From Maps to Apps: the Power of Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence for Regulators
Speech by Stefan Hunt
, Beesley Lecture Series on regulatory
economics, 19 October 2017
1. Introduction
We live in a digital world. And our actions create ever-increasing stores of data.
Be it our posts or likes on social media, our use of trains or planes, or the water
or electricity we consume.
Using these vast stores of data, algorithms are transforming our day-to-day
lives. The search results we see on Google, the stories we see on Facebook, or
the recommendations we see on Spotify. They directly shape our experience of
the world around us.
And algorithms also affect what we do not see. They block emails likely to be
spam, optimise a delivery driver’s route, or flag potentially fraudulent financial
But commercial companies are not the only beneficiaries of this deluge of data.
The public sector can also use data to help us tackle pressing issues.
Police officers, for example, use data to stop bad guys from committing crime.
It turns out that algorithms using weather, recent crime and other information
can predict the location of crime better than police officers with decades of
experience. In 2008, the Los Angeles Police Department and UCLA started
working on Predictive Policing. This is not quiteMinority Report’ – for those who
have seen the film no swooping in just before a specific crime occurs. Police, if
not already attending a call, return to one of the predicted high crime areas,
using their presence to deter crime before it happens. The impact of this, while
modest, is nonetheless impressive. A randomised controlled field trial with the
LAPD found a 7.4% reduction in crime compared with surrounding areas.
At the
end of 2016, Predictive Policing was being used in roughly 20 of the largest 50
Originally delivered with the title Harnessing the Power of Data Science for Regulators
Head of Behavioural Economics and Data Science, Financial Conduct Authority. I thank
Jan Spiess, Jon Kolstad and Anthony Niblett for their generous comments and
suggestions and Jamie Pickering, Darragh Kelly and Raza Ali for their excellent
contributions and assistance. I am also grateful to Joe Perkins, Chris Jenkins, Vian Quitaz
and remaining FCA colleagues for their thoughts.
Randomized Controlled Field Trials of Predictive PolicingG. O. Mohler, M. B. Short,
Sean Malinowski, Mark Johnson, G. E. Tita, Andrea L. Bertozzi & P. J. Brantingham,
Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 110 , Iss. 512, 2015
US police departments, with 11 more considering it, and predictive policing is
being used in several UK forces.
So if you don’t see a policeman regularly walking your streets, you should be
pleased. You probably live in a low crime area.
And algorithms do not just help us prevent crime. They can also help economists
and businesses answer questions about consumer demand. Let’s start with
something specific: the demand for potato chips, or crisps.
Patrick Bajari, noted industrial organisation economist and now Chief Economist
at Amazon, together with academic co-authors wanted to see how much
machine learning could help them estimate consumer demand. They chose to
focus on predicting which salty snacks consumers buy in a grocery store.
found that machine learning models predicted demand much better than
traditional econometric models, reducing error by over 20%.
So machine learning allows us to estimate consumer demand much better. For
Doritos and no doubt gas, telecoms and transport too.
Machine learning can help economics be more driven by data and so by the real-
world. And the economics profession is enthusiastically embracing this
technological wave. Machine learning is one of the hottest new areas in the
At the NBER Summer Institute meetings in 2015, over 250
economics professors many of them senior tenured economists packed out
the four hour professional development lecture on machine learning.
at conferences, such as the American Economic Association meetings, have been
captivated by new papers, many of interest to regulatory economists.
And there’s a reason why this topic is so popular right now. We have moved to a
world with an abundance of data. We have already seen the behavioural
revolution challenge more traditional economic theory, resulting in a Nobel Prize
for Economics for leading thinkers like Daniel Kahneman, and last week, Richard
Thaler. Like behavioural economics before it, I believe machine learning heralds
the next paradigm shift for economics.
The Guardian, 31
August 2016. Available here.
See NBER working paper 20955, February 2015
For introductions to machine learning for economists see Varian (2014), Big Data: New
Tricks for Econometrics’. Journal of Economic Perspectives and Mullainathan and Spiess
(2017), Machine Learning: An Applied Econometric Approach, Journal of Economic
Perspectives. For a thorough review of machine learning, see Hastie, Tibshirani and
Friedman (2009) The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and
Lecture delivered by Susan Athey and Guido Imbens.
For those of us who are regulators, machine learning is starting to make an
impact on the tools we use to regulate better, for spotting the bad guys,
estimating demand, and for many other regulatory problems.
And machine learning has potentially huge implications for the efficiency and
effectiveness of regulators.
Today, my aim is to answer three questions.
How can we best understand the opportunity to use these techniques in
How have regulators started to apply these techniques in practice?
And, what might be the future consequences of regulators using these
But first, let me tell you a story. When I was nineteen, I travelled with a friend
to Morocco. We arrived in Tangiers and, armed only with a Lonely Planet, got
straight onto a bus to the city of Meknes. On arrival, we had only a simple map
from the guide book that did not provide much detail. We got totally lost. We
could not identify the buildings around us or the patch of wasteland nearby, nor
even the area were in.
Can you imagine this happening today? I don’t think so. All students nowadays
are equipped with a smartphone and Google Maps. It takes seconds to sort out
exactly where they are and how to get to their destination.
Why am I revealing tales of my misspent youth? Well, the transition from map to
app is our topic today. The leap from guidebook map to smartphone app
moving from a two dimensional piece of paper to multi-dimensional layers of
personalised informationis parallel to the transition from traditional regulation
to using data science for regulation.
But, to understand this, you need to understand the different components of
data science. So let’s unpack them. What do smartphone apps actually do?
First, smartphone apps describe the world around us, helping us abstract from
the detail and see the wood for the trees, sometimes quite literally. And apps
simplify and distil so much information: Google Maps has layers for traffic, public
transport, cycling, satellite or terrain in addition to the standard map and Street
View. It has personalised information on locations likely of interest to us.
Second, smartphone apps help us decide where to go and navigate the path
through the trees using their suggested routes. Map technology can predict the
quickest routes and provide us easy-to-follow options.
Third, with a smartphone app, you can make better judgements. But human
judgement is as necessary as ever for making good decisions. We are not talking
about self-driving but rather about using apps with humans still in the driving
So, to recap: the move from maps to apps now allows us to see the wood for the
trees, navigate our path through the trees and make better decisions, when
humans are in control.
How do we apply this technology to regulation?
