Subpart B - Real Estate Title Clearance and Loan Closing
1927.51 General.
(a) Types of loans covered by this subpart.
(b) Programs not covered by this subpart.
(c) Review by the Office of the
General Counsel (OGC).
(d) Agency forms.
1927.52 Definitions.
Approval official.
Approved attorney.
Approved title insurance company.
Certificate of title.
Closed loan.
Closing agent.
Closing protection letter.
Credit sale.
Deed of trust.
Fee simple.
General warranty deed.
Indemnification agreement.
Issuing agent.
Land purchase contract (contract for deed).
National Office.
Program regulations.
Quitclaim deed.
Special warranty deed.
State Office.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
Table of Contents
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RD Instruction 1927-B
Table of Contents
Page 2
Sec. Page
1927.52 (Con.)
Title clearance. 5
Title company. 5
Title defects. 5
Trust deed. 5
Voluntary conveyance. 5
Warranty deed. 5
1927.53 Costs of title clearance and closings of
transactions. 5
1927.54 Requirements for closing agents. 6
(a) Form of title certification. 6
(b) Approval of closing agent. 6
(c) Approval of attorneys. 7
(d) Approval of title companies. 7
(e) Approval of title insurance companies. 8
(f) Responsibility of approval official. 8
(g) Conflict of interest. 9
(h) Debarment or suspension. 9
(i) Special provisions. 9
(j) Rejecting closing agents or title
insurance companies. 9
1927.55 Title clearance services. 10
(a) Responsibilities of closing agents. 10
(b) Initial responsibility of approval
official. 10
(c) Ordering title services. 10
(d) Use of title opinion. 10
(e) Use of title insurance. 11
(f) Approval official's responsibilities after
receipt of preliminary title opinion or
title insurance binder. 12
RD Instruction 1927-B
Table of Contents
Page 3
Sec. Page
1927.56 Scheduling loan closing. 13
1927.57 Preparation of closing documents. 13
(a) Preparation of deeds. 13
(b) Preparation of mortgages. 14
(c) Preparation of the promissory note. 17
(d) Preparation of protective instruments. 18
(e) Correction of errors in recorded
security instruments. 21
1927.58 Closing the transaction. 21
(a) Disbursement of loan funds. 21
(b) Title examination and liens or claims
against borrowers. 21
(c) Taxes and assessments. 22
(d) Affidavit regarding work of improvement. 22
(e) Completion of closing documents. 23
(f) Assignment of future income. 23
(g) Return of loan documents to approval
official after loan closing. 23
(h) Final title opinion or mortgage title policy. 23
(i) Other services of the closing agent. 24
1927.59 Subsequent loans and transfers with assumptions. 25
(a) Loans closed using title insurance or
title opinions. 25
(b) Title services required in connection
with assumptions. 26
1927.60 - 1927.61 [Reserved] 26
1927.62 Voluntary conveyances. 26
1927.63 - 1927.64 [Reserved] 26
1927.65 Additional requirements in connection with
loans to homestead entrymen, contract
purchasers of farm units from the Bureau of
Reclamation, and certain American Indians. 26
1927.66 Cancellation of loan, assumption, or credit sale. 26
1927.67 - 1927.89 [Reserved] 26
1927.90 State Supplements. 27
1927.91 Exception authority. 27
1927.92 - 1927.99 [Reserved] 27
1927.100 OMB control number. 27
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
Subpart B - Real Estate Title Clearance and Loan Closing
§1927.51 General.
(a) Types of loans covered by this subpart. This subpart sets forth
the authorities, policies, and procedures for real estate title
clearance and closing of loans, assumptions, voluntary conveyances and
credit sales in connection with the following types of Rural Housing
Service (RHS) and Rural Housing (RH), Farm Labor Housing (LH), Rural
Rental Housing (RRH), Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH), and NonProgram
(NP) loans. This subpart does not apply to guaranteed loans. This
subpart is inapplicable to Farm Service Agency, Farm Loan Programs.
(Revised 01-09-08, PN 417.)
(b) Programs not covered by this subpart. Title clearance and closing
for all other types of agency loans and assumptions will be handled as
provided in the applicable program instructions or as provided in
special authorizations from the National Office.
(c) Review by the Office of the General Counsel (OGC). When required
by applicable program regulations, such as for Multi-Family Housing
(MFH) organizations or other complex cases as determined by the State
Office, the State Office will request OGC to review the docket and issue
closing instructions.
(d) Agency forms. Copies of all agency forms referenced in this
regulation and the agency’s internal administrative procedures for title
clearance and loan closing are available upon request from the agency’s
State Office. Forms and title clearance and loan closing requirements
which are specific for any individual state must be obtained from the
agency State Office for that state.
§1927.52 Definitions.
Agency. The Rural Housing Service (RHS) and Farm Service Agency (FSA)
and their successor agencies.
Title Clearance and
Loan Closing
(Revision 1)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.52 (Con.)
Approval official. The agency employee who has been delegated the
authority to approve, close, and service the particular kind of loan
will approve an attorney or title company as closing agent for the
loans. If a loan must be approved at a higher level, the initiating
office may approve the closing agent.
Approved attorney. A duly licensed attorney, approved by the agency,
who provides title opinions directly to the agency and the borrower or
upon whose certification of title an approved title insurance company
issues a policy of title insurance. Approved attorneys also close
loans, assumptions, credit sales, and voluntary conveyances and disburse
funds in connection with agency loans. Approved attorney is further
defined in §1927.54(c).
Approved title insurance company. A title insurance company, approved
by the agency, (including its local representatives, employees, agents,
and attorneys) that issues a policy of title insurance. Depending on
the local practice, an approved title insurance company may also close
loans, assumptions, credit sales, and voluntary conveyances and disburse
funds in connection with agency loans. If the approved title insurance
company does not close the loan itself, the loan closing functions may
be performed by approved attorneys or closing agents authorized by the
approved title insurance company.
Borrower. The party indebted to the agency after the loan, assumption,
or credit sale is closed.
Certificate of title. A certified statement as to land ownership, based
upon examination of record title.
Closed loan. A loan is considered to be closed when the mortgage is
filed for record and the appropriate lien has been obtained.
