Nantucket Land Bank Commission
Regular Meeting of May 14, 2024
Land Bank Conference Room, 22 Broad Street, Nantucket, MA
a. Community Garden/50 Old South Road – Progress Update & Property Naming
b. Farm Licenses Clarification
a. Cisco Beach – Parking Lot Update
b. 125 Somerset Rd/Maintenance Facility – Roofing Bid
c. 321 Polpis Rd – Alternative Names for Consideration
d. Fair Street Park – Gardening Discussion
e. 28 Washington Street – Maria Mitchell Association Permitting Update
a. “M” Exemption Update
a. Regular Meeting of April 23, 2024, and Special Meeting of April 17, 2024
a. Monthly Transfer Statistics
b. Warrant Authorization – Cash Disbursement
c. Warrant Authorization – Refunding 2016 Semi-Annual Bond Payment
d. Cisco Beach Hang Loose Helado Ice Cream Proposal
e. Cisco Beach Decker’s Dogs License (Jack Decker)
f. Petrel Landing – Oyster Upweller
g. Muskeget Island – Research Proposal
h. Discovery Playground – Community School Playground Pals Playgroups
(Mondays through June 3
B. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Executive Session is for Purpose 6 [G.L. c. 30A, 21(a)(6)]. The
particular transactions and parcels of real estate are not identified since disclosure of the
property information may have a detrimental impact on the Land Bank's negotiating position
with one or more third parties; and for Purpose 3 [G.L. c. 30A, 21(a)(3)], discussions
concerning strategy with respect to ongoing litigation. The Commission will not reconvene in
open session at the conclusion of executive session.
1. Approval of Executive Session Minutes
2. Ongoing Litigation Matters:
a. Suffolk Superior Court Docket No. 2284CV02606: Richard Corey, Trustee of
Twenty-One Commercial Wharf Nominee Trust v. Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection, Nantucket Islands Land bank, and Nantucket
Conservation Commission. (Petrel Landing/17 Commercial Street)
b. Land Court Department Action No. 22 MISC 000409: Nantucket Islands Land Bank v.
Hunter S. Ziesing and Marcy E. Ziesing, Co-Trustees of the Lampoon Nominee Trust (6
Wesco Place)
c. Nantucket Superior Court, C.A. No. 2275CV00024: NILB v. Architectural
Access Board Easy Street Park Variance denial
3. Real Estate Acquisition
Nantucket Land Bank Commission
Regular Meeting of May 14, 2024 (4pm)
Land Bank Conference Room, 22 Broad Street, Nantucket, MA
a. Community Garden/50 Old South Road Progress Update & Property Naming
The Community Garden is progressing well and still on schedule for an opening in early June.
The irrigation is installed with water spigots at each bed. The parking lot and access road are
under construction and should be done by Friday, May 9
. The fencing (stockade and deer
fencing) is scheduled to be installed the week of May 13
. The garden beds will start to be
assembled after the fence installation. The lottery for the plots will be picked this week and
everyone notified of results. There were approximately 220 applicants for the 38 46 beds.
Staff will answer questions and fill in with any up-to-date additional information at the
Also enclosed is a list of potential names for the new Community Garden.
b. Farm Licenses Clarification
Staff is seeking clarification of the application of the term extension from 5 to 10 years for our
non-profit organization licensees such as the Nantucket Community Garden and Sustainable
Nantucket. Staff is recommending that the decision made at the meeting regarding the term
extensions of licenses apply from that moment forward, rather than retroactively, to reduce
the administrative burden on staff. If the Commission meant for the 10 year term to apply to all
licenses, those that are shorter can be easily extended and renewed at the end of their existing
a. Cisco Beach Parking Lot Update
The creation of the new Cisco Beach parking area has proven to require quite a bit of flexibility
on everyone’s part. As of Wednesday, 5/8, staff received a draft Conservation and
Management Plan from the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species
Program (MNHESP). This will enable us to move forward with transplanting rare plants as well
as mowing and fencing the parking area within the next 4-6 weeks. However, we will be unable
to re-surface the parking area until after July as there is a Northern Harrier nesting nearby. As a
reminder, the plan for this parking area is enclosed for the Commissions review.
b. 125 Somerset Rd/Maintenance Facility Roofing Bid
This invitation for bids for the replacement of the shop roof out at the maintenance facility is
due Friday, May 10th. In the event we receive bids, we would ask the Commission to award the
contract to the lowest eligible and responsible bidder subject to staff checking and receiving
positive references for their work.
c. 321 Polpis Rd Alternative Names for Consideration
Per the Commission’s request, enclosed your consideration are alternative names to be
considered for 321 Polpis Road.
d. Fair Street Park Gardening Discussion
Annual costs for this garden have exceeded $20,000 and staff is seeking feedback from the
Commission as to whether this expense is acceptable in light of recent concerns over
gardening expenses at other parks. A more detailed summary and photos of the park are
enclosed for the Commissions review.
a. “M” Exemption Update
a. Regular Meeting of April 23, 2024 and Special Meeting of April 17, 2024
a. Monthly Transfer Statistics
Enclosed for your review.
b. Warrant Authorization Cash Disbursements
Susan is preparing the bills up until Monday and therefore waits to send the warrant out
until then. As a reminder, each individual bill is reviewed by the staff member with the most
direct knowledge of the expenditure, and then subsequently reviewed by Jesse prior to it
being presented to the Commission for approval.
c. Warrant Authorization Refunding 2016 Semi-Annual Bond Payment
There is $3,980,000 outstanding left on this bond, which is paid twice per year with one
interest payment in June and one combined interest and principal payment in December.
