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Lloyd’s Insurance
Company S.A.
This contract of insurance is insured by Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.
This Certificate is issued by the Coverholder identified within this Certificate
in accordance with the authorisation granted to the Coverholder under the
Coverholder Appointment Agreement with the Unique Market Reference
stated within this Certificate.
Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. is a Belgian limited liability company (société anonyme / naamloze
vennootschap) with its registered office at 14
Floor, Bastion Tower, Place du Champs de Mars 5,
1050 Brussels, Belgium and registered with Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises / Kruispuntbank van
Ondernemingen under number 682.594.839 RLE (Brussels). It is an insurance company subject to
the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium. Its Firm Reference Number(s) and other details can
be found on www.nbb.be.
Website address: www.lloyds.com/brussels E-mail: enquiries.lloydsbrussels@lloyds.com
Bank details: Citibank Europe plc Belgium Branch, Boulevard General Jacques 263G, Brussels 1050,
Belgium - BE46570135225536.
LBS0002J (01/01/ 2019) - Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. Generic Certificate Jacket
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This Certificate comprises a Certificate Jacket, the Schedule [Declarations Page], Wording and all
other provisions, conditions and warranties attached, and any endorsements issued.
Coverholder Appointment Agreement Unique Market Reference (UMR): B1715F33119023
Policy or Certificate Number: 001019N - 2024
1. Name and address of the Insured:
Bank of America Europe DAC
Two Park Place
Hatch Street
Dublin 2,
2. Effective from: 1
January 2024 to 31
December 2024
both days at 00:00 GMT, both days inclusive
3. This contract of insurance is insured by Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.
Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. is a Belgian limited liability company (société anonyme / naamloze
vennootschap) with its registered office at 14
Floor, Bastion Tower, Place du Champs de Mars 5,
1050 Brussels, Belgium and registered with Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises / Kruispuntbank van
Ondernemingen under number 682.594.839 RLE (Brussels). It is an insurance company subject to the
supervision of the National Bank of Belgium. Its Firm Reference Number(s) and other details can be
found on www.nbb.be.
Website address: www.lloyds.com/brussels E-mail: enquiries.lloydsbrussels@lloyds.com Bank
details: Citibank Europe plc Belgium Branch, Boulevard General Jacques 263G, Brussels 1050,
Belgium - BE46570135225536.
4. Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.’s General Representative:
Eamonn Egan
Country Manager for Ireland
E-mail: eamonn.egan@lloyds.com or lloydsireland@lloyds.com
Lloyd’s Ireland Representative Limited
7/8 Wilton Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 KC57
Tel: + 353 (0) 16441000
5. Coverholder:
Aspire Insurance Advisers Europe SRL
Esplanade 1/B7
1020 Brussels
Company Number: 0746642157
The Coverholder acts as an agent of Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. in performing its duties under
the Coverholder Appointment Agreement with the Unique Market Reference stated within this
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6. Insurance cover provided:
Type of Insurance: Travel Insurance
Sum(s) Insured /
Limit(s) of Liability:
As detailed in benefit table below
Excess(es) / Deductible(s): As detailed in benefit table below
Section Benefit Limit:
Cardholder per
event in GBP
Cardholder per
event in GBP
Cardholder per
event in GBP
Excess per
Cardholder per
GBP / Time
Emergency Medical,
Evacuation and
Repatriation Expenses
Medical expenses
Evacuation and
Repatriation expenses/
Transportation of Mortal
Remains/ Return of
Dependent Children
Personal Accident
Full Trip
For children
aged 16 and
under death
benefit is
limited to
For children
aged 16 and
under death
benefit is
limited to
For children
aged 16 and
under death
benefit is
limited to
9 Baggage and Money
Loss of Baggage
Inconvenience Benefits
Travel delay
4 (four) hours
Baggage delay 40 60 60 4 (four) hours
11 Rental Collision
Damage Waiver Excess
2,500 Not
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7. Wording and additional Forms attached hereto and any special conditions:
As detailed within
8. Law applicable to this contract (being which territory’s law will be used to determine a dispute relating
to this contract):
Republic of Ireland
9. Jurisdiction applicable to this contract (being the territory in which any dispute relating to this contract
will be heard):
Republic of Ireland
10. Service of Suit (being any summons, notice or process to be served upon Lloyd’s Insurance Company
S.A. for the purpose of instituting any legal proceedings against it in connection with this contract) may
be made upon:
Lloyd’s Ireland Representative Limited
7/8 Wilton Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 KC57
11. In the event that you wish to make a claim under this contract, please notify the following:
Sedgwick, P.O. Box 1086, Belfast, BT1 9ES, United Kingdom
Tel: +353 1 261 2002 Email: trave[email protected]dgwick.com
12. In the event that you wish to make a complaint, please refer to the complaint handling arrangements
In the first instance the Cardholder should write with details of the complaint to:
The Complaints Officer, Sedgwick Travel Claims Services, P.O. Box 1086, Belfast, BT1 9ES, United
The Cardholder can also refer the situation to the Complaints Department at Lloyd’s, who may, in
certain circumstances, be able to review the matter.
Their address is:
Service Manager
Complaints team
Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.
Bastion Tower
Marsveldplein 5
1050 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 227 39 40
E-mail: LloydsEurope.Complaints@lloyds.com
In the event that the Complaints Department is unable to resolve the complaint, it may be possible for it
to be referred it to the Financial Services and Markets Authority. Further details will be provided at the
appropriate stage of the complaints process.
13. In the event that you have any other enquiries, please contact the Coverholder.
Dated: ___ December 2023
Signed by: David Goodley
Coverholder: Aspire Insurance Advisers Europe SRL
This Certificate is only valid if it bears the signature of the Coverholder, on behalf of Lloyd’s Insurance Company
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The document, the Schedule and any endorsement(s) attached form Your Certificate.
