fructose corn syrup
(HFCS) and prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Using published resources, country-
level estimates (n 43 countries) were obtained for: total sugar, HFCS and total
calorie availability, obesity, two separate prevalence estimates for diabetes,
prevalence estimate for impaired glucose tolerance and fasting plasma glucose.
Pearsons correlations and partial correlations were conducted in order to explore
associations between dietary availability and obesity and diabetes prevalence.
Diabetes prevalence was 20% higher in countries with higher availability of HFCS
compared to countries with low availability, and these differences were retained or
strengthened after adjusting for country-level estimates of body mass index
(BMI), population and gross domestic product (adjusted diabetes prevalence
8.0 vs. 6.7%, p0.03; fasting plasma glucose 5.34 vs. 5.22 mmol/L, p0.03)
despite similarities in obesity and total sugar and calorie availability. These results
suggest that countries with higher availability of HFCS have a higher prevalence
of type 2 diabetes independent of obesity.
Keywords: sugar; high fructose corn syrup; global health; diabetes; obesity
The concurrent global epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes constitute an
alarming public health concern. A recent report estimates that 6.4% of the world
population is currently diabetic, and that by the year 2030, that estimate will rise to
7.7% (Shaw et al. 2009). Another recent report showed that across the globe, the
number of people with diabetes rose from 153 million in 1980 to 347 million in 2008
(Danaei et al. 2011). These increases are projected to affect developing countries
disproportionately, with an estimated 69% increase in the number of diabetic adults
as compared to a 20% increase in developed countries (Shaw et al. 2009).
The global trends in the rising prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes parallel
shifts in dietary patterns that have resulted from an increase in processed, ‘Western’
style foods with high energy density, which have now become popular in many
countries (Popkin and Gordon-Larsen 2004). A feature of most Western diets is the
consumption of high levels of refined carbohydrate, and in particular, sugar (Cordain
et al. 2005). Of special concern is the increase in consumption of sugar-sweetened
beverages, which provide an easy vehicle for excessive sugar intake, and have been
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
Global Public Health
2012, 110, iFirst article
ISSN 1744-1692 print/ISSN 1744-1706 online
# 2012 Taylor & Francis
directly linked to risk for obesity (Malik et al. 2006, Brown et al. 2008) and type 2
diabetes (Schulze et al. 2004, Palmer et al. 2008).
A growing body of evidence supports the hypothesis that in addition to overall
sugar intake, fructose is especially detrimental to metabolic health and risk for type 2
diabetes (Elliott et al. 2002, Bray et al. 2004, Gaby 2005, Lim et al. 2010, Lustig
2010). This is of particular concern given the global changes that are occurring in the
use of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in food and beverage production, a
sweetener that in its typically used form of HFCS-55 has 10% more fructose than
sucrose. In addition, our prior study that measured the sugar composition of popular
sweetened beverages showed that fructose content was 30% higher than it would be if
it was made with sucrose, accounting for as much as 65% of the sugar content
(Ventura et al. 2010). Thus, dietary fructose consumption, which cannot be measured
by conventional dietary methods because the fructose content of HFCS is not
disclosed, may be much higher than we think based on common assumptions.
The methodological limitations related to assessment of fructose consumption
have led to other studies that are based more on ecological analysis rather than
individual estimates. In an ecological analysis that looked at changes in diet and type
2 diabetes in the USA from 1900 to 1999, increasing consumption of HFCS was
identified as the primary nutritional factor associated with increasing prevalence of
type 2 diabetes (Gross et al. 2004). The USA is the largest producer of HFCS and
recently began exporting large amounts of this product to Mexico and to other
countries (The United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service
2012). Although use of HFCS is increasing globally, there are many countries that do
not use it. This provides the basis for cross-nation comparison of obesity and
diabetes in relation to HFCS use at the country level. Therefore, the objective of the
current paper was to use empirical, macro-level nutrient supply data at the country
level to evaluate, from a global perspective, the relationships between HFCS
availability, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Data sources
Data on BMI by country were obtained from a recent global analysis (Finucane et al.