The Commission is being asked to execute a warrant authorization in the amount of
$59,700 to satisfy the upcoming June interest payment.
d. Cisco Beach Hang Loose Helado Ice Cream Proposal
The Land Bank received a request from Hang Loose Helado, the ice cream truck owned
and managed by Chris Getoor, to visit Cisco beach once per day (weather permitting) this
summer. The truck is fully licensed and inspected and not subject to the same rules as the
other mobile food units (MFUs), as it is classified as a roaming MFU and only sells pre-
packaged foods. Given the lack of other food vendors allowed to be stationed at Cisco this
summer, staff recommends approval subject to the owners continued compliance with all
applicable laws and/or regulations related to the operation of the MFU.
e. Cisco Beach Jack Decker
Due to an exception for hot dog carts in the food code, Jack Decker received relief from the
Board of Health to sell hot dogs at Cisco Beach this summer. Staff is recommending that
the Commission approve the enclosed license to occupy a portion of Cisco Beach for this
purpose, subject to Mr. Decker’s continued compliance with all laws and/or regulations
which may be applicable.
f. Petrel Landing Oyster Upweller
Enclosed is a request from the Nantucket Land Council to use Petrel Landing for the Oyster
Upweller again this summer. An upweller is a tank system used to grow shellfish in a
protected and controlled environment. Water from the harbor will continuously be
pumped through the upweller to feed the oysters, with the utilities being provided by
Nantucket Island Resorts rather than through the Land Bank’s 15 Commercial Street
property. Staff recommends approval.
g. Muskeget Island Research Proposal
Lyra Brennan, Director of the Coastal Waterbird Program for Mass Audubon, along with
project partners in the USFWS, Mass DFW, and TTOR is seeking permission from NLB to
study the habitat use of Common Terns and Roseate Terns on Muskeget Island as part of a
regional project examining habitat use and movements of these species in areas in
proximity to potential offshore Wind Energy Areas. Muskeget is a staging area for these tern
species and was one of the largest tern colonies in MA until it was abandoned in 1948.
Terns have recently begun recolonizing Muskeget, with nesting of both species observed in
2020 and 2022. The researchers propose surveys to determine the presence of terns at
Muskeget once per week from mid-July to mid-September (pending
weather/tides/accessibility) and also request permission to camp on the island overnight
during three of those weekly visits to collect nocturnal data on the birds. The camp will be
located in an area that does not disturb the target bird species. They also request
permission to place acoustic monitoring devices to record the calls of the terns and a base
station that will record data from satellite tags on terns. All equipment and devices will be
removed at the end of the survey. This project could provide important information on the
habitat use and movements of Common Terns and Roseate Terns regionally and locally on
Muskeget Island. This information on these listed species will be invaluable as Wind
Energy Areas undergo development in currently and in the future. Staff recommends
approval of this request.
Potential Names for New Community Garden:
Hinsdale Community Garden
Hinsdale Park Community Garden*
Land Bank Community Garden
Community Garden at Hinsdale Park
Discovery Community Garden
Mid-Island Community Garden
Old South Community Garden
ta favorite
Cisco Beach Parking Plan
Name Considerations for 321 Polpis Rd:
Windswept Overlook (voted 4/9 but the Commission requested more options)
Polpis Sanctuary
Windswept Sanctuary
Polpis Retreat
Polpis Hideaway
East End Sanctuary
East End Retreat
East End Hideaway
Fair Street Park
Costs at the Fair Street Park have risen over time and last year, maintenance for this garden was
$22,275.00. The extra expense is on the planters and weekly maintenance. As this is a very high-
profile, popular park that is on Main Street, we are wondering if the Commission is pleased with the
way the park looks and is willing to cover the extra expense or if they would prefer that costs be cut,
and maintenance be reduced.
