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Executive Summary .........................................................i
Introduction ...............................................................1
The Need for a Unied Network—Enabling the MDO-capable Army of 2028 ............3
Dening the Army Unied Network—The Enabler for Multi-Domain Operations ..........5
Strategic Approach .........................................................6
Line of Effort #1: Establish the Unied Network—Enabling Multi-Domain Operations ......7
Line of Effort #2: Posture the Force for Multi-Domain Operations .....................9
Line of Effort #3: Security and Survivability—Commander’s Freedom of Action
in Cyberspace ............................................................10
Line of Effort #4: Reform Processes & Policies—Improve Performance and Affordability ..11
Line of Effort #5: Network Sustainment—Sustain Enterprise and Tactical Networks ......12
Conclusion ...............................................................13
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LTC Tonya S. Robinson, DANI-NSP, DCS, G-6
Plans and EIEMA Portfolio Management
The Army Unied Network Plan is propelling the network from a perceived invisible asset to a
weapons system supporting a Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) Way Point Force by 2028. The
Army’s Unied Network will deliver a survivable, secure, end-to-end capability that will enable
the Army to operate as a part of the Joint/Coalition Force during competition, crisis or conict
and in all operational domains (sea, land, space, cyber, air).
The Chief of Staff of the Army’s White Paper on the Army’s Transformation to Multi-Domain
Operations and goal to have an MDO-capable Force by 2028 spotlights the critical need for the
Army’s Unied Network. Decision dominance and overmatch ability are at the core of MDO, and
the Army can only achieve this through resilient, secure, global network capability and capacity.
Based on this, the Army Unied Network Plan aligns multiple, complex network modernization
efforts into a single, coherent approach required to support MDO.
Working across multiple lines of effort, the Army Unied Network Plan delivers a Unied
Network for the Way Point Force of 2028 and then continuously modernizes as information
technologies continue to evolve rapidly.
The Army Unied Network Plan aligns with the Army Strategy’s focus on building readiness,
modernizing, reforming the Army, and strengthening alliances and partnerships. Existing tactical
network modernization strategies and implementation plans nest and align with the Army Uni-
ed Network Plan. Additionally, the Army Unied Network Plan parallels and enables the Army
Campaign Plan 2019+ over multiple phases and time horizons:
This phase has begun with synchronizing the modernization of the Integrated Tactical Network
(ITN) and the Integrated Enterprise Networks (IEN). Primary efforts during this phase include:
Decisive to this phase is the establishment of a standards-based security architecture built
on zero-trust principles with an initial primary focus on SIPRNet modernization followed by
critical capabilities on NIPR including pay, logistics, contracting, etc.
The Army begins the implementation of a holistic approach to evolve the Unied Network
over time that synchronizes multiple efforts and leverages emerging technologies such as
software-dened and 5G and beyond wireless networks that also align to zero-trust
The Army is following Ofce of the Under Secretary of Defense for wireless cellular networks
as a critical technology for both tactical and enterprise network use. This will complement
network consolidation and reduce non-wireless network dependency.
This phase began with the accelerated movement of capabilities into cloud infrastructure
coupled with swift divestment of legacy capabilities and processes. Key is the establishment
of common data standards to enable emerging capabilities such as Articial Intelligence (AI)
and Machine Learning (ML).
Ongoing development of the Mission Partner Environment (MPE) will continue as enterprise
efforts establish a persistent capability and eliminates wasteful episodic efforts.
The Army will continue aligning force structure to implement a Department of Defense
Information Network Operations (DODIN Ops) construct to operate, maintain, and defend
the Unied Network in a contested and congested environment.
The Army must complete Network Convergence across the enterprise to align a single Army
service provider and improve network readiness, standardization, and interoperability;
increase the Army’s cybersecurity posture; and enable rapid DCO response. This
convergence sets the conditions for the Unied Network.
This phase ends with the establishment of a standardized, integrated security architecture that
sets the foundation for the Unied Network and enables the rapid deployment and immediate
conduct of operations anywhere in the world.
