AO 91 (Rev. 11/11) Criminal Complaint
AUSA Sharon R. Fairley (312) 353-0951
also known as “Finess” and “Vaness”
also known as “Ray-Ray” and “New York”
also known as “T-O,” UNDER SEAL
also known as “Smookie” and “B-D”
I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
From on or about January 1, 2014 to on or about April 8, 2014, at Harvey, in the Northern District of
Illinois, Eastern Division, and elsewhere, the defendants violated:
Code Section Offense Description
Count One:
Conspiring with each other and others known and unknown to the United States to:
18 U.S.C. § 371
(a) without being licensed firearms dealers, willfully engage in the business of dealing
in firearms, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(1)(A); (b) without being licensed firearm
dealers, willfully transfer, sell, trade, give, transport and deliver firearms obtained in
Ohio to other individuals who defendants knew and had reasonable cause to believe
were not Ohio residents, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(5); and (c) receive, possess,
conceal, store, barter, sell, and dispose of a stolen firearm that had traveled in
interstate commerce before and after it was stolen, knowing and having reasonable
cause to believe the firearm was stolen, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(j), all in
violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371; and
Count Two:
Conspiring to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute controlled substances,
21 U.S.C. § 846
namely, heroin and crack cocaine, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846.
This criminal complaint is based upon these facts:
X Continued on the attached sheet.
Special Agent, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
& Explosives (ATF)
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.
Date: July 10, 2014
Judge’s signature
City and state: Chicago, Illinois MARY M. ROWLAND, U.S. Magistrate Judge
Printed name and Title
I, THOMAS A. BEEBE, being duly sworn, state as follows:
1. I am a Task Force Officer with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms & Explosives, and have been so employed for 6 years. My current
responsibilities include the investigation of criminal violations of the federal
firearms laws.
2. This affidavit is submitted in support of a criminal complaint alleging
that Kierre WATERFORD, Kevin JACKSON, Omar BURKS, Anthony JACKSON,
and Daniel MURPHY have violated Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371 and
Title 21, United States Code, Section 846. Because this affidavit is being submitted
for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause in support of a criminal
complaint charging defendants with conspiring with each other and others known
and unknown to the United States to: (a) without being licensed firearms dealers,
willfully engage in the business of dealing in firearms, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §
922(a)(1)(A); (b) without being licensed firearm dealers, willfully transfer, sell,
trade, give, transport and deliver firearms obtained in Ohio to other individuals
who defendants knew and had reasonable cause to believe were not Ohio residents,
in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(5); and (c) receive, possess, conceal, store, barter,
sell, and dispose of a stolen firearm that had traveled in interstate commerce before
and after it was stolen, knowing and having reasonable cause to believe the firearm
was stolen, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(j), all in violation of 18 U.S.C. §
371(Count One); and, conspiring to possess with intent to distribute and to
distribute controlled substances, namely, heroin and crack cocaine, in violation of 21
U.S.C. § 846 (Count Two), I have not included each and every fact known to me
concerning this investigation. I have set forth only the facts that I believe are
necessary to establish probable cause to believe that the defendants committed the
offense alleged in the complaint.
3. This affidavit is based on my personal knowledge, information
provided to me by other law enforcement agents, witness interviews, my experience
and training, and the experience of other agents.
4. This investigation has revealed that defendants are participants in a
drug and firearms trafficking operation led by Aubrey Burks (“A. Burks”).
no later than January 2014, working together, defendants and A. Burks distributed
heroin and other controlled substances, some of which they obtained in the
Northern District of Illinois, to drug customers in and around Marion, Ohio. At
times, defendants and A. Burks accepted firearms from their drug customers as
payment for the controlled substances. Defendants and A. Burks transported, or
arranged for the transportation of, firearms from the Marion, Ohio area to Harvey,
Aubrey Burks has been charged in the Northern District of Illinois in a single count
complaint alleging that he, a convicted felon, possessed firearms, in violation of 18 U.S.C.
§922(g)(1). Burks admitted in part that he acquired those firearms in Ohio and transported
them to Harvey, Illinois, where he expected to sell them. The affidavit in support of that
complaint is adopted and incorporated herein, and is available to the Court for review.
Illinois, where they stored firearms at various residences. Defendants and A. Burks
have obtained controlled substances from sources within the Northern District of
Illinois by exchanging firearms for controlled substances, or by selling firearms for
money used to obtain controlled substances which they later sold to Ohio customers.
Cooperating Witnesses Describe Defendants’ and A. Burks’
Narcotics and Firearms Trafficking Operation
5. ATF agents interviewed several individuals during this investigation,
each of whom describes their interaction with the defendants’ and A. Burks’
narcotics and firearms trafficking operation. The statements of three of those
cooperating witnesses are described below, and corroborate in part the statements
of A. Burks and WATERFORD as described in the Paragraphs 26-28 below. ATF
believes that the statements are reliable based on the context of the overall
investigation and several specific points of corroboration. None of the cooperating
witnesses have been promised anything in exchange for their statements.
