Xavier Journal of Undergraduate Research
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e Reality of the American Dream
Madeline High
Xavier University
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XJUR Vol. 3 (2015)
The Reality of the
American Dream
Finding The Good Life in the 21
Madeline High
he American Dream is best defined by James Truslow Adams
as a “dream of land in which life should be better and richer
and fuller for every man, with the opportunity for each
according to his ability or achievement” (Adams 404). Throughout
the centuries of the United States, a better and fuller life has meant
different things to different people. Today, a better and fuller life is
often viewed in terms of economic and material prosperity such as
buying your dream house or car. Since the founding of the United
States, the American Dream has continued to become more and more
materialistic. The value of people’s success is not measured in their
quality of life, but through the amount of property they have.
Our society is very consumer driven and greatly emphasizes the
importance of material gain. It is undeniable that the material
prosperity of our country has made life easier and more efficient for
many people and that it plays an important role in the American
Dream: economic success can help people attain certain dreams such
as financial security. However, I believe that people’s view of a better
and fuller life is grossly unbalanced and narrowly defined. Many
people tend to associate the Dream only with economic prosperity.
The association of the Dream with quality of life is largely neglected.
I argue that two of the greatest challenges facing the American Dream
today are 1) the emphasis on material prosperity and 2) the wealth
inequality in the United States. In order for the American Dream to
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become fully available to more people, there needs to be a balance
between economic prosperity and the quality of life.
The focus on material gain instead of the quality of life has
created an unequal playing field for people in the United States which
has led to wealth inequality. There are many people who work hard
and are unable to make ends meet while there are others at the top
who are at an unequal advantage because they received an inheritance
or some type of financial support. The focus on materialism and
consumption has decreased people’s ability to be satisfied. Americans
work so hard for material gain that they often are unable to find joy
and excitement in their lives. James Truslow Adams described it best,
writing:we forgot to live, in the struggle to ‘make a living’” (406).
The issue of materialism and wealth inequality is not a modern
issue. At the time of perceived upward mobility during the mid-
1800’s, over 90 percent of the people at the top inherited money, and
only 2 percent of the people at the bottom were able to rise from the
bottom to the top (Fortin). While the nation believed that individuals
could rise from poverty to wealth, this scenario was not very realistic.
One example of this misperception was the election of Andrew
Jackson. The Age of Jackson has often been interpreted as the age of
the common man. Jackson in fact represented the uncommon man
rising from rags to riches. Many Americans identified with the ideals
of hard work, self-reliance, and determination that Jackson
represented. However, while Jackson was personified as a symbol of
the American Dream to the people, it was truly uncommon
circumstances (and men of wealth) that helped Jackson get into the
White House. For the first time in U.S. history, one million dollars
was spent on advertising Jackson’s campaign.
The wealth gap in the United States remained relatively the same
over the next century. During the Industrial Revolution the U.S. made
a dramatic shift from an agriculture society to a predominately
industrial society. The new industry created advancements that
enhanced the lives for many. While the lives of almost all people,
including those at the bottom did improve materialistically, it did not
High / The American Dream
lessen the wealth gap. One percent of the population still controlled
20 percent of the wealth, and 10 percent of the population controlled
50 percent of the wealth (Fortin).
Since the Industrial Revolution, the wealth gap in the United
States has increased dramatically. In an article, “Who Rules America:
Wealth, Income and Power,” Professor William G. Domhoff
researched the trends of wealth inequality in our country in the year
2010. Domhoff asserts that “in terms of financial wealth (total net
worth minus the value of one's home), the top 1% of households had
an even greater share: 42.1%” (Domhoff). This is over double the
amount of wealth controlled by the top 1 percent during the Industrial
Revolution. Through these statistics, it is evident that the wealth gap
in our country is growing. I believe that the growing wealth gap is
making it easier for the people at the top to achieve their dreams but
more difficult for the people at the bottom to succeed.
In the past many people came to the United States to leave the
stratified European society. However, upward mobility is becoming
increasingly difficult in the United States. According to research by
the PEW charitable trusts, “43 percent of Americans raised at the
bottom of the income ladder remain stuck there as adults, and 70
percent never even make it to the middle” (1). The data shows that the
dream of rising to the top economically is only available to a select
few. The wealth gap in the U.S. is also much more dramatic than in
the majority of European countries. According to the CIA Factbook,
the United States has the 41
highest “degree of inequality in the
distribution of family income in a country(“The World Factbook”).
The CIA’s list consists of 141 different countries. The countries at the
bottom of the list, which are the countries with the greatest equality of
wealth, are mostly European countries. The United Kingdom has the
most equal distribution of wealth and Germany has the 12
equal distribution of wealth. (“The World Factbook”). This
information strongly contradicts the belief that the United States is a
less stratified society compared to Europe. The extreme difference
between the degree of inequality of wealth between the U.S. and other
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European countries emphasizes that much wealth inequality exists in
the United States.