Closing agent. The approved attorney or title company selected by the
applicant and approved by the agency to provide closing services for the
proposed loan. Unless a title insurance company also provides loan
closing services, the term "title company" does not include "title
insurance company."
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.52 (Con.)
Closing protection letter. An agreement issued by an approved title
insurance company which is an American Land Title Association (ALTA)
form closing protection letter or which is otherwise acceptable to the
agency and which protects the agency against damage, loss, fraud, theft,
or injury as a result of negligence by the issuing agent, approved
attorney, or title company when title clearance is done by means of a
policy of title insurance. Depending on the area, closing protection
letters may also be known as "Insured Closing Letters," "Indemnification
Agreements," "Insured Closing Service Agreements," or "Statements of
Settlement Service Responsibilities."
Cosigner. A party who joins in the execution of a promissory note or
assumption agreement to guarantee repayment of the debt.
Credit sale. A sale in which the agency provides credit to the
purchasers of agency inventory property. Title clearance and closing of
a credit sale are the same as for an initial loan, except the property
is conveyed by quitclaim deed.
Deed of trust. See trust deed.
Exceptions. Exceptions include, but are not limited to, recorded
covenants; conditions; restrictions; reservations; liens; encumbrances;
easements; taxes and assessments; rights-of-way; leases; mineral, oil,
gas, and geothermal rights (with or without the right of surface entry);
timber and water rights; judgments; pending court proceedings in Federal
and State courts (including bankruptcy); probate proceedings; and
agreements which limit or affect the title to the property.
Fee simple. An estate in land of which the owner has unqualified
ownership and power of disposition.
FSA. The Farm Service Agency, an agency of the United States Department
of Agriculture (and any successor agency). FSA is the successor agency
for farm program loans of the former Farmers Home Administration.
General warranty deed. A deed containing express covenants by the
grantor or seller as to good title and right to possession.
Indemnification agreement. An agreement that protects agency against
damage, loss, fraud, theft, or injury as a result of useful conduct or
negligence on behalf of the issuing agent, approved attorney, or title
company. This agreement may also be entitled closing protection letter,
insured closing letter, insured closing service agreement, statement of
settlement service responsibilities, or letters which provide similar
(Revision 2)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.52 (Con.)
Issuing agent. An individual or entity who is authorized to issue title
insurance for an approved title insurance company.
Land purchase contract (contract for deed). An agreement between the
buyer and seller of land in which the buyer has the right to possession
and use of the land over a period of time (usually in excess of 1 year)
and makes periodic payments of a portion of the purchase price to the
seller. The seller retains legal title to the property until the final
payment is made, at which time the buyer will receive a deed to the land
vesting fee title in the buyer.
Mortgage. Real estate security instrument which pledges land as
security for the performance of an obligation such as repayment of a
loan. For the purpose of this regulation the term ‘‘mortgage’’ includes
deed of trust and deed to secure debt. Form RD 1927-7 (State), "Real
Estate Mortgage or Deed of Trust for (Rural Housing)," or Form
RD 3550-14, ‘‘Real Estate Mortgage or Deed of Trust for (State),’’will be
used to secure a mortgage to the agency. (Revised 06-21-06,
PN 399.)
National Office. The National Headquarters Office of FSA or RHS
depending on the loan program involved.
OGC. The Office of the General Counsel, United States Department of
Program regulations. The agency regulations for the particular loan
program involved (e.g., 7 CFR part 3550 for single family housing (SFH)
loans). (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
Quitclaim deed. A transfer of the seller’s interest in the title,
without warranties or covenants. This type of deed is used by the
agency to convey title to purchasers of inventory property.
RHS. The Rural Housing Service, an agency of the United States
Department of Agriculture, or its successor agency. RHS is the
successor agency to the Rural Housing and Community Development Service
(RHCDS) which was, in turn, the successor agency to the Farmers Home
Seller. Individual or other entity which convey ownership in real
property to an applicant for an agency loan or to the agency itself.
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.52 (Con.)
Special warranty deed. A deed containing a covenant whereby the grantor
agrees to protect the grantee against any claims arising during the
grantor's period of ownership.
State Office. For FSA, this term refers to the FSA State Office. For
RHS, this term refers to the Rural Development State Director.
(Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
Title clearance. Examination of a title and its exceptions to assure
the agency that the loan is legally secured and has the required
Title company. A company that may abstract title, act as an issuing
agent of title insurance for a title insurance company, act as a loan
closing agent, and perform other duties associated with real estate
title clearance and loan closing.
Title defects. Any exception or legal claim of ownership (through deed,
lien, judgment, or other recorded document), on behalf of a third party,
which would prevent the seller from conveying a marketable title to the
entire property.
Trust deed. A three party security instrument conveying title to land
as security for the performance of an obligation, such as the repayment
of a loan. For the purpose of this regulation a trust deed is covered
by the term ‘‘mortgage.’’ A trust deed is the same as a deed of trust.
Voluntary conveyance. A method of liquidation by which title to agency
security is transferred by a borrower to the agency by deed in lieu of
Warranty deed. A deed in which the grantor warrants that he or she has
the right to convey the property, the title is free from encumbrances,
and the grantor shall take further action necessary to perfect or defend
the title.
§ 1927.53 Costs of title clearance and closing of transactions.
The borrower or the seller, or both, in compliance with the terms of the
sales contract or option will be responsible for payment of all costs of title
clearance and closing of the transaction and will arrange for payment before
the transaction is closed. In voluntary conveyance cases to the agency, these
costs will be paid as provided in 7 CFR part 3550, subpart E.
(Revision 1)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.53 (Con.)
In a case involving the purchase or sale of real estate, the option or sales
contract must state who will pay the title clearance and closing costs. These
costs will include any costs of abstracts of title, land surveys, attorney's
fees, owner's and lender's policies of title insurance, obtaining curative
material, notary fees, documentary stamps, recording costs, tax monitoring
service, and other expenses necessary to complete the transaction. (Revised
01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
§ 1927.54 Requirements for closing agents.