Nantucket Land Bank Commission
Regular Meeting of May 14, 2024
1. April 2024 Transfers – Record Nos. 46375 through 46450
a. Current “M” Exemption and Lien:
No. 46388 Shawn Thompson and Mackenzie Thompson
Transfers by Month Report
Nantucket Islands Land Bank
4/4/2024 4243 041 SOJOURN REALTY TRUST -1 0 0 0 0.05 $0.00 $0.00 J46380 SOJOURN REALTY TRUSTACADEMY LN, 17
4/8/2024 0073 093 DERMODY/ALIMONTI -1 0 0 0 0.12 $0.00 $0.00 D46381 11 HYDRANGEA LANE NOHYDRANGEA LN, 11
4/8/2024 0054 286 7 BREWSTER NANTUCKET 0 0 -1 0 0.96 $3,000,000.00 $60,000.0046382 7 BREWSTER ROAD LLCBREWSTER RD, 7
4/8/2024 4244 022 GORE-GRIMES -1 0 0 0 0.10 $0.00 $0.00 D46383 JOAN MARIE MARCO 200CLIFF RD, 6
4/8/2024 4244 022 GORE-GRIMES -1 0 0 0 0.10 $0.00 $0.00 D46384 WILLIAM PETER MARCOCLIFF RD, 6
4/9/2024 0056 130 PONDERON LLC -1 0 0 0 1.42 $0.00 $0.00 C46385 PONDERON, LLCMEADOW VIEW DR, 33
4/9/2024 0024 223 CRAIG J FOLEY REVOCA 0 0 -1 0 9.07 $0.00 $0.00 D46386 FOLEYPOLPIS RD, 337
4/9/2024 5541 168 STEPHEN L BENDER REV -1 0 0 0 0.10 $0.00 $0.00 D46387 BENDER/LYNNORANGE ST, 73
4/10/2024 0068 977 THOMPSON -1 0 0 0 0.11 $3,030,000.00 $40,600.00 M46388 TIC T'ACK TOE LLCFAWN LN, 11
4/10/2024 0066 236 RAMOS -1 0 0 0 0.46 $0.00 $0.00 D46389 5 TOPAZ CIRCLE REALTTOPAZ CR, 5
4/10/2024 4234 022 SIX CORNERS LLC -1 0 0 0 0.26 $0.00 $0.00 I46390 CAROL MARCH EMERSONINDIA ST, 20
4/10/2024 4223 040 GLOWACKI -1 0 0 0 0.15 $0.00 $0.00 C46391 WASIL/GLOWACKIMEADER ST, 5
4/12/2024 0067 1204+ DIAS FAMILY REALTY T -1 0 -1 0 1.12 $0.00 $0.00 D46392 MANUEL F DIAS REV TRSURFSIDE RD, 48 & 50
4/12/2024 0066 4531 DUGAN -1 0 0 0 0.21 $0.00 $0.00 E46393 DUGAN, ESTATESOMERSET RD, 80
4/12/2024 0041 322 WEBSTER -1 0 0 0 0.50 $0.00 $0.00 D46394 CAROLE P WEBSTER REVMADAKET RD, 44
4/12/2024 0041 322 44 MADAKET ROAD REAL -1 0 0 0 0.50 $0.00 $0.00 C46395 WEBSTERMADAKET RD, 44
4/16/2024 4923 010 SEA DAZE LLC -1 0 0 0 0.35 $0.00 $0.00 E46396 SEA DAZE LLCBAXTER RD, 27
4/16/2024 4923 010 SEA DAZE LLC -1 0 0 0 0.35 $0.00 $0.00 E46397 SEA DAZE LLCBAXTER RD, 27
4/16/2024 4923 010 SEA DAZE LLC -1 0 0 0 0.35 $0.00 $0.00 E46398 SEA DAZE LLCBAXTER RD, 27
4/16/2024 4923 010 SEA DAZE LLC -1 0 0 0 0.35 $664,000.00 $13,280.0046399 SEA DAZE LLCBAXTER RD, 27
4/16/2024 4923 010 SEA DAZE LLC -1 0 0 0 0.35 $664,000.00 $13,280.0046400 SEA DAZE LLCBAXTER RD, 27
4/16/2024 4923 010 SEA DAZE LLC -1 0 0 0 0.35 $664,000.00 $13,280.0046401 SEA DAZE LLCBAXTER RD, 27
4/16/2024 6024 631+ MADAKET MILK LLC -1 0 0 0 1.85 $0.00 $0.00 K46402 LAMBERTMADAKET RD, 343, 345
4/16/2024 0020 063 10 EFS REALTY TRUST -1 0 0 0 3.25 $0.00 $0.00 K46403 10 EFS REALTY TRUSTEAT FIRE SPRING, 10
4/16/2024 0056 110 33 SOMERSET ROAD REA -1 0 0 0 1.99 $0.00 $0.00 D46404 O'MARA REALTY TRUSTSOMERSET RD, 33
4/16/2024 0593 099 DOSTALER-TOUCHETTE/B 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $20,000.00 $400.0046405 ROONEY ACK TRUSTMIDLAND AV, 5, 11F
4/16/2024 4241 761 JOAN P SCANLON REVOC 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 D46406 TAYLOR III/SCANLONSWAIN ST, 15, C1
4/16/2024 4241 768 JOAN P SCANLON REVOC 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 D46407 TAYLOR III/SCANLONSWAIN ST, 15, D
4/16/2024 0080 001- WILLOW HILL TRUST 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $2,095,000.00 $41,900.0046408 COFFIN III/COFFINSHERBURNE COMMON, 40
4/17/2024 0080 411 BEALE -1 0 0 0 0.15 $1,812,500.00 $36,250.0046409 DAVIS III/DAVISFIELD AV, 3A
4/17/2024 0067 872 JOHN M SCHAFER FAMIL 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 D46410 SCHAFERMIACOMET AV, 10A
4/17/2024 0076 043 BURSCH/SMITH/BURSCH -1 0 0 0 1.15 $0.00 $0.00 D46411 MIAMOOR REALTY TRUSTFLINTLOCK RD, 16
4/17/2024 0067 300 FEE -1 0 0 0 0.73 $2,150,000.00 $43,000.0046412 TRUEFAIRGROUNDS RD, 56