Firstly, we need to see the wood for the trees. Using data science, we can
understand the markets we regulate, the players within them, and the
relationships between those players. We can move from a deluge of data to a
nuanced overview.
Secondly, we want to navigate our path through the trees. Data science can do a
lot of crunching for us and provide us with options. It helps us prioritise,
especially when there is an ocean of complicated data. It’s like Netflix, giving
you a personalised menu based on your past viewing habits, rather than
navigating a gargantuan list of options.
Lastly, when using data science for regulation; human judgement is as
necessary as ever for making good decisions. Just as you can’t yet follow the
Satellite Navigation system blindly, we can’t rely blindly on machine learning for
regulation. But data science is already helping us make better decisions.
We’ll explore each of these three areas in more depth. I will then add one
further topic and cutting through the hype reflect on what the future holds
for data science in regulation.
Before beginning the first stage and our early forays into the forest, let’s start
with an overview of what data science actually is, and how data science fits with
regulatory objectives
2. What is data science?
Data science is a general term for extracting information from data. It is an
interdisciplinary field that investigates, develops and uses scientific methods,
processes, and systems to wrest knowledge from data. This includes traditional
estimation and modelling techniques as well as more modern techniques.
Machine Learning is a part of data science. And it’s machine learning we are
going to focus on.in this talk.
Machine learning is a set of analytical tools developed by mathematicians,
statisticians and computer scientists since the 1950s.
In brief, machine
The term Data Science started being used more actively in the late 1990s and became
very popular following a 2012 article in in the Harvard Business Review, Data Scientist:
The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century’.
Arthur Samuel, an American pioneer in the field of computer gaming and artificial
intelligence, coined the term machine learningin 1959 while at IBM.
learning is the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed, instead
learning patterns from many examples. Think of these as heuristics that solve
problems such as predicting what you are going to watch on TV this evening
given your past viewing and demographic data. They are intuitive ways of
solving the problem of picking out patterns.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broader field that incorporates machine learning
and also other techniques such as automated reasoning, i.e. allowing computer
programs to reason completely or nearly completely.
But there is a lot of hype
around artificial intelligence, so I will avoid using the term. For the rest of the
talk I will mostly use the plainer and more specific term, machine learning.
A computer algorithm is a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or
other problem-solving operations by a computer. Computer algorithms execute
solutions to data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence problems.
So to recap: Data science means extracting information from data.
Machine learning is a part of data science, and is the ability to learn without
being explicitly programmed.
3. How does data science fit with regulatory objectives?
In the private sector, we see regulated firms using large datasets and machine
learning to make profit. For example, Morgan Stanley is supporting its 16,000
financial advisers in the US on what trades to make, Upside Energy is optimising
energy storage between self-consumption and providing power, and telecoms
companies are targeting their marketing and decreasing churn.
As a result
these firms increase revenues, reduce costs and improve their bottom lines.
Of course for regulators our aim is different. The mission of the FCA as laid out
in the recent Mission document
is to reduce harm, the potential for harm or
markets not working as well as they could. Or in economic speak, we seek to
increase welfare, especially consumer welfare. The actions that the FCA can take
include making policy rules and allocating our resources to detect or deter bad
behaviour. But it’s not easy. The FCA regulates approximately 56,000 firms.
These firms have millions of employees and sell to nearly every adult in the UK.
Together these firms contribute just over 7% of the national economy.
The term artificial intelligence was coined in 1955 by John McCarthy, a mathematics
professor at Dartmouth College
For details on Morgan Stanley see Bloomberg, article available here. For details on
Upside energy, see their website available here. For details on telecoms companies see
an IBM paper, see here.
House of Commons, briefing paper number 6193, 31 March 2017 Financial services:
contribution to the UK economy
As regulators, we are or can be immersed in micro-data. Every day we get
data on the behaviour of consumers, firms, employees and financial traders.
For example, in the market investigation into retail banking, the Competition and
Markets Authority (CMA) received monthly data on over 40 variables for 120,000
consumers for two years. A total of over 200 million data points.
In the FCA’s credit card market study, we received information on 74 million
credit cards over 5 years. A total of more than 100 billion data points.
To detect insider trading, every day the FCA receives details of over 20 million
transactions in equity markets. Over a year that’s 150 billion data points.
Similarly Ofgem collects energy trading data daily, that’s millions of transactions
The challenge is how can we extract the maximum information from this vast
data and turn it into useful insights and predictions, so that we can act efficiently
and effectively?
Or in other words, how can we, as regulators, best allocate our resource for
maximum impact and efficiently find the needles in these haystacks, with limited
staff? With the regulatory needles being mis-selling, misleading advertisements,
firms colluding with each other on prices or other issues.
A short answer to this question is that much of what regulators do is ultimately
about recognising patterns in the data we have. Machine learning helps us find
these patterns efficiently.
And machine learning is now widely available. Everybody can use the same high
quality analytics by downloading free software. And with access to the cloud we
have immense number crunching capacity at low cost.
4. Seeing the wood for the trees: unsupervised machine learning
To begin to answer the question of how to use data science for regulation in
more depth, Ill move to the first of the four main stages of our journey, seeing
the wood for the trees.
In the complex world of regulated markets, how can we describe our data and
be sure we understand the most relevant patterns and trends?
This takes us to the realm of what is called unsupervised machine learning.
With unsupervised machine learning there is no outcome that trains, or
supervises, the machine when it learns. Here, we are not aiming to predict an
outcome, but rather to describe entities and their relationships.
A trivial, but amusing, example comes from Google’s X lab. A team of computer
scientists built a neural network of 16,000 computer processors with one billion
connections, and let it browse YouTube. Without any labelled dataset to train the
network on, it started to categorise videos according to similarity. What did it
Cats. Lots of cats. It recognised by itself that a major category of video that
humans like to watch is cat videos. Most data that we collect does not have
labels on it that say, for example, this is a cat or this is a dog or this is a human.
Or, for regulators, that this consumer is vulnerable or disengaged. Or this
company’s is colluding with its competitors. So unsupervised learning can be
particularly important in creating insight from the oceans of unlabelled data that
surround us.
There are many different types of unsupervised learning. Today we will look at
just two.