This phase begins in FY25 with the continued convergence of ITN and IEN capabilities. Primary
efforts during this phase include:
The completion of the DODIN Ops construct with supporting force structure that enables
defense and operations of the Unied Network in a contested and congested environment.
This phase completes the establishment of hybrid cloud capabilities including tactical
formations that accelerate Al/ML capability development.
The Army will have established a persistent Mission Partner Network (MPN) inclusive of all
hardware, software, infrastructure, and people from the enterprise to the tactical edge
including the employment at all Combat Training Centers (CTCs) and Mission Training
This phase ends when the Unied Network is fully postured to support the MDO Way Point
force of 2028.
This phase begins on or about the start of FY28 when the Army Unied Network is fully
postured—operationally, technically, and organizationally—to support the MDO Way Point force
of 2028.
Decisive in this phase is the full implementation of a holistic approach to modernize the
Unied Network over time, leveraging emerging technologies while divesting of legacy, less
secure, capabilities.
As the Army continues to integrate with the Joint /Coalition Force and mission partners, a
number of leap-forward technological capabilities shape this phase. The initial focus areas
for these technologies include:
Dynamic and diverse transport, robust computing, and edge sensors
Data to decisive action
Robotics and autonomous operations
Corresponding cybersecurity and resiliency capabilities
Given the rapid and consistent pace of change of Information Technology and the Cyber
domain, there is no end to this phase—modernization evolves to maturation of the Unied
Network. It is a continuous process and there is no set end state for the Unied Network.
The Army Unied Network Plan is accompanied by the Army Unied Network Implementation, a
U.S. Army Execution Order (EXORD) that decomposes the Framework into key tasks over
near- and mid-term time horizons associated with pursuing the Lines of Effort (LOEs) and
supporting objectives within the Framework. As the leads for Network integration and
governance, the Chief Information Ofcer (CIO) and Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), G-6 will use
the Army Unied Network Implementation Plan to synchronize and assess efforts across the
Total Force and all mission areas to set the Unied Network to support the MDO-capable Army
of 2028.
The pace of technological advances, if not addressed, will dramatically erode the overmatch
advantage we have enjoyed for decades. Technological advances enable the integration of
space, cyber, information, and electronic warfare (EW) capabilities that can halt American power
projection before it begins. Articial Intelligence, autonomy, robotics, quantum computing,
cellular wireless (5G and beyond), and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite will continue to change
the character of operational campaigns, resulting in a battleeld that is faster, more lethal, and
distributed. We can no longer assume that the homeland is a sanctuary, or consider the ‘global
commons’ uncontested.
It is under this context that the Army has begun its transformation to an MDO-capable Force by
2028 and an MDO-Ready Force by 2035—it is an operational imperative for the Army and,
more importantly, the Joint/Coalition Force.
In his White Paper, the CSA lays out several tenets that drive the need for a Unied Network
that is resilient, trusted, maneuverable, and defendable—one that from a complete Doctrine,
Organization, Training, Materiel (capability), Leadership, Policy, and Facility (DOTML-PF),
delivers a Unied Network that enables rapid, global deployment. The Unied Network
enables Army Formations to operate in a highly contested and congested operational
environment with speed and at global range to enable decision dominance and maintain
First and foremost, the Army will enable the Joint/Coalition Force to maneuver and prevail, from
competition through conict, with a calibrated force posture of multi-domain capabilities that provide
overmatch through speed + range + convergence at the
point of need for decision dominance.
The conicts of tomorrow will be non-linear and
contested at all echelons and on a global scale, with
the homeland no longer a sanctuary free from
adversary kinetic or non-kinetic attacks. This approach
requires the Army to address the network holistically,
fully integrating both tactical and enterprise (strategic)
network segments in one Unied Network.
“The battleeld is becoming faster; it is
becoming more lethal; and it is becoming
more distributed. OVERMATCH will
belong to the side that can make better
decisions faster. We are transforming to
provide the Joint Force with the SPEED,
RANGE, and COVERGENCE of cutting-
edge technologies to gain the DECISION
need to win the next ght.”