Wealth inequality in the United States has also played a large role
in people’s perception of achieving the American Dream. In a study
of the American Dream entitled, “Can the American Dream Survive
the New Multiethnic America? Evidence from Los Angeles,” Mara A.
Cohen-Marks and Christopher Stout interviewed people of different
ethnic groups regarding their perception of the American Dream. The
results show that the people interviewed believed materialism and the
notion of economic prosperity played a large role in people’s
perception of the American Dream. The results confirm a “strong
association between homeownership and the American dream” (834).
The study also showed that “income is highly correlated with
perceptions of achievement of the American dream. Angelinos with
the highest household incomes are 50% more likely to believe that
they have achieved the American dream than are the poorest
respondents in our data set” (835). The statistics suggest that the
Dream has come to seem exclusive. People who are poor are less
likely to believe that they can achieve the American Dream.
Reasons for the increasing wealth gap in the United States are
presented in Heather Beth Johnson’s book, The American Dream and
the Power of Wealth. Johnson interviewed and analyzed black and
white families regarding the power of wealth and the American
Dream. In her interviews with families, many people attributed their
success to their own hard work, and many of the families that were
struggling blamed themselves for their failures. Johnson however,
affirms that financial success is not based solely on hard work. She
attributes many families’ success to intergenerational transfers.
Intergenerational transfersrefers to the passing along of assets both
at death and throughout one’s life” (8). Through her research,
Johnson discovered that the majority of wealth, “between one-half to
more than 80 percent all accumulated wealth is received through
intergenerational transfers of assets” (7).
High / The American Dream
In her interview with the Johnsons, a middle-aged, educated black
family, they stated that they did not understand how their college
friends, who made similar incomes, were more financial secure than
them. Johnson explains that the reason for this family’s insecurity was
not related to income, but wealth. While the family had a good
income, their “net financial assets were negative $14,000(138). The
family did not have the support of intergenerational transfers from
their family members. This lack of financial support was a major
cause for their financial insecurity. However, the Johnsons blamed
themselves for their failures because of the ideology of the American
Dream: hard work leads to success. The story of the Johnson family
shows that the belief in the American Dream is so strong that many
people do not realize the role intergenerational transfers play in
exacerbating the wealth gap in the U.S. I do not claim that
intergenerational transfers are bad or that people who receive
inheritance do not work hard. However, it is important to understand
that the difference in wealth creates an unequal playing field and
inhibits some individuals from achieving their Dream.
Today, when people view the American Dream, I believe that
they focus too much on economic prosperity. I believe that from this
limited perspective the Dream is not very successful. While people
still readily agree to the ideas of hard work, individualism, and
upward mobility, realistically, these values are not always enough.
Johnson’s research shows that economic success is not available to
everyone based strictly upon how much they work. The role of family
wealth and inheritance are two major factors that lead to people’s
success. While the American Dream has become more exclusively
materialistic over the past decades, economic success is not the only
way to view the Dream. A better and fuller life consists of much more
than material prosperity.
In order for the American dream to be fully attainable to the most
people, we must begin to recognize the importance of the quality of
life and redefine their perception of a better and fuller life. In the
Edward and Robert Skidelsky’s book, How Much is Enough?: Money
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and the Good Life, the authors characterize the good life by breaking
it down into five categories; health, security, leisure, friendship, and
one’s own unique personality. These five aspects of the “good life”
are clearly echoed by the beliefs of the Founding Fathers and other
scholars such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edward Bellamy, and John
Maynard Keynes. I believe that the ideas presented by these scholars
show how the American Dream is alive today and also present ideals
to strive for in the future.
Many of the aspects that represent the good life stem from the
Founding Fathers’ belief in the importance of education and virtue.
During the time of the Industrial Revolution and continuing on today,
many people have equated happiness to material gain. When the
Founding Fathers created the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution of the United States, they did not believe that the best
society was created through wealth, but through education and virtue.
John Adams claimed that “the form of government which
communicates ease, comfort, security, or, in one word, happiness, to
the greatest number of persons, and in the greatest degree, is the best
(85). Adams’s vision of the best government was very similar to the
American Dream. Both ideas emphasize the desire to create a better
life for all people. Adams’ idea of a better life was not focused on
materialism, but the quality of life among the people. He believed that
a quality life was created through virtue and education. “Virtue and
simplicity of manners,” he writes, “are indispensably necessary in a
republic among all orders and degrees of men” (182).
Thomas Jefferson agreed with Adams about the importance of
education and believed that the best society was created by educating
the masses. Jefferson advocated for “a crusade against ignorance,
and wanted to “establish and improve the law for educating the
common people” (312). He believed that educating the people would
protect them from any injustices and manipulations in government.