First, we can see how we can form groups of market participants that are similar
to each otherbe they firms, consumers or traders. This might be useful, for
example, to understand which consumers are actively engaged and which are
Second, we can see how to identify what drives the behaviour of the different
market participants we observe. This can be useful for identifying drivers of
behaviour that worry us, such as the desire to commit fraud.
One important application of this technique is understanding the underlying
topics that drive the language we see in documents or in conversations. So I will
also speak about natural language processing more generally.
So, first, how can we form groups of market participants that are similar to each
We can do this using clustering algorithms, or cluster analysis. These algorithms
are a useful set of tools for exploring our data. They create groups using just the
available data and no information on what group each participant is in. The
really exciting thing about clustering algorithms is that we can use them even
when we have limited prior knowledge to guide us. That means we can minimise
bias because the algorithms don’t rely on human judgement.
One example comes from our recent policy work. The FCA is currently
considering rules to help people manage their current accounts. This may
include having alerts such as low balance warnings. And we are considering
overdraft remedies more broadly.
FCA Feedback Statement FS17/2: High-cost credit and review of the high-cost short-
term credit price cap
Bank overdraft charges are concentrated among a small group of individuals. We
wanted to understand what was really happening for these individuals and what
might be the causes of their situation. To do this, we turned to clustering
Figure 1: Clustering of overdraft users
Source: FCA analysis
These figures show a sample from a dataset of 250,000 representative current
accounts from each of the big six providers. We see all transactions in 2015 to
2016 for all 1.5 million accounts. Roughly a quarter of people use unarranged
overdrafts (shown on the left) and roughly a quarter use arranged overdrafts
(shown on the right). These charts show overdrafters only. Each chart shows a
representative sample of 5,000 accounts. Each row represents one account and
the row is dark when the account is overdrawn. You can see from the chart four
clusters of consumers, starting from the bottom cluster: occasional short spell
overdraft users, occasional long spell users, more intense user and persistent
Now these clusters you see were produced by the clustering algorithm. We told
it how many groups to find but did not provide any information on the
membership of each group.
The charts show that overdraft usage is highly concentrated. And you can see
markedly different patterns of behaviour across consumers. In both charts the
cluster at the top shows those consumers with more sustained overdrafts.
Unarranged Arranged
One year
One year
The data here is from one calendar year. At the end of each month, on payday,
persistent overdraft users tend to go into positive balance. These are the
monthly lines you see. Note that there is no clear monthly pattern for occasional
users. So the chart helps us to identify possible causes of overdraft use for
different people.
You can also see differences between arranged and unarranged use of
overdrafts. The persistent user group is much smaller for unarranged overdrafts
than for arranged overdrafts. Also persistent unarranged overdraft users show
intense overdrafting for approximately six months only.
This raises an important question: what brings them into and out of this pattern?
Now, contrast this with those users with persistent arranged overdrafts they
are almost constantly in overdraft, and even in the second cluster they tend to
overdraft regularly every month. The distinction between sudden sustained
spells (unarranged) and regular use (arranged) seems to be meaningful it
changed how I was thinking about the market failures present here and so
relevant to policy. And we are examining these patterns and the market failures
Using clustering algorithms, we were quickly able to analyse large amounts of
data and create a deep and useful visual representation to show us what was
going on in overdrafting behaviour for different groups of consumers.
And, these techniques are not only useful for segmenting consumers. George
Michailidis and co-authors clustered financial traders based on Commodity
Futures Trading Commission data from a derivatives exchange. Based on buying
or selling behaviour and trading intensity, they put traders into five categories:
high frequency traders, market makers, opportunistic traders, fundamental
traders, and small traders.
And they found that these categories were stable
over time.
Using this analysis we can understand traders better. Supervisors can categorise
the business models of firms in advance of regulatory visits. And our Market
Oversight team can clarify the normal behaviour of traders and detect deviations
that might flag insider trading.
Clustering algorithms help us understand how market participants differ, be they
mobile telephone consumers, gas traders or small business consumers of water.
Clustering algorithms are a core tool in the machine learning toolkit. They are
often one of the first tools we use to explore a new dataset.
A recent publication from the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau also used
clustering techniques. See Data Point: Frequent Overdrafters, Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau, August 2017. Available here
Mankad, S., Michailidis, G., & Kirilenko, A. (2013). Discovering the ecosystem of an
electronic financial market with a dynamic machine-learning method. Algorithmic
Finance, 2(2), 151-165. Available here
So, secondly, how can we identify the underlying drivers of behaviour of
different market participants?
We can do this using a class of techniques called topic models. These models
allow us to discover the abstract topics or motivations that drive the behaviour
we see. They were originally developed to discover hidden semantic structures in
a text body, but have wider application. I will start with a non-regulatory
Brad Love, a psychologist at UCL, and co-authors analysed the shopping baskets
of millions of consumers at a major UK supermarket chain. The academics
wanted to find the underlying motivations driving shopping behaviour, using
only data on the contents of shopping baskets. They found about 30 different
underlying motivations. In terms of general trends, they found that some
people’s shopping could be described as low-cost, or alternatively more
upmarket. But other people’s shopping could be described more specifically,
such as produce for making a stir-fry from scratchor pre-Christmas shopping.
The mix of motivations in a given shoppers basket comes direct from the data.
Knowing what a shopper is trying to do their missionmakes it easier to know
what else they might want to buy and therefore what to market to them. And
knowing the mix of motivations of shoppers at a particular store can inform the
layout of that particular store, placing thematically related items together in the
We can use the same technique to find the underlying drivers of the behaviour of
the participants in the markets we regulate. For example, we might want to
uncover motives such as committing fraud.
We can also use this technique to find underlying topics in language. It is what it
was originally designed for. For example some of our topics this evening are
regulation or machine learning or economics. We can extract topics for any
mediabe it phonecalls to a regulator’s call centre say Ofgem’s eserve unit
or social media posts. We can use this information in a multitude of ways.
Topic modelling is one unsupervised technique among many supervised and
unsupervised techniques that make up text-mining, or natural language
processing. I expect that every one of our organisations will use some text-
mining in its work within a couple of years, if not already.
These techniques have begun to be used in regulation, e.g. by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, to detect accounting fraud.
And they have also been
There are many examples of the use of unsupervised learning in the supermarket
space, including the first well known use of it in the retail space: Walmart using frequent
pattern mining to identify products frequently sold together and placing them together
back in the 1990s.