Cooperating Witness 1 (“CW1”)
6. ATF also interviewed CW1 about defendants and their narcotics and
firearms trafficking activities.
CW1 stated that he met WATERFORD and Kevin
CW1 has five prior arrests and one felony conviction, but has not been charged with any
offense related to the conduct described herein and is cooperating with the government
because CW1 believes BURKS and WATERFORD exploited CW1’s drug addiction and has
been exploiting other addicts as well. At this time, ATF has provided the CW1
approximately $3583.06 in temporary housing costs in response to threats made against the
CW1 after the targets of the investigation became aware of his cooperation
sometime in or around November 2013 through a mutual friend. CW1,
who was a drug user, immediately began buying heroin from WATERFORD and
Kevin JACKSON on a daily basis to sustain CW1’s addiction to the drug. CW1 met
Anthony JACKSON soon thereafter. Within approximately one to two weeks after
meeting CW1, WATERFORD, Kevin JACKSON, and Anthony JACKSON started
staying overnight frequently and using the CW1’s apartment in Marion, Ohio as a
base of operations for their narcotics and firearms trafficking activities. They paid
CW1 with heroin for the use of his apartment. Approximately ten days later, CW1
met A. Burks, who also started using the CW1’s apartment as a place to stay and
conduct narcotics and firearms trafficking business.
7. According to CW1, after WATERFORD, Kevin JACKSON and A.
Burks started selling heroin and crack cocaine out of CW1’s apartment, as many as
30 customers came to the apartment each day to purchase narcotics. Kevin
JACKSON set up security cameras at CW1’s apartment that were hooked up to a
TV in the living room. CW1 understood that these cameras were installed so that
defendants could see who was coming to the door of the apartment before they let
them in. Omar BURKS occasionally sold narcotics with A. Burks, WATERFORD,
and Kevin JACKSON out of CW1’s apartment. A. Burks, WATERFORD, Kevin
JACKSON, and Omar BURKS frequently used a security “wand” to examine
customers before they were allowed into the apartment to purchase narcotics. CW1
After being presented with a photo array, CW1 identified Kevin JACKSON, Kierre
WATERFORD, A. Burks, Omar BURKS, Anthony JACKSON, and Daniel MURPHY as
individuals involved in the drug and firearms trafficking organization described herein.
believed that this “wand” was intended to detect when someone was “wired up” by
the police.
8. In addition to serving customers from the CW1’s apartment,
WATERFORD, Kevin JACKSON, and A. Burks occasionally served narcotics to
customers at a nearby apartment complex. According to the CW1, they
communicated with their customers on their cell phones and told the customers
where they should go to get the narcotics.
9. Based on the conversations CW1 had directly with defendants and
A. Burks, conversations among defendants and A. Burks that CW1 overheard, and
the comings and goings that he observed, CW1 learned that WATERFORD, Kevin
JACKSON, and A. Burks obtained their narcotics from a source in Harvey, Illinois.
When A. Burks obtained a supply of narcotics from his Harvey source, he would
hide it in the attic of the CW1’s residence.
10. Almost every morning that A. Burks stayed at CW1’s residence, CW1
saw him retrieve a “chunk” of narcotics from the attic and take it to the kitchen
where he packaged it for sale. According to CW1, Kevin JACKSON also maintained
his own supply of narcotics somewhere. The CW1 has seen Omar BURKS and
Anthony JACKSON obtain narcotics to sell from A. Burks and Kevin JACKSON,
and Omar BURKS and Anthony JACKSON packaged drugs for sale in CW1’s
kitchen. They usually placed approximately $20 worth of narcotics into folded
pieces of paper. Sometimes they packaged the crack cocaine in paper that was a
different color from the paper used to package the heroin.
11. When A. Burks, Kevin JACKSON, Omar BURKS, WATERFORD and
Anthony JACKSON ran out of their supply of narcotics, they frequently traveled to
Harvey, Illinois to transport guns for sale or trade and to replenish their narcotics
supply. Based on conversations with and among defendants and A. Burks, CW1
learned that defendants preferred to travel in groups of two or more individuals.
They also preferred to travel in two cars in case one car was stopped by police.
According to CW1, they waited until everyone’s narcotics supply was depleted
before they went to Illinois to get a new supply. CW1 estimated that they traveled
to Harvey approximately two times per month. CW1 allowed them to use his car to
drive to Harvey on at least four occasions. According to CW1, on a return trip from
Illinois, his car broke down so A. Burks and WATERFORD abandoned it on the side
of the road somewhere in northern Indiana.
12. According to CW1, A. Burks, Omar BURKS, WATERFORD, Kevin
JACKSON, and Anthony JACKSON, acquired firearms in Ohio which they
transported to Harvey, Illinois to sell or to trade them for narcotics. On one
occasion, Kevin JACKSON and Omar BURKS came to CW1’s apartment at
approximately 3 a.m. and brought in some rifles and other guns. Kevin JACKSON
and Omar BURKS stayed at CW1’s apartment that night, and the next day, A.