(a) Form of title certification. State Offices are directed to require
title insurance for all loan closings unless the agency determines that
the use of title insurance is not available or is economically not
feasible for the type of loan involved or the area of the state where
the loan will be closed. If title insurance is used, State Offices are
authorized to require a closing protection letter issued by an approved
title insurance company to cover the closing agent, if available. A
closing protection letter need not be furnished when the closing is
conducted by the title insurance company. When a closing protection
letter is provided, Form RD 1927-20, ‘‘Certification of Title Insurance
Company,’’ is not required. The State Office's determination to require
the use of title insurance will be based on the commercial and
residential loan closing practices of the State and the economic and
legal feasibility of obtaining title insurance. The State Office may
also determine if a title insurance policy survey coverage is an
acceptable substitute for a survey.
(b) Approval of closing agent. An attorney or title company may act as
a closing agent and close agency real estate loans, provide necessary
title clearance, and perform such other duties as required in this
subpart. A closing agent will be responsible for closing agency loans
and disbursing both agency loan funds and funds provided by the borrower
in connection with the agency loan so as to obtain title and security
position as required by the agency. The closing agent must be covered
by a fidelity bond which will protect the agency unless a closing
protection letter is provided to the agency. The borrower will select
the approved closing agent. Agency employees will not recommend the use
of any particular closing agent or title insurance company, although as
provided in paragraph (a) of this section the borrower may be required
by a State Supplement to provide title clearance with either a title
insurance policy or an attorney's opinion. If title clearance is by an
attorney's opinion, the approval official will approve the attorney who
will perform the closing in accordance with paragraph (c) of this
section. The attorney will be approved after submitting Form
RD 1927-19, "Certification of Attorney." If title certification is by
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.54(b) (Con.)
means of a policy of title insurance, the title company which will issue
the policy must have been approved in accordance with paragraph (d) of
this section. A closing agent’s delay in providing services without
justification, in connection with agency loans, may be a basis for not
approving the closing agent in future cases.
(c) Approval of attorneys. Any attorney selected by an applicant, who
will be providing title clearance where the certificate of title will be
an attorney's opinion, must submit a completed Form RD 1927-19
certifying to professional liability insurance coverage. If the
attorney is also the closing agent, fidelity coverage for the attorney
and any employee having access to the funds must be provided. The State
Office will determine the appropriate level of such insurance. Required
insurance will, as a minimum, cover the amount of the loan to be closed.
The State Office will approve the form stipulating the bond coverage.
The approval official will approve any attorney who is duly licensed to
practice law in the state where the real estate security is located and
who complies with the bonding and insurance requirements in this
section. If the certification of title will be by means of title
insurance, any attorney or closing agent designated as an approved
attorney or closing agent by the approved title insurance company which
will issue the policy of title insurance will be acceptable, and when
covered by a closing protection letter, will not be required to obtain
professional liability insurance or a fidelity bond, if the closing
protection letter is the ALTA form closing protection letter or provides
at least equivalent protection to the agency. Each approved title
insurance company may provide a master list of their approved attorneys
that are covered by its closing protection letters to the State Office
and, in such cases the attorneys are approved for closings for that
insurance company. Delay in providing closing services without
justification may be a basis for not approving the attorney in future
Approval of title companies.
A title company acting as a closing
agent, or as an issuing agent for a title insurance company, must be
covered by a title insurance company closing protection letter or submit
Form RD 1927-20, ‘‘Certification of Title Company,’’ certifying to
fidelity coverage to cover all employees having access to the loan
funds. The State Office will determine the appropriate level of such
coverage and will approve the form stipulating the bond coverage. Delay
in providing closing services without justification may be a basis for
not approving the company in future cases. Each approved title
insurance company may provide a master list of their approved title
companies that are covered by its closing protection letter to the State
Office and, in such cases, the title companies on the list are approved
for closings for that title insurance company.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.54 (Con.)
Approval of title insurance companies
. State Offices are
encouraged to solicit discounts on title insurance premiums from title
insurance companies due to the high volume of agency loan transactions.
The agency will approve any title insurance company which issues
policies of title insurance in the State where the security property is
located if:
(1) The form of the owner's and lender's policies of title
insurance (including required endorsements) to be used in closing
agency loans are acceptable to the State Office, and will contain
only standard types of exceptions and exclusions approved in advance
by the approval official with the advice of OGC;
(2) The title insurance company is licensed to do business in the
State (if a license is required), and
(3) The title insurance company is regulated by a State Insurance
Commission, or similar regulator, or if not, the title insurance
company submits copies of audited financial statements, or other
approved financial statements satisfactory to the State Office,
which show that the company has the financial ability to cover
losses arising out of its activities as a title insurance company
and under any closing protection letters issued by the title
insurance company. The financial statements must also demonstrate
that the title insurance company has sufficient resources to
reimburse the agency for any losses caused by fraud or dishonesty by
the company and its authorized agents, or failure of the company or
its authorized agents to follow or comply with agency's written
closing instructions.
(4) Delay in providing services without justification may be a
basis for not approving the company.
(5) A title insurance company is not regulated by the State, the
above listed approval process will be repeated at least every 5
years, or more often if adverse information becomes available, to
insure continued compliance by the title insurance company.
Responsibility of approval official
. In addition to approving
closing agents, the approval official will inform all closing agents
used in connection with agency closing of their duties and
responsibilities under this subpart, applicable State Supplements, and
any changes or additional requirements which may be imposed. A package
containing a copy of this subpart, applicable forms, State Supplements,
and other pertinent material will be provided to the closing agent as
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.54 (Con.)
(g) Conflict of interest. A closing agent who has, or whose spouse,
children, or business associates have, a financial interest in the real
estate which will secure the agency debt shall not be involved in the
title clearance or loan closing process. Financial interest includes
having either an equity, creditor, or debtor interest in any
corporation, trust, or partnership with a financial interest in the real
estate which will secure the agency debt.
Debarment or suspension
. No attorney, title company, title
insurance company, or closing agent, currently debarred or suspended
from participating in Federal programs, may participate in any aspect of
the agency loan closing and title clearance process, in accordance with
RD Instruction 1940-M.
Special provisions
. Closing agents are responsible for having
current knowledge of the requirements of State laws in connection with
loan closing and title clearance and should advise the State Office of
any changes in State law which necessitate changes in the agency’s State
mortgage forms and State Supplements.
Rejecting closing agents or title insurance companies
. If the
approval official (or the State Office for title insurance companies)
cannot approve the closing agent selected by the applicant in accordance
with paragraphs (c) or (d) of this section, the following actions will
be taken:
(1) The attorney or closing agent will be notified within 5
business days of the specific reasons for rejection.