GEN James C. McConville,
Chief of Staff of the Army
Second, the Army will provide the Joint/Coalition Force the ability to deliver strategic,
operational, and tactical effects—across all Domains—at the time and place of the
Commander’s choosing, whether in competition or conict. The Army will leverage emerging
capabilities to expand the battlespace by maneuvering in areas “inside” an adversary’s Anti
Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) bubble and “outside” the traditional theater construct. Army Multi-
Domain Operations, in support of the Joint/Coalition Commander, will occur on a global scale.
Other key aspects of the Army’s Transformation to an MDO-capable Force by 2028 include :
In all domains, Army capabilities will sustain, enable, extend, and expand the reach of both
defensive and offensive actions.
The Army’s ‘inside forces’ will operate inside the adversary’s A2/AD zones to provide
credible, survivable capabilities that either deter or defeat adversary area denial efforts.
‘Outside forces’ consist of regional and global expeditionary, surge, and homeland defense
formations required to control terrain, consolidate gains, and secure strategic support areas.
The Army will conduct operations at strategic, operational, and tactical depth that are
essential against a peer enemy that enjoys superiority in numbers and complex A2/AD
defensive systems.
The integration of strategic, operational, coalition, and tactical effects and capabilities is
foundational to the conduct of Multi-Domain Operations. Meeting this requirement requires a
network that converges cutting-edge technologies and effects to enable the Joint/Coalition Force
Commander. The Unied Network enables all operations, regardless of domain. As such, the
Unied Network must precede the Army’s Aim Point Force of 2035 by being postured to support
the Army’s Way Point Force of 2028. It must then continually modernize as technology changes
and adversary capabilities evolve. There is no end state for the Unied Network.
Multi-Domain Operations at Strategic through Tactical Echelons
The Army Unied Network is a
survivable, secure, end-to-end
network that enables leaders to
compete and, if necessary, to ght
and win in large-scale combat
operations, with Joint/Coalition, Allies,
and Partners, against any adversary.
Like any weapons system, the Unied
Network must be resilient, defensible,
and maneuverable to enable the
Commander to achieve decision
dominance and deliver kinetic and non-kinetic effects at the precise time and point of need of
their choosing.
The Army Unied Network employs a Common Operating Environment, Services Infrastruc-
ture, and Transport Layer, as well as Unied Network Operations and cyber defensive
capabilities. It enables intel at all levels of network classications required to conduct multi-do-
main operations. For example, the Unied Network will provide unclassied networks for logisti-
cal operations as well as U.S. and Coalition classied capabilities for Mission Command and
Fires systems. The Unied Network enables Intelligence operations between national, strategic,
and tactical echelons while supporting the deep sensing
capabilities required for Long-Range Precision Fires.
Common Operating Environment (COE). The COE
provides computing technologies and standards that
enable secure and interoperable applications to process
data at the speed of war. COE allows commanders to
direct distributed forces from anywhere in the world,
utilizing rapid data-driven, decision-making tools. It
delivers common information services necessary to
achieve a common operating environment that connects
tactical computing environments with national or strategic
resources to conduct MDO at speed and range.
Common Services Infrastructure (CSI). The CSI
provides globally accessible, common hardware and
software designed to secure, store, and compute data. It
enables data analytics, AI, and machine learning to
support data-driven decision making across the force
and allows for the convergence of organizational
networks. CSI maximizes commercial cloud services
and hybrid cloud capabilities, and other “as a service”
models allowing for access to the most modern
information technologies.
Unied Network Operations
Common Transport Layer (CTL). The CTL provides reliable, scalable, secure, and resilient
pathways to deliver data, information, and collaborative services globally to commanders in any
environment, using any device. Converged to a “colorless” transport model, CTL uses software-
dened networking (SDN); open system architectures; commercial transport; and encryption
technologies. Harnessing these technologies at all echelons will allow the Command Post to
function at the same velocity as the home-station operations center. 5G and beyond
technologies at all echelons will create an integrated “Internet-of-Things” distribution network for
end devices which will link base operations to the tactical edge. Commercial wireless
technologies will be leveraged wherever feasible to create mobile, agile, and secure network
Unied Network Operations (UNO). UNO provides the capabilities required to secure,
congure, operate, extend, maintain, and sustain the cyberspace to create and preserve the
condentiality, availability, and integrity of the Unied Network. UNO provides DODIN operations
personnel with the capabilities to See, Secure, Maintain, and Respond to the Unied Network.