BURKS and WATERFORD arrived to prepare the guns to be transported to Illinois.
According to conversations CW1 overheard, it was CW1’s understanding that Omar
BURKS and Kevin JACKSON took the rifles in CW1’s car, and that A. Burks and
Indiana State Police records show that, on January 29, 2014, CW1’s vehicle was
accidentally sideswiped by a truck after it had been abandoned on an Indiana Highway.
WATERFORD took the pistols in another car. CW1 also believed that the firearms
were divided between the two cars to prevent all the firearms from being seized by
law enforcement in the event a single car was stopped during the trip to Illinois.
Cooperating Witness 2 (“CW2”)
13. ATF interviewed CW2.
CW2 stated that CW2 first met Kevin
JACKSON sometime in or around January 2013. Kevin JACKSON suggested that
CW2 could sell narcotics for him. CW2 reconnected with Kevin JACKSON
sometime in or around May 2013. Soon thereafter, CW2 began selling small
amounts of heroin for Kevin JACKSON in Marion, Ohio. CW2 was also using
heroin at that time. At first, CW2 sold a few ounces of heroin per week, but the
quantity increased over time and after several weeks, CW2 sold approximately
$1000 worth of heroin daily for Kevin JACKSON. For every $1000 worth of heroin
JACKSON gave him, CW2 would have to return $700 in cash to JACKSON.
14. Sometime in or around July or August 2013, CW2 began working with
A. Burks and WATERFORD. CW2 estimates that he has packaged heroin for sale
with WATERFORD and A. Burks on over 100 occasions. CW2 also sold $1000
packs of heroin for A. Burks under the same pricing terms.
15. Based on his interactions with defendants and A. Burks, CW2 learned
that A. Burks, WATERFORD, and Kevin JACKSON made weekly trips to the
CW2, who has prior convictions for DUI and drug abuse, began to cooperate with ATF
because he was concerned about his complicity in the conspiracy. CW2 was presented with
a photo array and identified A. Burks, Kevin JACKSON, Omar BURKS, Anthony
JACKSON, and Kierre WATERFORD as the individuals described herein. No promises
have been made to CW2 in return for his cooperation.
Chicago area and that Omar BURKS often drove the group. CW2 overheard the
group talk about going back to Chicago to replenish their heroin supply. CW2 has
overheard A. Burks talk about moving up to “half a brick” and selling “big boy
weight” in reference to the narcotics he distributed. CW2 has also overheard
WATERFORD state that their cocaine supplier was a “Mexican” who lived near
them in the Chicago area. Sometime in or around November or December 2013,
CW2 traveled with Omar BURKS, A. Burks, and Kevin JACKSON to Chicago.
CW2 understood that the purpose of the trip was to obtain a narcotics supply.
However, CW2 did not personally witness the exchange of narcotics and money.
16. CW2 stated that in November or December 2013, A. Burks brought
heroin to CW2 while CW2 was staying at a relative’s house in Marion, Ohio. CW2
stated that A. Burks saw a safe at the relative’s house and eventually found out
that there were guns inside it. A. Burks, Kevin JACKSON, WATERFORD, and
Anthony JACKSON pressured CW2 to steal the safe because they wanted to take
the guns to Chicago. They promised to give CW2 six grams of heroin if CW2 stole
the safe and brought it to them. CW2 stated that, shortly thereafter, A. Burks,
Kevin JACKSON, and Anthony JACKSON traveled to CW2’s relative’s house,
where CW2 and another person brought the safe to the door. A. Burks and Kevin
JACKSON carried the safe to the car, where Anthony JACKSON was ready to drive
and was acting as a lookout.
CW1 corroborates CW2’s statement by explaining that the group brought a safe to CW1’s
apartment where Aubrey BURKS, Omar BURKS, WATERFORD, Kevin JACKSON, and
Anthony JACKSON used a crowbar to pry it open, and then split the firearms and other
Cooperating Witness 3 (“CW3”)
17. Cooperating Witness 3 (“CW3”),
explained that he/she met A. Burks
and WATERFORD through Kevin JACKSON, a drug dealer in Marion, Ohio. A
relative of CW3 was one of K. JACKSON’s drug customers, but CW3 began a more
personal relationship with K. JACKSON. CW3 saw K. JACKSON sell heroin to
individuals in the Marion, Ohio area on many occasions. CW3 occasionally stayed
at K. JACKSON’s apartment, and on one occasion, saw approximately 100
individual piles of heroin and cocaine on a square glass table top that was about two
feet wide and K. JACKSON using a razor blade to divide the narcotics up and
package each individual pile into a cut-off corner of a plastic baggie. CW3 has also
seen K. JACKSON package narcotics in pieces of aluminum foil and various kinds
of paper.