4/17/2024 5541 205 FIRENZE HOLDINGS LLC -1 0 0 0 0.18 $0.00 $0.00 D46413 FIRENZE HOLDINGS LLCYORK ST, 31
4/17/2024 0041 230 AGUIAR -1 0 0 0 0.14 $3,200,000.00 $64,000.0046414 MCGIVNEYW CHESTER ST, 45
4/17/2024 0094 005 LANDRETH 0 0 -1 0 45.00 $0.00 $0.00 D46415 EAST POND NOMINEE TRTUCKERNUCK
4/17/2024 0094 005 HANSON 0 0 -1 0 45.00 $3,800,000.00 $76,000.0046416 LANDRETHTUCKERNUCK
4/18/2024 4241 059 ONE WALSH STREET LLC -1 0 0 0 0.15 $4,950,000.00 $99,000.0046417 ALTA SKYE LLCWALSH ST, 1
4/18/2024 0593 100- BOHR 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $12,000.00 $240.0046418 MAINSTAY INCMIDLAND AV, 3
4/18/2024 7323 007+ 36-37 OCEAN AVENUE L -1 0 0 0 2.78 $0.00 $0.00 D46419 MARY HELLER 2009 FAMOCEAN AV, 36, 37
4/18/2024 4231 632 44 CENTRE HOLDINGS L 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $1,425,000.00 $28,500.0046420 44 CENTRE STREET REACENTER ST, 44 #2
4/18/2024 7314 152 WALLACE/JOINT REVOCA -1 0 0 0 0.17 $0.00 $0.00 D46421 GAIL BUTTERS IRREVOCSANKATY RD, 1
4/19/2024 0068 538 CHRISTOPHER T AND JU -1 0 0 0 0.12 $2,475,000.00 $49,500.0046422 ABC FAMILY REVOCABLFALCON CT, 7
4/19/2024 0066 2811 MATTHEW F TOMAIOLO R -1 0 0 0 0.29 $0.00 $0.00 D46423 TOMAIOLOCLARA DR, 2
4/19/2024 4232 163 WILLIAM F FORDYCE RE -1 0 0 0 0.23 $0.00 $0.00 D46424 FORDYCEDARLING ST, 3
4/22/2024 0087 135- NANTUCKET ISLANDS LA 0 0 -1 0 16.19 $0.00 $0.00 A46425 TOWN OF NANTUCKETS SHORE RD, PARCEL B
4/22/2024 0594 1331 PATRICK J WALKER REV -1 0 0 0 1.08 $0.00 $0.00 D46426 WALKER/MARTIN WALDEARKANSAS AV, 8
4/22/2024 7341 342- LORD FAMILY LLC 0 0 -1 0 0.02 $85,255.00 $1,705.1046427 BRER RABBIT LLCCOFFIN ST, 19 PORTIO
4/22/2024 7341 034- BRER RABBIT LLC 0 0 -1 0 0.02 $85,255.00 $1,705.1046428 LORD FAMILY LLCCOFFIN ST, 15 PORTIO
4/22/2024 0048 019 97 BAXTER ROAD REALT -1 0 0 0 0.59 $0.00 $0.00 D46429 FOTOPOLOUSBAXTER RD, 97
4/22/2024 0048 019 FOTOPOULOS -1 0 0 0 0.59 $0.00 $0.00 D46430 97 BAXTER ROAD REALTBAXTER RD, 97
4/23/2024 0049 195+ SINGER -1 0 0 0 4.06 $4,500,000.00 $90,000.0046431 SNOWSHOE MILLWORKS LWINDSOR RD, 1 & 2
4/23/2024 0068 429 BURN THE SHIPS LLC 0 -1 0 0 1.22 $0.00 $0.00 I46432 SMITHOLD SOUTH RD, 98
4/23/2024 0069 2681 DIGGAN 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 C46433 DIGGANSUN ISLAND RD, 3 #4
4/24/2024 0041 013 102 CLIFF ROAD LLC -1 0 0 0 0.55 $0.00 $0.00 I46434 ARLINGTON ROAD REALTCLIFF RD, 102
4/24/2024 0594 095 CHARLES T BARTHOLOMA -1 0 0 0 0.34 $0.00 $0.00 E46435 BARTHOLOMAE JR, ESTTENNESSEE AV, 52
4/25/2024 0080 179- KINDERMANN 0 0 -1 0 0.03 $2,739.80 $54.7946436 TOWN OF NANTUCKETMASAQUET AV & ATLANT
4/25/2024 0072 016 MARGAN REALTY TRUST -1 0 0 0 1.50 $0.00 $0.00 C46437 MARGAN REALTY TRUSTWOOD HOLLOW RD, 4
4/26/2024 0072 016 GANGEMI/MICHELLE C G -1 0 0 0 1.50 $0.00 $0.00 D46438 MARGAN REALTY TRUSTWOOD HOLLOW RD, 4
4/26/2024 0072 016 BASBOUS -1 0 0 0 1.50 $1,830,000.00 $36,600.0046439 GANGEMI/MICHELLE G GWOOD HOLLOW RD, 4
4/26/2024 0055 045 JEMISON/JOHNSTON -1 0 0 0 0.12 $0.00 $0.00 J46440 22 NEW STREET LLCNEW ST, 22
4/26/2024 4243 077 RICHARD W NESTO REVO -1 0 0 0 0.17 $0.00 $0.00 D46441 NESTO/BICKIMERCENTRE ST, 58
4/26/2024 0021 096+ QUIDNET HOLDINGS LLC -1 0 -1 0 5.26 $0.00 $0.00 I46442 QUIDNET PROPERTY NOMQUIDNET RD, 64, 66+
4/29/2024 0030 240 POPLAR HILL MD II LL -1 0 0 0 0.72 $0.00 $0.00 I46443 RIGGSSACHEM RD, 14
4/29/2024 4932 156 EELMAN -1 0 0 0 0.19 $2,500,000.00 $50,000.0046444 SULLIVANTOWADDY LN, 6
4/29/2024 0069 226 GUEVARA/RUBINA 0 0 0 -1 0.00 $900,000.00 $18,000.0046445 1A PARK CIRCLE LLCPARK CR, 1A
4/30/2024 0068 862 NANTUCKET COTTAGE HO -1 0 0 0 0.09 $2,349,000.00 $0.00 G46446 NANTUCKET PROPERTY OINDIGO DR, 5
