Originating Component: Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
Effective: June 30, 2021
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Instruction 8110.01, “Mission Partner Environment (MPE)
Information Sharing Capability Implementation for the DoD,”
November 25, 2014
Incorporates and Cancels: DoD Instruction 8220.02, “Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) Capabilities for Support of Stabilization and Reconstruction,
Disaster Relief, and Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Operations,”
April 30, 2009
Approved by: John B. Sherman, Acting DoD Chief Information Officer
Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5144.02, this issuance establishes
policy and assigns responsibilities for implementation of a mission partner environment (MPE) and
MPE capabilities to support unified actions across the full range of military operations.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 3
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1. DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO). .................................................................... 6
2.2. Director, DISA. ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3. USD(I&S). ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.4. Director, NSA/Chief, CSS. ............................................................................................... 8
2.5. USD(P). ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.6. USD(P&R). ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.7. USD(A&S). ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.8. USD(R&E). ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.9. DOT&E. .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.10. OSD and DoD Component Heads, EXCEPT FOR DOT&E. ....................................... 11
2.11. Secretary of the Air Force. ............................................................................................ 12
2.12. CJCS. ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.13. CCDRs. ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.14. Commander, USCYBERCOM. .................................................................................... 17
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 18
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 18
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 19
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 21
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
a. This issuance applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands (CCMDs), Office of
Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this
issuance as the DoD Components”).
b. Nothing in this issuance affects the authorities and responsibilities of the Director of
National Intelligence, especially regarding the protection of intelligence sources, methods, and
activities from unauthorized disclosure.
1.2. POLICY.
a. To enhance national defense, increase lethality, and strengthen alliances, the DoD
promotes effective information sharing, in accordance with applicable Federal laws, policies, and
agreements, among mission partners (MPs), which include:
(1) Other Federal departments and agencies.
(2) State, local, and tribal governments and agencies.
(3) Non-government organizations.
(4) Private sector organizations.
(5) Allies, coalition members, host nations, and other nations.
(6) Multinational treaty.
b. MPE is the operating framework enabling command and control (C2) and information
sharing for planning and execution across the full range of military operations. An MPE
capability provides the ability for DoD and MPs to exchange information with all participants
within a specific partnership or coalition.
c. MPE supports commanders’ execution of critical joint warfighting functions: C2,
information, intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, and sustainment. To
perform these warfighting functions, commanders require services that are common to both the
enterprise and expeditionary levels of operation for human-to-human collaboration (e.g., chat,
secure voice, video teleconferencing, email (with or without attachments), web browsing).
d. DoD officials who authorize information sharing will establish, consistent with applicable
Federal laws, policies, and agreements, appropriate information-sharing activities that facilitate
coordination and cooperation between DoD and MPs to enable a common understanding of the
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
stabilization and reconstruction, disaster relief, or humanitarian and civic assistance environment
and to support an integrated whole-of-government response capability.
e. DoD information is visible, accessible, understandable, linked, trustworthy, interoperable,
secure, and made available to appropriate MPs, to the maximum extent allowed by law, National
Archives and Records Administration requirements, National Security Policies, National
Disclosure Policies, General Security of Military Information Agreements, or DoD policy.
(1) All electronic data and information collected, maintained, used, or shared will adhere
to the requirements and restrictions imposed by Section 552a of Title 5, United States Code,
DoDD 5240.01, DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5400.11, DoDI 5015.02, Office of Management and
Budget Memorandum M-19-21, and other Federal laws, Executive orders, and DoD policies
regarding the protection of privacy information and civil liberties.
(2) Authorization for secure, efficient, and cost efficient disclosure and handling of
classified information, controlled unclassified information, unclassified information, and data
shared from and with MPs will be determined in accordance with U.S. law and DoD policies and
guidance, including Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12333, as amended, 13526, and 13556;
DoDIs 5200.01 and 5200.48; Volumes 1 through 3 of DoD Manual (DoDM) 5200.01; and
DoDD 5230.11.
(3) Special emphasis will be placed on protecting information pertaining to U.S. citizens
and resident aliens in accordance with DoDI 5400.11, DoD 5400.11-R, DoDM 5240.01, and
Section 803 of Public Law 110-53.
f. A common set of standards, protocols, and interfaces will be used to enable the sharing of
DoD data, information, and information technology (IT) services in accordance with North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Federated Mission Networking (FMN) Management
Group specifications, DoDI 5400.11, DoD 5400.11-R, DoDM 5240.01, Section 801 of Public
Law 110-53, DoDI 8310.01, and DoDI 8551.01.
(1) Pursuant to DoDI 8320.07, the National Information Exchange Model must be
considered when deciding which data exchange standards or specifications meet mission and
operational needs.