2011) that estimated mean BMI for adults over 20 years in 199 countries and
territories using data from published and unpublished surveys and studies as part of
the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors (GBMRF) Collaborating Group. For
the purposes of the current analysis we used the mean values for the years 2000, 2004
and 2007. Data on global prevalence of diabetes were obtained from two
independent sources. The first source was the International Diabetes Federation
(IDF) Diabetes Atlas, fourth edition (International Diabetes Federation 2009) that
uses WHO diagnostic criteria, and the population-adjusted estimates for 2010 were
used. Estimates of diabetes prevalence are based on ages 2079 years and from
detailed literature searches of published information (from 1979 to March 2009) as
well as through direct contact with individual IDF member countries as detailed in
the Diabetes Atlas report. Diabetes prevalence data using this source are identified
throughout the text as Diabetes
. The second source of data on diabetes prevalence
2 M.I. Goran et al.
was obtained through the global estimates reported by the GBMRF Collaborating
Group (Danaei et al. 2011). This report analysed data from health examination
surveys and epidemiological studies with 370 country-years and 2.7 million
participants and also included data on fasting plasma glucose. For the purposes of
the current analysis, we used the mean values for diabetes prevalence and fasting
plasma glucose for the years 2000, 2004 and 2007. Diabetes prevalence data using
this source are identified throughout the text as Diabetes
. Since the estimates of
diabetes prevalence were significantly different for the two methods (6.893.0% for
IDF and 9.392.9% for GBMRF) and were only weakly correlated (r0.48), we
used each estimate in separate analyses.
Data on food availability by country were obtained using FAOSTAT (http://
faostat.fao.org/), a database from 200 countries maintained by the Food and
Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Total caloric availability is
expressed as kcals/capita/day, and sugar and cereal availability is expressed in
kg/capita/year. The category of cereals includes all cereals (e.g., popcorn, buckwheat,
quinoa, fonio, mixed grain and all other categories of cereals). The category of other
sweetenersincludes such things as pure fructose and maltose, maple sugar and other
syrups, glucose and dextrose, lactose, isoglucose (HFCS), molasses and sugar
alcohols. Total sugar was defined as cane sugar, beet sugar, centrifugal raw sugar,
refined sugar, confectionery sugar and flavoured sugar. Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) data do not provide for the isolation of HFCS as a unique
variable/commodity. Limited data on world HFCS production, however, were
available through two separate sources: F.O. Lichts (2012) International sugar and
sweetener report and data on HFCS quotas for theEU countries, which were
retrieved from the CAP Monitor (Informa UK Ltd. 2010). Countries using HFCS
were defined by a mean value for 2000, 2004 and 2007 of 0.5 kg per capita per year
(mean value in non-users 0.190.2 and users 5.896.1 kg/year per capita).
Statistical analyses
Independent t-tests were used to compare countries using HFCS and those not using
HFCS for prevalence of diabetes. Subsequently, differences in diabetes estimates were
compared between HFCS users and non-users using general linear models before
and after adjusting for covariates including country-based estimates of BMI, as well
as population and gross domestic product obtained from the International Monetary
Fund tables. Significance was set at pB0.05. SPSS version 18 was used for the
The list of countries (n43) with data on utilisation of HFCS is shown in Table 1,
and Figure 1 compares the per capita availability data. There were no significant
differences in BMI or in other dietary variables, including caloric intake and total
sugar intake, in those countries that use HFCS compared to those that do not.
