CJCSI 6211.02D
DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C, JS-LAN, S 24 January 2012
References: See Enclosure E.
1. Purpose. This instruction establishes policy and responsibilities for the
connection of information systems (ISs) (e.g., applications, enclaves, or
outsourced processes) and unified capabilities (UC) products to the DISN-
provided transport (including data, voice, and video) and access to information
services transmitted over the DISN (including data, voice, video, and cross-
domain (CD)).
a. The policy and responsibilities in this instruction are in accordance with
(IAW) the Unified Command Plan (UCP) (reference a), Department of Defense
Directive (DODD) 5100.20, “National Security Agency/Central Security Services
(NSA/CSS)” (reference b), DODD 5105.19, “Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA)” (reference c), DODD 8000.01, “Management of the Department
of Defense Information Enterprise” (reference d), DODD 8500.01E, “Information
Assurance (IA)” (reference e), Department of Defense Instruction (DODI)
8100.04, “DOD Unified Capabilities (UC)” (reference f), DODI 8500.2,
“Information Assurance (IA) Implementation” (reference g), DODI 8510.01,
“DOD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)”
(reference h), DODI 8410.02, “NETOPS for the Global Information Grid (GIG)”
(reference i), DODI 8551.1, “Ports, Protocols and Services Management (PPSM)”
(reference j), and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI)
6510.01 Series, “Information Assurance (IA) and Support to Computer Network
Defense (CND)” (reference k).
b. Additional policies governing satellite communications are covered in the
CJCSI 6250.01 Series, “Satellite Communications” (reference l).
c. Policy on sensitive compartmented information (SCI) is covered in
Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 503, “Intelligence Community
Directive Current as of 4 August 2015
CJCSI 6211.02D
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Information Technology Systems Security Risk Management, Certification and
Accreditation” (reference m).
2. Cancellation. CJCSI 6211.02C Series, “Defense Information Systems
Network (DISN): Policy and Responsibilities” (reference n) and CJCSI 6215.01C
Series, “Policy for Department of Defense Voice Networks with Real Time
Services (RTS)” (reference o), are canceled.
3. Applicability. This instruction applies to:
a. The Joint Staff, combatant commands, Services, Defense agencies, and
Department of Defense (DOD) field and joint activities, including DOD and
Service Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (hereafter referred to as
b. Mission partners and defense contractors connecting to or using DISN-
provided transport or information services transmitted over DISN.
c. Instruction Scope:
(1) DISN-provided transport and information services including, but not
limited to, the Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET), SECRET
Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), DISN voice services (i.e., Defense
Switched Network (DSN), Defense Red Switch Network (DRSN), Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP), and Voice over Secure Internet Protocol (VoSIP)), DISN
Video Services (DVS), Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services (EMSS), and DISN-
Leading Edge Services (DISN-LES).
(2) UC products (hardware and software) and end-to-end voice, video,
data, and application services funded or operated by the CC/S/As, authorized
mission partners, or by defense contractor users IAW DODI 8100.04
(reference f).
(3) ISs and networks connected to DISN-provided transport and/or
information services IAW the “DISN Connection Process Guide” (reference p).
(4) Outside Instruction Scope
. Information technology (IT), security,
connection, and DOD Chief Information Officer (CIO) waiver requirements for
non-DISN DOD networks such as the Defense Research Engineering Network
(DREN), SECRET Defense Research Engineering Network (SDREN), Combined
Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System (CENTRIXS), or other DOD
networks (e.g., standalone or training enclaves) not connected to the DISN are
outside the scope of this instruction. For guidance on these networks, contact
the DOD CIO and/or network owners (e.g., Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) for DREN and SDREN).
For information on multinational networks, see DODI 8110.1, “Multinational
CJCSI 6211.02D
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Information Networks Implementation” (reference q), or CJCSI 6285.01,
“Multinational Information Sharing (MNIS) Operational Systems Requirements
Management Process” (reference r).
4. Policy. See Enclosure B.
5. Definitions
. See Glossary. Major source documents for definitions in this
instruction are Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, “DOD Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms” (reference s), and Committee on National Security Systems
Instruction (CNSSI) 4009, “National Information Assurance Glossary”
(reference t).
6. Responsibilities
. See enclosures C and D.
7. Summary of Changes
a. Replaces the policy and responsibilities previously published in CJCSI
6211.02C (reference n) and CJCSI 6215.01C (reference o).
b. Updates Joint Staff responsibilities based on disestablishment of the
Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems Directorate (J-6).
c. Removes specific process steps and procedures for connection to and
management of DISN-provided transport and information services;
performance measurement standards in terms of management thresholds and
performance objectives; and implementation guidance supporting engineering
solutions, which will be maintained and updated as required by the Defense
Information Systems Agency (DISA) IAW DODD 5105.19 (reference c).
d. Updates Unified Cross Domain Management Office (UCDMO) roles and
e. Adds guidance on prioritization of CD requirements.
f. Adds guidance on Commercial Internet Services Provider (ISP)
Connection Waivers.
g. Removes DISN Security Information Assurance Program enclosure.
Updates guidance based on the Cyber Security Inspection Program, which can
be found in CJCSI 6510.01 Series (reference k).
h. Provides guidance on use of commercially-provided transport and
information services (Telecommunications Act of 1996 (reference u)).
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i. Updates guidance on use of CC/S/A-provided connections (e.g., backside
connections) to other DOD entities, mission partners, and defense contractors.
j. Updates guidance on Internet Protocol (IP) tunnels.
k. Replaces the term “non-DOD” with the terms “mission partner” as
defined in DODD 8000.01 (reference d) and “defense contractor” as defined in
title 41, United States Code, chapter 1, “defense contractor” (reference v).
l. The Department of Defense is in the process of updating terminology for
a number of terms used in the current certification and accreditation process.
Both old and updated similarly defined terms are used throughout this
instruction. Such similar terms include Designated Accrediting Authority
(DAA) with Authorizing Official; certification with security control assessment;
and accreditation with authorization to operate. These terms are all defined in
CNSSI 4009 (reference t) terminology.
8. Releasability. This instruction is approved for public release; distribution is
unlimited. DOD components (to include the combatant commands), other
federal agencies, and the public may obtain copies of this instruction through
the Internet from the CJCS Directives Home Page--
9. Effective Date. This instruction is effective upon receipt.
Major General, USAF
Vice Director, Joint Staff
CJCSI 6211.02D
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A, B, C, and JS-LAN plus the following:
Chief Information Officer, Department of Defense ......................................... 2
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence .................................................... 2
Commandant of the Coast Guard ................................................................. 2
Director, Defense Security Service ................................................................. 2
OPR for the subject directive has chosen electronic distribution to the above
organizations via e-mail. The Joint Staff Information Management Division has
responsibility for publishing the subject directive to the SIPR and NIPR Joint
Electronic Library Web sites.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
DISN ...................................................................................................... A-1
DISN and the
Global Information Grid (GIG) ........................................... A-2
DISN Management.................................................................................. B-1
DISN Connection .................................................................................... B-2
Minimize ................................................................................................ B-5
DISN Voice Precedence ........................................................................... B-5
Computer Network Defense Service Providers (CNDSPs).......................... B-5
Cross Domain (CD) Connections ............................................................. B-6
Cyber Security Inspection Program (CSIP) and Monitoring ...................... B-6
Official and Authorized Use of the DISN .................................................. B-7
Records Management ............................................................................. B-7
Joint Staff .............................................................................................. C-1
Combatant Commanders ........................................................................ C-2
Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (CDRUSSOCOM) .......... C-3
Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (CDRUSSTRATCOM) ................... C-4
Service Chiefs ......................................................................................... C-5
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) ............................. C-7
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) ........................................... C-12
Director, National Security Agency (NSA)/Central
Security Service (CSS) ..................................................................... C-12
Director, Defense Security Service (DSS) ............................................... C-13
Director, Unified Cross Domain Management Office (UCDMO) .............. C-14
DISN Related Panel, Boards, and Working Groups ................................ C-16
DISN-Provided Transport and Information Services
Responsibilities ................................................................................ D-1
DISN Connection Responsibilities .......................................................... D-2
Owned/Leased Telecommunications Equipment and
Services ............................................................................................ D-3
Cyber Security Inspection Program (CSIP) and Monitoring ..................... D-4
Cross-Domain Information Transfer Responsibilities.............................. D-6
Cross-Domain Requirement Prioritization .............................................. D-9
CJCSI 6211.02D
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DOD Information Assurance Risk Management Framework
(i.e., DIACAP) ...................................................................................D-10
Security Control Assessment (Certification) and
Authorization to Operate (Accreditation) Reciprocity ........................D-10
Approval for Mission Partner and Defense Contractor
Connections to the DISN .................................................................D-11
Commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection
Waiver ............................................................................................D-13
Commercial ISP Connection Waiver for ISP Connections
Not Connected to the DISN ..............................................................D-15
Improper Commercial ISP Connection Implementation .........................D-17
Support to Civil-Military Operations .....................................................D-17
CC/S/A Provided Connections to Other DOD Entities,
Mission Partners, and Defense Contractors ..........................................D-19
Use of Tunneling ..................................................................................D-20
DISN Voice Precedence .........................................................................D-22
JWICS Connection Process Requests ....................................................D-24
Official and Authorized Use of the DISN ................................................D-24
References .............................................................................................. E-1
Part I -- Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................... GL-1
Part II -- Definitions .............................................................................. GL-7
D-1. Voice Precedence Request Approval..............................................D-23
CJCSI 6211.02D
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A-1 Enclosure A
1. DISN. The DISN is a composite of DOD-owned and leased subsystems and
networks. It is DOD’s worldwide enterprise-level infrastructure providing end-
to-end information transfer in support of DOD operations. The DISN facilitates
information resource management and supports national security as well as
DOD needs. It also furnishes network services to DOD installations and
deployed forces. Those services include data, voice, video, CD, messaging, and
other unified capabilities along with ancillary enterprise services such as
directories. The DISN is comprised of three segments: sustaining base, DISN
transport, and deployed infrastructure.
a. The sustaining base infrastructure (i.e., base, post, camp, station, and
enclaves) interfaces with the DISN-provided transport infrastructure to support
strategic/fixed environment user requirements within the CC/S/A base
infrastructures and deployed warfighter. The sustaining base infrastructure is
the responsibility of the CC/S/A.
b. DISN-provided transport infrastructure delivers information transfer
services between CC/S/A installations and facilities; connections to external
mission partners and defense contractors; and connections to the deployed
infrastructure (e.g., warfighter) is the responsibility of DISA.
c. The deployed warfighter and associated Combatant Commander’s
infrastructure support the Joint Task Force and/or Combined Task Force. The
combatant command and subordinate Service components have primary
responsibility for the deployed warfighter and associated infrastructure within
the theater.
d. The DISN provides the transport infrastructure and makes available a
common set of enterprise services necessary to meet operational requirements.
e. DISN information transfer facilities support secure transport
requirements and services for sub-networks such as the NIPRNET, SIPRNET,
DISN voice transport and information services (e.g., DSN, DRSN, and UC), DVS
Network, EMSS, DISN-LES, and other government agency networks.
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A-2 Enclosure A
f. The DSN and DRSN are worldwide private-line voice sub-networks of the
DISN that provide non-secure and secure services to authorized users between
the CC/S/A sustaining base and deployed warfighter infrastructures via the
DISN provided transport infrastructure.
g. DISN is designated as a mission critical and mission assurance category
(MAC) I (e.g., High) national security system (NSS). The DISN and its sub-
networks (including, but not limited to NIPRNET, SIPRNET, DISN Voice, and
video services (i.e., DSN, DRSN, VoIP, and VoSIP), DVS, EMSS, and DISN-LES)
must be operated to meet criteria established in DISA Circular 310-130-2,
“Communications Requirements” (reference w), and protected IAW DODD
8500.01E (reference e) and other 8500 Series issuances.
2. DISN and the Global Information Grid (GIG). The DISN infrastructure is an
integral part of the GIG.
a. GIG 2.0 is the DOD effort to evolve the GIG, including the DISN
infrastructure, into a seamless, single information environment optimized for
the warfighter to achieve and maintain the information advantage as a critical
element of national power (GIG 2.0 Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
(reference x)).
b. This single information environment will provide an agile and flexible
infrastructure that supports military operations while under duress and is
capable of rapid configuration change across the terrestrial, space, and aerial
c. Future DISN-provided transport and information services will be
developed to support the seamless integration of GIG 2.0 to satisfy tactical
service requirements to the warfighter.
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B-1 Enclosure B
1. DISN Management
a. The Department of Defense shall use DISN-provided transport to satisfy
DOD information transfer requirements between DOD installations and
facilities, and for external connections to mission partner and defense
contractor ISs and networks IAW DODI 8100.04 (reference f).
b. Current warfighter requirements for DISN-provided transport and
information services are documented in the GIG 2.0 Initial Capabilities
Document (ICD) (reference y).
c. The DISN shall be managed, operated, and defended as part of a unified
DOD information enterprise as an integral component of DOD information
networks IAW DODD 8000.01 (reference d), DODI 8500.2 (reference g), and
consistent with DODI 8410.02 (reference i).
(1) Direction of DOD information networks operations and defense shall
be IAW the UCP (reference a).
(2) DISN-provided transport and information services shall employ:
(a) Certified information assurance (IA) personnel IAW DODD
8570.01, “Information Assurance Training, Certification and Workforce
Improvement” (reference z).
(b) Strict change management processes and procedures to implement
security requirements contained in applicable Security Technical
Implementation Guides (STIGs).
(c) Only those IP protocols, data services, and associated ports that
have undergone a vulnerability assessment and authorization process IAW
DODI 8551.01 (reference j).
(d) IS configuration approved in the Interoperability Certification letter
IAW CJCSI 6212.01, “Interoperability and Supportability of Information
Technology and National Security Systems” (reference aa) and the DOD
Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)
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B-2 Enclosure B
(3) UC equipment and software that are leased, procured (whether ISs or
services), or operated by the CC/S/As shall be in compliance with Unified
Capabilities Requirements (UCR) (reference bb) as specified in DODI 8100.04
(reference f), or have an approved Information Support Plan IAW DODI 4630.8,
“Procedures for Interoperability and Supportability of Information Technology
(IT) and National Security Systems (NSS)” (reference cc) that includes UC
equipment or products.
(4) CC/S/As shall procure or operate UC products listed on the DOD UC
Approved Products List (APL),
as applicable, unless granted an exception to
policy IAW DODI 8100.04 (reference f).
(5) Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) will be instituted using the
process IAW Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-016, 25 March 2010,
“Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) to Improve the Integrity of
Components Used in DoD Systems” (reference dd).
2. DISN Connection
a. All connections to the DISN shall be IAW the DISN Connection Process
Guide (reference p).
b. DOD ISs
(1) DOD ISs connected to the DISN-provided transport and information
services or commercial transport must be authorized to operate IAW applicable
guidance and processes including, but not limited to, DODI 8510.01 (reference
h), DODI 8100.04 (reference f), or ICD 503 (reference m)). This includes DOD-
owned ISs and ISs operated on behalf of the Department of Defense (e.g.,
contract, memorandum of agreement (MOA), or memorandum of
understanding (MOU)) that receive, process, store, display, or transmit DOD
information, regardless of classification or sensitivity.
(2) DOD ISs must be registered in the DOD Information Technology
Portfolio Repository (DITPR) (i.e., DITPR NIPRNET or SIPRNET IT Registry
application) by the responsible CC/S/A prior to connection IAW DOD CIO
memorandum, “DOD IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR) and DOD SIPRNET IT
Registry Guidance” (reference ee).