UNO seamlessly integrates these capabilities across the Enterprise, Tactical, & Mission Partner
UNO ensures network availability and freedom of maneuver within the cyber domain for
operational commanders to conduct MDO. It delivers a common suite of hardware and software,
employing the principles of zero-trust, through a series of integrated activities encompassing the
Operating Environment, Services Infrastructure, and the Transport Layer and is built to support
the convergence of the ITN and IEN allowing for full-scale DODIN and Defensive Cyberspace
Operations (DCO).
The alignment, standardization, and integration of the core foundations of the enterprise and
tactical networks—Transport, Computing, and Services and Infrastructure—underpinned by
Unied Network Operations and cybersecurity capabilities is an operational imperative. It sets
the foundation for the Unied Network that enables global, cross-domain maneuver as well as
the application of strategic, operational, and tactical effects at the speed and range required for
the Army and the Joint/Coalition Force in the rapidly emerging battleeld of tomorrow.
In order to achieve the Army’s bold transformation to provide the Joint/Coalition Force with the
range, speed, and convergence of cutting-edge technologies, it will need to achieve future
decision dominance and overmatch required to win the next ght; the Army must have an
integrated, synchronized network modernization approach across all echelons—tactical,
operational, and strategic.
Over the past several years, the Army has made tremendous strides modernizing its tactical
formations with the deployment of Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) Capability Sets, but
enterprise modernization efforts have signicantly lagged and focused primarily on unclassied
local area networks (LANs) on our installations. This unbalanced approach creates risk in
conducting operations in all domains on a global scale.
The Army Unied Network Plan Framework is a critical element of achieving the Army’s
Transformation to an MDO-capable Force. The following LOEs, with their supporting objectives,
Army Unied Network Plan Framework
will shape, synchronize, integrate, and govern the Army’s Unied Network modernization efforts
and will help synchronize the personnel, organizations, and capabilities required to enable MDO,
at echelon.
This LOE enables the integration and alignment of the ITN and IEN as well as the convergence of
the multiple, disparate organizational networks into the Army Unied Network to support MDO by
2028. Central to this line of effort is synchronizing the Network modernization efforts across the
Army. The development of network standards and interfaces, required to deliver the Unied
Network and the integration of mature Cl/CD pipelines to have a standard, secure pipeline that
can deliver applications and capabilities to deployment targets across the network. Additionally,
this LOE will establish the Unied Network as the Army’s contribution to the DODIN as well as
establish the Army’s Mission Partner Environment to interoperate with Allies and other Coalition
partners. The nature of MDO and reliance on Mission Partner capabilities and capacity in future
operations requires that the Army train today within the MPE in support of future coalition opera-
tions. This LOE consists of the following ve objectives:
OBJ 1.1: Deliver a Standards-Based Network Architecture. Dene, design, and document
an Army Information Technology (IT) Standards Technical Proles to inform a network design
linking operational, institutional, and enterprise zero-trust principles, mission capabilities, sys-
tems integration, and data and information ows. The Army will establish a hybrid cloud archi-
tecture that is resilient, secure, and able to store data and information seamlessly among the
strategic, operational, and tactical levels. This enables the Army to expedite acquisitions that
are more agile, standardize integrated implementation, and gain efciencies of resources while
ensuring interoperability, eliminating redundancy and streamline services.