This document sets out the conditions of the Certificate between You and Us. It should be kept in a safe
Please read the whole document carefully. It is arranged in different sections. It is important that You comply
with Your duties under each section and under the insurance as a whole.
Section 1 The Certificate of Insurance
Section 2 Meaning of words
Section 3 Geographical limits
Section 4 Eligibility
Section 5 Period of insurance
Section 6 Medical and Travel Assistance
Section 7 Emergency medical, evacuation and repatriation expenses
Section 8 Personal Accident
Section 9 Hospital daily benefit
Section 10 Inconvenience Benefits
Section 11 Rental Collision Damage Waiver Excess
Section 12 Summary of Benefits, Limits of liability and excesses
Section 13 General Conditions
Section 14 General Exclusions
Section 15 Premium
Section 16 Intermediary Clause
Section 17 Security
Section 18 Requesting emergency assistance
Section 19 How to make a claim
Section 20 Complaints Procedure
Section 21 Other Provisions
1.1 This Certificate is a contract of insurance. This document contains the details of the cover, and the
terms, conditions and exclusions relating to each Cardholder, and is the basis upon which all claims
will be settled.
1.2 In consideration of payment of the premium by the Policyholder, the Cardholder is entitled to payment
of Benefits and Services under this Certificate, during the Period of Insurance, within the
geographical limits, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions.
1.3 The Benefits are underwritten by certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s. Lloyd’s is authorised and regulated
by the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) and regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Authority
1.4 The Services are either provided or arranged by International SOS. In certain cases, where
International SOS arrange assistance services, the cost of such Services must be borne by the
1.5 This Certificate shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and
Wales, and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute arising
hereunder unless otherwise agreed by Underwriters in writing.
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The following words or expressions shown below appear in bold in this Certificate and have the following
meanings wherever they appear
Accident shall mean any sudden, unexpected, external and specific event which occurs at an identifiable point
in time and place during a Journey which results in Bodily Injury.
Act of Terrorism shall mean an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or threat thereof,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any
organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes or reasons
including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
Baggage shall mean accompanied personal goods belonging to the Cardholder or for which the Cardholder
is responsible, and which are taken by the Cardholder on a Journey or acquired by the Cardholder during a
Journey. Baggage shall include Valuables.
Benefits shall mean the benefits supplied by Underwriters under the terms and conditions of this Certificate,
as set out in sections 7 to 12 inclusive.
Bodily Injury shall mean identifiable physical injury or death, which is caused by an Accident during a Journey.
Card shall mean a card issued pursuant to the Policyholder’s card program in which the Benefits and Services
of this Certificate have been incorporated.
Cardholder/s shall mean any person not yet 76 (seventy-six) years old who is a holder of a Standard, Executive,
Lodge or Virtual Card issued by the Policyholder and will include any Family or any Colleague, up to a
maximum of three people, who are all travelling with him/ her on a Journey from his/her Principal Country of
Residence with pre-assigned ticketing.
Standard, Executive & Lodge BINs: 556110, 533161, 533162, 533141, 533142, 533143, 533145
Virtual BINs: 528181, 556902, 528182, 528183, 528184, 528186, 528187
Certificate shall mean this certificate of insurance.
Claims Administrator shall mean Sedgwick who are authorised to manage claims on behalf of the
Underwriter of the policy
Colleague shall mean any business associate, client, guest, friend or other person, travelling for business
purpose (other than Family or Relatives) as the Cardholder wishes, travelling with the Cardholder on a
Common Carrier shall mean any public transport by road, rail, sea or air with a licensed carrier operating a
regular and/or charter passenger service.
Compulsory Inclusion shall mean the automatic provision of Benefits and Services to the Cardholders where
the Benefits and Services are not offered on an optional basis.
Default shall mean any breach of the obligations of either Party or any act, omission, negligent act or statement
of either Party, its employees, agents or sub-contractors and in respect of which liability arises from the
defaulting Party to the other.
Dependent Children shall mean the children, stepchildren and legally adopted children of the Cardholder who
i) unmarried, and;
ii) living with such Cardholder (unless living elsewhere whilst in full time education), and;
iii) under 19 years of age (or under 24 years of age if in full time education)
Domestic Common Carrier shall mean any domestic public transport by road, rail, sea or air with a licensed
carrier operating a regular and/or charter passenger service.
Effective Date shall mean 1
January 2024
Expiry Date shall mean 31
December 2024
Family shall mean the Spouse and Dependent Children of the holder of the Card.
Hi-jack shall mean the unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of an aircraft or conveyance, or the crew
Illness shall mean any sudden and unexpected deterioration of health, that first manifests during a Journey
and which is certified by a qualified medical practitioner and agreed by an International SOS Physician.
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International SOS shall mean International SOS Assistance (UK) Ltd, Building 4, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick
High Road, London, W4 5YE, United Kingdom.
International SOS Physician shall mean the physicians nominated by the International SOS assistance
centres throughout the world.
Journey shall mean the first 90 days of any trip commencing within the Period of Insurance, where at least
50% of the total value of tickets for travel on a Domestic Common Carrier or Common Carrier have been paid
by using such Cardholder’s
Card issued by the client. The Journey shall be deemed to
have begun with the Cardholder's departure from the home where such Cardholder normally resides and shall
have ended upon return to that home.
Loss of Limb shall mean permanent loss by physical separation of a hand at or above the wrist or of a foot at
or above the ankle and includes permanent total and irrecoverable loss of use of hand, arm, foot or leg.