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B-3 Enclosure B
(3) DOD ISs connected to the DISN-provided transport capability shall be
discoverable, assessable, operated, and managed securely through continuous
compliance, monitoring, and risk management IAW DODI 8500.2 (reference g).
c. Mission Partner and Defense Contractor ISs
(1) Mission partner and defense contractor ISs connected to the DISN
shall be authorized to operate IAW applicable federal, Intelligence Community
(IC), or DOD guidance and processes. For example, defense contractor
unclassified ISs operating on behalf of the Department of Defense would
comply with DOD 8510.01 (reference h), federal mission partners not identified
as an NSS would comply with National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-37, “Guide for Applying Risk Management
Framework to Federal Information Systems” (reference ff), IC entities would
comply with ICD 503 (reference m), and defense contractor ISs that process
classified information would comply with DODI 5220.22, “National Industrial
Security Program (NISP)” (reference gg) for defense contractor ISs.
(2) Non-U.S. mission partner and defense contractor (when applicable)
access to DOD information must be in compliance with DODD 5230.11,
“Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and
International Organizations” (reference hh), the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR) (reference ii), and the Export Administration Regulations
(EAR) (reference jj).
(3) Defense contractor and other mission partner ISs operating on behalf
of the Department of Defense (e.g., contract or MOA) must be registered in the
DITPR (NIPRNET or SIPRNET instance) by the sponsoring CC/S/A prior to
(4) CC/S/A must include documentation and artifacts equivalent in
detail and scope to those provided by DOD entities in the request for a direct or
indirect connection to the DISN IAW DISN Connection Process Guide
(reference p).
(5) All mission partner and defense contractor connections to DISN-
provided transport and information services require a sponsoring CC/S/A and
a separate connection request. Mission partner and defense contractor system
access must be limited only to the information and services required to execute
the DOD-approved mission.
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B-4 Enclosure B
(6) All connection requests for a mission partner or defense contractor IS
to the DISN-provided transport and information services must be endorsed,
validated, and submitted by the CC/S/A IAW the DISN Connection Process
Guide (reference p) and the Defense IA Security Accreditation Working Group
(DSAWG), DISN/GIG Flag Panel processes.
(7) Defense contractor ISs connected to the DISN-provided transport and
information services must comply with connection guidelines issued by this
instruction and DISA as the operating entity. In addition, if the defense
contractor ISs are classified, they must comply with DOD 5220.22-M, “National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual” (reference kk).
d. CC/S/As will register
IS connection information as required IAW the
DISN Connection Process Guide (reference p).
e. Use of non-DISN commercial transport as an alternative to DISN-provided
transport requires a GIG Waiver Panel (GWP) approved Commercial ISP
Connection Waiver. See paragraphs 10 and 11 of Enclosure D on Commercial
ISP Connection Waivers.
f. Site inspection, remote scanning, acceptable authorized security posture
(DODI 8510.01 (reference h)), and providing computer network defense (CND)
services IAW DODD O-8530.1, “Computer Network Defense (CND)” (reference
ll), are conditions for a DOD IS, mission partner IS, or defense contractor IS to
obtain and retain an authority to connect (ATC) or interim authority to connect
(IATC) IAW the DISN Connection Process Guide (reference p).
g. Mission partner or defense contractor IS connection to DISN-provided
transport and information services must be through an established DISN
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) (e.g., FED DMZ) and will follow DISN DMZ security
DSS is the authorizing official (DAA) for contractor classified ISs under the authority of DODI
5220.22 (reference gg) and the DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk). CC/S/As are the authorizing
official (DAA) for contractor unclassified ISs under the authority of DODI 8510.01 (reference h).
Network Information Center ( for all unclassified information; SIPRNET Support
Center (
) for all classified information; Systems/Network Approval Process
(SNAP) (
) for unclassified voice, video, data circuit registrations and
connections, unclassified voice switches; and DOD CIO GIG Waivers for Internet Service
Provider registration; SIPRNET GIG Interconnection Approval Process (GIAP) System (SGS)
) for classified voice, video, data circuit registrations and connections;
and cross domain solution (CDS) deployments; and Ports, Protocols, and Services Management
(PPSM) (
) on SIPRNET for all networks/systems ports, protocols, and
services for all IP solutions or applications, including VoIP and VoSIP.
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B-5 Enclosure B
3. Minimize. The Department of Defense will utilize means available (user or
technical) to reduce (i.e., minimize) and/or remove nonessential data, voice,
and video communications traffic during times of surge or crisis as required to
ensure communications availability to meet DOD mission requirements.
a. Controls on users or communications can include, but are not limited to,
blocking, routing, usage, or availability controls to ensure prompt transmission
of communications traffic in support of mission requirements.
b. The directive to implement minimize shall indicate the type of
communications traffic to be reduced and/or removed.
4. DISN Voice Precedence
a. All DISN service requests for voice precedence requirements must be
forwarded through the requestor’s chain of command to the appropriate
approval authority (see Enclosure D).
b. The use of IMMEDIATE and PRIORITY precedence by DOD personnel
assigned to non-U.S. (foreign government adviser, United Nations (UN), North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), etc.) organizations must be approved by
the appropriate CC/S/A. Requests for FLASH or FLASH OVERRIDE must be
validated by the appropriate CC/S/A and approved by the Joint Staff.
c. Temporary upgrading of voice precedence to support CC/S/As or other
equivalent personnel during travel is authorized for all precedence levels for up
to 30 days. Temporary upgrading is also authorized for emergencies and
exercises. Requests must be coordinated with DISA and approved by the
combatant command.
d. Approvals of FLASH and FLASH OVERRIDE access must be provided to
DISA and the Joint Staff J-8.
5. Computer Network Defense Service Providers (CNDSPs)
a. DOD ISs connected to the DISN-provided transport and information
services must be aligned to an accredited CNDSP IAW DODD O-8530.1
(reference ll) prior to connection.
MINIMIZE is a condition wherein normal data, voice, and video communications traffic is
drastically reduced in order that communications traffic connected with an actual or simulated
emergency shall not be delayed.
In communications, a priority of importance designation is assigned by the originator.
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B-6 Enclosure B
b. For mission partner and defense contractor ISs, the sponsoring CC/S/A
must ensure a signed agreement (e.g., MOA) or contract defines the CNDSP
requirements, requirements specified in DODD O-8530.1 (reference ll), are
included in the agreement, and these CNDSP requirements are implemented
prior to connection.
6. Cross Domain (CD) Connections
a. Enterprise CD services or centralized cross domain solutions (CDSs) will
be used for automated DOD CD information transfer requirements.
b. Point-to-point CDSs will only be used when an enterprise service or
centralized CDS does not meet CC/S/A operational mission requirements.
c. Enterprise CD services, centralized CDSs, and point-to-point CDSs will
employ CDSs from the Cross Domain Baseline, unless an exception letter or a
Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) is approved through the Cross Domain
Resolution Board (CDRB), DSAWG, and DISN/GIG Flag Panel.
Life-cycle security management of cross domain security configurations
is required. In non-enterprise operating environments, the target Regional or
Point-to-Point CDS hosting environment must identify (appoint in writing)
individual(s) responsible to oversee the day-to-day security management,
configuration, and established information transfer processes. This (or these)
individual(s) are responsible for reporting security incidents to the local/site
Information Assurance Manager.
e. DISN connections among ISs of different security domains internal to the
DOD and external (e.g., mission partner) will be IAW this instruction, DODD
8500.01E (reference e), DODD O-8530.1 (reference ll), and other applicable
DOD issuances and instructions. Connections to SCI ISs must be IAW ICD
503 (reference m).
f. Any environment operating under IC governance with connections to a
collateral DISN system will be documented in the collateral DOD IS’s security
authorization package and require approval from both DOD and IC connection
governance processes.
7. Cyber Security Inspection Program (CSIP) and Monitoring
a. ISs connected to DISN-provided transport and information services are
subject to the CSIP IAW CJCSI 6510.01 (reference k). This includes a tiered
program of vulnerability assessments, Blue Team Vulnerability Evaluations
and Intrusion Assessments, cyber security inspections, and Red Team
operations to provide a systemic view of enclave and IS technical and
traditional security posture. Inspection risk findings may lead to
CJCSI 6211.02D
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B-7 Enclosure B
organizational or individual sanctions to include potential disconnection of ISs
from DISN-provided transport and information services.
b. ISs connected to DISN-provided transport and information services are
subject to electronic monitoring for communications management,
configuration management, situational awareness, and network security. This
includes on-site and remote vulnerability inspections to check configuration for
compliance with STIGs and other IA standards and guidelines.
c. Defense contractor systems operating under the NISP will adhere to the
policies, procedures, and standards established under the NISP.
8. Official and Authorized Use of the DISN. The DISN and connected DOD ISs
will be used for official and authorized purposes IAW DOD Regulation
5500.7-R, “Joint Ethics Regulation (JER)” (reference mm)
and DTM 09-026,
“Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities” (reference nn).
9. Records Management. Electronic records stored on or pertaining to the
DISN will be managed IAW title 44, United States Code, Chapters 31, 33, and
41 (reference oo); DODD 5015.2, “DOD Records Management” (reference pp);
DOD 5015.02-STD, “Electronic Records Management Software Applications
Design Criteria Standard” (reference qq), and CJCSI 5760.01 Series,
“Records Management Policy for the Joint Staff and Combatant Commands”
(reference rr).
Federal government communication systems and equipment (including government-owned
telephones, facsimile machines, electronic mail, Internet systems, and commercial systems when
use is paid for by the federal government) shall be for official use and authorized purposes only.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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B-8 Enclosure B
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C-1 Enclosure C
1. Joint Staff. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is responsible for
developing DISN joint policy IAW DODD 8500.01E (reference e), DODI 8100.04
(reference f), DODI 8510.01 (reference h), and DODD 8115.01, “Information
Technology Portfolio Management” (reference ss), and facilitating
communications with Combatant Commanders to improve the adequacy and
effectiveness of communications, command and control, IA, computing
services, interoperability and standardization, DOD enterprise services,
engineering, and acquisition functions IAW DODD 5105.19 (reference c).
a. The Director for Operations, J-3 shall:
(1) Advise the Chairman on the responsiveness and readiness of the
DISN to support command and control of operating forces in the event of war
or threats to national security in coordination with J-8 and United States
Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM).
(2) Advise and recommend, when appropriate, implementation of
communications traffic controls (MINIMIZE) to ensure National Military
Command System (NMCS) communications availability for mission
requirements IAW CJCSI 3280.01, “National Military Command System (U)”
(reference tt).
b. The Director for Force Structure, Resources, and Assessments, J-8 shall
(1) Advise the Chairman on command, control, communications, and
computer and information systems requirements and priorities in coordination
with DOD CIO.
(2) Provide advice and assistance to the Joint Staff directorates and
combatant commands on DISN policy and responsibilities to include obtaining
approval to connect to DISN (e.g., mission partners or defense contractors), CD
transfer requirements, and DOD information networks.
(3) Review DISN planning and programming documents and assess their
responsiveness to operational, developmental, and training requirements.
(4) Review and approve or disapprove all requests for FLASH and FLASH
OVERRIDE DSN/DRSN service after validation by a Combatant Commander,
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
C-2 Enclosure C
Service Chief, or Director of a Defense Agency.
(5) Serve as the Warfighting Mission Area (WMA) Principal Accrediting
Authority (PAA) for the Chairman IAW DODI 8510.01 (reference h).
(6) Appoint a flag-level WMA PAA
representative to the DISN/GIG Flag
(7) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-5/O-6 or U.S.
government (USG) civilian equivalent as primary representative to the GWP and
USG alternates with GWP voting authority.
(8) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 (e.g., Colonel) or
USG civilian equivalent as primary representative to the DSAWG and USG
alternates with Service DSAWG voting authority.
c. The Joint Staff CIO shall implement applicable responsibilities in
Enclosure D for Joint Staff networks.
2. Combatant Commanders. In addition to responsibilities outlined in
Enclosure D, the Combatant Commanders shall:
a. Approve the connection and subsequent operation of deployed ISs within
combatant command information networks and the connection to DISN sites
providing DISN transport and information services to local infrastructure. This
approval to operate by the Combatant Commander must be included in the
DISN connection approval request package submitted to DISA.
b. Endorse and validate combatant command CD, mission partner, and
defense contractor DISN connection requests in support of mission
c. Review and submit service restoration priority requests IAW with DISA
Circular 310-130-4, “Defense User’s Guide to the Telecommunications Service
Priority (TSP) System” (reference uu).
d. Submit DISN-provided transport and information services requirements
through designated Service Executive Agent channels to DISA IAW DODD
5100.03, “Support of the Headquarters of Combatant and Subordinate Unified
Commands” (reference vv).
DOD PAAs are appointed for the four GIG mission areas (MAs) consisting of the WMA, the
Enterprise Information Environment MA (EIEMA), the Defense Intelligence MA (DIMA), and the
Business Mission Area (BMA).
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-3 Enclosure C
e. Minimize
Plan for the implementation of communications traffic controls (user
or technical) for their commands or area of command responsibility during
surges or crisis (actual or simulated).
Direct implementation of communications traffic controls during
surges or crisis (actual or simulated) for their commands, area of command
responsibility, or functional area with notification to National Military
Command Center (NMCC), USSTRATCOM, CC/S/As, other USG agencies, and
foreign mission partners as deemed appropriate.
f. Cross Domain Responsibilities. If a combatant command does not
designate a Cross Domain Support Element (CDSE) or an existing office to
carry out combatant command CD responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, the
combatant command shall:
Request CD support from the combatant command’s Service Executive
Agent IAW DODD 5100.03 (reference vv) or another CC/S/A CDSE.
Develop an MOA outlining combatant command and supporting CDSE
responsibilities (Enclosure D), including the life-cycle costs, sustainment, and
management of any combatant command-directed CDS implementation
g. Provide USSTRATCOM and DISA read access to combatant command
level vulnerability management ISs (e.g., Vulnerability Management System
(VMS)), as requested.
h. Approve or disapprove outside the United States local commander
requests for DSN voice service (personal or unofficial use). Notify DISA DSN
Program Management Office (PMO) of approvals.
i. Review and revalidate secure voice conference requirements annually.
3. Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (CDRUSSOCOM). In
addition to the responsibilities outlined in paragraph 2 (above) and Enclosure
D, the CDRUSSOCOM shall:
a. Coordinate with theater combatant commands and their supporting
Service Components for required IS support at theater installation(s).
b. Submit DISN-provided transport and information services requirements
directly to DISA, as required. If service requirement is for a CDS, provide a
courtesy copy to the UCDMO.
Emergency Action Procedures -- CJCS Volume IX (CJCS LERTCON Procedures) (U) (reference ww).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
C-4 Enclosure C
4. Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (CDRUSSTRATCOM). In addition to
the responsibilities outlined in paragraph 2 (above) and Enclosure D, the
a. Direct DOD information networks operations and defense of DOD
information network including the DISN and synchronize cyberspace
operations planning in coordination with CC/S/As IAW the UCP (reference a).
b. Delineate U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) roles and
responsibilities to plan, coordinate, and direct DISN network operations and
c. Issue USSTRATCOM warning and tactical orders and directives
USCYBERCOM to provide instructions on the operation and defense of DISN
IAW UCP (reference a).
d. Prioritize Service and combatant command CD information transfer
requirements based on impact description provided by the combatant
command or Service’s ability to execute assigned mission(s) in support of the
National Military Strategy (reference xx).
e. Minimize
(1) Plan for the implementation of certain communications traffic controls
worldwide during surges or crisis (actual or simulated) in coordination with
Joint Staff (NMCC).
