December 18, 2019
7:00 PM
Chris Hadjandreas, Chair
Scott Abrams
Elizabeth DiBlasio
James Galtieri
Howard D. Avrutine, Village Attorney
James Antonelli, Village Engineer
See list at end of Minutes
Nancy Jones
Chairman Hadjandreas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the Pledge of
On motion by Member Galtieri, seconded by Chairman Hadjandreas and
unanimously carried, the Board approved, as presented, the minutes from the November
20, 2019 meeting.
Tree Removal Application P13-2019 and T50-2019 Application of Ted and Heidi
Grippo to Remove 21 Trees -7 Birch Court – Section 26, Block 1, Lot 2
The public hearing then commenced on the application of Ted and Heidi Grippo to
remove 21 trees in connection with a building permit for a proposed new in-ground
swimming pool, spa and patio at the subject premises. The parcel of land under
application has a street address of 7 Birch Court and is also known as Section 26, Block
1, Lot 2 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County.
The exhibits were made part of the record and discussion ensued, including
testimony by the applicants and the applicants’ representatives. During their
presentation, the applicants modified their request to remove 18 trees instead of 21 trees
as originally proposed. After discussion by the Board, it was moved by Member DiBlasio,
seconded by Member Jones and unanimously carried, that the hearing be closed to
further evidence and testimony.
The Board then determined the matter to be Type II under SEQRA.
After discussion by the Board, it was moved by Member Galtieri, seconded by
Member DiBlasio, that the application be approved in accordance with the following
APPLICATION P13-2019 AND T50-2019
WHEREAS, on December 18, 2019, the Planning Board of the Village of Laurel
Hollow held a public hearing relative to the application of Ted and Heidi Grippo for
approval to remove 21 trees in connection with a building permit for a proposed new in-
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December 18, 2019
ground swimming pool, spa and patio. The parcel of land under application has an
address of 7 Birch Court and is also known as Section 26, Block 1, Lot 2 on the Land
and Tax Map of Nassau County; and
WHEREAS, a legal notice was published in the North Shore Leader on
December 4, 2019 and said notice was appropriately posted within the Village as
required by the Rules and Regulations of the Village; and
WHEREAS, affidavits of mailing to the persons listed in the files were presented
by the applicant; and
WHEREAS, the Board Members considered all testimony and evidence
submitted; and
WHEREAS, the Board, deemed the project to be Type II under SEQRA;
WHEREAS, the Nassau County Planning Commission referred the matter to the
Planning Board to make a decision as it deems appropriate; and
WHEREAS, all who wished to be heard were heard.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board voted unanimously to
approve the application as submitted with the following conditions:
1. The approval herein is limited to removal of 18 trees as presented
by the applicants’ representatives at the hearing and as depicted on
the plans presented during the public hearing;
2. Submission of a revised Landscape Plan to the satisfaction of the
Planning Board;
3. No Certificate of Completion shall be issued with respect to the
applicants’ proposed improvements on the property until the
applicant files with the Village certification by the applicants’
professional that all trees, shrubs and plantings have been installed
on the property in strict accordance with the revised Landscaping
Plan ultimately approved by the Planning Board;
4. The applicant must obtain all other required permits and approvals
from all applicable jurisdictions; and,
5. It is understood that all rules and regulations of the Village and any
other applicable jurisdiction continue to apply, all fees must be paid,
and the work performed must be to the satisfaction of the Building
Department and Village Engineer.
Upon a poll of the Board, the Members voted as follows:
Chairman Hadjandreas Yes
Member Abrams Yes
Member DiBlasio Yes
Planning Board Page 3
December 18, 2019
Member Galtieri Yes
Member Jones Yes
Application for two (2) lot partitioning P6-2019 Application of Emily and Joseph
Turilli – 1234 Moore’s Hill Road – Section 26, Block C, Lots 124 and 224
The public hearing then commenced on the application of Emily and Joseph Turilli to
for a two (2) lot partitioning seeking to maintain the existing dwelling and accessory
structures on one parcel while creating a separate buildable lot for residential
construction on the second parcel. The parcel of land under application has an address
of 1234 Moore’s Hill Road and is also known as Section 26, Block C, Lots 124 and 224
on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County.
The exhibits were made part of the record and discussion ensued, including
testimony by the applicants’ representatives and the applicants. After discussion by the
Board, it was moved by Member DiBlasio, seconded by Member Jones and unanimously
carried, that the hearing be closed to further evidence and testimony.
It was moved by Member Abrams, seconded by Chairman Hadjandreas and
unanimously carried, that the Board declare itself lead agency under SEQRA.
It was moved by Member Abrams, seconded by Member Jones and unanimously
carried, that the matter be declared unlisted under SEQRA.
It was moved by Member Abrams, seconded by Member Jones and unanimously
carried, that Board enact a negative declaration under SEQRA.
It was moved by Chairman Hadjandreas seconded by Member DiBlasio and
unanimously carried that preliminary approval be granted. A copy of the approval
resolution with conditions is attached to these minutes.
The Board then discussed various administrative matters.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
hris Hadjandreas
Chris Hadjandreas, Chair
Jason LeBlanc (on behalf of Ted and
Heidi Grippo)
293 Oakland Avenue, Miller Place, NY
Mike Rant (on behalf of Emily and
Joseph Turilli)
23 Spring Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Chris Wagner (on behalf of Emily and
Joseph Turilli)
147 Forest Avenue, Locust Valley, NY
Joseph and Emily Turilli 1234 Moore’s Hill Road, Laurel Hollow, NY
Kristopher Koka (contract vendee of
93 Worth Street, New York, NY
Planning Board Page 4
December 18, 2019
John Moutopoulos 4 Hemlock Court, Laurel Hollow, NY
Bob Dohne (on behalf of Ted and
Heidi Grippo)
26 Wells Road, Greenlawn, NY
Ted Grippo 7 Birch Court, Laurel Hollow, NY