Medical Expenses shall mean all reasonable costs necessarily incurred outside the Cardholder's Principal
Country of Residence for hospital, surgical or other diagnostic or remedial treatment given or prescribed by a
qualified medical practitioner.
Money shall mean coins, bank notes, postal and Money orders, signed travellers and other cheques, letters of
credit, travel tickets, credit cards, petrol coupons and other coupons.
Party shall mean a party to this contract of insurance.
Permanent Total Disablement
Where the Cardholder is gainfully employed
Shall mean disablement which medical evidence confirms, will prevent the Cardholder from engaging in any
gainful occupation for at least 12 (twelve) months and will in all probability entirely prevent the Cardholder
from engaging in any gainful occupation whatsoever for the remainder of his/her life.
Where the Cardholder is not gainfully employed
Shall mean disablement which lasts for 12 (twelve) months and which medical evidence confirms will in all
probability entirely prevent the Cardholder from engaging in any and every occupation whatsoever for the
remainder of his/her life.
Period of Insurance shall mean the period between the Effective Date and the Expiry Date.
Policyholder shall mean Bank of America Europe DAC.
Pre-existing Health Disorder or Condition shall mean any Illness, defect, physical infirmity or condition,
including sequela or complications thereof that in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner appointed by
International SOS can reasonably be related thereto or for which the Cardholder is receiving or has received
medical treatment, advice or investigation prior to the Journey or for which the Cardholder is receiving or has
received medical treatment, advice or investigation from a doctor, dentist, chiropractor, physiotherapist or
naturopath prior to the Journey. This includes chronic or ongoing medical or dental conditions which You were
aware of, or of which You could expect to be aware of that may lead to a claim under this Certificate.
Principal Country of Residence shall mean that country in which the Cardholders has his/her principal place
of residence. Immediate Family assumes the nationality of the Cardholder for the purposes of this insurance.
In the event of dual nationality, the Cardholder assumes the nationality of their Principal Country of
Residence for the purposes and for the duration of this insurance.
Relative shall mean spouse or common law partner, mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, daughter,
daughter-in-law, son, son-in-law, (including legally adopted daughter or son), brother, brother-in-law, sister,
sister-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter or fiancé(e) of a Cardholder.
Sedgwick shall mean Sedgwick Travel Claims Services, P.O. Box 1086, Belfast, BT1 9ES, United Kingdom
Serious Medical Condition shall mean a condition, which in the opinion of an International SOS Physician
requires emergency medical treatment to avoid death or serious impairment to the Cardholder’s health. In
determining whether such a condition exists, the International SOS Physician may consider the Cardholder’s
geographical location, the nature of the medical emergency and the local availability of appropriate medical care
or facilities.
Services shall mean the 24-hour assistance and other related emergency services to be provided by
International SOS as described in section 6 of this Certificate.
Spouse shall mean either the Cardholder’s legal wife/husband or, if the Cardholder is not married, the
Cardholder’s common law partner who has cohabited with the Cardholder at the same address for a
continuous period of at least 1(one) year prior to the Journey.
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Underwriters/ We/ Us shall mean certain Underwriters at Lloyd's Europe.
Valuables shall mean jewellery, gold, silver, precious metal or precious or semiprecious stone articles, watches,
furs, audio, video, computer, television and telecommunications equipment (including Compact Discs, Digital
Video Discs, tapes, films, cassettes, cartridges, batteries and headphones), computer games, handheld
consoles/computers and games, iPods/MP3/MP4 players and associated equipment, telescopes, binoculars,
sports/activity equipment (excluding winter sports equipment) and photographic equipment only.
You shall mean the Cardholder
3.1 The Services and Benefits described in this Certificate are provided on a worldwide basis.
4.1 Only those Cardholders who are not yet 76 (seventy-six) years old on the Effective Date or renewal
date shall be eligible for Benefits and/or Services under this insurance.
4.2 The Cardholder is eligible for the Benefits and/or Services in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Certificate or any other eligibility criteria set by the Policyholder in writing with the prior
agreement from Underwriters and/or International SOS.
4.3 The Benefits and Services provided to the Cardholders shall be on a Compulsory Inclusion basis.
5.1 This Certificate shall commence on the Effective Date and shall be in force until the Expiry Date.
5.2 Any Party may immediately terminate this Certificate on written notice to the other Party in the event
(i) the other Party shall be in Default of the performance or observance of any material covenants
or provisions hereof and such Party shall have failed to remedy such default or breach within
30 (thirty) days after receiving written notice of such default or breach; or
(ii) any material representation or warranty made by the other Party is false or untrue when made;
(iii) the other Party shall make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or a resolution is
passed or a petition is presented against the other Party for liquidation, winding-up or dissolution
or for the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, trustee, judicial manager or similar official of all
or a substantial part of its assets or if execution or any form of action is levied or taken against
any of its assets.
5.3 In the event of termination or expiry of this Certificate, both Parties shall be relieved of all future
liabilities as at the date of termination or Expiry Date, whichever is applicable.
5.4 All Cardholders are entitled to the Benefits and Services from the date of activation of their Card
account or the date the Cardholder has been notified to Underwriters, whichever comes later and
subject to the appropriate premium having been paid to Underwriters.
5.5 The entitlement to Benefits and Services will cease automatically on the date Underwriters receive
written notification of the deletion of the Cardholder or the termination of the Cardholder’s
Corporate/Executive card account or the termination of the Corporate/Executive card account,
whichever comes first.
5.6 A Cardholder’s eligibility for the Benefits and Services shall cease on the earliest of:
(I) the date the Cardholder as shown is no longer eligible for the Benefits and Services pursuant
to this Certificate; or
(ii) the Date of Termination or Expiry Date,
whichever occurs first.