(2) The applicant will be notified within 5 business days of the
rejection. It is the applicant's responsibility to decide whether
to continue with the rejected closing agent or attorney, if the
reasons for rejection can be removed before any legal costs are
incurred, or if another closing agent or attorney will be selected.
(3) If a title insurance company has requested approval, the title
insurance company will be notified within 30 days after all relevant
information requested by the State Office in connection with the
approval decision has been received. If the title insurance company
is rejected, it will be notified at that time of the specific
reasons for rejection.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.55 Title clearance services.
(a) Responsibilities of closing agents. Services to be provided to the
agency and the borrower by a closing agent in connection with the
transaction vary depending on whether a title insurance policy or title
opinion is being furnished. The closing agent is expected to perform
these services without unnecessary delay.
(b) Initial responsibility of approval official. The approval official
will furnish the closing agent with Form RD 1927-4, "Transmittal of
Title Information," all the information and documents called for therein
(including waivers, easements, and agency forms), and any information
not contained in this subpart regarding agency policies and procedures
applicable to the type of transaction involved.
(c) Ordering title services. The approval official will notify the
borrower and seller, if applicable, that an attorney or title company
must be employed to examine the title and perform other services in
connection with the closing of the transaction. Application for title
examination or insurance will be made by the borrower to a title company
or attorney. The lender policy will be for at least the amount of the
loan. The United States of America will be named as the insured lender.
RD Guide Letter 1927-B-1 (available in any agency office), may be used
to request attorney title examination, loan closing and related legal
(d) Use of title opinion. If a title opinion will be issued, a title
examination will include searches of all relevant land title and other
records, so as to express an opinion as to the title of the property and
the steps necessary to obtain the appropriate title and security
position to issue a title opinion as required by this subpart. A Form
RD 1927-9, "Preliminary Title Opinion," Form RD 1927-10, "Final Title
Opinion," or a certificate of title will be issued to the approval
official. If either form is not legally sufficient in a particular
State, an OGC approved State form will be used. The closing agent or
approved attorney will determine:
(1) The legal description and all owners of the real property;
(2) Whether there are any exceptions affecting the property and
advise the approval official and borrower of the nature and effect
of outstanding interests or exceptions, prior sales of part of the
property, judgments, or interests to assist in determining which
exceptions must be corrected in order for the borrowers to obtain
good and marketable title of record in accordance with prevailing
title examination standards, and for the agency to obtain a valid
lien of the required priority;
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.55(d) (Con.)
(3) Whether there are outstanding Federal, State, or local tax
claims (including taxes which under State law may become a lien
superior to a previously attaching mortgage lien) or homeowner’s
association assessment liens;
(4) Whether outstanding judgments of record, bankruptcy,
insolvency, divorce, or probate proceedings involving any part of
the property, whether already owned by the borrower, or to be
acquired by assumption or with loan funds, or involving the borrower
or the seller exist;
(5) If a water right is to be included in the security for the
loan, and if so, the full legal description of the water right;
(6) In addition to paragraph(d)(2) of this section, if wetlands
easements or other conservation easements have been placed on the
(7) What measures are required for preparing, obtaining, or
approving curative material, conveyances, and security instruments,
(8) That sufficient copies of these interests and exceptions are
provided as requested by the approval official.
(e) Use of title insurance. When title insurance is to be obtained,
the approval official will be furnished with a title insurance binder
disclosing any defects in, exceptions to, and encumbrances against, the
title, the conditions to be met to make the title insurable and in the
condition required by the agency, and the curative or other actions to
be taken before closing of the transaction. The binder must include a
commitment to issue a lender policy in an amount at least equal the
amount of the loan, except in instances where there may be an
outstanding owner's policy in favor of the borrower. Not withstanding
the provisions of this section, the instances of an assumption without a
subsequent loan, the existing policy may be continued if the coverage
meets or exceeds the assumption balance and the title company agrees in
writing to extend coverage in full force and effect.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.55 (Con.)
(f) Approval official's responsibilities after receipt of preliminary
title opinion or title insurance binder. Upon receipt of the
preliminary title opinion or title insurance binder, the approval
official will:
(1) Check the opinion or binder carefully. If any required
information is omitted, or if the standard form of opinion or binder
is amended, return it for completion or correction. If the closing
agent is unable or unwilling to comply, the approval official will
send the opinion or binder with a full explanation to OGC through
the State Office for advice.
(2) Check the legal description of the land, water rights, rights-
of-way, easements, and other security involved, to determine that
the description covers all of the property rights intended to be
taken as security.
(3) Review all exceptions to title shown in the preliminary title
opinion or title insurance binder. The approval official will
determine which exceptions must be modified, eliminated, or waived,
or whether an agreement with prior lienholders is necessary or
advisable to protect the agency's interests. If prior
encumbrance(s) will remain, the approval official should obtain and
review a copy of each to insure that its terms are acceptable to the
agency. If an option or sales contract which lists acceptable
exceptions is involved, the approval official will determine whether
the exceptions in the preliminary title opinion or title insurance
binder are the same as those in the option or sales contract and
inform the applicant of discrepancies. If the approval official has
any doubt as to the acceptability or effect of any exception, the
applicant will be requested to obtain a clarification. The approval
official will consult with the closing agent and/or the State Office
when necessary to determine the acceptability of any exception. If
the approval official determines that any defects cannot be
corrected, or the effect of certain exceptions on the title,
suitability, security value, or successful operation of the property
is not clear, and they cannot be corrected or eliminated without
undue expense, the approval official will forward the preliminary
title opinion or title insurance binder to the State Office together
with comments regarding the objectionable features and copies of the
exceptions when needed.
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.55(f)(3) (Con.)
(i) If, with the advice of OGC, the State Office determines
that the exceptions will not adversely affect the title to the
property or its suitability, security value, or successful
operation, the State Office will advise the approval official.
The approval official will then arrange for closing.
(ii) If the State Office, with the advice of OGC, finds that
these exceptions will adversely affect the title to the
property, its suitability, security value, or successful
operation, the State Office may waive them conditionally and
instruct the approval official as to how the conditions may be
met, or instruct the approval official that the loan cannot be
closed because of the defect.
§ 1927.56 Scheduling loan closing.