items, including jewelry, amongst themselves. In addition, in their respective post arrest
statements to Marion Police Department on April 8, 2014, A. Burks admitted to his
participation in the group that broke into the safe that CW2 had stolen and brought to
CW1’s apartment. A. Burks acknowledged that he took a revolver from among the guns in
the safe and brought it to Chicago. WATERFORD stated that when they could not get the
safe opened, he and Kevin JACKSON went out and purchased crow bars to use to open the
safe. Eventually, the group was able to open the safe and found it contained gun bags
containing rifles, two revolvers, some ammunition and some jewelry. According to
WATERFORD, after opening the safe, he and Omar BURKS drove in one car and Aubrey
BURKS and Kevin JACKSON drove in another car to the Chicago area.
CW3, who has two prior convictions for endangering children, initially cooperated with
ATF in the investigation because she was concerned she might get in trouble because she
had traveled with individuals who dealt in guns and narcotics (as described below). CW3
has provided ATF with information about a group of individuals, including A. Burks, who
have been trafficking in narcotics and firearms in and around the Marion Ohio area since
sometime in or around 2013. Information provided by CW3 has largely been corroborated
by information from other witnesses and other law enforcement sources. CW3 believes that
A. Burks and others have made threats against her safety. As a result, ATF has provided
temporary housing support for CW3 for approximately 5 to 6 weeks. No promises were
made in exchange for CW3’s cooperation.
18. According to CW3, on or about March 17, 2014, A. Burks asked CW3 if
CW3 wanted to take a trip to “the city.” According to CW3, A. Burks drove one car,
while WATERFORD, and CW3 drove another. During the trip, one car broke down
and later the other one had a flat tire. While they were stranded on the side of the
highway, CW3 expressed concern because CW3 didn’t have a driver’s license and
had heard rumors about A. Burks and WATERFORD having guns. In response, A.
Burks informed CW3 that there were guns in the car. A. Burks took a plastic
grocery bag out of the trunk and threw it into the grass next to the highway. After
the flat had been fixed, A. Burks went back to where he had thrown the bag, found
it and picked it up. The bag ripped open and CW3 saw three or four guns fall out.
A. Burks wrapped the guns in a t-shirt and put them in the trunk of the car
underneath the tire.
19. Once they arrived in the Chicago area, they dropped WATERFORD off
at WATERFORD’s grandmother’s residence in Harvey, Illinois.
CW3 and A. Burks
went to a nearby residence (“the Galvan residence”).
A. Burks and CW3 went
When driven to an area in Harvey, Illinois, CW1 identified a residence as the location
where they dropped of WATERFORD. According to law enforcement databases,
WATERFORD, after being arrested on multiple occasions, has often told police officers that
he lives at this address.
Unbeknownst to CW3, this residence was the location where a Chicago Police
Department (“CPD”) officer posing in an undercover capacity as a gun trafficker purchased
multiple firearms from Anthony Galvan on multiple occasions in January and February
2014. In July 2014, Galvan was charged in the Northern District of Illinois in a single
count complaint alleging that he engaged in the business of dealing firearms without a
license, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §922(a)(1)(A). The affidavit in support of that complaint is
adopted and incorporated herein, and is available to the Court for review. One of the
firearms that UC purchased from Galvan, a Bryco Arms, Model 38, .380 caliber pistol,
bearing serial number 1293583, was owned by Gun Owner C who lived in Mount Gilead,
Ohio. Gun Owner C told ATF agents that he/she suspected that Drug User C took the
inside the residence and up to a bedroom where they met with a few individuals,
none of whom CW3 had met before that day. CW3 was presented with a photo
array and picked out a photograph of Anthony Galvan as being one of the
individuals inside the bedroom. CW3 saw a large chunky rock of substance that
CW3 believed was crack cocaine sitting on a scale and approximately five guns lying
on the bed. A. Burks and one of the Hispanic males started talking about trading
guns, and A. Burks talked about wanting to buy some of the narcotics that were on
the scales. At some point, A. Burks called WATERFORD and told him to bring one
of “them things.” WATERFORD joined them at the house and brought a silver long-
barreled gun that CW3 had seen earlier on the trip. A. Burks and WATERFORD
talked to the Hispanic males about trading that gun for another gun. CW3 also
overheard A. Burks suggest that they remove the serial numbers from the gun to
make it more difficult for law enforcement to trace the guns back to Ohio.
20. CW3 and A. Burks later left the house and went to a motel where they
spent the night.
A. Burks left the hotel room the next morning and returned later
that day with WATERFORD. When he returned, A. Burks had a large clear plastic
bag the size of a fist, containing a brown hard chunky substance which CW3
believed was heroin. A. Burks asked CW3 to hide the bag of heroin between CW3’s
weapon and sold it for heroin. ATF interviewed Drug User C, who confirmed that he/she
took the firearm and sold it to Aubrey Burks for 2 grams of heroin. During his post arrest
statement on April 8, 2014, Burks admitted that he sold some of the firearms he obtained in
Ohio to Galvan.