However, all indicators of diabetes were higher in countries that use HFCS as
compared to those that do not (Table 2), and this trend was significant for IDF
estimates of diabetes prevalence (7.8 vs. 6.3%, p0.013), and fasting plasma glucose
Global Public Health 3
Table 1. Countries used in analysis of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
HFCS (kg/
year per
Total sugar (kg/
year per capita)
(kg/m2) Diabetes
India 0 20.55 20.99 7.76 10.30
Slovenia 0 22.65 26.74 7.66 8.80
Latvia 0 33.14 25.60 7.64 8.80
Uruguay 0 35.45 26.07 5.66 9.20
Ireland 0 40.98 26.80 5.19 5.40
Lithuania 0 41.10 26.10 7.64 9.40
Sweden 0 44.10 25.53 5.22 5.90
Luxembourg 0 45.24 26.43 5.26 6.10
Czech Republic 0 45.58 27.02 6.43 9.30
Austria 0 47.02 25.52 8.88 4.10
Cyprus 0 47.45 26.38 9.06 6.40
Estonia 0 51.04 25.34 7.64 7.50
Malta 0 53.29 27.14 6.85 8.30
Denmark 0 57.94 25.28 5.62 5.40
Indonesia 0.14 15.98 22.01 4.84 7.30
France 0.15 39.58 25.17 6.72 4.50
China 0.25 7.30 22.73 4.21 8.70
Australia 0.35 46.83 26.77 5.67 6.30
United Kingdom 0.38 38.37 26.78 3.62 5.70
Romania 0.40 27.63 25.00 6.87 9.00
Italy 0.41 31.56 25.48 5.88 5.00
Netherlands 0.46 46.71 25.41 5.26 3.90
Germany 0.54 48.02 26.25 8.88 6.30
Poland 0.87 44.53 26.02 7.64 7.20
Thailand 0.91 33.35 23.40 7.07 7.90
Greece 0.96 34.28 25.38 5.98 7.40
Portugal 1.10 33.29 26.19 9.70 5.30
Malaysia 1.13 39.82 24.64 11.63 10.90
Egypt 1.36 25.37 27.91 11.35 8.70
Spain 1.78 30.61 26.58 6.60 7.30
Finland 1.81 35.89 25.92 5.67 6.10
Serbia 2.79 26.41 25.86 6.87 8.10
Turkey 4.20 27.84 27.07 7.99 10.20
Mexico 5.83 51.23 27.59 10.79 14.10
Japan 6.19 29.49 22.59 5.00 4.90
Republic of
6.75 35.87 23.42 7.88 6.10
Argentina 7.67 47.87 27.02 5.66 9.70
Belgium 8.32 56.77 25.78 5.26 6.00
Bulgaria 8.53 31.26 25.73 6.46 8.90
Canada 9.13 53.33 26.81 9.19 7.60
Slovakia 9.82 38.85 26.37 6.43 9.10
Hungary 16.85 45.51 26.19 6.43 8.40
United States of
24.78 68.59 27.99 10.27 8.20
4 M.I. Goran et al.
(5.33 vs. 5.23 mmol/L, p0.046). As shown in Table 3, these differences were
retained or became stronger after controlling for country-level estimates of BMI,
total population and gross domestic product, with all estimates of diabetes being
significantly higher in HFCS users: IDF estimates of diabetes prevalence (7.7 vs.
6.4%, p 0.03); GBMRF estimates of diabetes prevalence (8.2 vs. 6.9%, p0.03);
and fasting plasma glucose (5.34 vs. 5.22 mmol/L, p0.03).
In the current paper, we report the results of an ecological analysis that examined
whether country-level availability of HFCS was associated with global prevalence
estimates of diabetes. Our analysis revealed that countries electing to use HFCS in
their food supply have a diabetes prevalence that is 20% higher than that in
countries that do not use HFCS. This finding builds on a prior ecological analysis
Zero or < 0.5kg per capita/year: Australia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, India, Indonesia,
Ireland, Ital
, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembur
, Malta, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kin
dom, Ura
ructose Corn Syrup (kg/capita per year)
Figure 1. HFCS use by country.
Table 2. Comparison of countries with low vs. high availability of HFCS.
Countries not using
HFCS (n 22)
Countries using
HFCS (n 21) p-Value
(%) 6.391.5 7.892.1 p0.013
(%) 7.192.0 8.092.1 p0.13
Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 5.2390.17 5.3390.17 p0.046
BMI (kg/m2) 25.591.6 25.991.4 NS
Total intake (Kcal/day per capita) 32309377 32219365 NS
Cereals (kg/year per capita) 129.8930.1 137.0936.2 NS
Total sugar (kg/year per capita) 38.2912.8 39.9911.3 NS
Other sweeteners (kg/year per capita) 5.597.1 6.198.3 NS
Global Public Health 5
from data in the USA that showed that increasing consumption of HFCS in the
twentieth century was the primary nutritional factor associated with increasing
prevalence of type 2 diabetes (Gross et al. 2004).