The approval official may arrange a closing when he or she determines
that exceptions shown in the preliminary title opinion or title insurance
binder (if any) will not adversely affect the suitability, security value, or
successful operation of the property and all other agency conditions to
closing have been satisfied.
(a) The approval official will make sure that all requirements of Truth
in Lending Act (TILA) and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
Integrated Mortgage Disclosures rule (TRID) have been met before the
loan is closed. (Revised 06-21-18, SPECIAL PN.)
(b) In arranging for loan closing, the approval official will send Form
RD 1927-15, "Loan Closing Instructions and Loan Closing Statement," or
Form RD 3550-25, ‘‘Loan Closing Instructions and Loan Closing Statement’
to the closing agent. When a title insurance commitment is involved,
the "loan closing instructions" will include any corrections required by
the commitment. Therefore, the title insurance commitment must be
received before the final closing instructions are transmitted. At the
same time, send written notification of loan closing to the applicant.
(Revised 08-18-04, PN 378.)
§ 1927.57 Preparation of closing documents.
(a) Preparation of deeds
. The closing agent, unless prohibited by law,
will prepare, complete, or approve documents, including deeds, necessary
for title clearance and closing of the transaction and provide the
agency with the policy of title insurance or final title opinion
providing the lien priority required by the agency and subject only to
exceptions approved by the agency. Form RD 1927-11, ‘‘Warranty Deed
( )’’ (State), or Form RD 1927-12, ‘‘Warranty Deed’’ (State),
will be used when required by this part.
(Revision 2)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.57(a) (Con.)
(1) Types of estates for married borrowers. If the borrowers are
married, the agency prefers, but will not require, that title to the
real estate will be held in such a way that, upon the death of a
borrower, it will pass to the surviving spouse by law to prevent the
real estate from being tied up in probate proceedings. Title may be
held in any manner that permits obtaining the required mortgage.
(2) Deeds will be prepared as follows. Conveyances of title to
borrowers by parties other than the agency will be by the form of
deed in use in the state where the property is located that the
entity providing title clearance determines will vest in the
borrower a good and marketable title of record. All conveyances by
the agency will be by quitclaim deed.
(b) Preparation of mortgages. The closing agent will insure that all
mortgages are properly prepared, completed, executed, and filed for
record. Where applicable, the mortgages should recite that it is a
purchase money mortgage. The following requirements will be observed in
preparing agency mortgages:
(1) Real estate mortgage forms. Agency mortgage forms will be
used. Form RD 1927-1 (State), "Real Estate Mortgage or Deed of
Trust For ________," will be used for all direct loans except where
Form RD 1927-7 (State), is used for all RH loans. These forms will
be prepared and distributed in accordance with State Supplements.
When a loan is made to a homestead entryman or to a contract
purchaser of a farm unit from the Bureau of Reclamation, a rider to
Form RD 1927-1 (State), will be used per State Supplement.
(2) Number of copies.
(i) The original recorded mortgage is to be retained in the
borrower's case file unless the original mortgage is retained
by the recorder, and a conformed copy will be provided to the
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.57(b)(2) (Con.)
(ii) When the original is to be retained by the recorder, an
original and two conformed copies will be prepared. One
conformed copy will be retained in the borrower's case file and
one conformed copy will be provided to the borrower.
(iii) Extra copies of mortgages may be needed in individual
cases in some participation loans, loans on reclamation
projects, when security is taken on trust or restricted
property involving loans to Native American, and other similar
(iv) The closing agent will distribute copies to appropriate
parties at loan closing or as soon as possible thereafter.
(3) Persons required to execute mortgage. The mortgage will be
executed by all persons and entities the title insurance company or
attorney providing the title opinion determines necessary
(including, for example, any spouse with a right of dower or
curtesy) for the title insurance policy or final title opinion to
provide that the agency has the required lien priority so that, in
the event of default, the mortgage will be enforced by the agency
against all such interests.
(4) Date of execution. The mortgage will be dated and executed on
the date the title insurance company or attorney providing the final
title opinion determines is necessary to provide the agency with a
title insurance policy or final title opinion showing the agency has
required lien priority and is subject to exceptions approved by the
Title exceptions
. The mortgage will generally or specifically
describe all exceptions it will be subject to, depending on what is
customary under local practice or required by State law or State
(6) Releasing or retaining existing mortgages in refinancing cases.
When there is an outstanding agency real estate mortgage against the
property and the loan secured by the mortgage is being refinanced
with the current loan, the mortgage for the outstanding loan will be
superseded and will be released at the time of loan closing, unless
it is necessary under State law to keep the existing mortgage in
effect to retain a valid lien of the same priority for the
obligation being refinanced.
(Revision 1)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.57(b) (Con.)
(7) Describing notes in mortgages. In most cases, only the note(s)
for the new loan(s) needs to be described when a subsequent loan is
made and a subsequent mortgage is taken unless the title insurance
company or attorney providing the final title opinion determines it
necessary to describe existing agency notes in the subsequent
(8) Determining due date of final installments. The "Due Date of
Final Installment" as shown in the mortgage, is determined by adding
the number of years over which the loan is payable to the date of
the promissory note: for example, if the note is dated March 30,
1987, and the final payment is due and payable 20 years from that
date, the "Due Date of Final Installment" is March 30, 2007.
(9) Alteration of mortgage form. An agency mortgage form may be
altered pursuant to a State Supplement having prior approval of the
National Office, or in a special case, to comply with the terms of
loan approval prescribed in accordance with program instructions.
No other alterations in the printed mortgage forms will be made
without prior approval of the National Office. Any changes made by
deletion, substitution, or addition (excluding filling in blanks)
will be initialed in the margin by all persons signing the mortgage.
(10) Special requirements imposed by program instructions. Some
program instructions require that the mortgage forms be modified.
In such cases, either OGC or the approval official will modify the
agency mortgage form as specified. The closing agent will make sure
that the modification has been made prior to execution of the
(11) Mortgages on leasehold estates. When the agency’s security
interest is a leasehold estate, unless State law or State Supplement
otherwise provides, the Form RD 1927-1 (State) or Form RD 1927-7
(State), or Form RD 3550-14 will be modified as follows: (Revised
06-21-06, PN 399.)