According to CW3, she registered as a guest of the motel. Business records obtained
from a particular hotel in Harvey, Illinois confirm that CW3 was a registered guest at that
location from March 18, 2014 to March 19, 2014.
legs. When CW3 refused, A. Burks threatened to leave CW3 in Chicago. However,
A. Burks allowed CW3 to ride back to Ohio with him and WATERFORD. According
to CW3, during the car ride back to Ohio, A. Burks and WATERFORD talked about
taking guns from Ohio to Chicago and taking the serial numbers off the guns before
they got to Chicago.
21. When they arrived back in the Marion, Ohio area, CW3 saw
WATERFORD remove a plastic bag containing a substance CW3 believed was crack
cocaine from where he had hidden it in the rear of his pants.
22. The statements made by CW1, CW2, and CW3 have been corroborated
in several ways, including by searches and/or arrests made by law enforcement
agencies, including the Marion Police Department in Ohio and the Harvey Police
Department in Illinois. Those arrests include:
Kevin Jackson’s Narcotics Arrest on November 1, 2013
23. On November 1, 2013, using a confidential informant, Marion Police
Department (“MPD”) conducted a controlled buy of heroin with Kevin JACKSON
after making arrangements over the phone with JACKSON. According to MPD
reports, a confidential informant purchased $100 of heroin from JACKSON at an
apartment on Windsor Avenue in Marion, Ohio. After the controlled buy, MPD
obtained a search warrant for the residence in which the controlled buy was
conducted. Kevin JACKSON and another individual emerged from the residence
when the search was initiated and were taken into custody. During the search,
MPD recovered: four cell phones; two Smith& Wesson gun boxes labeled with
serials numbers HEY9565 and HFA5464
; the cash used for the controlled buy, a
camouflage-colored Master Piece Arms 9mm pistol bearing serial number F21998
with silencer and box, and various items of drug paraphernalia including needles,
burnt spoons, and plastic baggies with torn corners.
Narcotics Arrests on January 29, 2014
24. On January 29, 2014, the MPD executed a search warrant at a
residence on Universal Avenue in Marion, Ohio. WATERFORD, Omar BURKS and
Kevin JACKSON were three of six individuals who were found inside the residence
at the time of the search and were subsequently arrested. When officers entered
the residence they saw Omar BURKS, Kevin JACKSON and another individual
with a large amount of heroin and crack cocaine. MPD recovered several items,
including two bags containing quantities of heroin and crack cocaine. Each of the
occupants was searched incident to the arrest. When the officers searched
WATERFORD and asked if he had any contraband on him, he first replied “no,” but
then admitted that he had two bags in his “butt crack.” WATERFORD removed
these items and gave them to the officer. According to the MPD officers, Kevin
JACKSON, while waiting in the kitchen after having been handcuffed asked other
ATF records show that the firearms connected to the empty boxes were purchased by
Gun Owner H, who, according to A. Burks in his post arrest statement on April 8, 2014,
purchased firearms at a gun show after A. Burks, Omar BURKS, and Kevin JACKSON had
pooled together $1300 to purchase the guns. When interviewed by ATF agents, Gun
Owner H confirmed that he/she purchased two of the four firearms for A. Burks and Kevin
JACKSON and two for herself, but that A. Burks took all four firearms to Kevin
JACKSON’s residence.
subjects, including Omar BURKS and WATERFORD, “Who did you stupid
motherfuckers serve to?”
Search and Recovery of Six Firearms from
Family Residence of A. Burks’ in Harvey, Illinois
25. According to reports obtained from the Harvey Police Department,
police officers investigated a tip that A. Burks was storing a large number of
firearms at a relative’s residence in Harvey, Illinois (“Harvey residence”). On
January 30, 2014, the police officers knocked on the door of the Harvey residence
and spoke with the owner, who agreed, in writing, to allow the officers to search the
residence. During the search, Harvey Police Officers recovered six firearms,
described in more detail below at Paragraphs 13 from various locations in the
basement of the Harvey residence.
WATERFORD and Burks Arrested in Ohio
with Firearms Destined for Illinois
26. On April 8, 2014, A. Burks contacted CW1 and asked him to ride along
on a trip to Chicago to transport firearms. CW1 met with A. Burks, WATERFORD
and another individual at the home of a relative of CW1. After CW1 learned that
they would be taking two cars on the trip, CW1 told A. Burks that he did not want
to ride in the car with the firearms. After CW1 saw A. Burks and WATERFORD
load firearms into one car, CW1 got into the other car with A. Burks and
WATERFORD. Shortly after the two cars pulled away from the residence, they
were stopped by MPD officers. After MPD officers found two pistols and two rifles
in one of the cars, A. Burks and WATERFORD were arrested. At the time of their
arrest, police found $1,255 in U.S. currency in WATERFORD’s possession, and
$4,215 in A. Burks’ possession.