(2) Pursuant to DoDI 8310.01, information-sharing standards will be drawn from
approved standards in the Defense Information Technology Standards Registry when applicable,
and waiver requests will explain the use of other standards.
(3) To the maximum extent possible, the DoD’s common information-sharing standards,
protocols, and interfaces will be compatible and interoperable with those of other Federal
departments, agencies, and MPs.
g. The MPE supports DoD digital modernization goals and objectives in concert with
initiatives, including Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2), and in alignment with
FMN specifications and standards.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
h. A coalition interoperability assurance and validation capability, as defined in CJCS
Instruction (CJCSI) 5128.02, will be sustained as an enduring capability and will utilize the
mission-based interoperability and assessment methodology to support MPE and FMN pursuant
to DoDD 5101.22E.
i. The Defense Acquisition System and all DoD Component capability developers will
require that U.S. forces maintain coalition interoperability for sharing information and data with
MPs through use of appropriate standards and protocols.
j. The institutionalization of MPE within the DoD constitutes using the doctrine,
organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy
approach for ensuring the appropriate cultural and joint doctrinal shifts translate to fully trained
and equipped U.S. forces ready for the execution of unified actions with MPs across the full
range of military operations to meet the commanders’ mission objectives.
k. All information and program-generated records, regardless of media or security
classification, will be created, maintained and used, disposed, and preserved to document the
transaction of business and mission of the program, in accordance with DoDI 5015.02.
l. During stabilization operations, the DoD supports and reinforces the civilian efforts of the
U.S. Government lead agencies pursuant to DoDD 3000.05.
m. In response to CCMD-defined and Joint Staff-validated requirements, the DoD may
provide military ICT capabilities to share spectrum or bandwidth, and to provide other services
that are associated with the ICT infrastructure, including cellular telephone, wireless, and
bandwidth, ICT infrastructure services to support stabilization and reconstruction, disaster relief,
and humanitarian and civic assistance operations, consistent with applicable legal authority for
those operations.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., the DoD CIO:
a. Reviews MPE IT development to oversee compliance with enterprise architectures,
privacy requirements, and IT standards, including network, cybersecurity, data standards, and
related policy requirements. Pursuant to DoDD 8000.01, the DoD CIO, as the Principal Staff
Assistant for MPE, and provides oversight for IT compliance.
b. Oversees integration and distribution of MPE and FMN information-sharing standards
into the operation of DoD enterprise services in accordance with DoDI 8510.01.
c. Issues DoD guidance, consistent with DoDD 5144.02, for:
(1) Enterprise services to promote the availability of discoverable information.
(2) Network standards, procedures, and management to improve consistency and
interoperability in accordance with DoDIs 8310.01 and 8330.01.
(3) The development and use of data tagging and labeling, multi-level security services,
virtual private networks, and confidentiality mechanisms in coordination with the Director,
National Security Agency (NSA)/Chief Central Security Service (CSS), the NATO FMN
Management Group, and other organizations and standards to promote assured information
(4) Implementation of the provisions of Information Sharing Environment Guidance 108
and Presidential Memorandum, “Memorandum on Guidelines and Requirements in Support of
the Information Sharing Environment,” December 16, 2005.
d. In coordination with the DoD Executive Agent (EA) for DoD MPE:
(1) Provides standardized guidance for data exchanged by MPE networks during
processing, transport, storage, handling, and distribution.
(2) Requires overall classification markings designated by the original classification
authority are maintained in accordance with Volume 2 of DoDM 5200.01.
(3) Develops standardized guidance for use with other Federal departments and agencies
regarding data tagging, discovery, and access in accordance with DoDI 8320.07 and consistent
with the overall classification marking of the data and the established access privileges of the
individual MP.
e. In coordination with DoD EA for DoD MPE and the heads of United States Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM), the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), NSA, and
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
other DoD Components, provides guidance and support for MPE cybersecurity in accordance
with DoDIs 8500.01 and 8510.01.
f. When appropriate, assists other Federal departments and agencies to identify and develop
strategies for the use of information and communications technology capabilities pursuant to
DoDD 3000.05.
g. In coordination with the Director, DISA; Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and
Security (USD(I&S)); and Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)) provides DoD policy, technical architecture and designs for DoD enterprise
identity, credential, and access management implementation across DoD Components to support
Under the authority, direction, and control of the DoD CIO and in addition to the responsibilities
in Paragraph 2.10., the Director, DISA:
a. Provides DoD MPE enterprise-wide network transport and services for voice, data, and
video in support of MPE information sharing in accordance with DoDDs 5101.22E and 5105.19.
b. Sustains DISA-managed enterprise information sharing capabilities. In coordination with
the DoD EA for DoD MPE, develops, coordinates, and issues technical procedures for the DoD
Components to follow when managing and using DISA enterprise information sharing
c. Participates in the development of identity, credential, and access management policies
that support secured, available, and accurate information sharing with MPs in coordination with
the DoD EA for DoD MPE; the DoD CIO; the USD(I&S); the Director, Defense Intelligence
Agency; the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)); the CJCS; the USD(P&R); and the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)).
d. In conjunction with the CJCS, the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and
Engineering (USD(R&E)), and the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E),
supports development of mission-based interoperability methodology for assessing the MPE.