(2) Direct worldwide implementation of communications traffic controls
during surges or crisis (actual or simulated) as authorized or directed with
notification to NMCC, CC/S/As, other USG agencies, and foreign mission
partners as deemed appropriate.
f. Direct Command Cyber Readiness Inspections (CCRIs) of DOD DISN-
provided transport and information services and connected ISs IAW the
g. Monitoring Connections
Currently USSTRATCOM-issued warning and tactical orders and directives include alert
orders (ALERTORDs), deployment orders (DEPORDs), execute orders (EXORDs), fragmentary
orders (FRAGOs), IA Vulnerability Notices, operations orders (OPORDs), planning orders
(PLANORDs), tasking orders (TASKORDs), and warning orders (WARNORDs). Previous issued
orders and directives include Communications Tasking Orders (CTOs), Coordination Alert
Messages (CAMs), GIG Vulnerability Bulletins, Network Defense Tasking Messages (NDTMs),
and Operational Directive, Message (ODM).
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-5 Enclosure C
(1) Coordinate with CC/S/As on monitoring of connected enclaves.
(2) Issue procedures for coordination and notification of USSTRATCOM-
directed remote compliance monitoring and scanning of CC/S/A ISs.
(3) USSTRATCOM -directed scanning pre-notification may be in the form
of notices posted to a designated USSTRATCOM SIPRNET Web site or direct
USSTRATCOM communications to the Authorizing Official (DAA).
h. DISN Related Panels, Boards and Working Groups
(1) Appoint a flag-level chair for the DISN/GIG Flag Panel.
(2) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-5/O-6 or USG
civilian equivalent as primary representative to the GWP and USG alternates
with GWP voting authority.
(3) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent as primary representative to the DSAWG and USG alternates with
USSTRATCOM DSAWG voting authority.
(4) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent representative to the CDRB.
5. Service Chiefs. In addition to responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, the
Service Chiefs shall:
a. Provide communications capability to meet combatant command
validated connectivity requirements, including combatant command DISN
connectivity through DISN collection and distribution sites for both deployed
and garrison local infrastructures. ISs must be focused on supporting
operational requirements of the combatant command or parent Service and be
capable of supporting contingency operations.
b. Approve the connection of tenant ISs to base/post station transport and
services and to DISN provided transport and services. This approval to operate
by the Service must be included in the DISN connection approval request
package submitted to DISA and ensure an MOA is established to provide CND
services for these connections.
c. Implement CSIP teams to conduct Service cyber security inspections,
Blue Team Vulnerability Evaluations and Intrusion Assessments, and
vulnerability assessments of Service ISs connected to DISN-provided transport
and information services.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-6 Enclosure C
d. In addition to the responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, Services will
perform the following tasks in support of Service CD information transfer
(1) Designate a CDSE to work on Service CD activities and issues with
the UCDMO.
(2) Support Security Test and Evaluation (ST&E) of CDSs IAW DOD and
IC guidance to implement security controls as required.
(3) As Service Executive Agent IAW DODD 5100.03 (reference vv), when
requested by combatant command, provide CD support service per Enclosure
D. An MOA or MOU outlining combatant command and supporting Service
CDSE responsibilities is required and shall address the life cycle costs,
sustainment, and management of any combatant command-directed CDS.
e. Provide requisite site support for DISN equipment located on bases, posts,
camps, and stations. This includes providing power, physical security, floor
space, and onsite coordination for the DISN network points of presence (POPs)
on these bases, posts, camps, and stations. Site support must be specified in
procedural documentation and coordinated between the Service Headquarters
and DISA Headquarters.
f. Identify, assess, and document the DISN assets and associated
dependencies needed to implement required CC/S/A mission-essential tasks
and required capabilities in coordination with DISA.
g. Provide Headquarters of Combatant and Subordinate Unified Commands
administrative and logistical support (i.e., base operating support including
engineering documentation for transport and services, submissions for DISN-
provided transport and services, and necessary infrastructure) IAW DODD
5100.03 (reference vv).
h. DISN Related Panels, Boards, and Working Groups
(1) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-5/O-6 or USG
civilian equivalent as primary representative to the GWP and USG alternates
with GWP voting authority.
(2) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent as primary representative to the DSAWG and USG alternates with
Service DSAWG voting authority.
(3) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent representative to the CDRB.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-7 Enclosure C
6. Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). In addition to
responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, the Director, DISA shall:
a. DISN Management and Operation
(1) Provide DISN-provided transport and information services used for
data, voice, video, and cross domain through a combination of terrestrial,
aerial, satellite assets, and services IAW DODD 5105.19 (reference c).
Transport services include information transfer services between CC/S/A
installations, facilities, and enclaves, for connections to external mission
partner and defense contractor ISs and networks, and wide area network
information transfer.
(2) Manage process for connection to all DISN-provided transport and
information services.
(3) Direct operation and management of DISN-owned and leased DISN
subsystems and networks to meet CC/S/A operational requirements.
(4) Maintain configuration management of the DISN-provided transport
and information services.
(5) Implement and coordinate the necessary actions to provide end-to-
end responsibility, management, and operations of DISN telecommunications
and UC.
(6) Prescribe the threshold and objective performance metrics that will be
used for the DISN-provided transport and information services in DISA Circular
310-130-2, (reference w) and based on UCR (reference bb).
(7) Provide dialing and numbering plans for DISN-provided transport and
information services.
(8) Specify, coordinate, and document Service support required for DISN
equipment located at bases, posts, camps, and stations.
(9) Monitor the effectiveness of the DISN-provided transport and
information services in satisfying user requirements and respond to combatant
command and Service requests for reports on IS performance.
(10) Perform required system engineering and modeling to achieve the
optimal network design and implementation approach.
DISA connection process can be found at on (NIPRNET) and on (SIPRNET).
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-8 Enclosure C
(11) Identify and promulgate performance standards, security
implementation guidance (i.e., STIG), and supporting engineering solutions for
DISN-provided transport and information services (e.g., availability and
response time), and mission survivability requirements based on the Joint Staff
validated requirements and the UCR (reference bb).
(12) Support the combatant commands in creating a User-Defined
Operational Picture for their areas of responsibility (AORs).
(13) Develop process to record the technical and operational
characteristics of active connections, in addition to pending and operational
CC/S/A CD information transfer requirements.
(14) Assess the technical, programmatic, and operational feasibility of
adding new transport and information services capabilities to the DISN as
directed by DOD CIO.
(15) Identify technical solutions to close joint capability gaps validated
and provided by the Joint Staff with DISN-provided transport and information
(16) Establish and operate a contingency response capability to allow for
rapid extension of DISN-provided transport and information services into
regions around the world to support DOD contingency operations.
(17) Identify existing non DISN-provided transport and information
services utilized by CC/S/As and provide recommendations on those services,
which could be incorporated into future DISN-provided transport and
information services capabilities.
(18) Provide program objective memorandum recommendations with cost
data to CC/S/As including UC Master Plan with UC migration strategy,
transition engineering solutions, and recommendations for the modernization
of DISN-provided transport and information services IAW DODI 8100.4
(reference f).
(19) Publish a catalog of DISN-provided transport and information
services and cost-effective and economical rates IAW the Office of the Secretary
of Defense cost recovery program based on site subscription fees.
DISA computing services catalogs of service and rates can be found at /index.html
. The DISN Telecommunications Business
Service Catalog can be found at
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-9 Enclosure C
b. DISN-Provided Transport and Information Services Connection Process
(1) Maintain a DISN Connection Process Guide (reference p) describing
steps and requirements for connection to DISN-provided transport and
information services IAW DODI 8100.04 (reference f) and DODI 8500.2
(reference g).
(2) Update DISN Connection Process Guide (reference p) IAW DOD CIO
issuances and USSTRATCOM warning and tactical orders and directives issued
through USCYBERCOM on the operation and defense of the DISN IAW UCP
(reference a), as needed.
(3) Process, review, and approve CC/S/A validated DISN connection
(4) Ensure that the connection meets technical and interoperability
requirements IAW DODI 4630.8 (reference cc) and CJCSI 6212.01 (reference
(5) Ensure DOD, mission partner, or defense contractor ISs connected to
the DISN have authorizations to operate IAW DODI 8510.01 (reference h), for
defense contractor classified ISs (DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk)), or other
governing policy and process as described in Enclosure B (Paragraph 2).
(6) Track and approve all primary connections/points of presence (POPs)
to the DISN, employing standard equipment configuration and IAW published
(7) Defense Contractor Classified ISs
(a) Defense contractor classified ISs are subject to security standards
that are equivalent to the published STIGs and DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk).
(b) Ensure MOA is signed outlining roles and responsibilities for both
DISA and Defense Security Service (DSS) in the connection approval process
and oversight of cleared defense contractor connection to the DISN.
(8) Defense Contractor Unclassified ISs. Defense contractor operating ISs
that process unclassified information on behalf of the DOD are subject to
security standards to the published STIGs and DODI 8500.2 (reference g).
(9) In coordination with DSAWG, review Commercial ISP Connection
Waiver requests to DOD ISs (network and standalone) and make
recommendations to the DOD CIO GWP.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-10 Enclosure C
(10) Develop a process to allow CC/S/As with DOD CIO Commercial ISP
Connection Waiver to order commercial transport and information services
through DISA.
c. Security Control Assessment (Certification) and Authorization to Operate
(Accreditation) for DISA-Provided DISN Networks
Authorize operation of DISN networks IAW DODI 8510.01 (reference
Authorize the DISN SIPRNET to process SECRET NATO information,
IAW United States Security Authority for NATO Affairs Instruction 1-07
(reference yy).
d. DISN Monitoring, Assessment and Inspections
Monitor DISN connected enclaves in support of USSTRATCOM/
(a) Assess enclave compliance with DOD vulnerability management
requirements as directed by USSTRATCOM/USCYERBCOM.
(b) Conduct onsite and/or remote compliance scanning and
vulnerability assessments to ensure ISs provide adequate security as directed
Conduct SIPRNET and NIPRNET compliance validation visits as
directed by USSTRATCOM/USCYBERCOM. Compliance validation visits will,
at a minimum, consist of traditional security checks, scanning of the connected
network, and a CDS compliance inspection, if a CDS is operational. This
includes the following tasks:
(a) Maintain reports of the visits on the DOD database.
(b) Provide report access to the DOD CIO; the Joint Staff;
USSTRATCOM; the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E); and
concerned CC/S/As for review.
(c) Establish processes and procedures for the documentation of site
response to compliance visit open findings.
(d) Collaborate with the UCDMO and NSA/CSS to develop
requirements and standards for CDS compliance inspections, IAW Committee
on National Security Systems (CNSS) guidelines.
NATO information must be handled IAW United States Security Authority for NATO Affairs
Instruction 1-07 (reference yy).
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-11 Enclosure C
(e) Assess security implementation on connected environments from
the cryptographic device to the workstation for classified connections (i.e.,
SIPRNET) and from the point of presence of the connection to the workstations
for unclassified connections (i.e., NIPRNET).
(f) Conduct scheduled or USSTRATCOM directed CDS compliance
(g) Conduct internal cyber security inspections of DISA owned and/or
managed portion of DISN to determine DISN readiness and compliance with
security policy, procedures, and practices.
(h) Serve, if requested by DSS, as a team member on DSS inspections
of defense contractor classified ISs connected to the DISN.
e. In addition to responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, DISA will perform
the following tasks in support of DOD and IC CD information transfer
connection requirements:
(1) Provide CD enterprise services and integrate new CD information
transfer requirements into DOD enterprise CD services.
(2) Designate a CDSE to coordinate and manage the implementation of
DISA-provided CD enterprise services, point-to-point CDSs, and products.
Ensure there is feedback among DISA and supported CC/S/As and the
UCDMO on CDSs and products.
(3) Coordinate with CC/S/A CDSEs and provide quarterly status reports
on operational DISN CD services and CDSs to the DSAWG and UCDMO.
(4) Notify the DSAWG, UCDMO, affected CC/S/A Authorizing Officials
(DAAs), and CDSEs concerning vulnerabilities, configuration changes, or
operational changes that affect individual or classes of CDS authorized to
f. DISN Related Panels, Boards and Working Groups
(1) Appoint a flag-level representative to the DISN/GIG Flag Panel.
(2) Appoint DSAWG chairperson in the military grade of O-6 or USG
equivalent as directed by the DOD CIO.
Previous security evaluation and risk assessments for enterprise or centralized services will
be reviewed prior to integration of new information transfer requirements.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-12 Enclosure C
(3) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or government
USG civilian equivalent as a primary DSAWG representative as well as USG
alternates with DISA DSAWG voting authority.
(4) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent representative to the CDRB.
g. Provide CND services IAW DODD O-8530.1 (reference ll)
7. Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). In addition to responsibilities
outlined in Enclosure D, the Director, DIA, shall:
a. Implement, operate, manage, and secure Joint Worldwide Intelligence
Communications System (JWICS) components and facilities on the DISN-
provided transport IAW established agreements with DISA.
b. Provide threat assessments to support CC/S/A ISs and IS risk
assessments and decisions.
c. In support of IC CD information transfer connection requirements, DIA
will perform the following in addition to the responsibilities outlined in
Enclosure D:
Designate a CDSE to coordinate, manage, and maintain the DIA-
provided DOD information networks enterprise CD services, centralized and
point-to-point CDSs. Ensure there is feedback among DIA and supported
CC/S/As and the UCDMO about CD services and CDSs.
Conduct Certification Test & Evaluation (CT&E) and ST&E of CD
solutions IAW with UCDMO guidance and IAW applicable DOD and IC security
control assessment (certification) and authorization to operate (accreditation)
d. DISN Related Panels, Boards and Working Groups
Appoint a flag-level representative to the DISN/GIG Flag Panel.
(2) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent as primary representative to the DSAWG and USG alternates with
DIA DSAWG voting authority.
(3) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent representative to the CDRB.
8. Director, National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service (CSS). In
addition to responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, the Director, NSA/CSS
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
C-13 Enclosure C
a. Recommend techniques and procedures to minimize DISN information
security vulnerabilities IAW DODD 8500.01E (reference e) and CJCSI 6510.01
series (reference k).
b. Develop and/or certify communications security (COMSEC) solutions and
produce keying material for COMSEC IAW DODI 8523.01, “Communications
Security (COMSEC)” (reference zz).
c. In support of DOD and IC CD information transfer requirements, and in
addition to responsibilities outlined in Enclosure D, NSA/CSS will:
Establish and maintain methods for performing, analyzing, and
evaluating security countermeasures and attacks in support of the community
evaluation of the global risk for CDSs.
Notify the DSAWG, UCDMO, affected CC/S/A Authorizing Officials
(DAAs), and CDSEs concerning vulnerabilities, configuration changes, or
operational changes that affect individual or classes of CDSs authorized to
Designate a CDSE to work on CD activities and issues with the
Conduct CT&E of CDSs IAW with UCDMO guidance.
d. DISN Related Panels, Boards and Working Groups
Appoint a flag-level representative to the DISN/GIG Flag Panel.
Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent primary representative to the DSAWG and USG alternates with
NSA/CSS DSAWG voting authority.
Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent representative to the CDRB.
9. Director, Defense Security Service (DSS). In addition to the responsibilities
outlined in Enclosure D, the Director, DSS will direct DSS Cyber Security
Inspection Program:
a. Establish security standards as the Authorizing Official (DAA) for defense
contractor classified ISs under DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk) that are
equivalent to published STIGs and IAW DTM 09-016, “Supply Chain Risk
Management (SCRM) to Improve the Integrity of Components Used in DoD
Systems” (reference dd).