OBJ 1.2: Set the Unied Network. This objective optimizes the current network to address such
issues as fragmented networks, cyber vulnerabilities, complexity, fragility, and interoperability
challenges with joint and coalition mission partners. This requires the implementation of a stand-
ards-based architecture that effectively integrates enterprise and deployed network capabilities
across domains and environments, and features a unied transport layer that permits “plug and
play” for specic network capabilities. This focus on
establishing an overall network security architecture
allows tactical formations to “plug and play” within and
through the Unied Network while reducing the complexi-
ty at the edge. This objective requires exible cross-do-
main solutions to maximize the sharing of critical MDO
information across multiple classied network enclaves
while safeguarding sensitive data sources. It delivers resilient enterprise networks, platforms,
applications, and services that are optimized to increase speed and range while converging cut-
ting-edge technologies required for the conduct of cross-domain maneuver(s) in a congested and
contested environment. For the Unied Network to operate at the speed that MDO requires, the
Army must modernize the network’s capabilities of automation, machine learning, and big data
platforms to the maximum extent possible.
OBJ 1.3: Network Convergence. This objective converges networks, both vertically with
tactical formations and horizontally with separate organizational networks (ORGNETS) while
also rationalizing and consolidating network management tools and personnel. The Army will
deliver a resilient Unied Network optimized to increase speed and range while being
maneuverable and defensible. This objective collapses stove-piped, vulnerable networks into
the Unied Network while integrating DODIN Ops capabilities across the Army and gaining scal
OBJ 1.4: Modernize Tactical Formation Network Capabilities. Modernization must occur from
the tactical level back to the strategic and enterprise level and create a resilient, secure, maneu-
verable Unied Network. The Army will eld Capability Sets on a 2-year cycle and iteratively
modernize tactical formations over time. The Capability Sets for the Integrated Tactical Network
(ITN), which began with Capability Set 21, will adjust over time as technologies change and will be
able to “plug and play” within the Unied Network anywhere in the globe to enable the delivery of
strategic and operational intelligence and effects to the tactical level. ITN main efforts include
enabling main tactical network initiatives already
underway to include assured network transport,
Common Operating Environment (COE), MDO-capa-
ble Command Posts, and Joint/Coalition interopera-
bility at the edge. The ITN must be resilient, secure,
and maneuverable with the ability to support forces
distributed across vast distances, converge effects from
multiple domains, and maintain a common situational
understanding in Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).
OBJ 1.5: Achieve and Sustain Interoperability.
It is clear that the Army will continue to be a leader in
building national partnerships and partner capacity;
therefore, we must increase interoperability and have
the capability to act routinely together coherently, effectively, and efciently to achieve tactical,
operational, and strategic objectives. To achieve and sustain interoperability and lead in building
multinational partnerships, the Army must be effective in the human, procedural and technical
aspects of interoperability. To date, MPE capabilities have been episodic and lack a means for a
persistent capability required for rapid deployment and immediate operations.
“The scale, tempo, lethality, and
complexity of large-scale, multi -
domain combat operations requires
signicant changes in how we equip,
organize, and structure the force to
enable the Army to prevail against
peer threats in contested domains.”
GEN Paul E. Funk II, Commander of
Training and Doctrine Command
“This is an iterative build to the end state.
We never truly reach the end state; the
end state is constant innovation.”
GEN John M. Murray,
Commander, Army Futures Command
This LOE focuses on our people, both military and
civilian, and providing the training and organizational
constructs to successfully compete, operate, and ght
in an MDO environment. Foundational to this LOE is
the transition to the Expeditionary Signal Battalion
– Enhanced (ESB-E) organizational design and the
subsequent implementation of a Global DODIN
Operations framework to operate, maintain, secure,
and maneuver the Unied Network. The Army must synchronize and integrate its organizational,
people, training, and talent management initiatives to keep pace with rapid technological evolution.
OBJ 2.1: Enhance Training Systems and Infrastructure. The Army Strategy emphasizes that
training will focus on high-intensity conict, with emphasis on operating in dense urban terrain,
electronically degraded environments, and under constant surveillance. The Army must provide
forces with the appropriate facilities, systems, and infrastructure to train Soldiers on the Unied
Network. Every Soldier must be able to operate his/her assigned network capabilities, and we must
continuously adapt our Cyber and Signal training to account for the rapid evolution of network
technologies, both in the schoolhouse and at home station.