2.3. USD(I&S).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., the USD(I&S):
a. Oversees DoD implementation of Intelligence Community Directive 501 and provides
additional direction and guidance, as appropriate, for the acquisition, dissemination, and
processing of intelligence and intelligence-related information, including the use of FMN
standards to enable JADC2 information sharing capabilities.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
b. Oversees the exchange of all DoD intelligence and intelligence-related information and
sharing agreements to promote sharing across the MPE in accordance with Intelligence
Community Directive 501 and DoDD 5143.01.
c. In conjunction with the USD(P), develops, coordinates, and oversees the implementation
of DoD policies and security plans and interoperability requirements for sharing intelligence
information (including procedures for implementing foreign disclosure and releasability
guidance) to promote MPE intelligence-sharing capabilities in accordance with DoDDs 5144.02
and 5230.11, DoDIs 5200.01 and 8330.01, National Disclosure Policy-1, and FMN capabilities.
d. Serves as the DoD senior security official, pursuant to DoDD 5143.01, to develop and
integrate risk-managed security and protection policies and programs that provide intelligence
information-sharing capabilities across the MPE.
e. Provides advice and guidance to the DoD EA for DoD MPE for identity, credential, and
access management policies that support secured, available, and accurate intelligence
information sharing with MPs in coordination with the USD(P); the USD(P&R); the CJCS; and
the Director, DISA.
f. Provides advice and guidance to the DoD EA for DoD MPE to develop a security
classification guide regarding MPE intelligence information-sharing capabilities.
g. Promotes (among defense intelligence and intelligence community elements) the use of
approved MPE and FMN interface specifications and standards in systems developed to
exchange intelligence information and data pursuant to DoDD 5250.01.
h. Provides outcome-based performance measures in support of national and defense
intelligence systems to the DoD CIO and the DoD EA for DoD MPE.
i. Coordinates on all proposed international agreements concerning intelligence and
intelligence-related matters in accordance with DoDI 5530.03.
Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I&S), pursuant to National Security
Directive 42, and in addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., the Director, NSA/Chief,
a. In coordination with the DoD EA for DoD MPE:
(1) Develops or identifies solutions for secure and dynamic MP information sharing
communities and information-confidentiality services for the connection of networks that support
MPE information-sharing capabilities.
(2) Develops or identifies solutions that can be used between or within various network
security and information domains.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
b. Assists the DoD in the development or selection of efficient and effective cybersecurity
solutions that will enable secure electronic information sharing, which includes:
(1) Information discovery.
(2) Dynamic MP information-sharing communities, leveraging the MPE information-
sharing community as appropriate.
(3) Information privacy services on networks that support MPE electronic information-
sharing capability.
c. Assists in the development of authorization documentation for the solutions recommended
for networks that support MPE electronic information sharing.
2.5. USD(P).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., the USD(P):
a. Approves all proposed international agreements with policy significance before and after
any negotiations are concluded, consistent with DoDIs 2040.02 and 5530.03.
b. Provides direction and guidance, pursuant to National Disclosure Policy-1,
DoDD 5230.11, the March 28, 2013 DoD Chief Information Officer Memorandum, and
DoDI 2040.02 to oversee effective implementation of DoD policy for disclosing classified
military information and controlled unclassified information to foreign partners.
c. Coordinates on DoD classified military information and controlled unclassified
information exchange and sharing agreements to be negotiated and concluded with foreign
partners consistent with DoDI 5530.03.
d. In coordination with the USD(I&S) to support information sharing with foreign partners
and consistent with Volumes 1 through 3 of DoDM 5200.01, DoDIs 2040.02 and 5200.48, and
National Disclosure Policy-1, develops DoD plans, policies, and procedures necessary for
effective implementation of foreign disclosure policy for classified and controlled unclassified
e. Oversees, in coordination with the USD(I&S), the development and distribution of foreign
disclosure training requirements throughout the DoD.
f. Pursuant to DoDD 5111.01, supports the MPE by establishing procedures for the DoD to
engage with other Federal departments and agencies on execution and protection requirements
for campaign and contingency plans.
2.6. USD(P&R).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., and in coordination with the DoD EA for
DoD MPE; the DoD CIO; the USD(P); the USD(I&S); the Director, DISA; and the CJCS; the
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
USD(P&R) develops identity, credential, and access management policies that support secured,
available, and accurate electronic information sharing.