DODI 8100.04 (reference f) does not apply to DOD cryptologic SCI systems.
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
C-14 Enclosure C
b. Ensure defense contractor classified ISs connected to the DISN are in
compliance with DSS security standards.
c. Ensure defense contractor ISs that process classified information
connected to DISN are aligned to an accredited CNDSP.
d. Ensure MOA is signed outlining roles and responsibilities for both DISA
and DSS in the connection approval process and oversight of cleared defense
contractor connection to the DISN.
e. Establish Cyber Security Inspection Teams including team members from
DISA or USSTRATCOM, as appropriate, to conduct DSS compliance
inspections and support USSTRATCOM-directed CCRIs of defense contractor
classified ISs connected to DISN-provided transport and information services
IAW DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk) and contract IS security provisions.
(1) Notify defense contractors with classified ISs connected to the DISN of
scheduled DSS compliance inspections or USSTRATCOM-directed CCRI.
(2) Notify DISA or USSTRATCOM of unannounced DSS compliance
inspections, as appropriate.
(3) Employ published USSTRATCOM CCRI criteria and tools for
inspections of defense contractor classified ISs connected to DISN-provided
transport and information services as governed by DOD 5220.22-M (reference
kk) security requirements and contract IS security provisions.
(4) Provide inspection results upon request to USSTRATCOM, DOD CIO,
or DISA for defense contractor ISs processing classified information connected
to the DISN.
f. Participate at DSAWG as requested by Under Secretary of Defense for
Intelligence (USD(I)) to provide information or comments relating to cleared
defense contractor issues as the Authorizing Official (DAA) for contractor
classified ISs under the authority of DODI 5220.22 (reference gg) and the DOD
5220.22-M (reference kk).
10. Director, Unified Cross Domain Management Office (UCDMO)
. The
Director, UCDMO shall:
a. Chair the CDRB.
b. Promote the development and use of enterprise cross domain capabilities.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-15 Enclosure C
c. Be informed of evolving technologies and development efforts for existing
or new CDSs.
d. Facilitate CD testing and evaluation as follows:
(1) Establish standardized CD security test controls to be used by
certifiers for a CDS security control assessment.
(2) Establish security control assessment (certification) criteria to qualify
community laboratories to test CDSs.
(3) Lead development of a process to certify community laboratories to
test CDSs.
(4) Lead development of a process to provide centralized scheduling of CD
test laboratories.
(5) Review recommendations regarding CT&E and ST&E results, when
e. Provide centralized coordination and managerial oversight for DOD and IC
CD activities IAW DOD CIO and the Associate Director of National Intelligence
(ADNI) & CIO memorandum titled, “Unified Cross Domain Management Office
Charter” (reference aaa).
f. Maintain visibility of operational CD information transfer requirements.
g. Coordinate research and development efforts for CD technologies,
including the development of unique CD capabilities and partnerships with
academia, industry, and USG agencies, consistent with applicable law.
h. Develop, maintain, and oversee a baseline list of validated CDS for DOD
and IC use.
(1) Manage process for sponsorship of new CDS to be placed on the
UCDMO Baseline List.
(2) Manage a process for identifying CDS to be placed on the UCDMO
Sunset List.
i. Maintain an inventory of DOD CDSs, including operational as well as
planned CDSs or CDSs in research and development.
UCDMO CD Baseline and Sunset Lists can be found at
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-16 Enclosure C
j. Develop and maintain a CD roadmap building on UCDMO inventory,
validated CD requirements, capability gaps, and emerging technologies to
establish necessary CD capabilities.
k. DISN Related Panels, Boards, and Working Groups
(1) Appoint a representative in the military grade of O-6 or USG civilian
equivalent primary representative to the DSAWG and USG alternates with
UCDMO DSAWG voting authority.
(2) Appoint a CD advisor to the DISN/GIG Flag Panel.
11. DISN Related Panels, Boards, and Working Groups. The following
paragraphs outline the responsibilities and processes of DISN related panels,
boards, and working groups as prescribed in DODDs, DODIs, and charters.
a. DISN/GIG Flag Panel
(1) The DISN/GIG Flag Panel consists of the following voting members:
(a) Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) PAA,
WMA PAA, Defense Intelligence Mission Area (DIMA) PAA, Business Mission
Area (BMA) PAA, and flag-level representatives from DISA, DIA, NSA/CSS,
(b) Additional voting members may be added to the Flag Panel through
regular and/or directed charter changes in coordination with the four Mission
Area PAAs and the Panel Chair.
(2) Other organizations, such as the UCDMO or DSS, may be invited to
attend the DISN/GIG Flag Panel as advisors on a regular basis.
(3) The following DISN/GIG Flag Panel responsibilities are IAW the
current DISN/GIG charter (reference bbb); these responsibilities may be
changed through regular or directed charter updates in coordination with the
four Mission Area PAAs and the Panel Chair. The DISN/GIG Flag Panel shall:
(a) Assess DOD Information Enterprise risk and authorize connection
of DOD enterprise ISs IAW the DOD memorandum titled, “DOD Information
System Certification and Accreditation Reciprocity” (reference ccc).
(b) Make or delegate risk decisions for information exchanges and
connections among mission area (MA) ISs.
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C-17 Enclosure C
(c) Make or delegate DOD, mission partner, or defense contractor
information connection risk decisions including interagency and foreign
military IS connections.
(d) Make or delegate approval of CD services and CDSs including DOD
first time use of a CDS Baseline product.
(e) Review and provide advice to the DOD CIO and MA PAAs on IA
standards and implementing guidance (e.g., DIACAP
and DOD 8500 Series).
(f) Oversee and define risk decision and connection authorities of the
DSAWG and adjudicate decisions.
(g) Provide oversight and review authorization to operate
(accreditation) decisions for operation of enterprise-level ISs (e.g., applications,
enclaves, or outsourced IT services) and/or networks based on mission impact,
security risk, and resource calculations.
(h) Provide IA advice and risk management recommendations to the
PAAs, CC/S/A Authorizing Officials (DAAs), milestone decision authorities,
Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC), and other capabilities boards
and bodies that approve deviations from policy that may impact the DOD IA
(i) Review and adjudicate CD conflicts and issues brought forward
from the CDRB.
(j) Forward unresolved authorization to operate (accreditation) issues
to the PAAs with DISN/GIG Flag Panel recommendations for final decisions as
b. Defense Information Assurance (IA)/Security Accreditation Working
Group (DSAWG).
(1) The DSAWG consists of representatives from the Joint Staff, Office of
the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, DOD CIO, USSTRATCOM,
Services, DISA, DIA, NSA/CSS, Deputy Chief Management Office, Office of the
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) CIO, and the UCDMO. Other
organizations may be invited to attend as technical advisors.
(2) The DSAWG chairperson is appointed at direction of the DOD CIO.
DIACAP Knowledge Service site:
DSAWG Web site:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-18 Enclosure C
(3) The DSAWG, IAW its charter (reference ddd), shall:
(a) Support DISN/GIG Flag Panel in its role as the final risk decision
authority for DISN connections.
(b) Decide on or approve actions for those classes of ISs and
circumstances delegated by the DISN/GIG Flag Panel (e.g., similar
architectures, enterprise ISs, and CDSs previously approved by the DISN/GIG
Flag Pane).
(c) Make connection approval recommendations to the DISN/GIG Flag
Panel for those classes of ISs not delegated by the DISN/GIG Flag Panel (e.g.,
new technology or high risk connections).
(d) Recommend to the DISN/GIG Flag Panel disconnection or
disapproval of a CDS.
(e) Oversee and provide guidance to the Cross Domain Technical
Advisory Board (CDTAB).
(f) Recommend changes to DOD security policy and responsibilities.
(g) Guide or assist development of DISN integrated system/security
architecture changes.
(h) Provide community risk assessments.
(i) Report results of the assessments (and possible alternative
proposals to mitigate risk) to the DISN/GIG Flag Panel as required.
(j) Monitor life cycle of the DISN-provided transport and information
services to identify and resolve security issues.
(k) Coordinate with the ADNI & CIO through the UCDMO on CD
connections between TOP SECRET/SCI and other DOD classified domains
including connections to the DISN.
(l) Provide security assessments and recommendations to the DOD
CIO GWP and to the CDRB, as required.
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C-19 Enclosure C
c. DOD GIG Waiver Panel (GWP)
(1) The DOD GWP voting membership consists of the GWP Chair and
representatives from USD(AT&L), Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation
Office, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Joint Staff, USSTRATCOM,
and Services.
(2) DSAWG, DISA and DOD CIO Identity, and Information Assurance
provide technical advisors to the GWP.
(3) The panel may request representatives from other DOD components
and government agencies to participate in panel meetings as required.
(4) The GWP chair is appointed by the DOD CIO and governed by the
DOD CIO memorandum titled, “Global Information Grid Waiver Charter”
(reference eee).
(5) The GWP shall:
(a) Adjudicate all requests for waivers and appeals to the GIG
including networks, cross component computing, Internet connectivity, satellite
communications, information assurance, and oversight of the migration of
legacy networks into the DISN IAW GIG Waiver Charter (reference eee).
(b) Provide waiver recommendations to the DOD CIO for approval.
d. Cross Domain Technical Advisory Board (CDTAB). The CDTAB
(1) Assess technical risk of CDSs.
(2) Report results of CD risk assessments and propose alternate
solutions to mitigate risk to DSAWG.
(3) Advise and make recommendations to the CDRB and DSAWG on CDS
technical issues and details for resolution by the DSAWG or DISN/GIG Flag
CDTAB Web site:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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C-20 Enclosure C
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D-1 Enclosure D
1. DISN-Provided Transport and Information Services Responsibilities. C/S/As
a. Submit connection requirements between installations and facilities or
connections to external mission partner or defense contractor ISs and networks
through their chain of command and their responsible enterprise oversight
organizations to DISA, IAW the DISA Connection Process Guide (reference p).
Requirements that DISA cannot fulfill will be submitted to the DOD CIO GWP
for a Commercial ISP Connection Waiver.
b. Submit requirements for connections to the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) or Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) that include the
capability for automated long-distance on-netting and/or off-netting of voice
traffic between the public/commercial networks and the DISN for approval by
c. Identify to DISA each DOD IS requiring connection services between a
CC/S/A installation/base with an external mission partner or defense
contractor IS or network for DISN planning purposes. The ISs and
requirements must be identified to DISA as soon as requirements for these
services are validated.
d. Provide geographic combatant commands visibility of connection
requirements for a Service/post/camp/station or agency operated facility (i.e.,
courtesy copy of DISN request) outside the United States.
e. Ensure ISs comply with DODI 8551.1 (reference j).
f. Coordinate with DISA customer provisioning of Web services such as data
interfaces for alarm, configuration, and trouble ticketing.
g. Process CC/S/A sustaining base and deployable segment requirements
IAW DODI 8100.04 (reference f) and the supporting CC/S/As’ procedures.
h. Minimize
(1) Conduct planning for implementation of communications traffic
controls for CC/S/A communications during surges or crisis (actual or
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-2 Enclosure D
(2) Notify NMCC, USSTRATCOM, and DOD CIO when communications
traffic controls are implemented for CC/S/A communications.
2. DISN Connection Responsibilities. CC/S/As shall:
a. Implement DOD PAA and DISN/GIG Flag Panel decisions on the
enterprise deployment, operation, and connection of ISs.
b. Ensure that DOD, mission partner, or defense contractor ISs connected
to DISN-provided transport and information services are authorized to operate
IAW DOD, IC, or other governing policy and processes.
c. Ensure ISs comply with DODI 8551.1 (reference j).
d. Ensure CC/S/A organizations provide for or align with an accredited
CNDSP to acquire CND support for each IS.
(1) When aligning with an accredited CNDSP, organizations will ensure
an MOA is completed detailing the CND services that will be provided by the
CNDSP and which services will be accomplished by the organization operating
the IS.
(2) DISN connected ISs will implement CND service capabilities to
continuously protect, monitor, detect, analyze, and respond to unauthorized
activity within CC/S/A ISs and networks IAW DODD O-8530.1 (reference ll).
These capabilities will be available during IS periods of operations (i.e., 24
hours/7 days a week).
e. Ensure transmission of classified information is secured through use of
authorized cryptographic equipment and algorithms and/or protected
distribution systems (PDSs).
f. Ensure that SIPRNET enclaves with the requirement to process NATO
classified information meet NATO and U.S. security requirements to handle
NATO classified information IAW United States Security Authority for NATO
Affairs Instruction 1-07 (reference yy).
g. Endorse connection requirements and maintain oversight for CC/S/A
connections and requests.
DODI 8510.01 (reference h) for DOD, ICD 503 (reference m) for the IC, DOD 5220.22-M
(reference kk) for contractor classified ISs, and (for example) NIST SP 800-37 (reference ff) for
other federal agencies.
The Central United States Registry (CUSR) Web site lists registered enclaves at
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-3 Enclosure D
(1) Document and endorse the requirements for connections.
(2) Endorse requests, validate operational requirements, and prioritize
mission partner and defense contractor connection requests.
(3) Ensure that foreign entity connection requests are endorsed by a
combatant command headquarters.
(4) Assign a primary (in military grade of O-6 or civilian equivalent) and
alternate to validate and endorse mission partner and defense contractor DISN
connection requirements for CC/S/A Headquarters.
h. Program, budget, fund, and provide support for assigned portions of the
DISN including procurement (e.g., SCRM), training, operations, maintenance,
usage fees, CD service, CDS development, physical security, electronic security,
and survivability measures.
i. Ensure ISs are compliant with DOD IA requirements IAW DODI 8500.2
(reference g), CJCSI 6510.01 series (reference k), and DISN Connection Process
Guide (reference p).
j. Ensure that defense contractor classified ISs are compliant with IA
requirements IAW DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk).
k. Ensure at least annually that ISs are reviewed for compliance with DOD
IA requirements, including mission partner and defense contractor ISs
sponsored by the CC/S/A.
l. Provide information, as requested, to DISA for DISN-provided transport
and information services billing, management, and inventory purposes.
m. Provide guidance, in writing, on authorized and prohibited uses of DISN
IAW DOD 5500.7-R (reference mm). Ensure user agreement and IA awareness
training includes authorized and prohibited uses of DISN and potential
penalties IAW DODD 5500.7 (reference fff).
3. Owned/Leased Telecommunications Equipment and Services
. CC/S/As
a. Acquire effective, efficient, and economical base telecommunications
equipment and services.
b. Maintain an inventory of all base telecommunications equipment and
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-4 Enclosure D
c. Review and revalidate all requirements for CC/S/A telecommunications
equipment and services.
d. Terminate services that are uneconomical or no longer needed.
e. Manage controlled interfaces between the DSN and the PSTN to fulfill
communications requirements between DOD and non-DOD networks/systems
and to provide alternative communications in the event of DSN disruptions.
4. Cyber Security Inspection Program (CSIP) and Monitoring. CC/S/As shall:
a. Conduct internal
vulnerability assessments, Blue Team Vulnerability
Evaluation and Intrusion Assessments, and cyber security inspections with
subject matter experts familiar with security control implementation and
security requirements for the organizations and specific technologies used IAW
CJCSI 6510.01 (reference k).
b. Conduct remote monitoring of DISN connections and connected enclaves.
When scanning for network compliance is conducted by DOD organizations
external to another CC/S/A, notification must be provided at least 24 hours
prior to the event or within an identified time period (e.g., 1 week) to the
organization being scanned for compliance in coordination with
c. Monitor scanning and monitoring notices issued by USSTRATCOM or
posted to the USCYBERCOM Web site
and ensure that current, accurate, and
complete contact information is provided to applicable DISN network/service
d. Use published USSTRATCOM CCRI criteria and tools employed for CCRIs
as the baseline for cyber security inspections.