OBJ 2.2: Improve Force Design and Structure.
The Army is currently updating its Signal and Cyber force structure to support the Army’s
transformation to an MDO-capable force by 2028. One key element of this redesign revolves
around the transition to ESB-E organizational design that will signicantly increase operational
and sustainment capability and capacity with fewer personnel. This critical objective enables the
Army to design and implement a DODIN Operations construct that enables global operations,
fully integrates defensive cyberspace operations at echelon, supports the implementation of
hybrid cloud capabilities to enable Articial Intelligence and speed of decision making, and
reduces technical complexity at the edge by consolidating the most complex tasks at the
appropriate operational echelon.
OBJ 2.3: Build Readiness. The Army cyber workforce and capabilities must be ready to enable
land power dominance against near-peer competitors in large-scale ground combat operations.
This objective will ensure the Army Service Component Commands possess the capabilities and
resources to maximize combat readiness in their respective theaters in accordance with their
Combatant Commander’s requirements and operational plans.
OBJ 2.4: Develop Human Capital. People drive
success. Our people and our relationships with allied
partners are vital to achieving our goal to dominate in
MDO. This objective aligns with The Army Strategy’s
call to take care of our people. We will enable Army
talent management strategies that optimize the
Army’s ability to recruit, develop, and retain high-
quality and highly skilled Army cyber workforce
Soldiers and Civilians to support operations at the
strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
“Army Networks and data are the
foundational weapons system and
ammunition for an Information Age force.
Success for a multi-domain Army relies on
ruthless defense of our networks, data and
weapons platforms. We execute data-driven
defensive cyber operations to detect,
eliminate and defeat threats at mission
relevant speed.”
LTG Stephen G. Fogarty,
Commander, Army Cyber Command
In cyberspace, the Army is in competition today against
adversaries operating below the level of armed conict. Whether
in competition, crisis, or conict, the Unied Network can only
provide the means to apply strategic, operational, and tactical
effects if it is secured and defended. In today’s environment,
adversaries continuously seek opportunities to attack our
networks, including our industrial base and installations through
control systems that are often decades old and antiquated.
The Army must reform its current cybersecurity processes,
primarily the Army’s Risk Management Framework, by reducing
repetitive, time-intensive, and burdensome processes, and focus
on operational processes like penetration testing and continuous
monitoring. With the pace of technology change and its
increasing sophistication, the Army cannot follow an arbitrary,
3-year review cycle. The risk is simply too high, and our
adversaries are certainly not waiting around to deploy
capabilities. The Army must be able to protect its ever-increasing
attack surface area of both traditional IT and non-traditional
Operational Technology (OT) assets while still adopting
commercial technologies. To achieve this, the Army will
implement zero-trust principles for IT and OT assets by
completing a current state assessment of zero-trust capabilities for all of its systems.
This LOE focuses on making threat-informed, risk-managed operational decisions to ensure
freedom of action within the cyber domain. This includes data integrity, user authentication, and
availability of data based on the accesses granted to an authorized user.
OBJ 3.1: Reform and Operationalize Cybersecurity Processes/Manage Risk. To enable
cyberspace operations at the speed required for MDO, the Army must address network accessibility,
resiliency, and defense requirements. This includes recognizing key cyberspace terrain and
understanding how data is positioned to be accessible at the time of need. The Army must adopt an
approach to integrate fully offensive and defensive cyber operations to secure the network, our data,
and our infrastructure rather than maintain the reactive and compartmentalized cybersecurity
practices of the past. The end goal is to automate cybersecurity capabilities while maintaining full
understanding of the operational risk.
The intent is to operationalize our current cybersecurity processes; beginning with the Risk
Management Framework (RMF). Key to this objective is expanding the use of inherited controls
and reciprocity among organizations. The Army must shift from compliance to active security,
defense, and monitoring of critical Network and Weapons systems. The Army calls this new
approach RMF 2.0.