4/30/2024 0068 863 NANTUCKET COTTAGE HO -1 0 0 0 0.09 $1,866,000.00 $0.00 G46447 NANTUCKET PROPERTY OINDIGO DR, 7
4/30/2024 0068 873 NANTUCKET COTTAGE HO -1 0 0 0 0.09 $1,985,000.00 $0.00 G46448 NANTUCKET PROPERTY OHONEYSUCKLE DR, 13
4/30/2024 0055 209 8 HOOPER FARM REALTY -1 0 0 0 0.36 $0.00 $0.00 D46449 REZENDESHOOPER FARM RD, 8
4/30/2024 0038 084 CLAIRE D GRAVES REVO -1 0 0 0 0.35 $0.00 $0.00 D46450 GRAVESNORTH POINT, 1
-9 157.14
FY23 Total Exempt Taxable Total Gross Gross Revenue
Month Transfers Transfers Transfers Value Value Taxable Received
Jul-22 79 48 31 $124,164,276 $119,014,276 $2,387,886
Aug-22 81 57 24 $84,455,392 $70,037,323 $1,417,575
Sep-22 85 41 44 $199,748,058 $192,528,058 $3,850,561
Oct-22 97 38 59 $216,160,950 $206,610,950 $4,132,219
Nov-22 88 43 45 $186,319,400 $178,167,500 $3,563,350
Dec-22 117 59 58 $178,569,358 $165,994,358 $3,325,661
Jan-23 69 50 19 $105,949,500 $103,160,414 $2,063,208
Feb-23 61 48 13 $19,474,665 $17,669,500 $361,890
Mar-23 72 46 26 $90,080,762 $84,013,251 $1,680,265
Apr-23 50 33 17 $52,530,610 $50,810,810 $1,016,216
May-23 82 46 36 $123,501,599 $119,844,099 $2,396,882
Jun-23 60 36 24 $110,778,641 $104,152,130 $2,083,043
THRU APR 23 799 463 336 $1,257,452,970 $1,188,006,440 $23,798,831
Average 80 45 33 $124,311,101 $147,930,411 $2,356,563
Low 50 33 13 $19,474,665 $17,669,500 $361,890
High 117 59 59 $216,160,950 $206,610,950 $4,132,219
FY24 Total Exempt Taxable Total Gross Gross Revenue
Month Transfers Transfers Transfers Value Value Taxable Received
Jul-23 75 49 26 $110,131,693 $104,912,515 $2,098,250
Aug-23 64 32 32 $78,042,000 $71,417,000 $1,428,340
Sep-23 93 46 47 $199,648,798 $199,548,798 $3,990,976
Oct-23 101 56 45 $170,787,010 $162,137,010 $3,242,740
Nov-23 79 51 28 $92,790,100 $91,990,100 $1,840,004
Dec-23 76 50 26 $87,561,537 $80,894,700 $1,617,894
Jan-24 72 42 30 $109,580,517 $102,178,767 $2,043,575
Feb-24 46 26 20 $60,093,759 $60,093,759 $1,201,875
Mar-24 87 61 26 $58,903,942 $57,203,942 $1,144,079
Apr-24 76 52 24 $52,555,750 $45,355,750 $907,115
THRU APR 24 769 465 304 $1,020,095,106 $975,732,341 $19,514,849
Average 77 47 30 $102,009,511 $97,573,234 $1,951,485
Low 46 26 20 $52,555,750 $45,355,750 $907,115
High 101 61 47 $199,648,798 $199,548,798 $3,990,976
2020 - 2024
From: Chris Getoor
To: Jesse Bell
Subject: Cisco Beach
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 7:37:35 AM
I hope all is well. I'm sure you have bigger fish to fry to please feel free to pass me on to the
appropriate person. I'm reaching out in the hope that the ice cream truck will have the
opportunity to stop by Cisco periodically this summer.
You may remember we had permission during our first year but I found that the time
commitment requirement and the fact that there were so many other vendors there didn't make
sense for us. I know that landscape is changing and I'm hoping to revisit. We are the only
roaming MFU licence on the island so we operate under different guidelines. Ideally we'd like
to stop by for 30min once or twice a day during the summer. Would that work and if so, what
are the next steps? Thanks for your consideration. Looking forward to hearing back. Enjoy the
Chris Getoor
Executive Director
Strong Wings Adventure School
in Partnership with Nantucket New School
(508) 228-1769
9 Nobadeer Farm Road, Nantucket, MA 02554
Make a Gift
This Temporary License Agreement (this “License”) is executed this ___ day of May,
2024, by and between the Nantucket Islands Land Bank, a body politic and corporate, with a
principal place of business at 22 Broad Street, Nantucket, Massachusetts, 02554 (the
Licensor”), and Nantucket Beach Dogs, with a principal place of business at 16 Hummock
Pond Road, Nantucket, Massachusetts, 02554 (the “Licensee”).