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6.1 Assistance Services
International SOS will provide various medical and travel assistance Services to the Cardholder.
Those Services provided directly by International SOS are covered under the terms of this Certificate,
subject to the Premium having been paid. Where a third party, such as a physician or courier, is utilised
the provision of such Services is at the expense of the Cardholder, unless such costs are covered
under the terms of this Certificate.
6.2 International SOS Services
6.2.1 Telephone assistance.
If contacted International SOS will provide medical advice to the Cardholder by telephone, including
information on inoculation requirements for travel. International SOS will also provide information on
travel visas. It must be noted that any such advice is inevitably limited by the circumstances and
International SOS cannot be held liable for errors
6.2.2 Service Provider referral
If contacted, International SOS will provide to the Cardholder contact details for medical or legal
service providers, including physicians, dentists, lawyers, legal practitioners, interpreters, hospitals and
other relevant persons or institutions. In such cases, whilst International SOS exercises care and
diligence in selecting the providers, does not provide the actual advice and is not responsible for the
advice given or the outcome thereof. Further, unless the cost of the provision of the actual Services by
third parties are covered by this Certificate, they must be borne separately by the Cardholder.
6.2.3 Medical Monitoring
In the event of a Cardholder requiring hospitalisation, International SOS will, if required, monitor the
Cardholder's medical condition during and after hospitalisation until the beneficiary regains a normal
state of health, subject to any and all obligations in respect of confidentiality and relevant authorisation.
6.2.4 Cardholder support
In the event that International SOS is contacted to report a lost or stolen Card or for account queries,
International SOS shall contact the Policyholder’s customers service line as soon as practicable.
6.2.5 Guarantee of Payment
If covered under the terms of this Certificate, International SOS will guarantee or pay any required
hospital admittance deposit on behalf of a Cardholder.
6.3 Third Party Services
6.3.1 In the event of an emergency where, either the Cardholder cannot be adequately assessed by
telephone for possible evacuation, or the Cardholder cannot be moved and local medical treatment is
unavailable, International SOS will, send an appropriately qualified medical practitioner to the
Cardholder. International SOS will not pay for the costs of such Services unless covered under the
terms of this Certificate.
6.3.2 International SOS will arrange to have delivered to the Cardholder essential medicine, drugs, medical
supplies or medical equipment that are necessary for a Cardholder’s care and/or treatment but which
are not available at the Cardholder’s location. The delivery of such medicine, drugs and medical
supplies will be subject to the laws and regulations applicable locally. International SOS will not pay for
the costs of such medicine, drugs or medical supplies and any delivery costs thereof unless covered
under the terms of this Certificate.
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7.1 Medical Expenses
If a Cardholder incurs Medical Expenses whilst on a Journey as the direct result of the Cardholder
sustaining Bodily Injury or suffering an Illness, the Underwriters will make a payment to the
Cardholder in respect of such expenses up to the limit shown in Section 14 of this Certificate.
7.2 Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation Expenses
7.2.1 In the event that a Cardholder sustains Bodily Injury or suffers an Illness whilst on a Journey, and
the Cardholder is in a Serious Medical Condition, and in the opinion of International SOS such
arrangements are necessary on medical grounds, International SOS will arrange for the transportation
for moving the Cardholder to the nearest hospital where appropriate medical care is available or
International SOS will arrange for the repatriation of the Cardholder to the Principal Country of
7.2.2 If required, International SOS will also arrange for the provision of appropriate communication and
linguistic capabilities, mobile medical equipment and a medical escort.
7.2.3 International SOS reserves the right to decide whether the Cardholder’s medical condition is
sufficiently serious to warrant an emergency medical evacuation. International SOS further reserves
the right to decide the place to which the Cardholder shall be evacuated to and the means or method
by which such evacuation will be carried out having taken into account all the assessed facts and
circumstances of which International SOS is aware at the relevant time.
7.2.4 International SOS reserves the right to decide the means or method by which such repatriation will be
carried out having taken into account all the assessed facts and circumstances of which International
SOS is aware at the relevant time.
7.3 Transportation of Mortal Remains
In the case of death of a Cardholder whilst on a Journey outside the Principal Country of Residence,
International SOS will arrange for transporting the Cardholder’s mortal remains from the place of death
to any location as may be reasonably selected by the Cardholder's legal personal representative.
7.4 Transportation to join a Cardholder
7.4.1 International SOS will arrange an economy class return ticket for a person chosen by the Cardholder
to join the Cardholder who has been or will be hospitalised outside the Principal Country of
Residence as a result of Bodily Injury or Illness for a period in excess of 7 (seven) consecutive days,
subject to International SOS’ prior approval and only when judged necessary by International SOS
on medical and compassionate grounds.
7.5 Return of Dependent Children
7.5.1 If Dependent Children are left unattended as a result of a Cardholder's Bodily Injury or Illness whilst
on a Journey, International SOS will arrange the transportation for such Dependent Children by
Common Carrier to their normal place of residence. Qualified attendants will be provided when
deemed appropriate by International SOS.