(i) In the space provided on the mortgage for the description
of the real property security, the leasehold estate and the
land covered by the lease must be described. The following
language must be used unless modified by a State Supplement:
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.57(b)(11)(i) (Con.)
"All of borrower's right, title, and interest in and to a
leasehold estate for an original term of ___years,
commencing on ________, 19 __, created and established by
and between ____________as lessor and owner and
___________ as lessee, including any extensions and
renewals thereof, a copy of which lease was recorded or
filed in book ____, page ____, as instrument number
______, in the Office of the (e.g., County Clerk), for
the aforesaid county and State and covering the following
real property: ________."
(ii) Immediately preceding the covenant starting with the
words "should default," the following covenant will be added:
"( ) Borrower covenants and agrees to pay when due all
rents and any and all other charges required by said
lease, to comply with all other requirements of said
lease, and not to surrender or relinquish, without the
Government's prior written consent, any of borrower's
right, title, or interest in or to said leasehold estate
or under said lease while this mortgage remains of
Mortgages on land purchase contract
. When the agency security
interest is on a borrower's interest in a land purchase contract,
OGC will provide language used to modify the Form RD 1927-1 (State)
or Form RD 1927-7 (State), or Form RD 3550-14. (Revised 06-21-06,
PN 399.)
Legal description
. The legal description on the mortgage
should be taken directly from the title insurance commitment or the
title abstract to insure accuracy of the legal description.
(c) Preparation of the promissory note
. The closing agent will make
sure that Form RD 1940-16, ‘‘Promissory Note,’’ for agency originated
loans (or assumption agreement) is completed in accordance with the
Forms Manual Insert (FMI) and executed. The approval official will
determine who is to execute the promissory note, including cosigners, if
necessary, in accordance with program instructions and provide the
closing agent with the names of these individuals. If the applicant is
a corporation, partnership, or trust, the approval official will provide
the name(s) and title(s) of the individual(s) executing the promissory
note on behalf of the entity. The closing agent will determine if any
additional signatures are required on the promissory note or assumption
agreement in order for the policy of title insurance or final title
opinion to provide that the agency has the required lien priority
subject only to exceptions approved by the agency.
(Revision 1)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.57 (Con.)
(d) Preparation of protective instruments. The closing agent will
properly prepare, complete, and approve releases and curative documents
necessary for title clearance and closing, in recordable form and record
them if required.
(1) Prior lienholder's agreement. If any liens (other than agency
liens or tax liens to local governmental authorities) or security
agreements (hereafter called "liens"), with priority over the
agency's mortgage will remain against the real property securing the
loan, the lienholders must execute, in recordable form, agreements
containing all of the following provisions unless prior approval for
different provisions has been obtained from the National Office:
(i) The prior lienholder shall agree not to declare the lien
in default or accelerate the indebtedness secured by the prior
lien for a specific period of time after notice to the agency.
The agreement must:
(A) Provide that the specified period of time will not
commence until the lienholder gives written notice of the
borrower's default and the prior lienholder's intention
to accelerate the indebtedness to the agency office
servicing the loan,
(B) Include the address of the agency servicing office,
(C) Give the agency the option to cure any monetary
default by paying the amount of the borrower's delinquent
payments to the prior lienholder, or pay the obligation
in full and have the lien assigned to the agency, and
(D) Provide that the prior lienholder will not declare
the lien in default for any nonmonetary reason if the
agency commences liquidation proceedings against the
property and thereafter acquires the property.
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.57(d)(1) (Con.)
(ii) When the prior lien secures future advances, including
the lienholder's costs for borrower liquidation or bankruptcy,
which under State law have priority over the mortgage being
taken (or an agency mortgage already held), the prior
lienholder shall agree not to make advances for purposes other
than taxes, insurance or payments on other prior liens without
written consent of the agency.
(iii) The prior lienholder shall consent to the agency making
(or transferring) the loan and taking (or retaining) the
related mortgage if the prior lien instrument prohibits a loan
or mortgage (or transfer) without the prior lienholder's
(iv) The prior lienholder shall consent to the agency
transferring the property subject to the prior lien after the
agency has obtained title to the property either by foreclosure
or voluntary conveyance if the prior lien instrument prohibits
such transfer without the prior lienholder's consent.
(2) Notice of foreclosure agreements. These agreements will be
obtained only when required by a State Supplement. As a
precautionary measure, the State Supplement will require notice
agreements when OGC determines that State law permits junior liens
of private parties to be extinguished by foreclosure of a prior lien
without the junior lienholder being made parties or being given
actual notice. The State Supplement will specify the number of days
within which notice of foreclosure is required by the agreement.
(3) Leaseholds. When the agency security interest is on a
leasehold, the approval official must review the lease to make sure
that it meets the security and duration requirements of the program
instructions. If not, it will be necessary for the landlord and
tenant to amend the lease to meet these requirements at closing.
(4) Agreement by holder of seller's interest under land purchase
contract. If the buyer's interest in the security property is that
of a buyer under a land purchase contract, it will be necessary for
the seller to execute, in recordable form, an agreement containing
all of the following provisions:
(i) The seller shall agree not to sell or voluntarily transfer
the seller's interest under the land purchase contract without
the prior written consent of the State Office.
(ii) The seller shall agree not to encumber or cause any liens
to be levied against the property.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.57(d)(4) (Con.)
(iii) The seller shall agree not to commence or take any
action to accelerate, forfeit, or foreclose the buyer's
interest in the security property until a specified period of
time after notifying the State Office of intent to do so. This
period of time will be 90 days unless a State Supplement
provides otherwise. The agreement shall give the agency the
option to cure any monetary default by paying the amount of the
buyer's delinquent payments to the seller, or paying the seller
in full and having the contract assigned to the agency.
(iv) The seller shall consent to the agency making the loan
and taking a security interest in the borrower's interest under
the land purchase contract as security for the agency loan.
(v) The seller shall agree not to take any actions to
foreclose or forfeit the interest of the buyer under the land
purchase contract because the agency has acquired the buyer's
interest under the land purchase contract by foreclosure or
voluntary conveyance, or because the agency has subsequently
sold or assigned the buyer's interest to a third party who will
assume the buyer's obligations under the land purchase
(vi) When the agency acquires a buyer's interest under a land
purchase contract by foreclosure or deed in lieu of
foreclosure, the agency will not be deemed to have assumed any
of the buyer's obligations under the contract, provided that
the failure of the agency to perform any such obligations while
it holds the buyer's interest is a ground to commence an action
to terminate the land purchase contract.