WHEREAS, the Licensor is the owner of record of property located at “CISCO BEACH
off of Hummock Pond Road, which property is shown on Assessors Map 82 as Parcel 30 and
which was conveyed to Licensor by Quitclaim Deed recorded January 5, 2000, with the
Nantucket Registry of Deeds at Book 646, Page 258 (the “Licensor’s Property”);
WHEREAS, the Licensee has requested the Licensor for entry upon a portion of the
Licensor’s Property for the purpose of mobile food unit concessions and
WHEREAS, the Licensor is amenable to granting the Licensee said entry and use, subject
to the terms set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:
Subject to the provisions of this License, the Licensor hereby grants Licensee and its
agents, representatives, employees, contractors, and other authorized parties (with Licensee, the
Licensee Parties”) non-exclusive use of those portions of the Licensor’s Property located at as
further described in Exhibit A hereto (the “Licensed Premises”) only for the purpose of mobile
food unit concessions as further described in Exhibit B hereto (the “Permitted Use”). This
License shall not be construed as creating or vesting in Licensee any estate in the Licensed
Premises, including, but not limited to, an easement, lease, tenancy at will or other property
right, but only the limited right of use as hereinabove stated.
The rights granted hereunder may be exercised from May 24, 2024, through September
15, 2024, and for such longer time as the Licensor may require, until the Licensor has terminated
this License in accordance with the terms hereof.
The consideration for this License shall be a $300 commercial use fee, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, the payment by the Licensee of all costs and expenses associated
with the exercise of the rights granted hereunder, together with the observation and performance
by the Licensee of all the obligations and covenants set forth within this License to the
reasonable satisfaction of the Licensor.
(a) During the exercise of the rights hereby granted, the Licensee shall at all times
conduct itself so as not to unreasonably interfere with the operations of the Licensor or with the
operations of any other Licensor’s Property easement holder, and shall observe and obey any and
all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations and permitting or licensing requirements.
(b) The Licensee shall be solely responsible for any and all costs and expenses
associated with the exercise of its rights under this License. If required under state law, the
Licensee shall pay prevailing wages to its employees for the work performed on the Licensor’s
(c) The Licensee shall be responsible for correcting any damage caused to the
Licensor’s Property, including the Licensed Premises, arising from the use of the Licensed
Premises by the Licensee or any of the other Licensee Parties and/or the negligence of any of the
Licensee Parties.
(d) The Licensee shall not make any major or structural alterations to the Licensed
Premises without the prior written consent of the Licensor, such consent to be granted in the
Licensor’s sole discretion.
(e) The Licensee shall be solely responsible for obtaining any and all applicable
permits, licenses, and approvals associated with the Permitted Use.
(f) The Licensee shall not permit any mechanics’ liens, or similar liens, to remain
upon the Licensed Premises for labor and material furnished to the Licensee or claimed to have
been furnished to the Licensee in connection with work of any character performed or claimed to
have been performed at the direction of the Licensee and the Licensee shall cause any such lien
to be released of record forthwith without cost to the Licensee.
(g) The Licensor shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for the payment of any
expenses incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished to the Licensed
Premises or any part thereof, but all such improvements and alterations shall be done and
materials and labor furnished at Licensee’s expense, and the laborers and material men
furnishing labor and materials for the work shall release the Licensee from any liability.
(h) The Licensee expressly agrees that it shall promptly restore the Licensed Premises
after any disturbance and repair any damage caused to the Licensed Premises, and/or any
improvements thereon, caused by or arising directly or indirectly due to the acts or omissions of
Licensee or any of the other Licensee Parties, at its sole cost and expense.
(i) The provisions of this Section 3 shall survive the expiration or termination of this
The Licensee shall maintain during the period of this License general liability insurance
in the minimum amounts determined by the Licensor in its sole discretion. Licensee shall choose
an insurer licensed in Massachusetts having a B+ or better financial rating from a recognized
insurance accreditation institution (such as A.M. Best Company). The Licensor shall be named
as an additional insured on all such insurance policies, and Licensee shall provide for a thirty
(30) day written notification to the Licensor in the event of cancellation or modification of the
policy or policies. Licensee shall provide the Licensor with certificates of insurance prior to
entering the Licensed Premises and at such other times as the Licensor may reasonably request.
To the extent required by law, the Licensee or the Licensee Parties shall maintain
worker’s compensation insurance, from the commencement of the work until the completion
thereof. The Licensee agrees that any Licensee Parties performing work on behalf of the
Licensee at the Licensed Premises shall carry workers' compensation insurance, liability
insurance, and automobile liability insurance in amounts reasonably acceptable to the Licensor
and shall name the Licensor as an additional insured party. Prior to the commencement of any
work, the Licensee shall provide the Licensor with a copy of the contractor’s insurance
certificate indicating liability insurance coverage as herein specified, and copies of any
approvals, including any building permits, necessary or obtained to conduct said construction.