27. ATF personnel advised A. Burks of his Miranda rights. A. Burks
waived his rights, and agreed to be interviewed. A. Burks stated that he planned to
drive the four firearms the police found in the car to Chicago, and that he had just
purchased the firearms from Daniel MURPHY a few days before for approximately
$1,000. A. Burks stated that he acquires approximately 12 to 15 firearms per
month from various sources in the Marion, Ohio area and transports them to
Chicago and Harvey, Illinois, to sell. A. Burks admitted that he buys firearms from
heroin addicts by paying cash or at times trading cash and heroin for the firearms.
28. ATF personnel advised WATERFORD of his Miranda rights.
WATERFORD waived his rights and agreed to be interviewed. WATERFORD
stated that he started making trips with A. Burks to the Chicago, Illinois area
sometime in or around October 2013, and recalls that he made approximately six
trips from Ohio to the Chicago area when firearms were being transported.
WATERFORD stated that A. Burks trades guns for heroin in Chicago.
WATERFORD explained that he never sold or traded guns, but has purchased
narcotics for cash while in the Chicago area that he then brought back to Ohio.
Recorded Phone Conversations During Which Defendants
Discuss The Drug and Gun Operation
29. On January 30, 2014, while Kevin JACKSON was detained for the
offense described above in Paragraph 24, he called an unidentified woman from the
jail. As all participants to phones calls originating from the jail are notified, the
conversation was recorded. During the call,
the woman dialed another number to
activate the 3-way calling feature and Kevin JACKSON had a conversation with a
male call participant who I believe was A. Burks.
A. Burks told Kevin JACKSON
that A. Burks’ cousin was working with the feds and had sent law enforcement to A.
Burks’ mother’s residence and that “they got all the fucking guns.” Based on the
context of this investigation, I believe A. Burks was referring to the firearms seized
from the Harvey residence as described in Paragraph 25 above. JACKSON then
informed A. Burks that law enforcement officers had “hit Chestnut” [I believe
JACKSON is referring to a search that was conducted of CW1’s apartment]. A.
Burks remarked that he was “surprised” that they [law enforcement] had not “come
and tried to talk to y’all yet.” Kevin JACKSON stated, “and guess where all them
demonstrations [firearms]
fixin’ to come back to … this town.” I believe Kevin
JACKSON was anticipating that the firearms recovered during the Harvey search
would be traced back to ownership in Ohio. JACKSON told BURKS that the “Feds”
were likely to get involved and were likely to start tapping their phone calls.
The recorded conversations described throughout this Affidavit have been summarized,
and parentheses have been placed around language that represent my or other agents=
understanding of what is being said during the recordings, based on their content and
context, and based on my and other law enforcement officers= experience. In addition,
language that is quoted from the recorded conversations throughout this Affidavit is based
upon agents= review of the recorded conversations, and are not intended to be a final
transcript of the audio recordings from which the quotes are taken
ATF agents familiar with A. BURKS’ voice from interviews and review of jail calls
associated with him identified a male participant in this call as A. BURKS.
Based on my training and experience, different slang terms are often used for code words
to describe firearms. Based on this investigation, the term “demos” and “demonstrations”
are code words used to describe firearms
JACKSON suggested that BURKS stop using his phone and not talk to anybody he
was “not sure about.”
30. On February 1, 2014, while WATERFORD was detained in a Marion
Ohio jail, he placed a call to a phone number subscribed to a Harvey Illinois address
associated with WATERFORD.
An unidentified female answered the phone and
advised WATERFORD to “be careful what you say on the phone.” At
WATERFORD’s request, the person who answered the call passed the phone to
another individual, who WATERFORD asked, “where my demos [firearms] at,
man… y’all put ‘em up?” The unidentified individual responded that he had been
instructed to give the “demos” [firearms] to another person. WATERFORD
demanded to speak to another person, who, when he got on the phone, explained
that they got them out of the house because they were afraid the house would be
searched. After the phone was passed back and forth a few times, WATERFORD
directed someone to get the firearms back, saying, “I already done got paid for them
Firearm Traces and Interviews of Original Owners
31. To date, law enforcement has recovered several firearms that have
been connected to this narcotics and firearms trafficking organization.
Each of the
This is the same address that CW3 stated WATERFORD went to when CW3,
WATERFORD, and A. Burks traveled to Harvey, Illinois on or around March 18, 2014. In
addition, CPD records show that WATERFORD has used this as his residential address for
several prior arrests.