(1) Support and comply with USSTRATCOM-directed CCRIs.
(2) Meet post-inspection requirements including POA&Ms, after-action
plans, and other mitigation efforts directed by USSTRATCOM.
e. Ensure CDS and connections are included in cyber security inspection
program assessments, evaluations, and cyber security inspections.
Examples of organizations conducting external inspections include USSTRATCOM-directed
CCRI, DOD and CC/S/A component inspectors general, the Government Accountability Office
(GAO), and other authorized entities.
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D-5 Enclosure D
f. For defense contractor systems directly connected (for example, not
through the FED-DMZ) to DISN-provided transport and information services,
CC/S/A sponsors shall:
(1) Ensure new or renewed contracts include the provision that defense
contractor ISs connected to DISN-provided transport and information services
are subject to cyber security inspections.
(2) Ensure sponsored defense contractor ISs processing classified
information connected to DISN-provided transport and information services are
determined in compliance with DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk) as determined
by DSS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation System (DFARS)
contract IS
security provisions, and CC/S/A supplemental contract IS security provisions.
(3) Ensure sponsored defense contractor unclassified ISs connected to
DISN-provided transport and information services are in compliance with
contract IS security provisions and CC/S/A supplemental contract IS
security provisions.
(4) Ensure defense contractor unclassified and classified ISs connected to
the DISN monitor and implement USSTRATCOM warning and tactical orders
and directives under the provisions of contract and DOD 5220.22-M (reference
kk) for classified IS.
(5) Ensure sponsored defense contractor systems operating on behalf of
the Department of Defense are authorized to operate.
(6) Provide coordination support for DSS cyber security inspections of a
sponsored defense contractor ISs processing classified information connected
to DISN-provided transport and information services, when requested.
(7) Conduct periodic cyber security inspections of defense contractor ISs
that process unclassified information connected to DISN-provided transport
and information services to ensure compliance with contract IS security
(8) Ensure CND services are provided by a certified and accredited
CNDSP for sponsored defense contractor ISs connected to DISN-provided
transport and information services before connection is implemented.
DFARS and Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) at:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-6 Enclosure D
g. For mission partner ISs directly connected to DISN-provided transport
and information services CC/S/A sponsors shall:
(1) Ensure sponsored mission partner ISs directly connected to DISN-
provided transport and information services are covered by a signed formal
agreement (e.g., an MOA) with the mission partner organization.
(2) Ensure formal agreement requires compliance with DOD security
controls and requirements or equivalent controls and requirements (e.g., NIST
SP 800-37 (reference ff)) for connection to DISN-provided transport and
information services.
(3) Ensure mission partner provides documentation on implementation of
required DOD security controls.
(4) Ensure formal agreement includes provision that mission partner ISs
connected directly to DISN-provided transport and information services are
subject to compliance inspections.
h. CC/S/A sponsoring a mission partner IS connection to DISN-provided
transport and information services through an established DISN DMZ (e.g.,
FED DMZ) will follow DISA guidance for connection of defense contractors or
mission partners to a DISN established DMZ.
i. Provide results of inspections upon request to USSTRATCOM and DISA.
DSS will provide results upon request to USSTRATCOM or DISA for defense
contractor IS processing classified information.
5. Cross-Domain Information Transfer Responsibilities. In support of DOD and
DNI CD information transfer requirements, CC/S/As shall:
a. Designate a CDSE or a CC/S/A office under authority of CC/S/A CIO to
carry out CDSE functions to provide oversight and management of CD
activities throughout the CD System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Designation of a supporting CDSE external to the CC/S/A requires an MOA
outlining CC/S/A’s and supporting CDSE’s responsibilities. The CDSE shall:
(1) Act as focal point for and manage all CD-related activities in their
(2) Maintain knowledge of published (e.g., UCDMO or DISA) available CD
capabilities provided by enterprise services and the baseline CDSs.
(3) Endorse enterprise services as the preferred method of addressing CD
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D-7 Enclosure D
(4) Ensure that any new CD technology developments:
(a) Are fully coordinated with UCDMO and USSTRATCOM.
(b) Align with the goals and objectives of the CD Community
(c) Fill identified capability gaps.
(5) Provide coordination and support to CC/S/A CD related assessment
(certification) and authorization to operate (accreditation) activities.
(6) Review, validate, and prioritize CD requirements, in coordination with
USSTRATCOM throughout the implementing CC/S/A’s acquisition and SLDC.
(7) Ensure IA requirements for CD-related activities are addressed
throughout the SDLC.
(8) Participate in applicable CD community forums (e.g., boards, tiger
teams, or working groups) to represent CC/S/A CD needs.
(9) Maintain access to information regarding CD requirements,
implementations, installations, and configurations within the supported
CC/S/A’s jurisdiction.
(10) Enter and update, as required, CD technology and operational data
to include updates and patches for technologies via the SGS.
b. Employ CD information transfer requirements solutions and products
from CD baseline list.
(1) CD solutions and products will be employed in the following order:
(a) Enterprise CD services and centralized CDSs will be established to
fulfill operational requirements across the DOD enterprise or across three or
more CC/S/As.
(b) Point-to-point CDSs or products will only be used when an
enterprise service or centralized CDS does not meet operational mission
requirement(s). The CDSE proposing a point-to-point CDS must justify its use
to meet the operational mission requirement(s) to the UCDMO.
Recommend new solutions or products only when existing CDSs
and products on the CD baseline list cannot meet operational requirements
IAW this instruction.
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D-8 Enclosure D
(2) Ensure CD connections assessed with the risk ratings above the level
the DSAWG can accept (approve) have POA&Ms or a documented and funded
strategy describing their risk mitigation strategy approved IAW established
DISN/GIG Flag Panel governance policy.
(3) Submit a letter of exception or POA&M detailing the planned
transition to a baseline solution through the CDRB, DSAWG review to the
DISN/GIG Flag Panel for approval, if utilizing a product that is not on the CD
Baseline List.
(4) Assist with rapid migration from use of solutions on the CD sunset
c. Obtain combatant command validation, endorsement, and prioritization
of information transfer requirements submitted by Service, Defense agency,
and DOD field or joint activities in support of combatant command operations.
d. Ensure proposed UCDMO baseline products are reviewed by CDSE prior
to acquisition.
e. Provide funds within CC/S/A budget authority to support the lifecycle for
their CDSs including acquisition, engineering, security testing, security
mitigation, and annual sustainment operating costs.
f. Develop transition plans for obsolete or aging CDSs identified with an end
of lifecycle date in the UCDMO CD sunset list.
g. CDSE prior to initiating new CD development shall:
(1) Obtain UCDMO and DISN/GIG Flag Panel concurrence prior to
expending funding for new CD services, products, or technologies.
(2) Forward CD information transfer requirement(s) to the UCDMO,
DSAWG, and DISN/GIG Flag Panel for review prior to initiating any CD
h. Conduct life cycle costs, sustainment, management,
and support of a
CC/S/A CD service, product, or technology through a program management
office or specified CC/S/A organization IAW DODI 5000.02 (reference ggg) and
DODI 8580.1 (reference hhh).
UCDMO CD baseline and sunset lists can be found at
Life-cycle activities include capabilities, resources, acquisition, security, operations,
deactivation, and retirement/reutilization or demilitarization of a service or solution.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-9 Enclosure D
i. Provide their CDSE with a POA&M or evidence of a funded security
strategy that describes the plan for reducing risks associated with CD
connections having risk ratings beyond which the DSAWG can accept.
(1) Either the POA&M or funded risk mitigation strategy must be
presented to the DSAWG to review and for the Flag Panel to adjudicate prior to
gaining approval to connect.
(2) In the event of risk rating, definition, or process changes, risk ratings
beyond that which the DSAWG can accept still require either the POA&M or
evidence of a funded risk mitigation strategy.
j. Support, if required, the implementation of a CD product or technology for
which they are a proponent in coordination with other CC/S/A CDSEs, the
UCDMO and DISA, support site personnel, and developers.
6. Cross-Domain Requirement Prioritization. CC/S/As shall:
a. Prioritize CD information transfer requirements based on impact on
readiness and ability of the DOD organization to execute assigned missions.
b. Provide an impact description based on Readiness Level Assessment
definitions in CJCSI 3401.01E, “Joint Combat Capability Assessment”
(reference iii).
c. Identify impact on readiness and ability to execute specific assigned
mission by the requesting organization if a CD capability is not provided for a
CD information transfer requirement.
d. CDS information transfer requirements impact will be identified as:
(1) CRITICAL --when failure to provide CD information transfer
capability will preclude accomplishment of assigned mission(s).
(2) HIGH -- when failure to provide CD information transfer capability
will have significant impact on readiness and ability to execute assigned
(3) MEDIUM -- when failure to provide CD information transfer
capability will have limited impact on readiness and ability to execute
assigned mission(s).
(4) LOW -- when failure to provide CD information transfer capability
will have negligible impact on readiness and ability to execute assigned
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-10 Enclosure D
e. Provide to USSTRATCOM CD Capability Requirement Prioritization
(1) Title and Reporting Organization: Subject title of the CD Capability
Deficiency and the Reporting Organization.
(2) Current Requirement Not Being Met and Corresponding Source
Document: Brief description of the CD information transfer requirement
deficiency and a list of the source documents from which the requirement is
derived (e.g., Guidance for the Employment of the Force (GEF), Joint
Capabilities Plan (JSCP), concept plan (CONPLAN) XXXX, operations plan
(OPLAN) XXXX, Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) plan, etc.).
(3) Quantified Shortfall/Operational Impact/Mission Essential Tasks
Impacted: Objective information quantifying the shortfall, the critical effects the
CD capability deficiency has on the organization’s ability to conduct its
mission(s) (e.g., preclude, significantly impact, limited impact, or negligible
impact ability to execute mission(s)) and the associated Joint/Agency Mission
Essential Task Lists (JMET/AMET) affected (e.g., OP 3.1.5. Publish Air Tasking
(4) Actions Taken/Needed To Fix Deficiency: Actions currently taken to
date to meet CD information transfer requirement to execute mission(s) and
recommendation needed to fix current CD capability deficiency.
(5) Risk and Planned/Potential Mitigation Action: Assess current risk CD
deficiency contributes to execution and the planned/potential mitigation steps
necessary to manage this risk until CD capability deficiency is implemented.
(6) Point of contact (POC) Information
: Name, rank, and organization.
7. DOD Information Assurance Risk Management Framework (i.e., DIACAP)
CC/S/As shall:
Ensure DOD, mission partner, and defense contractor ISs have an
authorization to operate (accreditation) IAW DODD 8500.01E (reference e),
DODI 8510.01 (reference h) and DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk).
b. Document and maintain the IA controls compliance status for deploying
IS IAW DODI 8510.01 (reference h).
8. Security Control Assessment (Certification) and Authorization to Operate
(Accreditation) Reciprocity. CC/S/As shall:
Provide security control assessment (certification) and authorization to
operate (accreditation) documentation IAW DODI 8510.01 (reference h), ICD
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-11 Enclosure D
503 (reference m), or NIST SP 800-37 (reference ff) as appropriate for deploying
IS to receiving CC/S/As. For defense contractor classified ISs, DOD 5220.22-
M (reference kk) documentation will be provided.
b. Resolve security issues IAW the DOD memorandum titled, “DOD
Information System Certification and Accreditation Reciprocity” (reference ccc).
c. Accept security control assessment (certification) and authorization
documentation developed IAW ICD 503 (reference m), NIST SP 800-37
(reference ff), DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk), or DIACAP (reference h)
requirements reciprocally, without the need to expend manpower and
resources performing additional security control assessment (certification) or
on reformatting the security authorization documentation packages into
alternate forms IAW the DOD memorandum titled, “DOD Information System
Certification and Accreditation Reciprocity” (reference ccc) and the DOD CIO
and IC CIO agreement titled, “Agreement between the Department of Defense
Chief Information Officer and the Intelligence Community Chief Information
Officer” (reference jjj).
9. Approval for Mission Partner and Defense Contractor Connections to the
DISN. CC/S/As shall:
a. Require a CC/S/A sponsor for connection of mission partner or defense
contractor ISs to DISN-provided transport and information services or to a
CC/S/A enclave connected to DISN-provided transport and information
services, to include the Fed-DMZ.
b. Ensure all requests for mission partner and defense contractor
connections to the DISN-provided transport and information services or to a
DOD enclave connected to DISN-provided transport and information services
are DOD CIO approved prior to implementation IAW the DISN Connection
Process Guide (reference p).
c. Validate and endorse mission partner or defense contractor entity
connection requests IAW the DISN Connection Process Guide (reference p).
CC/S/A office will provide to DISA the contact information for the
office/individual responsible for connection validation.
d. Ensure combatant command guidance for approval of mission partner or
defense contractor DISN connections within their AOR outside the United
States are followed.
e. Identify funding source for mission partner or defense contractor
connection request.
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D-12 Enclosure D
f. Ensure mission partner or defense contractor ISs are authorized to
operate prior to connection.
g. Ensure each mission partner or defense contractor connection is a
separate connection request and that mission partner or defense contractor
access is filtered and limited to only those data and services required to
support the DOD-approved mission and filtered access.
h. Ensure mission partner or defense contractor entities with DISN-provided
transport and information services are connected to DISN via a DISA
engineered and approved DISN solution. The DISN solution must be ordered
by CC/S/A through DISA request fulfillment process (e.g., the DISA Direct
Order Entry (DDOE) system/ telecommunications request (TR)/
telecommunications service order (TSO) process).
i. Ensure ISs directly connected to DISN-provided transport and information
services are aligned with an accredited CNDSP and costs for CNDSP support
are included in defense contracts or other formal agreements (e.g., MOU or
j. Ensure CC/S/A sponsors monitor information system security practices
and sponsored defense contractor or mission partner ISs that are connected to
the DISN are inspected for IA compliance.
(1) Ensure the inspection requirement is in the new or renewed contract
or other formal agreements.
Ensure an inspection for compliance with IA requirements is
conducted at the start period of the contract or other formal agreement and
periodically as required (e.g., by recent security incidents, changes in
architecture or contract requirements, or follow-up from other evaluations or
(3) Conduct at least annually a security assessment of compliance with
security controls IAW applicable governing policy (e.g., DODI 8510.01
(reference h), NIST SP 800-37 (reference ff), CNSSI 1253, “Security
Categorization and Control Selection for National Security Systems” (reference
kkk), or DOD 5220.22-M (reference kk).
k. Ensure mission partner or defense contractor entities are advised of and
acknowledge through formal agreements (e.g., contract, MOA, or MOU) the
conditions for connection to DISN-provided transport and information services.
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D-13 Enclosure D
l. Prohibit providing connections from mission partner or contractor ISs
connected to DISN-provided transport and information services to any other
facility or IS without explicit DOD CIO approval authority.
Ensure non-U.S. mission partner and defense contractor access to DOD
information is in compliance with DODD 5230.11 (reference hh), the
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (reference ii), and the Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) (reference jj).
n. Ensure DOD CIO and DISA are notified of all renewals and modifications
to approved renewal requests for mission partner or defense contractor
connection to the DISN-provided transport and information services or to a
DOD enclave connected to the DISN-provided transport and information
(1) The DOD CIO may delegate approval to DISA for mission partner or
defense contractor connections to DISN-provided transport and information
services when there has been no change in sponsor, mission, location,
contract, architecture/topology, or DOD CIO original approval conditions.