Increased sugar intake is hypothesised to be associated with obesity and diabetes
through a variety of pathways. First, adding sugar to the diet may contribute excess
calories, which can contribute to excess fat accumulation, and in turn risk for type 2
diabetes, as obesity is one of the primary risk factors for diabetes. In addition, dietary
sugar is related to poor beta-cell function (Davis et al. 2005), and over extended time
could lead to beta-cell failure and type 2 diabetes, probably due to the continual
requirement for insulin secretion in response to high sugar consumption (Ludwig
In addition, a growing body of literature suggests that fructose, when consumed
in excess, can have a negative metabolic effect (Stanhope et al. 2009). Fructose and
glucose are both monosaccharides, while sucrose, or table sugar, is a disaccharide
composed of one molecule of fructose and one molecule of glucose. Despite their
very similar chemical structure, fructose and glucose are absorbed and metabolised
by different pathways. Fructose is absorbed through the GLUT-5 receptor in the gut
(Douard and Ferraris 2008), and in contrast to glucose, is metabolised almost
entirely in the liver by a pathway that is not dependent on insulin (Gaby 2005).
Accordingly, there is evidence to show that fructose consumption does not stimulate
insulin secretion or leptin production by adipose tissue (Stanhope and Havel 2008,
Teff et al. 2009) and thereby is thought to contribute more directly to weight gain
(Stanhope and Havel 2008). Also, excess fructose consumption has been shown to
be more lipogenic, leading to ectopic fat accumulation including visceral adipose
tissue and liver, associated insulin resistance, and thus increased diabetes risk
(Stanhope et al. 2009). These unique detrimental properties of fructose that pose
risk to metabolic health may explain the finding that countries that use HFCS had
significantly increased prevalence of diabetes, independent of BMI and total sugar
The manufacturing process for HFCS was developed in the 1920s (Marshall and
Kooi 1957) and refined in Japan during the 1960s. It became a major part of the US
diet from the 1970s onwards, when its production was an alternative use for US-
grown corn at a time when its role as a source of vegetable oil was usurped by the
cheaper soy bean (Putnam and Allshouse 1999). The USA is the worlds largest
Table 3. Comparison of countries with low vs. high availability of HFCS after controlling for
population BMI, population and gross domestic product.
Countries not using
HFCS (n22)
Countries using
HFCS (n 21) p-Value
(%) 6.491.7 7.791.9 p0.03
(%) 6.991.0 8.291.9 p0.03
Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 5.2290.16 5.3490.17 p0.03
Total intake (Kcal/day per capita) 32829303 31679310 NS
Cereals (kg/year per capita) 127.1933.2 139.9934.0 NS
Total sugar (kg/year per capita) 40.299.6 37.899.9 NS
Other sweeteners (kg/year per capita) 6.696.5 4.996.7 NS
6 M.I. Goran et al.
producer of corn, and the surpluses diverted into HFCS production from the 1970s
were enormous (The United States Environmental Protection Agency 2000). The
consumption of total fructose in the USA increased by nearly 30% between 1970 and
2000, largely from beverages sweetened with HFCS (Bray et al. 2004). Between 1994
and 1998, the intake of HFCS by US citizens above the age of two years was 318
calories per day, or one-sixth of all energy intake and one-third of all carbohydrate
intake (Bray et al. 2004). By the late 1990s, HFCS comprised 40% of all caloric
sweeteners sold in the USA (Putnam and Allshouse 1999), and it became the
predominant caloric sweetener in soft drinks. Though often estimated at 55%
fructose, it is difficult to quantify the actual fructose content of HFCS due to lack of
industry disclosure on food labels. In a recent exploratory study, we found that
fructose in some US-produced soft drinks, especially the most popular, was about
20% higher than expected, suggesting that some manufacturers might be using
HFCS with more fructose than previously estimated (Ventura et al. 2010), thus
potentially driving up fructose consumption in countries that use HFCS.
Certain trade and agricultural policies have also had dramatic effects on global
use of HFCS. For example, production of HFCS in the EU countries is set by quota.
Current quotas were set for 2005/2006 and have been carried over till 2014/2015.