2.7. USD(A&S).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10 and in accordance with DoDD 5135.02, the
a. As the DoD chief acquisition and sustainment officer, supports delivery and sustainment
of timely, cost-effective, and uncompromised capabilities, to include MPE, for DoD.
b. In consultation with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, the USD(I&S), and the DoD CIO, leads
acquisition and sustainment of timely and cost-effective MPE capabilities.
c. Provides oversight for the acquisition and sustainment of ICT services and capabilities
that could be transitioned as enduring (stay-behind) infrastructure to host-nation military or
government organizations continuing to support stabilization and reconstruction, disaster relief,
and humanitarian-civic assistance activities.
2.8. USD(R&E).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10 and in accordance with DoDD 5137.02, the
a. In coordination with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, guides MPE technology development,
transition, prototyping, experimentation, and developmental testing activities and programs.
b. In conjunction with the DoD EA for DoD MPE; the CJCS; the DOT&E; and the
Director, DISA; supports development of mission-based interoperability methodology for
assessing the MPE.
2.9. DOT&E.
The DOT&E:
a. Oversees the conduct of operational test and evaluation (including cybersecurity testing)
to assess MPEs consistent with the responsibilities assigned in DoDD 5141.02 and DoD
issuances on test and evaluation. For all MPE programs under DOT&E oversight, the threat-
representative cybersecurity assessments will be conducted in accordance with the April 3, 2018
DOT&E Memorandum.
b. In conjunction with the DoD EA for DoD MPE; the CJCS; the USD(R&E); and the
Director, DISA; supports development of mission-based interoperability methodology for
assessing the MPE.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
The OSD and DoD Component heads, except for DOT&E:
a. Manage MPE information sharing capabilities in accordance with applicable DoD
acquisition and security policies and procedures, DoD digital modernization infrastructure
guidelines, and the JADC2.
b. Support the guidance in the CJCS Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System.
c. Coordinate with the DoD EA for DoD MPE and the CJCS in the development of MPE
capabilities to promote enhancements across DoD.
d. Require component capability acquisition executives to adopt MPE to achieve coalition
interoperability for sharing information and data with MPs by using FMN spiral specifications
for capability development.
e. Identify and coordinate sustainment, consolidation, or elimination of existing MPE
coalition information-sharing networks through the DoD EA for DoD MPE, including
adjustments to legacy funding sources.
f. In coordination with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, plan, program, and budget for
component-specific MPE requirements, including functioning as the Commander, Combined
Joint Task Force Headquarters or a component of a combined joint task force, while utilizing
MPE expeditionary capabilities as a United States mission network contribution.
g. Provide the DoD EA for DoD MPE with information-sharing program information to
validate that DoD Component MPE implementation plans adhere to DoD CIO-approved
enterprise services, interface specifications, and standards for FMN and MPE information
sharing capabilities.
h. Use existing MPE and FMN-compliant enterprise services and interface specifications
and standards developed by the DoD EA for DoD MPE for networks that exchange information
with MPs. This does not include the U.S. Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, which is
outside of the MPE and FMN.
i. Enter into service-level agreements with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, when necessary, to
support validated MP requirements with enterprise-level services. For legacy information-
sharing networks, implement a migration plan to align these agreements to standards if an
exception has been granted.
j. Manage MP information sharing communities for respective component responsibilities
and missions and areas of responsibilities (AORs).
k. Provide candidate enterprise services capabilities through the MPE governance structure
to develop and extend MPE capability.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
l. When appropriate, participate in mission-based interoperability compliance and
assessment test and evaluation activities in coordination with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, the
CCMDs, and the CJCS, for verification and validation of FMN specifications for coalition
information and data-sharing capabilities.
m. Require U.S. forces to be trained and equipped to operate as part of a multinational force
to conduct unified actions; to include stability, security, transition, reconstruction, humanitarian
assistance, and disaster relief missions; aligned with joint and military service-level MPE
n. Comply with the National Information Exchange Model and FMN technical specifications
and standards developed by NATO’s FMN Management Group.
o. Sponsor CCMD Service Component or MP capability needs submissions.
p. Establish procedures for validating the operational requirements of DoD-provided ICT
support to civil-military partners’ stabilization and reconstruction, disaster relief, and
humanitarian and civic assistance missions. The DoD Component heads will fund such
requirements within ceilings specified in budget guidance documents and in accordance with
responsibilities contained in DoDD 3025.18, when participating in Defense Support of Civil
Authorities missions.
q. Use an MPE electronic information sharing capability during joint and coalition exercises,
experimentation, and demonstrations to promote the development of supporting doctrine, such as
joining, membership, and exit instructions; mission threads; concepts of operation; and tactics,
techniques, and procedures.
r. Provide MPs the necessary guidance to share information effectively through the use of
joining, membership, and exit instructions.