DISA will forward to or post for appropriate CC/S/A all renewal approval
(2) Renewal requests will require CC/S/A validation and endorsement
and DOD CIO approval if there has been a change in one or more of the
following: sponsor, mission, location, contract, architecture/topology, or DOD
CIO original approval conditions.
10. Commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection Waiver.
a. Use of commercially provided transport as an alternative to available
DISN-provided transport requires a Commercial ISP Connection Waiver IAW
the DISA Connection Process Guide (reference p).
b. DOD Commercial ISP Connection Waivers require DSAWG review and
DOD GWP approval as outlined in the DISA Connection Process Guide
(reference p).
For more information on regulation of foreign and domestic commerce in communications,
see the Federal Communications Act of 1996, Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law No.
104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996) (reference u).
DISA Web site:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-14 Enclosure D
c. CC/S/As shall:
(1) Utilize the DDOE process or authorized acquisition to provision
commercial ISP upon approval of Commercial ISP Connection Waiver.
(2) Register the Commercial ISP Connection Waiver in the
systems/networks approval process (SNAP) database.
d. Any specific questions on whether a Commercial ISP Connection Waiver
is required for commercially-provided transport should be directed to the DOD
GWP through the CC/S/A designated office/representative.
e. Urgent Operational Requirements for Temporary Commercial ISP
Connection Waiver
(1) CC/S/As shall register operational requirements for a temporary
Commercial ISP Connection Waiver for military operations (e.g., disaster relief
or short-notice exercise) in SNAP database as urgent, and the DISA
(Connection Approval Office (CAO)) will be notified.
(a) Service Executive Agents shall register combatant command-
validated requests for Commercial ISP Connection Waiver in support of urgent
operational requirements.
(b) Defense Agency SNAP POCs shall register their agency urgent
operational requirements.
(2) DISA will provide DISN transport or a commercial ISP connection
within 24-48 hours.
(3) The DSAWG and DOD CIO GWP Chairs will be notified to ensure
connection is properly documented and managed until commercial ISP
connection requirement is no longer required.
(4) CC/S/A sponsor will provide verification of connection termination
when no longer required.
CC/S/As are encouraged to synchronize the accreditation of IS(s) using a commercial
transport and services connection with the DOD CIO Waiver approval date/timeframe to avoid
possible delays.
For assistance in identifying your CC/S/A representative, contact the CAO via [email protected].
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-15 Enclosure D
11. Commercial ISP Connection Waiver for ISP Connections Not Connected to
the DISN
a. The DOD CIO may grant waiver status to a commercial ISP
request/requirement nominated by a service representative to the GWP if it is
deemed a recurring mission unable to be satisfied with a DISN solution in the
foreseeable future and is not connected to the DISN.
b. Initially, a Commercial ISP Connection Waiver request for a CC/S/A
requirement shall be submitted to the GWP for approval as a waiver (e.g.,
recruiting center(s), public affairs office(s), or another ISP connection or service
requirement) IAW the DISN Connection Process Guide (reference p).
c. If approved, the implementation conditions (e.g., security, investment,
interoperability, SNAP registration, etc.) for the Commercial ISP Connection
Waiver will be published for use by the CC/S/As.
d. Commercial ISP Connection Waiver without DISN Connection
(1) CC/S/As shall:
(a) Ensure their GWP service representative is notified and reviews the
Commercial ISP Connection Waiver prior to implementation and registration in
(b) Submit through their GWP service representative a request for a
Commercial ISP Connection Waiver to DISA, if an approved waiver does not
(c) Register the Commercial ISP Connections in SNAP IAW GWP
implementation conditions.
(d) Ensure IT assets employed are not physically or logically connected
to DISN infrastructure.
1. CC/S/As shall ensure that cable infrastructure available for
common-use or general support transport requirements, commercial or DISN,
is terminated on the main distribution frame (MDF) to ensure contamination
between DISN services and commercial services does not occur. Also, the same
equipment (e.g., modems, encryption devices, servers, etc.) shall not be used
for both DISN and commercial services.
DISN Infrastructure includes any equipment (e.g., communications cabinets, modems,
servers, encryption cabinets, and/or cabling) owned by DISA.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-16 Enclosure D
2. Multiplexing equipment owned by the CC/S/As shall be
employed in such a way as to ensure the DISN services and commercial
services are separated on different circuit card assemblies (CCAs) and clearly
noted on the multiplexing equipment as well as in any electronic or manual
record maintained by the CC/S/A at that location.
(e) Implement ISP connection(s) IAW with the GWP implementation
conditions for the Commercial ISP Connection Waiver.
(f) Ensure IT assets and information processed, stored, and
transmitted meet DOD security protection requirements and applicable
security controls.
(g) Ensure that controlled unclassified information or information
exempted under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) IAW DOD 5400.7-R,
“DOD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)” (reference lll), is protected IAW DOD
5200.1-R, “Information Security Program” (reference mmm), and IAW DODI
8500.2 (reference g).
(h) Update the commercial ISP connection information in SNAP if
registration information changes.
(i) Review/update registered Commercial ISP Connection Waiver
requirement and SNAP registration information IAW waiver stipulated
(2) DISA shall:
(a) Inform the GWP if DISN-provided connection and services are
available for a proposed Commercial ISP Connection Waiver request.
(b) Review CC/S/A commercial ISP connection(s) registered in SNAP.
(c) Notify DOD CIO approval authority if a CC/S/A registered
commercial ISP connection is not meeting implementation conditions approved
by the GWP.
(d) Notify the GWP, if DISN-provided connection and services become
available to meet Commercial ISP Connection Waiver requirement(s).
(e) Plan, in coordination with the appropriate DOD customer,
transition plan for moving a Commercial ISP Connection Waiver requirement
from a commercial ISP to DISN-provided connection, if required due to the
withdrawal of a waiver by the DOD CIO.
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D-17 Enclosure D
(3) GWP shall:
(a) Adjudicate Commercial ISP Connection Waivers submitted by
CC/S/A GWP representative(s).
(b) Set conditions for implementation of a Commercial ISP Connection
(c) Annually review Commercial ISP Connection Waivers to determine
if the waiver is still warranted based on original requirement(s) and the current
DOD investment, security, and interoperability guidance.
(d) Revise Commercial ISP Connection Waiver implementation
conditions, if required.
(e) Notify CC/S/As if authorization for Commercial ISP Connection
Waiver is withdrawn by the DOD CIO and GWP and ensure CC/S/A sponsor to
verifies termination of connection.
12. Improper Commercial ISP Connection Implementation
a. A commercial ISP connection found to be operating without a Commercial
ISP Connection Waiver or current authorization to operate must be
immediately terminated until rendered compliant, if the connection is
physically and/or logically connected to the local infrastructure enclave that is
connected to the DISN NIPRNET infrastructure.
b. A commercial ISP connection found to be operating without approved
Commercial ISP Connection Waiver or current authorization to operate must be
brought into compliance within 45 days, if the organization can demonstrate
that the enclave is physically and logically separated from the local
infrastructure enclave that is connected to the DISN NIPRNET infrastructure.
13. Support to Civil-Military Operations
. DOD policy provides provisions for
the resourcing and extension of information services and capabilities to
mission partners (civil-military partners) during civil-military operations IAW
DODI 8220.02, “Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Capabilities for Support of Stabilization and Reconstruction, Disaster Relief,
and Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Operations” (reference nnn), and DODI
3000.05, “Stability Operations” (reference ooo). CC/S/As may:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-18 Enclosure D
a. Provision and provide information services and capabilities for U.S. task
forces to support mission partners in stability operations, when it is
determined to be in the best interest of the DOD mission, and when the access
is not in conflict with host-nation post, telephone or telegraph ordinance IAW
DODI 8220.02 (reference nnn) and DODI 3000.05 (reference ooo). These
information services and capabilities may include:
(1) Unclassified voice and data services.
(2) Extension of bandwidth to or sharing of existing available bandwidth
with mission partners to enable connection to or provision of Internet service
and voice capability.
(3) Temporary cellular network services installed by DOD elements,
where circumstances require, until local services are re-established.
b. CC/S/As will ensure wireless equipment complies with existing domestic,
regional, and international frequency spectrum allocations and regulations.
c. Provide information services and capabilities to the Department of State
(DOS), when requested, to facilitate reconstruction, security, or stabilization
assistance to a foreign country. Any services, defense articles, or funds
provided or transferred to DOS to provide reconstruction, security, or
stabilization assistance to a foreign country shall be subject to the authorities
and limitations of those laws authorizing the appropriation of specific funds
used to provide assistance, and subject to applicable statutory and regulatory
restrictions and limitations.
d. Access provided to mission partner (civil-military partner) individuals
through DOD provisioned and provided information services and capabilities
for U.S. task forces to support mission partners in stability operations will be
IAW DODI 8500.2 (reference g) and CJCSI 6510.01 (reference k).
(1) Connections of mission partner ISs to unclassified DISN-provided
transport infrastructure will be requested and approved IAW the DISN
Connection Process Guide (reference p).
(2) Mission partner customer connections require separate connection
requests and filtered access.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-19 Enclosure D
14. CC/S/A Provided Connections to Other DOD Entities, Mission Partners,
and Defense Contractors. These connections are also termed “backside
connections” -- connection between two enclaves (e.g., CC/S/A and a defense
contractor) that do not traverse the DISN but can provide a connection to the
DISN through the CC/S/A enclave.
a. CC/S/A Connections Between DOD Entities
(1) A CC/S/A Authorizing Official (DAA) may authorize connections
between DOD facilities operated by another CC/S/A to provide access to DISN-
provided transport and information services (e.g., DOD tenant connecting to
DISN through the base/post/camp or station local infrastructure).
Connections made between two connecting sites must be established
consistent with the requirements in the network STIG.
(2) The DOD facilities are expected to be geographically adjacent (e.g.,
base/camp/station or metropolitan area). Exceptions may be authorized
related to mission needs. Requests for connection exceptions will be processed
through DISA to the DSAWG.
b. CC/S/A Connections to Mission Partner or Defense Contractor Facilities
and ISs
(1) Examples of a backside connection between DOD facilities and
defense contractor facilities can include connecting using commercial ISP
transport and services, and physically connecting with fiber or another
transmission medium.
(2) CC/S/As must obtain DOD CIO approval to connect mission partner
or defense contractor facilities or ISs to the CC/S/A infrastructure (e.g.,
base/post/camp or station enclave), which is connected to the DISN.
(a) Once approved by the DOD CIO, mission partner and DOD
contractor connections must be ordered through the DDOE process IAW the
DISA Connection Process Guide (reference p).
If SIPRNET e-mail is required in support of a contract, the
contractors must obtain their SIPRNET e-mail via their sponsor’s enclave
(e-mail clients).
DOD tenants are encouraged to maximize limited resources and share network connectivity whenever possible to
reduce total cost of ownership.
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D-20 Enclosure D
(c) Providing an unauthorized DISN connection to a mission partner
or defense contractor will be grounds for individual or organizational sanctions
including immediate disconnection of the CC/S/A connection to DISN-provided
transport and information services.
c. CC/S/A Connection Responsibilities. The CC/S/A providing a backside
connection through its infrastructure to the DISN for another DOD entity, DOD
CIO approved mission partner, or defense contractor will:
(1) Implement the connection behind appropriately protected enclaves
and ensure an MOA is established for CND services with protections equivalent
to DISA STIGs or federal security requirements.
(2) Accept responsibility for the connection in the security authorization
documentation IAW DODI 8510.01 (reference h) and update DISN connection
package with the DISA, to include a copy of any interconnection agreements
and detailed topology diagrams including all connections.
(3) Provide details on all current and proposed connections (including,
but not limited to, interconnection agreements and topology diagrams) to the
DISN connection approval office as part of the connection request package.
(4) Notify CC/S/A CDSE if a CDS is required for connection. The CDS
must be employed, configured, and maintained IAW CDS implementation
(5) Provide supporting encryption equipment, keying material, or a
channel servicing unit/data servicing unit except for what may be ordered with
vendor leasing action and the TSO.
(6) Ensure customers contact their support activity (CC/S/A service
provider) rather than DISA in the event of a circuit problem associated with a
CC/S/A provided connection.
(7) Ensure mission partners and defense contractors do not provide a
backside connection to another organization.
15. Use of Tunneling. The following guidance will be followed when a CC/S/A
determines the use of an IP tunnel is required to transport classified or
sensitive data. IP tunnels enable hosts to send data securely over another
network’s connections by encapsulating the packets, thus securing the
information. CC/S/As will:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-21 Enclosure D
a. Classified Data
(1) Minimize tunneling of classified data over transport other than DISN-
provided transport (i.e., SIPRNET).
(2) Ensure the Authorizing Official (DAA) validates all requirements to
tunnel classified information across unclassified IP infrastructure.
(3) Obtain DSAWG approval before tunneling classified data across
unclassified IP infrastructure.
(4) Use only IA and IA-enabled IT products evaluated IAW National
Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy
(NSTISSP) No. 11, “National Policy Governing the Acquisition of Information
Assurance (IA) and IA-Enabled Information Technology (IT) Products” (reference
ppp) and CNSS Policy No. 15, “National Information Assurance Policy on the
Use of Public Standards for the Secure Sharing of Information Among National
Security Systems” (reference qqq).
Ensure transmission of classified information is secured through use
of authorized cryptographic equipment and algorithms and/or PDSs.
(6) Ensure IP tunnel endpoints are facilities authorized to process the
information at the proper classification level.
(7) Document IP tunnels transporting classified communication traffic in
the enclave’s security authorization package prior to implementation. An ATC
or IATC amending the current connection approval must be in place prior to
b. Sensitive Data
(1) Use NIST certified medium-robustness encryption or stronger for
tunneling sensitive data over unclassified networks.
(2) Comply with the NSA/CSS protection profile for tunneling sensitive
information over unclassified networks.
(3) Document the tunneling solution in the enclave’s (including
standalone enclaves) security authorization package prior to installation.
c. Use of Suite B Cryptography in Support of Requirements
. Products
utilizing Suite B Cryptography may be used IAW NSTISSP No. 11 (reference
and successor policies that require products to have met NSA/CSS
approved standards. CC/S/A will:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-22 Enclosure D
(1) Request NSA/CSS review and approval prior to any specific
implementation of Suite B Cryptography for classified or controlled unclassified
(2) Identify interoperability requirements specific to mission partner
organizations and entities.
(3) Identify the releasability of the information to be protected (e.g.,
command and control, intelligence, releasable or U.S.-only data).
(4) Provide recommended implementation architecture (i.e., software,
firmware, or hardware) to exchange and share information.
(5) Provide implementation plan associated with the approved key and
key management activities.
(6) Ensure required formal agreements (e.g., MOAs or international
agreements) are completed with mission partner organizations and entities for
connection and information sharing.
d. Nothing in this IP tunnel guidance will supersede the existing authorities
and policies of the DNI regarding the protection of SCI and special access
programs for intelligence as directed in Executive Order 12333 (reference rrr)
and other laws and regulations.
16. DISN Voice Precedence. CC/S/As will:
a. Review and approve or disapprove all requests for IMMEDIATE and
PRIORITY precedence capability. Combatant commands and Services may
tailor the information requests for which they have approval authority.
b. Validate and forward requirements for FLASH and FLASH OVERRIDE to
the Joint Staff J-8 for approval.
c. Ensure:
(1) Precedence requirements are justified in terms of explicit mission
need, to include an explanation of negative mission impact if the request is not
(2) Requirements affecting other combatant commands, Services, or
Defense agencies have been coordinated with those affected organizations.