Gerard Hoberg and Craig Lewis performed sentiment analysis to assess text with a
negative tone or tone of obfuscation using corporate filings with the Securities and
used elsewhere in the public sector. The Serious Fraud Office was able to expose
large-scale bribery and corruption at Rolls-Royce. They used machine learning to
sift through 30 million documents, processing up to 600,000 every day.
robot could assign topics to, index and summarise documents much as a human
investigator could do, but much faster. If you face having to sift through
enormous piles of documents, you could use similar techniques.
Topics models can help us take reams of data and model the underlying topics or
motivations that drive behaviour. Text mining is one important application of
these techniques.
As you can imagine, there are many other applications of unsupervised learning.
Using unsupervised learning, you can visualise the relationships in your data,
such as traders in a financial system, using network analysis or graph models.
Or you might do this for distributed electricity networks or other networks. You
can detect anomalies that might flag fraudulent transactions.
Or signal that a
consumer is transitioning into a vulnerable state. You can reduce oceans of data
down to the bare necessities using dimension reduction, allowing you to navigate
complex data and protect privacy, by removing direct information on people’s
In summary, unsupervised learning techniques help us see the wood for the
trees. We regulators can extract more information from data, especially large
datasets. While we often use unsupervised techniques as a precursor to
predictive analysiswhich is where we are heading next the insights created
can also be directly useful in their own right.
5. Navigating our path through the trees: supervised machine
We are now moving from using machine learning to describe, to using it to
predicthelping us make decisions about whether to do A or do B. This is called
Exchange Commission. They found that fraudulent managers grandstand good
performance and disclose fewer details explaining the sources of the firm’s performance.
The abnormal text predicts fraud in out-of-sample tests. So the predictions of the model
can be used for supervision. Gerard Hoberg and Craig Lewis (2015) Do Fraudulent Firms
Produce Abnormal Disclosure? Available here
SFO expected to promote Ravn’s crime-solving AI robot, Financial Times, February
13, 2017. Available here
For example, see Big Data jigsaws for Central Banks the impact of the Swiss franc
de-peggingat the Bank of England’s Bank Underground website. Available here
See Bolton RJ, Hand DJ. Unsupervised profiling methods for fraud detection.
Proceedings of the Conference on Credit Scoring and Credit Control; 2001; Edinburgh,
This chart shows a publicly available dataset of credit card fraud. See
predictive analytics or supervised machine learning. It is called supervised
machine learning because we train, or supervise our algorithms with knowledge
of whether our predictions are right or not. It is supervised machine learning,
mostly, that has had transformational results and received press and TV
coverage in abundance.
In this section, first, we’ll look at why you should care about prediction in
regulation. And we’ll see why supervised machine learning promises to be the
answer. Secondly, we’ll get a flavour of the mechanics of these methods and
why these techniques work. Importantly, I want you to understand how they are
so different to what we are used to from econometrics. When you understand
the mechanics you’ll see why the techniques are so powerful. We’ll explore how
the methods can go wrong and the crucial role of economists in making sure that
they don’t. Thirdly, I will talk us through examples from the FCA where we are
starting to apply the techniques in practice.
Why focus on prediction? And why use supervised machine learning?
You’ve heard about predictive policing, and how Google Maps or Citymapper
provide route suggestions. This is just the beginning. When cars drive
themselves, they mostly use supervised machine learning to detect what the
objects around them are: lines in the road, red traffic lights and pedestrians.
When the iPhone X learns to recognise your face, it is doing so based on a
training dataset of a billion images. So that’s supervised learning too.
The accuracy of prediction has just got better and better. But the GoogleNet,
convolutional neural network has little problem, for example, in figuring out
which of these images
are Chihuahuas and which are muffins. And it is not that
Or which of these is Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and which of these
(see here
) is Will Ferrell pretending to be Chad Smith, and which is Jimmy
Fallon. Note, the machine is identifying Fallon from the side on.
Many regulatory problems are, in essence, prediction problems.
As a regulator, we often have to make choices about how to allocate scarce
resource. We need to decide which firms or employees to get more information
from, and which to investigate more thoroughly. And, at the FCA, we are often
monitoring tens of thousands of firms or financial professionals. These choices
about prioritisation could be about providing permission to trade to a financial
adviser, supervising a hedge fund or checking that an insurance firm has not
engaged in collusive behaviour. The CMA, Ofgem, Ofcom, Ofwat, ORR, CAA and
other regulators make similar prioritisation decisions.
Even if a regulator does not have on-going feeds of data from firms, it needs to
use the information it can get to prioritise. Be it the detection of cartels or bid
rigging or other collusive behaviour, or using Twitter and other social media to
get early warning signals about consumer protection problems.
When we choose where to focus, we are saying implicitly or otherwise that
what we focus on is more likely to have an issue. There is a greater chance of a
regulatory problem. We are making a prediction.
Moreover, detecting existing issues, when we do not have full information, is
also a prediction problem. Detecting an adviser mis-selling products, detecting a
bad product, or detecting insider trading, spoofing or layering on energy trading
platforms all require prediction. This is the same sense in which a self-driving car
is predicting hopefully with perfect accuracythat the object in front is a
pedestrian. So prediction is a general problem of what to do when we do not
have enough information. It isn’t necessarily about the future.
As regulators, we often need to decide where to investigate more using all the
data that we already have. Consider an FCA team tasked with detecting and
deterring firms from rule breaches. The team has access to millions of data
points from disparate sources. These include multiple datasets on consumer
complaints from the FCA, Financial Ombudsman Services and others, balance
sheets and income statements, historical firm and individual issues, intelligence
data, publicly available information, and also information on the firms’ staff,
including their training and employment patterns.
These amount to hundreds of variables.
So, how should the team best combine all this information?
In supervised machine learning the algorithm is learning from the data. It sifts
through these hundreds of variables figuring out which are useful and which are
not, perhaps including subtle combinations of variables.
We can formalise the FCA team’s task as a supervised learning problem: we
teach an algorithm to learn from past breaches of regulations and predict new
breaches. These predictions then go to the FCA team to help them decide what
to do next.
And we can similarly formalise many other regulatory problems as supervised
learning problems, for example, again, cartel detection.
On extracting early warnings about consumer problems from Twitter see work from
NAO, around p.40 and the appendix:
Though for the purposes of deterrence of course we want some probability of focusing
on every single entity, including low risk firms. So this does not mean that every firm or
employee that the FCA focuses on is high risk.