s. Pursuant to DoDI 8530.01, identify a DoD Component-level organization responsible for
directing, managing, and supporting network operations, cybersecurity activities, and
cybersecurity service providers (CSSPs) of MPE networks and systems; must assign CSSPs for
MPE networks and systems and exchange information with the designated CSSPs.
t. Submit requests for exceptions to this issuance to the DoD CIO.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10. and as the DoD EA for the DoD MPE, in
accordance with DoDD 5101.22E, the Secretary of the Air Force:
a. Executes the role of the DoD EA for the DoD MPE, in accordance with DoDD 5101.22E,
to design, implement, operate, resource, and sustain a DoD-wide enterprise-level capability that
supports joint and multinational warfighting functional information-sharing requirements with
MPs. Determines suitability for continuation, consolidation, or sunset of legacy MPE capability.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
b. Establishes and publishes an MPE portfolio management process for MPE enterprise
c. In coordination with the OSD and DoD Component heads, assesses MPE expeditionary
capabilities aligned and synchronized with the FMN capability to support planning decisions and
all elements of the strategic planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process.
d. In coordination with the CJCS and the Secretaries of the Departments of the Navy and
Army, evaluates, recommends prioritization, and incorporates requirements, capabilities, and
solutions for the integration and evolution of C2 and intelligence information sharing capabilities
in a coalition environment. This includes ensuring mission threads, cross-domain solutions and
enterprise services, federated mission systems and applications, cybersecurity, and
interoperability testing for information-sharing in a coalition environment.
e. Reviews requests submitted by the DoD Component heads and makes recommendations
to the DoD CIO regarding exceptions to the use of MPE capabilities for the exchange of DoD
information with MPs.
f. As necessary, issues a security classification guide on C2 and intelligence information
sharing in a coalition environment (e.g., software, hardware, architectures, configurations) in
coordination with the USD(P), the USD(I&S), the CJCS, and the DoD CIO.
g. Distributes the electronic C2 and intelligence coalition information-sharing capability
permissions that are authorized in accordance with DoDI 8510.01 and evolving FMN standards.
h. Coordinates with USD(I&S), the DoD Component heads, and sponsors of coalition
information-sharing requirements to validate C2 and intelligence information-sharing
requirements, in accordance with applicable requirements processes; and facilitates the
integrated delivery of C2 and intelligence capabilities.
i. Develops, in coordination with MPE governance structure and accepted by the DoD CIO,
metrics and comparison benchmarks for overall MPE implementation and performance (e.g.,
mission accomplishment, total life-cycle costs, strategic objective achievement, cost/benefit
analysis) to determine specific segments or functional areas to target for process improvement.
j. Establishes network connection approval procedures; DoD joining, membership, and exit
instructions for MPE enterprise; and user-registration procedures to support the management of
MP information-sharing communities’ operations in accordance with DoDI 8010.01.
k. Manages cryptographic keying material for DoD EA for the DoD MPE-managed
networks and the supporting virtual private network infrastructures for electronic MPE
information sharing capabilities.
l. Develops MPE interface specifications and standards aligned and synchronized with FMN
spiral specifications as appropriate, and certified in accordance with the DoD Risk Management
Framework in accordance with DoDI 8510.01.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
m. In coordination with the Commander, USCYBERCOM; the DoD CIO; the Director,
NSA/Chief, CSS; and the other DoD Component heads, implements MPE cybersecurity in
accordance with DoDIs 8500.01 and 8510.01.
n. Manages a DoD MPE governance process to provide oversight and guidance for
resources, network and systems architecture, requirements, cybersecurity, and policy issues, and
additional functional areas, as required.
o. Assists the DoD Components in developing the requirements for the military ICT
capabilities and associated data and voice services necessary to support stabilization and
reconstruction, disaster relief, and humanitarian and civic assistance according to
DoDD 3000.05.
p. Utilizes coalition interoperability assurance and validation mission-based interoperability
and assessment methodology to support all phases of capability development and sustainment for
MPE coalition sharing of information and data.
2.12. CJCS.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., the CJCS:
a. Develops, coordinates, and distributes policies, doctrine, and procedures for the use of
MPE information-sharing capabilities in support of joint and combined operations, leveraging
FMN implementation lessons learned and spiral specifications.
b. Coordinates with the DoD EA for DoD MPE on development of MP and FMN affiliates
capabilities to promote enhancements across DoD.
c. Include the DoD EA for the DoD MPE in C2 and intelligence information-sharing
d. Designates an operational community requirements sponsor in accordance with CJCSI
5123.01H to help guide the development of future, and as appropriate FMN compliant MPE
information-sharing capabilities.
e. Participates in MP forums, as appropriate, and coordinates actions with the DoD EA for
DoD MPE and the requirements sponsors to promote development of MPE information-sharing
capabilities that meet or exceed the FMN spiral specifications.