(3) Requests for FLASH and FLASH OVERRIDE are accompanied by
trade-off of equal precedence.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-23 Enclosure D
(4) Appropriate communication service priorities are identified.
(5) All DISN voice services (e.g., DRSN) requests for voice connections and
precedence requirements must be forwarded through the requestor’s CC/S/A
chain of command to the appropriate approval authority (see Table D-1).
Joint Staff
Combatant command approves requests in AOR OCONUS
Table D-1. Voice Precedence Request Approval
d. FLASH and FLASH OVERRIDE requests from mission partners outside
the Department of Defense must be sponsored by a CC/S/A and must be
forwarded through the Joint Staff J-8 to the DOD CIO for approval.
e. Requests for DISN voice services requiring precedence will provide the
following information.
(1) Description of required operational capability (concise narrative
(2) Present capabilities for DISN and why they are inadequate.
(3) Detailed description of the mission directly supported by the
requirement or the mission change that generated the requirement and mission
impact if disapproved.
(4) Complete identification of the requirement; e.g., type of change,
deletion, or addition including circuit or equipment quantities, configurations,
sequence numbers.
(5) Unit, title, and geographic location of requesting agency.
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-24 Enclosure D
(6) Precedence requested.
(7) Start date (if short notice, give justification and mission impact of
(8) Restoration priority or telecommunications service priority (TSP).
(9) Servicing switch (End Office (EO), Small End Office (SMEO), Private
Branch Exchange (PBX), Multi-Function Switch (MFS), and Multi-Function
SoftSwitch (MFSS)).
(10) Terminating equipment; e.g., type, brand, PBX model, facsimile, data
terminal/modem, video teleconference (VTC) studio terminal equipment, video
End Instrument (EI), Integrated Services Telephone (IST), emergency action
console, and Secure Telephone Equipment (STE).
(11) Number of extensions required. Indicate if extensions are to be
located in geographically separate locations that will require extension of
connectivity to servicing switch.
(12) Location of the user requested DISN service (geographic and physical
location of the end instrument).
(13) DISA or Joint Staff waivers in effect.
(14) Identification of the destination and expected frequency and
duration of calls, data transmissions, or facsimile transmission. Information
may also be expressed in terms of Erlangs of traffic.
(15) Operational mission security requirement. (Applicable classification
of service; e.g., Collateral SECRET/TOP SECRET, or TOP SECRET/SCI).
(16) CC/S/A POC (name, office symbol, DSN, and commercial telephone
17. JWICS Connection Process Requests
. CC/S/As shall request connection to
JWICS IAW “Network Connection Policy for the Joint Worldwide Intelligence
Communications System” (reference sss).
18. Official and Authorized Use of the DISN. CC/S/As shall:
a. Authorize categories of personal use of DISN communication after
determining that such communications:
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-25 Enclosure D
(1) Do not adversely affect the performance of official duties by the DOD
employee or CC/S/A.
(2) Are of reasonable duration and frequency and, whenever possible, are
made during the DOD employee’s or military member’s personal time (such as
after normal duty hours or during lunch periods).
(3) Serve a legitimate public interest such as enabling DOD employees or
military members to stay at their desks rather than leave the work area to use
commercial communication systems.
(4) Do not overburden the communications system and create no
significant additional cost to the Department of Defense or CC/S/A.
b. Ensure DOD ISs used to access the Internet are used for official and
authorized purposes IAW DOD Regulation 5500-7R, (reference mm) and DTM
09-026, “Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities”
(reference nn).
c. DOD 5500.7-R (reference mm) states that authorized purposes might
include brief communications made by military members and DOD employees
during official travel to notify family members of transportation or schedule
changes. They may also include reasonable personal communications from the
military member or DOD employee at his or her workplace (such as checking
with spouses or minor children; scheduling doctor, automobile or home repair
appointments; brief Internet searches; or e-mailing directions to a visiting
d. CC/S/A directors or military commanders may prohibit use of
government communications systems and equipment, or filter access to
commercial Web sites or services, to defend DOD’s IT resources, safeguard
missions by preserving operational security, and ensure sufficient bandwidth is
available for DOD operations IAW DTM 09-026, “Responsible and Effective Use
of Internet-Based Capabilities” (reference nn). Examples of situations where
access may be prohibited or filtered include the following:
(1) Accessing streaming video or radio Web sites.
(2) Accessing personal commercial e-mail accounts (e.g., Hotmail, Yahoo,
AOL, etc.) from government computers.
(3) Accessing Web sites with identified threat of malware infection (e.g.,
computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, root kits, spyware, dishonest adware,
and other malicious and unwanted software).
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-26 Enclosure D
e. Prohibited use of DISN includes the following:
(1) Use, loading, or importing of unauthorized software (e.g., applications,
games, peer-to-peer software, movies, music videos or files, etc.).
(2) Accessing pornography.
(3) Unofficial advertising, selling, or soliciting (e.g., gambling, auctions,
stock trading, etc.).
(4) Improperly handling classified information.
(5) Using the DISN to gain unauthorized access to other ISs.
(6) Endorsing any product or service, participating in any lobbying
activity, or engaging in any prohibited partisan political activity.
(7) Posting DOD information to external newsgroups, bulletin boards, or
other public forums without authorization.
(8) Other uses incompatible with public service.
f. Individual and Organization Accountability. CC/S/As shall:
(1) Ensure users complete initial IA orientation and annual refresher
training IAW DODD 8570.01 (reference z).
(2) Use a DOD CIO-approved consent banner and user agreement on all
DOD ISs IAW the DOD CIO memorandum titled, “Department of Defense
Information System Standard Consent Banner and User Agreement” (reference
(3) Ensure privileged users sign an information system privileged access
agreement and acknowledgement of responsibilities IAW DOD 8570.01-M,
“Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program” (reference uuu).
Ensure military, civilian, and contractor personnel are subject to
administrative and/or judicial sanctions, as appropriate, if they knowingly,
willfully, or negligently compromise, damage, or place at risk ISs, classified
information, or controlled unclassified information by not ensuring
implementation of DOD security requirements IAW this instruction, DOD
Regulation 5200.1-R (reference mmm), DOD 5500.7-R (reference mm), and
supplemental CC/S/A policies and procedures.
(a) DODD 5500.7 (reference fff) states penalties for violation of the
standards of conduct prescribed in DOD 5500.7-R (reference mm) that include
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-27 Enclosure D
statutory and regulatory sanctions such as judicial (criminal and civil) and
administrative actions for DOD civilian employees and members of the Military
(b) The provisions concerning the official and authorized use of the
DISN (federal communications) in DOD 5500.7-R (reference mm) constitute
lawful general orders or regulations within the meaning of Article 92 (section
892 of reference vvv) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), are
punitive, and apply without further implementation. In addition to prosecution
by court-martial under the UCMJ, a violation may serve as a basis for adverse
administrative action and other adverse action authorized by the United States
Code or federal regulations. In addition, violation of any provision in DOD
5500.7-R (reference mm) may constitute the UCMJ offense of dereliction of
duty or other applicable punitive articles.
(5) Sanctions for military personnel may include, but are not limited to,
some of the following administrative actions: oral or written warning or
reprimand; adverse performance evaluation; and loss or suspension of access
to classified material and programs. Sanctions for military personnel may also
include any administrative measures authorized by Service directives and any
administrative measures or nonjudicial or judicial punishments authorized by
the UCMJ.
(6) Sanctions for civilian personnel may include, but are not limited to,
some or all of the following administrative action: oral or written warning or
reprimand; adverse performance evaluation; suspension with or without pay;
loss or suspension of access to classified material and programs; any other
administrative sanctions authorized by contract or agreement; and/or
dismissal from employment. Sanctions for civilians may also include
prosecution in U.S. District Court or other courts and any sentences awarded
pursuant to such prosecution. Sanctions may also be awarded only by civilian
managers or military officials who have authority to impose the specific
sanctions proposed.
(7) Defense contractors are responsible for ensuring employees perform
under the terms of the contract and applicable directives, laws, and
regulations, and they must maintain employee discipline. The contracting
officer, or designee, is the liaison with the defense contractor for directing or
controlling contractor performance. Outside the assertion of criminal
jurisdiction for misconduct, the contractor is responsible for disciplining
contractor personnel. Criminal jurisdiction within the United States could be
asserted by federal, state, or local authorities. For defense contractors
accompanying the U.S. Armed Forces abroad, jurisdiction may be asserted by
the foreign state or, for certain offenses, by the federal government, including
under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000, 18 USC 3261, et
seq. (reference www). For additional information on defense contractor
CJCSI 6211.02D
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D-28 Enclosure D
personnel authorized to accompany U.S. Armed Forces, see DODI 3020.41
(reference xxx).
CJCSI 6211.02D
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E-1 Enclosure E
a. Unified Command Plan, 6 April 2011
b. DODD 5100.20, 26 January 2010, “National Security Agency/Central
Security Service (NSA/CSS)”
c. DODD 5105.19, 25 July 2006, “Defense Information Systems Agency
d. DODD 8000.01, 10 February 2009, “Management of the Department of
Defense Information Enterprise”
e. DODD 8500.01E, 24 October 2002, “Information Assurance (IA)”
f. DODI 8100.04, 9 December 2010, “DOD Unified Capabilities (UC)”
g. DODI 8500.2, 6 February 2003, “Information Assurance (IA)
h. DODI 8510.01, 28 November 2007, “DOD Information Assurance
Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)”
i. DODI 8410.02, 19 December 2008, “NETOPS for the Global Information
Grid (GIG)”
j. DODI 8551.1, 13 August 2004, “Ports, Protocols and Services
Management (PPSM)”
k. CJCSI 6510.01 Series, “Information Assurance (IA) and Support to
Computer Network Defense (CND)”
l. CJCSI 6250.01 Series, “Satellite Communications”
m. ICD 503, 15 September 2008, “Intelligence Community Information
Technology Systems Security Risk Management, Certification and
Current DOD Issuances (30 August 2010) -
Current CJCS Directives (30 August 2010) –
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
E-2 Enclosure E
n. CJCSI 6211.02C Series, “Defense Information Systems Network (DISN):
Policy and Responsibilities” (Canceled)
o. CJCSI 6215.01C Series, “Policy for Department of Defense Voice Networks
with Real Time Services (RTS)” (Canceled)
p. DISA Guide, Version 3.0, May 2010, “DISN Connection Process Guide”
q. DODI 8110.1, 6 February 2004, “Multinational Information Networks
r. CJCSI 6285.01 Series, “Multinational Information Sharing (MNIS)
Operational Systems Requirements Management Process”
s. JP 1-02 Series, “Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms”
t. CNSSI No. 4009, 26 April 2010, “National Information Assurance (IA)
u. Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56
v. Title 41, United States Code, Chapter 1, “defense contractor”
w. DISA Circular 310-130-02, 21 April 2000 (last reviewed 10 September
2008), “Communications Requirements”
x. “Global Information Grid (GIG) 2.0 Concept of Operations,” 11 March
2009, Version 1.1
y. JROCM 095-09, 1 June 2009, “Global Information Grid (GIG) 2.0 Initial
Capabilities Document (ICD)”
z. DODD 8570.01, 15 August 2004, “Information Assurance Training,
Certification and Workforce Improvement”
aa. CJCSI 6212.01 Series, “Interoperability and Supportability of Information
Technology and National Security Systems”
bb. DOD CIO, 15 December 2010, Change 2, “Department of Defense Unified
Capabilities Requirements (UCR)”
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
E-3 Enclosure E
cc. DODI 4630.8, 30 June 2004, “Procedures for Interoperability and
Supportability of Information Technology (IT) and National Security Systems
dd. DTM 09-016, 25 March 2010, “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) to
Improve the Integrity of Components Used in DoD Systems”
ee. DOD CIO memorandum, 10 August 2009, “DOD IT Portfolio Repository
(DITPR) and DOD SIPRNET IT Registry Guidance”
ff. NIST Special Publication 800-37, February 2010, “Guide for Applying the
Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems”
gg. DODI 5220.22, 18 March 2011, “National Industrial Security Program
hh. DODD 5230.11, 16 June 1992, “Disclosure of Classified Military
Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations”
ii. Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 120-130, “International
Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR)”
jj. Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 730-799, “Export
Administration Regulation”
kk. DOD 5220.22-M, 1 February 2006, “National Industrial Security Program
Operating Manual”
ll. DODD O-8530.1, 8 January 2001, “Computer Network Defense (CND)”
mm. DOD Regulation 5500.7-R, 1 August 1993, “Joint Ethics Regulation (JER)”
nn. DTM 09-026, Change 1, 16 September 2010, “Responsible and Effective
Use of Internet-based Capabilities”
oo. Title 44, United States Code, Chapters 31, 33, and 41
pp. DODD 5015.2, 6 March 2000, “DOD Records Management”
qq. DOD 5015.02-STD, 25 April 2007, “Electronic Records Management
Software Applications Design Criteria Standard”
rr. CJCSI 5760.01 Series, “Records Management Policy for the Joint Staff and
Combatant Commands”
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
E-4 Enclosure E
ss. DODD 8115.01, 10 October 2005, “Information Technology Portfolio
tt. CJCSI 3280.01 Series, “National Military Command System (U)”
uu. DISA Circular 310-130-4, 18 August 1993 (last reviewed 5 May 2006),
“Defense User’s Guide to the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)
vv. DODD 5100.03, 9 February 2011, “Support of the Headquarters of
Combatant and Subordinate Unified Commands”
ww. CJCS Volume IX (CJCS LERTCON Procedures (U))
xx. CJCS, 8 February 2011, “The National Military Strategy of the United
States of America”
yy. United States Security Authority for NATO Affairs Instruction
1-07, 2007, “Implementation of NATO Security Requirements”
zz. DODI 8523.01, 22 April 2008, “Communications Security (COMSEC)”
aaa. ASD(NII)/DOD CIO and ADNI & CIO, March 2007, “Unified Cross Domain
Management Office Charter”
bbb. Charter, July 2008, “Defense Information System Network (DISN) Global
Information Grid (GIG) Flag Panel ”
ccc. DOD memorandum, 23 July 2009, “DOD Information System Certification
and Accreditation Reciprocity”
ddd. Charter, 26 March 2004, “DISN Security Accreditation Working Group
eee. DOD CIO memorandum, 24 July 2002, “Global Information Grid Waiver
fff. DODD 5500.7, 29 November 2007, “Standards of Conduct”
ggg. DODI 5000.02, 8 December 2008, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition
hhh. DODI 8580.1, 9 July 2004, “Information Assurance (IA) in the Defense
Acquisition System”
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
E-5 Enclosure E
iii. CJCSI 3401.01E Series, “Joint Combat Capability Assessment”
jjj. DOD CIO and IC CIO Agreement, August 2008,“Agreement between the
Department of Defense Chief Information Officer and the Intelligence
Community Chief Information Officer”
kkk. CNSSI No. 1253, October 2009, “Security Categorization and Control
Selection for National Security Systems”
lll. DOD 5400.7-R, September 1998, “DOD Freedom of Information Act
mmm. DOD 5200.1-R, 14 January 1997, “Information Security Program”
nnn. DODI 8220.02, 30 April 2009, “Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Capabilities for Support of Stabilization and Reconstruction,
Disaster Relief, and Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Operations”
ooo. DODI 3000.05, 16 September 2009, “Stability Operations”
ppp. NSTISSP No. 11, Revised June 2003, “National Policy Governing the
Acquisition of Information Assurance (IA) and IA-Enabled Information
Technology (IT) Products”
qqq. Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Policy No. 15, 29 March
2010, “National Information Assurance Policy on the Use of Public Standards
for the Secure Sharing of Information Among National Security Systems”
rrr. Executive Order 12333, 4 December 1981, “United States Intelligence
sss. “Network Connection Policy for Joint Worldwide Intelligence
Communications System,” January 1995
ttt. DOD CIO memorandum, 9 May 2008, “Department of Defense Information
System Standard Consent Banner and User Agreement”
uuu. DOD 8570.01-M, 19 December 2005 (CH 2, 20 April 2010), “Information
Assurance Workforce Improvement Program”
vvv. Armed Forces, Uniform Code Military Justice, Article 92, Section 892
www. Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000, 18 U.S.C. 3261, et seq.