The algorithm might aim for accuracy or for precision two different statistical
concepts a combination of the two or something else.
Assessments of where to get more information drive a large amount of
regulatory activity. Many regulatory problems are, in essence, prediction
problems. Supervised machine learning solves prediction problems. And it does
so by trawling through all the data we have by itself, looking for patterns.
What is it that is so different to econometrics?
For prediction problems, contrary to most traditional economic problems, we are
normally just interested in maximising our predictive power. To prevent bad
events, such as product mis-selling, or catch illicit behaviour we want to know
where it is likely to occur.
There are many different algorithmsyou may have heard of Random Forests
or Deep Learning. And they find patterns in different ways. But for those
interested in the statistics a little at their core these techniques all benefit from
the same basic trick: creating a hold-out sample of datathe test set and
splitting it from the training sample. By doing this, we can exploit all kinds of
funky and crazy heuristics to spot patterns in the training sample. We can then
use the test set to see how well the algorithm actually predicts.
A second statistical trick is crucial to achieving great prediction. All these
algorithms run the risk of overfitting the training data. The model can get overly
complicated and predict brilliantly well in the training sample.
But it predicts
terribly out of sample because it does not represent the true structure and
relationships that exist in the world. To avoid this, we need to regularise
complexity. An important way of doing this is to create extra test sets within the
training sample, allowing us to choose the right level of complexity before
moving to the test set.
These two tricks - the test set and regularisation allow us to find true and
meaningful, rather than spurious, correlations between variables. Armed with
these tricks, computer scientists invented a myriad of pattern-hunting heuristics.
Overfitting is the problem that as you put more and more parameters into your model
when working with the training data you are able to explain more and more of your data.
But, after a certain point, this fit is completely spurious. This is similar to say if we want
to predict which horses are the fastest at the racing track. Wouldn’t that be nice. Let’s
say that we first consider whether the horse likes the turf soft or firm, or the age of the
horse, or the horse’s previous achievements. These can all be useful predictors. But let’s
imagine we throw in some other variables whether the horse seems to like
Wednesdays, whether its name begins with the letter A etc. the mechanics of
prediction with a set amount of data means that more variables can only ever help us
get a better fit and prediction. But the problem with these variables is that they are just
noise. Any fit we get from them is definitely spurious. We can’t really predict which
horses are going to win their races, unfortunately. In fact it turns out that if we add lots
of variables that seem reasonable are not clearly garbage we get the same problem.
Too many variables too much complication in our model creates spurious correlation.
The technique of creating extra test sets in the training sample is called cross-
validation and allows us to understand the properties of our model without using the
hold-out sample.
Describing a couple of algorithms will give you a sense of what all the fuss is
about, and importantly, what the issues are.
Let’s go back to the FCA overdrafts data from earlier. Let’s imagine that we want
to predict who will incur an unarranged overdraft charge next year, based only
on a consumer’s age and overdraft limit.
Figure 2: Prediction econometrics versus data science (1)
Source: FCA analysis
The x-axis shows customer unarranged overdraft limits and the y-axis shows
consumers’ age. As you might be able to see from the figure, consumers who
incur unarranged charges over a year (red dots) tend to be younger than those
who don’t (blue dots).
The left hand figure shows how the well-known logit or logistic regression that
you will all be familiar with predicts. The model draws a line that separates the
predictive space as accurately as it can. It predicts that consumers who tend to
be younger and have lower overdraft limits are more likely to incur unarranged
overdraft charges.
The figure on the right hand side shows how a decision tree one of the
simplest supervised learning algorithms - would separate the predictive space.
Note that the model is more flexible, drawing non-linear boundaries to separate
the space - and it is also more accurate, boosting accuracy by a couple of
percentage points.
The decision tree works by looking at all of the variables available to predict -
here age and overdraft limit, but it could be hundreds or thousands of variables.
Across all of the points for each of these variables i.e. age of 20, 25, 30, 35 or
Logistic accuracy is 0.63
Overdraft limit
Tree accuracy is 0.65
Overdraft limit
overdraft limit of £1,000, £1,500, £2,000 etc. the algorithm finds the one point
where splitting the data into two allows the model to predict overdrafting as best
as possible. It does this by asking a simple yes/no question, in this example is
the person younger than 48 or not?. When this point has been found the
algorithm splits the data. It does this again and again until it stops materially
improving model performance as measured by regularisation. The tree in this
chart represents the figure that I just showed you.
Figure 3: Prediction econometrics versus data science (2)
Source: FCA analysis
There are three points worth noting. First, the algorithm is crunching huge
amounts of data. It is systematically and efficiently sifting through it to identify
the signals from all the noise. Second, the algorithm is non-linear. It allows for
potentially very complex functional formssee how it uses age repeatedly and
interactions between variables. Third, it deals quickly and automatically with a
whole range of statistical issues that we worry about in econometrics.
Decision trees have some really strong points, in particular they are easy to
understandthey are white boxes. But there is a problem. Decision trees can
overfit on the training sample and not perform so well in the test set, particularly
when working with high-dimensional data.
For those who have ever spent days worrying about running regressions with too
many correlated variables, the assumptions on your regression residuals or whether to
use a logarithmic transform, this method deals with all of these issues.
Tree accuracy is 0.65
Overdraft limit
The good news is that a little over twenty years ago, a data scientist from AT&T
developed a solution. She grew lots of decision trees! What is now called a
random forest.
The algorithm creates hundreds or thousands of somewhat different trees, and
the predictions are combined to give one overall prediction. This procedure
makes the overall prediction much less sensitive to specific variables.
This slide shows how Random Forests can be used in our overdrafts example.
While it looks unusual, it adds another three percentage points in accuracy. And
can add far more.
Figure 4: Prediction econometrics versus data science (3)
Source: FCA analysis
Random Forests come with a drawback: the model is complex, combining
hundreds or more non-linear models, maybe tens of thousands of yes/no
questions. So you can see why some machine learning can be described as a
black box.
But these methods perform really well and are being adopted widely.
I was talking to a senior executive at a credit company a few weeks ago. They
have moved not only most of their credit scoring but also their marketing
analysis to a type of tree regression. Better prediction is ultimately valuable,
both for business and for an efficiency-seeking public sector.