Jefferson claimed that education was the key to preventing a
monarchy from forming and allowing people to live more freely. The
letters from Adams and Jefferson both show that the U.S. government
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provides security for the people not only militaristically, but more
importantly through education and virtue.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, held a similar view to the
Founding Fathers. He agreed that virtue was the key to real happiness.
In his Happiness: A History, Darrin McMahon quotes Adam Smith
who wrote, “wealth and greatness are mere trinkets of frivolous utility
no more adapted for procuring ease of body or tranquility of mind
than the tweezer cases of the lover of toys” (qtd. in McMahon 329).
For Smith, McMahon explains, “tranquility and enjoyment . . . had
less to do with economic condition than it did with virtue” (329).
Smith believed that in order to achieve a better, fuller, and richer life
people needed to stop focusing on material wealth and needed to start
focusing on their virtues and values. Smith pointed out that wealth
alone does not bring individuals the satisfaction and enjoyment.
Satisfaction and enjoyment must come from within us, which can be
achieved by following our own ideas, thoughts, and values.
Another key aspect to the good life was health. In one of his
letters, Thomas Jefferson discussed the importance of walking. While
the Founding Fathers were devoted scholars, they understood that the
mind needed to rest. They knew that their health was very important.
Jefferson recommended two hours of exercise a day because “a strong
body makes the mind strong” (309). Walking was a healthy way to
relax, relieve stress, and enjoy your time.
Today many people walk and exercise not out of enjoyment, but
to lose weight or stay in shape. Many people go to gyms to work out
and walk on treadmills instead of outside. Instead of a fun and
relaxing activity, walking becomes a chore. Some people do not have
time to walk because they are too exhausted from working while
others simply do not like to be active. People become so focused on
material gain that they do not take time to take care of their health.
“Results from the 20112012 National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES), using measured heights and
weights, indicate that an estimated 33.9% of U.S. adults aged 20 and
over are overweight, 35.1% are obese, and 6.4% are extremely obese
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(Carroll). This survey shows that health is a major concern in our
country. There are many contributors to weight gain and walking is
not the only cure. However, Jefferson’s letter about walking reveals
that the Founding Fathers were aware of the importance of exercise.
Jefferson’s letter on walking puts in perspective what should truly be
valuable to us. Our society has become so rushed and consumer
driven that people do not spend enough time caring about their health.
Another important aspect of the good life is leisure time. John
Adams advocated for quiet time. He even believed that the
entitlement of quiet time should be recorded in the Declaration of
Independence. I really appreciate the idea of having quiet time.
Today, we live in such a rushed society where we are constantly
surrounded by media. This lifestyle contributes greatly to the amount
of stress we have in our lives. Adams’s notion of quiet time could
truly help relieve our stress. It would allow people to get away from
their worries and relax and reflect. Today, Americans often
misinterpret leisure with being unproductive, and to activities such as
watching TV or playing on a computer. However, the Founding
Fathers asserted that leisure time does not mean laziness or idleness.
The leisure time they valued is when you spend time doing something
active that you enjoy such as educating yourself through a good book
or learning to cook a new meal. These are both ways that you can be
productive while still enjoying yourself.
The belief in the importance of leisure is also reflected over a
century later by Edward Bellamy and John Keynes. They envisioned
a future not of more material gain, but a future of less work and more
leisure time. In 1887 Edward Bellamy published Looking Backward.
The book appeared during the time of industrialization in the United
States. In Looking Backward Bellamy claimed that in the year 2000,
the United States would become a Utopian society where people
would work together to build a more virtuous society. Clearly, the
future Bellamy dreamed of is not accurate today and highly idealistic.
However, I do believe that his book points out issues in our society
such as poverty and reiterates the certain ideas of what constitutes the
High / The American Dream
good life. In his future world people are able to retire at a much
younger age. This gives them time to have leisure and enjoy the rest
of their lives. The future characters in the text regarded labor “as a
necessary duty to be discharged before we can fully devote ourselves
to the higher exercise of our faculties, the intellectual and spiritual
enjoyments and pursuits which alone mean life” (Bellamy 27). For
the characters of Bellamy’s future, their leisure time after retirement
was not filled with laziness, but participating in activities they
In 1930 economist John Maynard Keynes had a similar view of
the future to Edward Bellamy. He believed that the growth of
technology would allow people to work less, and society would
become less focused on material goods. “I see us free,” Keyes writes,
“. . . and the love of money detestable, that those walk most truly in
the paths of virtue and sane wisdom who take least thought for the
morrow” (qtd in Skidelsky 6). Keynes imagined not only a new world
of more leisure, but he also imagined that the country would grow
more morally to reflect the view of virtue of the Founding Fathers.