f. Assists the DoD CIO in monitoring and evaluating MPE information sharing capabilities
provided by the DoD Components.
g. Directs the evaluation, validation, and recommended prioritization of MPE requirements
in accordance with CJCSIs 6290.01 and 8501.01B for information systems used to share DoD
information with MPs. Provides these as input to the DoD CIO, the Director, DISA, and the
DoD EA for DoD MPE, to assist in the development, acquisition, deployment, operations, and
sustainment of MPE information-sharing capabilities.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
h. Coordinates with the DoD CIO; the USD(A&S); the Commander, USCYBERCOM; the
DoD EA for DoD MPE; the Director, DISA; the Secretaries of the Military Departments; and the
Commander, United States Special Operations Command (with respect to special operations-
peculiar administration and support of United States Special Operations Command) to
recommend enterprise services and interface specifications, and to integrate C2 and intelligence
planning to support multinational force commander requirements.
i. Coordinates with the USD(I&S) to synchronize of intelligence capabilities with
operational capabilities for MPE electronic intelligence information-sharing solutions.
j. Supports the use of a core set of standards for information exchange and applications
developed in accordance with DoDIs 8310.01 and 8330.01 and FMN specifications to promote
information-sharing with MPs.
k. In accordance with CJCSI 5123.01H, coordinates with the MPE requirements sponsor in
addressing validated MPE information sharing requirements to meet or exceed FMN spiral
l. Establishes mission-based interoperability compliance and assessment requirements and
prioritization process to include assessments supporting established outcome-based performance
measures. Coordinates with the DoD CIO, the USD(I&S), the DoD EA for DoD MPE, the
Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) and the Secretaries of the Military Departments to provide
operational input to the mission-based interoperability compliance and assessment methodology.
m. In coordination with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, establishes and manages MPE
requirements and priorities in accordance with CJSCI 6290.01 and CJCSI 5123.01H.
n. Coordinates MPE requirements that cross DoD Components’ boundaries. Designates the
supported and supporting organizations for these requirements.
o. In coordination with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, engages in the FMN capability-
development process to align MPE capability development with FMN spiral specifications
development across the Department.
p. Engages with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, the DoD CIO, the CCDRs, and the Military
Service Chiefs in conveying emerging FMN spiral specifications development.
q. Standardizes and enforces common operational mission thread applications to support
trans-regional operations, and minimize unique information sharing and data capabilities that
negatively impact unified actions.
r. Provides outcome-based performance measures for FMN alignment, joint capability, and
functional mission areas.
s. In conjunction with the DoD EA for DoD MPE; the USD(R&E); the DOT&E; and the
Director, DISA; supports development of mission-based interoperability methodology for
assessing the MPE.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
t. Provides guidance and coordination to DoD Components for the generation of coalition-
enabled capability requirements and systems performance criteria, to include key performance
parameters and key system attributes, during the need generation and capability development
2.13. CCDRS.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.10., the CCDRs:
a. Integrate the operation and management of MPE electronic information-sharing
capabilities supporting regional combined operations as an integrated element of a global
electronic MPE information sharing capability and, as appropriate, in accordance with FMN
b. In accordance with DoDI 8510.01, implement and authorize to operate CCMD-owned
information systems on networks that support an MPE electronic information-sharing capability.
Requests for exceptions will be coordinated with the MPE Executive Steering Committee to the
MPE Senior Leader Board.
c. Direct the participation of their respective commands in the immediate operational needs
and configuration management processes implemented by developers for MPE electronic
information-sharing capability.
d. Assist Federal departments and agencies, as appropriate, in developing standards for
agreements that address electronic information sharing with MPs.
e. Act as the approval authority in their respective AORs in regards to their responsibilities
for the establishment, maintenance, and termination of MPE information-sharing communities
and their membership.
f. Employ the MPE, and as appropriate FMN, framework at all appropriate echelons of
training, exercises, and operations in which MPs are participating.
g. Manage MPE information sharing communities in their respective AORs by:
(1) Adding or removing partners from existing MP information sharing communities of
interest, as necessary. CCDRs will also establish new communities or disestablish existing
communities as necessary. In coordination with the USD(P), develop any necessary information
sharing agreements for their respective MP information sharing communities and coordinate
with the other MPE participants.
(2) Sponsoring other appropriate Federal departments and agencies for MPE electronic
information-sharing capability.
(3) Providing the DoD EA for DoD MPE access to any authoritative repository of
CCMD-sponsored users of the MPE electronic information-sharing communities and their
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
respective identity and privileges as needed for proper cross-MP information-sharing community
authentication, access, and privilege management functions.