Tree accuracy is 0.65
Overdraft limit
Random Forest accuracy is 0.68
Regression trees are just one class of supervised learning.
There are many
more. One class worth looking at is neural networks.
I am sure you have heard
about them, whether it be Deep Learning techniques and their use in self-driving
cars or particular company’s models, such as Google’s Deep Mind or IBM’s
Watson. These models are based loosely on the workings of the brain. Deep
learning refers to having many layers of artificial neurons. This allows raw data
to be fed into the model rather than the data scientist having to decide how to
transform it. The machine figures out the transformations. This is the technique
that has been responsible for real-time translation of menus using Google
Translate or Android’s voice recognition.
But understanding how the network is
predicting is hard. It is based on the weights of many neurons and the strength
of many connections, which is not at all easy to interpret.
Albeit that this kind of model is completely different to Random Forests, it and
other successful supervised learning techniques have similar differences to
econometrics. They can crunch huge amounts of data, sniff out complex patterns
and deal with statistical issues. But some of the best performing algorithms do
so while often becoming black boxes, opaque and hard to interpret.
How are regulators starting to apply these techniques?
Where are regulators at in actually using these techniques?
Well, it is early days, but we have made some good progress. I will discuss some
FCA examples.
The first example comes from investment management, i.e. asset and wealth
managers. These firms play a critical role in our society through allocating their
capital. But they can cause a number of problems when things go wrong. One
fairly frequent example is a breach of an investment mandate, where a portfolio
manager makes investments that are out of scope of what he or she has
promised in the fund’s literature. This might make the fund more risky than
investors had expected, or less risky too, of course. Another type of risk is
suspected incidents of insider trading.
The question we set ourselves was: can we develop a categorisation of firms
that differentiates between firms likely to generate notable breaches, risk
events, and those less likely to do so?
If you want an introduction to the array of different algorithms and the potential and
pitfalls of supervised learning, I recommend the Journal of Economic Perspectives article
by Mullainathan and Spiess from earlier this year. See footnote 5
Neural nets can also be used for unsupervised machine learning
Another example comes from the Fake News Challenge identifying fake news using a
labelled dataset where the winners used a deep neural network coupled with a more
conventional neural network to develop the most discriminative model. See Sean Baird,
Talos Targets Disinformation with Fake News Challenge VictoryAvailable here
Our challenge here is a strong selection bias. It’s too easy to look at firms that the
FCA has focused on historically. This sways any model, instead of identifying general
As I mentioned earlier, the FCA has a very large number of internal and external
datasets. We first wrote code that pulled these many sources of data together
from different systems and cleaned it. Quite some task. And we can now compile
all these sources again at the touch of a button!
After initially experimenting with simpler models we used two algorithms to
create a model, Random Forests and another algorithm called MetaCost. We
trained the model on 2014 and 2015 data and tested it on completely unseen
data from 2016.
Figure 5: Investment management model results
Source: FCA analysis
The result of the model is shown in the figure here, with firms ordered by risk on
the x-axis and the percentage of firms that generated risk events on the y-axis.
We found a small group of firms in the highest risk category, and these had a
54% chance of having risk events, compared to a large group of firms in the
lowest category that had just an 8% chance. We used a clustering algorithm to
group firms into risk categories.
And we can dig into the model to understand what drives the results. A wide
variety of different categories of variables can flag high risk firms, including the
attributes that makes a firm more risky. We dealt with this in two ways. We generated
variables less likely to simply identify previously-studied firms. And we also added a
cost-function to the evaluation of our model that penalises the model from simply
reflecting historic behaviour. Domingos, P. (1999). MetaCost: a general method for
making classifiers cost-sensitive. KDD’99, 155-164. Available here
Firms, ordered by risk segment
risk events
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
governance of firms, staff experience or remuneration. We can measure the
relative importance of each.
So what did we achieve? The FCA supervision team now has a model that
provides a single risk score for each entity. The team can now, layering on its
own expert knowledge, decide scientifically which firms are in different risk
buckets. And they have new, specific and quantitative, insights about what
drives risk. Very importantly, the model potentially allows the supervisors to be
more proactive to prevent harms from occurring, rather than resolving problems
that have already arisen.
Now we have not put this model into the field yet. But with other models we
have. And we have indeed been able to move forward with completely new,
proactive supervisory cases.
Using the modelin this and similar projectswe can iterate and improve it.
Our latest version suggests we can identify groups of even lower risk firms
with only 3 or 4% chance of risk events.
As we gather rich, new data from firms to check our predictions and take action
– e.g. when we request detail on each risk event we learn much better about
the environment we are working in, again quantitatively. And we learn about
how we can change what data we collect in the future, to prevent harm more
A second FCA example is important because of what it illustrates might be
possible. The idea is to create an algorithm that can scan new advertising and
flag whether it is likely to be misleading. We have scoped out the viability of a
project. And we think it is feasible. For example, we analysed samples of
promotions for features that a machine learning algorithm could identify and
interpret. We found that a significant number of promotions had issues with the
risk warning, or lack of it. Algorithms should be able to assess whether a risk
warning is missing, is insufficiently prominent or is inadequate.
And more subtle forms of misleading financial promotions might be identified
using deep learning based methods.
One reason why the financial promotions project is exciting is that we could run
the algorithm over all adverts, rather than just review a sample. The algorithm
would flag potential issues for the supervisors to look at. It would change the
work of the supervision team. They would spend more time on adverts that
require their expert judgement and less time reviewing adverts without issues.
It is clear that in many spheres of life machine learning is having notable
successes. These FCA examples illustrate the promise of supervised machine
learning for regulation. These models could be built for the many other
regulatory problems we discussed earlier, detecting insider trading, cartels or bid
rigging, or predicting consumer protection issues from social media.
And it is by no means just the FCA that is interested in using machine learning.
The Securities and Exchange Commission
and Financial Regulatory Authority in
the US, the Bank of England, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and more,
are all investing in or trialling machine learning.
To summarise, supervised learning techniques help us navigate our path through
the trees ahead and make choices. Many regulatory problems are, in essence,
prediction problems. Supervised learning can provide us with information to help
us make prioritisation decisions, efficiently using all the data that we have.
These techniques work in a completely different way to those we know from
econometrics. They are often highly non-linear models that sniff out every last
bit of predictive pattern. But their complexity can leave them as opaque black
boxes, at least when it comes to individual predictions.