OBJ 3.2: Secure the Unied Network. The main effort for this objective is to secure the Unied
Network to support Multi-Domain Operations during competition, crisis, and conict on a global
scale. There are four key aspects to secure the Unied Network: First, the delivery of Unied
Network Operations capabilities will be common to all echelons—tactical through strategic.
Second, the implementation of a unied security architecture
based on zero-trust principles. Third, the implementation of a
DODIN Ops Framework, on a global scale, that leverages
personnel reinvestments from the ESB-E transitions. Lastly, the
Army will deploy defensive cyber capabilities across the Unied
Network to enable Cyber Protection Teams (CPTs) to rapidly
maneuver and hunt for adversaries within the network. Key
parts of this objective include COMSEC modernization, com-
mercial solutions for classied and raise the bar compliant
cross-domain solutions.
OBJ 3.3: Secure Data. Data security requires implementing controls to ensure only authorized
entities have access to required data and that the data retains its integrity throughout its use. This
requires the capability to monitor data statuses, identify and mitigate changing threats and
vulnerabilities, and ensure the relevance of the data over time. This objective focuses on
simultaneously enhancing data security and usage through various means including the
modernization of encryption technology and incorporating methods to secure algorithms.
OBJ 3.4: Harden Weapon Systems and Platforms. Every weapons system is connected to the
Unied Network in one form or fashion. The Army will continue its Cyberspace Operational
Resiliency Assessment-Platform (CORA-P) program to evaluate the cyber vulnerabilities of our
major weapon systems, but that is just a start. The objective will establish a means to assess,
resource, and mitigate operational risk from cyber vulnerabilities of major weapon systems from a
peer or near-peer adversary throughout the life cycle of a weapons system.
OBJ 3.5: Harden Control Systems. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identied
more than 1,000 vulnerabilities in control system components from more than 260 vendors. That
was just a sampling. To address this threat to the Army’s ability to rapidly deploy, the Army
implemented the Cyberspace Operational Resiliency Assessment - Installation (CORA-I) efforts
to evaluate and mitigate vulnerabilities of Army critical infrastructure, Organic Industrial Base,
and hardware and software supply chain. The Army must use the same cyber infrastructure to
identify, manage, monitor, and defend all endpoints within the network from traditional IT to OT
and IoT devices. The objective establishes governance and policy, validates requirements, and
synchronizes resources to ensure freedom of maneuver.
This LOE will establish a governance and management framework that supports balanced,
efcient, and effective investments across the Unied Network portfolio. The Army’s
implementation of IT category management, centralizing management of common services such
as Army 365 and establishing exible contracting approaches, allows the Army to rapidly adapt
the Unied Network in the most scally efcient manner possible. These efforts require the
validation of requirements through the Army’s current processes and enable the Army to target
reforms that reduce duplicative requirements while aggressively divesting of legacy systems.
OBJ 4.1: Integrate Mission Areas. Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) is
the foundation for integrating DODIN Ops across all Mission Areas supporting the Army’s Unied
Network efforts and initiatives. This objective includes a unied approach to the development and
“The Army network underpins all
of our modernization efforts. It
must be resilient, it must be
reliable, and it must be able to
operate in the dirt in a contested
GEN James C. McConville,
Chief of Staff of the Army
implementation of tools, data standards, and processes to support the Army Digital Oversight
Council (ADOC), IT Oversight Council (ITOC) and other key governance bodies, as well as the
production and alignment of Unied Network strategies, policies, and resourcing.
OBJ 4.2: Optimize Governance Processes and Structure. The Army will enforce the
prioritization of investments and resource allocation, through existing Army processes. The Army
Enterprise Network Council (AENC) will serve as the principal forum for Army Unied Network
Plan Framework governance and will review topics requiring Army Senior Leader decisions for
potential referral to the ADOC and ITOC. This governance structure will synchronize decisions,
preclude actions being worked in siloed forums, and lead to risk-informed direction for
OBJ 4.3: Reshape Policy. The Army will identify existing policies that prevent desired
capabilities and outcomes recommend changes to policies to meet Army strategic goals. Policy
process revisions must leverage robust knowledge management capabilities and contribute to
better performance and lower risk.