The Licensee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Licensor from any and all
liability, loss, damage, costs, expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees
and expenses), causes of action, suits, claims, demands or judgments of any nature whatsoever,
in law and equity, which are or may be brought against the Licensor or its agents, employees,
successors and assigns under any existing or future arising statutory or common law (including
but not limited to Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42
U.S.C. 9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6901
et seq., the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act,
G.L. c. 21E, and all applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder) arising out of or
relating to: (1) the discharge, release or threatened release at or from the Licensed Premises of oil
or hazardous material as defined under federal, state or local law which is caused by the Licensee
or any of the other Licensee Parties (2) any failure on the part of Licensee to comply with any
provision or term required to be performed or complied with by the Licensee under this License,
and (3) for the death, injury or property damage suffered by any person relating in any way to the
Licensee's exercise of its rights under this License. The obligations of this Section 5 shall
survive the expiration or termination of this License.
The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that it accepts the Licensor’s Property, including
Licensed Premises, in “AS IS” condition for the purpose of this License, and that the Licensor
has made no representation or warranty regarding the fitness of the Licensor’s Property,
including the Licensed Premises. The Licensee agrees that it shall use and occupy the Licensed
Premises at its own risk, and the Licensor shall not be liable to Licensee for any injury or death
to persons entering the Licensed Premises pursuant to the License, or loss or damage to vehicles,
equipment or other personal property of any nature whatsoever of the Licensee, or of anyone
claiming by or through the Licensee, that are brought upon the Licensed Premises pursuant to
this License. The provisions of this Section 6 shall survive the expiration or termination of this
This License shall be revocable by the Licensor with or without cause upon written notice
of revocation at least ninety (90) days prior to the termination date stated within said notice,
provided, however, that if there has been a material breach of the terms of this License by
Licensee or the other Licensee Parties, the Licensor may revoke this License if Licensee fails to
cure the same within thirty (30) days from written notice thereof, or, for a material breach that
threatens public safety, within ten (10) days from said written notice.
In the event that this License expires or is terminated, the Licensee shall, at its own
expense, remove all its facilities, apparatus, equipment and property from the Licensed Premises,
and restore the Licensed Premises to its original condition as at the commencement of this
License, as nearly as possible. Any damage or destruction of the Licensed Premises by the
Licensee or the other Licensee Parties shall be promptly repaired or replaced by the Licensee to
the satisfaction of the Licensor, at Licensee’s own expense. The obligations of this Section 7
shall survive the termination of this License.
(a) This License shall not be construed as creating or vesting in Licensee any estate in
the Licensed Premises, but only the limited right of use as hereinabove stated.
(b) Any notice between the parties shall be deemed duly served if delivered, mailed
by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or sent by recognized
overnight delivery, addressed to the parties at the addresses set forth in the preamble.
(c) This License contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other
agreements or understandings between the parties regarding the subject matter of this License.
(d) Modifications or amendments to this License shall be in writing and duly
executed by both parties hereto to be effective.
(e) Licensee is not authorized to bind or involve the Licensor in any contract or to
incur any liability for or on the part of the Licensor.
(f) The Licensor reserves the right and Licensees shall permit the Licensor and its
employees, contractors, agents and invitees to enter upon and use the Licensed Premises at any
time for any and all purposes at Licensor’s sole discretion, provided that Licensor’s use shall not
interfere unreasonably with Licensee’s Permitted Uses.
(g) If any portion of this License is declared to be illegal, unenforceable or void, then
all parties to this License shall be relieved of all obligations under that portion; provided,
however, that the remainder of this License shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by
(h) The captions in this License are inserted for convenience of reference only and in
no way define, describe or limit the scope or intent of this License or any of the provisions
(i) All appropriate terms and provisions relating to indemnification and the
restoration of the property affected hereby, shall survive the expiration or termination of this
(j) This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and any and all legal actions brought in connection with
this License shall be brought in courts within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Signature Page Follows
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this License Agreement to be
executed and effective as of the date first above written.
Nantucket Islands Land Bank, Nantucket Beach Dogs
By its Authorized Representative
Jesse A. Bell, Executive Director by its Authorized Representative
Name: Jack Decker
Title: Co-Owner
Date: Date:
Exhibit A
Description of Licensed Premises
Deed Book 646 Page 258
Town and County of Nantucket, MA April 10, 2024
Property Information
Property ID 7977
Town and County of Nantucket, MA makes no claims and no
warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the validity or
accuracy of the GIS data presented on this map.
Geometry updated 02/08/2024
Data updated Jan. 2021
Print map scale is approximate.
Critical layout or measurement
activities should not be done using
this resource.
1" = 250.75500127897078 ft
Exhibit B
Description of Permitted Use/Project
for the 2024 summer season, subject to the following conditions:
1. Hours of service operation, not inclusive of set-up and breakdown, shall be in
compliance with requirements established by the Nantucket Health Department.
2. While it is understood that vending services are weather dependent, preference shall
be given to vendors who propose to operate up to seven (7) days per week, no less
than five (5) days per week, with particular emphasis on consistent weekend
operations when such mobile food unit services would be in high demand.
3. Due to significant erosion of the existing parking lot and the volume of traffic in this
popular destination, the location of parking of the Mobile Food Unit must be
reviewed, approved, and assigned by Land Bank Staff prior to exercise of the terms
of the License Agreement. Staff shall meet with the Licensee on site to clarify the
location of approved parking spaces that will not further jeopardize the fragile coastal
bank and that shall not interrupt the traffic flow or otherwise block sight lines.