Specific Exclusions Applying to Section 7
7.6 In addition to the General Exclusions, the following treatment, items, conditions, activities and their
related or consequential expenses are specifically excluded from the cover provided by this section:
(i) Expenses incurred after 12 (twelve) months from the date of the Accident or first manifestation
of Illness;
(ii) Dental expenses unless incurred as a result of an Illness or Bodily Injury;
(iii) Optical expenses, unless incurred as a result of an Illness or Bodily Injury;
(iv) Treatment provided other than by a qualified medical practitioner;
(v) Expenses incurred within the Principal Country of Residence;
(vi) Expenses incurred which are non-medical in nature such as but not limited to telephone calls,
newspapers, internet charges;
(vii) Services rendered without the authorisation and/or intervention of International SOS;
(viii) Expenses which would have still been payable if the event giving rise to the intervention of
International SOS, had not occurred;
(ix) Elective cosmetic surgery;
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(x) Expenses incurred for treatment not verified by a medical report;
(xi) Expenses for treatment that an International SOS Physician considers are not medically
necessary whilst on a Journey and can be treated on the Cardholder’s return to their Principal
Country of Residence;
(xii) Expenses incurred where the Cardholder in the opinion of the International SOS Physician
is physically able to return to his/her Principal Country of Residence seated as a normal
passenger and without medical escort; and
(xiii) The first GBP 100 (one hundred) per event per Cardholder; being the Excess as stated in
Section 12.
8.1 FULL TRIP (that is at all times during the Journey)
8.1.1 If a Cardholder sustains Bodily Injury during a Journey and independently of any other cause such
Bodily Injury results in the death, total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one or both eyes or Loss of
Limb or Permanent Total Disablement of the Cardholder within 12 (twelve) months of the date of the
Accident, the Underwriters will pay to the Cardholder, or such person as may be selected by the
Cardholder's legal personal representative(s), the sum detailed in Section 12 of this Certificate.
8.1.2 In respect of the cover provided under Section 8.1.1 the Journey shall be deemed to have begun with
the Cardholders departure from home where such Cardholder normally resides and shall end upon
return to that home.
Specific Exclusions Applying to Section 8
8.2 In addition to the General Exclusions, the following treatment, items, conditions, activities and their
related or consequential expenses are excluded from the cover provided by this section:
(i) Bodily Injury which would have still been payable if the event giving rise to the intervention of
International SOS had not occurred;
(ii) More than one claim under this Section 8 in connection with the same Accident;
(iii) Medical or surgical treatment except where Bodily Injury renders such treatment as necessary;
(iv) Bodily Injury sustained other than whilst the Cardholder is on a Journey;
Loss of Baggage
9.1 If, whilst on a Journey, a Cardholder sustains accidental loss of, theft of or damage to Baggage, the
Underwriters will pay the Cardholder in respect of such loss, theft or damage up to the limits shown in
Section 12 of this Certificate.
9.2 In order to be reimbursed by the Underwriters, the Cardholder must provide a detailed description of
the property along with its date of purchase and value. Bills, invoices or other proof are required. Stolen
or damaged property will be valued allowing for wear and tear at the time of the loss, theft or damage.
Specific Exclusions Applying to Section 9
9.3 In addition to the General Exclusions, the following treatment, items, conditions, activities and their
related or consequential expenses are excluded from the cover provided by this Section:
(i) More than GBP 250 (two hundred and fifty) in respect of any one article;
(ii) More than GBP 300 (three hundred) in respect of Valuables in total;
(iii) Claims in respect of accessories for vehicles or boats.
(iv) Loss or damage due to:
a) moths, vermin, wear and tear, depreciation, atmospheric or climatic condition or gradual
b) mechanical or electrical failure;
c) any process of cleaning, repairing, restoring or alteration;
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(v) More than a reasonable proportion of the total value of the set where the lost or damaged article
is part of a pair or set;
(vi) Loss or theft not reported to either the police within 24 (twenty four) hours of discovery and a
written report obtained or airline, shipping line or their handling agent within any timescales
stated in their terms and conditions and a ‘Property Irregularity Report’ obtained from such
(vii) Loss or damage due to confiscation or detention by customs or any other authority;
(viii) Loss or theft of or damage to Baggage or Money left unattended:
a) unless locked in Your accommodation;
b) in a motor vehicle/ trailer/ caravan unless secured in a locked compartment.
(ix) Breakage of sports equipment in use or loss of or damage to bicycles or hired equipment;
(x) Loss of, theft of or damage to contact, corneal or micro-corneal lenses;
(xi) The first GBP 50 per event being the Excess as stated in Section 12;
(xii) Loss of personal goods borrowed, hired or rented by the Cardholder;
(xiii) (In respect of Money) Devaluation of currency or shortages due to errors or omissions during
monetary transaction;
(xiv) Loss or theft of or damage for Money from Baggage which is checked in with an airline or other
travel company;
(xv) Baggage or Money that are lost, stolen or damaged whilst being transported in a motor vehicle,
trailer or caravan.
(xvi) Loss or theft of or damage to essential documents.
Travel Delay
10.1 In the event of:
(i) industrial action;
(ii) adverse weather conditions
(iii) mechanical breakdown or derangement of the Cardholder’s aircraft or sea vessel; or
(iv) the grounding of the aircraft on which the Cardholder is due to travel as a result of
mechanical or structural defect;
which results in the delayed departure of the Cardholder's flight or sailing for at least 4 (four) hours on
the outward or return Journey from the time shown in the carrier's travel itinerary as supplied to the
Cardholder, the Underwriters will arrange a payment to the Cardholder.
10.2 The payment to the Cardholder under Section 10.1 is up to the limits as shown in Section 12 of this
Certificate, per hour's delay, up to a maximum of 12 (twelve) hours, provided always that the
Cardholder shall have checked-in according to the itinerary given to him or her by the tour operator or
carrier and shall have obtained written confirmation from the airline or shipping line or their handling
agents that the flight or sailing was delayed by an event described in this section. Such confirmation
must state the actual period of the delay.
10.3 The delay period shall be calculated from the scheduled departure time of the flight or sailing shown in
the itinerary.