OBJ 4.4: Ensure Unied Network Investment Accountability. Optimize the performance of
the overall portfolio of programs based on performance and changing Army priorities and
demands. Key to the desired outcome of this objective is an Army ability to provide a consistent
approach, integrated and aligned with the Army’s Programming, Planning, Budget, and
Execution System (PPBES) to ensure that Unied Network resource decisions are made in
accordance with the Army’s strategic objectives and operational needs. Important components
Establishing visibility and priorities of IT expenditures through category management.
Where appropriate, implementing Army enterprise-level controls to increase purchasing
power and eliminate stove-piped approaches and capabilities.
Aggressively divesting of legacy or duplicative capabilities.
Evaluating, prioritizing, and balancing programs and services within resource and funding
constraints based on their alignment to building the MDO-capable Army of 2028.
Unied Network and Information Technologies are in a constant state of change—they are dy-
namic and constantly evolving. In this ever-changing environment, the Army must reassess its
traditional sustainment model of Network capabilities. To support the MDO-capable Army of 2028
and, objectively, the MDO-Ready Army of 2035, the Unied Network must continuously evolve as
technology and, just as importantly, the threat evolves. Sustainment requirements must be docu-
mented, planned, and programmed in order to ensure that the Unied Network remains resilient,
defensible, and maneuverable in support of Army and Joint/Coalition Forces, during competition,
crisis, and conict.
Additionally, as we build the Unied Network with new capabilities such as Articial Intelligence
(AI) and Machine Learning (ML), we must aggressively divest legacy capabilities as we
modernize. This LOE is a major paradigm shift in how the Army approaches sustainment for
technologies in continuous evolution—the Army must achieve a balance between modernization
and life-cycle sustainment to keep pace with our adversaries.
OBJ 5.1: Determine Unied Network Sustainment Requirements. Effective, continuous
modernization of the Army’s Unied Network is paramount to the conduct of MDO. Army Unied
Network components in sustainment must augment and support, not impede, the Army’s
modernization requirements. This objective will identify and validate sustainment requirements
and then synchronize them with other Unied Network modernization efforts.
OBJ 5.2: Network Life Cycle Sustainment and Modernization Planning. Life cycle
sustainment is a key component of any operational capability, but it is even more critical for
rapidly evolving capabilities such as the Unied Network. The Army must achieve a balance
between sustainment and modernization.
This objective links sustainment and modernization efforts through the oversight of targeted
governance and conguration control boards. It includes Technical Data Packages (TDP) and
Intellectual Property (IP) rights in contract requirements in order to allow the Organic Industrial
Base (OIB) to fabricate, repair, and make equipment modications throughout the life cycle.
OBJ 5.3: Plan and Program Sustainment Resources. Programmed resources in the annual
Army budget plan will ensure readiness and availability of the Army’s networks and connected
systems. This objective focuses on the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution
planning for Unied Network sustainment operations, once balanced with the Army’s iterative,
continuous modernization efforts.
OBJ 5.4: Support Network Modernization Fielding. New modernized networks and
connected systems are currently being planned for delivery in the tactical battlespace as
modernized capability sets (CAPSETS) in FY21, FY23, FY25, and FY27. Capability documents
are in development to assist in modernizing the Tactical Network. Concurrently, there are
ongoing efforts for the modernization of Enterprise networks and connected systems that
require elding support.
The Army Unied Network Plan provides the strategic framework to guide the development of
the Unied Network that the Army requires to realize its transformation to an MDO-capable force
by 2028. The Unied Network modernization must be more than just developing and elding
capabilities—it must be a holistic approach that addresses our people, training, organizations,
policies, and processes.
As our Nation’s adversaries increasingly contest our historical dominance in all operational
domains, the Unied Network is the critical enabler to the success of the future force. This
framework sets the Army on a path that will ensure technological dominance against our
adversaries and establishes the foundation for an aggressive implementation plan to ensure our
Army is postured to be an MDO -capable force by 2028.