However, trade in quotas between the EU countries does occur. For example, some
countries do not take their assigned quotas (e.g., Sweden and the UK) while some
other countries like Hungary, for example, purchase extra quotas from countries that
do not take them. This explains the variation in HFCS use across the EU. In
addition, the USA is the main global producer of HFCS, but has recently begun to
export large amounts to Mexico. In 2002, Mexico taxed imports of HFCS from the
USA to protect its sugar industry, after the World Trade Organisation rejected a
petition against the dumping of HFCS by the USA to Mexico in 2001. However,
political attempts to stem its flow into Mexico have largely failed. In 2008, the
restrictions were removed that were previously in place regarding trade of sugar
through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Subsequently,
exports of HFCS from the USA to Mexico have increased exponentially, with most
of this increase occurring since the trade restrictions were lifted in 2008 (The United
States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service 2012). The export of
HFCS from the USA to Mexico was close to zero in 2004, and rose to the equivalent
of 1.4, 3.1 and 7.5 kg/capita/year in the years 2006, 2008 and 2010 (The United States
Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service 2012).
With consumption patterns changing due to these policy shifts, it is imperative to
better understand the associated public health consequences. The increasing
popularity of HFCS around the world should, therefore, be considered seriously
due to its potential contribution to increases in fructose in the global food supply and
its association with the global prevalence of type 2 diabetes. In our study, HFCS was
associated with an approximate 20% higher diabetes prevalence even after adjusting
for country-level estimates of BMI, population and gross domestic product. This
effect of HFCS on higher prevalence of diabetes could be interpreted from an overall
economic and health impact. For example, the health care costs of diabetes in the
USA in 2007 were estimated to be $174 billion dollars per year (American Diabetes
Association 2008). Countries in this study that do not use HFCS had a diabetes
prevalence estimate that was 20% lower than countries that did, so the potential
economic impact of HFCS on diabetes alone was estimated to be 20% of $174
Global Public Health 7
billion/year, and this was equivalent to $95 million dollars per day in the USA. Given
the current debate in the USA around a potential sugar tax (Brownell et al. 2009),
these current data suggest that if each person in the USA is estimated to consume 2
servings per day of foods or beverages containing HFCS, then the required tax to
recuperate the additional health costs due to the diabetes burden would be
approximately 10 cents per item with HFCS.
A number of limitations of this analysis should be discussed. First, our analysis is
based on nutrient availability data, not individual surveys or measures, and thus
represents a more ecological perspective that could be subject to ecological fallacy.
Although this is a limitation, it remains the only adequate approach to examining the
issue, since HFCS does not appear as a listed food ingredient or appear in nutrient
databases. Thus, it is extremely challenging to obtain individual estimates of HFCS
consumption. Another limitation is the major assumption in the IDF diabetes
prevalence numbers that estimate prevalence for countries where no estimates are
available using published reports from similar countries that are matched for factors
such as ethnicity, socio-economic status and geographic location. This approach might
introduce errors that might match countries similar in some aspects, but not others that
might impact diabetes. In the HFCS country analysis, for example, the following
countries were paired with similar estimates for diabetes prevalence: (1) countries with
no HFCS use: Luxemburg and The Netherlands (diabetes prevalence 5.26%);
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia (diabetes prevalence 7.64%); and (2) countries with
HFCS use: Slovenia and Hungary (diabetes prevalence 6.43%). This limitation,
however, was offset by the use of two separate estimates of diabetes prevalence as well
as analysis of global estimates of fasting glucose at the country level, with all three
estimates showing significant differences between countries using or not using HFCS.
In summary, the results from this ecological analysis suggest that countries that
utilise HFCS as an alternative sweetener have increased risk of diabetes beyond the
effects of sugar itself and of BMI, likely due to its contribution to higher amounts of
fructose to the food supply, and the consequent negative effects of fructose
metabolism on risk for diabetes. Although the sugar composition of sucrose
(fructose:glucose ratio50:50) and HFCS are similar (fructose:glucose ratio
55:45), the use of HFCS increases dietary fructose exposure by at least 10% and
could be as high as 35% based on prior analysis of sweetened beverages (Ventura
et al. 2010). Countries electing to use HFCS in their food supply had a 20% higher
prevalence of diabetes than countries that did not use HFCS. Public health strategies
aimed at diabetes prevention should incorporate efforts to limit sugar consumption
and provide consumers with better labelling with regards to sugar composition,
especially with regards to fructose and HFCS content. In addition, trade and
agricultural policies aimed at sugar and especially HFCS supply should be
considered as a means to tackle the increasing global prevalence of diabetes.
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10 M.I. Goran et al.