Baggage Delay
10.4 In the event of a Cardholder's Baggage being temporarily lost or misplaced on an outward part of a
Journey by the airline, shipping line or their handling agents, the Underwriters will reimburse the
Cardholder up to the limits as shown in Section 12 of this Certificate (for the purchase of immediate
necessities / per hour's delay to a maximum of 12 (twelve) hours). Written confirmation of such delay
must be obtained from the airline, shipping line or their handling agents stating the actual period of the
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Specific Exclusions Applying To Section 10
10.5 In addition to the General Exclusions, the following treatment, items, conditions, activities and their
related or consequential expenses are specifically excluded from the cover provided by this Section:
(i) Payment in respect of the first 4 (four) hours of delay; being the Excess as stated in Section 12;
(ii) Any loss event under Section 10 can only be recovered by one Cardholder under this scheme
attached to the card program to which this Certificate has been incorporated.
(iii) Payment in respect of more than 2 (two) Cardholders travelling on the same journey;
(iv) Delay resulting from the failure of the Cardholder to provide the necessary correct
(v) Delay resulting from the failure of the Cardholder to allow reasonable time to reach the point of
departure given the circumstances known at the time;
(vi) Delay arising as a result of any official Government suspension or cancellation of a service;
(vii) In respect of Baggage delay or loss of documents, loss, temporary loss/misplacement not
reported to either the police within 24 (twenty four) hours of discovery and a written report
obtained or airline, shipping line or their handling agent within any timescales stated in their
terms and conditions and a ‘Property Irregularity Report’ obtained from such carrier.
11.1 We will pay up to the amount shown in the Benefit Table to indemnify you if the licensed rental agency
or company holds you responsible for costs arising from the following:
11.1.1 If material damage to the rental vehicle during the period of hire resulting from damage, fire,
vandalism, or theft of the rental vehicle, including its tyres or glass;
11.1.2 any claim from the rental company for subsequent loss of revenue whilst the rental vehicle is
unavailable for hire as a result of such damage or loss.
Specific Conditions Applying to Section 11
11.2 No cover will apply to any driver who:
11.2.1 does not hold a valid driving license for the class of rental vehicle being driven (such license issued in
the country of residence or in the country issuing the driver’s passport);
11.2.2 has more than three convictions for speeding or has collected more than nine points on their driving
license within the five years prior to the trip;
11.2.3 has any conviction (or pending conviction) for driving whilst under the influence of a drug or drugs;
11.2.4 has had a conviction (or pending conviction) for drink driving, within the last two years;
11.2.5 has been suspended (or is awaiting prosecution) for dangerous driving;
11.2.6 is under 21 years of age;
11.2.7 violates the conditions of the rental agreement.
11.3 No cover under will apply in respect of the following types of rental vehicle:
11.3.1 mopeds and motorbikes; commercial vehicles, trucks, motor homes, and vehicles not licensed for road
use including but not limited to trailers or caravans;
11.3.2 rental vehicles with a retail purchase price exceeding USD 100,000 (or local currency equivalent);
11.3.3 rental vehicles being used for reward, motor racing, rallies, speed, endurance tests, or practicing for
such events.
11.4 The driver will be covered when renting only one passenger car at any one time.
11.5 Benefit cover is granted for the duration specified in the rental agreement, but not more than 31 days.
11.6 Revolving or lease type contracts are not covered.
11.7 Anything mentioned in GENERAL CONDITIONS.
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Benefit Benefit Limit
per Standard
Cardholder per
event in GBP
Benefit Limit
per Executive
Cardholder per
event in GBP
Benefit Limit
per Executive
Cardholder per
event in GBP
Excess per
Cardholder per
event in GBP /
6 Medical and Travel
Assistance Services
Benefit limit not
applicable to
this section
Benefit limit not
applicable to
this section
Benefit limit not
applicable to
this section
Not applicable
Emergency Medical,
Evacuation and
Repatriation Expenses
Medical expenses
Evacuation and
Repatriation expenses/
Transportation of Mortal
Remains/ Return of
Dependent Children
Personal Accident
Full Trip
For children
aged 16 and
under death
benefit is limited
to 3,000
For children
aged 16 and
under death
benefit is limited
to 3,000
For children
aged 16 and
under death
benefit is limited
to 3,000
Not applicable
9 Baggage and Money
Loss of Baggage
Inconvenience Benefits
Travel delay
4 (four) hours
Baggage delay 40 60 60 4 (four) hours
11 Rental Collision Damage
Waiver Excess
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
2,500 Not Applicable
Compensation payable in respect of Personal Accident
1. Death 100% of sums above
2. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one or both eyes 100% of sums above
3. Loss of one or two Limbs 100% of sums above
4. Permanent Total Disablement (other than above) 100% of sums above
Benefit shall not be payable under more than one of the items above in respect of the consequences of one
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13.1 The Cardholder must take reasonable care to prevent loss, theft, damage, expense, liability, Bodily
Injury or Illness, and to protect, save and/or recover Baggage and Money.
13.2 International SOS shall use its best endeavours to provide the Benefits and Services described in
this Certificate, but any help and intervention depends upon, and is subject to local availability and has
to remain within the scope of national and international law and regulations and intervention depends
on International SOS obtaining the necessary authorisations issued by the various authorities
concerned. International SOS shall not be required to provide Benefits and Services to the
Cardholders, who in the sole opinion of International SOS are located in areas which represent war
risks, political or other conditions such as to make such Services impossible or reasonably
13.3 Written notice of any event or proceedings which may give rise to a claim shall be given to Underwriters
within 30 (thirty) days of the occurrence or as soon as reasonably practicable. All certificates,
information, consents and evidence required by Underwriters shall be provided at the expense of the
Cardholder or their legal representative. A claim form must be completed by the Cardholder and
submitted to Underwriters within 90 (ninety) days of such event. This time limit may be extended
subject to the prior approval of Underwriters where supporting accounts are not available in time. All
documents submitted in respect of expenditure incurred must be originals and not photocopies.