At least eight of the firearms have been recovered in the Northern District of Illinois.
firearms has been traced through ATF databases and ATF has attempted to
interview their lawful owners. Those firearms include:
Firearm Ohio Source Where/How Recovered
Hi-point Model 995 Stolen by Drug User A 1/30/14 Search of Harvey
9mm rifle from Gun Owner A’s Illinois residence
S/N B16777 Mount Gilead, Ohio home
and traded to A. Burks for
Izhmash Model Stolen by Drug User A 1/30/14 Search of Harvey
Saiga 410 gauge from Gun Owner A’s Illinois residence
shotgun Mount Gilead, Ohio home
S/N 93-1201984 and traded to A. Burks for
Ruger Super Removed from safe stolen 1/30/14 Search of Harvey
Redhawk .44 by CW2 from Gun Owner Illinois residence
caliber revolver B’s Marion, Ohio residence
S/N 55003810 and taken by A. Burks
Wasir 7.62 caliber Purchased in Columbus, 1/30/14 Search of Harvey
semi-automatic Ohio by Gun Owner E, a Illinois residence
assault rifle recently deceased Marion,
S/N 1-39279-2003 Ohio resident
Masterpiece Arms, Purchased by Gun 1/30/14 Search of Harvey
.45 caliber pistol Owner D in 2009 at an Illinois residence
S/N A8485 Indiana gun store and sold
in June or July 2013 at an
Indiana gun show to an
unknown black male
Taurus .44 caliber
S/N TK852410
Stolen from Gun Owner C’s
Mount Gilead, Ohio
residence by a relative who
admitted he stole it and
traded it to A. JACKSON
for heroin
1/30/14 Search of Harvey
Illinois residence
Masterpiece Arms, Purchased by Gun Recovered from Omar
9mm pistol Owner D in 2009 at an BURKS on August 17, 2013
S/N F7292 Indiana gun store and sold
in June or July 2013 at an
Indiana gun show to an
unknown black male
after Ohio State Police
conducted traffic stop of car
Omar BURKS was driving.
Bryco Arms, Model
38, .380 caliber
Stolen from Gun Owner C’s
Mount Gilead, Ohio
Sold by Anthony Galvan to
an undercover CPD officer on
pistol residence by a relative who January 14, 2014
S/N 1293583. admitted he stole it and
traded it to A. BURKS for
Phoenix Arms Purchased by Gun Sold by Anthony Galvan to
Model HP25A .25 Owner F at an Ohio gun an undercover CPD officer on
caliber pistol shop and sold to Daniel January 22, 2014
S/N 4400562 MURPHY
Smith and Wesson
9mm handgun
S/N HFA5464
Purchased by Gun
Owner H at an Ohio gun
show and given to A. Burks
Recovered by Milwaukee
Police from Omar BURKS on
November 26, 2013
Walther M4 .22
caliber rifle with
S/N BP021578
Purchased by Gun
Owner F at an Ohio gun
shop and sold to Daniel
Recovered by MPD on April
8, 2014 from stop of A. Burks
Ruger .357 caliber
S/N 174-65430
Reported stolen on April 1,
2014 by Gun Owner G’s
wife from her Marion Ohio
Recovered by MPD on April
8, 2014 from stop of A. Burks
Ruger Super Black
Hawk .44 caliber
S/N 85-98200
Reported stolen on April 1,
2014 by Gun Owner G’s
wife from her Marion Ohio
Recovered by MPD on April
8, 2014 from stop of A. Burks
Colt .223 caliber
rifle with Leopold
S/N CCH032508
Traced to a purchase in
Ohio to Gun Owner I. I
believe this gun was
reported stolen on April 1,
2014 by Gun Owner G’s
wife from her Marion Ohio
Recovered by MPD on April
8, 2014 from stop of A. Burks
Masterpiece Arms Purchased by Gun Recovered by MPD on
9mm pistol Owner H at Ohio gun show November 1, 2013 from
S/N F21998 attended w/A. Burks search of residence where
Kevin JACKSON sold
narcotics to MPD informant
Daniel MURPHY’s Participation the Narcotics & Firearms
Trafficking Operation
32. CW1 stated that he/she has known Daniel MURPHY since childhood.
Sometime in early 2014, CW1 was present when MURPHY met with A. Burks at
the CW1’s apartment. After this meeting, MURPHY began buying heroin from A.
Burks on a regular basis. At first, MURPHY began purchasing approximately 2
grams per week, but the quantity increased to as much as 15 grams per week.
33. According to CW1, MURPHY sold at least five guns to A. BURKS.
CW1 recalled one occasion in early 2014 which A. BURKS sent CW1 to MURPHY’s
house to retrieve a laser scope for a gun that MURPHY had sold to A. Burks. CW1
also recalled another occasion in April 2014 which MURPHY brought three guns to
CW1’s apartment to sell to A. Burks: a .44 revolver, a .357 revolver, and an AR-15
style rifle. CW1 saw A. BURKS give MURPHY approximately 7 grams of heroin in
exchange for the firearms. MURPHY also sold a .22 caliber Colt rifle to A. Burks.
CW1 took a picture of A. Burks holding the rifle with the camera on his cell phone
and texted it to A. Burks so he could use it to sell the rifle.