(4) As appropriate, apply the guidance contained in the October 5, 2020 DoD Senior
Information Security Officer memorandum for employing information-sharing capabilities for
classified information up to the collateral SECRET level.
h. Provide operational requirements to the Joint Staff for validation and prioritization of
mission-based interoperability compliance and assessment efforts supporting CCMD objectives
in accordance with CJCSI 6290.01.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraphs 2.10. and 2.13., the Commander,
a. Provides the DoD EA for DoD MPE situational awareness and access to regional or
theater (Tier II) defensive cyber operations effects incidents, reporting, and mitigations
pertaining to releasable networks and mission capabilities across DoD, supporting both localized
and trans-regional operations.
b. In conjunction with the DoD EA for DoD MPE, establishes a coordination office for
mutual support of global (Tier I) decisions and implementing corrective measures and policies.
c. In coordination with the DoD CIO; the DoD EA for DoD MPE; the Director, DISA; the
Director, NSA; and the other DoD Component heads:
(1) Implements MPE cybersecurity in accordance with DoDI 8510.01.
(2) Pursuant to DoDI 8530.01, oversees the implementation and execution of the CSSP
approval process and evaluates the effectiveness and performance of CSSPs supporting MPE
networks and systems, including the exchange of information with the designated CSSPs.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
areas of responsibilities
command and control
combatant commander
combatant command
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
Central Security Service
cybersecurity service providers
Defense Information Systems Agency
DoD Chief Information Officer
DoD Executive Agent
DoD directive
DoD instruction
DoD manual
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
Executive order
Federated Mission Networking
Information and communications technology
information technology
Joint All-Domain Command and Control
mission partner
mission partner environment
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Security Agency
United States Cyber Command
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
assurance and
Defined in CJCSI 5128.02.
Defined in Joint Mission Partner Environment (MPE) Concept of
Operations (CONOPS), June 2020.
Defined in Joint Mission Partner Environment (MPE) Concept of
Operations (CONOPS), June 2020.
Association of entities with common goals and objectives, each
retaining full control of their own capabilities and affairs.
A governed conceptual framework consisting of people, processes,
and technology to plan, prepare, establish, use, and terminate mission
networks in support of federated operations.
FMN affiliates
An organization or nation that performs enduring activities to
maintain and further develop the capabilities required to establish and
operate mission networks. FMN Affiliates will routinely take part in
verification, validation, and collective training events to their forces
and assets remain fully interoperable and once they have reached the
level of compliance required for the federation of Mission Networks,
may become Mission Network Participants.
FMN framework
A governed, managed, and all-inclusive structure providing
processes, plans, templates, enterprise architectures, capability
components, and tools needed to plan, prepare, develop, deploy,
operate, evolve, and terminate mission networks in support of
multinational operations in dynamic, federated environments. The
FMN framework will provide a permanent ongoing foundation so
that mission networks can be established and managed efficiently for
the purpose of operations, exercises, training, or interoperability
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
military ICT
Information systems and communications equipment, primarily
commercial-off-the-shelf based, that have been purchased by DoD
Components to supplement C2 systems and DoD business process
systems; in particular, those that facilitate coordination and
cooperation with non-DoD entities and may be used in a stay-behind
equipment pool for non-DoD entities.
Controlled cryptologic items are not included as potential
technologies that may be used in a stay-behind equipment pool for
non-DoD entities.
Defined in CJCSI 5128.02.
A capability framework that improves partner information-sharing,
data exchange and integrated execution through common standards
governance and agreed-to procedures. MPE supports commanders’
execution of critical joint warfighting functions: C2, information,
intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, and
sustainment. To perform these warfighting functions, commanders
require services be common to both the enterprise and expeditionary
levels of operation for human-to-human collaboration (e.g., chat,
secure voice, video teleconferencing, email (with or without
attachments), web browsing).
MPE enterprise
Strategic to operational level; U.S.-owned and -operated under U.S.
policy and regulations; aligned with U.S. approved standards and
protocols; globally integrated; day-to-day operations with most-
trusted partners and allies; mostly non-perishable data; risk averse:
tighter cybersecurity; data centric.
MPE expeditionary
Operational to tactical level; mission commander governed; operated
and aligned with agreed-to standards and protocols; regionally and
mission focused; operations with most-trusted partners and allies,
including unanticipated MPs; mostly perishable data; risk tolerant:
collective management of cybersecurity; data centric.