13.4 If the Cardholder or anyone acting on his/her behalf makes a fraudulent claim under this Certificate
the Underwriters:
(a) are not liable to pay the claim and any future claim;
(b) may recover from the Cardholder any sums paid to the Cardholder in respect of the fraudulent
claim; and
(c) may by notice to the Cardholder treat the Certificate as having been terminated with effect from
the fraudulent act.
13.5 If the Benefits and Services of this Certificate are covered in whole or in part by any other insurance
and/or national insurance programme and/or any other source, the Cardholder shall only be entitled to
claim those costs which cannot be recovered by the Cardholder from such other sources.
13.6 Any portion of a Cardholder's travel ticket, which is unused following the provision of
evacuation/repatriation Services or cancellation Benefits, is to be surrendered to the Claims
13.7 Underwriters may at any time and at their own expense and without prejudice to this Certificate take
proceedings in the name of the Cardholder to obtain compensation or secure a payment from any third
party in respect of any event giving rise to the provision of Benefits and Services.
This Certificate does not cover:
14.1 Any claim which is more specifically covered elsewhere, as more fully set forth in General Condition
14.2 Claims for events occurring after the Journey;
14.3 Any claim in respect of Cardholders aged 76 (seventy-six) years or older at the start of a Journey.
14.4 Any Pre-existing Health Disorder or Condition;
14.5 Any Journey booked or undertaken against medical advice;
14.6 Any Journey specifically undertaken with the intention of obtaining medical treatment;
14.7 Any Journey booked after receipt of a terminal prognosis to the Cardholder or Relative;
14.8 Any claim arising from or related to psychiatric disorders infirmities or conditions for which treatment has
previously been received;
14.9 Any claim arising from pregnancy, unless unexpected complications arise, and in no circumstances
where the pregnancy has entered the 7th month at the start of a Journey;
14.10 Any claim arising from or related to wilfully self-inflicted Bodily Injury or Illness, insanity, alcohol, drug
or substance abuse or self-exposure to needless peril (except in an attempt to save human life) or
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14.11 Any claim resulting from the failure of the Cardholder to exercise all reasonable care to protect
themselves and their property;
14.12 The commission of, or the attempt to commit, an unlawful act;
14.13 Any claim arising from or related to involving the use of or release or the threat thereof of any nuclear
weapon or device or chemical or biological agent, including but not limited to claims in any way caused
or contributed to by an Act of Terrorism or war regardless of any contributory causes(s);
14.14 Any claim arising from or related to;
14.14.1 loss or destruction of, or damage to, any property whatsoever or any other loss or expense
14.14.2 any legal liability of whatsoever nature.
Caused by or contributed to by or arising from:
(a) ionizing radiations or contaminations by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any
nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel
(b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear
assembly or nuclear component thereof
(c) nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination
14.15 Any claim arising from or related to:
14.15.1 war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be
declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the
proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power;
14.15.2 any Act of Terrorism.
This exclusion also excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature caused by, resulting
from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way
relating to 14.15.1 and/ or 14.15.2 above.
If the Underwriters allege that by reason of this exclusion, any loss, damage, cost or expense is not
covered by this insurance the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Cardholder.
In the event any portion of this exclusion is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall
remain in full force and effect.
14.16 Services provided by any party other than International SOS for which no charge would be made if
this Certificate were not in place;
14.17 Claims notified more than 90 (ninety) days after the date an event, as more fully set forth in General
Condition 13.3;
14.18 The Cardholder working overseas exercising any form of hazardous work, being work with an increased
risk of death, injury or illness, in connection with any business, trade or profession;
14.19 Any claim arising from or related to the Cardholder engaging in any form of aerial flight except as a
fare-paying passenger on a regular scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft over an established
14.20 Any claim arising from or related to Bodily Injury occurring while the Cardholder is engaged in any
hazardous activity, pastime or pursuit such as caving, mountaineering or rock climbing necessitating
the use of guides or ropes, potholing, skydiving, parachuting, bungee-jumping, ballooning, hang-gliding,
deep sea diving utilizing hard helmet with air hose attachments, martial arts, rallying, racing of any kind
other than on foot, and any organized sports undertaken on a professional or sponsored basis;
14.21 Any claim arising from or related to the Cardholder engaging in any winter sports;
14.22 Any claim arising from or related to the Cardholder engaging in active service in the armed forces of
any nation;
14.23 Any claim arising from or related to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome) or any similar syndrome whatever it is called unless contracted during a medical
investigation, test or course of treatment (unless related to drug abuse or sexually transmitted diseases).
14.24 Any claim arising from or related to any form of Financial Guarantee, Surety or Credit Indemnity.
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14.25 Any claim arising from or related to the Cardholder travelling to a country where the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office has advised against non-essential travel.
14.26 Any claim arising from or related to the cessation of trading of the tour operator, agent or other transport
Section 15: PREMIUM
The Minimum and Deposit premium is payable at the inception of this certificate. The Premium is
adjustable per cardholder based on the number of cards in force at expiry. Any applicable local
Insurance Tax and or levies shall be added at the current prevailing rate to 100% of the applicable
16.1 The intermediary for this contract is Aspire Insurance Advisers Europe SRL, Esplanade 1/B7, 1020
Brussels, Belgium, to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Section 17: SECURITY
17.1 LSW 1001 (Insurance)
The subscribing insurersobligations under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several
and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers
are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy
all or part of its obligations.