A final aspect of the good life was the association of own unique
personality. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a great advocate for pursuing
your own unique personality. In his famous “Self-Reliance,” Emerson
states that “to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true in
your own private heart is true for all men,--that is genius” (259). He
believed that self-reliance meant living for yourself, not just living to
fit into society. Today, materialism has led to conformity. People
desire mass produced items such as the newest iPhone. In the
epilogue to The Epic of America, Adams pointed out how dependence
on mass production has led to a lower quality of thought and
expression among men (409). Technology can inhibit people from
thinking on their own and cause them to blindly follow information
that they hear on the TV or internet.
I believe that education also plays an important role in self-
reliance. As Jefferson explained in his letter “A Crusade Against
Ignorance,” education is important to make sure that people do not
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become manipulated. Education can also teach people not to follow
the crowd. I believe that the more educated people are, the more
capable they are to think for themselves and be confident in their
opinions. Education plays an important role in staying true to your
own unique personality.
In order to have a fulfilling and enjoyable life Americans need to
recognize the importance of the quality of life. Aspects of the good
life such as education, health, and own unique personality all play a
role in creating a better and fuller life. I believe that if people begin to
focus on these values, instead only material prosperity, it will broaden
the scope of the American Dream and make it more available to all
people. I do not believe that people should stop viewing economic
prosperity as an aspect the Dream, but they should incorporate the
ideas of economic success with the good life to achieve the Dream.
When looking at the Dream from a broader perspective and
incorporating both the aspects of the good life and economic
prosperity, it becomes clear there are many different ways people can
pursue their Dreams. It is also important to note that the American
Dream is different for different people. What brings fulfillment to one
person may bring stress or unhappiness to others. What makes the
American Dream so great and unique is the freedom for anyone to
pursue their own personal Dream.
Colleges and universities are a great representation of living a
better and fuller life. Many colleges offer the opportunity for people
of different race, ethnicity, culture, and economic background to
come together for the ultimate goal of achieving a higher education.
An education not only prepares students for the future, but it also
teaches them to think for themselves. College is the first time many
students are independent from their parents. Many students live away
from their families and are able to make their own decisions. This
independence allows students to practice self-reliance and develop
their own unique personality. During college students also have the
ability to meet new people and make new friends, as well as form
relationships with their professors and professionals in their career
High / The American Dream
path. Certainly not all colleges are as diverse as others and not every
student is independent and breaks out to make new friends. Everyone
college experience is different. However, I do believe that no matter
what university students attend, all universities offer the opportunity
of a higher education for those who desire it.
Another way that I believe the American Dream is expressed
today is through local community markets such as Cincinnati’s
Findlay Market. Findlay Market offers a diverse background of
people of all ages that come together to share the experience. The
vendors are able to find self-fulfillment and expression through their
food, crafts, and music, while the buyers are able to spend their time
leisurely, walking through the market enjoying the different foods and
items for sale. The market is an example of how economic prosperity
and the good life become intertwined to create a better and fuller life
for many different people. The people at the market work hard to sell
their products, but they are also able to find satisfaction from what
they produced. The majority of buyers at the market worked hard to
be able to afford the variety of food and other goods at the market, but
they are not continually working. They are able to relax, come
together with friends, and enjoy their time at the market. I believe that
universities and local markets are sites where the American Dream is
alive today. Both places present a broad and more balanced scope of
how economic prosperity and the aspects of the good life work
together for people to obtain their Dream.
The examples of universities and local markets show that the
American Dream is alive today, but people must also realize that the
American Dream is not equally available to everyone. The wealth gap
in the U.S. has excluded many people from the Dream, and the focus
on materialism has left many people unsatisfied with achieving the
economic aspect of the Dream. The American Dream does not fare
well from an economic perspective. However, the Dream is alive
when the ideas of the quality of life are intertwined with economic
prosperity which is presented in the Findlay Market example. I
believe the American Dream will fare better and be available to the
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most people if people embrace the ideas of the Founding Fathers and
scholars such as Emerson and James Truslow Adams who advocated
for better education for all, a greater sense of virtue, and awareness of
the importance of health and leisure, and self-reliance.
Adams, James Truslow. The Epic of America. 1931. New Brunswick:
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Adams, John. The Political Writings of John Adams. Ed. George A.
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Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward. Boston: Bedford Books of St.
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Library of America, 1983. Print.
Fortin, Roger. “The American Dream” Seminar Course. Smith Hall
250, Cincinnati. 30 Sept. and 14 Oct. 2014.
High / The American Dream
Jefferson, Thomas. Jefferson: Writings. New York: Library of
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Johnson, Heather Beth. “Inequality and Ideology.” The American
Dream and the Power of Wealth: Choosing Schools and
Inheriting Inequality in the Land of Opportunity. 129-155. Web.
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McMahon, Darrin. Happiness: A History. New York: Grove/Atlantic,
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Skidelsky, Edward, and Robert Skidelsky. How Much is Enough?:
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