(5) Form of agreement. The form of prior lienholder's agreement,
forbearance agreement, notice of foreclosure or assignment, and
agreement by holder of seller's interest under land purchase
contract will be prescribed in a State Supplement with the
concurrence of OGC. When only forbearance agreements are needed,
they will be obtained on Form RD 1927-8, "Agreement with Prior
Lienholder," or, if that form is not legally satisfactory, on a
State form having the same title. When only notice of foreclosure
or assignment are required, a separate form for this purpose will be
used. When both forbearance agreements and notices of foreclosure
or assignment are required, Form RD 1927-8 may be amended in order
to serve both purposes, a substitute State form may be used for both
purposes, or Form RD 1927-8 may be used and the notice agreement
obtained on a separate State form.
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.57(d) (Con.)
Executing, acknowledging, and recording
. When an agreement is
required by paragraph (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), or (d)(4) of this
section, the closing agent will determine at the time of closing
that the agreement is properly completed, executed, sealed,
witnessed, acknowledged, and recorded as required by State law or
State Supplement.
Correction of errors in recorded security instruments
. A State
Supplement, subject to OGC's review and approval, will be issued to
provide guidance in correcting error(s) in recorded security
§1927.58 Closing the transaction.
The closing agent will cooperate with the approval official, borrower,
seller, and other necessary parties to arrange the time and place of closing.
The transaction may be closed when the agency determines the agency
requirements for the loan have been satisfied and the closing agent or
approved attorney can issue or cause to be issued a policy of title insurance
or final title opinion as of the date of closing showing title vested as
required by the agency, the lien of the agency’s mortgage in the priority
required by the agency, and title to the mortgaged property subject only to
those exceptions approved in writing by the agency. The loan will be
considered closed when the mortgage is filed for record and the required lien
is obtained.
(a) Disbursement of loan funds. When the closing agent indicates that
the conditions necessary to close the loan have been met, loan funds
will be forwarded to the closing agent. Loan funds will not be
disbursed prior to filing of the mortgage for record; however, when
necessary, loan funds may be placed in escrow before the mortgage is
filed for record and disbursed after it is filed. No development funds
will be kept in escrow by the closing agent after loan closing, unless
approved by the agency. Loan funds for the payment of a lien may be
disbursed only upon the recording of a discharge, satisfaction, or
release of prior lien interests (or assignment where necessary to
protect the interests of the agency).
(b) Title examination and liens or claims against borrowers. If there
are other exceptions or recorded items which have arisen since the
preliminary title opinion, the transaction will not be closed until
these entries have been cleared of record or approved, by the agency.
The closing agent will advise the approval official of the nature of
such intervening instruments and the effect they may have on obtaining a
valid mortgage of the priority required or the title insurance policy to
be issued.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.58 (Con.)
(c) Taxes and assessments. The closing agent will determine if all
taxes and assessments against the property which are due and payable are
paid at or before the time of loan closing. If the seller and the
borrower have agreed to prorate any taxes or assessments which are not
yet due and payable for the year in which the closing of the transaction
takes place, the seller's proportionate share of the taxes and
assessments will be deducted from the proceeds to be paid to seller at
closing and will be added to the amount required to be paid by borrower
at closing. Certificates or receipts should be produced from the taxing
authorities to show that taxes or assessments which are due and payable
have been paid and, if possible, the certificates or receipts, or
copies, will be kept in the borrower's County or District Office case
file. Appropriate prorations as agreed upon between the borrower and
seller may also be made for taxes paid by the seller which are
applicable to a period after the closing date, and for common area
maintenance fees, prepaid rentals, insurance (unless the borrower is to
obtain a new policy of insurance), and growing crops.
Affidavit regarding work of improvement
Execution by borrower
. If required by State Supplement, the
closing agent will require that a Form RD 1927-5, "Affidavit
Regarding Work of Improvement," be completed and executed when a
loan is being made to a borrower who already owns the real estate to
be mortgaged. This affidavit will be executed by the borrower at
Execution by seller
. If required by State Supplement, the
closing agent will require that Form RD 1927-5 be completed and
executed by the seller when the agency is making a loan to a
borrower to enable the borrower to acquire the property (including
transfers). This affidavit will be executed by the seller at
Legal insufficiency of affidavit form
. If Form RD 1927-5 is
not legally sufficient in a particular State, a State form approved
by OGC will be used. A similar form that may be required by a title
insurance company may be substituted for Form RD 1927-5.
. The affidavit will not be recorded unless the
closing agent deems it necessary and State law permits.
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.58(d) (Con.)
Delay in closing
. The loan will not be closed if, at the loan
closing, the seller (in a sale transaction) or the borrower (in a
nonpurchase money loan situation) indicates that construction,
repair, or remodeling has been commenced or completed on the
property, or related materials or services have been delivered to or
performed on the property within the time limit specified in the
affidavit, unless a State Supplement provides otherwise. The
closing agent will notify the approval official, who will determine
if the work of improvement could result in a lien prior to the
agency lien. The State Office will, with the advice and concurrence
of OGC, provide in a State Supplement the period of time to be used
in completing the affidavit.
Completion of closing documents
. The closing agent will determine
that deeds, promissory notes, mortgages, releases, and other curative
instruments are completed (sealed and witnessed if required by State
law) and, if necessary, acknowledged and filed for record at the proper
Assignment of future income
. If Form RD 443-16, "Assignment of
Income from Real Estate Security," is required in a particular case, the
approval official will prepare the form and have it available for
execution by the borrower when the transaction closes. The closing
agent will see that the form is properly completed, executed (sealed and
witnessed if required by State law), and acknowledged by the borrower.
Return of loan documents to approval official after loan closing
Within 1 day after loan closing, the closing agent will return completed
and executed copies of Forms RD 1927-15 or 3550-25, the executed
original promissory note, and all other documents required for loan
closing (except the mortgage), to the approval official. If the
recorded mortgage is customarily returned to the borrower or closing
agent after recording, then it must be forwarded to the approval
official immediately. (Revised 08-18-04, PN 378.)