Canopius 5380 A11017FAA 42.5532%
Tokio Marine Kiln 5307 HCA032B23AB 23.8298%
Tokio Marine Kiln 5332 HCA033J23AB 5.9574%
Liberty 5381 1262440123KP 21.2766%
MS Amlin 5344 KPB0624723MF 6.3830%
18.1 Emergency Medical and Travel assistance Services are available 24 hours a day from International
In the event that the Cardholder requires these Services, please call +44 208 762 8333
19.1 In the event of an event occurring that may give rise to a claim under this Certificate, the Cardholder,
or his representative, should call Sedgwick during UK office hours of 09.00 to 17.00hrs. Outside normal
UK working hours, the Cardholder should contact Sedgwick by email travel@ie.sedgwick.com and
request a claim form or call back during office hours as stated above.
In the event a claimant wishes to correspond using an email facility after initially registering a claim via
telephone communication, they may correspond using email: trav[email protected]gwick.com
19.2 The Cardholder must first check his/her policy wording and the relevant section(s), terms, conditions
and exclusions, to ensure that what You are intending to claim for is covered. Original invoices, receipts,
official reports, tickets, agreements, credit or debit card slips, or other documentary evidence will be
required to be submitted in support of any claim.
19.3 Upon contacting Sedgwick to report a claim, the Cardholder should request a claim form, which should
be returned to the address given within 28 (twenty-eight) days, along with all required supporting
documentation. Claimants are advised to retain copies of all documents for their own reference.
Sedgwick Travel Claims Services aim to provide a high-class service at all times, however if the service is found
to be unsatisfactory, the following procedure is available to resolve the problem:
In the first instance the Cardholder should write with details of the complaint to: The Complaints Officer,
Sedgwick Travel Claims Services, P.O. Box 1086, Belfast, BT1 9ES, United Kingdom
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The Cardholder can also refer the situation to the Complaints Department at Lloyd’s, who may, in certain
circumstances, be able to review the matter.
Service Manager
Complaints team
Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.
Bastion Tower
Marsveldplein 5
1050 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 227 39 40
E-mail: LloydsEurope.Complaints@lloyds.com
You can also appoint someone to act on your behalf; however, we will need written confirmation that they
have your permission to do so.
Please note, any professional fees incurred will be your responsibility.
In the event that the Complaints Department is unable to resolve the complaint, it may be possible for it to be
referred it to the Financial Services and Markets Authority. Further details will be provided at the appropriate
stage of the complaints process.
Data Privacy Notice
For the purposes of this Section, “We/Us/Our” shall be defined as certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, the
coverholder and any agents.
The security of data is very important to Us, and We will handle it with regard to all appropriate security
measures. We will collect and process data (including personal information) about any person insured under
this Certificate for its administration, the handling of claims and the provision of customer services and may
share it with related entities and with trusted service providers and agents such as lawyers, as well as other
parties such as anti-fraud databases, subject to proper instruction and control. Our handling of data is
consistent with the core necessary personal data uses and disclosures set out in the London Insurance Market
Core Uses Information Notice [at http://www.lmalloyds.com/GDPR], which the Cardholder should review.
All data may be used by Us for generic risk assessment and modelling purposes but will not be used or
passed to any other party for marketing products or services without the Cardholder’s express consent. All
data provided by the Cardholder about other people to be insured, such as family, friends or other associates,
must be with their permission. It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to inform them about Our use of their data.
Data will not be retained for longer than necessary and will be deleted within seven years after expiry of this
Certificate, unless it is further required for legal or regulatory reasons. The Cardholder has a number of
rights in relation to their data, including the right to request a copy of the information (for which there may be a
small fee), to correct any inaccuracies and in certain circumstances to have it deleted. Data transferred
outside the European Economic Area will have equivalent protection.
If further information is required as to how data is processed, or as to the exercise of any rights under any data
privacy laws, the Cardholder should contact the party identified in Section 18.
If the Cardholder is not satisfied with the way in which any personal data has been managed, it may complain
to the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, United
Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 (national rate)
Email: c[email protected]g.uk
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or country equivalent
A person who is not a party to this Certificate has no right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act
1999 to enforce any term of this Certificate, but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which
exists or is available apart from that act.
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Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause
No insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any
benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such
benefit would expose that insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or
the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States
of America.
15 September 2010
Notice to the Proposer/Assured
The Parties are free to choose the law applicable to this Insurance contract. Unless specifically agreed to the
contrary this Insurance shall be subject to English Law. Any enquiry or complaint should be addressed in the
first instance to Your Broker.
If You are not satisfied with the way a complaint has been dealt with You may ask the Complaints and
Advisory Department at Lloyd's to review Your case without prejudice to Your rights in law.
The address is: Complaints and Advisory Department Lloyd's,
One Lime Street
Telephone: +44 207 623 7100
LSW 1002
It is agreed that this Insurance shall be governed exclusively by the law and practice of the Republic of
Ireland, and any disputes arising under, out of or in connection with this Insurance shall be exclusively
subject to the jurisdiction of any competent court in the Republic of Ireland
The Underwriters hereon agree that all summonses, notices or processes requiring to be served upon them
for the purpose of instituting any legal proceedings against them in connection with this Insurance shall be
properly served if addressed to them and delivered to them care of
Lloyd’s Ireland Representative Limited
7/8 Wilton Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 KC57
who in this instance, have authority to accept service on their behalf.
Underwriters by giving the above authority do not renounce their right to any special delays or periods of
time to which they may be entitled for the service of any such summonses, notices or processes by reason
of their residence or domicile in England.
Please note that where we deal with You through a retail agent, in respect of claims that You refer to Us, we
act as an agent for the Insurers and not as agent for You.