The examples illustrate the promise. They also provide us with a sense of the
pivotal role of humans in the use of this technology as well as provide our first
glimpses as to what we can realistically expect in terms of impact.
So these are the two topics left to discusshuman, and what we can expect. I
turn now to consider the first of these two topics.
6. Humans in the driving seat
Algorithms can predict leaky pipes in city water network orin a celebrated
example even select the most perfectly-formed cucumbers for discerning
consumers in Japan. These and other successes lead to manual processes being
streamlined and workplaces changed.
A natural question is what is the role of humans in regulation as we move to
using algorithms?
Humans, as we well know from a slew of behavioural economic examples, have
their own biases and inconsistencies. A recent paper by legal scholars Alarie,
Niblett and Yoon cited evidence from the use of machine learning for legal
disputes and argued that algorithms can streamline operations and provide fast,
accurate and consistent judgements with reduced error.
Now I don’t disagree that machines can outperform humans on some tasks. But
in regulation, algorithms are far away from making any decisions. Humans are
They went public on their first model one that used natural language processing to
detect accounting fraud back in early 2013. They now have a whole host of new
initiatives analysing previously impenetrable information sets, such as freeform text.
These initiatives leverage machine learning to predict bad behaviour, particularly in
identifying fraud and misconduct. One of their tools, their Corporate Issuer Risk
Assessment program, provides more than 230 custom metrics for SEC staff to use.
See Alarie, Niblett and Yoon (2016) Regulation by Machine, 30th Conference on Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spain. Available here
needed at every stage of the process. When we are talking about using
algorithms in regulation, we are talking decision prosthetics, i.e. Citymapper or
Google Maps suggesting routes and providing information.
And us humans still
need to take all this information and make a choice between options. We are not
talking Robocop or Minority Report. We don’t want to be following the sat nav
and ending up at a building site. Let me explain why.
First, at the FCA, even if we were to use algorithms to help decide where to
focus, we have established procedures, run by humans, for determining whether
a firm or person is at fault. Machines cannot substitute for making such an
Second, human judgement is needed when using models. When deciding which
firms to visit, say, predictions may help, but supervisors can also use additional
information that is not in the model. They may have important information from
the latest visit to the executive team, or knowledge of recent changes in the
market or to our regulations.
That said, machine learning models can be improved if humans make better
predictions in some areas. For example the credit start-up Aire employs a team
of experienced bank underwriters to play against their credit scoring system and
help it behave more like an underwriter, taking into account complex personal
Third, creating the model itself involves many choices that require intuition from
seasoned modellers and domain experts. There is a lot of discretion. From
creating and selecting a subset of relevant variables to enter into the model, to
choosing the best outcome variable, to algorithm selection, to regularisation, to
comprehending models and making them as interpretable as possibleturning
black boxes into white boxes analysts have to make decisions. And compared
to our standard econometric tools, less is known about which algorithm works
best in which situation.
This highlights the importance of analyst skill. When making modelling decisions
we do not just throw all the variables in and press return.
For example,
knowing which external datasets likely have a strong predictive signal and
should be included could be key to a project’s success.
There is much art in this science. And in my experience there are more degrees
of freedom than with econometrics. The data science way of approaching
problems is much more like the tinkering, adjustment and finding-a-way-to-
make-things-work of engineering, than the modelling of the econometrician.
See New Vistas in Risk Profilingby Greg Davies, published by CFA Institute Research
Foundation. Summary available here
See article here
See this article on learning from winners on Kaggle, a platform for predictive
modelling and analytics competitions.
And using machine learning models implies different ways of working for
operational staff. They need to use more analytical outputs when making
decisions. In some ways this might make decision-making easier. But in other
ways it might make decision-making harder think about trying to interpret
multi-dimensional charts. Either way it implies change. In general, in regulation,
I think we may find that the quantity of human input may not differ, but the
quality, the level of analytical expertise, may need to increase.
Interestingly, for more senior decision-makers, there is also skill needed in the
commissioning of these projects by management.
So, humans are crucial and in control, but is there any specific role for us
economists? Well, there are a number of reasons that economists can play a
vital role in using machine learning.
The first reason is that, econometric techniques can provide solutions to
problems such as dealing with biases in our data, e.g. because past data may
reflect biased human judgements. For example, when judges are making
decisions about whether to grant bail to defendants or whether to keep them in
jail, if racial minorities are never granted bail, then we cannot know what their
likelihood of reoffending is, even if they actually have a lower likelihood than
others. More generally selection in our data creates distortions.
A recent paper introduced a solution to this selection bias. A mixed, superstar
team of computer scientists and economists investigated the bail decisions of
judges in the US. The clever use of econometric technique instrumental
- combined with machine learning allowed for a better model and a
careful evaluation of the potential impact of using machines to decide on bail. A
policy simulation shows crime by defendants let out on bail could be reduced by
24.8% with no change in jailing rates.
A second reason is that, in general, economists have broadly the right skillset for
machine learning. It is easy for empirical economists to understand the
techniques and code in R or Python. And economic theory can be powerful in
choosing which variables to create. Also, trading off false negative and false
positives is, in the end, a cost-benefit analysis.
Defendants are assigned to judges in a quasi-random way and some judges are more
lenient or more strict than others. So we can use the fixed effects of individual judges as
They also had these thoughts on the fairness of algorithms: There are some judges
who are very lenient. There are some judges who are very harsh. Why should someone’s
life and liberty depend on the random toss of coin of which judge they get? How is that
fair? You might have one person up for bail that would be treated very differently by two
different judges. The algorithm won’t do that. The algorithm treats like cases alike.The
authors go on to note that algorithms are far less racially biased than human judges in
the US, who tend to treat black defendants more harshly.
A third reason is that, economists now understand human biases quite well and
can help to make sure any tools ameliorate these biases.
I should also add that, while the topic of this talk is firmly on regulators using
algorithms themselves, developing the capacity to use algorithms will help us
understand the implications of firms using algorithms. As companies invest
further and regulatory issues arise e.g. the FCA recently looked into the use of
big data by general insurance companies regulators will need to develop their
knowledge of techniques.
To summarise, while machines are likely to perform much better than us on
some tasks, we very much need humans in charge. At a higher level, the most
important human judgement is in discerning when to use machine learning and
when not to use it. That is, when do the expected benefits the impact on
efficiency outweigh the expected costs, especially the cost of getting the right
data. This takes me to a few final thoughts on when we might apply these
methods and what kind of impact we should expect.