4. Subject to Staff approval, parking of the unit is available on a first-come, first-served
basis only.
5. A trash receptacle must be kept near the vending unit. Areas must be kept clean and
free of trash while present. Further, all trash generated by an operation should be
removed from the premises, to the maximum extent practicable.
6. Use of biodegradable containers, straws and packaging is strongly encouraged.
7. Full compliance with applicable state and local regulations including restrictions
imposed by the Governor, state Department of Public Health and local Board of Health,
including but not limited to customer lines and sanitation.
8. The Land Bank's approval is contingent upon all other applicable Town permits
having been obtained, as well as compliance with the Town of Nantucket By-Law.
9. The Land Bank reserves the right to impose additional conditions as necessary
throughout the season based on issues which may arise.
10. Approval shall be valid for the 2024 summer season only and is revocable at will at
any time, should issues arise.
Board of Directors
William Willet
Interim President
Matt Liddle
Vice President
Laurel Ried Langworthy
Susan E. Robinson
Matt Anderson
Susan Baer
Mary-Randolph Ballinger
William S. Brenizer
Lucy Dillon
Thomas V. Farrell
Robert Friedman
Nancy Gillespie
Nathanael Greene
Matt Haffenreffer
Charles A. Kilvert III
Lucy Leske
Robert P. Lyons, Jr.
Keltie Donelan McDonald
Peter McCausland
Alan Nathan
Helen Weeks Peterson
Charles Platt
Amy Rowland
Carl H. Sjolund
H. Brooks Smith
Lars Soderberg
David Troast
Honorary Director
Paul A. Bennett
Jen Garran
William Johnson
Chad Kilvert
Leah Mojer
Helen Weeks Peterson
Margaret Troast
Scientific Advisor
James W. Sutherland, Ph.D.
Emily Molden
Executive Director
Michelle Whelan
Development Director
RJ Turcotte
Nantucket Waterkeeper
Willa Arsenault
Environ. Program Coordinator
Anna Day
Communications Manager
Dennis A. Murphy
General Counsel
Nantucket Land & Water Council
YOUR Environmental Advocate Since 1974
Six Ash Lane, PO Box 502, Nantucket, MA 02554
508.228.2818 |
We Pay Attention We Raise Awareness We Take Action
April 30, 2024
Mr. Neil Paterson, Chair
Nantucket Land Bank Commission
22 Broad Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Re: Nantucket Land & Water Council - Oyster Upweller Request
Dear Chair Paterson and Land Bank Commissioners,
In 2023 the Nantucket Land & Water Council (NLWC) partnered with the Town’s Natural
Resources Department, and MassOyster Project to assist Carley Ray in building and
operating a small Oyster Upweller.
As a reminder this project has been a collaborative effort involving many parties and a great
deal of community support. As part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project, Carley built the
Upweller stand in the Nantucket High School shop class utilizing an old fiberglass tank no
longer of use to the Brant Point Shellfish Hatchery. The Hatchery also provided oyster spat
to supply the Upweller in its inaugural year.
Carley and her Gold Award advisor, Leah Hill, came before the Land Bank Commission
last year to request permission to site the Upweller at the Land Bank’s Petrel Landing
property. This site was perfectly suited for an Upweller, having direct access to the Harbor,
electricity and freshwater for operations, and public access for educational opportunities.
Due to the success of the Upweller in its first year, we are writing to request Land Bank
Commission approval to set the Upweller up at Petrel Landing again in 2024. We are aware
that utilities are no longer available at this location but have instead successfully arranged
to utilize electricity and water from the adjacent Nantucket Island Resorts property on
Commercial Wharf. We are simply requesting permission to site the Upweller in the same
location as 2023.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
RJ Turcotte
Nantucket Waterkeeper
The Land Bank Commission will allow small, short, simple ceremonies with minimal set up (no
tents, no amplified music, a few chairs for guests who cannot be expected to stand, and preferably
fewer than 35 guests). Carpooling is strongly encouraged. Depending upon the size and scope, your
request will either be reviewed internally by Staff or at a Land Bank Commission meeting after which
you will be notified regarding approval status. All commercial events require payment of a $100 fee,
EXCEPT filming which requires a $250/day fee.
TELEPHONE: (___)-___-____ E-MAIL:
Proposed Location of EVENT:
Description / Anticipated # of attendees
friends, family, catering staff
PLEASE DESCRIBE THE EVENT (theme, scope, duration, installation, food and beverage …):
Approved/Denied: Date:
Special Projects Coordinator
Approval date
Staff Comments:
Applicants must be in full compliance with Health Department, Fire, Police, and Natural Resources regulations.
Contact Town of Nantucket Events Coordinator, Marina Dzvonik at 508-325-4166 or by email to
[email protected]
Pauline Cronin
30 Surfside Road, Nantucket, MA, 02554
508-228-7285 x1166
Discovery Playground, Old South Road
Mondays, ASAP through June 3
maximum of 30
Playground Pal provides storytimes at the playground to connect families, expose them to literacy
activities and provide referrals to resources as needed. Children will be brought to the playground by their
parents/caregivers. Many will walk from the Richmond development.