Final title opinion or title insurance policy
. As soon as possible
after the transaction has been closed.
(1) Final title opinion. The attorney will issue a final title
opinion to the agency and the borrower on Form RD 1927-10. If that
form is not legally sufficient in a particular State, a State form
approved by OGC may be used. Issuance of the final title opinion
should not be held up pending the return of recorded instruments.
If it is not possible for the final title opinion to show the book
and page of recording of the agency security instrument, the words
(Revision 1)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.58(h)(1) (Con.)
"and is recorded" in paragraph II B of Form RD 1927-10 may be
deleted and the following blank space completed to show the filing
office and the filing instrument number, if available. Attached to
the final title opinion will be required documents then available,
including any which the approval official has furnished to the
attorney which were not previously returned. The attorney will
ensure that all recorded instruments are forwarded or delivered to
the proper parties after recording. The certification of title will
be forwarded for a voluntary conveyance.
Title insurance policy
. The closing agent will send or deliver
the title insurance policy, with the United States listed as
mortgage holder, to the approval official. The policy will be
subject only to standard exceptions and those outstanding
encumbrances, and exceptions approved by the approval official. If
an owner's policy of title insurance is requested, the closing agent
will send or deliver it to the borrower. The closing agent will
ensure that all recorded instruments are delivered or sent to the
proper parties after recording.
Responsibilities of the approval official
. The approval
official will check the final title opinion or lender title policy
to make sure that the lien priority required in the loan approval
has been obtained. Forms RD 1927-15 or 3550-25 will be checked to
see that funds were disbursed as authorized. If these conditions
have not been met, the approval official will report it to the State
Office for advice. (Revised 08-18-04, PN 378.)
(i) Other services of the closing agent.
(1) The closing agent will assist the approval official in
preparing, completing, obtaining execution and acknowledgment, and
recording the required documents when necessary. The closing agent
will keep the approval official advised as to the progress of title
clearance and preparation of material for closing the transaction.
(2) The closing agent will provide services for deeds in lieu of
foreclosure as set forth in § 1927.62 of this subpart, and § 1955.10
of subpart A of part 1955 of this chapter.
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.59 Subsequent loans and transfers with assumptions.
Title services and closing for subsequent loans to an existing borrower
will be done in accordance with previous instructions in this subpart, except
(a) Loans closed using title insurance or title opinions.
(1) Title insurance or title opinions will be obtained unless:
(i) The cost of title services is excessive in relationship to
the size of the loan;
(ii) The agency currently has a first mortgage security
(iii) The applicant has sufficient income to service the
additional loan;
(iv) The borrower is current on the existing agency loan; and
(v) The best mortgage obtainable adequately protects agency
security interests.
(2) Title insurance or a title opinion will not be obtained if a
subsequent Section 504 loan is being made where the previous Section
504 loan was unsecured or secured for less than $7,500 and the
outstanding debt amount plus the new loan is less than $7,500.
(3) Loans closed using a new title insurance policy:
(i) Will cover the entire real property which is to secure the
loan, including the real property already owned and any
additional real property being acquired by the borrower with
the loan proceeds.
(ii) Will cover the entire amount of any subsequent loan plus
the amount of any existing loan being refinanced (if the
existing loan is not being refinanced, the new lender policy
will insure only the amount of the subsequent loan).
(Revision 1)
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1927-B
§ 1927.59 (Con.)
(b) Title services required in connection with assumptions. These
requirements are contained in part 1965, subpart A, B, and C, of this
chapter and 7 CFR part 3550 as appropriate for the loan type. (Revised
01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
§§ 1927.60 - 1927.61 [Reserved]
§ 1927.62 Voluntary conveyances.
When a borrower offers to convey security, the approval official will
process and close the transaction according to § 1955.10 of subpart A of part
1955 of this chapter. The closing agent will issue or cause to be issued a
final title opinion or policy of title insurance indicating that title is
vested in the United States of America subject only to the agency liens or
prior liens previously approved by the agency in accordance with § 1955.10 of
subpart A of part 1955 of this chapter.
§§ 1927.63 - 1927.64 [Reserved]
§ 1927.65 Additional requirements in connection with loans to homestead
entrymen, contract purchasers of farm units from the Bureau of Reclamation,
and certain American Indians.
Whenever loans or assumptions are subject to agreements with other
agencies (e.g., loans to or assumptions by homestead entrymen, American
Indians, or contract purchasers from the Bureau of Reclamation), the title
clearance and closing of the transaction will be handled in accordance with
special instructions issued by the agency and/or other parties involved
applicable to the type of transaction, as well as those of this subpart. The
special instructions may be in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding with
the advice and approval of OGC.
§ 1927.66 Cancellation of loan, assumption, or credit sale.
If it is determined that the transaction will not be closed, the approval
official will promptly notify the borrower and the following parties who are
involved in the case at the time the determination is made: the seller,
attorney(s), OGC, and the title company.
§§ 1927.67 - 1927.89 [Reserved]
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1927-B
§1927.90 State Supplements.
The State Supplement issued pursuant to this subpart will have prior
National Office approval and will be the minimum necessary to comply with
state laws. The State Supplement will cover loan closings, where the agency
is obtaining the best lien obtainable and there will be no title clearance for
such loan provided by a title insurance company or attorney.
§1927.91 Exception authority.
The Administrator may, in individual cases, make an exception to any
requirement or provision of this subpart which is not inconsistent with
applicable law or opinion of the Comptroller General. The Administrator may
exercise this authority upon written request from the State Office or Deputy
Administrator, provided the Administrator determines that application of the
requirement or provision would adversely affect the Government's interest.
Request for exception must be supported with documentation to explain adverse
effect on the Government's interest, proposed alternative courses of actions,
and show how the adverse effect will be eliminated or minimized if the
exception is granted.
§§1927.92 - 1927.99 [Reserved]
§1927.100 OMB control number.
The reporting requirements contained in this regulation have been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget and have been assigned OMB
control number 0575-0147. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to vary from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours per response,
with an average of .38 hours per response, including time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to Department of Agriculture, Clearance Officer, OIRM, Ag Box 7630,
Washington, D.C. 20250; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork
Reduction Project (OMB# 0575-0147), Washington, D.C. 20503.
(04-22-96) SPECIAL PN