7. Expectations: keeping our feet on the ground
We now reach the fourth and final stage of the journey.
While machine learning has had some ground-breaking successes – e.g. I was
recently blown away watching Google Translate translate a foreign menu into
English in real time there is much hype. What can we reasonably expect from
machine learning in the context of regulation?
In principle a large amount of what regulators do could be framed as information
problems, either description or prediction problems. To solve problems with
machine learning we need enough data points to use statistics. Any set of tasks
that are fairly repetitive (and so a large number of data points) and have
relatively clear defined outcomes (so we can train the data) should be amenable
to supervised machine learning.
Certainly at the FCA, it seems we have many tasks across supervision,
authorisations, market oversight, enforcement and competition that, at face
value, could benefit from data science.
How big can we expect the gains from data science to be? Policing and the
criminal system might provide some guide. In the predictive policing example we
saw a drop in crime of 7.4% in Los Angeles. And compared to expert judges,
according to the model produced by the superstar academics, machines could
reduce crime by defendants let out on bail by almost 25%.
I would argue that FCA supervisors at least are more like judges, making
decisions about individual cases with lots of data. So for the FCA, for deterring or
detecting bad conduct, perhaps we might see closer to the higher level of
impact, 25%.
That said, machine learning might have greater impact still, where we can apply
it. First, in some cases, such as detecting misleading financial promotions,
algorithms allow us to review the whole market e.g. all advertising and
marketing rather than just a sample. Second, much regulation has not
typically been framed as a prediction problem and may not have been addressed
particularly quantitatively. So just framing regulation as a prediction problem,
even when using simple prediction techniques such as logistic regression, could
be powerful and have considerable impact.
Well those are the potential efficiency gains, the benefits. What about the costs?
There are several blockages to making quick progress. First among these is data
quality. Often the right data is not available. Or we might need to turn
unstructured data, e.g. adverts or tweets, into an analysable format. Estimates
from data scientists suggest 80% of a typical project is getting datasets,
cleaning them and combining them.
Information that sounds in principle very
useful may be very costly indeed to get, completely inaccessible, or the burden
on firms may be too large.
In addition regulators need to build up the right skills to use these methods,
when these skills are in high demand.
Obviously there needs to be enough of a benefit the improvement in
performance to justify the costs. That is we need a net benefit.
The answer is clearly to focus on the best cases and grow and learn. We need to
pick exemplar projects rather than apply these tools to every issue we tackle.
And we need to use methods from start-ups, like the use of agile processes to
ensure that we are learning fast.
At the FCA, we are, I believe, ahead of the game. We are working through
prototype projects and learning. Moreover these models will get much more
powerful as we learn, understand how we can improve and iterate, which takes
time. The true potential will not reveal itself for some time yet.
In sum, we do not have enough information to judge the impact of machine
learning in regulation. Crime gives us a couple of yardsticks and I argued that a
25% increase in efficiency seems plausible. But this does not account for areas
where we could see great impacts, nor potentially large costs in getting usable
data. The truth is, nobody yet knows. And we are only going to find out as we
get experience and see what happens in practice.
CrowdFlower, cited in Forbes. Article here.
8. Conclusion
At the beginning of this talk, I told you how I got lost in Morocco at the age of
nineteen. It turns out my friend and I were just fine. We were befriended by
some local teenagers and got the information we needed.
But it is not always possible to meet locals and find our way. I have argued that
machine learning can substitute for a friendly local and in fact, can go much
beyond, providing insights that even locals don’t know.
First, we want to understand where we are and what the world is like around us
and see the wood for the trees. Much regulation is ultimately about
recognising patterns. We can use unsupervised learning to dig deep into data
and see these patterns. We saw many applications, from clustering derivative
traders, to identifying underlying motivations, to sifting through mounds of
documents for evidence.
Second, we want to get to our destination, and navigate a path through the
trees ahead. Many regulatory problems are, in essence, prediction problems.
Supervised learning is designed to solve these problems. The sophistication of
these methods and the great successes in many areas of human endeavour
show their great potential. And we have seen early successes in regulatory
applications, especially in supervising large populations of small firms.
But, third, we must not use these methods blindly. Just as with using a
navigation tool, like Citymapper, we have to take responsibility for making
decisions. Humans need to be involved in making all the major judgements, in
creating the models, and in using them. And, taking the earlier analogy further,
combining the knowledge of locals with a Google Maps app is best of all.
And, fourth, crime provides some benchmarks, which suggest we might obtain
efficiencies of 25% or so in regulation. Personally I am optimistic that we can get
impact larger than that. But we are only going to find out over time.
For economics, I have no doubt that the shift to incorporating machine learning
is a major change, a paradigm shift, compared to previous econometrics.
Behavioural economics changed our theory to incorporate real human behaviour.
Similarly machine learning is fundamentally changing how much of the world we
can explain.
And it is highly complementary to these other economic techniques.
From water to telecoms, to aviation, to road and rail, to energy, to financial
services, machine learning will change regulatory economics too. It allows us to
leverage the ever-increasing pools of data we have. It allows us to extract more
information and insight. And this makes us more efficient and effective.
We can use machine learning to tackle policy problems, like targeting our
interventions where they will be most effective or predicting how recipients
might behave in response. We can use it to tackle operational problems, like
optimising our resources and identifying trends or bottlenecks. And we can use it
to tackle supervisory problems, like identifying bad applesand being in the
right place at the right time.
Machine learning can shed light on major problems you are facing today.
Finally, what next for our journey from map to app? I would like you to take
away three ideas about the future of regulation.
First, high-quality machine-learning tools have only recently become widely
available. If even small businesses can use machine learning and they do
imagine what regulators could do. This is just the beginning.
Second, this technology really can make a difference. We are becoming much
better at framing our regulatory problems as informational problems. In
particular, again, many regulatory problems are, in essence, prediction
problems. We can now predict much better.
Third the big question for us all what will be the role of economists in all
this? Well, economists have the data skills, market knowledge and the analytical
mindset to harness this new technology. Economists are well-placed to lead, or
be heavily involved in, this charge.
These are exciting times for economists and exciting times for regulators.
Algorithms will be transforming not only our day-to-day personal lives, but our
day-to-day work lives too.
Thank you.