34. ATF listened to a recorded phone conversation placed by an inmate at
the Multi-County Correctional Center, located in Marion, Ohio on February 28,
2014. The inmate dialed a number associated with Daniel MURPHY.
During the
call, MURPHY
explained that he sold his Buick to his “dope boy.” MURPHY
stated, “he gave me a thousand in cash, squashed the money that I owed him…..he
was gonna give me four [four grams of heroin] to drive my Malibu to Chicago and
back.” Based on the context of this investigation I believe MURPHY is referring to
According to CW1, this is a phone number MURPHY uses. In addition, during a
recorded jail call placed by A. Burks on April 12, 2014, an unidentified female provided this
phone number to A. Burks in response to A. Burks’ request for MURPHY’s phone number.
An ATF agent who had previously interviewed MURPHY identified MURPHY as one of
the speakers on this call.
A. Burks as his “dope boy” or narcotics supplier. In addition, I believe MURPHY is
explaining that he sold his Buick to A. Burks where MURPHY received cash and a
forgiveness of a narcotics debt. I also believe based on the context of this
investigation that MURPHY was explaining that A. Burks made arrangements to
drive a second vehicle belonging to MURPHY, specifically, a Malibu, to Chicago for
a payment of four grams of heroin.
35. On April 19, 2014, A. Burks, who was in custody for the offense
described above in Paragraph 26, placed a called MURPHY at the same phone
number as described in the preceding paragraph. A. Burks explained why he was
convinced that the CW1 had set them up.
MURPHY told A. Burks that law
enforcement had attempted to interview him and expressed concern that he himself
would be charged stating, “I can’t believe they’re trying to pin this on me.”
A. Burks acknowledged that he had made incriminating statements to law
enforcement stating, “how can they pin it on you, Bro, when I already, you know,
confessed to the shit, you feel me?” MURPHY told A. Burks that, when ATF agents
came to interview him, he denied selling firearms to A. Burks and denied trading
firearms for heroin.
A. Burks told MURPHY that his lawyer told him that “the
CW1 was in the back seat of the vehicle when they were pulled over by Marion Police
Department based on CW1’s tip to police.
On April 9, 2014, ATF agents attempted to interview MURPHY. Murphy admitted to
knowing an “Amigo.” ATF agents told MURPHY they believed he provided guns to
“Amigo” and asked MURPHY if he wished to cooperate. MURPHY stated he needed a
couple of minutes to think about it. Several minutes later, MURPHY stated he was still
undecided and requested the contact information of the ATF agents. ATF agents recovered
an empty Hipoint rifle box bearing serial #R38095 in plain view outside MURPHY’s house.
ATF agents later learned that Gun Owner F purchased the Hipoint rifle on March 13, 2014.
Feds” were going to pick up his case. A. Burks told MURPHY, “You know what
they gonna try to do, Bro? They gonna try to get you to come to court on me, Bro.” I
believe A. Burks was telling MURPHY that he anticipates that law enforcement is
going to try to convince MURPHY to cooperate against A. Burks. MURPHY denied
that he would do so. A. Burks further added, “They trying to get everybody below
me, Bro, to come and… to come to court on me.” Referring to the CW1, MURPHY
said, “he gonna get his…. Somebody’s gonna get him for something.”
None of the Defendants are a Licensed Firearm Dealer
36. On or about July 9, 2014, a query of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Federal Licensing System (FLS) was conducted by
ATF personnel. The purpose of the query was to determine whether Kevin
JACKSON, Omar BURKS, Anthony JACKSON, Kierre WATERFORD, or Daniel
MURPHY are, or have ever been, a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). After
accessing the FLS, no records were found for Kevin JACKSON, Omar BURKS,
Anthony JACKSON, Kierre WATERFORD, or Daniel MURPHY, which means that
they have never been licensed to deal firearms.
37. Based on the above facts, there is probable cause to believe that Kierre
WATERFORD. Kevin JACKSON, Omar BURKS, Anthony JACKSON, and Daniel
MURPHY have conspired with each other and others known and unknown to the
United States to: (a) without being licensed firearms dealers, willfully engage in the
business of dealing in firearms, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(1)(A); (b) without
being licensed firearm dealers, willfully transfer, sell, trade, give, transport and
deliver firearms obtained in Ohio to other individuals who defendants knew and
had reasonable cause to believe were not Ohio residents, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §
922(a)(5); and (c) receive, possess, conceal, store, barter, sell, and dispose of a stolen
firearm that had traveled in interstate commerce before and after it was stolen,
knowing and having reasonable cause to believe the firearm was stolen, in violation
of 18 U.S.C. § 922(j), all in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Count One); and have
conspired to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute controlled
substances, namely, heroin and crack cocaine, in violation of Title 21, United States
Code, Section 846 (Count Two).
Task Force Officer, Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on July 10, 2014.
United States Magistrate Judge