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 5123.01H, “Charter of the Joint Requirements
Oversight Council (JROC) and Implementation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and
Development System (JCIDS),” August 31, 2018
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 5128.02, “Mission Partner Environment
Executive Steering Committee; Coalition Interoperability Assurance and Validation Working
Group,” March 27, 2019
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6290.01, “Requirements Management Process
for Mission Partner Environment,” September 17, 2019
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 8501.01B, “Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, Combatant Commanders, Chief, National Guard Bureau, and Joint Staff Participation
in the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution Process,” August 21, 2012
Director of Operational Test and Evaluation Memorandum, “Procedures for Operational Test and
Evaluation of Cybersecurity in Acquisition Programs,” April 3, 2018
DoD 5400.11-R, “Department of Defense Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
DoD Chief Information Officer Memorandum Adoption of the National Information Exchange
Model within the Department of Defense,” March 28, 2013
DoD Directive 3000.05, “Stabilization,” December 13, 2018
DoD Directive 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA),” December 29, 2010, as
DoD Directive 5101.22E, “DoD Executive Agent (DoD EA) for DoD Mission Partner
Environment (MPE),” August 5, 2020
DoD Directive 5105.19, “Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA),” July 25, 2006
DoD Directive 5111.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)),” June 23, 2020
DoD Directive 5135.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment,
(USD(A&S)),” July 15, 2020
DoD Directive 5137.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
(USD(R&E)),” July 15, 2020
DoD Directive 5141.02, “Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E),” February 2,
DoD Directive 5143.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
(USD(I&S)),” October 24, 2014, as amended
DoD Directive 5144.02, “DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO),” November 21, 2014, as
DoD Directive 5230.11, “Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments
and International Organizations,” June 16, 1992
DoD Directive 5240.01, “DoD Intelligence Activities,” August 27, 2007, as amended
DoD Directive 5250.01, “Management of Intelligence Mission Data (IMD) in DoD Acquisition,”
January 22, 2013, as amended
DoD Directive 8000.01, “Management of the Department of Defense Information Enterprise
(DoD IE),” March 17, 2016, as amended
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
DoD Instruction 2040.02, “International Transfers of Technology, Articles, and Services,”
March 27, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 5015.02, “DoD Records Management Program,” February 24, 2015, as
DoD Instruction 5200.01, “DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI),” April 21, 2016, as amended
DoD Instruction 5200.48, “Controlled Unclassified Information,” March 6, 2020
DoD Instruction 5530.03, “International Agreements,” December 4, 2019
DoD Instruction 5400.11, “DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Programs,” January 29, 2019, as
DoD Instruction 8310.01, “Information Technology Standards in the DoD,” February 2, 2015, as
DoD Instruction 8320.07, “Implementing the Sharing of Data, Information, and Information
Technology (IT) Services in the Department of Defense,” August 3, 2015, as amended
DoD Instruction 8330.01, “Interoperability of Information Technology (IT), Including National
Security Systems (NSS),” May 21, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 8500.01, “Cybersecurity,” March 14, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 8510.01, “Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information
Technology (IT),” March 12, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 8530.01, “Cybersecurity Activities Support to DoD Information Network
Operations,” March 7, 2016, as amended
DoD Instruction 8551.01, “Ports, Protocols, and Services Management (PPSM),” May 28, 2014,
as amended
DoD Manual 5200.01 Volume 1, “DoD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification,” February 24, 2012, as amended
DoD Manual 5200.01 Volume 2, “DoD Information Security Program: Marking of
Information,” February 24, 2012, as amended
DoD Manual 5200.01 Volume 3, “DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified
Information,” February 24, 2012, as amended
DoD Manual 5240.01, “Procedures Governing the Conduct of DoD Intelligence Activities,”
August 8, 2016
DoD Senior Information Security Officer Memorandum, “Threshold Guidance for Implementing
Security Mechanisms within Mission Partner Environment Information Domains,”
October 5, 2020
Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” December 4, 1981, as amended
Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information,” December 29, 2009
Executive Order 13556, “Controlled Unclassified Information,” November 4, 2010
Information Sharing Council, Information Sharing Environment Guidance (ISE-G) 108,
“Identity and Access Management Framework for the ISE version 1.0,” December 19, 2008
Intelligence Community Directive 501, “Discovery and Dissemination or Retrieval of
Information within the Intelligence Community,” January 21, 2009
DoDI 8110.01, June 30, 2021
Joint Mission Partner Environment (MPE) Concept of Operations (CONOPS), June 2020
National Disclosure Policy-1, “National Policy and Procedures for the Disclosure of Classified
Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations,” February 14,
National Security Directive 42, “National Policy for the Security of National Security
Telecommunications and Information Systems,” July 5, 1990
Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-19-21, “Transition to Electronic Records,”
June 28, 2019
Presidential Memorandum, “Guidelines and Requirements in Support of the Information Sharing
Environment,” December 16, 2005
Presidential Memorandum, “Memorandum on Guidelines and Requirements in Support of the
Information Sharing Environment,” December 16, 2005
Public Law 110-53, Section 803, “Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act
of 2007,” August 3, 2007
United States Code, Section 552a of Title 5, (also known as “The Privacy Act of 1974”)
United States Code, Title 10