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
E-6 Enclosure E
xxx. DODI 3020.41, 3 October 2005, “Personnel Authorized to Accompany the
U.S. Armed Forces”
yyy. Newton’s Telcom Dictionary
zzz. Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Telecom Glossary
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-1 Glossary
ADNI Associate Director of National Intelligence
ALERTORD alert order
AMET Agency Mission Essential Task List
AOR area of responsibility
APL approved products list
ATC approval to connect
BMA Business Mission Area
CAM Coordination Alert Message
CAO Connection Approval Office
CCA circuit card assemblies
CCRI Command Cyber Readiness Inspection
CC/S/A combatant command/Service/Agency/DOD and joint
CD cross domain
CDR Commander
CDRB Cross Domain Resolution Board
CDS Cross Domain Solution
CDSE Cross Domain Support Element
CDTAB Cross Domain Technical Advisory Board
CENTRIXS Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange
CIO Chief Information Officer
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CND computer network defense
CNDSP Computer Network Defense Service Provider
CNSS Committee on National Security Systems
CNSSI Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
COMSEC communications security
CONOPS concept of operations
CONPLAN concept plan
CSIP Cyber Security Inspection Program
CSS Central Security Service
CT&E Certification Test and Evaluation
CTO Communications Tasking Order
CJCSI 6211.02D
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GL-2 Glossary
CUSR Central United States Registry
DAA Designated Accrediting Authority
DDOE DISA Direct Order Entry
DEPORD deployment order
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations System
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIACAP DOD Information Assurance Certification and
Accreditation Program
DIMA Defense Intelligence Mission Area
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DISN Defense Information Systems Network
DISN-LES DISN-Leading Edge Services
DITPR DOD Information Technology Portfolio Repository
DMZ demilitarized zone
DNI Director of National Intelligence
DOD Department of Defense
DODD Department of Defense Directive
DODI Department of Defense Instruction
DOS Department of State
DOT&E Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
DREN Defense Research Engineering Network
DRSN Defense Red Switch Network
DSAWG Defense IA Security Accreditation Working Group
DSN Defense Switched Network
DSS Defense Security Service
DTM Directive-Type Memorandum
DVS DISN Video Services
EAR Export Administration Regulations
EI End Instrument
EIEMA Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area
EMSS Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services
EO End-office
EXORD execute order
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FRAGO fragmentary order
GAO Government Accountability Office
CJCSI 6211.02D
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GL-3 Glossary
GEF Guidance for the Employment of the Force
GIAP GIG Interconnection Approval Process
GIG Global Information Grid
GWP GIG Waiver Panel
IA information assurance
IATC interim approval to connect
IAW in accordance with
IC intelligence community
ICD Intelligence Community Directive; initial capabilities
ICT information and communications technology
IP internet protocol
IS information system
ISP Internet Service Provider
IST Integrated Services Telephone
IT information technology
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITSP Internet Telephony Service Provider
JER Joint Ethics Regulation
JMET Joint Mission Essential Task List
JP Joint Publication
JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System
MA mission area
MAC mission assurance category
MDF main distribution frame
MFS Multi-function Switch
MFSS Multi-function SoftSwitch
MNIS Multinational Information Networks Implementation
MOA memorandum of agreement
MOU memorandum of understanding
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NDTM Network Defense Tasking Message
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-4 Glossary
Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network
NISP National Industrial Security Program
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NMCC National Military Command Center
NMCS National Military Command System
NSA National Security Agency
NSS national security system
NSTISSP National Security Telecommunications and
Information Systems Security Policy
ODM Operational Directive Message
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operations order
PAA Principal Accrediting Authority
PBX public branch exchange
PDS protected distribution system
PGI procedures, guidance and information
PLANORD planning order
PMO Program Management Office
POA&M plan of action and milestones
POC point of contact
POP point of presence
PPSM Ports, Protocols, and Service Management
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
RTS real time services
SCI sensitive compartmented information
SCRM Supply Chain Risk Management
SDLC System Development Life Cycle
SDREN SECRET Defense Research Engineering Network
SIPRNET SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
SMEO Small End Office
SNAP systems/networks approval process
SP Special Publication
The acronym is based on the DOD Dictionary and JP 1-02 (reference s). Other uses of this
acronym include Unclassified But Sensitive Internet Protocol Router and Non-Classified
Internet Protocol Router Network.
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-5 Glossary
ST&E Security Test and Evaluation
STE Secure Telephone Equipment
STIG Security Technical Implementation Guides
TASKORD tasking order
TR telecommunications request
TSC Theater Security Cooperation
TSO telecommunications service order
TSP telecommunications service priority
UC Unified Capabilities
UCDMO Unified Cross Domain Management Office
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UCP Unified Command Plan
UCR Unified Capabilities Requirements
UN United Nations
U.S.C. United States Code
USCYBERCOM United States Cyber Command
USD AT&L Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics
USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
USG U.S. government
USSOCOM U.S. Special Operations Command
USSTRATCOM U.S. Strategic Command
VMS Vulnerability Management System
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VoSIP Voice over Secure Internet Protocol
VTC video teleconference
WARNORD warning order
WMA Warfighting Mission Area
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-6 Glossary
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-7 Glossary
Unless otherwise stated, the terms and definitions contained in this glossary
are for the purpose of this instruction only.
accreditation. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
authorizing official. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
authorization to operate. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
backside connection. Use of another organization’s direct connection for
connectivity into the Defense Information System’s Network (DISN) backbone
by another DOD entity, mission partner, or contractor. (CJCSI 6211.01D)
baseline point-to-point cross domain solution (CDS). Point-to-point cross
domain solution providing the ability to access or transfer information between
two or more security domains. Note: A baseline point-to-point solution may
require tailoring or modification for implementation. (CJCSI 6211.02D)
Blue Team. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
centralized cross domain solution (CDS). Cross domain solution that is
centrally managed and operated to provide the ability to access or transfer
information between two or more security domains. (CJCSI 6211.02D)
certification. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Certification Test and Evaluation (CT&E). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
civil-military partners. U.S. departments and agencies, foreign governments
and security forces, global and regional international organizations, U.S. and
foreign nongovernmental organizations, and private sector individuals and for-
profit companies (“private sector”) working in partnership with U.S. and allied
military forces. (DODI 8220.02, reference nnn)
cloud computing
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Communications Security (COMSEC). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
community risk. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
compromise. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Computer Network Defense (CND)
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-8 Glossary
Configuration management. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
connection approval. See DODD 8500.01E (reference e).
connectivity. Anything physically or logically connected to a customer’s/user’s
(CJCSI 6211.01D)
core enterprise services
. A common set of enterprise services within the
enterprise information environment, which provide awareness of, access to,
and delivery of information on the GIG. (As defined in Enterprise Information
Environment, DODI 8115.01, reference ss.)
Cross Domain Resolution Board (CDRB). Senior DOD and IC members jointly
acting to provide CD risk mitigation recommendations to DOD and IC approval
authorities fostering a common resolution approach to evaluate and address
CD requirements, test and evaluation of products, and reciprocity between the
Department of Defense and IC. (CJCSI 6211.02D)
cross domain solution (CDS). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
data. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
defense contractor. Means an employer engaged in (1) the production,
maintenance, or storage of arms, armament, ammunition, implements of war,
munitions, machinery, tools, clothing, food, fuel, or any articles or supplies, or
parts or ingredients of any articles or supplies; or (2) the construction,
reconstruction, repair, or installation of a building, plant, structure, or facility;
under a contract with the United States or under any contract which the
President, the Secretary of War [the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of
the Air Force], the Secretary of the Navy, or the Secretary of Transportation
certifies to such employer to be necessary to the national defense. (Title 41,
Chapter 1, reference v)
Defense Information Systems Network (DISN). See JP 1-02 (reference s).
Defense Red Switch Network (DRSN)
. This global, secure voice service provides
the President, Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant
commanders and selected agencies with command and control secure voice
and voice-conferencing capabilities up to the Top SECRET SCI level. (CJCSI
Defense Switch Network (DSN). See JP 1-02 (reference s).
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-9 Glossary
Designated Accrediting Authority (DAA). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
DOD information networks. Globally interconnected, end-to-end set of
information capabilities and associated processes for collecting, processing,
storing, disseminating, and managing information on-demand to warfighters,
policy makers, and support personnel. DOD information networks include
owned and leased communications and computing systems and services,
software (including applications), data, security services, other associated
services, and National Security Systems. (UCP 2011, reference a)
enclave. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
enterprise cross domain (CD) service. A cross domain solution provided as a
system across an enterprise infrastructure, fully integrated to provide the
ability to access or transfer information between two or more security domains.
(CJCSI 6211.02D).
enterprise services. A common set of information resource capabilities designed
to provide awareness of, access to, and delivery of information. (DODD
8000.01, reference d)
external network. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Global Information Grid (GIG). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
incident. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
information assurance (IA). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
information service. The offering of a capability for generating, acquiring,
storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available
information via telecommunications, which includes electronic publishing but
does not include any such capability for the management, control, or operation
of a telecommunications system or the management of a telecommunication
service. (Telecommunications Act of 1996, reference u)
information system. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Information Technology (IT)
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
. See JP 1-02 (reference s).
Internet. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-10 Glossary
Internet-based capabilities. All publicly accessible information capabilities and
applications available across the Internet in locations not owned, operated, or
controlled by the Department of Defense or the federal government. Internet-
based capabilities include collaborative tools such as social networking sites,
social media, user-generated content, social software, e-mail, instant
messaging, and discussion forums (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter,
Google Apps). (DTM 09-026, “Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-based
Capabilities,” reference nn)
Internet Protocol (IP). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
minimize. See JP 1-02 (reference s).
Mission Assurance Category (MAC). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Mission Partners. Those with whom the Department of Defense cooperates to
achieve national goals, such as other departments and agencies of the U.S.
government; state and local governments; allies, Coalition members, host
nations and other nations; multinational organizations; non-governmental
organizations; and the private sector. (DODD 8000.01, reference d)
National Security System (NSS). See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
network. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
off-net calling. Telephone calls that are carried in part on a network but are
destined for a phone not on the network, i.e., some part of the conversation’s
journey will be over the public switched network or over someone else’s
network. (CJCSI 6211.02D from Newton’s Telcom Dictionary (reference yyy))
on-net. Telephone calls that stay on a customer’s private network, traveling by
private line from beginning to end. (CJCSI 6211.02D from Newton’s Telcom
Dictionary(reference yyy))
precedence. In communications, a priority of importance designation assigned
by the originator. Example: The ascending order of precedence for military
telephonic communications is:
. Precedence designation applied to official U.S. government
communications that require rapid transmission by telephonic means but do
not require preferential handling.
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-11 Glossary
- PRIORITY. Precedence reserved generally for telephone calls requiring
expeditious action by called parties and/or furnishing essential information
for the conduct of U.S. government operations.
- IMMEDIATE. Precedence reserved generally for telephone calls pertaining to
(1) situations that gravely affect the security of national and allied forces;
(2) reconstitution of forces in a post-attack period; (3) intelligence essential to
national security; (4) conduct of diplomatic negotiations to reduce or limit the
threat of war; (5) implementation of federal government actions essential to
national survival; (6) situations that gravely affect the internal security of the
United States; (7) civil defense actions concerning the U.S. population;
(8) disasters or events of extensive seriousness having an immediate and
detrimental effect on the welfare of the population; and (9) vital information
having an immediate effect on aircraft, spacecraft, or missile operations.
- FLASH. Precedence reserved generally for telephone calls pertaining to (1)
command and control of military forces essential to defense and retaliation;
(2) critical intelligence essential to national survival; (3) conduct of diplomatic
negotiations critical to the arresting or limiting of hostilities; (4) dissemination
of critical civil alert information essential to national survival; (5) continuity of
federal government functions essential to national survival; (6) fulfillment of
critical U.S. internal security functions essential to national survival; and (7)
catastrophic events of national or international significance.
- FLASH OVERRIDE. A capability available to: (1) The President of the United
States, Secretary of Defense, and Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2) Commanders of
combatant commands when declaring Defense Condition One or Defense
Emergency. (3) USNORAD when declaring either Defense Condition One or
Air Defense Emergency and other national authorities the President may
authorize. (4) FLASH OVERRIDE cannot be preempted in the DSN. (5)
FLASH OVERRIDE. A DRSN capability available to: (a). The President of the
United States, Secretary of Defense, and Joint Chiefs of Staff. (b).
Commanders of combatant commands when declaring Defense Condition One
or Defense Emergency. (c). USNORAD when declaring either Defense
Condition One or Air Defense Emergency and other national authorities that
the President may authorize in conjunction with Worldwide Secure Voice
Conferencing System (WWSVCS) conferences. FLASH OVERRIDE cannot be
preempted. (CJCSI 6211.02D)
Protected distribution system (PDS)
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-12 Glossary
Readiness Assessment (RA) Level Definitions
- RA-1: Issues and/or shortfalls have negligible impact on readiness and
ability to execute assigned mission(s) in support of the National Military
Strategy (NMS) as directed in the Guidance for the Employment of the Force
(GEF) and Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP).
- RA-2: Issues and/or shortfalls have limited impact on readiness and ability
to execute assigned missions in support of the NMS as directed in the GEF
and JSCP.
- RA-3: Issues and/or shortfalls have significant impact on readiness and
ability to execute assigned mission(s) in support of the NMS as directed in the
- RA-4: Issues and/or shortfalls preclude accomplishment of assigned
mission(s) in support of the NMS as directed in the GEF and JSCP. (CJCSI
3401.01E, reference iii)
reciprocity. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
records. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
records management. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
risk management. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
secure communications. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET)
. See JP 1-02 (reference s).
security control assessment
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
security domain
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
security inspection. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Security Test and Evaluation (ST&E)
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Sensitive Compartmented Information. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-13 Glossary
services. A set of functionality enabled by a provider for consumers.
Examples: cloud services, video services, and instant messaging. (CJCSI
6211.02D from Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Telecom
Glossary 2011 (reference zzz))
sub-network. A section of a large network that functions as an independent
network but does not appear separate to remote networks. (CJCSI 6211.02D)
Suite B Cryptography. A specific set of cryptographic algorithms suitable for
protecting both classified and unclassified national security systems and
information throughout the U.S. government and to support interoperability
with allies and Coalition partners. See CNSS No. 4009 (reference t).
system. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
system connection. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
transport. To convey information from one location to another. (CJCSI
6211.02D from Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Telecom
Glossary 2011 (reference zzz))
tunneling. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
Unified Capabilities (UC). The integration of voice, video, and/or data services
delivered ubiquitously across a secure and highly available network
infrastructure, independent of technology, to provide increased mission
effectiveness to the warfighter and business communities. (DODI 8100.04,
reference f)
UC transport
. The secure and highly available enterprise network
infrastructure used to provide voice, video, and/or data services through a
combination of DOD and commercial terrestrial, wireless, and satellite
communications capabilities. (DODI 8100.04, reference f)
vulnerability assessment
. See CNSSI No. 4009 (reference t).
CJCSI 6211.02D
24 January 2012
GL-14 Glossary